IConPhy Parallel Session Schedule

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The 1st International Conference on Physics (IConPhy)

in conjunction with
The 2nd International Symposium on Green Material and Technology (ISGMT)

Room :A
Moderator : Ahmad Dahlan,S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Operator : Rian
Zoom meeting ID : 997 9211 2507
Password : PHYSICS
Link for uploading ppt : bit.ly/iconphyppt

No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
The Physics Teachers Performance in The Aspects of Learning Implementation
1 14.00-14.10 Reviewed From Students Assesment of Senior High School in Banjarmasin ED-001
Arifuddin Jamal, Rifda Nur Hikmahwati Arif and Rifda Mardian Arif
Conceptual Changes in Problem-Based Distance Learning with Edmodo on Wave
2 14.10-14.20 Materials ED-002
Fitroh Fuadah, Lia Yuliati and Parno
Analysis of Students' Physics Learning Results with E-Learning during the COVID-
3 14.20-14.30 19 Pandemic at SMANegeri 12 Bone ED-003
S. Salmiah Sari, Marhamah Zul and Abd. Haris
Analysis the Psychomotor Ability in virtual
Instrumentation practicum for Students Physics
4 14.30-14.40 ED-004
Department in the era of pandemic
S.Salmiah.S and Jack.S
Mathematical Communication Skills in Physics Learning with Ecophysical-Based
REACT Strategy as a Pandemic Era Learning Solution
5 14.40-14.50 ED-005
Nur Indah Jaya, Agustin Wahyu Trisna N, Muh Nur Ghani I M and Mutahharah
Science Misconceptions Analysis Between Factual and Conceptual Dimensions
6 14.50-15.00 in Junior High School Students in Tamalate District of Makassar ED-006
Rifda Nur Hikmahwati Arif
Analysis of Student’s Psychomotor Abilities in the
Fundamental Physics Experiment of the Geometry
7 15.00-15.10 ED-007
Optic Topic during the COVID-19 Pandemic
S. Salmiah Sari and Imanuel Iglesyas Rappun
Development of Science Literacy-Based Learning Tools for Prospective Physics
8 15.10-15.20 Teacher FMIPA ED-008
M.A. Martawijaya, Mutahharah Hasyim and A. Sri Astika Wahyuni
No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
Infographics Media Development Supported by Social Media Instagram as A
9 15.30-15.40 Supplementary Media for Physics Learning at SMAN 11 Makassar ED-009
Dindi Akhlakul Karimah, Subaer and Nurhayati
Physics Student's LMS SYAM OKE Usage Perception During Distance Online
10 15.50-16.00 Learning ED-010
Kaharuddin Arafah, Pariabti Palloan and Ahmad Dahlan
Analysis of Nature of Science in Indonesian High School Physics Textbooks
11 16.00-16.10 ED-011
Hartono Bancong and Sukmawati
Effectiveness of Using Google Classroom as a Virtual Class in Physics Learning in
12 16.10-16.20 a Pandemic Period ED-012
Subhan Jaelani
Development Of A Project-Based Hybrid Learning Model to Improve Student's
Problem-Solving Ability and Learning Independence in The COVID-19 Pandemic
13 16.20-16.30 ED-013
Dian Pramana Putra
Affirmation The Dimension of Physics Literacy of Local Wisdom-Based in SMAN
3 Wajo
14 16.30-16.40 ED-014
M.A. Martawijaya, Abdul Haris , Mutahharah Hasyim and Nurul Wahdah

Secretary of the 1st IConPhy 2021

Vicran Zharvan
The 1st International Conference on Physics (IConPhy)
in conjunction with
The 2nd International Symposium on Green Material and Technology (ISGMT)

Room :B
Moderator : Dr. Husain Ahmad, S.Si.,M.Pd.
Operator : Rian
Zoom meeting ID : 997 9211 2507
Password : PHYSICS
Link for uploading ppt : bit.ly/iconphyppt

No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
Sliding Gate Opener System with Smartphone Control Using Bluetooth
1 14.00-14.10 Connection SNC-001
Budhi Anto, Amir Hamzah , Dahliyusmanto , Yonni Safadro, Fadly Arif
The Effect of Binder Concentration Towards Gelcasting Porous Ceramics
Capability as TiO2 Catalyst Support in Degrading Methyl Orange (MO) Dye
2 14.10-14.20 SNC-002
Suriati Eka Putri, Diana Eka Pratiwi, Rachmat Triandi Tjahjanto, Susilo
Sudarman Desa, Abd. Rahman
Morphology and Crystal Structure Analysis of Nanopowders Hematite (α-
3 14.20-14.30 Fe2O3) Derived from Natural Resources Using Co-Precipitation Method SNC-003
K. Krisdayanti, N. Nurhayati, A. Susanto, Y. Taryana, H. Husain
Study of Magnetic Mineral Properties of Bat Cave Guano in the Rammang-
Rammang Karst Area Using X-Ray Diffraction Method
4 14.30-14.40 SNC-004
Vistarani Arini Tiwow, Muhammad Arsyad, Meytij Jeanne Rampe, Pariabti
Palloan, Sulistiawaty, Henny Lieke Rampe and Arise Sambolangi

Magnetic Susceptibility and Heavy Metal Contamination in Bat Cave Guano in

the Rammang-Rammang Karst Area
5 14.40-14.50 SNC-005
Arise Sambolangi, Firnanda Bastian, Yosua Arung Bone, Muhammad Arsyad,
Meytij Jeanne Rampe, and Vistarani Arini Tiwow
An ion conducting membrane based on Polyvinylidene
fluoridehexafluoropropylene and Cellulose acetate propionate: its application
to electrochemical devices
6 14.50-15.00 SNC-006
Venkatesh K, Jenova I, Karthikeyan S, Madeswaran S, Arivanandhan M,
Zurnansyah and Eko Hadi Sujiono
No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
Synthesis and Characterization of RGO/Chitosan Membranes From Natural
Waste as Functional Materials
7 15.00-15.10 A.Muhammad Afdhal Saputra, Nadea Agustina, Amran, Zurnansyah, Dirfan SNC-007
Zabrian,Samnur, Eko Hadi Sujiono

The Design of Low-Cost Spin Coating Using Fan Motor Brushless for its
Application of Thin Film Deposition
8 15.10-15.20 SNC-008
Dirfan Zabrian, Samnur, Resa pamilianto, Zurnansyah, Eko Hadi Sujiono
Graphite Powder Based on Coconut Shell Fabricated Using Modified
Temperature Treatment
9 15.30-15.40 SNC-009
Zurnansyah, N. Azizah, Mulyati, M. A. Yunita, N. Fahira, D. Zabrian, S.
Samnur, E. H. Sujiono
Graphene Oxide (GO) Membrane-Besed on Coconut Shell Synthesized by
Modified Hummers Method
10 15.50-16.00 SNC-010
E. H. Sujiono, Zurnansyah, N. Azizah, M. A. Yunita, D. Zabrian, S. Samnur

Theoretical Study of Graphene Quantum Dots by Density Functional Theory

11 16.00-16.10 SNC-011
Irwan Ramli, Sukarti
The Effect of YSZ Solid Electrolyte Thickness on ZnO Nanorods Thin Film on
the Performance of Solar Cells Based on Photoelectrochemical Cell
12 16.10-16.20 SNC-012
Fathurrakhman Ansar, M Tommy Hasan Abadi, Eprilia Trikusuma Sari, Eny
Latifah, Nandang Mufti
The Effect of Sago Starch Concentration on The Ability of Fe2O3-Porous
Ceramic for Phenol Photodegradation
13 16.20-16.30 SNC-013
Suriati Eka Putri, Sumiati Side, Nita Magfirah Ilyas, Abd. Rahman, Susilo
Sudarman Desa, Subaer
Preparation of LiFePO4 by solid-state synthesis using Li2SO4 as Lithium
14 16.30-16.40 SNC-014
Oki Putra, Rusdan Fadila, Dian Ratna Suminar, Eko Andrijanto

Determination of the formation rate of green silver nanoparticles synthesized

15 16.40-16.50 using Artocarpus altilis leaf extract and characterization of the particle SNC-015
P. J. Patty, M. K. Nurue, A. Y. Elake, S. C. Wattimena

Secretary of the 1st IConPhy 2021

Vicran Zharvan
The 1st International Conference on Physics (IConPhy)
in conjunction with
The 2nd International Symposium on Green Material and Technology (ISGMT)

Room :C
Moderator : Vicran Zharvan,S.Si., M.Si.
Operator : Rian
Zoom meeting ID : 997 9211 2507
Password : PHYSICS
Link for uploading ppt : bit.ly/iconphyppt

No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
A Review of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Landfill Leachate as an Indicator
Proxy of Heavy Metal Pollution
1 14.00-14.10 SNC-016
Muhammad Fatih Amar Fauzan, Imam Ashari Sandi, Muhammad Destisa
Caprian, Meytij Jeanne Rampe, Pariabti Palloan, Vistarani Arini Tiwow

A Review of the Potential of Magnetic Susceptibility Methods for Monitoring

the Feasibility of Soil Fertility for Horticultural Crops Cultivation
2 14.10-14.20 SNC-017
Fitriani, Muhammad Fatih Amar Fauzan, Rahmad, Meytij Jeanne Rampe,
Sulistiawaty, Vistarani Arini Tiwow
Analyzing the Physical Properties of Agricultural Soil from the Application of
Activated Charcoal as a Solution for Pesticide Residue Control in the
3 14.20-14.30 SNC-018
Agricultural Environment
Nuralisya Ibrahim, Muhammad Fauzan, Riska Yuliana, Sulistiawaty
Infrared Curve Pattern of Coconut Shell Pyrolysis Charcoal with Acetic Acid
Purification and Hot Water
4 14.30-14.40 SNC-019
Meytij Jeanne Rampe, Henny Lieke Rampe, Vistarani Arini Tiwow, Billy Langi

Synthesis and characterization graphene thin film based coconut shell waste
for supercapacitor application
5 14.40-14.50 SNC-020
Muchlis , Eko Hadi Sujiono , Zurnansyah , Dirfan Zabrian , Samnur , Hukmatul
Hujja, Muhammad Irsan Abdul Aziz
Production and Characterization Light-Weight Composite Geopolymer-Fiber
6 14.50-15.00 Glass SNC-021
Amran,Subaer and Husain
The Use of Synthetic Zeolite to Increase Water Absorption in the Barren Land
7 15.00-15.10 of Jeneponto, South Sulawesi SNC-022
Aristiawati Pasombo, Imam Ashari Sandi, Nanda Nur Ariska, Subaer
No (Indonesia Title and Authors Code
Middle Time)
Fabrication of Fluorine-Doped Tin Oxide Fabricated by Spray Methods
8 15.10-15.20 SNC-023
Sahrul Saehana, Darsikin, Nadriatul Sulfana, Eka Wahyuni and Zainal Arifin
Extraction of Clay from Kendari Bay as The Source of Silica
9 15.30-15.40 SNC-024
Muhammad Anas
Characterization of Fabricating Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide Using Spray
10 15.50-16.00 SNC-025
Sahrul Saehana, Darsikin, Nadriatul Sulfana, Eka Wahyuni, and Zainal Arifin
Development of Hydrogen Generators with Plant Chloroplasts Shape
11 16.00-16.10 Muhammad Rasikh Ilmi, Teguh Wibawa Pasarai, Muh. Destisa Caprian and SNC-026
Mutahharah Hasyim
Characterization Tests (HPLC, SEM, XRD) on Melamine Molecularly Imprinted
12 16.10-16.20 Polymer Synthesized with The Cooling-Heating Method SNC-027
The Effect of Rice Husk Ash Addition on Mechanical Properties of One-part
13 16.20-16.30 Geopolymer Based on Fly Ash and Silica Fume SNC-028
A. Ida Nurfaida Nur, Subaer and Nurhayati

Secretary of the 1st IConPhy 2021

Vicran Zharvan

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