Grammar Notes For Lesson 9: 1. More Diverse Ways of Expression
Grammar Notes For Lesson 9: 1. More Diverse Ways of Expression
Grammar Notes For Lesson 9: 1. More Diverse Ways of Expression
3. Space of Time
3.1 Space of time ∼時間
3.2 Space of time ∼分(間)
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 2
Grammar Notes for Lesson 9
Sample sentence:
Nihon-go ga sukoshi dekimasu.
I can (speak) little Japanese.
As you can easily ascertain, most of these expressions are used to emphasize the
mental features and not the physical characteristic of a person.
Apart from the arrangement in groups according to the meaning, it is also possible to put
the expressions in groups in a more grammatical way:
N1はN2が 好きです/きらいです/得意です/ほしいです/必要です/上手です/下手です
are sentence structures all formed by adjectival predicates. So they describe the quality.
N1はN2が できます/わかります/いります
are sentence structures formed by verbal predicates. They describe the permanent
condition or the state.
In all cases N1 is usually a human being or at least living object or personified object.
(The state needs more money. My cat understands me. The car dislikes dust.)
Sample sentences:
h for instance:
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 4
Michael gave flowers to Maria.
Maria received flowers from Michael.
Michael gave also to me flowers.
The sample sentences show very clearly that there is one equivalent for the word
to receive namely the 強V もらう, but there are two equivalents for the verb to give
and these are the 弱V あげる andくれる.
N1は N2 に N3 を もらいます。
N1は N2 から N3 を もらいます。
As it is already illustrated in the sample sentence, N1 and N2 are mostly persons (Maria and
Michael) or at least animals, and N3 is a thing (flowers). But sentences like this nation gets
subsidy from other industrialized nations are also imaginable.
Sample sentences:
Ms Mori got a present from her father.
The husband will get money from his wife.
その赤いセーターはどなたにもらいましたか。 彼女にもらいました。
From whom did you get that red sweater? From my girlfriend.
This dog gets always delicious things from my mother.
notice 1: Depending on the context, the nominal segments can be omitted or their
positions can be changed: お父さんからプレゼントをもらいました。or, for instance,
notice 2: It is unusual to use the first person (i.e. I or me) in the N2 position unless
the sentence describes a conscious and distanced observation of the action in which the
speaking person himself is involved. So usually statements like
森さんは私からプレゼントをもらいました。 Ms Mori got a present from me (myself). sound egocentric. In a
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 5
similar way people closely relating to you like parents, brothers and sisters, friends etc.
can hardly be used as N2.
N1 and N2 are mostly persons and N3 is a thing (in the widest sense). But as it was
mentioned in the foregoing chapter, sentences with personified actors are also imaginable.
Although the original meaning of あげる is to raise, i.e. the recipient is in upper position,
you often hear statements like 犬にご飯をあげます。(to give something to eat to a dog.), or even
花に水をあげます。(to give water to the plants.)
Sample sentences:
He gave her a present.
The wife gives money to her husband.
その赤いセーターはどなたあげますか。 彼にあげます。
To whom are you going to give that red sweater? To my boyfriend.
My mother is giving always delicious things to this dog.
N1は N2 に N3 を くれます。
While the N2 position is reserved either for the speaker or the people and animals
connected with him, the holder of the N1 position always depends on the question who is
N2 ?.
If N2 is 私, we have no problems. Every human being, i.e. including all people of the
私 -sphere and even animals, (provided that these animals are able to perform the act of
giving e.g. The friendly ape gave me an apple.) can resume the position of N1 :
父は私に本をくれました。 My father gave me a book.
子どもは私にお菓子をくれます。 A child is going to give me sweets.
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 6
森さんは私にプレゼントをくれません。 Ms Mori does not give me a present.
N1が N2 に N3 を くれます。
h for instance:
マリア 私 セーター くれる
彼 彼女 本 もらう
マリア 子ども お菓子 あげる
森さん 本田さん これ もらう
父 私 お金 くれる
先生 マイケル 本 くれる
私 母 花 あげる
母 私 CD くれる
友だち 私 ねこ くれる
彼女 彼 ケーキ あげる
森さん 私 時間 くれる
私 手紙
兄 弟 お菓子
その花 だれ か。
友だち 何 か。
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 7
Sample sentences:
Michael put on the glasses.
And then he put on a cap.
And finally he put on the gloves.
In connection with things like clothing, accessories, and other items a person can wear,
carry by oneself, or take off, there are several special verbs in use. The three sample
sentences show that the action of wearing three different things めがね, ぼうし , and 手袋 is
also performed by three different verbs. (かける, はめる, and はめる). Particularly with regard
to the action of putting on but less of taking off things, there are fixed expressions.
A certain systematic relation between these actions and the articles of clothing or other
things a person can carry by oneself is evident:
着る shows the action of wearing articles of clothing often with sleeves which are worn in
a way of coating or infolding. The process of putting on often follows the direction
top down. Examples of such articles of clothing are shirts, suits, sweaters, coats,
dresses etc. (By the way the kimono 着物 means nothing but a thing to wear.)
Sample sentences with 着る:
マイケルはワイシャツを着ます。 Michael is going to put on a shirt.
それから、スーツを着ます。 Then he will put on a suit.
そして、コートを着ます。 Finally, he will put on a coat.
はく shows the action of wearing articles of clothing which are put on bottom-up. So it is
a curious scene if someone is saying ワイシャツをはきます。 (I am going to put over
my shirt.) Examples of articles of clothing which are used with はく are trousers,
skirts, briefs, socks, shoes etc.
Sample sentences with はく:
マリアはスカートをはきます。 Maria is going to put on a skirt.
それから、くつしたをはきます。 Then she will put on socks.
そして、くつをはきます。 Finally, she will put on shoes.
Quiz 3: Find the right verb for putting on and taking off for the following things:
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 9
Sample sentence:
What time is it now? It is eleven thirty-five.
As it was mentioned in lesson 8, the clock time is formed by using a number and its
classifier. Speaking about time in minutes 分 (ふん or ぷん ), we use the structure
number plus the suffix 分 (1分, 2分, 3分, 4分, 5分 etc.)
The combination of a number and the suffix 分 is subjected to regular changes in sound
caused by the overlap of syllables. (see lesson 6, chapter 2.1)
The usual pronunciation of 分 in the meaning of minute is ふん and the aberrations
(these are all minutes including the numbers 1,3,4,6,8, and 10) are pronounced regularly
as ぷん. In the following table the aberrations are written in bold:
notice 1:
The expression for half past (hour) is the suffix ∼半 (∼はん). E.g. 12:30 is
But there are no expressions in Japanese for a quarter of an hour.
notice 2:
The exceeded hour past is expressed in Japanese by the suffix ∼過ぎ (∼すぎ). E.g. 12:05 is
12時5分過ぎ(じゅうにじごふんすぎ). But normally it is not necessary to mark the exceeded
minutes explicitly with a 過ぎ, because clock times like 12時5分(じゅうにじごふん) mean
already the overrunning of the hour. Further the use of 過ぎ is limited to approximately 15
I.e. 12:13 is either 12時13分(じゅうにじじゅうさんぷん) or rare but not wrong version
12時13分過ぎ (じゅうにじじゅうさんぷんすぎ, while 12:20 is 12時20分(じゅうにじにじゅっぷん), but
never 12時20分過ぎ(じゅうにじにじゅっぷんすぎ).
notice 3:
The not yet reached hour to is expressed by the suffix ∼前 (∼まえ). E.g. five minutes to
twelve is 12時5分前(じゅうにじごふんまえ). This ∼前 as an indication for the not yet reached
hour is definitely required.
Further, the use of this expression is also limited to approximately 15 minutes.
I.e. 11:47 can be presented as 12時13分前(じゅうにじじゅうさんぷんまえ thirteen minutes to
twelve), while 11:40 cannot be described as 12時20分前(じゅうにじにじゅっぷんまえ). It can be
only described as 11時40分 (過ぎ) (じゅういちじよんじゅっぷん(すぎ)).
notice 4:
The interrogative for the minutes is 何分(なんぷん). The approximate time is (still) ∼ごろ.
1時間 いちじかん 1 hour
2時間 にじかん 2 hours
3時間 さんじかん 3 hours
4時間 よじかん 4 hours
5時間 ごじかん 5 hours
6時間 ろくじかん 6 hours
7時間 ななじかん/しちじかん 7 hours
8時間 はちじかん 8 hours
9時間 くじかん 9 hours
10時間 じゅうじかん 10 hours
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 12
notice 1:
The interrogative for the hour (how many hours) is the 何時間 (なんじかん).
notice 2:
In order to give the approximate time in hours, we use the prefix 約∼ or the suffix
∼ぐらい, e.g. 約100時間 or 100時間ぐらい.
notice 3:
For the half an hour the expression 半 (はん) is used as a suffix to 時間 . So 2時間半 means
two and a half hours, 14時間半 means fourteen and a half hours.
As a synonym for 30 minutes (see next chapter) you sometimes hear the expression 半時間
(はんじかん half- hour). The pronunciation of this word is confusing because of the
quite similar pronunciation of three hours: 3時間(さんじかん).
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 13
1分(間) いっぷん(かん) 1 minute
2分(間) にふん(かん) 2 minutes
3分(間) さんぷん(かん) 3 minutes
4分(間) よんぷん(かん) 4 minutes
5分(間) ごふん(かん) 5 minutes
6分(間) ろっぷん(かん) 6 minutes
7分(間) ななふん(かん) 7 minutes
8分(間) はっぷん(かん) 8 minutes
9分(間) きゅうふん(かん) 9 minutes
10分(間) じゅっぷん(かん) 10 minutes
notice 1:
The combination of hour and minute is easily made by using the structure
number時間 + number分 like 2時間15分 (にじかんじゅうごふん two hours and fifteen minutes).
notice 2:
The interrogative for the minute (how many minutes) is 何分(間) (なんぷん(かん)).
notice 3:
In order to give an approximate time in minutes, we add the prefix 約∼ or the suffix
∼ぐらい, e.g. 約100分 or 100分ぐらい.
notice 4:
The number of minutes exceeding 60 is often replaced by the next higher unit, i.e.
the hour. So the space of time1時間40分 (one hour and 40 minutes) is at any rate more
popular than 100分 (hundred minutes).
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 14
Quiz 10: Read the following combination of hours and minutes as space of time:
Quiz 11: Answer the questions by using the hours and minutes.
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 15
In lesson 4 and 5 we have learnt the basics of the Japanese numbers. This chapter deals
with numbers consisting of up to nine digits (999 millions). Since the Japanese currency,
the so-called Yen (the latinized symbol of yen is ¥, the Kanji is 円 , the pronunciation えん)
has no fractional currency like cents, centimes or pence often valued at 1⁄100 of the main
currency. Thus relatively high numbers are commonly used. (Almost all Japanese are
multimillionaires!) :
1 一 いち
10 十 じゅう
100 百 ひゃく
1,000 千 せん
10,000 万 まん (or 一万 いちまん)
100,000 十万 じゅうまん
1,000,000 百万 ひゃくまん
10,000,000 千万 せんまん (or 一千万 いっせんまん)
100,000,000 億 おく (or 一億 いちおく)
This line-up of the Japanese numbers up to hundred million makes it clear that there
is a special denotation for the number ten thousand which is called 万 (まん) or more
precisely 一万 (いちまん). Unfortunately, it is not like in Western languages where a simple
ten-fold increase of the thousand should have allowed to produce a number like 十千
(じゅうせん). Such word does not exist! In Japanese10,000 is not a10 x 1,000 but a 1 x
10,000 (一万). The consequence of this difference in denotation for the five digit numbers in
comparison with Western languages is that the Japanese version of numbers has a
complete displacement of the naming for further digits: 100,000 is not 100x1,000 but 10x
10,000 (十万) and a million is a 100x 10,000 (百万), ten millions are 1,000x 10,000 (千万)etc.
While Western languages have a special name for the seven digit numbers ( it is a million),
Japanese seven digit numbers still remain to be the hundredfold multiplication of 万.
Only after it has reached the nine digit numbers a new name appears in the Japanese
numerical series: Instead of an absurdity like 万 万 we have the number 億(おく) or more
precisely 一億 (one hundred million).
(By the way one billion 1,000,000,000 is 十億,,and one trillion 1,000,000,000,000 is
一兆 (いっちょう) which is still a part of the Japanese daily life within the scope of, for
instance, the national finances.)
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 16
¤ = ユーロ
The names of the currencies are of course nouns.
今日本円が安いです。 In the moment the Japanese Yen is cheap.
カメラをドルで買いました。 I paid for a camera in Dollars.
The combination of a number and the name of a currency (amount of money) is
treated like all other combinations of a number and a classifier (numeral):
この上着は28,000円でした。 This jacket was ¥28,000.
1ユーロは今日約149円です。 Today one Euro is approximately 149 Yen.
100円のライター a one hundred Yen lighter
The interrogative for the amount of money is いくら or 何 plus a currency,
Intensive Japanese I, Grammar Lesson 9 17
e.g. 何円, 何ドル, or 何ユーロ.
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