Chapter Three Research Methods 3.1 Research Design

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3.1 Research Design

Survey method was used for collecting data for the study. The method was used because the type

of data gathered was quantitative as questionnaires were distributed to respondents in the course

of the study.

3.2 Study Location

The study location for this study is Surulere Local Government. Surulere is a residential and

commercial Local Government Area located on the mainland of Lagos in Lagos State, Nigeria,

with an area of 23 km2 (8.9 sq mi). At the last census in the year 2006, there were 503,975

inhabitants, with a population density of 21,864 inhabitants per square kilometer. The local

government area is bordered by Yaba, Mushin and Ebute-Metta.

3.3 Study Sample Size

The study utilized data generated from survey. The questionnaires that were used in the study

were administered only to adult male and female of within the study area. A sample size of

eighty (80) respondents from the population was randomly chosen for the analysis.

3.4 Sampling Technique

The sampling technique that was used for the study is the non-probability sampling technique.

Non-probability sampling is a technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does

not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. It does not rely on
random selection; it relies on subject judgment of the researcher. The type of non-probability

sampling adopted for the study is convenience sampling technique. Convenience sampling is a

non-probability sampling technique where subjects are selected because of their convenient

accessibility and proximity to the researcher. The reason why convenience sampling was used is

because Surulere Local Government secretariat is the location of the study.

3.5 Study Population

This refers to all those who have distinct features that are of interest to a researcher thereby

qualify them to participate in a research work. Therefore, the study population for this study is

male and female staff of Surulere local government.

3.6 Research Instruments

The research instrument used to collect data for this study was structured questionnaire. The

questionnaire was made brief and simple with the aim of generating the required and relevant

information from the respondents. The questionnaire was designed to allow respondents to

provide useful and varied information to the research questions.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

Data analysis refers to the way in which the collected data would be presented and interpreted in

a meaningful way and in which explanations are given for observations. The quantitative data

obtained will be evaluated through univariate and bivariate modes of analysis. The Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (S.P.S.S) will be used in collating and analyzing the collected data.





I am Gbemisola, a Postgraduate student of the above named institution conducting a research

on ‘embezzlement of capital funds and provision on infrastructural development in Surulere

Local Government of Lagos State between 2018 to 2021’. Your response to this questionnaire

will help in determining the relationship between management of funds and provision of

adequate infrastructure in the local government.

This questionnaire is designed as a research tool purely for academic purposes. Please kindly

provide valid and adequate responses to the questions as your identity will not be revealed.

Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Instruction: Please circle (o) where appropriate and your opinions as they best apply to you.

SECTION A: Socio-demographic characteristics

1. Gender Male 1

Female 2
2. Marital status Married 1

Divorced 2

Single 3

Widow 4
3. Educational Qualification Primary 1

Secondary 2

Tertiary 3

None 4
6. Department Treasury 1
Admin 2

Environment 3

Health 4

Engineering 5

Others (Specify) 6
4. Income per month Less than N30,000 1

N31,000-N50,000 2

N51,000-N70,000 3

N71,000-N90,000 4

N91,000-N110,000 5

110,000 and above 6

SECTION B: Causes of embezzlement of capital fund in Surulere Local Government

Lagos State

5. Do you think weak auditing system causes Yes 1

corruption? No 2

Not sure 3

6. Would you say lack of autonomy for local Yes 1

government causes corruption? No 2

Not sure 3
7. Do you agree with the notion that godfatherism Yes 1

makes it difficult to stop corruption? No 2

Not sure 3
8 Would you say high cost of governance is a Yes 1
causal factor for corruption No 2

Not sure 3
9 Do you think the lack of transparency in the Yes 1

award of contract causes corruption? No 2

Not sure 3

Section C: Relationship between poverty and embezzlement of Capital Funds on the

provision of Rural Infrastructure in Surulere Local Government of Lagos State

10. Dou you think poverty can lead to Yes 1

embezzlement of capital funds? No 2

Not sure 3
11. Would you say the growing inequality in the Yes 1

country can predispose LGA workers to No 2

embezzle capital funds Not sure 3

12. Do you agree with the notion that the Yes 1

perception of politics as a means of attaining No 2

wealth can intensify the kleptomania among Not sure 3

elected representatives
13. Would you say the general public don’t Yes 1

criticize political leaders because of the culture No 2

of “stomach infrastructure” Not sure 3

Section D: Relationship between poor reward system and embezzlement of Capital Funds

14. Would you say the wage structure of local Yes 1

government staff is enough for them to No 2

overlook opportunity for embezzlement? Not sure 3
15. Is there a reward for whistle blowing? Yes 1

No 2
16. Do you think retirees are treated well by the Yes 1

system after retirement? No 2

17. Would you say the way retirees are treated Yes 1

discourages staff from embezzling capital No 2


Section E: Effect of embezzlement of capital fund on the provision of Infrastructural

development in Surulere Local Government of Lagos State
18. Would you say infrastructural development Yes 1

can happen even with embezzlement of the No

funds? 2
19. Do you think embezzlement of capital fund Yes 1

have led to building of inadequate public No 2

infrastructures in the local government?

20. Would you say embezzlement of capital funds Yes 1

leads to poor maintenance of existing No 2

21. Do you agree with the notion that the Yes 1

embezzlement of capital funds can lead to poor No 2

economic investment due to lack of Not sure

22. Would you say the embezzlement of capital Yes 1

funds makes life difficult for people living in No 2

the local government? Not sure 3

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