BS en 10028-6-2017
BS en 10028-6-2017
BS en 10028-6-2017
National foreword
legal obligations .
English Version
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
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© 2017 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 10028-6:2017 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Contents Page
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
European foreword
This document (EN 10028-6:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 107 “Steels
for pressure purposes”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by January 2018 and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by January 2018.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of Directive 2014/68/EU.
For relationship with Directive 2014/68/EU, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this
A list of changes between this document and the previous version can be found in Annex B.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the requirements for flat products for pressure equipment made of
weldable fine grain steels, quenched and tempered, as specified in Table 1.
The requirements in EN 10028-1:2017 also apply.
NOTE Once this European Standard is published in the EU Official Journal (OJEU) under Directive
2014/68/EU, presumption of conformity to the Essential Safety Requirements (ESRs) of Directive 2014/68/EU is
limited to technical data of materials in this European Standard (Part 1 and the other relevant part of the series)
and does not presume adequacy of the material to a specific item of equipment. Consequently, the assessment of
the technical data stated in this material standard against the design requirements of this specific item of
equipment to verify that the ESRs of Directive 2014/68/EU are satisfied, needs to be done.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1011-1:2009, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 1: General
guidance for arc welding
EN 1011-2:2001, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metallic materials — Part 2: Arc welding of
ferritic steels
EN 10020:2000, Definition and classification of grades of steel
EN 10028-1:2017, Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes — Part 1: General requirements
4 Tolerances on dimensions
See EN 10028-1:2017.
5 Calculation of mass
See EN 10028-1:2017.
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
6.1.2 In accordance with EN 10020:2000 all the steels specified in this document are alloy special
6.2 Designation
See EN 10028-1:2017.
2) mid thickness test pieces for the impact test (see Clause 10);
5) specification of a minimum impact energy of 40 J (see 8.4 and Table 4, footnote a);
6) applicability of elevated temperature values for QL grades (see Table 5, footnote a).
8 Requirements
8.1 Steelmaking process
See EN 10028-1:2017.
8.2 Delivery condition
8.2.1 The products covered by this European Standard shall be supplied in the quenched and
tempered condition.
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
8.3.2 The product analysis may deviate from the specified values of the cast analysis given in Table 1
by the values given in Table 2.
9 Inspection
9.1 Types of inspections and inspections documents
See EN 10028-1:2017.
9.2 Tests to be carried out
See EN 10028-1:2017.
9.3 Retests, sorting and reprocessing
See EN 10028-1:2017.
10 Sampling
See EN 10028-1:2017.
For the impact test, deviating from EN 10028-1:2017, Table 4, footnote g, the preparation of test pieces
taken from the mid thickness may be agreed at the time of enquiry and order. In this case, test
temperatures and minimum impact energy values shall also be agreed.
11 Test methods
See EN 10028-1:2017.
12 Marking
See EN 10028-1:2017.
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
c A lower maximum copper content and/or a maximum sum of copper and tin content, e.g. Cu + 6 Sn ≤ 0,33 %, may be agreed upon at the time of enquiry and order,
e.g. with regard to hot formability.
d The percentage of grain refining elements shall be at least 0,015 %. Aluminium is also included in these elements. The minimum content of 0,015 % applies here to
dissolved aluminium. This value is regarded as attained if the total aluminium content is at least 0,018 %; in cases of dispute, the dissolved aluminium content is to be
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Table 2 — Permissible deviations of the chemical composition in the results of the product
analysis from the specified values applicable to the cast analysis
Element Specified value in the cast analysis Permissible deviation a
according to Table 1 of the product analysis
% by mass % by mass
C ≤ 0,20 + 0,02
Si ≤ 0,80 + 0,05
Mn ≤ 1,70 + 0,10
P ≤ 0,025 + 0,005
S ≤ 0,010 + 0,003
Al total ≥ 0,018 − 0,005
N ≤ 0,015 + 0,002
B ≤ 0,005 + 0,000 5
Cr ≤ 1,50 + 0,10
Mo ≤ 0,70 + 0,04
Cu ≤ 0,30 + 0,05
Ni ≤ 2,50 + 0,10
Nb ≤ 0,06 + 0,01
Ti ≤ 0,05 + 0,01
V ≤ 0,12 + 0,01
Zr ≤ 0,15 + 0,01
a If several product analysis are carried out on one cast, and then contents of an individual element
determined lie outside the permissible range of the chemical composition specified for the cast analysis then it
is only allowed to exceed the permissible maximum value or fall short of the permissible minimum value, but
not both for one cast.
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Steel Steel
t≤ 50 50 < t ≤ 100 100 < t ≤ 200 t≤ 100 100 < t ≤ 200
name number
P355Q 1.8866
490 450
P355QH 1.8867
355 335 315 to to 22
P355QL1 1.8868
630 590
P355QL2 1.8869
P460Q 1.8870
550 500
P460QH 1.8871
460 440 400 to to 19
P460QL1 1.8872
720 670
P460QL2 1.8864
P500Q 1.8873
590 540
P500QH 1.8874
500 480 440 to to 17
P500QL1 1.8875
770 720
P500QL2 1.8865
P690Q 1.8879
770 720
P690QH 1.8880
690 670 630 to to 14
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
P690QL1 1.8881
940 900
P690QL2 1.8888
a The yield strength to be determined shall be the upper yield strength R eH or, if this is not pronounced, the 0,2 % proof strength Rp0,2 .
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Annex A
Information on weldability
The steels specified in this European Standard shall be suitable for welding processes in current use.
Information on welding is given in EN 1011-1 and EN 1011-2.
The manufacturer shall, if requested, provide the purchaser with data on suitable welding conditions
determined on the basis of weld procedure tests.
Excessive post weld heat-treatment (PWHT) conditions can decrease the mechanical properties. Where
in stress relieving the intended time temperature parameter
( 20 + lg t ) 10
P = Ts
Ts is the stress relieving temperature in K, and
exceeds the critical value of Pcrit. = 17,3 the purchaser should in his enquiry and order inform the
manufacturer accordingly and, where appropriate, tests on simulated post weld heat treated samples
can be agreed to check whether after such a treatment the properties specified in this European
Standard can still be regarded as valid in accordance with the essential safety requirements of the PED.
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Annex B
The main changes to the previous version EN 10028-6:2009 are listed below:
2) the option to agree thicknesses greater than those stated in the standard and the corresponding
footnote in the Table 3 was deleted;
4) the marking of text passages with one or two dots has been deleted;
5) the Notes 1 and 2 in sub-clause 8.2.2 concerning welding condition have been removed;
6) the data concerning amount of Cu +Sn (%) in Table 1 have been updated;
9) correlation in Annex ZA between the clause of this European Standard and the essential
requirements of the Directive 2014/68/EU has been updated;
BS EN 10028‑6:2017
EN 10028-6:2017 (E)
Annex ZA
This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request M/071 to
provide one voluntary means of conforming to Essential Requirements of Directive 2014/68/EU.
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive,
compliance with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of
the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements
of Directive 2014/68/EU, and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Annex I of Directive
Requirements of Directive Clause(s)/subclause(s) of Remarks/Notes
2014/68/EU this EN
4.1a 8.4, Tables 3 and 4 Appropriate material
4.1d 8.2 and 8.5 Suitable for the processing
4.3 9.1 Inspection documentation
WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European
WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of
this standard.
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