EarthSci LearningAct M6 Belarmino&Macarubbo
EarthSci LearningAct M6 Belarmino&Macarubbo
EarthSci LearningAct M6 Belarmino&Macarubbo
Module 6
Name/s: Ayesha Faye M. Belarmino & Juliana A. ade: 11 - BFO
Teacher: Christopher Allan Reballos Strand: STEM
Worksheet 4
Directions: Identify how mines affect the environment and investigate ways to reducing the
impact. This is comparing a diagram showing activities at a mine site and a table to be
completed. Use the table to summarize environmental impacts of the mine and actions at the
mine to reduce these impacts.
Module 6
Look closely at the impacts in the diagram of a mine site and consider the features and
activities that could affect on the environment (air, water, land, energy and waste
management). List these in the table below.
Consider which features at the mine site could reduce these impacts. List these in the last
column of the table.
Mining activities that may
Actions taken at the mine to
Aspects of environment have impact on the
reduce the impact
Hundreds of tons of rock are We should do the air
unearthed, moved, and management plan or
crushed in mining operations technique aerial seeding to
significantly increasing the the place that is exposed to
amount of dust and air pollutions.
Air particulates in the air. In
addition, mine tailings, which
may contain finely ground
and even toxic waste, can
become airborne. This air
pollution can directly affect
human health.
Mines that go beneath the We need to do everything
water table are dewatered by possible to protect our water
pumping, which draws-down resource and ensure that no
the water table in the harm comes to society as a
surrounding landscape. This result of contaminated water.
can reduce the water And the mining industry
available to other users and needs to implement these
Water reduce the discharge to necessary water treatment
streams and other and saving processes like,
groundwater-dependent diverting runoff water to
ecosystems. prevent contamination of
nearby water sources and
implement a constant water
management system both
during and long after all
mining efforts on the site in
order to do so.
Mining can result in erosion, Reduce the input of the
sinkholes, loss of mine. By diverting surface
biodiversity, or the water and pumping
contamination of soil, groundwater, mines can
Land groundwater, and surface reduce both the quantity and
water by the chemicals quality of water available
emitted from mining downstream for aquatic
processes. ecosystems and other use.
Plus, the water will not leak
so that the land will not
become soft to prevent
Mining practices release When it comes to energy, a
greenhouse gases like mining company can look
methane and carbon dioxide into alternative energy
Energy into our atmosphere. sources such as solar or
wind power. By reducing the
energy usage, a mine can
reduce greenhouse gases.
The specific environmental Management, mines can
impact of waste depends look at using sustainable
heavily on the materials equipment. They should use
composition, type of ore the equipment used that is
mined, and the way the ore environmentally friendly.
Waste Management is processed. For example,
gangue and tailings from
mining heavy metals could
have a high concentration of
sulfides which could cause
acid rock drainage to occur.