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Detaled LP in Science 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan


Topic/Title Different Types of Volcanoes

Grade level Grade 9

Time Allotment 60 minutes

Teacher Erika Joy E. Balansay


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate

understanding of factors that affect
climate, and the effects of changing
climate and how to adapt accordingly.

B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to
participate in activities that reduce risks
C. Learning Competency and lessen effects of climate change

D. Specific Objectives Describe certain climatic phenomena

that occur on a global level.

At the end of a 1 hour lesson, the

students should be able to achieve the
following with at least 85% level of
A. Identify the different types of
B. Draw the different types of
C. Give the importance of the different
types of volcano
D. Identify the types of Volcanic


A. Topic Different Types of Volcanoes

B. Time Frame 60 minutes

C. References https://byjus.com/physics/types-


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
“Good morning Ma’am”
1. Greetings
“Good morning Class” “Students will remain standing and one
student will lead the prayer”
“Let us pray first”

2. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary will announce the
“Is there any absentees for
number of students present and
number of students absent for the day.
“Thank you ___________, for
the report of our attendance
One student will answer the topic
- this will lead to a
discussed last meeting.
phenomenon known as
enhanced greenhouse effect
B. Drill

Good afternoon class. The students will follow

Before you take your seats

let’s have first an energizer.

Okay, thank you class. You (The student will do the task)
may now take your


Before we proceed to our topic

for today, let’s have first a review (The students will paste their output on
from our previous lesson. the board)

Now let’s have an activity. This

is c alled “ARRANGE ME”. I will
divide the class into two groups.
Each group will be given
scrambled letters. You will
arrange the scrambled letters Ecosystem: Biotic and Abiotic Factors,
and paste it on the board after Biotic are living organisms while Abiotic
the time bounded. Your time are non-
starts now! living organism

Your time is up!

What word have you formed?

Okay, so what is the difference

be tween Biotic
and Abiotic? Mt. Mayon Volcano Ma’am.

Very good. I guess you have

learned a lot from
our previous lesson
Mt. Taal Volcano Ma’am.
No, Ma’am
Maybe these volcanoes are huge and
the view is very beautiful.

They have different shapes Ma’am

Now, before we start our lesson for
today let’s have first an activity. This
is called “NAME ME”. I have here
pictures of volcanoes. All These volcanoes can be found in the
you need to do is to guess what the Philippines.
name of the volcanoes that I will
show. Okay let’s start.

(The teacher will show a picture)

What is this?

Very good.
The teacher will give the students a
(The teacher will show another moment to think about the topic

Have you been there?

Have you ever wonder what does it I think our topic for today is all about
looks like in person? volcanoes
What have you observe on their
Very good. Where do these
volcanoes can be found?

Very good.
We must listen and behave Ma’am
Cooperate if there is an activity.

Based on these pictures, what do

you think is our topic for today?

Yes, very good. This morning we will

discussing about volcanoes.

Okay students what will you do if

someone is talking here in front?

Very good. What else?

Very good. I will expect it from you It is all about mountain land forms
all. Ma’am
It is an opening in the Earth’s crust
EXPLAIN through which lava, volcanic ash, and
gases escape

When you hear the word volcano
what GROUP 1
comes in your mind?
Cinder Cone Volcano are circular or
Very good. Another answer? oval cones made up of small fragments
of lava from a single
vent that have been blown into the air,
cooled and fallen around the vent

Now, I will group the class into 4 GROUP 2

Composite volcanoes are steep-sided
Each group will be given fact sheets volcanoes composed of many layers of
about a specific type of volcano. All volcanic rocks, usually made from high
you need to do is to gather ideas viscosity lava, ash and rock debris
from your group mates about the
topic given.
Given: Shield volcanoes are volcanoes
Types of Volcano shaped like a bowl or shield in the
middle with long gentle slopes
1. Cinder Cone Volcano made by basaltic lava flows. Basalt
2. Composite Volcano lava flows from these volcanoes are
3. Shield Volcano called flood basalts
4.Lava Dome

You will be given 5 minutes to VOLCANIC DOME, also called Lava
prepare.A Dome, any steep-sided mound that is
representative will be chosen to formed when lava reaching the Earth's
explain your output in front. Is that
surface is so viscous that it cannot flow
away readily and accumulates around
the vent.
Your Time is Up!

(The students will execute the clap)

The teacher will let the students read

the power point presentation
Volcano is usually a cone shaped
mountain or hill opens downward to a
pool of molten rock below

the surface of the earth .

The different types of volcano are
Cinder Cone, Composite, Shield
Volcano and Lava Dome

Very good. Let’s give the presenters

a very good clap

It is important to know the state of a

volcano to be aware of the possible
What is volcano? happenings if it is located in your

The students will do the task

What are the different types of


Types of Volcanic Eruptions

Types of volcanic eruptions depend
on various factors such as the
chemistry of magma, temperature,
viscosity, volume, presence of
groundwater, and water and gas
Following are the different types of
volcanic eruptions:

 Hydrothermal eruption: These

eruptions include ash and not
magma. They are driven by
the heat caused by
hydrothermal systems.
 Phreatic eruption: This is
driven when the heat of the
magma interacts with the
water. These eruptions do not
include magma and only ash.
 Phreatomagmatic eruption:
This eruption takes place
when there is an interaction
between the newly formed
magma and water.
 Strombolian and Hawaiian
eruption: Hawaiian eruption
has fire fountains while the
Strombolian eruption has
explosions due to lava
 Vulcanian eruption: These
eruptions last for a short
period of time and can reach
up to a height of 20 km.
 Subplinian and Phinian
eruptions: Subplinian
eruptions reach up to 20 km
in height, while Plinian
eruptions reach up to 20-35

What is the importance of knowing
the types of volcanoes and types of
volcanic eruptions.


Now, let’s have another activity. I

will group the class into two groups.
Each group will draw the different
types of volcano. You’ll be
given 5 minutes preparation. You’ll
be graded based on the given
Content -25 pts.
Creativity -15 pts.
Cooperation -10 pts.
Total 50 pts.

We will have a quiz, get ¼ sheet of

Multiple Choice

1. Occur when material significantly

warmer than its surroundings is
erupted onto the surface of a planet
or moon from its interior.

a. Magma c. Ash
b. Lava d. Volcano

2. It is usually a cone shaped

mountain or hill that opens
downward to a pool of molten rock
below the surface of the earth.

a. Valley c. Hill
b. Volcano d. Ridge

2. It is also called stratovolcano

a. Composite Volcano
b. Shield volcano
c. Lava Dome Volcano
d. Cinder cone Volcano

4. It is the most largest volcano that

erupts fluid
a. Shield c. Cinder Cone
b. Composite d. Lava Dome

5. Simplest type of volcano

a. Composite c. Cinder Cone

b. Shield d. Stratovolcano
Let the students do it as an
EXTEND assignment.

Research about active and

inactive volcanoes

Prepared by:
Erika Joy E. Balansay

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