314 Lec Course Task
314 Lec Course Task
314 Lec Course Task
1. What alternative modes of communication have you used in talking with your
Most oftenly we used expressive communication which refers to the way in which someone
conveys thoughts. Some methods of expressive communication include speaking, signing, gesturing,
pointing, or crying. My grandparents frequently find it difficult to recall everything that was discussed
during an appointment about their condition and care for example he tends to forget to eat or drink her
medication so I write down her schedules. Older adults, in particular, can benefit from having written
notes to refer to that summarize the main points of the visit. As a result, I try to write notes that are
simple and clear, avoiding ambiguous or complicated language. For example, instead of "Increase
fluids," I write, "Drink at least one 6-oz glass of water every two hours." Also my Grandmother has
difficulty with letters and numbers, so I give a context for her . For instance, say, "'m' as in Mary," "'two'
as in twins," or "'b' as in boy." Say each number separately (for example, "five, six" instead of "fifty-six").
Hence, I’m especially careful with letters that sound alike (for example, m and n, and b, c, d, e, t, and v).
The most effective and most commonly we are using is expressive communication the easily
express your wants and needs through verbal or nonverbal communication. It is their ability to
communicate using verbal language and non-verbal cues, such as gesture and facial expression. My
grandparents may be pre-verbal or possess a limited vocabulary; They are not able to articulately
express needs but cannot engage in fluent interactions. When we have difficulties in communicating
effectively and fluently they feel of frustrated, neglected, and anxious that they cannot make
themselves understood. But with this alternative they can use facial expression and gestures while
telling me what they feel . I think that the most effective is this since it doesn’t take time like writing and
easy to convey.
On all of the methods of communication we used, the taking notes or writing what she want to say
is the most challenging firstly because of the barrier which is her eyesight. My grandma can’t write or
read without her reading glasses so every time we’re trying this method she will need her glasses.
However the real problem is her forgetfulness because if she can’t find her glasses there is no way we
can use this method . This method is really useful and understandable since my grandma is able to read
and write , so I can write everything I want to say so it’s easy to interpret . Yet, her eyesight and
forgetfulness is on the way so whenever she doesn’t know where her glasses is then we will try another
method of communicating.