Dry Gas Seal System Design Standards For Centrifugal Compressor Applications
Dry Gas Seal System Design Standards For Centrifugal Compressor Applications
Dry Gas Seal System Design Standards For Centrifugal Compressor Applications
Dry gas seals have been applied in process gas centrifugal Figure 1. Tandem Gas Seal/Barrier Seal Configuration.
compressors for more than 20 years. Over 80 percent of centrifugal
gas compressors manufactured today are equipped with dry gas seals. Dry gas seals are basically mechanical face seals, consisting of
Despite the 20-year trend of increasing dry gas seal applications, a mating (rotating) ring and a primary (stationary) ring (Figure 2).
an industry accepted standard for gas seal support system design During operation, grooves in the mating ring (Figure 3) generate a
does not exist. The American Petroleum Institute (API) has only fluid-dynamic force causing the primary ring to separate from the
recently addressed gas seal system design in its Standard 614 mating ring, creating a “running gap” between the two rings.
(1999). This paper proposes a set of gas seal system design Inboard of the dry gas seal is the inner labyrinth seal, which
standards for process gas centrifugal compressors on the basis of separates the process gas from the gas seal. A sealing gas is
safety, reliability, and economics. injected between the inner labyrinth seal and the gas seal,
This paper presents the philosophy of one centrifugal providing the working fluid for the running gap and the seal
compressor and dry gas seal original equipment manufacturer between the atmosphere or flare system and the compressor
(OEM) in regard to gas seal system design standards. These internal process gas.
standards are based on over 20 years of experience in the area of
gas seal system design, drawing from actual field experience of Barrier Seals
thousands of compressors. The reader shall recognize, however,
that numerous gas seal system design philosophies can be applied Outboard of the dry gas seal is a barrier seal, which separates
to achieve the same system objectives. the gas seal from the compressor shaft bearings (Figure 1). A
separation gas (typically nitrogen or air) is injected into the barrier
INTRODUCTION seals. The primary function of the barrier seal is the prevention of
lube oil migration into the gas seal. The barrier seal also serves as
Dry Gas Seals the last defense in the event of a catastrophic failure of the primary
Dry gas seals are available in a variety of configurations, but the and secondary gas seal. Traditional labyrinth seals or segmented
“tandem” style seal (Figure 1) is typically applied in process gas carbon ring seals are used in most barrier seal applications today.
service and is the basis for this paper. Other types of gas seals (such Segmented carbon ring barrier seals offer the advantage of
as double opposed) are not considered. Tandem seals consist of a substantially lower separation gas flow requirements due to the
primary seal and a secondary seal, contained within a single larger shaft clearance associated with labyrinth seals. The author
cartridge. During normal operation, the primary seal absorbs the has previously presented a more detailed comparison of
total pressure drop to the user’s vent system, and the secondary seal segmented carbon ring versus labyrinth barrier seals (Stahley,
serves as a backup should the primary seal fail. 2001).
Pressure (psia)
adjacent to the compressor. The purpose of the gas seal system is Seal Gas Dew Line Seal Gas with 20 deg. F Superheat Seal Gas with 100 deg. F Superheat
as follows:
Figure 4. Typical Seal Gas Phase Diagram.
• To provide clean, dry sealing gas to the faces of the dry gas seals.
• To provide clean, dry separation gas to the barrier seals. To properly evaluate potential liquid condensation, a computer
• To monitor the “health” of the dry gas seals and barrier seals. simulation of the gas seal system, from the customer connection
point to the primary seal vent, must be conducted during the system
SEAL GAS SUPPLY design phase. A 20°F margin above the seal gas dew point should
be maintained throughout the entire gas seal system. The computer
Source simulation will determine the level of seal gas superheating
The end user must provide a source of seal gas supply to the required to meet this criterion. Depending on the quality of the seal
compressor OEMs gas seal system. The seal gas source must be gas and the result of the system simulation, special liquid separation
available at sufficient pressure to cover the entire operating range and filtration equipment, and possibly heating of the sealing gas,
of the compressor including transient conditions such as startup, may be required. Seal gas lines should be heat traced if ambient
shutdown, or idle, and all static conditions. The seal gas should be temperatures can fall below the dew point of the seal gas.
Seal gas filters immediately follow the customer connection
point on the gas seal system. These filters should be used as “final”
or “last chance” filtration and require compliance with the gas
quality requirements explained in the previous section for
maximum reliability. Duplex filter assemblies should be employed
and provided with a transfer valve allowing filter element
replacement while in service. The filter housing should be stainless
steel, as required by API Standard 614 (1999).
Since the running gap between the primary and mating rings of
most gas seals is about 3 to 5 microns, it is recommended that filter
elements be capable of at least 3 micron (absolute) filtration. API
Standard 614 (1999) requires the use of coalescing filter elements
under certain conditions. It is recommended here that, in anticipa-
tion of a possible liquid presence, coalescing filter elements be
provided for all applications. API Standard 614 (1999) requires
some type of automatic liquid drainage of the filter housing when Figure 6. Differential Pressure Control.
coalescing filters are employed. An alternative, more economical
approach is to equip each filter housing with a manual liquid drain
valve. The user’s operational procedures should include, as part of
the compressor operator’s daily routine, the inspection of the filter
elements and removal of any accumulated liquids as required. If
the seal gas quality conforms to the requirements explained
previously, liquid accumulation at the filters should be minimal
during normal operation.
The duplex seal gas filter assembly should be provided with a
differential pressure gauge and a high differential pressure alarm to
indicate when the filter element has become fouled and needs to be
replaced. The filter manufacturer normally advises a differential
pressure at which the filter element should be considered no longer
useful and therefore replaced with a new element. The high differ-
ential pressure alarm should be set accordingly. A pressure gauge
should also be provided upstream of the filter assembly to indicate
the seal gas supply pressure (Figure 5).
Figure 9. Inner Labyrinth Seal Gas Flow (40 Mole Weight Gas).
Figure 8. Inner Labyrinth Seal Gas Flow (25 Mole Weight Gas).
As can be seen from the chart (Figure 8), the sealing gas mass
flow and velocity across the inner labyrinth seal are equivalent for
flow control and ∆P control systems at a sealing pressure of about
2900 psi. At sealing pressures less than 2900 psi, the sealing gas
mass flow for ∆P control is much higher than that of flow control
at the same sealing pressure. For example, at a sealing pressure of
1000 psi, ∆P control uses about 70 percent more seal gas (mass
flow) than flow control. As explained previously, the excess flow Figure 10. Inner Labyrinth Seal Gas Flow (5 Mole Weight Gas).
consumed by the ∆P control system is inefficient and uneconom-
ical, and the use of flow control is recommended. labyrinth seal can become quite low when using a flow control
At sealing pressures greater than 2900 psi, the amount of sealing system at lower sealing pressures (relative to the equivalent
gas consumed by the flow control system is actually greater than pressure). Low differential pressures across this labyrinth could be
that of ∆P control at the same sealing pressure. However, the susceptible to process upsets, increasing the possibility of gas seal
velocity of the sealing gas across the inner labyrinth seal drops contamination from unfiltered process gas and threatening gas seal
below the minimum recommended value of 32 ft/s when using ∆P reliability. To compensate for this condition, it is recommended
control at these higher pressures. This increases the possibility of that the flow control system be designed to maintain a minimum 3
gas seal contamination from unfiltered process gas and therefore is psi differential pressure across the inner labyrinth seal. This will
a threat to gas seal reliability. For this reason, the use of flow increase the seal gas consumption and velocity across the inner
control is again recommended. labyrinth seal accordingly.
The relationships between sealing gas mass flow and velocity As demonstrated above, flow control systems have definite
across the inner labyrinth seal for flow control and ∆P control advantages over ∆P control systems, and flow control is therefore
systems demonstrated above hold true for all types of process recommended. The gas seal system should be designed to provide
gases, shaft sizes, and labyrinth clearances. For gases of different a minimum gas velocity of 32 ft/s and a minimum differential
mole weights, the sealing pressure at which the two types of pressure of 3 psi across the inner labyrinth seal at design labyrinth
control systems have equivalent sealing gas mass flows and clearance. The application of these criteria will assure a positive
velocities simply changes inversely proportional to the change in flow of sealing gas across the inner labyrinth seal, reduce the risk
mole weight. For example, for a 40 mole weight gas, constructing of gas seal contamination from the process gas, thereby adding to
a similar chart (Figure 9) of sealing pressures using the same increased gas seal reliability. The use of flow control also has the
assumptions as the previous 25 mole weight example, it can be added advantage of eliminating the need for measurement of the
seen that the equivalent pressure is about 1800 psi, as compared reference (sealing) pressure from a cavity internal to the
with 2900 psi for the 25 mole weight gas. For lower mole weight compressor, which is required when using ∆P control systems.
gases, the equivalent pressure increases. Constructing yet another Accurate reference pressure measurement can be difficult in some
chart (Figure 10) for a 5 mole weight gas indicates that the instances as has been discussed in detail by the author (Stahley,
equivalent pressure is “off-the-chart” and beyond the sealing 2001).
pressure capability of today’s gas seal technology. The flow control system should include a “high-select” feature
As can be seen from the three charts of various mole weights and for the reference pressure (low pressure, downstream) side of the
sealing pressures, the differential pressure across the inner orifices (Figure 7). The high-select feature includes reference lines
on the downstream side of the orifices in the seal gas supply piping vent. This is accomplished by measuring the flow or pressure
to both gas seals. These lines include check valves to prevent cross across a restriction orifice in the primary vent piping. An
flow of seal gas from each end of the compressor and are tied increasing flow or pressure trend is indicative of increasing gas
together into a single line before connecting to the differential seal leakage and suggests deterioration of the primary seal. The
pressure control valve. This allows the system to seal against the flow restriction orifice (“FE” in Figure 11) should be provided with
“worst case” (highest reference pressure) condition in the event a differential pressure transmitter to monitor and record seal
that the seal gas flows required by each gas seal are slightly leakage trends. An alarm should be included to initiate upon
different. The check valves are drilled through to allow bleeding increasing pressure or flow above a predetermined limit. The
off the built up pressure. The system should also include a pressure recommended alarm level varies depending on the gas seal manu-
gauge downstream of the control valve to indicate the seal gas facturer, but twice the calculated gas seal leakage rate is a
supply pressure and instrumentation to initiate an alarm when the conservative approach.
differential pressure across the orifices falls below a predetermined
value. Safety Issues
The primary vent system must be designed to cope with a total
failure of the primary seal. It is highly recommended that a
Sealing gas is injected between the inner labyrinth seal and the shutdown and depressurization of the compressor be initiated upon
gas seal (Figure 1). The vast majority of this injected gas flows the failure of the primary seal. The secondary seal is intended to act
across the inner labyrinth seal and into the compressor, or as a backup in case of primary seal failure, providing the necessary
“process” side of the gas seal. A very small amount of the sealing shaft sealing until the compressor can be safely shut down and
gas passes through the primary seal and out the primary vent, depressurized. Due to increased safety risks, operation on the
which is normally connected to the user’s flare system. The gas secondary seal for extended periods of time is strongly
seal manufacturer determines the gas seal leakage rate to the discouraged.
primary vent based on the specified service conditions and seal A pressure sensing device, installed upstream of the flow orifice,
design. Leakage rates are typically between 5 and 15 scfm should be used to initiate a shutdown and depressurization of the
depending on seal size and service conditions. compressor upon increasing pressure above a predetermined limit.
The primary vent can be fabricated from carbon steel piping. Again, the recommended shutdown level varies depending on the
The vent should be equipped with a valved, low point drain to gas seal manufacturer, but three times the calculated gas seal
allow removal of any built up liquids in the primary vent area that leakage rate is a conservative approach.
could cause damage to the primary seal (Figure 11). If the In the event of a catastrophic failure of the primary seal, the
primary vent is connected to a flare system, a check valve must primary vent is subject to a much higher gas flow, causing a back-
be included to prevent any potential reverse flow from the flare pressure in the piping upstream of the flow restriction orifice. A
system into the primary vent area, which could cause damage to rupture disc should be installed in the primary vent to relieve the
the gas seal. backpressure and evacuate the gas. The rupture disc (“PSE” in
Figure 11), installed in parallel to the primary vent flow orifice,
should be designed to burst at about 20 psi differential (depending
on normal flare system design pressure). It should be noted that the
high differential pressure or flow alarm and shutdown limits would
be exceeded before the rupture disc will burst.
Before the compressor can be restarted after the gas seal has
been repaired or replaced, a new rupture disc must be installed. It
must be recognized that it is physically possible to restart the
compressor with the damaged rupture disc in place. If this is
allowed to occur, the instrumentation installed in the primary vent
to initiate an alarm or shutdown will be rendered ineffective. The
primary seal gas leakage will flow unobstructed through the void
created by the burst rupture disc and a high flow or pressure will
not be detected by the instrumentation. The user must be aware of
these circumstances and maintenance procedures must be
established accordingly.
To avoid this potential safety issue, the rupture disc should be
fitted with an electronic continuity detector to indicate the disc has
failed, thereby alerting the operator to avoid further startup
attempts. Or, the electronic device can be connected into the start
control system to prevent startup if the rupture disc has not been
replaced. Another, less economical alternative is to use a relief
valve in place of the rupture disc. However, the reader is cautioned
to note the difficulties in sizing a relief valve for high flow, low
differential pressure applications.
manufacturer with enough margin to account for buildup of 3 to 5 psi differential for labyrinth barrier seals and 5 to 10 psi
pressure drop through the gas seal system components. It is very differential above the secondary vent area pressure for carbon ring
common to use instrument air as the separation gas medium. This barrier seals. The separation gas supply tubing should include a
requires careful attention to safety considerations, which will be gauge to indicate the differential pressure between the gas supply
discussed later. It is highly preferable to use nitrogen as the and the secondary vent. It is important to note that the reliability
separation gas medium. and length of service of the barrier seal can be greatly influenced
by the absolute value of the separation gas pressure. The design of
the system must take into consideration the maximum pressure that
can be accepted by the barrier seal without creating abnormal wear
of the seal itself. The barrier seal manufacturer must provide the
maximum pressure versus seal life characteristic.
It is vitally important to the reliability of the barrier seals and gas
seals that lube oil is only supplied to the compressor bearings when
proper separation gas pressure exists. This can be assured with the
following controls (Figure 13):
Compared with the main seal gas supply, the quality and
composition of the separation gas is of lesser concern. Barrier seal
tolerances are not as small as gas seal tolerances, and therefore the
gas quality requirements are less stringent. However, the typical
sources of separation gas (nitrogen or instrument air) are generally
very clean in comparison to seal gas sources. Therefore, the
separation gas “requirement” at the customer connection point on
the gas seal system is that it be free of solid particles 5 microns and
larger and 99.97 percent liquid free.
• Proper separation gas pressure must be confirmed before
proceeding to provide lube oil flow to the bearings. A “permissive-
The supply of separation gas to the barrier seals should be start” of the lube oil pumps is required.
controlled using a differential pressure (∆P) control system.
Approximately equal parts of the separation gas will flow through
the barrier seal into the compressor bearing chamber (outboard Reviewing overall seal operation, sealing gas is injected between
side), and into the secondary seal vent area (inboard side). The ∆P the inner labyrinth seal and the gas seal. A very small amount of
system controls the supply of separation gas to the barrier seals by the sealing gas passes through the primary seal and out the primary
regulating the separation gas pressure to a predetermined value vent. An even smaller amount (typically less than 0.1 scfm) of
above the secondary vent pressure. This is accomplished with a sealing gas passes through the secondary seal and out the
differential pressure regulator. secondary vent. The majority of the flow through the secondary
The barrier seal manufacturer determines the required separation vent is separation gas that has passed through the barrier seal
gas pressure to the barrier seal. Typical pressure requirements are (Figure 1).
The secondary vent can be fabricated from carbon steel piping. directly from the barrier seal into the secondary vent cavity in the
The vent system should be equipped with a valved drain at its compressor. In a lean system, the secondary vent can be routed to
lowest point to allow removal of any potential lube oil carryover atmosphere. A conservative design approach is to bypass enough
from the bearings. The secondary vent should be vented to separation air to create an environment of no more than 50 percent
atmosphere. If the secondary vent is connected to a flare system, a of the LEL under worst case (primary seal failure) conditions.
check valve must be installed to prevent any potential backflow
into the vent, which could cause damage to the secondary gas seal
and/or barrier seal. The system design must also consider the
possible increased flow to the compressor bearing housing and/or
coupling guard area to avoid interfering with the normal venting of
these areas from too high a pressure supplied to the barrier seal.
API Standard 614, 1999, “Lubrication Shaft-Sealing and Control-
Oil Systems for Special-Purpose Applications,” Fourth
Edition, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
Gas Processors Suppliers Association, 1987, Engineering Data
Figure 15. Gas Seal Support System.
Book, Tenth Edition, Gas Processors Association, Tulsa,
Table 1. Alarm and Shutdown Conditions.
Stahley, J. S., 2001, “Design, Operation, and Maintenance
Considerations for Improved Dry Gas Seal Reliability in
Centrifugal Compressors,” Proceedings of the Thirtieth
Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory,
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, pp. 203-207.
The author wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for
CONCLUSION their assistance in reviewing this paper: David Shemeld, Norman
The purpose of this paper was to put forth to the community of Samurin, Dan Lowry, Michel Rabuteau, George Talabisco, Ron
process gas centrifugal compressor users a design standard for dry Fox, Jr., and Jill Roulo. The author also thanks Dresser-Rand for
gas seal support systems. The design suggestions and recommen- allowing him to publish this document.