ENGL 112 Syllabus (Fall 2021)
ENGL 112 Syllabus (Fall 2021)
ENGL 112 Syllabus (Fall 2021)
Fall 2021
Exclusively Online
Course Description
In ENGL 112, students read and critically analyze texts. Students compose a full-length research
essay based on assigned topics.
Professor Information
- The Beautiful Struggle: A Father, Two Sons, and an Unlikely Road to Manhood by Ta-
Nehisi Coates / ISBN: 9780385527460
- All other materials are available online through open-access texts
- Students must have an active Blackboard account and Microsoft Word
- Students must bring all readings to class
- Students must bring pens and paper. Students can bring laptops/tablets if possible.
Course Components
Your ENGL 112 grade will be determined by the course components listed below.
* Students will write and submit: at least two critical argumentative essays or research-based
genres based on the primary text(s); one typed, 5-page research paper
• Participation 10%
Blackboard will be fundamental to our course. On Blackboard, you will find course readings and
materials. Please familiarize yourself with the site and check it regularly. When we make
changes to our course calendar, I will always post an updated syllabus on Blackboard.
Due Dates
Please check the course calendar and project assignment sheets for due dates. Students should
work to hand in all assignments by due dates, but instructors should demonstrate reasonable
flexibility about the submission of late work, especially if students are facing hardship. Students
should communicate to the instructor if they need due date extensions, and both student and
instructor should reach deadline agreements.
Writing Center
The Center for Academic Excellence and Innovation (mercy.edu/academics/academic-tutoring)
offers writing support to students. Writing Specialists may help with different stages of writing
and communication, including assignments, reading comprehension, grammar, and presentation
practice. You can make one-on-one appointments through Mercy Connect. Please visit:
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words and/or ideas and passing them off as one’s
own words/ideas without crediting and citing the author. Any essay, paper, exercise, or response
that is not a student’s words and ideas and is found to be copied from an online or print source or
from another student will receive an “F.” The Department of Literature and Language follows
the plagiarism policy as outlined in the version of the Mercy College Student Handbook that
corresponds with the academic year in which the course is offered. Please see the Academic
Integrity Policy here:
An instructor who determines that a student has cheated on a test or assignment will, at a
minimum, give a zero for that item and may give a failure for the course. Normally the matter is
handled between the instructor and the student, but the department chairperson may be consulted
by either party to ensure fairness. Both cheating and plagiarism are grounds for dismissal from
the College.
Course Calendar
Week 4 - TBA
Week 5 - TBA
Week 8 - TBA
11/3 - TBA
Week 9
11/24 - TBA
Week 12
12/1 - TBA
Week 13