Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Emma Watson
Feminism: the belief that men and women should have equal rights
politically, economically and socially.
After reading and listening to Emma Watson speech a number of times.
I can honestly say that it was quite inspiring and very brave on her part.
The speech was incredibly important because it really challenged the root of
sexism without necessary putting down the male gender but instead
empowering them to join forces with the female gender for a better outcome
of the both sexes.
Feminism is often mistaken to be female empowerment with the oppression
of men. Many have viewed it as a way of women getting back at men for the
oppression and discrimination in historic times but it is simply not feminism
is for all people. I can understand the debate to change the word of feminism
to something that suits all people as research shows that many young men
are phased by the name "Feminism" so I believe this speech is vital in
uniting both genders. We need feminism to be a word that rolls off smoothly
on everybodies tongues without hesistation.
I first was introduced into the world of feminism by a friend at the age of 12
and I was very wary of it and suspicious as I had read negative things online
and from people around me. My grandfather described feminism as the "
destruction of family structure and boundaries ".When we are young
children we tend to believe everything your elders say so I took this to heart
not knowing that my grandfathers feminism was very different to the
feminism of my friend which seemed much more appealing to the eye. This
begs the question of the different types of feminism ingrained in peoples
heads and mentality I think in her speech Emma really strives to challenge
this mentality I believe that for the success of gender equality this is vital
and the campaign# heforshe is really getting the point of it all.
In her speech Emma is subjective which is really good and easier to read and
listen to she talks about personal experiences which surprisingly despite her
celebrity status she manages to relate gender issues that happens to us too.
Which is really the goal of heforshe to unite everyone in the fight of gender
Emma speech is very encouraging but she fails to address the issues of
religion and culture that ultimately determine the gender equality one faces.
This will be the struggle future feminists will face in order to combat gender