Curved Alignment: Deflected Straight Pipe
Curved Alignment: Deflected Straight Pipe
Curved Alignment: Deflected Straight Pipe
1 ∆
2 N
Figure 2 Curved Alignment Using Deflected
Straight Pipe
R = radius of curvature, feet
L = length of pipe sections measured along
the centerline, feet ∆
∆ = total deflection angle of curve, degrees ∆
N = number of pipe with pulled joints ∆
∆ = total deflection of each pipe, degrees L
1 D /N
From Figure 1, the deflection angle is further
2 N
defined as: .
C ∆
or ion g ∆/
where: N ct in
ire y
PULL = joint opening, inches D La
D = inside pipe diameter, inches
t = wall thickness, inches
Bc = outside pipe diameter, inches
American Concrete Pipe Association • (972) 506-7216 • FAX (972) 506-7682 •
© November 2002 ACPA Design Data 21
The joint opening and pipe length required to provide
a curved pipeline alignment may be calculated using = total deflection angle of curve, degrees
the unit values found in Table 1 on page 3. The table N = number of radius pipe
tabulates the radius of a pipeline constructed of stan- L = standard pipe length being used, feet
dard eight-foot laying length pipe with a 1/2-inch joint = total deflection angle of each pipe
opening (PULL). Other pipeline radii may be calculated N
by changing, first, the joint opening, and if necessary, From Figure 3, the radius of curvature can be expressed
the pipe laying length. An eight-foot laying length is in terms of the drop and is given by the equation:
standard for most concrete pipe manufacturers. Other
( )
lengths may require special manufacturing procedures. = +
L(D total
2t) deflection
D angle of curve, degrees
Changes in the design radius are directly proportional to R =N = number - of +radius
t pipe (6)
the pipe laying length and inversely proportional to the L = standard pipe length being used, feet
joint opening. The specific pull per pipe joint is found by
the equation: ( L
R =NBc= total
DROP 2 )
deflection angle of each pipe (7)
PULLx = ( ) ( )(
PULL8 ) (3)
From Figure 3, the radius
in terms = drop
of the
LBc of curvature can be expressed
R+andB is given by the equation:
Rx = (Lx/L8)(PULL8/PULLx) Ru (4) where:
where: Bc = outside diameter of the pipe, feet
PULL = the joint opening
Figure 5 presents R/Bc ratios for drops from one
Ru = the Unit Radius (Taken from Table 1) inch through 15 inches and commonly manufactured
Lx = Length of deflected pipe pipe lengths. Since the maximum permissible drop
for any given pipe is dependent on manufacturing
Specific radii may be calculated by the following pro- feasibility, it is essential to coordinate the design of
cedure: radius pipe with the pipe manufacturer. Many manu-
• Select the unit radius of curvature for the speci- facturers have standardized joint configurations and
fied diameter pipe from the chart. deflections for specific radii and economics may be
• Increase or decrease the joint opening (PULL) realized by utilizing standard radius pipe.
in Equation 1 to obtain the design radius. If the As illustrated in Figure 4, when concrete pipe is
required joint opening exceeds the pipe manu- installed on curved alignment using radius pipe, the
facturers recommendations, select a pipe with a pipe sections are oriented such that the plane of the
shorter laying length. Four and six foot are com- dropped joint is tangent to the theoretical circular curve.
mon non-standard pipe lengths. Check with the Projection of the joints do not converge at a common
pipe manufacturer for availability of non-standard point, but are tangents to a common circle of diameter
lengths. equal to the length of pipe sections. The point of curve
• Recalculate the pull for the shorter pipe. (P.C.) is at the midpoint of the last straight pipe and the
As illustrated in Figure 2, when concrete pipe is installed point of tangent (P.T.) is one half of the standard pipe
on curved alignment using deflected straight pipe, the length back from the straight end of the last radius pipe.
point of curve (P.C.) is at the midpoint of the last unde- The required number of pieces of radius pipe is equal
flected pipe section and the point of tangent (P.T.) is at to the length of the circular curve in feet divided by the
the midpoint of the last pulled pipe. centerline length of the radius pipe (L-1/2 DROP). Where
RADIUS PIPE possible, minor modifications in the radius are normally
Radius pipe, also referred to as bevelled or mitered pipe, made so this quotient will be a whole number.
incorporates the deflection angle into the pipe joint. The Minimum radius of curvature obtained from equa-
pipe is manufactured by shortening one side of the pipe. tions (1) and (5) are approximate, but are within a range
The amount of shortening or drop for any given pipe is of accuracy that will enable the pipe to be readily installed
dependent on manufacturing feasibility. Because of the to fit the required alignment. A reasonable amount of field
possibility of greater deflection angles per joint, sharper adjustment is possible for radius pipe by pulling the joints
curvature with correspondingly shorter radii can be ob- in the same manner as with deflected straight pipe.
tained with radius pipe than with deflected straight pipe. BENDS AND SPECIAL SECTIONS
As in the case of deflected straight pipe, the radius of Special precast sections can be used for extremely
curvature which may be obtained by radius pipe is a short radius curves which cannot be negotiated with
function of the deflection angle per joint, diameter of the either deflected straight pipe or with conventional radius
pipe, length of pipe sections and wall thickness. pipe. Sharper curves can be handled by using special
The radius of curvature is computed by the equation: short lengths of radius pipe rather than standard lengths.
( )
L D These may be computed in accordance with the methods
R= - +t (5) discussed for radius pipe. Certain types of manufactur-
∆ 2 ing processes permit the use of a dropped joint on both
American Concrete Pipe Association • (972) 506-7216 • FAX (972) 506-7682 •
Design Data 21
ends of the pipe, which effectively doubles the deflection. radius of curvature for a 1/2-inch pull is 408
Special bends, or elbows can be manufactured to meet feet. The required pull for 170 feet is:
any required deflection angle and some manufacturers
produce standard bends which provide given angular
deflection per section.
One or more of these methods may be employed to
meet the most severe alignment requirements. Since
PULLX = (7.58 )(408
170)( )
1/2 = 1.125"
D ∆
t N
yin n
La tio
∆ True
of irec
L Point
R 90 +
∆ L
N 2
90 D
Projection of joints
do not converge at
∆ Drop common point, but
N Common method of are tangents to a
common circle
manufacturing radius pipe. whose diameter
is equal to pipe length.
Table 1 Unit Radius of Curature For 8-Foot Straight Deflected Pipe With 1” Pull
Size 12 15 18 20 24 27 30 33 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96
Radius 128 156 184 212 240 268 286 364 352 408 464 520 576 632 688 744 780 856 912
American Concrete Pipe Association • (972) 506-7216 • FAX (972) 506-7682 •
Design Data 21
Figure 5 Radius of Curature For Radius Pipe
8' .5'
R/Bc Ratio
Inside Diameter
Diameter Bc, Feet
D, Inches B wall
24 2.50
27 2.79
30 3.08
33 3.38
36 3.67
10 42 4.25
48 4.83
9 54 5.42
60 6.00
8 66 6.58
72 7.17
7 78 7.75
84 8.83
90 8.92
6 96 9.50
102 10.08
108 10.67
5 114 11.08
120 11.67
132 12.83
144 14.00
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Drop in Inches
American Concrete Pipe Association • (972) 506-7216 • FAX (972) 506-7682 •
Design Data 21 DD-21 (11/2002) 500 Printed in U.S.A.
Technical data herein are considered reliable, but no guarantee is made or liability assumed.