Student Profiling On Academic
Student Profiling On Academic
Student Profiling On Academic
This study is carried out in Management Information System (MIS) department which accepts
students from general and vocational high schools with widely varying range of educational
backgrounds. As an emerging interdisciplinary field, MIS education demands both technical and
managerial skills from its students. However, students with different backgrounds have to
pursue the same diversified set of courses. The aim of this study is to investigate students’
segments and profiles based on the various dimensions of academic abilities they possess, by
performing cluster analysis. The data set consists of the student official grade for the required
courses. First, dimensionality of the course grades is reduced to a few independent abilities by
performing factor analysis. The summed scales representing the independent factors are then
used in the cluster analysis to obtain student segments. Finally, variation of the student
background measured by high school type is profiled for each segment. The students from
general high schools have been more successful in MIS education compared to students from
vocational schools where only the basic knowledge on management or computer skills is
offered. The results of this analysis are also utilized in shaping various macro and micro level
strategies in our MIS department.
Copyright © 2012 Osman N. Darcan and Bertan Y. Badur. This is an open access article distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution License unported 3.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided that original work is properly cited. Contact author: Osman N.
Darcan E-mail:
Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education 2
The aim of this study is to investigate the simplified abstract views of the complex
profiles of students in MIS department by reality. Quantitative models such as
performing cluster analysis on various classification and regression are examples
dimensions of academic abilities based on of predictive functionalities. Prediction
their official grade data for the required involves using some known variables to
courses. Characteristics of students in each predict unknown or future values of other
cluster are examined to gain inside variables of interest. Classification is the
knowledge about how such attributes as process of finding a set of models that
educational background and high school describe and distinguish data using a
types are distributed over each segment. training dataset. The derived model is used
Especially, how the distribution of category to predict class labels that are unknown.
of high school types varies among different Regression analysis is similar to
segments are of interest to shape strategic classification, but it is used to predict a
decision of our department. continuous target variable.
The method is grounded on the qualitative variables that are not included
visualization of a set of academic subjects in cluster analysis (Sharma, 1995).
characterized by their correlation matrix of
25 subjects obtained using examination As can be seen in Table 1, there are 31
results multidimensional data. The required courses in our current MIS
correlation matrix has been analyzed to undergraduate curriculum, so a dimension
test the relation between the aptitudes of reduction strategy is needed to obtain
students and the marks earned in the independent factors. Courses requiring
related subjects. similar abilities from students are expected
to fall under the same factors. One possible
Methodology approach is based on identifying these
different dimensions subjectively using
This study aims at clustering domain knowledge; this can be
undergraduate students in the MIS accomplished by assigning a weight to each
department of Boğaziçi University based on of these ability dimensions for each course.
course grades data. After forming student These weights can be obtained from
clusters, a profile analysis was carried out instructors or students by designing
so as to examine the variation of other appropriate questionnaires and combining
student characteristics in different student their opinions accordingly.
segments. These characteristics are
Only the grades of the required courses Both factor and cluster analysis were
offered by the department are used in this performed using SPSS version 16.0 (SPSS,
study. The elective course grades are 2009). The results of the factor analysis are
omitted due to the heterogeneous nature of shown in Table 2.
these grades. In addition, considering the
fact that each instructor may have different Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (Kaiser, 1970)
grading policies and even the same measure of sampling adequacy gives a
instructor’s grading patterns may change value of 0.846, Bartlett’s test sphericity has
over time, for each year the course grades a chi-square value of 1467. With 435
are standardized by mapping the course degrees of freedom, this has a p value of
average grade to 2.0 and standard 0.000. Both of these statistics indicate that
deviation to 1.0. Hence, for each specific the data set is suitable for factor analysis.
year, the success of a particular student is There are four factors whose Eigen values
5 Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education
exceed unity that explain 63% of the total organizational behavior. The reliability of
variance in the data set. Considering the these four factors is examined by
description of the required courses in MIS computing the Cronbach’s alpha values
department given in Table 1 and the individually. The Cronbach’s alpha values
rotated factor (component) loading matrix shown in Table 3 indicate that factors 1 to
presented in Table 2 reveals that factor 1 4 are all reliable.
consists of programming courses. Factor 2
basically contains quantitative courses such Results of the cluster analysis are
as mathematics, statistics as well as the two presented in Table 4. The k-means
introductory economics courses. Factor 3 algorithm is experimented with different
collects the courses that require system number of clusters. In all these
thinking and design ability of students. experiments, similar clustering patterns
Finally, factor 4 includes managerial are observed. Number of clusters is chosen
courses such as marketing and as 6.
1 2 3 4
MIS 231 .735 .241 -.037 .226
MIS 374 .703 .142 .156 .075
MIS 236 .693 .347 .180 .103
MIS 251 .691 .328 .332 .226
MIS 134 .654 .142 .349 .281
MIS 131 .630 .307 -.002 .366
MIS 335 .586 .332 .309 -.062
MIS 252 .575 .252 .417 .075
MIS 125 .574 -.015 .262 .457
MIS 212 .501 .238 .172 .135
MIS 336 .493 .323 .420 -.072
MIS 316 .464 .416 .409 .119
MIS 144 .249 .818 .122 .109
MIS 143 .267 .751 .120 .234
MIS 112 .378 .656 .133 .284
MIS 313 .498 .594 .348 -.026
MIS 111 .416 .566 .056 .448
MIS 213 .447 .537 .366 .261
MIS 417 .088 -.103 .747 .182
MIS 463 .179 .095 .647 .230
MIS 426 .146 .083 .646 .020
MIS 224 .236 .450 .558 .285
MIS 317 .227 .354 .553 .318
MIS 424 .098 .344 .503 .033
MIS 321 .469 .288 .498 -.033
MIS 113 .100 .248 .213 .751
MIS 116 .303 .364 .435 .508
MIS 211 .408 .209 .237 .475
MIS 114 -.011 .023 .031 .281
MIS 326 .432 .369 .200 -.148
Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
F1 (Programming) 1.28880 .18754 2.88221 1.93007 2.38013 1.38250
Number of Students 45 7 78 76 93 40
Examination of the cluster centers in Table cluster 2 which can be treated as outliers.
4 reveals that: Cluster 3 represents the These students have performed very
most successful students. In all four poorly in all abilities.
dimensions, their grades are approximately
one standard deviation above the mean. Table 5 presents cross tabulations of the
The students in Cluster 5 represent the clusters and high school types. By
second successful group whose grades are examining the student’s personnel
in general 0.4 standard deviation above the information records, three main categories
average. Cluster 4 is characterized by the of high school types can be identified as
average students. Unsuccessful students vocational commerce (School Type 1),
are grouped in Clusters 1 and 6, whose vocational computer (School Type 2) and
grades are below the average in all the general high schools (School Type 3). The
abilities. However, students in these chi-square statistics with 8 degrees of
clusters have similar programming and freedom has a p-value of 0.000. The null
quantitative abilities (F1, F2) but they are hypothesis of independence of school type
differentiated in the system and managerial and student clusters can be rejected at a 1
dimensions (F3, F4). Compared to cluster 1, % confidence level. 68 % of the general
the managerial abilities of students in high school students are successful in MIS
cluster 6 are higher by 0.7 standard education (fall in Cluster 3 and 5). On the
deviation, whereas their system thinking other hand, for students from computer
abilities are lower by 0.4 standard and commerce high school, this percentage
deviation. There are only 7 students in is approximately 48.6 and 35.5
7 Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education
respectively. 19.8 % of the students from Approximately one third of computer and
commerce high school fall in Cluster 6 commerce high school students are
which is approximately two times higher average students.
than students from other types of schools.
Student Segments
1 3 4 5 6 Total
Count 12 13 29 19 18 91
1 % within school 13.2% 14.3% 31.9% 20.9% 19.8% 100.0%
% within cluster 30.8% 17.1% 38.7% 21.1% 47.4% 28.6%
School Type
Count 12 18 31 32 10 103
2 % within school 11.7% 17.5% 30.1% 31.1% 9.7% 100.0%
% within cluster 30.8% 23.7% 41.3% 35.6% 26.3% 32.4%
Count 15 45 15 39 10 124
3 % within school 12.1% 36.3% 12.1% 31.5% 8.1% 100.0%
% within cluster 38.5% 59.2% 20.0% 43.3% 26.3% 39.0%
Count 39 76 75 90 38 318
Total % within school 12.3% 23.9% 23.6% 28.3% 11.9% 100.0%
% within cluster 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
• The programming courses are offered in
the first two years of the MIS curriculum.
In this study, we have explored different
The assignment of the students to
student segments by performing cluster
different sections of the programming
analysis on various dimensions of academic
courses as well as the curriculum design
abilities for the MIS department of Boğaziçi
for these sections can be carried out by
University. Based on these segments, the
considering students’ backgrounds.
profiles of students including categorical
variables such as educational background • The projects assigned to students in
and high school types are determined. courses in the last two years of the
These profiles are used in two ways: (1) to program require different skills
investigate how high school type that (programming, managerial, quantitative,
varies among different segments effects the or system) of the students; hence, the
education; and (2) to distribute students in group member’s composition can be
various elective courses and projects as determined based on the results of this
well as to revise educational strategies of study.
the department related to the curriculum.
• The results can be used to offer a
Since students have to take a nationwide different type of elective courses
entrance exam to enter a university, the according to the background of the
department has no control over the current students in a particular semester
selection process of the undergraduate as well as designing elective tracks.
students. Therefore, the evaluation as
defined in this paper cannot be applied to • The academic advisors of the students
the selection of students. However, the can consider the findings to guide
results of this study can be used in the students in selecting appropriate
following areas to improve the quality of complementary or departmental elective
the MIS education: courses.
Journal of e-Learning & Higher Education 8