With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Human as we are, we inclined to think the responsibility we have as individuals. How much
pleasure a man has when he has this power, and yet has he performed will his responsibility?
Have you ever thought of these things – power and responsibility? Or has it ever crossed these
things in your mind?
Power is something if not all, most of us have dreamt of. It is something that bait us. but in our
search to proliferate power we all tend to administer the responsibilities that squired with the
power, it hardly came to our mind when we think of power. Power has no fixed definition, it
varies on how an individual sees it, but the fact remains that it flaunts authority throughout
individuals on account of power.
Today, as we heed the person whose power is entrusted inclined to reaped the benefits of all the
power wielded in him, but is not ready to accept the responsibility that comes with it. It is
perceptible fact that no one comes to take responsibility of any malpractice everybody tries to
play liability especially in politics.
It is imperative to know that power, regardless of how small or big comes with commensurate
responsibility as these two are commendatory to each other. Indispensable power conceivably
hoisted by certainty that the responsibility is vested in government officials, may it in local or
national, for that, there must be accompanied power so that state could take decision to do the
same. When the government vested this power, he may take full responsibility to its people by
providing them a peaceful environment and great action plan for the development of its country.
When everything is in segment things will be in righteous, nevertheless as extensively cognizant
occur particularly in political sector, we discern the opposite. In venture to procure power,
political affiliation does not hesitate escalating collective abhorrence and loosen the
responsibility of nurturing law and order condition.