Resources and Activities For Kindergarten

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Life Science


GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Organization of Living Things
Grade Level Standard: K-1 Examine living things.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Explain characteristics and functions of observable

body parts in a variety of animals. (III.2.E.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
What are the functions of observable body parts of

1. Read In the Woods by Ermanno Cristini & Luigi In the Woods

Puricelli. Talk about and point out living/nonliving

2. Children cut out pictures of living and nonliving things

and make a separate collages.

3. Visit a farm.

Process Skills: Classifying, Observing, Communicating

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New Vocabulary: fur, scales, feathers, horns, claws, quills, beaks, eyes, teeth,
skeleton, muscles, exoskeleton, insulation, support, movement, food gathering,

Life Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Organization of Living Things
Grade Level Standard: K-1 Examine living things.

Grade Level Benchmark: 2. Describe life cycles of familiar organisms. (III.2.E.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
What are the life cycle stages of living things

1. Children bring in pictures of pets and talk about how to

care for them, how they grow and eventually die.

2. “Make a Terrarium” 

3. Buy a fish tank, watch throughout the year.

Activity is attached

Process Skills: Observing, Drawing conclusions, Controlling variables, Hypothesizing,


New Vocabulary: egg, young, adult, seed, plant, flower, fruit, larva, pupa

Life Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Organization of Living Things
Grade Level Standard: K-1 Examine living things.

Grade Level Benchmark: 3. Explain functions of selected seed plant parts.


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
How does each part of a seed plant support the plant’s
life? What are the functions of seed plant parts?

1. Read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

2. Draw the parts of a flower as the teacher tells you to,

part by part.

Process Skills: Observing, Drawing conclusions

New Vocabulary: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds

Life Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Ecosystems
Grade Level Standard: K-2 Explain ecosystems.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Describe the basic requirements for all living things to
maintain their existence. (III.5.E.2)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
What does an animal need to survive?

1. Grow two plants, give one water and not the other;
which one will grow?

2. Have two other plants in the room, give one good

sunlight and not the other; which one will grow?

3. Have two more plants in the room, put petroleum jelly

on the underside of one plant’s leaves. Can it live with
out being able to breathe air?

Process Skills: Controlling variables

New Vocabulary: Needs of life: food, habitat, water, shelter, air, light, minerals

Physical Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Matter and Energy
Grade Level Standard: K-3 Classify matter.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Classify common objects and substances according to

observable attributes/properties. (IV.1.E.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
How are given objects alike and different?

1. Use attribute blocks for sorting. Attribute blocks

2. Sort classroom objects such as seashells, buttons, and

bottle caps.

3. Identify foods and spices by smell.

Process Skills: Classifying, Predicting

New Vocabulary: rough, smooth, rigid, stiff, firm, flexible, strong, pleasant,
unpleasant, solid, liquid, gas, attract, repel, push, pull, larger, smaller, sink,
float, circle, square, triangle, oval, heavy, light

Physical Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Changes in Matter
Grade Level Standard: K-4 Describe physical changes in matter.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Describe common physical changes in matter—size,

shape; melting, freezing. (IV.2.E.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
What happens to matter when there is a physical

1. Fill a bowl with water, put in the freezer, check

periodically until frozen.

2. Watch an ice cube melt.

3. Watch the steam come off of a cup of boiling water.

Process Skills: Observing, Predicting, Drawing conclusions

New Vocabulary: solid, liquid, gas, bending, tearing, breaking, heating, cooling

Physical Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Motion of Objects
Grade Level Standard: K-5 Demonstrate the motion of objects.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Describe or compare motions of common objects in

terms of speed and direction. (IV.3.E.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
How do you describe the movement of an object?

1. Roll different types of balls, which went faster/slower?

Drop different objects. Which drops faster?

2. Drive toy cars on a road map labeled N, S, E, W and

say which way they’re driving.

3. Label the classroom N, S, E, W. Have children move

left, right, N, S, E, W. Play Simon says.

Process Skills: Observing, Predicting, Drawing conclusions

New Vocabulary: east, west, north, south, right, left, up, down, fast, slow, faster,

Earth/Space Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Geosphere
Grade Level Standard: K-6 Identify features of the Earth.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Describe major features of the Earth’s surface.


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
How could you describe the major features of the
Earth’s surface?

1. “What is the Earth Like?” 

2. Play game “Earth Ball” with an inflatable globe ball. Sit

in a circle and play catch. Tally the number of times the
right thumb lands on land or water. Explain that there
are 2/3 more water than land on Earth.

Activity is attached

Process Skills: Observing, Classifying

New Vocabulary: mountains, plains, valleys, oceans, rivers, lakes, deserts

Name_________________________________ Date ______________________

Science PlaceMat 1

What Is the Earth Like?

Earth/Space Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Atmosphere and Weather
Grade Level Standard: K-7 Observe and explain weather.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Describe weather conditions. (V.3.E.1)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
What are the daily changes in weather?

1. Graph the weather on a weather chart every day. Thermometer

Charting materials
2. Chart the temperature on an outside thermometer once Wind sock
a week. Rain gauge

3. Graph what clothing the children wore to school that


Process Skills: Observing, Classifying

New Vocabulary: cold, hot, warm, cool, cloudy, partly cloudy, foggy, rain, hail,
snow, freezing rain, windy, breezy, calm, thunderstorms, lightning, high winds,
blizzards, tornadoes

Earth/Space Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Atmosphere and Weather
Grade Level Standard: K-7 Observe and explain weather.

Grade Level Benchmark: 2. Describe seasonal changes in Michigan’s weather.


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
How does the temperature and precipitation for each
season affect what we wear?

1. “What are you wearing today?” 

2. Draw pictures of what the trees look like in each of the

four seasons.

Activity is attached

Process Skills: Observing, Classifying


New Vocabulary: fall, winter, spring, summer

Earth/Space Science

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Atmosphere and Weather
Grade Level Standard: K-7 Observe and explain weather.

Grade Level Benchmark: 3. Explain appropriate safety precautions during severe

weather. (V.3.E.3)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Question:
Where is a safe place in severe weather?

1. Practice safety procedures to follow during severe Flash, Crash, Rumble, and
weather. Roll, Franklin M. Branley

2. Read Flash, Crash, Rumble, and Roll, by Franklin M.


Process Skills: Communicating

New Vocabulary: safety precautions, safe locations, radio broadcasts, severe

weather watch and warning

Science Process

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Science Process
Grade Level Standard: K-8 Constructing meaning through the scientific
Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Use the scientific process to construct meaning.

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Questions:
1. How do scientists ask questions that help them learn
about the world?
2. How do scientists figure out answers to their
questions by investigating the world?
3. How do scientists learn about the world from books
and other sources of information?
4. How do scientists communicate their findings to other
scientists and the rest of society?
5. How do scientists reconstruct knowledge that they
have partially forgotten?

1. Have students observe different buttons. Find each

button’s match. Draw and color your pairs including the Buttons
number of holes. 

2. Have the students sort stones into the two circles. Trace
and color the stones. How are they the same? How are Stones
they different? 

Activity is attached

Process Skills: Observing, Classifying

New Vocabulary: observing, classifying, measuring, communicating, controlling

variables, developing models and theories


The process of science generates certain products which also can be arranged in an hierarchy of
increasing complexity. These products include scientific terms, facts, concepts, principles, laws, theories,
models, and applications.

A word or words that scientists use to name an entity, object, event, time period, classification
category, organism, or part of an organism. Terms are used for communication and would not
normally include names given to concepts, laws, models, or theories.

An observation, measurement, logical conclusion from other facts, or summary statement,
which is concerned with some natural phenomenon, event, or property of a substance, which,
through an operationally defined process or procedure, can be replicated independently, and
which, through such replication, has achieved consensus in the relevant scientific profession.
Facts include things such as the speed of light or properties of materials like boiling points,
freezing points, or size.

A regularly occurring natural phenomenon, property, or characteristic of matter which is
observable or detectable in many different contexts, and which is represented by a word(s) and
often by a mathematical symbol(s) is called a scientific concept. When a scientific concept is
fundamental to other concepts and is used extensively in creating such other concepts in
nature, like length (or distance ), mass, electric charge, and time. Most scientific concepts are
derived, that is, defined in terms of basic or other scientific concepts. When a derived scientific
concept is in the form of an equation, it is a mathematical definition, not a natural relationship
(e.g., destiny, speed, velocity acceleration).

A generalization or summary in the form of a statement or mathematical for when expression, a
set of observations of, or measurements for, a variable representing a concept shows a regular
dependence on one or more other variables representing other concepts. A principle of science
is an expression of generalizations that are significant but are not at the level, in terms of broad
applicability or generalizability, to be a scientific law.

An empirical law is a generalization of a relationship that has been established between or more
concepts through observation or measurement, but which relies on no theory or model for its
expression or understanding. Such laws have important application and are of great importance
as cornerstones for theories or models. Examples include Snell's law of refraction, Kepler's
Laws, and evolution (but not the theory of natural selection).

An ordinary-language or mathematical statement created or designed by scientists to account
for one or more kinds of observations, measurements, principles, or empirical laws, when this
statement makes one or more additional predictions not implied directly by anyone of such
components. When such prediction or predictions are subsequently observed, detected, or
measured, the theory begins to gain acceptance among scientists. It is possible to create
alternative theories, and scientists generally accept those theories which are the simplest or
most comprehensive and general in their accommodation to empirical law and predictive
capability (e.g., atomic theory, kinetic molecular theory, theory of natural selection, theory of
plate tectonics, quantum theory). Theories which can account only for existing laws make no
new predictions, or at least do not have greater simplicity or economy of description when
offered as alternatives to accepted theories, are of little value and therefore, generally do not
displace existing theories.

A representation, usually visual but sometimes mathematical or in words, used to aid in the
description or understanding of a scientific phenomenon, theory, law, physical entity, organism,
or part of an organism ( e.g., wave model, particle model, model of electric current,
"Greenhouse" model of the Earth and atmosphere).

A law of science that has been established through repeated unsuccessful attempts to deny it
by all possible means and which therefore, is believed to have applicability throughout the
universe. There are few such laws, and they are basic to all of the sciences (e.g., Law of
Universal Gravitation, Coulomb's Law, Law of Conservation of Energy, Law of Conservation of

Utilization of the results of observations, measurements, empirical laws, or predictions from
theories to design or explain the working of some human-made functional device or
phenomenon produced by living beings and not otherwise occurring in the natural world. (Some
such applications depend on several laws or theories, and historically many have been devised
without the humans involved having prior knowledge of those theories or laws.) Applications
would include engineering and technology and the utilization of science in making decisions on
issues that have scientific basis, for example, the relative radiation damage possible from
human-made sources as compared with natural radiation.


The scientific endeavor involves continually examining phenomena and assessing whether
current explanations adequately encompass those phenomena. The conclusions that scientists
draw never should assume a dogmatic character as science necessarily is tentative. Authorities
do not determine or create scientific knowledge, but rather scientists describe what nature
defines and originates.

Those engaged in the scientific endeavor use and rely on certain processes. The processes
can be arranged in an hierarchy of increasing complexity–observing, classifying, measuring,
interpreting data, inferring, communicating, controlling variables, developing models and
theories, hypothesizing, and predicting–but the process scientists use usually do not and need
not "happen" in this order.

Examining or monitoring the change of a system closely and intently through direct sense
perception and noticing and recording aspects not usually apparent on casual scrutiny.

Systematic grouping of objects or systems into categories based on shared characteristics
established by observation.

Using instruments to determine quantitative aspects or properties of objects, systems, or
phenomena under observation. This includes the monitoring of temporal changes of size,
shape, position, and other properties or manifestations.

Translating or elucidating in intelligible and familiar language the significance or meaning of
data and observations.

Reasoning, deducing, or drawing conclusions from given facts or from evidence such as that
provided by observation, classification, or measurement.

Conveying information, insight, explanation, results of observation or inference or measurement
to others. This might include the use of verbal, pictorial, graphic, or symbolic modes of
presentation, invoked separately or in combination as might prove most effective.

Holding all variables constant except one whose influence is being investigated in order to
establish whether or not there exists an unambiguous cause and effect relationship.

Created from evidence drawn from observation, classification, or measurement, a model is a
mental picture or representative physical system of a phenomenon (e.g., a current in an electric
circuit) or real physical system ( e.g., the solar system). The mental picture or representative
system then is used to help rationalize the observed phenomenon or real system and to predict
effects and changes other than those that entered into construction of the model. Creating a
theory goes beyond the mental picture or representative model and attempts to include other
generalizations like empirical laws. Theories often are expressed in mathematical terms and
utilize models in their description ( e.g., kinetic theory of an ideal gas, which could utilize a
model of particles in a box).

Attempts to state simultaneously all reasonable or logical explanations for a reliable set of
observations–stated so that each explanation may be tested and, based upon the results of
those tests, denied. Although math can prove by induction, science cannot. In science, one can
only prove that something is not true. Accumulated evidence also can be used to corroborate
hypotheses, but science remains mainly tentative.

Foretelling or forecasting outcomes to be expected when changes are imposed on (or are
occurring in) a system. Such forecasts are made not as random guesses or vague prophecies,
but involve, in scientific context, logical inferences and deductions based (1) on natural laws or
principles or models or theories known to govern the behavior of the system under
consideration or (2) on extensions of empirical data applicable to the system. (Such reasoning
is usually described as "hypothetico-deductive.")

Source: The National Science Teachers Association

Science Process

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Science Process
Grade Level Standard: K-9 Reflect on the scientific processes.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Use the scientific process to reflect on meaning.


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

Central Questions:
1. How do scientists decide what to believe?
2. How is science related to other ways of knowing?
3. How do science and technology affect our society?
4. How have people of diverse cultures contributed to
and influenced developments in science?

1. Have the students place one hand into a sock and feel
the object inside. Record responses on a data sheet.
Draw a picture of what you think the object looks like.

Activity is attached
Process Skills: Inferring, Communicating, Predicting, Interpreting data

New Vocabulary: inferring, interpreting data, communicating, hypothesizing,


Science Process

GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Science Process
Grade Level Standard: K-10 Apply the scientific method.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Use the scientific method to conduct an experiment/


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

1. Make mini landfills. Fill three jars with soil. Bury a

banana chunk, a piece of newspaper, and a chunk of
styrofoam. Watch as they decompose throughout the
year. Other items can be used such as a bottlecap,
penny, plastic, and cardboard.

– Question
– Research (Collection and Information)
– Hypothesis
– Investigation/Experimentation
– Procedures
– Results
– Conclusions

Process Skills: Observing, Communicating, Predicting, Interpreting, Inferring, Hypothesizing

New Vocabulary: question, research (collection of information), hypothesis,

investigation, experimentation, procedures, results, conclusions


GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Technology
Grade Level Standard: K-11 Use a variety of technology.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Use a variety of technology in scientific investigation/


Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

1. Multimedia software. Explorpedia

The Magic School Bus
2. Internet, teacher and adult led activities.

3. Folder on desktop with websites for children to access.

4. Virtual field trip.

Process Skills: Observing, Classifying, Comparing

New Vocabulary: rulers, hand magnifying lenses, measuring devices,



GRADE LEVEL: Kindergarten

Topic: Gender/Equity
Grade Level Standard: K-12 Explore contributions to science.

Grade Level Benchmark: 1. Develop an awareness of contributions made to

science by people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. (II.1.E.5)

Learning Activity(s)/Facts/Information Resources

1. Take a field trip to the local zoo or museum.

2. Take a virtual field trip to the virtual zoo or museum.

3. Use dramatic play to have girl and boy weather people

and other jobs.

Process Skills: Observing, Classifying

New Vocabulary: zoo keeper, scientist, Diane Fossi, Jane Goodall, weatherperson


Kindergarten science is at the exploratory level. Assessment for every standard

and benchmark may not be necessary. Much of kindergarten assessing is
through teacher observation while children are working with materials or
participating in activities. The teacher is constantly assessing student
understanding by asking probing questions while students are exploring.
Responses can be recorded/documented. Student mastery of a concept or idea
should be documented in individual portfolios.

The following are oral/activity assessment examples and ideas for Organization
of Living Things, Matter and Energy, and Motion of Objects



Classroom Assessment SCI.III.2.E.1

(Explain characteristics and function of observable body parts in a variety of

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Identify living and non-living things.
 Identify observable body parts in pictures of living things - identify their

Constructing (Problem):
 Cut out pictures of living and non-living things and make separate collages.
 Sort pictures of living things according to functions of specific body parts (i.e.

Reflecting (Problem):
 Discuss the difference between living and non-living.
 Discuss the similarities and differences of observable body parts and how
they make each living thing different.

Classroom Assessment SCI.III.2.E.5

(Explain functions of selected seed plant parts.)

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Identify seed plant parts.

Constructing (Problem):
 Draw and label a seed plant and its parts.

Reflecting (Problem):
 Tell the “job” of each basic seed plant part - see vocabulary.


Classroom Assessment SCI.IV.1.E.1

(Classify common objects and substances according to observable attributes/

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Give examples of common objects and substances according to observable
attributes/properties - see vocabulary.

Constructing (Problem):
 Sort common objects according to specific attributes/properties (i.e. sink,
float; larger, smaller; push, pull) - see vocabulary.

Reflecting (Problem):
 Hold up an object—have children classify according to observable


Classroom Assessment SCI.IV.3.E.1

(Describe or compare motions of common objects in terms of speed and direction.)

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Describe the directions and different speeds an object can move. See

Constructing (Problem):
 Drive toy cars on a road map labeled N, S, E, W and say which way they are
driving and which cars are driving faster or slower than the other.

Reflecting (Problem):
 Have the students move N, S, E, W, left, right, fast or slow, depending on the
teachers instructions.


Classroom Assessment SCI.V.3.E.1

(Describe weather conditions.)

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Describe/draw the weather conditions for a given season.

Constructing (Problem):
 Make a book of seasons. Student generate their own pictures based on
weather conditions unique to each season.

Reflecting (Problem):
 The student should be able to compare one season’s weather to another.

Classroom Assessment SCI.V.3.E.2

(Describe seasonal changes in Michigan’s weather.)

Assessment Activities

Using (Problem):
 Identify what people in the class are wearing today and how that relates to
the weather.

Constructing (Problem):
 Make a book about what we wear during each season. “What do you wear in
the winter, spring, summer, fall?” Draw themselves and what they wear.

Reflecting (Problem):
 Discuss what would be appropriate to wear during each season according to
the temperature changes.


 seashells
 buttons
 stones
 seeds
 variety of spices
 materials for making a terrarium
– 2-liter bottle
– potting soil
– plants/plant cuttings
 attribute blocks
 inflatable globe ball
 wind sock
 rain guage
 thermometer
 used magazines for cutting
 fish tank—rocks, plants, food, fish

NOTE: Any additional materials that students can use to free explore (i.e.,
magnets, sand/water table) are encouraged. Teachers should provide
as many enrichment activities as they can.

 “In the Woods,” Ermanno Christini/Luigi Puricello
 “The Tiny Seed,” Eric Carle
 Flash, Crash, Rumble and Roll,” Franklin Branley
 A variety of books on animals, plants, weather


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