Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs (5th Edition) - Answer Key
Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs (5th Edition) - Answer Key
Great Writing 2: Great Paragraphs (5th Edition) - Answer Key
Unit 1 Paragraphs 3. Cats are good pets, but I do not like it when their hair is on
the furniture.
4. Seven.
5. Concluding sentence: In sum, although many children
Activity 1, pages 4–5 want a pet, parents are divided on this topic.
Before Paragraph 1.1 Possible answer: The topic sentence and the concluding
sentence both discuss the main idea of parents allowing
Possible answers: their children to have pets.
1. in South America
2. Brazil has more people. Brazil is bigger. Activity 8, page 10
4. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. It is Spanish in 1. Topic sentences:
Chile. 1.1 Brazil and Chile are near each other, but these two
After Paragraph 1.1 South American countries differ in geography, population,
Possible answers: and language.
1. This paragraph discusses the geography, the number of 1.2 An egg salad sandwich is one of the easiest and most
people, and the languages of Brazil and Chile. delicious foods to make for lunch.
2. The most important difference between Brazil and Possible answer: The topic sentence for “Brazil and Chile”
Chile (specified beginning) is language. This makes clearly states the three points in the paragraph. It’s not
communication between the countries more difficult. as clear in “An Easy Sandwich” what the paragraph will be
Activity 2, page 6 2. Concluding sentences:
1. be (is/are), differ, shows, takes up, have, live, speak 1.1 These countries are near each other, but they are
clearly different in several important ways.
2. Because the paragraph states facts about the two
countries. 1.2 By following all of these steps, anyone can make this
delicious sandwich.
Activity 3, page 6 Possible answer: The topic sentence and concluding
Answers will vary. sentence in Paragraph 1.1 both state that the countries are
near each other, but different in several ways. The topic
Activity 4, page 7 sentence in Paragraph 1.2 talks about how easy it is to make
this sandwich, and the concluding sentence repeats this
Before Paragraph 1.2: idea by saying “anyone can make this delicious sandwich.”
Answers will vary.
After Paragraph 1.2:
Activity 9, pages 10–12
Possible answers: Possible answers:
1. The purpose of this paragraph is to tell how to make an Paragraph 1.4
egg salad sandwich. 1. For many students, e-readers are better than paper books.
2. First, Finally 2. My friend has an e-reader, and she convinced me to buy
3. By following all of these steps, one.
3. For these reasons, e-readers are better for students than
Activities 5–6, page 8 traditional books.
Answers will vary. Possible answer: This sentence restates the main idea of
the topic sentence.
Activity 7, pages 8–9 Paragraph 1.5
Before Paragraph 1.3: 1. The main idea is that New York City is well-known.
Answers will vary. 2. No. Possible topic sentence: It is difficult to find anyone in
After Paragraph 1.3: the world who does not know New York City.
1. Yes. 3. Yes.
2. Topic Sentence: At some point, parents must decide 4. For these reasons, everyone knows about this city.
whether or not to allow their children to have pets. Paragraph 1.6
The writer wants to explain that parents have different
1. The main idea is that Simón Bolívar was a great hero to
opinions about whether their children should have pets.
people in many countries in Latin America.
2. Yes. Simón Bolívar (1783–1830) was one of South America’s 4. are
greatest heroes and a very powerful man. 5. does
3. No. Spanish is the national language in at least 22 6. moves
7. is
4. Although Bolívar’s name is not as well-known outside Latin
America, many people there believe that he is the most 8. was
important person in their history. 9. are
10. is; visit
Activity 10, page 13
1. The geography of Turkey is unique. (3) Activity 14, page 15
2. Most countries are on one continent, but Turkey lies in Possible title: Two Great Japanese Cities
both Asia and Europe. (4) One reason many people want to visit Asia is to see Japan.
3. The Asian part of the country is much larger than the In many people’s opinions, the best places to visit in Japan
European part. (5) are Tokyo and Kyoto. Tokyo is a very modern city with many
4. Two European countries that border Turkey are Bulgaria tall buildings. In fact, the skyscrapers in Tokyo are some of the
and Greece. (5) tallest buildings in the world. However, the city skyline with
these incredibly tall buildings does not look like the scenery in
5. Turkey has coasts on the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Kyoto at all. Life in Kyoto moves more slowly than life in Tokyo.
Sea. (5) Kyoto is not only smaller but also much older. Kyoto was the
6. Half of its land is higher than 1,000 meters above sea capital of Japan a long time ago. There are still many historic
level. (3) buildings in Kyoto, so tourists can see them all over the city. Life
7. In fact, two-thirds of the country is higher than 800 meters in these two places is quite different, and tourists visit each city
above sea level. (2) for very different reasons.
8. The geography is one reason millions of tourists visit this Activity 15, page 16
country every year. (2)
The Hard Work of a Kindergarten Teacher
Activity 11, page 13 Some people think that Mira Ahmed has an easy job, but
Possible title: The Unique Geography of Turkey teaching a class of 22 very young children are is not easy. Mira
The geography of Turkey is unique. Most countries are is a kindergarten teacher. Class begins at 8:00 a.m., but every
on one continent, but Turkey lies in both Asia and Europe. The teacher arrives by 7:30. Before class, Mira sets up the room for
Asian part of the country is much larger than the European her students. The students arrive between 7:45 and 8:00, and
part. Two European countries that border Turkey are Bulgaria then the class begins. The young students in her class keeps
and Greece. Turkey has coasts on the Mediterranean Sea and her extremely busy for the rest of the day. They play games
the Black Sea. Half of its land is higher than 1,000 meters above and learn new things. However, there is are always a few small
sea level. In fact, two-thirds of the country is higher than 800 problems. Sometimes a child runs around the room or cry cries,
meters above sea level. The geography is one reason millions of but Mira tries to be very patient with all of her students. After
tourists visit this country every year. school, she attends meetings and prepares lessons for the next
day. Mira says she loves her job, but it really is a great deal of
Activity 12, page 14 work.
Answer Key 3
Activity 10, page 33 City experience by visiting Times Square. Some tourists want
to go on tours through companies, but other tourists prefer
Possible answers: to discover the city on their own. New York City has many
1. The most common reason for getting a university degree is things to see and do, so millions of people visit the city each
to be able to get a(n) well-paying job in the future. year.
2. A(n) huge spider scared my younger brother.
Activity 14, page 36
3. In this picture, three brown and white cows are eating
grass on the beautiful mountain. 1. The location of the city is near the ocean, but the weather
4. A good driver avoids dangerous situations by being very in this area can be very dry.
alert at all times when driving. 2. Last year’s contract was not easy to understand, and the
5. Unfortunately, a new snack food will not sell well if it is not new contract is similar.
tasty and cheap. 3. The first section of the final exam asks questions about the
6. The food in Italy is delicious because it has various kinds of War of 1812, and it will take about 20 minutes to answer
pasta and amazing sauces. well.
7. Dogs are affectionate animals with a(n) incredible ability to 4. Some customers want a great deal of assistance when
improve the lives of lonely people. making a purchase, but others prefer to function
8. The water at the beach was warm, and the swimmers were
happy. 5. People do not understand how to pay late fees, so the
instructions are on the website.
Activity 11, page 33
Activity 15, page 36
Possible answers:
Possible answers:
Title: The Mystery Man
1. Washington, DC, is the capital of the country, but it is not
A 1 strange man entered the 2 lively party. He had 3 dark the most visited city.
hair and wore 4 black clothing. The shoes he wore were very 2. Fast food is very cheap, so many people eat it more than
odd. The man was not 6 friendly. Everyone in the room was they should.
interested when they first saw him. He was a(n) 8 quiet man,
too. At first, the man seemed 9 angry, but then he became more 3. Learning new vocabulary is important, and there are many
relaxed. He was actually very 11 interesting. The man soon left ways to do it successfully.
and everyone was 12 happy that they met him. 4. Some students have a part-time job, and others spend
their extra time studying or volunteering.
Activity 12, pages 34–35 5. September has 30 days, so it is shorter than August and
1. S Confusing words such as the verbs make and do October.
may cause problems for some students.
Activity 16, page 37
2. C This process feels like a storm of ideas in your mind, so
it is called “brainstorming.” 1. Problems with Having a Pet Cat
3. C Certain words in a title may catch the reader’s 2. How to Buy a Used Car
attention, but some titles are too general and do not create 3. The Best Holiday for Kids
4. The Health Benefits of Popcorn
4. C An independent clause has one subject-verb
relationship, and it can stand alone as a sentence. 5. Learning to Use U.S. Money
5. S All of the sentences in a well-written paragraph talk 6. Three Good Websites for Cheap Travel
about one topic. 7. Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
6. C The Statue of Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds (204,117 8. Two Fast-Food Meals
kilograms), and it is 152 feet (46 meters) high.
7. S Unlike in previous years, the slow, brown water in the BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY
Galona River today does not contain fish or plants.
8. C Sometimes a simple sentence has a compound Activity 17, page 38
subject or verb, but it never has more than one clause. 1. assistance - help
Activity 13, page 35 2. ancient - old
3. customers - buyers
Each year, millions of excited tourists from the United
States and other countries all over the world travel to New York 4. final - last
City. About 80 percent of these visitors come from the United 5. function - work
States, and about 20 percent come from other countries. These 6. highly - very
tourists come to see the bright lights and exciting life of New
7. location - where
York City. Two of the most popular destinations for tourists
in New York are the Empire State Building and the Statue of 8. odd - unusual
Liberty. Perhaps one of the most interesting and most amazing 9. provide - give
things to see is Central Park. Many tourists start their New York 10. shade - no light
Answer Key 5
Activity 5, page 50 Activity 10, page 54
Answers will vary. 1. Brazil is surrounded by Spanish-speaking countries, but
most people in Brazil speak Portuguese.
Activity 6, page 50 2 (Compound sentence)
1. There are many excellent reasons for exercising several 2. The flags of Chile, France, and Norway have blue, white,
times each week. and red sections.
2. There are many excellent reasons for exercising several 1 (List)
times each week.
3. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident that
3. Possible answer: The controlling idea states that there are happened yesterday.
“excellent reasons for exercising,” and the sentences in the
paragraph provide three reasons: you look better, have 3 (Introductory word or phrase)
more energy, and feel calmer or less stressed. 4. Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese came from Latin.
1 (List)
Activity 7, pages 51–52
5. My friend has an e-reader, and she convinced me to buy one.
Possible topic sentences: 2 (Compound sentence)
Paragraph 3.2: There are many reasons why people learn a 6. In the summer of 1940, German soldiers entered France.
musical instrument.
3 (Introductory word or phrase)
Paragraph 3.3: Modern reptiles have a lot in common with
their prehistoric ancestors, dinosaurs, but there are significant 7. Because English came from German, there are many similar
differences. words in the two languages.
Paragraph 3.4: A method for learning new words that works for 4 (Adverb clause)
some students is the Keyword Method. 8. If you want to make cookies, you need flour, sugar, oil, and
Activity 8, page 53 1 (List), 4 (Adverb clause)
1. complex
Activity 11, page 55
2. complex
3. compound Paragraph 3.5
4. simple Because Malaysia and Thailand are next to each other, we
might think that these two countries share many similarities. In
5. complex some ways, this is true. For example, both countries are warm all
6. complex year long. Both have many miles of beautiful beaches that attract
7. compound tourists. In addition, the economy of both countries is growing.
8. complex However, there are also several clear differences. For one,
Malaysians and Thais speak completely different languages. The
9. complex population of Malaysia is about 31 million while the population
10. compound of Thailand is about 69 million. Thailand has a king, but Malaysia
does not. Finally, Malaysia was part of Britain at one time, but
Activity 9, page 53 Thailand was never British. Therefore, the fact that two countries
are near each other does not always mean that they are similar.
1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
2. If your photocopies cost 21 cents, your change should be
four cents. Activity 12, page 56
1. climb - go up
3. Gumbo is a thick soup that is made with shrimp and
2. confuse - make a mistake
3. depend - need
4. economy - money
4. Bush became president after Clinton was president for
eight years. 5. effective - useful
Adv 6. imagine - think
5. The season that many young children enjoy a lot is summer. 7. improve - better
Adj 8. in sum - short
6. Because they do not go to school in summer, children 9. recognize - know
often like summer more than other seasons. 10. therefore - so
Activity 13, pages 56–57
7. Most people become angry when their computer freezes.
Adv 1. reduce waste
8. In class, we discussed problems that were common in the 1990s. 2. a contribution to science
Adj 3. climb a tree
Answer Key 7
continents. They learn that North America and South America 3. Although the price of gasoline is extremely high at the
are one continent, which they call the Americas. Panama is current time, it is expected to decrease.
the southern end of North America, but it used to be part of 4. In order to fly to an international destination, you need
Colombia, which is in South America. In some countries, Europe a passport.
and Asia are combined into one continent called Eurasia. In
others, Antarctica is not considered a continent. It is interesting 5. For some teachers, a fragment is a very serious type of
that different regions disagree on the definition of continent. mistake because it shows a lack of understanding of the
Perhaps in the future, all countries will agree on what a structure of a sentence.
continent is and how many there are on Earth. Activity 10, page 74
Paragraph 4.6
Possible answers:
There are three good options for traveling between Rome
and Paris. The fastest way is by plane. However, flying between 1. CS
these two cities can be a little expensive unless you can find a A whale is one of the largest animals on the planet. Few
cheap airline ticket. The second way is by train, which is very people have seen one.
popular with many tourists. In fact, Rome and Paris are visited OR
each year by millions of students from all over. The train is not
Although the whale is one of the largest animals on Earth,
expensive and the service is very good, but the overnight trip
few people have seen one.
takes about 14 hours. Finally, many people take a bus. The bus
is the cheapest of the three options, but it takes up to 22 hours, 2. CS
which means it takes the most time. If tourists research each of Language-learning software helps students learn
these three travel options, they will certainly find an option that languages. Many students buy this software in addition to
works well for them. their class books.
Activity 7, page 71 3. CS
It is a difficult time for many people. However, people are
1. related strong and they will survive.
It is an example of why the writer felt he or she was in prison. 4. RO
2. related Dancing with the Stars is a well-known television show. The
It is a list of the chores the writer had to do around the house. dancing is very exciting.
3. unrelated 5. RO
The writer’s parents’ occupations are not related to how the This magazine has great articles on international events. It
writer was treated. There is no relationship between being won awards last year.
an architect and being a strict parent.
Activity 11, page 75
Activity 8, page 72
1. Paragraph 4.1
1. Tennis rackets have changed tremendously in the last Concluding Sentence: Washington, D.C., does not have the
10 years. They used to be small and heavy, but that is no large number of visitors that New York or Boston has, but this
longer true. important city is one of the best destinations for tourists.
2. Soccer is by far the most widely played sport in the world. restates the main idea
It is played professionally on nearly every continent.
2. Paragraph 4.3
3. I will never forget my childhood friends Carlos and Juan
and what they taught me. Concluding Sentence: If you learn more about my great-
grandmother Carla, you, too, will be amazed at her life.
4. Not only is text messaging fast, but it is also an interesting
way to practice English. gives an opinion/makes a prediction
5. A bad thing happened to my classmates and me at school 3. Paragraph 4.4
yesterday. We were late coming to class and missed a quiz. Concluding Sentence: If you eat a meal at Fresh Market, I am
6. If you travel to Budapest, Hungary, you will fall in love with sure you will enjoy it tremendously.
the Danube River. It separates the city into two parts— give an opinion/makes a prediction
Buda and Pest. 4. Paragraph 4.6
7. Here is a photo of me and my family last year. We were on Concluding Sentence: If tourists research each of these three
vacation in Paris. travel options, they will certainly find an option that works well
8. The Grand Canyon is over a mile (6,093 feet/1,857 meters) for them.
deep. It was formed over millions of years by the Colorado makes a prediction
River and other smaller rivers.
Activity 12, pages 76–77
Activity 9, page 73
Paragraph 4.8
Possible answers: When I started college, I was surprised at the amount of
1. One of the most common reasons that people decide to studying that was necessary. I had to change my study habits. In
become a vegetarian is to improve their health. high school, I rarely studied, yet my grades were good. In college,
2. Because the wind and rain were so strong when the all my professors thought their class was the most important.
airplane tried to take off, the flight was delayed. My favorite class in college was British history. Each professor
Answer Key 9
Activity 19, page 82 cup. Do this several times. Be careful not to spill it. As you do
Possible answers: this, it looks like you are pulling the tea, and this explains the
name of this delicious drink. When the mixture is thick and has
1. People from all over the world want to visit Paris for similar a white top, pour it into a clear glass. Drinking this wonderful
reasons: its great food and its beautiful architecture. tea is as enjoyable as watching someone prepare it.
2. High-protein diets are preferred by many serious athletes.
3. Each professor assigned a tremendous amount of Activity 5, page 91
homework every night when I was a first-year university Paragraph 5.6
student. If you go to California, San Diego is a great spot to visit,
because of the many exciting things to see and do there. First,
WRITING you should visit the Gaslamp Quarter. In this historic area, you
can easily find great food, fun, and culture. Next, you should
Activities 20–21, pages 82–83 visit SeaWorld to see the amazing animal shows. After you
Answers will vary. visit SeaWorld, you should see a football or baseball game at
Qualcomm Stadium. Finally, you ought to see the animals at the
world-famous San Diego Zoo. If you decide to go to the zoo, do
Unit 5 Paragraph Review not forget to see the giant pandas. If you visit one, two, or all
three of these San Diego sites, you will certainly have a fun and
Answer Key 11
Unit 6 Definition Paragraphs Activity 4, page 109
Nature’s Worst Storm
ELEMENTS OF GREAT WRITING A hurricane is a dangerous storm that has high winds and
heavy rain.(subj adj clause) Along coasts, the heavy rain often
Activity 1, pages 104–105 results in floods that destroy entire towns, (subj adj clause) and
Possible answers: many hurricanes have winds that can exceed 100 miles per hour.
1. According to The Newbury House Dictionary of American Hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean is between April and
English, gossip is “talk or writing about other people’s November. However, August and September are the months
actions or lives, sometimes untruthful.” that people usually think of when they think of hurricanes. (obj
adj clause) The worst hurricanes are usually in late summer and
2. The writer believes that gossip can be more hurtful than early fall. Modern technology now makes it possible for people
people realize and is much worse than just “talk or writing.” who live on the coast (subj adj clause) to know in advance
3. Yes. if there is the possibility of a hurricane hitting their region.
4. Answers will vary. However, this was not always the case. In 1900, for example,
there was a hurricane in Galveston, Texas, that killed thousands
Activity 2, pages 105–106 of residents. (subj adj clause) Although we know much more
about hurricanes now and can keep track of their movements,
Before Paragraph 6.2 they continue to be one of the most dangerous weather events.
Possible answers:
1. It is in the southern part of the United States. New Orleans Activity 5, page 110
is a popular city in Louisiana. 1. Brazil is a large country that covers about half of South
2. Seafood refers to animals that we eat that live in the seas America.
or oceans. Three examples are: fish, shrimp, and oysters. 2. The 737 is a commonly used jet that first flew in 1967.
3. Answers will vary. 3. A kindergarten teacher is a special person that/who needs
After Paragraph 6.2 a lot of patience.
1. The Newbury House Dictionary of American English defines 4. This paper will discuss a beverage that is made with coffee.
gumbo as “a thick soup made with okra and meat, fish, or 5. Bode Miller is an Olympic skier that/who has won several
vegetables,” but anyone who has tasted this delicious dish medals.
knows that this definition is too simple to describe gumbo 6. Barack Obama was the U.S. president that/who started a
accurately. national health plan in 2010.
2. Yes.
3. Possible answers: favorite foods or recipes, other special Activity 6, page 110
things from a person’s hometown (places of interest, 1. Orlando is a city in central Florida that millions of tourists
festivals,…). visit each year.
Activity 3, page 107 2. Coffee is a popular beverage that many people drink
1. According to The Newbury House Dictionary of American several times every day.
English, an errand is “a short trip made for a specific 3. Winston Churchill is a famous person that/who(m)
purpose.” historians remember for his strong leadership.
2. In The Newbury House Dictionary of American English, 4. Algebra is a complicated subject that some students do
family is defined as “one’s closest relatives, usually parents, not like.
children, brothers, and sisters,” but the dictionary does not 5. Good writing includes clear definitions that readers can
include grandparents or cousins. easily understand.
3. The Newbury House Dictionary of American English defines 6. The quarter is a U.S. coin that the government first made in
stubborn as “unwilling to change one’s mind,” but is that 1796.
always a bad thing?
4. According to The Newbury House Dictionary of American Activity 7, page 111
English, a fruit is “the part of a plant that contains the seed, Possible answers:
especially when used as food,” so a tomato is a fruit.
1. A tortoise is a slow-moving animal that goes inside its hard
5. The Newbury House Dictionary of American English defines shell when there is danger.
checkers as “a game played by two people, each with 12
round black or red pieces (checkers) moved on a board 2. A copilot is someone who helps a pilot fly a plane.
divided into squares of two different colors,” but the game 3. A passport is a document that is necessary if you want to
is much simpler than it sounds here. travel internationally.
4. A submarine is a boat that moves under the water.
5. Odd numbers are numbers that you cannot divide by two.
6. A plumber is someone that you call when your bathroom
or kitchen water has problems.
7. Serena Williams is a tennis player who many people admire.
8. The United Nations is an organization that countries join to
help solve problems in the world.
Answer Key 13
Unit 7 Process Paragraphs the net. After you hit the ball, continue swinging your racket down
and across the front of your body. After you have completed the
serve, your racket should be near your left knee.
Activity 5, page 127
Activity 1, page 123
Answers will vary.
Before Paragraph 7.1
Answers will vary. Activity 6, pages 127–128
After Paragraph 7.1 Before Paragraph 7.3
1. Eating a delicious, juicy taco is messy, so it is important to Answers will vary.
know how to eat one. After Paragraph 7.3
2. 1. Do not wear expensive clothes because you might 1. 1. First, tell your friends to think of a number greater
spill something on them. than zero.
2. Only eat it if you are with someone you are 2. Next, they should multiply their number by itself.
comfortable with.
3. After that, they should add their answer to their
3. When you hold the taco, angle it toward your mouth. original number.
4. Put the corner of it in your mouth and take a bite. 2. In the last steps, your friends should add 17 (6 + 17 = 23)
3. Possible answer: The writer’s tone is funny or serious, not and then subtract their original number from this last total
angry. The topic is a bit fun, but the author also provides (23 – 5 = 18).
serious and useful instructions for eating a taco??. 3. Possible answer: Next, they should multiply their number
by itself (5 x 5 = 25) and then add their answer to their
Activity 2, page 124–125 original number.
Before Paragraph 7.2
Activity 7, page 129
Answers will vary.
After Paragraph 7.2 Possible answers:
1. Keeping a vocabulary notebook for learning new English 1. First, put
words is not complicated if you follow a few easy steps. 2. be
2. Underlined sentences: 3. add
1. First, buy a notebook with at least 100 lined pages. 4. Then wrap
2. Second, write down any important words that you 5. place
come across when reading or listening. 6. Check
3. The next step is a bit difficult because you need to
decide what information about each word you will BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY
write in your notebook.
4. Finally, the most important thing you can do to learn Activity 8, page 130
the words in your notebook is to practice these words 1. alive - breathing
several times.
2. divide - 8 ÷ 4 = 2
3. No. This is not indicated in the topic sentence. The
controlling idea is how to keep a notebook, so this 3. escape - leave a place
information is not relevant. 4. likely - possible
4. Three pieces of information are: 5. messy - not neat
1. a translation 6. original - the first
2. an example phrase using the word 7. the peak - the highest point
3. information that matches your personality and needs 8. position - place
9. produce - make
Activity 3, page 126
10. prove - show
5 2. 6 3.
4 4. 2 5. 3 6.
7 7. 1
Activity 9, pages 130–131
Activity 4, page 127
Possible title: Serving in Tennis 1. the most embarrassing moment in my life
Many people think serving in tennis is difficult, but the 2. a very messy room
following steps show that it is quite easy. If you are left-handed, 3. hard to reach the top shelf
you should substitute the word left for right in these directions. 4. divide something between two people
First, use your left hand to throw the ball about three feet in the air.
5. the original price
The best position for the ball is just to the right of your head. At the
same time, move your racket behind your shoulder with your right 6. a science experiment
hand so that your elbow is pointed toward the sky. Just before the 7. assume that something is correct
ball reaches its peak, begin to swing your racket forward as high 8. select the best answer on the test
as you can. Hit the ball into the small box on the opposite side of
Answer Key 15
Activity 5, page 142 Complete paragraph:
2 Dangers of Fun in the Sun
5 People enjoy spending time outdoors, but too much time
6 in the sun is dangerous and can cause serious skin damage. The
7 most serious example of this damage is skin cancer. According
to the American Cancer Society, this disease is often a result of
3 the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Although the damage from
1 these rays may not be seen immediately in children, adults who
4 spent a lot of time in the sun when they were children later
have a much higher chance of developing skin cancer than
those who did not. Therefore, parents should make sure that
Complete paragraph: their children put on enough sunscreen before going outside.
In my opinion, all high school students should definitely In conclusion, it is very important for everyone to understand
volunteer in their community. First of all, it increases our the true danger of spending too much time in the sun.
general motivation. While some may claim that students
should only study during the school year, research shows Activity 10, page 146
that volunteering improves students’ motivation both in and
out of the classroom. Second, volunteering helps students’ 1. believe V 6. increasingly ADV
academic performance. In a recent poll by the student belief N increase V, N
government, 71 percent of students who volunteered
believable ADJ increasing ADJ
were better able to manage their time and grades. Finally,
students feel they are members of a larger community. A 2. finance V, N 7. equality N
large majority of students at Western High School said that financially ADV equal ADJ
they felt they were part of something greater and could see financial ADJ equalize V
how their efforts could truly help those around them. Based
on all of the research and results, schools should encourage 3. logically ADV equally ADV
students to volunteer. logic N 8. simplicity N
logical ADJ simply ADV
Activity 6, page 143
4. develop V simple ADJ
1. O
developmental ADJ simplify V
2. F
development N 9. legality N
3. O
5. freedom N legal ADJ
4. F
freely ADV legally ADV
5. O
free ADJ legalize V
6. F
7. O Activity 11, page 147
8. O 1. belief believe
9. F 2. legality legally
10. O 3. develop development
11. F 4. free freely
12. O 5. equal equally
Activity 7, page 144 6. simply simple
Possible answers: 7. legal legally
Fact: 1. Thousands of drivers in the United States are killed or 8. logical logic
injured each year from talking or texting on a cell phone. 9. increasing increase
2. The ban is already in effect in more than 30 countries. 10. finance financial
Opinion: 1. Drivers do not have the right to endanger others’
lives. 2. Prohibiting cell phones while driving is common sense. Activity 12, page 148
Activity 8, page 144–145 1. education
2. suddenly
Check 2, 4, 5, 8
3. crowded
Activity 9, page 145 4. add
4 5. drivers
1 6. requirement
3 7. certainly
6 8. majority
5 9. proposal
2 10. solution
Answer Key 17
2. The story takes place in a department store in New York 3. got
City. 4. rode/was riding
3. Order of events: 5. looked
a. 4 6. arrived
b. 3 7. saw
c. 2 8. was working
d. 1 9. was calling
4. Possible answer: The story ends with an explanation of its 10. went
significance to the author.
11. heard
Activity 4, page 161 12. turned
After Paragraph 9.2 13. said
Possible answers: 14. left/was leaving
1. The purpose of this paragraph is to tell the story of how 15. took
Cory Richards became an explorer for National Geographic. 16. sent
2. It was a freezing cold winter day, and mountain climber
Cory Richards was climbing down from Gasherbrum II, Activity 10, page 166
the 13th-tallest mountain peak in the world, when his life My First Job
changed in an instant. Gasherbum II is the 13th-tallest
mountain peak in the world, is located between Pakistan The happiest day of my life was when I got my first job last
and China, and is not an easy mountain to climb. year. After college, I tried for six months to get a job with an
advertising firm, but my luck was bad. Finally, one day my life
3. They saw a wall of snow and ice coming toward them. All changed. While I was eating a sandwich in a downtown coffee
were hit and thrown to the ground. shop, my luck began to change. A young woman who was
4. The story ends with Cory Richards becoming a National sitting next to me asked if she could read my newspaper. I said
Geographic explorer. OK, and we started talking. She began to tell me about herself.
After Paragraph 9.3 She was an executive in a huge advertising company and was
looking for an assistant. I told her that I was very interested
1. Possible answer: The purpose of the paragraph is to give a in mass communication. She gave me her business card, and
lesson on making friends. within one week, I got a job as her assistant. It was the best
2. The background information is that the author used to lunch of my life!
go to school in Toronto where he was on the football and
track teams and had a lot of friends. It’s important because
it shows the difference between the author’s life in Toronto BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY
and his life in Florida. Activity 11, page 167
3. Possible answer: I learned that to make friends, you have to
be open and have the courage to talk to new people. 1. casually - relaxed
2. document - paper
Activity 5, page 162
3. frighten - afraid
Best answers: Luke’s Adventure in Nepal, The Graduation Party,
and A Great Day in the Mountains. 4. get over - be OK again
5. incredibly - hard to believe
Activity 6, page 163
6. shocked -surprised
Answers will vary. 7. silence - no sound
Activity 7, page 163 8. strategy - plan
9. task - job
Possible answer:
10. valuable - expensive
A man was hiking when he saw a bear. He decided to climb a
tree, and a bear noticed him climbing and ran over. The man Activity 12, page 167
took out his phone to take a photo and the bear became
angrier. The man put his phone away and raised his arms to 1. reply to an email
scare the bear. The bear ran away. 2. happened in an instant
(Note: The actual photo is by National Geographic 3. realized that I made a mistake
photographer Joel Sartore. This is not a wild bear. This bear is 4. to capture a special moment
trained and was responding to his trainer and “acting” angry.)
5. frightened by a loud noise
Activity 8, page 164 6. reminds me of my childhood
Answers will vary. 7. an advertising strategy
8. a valid passport
Activity 9, page 165
9. a good relationship with your family
1. knew 10. wonder why something happened
2. followed
Answer Key 19
Activity 6, page 179 Activities 11–12, pages 184–185
1. people list the most important inventions of the last Answers will vary.
100 years
2. technology
Activities 13–14, page 186
3. antibiotics Answers will vary.
4. quality of life / improve our lives
Activity 7, page 179
Answers will vary.
Activity 15, page 187
1. accomplish - do
Activity 8, pages 180–181
2. bilingual - two languages
1. a 3. decade - 10 years
2. b 4. discovery - found
3. b 5. diverse - different
4. c 6. expression - say
5. a 7. maintain - keep
Activity 9, page 182 8. mayor - person
Answers will vary. 9. prevent - stop
10. rural - nature
Activity 10, page 183
I. Introduction (paragraph 1) Activity 16, page 187
A. Beginning of Essay 1. maintan a good safety record
B. Thesis Statement: When people move to a new 2. focus on a specific issue
country, many of them begin to forget not only their
3. a bilingual dictionary
culture but also their first language, and as time passes,
they lose the many benefits of being bilingual. 4. a decade of economic success
II. Body (paragraph 2) Topic Sentence: One of the most basic 5. to prevent an accident
advantages of being bilingual is easier communication 6. discover a better way to do something
with more people around the world. 7. accomplish a goal
A. Supporting Idea: They can travel to more countries with 8. a basic reason (for something)
less worry.
9. the mayor of a city
B. Supporting Idea: They do not need a translator and can
communicate better. 10. a great invention from the 1920s
III. Body (paragraph 3) Topic Sentence: Speaking a second Activity 17, page 188
language also allows people to learn about another culture
through the special words and phrases in that language. 1. accomplishment
A. Supporting Idea: The expression “meat and potatoes” 2. accomplish
teaches us about what kinds of food this culture values. 3. beneficial
B. Supporting Idea: The expressions “to rat on someone” 4. benefits
and “to be a rat” teach us that rats do not have a positive
5. inventor
image in this culture.
6. invention
C. Supporting Idea: Through the baseball expressions to
“hit a home run” (to do something that is very successful) 7. maintain
or to “strike out” (to fail completely), we learn that the 8. maintenance
sport of baseball is important in the culture. 9. prevent
IV. Body (paragraph 4) Topic Sentence: Finally, bilingualism 10. prevention
can help people from different countries, languages, and
cultures get along better. Activity 18, page 188
A. Supporting Idea: It is easier to understand other people’s
Answers will vary.
ideas, beliefs, and actions.
B. Supporting Idea: It is easier to understand the
problems and situations in other countries. BUILDING BETTER SENTENCES
V. Concluding paragraph (paragraph 5) Activity 19, page 189
A. Restatement of Thesis: The benefits of bilingualism
are clear. Some words do not translate exactly from one language to
another. In French, for example, there are two ways to say know.
B. Opinion/Prediction: If people do not maintain their One is for knowing a fact, and the other is for knowing a person.
first language, they will clearly miss out on all the wonderful English has the words make and do, but Spanish has only hacer.
benefits of being bilingual.
Activity 22, page 191
Answers will vary.
Answer Key 21