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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

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Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

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Soil-pile-structure kinematic and inertial interaction observed

in geotechnical centrifuge experiments
Mahmoud N. Hussien a,b,n, Tetsuo Tobita c, Susumu Iai c, Mourad Karray a
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper reports the results of a series of centrifuge tests examining dynamic responses of single and
Received 29 August 2014 3  3 grouped piles embedded in sand and supporting SDOF and 2DOF structures. A total of 7 model tests
Received in revised form were conducted with the centrifugal acceleration of 40 g. Each model was subjected to 12 sinusoidal
11 February 2016
waves with constant acceleration amplitude and varying frequencies. The results of the tests indicate
Accepted 2 August 2016
that pile-head motion is dominated by two sequential frequencies: a lower frequency (fSSI) where pile-
head motion is substantially maximized and a higher one (fpSSI) where the response is minimized with
Keywords: respect to free field surface motion. These results confirm recent published numerical results on single
Centrifuge piles supporting SDOF structures and generalize their findings to grouped piles supporting SDOF and
Soil-pile-structure interaction
2DOF structures. The results show also strong mobilized kinematic interaction effect generating sig-
Pseudo-natural SSI frequency
nificant pile bending when the ground is excited at its resonant frequency. On the other hand, structural
Dynamic pile bending
Pile group vibrations tend to impose large bending moments as the excitation frequency approaches the natural
frequency of the coupled soil-pile-structure system. Distribution of pile bending moments in the group is
found to be a function of the pile position and the excitation frequency. In contrast to inner piles having
the greatest kinematic bending moments, outer piles have a more pronounced inertial ones.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction structure and is what has been recognized by the modern seismic
codes, such as Eurocode8 [14] that specify conditions where soil-
Single and grouped piles are widely used in the foundations of pile-structure interaction should be accounted for in the seismic
many civil structures such as bridges and buildings. During design of foundations and superstructures. These specifications
earthquakes, piles undergo stresses stemming from both the vi- are set based on a variety of numerical and analytical methods that
bration of the surrounding soil (kinematic interaction) and that of utilize either simplified multi-step method that uncouple the
the superstructure (inertial interaction). Evaluating these interac- structure and foundation portions, commonly referred to in lit-
tions is an important issue in the seismic design of piled buildings, erature as kinematic-inertial decomposition method (substructure
highway-bridges, overcrossings and ramps, several of which ex- approach) [15–17], or a direct analysis of the coupled soil-pile-
perienced considerable damage in the 1994 Northridge earth- structure system in a single step [18–20]. Several comprehensive
quake, the 1995 Hyogo-Ken Nanbu earthquake, and the 2011 To- reviews on the subject have been published, among others, by
hoku Pacific Earthquake [1,2]. Novak [21], Pender [22], and Gazetas and Mylonakis [23]. The
Post-earthquake field investigations [3–5], well documented single-step approach gives a direct and often more convenient
centrifuge and shaking table tests [6–9], and numerical simula- estimation of the seismic response of soil-pile-structure systems
tions of piled structures [10–13] have clearly highlighted the im- since inertial and kinematic effects are simultaneously modeled.
pact of soil-pile-structure interaction on the dynamic character- However, it is very complex and requires huge computational load
istics of the structure and the seismic motion imposed at its base and resources, and consequently it is rarely performed in en-
[10]. Such effects may be present in some degree for every gineering practice [10]. On the contrary, the multi-step approach
has been extensively implemented in professional engineering and
research practices in lieu of the direct approach. A key limitation of
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: Mahmoud.Nasser.Ahmed@USherbrooke.ca (M.N. Hussien),
the multi-step approach is that it refers to linear or moderately
tobita.tetsuo.8e@kyoto-u.ac.jp (T. Tobita), iai.susumu.6x@kyoto-u.ac.jp (S. Iai), nonlinear response of the coupled soil-pile-structure system. In
Mourad.Karray.Benhassen@USherbrooke.ca (M. Karray). reality, the soil, the soil-pile interface and often the structure

0267-7261/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
76 M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

respond nonlinearly during an earthquake. Accordingly, either 2.2. Centrifuge facility

high-quality laboratory tests or case history data are required to
validate the results from the substructure approach. The ad- The centrifuge tests were performed at the Disaster Prevention
vantage of laboratory testing compared to field testing lies in its Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI-KU), Japan. The cen-
ability to define the site conditions and structural systems that can trifuge facility has an in-flight platform radius of 2.5 m and a ca-
be in turn tested under controlled-intensity earthquake motions pacity of 24 g-tons. It is equipped with a one dimensional shake
[24]. In addition, it provides relatively rapid, precise and detailed table (allowable displacement: 7 5 mm), which is operable under
analyses of factors affecting the soil-pile-structure behavior under the centrifugal accelerations of up to 50 g. It has a single servo
earthquake events. A powerful laboratory device for soil-pile- hydraulic actuator parallel to the rotation of the centrifuge arm,
structure interaction testing is the geotechnical centrifuge since it and it is controlled through a laptop personal computer (PC) on
allows the researcher to monitor the simultaneous seismic re- the centrifuge arm. The PC is fixed near the rotation axis of the
sponse of the soil, pile foundation, and structure [6,7]. centrifuge to minimize the centrifugal force acting on it. It is
At present, it seems that certain aspects of soil-pile-structure connected to a PC in the control room by a wireless LAN, and the
interaction require further evidence based on well-documented data loggers attached on the arm are accessible from a PC in the
experimental data such as: (i) the identification of characteristic control room through a wireless USB connection. A counter-
frequencies dominating pile group response in coupled soil-pile weight is loaded on other side of the arm to maintain balance
group-structure systems; (ii) the relative contributions of kine- during rotation [28]. In this study, all the tests were performed at a
matic and inertial interaction to the dynamic bending of a pile as centrifugal acceleration of 40 g (n ¼ 40).
part of a pile group; (iii) pile-soil-pile interaction under kinematic
and inertial loading as affected by the frequency content of input 2.3. Experimental-setup
motion. These three aspects of soil-pile-structure interaction are
discussed in this paper based on a comprehensive set of centrifuge Ground model was constructed with Silica sands No. 7. The
test data, which consist of end-bearing single and 3  3grouped physical properties of the sand are listed in Table 1, and the grain-
piles embedded in dry sand layer and supporting single (SDOF) size distribution curve is shown in Fig. 1. The soil is classified into
and two (2DOF) degree of freedom structures. “poorly graded sand (SP)”. The model ground was prepared in a
The study is at an initial phase where an overview of the be- strong container, which has nominal inner dimensions of
havior of group pile is obtained through model tests on dense 0.45  0.15  0.30 m3 with a glass wall on one side. The prototype
sand. The selected tested piles referred to typical hollow steel pipe scale depth of the model ground was 10 m. A total of 7 model tests,
piles with length, Lp ¼ 10 m; diameter, Dp ¼ 0.4; Lp/Dp ¼ 25; and listed in Table 2, were performed. Schematics of experimental
pile spacing to diameter ratio, S/Dp ¼4. For the superstructures: we model tests No. 4 and 7 listed in Table 2 are provided in Fig. 2
used combination of SDOF and 2DOF structures with different (a) and 2(b), respectively. Fig. 2 includes important dimensions
frequencies that are encountered in practice. In fact, pile founda- and the locations of selected instrumentation. Fig. 3 shows a plane
tions are primarily used in soft soils with dominant frequencies view of the grouped pile arrangement and locations of in-
less than a few Hz and below resonant frequencies of structures on strumented piles. The pile group was lined up 3 by 3 with a spa-
rigid bases. In the current study, a dry dense sand deposit is used, cing of 4 pile diameters from center to center in both directions.
thereby aiming at the fundamental knowledge on the soil-pile The tested pile had a 0.4 m outside diameter and wall thickness of
group-structure interactions under seismic loading as a basis for 30 mm. The pile tips were set in motion fixed at the bottom of the
further study including cases where soil is expected to liquefy. A container using a 10 mm thickness steel plate. The soil and
total of 7 model tests including single and grouped piles cases structures were instrumented with accelerometers while piles
were conducted with the centrifugal acceleration of 40 g. Each were instrumented with accelerometers and strain gauges. These
model was subjected at least to 12 sinusoidal waves with constant instruments recorded the seismic response of the soil, piles, and
acceleration amplitude and varying frequencies. The results of the structures during test program. Detailed descriptions of the in-
study are compared and presented in the form of dimensionless strumentations can be found in [29].
graphs, covering a wide range of excitation frequencies. The pri- Model piles and columns shown in Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) were
mary findings from this study are summarized as conclusions. made of steel tubes having the material properties listed in Ta-
ble 3. Material properties and dimensions of square steel plates
(Mass 1–4 shown in Fig. 2 and Table 2), used to model the struc-
2. Centrifuge modeling tural masses, are listed in Table 4.

2.1. Centrifuge modeling principles 2.4. Model construction

Geotechnical centrifuge modeling has been used over the past The centrifuge model is normally prepared outside the cen-
three decades to simulate dynamic and seismic events. Model si- trifuge pit, and then transferred to the swinging platform. Each
militude is an important issue in centrifuge experimentation using model was constructed very carefully so that all ground models
model scale models that are intended to capture the response of were as identical to each other as possible. Piles were fixed in the
prototype scale [25–27]. During a centrifuge test, according to the model before the dry sand was placed, attempting to simulate a
scaling rules for n g centrifugal field, the gravity, frequency, and pile installed with minimal disturbance to the surrounding soil, as
acceleration are to be increased by n times while the length and may be the case when a pile inserted into a pre-augered hole. The
time are reduced by n. The stress and strain measured at model piles in the group are kept vertical in their positions using a guided
scale is the same as the stress and strain experienced by the plate as shown in Fig. 4. Dry silica sand was placed in the soil
prototype. Soil has stress-dependent strength, deformation, and container using the air pluviation method [29]. Gaffer tape was
volume change properties; therefore, the centrifuge is a useful tool used to supplementary fix the sensors in position as well as to fix
for examining geotechnical earthquake engineering problems. the cables of the sensors to the back wall of the box to prevent
Additional information on geotechnical centrifuge scaling laws can unwanted influences on the sand deposit and movement of sen-
be found in Schofield [25,26]. All results presented in this study sors. Single (Tests No. 3 and 6) or two (Tests No. 4 and 7) DOF
have been converted to prototype scale unless otherwise noted. structures were placed and fixed at pile-heads. The completed
M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84 77

Table 1 structures were then subjected to the same sinusoidal waves as

Physical properties of Silica sand No. 7. the coupled soil-pile-structure models. The experimentally de-
termined frequencies of the SDOF and 2DOF structures on fixed
Specific gravity (Gs) 2.66
D50 0.130 mm bases are listed in Table 2.
Coefficient of uniformity (Cu) 1.875
Maximum void ratio (emax) 1.19 2.6. Processing of records
Maximum void ratio (emin) 0.71

Displacement time histories were computed from the post-

100 processing acceleration records using the software SeismoSignal
[30]. The pre-processing acceleration time history data was base-
Percent finer by weight (%)

Silica sand No. 7

line corrected and filtered using the same software to remove the
undesirable frequency (noise) content and minimize the long
period drift after integration to velocity and displacement time
histories. The acceleration time history data was filtered using a
fourth-order bandpass filter allowing frequencies between 0.1 Hz
40 and 25 Hz to pass through.

3. Experimental results and discussions
0.01 0.1 1
3.1. Free field response
Diameter (mm)
Fig. 1. Particle size distribution curve for Silica sand No. 7. Test No. 1 was used as a benchmark test and performed to
monitor the free field motion of the dry sand deposit to act as a
model was weighed and fixed on the swinging platform of the baseline in subsequent discussions of both kinematic and inertial
centrifuge arm and the counterweight on the opposite arm was interaction effects on pile behavior. In this study, recorded accel-
adjusted. eration time histories of the free field were obtained at different
frequencies of excitations (1–12 Hz). From these time histories, the
2.5. Test procedures amplitude of steady-state acceleration was noted and normalized
with respect to the amplitude of the base acceleration (E1.5 m/
After confirming that all equipment and sensors are well s2). Thus amplification of free field response is derived at different
functioning without any abnormality, centrifugal acceleration was frequencies and plotted in Fig. 5. Fig. 5 shows that the funda-
increased gradually up to 40 g. To properly consolidate the model mental period of the ground Tg equals to 0.143 s. In other words,
ground before shaking, the model is put under 40 g for 5 min. By the predominant frequency of the ground fg E 7.0 Hz.
measuring the heights of the ground surface after the consolida-
tion, the actual relative density before shaking was obtained. The 3.2. Kinematic soil-pile interaction
centrifugal acceleration is again increased up to 40 g to apply the
dynamic motion to the model. Each model was subjected at least Even in the absence of a superstructure, piles tend to diffract
to 12 sinusoidal waves as input base motions having constant the upward propagating S-waves, thereby modifying soil de-
acceleration amplitude of about 1.5 m/s2 and frequencies ranging formations, so that the horizontal displacement of the pile-head,
from 0.5 to 12 Hz. As the input motion was imposed, the soil- Up may be different from the free field surface motion, Uff. This
model was progressively densified. However, calculations based on type of interaction between piles and soils is called kinematic in-
the total cumulative surface settlement shown in Table 2 show teraction, which is usually portrayed in terms of the kinematic
that the maximum change in relative density between the start of amplification factor Au = Up/Ub [16] and the kinematic interaction
the testing (Dr ¼ 78%) (i.e., when the model was in a pristine factor Iu = Up/Uff [1,16,31], where Ub is the base displacement. Tests
condition) and the end of the testing (Dr ¼ 82%) was on the order No. 2 and 5 were conducted to investigate kinematic soil-pile in-
of 4%. In summary, the soil model was very dense at the beginning teraction for single and grouped piles cases, respectively. Time
and end of testing, so densification of soil is expected to have little histories of pile-head displacements were obtained at different
influence on the results presented herein. frequencies of excitations (1–12 Hz). From these time histories, the
The fixed-base frequencies of the used SDOF and 2DOF struc- amplitude of steady-state pile-head displacement is noted and
tures are determined experimentally by connecting the structures normalized with respect to input displacement ( Au = Up/Ub ) and
rigidly to the shaking table floor of the centrifuge. The fixed-base with respect to free field surface motion ( Iu = Up/Uff ). Kinematic

Table 2
Summary of centrifuge model tests.

Test No. Test setup Soil deposit Structural mass fstr.fixed (Hz) Ground relative density (%)

f1 f2 Before the test After the test

1 Free field Dry sand 77 81

2 Free-head single pile 78 80
3 Single pile þ SDOF structure Mass 1 5 80 82
4 Single pile þ 2DOF structure Mass 1 Mass 2 2 11.5 80 82
5 Free-head pile group 78 82
6 Pile group þ SDOF structure Mass 3 8.5 82 83
7 Pile group þ 2DOF structure Mass 3 Mass 4 5 10 82 84
78 M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

Mass 2 Mass 4
Piles 2.5 m
2.5 m
Mass 1 Mass 3
Strain gauges
1.8 m 1.8 m 2.0 m

1.8 m 1.8 m
12 m 1.8 m 1.8 m Sand
2.0 m 9.6 m 10 m 2.0 m
9.6 m
2.2 m 2.2 m
2.2 m 2.2 m

18 m 18 m

Fig. 2. Centrifuge models with important instrumentation demarcated for: (a) Test No. 4; and (b) Test No. 7.

4Dp 4Dp follow the movements of the free field and may thereby experi-
ence considerably reduced deformations especially in a frequency
Pile 4 band approaching the natural frequency of the ground.
In order to discern kinematic soil-pile interaction in the pile
Pile 3 Pile 2 Pile 1 4Dp group, amplitudes of pile-heads displacements in the free-head
pile group (Test No. 5) are normalized with respect to base dis-
Pile 5 placement and plotted as a function of base excitation frequencies
in Fig. 6(c). The corresponding free field curve is also plotted for
comparison. Due to symmetry, only the results of piles No. 1, 2, and
Instrumented pile 4 are presented. The small plot at the bottom right of Fig. 6
(c) represents the nine piles of the group, where the shadowed
Fig. 3. Plan view of the pile group arrangement.
ones indicate the piles being analyzed. Fig. 6(c) shows that the
displacements of the piles in the free-head pile group are not the
Table 3
same, but a function of both pile position and frequency content of
Material properties of piles and columns.
base excitation. The spatial dependence of piles displacements is
Model Prototype more pronounced in a frequency band approaching the natural
frequency of the ground. Fig. 6(c) illustrates that for relatively low
Outer diameter (mm) 10 400
excitation frequency; displacements of piles in the group are al-
Wall thickness (mm) 0.75 30
Young's modulus (GPa) 206 206 most the same and approach that of the free field. At such lower
2nd moment of inertia (mm4) 2.35  102 6.00  108 frequencies of excitation and for a relatively close pile group em-
Bending stiffness (MN-mm2) 48.41 1.24  108 bedded in a dense sand soil layer, the pile group and the sand
enclosed between the piles may serve as a block or a rigid pier that
vibrates as an integral unite. With the increase of the base ex-
amplification factor (Au) of the single pile is compared to the free
citation frequencies, the piles and the enclosed sand no longer
field amplification ( Uff /Ub ) in Fig. 6(a) while the kinematic inter-
serve as a rigid pier and piles in the group start to move in-
action factor is portrayed in Fig. 6(b). Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) show that
dependently with a decrease in pile displacement from the center
pile-head motion is in general different from that of the free field of the group to its edge.
because of the scattered wave field generated from the difference
between pile and soil rigidities in agreement with real earthquake 3.3. Combined kinematic and inertial action
observations of pile foundation responses reported by Kawamura
et al. [32], Tajimi [33], and Ohta et al. [34]. Fig. 6(a) and 6(b) show Tests (3, 4, 6, and 7) were performed to investigate soil-pile-
that up to a relatively low frequency of about 4 Hz, the pile ap- structure interaction by fixing SDOF or 2DOF structures on pile-
pears to essentially follow the ground motion. On the other hand, heads. In particular Tests No. 3 and 4 correspond to single piles
at higher frequencies (i.e., 44 Hz), the pile may not be able to supporting SDOF and 2DOF structures, respectively while Tests No.

Table 4
Material properties and dimensions of structural masses.

Mass 1 Mass 2 Mass 3 Mass 4

Model Prototype Model Prototype Model Prototype Model Prototype

Side length (mm) 40 1600 50 2000 120 4800 105 4200

Thickness (mm) 30 1200 15 600 30 1200 13.5 540
Mass (kg) 0.3792 24,269 0.297 19,008 3.4128 218,419 1.176 75,252
Young's modulus (GPa) 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206
2nd moment of inertia (mm4) 9.0  104 2.30  1011 1.4  104 3.61  1010 2.7  105 6.91  1011 2.1  104 5.50  1010
Bending stiffness (MN-mm2) 1.85  104 4.75  1010 2.9  103 7.42  109 5.5  104 1.42  1011 4.4  104 2.65  109
M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84 79

Fig. 4. Model setup of free-head group pile test (Test No. 5).

6 and 7 correspond to group piles supporting SDOF and 2DOF

structures, respectively. The frequency at which the ratio of
structural mass to free field horizontal displacement (UMass/Uff) is
maximized was computed for each examined case, to determine
the effective natural frequency of the coupled soil-pile-structure
system, fSSI according to the definition by [10]. fSSI of the system
was then compared to the natural frequency of the structure under
fixed-base conditions, thus quantifying soil-structure interaction
(SSI) in terms of fundamental dynamics considerations. Amplifi-
cation ratios correspond to single piles supporting SDOF (Test No.
3) and 2DOF (Test No. 4) structures are shown in Fig. 7(a) and 7(b),
Fig. 5. The base-to-surface free field amplification ratio.
respectively. Fig. 7(a) shows strong SSI resulting in a significant
reduction of the effective natural frequency (fSSI ¼1 Hz) with re-
spect to the natural frequency of the SDOF structure under fixed-
base conditions (fstr.fixed ¼5 Hz). Fig. 7(b) illustrates the strong SSI
effect on the reduction of resonant frequencies (fSSI1 ¼ 0.5 Hz and
fSSI2 ¼5 Hz) of the coupled soil-pile-2DOF structure system with
respect to the fundamental (fst.fixed1 ¼2 Hz) and the second mode
(fst.fixed2 ¼ 11.5 Hz) frequencies of the 2DOF structure on rigid
ground. The ratios of the pile-head to free field horizontal dis-
placements (Up/Uff) are also examined in Fig. 7(a) and 7(b). These
ratio incorporates the combined effect of inertial and kinematic
interaction as opposed to the kinematic interaction factor (Iu ¼ Up/
Uff) presented in Fig. 6(b) which expresses solely kinematic effects.
Fig. 7(a) shows that pile-head displacement, Up is dominated by
two sequential frequencies: a lower frequency (the effective nat-
ural frequency (fSSI)) where the pile-head motion is amplified and
a higher one (the pseudo-natural frequency (fpSSI) of the system)
where the response is suddenly de-amplified with respect to the
free field motion, Uff. It is worth noting that this variation pattern
has been reported by Rovithis et al. [10] and observed in actual
earthquake observations of the response of a pile foundation [34],
and analytical studies of soil-pile-structure systems using sub-
structure approach [20]. Based on the comparative results in Fig. 7
(a), it is obvious that both fSSI and fpSSI have a double function. fSSI
defines the frequency where free field motion (Uff) is minimized
with respect to both structure (UMass1) and pile-head (Up) motions.
On the other hand, fpSSI defines the frequency where pile-head
motion (Up) is minimized with respect to both structure (UMass1)
and free field (Uff) motions.
Fig. 7(b) corresponding to a single pile supporting a 2DOF
structure shows that the variation pattern of pile-head motion
relative to that of the free field is similar to that shown in Fig. 7(a).
Evidently, pile-head motion is amplified with respect to the free
field surface motion at the fundamental frequency of the coupled
system, fSSI1 ¼ 0.5 Hz and de-amplification at the first pseudo-
Fig. 6. Kinematic interaction effects: (a) single pile amplification factor, (b) single natural frequency fpSSI1 ¼ 1.0 Hz. Pile-head motion is amplified
pile interaction factor, and (c) group pile amplification factor. again at the second mode fundamental frequency of the coupled
80 M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

Fig. 7. Amplification ratios of single piles supporting: (a) a SDOF and (b) a 2DOF structure.

Fig. 8. Amplification ratios for piles in a group supporting: (a) SDOF and (b) 2DOF structures.
M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84 81

system fSSI2 ¼ 5.0 Hz and then de-amplification at the second shown in Fig. 8(a) and 8(b), respectively. Similar behavior is ob-
mode pseudo-natural frequency fpSSI2 ¼ 6.0 Hz. It can be con- served for all piles. Similar to single pile cases shown in Fig. 7(a),
cluded from Fig. 7(b) that effective and pseudo-effective natural Fig. 8(a) shows strong SSI resulting in a significant reduction of the
frequencies are found to exist not only in soil-pile-SDOF structure effective natural frequency (fSSI ¼ 3 Hz) with respect to the natural
systems but also in soil-pile-2DOF structure systems. In all cases, frequency of the structure under fixed-base conditions (fstr.fixed ¼
the pseudo-effective natural frequency is generally higher than the 8.5 Hz, from Table 2). Fig. 8(b) illustrates the strong SSI effect on
corresponding effective natural frequency. the reduction of resonant frequency (2.0 Hz) of the soil-pile-2DOF
Amplification ratios of piles No. 1, 2, and 4 in the group sup- structure system with respect to fundamental frequency (5 Hz,
porting SDOF (Test No. 6) and 2DOF (Test No. 7) structures are from Table 2) of 2DOF structure on rigid ground. The peak

Fig. 9. Distributions of normalized steady state bending moments of piles in a group: (a) kinematic, (b) supporting a SDOF structure, and (c) supporting a 2DOF structure.
82 M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

corresponding to the second mode of vibration of the soil-pile- variability of kinematic pile bending in the group may be attrib-
2DOF structure system is not pronounced as they may correspond uted to different pile-soil-pile interaction phenomena similar to
to frequencies exist in-between to integers. Fig. 8 indicates also those reported under monotonic loading such as shadowing and
that pile-heads displacements are dominated by two discrete edge effects, being this a phenomenon that cannot be explained by
frequencies: a lower one (fSSI) where the response amplified and a the authors at the moment and which should be further studied.
higher one (fpSSI) where the response de-amplified with respect to In passing, Fig. 9(a) shows also that the depth of maximum mo-
free field motion. Fig. 8 shows also that there is no difference in ments is not affected by the pile position or the frequency content
the values of these frequencies among the piles in the group. of the base excitation.
These results confirm recent published numerical results by Ro- Fig. 9(b) and 9(c) depict the dynamic bending moments of piles
vithis et al. [10] on single piles supporting SDOF structures and No. 1, 2, and 4 in pile groups supporting SDOF and 2DOF structures,
generalize their findings to grouped piles supporting SDOF and respectively. Unlike the kinematic case (shown in Fig. 9(a)); a
2DOF structures. It is worth noting that the significant de-ampli- general trend displayed by these figures (Fig. 9(b) and 9(c)) is an
fication of the pile-head motion relative to that of the free field increase in the dynamic bending moment from the center of the
may be of importance in the design of pile foundation supporting group to its edge. In other words, the piles farther from the center
structures especially when the predominant frequency of the de- are subjected to larger bending moments as they receive the
sign excitation is close to fpSSI of the soil-pile-structure system. In maximum inertial forces (i.e., swaying and maximum rocking
other words, estimating fpSSI may provide a possible design cri- components) transmitted from the superstructures. This observa-
teria/frequency where pile-head motion is minimized with respect tion is in agreement with the results reported earlier by Wolf et al.
to the free field ground response. [39], Waas and Hartmann [36], Kaynia and Mahzooni [18], and
Zarzalejos et al. [40]. As shown in Fig. 9(b), when the frequency
3.4. Dynamic pile bending content is close to the effective natural frequency of the coupled
soil-pile-structure system (3 Hz), structural vibrations tends to im-
The seismic response of the coupled soil-pile-structure system pose significant increases in the dynamic bending moments of all
is furthered examined in terms of dynamic pile bending as a piles in the group with great difference in piles bending moments
function of excitation frequency. The pile bending moments were indicating strong effect of pile-soil-pile interaction. On the other
normalized to the amplitude of input acceleration according to hand, a sudden decrease in pile bending moments is observed as
Kavvadas and Gazetas [35]: the frequency content of the base excitation approaches the pseu-
do-natural frequency of the system (4.0 Hz). Fig. 9(c) shows similar
M trends at fSSI (2.0 Hz) and fpSSI (3.0 Hz) of the pile group supporting a
Mnor =
ρp Dp4 U¨g (1) 2DOF structure. Similar to the kinematic case, the depth of max-
imum inertial moments does not appear to be affected by the pile
where M is the absolute value of pile bending moment, ρp is the position or the frequency content of the base excitation.
mass density of the pile material, Dp is the pile diameter, and Üg is To clearly investigate the relative contributions of kinematic
the amplitude of the harmonic input motion introduced at the and inertial interactions on dynamic bending of piles as affected
base of the soil profile. To investigate the role of the excitation by the frequency content of the input motion, bending moments
frequency as well as the relative contributions of kinematic and profiles calculated at selected frequencies content of input motions
inertial interactions on dynamic pile bending, pile bending mo- (2, 3, 4, and 7 Hz) for piles No. 1, 2, and 4 in groups supporting
ments profiles calculated at selected excitation frequencies in- SDOF and 2DOF structures are plotted and compared to the cor-
cluding the ground resonance as well as fSSI and fpSSI of coupled responding kinematic moments in Fig. 10. The small plot at the
soil-pile-structure systems are plotted and compared to the cor- bottom right of Fig. 10(a–c) represents the nine piles of the group,
responding kinematic moments for free-head piles as shown in where the shadowed ones indicate the piles being analyzed. For all
Fig. 9. Fig. 9 presents normalized bending moments of pile No. 1, 2, piles shown in Fig. 10, when the frequency content of the base
and 4 obtained at 1.5 m/s2 input acceleration and at excitation excitation is close to 2 Hz, the maximum bending moment
frequencies of 2, 3, 4, and 7.0 Hz. corresponds to the case of a group supporting 2DOF structure. In
For a free-head pile group (kinematic case) shown in Fig. 9 this case, SSI has a major effect on the dynamic characteristics of
(a) and at relatively low frequencies of the base excitation (2 and the structure, resulting in an effective natural frequency fSSI of 2 Hz
3 Hz), the measured bending moments in all piles are almost the significantly lower than the fundamental frequency of the 2DOF
same. At such lower frequencies of excitation and for a relatively structure on rigid ground (5 Hz as shown in Table 2). When the
close pile group embedded in dense sand, the pile group and the frequency content of the base excitation is closed to 3 Hz, the
sand enclosed between the piles may serve as a block or a rigid maximum pile bending moment corresponds to the case of a
pier therefore the effect of pile-soil-pile interaction is not sig- group supporting SDOF structure. In this case, SSI has also a major
nificant. When the frequency content of base excitation increases effect on the dynamic characteristics of the structure, resulting in
and approaches the fundamental frequency of the ground (7 Hz), an effective natural frequency fSSI of 3 Hz significantly lower than
bending moments of all piles increase as expected and the dif- the fixed base frequency of the SDOF structure (8.5 Hz as shown in
ference between piles bending moments also increases. It is worth Table 2). These two cases reveal the dominant role of inertial in-
noting that Waas and Hartmann [36], and Finn et al. [37] reported teraction in the development of bending moments of piles when
strong kinematic interaction effect for a large group of piles with the superstructure is close to resonance. In other word, the re-
spatial dependence of pile bending. The fact that the kinematic sonance effect that is evident when the excitation frequency is
bending moments are not the same for different piles in the group close to fSSI of the coupled system mobilizes strong inertial inter-
implies that the seismic induced forces in the piles do not attain action that imposes larger bending moment onto the piles.
their maximum values at the same time. The most interesting At frequency content of the base excitation closed to 3 Hz, the
result in Fig. 9(a) is that the center pile (pile No. 2) receives the increase of bending moments of piles in the pile group supporting
maximum kinematic bending value followed by the side pile (pile SDOF structure is associated with a significant decrease in piles
No. 1) followed by the corner pile (pile No. 4) in agreement with bending of the group supporting 2DOF structure as a result of fre-
those reported by Kaynia and Kausel [38] based on boundary in- quency shifting from the effective natural frequency of the soil-pile
tegral analyses of different pile group configurations. The spatial group-2DOF structure system (2.0 Hz) to its pseudo-natural
M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84 83

Fig. 10. Distributions of normalized steady state bending moments of piles in the group: (a) pile No. 1, (b) pile No. 2, and (c) pile No. 4.

frequency (3.0 Hz). Focusing on the case of the pile group sup- supporting SDOF structure. As the excitation frequency approaches
porting a SDOF structure, there is a substantial reduction in pile the fundamental frequency of the ground (7.0 Hz), strong kinematic
bending under the combined action of kinematic and inertial in- effects are mobilized generating significant increases in bending
teraction when the frequency content of the input motion is closed moment of all piles. These latter results suggest that one cannot
to pseudo-natural frequency of the system (4.0 Hz). It is worth to ignore, without justification, the kinematic interaction in the design
note that, despite this significant reduction, the maximum pile of piles under seismic loading especially when the predominant
bending at 4.0 Hz still corresponds to the case of the group pile frequency of the design excitation is close to the ground resonance.
84 M.N. Hussien et al. / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89 (2016) 75–84

4. Conclusions Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco; 1984, p. 577–84.

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