Guidance and Counseling Chapter 5
Guidance and Counseling Chapter 5
Guidance and Counseling Chapter 5
DIRECTOR leader and MANAGER - ensuring - planning and preparing the Educational: MA Guidance & Planning Assertiveness
visionary the provision and proper program together with the Counseling and with professional license Preparing, developing, and Flexibility in dealing with
functioning of all the staff programming resources and clients/staff
Guidance Personnel, Planning and controlling the activities Leadership
activities, budget and budget Professional Budgeting
facilities -recruitment, selection, Identifying sources of revenue and
DEVELOPER - assignment and evaluation of 1. With understanding and allocating them in ways that would
assessing needs for personnel awareness of guidance and ensure that goals are met
program planning, -ensuring the proper psychological theories , Organizing
research, evaluation, implementation and principles and methods Creating a formal structure that can
improvement and evaluation of all Guidance 2. Constant updating and accomplish the plans, staffing with
establishment of services upgrading of skills qualified people, defining
accountability -coordinating with the school 3. Conduct research and roles, providing financial and
LEADER – providing community for proper support disseminate research findings career incentives, and delegating
direction and motivation and understanding of - 4. Participates in professional work
for personnel and guidance activities and organizations Controlling
program improvement services 5. Adhere to legal and Ensuring that plans are carried out
- ascertaining that ethical professional ethical standards and solving plan-related problems
standards are observed by the
Guidance personnel and in the
extension of services,
programs and activities
GUIDANCE -schedule & conducts Educational: Master’s Degree in (ASCA, 1990) (ASCA, 1990)
COUNSELOR central Counselor – aims to help individual counseling/ Counseling & Professional License 1. Diagnosing needs 1. Genuine interest in the
most indispensable figure people overcome -organizes & conducts group Professional (Gibson & Mitchell, 1991; 2. Individual & group welfare of others
of the program obstacles to their counseling/ classroom group ASCA, 1990) counseling 2. Ability to understand the
personal & educational/ guidance activities 1. Thorough familiarity with 3. Educational-academic perspectives &
professional growth & -coordinates and/or runs human growth & dev theories, counseling viewpoints of others
move toward the enrichment/training programs sociocultural factors affecting 4. Vocational-career counseling 3. Belief in the ability of
maximum development for students, parents, teachers families & individuals, learning 5. Personal-social counseling others to solve their
of their potential -helps administer & interpret theories, motivational theories 6. Cross-cultural or problems/
Coordinator- tests 2. Appropriate understanding & multicultural counseling 4. Openness to learning &
Needs to be able to -ensures gathering & awareness of the concepts that 7. Consultation differing opinions
identify tasks that needs recording of complete client guide professional 8. Coordination 5. Willingness to take risks
to be done by other data for the individual practice(theories & concepts in 9. Referral 6. Strong sense of self-
persons/agency & inventory in/grp counseling, family 10. Test administration & worth
organize everything to -assesses needs as basis for counseling, career dev. & interpretation 7. Courage to make
facilitate the performance activities decision-making, consultation, 11. Decision-making mistakes & learn from
of such tasks by the -holds consultation & program dev. models, 12. Program development & them
needed persons/agency coordination activities evaluation procedures) implementation 8. Valuing for continued
Consultant- -collects & disseminates 3. Sufficient human experience 13. Articulation of programs, growth as a person
1|Page May act as an objective information for the leading to an understanding to functions 7 roles 9. Warmth & caring
party, looking at a appropriate persons people’s goals/motives, 14. Identifying & soliciting 10. Keen sense of humor
situation & suggesting -writes reports, keeps records interests/preferences, information & resources 11. Patience & flexibility
Course Content
other helpful & prepares needed materials fear/needs, symptoms of the 15. Evaluation 12. Creativity
interventions without -follow up clients absence or presence of 13. Decisiveness
necessarily having -places students in appropriate important character elements
contact with the academic, social & 4. Sufficient awareness of oneself
identified client whose occupational programs & – strengths and limitations,
needs are being settings values &fears
addressed -conducts research & 5. Regular pursuits of personal &
Conductor of Activities – evaluation to determine professional growth
may need to carefully effectiveness of strategies & 6. Constant updating/upgrading of
plan & directly conduct services implemented skills & knowledge
certain activities that -refers clients to more 7. Knowledge &application of
may promote the client’s qualified experts. professional ethics
positive movement in life 8. Awareness of & contribution to
Change Agent – works to the advancement of counseling
overcome the status quo through research
if it no longer works by 9. Active participation in
pointing out the professional organizations
problems & underscoring
the needs for change
PSYCHOMETRICIAN Person in charge of the -Identifies &selects, in Educational: Certified psychometrician 1. Clear &fluid speech 1. Charm, pleasant,
testing program of the coordination with the or licensed guidance counselor; thorough 2. Appropriate diction disposition, patience
Guidance Office Guidance Director &level training in test administration, processing &pronunciation 2. Confidentiality
counselors, that tests that must and interpretation; and special course in 3. Voice modulation & &integrity in handling
be purchased & administered administering and interpreting tests of projection test results
-Schedules, administers, different levels. 4. Clerical skills for 3. Attention to detail
corrects tests for each specific Professional correcting & recording 4. Assertiveness in
academic level 1. Appropriate understanding test &their results preventing unethical
-Furnishes counselors with the &awareness of systematic accurately sharing of test results
test results of each individual theories that guide professional 5. Motivational skills for 5. Presence of mind in
-Makes summaries of reports practice encouraging examinees dealing with critical
per group or class to share 2. Working knowledge of to take tests seriously incidents
with administrators or fundamental principles & 6. Organizational skills for 6. Ability to respond to
teachers methods of psychological scheduling, questions without
-Prepares testing & related testing administering destroying validity
materials 3. Adherence to legal &processing tests & their &reliability of test
-Secures test materials & &professional ethical standards results
results in the field of psychological 7. Technical writing skills
testing for reporting results
Course Content
Educational: 4 year
background that helps understand human
RESEARCHER Decides on the best -Gets direction from the needs 1. Statistical skills 1. Orderliness & neatness
methodology for Guidance Director regarding 2. Technical writing skills 2. Confidentiality
gathering, organizing, or suggests areas needing Professional 3. Clerical skills 3. Objectivity
&reporting data that the research 1. Understanding of human 4. Analytical skills 4. Capacity to ensure that
Guidance Director -Plan out research agenda &development needs requiring 5. Organizational skills work is done
&counselors believe to -Calendars research activities more study 6. Motivational skills 5. Patience with people &
be necessary for -Decides on most effective 2. Knowledge of research data management
understanding methodology conducting for &statistical methods &their
&responding to the needs study appropriate application
of the clientele -Gathers &organizes data &utilization
according to specification 3. Capacity to keep collected data
-Makes a systematic confidential
presentation of results
Course Content
B. Auxiliary Personnel – other professional who can ensure the comprehensive & effective extension of the Guidance Services
Clinical/Counseling Psychologist – may be turned to by counselors for diagnosis & treatment of such cases as
behavioural/personality disorders, kleptomania, learning of disabilities or cases of victimization or trauma
School/Developmental Psychologist – may help diagnose the developmental & educational needs of the clientele and propose
programs that would best meet such needs like enrichment, remedial, individual instruction, etc.
Psychiatrist – referred to when the client’s status requires medication or when there are strong indicators of psychosis
Social worker – visits homes, talks to family members and determines how children can be helped best, given the home
Head of Institution – needs to give wholehearted support to the Guidance Program for it to function effectively; has 3 important
roles; a) program leader and supporter; b) program consultant & advisor; c) resource provider (Gibson & Mitchell, 1999)
Classroom Teacher – can facilitate the implementation of Guidance services through various roles (Gibson & Mitchell, 1999)
a) Listener-Advisor – teachers can be also a confidante to their students and provide advise
b) Referral and Reinforcing Agent – can be instrumental in identifying and referring students at risks or in need of help
c) Discover of Human Potential – teachers can help identify students’ talents and potentials
d) Career Educator – can incorporate and integrate career education with teaching
e) Human Relations Facilitator – can be a model of positive human relations
f) Guidance Program Supporter – can encourage and support the counselor; can encourage student commitment to the
counseling process and reinforce counseling outcomes; can give information that may help the Guidance Office improve
Health personnel
a) Can identify children whose medical needs may be related to social/emotional difficulties needing attention
Course Content
b) Can help in determining whether or to what extent physical ailments or defects are on obstacle to a student’s performance,
adjustment or anticipated development
c) Refer students who may frequent the clinic at specific times and days, perhaps in fear/avoidance of certain classes
Student Activities Director – may cooperate with the counselor so that students may be assisted to participate in activities that
will promote their growth and adjustment, serve their interests and develop their special abilities; at the same time, coordination
of guidance activities with other student and school activities can be facilitated
Printed Materials:
1. Gibsons, L.and Mitchell, M. (2008). Introduction to Counseling and Guidance. Pearson/Merrill/Prentice Hall
Course Content
Online References:
1. American School Counselor Association Code of 1990 Guidance Personnel