Experimental Study of Digital Water Level Indicator
Experimental Study of Digital Water Level Indicator
Experimental Study of Digital Water Level Indicator
Session: 2016-17
A Graduation Exercise Submitted to the Department of
Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
A Thesis
Session: 2016-17
The report has been prepared under my guidelines and is a record of the bona fide
work carried out successfully.
We, hereby, declare that the work presented in this report is the outcome of the
investigation performed by us under the supervision of Md Mostofa Hossain
,Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Sonargaon University (SU)
Dhaka, Bangladesh.. The work was spread over final year courses, ME400:
Thesis/Project, in accordance with the course curriculum of the Department for the
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering program.
Name : Md.Rocket Hossain
ID NO : BME1601008097
Name : Md.Khalid Hasan
ID NO : BME11601008105
Name : Md.Suvo Islam
ID NO : BME1601008106
Name :Poritush Deb
ID NO : BME1601008107
Countersign by
Finally, we would like to thank our chairman sir and department for
giving us this chance to complete the project with all the facilities needed
for it.
The Author
September 2019
Certification of Acceptance I
Declaration of Candidates Ii
Acknowledgements Iii
Abstract Iv
1.3 Objectives 11
3.1 Introduction
3.5.2 Lcd
3.5.3 Sensors
3.5.4 Potentiometer
3.6 Registor
3.6.1 Buzzer
3.6.2 jumper
3.6.4 Assembly
4.4 Software
5.1 Conclusion
Chapter 1
We face to much problem while making this project at first the lcd changes
automatically for solve this problem we add 10k resistor in the sensor unit and thus
the problem is solve. Then when we connect motor lcd goes white a back current flow
from the relay to arduino board this problem we solve by using a two channel relay
because here is present isolator, the isolator isolate the relay and reduces the back
1.3 Objectives:
There are some objectives need to be achieved in order to accomplish this project.
These objectives will act as a guide and will restrict the system to be implemented for
certain situations:
1) To develop water level control system, to control the water level in the tank.
2) To check the level of water in the tank , depending on the water level switches the
motor on when the water level goes below a predetermined level or switches the
motor off when the tank full .
3) To display the water level and other important data on a 16 x 2 LCD.
4) To monitoring the level of water in the sump tank (source tank). If the level inside
the sump tank is low, the motor will not be switched on, and a beep sound is
This project focuses to the low cost automatic water pump indicator and controller.
The project involves the evolution of automatic water techniques . The controlling
automatic water system in two tank. Some scope and limitation have been set to
complete this project in a more systematic and organized. Sensor used to control the
water level. But there are some limitation in this project we cannot handle high
voltage. When we plug high voltage the lcd display remains white, but still work.
This thesis paper, entitled Experimental Study Of Digital water level indicator is
divided into five chapters. A brief discussion of the chapters is the following-
2.1 Introduction:
Throughout history mankind has tried to control the world in which he lives. From
the earliest days he realized that his puny strength was no match for the creatures
around him. He could only survive by using his wits and cunning. His major asset
over all other life from flint, stone and bone and discovered that it was possible to
train other animals to do his bidding and so the earliest form of control system was
conceived. Before long the horse and ox were deployed to undertake a variety of
tasks, including transport. It took a long time before man learned to replace animals
with machines.
Automatic control is one of today’s most significant areas of science and technology.
This can be attributed to the fact that automation is linked to the development of
almost every form of technology. By its very nature, automatic control is a
multidisciplinary subject; it constitutes a core course in many engineering
departments, such as electrical, electronic, mechanical, chemical, and aeronautical.
Automatic control requires both a rather strong mathematical foundation, and
implementation skills to work with controllers in practice.
Automatic control has developed rapidly over the last 60 years. An impressive boost
to this development was provided by the technologies that grew out of space
exploration and the second World War. In the last 20 years, automatic control has
undergone a significant and rapid development due mainly to digital computers.
Indeed, recent developments in digital computers especially their increasingly low
cost facilitate their use in controlling complex systems and processes.
Automatic control is a vast technological area whose central aim is to develop control
strategies that improve performance when they are applied to a system or a process.
The results reported thus far on control design techniques are significant from both a
theoretical and a practical perspective. From the theoretical perspective, these results
are presented in great depth, covering a wide variety of modern control problems,
such as optimal and stochastic control, adaptive and robust control, and system
identification. From the practical point of view, these results have been successfully
implemented in numerous practical systems. And processes—for example, in
controlling temperature, pressure, and fluid level; in electrical energy plants; in
industrial plants producing paper, cement, steel, sugar, plastics, clothes, and food; in
nuclear and chemical reactors; in ground, sea, and air, transportation systems; and in
robotics, space applications, farming, biotechnology, and medicine.
A close examination of the various machines and apparatus that are manufactured
today leads to the conclusion that they are partially or entirely automated; this lead to
the conclusion that automatic control is used in all facets of human technical activities
and contributes to the advancement of modern technology. The distinct characteristic
of automatic control is that it reduces, as much as possible, the human participation
in all the aforementioned technical activities. This usually results in decreasing labor
cost, which in turn allows the production of more goods and the construction of
more works. Furthermore, automatic control reduces work hazards, while it
contributes in reducing working hours, thus offering to working people a better
quality of life (more free time to rest, develop hobbies, have fun,etc.). Control
systems have been in existence since ancient times. A well-known ancient automatic
control system is the regulator of Heron of Alexandria this control system was
designed to open the doors of a temple automatically when a fire was lit at the altar
located outside the temple and to close the doors when the fire was put out. Until
about the middle of the 18th century, automatic control has no particular progress to
show. The use of control started to advance in the second half of the 18th century, due
to James Watt, who, in 1769, invented the first centrifugal speed regulator. In
particular, this regulator was used to control the speed of the steam engine.
The period until about the middle of the 19th century is characterized by
developments based on intuition, i.e., there was no mathematical background for
control design.
Introduction of Arduino
Chapter 3
3.1 Introduction:
Water is the most important natural resources in human’s life. Human needs the water
in almost all daily activities such as washing, cleaning, taking a bath, the irrigation,
and the industry needs. However, the amount of clean water is decreasing, whereas
the number of people in the world are always increasing. Considering to the need of
water for each island in Indonesia, especially Java island, Bali island, and Nusa
Tenggara island, it can be analyzed that the clean water supply must be improved in
order to fulfill the people need of the clean water regularly. The technology
contributes to the culture changes . The technology is commonly made in order to
help the people perform some activities easy. Consequently, the cultural change is
usually triggered by the technological transformation. One of the present technologies
is the automation technology. In some cases, the people sometimes want to carry out
their work to be set automatically so that they can save the energy to perform another
activity. Some sophisticated automation materials have been established in order to
set some works automatically such as ArduinoTM microprocessor, which enable to
control the electrical circuits logically. can be programmed using C++ language. This
microcontroller is the AVR type produced by Atmel firm. The device is able to read
the input, process the program, and produce many outputs based on our necessity.
Therefore, microcontroller is like a human brain. At the previous works, considering
to the watering purposes, it can be found that the ArduinoTM based sensors have
been utilized for the plant watering system , the automated irrigation system , the soil
humidity monitoring, the automated bottle filling syst, the distance measurement, the
temperature control. In this research, we will propose a novel utilization of
ArduinoTM based sensor for the automatic water tank filling. A prototype of
automatic water tank filling employing the ArduinoTM microcontroller will be
developed. Water pump is a tool used for pumping the groundwater to fill a water
tank. The various water pump models have currently been used. The first model, the
water pump can be operated by turning on and turning off the machine manually. On
the other model, the water pump is equipped by a floating ball acted as a physically
tap when the water has fulfilled a tank. However, some weaknesses can be discovered
due to both models. The manually-operating water pump is not efficient because the
water pump cannot turn on and turn off automatically. Sometimes, the condition will
cause the water spill when somebody forgot to turn off a pumping machine. It will
affect to the wasteful electrical consumption, and it can also destruct the wall because
the wall is moist, humid, and mossy. Likewise, we argue that the second model of
floating ball tap-equipped water tank is more useful than manual switch, but the
floater sometimes makes the tap and the pipe leakages because the ball has not firmly
closed the tap frame then the water pressure cannot be retained by the pipe. To handle
the problems caused by both model, we intend to propose the water pump equipped
by ultrasonic sensor with ArduinoTM microcontroller in order to make an automatic
switch and control the level of the tank water filling. The sensor will automatically
turn on the machine in the certain water tank level and it will be turned off
automatically after the water tank is fully filled by the water.
There are some objectives need to be achieved in order to accomplish this project.
16 X 2 LCD
A basic Arduino structure consists of two functions called setup() and loop() as
shown in Figure 1.3.
We are actually writing these special functions by giving them a function body
(between the opening and closing braces: {}) and writing statements in the function
body. [5]
• Hardware
• Software
Arduino is composed of two major parts: (i) the Arduino board, which is the
hardware part to work on to build required objects; (ii) the Arduino Integrated
Development Environment, or IDE, which is a software part to do programming is
used to create a sketch (a little computer program) that is uploaded to Arduino board.
The sketch tells the board what to do and when to do. The Arduino board is a small
microcontroller board contains a whole computer on a small chip (the microcontroller
in this case). Figure 1.1 shows pin layout of Arduino Uno R3.
Figure 3.3.2 Arduino Uno R3 pin layout [2]
3.5.2 LCD
Figure: 3.5.2 basic Lcd Diagram
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide
range of applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very
commonly used in various devices and circuits. A 16X2 LCD means it can display
16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is
displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and
Data. The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A
command is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task.
3.5.3 Sensors:
Figure : 3.5.3 Sensors
The sensor assembly consists of four aluminum wires arranged at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and
full levels in the tank. The dry ends of these wires are connected to analog input pins
A1, A2, A3 and A4 of the Arduino respectively. A fifth wire is positioned at the
bottom of the tank
3.5.4 Potentiometer:
Figure : 3.5.4 Potentiometer
3.6.1 Buzzer:
When we power our aurdino board it senses the lower tank situation if empty buzzer
is on,if water is present sense water tank 4 sensors if the water under half level motor
is on if full motor is not turn on.
3.6.4 Assembly:
In our project first we connect the lcd into a vero board than solder it then we connect
wires after connecting wires we place another vero board for connecting external
supply like sensors, motor, supply line. Than we connect two channel relay module
by male to female connector then we make a box and all the item setup in our box.
The box is play wood box it is easier for sizing.
3.6.5 Hardware Design:
The system performs the sensing level and control activities without the manual
observation and attention in the site. Being an automatic system unavailing manpower
and providing information for long period of time. The automatic water level control
system has the following main components.
The sensor assembly consists of four aluminum wires arranged at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full levels
in the tank. The dry ends of these wires are connected to analog input pins A1, A2, A3 and
A4 of the Arduino respectively. A fifth wire is positioned at the bottom of the tank
The basic operation of control unit is the controlling water pump by arduino which is
programmed by particular program. Water pump are connected with an output pin of
arduino via a relay circuit which is connected with a transistor
4.1 Introduction:
In real life, a lot of water is wasted every day from residential areas, offices and
hospitals. Water is essential in various ways and such a huge amount of water
wastage can lead to its scarcity in future. Based on Arduino board, the controller is
designed using an ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level and an LCD to display
water level. The report is organized into three chapters including an introduction and
conclusions. The first chapter introduces Arduino in terms of hardware and software,
and clarifies why we use Arduino in our project. The second chapter covers the
design aspect of our project. It will show the functions of hardware components that
are used in this project. Moreover, it will present the Arduino water level controller
circuit. The third chapter shows the simulation of water level controller in software
simulation. It also shows the final implementation of Arduino water level controller
in hardware designing.
Figure : 4.2 Main Schematics
The circuit diagram of the water level controller using Arduino is shown above.
Conductive method is used to measure the level. The sensor assembly consists of four
aluminum wires arranged at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full levels in the tank. The dry ends of
these wires are connected to analog input pins A1, A2, A3 and A4 of the Arduino
respectively. A fifth wire is positioned at the bottom of the tank. Resistors R6 to R9
are pull down resistors.The dry end of this wire is connected to +5V DC. When the
water touches a particular probe, electrical connection is established between that
probe and the +5V probe because water has slight conductivity. As a result current
flows through that probe and this current is converted into a proportional voltage by
the pull down resistor. Arduino reads the voltage dropped across each pull down
resistor for sensing the level of water in the tank. Same method is used for measuring
the level of water in the sump tank.
Digital pin 7 of the Arduino controls the buzzer and digital pin 8 controls the motor.
Transistor Q1 drives the buzzer and resistor R5 limits the base current of Q1.
Transistor Q2 drives the relay. Resistor R3 limits the base current of Q2. D2 is a
freewheeling diode. POT R2 is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD.
The Arduino reads the sensor output through the analog input pins using analogRead
function. For example q=analogRead(qut); converts the voltage (in the range 0 to 5V)
at the “quarter” probe into a number (in the range 0 to 1023) and saves it into the
variable “q”. This way the voltage at each prob is scanned to corresponding variables.
The these variables are compared to a fixed number (100 here) for identifying the
current condition. Actually 100 is the equivalent of 0.48 volts and if the voltage at a
particular sensor is greater than this, it is considered as an electrical continuity and
water is assumed to be touching the probe. The vale of the fixed number (comparison
variable”v”) needs some adjustment because the resistivity of water changes from
place to place and the gap between the sensor probes will be different in different
This article is a about a fully functional water level controller using Arduino. The
circuit displays the level of water in the tank and switches the motor ON when the
water level goes below a predetermined level. The circuit automatically switches the
motor OFF when the tank is full. The water level and other important data are
displayed on a 16×2 LCD display. The circuit also monitors the level of water in the
sump tank (source tank). If the level in side the sump tank is low, the motor will not
be switched ON and this protects the motor from dry running. A beep sound is
generated when the level in the sump tank is low or if there is any fault with the
sensors. The circuit diagram of the water level controller using Arduino is shown
above. Conductive method is used to measure the level. The sensor assembly consists
of four aluminum wires arranged at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full levels in the tank. The dry
ends of these wires are connected to analog input pins A1, A2, A3 and A4 of the
Arduino respectively. A fifth wire is positioned at the bottom of the tank. Resistors
R6 to R9 are pull down resistors.The dry end of this wire is connected to +5V DC.
When the water touches a particular probe, electrical connection is established
between that probe and the +5V probe because water has slight conductivity. As a
result current flows through that probe and this current is converted into a
proportional voltage by the pull down resistor. Arduino reads the voltage dropped
across each pull down resistor for sensing the level of water in the tank. Same method
is used for measuring the level of water in the sump tank.
Digital pin 7 of the Arduino controls the buzzer and digital pin 8 controls the motor.
Transistor Q1 drives the buzzer and resistor R5 limits the base current of Q1.
Transistor Q2 drives the relay. Resistor R3 limits the base current of Q2. D2 is a
freewheeling diode. POT R2 is used to adjust the contrast of the LCD. resistor R1
limits the current through the back light LED. Resistor R4 limits the current through
the power ON LED. Complete program for the water level controller using Arduino is
given below.
When we power our aurdino board it senses the lower tank situation if empty buzzer
is on,if water is present sense water tank 4 sensors if the water under half level motor
is on if full motor is not turn on.
4.4 Software:
In our project we use Arduino software at first we write program then verify it then
connect our arduino board then go to tools and select our board then click upload.
4.5 Programming Coding:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int sump=A0;
int qut=A1;
int hlf=A2;
int thf=A3;
int ful=A4;
int motor=8;
int buz=7;
int s;
int q;
int h;
int t;
int f;
int i; //motor status flag
int v=100; //comparison variable(needs some adjustment)
int b=0; //buzzer flag
int m=0; //motor flag
int c=0; //sump flag
void setup()
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop()
lcd.print("Motor ON");
lcd.print("Motor OFF");
if(b==1 || c==1)
Chapter 5
5.1 Conclusion:
Automation of the various components around us has been widely increased to reduce
human intervention and save time. It is known that improper water management can
have harmful effects on both the system and the environment. The main objective of
this project is not only to reduce manual labour but also help save water in an
efficient manner. Finally, a conclusion can drawn that this project can definitely be
useful on a large scale basis due to its minimum requirement of man power and also
the installation process being easier making it more compatible for everyone to use.
[1] www.Arduino.cc
[2] Getting Started with Arduino by Massimo Banzi and Michael Shiloh 3rd
edition 2009
[3] Michael Margolis, Arduino Cookbook, First Edition 2011
[4] Steven F. Barrett, Arduino Microcontroller Processing for Everyone! Third
Edition 2005
[5] https://www.tutorialspoint.com/arduino/
[6] http://startingelectronics.org
[7] https://circuitdigest.com
[8] http://arcbotics.com
[9] http://randomnerdtutorials.com
[10] http://circuit-diagramz.com/%E2%80%8B2n2222-transistor-circuitdiagrams/
[11] https://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/QuickRef
[15] Ejiofor Virginia Ebere (PhD) , OladipoOnaolapo Francisca (PhD),”
Microcontroller based Automatic Water level Control System”, Awka, Nigeria
[16] Erua J. Band, Anyasi, F. I,” Design of an Automatic Water Level Controller
Using Mercury FloatSwitch”,