R R R R RH H H H H 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F: Technical Data Hydraulic Excavator
R R R R RH H H H H 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F: Technical Data Hydraulic Excavator
R R R R RH H H H H 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F 30-F: Technical Data Hydraulic Excavator
RH 30-F
z Operating weight z Low emission diesel engine
Face shovel ................................ 85.4 t z Two different undercarriages
Backhoe (HD undercarriage) ............... 86.7 t z 3-circuit hydraulic system
Backhoe (HD-RLC undercarriage) ....... 89.2 t
z Pump Managing System (PMS)
z Engine output
z Torque control in the swing circuit
SAE J 1995 ............................. 380 kW
z Standard bucket capacity z Independent bypass cooling system
Face shovel (SAE 1:1) ....................... 6.3 m³ z TriPower-Plus attachment
Backhoe (SAE 1:1) ............................. 6.2 m³ z Automatic central lubrication system
12'6'' 4500
4160 14'9''
3300 3990
3650 10'10'' 13'1''
12' 3175
Operating weights
3590 / 11'9''
Retracted position
3650 for transport.
12' All steps can be
B 3590 / 11'9''
Low emission diesel engine Swing system
Type Cummins QSX 15 Swing drive with one axial piston motor and one compact planetary
Rated net power ISO 3046/1 365 kW (489 HP) 1800 min-1 transmission with emergency and parking brake. Braking of the swing
Rated net power SAE J 1349 365 kW (489 HP) 1800 min-1 motion hydraulically by counteracting control. Closed-loop swing circuit
Rated gross power SAE J 1995 380 kW (509 HP) 1800 min-1 with torque control for minimum energy consumption during accelera-
Max. gross power SAE J 1995 448 kW (600 HP) 2100 min-1 tion, energy recycling during braking.
Engine emission meets USA EPA/CARB and EC regulations for non Superstructure and undercarriage connected by a totally enclosed tri-
road mobile machinery ple-race swing roller bearing with internal gearing. Race ways and
gearing supplied by the automatic central lubrication system.
Tank capacity 1050 l (277 US gal)
Engine oil exchange interval 500 Wh Swing speed of superstructure: max. 5.8 rpm
Microprocessed engine management
Automatic rev. reduction
Heavy duty air-filter STRATA 1 with automatic dust evacuation
Two-stage fuel filter and water separator
On-board voltage 24 Volt
2 High-performance batteries 2 x 12 V; 170 Ah
Alternator 175 Amp
Hydraulic cylinders
Robust cylinders with wiper rings, polyamide/polyurethane guide rings
on pistons and on piston-rod guides. Seamless cylinder barrels. The
roller-burnished internal surface ensures a maximum service life of pis-
ton seals and back up rings. All cylinders with end-of-stroke cushioning
on piston and rod side. Pistons and piston rods of one-piece forged
Piston rods hardened, ground, fine-finished, hard-chromium-plated to
size and polished to ensure maximum service life of seals and guide
Rod eye fastened to piston rod with a ring nut and high tensile bolts. In
connection with the bolted guiding flange maintenance can be carried
out quickly and easily.
1) Full-flow high-pressure filters (100 µm) for the main pumps, installed
behind each pump.
Heavy duty undercarriages
2) High-pressure filter (20 µm) for the feed pump of the closed swing Two different types are available - HD and HD HD-RLC
circuit. The shorter rigid frame HD undercarriage suits hard rock and quarry
3) 2 Full-flow filters (10 µm) for the complete return circuit. applications. The crawler frames are welded to the centre part.
4) High-pressure filter (20 µm) on the pump of servo circuit. The Heavy Duty - Retractable Long Crawler undercarriage designed
for heavy construction jobs provides higher stability, lower ground
Hydraulic cooling: pressure and increased lifting capacity. The side frames are bolted to
Fully independent from main circuit. Hydraulic cooling by aluminium the main frame and can be retracted for transport purposes.
cooler. Fan drive and cooler supply temperature controlled.
Number of bottom / support rollers
Oil flow of cooling pump 496 l/min (131 US gal/min) HD undercarriage 8/2
Fan diameter 915 mm (3') HD-RLC undercarriage 9/3
The bottom dump buck bucketet backwall
is designed to provide the ideal flow of forces between the various
points of digging impact. High tensile structure through welded box
Crawler unit (HD and HD -RLC)
HD-RLC) design. Direct absorption of forces by the bucket crowd cylinders via
integral heavy pivot points, evenly dispersed into the bucket backwall.
Low-maintenance tractor-type undercarriage incorporates a fully hy-
draulic self-adjusting track tensioning system with membrane accumu- Various bottom-dump buckets are available for different applications.
lator. Individual hydraulic drive for each crawler track by two-stage
axial piston motor connected to a planetary gear. Sealed chains with
track guides behind idler.
The crawler drive unit is built in a compact design, integrated within the
protecting area of the track frame and pads. Automatic hydraulic
retarder and suction valve to prevent overspeed on downhill travel.
Travel brakes - adjustment free hydraulically operated emergency and Backhoe attachment
parking brakes. Monobooms and arms (sticks) are robust, torsion-free, close-welded
box design of high-tensile steel with well-dimensioned steel castings at
Type of running gear D9 pivot areas. Various attachments are availble for different applications.
Pin diameter 57.2 mm (2¼'') Backhoe bucket are made of high-tensile steel and welded box design
Bushing 85.7 mm (33/8'') for the bucket back. Wearstrips along bucket bottom. V-type cutting
Pitch 260.4 mm (10¼'') edge with high tensile ESCO tooth tips.
Width of chain between bottom of roller flanges 240.8 mm (9½") Various backhoes are available for different applications.
Travel speed 1st stage max. 3.1 km/h (1.93 mph)
2nd stage max. 4.7 km/h (2.92 mph)
Max. tractive force: 1st stage 588 kN (132180 lbs)
2nd stage 415 kN (93295 lbs)
Gradability: approximately 76 %
Lubrication system
Automatic central lubrication system with electronic time-relay control.
Electrically driven piston pump with down line distributors.
Connected to the lubrication system are the raceways and internal
gearing of swing roller bearing as well as the pivot points of attachment
Shovel attachment and cylinders. The bearings of BH bucket and linkage are only connected
on request.
Shovel attachment with TriP riPower
ower Plus system. On Terex / O&K's
patented TriP ower attachment, bucket crowd and boom cylinders are
riPower Capacity of grease drum 10 l (2.6 US gal)
connected through a triangular rocker. As a further development of the
well known TriP ower system on the TriP
riPower ower Plus
riPower Plus-equipment the
pivot point of the stick cylinder is located on the superstructure. This Optional equipment
equipment geometry ensures following advantages:
1. TriPower ensures automatic, constant-angle bucket guidance when General
crowding horizontally at any height or reach to win time and energy. Seaworthy packing, disassembly
2. TriPower ensures automatic, constant-angle bucket guidance when Finishing other than O&K std. colours (O&K colour quality)
raising and lowering the attachment to win time and energy and to Inscription as per customer’s specification
increase the bucket fill factor as well. Superstructure
3. TriPower incorporates an automatic roll-back limiter that prevents Sound proofing acc. to EEC type examination certificate and GS (Ger-
the bucket being curled back too far to save a high bucket fill. man safety approval) (compulsory for EC-countries)
4. TriPower achieves approx. 50% more crowd force with comparable Fuel preheating 24 V
cylinder diameters and provides an increasing total crowd force Cooling water preheating 220 V / 1500 W
throughout the whole crowd distance. Engine oil preheating 220 V / 300 W
5. TriPower achieves an increase of up to 40% lift force when lifting Barrel refuelling pump (loose) max. 100 l/min with 24 V socket (Diesel)
bucket out of pile with boom cylinders. Additionally there are 10% lift Refuelling system (fixed installed) max. 100 l/min
force assistance when lifting filled bucket. Automatic fire suppression system
6. TriPower maintains constant boom moment throughout the whole Hydraulic-fluid PANOLIN
lift arc to win energy avoiding an increase in boom cylinder pressure. XENON lighting
7. TriPower ensures lifting forces equal to the stability of the excavator Catwalk at right hand side engine compartment
at all lifting positions for best possible utilization of hydraulic forces. Bekamax central lubrication system
8. TriPower Plus with the pivot point of the stick cylinder on the
superstructure. The resulting additional moment increases the lifting Cab
capacity and the crowd force and allows a further increase of the FOPS guard above cab (standard on shovel version)
working speed. Cab elevation by 0.58 m (standard on shovel version)
TriP ower incorporates "float".
riPower Cab elevation by 1.0 m (= 0.42 m on shovel version)
The "float" feature permits only minor vertical reaction forces being Auxiliary heating with "7-days“ timer
transferred to the basic machine during bucket crowd. This results in Hand extinguisher with holder (compulsory for France)
better overall machine life and less operator fatigue. Radio with loudspeaker and antenna
TriP ower incorporates "pressure-free lowering".
riPower Guards for upper and lower front window against rocks
"Pressure-free lowering" of boom with quick drop valve in the cylinder
yield energy and fuel savings.
Various Esco teeth for buckets
Boom and arm (stick) are robust, torsion free, close-welded box design Various hardfacing stages for buckets
of high-tensile steel with well dimensioned steel castings at pivot areas. Connection of BH bucket and linkage to central lub system
Heavy lifting system
The bottom- dump buck
bottom-dump bucketet lip Safe load indicator
is made of high-tensile steel, robust design with heavy castings for the Pipe burst protection devices for boom or arm cylinders
pivot points. V-type cutting edge includes high-tensile ESCO tooth tips Guard for boom cylinders
size 61 type SD and wear-resistant material between tooth tips. Bucket
lip is designed and shaped for optimum material penetration and flow,
Additional track guide
providing best possible bucket fill factor.
Futher optional equipment on request.
ft m
Payload 25 - 60 sht
10 3 (TR 45 illustrated)
0 0
10 3
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0m
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ft
Face shovels Heavy rock bucket Standard rock bucket Light load bucket
ESCO teeth V61 SD ESCO teeth V61 SD on request
SAE / PCSA 1 : 1 m³ cuyd 5.0 6.5 6.3 8.2 8.5 11.1
SAE / CECE 2 : 1 m³ cuyd 4.3 5.5 5.5 7.2 7.4 9.7
mm ft:in 2400 7'10'' 2800 9'2'' 3000 9'10''
mm ft:in 1250 4'1'' 1250 4'1'' 1250 4'1''
No. 5 6 6
kg lbs 8000 17640 8500 18740 7300 16090
Max. material density (loose) t/m³ lbs/cuyd 2.2 3710 1.8 3030 1.1 1850
Standard hardfacing stage 2 - -
Mono boom 6.85 m
Arm 2.60 m
Digging forces
Crowd Breakout
3 Arm 2.6 m / 8'6'' 355 kN 415 kN
79780 lbs 93260 lbs
Working range
Max. digging depth 6.6 m; 21'8'
Max. digging reach 11.4 m; 37'5''
Max. digging height 9.9 m; 32'6''
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3m
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 ft
6.85 m / 22'6'' 2.6 m / 8'6'' 1.5 2530 1.8 3030 2.1 3540
ft Mono boom 7.25 m
Arms 2.90 m
3.40 m
40 12 4.10 m
30 9
20 6
10 3
0 0
Digging forces
Arm length Crowd Breakout
10 3 a) 2.9 m / 9'6'' 335 kN 415 kN
75310 lbs 93300 lbs
4 b) 3.4 m / 11'2'' 300 kN 415 kN
15 67420 lbs 93300 lbs
c) 4.1 m / 13'5'' 275 kN 415 kN
a 61800 lbs 93300 lbs
20 6
Working range a b c
Max. digging depth [m] 7.0 7.4 8.1
8 [ft:in] 23' 24'3' 26'7''
Max. digging reach [m] 12.5 13.0 13.7
9 [ft:in] 41' 42'8'' 44'11''
Max. digging height [m] 11.9 12.2 12.5
10 [ft:in] 39'1'' 40' 41'
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3m
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 ft
Mono boom 8.40 m
Arms 2.90 m
3.40 m
12 4.10 m
Digging forces
Arm length Crowd Breakout
3 a) 2.9 m / 9'6'' 335 kN 415 kN
75310 lbs 93300 lbs
4 b) 3.4 m / 11'2'' 300 kN 415 kN
67420 lbs 93300 lbs
c) 4.1 m / 13'5'' 275 kN 415 kN
61800 lbs 93300 lbs
a Working range a b c
b Max. digging depth [m] 8.0 8.5 9.2
8 [ft:in] 26'3'' 27'11' 30'2''
Max. digging reach [m] 13.5 14.0 14.6
9 [ft:in] 44'3'' 45'11'' 47'11''
Max. digging height [m] 12.2 12.4 12.6
10 [ft:in] 40' 40'8'' 41'4''
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3m
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 ft
General packing list Backhoe configuration
(Guiding values; details may vary depending on scope of supply, destination and kind of shipment.)
Basic machine - backhoe version with HD undercarriage
Pad type (A) Width (B) Gross weight
600 mm 4180 mm 47400 kg
2’ 13’9’’ 104500 lbs
3830 (12'7'')
3750 (12'4'')
750 mm 4250 mm 48400 kg
2’6” 13’11’’ 106700 lbs
900 mm 4400 mm 49400 kg
2’11” 14’5’’ 108910 lbs
B 6850 mm (22'6’’)
Basic machine - backhoe version with HD -RLC undercarriage
Pad type Width Width Gross 3590 mm (11'9'')
(A) (B) (B’) weight
600 mm 4180 mm 3590 mm 50800 kg
3800 (12'6”)
2’ 13’9’’ 11’9’’ 111990 lbs
3880 (12'9'')
750 mm 4250 mm 3660 mm 51900 kg
2’6” 13’11’’ 12’ 114420 lbs
900 mm 4400 mm 3810 mm 53000 kg
2’11” 14’5’’ 12’6’’ 116840 lbs
B’ (retracted) 7150 mm (23'5'')
B (standard)
Counterweight Crates with
Width 1000 mm (3'3'') Gross weight 16300 kg (35930 lbs) Lenght Width Height Gross weight
mm (ft:in) mm (ft:in) mm (ft:in) kg (lbs)
Oil barrel
1700 mm
3590 mm (11'9'')
Arm (stick) incl. backhoe cylinder and link age
Size (A) Length (B) Width Height (C) Gross weight
2.9 m 4450 mm 900 mm 1700 mm 5400 kg
9’6” 14’7’’ 2’11’’ 5’7” 11900 lbs C
3.4 m 4950 mm 900 mm 1700 mm 5550 kg
11’2” 16’3’’ 2’11’’ 5’7” 12240 lbs
4.1 m 5700 mm 900 mm 1700 mm 6000 kg A
13’5’’ 18’8’’ 2’11’’ 5’7” 13230 lbs B
General packing list Shovel configuration
(Guiding values; details may vary depending on scope of supply, destination and kind of shipment.)
Basic machine (shovel version)
Pad type (A) Width (B) Gross weight
500 mm 4180 mm 47000 kg
4300 (14'1'')
1’8’’ 13’9’’ 103620 lbs
3830 (12'7'')
600 mm 4180 mm 47700 kg
2’ 13’9’’ 105160 lbs
750 mm 4250 mm 48700 kg
2’6” 13’11’’ 107360 lbs
6850 mm (22'6’’)
Counterweight FOPS
Width 1000 mm (3'3'') Gross weight 16300 kg (35930 lbs) Width 1200 mm (3'11'') Gross weight 330 kg (730 lbs)
1700 mm
1830 mm
3590 mm (11'9'') 3420 mm (11'3'')
Boom with T riP
TriPower link
riPower age and boom cylinders
linkage Arm (stick)
Width 1350 mm (4'5'') Gross weight 7220 kg (15920 lbs) Width 1600 mm (5'3'') Gross weight 2940 kg (6480 lbs)
2050 mm
1200 mm
3650 mm (12')
4920 mm (16’2'')
Face shovel Crates with
Capacity (1:1) Width Gross weight Lenght Width Height Gross weight
6.3 m³ (8.2 cuyd) 2850 mm (9'4'') 8500 kg (18740 lbs) mm (ft:in) mm (ft:in) mm (ft:in) kg (lbs)
2 shovel cylinders and 1 arm cylinder
3600 (11'10'') 1130 (3'8'') 770 (2'6'') 2300 (5070)
2300 mm
Oil barrel
2800 mm (9'2'')
All details provided are for general information only. Exact dimensions subject to selected machine configuration and final packing list.
Alterations without prior notice. The illustrations do not necessarily show the standard version of machine.
Your partner
M 111.1e / 1-0304