Why Mine?: What Environmental Regulations Are in Place?
Why Mine?: What Environmental Regulations Are in Place?
Why Mine?: What Environmental Regulations Are in Place?
Why mine?
Mining provides us with minerals, metals and other materials we use every day and the fuel
used to generate electricity. These minerals have economic value and can benefit mankind.
Although in Australia, less than 1% of the land is mined, depending on the size of the mine,
method of mining and location, mining can have a significant impact on the environment. To
minimise the effects of this impact, careful planning, management and supervision are required.
Pre-mining studies are conducted into the area’s In open-cut mining operations, rehabilitation occurs
climate, soil, topography and community views are along with the mine’s development. Top soil is stripped
sought on the best use of the land post mining. and stockpiled prior to mining for later use over
rehabilitated areas. As mining ceases in one area
How is mined land rehabilitated? bulldozers and scrapers are used to reshape the
disturbed area. Water drainage is designed to make the
Factors such as rainfall, winds, temperature range, pre- new land surface as stable as possible. Dams can be
existing vegetation, ground water quality, soil built to protect the area further from erosion and act as
conditions, a permanent water storage area. The final contours of
topography, the land forms are smoothed and planted with
native flora vegetation.
and fauna are
The progress of the rehabilitation is monitored with
all taken into
miners usually prohibiting further land use until the
vegetation is well established.
rehabilitation In underground coal mining, surface land subsidence
plans and can occur. A range of improved engineering techniques
activities are is used to design the layout and dimensions of
developed underground mine workings to minimise and control
Water testing is conducted on site
and subsidence.
Source: Qld Resources Council
This table sets out some of these impacts and methods used to minimise them.
Animal and plant habitats are destroyed Disturbed areas are rehabilitated or new habitats
developed in line with the needs of local animal and
plant species
The land is changed significantly as a result of Top soil is removed and reused later in rehabilitation.
open-cut mining. Land forms are re-contoured to resemble the natural
landscape or shaped for other purposes determined
by the local community e.g. grazing land or
Large pits are created from open-cut mining. Pits can be backfilled or used as storage areas for
Underground mining can cause land subsidence. In hard rock mining underground areas are backfilled
with waste from the mining operations.
Waste from minerals processing is collected in Tailings dams can eventually be covered with clay
tailings dams. and topsoil and then revegetated. Monitoring of the
tailings occurs post mining.
Dust is emitted from tailings dams, open-cut Water trucks use recycled water whenever possible
mine stockpiles and trucks carrying ore. on mine sites to suppress the dust.
Water is used in the processing of minerals, Water is recycled wherever possible with excess
washing of vehicles to prevent the spread of water contained in dams.
weeds and for dust suppression.
Vehicles on mine sites emit greenhouse gas The use of fuel efficient vehicles reduces the level of
emissions emissions.
Impacts Diagram
(Impacts Table and Activity on page 2).
OresomeResources ‐ Queensland Resources Council ‐ Minerals and Energy Education
T (07) 3295 9560 F (07) 3295 9570
Level 13 133 Mary St Brisbane, Queensland 4000 – www.oresomeresources.com
Impacts Table
Look closely at the Impacts Diagram of a mine site and consider the features and activities that could have an effect on the
environment (air, water, land, energy and waste management). List these in the table below.
Consider which features and activities at the mine site could reduce these impacts. List these in the last column of the table.
OresomeResources ‐ Queensland Resources Council ‐ Minerals and Energy Education
T (07) 3295 9560 F (07) 3295 9570
Level 13 133 Mary St Brisbane, Queensland 4000 – www.oresomeresources.com