English Language Education
3rd Semester
Lecturer Annisa Awaliyah, S.S.,M.Pd
Exercise 1
1. Candy is not good for your teeth. It is especially bad for children’s teeth. If
children eat a lot of candy, they will have problems later.
2. Large cars can cause problems. They are more difficult to park than small
cars. They also use more gas.
4. Some people take many vitamin pills everyday. These people believe lots
of vitamin pills are good for their health. But they are wrong. Too many
vitamin pill can hurt you health.
Against : hurt
5. These is something sad about animals in the zoos. They never really look
happy. Maybe they are thingking about their real home. Maybe they do
not like people looking at them all the time.
Exercise 2
1. Many people believe that meat is an important food to eat. It is not true.
You do not need to eat meat at all. In fact, you may be true more healthy.
If you do not eat meat.
2. Travel is not always fun. Often there are problems with transportation,
language or hotels. It is also very tiring to travel and you can easily get sick.
3. Today it is better not to have a camera when you travel. A camera is heavy
and difficult to carry. It is also not necessary. You can buy good picture
postcards almost everywhere.
For : best way, doesn’t need gas, not expensive, get some
5. Bicycles can be very dangerous. You can hurt yourself by falling off the
bicycle. You can also get seriously hurt if you anhit by a car.
8. Music often makes you feel better about life. It can make you happy if you
are sad. It can make you relax when you a nevous.
Exercise 1
1. A parakeet is a small bird that lives in southern forest. The parrot is similar
to a parakeet, but it is large. Both birds sometimes can learn how to say
2. Some kinds of birds cannot fly. The penguin is one of these birds. It lives
mostly in the very cold Antarctic climate. Another kind of bird that cannot
fly is the ostrich. It lives in Africa.
Listing : kinds of
3. Lisa plans to travel in Europe this summer. In June she will visit Sicily. Then
in July, she will bicycle in northern Italy. In August she will travel through
France. By September, she hopes to be in Paris.
Listing : kind of
6. Many people do not like to use computers for writing. They prefer to use
typewriters. They know computers are faster and more accurate. But they
are more comfortable with typewriters.
8. Cola and ginger ale are both kinds of soft drinks. Both these drinks have a
lot of sugar in them. But Cola has caffeine is it and ginger ale does not.
Listing : kind of
Exercise 2
1. Left Ericson was probably the first European to see America. He visited
some of the northern areas in about 1000. The next European visitor to
America was Christopher Columbus in 1492.
2. The Spanish kings and queens sent many people to find out about America.
Christopher Columbus was one of these people. Ponce de Leon was
another. And Vasco da Gama was yet a third.
3. Left Ericson probably had a more difficult trip across the Atlantic Ocean
than Christopher Columbus. Ericson sailed across the cold northern part of
the Atlantic. But Columbus sailed across the south where it was warmer.
4. Many American Indians died soon after the Europeans arrived. There was
one important reason for this. The Europeans brought new kinds of
diseases with them. These diseases caused thousands of deaths in a short
Listing : kinds of
5. Some of the early Americans did not want to come to this country. For
example, there were many Africans who had come as slaves. Some
Europeans had to come for religious reasons.
6. When you study for an exam, you should follow these three steps. First,
you should make sure you have all the information you need. Next you
should put that information in order. Then you should make a list of the
most important things.
7. Some people believe that changes in the weather cause changes in their
health. This may be be the reason why many people get the “flu” in New
England, the weather can change very suddenly.
8. Many American history books leave out some important information. For
example, they often do not tell much about the American Indians. They
also leave out some history about women.
A. Full of information
2. Inspector Barker
3. Sally is
1. In China today