Lesson Plan Grade 6
Lesson Plan Grade 6
Lesson Plan Grade 6
Teacher Works Students Works
1. Prayer
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!
Okay, very good class because everyone is present. Thank you Ma’am.
3. Drill
And now class I will show you a picture and tell Okay Ma’am
me what did you observe or any idea of it.
So, what do you think? Do you have any idea? I think Ma’am it’s about how to keep calm.
Anyone class? Yes Gabriela?
4. Review
So what is the safety guide or tips before, during That we need to stay calm and don’t forget the
and after earthquake? Yes, Sam? DCH which is duck, cover and hold.
That’s correct!
Very good Class!
So what it is?
Okay, Alyssa? Ma’am because of tectonic plates.
Very good Alyssa. So what about others? Yes Ma’am? Climate change?
Very good class.
So when the volcanic eruption happened in our So Ma’am what we need to do?
country we need to be prepared and be ready that’s
why WHO and PHIVOLCS implemented some tips
or safety guide to make sure that all of us is safe.
What do you think about this video class? It’s about how to be prepared and what need to do
before, during and after volcanic eruption.
Very good Michelle. How about you John? That we need to be aware or stay alert.
That’s right and how about you Sam? We need to follow the instruction when volcanic
eruption happened so that we will be safe from
That’s correct. All of you class is correct and thank
you for your cooperation.
C. Lesson Proper
Volcanoes erupt when molten rock called magma It’s very dangerous to go outside when volcanic
rises to the surface. Magma is formed when the eruption happen in our country.
earth's mantle melts.
Yes, melting may happen where tectonic plates are So what will happen Ma’am after the tectonics
pulling apart or where one plate is pushed down plates pulling apart?
under another.
Well, the magma is lighter than rock so rises It’s very dangerous to go outside when the
towards the Earth's surface. As the magma rises, volcanic eruption happen.
bubbles of gas form inside it. Runny magma erupts
through openings or vents in the earth's crust
before flowing onto its surface as lava and if the
magma is thick, gas bubbles cannot easily escape
and pressure builds up as the magma rises.
Yes, it’s really dangerous that’s why I’m going to Okay Ma’am we will listen carefully
discuss what is the safety guide or tips that we
need to do before, during and after volcanic
eruption. So listen carefully class and take down
the notes the important..
What do you think we need to before volcanic We need to stay at home and wait for the
eruption class? Yes Mica? announcement through watching tv news.
Before the explosion we need to evacuate Ma’am? What is the meaning of that?
immediately. Do you have any idea class?
If you live or staying within the radius of affected To make us safe Ma’am we need to evacuate as
areas long before the explosion, the affected areas long as possible.
would have been given a warning to evacuate the
premises by local government.
We need to evacuate immediately to make us safe That’s true Ma’am so that we can have an idea
from harm that cause of volcanic eruption. what is going on, what’s happening before the
Stay tuned. So did you know about it class? I think we need to watch tv news.
So why we need to watch tv news? Yes, Mica? To get information and to know what’s happening.
Also we must know what our disaster hotlines Ma’am for what?
and other emergency hotlines.
In case that there’s something wrong will happen Okay Ma’am we will do that in case of
to you or to your family you should know these emergency.
numbers and save these in your mobile phone.
Secure you pets. Why we need to secure our pets So that they will be safe
during volcanic eruption? Yes Michelle?
Stay tuned to the news. Do you have any idea We can get information of what’s happening in
why we need to stay tuned to the news? Okay, our country during the volcanic eruption.
Cover food and water containers To make sure that our food and waters are safe and
So why we need to cover it class? Anyone? not affected by ash falls.
Yes, Mica?
After the eruption. What we need to do after the Still. Stay at home Ma’am.
volcanic eruption?
That’s right
Do not leave your home or shelters. So Ma’am we need to stay even after the eruption?
Because the local government notified us it is safe
or evacuate to safe grounds.
Wear Protection.
So do you have any idea what we need to wear Ma’am like a mask, goggles and long sleeves and
after the volcanic eruption? pants?
Yes, David?
That’s right.
The last one is Waiting.
Wait for the further announcements from the
national news related to volcanic eruption. To
keep us informed of recent developments.
Stay informed with local safety plans and
evacuation areas.