How To Import P6 Assignment Codes From Excel 1
How To Import P6 Assignment Codes From Excel 1
How To Import P6 Assignment Codes From Excel 1
May 12, 2021 By Michael Lepage Leave a Comment
Perhaps you’ve noticed that as of December 2020, there are some new features in Primavera P6
EPPM (Enterprise Project Portfolio Management), which we are going to take a look at today.
Specifically, we’ll talk about Assignment Codes, one of the new Primavera P6 features here to
make our jobs easier.
But only, of course, if you know how to use everything right.
Note: If you didn’t read my last article where I talked about how you can use Assignment Codes
to replace Primavera P6 Cost Accounts, you might want to go read that first. It’s a useful
foundation for understanding how Assignment Codes work in Primavera P6 and will simplify
your understanding of this topic as well.
I show you how easy it is to do just that. You do have to be an EPPM administrator, so make
sure you partner with one or have the proper permissions before you launch. Let’s get started!
Once you log into EPPM, head over to the Administration tab and then to the Enterprise data
area. Go down to the Assignment Codes area, under resources, and you’ll see the Assignment
Codes you already have. Go down to the link at the bottom, where you will see the option to
import/export enterprise data. If you click that, you can export what you’ve got in the system
This is an important step. If you skip ahead to importing, then you’re going to get your wires
You must first export what you have in order to see how to configure the template in Excel.
Once you do, you can plug your Excel figures into the correct spots. Do this, and you can rest
assured you’ll have a smooth transition of data back into Primavera.
Once you export, you’ll see that there are specific parameters that need to be set up for the
import to work. One of the most important steps is always to preserve that top row. If you mess
with any of the values up there, your import won’t work, so leave those alone.
At this point, add your Assignment Code values into the spreadsheet, making sure to follow the
proper formatting.
Use the same structure you would for your Cost Accounts. You can use the columns to create a
hierarchy as well.
Click on import/export enterprise data again. On the import tab, go pick the file you’ve just
updated. Select it, at which point it will read the file and reflect the resource and Assignment
Codes within it. You say yes and click the import button, at which point it will give you a “Job
Submitted” notification.
In EPPM, any time you import or export, a background job will take place. You can monitor it
by clicking the button that says “View Service Status,” or you can simply click “OK.”
Check the notifications area at the top right to determine if everything went through all right; you
should get a notification letting you know when the job has successfully completed, at which
point you can close that notification.
Now all you need to do is refresh the screen, go to a different tab and come back to your
Assignment Codes. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should see the additional
Assignment Codes from your spreadsheet.
Now that you’ve got the basic tutorial (and you can watch the video for a visual guide of the
process), you should be able to easily transfer Assignment Codes between Primavera and Excel,
and back again. Just a few thoughts to keep in mind before you get started:
• Don’t forget you need to be an Administrator in order to do this. If you aren’t, you need
to work with one.
• Make sure you know what you’re doing when you’re importing global data so that you
don’t overwrite information that’s already there. If you’re not careful, you can make a
real mess.
• Before you do any major imports, always back up your database.
Okay, that’s it! Follow the steps and caveats above, and you’ll streamline your project
management process, avoid mix-ups and ultimately leverage Primavera P6 to the highest
possible level. Happy planning.