Cybersecurity Incident & Vulnerability Response Playbooks
Cybersecurity Incident & Vulnerability Response Playbooks
Cybersecurity Incident & Vulnerability Response Playbooks
Cybersecurity Incident
& Vulnerability Response Playbooks
Operational Procedures for Planning and
Conducting Cybersecurity Incident and Vulnerability
Response Activities in FCEB Information Systems
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Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Scope ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Audience ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Incident Response Playbook .................................................................................................................. 5
Incident Response Process ................................................................................................................ 5
Preparation Phase.............................................................................................................................. 6
Detection & Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 10
Containment ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Eradication & Recovery .................................................................................................................... 15
Post-Incident Activities ..................................................................................................................... 16
Coordination ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Vulnerability Response Playbook ......................................................................................................... 21
Preparation....................................................................................................................................... 21
Vulnerability Response Process ....................................................................................................... 22
Identification ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Remediation ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Reporting and Notification ................................................................................................................ 24
Appendix A: Key Terms ....................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix B: Incident Response Checklist ............................................................................................ 27
Appendix C: Incident Response Preparation Checklist ........................................................................ 35
Appendix E: Vulnerability and Incident Categories ............................................................................... 38
Appendix F: Source Text...................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix G: Whole-of-Government Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................... 41
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is committed to leading the response to
cybersecurity incidents and vulnerabilities to safeguard the nation's critical assets. Section 6 of
Executive Order 14028 directed DHS, via CISA, to “develop a standard set of operational procedures
(playbook) to be used in planning and conducting cybersecurity vulnerability and incident response
activity respecting Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) Information Systems.” 1
This document presents two playbooks: one for incident response and one for vulnerability response.
These playbooks provide FCEB agencies with a standard set of procedures to identify, coordinate,
remediate, recover, and track successful mitigations from incidents and vulnerabilities affecting FCEB
systems, data, and networks. In addition, future iterations of these playbooks may be useful for
organizations outside of the FCEB to standardize incident response practices. Working together across
all federal government organizations has proven to be an effective model for addressing vulnerabilities
and incidents. Building on lessons learned from previous incidents and incorporating industry best
practices, CISA intends for these playbooks to evolve the federal government’s practices for
cybersecurity response through standardizing shared practices that bring together the best people and
processes to drive coordinated actions.
These playbooks are for FCEB entities to focus on criteria for response and thresholds for coordination
and reporting. They include communications between FCEB entities and CISA; the connective
coordination between incident and vulnerability response activities; and common definitions for key
cybersecurity terms and aspects of the response process. Response activities in scope of this playbook
include those:
Executive Order (EO) 14028: Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity
Memorandum M-20-04 2 or successor memorandum) has been declared or not yet been reasonably
ruled out. The Vulnerability Response Playbook applies to vulnerabilities being actively exploited in the
wild. As required by EO 14028, the Director of OMB will issue guidance on FCEB agency use of these
Note: these playbooks do not cover response activities that involve threats to classified information or
National Security Systems (NSS) as defined by 44 U.S.C.3552(b)(6). See CNSSI1010 3 for
coordination/reporting guidance for incidents specific to NSS or systems that process classified
These playbooks apply to all FCEB agencies, information systems used or operated by an agency, a
contractor of an agency, or another organization on behalf of an agency. It is the policy of the federal
government that information and communications technology (ICT) service providers who have
contracted with FCEB agencies must promptly report incidents to such agencies and to CISA. 4
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-20-04: Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Guidance on Federal Information
Security and Privacy Management Requirements
Committee on National Security Systems
EO 14028, Sec. 2. Removing Barriers to Sharing Threat Information
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-61 Rev. 2: Computer Security Incident Handling Guide
Preparation Phase
Prepare for major incidents before they occur to mitigate any impact on the
organization. Preparation activities include:
For example, “Deception: Mislead, confuse, hide critical assets from, or expose covertly tainted assets to the adversary,” as
defined in NIST SP 800-160 Vol. 2: Developing Cyber Resilient Systems: A Systems Security Engineering Approach.
Preparation Activities
Policies and Procedures all staffing resources that may draw from in-house
capabilities, available capabilities at a parent
Document incident response plans, including
agency/department, third-party organization, or a
processes and procedures for designating a
combination thereof. Conduct regular recovery
coordination lead (incident manager). Put policies
exercises to test full organizational continuity of
and procedures in place to escalate and report
operations plan (COOP) and failover/backup/
major incidents and those with impact on the
recovery systems to be sure these work as
agency’s mission. Document contingency plans
for additional resourcing and “surge support” with
assigned roles and responsibilities. Policies and Cyber Threat Intelligence
plans should address notification, interaction, and
Actively monitor intelligence feeds for threat or
evidence sharing with law enforcement.
vulnerability advisories from government, trusted
Instrumentation partners, open sources, and commercial entities.
Cyber threat intelligence can include threat
Develop and maintain an accurate picture of
landscape reporting, threat actor profiles and
infrastructure (systems, networks, cloud
intents, organizational targets and campaigns, as
platforms, and contractor-hosted networks) by
well as more specific threat indicators and
widely implementing telemetry to support system
courses of action. Ingest cyber threat indicators
and sensor-based detection and monitoring
and integrated threat feeds into a SIEM, and use
capabilities such as antivirus (AV) software;
other defensive capabilities to identify and block
endpoint detection and response (EDR)
known malicious behavior. Threat indicators can
solutions; 7 data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities;
intrusion detection and prevention systems
(IDPS); authorization, host, application and cloud • Atomic indicators, such as domains and
logs; 8 network flows, packet capture (PCAP); and IP addresses, that can detect adversary
security information and event management infrastructure and tools
(SIEM) systems. Monitor for alerts generated by • Computed indicators, such as Yara rules
and regular expressions, that detect
CISA's EINSTEIN intrusion detection system and
known malicious artifacts or signs of
Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) activity
program to detect changes in cyber posture. • Patterns and behaviors, such as analytics
Implement additional requirements for logging, log that detect adversary tactics, techniques,
retention, and log management based on and procedures (TTPs)
Executive Order 14028, Sec. 8. Improving the Atomic indicators can initially be valuable to
Federal Government's Investigative and detect signs of a known campaign. However,
Remediation Capabilities, 9 and ensure those logs because adversaries often change their
are collected centrally. infrastructure (e.g., watering holes, botnets, C2
servers) between campaigns, the “shelf-life” of
Trained Response Personnel
atomic indicators to detect new adversary activity
Ensure personnel are trained, exercised, and is limited. In addition, advanced threat actors
ready to respond to cybersecurity incidents. Train
EO 14028, Sec. 7. Improving Detection of Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Incidents on Federal Government Networks
NIST SP 800-92: Guide to Computer Security Log Management
E0 14028, Sec. 8. Improving the Federal Government's Investigative and Remediation Capabilities
10 13
See Best Practices for MITRE ATT&CK® Mapping DHS CISA Cyber Threat Indicator and Defensive Measure
Framework for guidance on using ATT&CK to analyze and Submission System
report on cybersecurity threats. 14
NIST SP 800-47 Rev. 1: Managing the Security of
CISA Automated Indicator Sharing Information Exchanges
CISA Automated Indicator Sharing
• Managing sensors and security devices analysis tools and sandbox software for analyzing
via out-of-band means, malware. Implement a ticketing or case
• Notifying users of compromised systems management system that captures pertinent
via phone rather than email,
details of:
• Using hardened workstations to conduct
monitoring and response activities, and • Anomalous or suspicious activity, such as
• Ensuring that defensive systems have affected systems, applications, and users;
robust backup and recovery processes.
• Activity type;
Avoid “tipping off” an attacker by having • Specific threat group(s);
processes and systems to reduce the likelihood of • Adversary tactics, techniques, and
detection of IR activities (e.g., do not submit
procedures (TTPs) employed; and
malware samples to a public analysis service or
• Impact.
notify users of potentially comprised machines via
Detect Activity
Technical Infrastructure Leverage threat intelligence to create rules and
Implement capabilities to contain, replicate, signatures to identify the activity associated with
analyze, reconstitute, and document the incident and to scope its reach. Configure
compromised hosts; implement the capability to tools and analyze logs and alerts. Look for signs
collect digital forensics and other data. Establish of incident activity and potentially related
secure storage (i.e., only accessible by incident information to determine the type of incident, e.g.,
responders) for incident data and reporting. malware attack, system compromise, session
Provide means for collecting forensic evidence, hijack, data corruption, data exfiltration, etc.
such as disk and active memory imaging, and
See Appendix C for a checklist for preparation
means for safely handling malware. Obtain
NIST SP 800-61 Rev. 2: Computer Security Incident
Handling Guide
response activities. The goal of this analysis is to within the environment. These conditions will
examine the breadth of data sources throughout inform triage and post-incident activity. Assess
the environment to discover at least some part of networks and systems for changes that may have
an attack chain, if not all of it. As information been made to either evade defenses or facilitate
evolves and the investigation progresses, update persistent access.
the scope to incorporate new information.
Gather Incident Indicators
Correlate Events and Document Timeline
Identify and document indicators that can be used
Acquire, store, and analyze logs to correlate for correlative analysis on the network. Indicators
adversarial activity. Table 1 presents an example can provide insight into the adversary’s
of logs and event data that are commonly capabilities and infrastructure. Indicators as
employed to detect and analyze attacker standalone artifacts are valuable in the early
activities. 16,17 A simple knowledge base should be stages of incident response.
established for reference during response to the
Analyze for Common Adversary TTPs
incident. Thoroughly document every step taken
during this and subsequent phases. Create a Compare TTPs to adversary TTPs documented in
timeline of all relevant findings. The timeline will ATT&CK and analyze how the TTPs fit into the
allow the team to account for all adversary activity attack lifecycle. TTPs describe “why,” “what,” and
on the network and will assist in creating the “how.” Tactics describe the technical objective an
findings report at the conclusion of the response. adversary is trying to achieve (“why”), techniques
are different mechanisms they use to achieve it
Identify Anomalous Activity
(“what”), and procedures are exactly how the
Assess and profile affected systems and networks adversary achieves a specific result (“how”).
for subtle activity that might be adversary Responding to TTPs enables defenders to
behavior. Adversaries will often use legitimate, hypothesize the adversary’s most likely course of
native operating system utilities and scripting action. Table 1 provides some common adversary
languages once they gain a foothold in an techniques that should be investigated. 18
environment to avoid detection. This process will
Validate and Refine Investigation Scope
enable the team to identify deviations from the
established baseline activity and can be Using available data and results of ongoing
particularly important in identifying activities such response activities, identify any additional
as attempts to leverage legitimate credentials and potentially impacted systems, devices, and
native capabilities in the environment. associated accounts. From this information, new
indicator of compromise (IOCs) and TTPs might
Identify Root Cause and Enabling Conditions
be identified that can provide further feedback into
Attempt to identify the root cause of the incident detection tools. In this way, an incident is scoped
and collect threat information that can be used in over time. As information evolves, update and
further searches and to inform subsequent communicate the scope to all stakeholders to
response efforts. Identify the conditions that ensure a common operating picture. Note: see
enabled the adversary to access and operate Key Questions to Answer for guidance.
16 17
Derived from the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework. Note: this EO 14028, Sec. 8. Improving the Federal Government's
table is a representative sampling of common tactics, Investigative and Remediation Capabilities
techniques, and related logs, and is not intended to be 18
complete. See Best Practices for MITRE ATT&CK® Mapping
Framework for guidance on mapping TTPs to ATT&CK to
analyze and report on cybersecurity threats.
Table 1: Example Adversary Tactics, Techniques, and Relevant Log and Event Data
19 20
Level of CISA analysis support will be determined by National Security Agency (NSA) National Security Cyber
resources available and priority of incident. Assistance Program
Containment is a high priority for incident response, especially for major incidents.
The objective is to prevent further damage and reduce the immediate impact of the
incident by removing the adversary’s access. The particular scenario will drive the
type of containment strategy used. For example, the containment approach to an
active sophisticated adversary using fileless malware will be different than the
containment approach for ransomware.
Post-Incident Activities
The goal of this phase is to document the incident, inform agency leadership,
harden the environment to prevent similar incidents, and apply lessons learned to
improve the handling of future incidents.
CISA Federal Incident Notification Guidelines
Coordination is foundational to effective incident response. It is critical that the FCEB
agency experiencing the incident and CISA coordinate early and often throughout
the response process. It is also important to understand that some agencies have
special authorities, expertise, and information that are extremely beneficial during an
incident. This section highlights these aspects of coordination.
CISA Services Catalog, First Edition: Autumn 2020
It is essential for the affected department or number for the incident and (2) a risk rating based
agency to closely collaborate and coordinate with on the CISA National Cyber Incident Scoring
CISA on each step in the IR flow chart. Some of System (NCISS) score. 26, 27
the essential coordination and communication
activities are defined by the numbered circles.
3) Share IOCs, TTPs, data
Each number corresponds to a description below: The affected FCEB agency share relevant log
data, cyber threat indicators with associated
1) Inform and Update CISA
context (including associated TTPs, if available),
The FCEB agency provides situational awareness and recommended defensive measures with CISA
reports to CISA, including: and sharing partners. Sharing additional threat
information is a concurrent process throughout
• Notifying CISA within 1 hour of incident
the containment phase. Incident updates include
determination as directed by OMB M-20-
the following:
04. Note: FCEB ICT Service providers
should provide notification of cyber • Updated scope
incidents in accordance with FCEB • Updated timeline (findings, response
Agency Contracting Officer (CO) efforts, etc.)
requirements, which include National • New indicators of adversary activity
Security System (NSS) reporting • Updated understanding of impact
requirements. 24 • Updated status of outstanding efforts
• Where applicable, notifying their • Estimation of time until containment,
appropriate Congressional Committees, eradication, etc.
their Office of Inspector General (OIG),
and OMB Office of the Federal Chief 4) CISA Shares Coordinated Cyber Intelligence
Information Officer (OFCIO) as directed by CISA—in coordination with the intelligence
OMB M-20-04. community and law enforcement—shares related
• Providing incident updates to CISA as cyber intelligence to involved organizations.
appropriate until all eradication activities
are complete or until CISA agrees with the 5) Report to Federal Law Enforcement
FCEB agency that the incident is closed. The FCEB agency reports incidents to federal law
• Complying with additional reporting enforcement as appropriate.
requirements for major incidents as
mandated by OMB and other federal 6) CISA Determines Escalation
policy. 25 CISA or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
determines if the incident warrants Cyber Unified
2) CISA Provides Incident Tracking and NCISS
Coordination Group (C-UCG) escalation, and, if
so, recommends establishment of a C-UCG in
Within one hour of receiving the initial report, accordance with the provisions of PPD-41 §
CISA provides the agency with (1) a tracking V.B.b. C-UCG is the primary mechanism for
internal reporting chain of the organization, CISA must
EO 14028, Sec. 2. Removing Barriers to Sharing Threat receive the major incident report within 1 hour of major
Information incident declaration.
Per OMB M-20-04, appropriate analysis of whether the 26
CISA Federal Incident Notification Guidelines
incident is a major incident will include the agency CIO,
CISO, mission or system owners, and, if it is a breach, the OMB M-20-04
Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP). Regardless of the
coordination between and among federal agency will confer with CISA to ensure all
agencies in response to a significant cyber appropriate actions have been taken. CISA will
incident as well as for integration of private sector evaluate these materials and:
partners into incident response efforts.
• Determine that the incident is adequately
7) Provide Final Incident Report addressed, and close the CISA ticket.
• Determine if additional response actions
The FCEB agency provides CISA post-incident
must be completed and request the
updates as required.
agency complete them prior to closing the
8) CISA Conducts Verification and Validation ticket.
• Request more information, including log
To ensure completion of recovery, CISA will
validate agency incident and vulnerability data and technical artifacts.
response results and processes. Validation • Recommend the use of CISA or other
assures agencies that they are meeting baseline third-party incident response services.
standards, implementing all important steps, and Affected FCEB entities must take CISA-required
have fully eradicated an incident or vulnerability. actions prior to closing the incident. Working with
For all incidents that require the use of the affected FCEB entities, CISA determines the
playbook, agencies must proactively provide actions, which vary depending on the nature of
completed incident response checklists and a the incident and eradication.
completed incident report to close the ticket. If an
agency is unable to complete the checklist, the
Intergovernmental Coordination
In a broader context, FCEB cyber defensive operations are not alone in tackling major incidents.
Several government departments and agencies have defined roles and responsibilities and are
coordinating across the government even before incidents occur. These roles and responsibilities can
be described in terms of concurrent lines of effort (LOEs): asset response, threat response, intelligence
support, and affected agency response; together these LOEs ensure a comprehensive response. Table
2 summarizes the LOEs for agencies in responding to cyber security incidents.
Table 2: Federal Government Leads for Lines of Effort per the NCIRP 28
Asset Conduct response activities with FCEB agencies to protect Department of Homeland Security
Response assets, mitigate vulnerabilities, and reduce impacts of cyber (DHS) through the CISA
incidents. Coordinate with threat response and provide
guidance on how to best utilize federal resources.
Intelligence Facilitate building of situational threat awareness and sharing Office of the Director of National
Support of related intelligence; the integrated analysis of threat trends Intelligence (ODNI) through Cyber
and events; the identification of knowledge gaps; and the Threat Intelligence Integration Center
ability to degrade or mitigate adversary capabilities. (CTIIC)
National Cyber Incident Response Plan
For major incidents or incidents that may become major, CISA is the “front door” for agencies for asset
response. CISA will work with affected FCEB agencies to determine their needs, provide
recommendations for services, and coordinate with other agencies (e.g., NSA) to provide a whole-of-
government response. By serving as a single coordination point, CISA can ease the burden on FCEB
agencies by facilitating the assistance available across the government.
Depending on the nature of events and involved organizations, FCEB agencies may also work directly
with other LOE lead agencies in support of those LOEs. Figure 3 identifies the organizations providing
the types of data and information that inform incident detection, analysis, and response.
Vulnerabilities that this playbook addresses could be observed by the impacted agency, CISA, industry
partners, or others in the related mission space. Most vulnerabilities will have common vulnerabilities
and exposures (CVE) descriptors. In other cases, agencies might encounter new vulnerabilities that do
not yet have a CVE (e.g., zero-days) or vulnerabilities resulting from misconfigurations. Appendix D
provides a companion checklist to track response activities to completion.
Effective vulnerability response builds on strong vulnerability management. Ensure that effective
vulnerability management practices are being followed. 29 Such practices include building and
maintaining robust asset management that includes inventorying:
NIST SP 800-40 Rev. 3: Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies
Proactively identify reports of vulnerabilities that are actively exploited in the wild by
monitoring threat feeds and information sources, including but not limited to:
CISA National Cyber Awareness System
NIST National Vulnerability Database
• Internal SOC monitoring and incident response, which can detect vulnerabilities
being exploited at an agency.
Capture additional information about the vulnerability to help with the rest of the
response process, including the severity of the vulnerability, susceptible software
versions, and IOCs or other investigation steps that can be used to determine if it
was exploited.
First, determine whether the vulnerability exists in the environment and how critical
the underlying software or hardware is, using methodologies such as Stakeholder-
Specific Vulnerability Categorization (SSVC). 32 Existing patch and asset
management tools are critical and can be used to automate the detection process
for most vulnerabilities. For actively exploited vulnerabilities, use the “rapid
response” processes in these tools (e.g., CDM). In rare cases, such as one-off misconfigurations and
zero-days, additional manual scans may need to be performed. Binding Operational Directives (BODs)
or Emergency Directives (EDs) issued by CISA may also list specific technical steps to evaluate
whether a vulnerability exists.
If the vulnerability exists in the environment, address the vulnerability itself—as described in the
Remediation section below—and determine whether it has been exploited in the agency's environment.
Use existing best practices to find signs of exploitation, including:
If the vulnerability was exploited in the environment, immediately begin incident response activities as
described in the Incident Response Playbook.
At the end of the Evaluation phase, the goal is to understand the status of each system in the
environment as:
Prioritizing Vulnerability Response: A Stakeholder-Specific Vulnerability Categorization
Remediate all actively exploited vulnerabilities that exist on or within the environment
in a timely manner. In most cases, remediation should consist of patching. In other
cases, the following mitigations may be appropriate:
• Limiting access;
• Isolating vulnerable systems, applications, services, profiles, or
other assets; or
• Making permanent configuration changes.
Existing patch management tools and processes can be used to regularly patch all vulnerabilities. Use
“rapid response” processes—as described in the Evaluation section above—in those tools for
vulnerabilities that are being actively exploited in the wild.
In cases where patches do not exist, have not been tested, or cannot be immediately applied promptly,
take other courses of action to prevent exploitation, such as:
• Disabling services,
• Reconfiguring firewalls to block access, or
• Increasing monitoring to detect exploitation.
Once patches are available and can be safely applied, mitigations can be removed, and patches
As systems are remediated, keep track of their status for reporting purposes. Each system should be
able to be described as one of these categories:
• Remediated. The patch or configuration change has been applied, and the
system is no longer vulnerable.
• Mitigated. Other compensating controls—such as detection or access
restriction—are in place and the risk of the vulnerability is reduced.
• Susceptible/Compromised. No action has been taken, and the system is still
susceptible or compromised.
FCEB Federal Civilian Executive Branch Agencies (FCEB Agencies) include all agencies EO 14028, Sec.10
Agencies except for the Department of Defense and agencies in the Intelligence Community.
Information Those information systems operated by Federal Civilian Executive Branch Agencies EO 14028, Sec.10
Systems but excludes National Security Systems (NSS).
An occurrence that— (A)actually or imminently jeopardizes, without lawful authority, EO 14028, Sec. 10
Incident the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of information or an information system; or 44 U.S.C.
(B)constitutes a violation or imminent threat of violation of law, security policies, 3552(b)(2)
security procedures, or acceptable use policies.
ICT Service Information and communications technology (ICT) service providers - includes IT, OT, EO 14028, Sec.2
Providers and cloud service providers (CSPs).
Any incident that is likely to result in demonstrable harm to the national security OMB
interests, foreign relations, or the economy of the United States or to the public Memorandum
confidence, civil liberties, or public health and safety of the American people. 33 M-20-04: Fiscal
Agencies should determine the level of impact of the incident by using the existing Year 2019-2020
incident management process established in National Institute of Standards and Guidance on
Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-61, Computer Security Incident Federal
Handling Guide, or A breach that involves personally identifiable information (PII) that, Information
if exfiltrated, modified, deleted, or otherwise compromised, is likely to result in Security and
demonstrable harm to the national security interests, foreign relations, or the economy Privacy
of the United States, or to the public confidence, civil liberties, or public health and Management
safety of the American people. 34 Requirements.
Using the CISA Cyber Incident Scoring System, this includes Level 3 events (orange), defined as those that are
"likely to result in a demonstrable impact to public health or safety, national security, economic security, foreign
relations, civil liberties, or public confidence"; Level 4 events (red), defined as those that are "likely to result in a
significant impact to public health or safety, national security, economic security, foreign relations, or civil liberties";
and Level 5 events (black), defined as those that "pose an imminent threat to the provision of wide-scale critical
infrastructure services, national government stability, or the lives of US persons."
The analysis for reporting a major breach to Congress is distinct and separate from the assessment of the potential
risk of harm to individuals resulting from a suspected or confirmed breach. When assessing the potential risk of
harm to individuals, agencies should refer to 0MB M-17-12.
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
1. Declare Incident
1a. Perform initial categorization of incident. 35
Log all evidence and note how the evidence was acquired, when it was
acquired, and who acquired the evidence.
Based on analysis thus far and available CTI, form a hypothesis of what the
adversary was attempting to access/accomplish.
OMB M-20-04
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
Correlate Events and Document Timeline
4e. Analyze logs to correlate events and adversary activity
Identify and document the conditions that enabled the adversary to access
and operate within the environment.
Assess networks and systems for changes that may have been made to either
evade defenses or facilitate persistent access.
Identify attack vector. This includes how the adversary accessing the
environment (e.g., malware, RDP, VPN).
Assess access (depth and breadth). This includes All compromised systems,
users, services, and networks.
Identify and document indicators that can be used for correlative analysis on
the network.
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
If access is facilitated by malware, identify associated command and control
[TA0011] (e.g., identify port, protocol, profile, domain, IP address).
6. Adjust Tools
Tune tools to slow the pace of advance and decrease dwell time by
incorporating IOCs to protect/detect specific activity.
CISA Services Catalog, First Edition: Autumn 2020
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
Introduce higher-fidelity modifications to tools. Tune tools to focus on tactics
6b. that must be used by the adversary to obtain operational objectives (e.g.,
execution, credential access, and lateral movement).
Report updated timeline and findings (including new atomic and behavioral
indicators) to CISA.
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
Terminating condition: Upon successful containment (i.e., no new signs of
7n. compromise), preserve evidence for reference and law enforcement
investigation (if applicable), adjust detection tools, and move to eradication.
8b. Provide incident status to CISA until all eradication activities are complete.
8c. Remove artifacts of the incident from affected systems, networks, etc.
8d. Reimage affected systems from clean backups (i.e., ‘gold’ sources).
8g. Monitor closely for signs of threat actor response to eradication activities.
Allow adequate time to ensure all systems are clear of threat actor persistence
8h. mechanisms (such as backdoors) since adversaries often use more than one
8i. Update the timeline to incorporate all pertinent events from this step.
Continue with detection and analysis activities after executing the eradication
8k. plan to monitor for any signs of adversary re-entry or use of new access
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
9c. Reset passwords on compromised accounts.
Review all relevant CTI to ensure situational awareness of the threat actor
Post-Incident Activities
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
Finalize Reports
Provide CISA with post-incident update with seven (7) days of resolution or as
directed by CISA in the Federal Incident Notification Guidelines.
Work with CISA to provide required artifacts, close the ticket, and/or take
additional response action.
Perform Hotwash
Conduct lessons learned analysis with all involved parties to assess existing
security measures and the incident handling process recently experienced.
10j. Identify if agency IR processes were followed and if they were sufficient.
Identify how information sharing with CISA and other stakeholders can be
improved during IR.
Identify if agency infrastructure for defense was sufficient. If not, identify the
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Action Date
Step Incident Response Procedure
Taken Completed
Receive incident tracking number and CISA National Cyber Incident Scoring
System (NCISS) priority level from CISA.
11d. Provide incident updates until all eradication activities are complete.
CISA Federal Incident Notification Guidelines
Per OMB M-20-04, appropriate analysis of whether the incident is a major incident will include the agency CIO,
CISO, mission or system owners, and, if it is a breach, the Senior Agency Official for Privacy (SAOP). Regardless of
the internal reporting chain of the organization, CISA must receive the major incident report within 1 hour of major
incident declaration.
OMB M-20-04
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
2. Instrumentation
Implement detection and monitoring capabilities to include AV,
EDR, DLP, IDPS, logs, net flows, PCAP, and SIEM to provide
accurate picture of agency infrastructure (systems, networks, cloud
platforms, and contractor-hosted networks).
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
4b. Integrate threat feeds into SIEM and other defensive capabilities to
identify and block known malicious behavior.
4e. Set up CISA Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) or share via Cyber
Threat Indicator and Defensive Measures Submission System.
5. Active Defense
For those with advanced capabilities and staff, establish active
defense mechanisms (i.e., honeypots, honeynets, honeytokens,
5a. fake accounts, etc.,) to create tripwires to detect adversary
intrusions and to study the adversary behavior to understand more
about their TTPs.
Segment/manage SOC systems separately from broader enterprise
7a. IT systems. Manage sensors and security devices via out-of-band
means (network, etc.).
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
8. Technical Infrastructure
8a. Establish secure storage (i.e., only accessible by incident
responders) for incident data and reporting.
8c. Deploy tools to collect forensic evidence such as disk and active
memory imaging.
9. Detect Activity
9a. Implement SIEM and sensor rules and signatures to search for
9b. Analyze logs and alerts for signs of suspicious or malicious activity.
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
• Known exploitation of vulnerability (NVD tagged entries; wide-spread public reporting; viable
proof-of-concept exploit released, etc.)
CISA Federal Incident Reporting Requirements (draft)
Using the CISA Cyber Incident Scoring System, this includes Level 3 events (orange), defined as those that are
"likely to result in a demonstrable impact to public health or safety, national security, economic security, foreign
relations, civil liberties, or public confidence"; Level 4 events (red), defined as those that are "likely to result in a
significant impact to public health or safety, national security, economic security, foreign relations, or civil
liberties"; and Level 5 events (black), defined as those that "pose an imminent threat to the provision of wide scale
critical infrastructure services, national government stability, or the lives of US persons."
The analysis for reporting a major breach to Congress is distinct and separate from the assessment of the potential
risk of harm to individuals resulting from a suspected or confirmed breach. When assessing the potential risk of
harm to individuals, agencies should refer to 0MB M-17-12.
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Executive Branch National Cyber Strategy of the USA Authorities and Standards
Executive Branch EO 14029: Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity Authorities and Standards
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 39
PL 113-292 Law/Statute
Executive Branch [codified in 6 U.S.C.]: The National Cybersecurity
Protection Act of 2014
PL 107-296 Law/Statute
Executive Branch
[codified in 6 U.S.C.]: Homeland Security Act of 2002
Executive Branch National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace Authorities and Standards
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 40
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 41
• Report cyber incidents to FCEB agencies and directly report to CISA when
doing so.
• Collect and preserve data, information, and reporting relevant to
cybersecurity event prevention, detection, response, and investigation on • EO 14028
ICT Service all information systems over which they have control, including systems
Providers (Sec. 2)
operated on behalf of FCEB agencies.
• Share data, information, and reporting as set forth under EO 14028,
section 2.
• Collaborate with federal cybersecurity or investigative agencies in their
investigations of and responses to incidents or potential incidents on
CISA Services Catalog, First Edition: Autumn 2020
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 42
National Security • Coordinates the Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG): the interagency
and private sector partner coordination mechanism to take immediate • PPD-41
Council (NSC)
response actions to a cyber incident of specific severity and scale.
• Homeland
• Incident response support may come from CISA, other government Security Act (6
entities (such as FBI, NSA), or commercial vendors upon request from the USC 659)
Third-Party • Federal
agency or from CISA
Analysis Support Network
• Available CISA cybersecurity services can be found on page 18 in the
CISA service catalog. 44
CISA Services Catalog, First Edition: Autumn 2020
CISA | Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency 43