Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Penderita TB Paru Di Puskesmaspadang Bulan Medan
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Penderita TB Paru Di Puskesmaspadang Bulan Medan
Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Penderita TB Paru Di Puskesmaspadang Bulan Medan
Zulkarnain Nasution 1),
Soniar Jesica Lestari Tambunan 2)
Univesitas Darma Agung, Medan 1,2)
E-mail : 1) 2)
Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease in the world, including in Indonesia,
and the cases are increasing every day. Adherence to taking medication is a determining
factor in the prevention of pulmonary TB. Non-compliance with medication causes failure in
treatment, this is due to the patient's boredom in taking the medicines for a long time and a
lack of information support from the family which causes non-compliance in taking the
medicines. This study aims at analyzing the relationship between family support and
adherence to taking medication in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. This type of research
is an analytic survey with a cross-sectional approach using the chi-square test. The
population in this study were all clients who visited Poli TB Lung, namely 163 people. The
sample of this research is 62 people. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The
results of this study indicate that the majority of families who support as many as 45 people
(72.6%) and patients who obey the medication are 38 people (61.3%). The results of the chi-
square test obtained p value. value = 0.002 (α <0.005), indicating that there is a relationship
between family support and adherence to taking medication in patients with pulmonary
tuberculosis. The higher the support from the family, the higher the level of medication
adherence to pulmonary TB patients. It is recommended for families to increase support for
family members who are undergoing pulmonary TB treatment, especially in the form of
information support and instrumental support, as well as for health workers to always
provide counseling services, health education to patients related to pulmonary TB disease
and remind sufferers to control regular treatment and health checks.
Keywords: Family support, Obedience, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Medan
Tuberkulosis Paru (TB) merupakan salah satu penyakit menular di dunia termasuk di
Indonesia dan kasusnya semakin hari semakin meningkat. Kepatuhan mengkonsumsi obat
merupakan faktor penentu dalam penanggulangan TB Paru. Ketidakpatuhan mengkonsumsi
obat menyebabkan kegagalan dalam pengobatan, hal ini disebabkan karena bosannya
penderita dalam mengkonsumsi obat dalam jangka waktu yang lama serta kurangnya
dukungan informasi dari keluarga yang menyebabkan ketidakpatuhan dalam mengkonsumsi
obat tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga
dengan Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Penderita TB Paru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey
analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional menggunakan uji chi-square. Populasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah seluruh klien yang berkunjung ke Poli TB Paru yaitu 163 orang. Sampel
penelitian ini yaitu 62 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah accidental sampling. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas keluarga yang mendukung sebanyak 45 orang (72,6%)