Great Writing 4 (5th Edition) : Great Essays - Answer Key

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GREAT WRITING 4: Great Essays


Unit 1  Exploring the Essay 6. A. Urban:

1. The streets reflect this hectic pace and are rarely empty,
even late at night.
2. City dwellers appear to be racing to get somewhere
Activity 1, page 6 important.
1. The purpose is to classify different types of shopping. 3. Life for them tends to be a series of deadlines.
2. 5; 1; 5; 2–4 B. Rural:
3. in-person, online, third-party 1. Even during peak hours, traffic jams occur less often
than in a city.
4. In fact, there are now three main kinds of shopping:
in-person, online, and third-party. 2. Stores close in the early evening, and the streets do not
come alive until the next morning.
5. in-person shopping
3. The people in small towns or villages seem more
6. shoppers lining up at cash registers relaxed and move in a more leisurely way.
7. People who use third-party shoppers tend to have a more 7. Answers will vary.
generous budget as they must pay for the convenience of
not having to look for anything, either in person or online. Activity 4, page 15
8. There are shopping options for everyone. 1. Private non-profit 4-year colleges
Activity 2, page 8 2. public two-year community colleges; approximately
1. The purpose is to show ways to reduce the risk of cancer.
3. Possible answer: Housing may cost less because there are
2. By eating better, exercising regularly, and staying out of the fewer dormitories to maintain; Food may cost less if fewer
sun, people can reduce their risks of getting cancer. options are provided at meals; More students can live at
3. The essay will be organized by discussing those three home while attending community colleges
methods to avoid cancer, in that order. 4. The purpose is to offer a possible solution to the high cost
4. These popular foods contain large amounts of saturated of university study.
fat, which is one of the worst kinds of fat. … However, 5. Answers will vary. Suggested answers:
eating fatty foods can increase a person’s chances of Topic: The Cost of University Studies
getting some kinds of cancer. … Instead, they now eat a lot
more processed foods that do not contain natural fiber. I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
Lack of fiber in a person’s diet can increase the chance of Thesis statement: One such solution in the United States is
colon cancer. attending community college.
5. cutting back on the amount of food they consume and
II. Body
exercising regularly
A. Paragraph 2 (PROBLEM): Rising cost of university
6. Finally, health officials are concerned about the dramatic
rise in the number of cases of skin cancer. study
7. Suggested answer: Both the introduction and the a. Tuition for nonresidents
conclusion discuss people becoming more informed about b. Housing and books
the risk factors for cancer. Both suggest eating well, getting B. Paragraph 3 topic: (SOLUTION) : Attending a
enough exercise, and limiting sun exposure. community college
8. An opinion. Answers to the second part will vary. a. Cost of community college
b. Quality of education
Activity 3, page 12
c. Other services: parking, food, health services
1. The purpose is to contrast urban and rural life. III. Conclusion
2. Perhaps some of the most notable differences in the lives Restate thesis
of these two groups include the degree of friendliness Opinion: Beginning at a community college is a perfect
between residents, the pace of life, and the variety of
available activities. solution for students looking to continue on their
educational path without going into tremendous debt.
3. urban
4. Suggested answer: The first sentence in each body 6. Answers will vary.
paragraph is the topic sentence, which gives the main 7. Answers will vary.
topic of the paragraph and the controlling idea. 8. Answers will vary.
5. Paragraph 4
Activity 5, page 22
Answers will vary.
Activity 6, page 24 best obtain these items? Previously, there was one
technique—shopping in person. Today, however,
1. When one looks at this issue critically, however, it is clear consumers have various options, and can shop based
that advertising can benefit society in many ways. on their preferences.
2. indirect C. Thesis statement: In fact, there are now three
3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: Advertising is beneficial main kinds of shopping: in-person, online, and
in terms of the size of the industry, its commitment to third-party.
creativity, and its fostering of public awareness. II. Body
Activity 7, page 24 A. Paragraph 2
1. Topic sentence (Shopping type #1): When thinking
1. $200B in 2017; $300B in 2020
about shopping, the method that immediately
2. $180B in 2020; about the same comes to mind is “in-person” shopping.
3. Possible answers: print, radio 2. Supporting ideas
Activity 8, page 24 a. History of in-person shopping
Answers will vary. Possible answer: Which is harder, working in b. Description of mall shoppers
business or working in sports? B. Paragraph 3
1. Topic sentence (Shopping type #2): With advances
Activity 9, page 26 in technology, online shopping has also become a
1. These differences, however, pale in comparison to the strong consumer option.
similarities shared by the two professions, for the main
2. Supporting ideas
functions of athletic team coaches and business managers
are very closely related. a. Benefits to shoppers: Without leaving home,
can compare
2. It is indirect. There are no specific examples of the
similarities in the thesis statement. (1) trends
3. Answers will vary. Possible answer: The similarities (2) availability
between team coaches' and business managers’ jobs (3) price
include leading their teams, solving problems, and
(4) quality
representing employees to upper management.
b. Benefit to producers: can sell merchandise from
Activity 10, page 28 a warehouse
Title: Shopping for Everyone c. Saving time and energy
I. Introduction (Paragraph 1) C. Paragraph 4
A. Hook: Give a few shopping scenarios 1. Topic sentence (Shopping type #3): Finally, there
B. Connecting information are third-party personal shopping services, which
are used primarily in the clothing industry.
C. Thesis statement: In fact, there are now three main
kinds of shopping: in-person, online, and third-party. 2. Supporting ideas
II. Body (Paragraphs 2–4) a. Steps
A. Paragraph 2 topic sentence: When thinking about (1) Fill out a shopping profile
shopping, the method that immediately comes to (2) Guidelines followed by shopping service
mind is “in-person” shopping. III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5)
B. Paragraph 3 topic sentence: With advances in A. Review of the three types
technology, online shopping has also become a strong
consumer option. B. Prediction: It is anyone's guess what the next shopping
experience might be.
C. Paragraph 4 topic sentence: Finally, there are third-
party personal shopping services, which are used
primarily in the clothing industry. BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY
III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5) Activity 12, page 32
A. Restatement of thesis
1. idea
B. Prediction
2. disadvantage
Activity 11, page 29 3. belief
Title: Shopping for Everyone 4. possible
I. Introduction (Paragraph 1) 5. related to
A. Hook: A college student needs a new laptop. An 6. without
upcoming wedding requires people in the wedding 7. common
party to buy formal dresses. A boss asks her accountant 8. the situation
for new computer software.
9. multiple
B. Connecting information: These are all everyday
10. likely
purchases. The question is: How can the consumer

2  Great Writing 4: Great Essays

Activity 13, page 32 Unit 2  Cause-Effect Essays
1. have the means to
3. mediate Activity 1, page 40
4. tends to
1. The purpose is to explain why people lie.
5. lead to
2. The fact is that people lie for many reasons.
6. countless
3. scenario
7. permanently
4. These types of stories show children that “honesty is the
8. obtain best policy.” Still, if this is the case, then why do so many
9. crucial people lie?
10. roughly 5. Possible answer: a lie that is not harmful
Activity 14, page 33 6. A stranger calls while the parents are out.
7. Answers will vary.
1. appreciation
2. appreciate Activity 2, page 43
3. available 1. The purpose is to show the effects that insomnia can have
4. availability on the heart.
5. fundamentally 2. indirect
6. fundamental 3. Paragraph 2: For one, insomnia can cause an increase in
7. primary blood pressure, according to Dr. Alexandros …
8. primarily Paragraph 3: Insomnia is also suspected to cause a higher
heart rate.
9. risky
Paragraph 4: People who suffer from insomnia often
10. risk make unhealthy lifestyle choices, and these choices can
affect heart health.
Activity 15, page 34
4. High blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, or
Answers will vary. heart failure.
5. Paragraph 4
BUILDING BETTER SENTENCES 6. However, those individuals who suffer from chronic
insomnia are at a greater risk of heart problems.
Activity 16, page 34
1. family families Activity 3, page 46
2. occurrence occurred Topic: The causes of bullying behavior
3. no error Answers will vary. Possible answers:
4. stability stable I. A. Hook: How are bullies created?
5. historical history B. Thesis statement: Bullying behavior can occur for many
6. no error reasons, some of which are the need for bullies to feel in
control, their lack of parental attention, and their spoiled
Activity 17, page 34 upbringing.
Answers will vary. II. A. Support 3: They want to be well known in school.
B. Paragraph 3 (Cause 2) topic sentence: Their parents do
Activity 18, page 35 not give them the attention they need.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: C. Paragraph 4 (Cause 3) topic sentence: They are spoiled.
1. Washing dishes is another household chore that many III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5) (restated thesis): However one
people dislike. looks at bullying, the causes are very complex.
2. No one in the history class got an A on the final exam.
Topic: The effects of bullying on the victim
3. While the manager was reviewing her presentation, her
assistant was setting up the technology in the conference Answers will vary. Possible answers:
room. I. A. Hook: Anyone who has ever been bullied knows how
terrible it feels.
WRITING II. A. Support 3: They might skip school.
B. Support 2: They start suffering from depression.
Activity 19, page 36
C. Support 3: They may think about hurting themselves.
Answers will vary. III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5) (restated thesis): Bullying can
have serious repercussions on victims.

Answer Key  3
Activity 4, page 49 4. illustrate
Answers will vary. 5. important
6. interested
Activity 5, page 52 7. reason
1. due to 8. a little
2. As a result of 9. a lot
3. Consequently 10. transformation
4. As a result Activity 11, page 58
5. because of
1. familiarize
Activity 6, page 54 2. correlation
1. The professor asked the students when they wanted to 3. maintain
take the final exam. 4. substantial
2. None of the employees knows when the new CEO will be 5. pose
6. inappropriate
3. One benefit of an engineering degree is that there are jobs
7. thrive
8. fatigued
4. How some people can easily learn foreign languages while
others cannot is a mystery. 9. distinguish
5. Not everyone is convinced that the strategic plan will work. 10. compelling

Activity 7, page 55 Activity 12, page 59

Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. consequently
1. His greatest accomplishment is that he climbed Mount Everest. 2. consequence
2. Does anyone know when the final exam will be? / Does 3. correlate
anyone know what the date is for the final exam? 4. correlation
3. No one was interested in what the speaker had to say. 5. currently
4. What we ate last night was disappointing. 6. current
5. She is still deciding what topic to choose for the project. 7. impacted
6. Hotel management is a career that has the potential to grow. 8. impact
9. maintain
Activity 8, page 56
10. maintenance
Rewritten paragraphs will vary. Wordy phrases:
Activity 13, page 60
1. In my opinion, I believe
2. for the purpose of Answers will vary.
3. made statements saying that
4. Despite the fact that
5. when all is said and done Activity 14, page 60
Activity 9, page 57 1. As a result of the rain, the game was postponed until next
1. movies, and films 2. Because he has taught the class for twenty years, he knows
2. future life might be in 300 years the content well.
3. worlds, planets, and galaxies 3. No one was aware that the company’s stock could rise so
4. unexpected surprise suddenly.
5. collaborate together 4. Her classmates wanted to know where she had learned her
art skills.
6. untrue and fictitious
5. It is not surprising that so many students are going into the
7. ordinary, everyday
biomedical engineering field.


Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity 10, page 58
1. The rumors about the new vice president were mean and
1. feature untrue.
2. result 2. The local high school graduation was postponed because
3. now of bad weather.

4  Great Writing 4: Great Essays

3. The main entrance to the stadium is closed between 6:00 Activity 3, page 75
p.m. and midnight.
Wording will vary. Possible answers:
Activity 16, page 61 Title: Not as Different as One Would Think
Answers will vary. I. Introduction (Paragraph 1)
A. Hook: All countries are unique.
WRITING B.  Connecting information: Different location, size,
language, government, climate, lifestyle
Activity 17, page 62 C.  Thesis statement: On the contrary, the two countries
Answers will vary. Possible answers: share many similarities.
1. They like the attention. They do not consider the II. Body
consequences. A.  Paragraph 2 (Similarity 1) topic sentence: One
2. They choose to do what they love. They choose the one important similarity between Brazil and the United
that will allow them to make the most money. States is their massive size.
3. They want to get a job in a different country. They want to 1. Brazil’s characteristics
communicate with people from different cultures. a.  Size: covers almost half of South America, land
4. Players learn the benefits of teamwork. Players stay mass of nearly 3.3 million square miles (8.5
healthy. million square kilometers)
5. Answers will vary. b.  Travel: few Brazilians have traveled extensively
6. Answers will vary. in their country
2. United States’ characteristics
Activities 18–22, pages 63–67 a.  Size: covers most of North America, extends
Answers will vary. from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, 3.1 million
square miles (8 million square kilometers)
b.  Travel: many people in the U.S. have not visited
UNIT 3  Comparison Essays much of their country
B.  Paragraph 3 (Similarity 2) topic sentence: Another
ELEMENTS OF GREAT WRITING similarity between Brazil and the United States is the
diversity of the population.
Activity 1, page 71
1. Brazil
Answers will vary. Possible answers: a. Colonized by Europeans
1. The point-by-point method requires more paragraphs. b. Other ethnic groups
2. The block method is likely easier to organize and write. c. Indigenous people
3. As a reader, point-by-point is easier to follow. 2. United States
Activity 2, page 72 a. Native Americans
b. Northern Europe
c. Slaves from Africa
Answers will vary.
d. Later immigrants from Mediterranean
e. Immigrants from Asia
1. The purpose is to show the similarities between Brazil and
the United States. f. Immigrants from S America
2. This essay compares the size, diversity, and core values of C.  Paragraph 4 (Similarity 3) topic sentence: Finally, both
both countries. countries share an important value: individualism.
3. point-by-point 1.  Brazilians’ belief in freedom: have the right to do
and be whatever they want if don't hurt others,
4. All countries are unique.
from President Getúlio Vargas in 1930s and 40s
5. Thesis statement: On the contrary, the two countries share
2. U.S. belief in freedom: individualism at core of
many similarities. Restatement in conclusion: Although
culture in U.S., dating back to Declaration of
Brazil and the United States have many differences, they
Independence and Bill of Rights.
also have remarkable similarities in their size, ethnic
diversity, and core values. III. Conclusion (Paragraph 5)
6. Brazil: covers almost ½ S American continent, land mass A.  Restated thesis: Although Brazil and the United States
nearly 3.3 million square miles have many differences, they also have remarkable
similarities in their size, ethnic diversity, and core values.
United States: takes up significant portion of N American
continent (from Atlantic to Pacific), land mass of 3.1 million B.  Opinion: All cultures are more similar than different.
square miles
Activity 4, page 77
7. an opinion
Answers will vary.

Answer Key  5
Activity 5, page 80 6. Intimidation
1. However 7. Remarkably
2. Similarly 8. remarkable
3. Unlike 9. unique
4. In addition 10. uniqueness
5. Nevertheless Activity 11, page 85
Activity 6, page 82 Answers will vary.
1. Vacations, which can range from a few days to months, are
an integral part of life. BUILDING BETTER SENTENCES
2. Some people who wait too long might have to spend a lot Activity 12, page 86
of money.
3. A “staycation,” which involves relaxing at home without Answers will vary.
the burden of school or work, is a good alternative. Activity 13, page 86
4. … time off that is relaxing is necessary for everyone.
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity 7, page 83 1. The city of Pompeii, which was destroyed by a volcanic
Answers will vary. eruption in AD 79, had extremely modern plumbing.
2. The adult human body has 206 bones while a baby’s body
has approximately 270 bones.
3. The highest recorded temperature on Earth, which peaked
Activity 8, page 83 at 136 degrees Fahrenheit, was in El Azizia, Libya.
1. inexpensive Activity 14, page 87
2. valuable 1. The bookstore with the best selection is often crowded,
3. difficult especially on weekends.
4. get rid of 2. Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room
5. food temperature.
6. basically 3. One of the most visited cities in Italy is Florence, which is
7. important home of the Renaissance.
8. watch 4. The development of the driverless car is one of the most
fascinating advancements of the 21st century.
9. imagine
5. The Islamic calendar, which is also known as the Hijri
10. one calendar, is based on the cycles of the moon.
Activity 9, page 84
1. scenario
2. lenient Activity 15, page 89
3. numerous Answers will vary as to why the topics are or are not good for a
4. remarkable comparison essay.
5. core 1. yes—compare costs, privacy, space
6. focus on 2. yes
7. diversity 3. yes
8. disruptive 4. no
9. consideration 5. yes
10. massive 6. no
7. yes
Activity 10, page 84
8. yes
1. diverse 9. no
2. diversity 10. yes
3. harm
4. harmful Activities 16–20, pages 90–94
5. intimidated Answers will vary.

6  Great Writing 4: Great Essays

UNIT 4  Argument Essays 3. Answers will vary.

Activity 6, page 110

Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Activity 1, page 99 1. Some animals would die out completely if they were not
Prereading: cared for in captivity.
Answers will vary. 2. Not all students have access to tablets or smartphones.
Postreading: 3. Some people are physically incapable of driving.
1. The purpose is to argue that school uniforms should be 4. International travel is not possible for everyone who wants
required. to learn another language.
2. School uniforms are the better choice for three reasons. 5. Some nutrients found in meat are not found in vegetables.
3. Paragraph 2: help make students’ lives simpler; Paragraph 6. Everything, even reality shows, can be educational if it is
3: influence students to act responsibly in groups and as explained properly.
individuals; Paragraph 4: help make all students feel equal
Activity 7, page 111
4. Implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all
students look the same regardless of their financial status. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
5. Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that students who 1. However, children can increase their confidence in better,
wear school uniforms cannot express their individuality. more educational ways.
6. School is a place to learn, not to show off wealth or style. 2. Even though they may seem expensive, preventive health
Students can express their individuality through their care is financially beneficial to companies because these
clothing outside of class. activities help with overall health, lowering long-term
health costs.
7. Public schools should require uniforms in order to benefit
both the students and society as a whole. 3. While this may be true, it’s clear that there are more
nutritious options available to students and the
Activity 2, page 102 consumption of fast-food should be discouraged.
Answers will vary. Possible answers: 4. In reality, girls only seem to be less capable in math and
science because teachers tend to focus their attention on
II. the boys in class.
A. 2. Regular exercise teaches children good habits.
B. 3. Kids practice persistence and learn the importance of Activity 8, page 113
commitment. 1. loaded words
C. Paragraph 4 Topic Sentence: Schools are better equipped to 2. loaded word
teach physical education than parents.
3. sweeping generalization
III. Conclusion: Schools are the best places to help students
4. hasty generalization
learn the importance of physical fitness.
5. events related only by sequence
Activity 3, page 103 6. either/or argument
Answers will vary.
Activity 9, page 114
Activity 4, page 105 1. passed / would have – PFU
Answers will vary. 2. is / eat – G
3. show / will become – FR
Activity 5, page 107
4. had struck / would have been injured – PU
Choosing modals:
5. adopt / will create – FR
1. might
6. has / is done – G
2. must
7. could have been avoided / had been taken – PU
3. may
8. could take / started – PFU
4. cannot
6. should
7. will Activity 10, page 116
Postreading: 1. connected to
1. Regardless of what skeptics might say, the fact is that 2. to learn a language
everyone has the capacity to build or create something 3. dedication
4. begin using
2. P2: Most people have the creativity to come up with a new
5. lacking
idea. P3: Commitment, not cash, is what leads to success.
P4: Opportunity can be found anywhere. 6. event

Answer Key  7
7. money UNIT 5 Problem-Solution Essays
8. value
10. negative effect
Activity 1, page 127
Activity 11, page 116
Answers will vary.
1. everyday
2. unprecedented
Activity 2, page 129
3. unity Answers will vary. Possible answers:
4. authentic 1. The purpose is to offer ways for people to protect their
private information while using the Internet.
5. accessible
2. Although the danger is real, there are certain ways for
6. worldwide individuals to protect their private information.
7. remark 3. Internet privacy is important because without it companies
8. guaranteed can share your personal information, leading to a lot of
9. opponent advertising and/or identity theft.
10. prosperity 4. Internet users can hide their Internet-surfing habits and/or
use password managers.
Activity 12, page 117 5. Everyone should be using these strategies because they are
1. authenticity easy to use and inexpensive.
2. authentic Activity 3, page 132
3. Innovation I. B. Definition
4. innovative I. D. Thesis statement
5. intensified II. A. 2. Engineering
6. intensive II. B. 2. Low salaries
7. isolation III. A. 2. research opportunities
8. isolate IV. A. Restate the thesis statement
9. wealthy IV. B. Call to action
10. wealth
Activity 4, page 134
Activity 13, page 118 S V
1. While many marketers say there is nothing wrong with this
Answers will vary. sharing of information, very often it falls into the wrong
Activity 14, page 118 2. Because password managers generate unique passwords
for every website that is used, the user’s privacy is
Answers will vary. Possible answers: maintained.
1. One of the advantages of the computer software is its
price. 3. The password manager keeps track of logins and
2. Professors should remember that students are enrolled in S V
offers assistance if a user gets confused.
many different classes.
3. Some children who have strict parents tend to be more 4. VPNs hide the user’s address so that online companies
organized than other children. V
cannot see the path used to reach their websites.
Activity 15, page 119
Answers will vary. 5. Even though password managers might seem too costly,
they are available in all price ranges.
Activity 16, page 120
Answers will vary. S V
6. Despite the fact that they are easily available, many people
do not take advantage of these tools.
Activities 17–21, pages 120–123 7. Private browsing deletes temporary Internet files, browsing
Answers will vary. history, and cookies when users end their Internet session.
8. Although the danger is real, there are certain ways for
individuals to protect their private information.

8  Great Writing 4: Great Essays

Activity 5, page 134 Activity 10, page 140
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.
Activity 6, page 135
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The purpose is to explain the problem of pollution on Activity 11, page 140
Mount Everest and the latest solution. problem problems; In one year children In one year, children;
2. historical event Television responsible Television is responsible; Parents has
3. Along with an increase in the number of Everest mountain been worrying Parents have been worrying; real and not
climbers is the increased problem of litter left behind on imaginary solutions real solutions; won’t will not;
this natural wonder. Fortunately, Nepalese officials are invoulved involved
working to fix this potential environmental disaster.
Activity 12, page 141
4. It is causing life-threatening problems by polluting the
local water supply; Paragraph 2 Answers will vary. Possible answers:
5. installation of garbage disposal sites; $4,000 fines; 1. The hikers made it to the summit of the mountain, but it
transporting the waste to Kathmandu for recycling was exhausting.
6. Answers will vary. 2. The old, bulky tech equipment in the computer lab is
difficult to use.
BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY 3. Biomedical engineering is a fast-growing industry,
especially in Western Europe.
Activity 7, page 138
Activity 13, page 142
1. financial
Answers will vary.
2. together
3. laws
4. ideas
5. count Activities 14–19, pages 143–147
6. famous Answers will vary.
7. solutions
8. acknowledgement
9. online database
UNIT 6  Reaction Essays and Exam
10. common Questions
Activity 8, page 138 ELEMENTS OF GREAT WRITING
1. measures
Activity 1, page 150
2. enforce
3. official Answers will vary. Possible answers:
4. automatically 1. This article was particularly impactful to me in highlighting
that athletes with disabilities are highly skilled, world-class
5. regulations competitors.
6. use up 2. title of article, author of article, where to find the article, a
7. budget summary of the article, and the thesis statement
8. trustworthy 3. The writer includes the URL to allow the reader to go to the
9. integrity original source if he/she wants more information.
10. disposal 4. The writer is impressed by the courage and passion of
these athletes with disabilities.
Activity 9, page 139 5. prediction
1. accumulation
Activity 2, page 153
2. accumulate
3. collaboratively
Answers will vary.
4. collaboration
5. generate
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
6. generation
1. The purpose is to give a reaction to a photograph.
7. prominently
2. The introduction gives a good physical description of
8. prominent
the photo in addition to background information on the
9. proposal content of the photo.
10. proposed

Answer Key  9
3. the structural worker and New York City in the background 6. after
4. Answers will vary. 7. intense
8. represent
Activity 3, page 155
9. detailed
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
10. eyes
Title: Reaction to “Old-Timer Structural Worker”
I. A. 2. The building he is working on is the Empire State Activity 12, page 165
Building. 1. comfortably
I. B. Thesis: For me, this photo is a symbol of hard work and 2. admiration
3. reminder
II. A. 2. There is no equipment to ensure his safety, but he is
not afraid. 4. specifically
II. A. 3. his surroundings; his abilities 5. structure
II. B. (topic sentence) The photo also represents a time of 6. courageous
hope and even optimism in the face of hard times. 7. outcome
II. B. 1. show that the city is still growing 8. visible
II. B. 2. is reaching toward the sky and the future 9. device
II. B. 3. The photo is a reminder of what people can create 10. construction
given their optimism and hard work.
Activity 13, page 166
III. A. Restated thesis: The visions of society and the promise
of a prosperous future are contained in “Old-Timer 1. accomplished
Structural Worker.” 2. accomplishment
III. B. Opinion: We have accomplished so much in such a 3. impressively
short time.
4. impress
5. passion
6. passionate
Activities 4–8, pages 156–159 7. persevered
Answers will vary. 8. Perseverance
9. safely

Activity 9, page 162 Activity 14, page 167

Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Activity 10, page 164

1. who is a swimmer from the United States a swimmer
from the United States Activity 15, page 168
2. who are interested in competing interested in 1. family families
competing 2. unhappily unhappy
3. who just want to compete just wanting to compete 3. interesting interested, academically academic
4. which is another New York landmark another New York 4. similar similarities
5. mean meaning, surely sure
5. that supports the workers supporting the workers
6. C
6. which is reaching toward the sky and toward the future
reaching toward the sky and toward the future Activity 16, page 168
7. who is focused on his job focused on his job
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
8. that reminds us reminding us
1. Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain, is located in
Tanzania, Africa.
BUILDING BETTER VOCABULARY 2. Baby giraffes can stand up on their own five hours after
they are born and can run after only 10 hours.
Activity 11, page 165
3. “Animal rain” is a fascinating phenomenon in which small
1. positive feelings animals get sucked up by waterspouts and then fall to the
2. forward movement ground with raindrops.
3. done well Activity 17, page 169
4. not fearful Answers will vary.
5. physical object

10  Great Writing 4: Great Essays

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