Terbaru Listening
Terbaru Listening
Terbaru Listening
Inual art : (Inspiration themes in inuit art) = tema inspirasi dalam seni inuit
Angler Fish : (although the deep sea anglerfish has been subject...) = meskipun anglerfish di laut
Continental drift : (in 1915 a germant scientist, alfred wegener published the book...)
Peran keluarga : (in new colonial england the during seventeenth and eighteenth centuries...)
Soal lama :
Pertanyaan Sampai habis seperti di soal lama
Awalan soal :
- If by suburb
- The first english attempt
- Botany
- The agricultural
- It was not the comet
Listening :
1. The women and the man have plans to eat out together
2. The calendar shows the wrong month
3. They will arrive late for dinner
4. Their team nearly lost the game
5. He is planning to stay until the conference finished
6. The man can buy detergent at the store
7. It is nicer than the holiday motel
8. Canadian winters are rather long
9. His private lesson did not help him
10. The committee has just begun to write the report
11. They will probably have to play in the gym
12. Change some woring in his letter
13. He is cancelling the choir rehearsal because of illness
14. He sometime get headches after doing compouter work
15. The man will find job if he continues to look
1. Comsky
2. Other food
3. Order sandwich
4. Perpus near health care
5. Disappointed university
6. The weather clear
7. He borrow her book
8. Tell the prof schedule every week
9. Took akan buka sedikit lebih lama (will open a little longer)
10. Prof cannot comes janet presentation
11. Semua sudah dipersiapkan oleh prof (all have been prepared by profesor)
12. Tidak usah membayar denda perpus (no need to pay the library penalty)
13. Liat di mading student center (look at the wall student center)
14. She help him after lunch
15. Lukisannya bagus karena memperlihatkan talent si cowok (painting are good because
show talent si cowok)
16. Wanita itu akan pinjamkan buku (the woman will lend/borrow a book )
17. Exhibition to nevada
18. Komputernya rusak seharian (her/his computer is broken all day)
19. Ada refund dan kecewa konser batal (refund because concert cancelled)
20. Film ditonton dilayar lebar (movies watched on the big screen)
21. Cewek tidak jadi nonton karena tiket habis (woman don’t wacth because ticket run out)
22. Mejanya murah (cheap table)
23. Cowok juga capek pas awal gym (he was also tired from the beginning og the gym)
24. Mereka tidak ikut party mark (did not join the party mark)
25. Cewek dipinjami buku sosiologi cowok (she lend sosiology book him)
26. Mereka berdua pergi ke carner fair (they both go/went to the carner fair)
27. Laptopnya lebih cepat dari yang lama (the laptop is faster the old one)
28. Print di perpus (print in the library)
29. Cewek tidak bisa bantu jemput (she cannot help picking up)
30. Cari orang untuk diajak sekamar apartement (find someone to share an apartement with)
31. Mereka berdua tertarik mancari job bareng (interesting to find job/career together)