Boq Schedule A DSR Itemes

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.

Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

General Notes : All the works are to be carried out as per latest specifications of CPWD/MES/Indian Railways/State PWD, and relevant IS Codes unless
otherwise specified in BOQ. Measurements of all the items shall be taken as per detailed specifications of the various items mentioned in CPWD
specifications. In the absence of such specifications mode of Measurements as per IS 1200 with its latest revisions will be followed. Unless otherwise
specified, the rates of various items will be for all heights, leads and lifts. It is deemed that tenderer has understood the intent of the item of work to be
completed and cost(s) of item quoted, is worked out to include the cost of all labour & materials and to complete the item of work irrespective of
completeness of the description.

A) In case any specific method of measurement for any item is not mentioned, IS 1200 shall be followed for the purpose of measurement and
B) This BOQ shall be read in conjunction with Technical Specification.

General Notes: All levels mentioned in tender/GFC drawing are with respect to existing ground level at site or, for trenches and pits, the bottom of mass
excavation, whichever deeper. At the time of handing over the site to the Contractor, if in case, any variation, discrepancy between Good For
Construction(GFC)/tender drawings and existing site conditions is noticed, the same should be brought to the notice of Engineer-in Charge/
Architects/Consultants in writing.
Levels are to be taken before and after excavation and as directed by Engineer-in-charge for calculating the depth of excavation.
Rate shall include marking the areas to be excavated, setting up the reference datum bench mark, establishing interim and final excavation levels with
appropriate survey instruments, carrying out excavation in the specified type of soil, inclusive of de-watering to keep the area clear from water ponding
at all times to the required depth and profile . Rate shall include for breaking and removing old foundations with or without reinforcement,
underground tanks, floor concrete, sewers, pipelines etc. and carting away the debris. Rate shall be inclusive of shoring, strutting, removal of slurry,
dewatering, including stacking of good excavated earth anywhere within site premises and backfilling in layers of 300mm to achieve 95 % MDD as
approved by Engineer in charge, include all other incidental charges. (Note: Working space and extra space for side slope soil stabilization will not be
measured and paid for). Payments will be made only on the volume of earth excavated as per GFC drawings.

Contractor shall use the latest mechanical means of excavation suitable to achieve the required excavation level within the agreed time period. All such
equipment mobilized on the site shall be in perfectly working condition, well maintained, ensuring no down time during the entire agreed working
period. A list of all such equipment, manpower, machinery and the proposed infrastructure that the contractor is going to mobilize for the work shall be
submitted to the Engineer in charge before start of work for his approval.
The final approved founding strata shall be left absolutely clean by removing loose, slushy soil, murrum and weathered rock with necessary tools &
tackles, cleaning the surface by wire brush and carting away debris, dewatering to keep site dry at all times etc. all complete to the approval of Engineer
in charge.
Contractor's rates shall include fees for all statutory sanction and royalties for any kind of disposal.
Quoted rate shall include for cost of materials, labour, loading and unloading charges, hire of machinery, tools & plants, shoring, strutting, dewatering,
removal of slurry, fuel charges, transportation, scaffolding and all other incidental charges etc., with all leads and lifts as specified in respective items
of work, complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge at all levels.
If the Excavation for foundation is done to a depth greater than that shown in the drawings or as required by the Engineer -In- Charge, the excess depth
shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost with the concrete of the mix used for levelling / bed concrete for foundations. No Payment shall be
made to contractor for the cost of Additional Concrete required to fill up the extra depth of excavation in such cases.

1 Pile work

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Boring, providing and installing bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length below the pile cap, to
carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring, with bentonite solution and
temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by percussion
1.001 20.2.3 6591 drilling using direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel technique by tripod and mechanical winch machine all complete, including removal of Metre 1,665.35 109,76,321.85
excavated earth with all lifts and leads (Length of pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap).
(a) : 450 mm dia piles

1.002 20.2.4 105 (b) :500 mm dia piles Metre 1,953.85 2,05,154.25
1.003 20.2.5 96022 (c) : 600 mm dia piles Metre 2,671.00 2564,74,628.45
Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles of grade M-25 of specified diameter and length below pile cap, to
carry a safe working load not less than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring with bentonite solution and
temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc. by Crawler
1.004 20.2A.1 16945 Metre 3,629.25 614,97,822.71
mounted, telescopic boom hydraulic pilling Rig all complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of pile for payment
shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). 600 mm dia piles

Vertical load testing of piles in accordance with IS 2911 (Part IV) including installation of loading platform by Kentledge method and preparation of pile
head or construction of test cap and dismantling of test cap after test etc. complete as per specification & the direction of Engineer in-charge.

Note: 1. Initial and Routine Load Test shall not be carried out by Dynamic method of testing.
1.005 15 Note: 2. Testing agency shall submit the design of loading platform for the approval of Engineer-in-charge. Per test 38,561.80 5,78,427.00

(a) : Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the safe capacity)

1.006 117 (b) :Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the safe capacity) Per test 17,422.50 20,38,432.50
Single pile above 50 tonne and up to 100 tonne capacity
1.007 12 Per test 46,808.45 5,61,701.40
(a) : Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the safe capacity)
1.008 12 (b) :Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the safe capacity) Per test 26,714.50 3,20,574.00
Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS : 2911 (Part IV) for determining safe allowable lateral load on pile :
1.009 20.8.1 15 (a) :Up to 50 tonne capacity pile Per test 17,422.50 2,61,337.50

1.010 20.8.2 14 (b) : Above 50 tonne and up to 100 tonne capacity pile Per test 27,411.40 3,83,759.60
Integrity testing of Pile using Low Strain/ Sonic Integrity Test/ Sonic Echo Test method in accordance with IS 14893 including surface preparation of pile
1.011 20.9 44 top by removing soil, mud, dust & chipping lean concrete lumps etc. and use of computerised equipment and high skill trained personal for conducting Per test 745.50 32,802.00
the test & submission of results, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
11 Subtotal of SOR Pile Work 3333,30,961.26
2 Earth work
Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including disposal of excavated
2.001 2.1.1 3023 earth up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed : 100 Sqm 5,044.15 152,48,465.45
All kinds of soil
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10
Sqm on plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed :
2.002 2.6.1 202950 All kinds of soil Cum 155.60 315,79,020.00

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width
or 10 Sqm on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal surplus
2.003 2.8.1 34928 Cum 157.50 55,01,160.00
excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m.
All kinds of soil.
Banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with 1⁄2 tonne roller, or wooden or steel
2.004 2.3.1 373429 rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-most layer with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and dressing up, in embankments for roads, flood banks, Cum 241.70 902,57,789.30
marginal banks, and guide banks etc., lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m : All kinds of soil.
2.005 2.4 1350 Deduct for not rolling with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes for banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth. Cum 3.00 -4,050.00
Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, compacting each
2.006 2.25 80448 Cum 112.40 90,42,355.20
deposited layer by ramming and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m.
Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation (Item no. 2.6., 2.8.1,2.10.1) / banking excavated or stacked materials.
2.007 2.26.1 122190 All kinds of soil. Cum 46.25 56,51,285.27

2.008 2.27 13544 Supplying and filling in plinth with Clean Coarse sand under floors, including watering, ramming, compacting and dressing complete. Cum 910.25 123,28,426.00
2.009 2.36 1500 Deduct for disposed soil not levelled and neatly dressed. Cum 33.95 -50,925.00
2.010 1.1.2 142375 Carriage of Earth with mechanical Transport (a) up to 1 km Including Loading, Unloading and stacking Cum 99.44 141,57,770.00
2.011 1.1.2 240 Carriage of Earth with mechanical Transport (b) up to 2 km Including Loading, Unloading and stacking Cum 113.29 27,189.60
Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1m above
2.012 2.31 1391 100 Sqm 642.00 8,93,022.00
ground level and removal of rubbish up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared.
Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level), including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the roots and stacking of
2.013 2.33.1 15 serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material. Nos 196.70 2,950.50
(a) : Beyond 30 cm girth up to and including 60 cm girth

2.014 2.33.2 50 (b) : Beyond 60 cm girth up to and including 120 cm girth Nos 871.10 43,555.00
2.015 2.33.3 23 (c) : Beyond 120 cm girth up to and including 240 cm girth Nos 4,029.05 92,668.15
2.016 2.33.4 1 (d) : Above 240 cm girth Nos 8,080.45 8,080.45
16 Subtotal of Earth Work 1847,78,761.92
3 Concrete work
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :
3.001 4.1.10 1444 (a) : 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) Cum 4,004.00 57,81,776.00

3.002 4.1.5 215 (b) :1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) Cum 4,834.30 10,39,374.50
3.003 4.1.8 10595 (c) : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) Cum 4,301.15 455,70,684.25
3 Subtotal of Concrete Work 523,91,834.75
4 Reinforced Cement Concrete work
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for
4.001 5.9.1 14802 Sqm 196.45 29,07,852.90
(a) : Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete
4.002 5.9.2 138165 (b) : Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses & kerb etc. Sqm 360.80 498,49,932.00
4.003 5.9.3 47267 (c) : Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform Sqm 401.65 189,84,790.55
4.004 5.9.4 230 (d) : Shelves (Cast in situ) Sqm 401.65 92,379.50
4.005 5.9.5 53339 (e) : Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers Sqm 332.15 177,16,548.85
4.006 5.9.6 32491 (f) : Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts Sqm 453.35 147,29,794.85
4.007 5.9.7 4345 (g) : Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-staircases Sqm 395.65 17,19,099.25
4.008 5.9.9 1440 (h) : Arches, domes, vaults up to 6 m span Sqm 1,066.30 15,35,472.00
4.009 5.9.10 1140 (i) : Extra (over item no. 5.9.9)for arches, domes, vaults exceeding 6 m span Sqm 446.65 5,09,181.00

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

4.010 5.9.14 27012 (j) : Extra for shuttering in circular work Sqm 80.33 21,69,873.96
(k) : Small lintels not exceeding 1.5 m clear span, moulding as in cornices, window sills, string courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the
4.011 5.9.15 818 like Sqm 196.45 1,60,696.10

Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete up to plinth level. Thermo-
4.012 5.22.6 7223540 Mechanically Treated bars TMT 500 D Kg 68.10 4919,23,063.78

Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete above plinth level. Thermo-
4.013 5.22A.6 4500725 Kg 68.10 3064,99,372.50
Mechanically Treated bars TMT 500 D
Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-25 grade cement concrete for reinforced cement concrete work,
using cement content as per approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of centering, shuttering,
finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve
4.014 5.33.1 36989 workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Cum 6,296.15 2328,88,292.35
(Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/ less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately.
All works up to plinth level

4.015 5.33.2 30994 (b) : All works above plinth level up to floor V level Cum 7,014.55 2174,08,962.70
Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels.
Note:- Excess/less cement over the specified cement content used is
4.016 5.34.1 5521 Cum 76.50 4,22,356.50
payable /recoverable separately.
Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC. (Note:- Cement content considered in M-30 is @ 340 kg/cum)
4.017 5.34.2 1333 Providing M-35 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC. (Note : Cement content considered in M-35 is @ 350 kg/cum) Cum 152.95 2,03,805.88
4.018 5.34.3 666 Providing M-40 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC.(Note : Cement content considered in M-40 is @ 360 kg/cum) Cum 229.45 1,52,871.06
4.019 5.35 400 Add for using extra cement in the items of design mix over and above the specified cement content therein. Quintal 742.75 2,96,914.31
4.020 5.38 133 Extra for R.C.C./ B.M.C/ R.M.C. work above floor V level for each four floors or part thereof. Cum 174.20 23,212.15
Providing and fixing tapered / parallel threaded couplers conforming to IS code on “Reinforcement Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement - Specification”, to reinforcement bars including threading, enlargement at connection by forging, protecting the prepared reinforcement
bars and related operations as required to complete the works per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (The length of the bars in which coupler is to be
4.021 5.42.1 1540 Nos 122.35 1,88,419.00
provided should not be less than 4 metre, no deduction for labour and binding wire saved for not providing lap length shall be made).
(a) : Coupler for 16 mm diameter reinforcement bar

4.022 5.42.2 950 (b) :Coupler for 20 mm diameter reinforcement bar Nos 166.45 1,58,127.50
4.023 5.42.3 675 (c) :Coupler for 25 mm diameter reinforcement bar Nos 230.20 1,55,385.00
4.024 5.42.4 40 (d) :Coupler for 28 mm diameter reinforcement bar Nos 316.90 12,676.00
4.025 5.42.5 290 (e) :Coupler for 32 mm diameter reinforcement bar Nos 367.65 1,06,618.50
Providing and fixing in position Stainless steel Grade 304 plate-1.0 mm thick as per design for expansion joints.
4.026 5.43.2 1086 Metre 833.00 9,04,638.00
(a) : 300 mm wide.

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with floor location as per drawings and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The joints system will be
of extruded aluminium base members, self aligning / self centering arrangement and support plates etc. as per ASTM B221-02. The system shall be such
that it provides floor to floor /floor to wall expansion control system for various vertical location in load application areas that accommodates multi
directional seismic movement without stress to it's components. System shall consist of metal profiles with a universal aluminium base member
designed to accommodate various project conditions and finish floor treatments. The cover plate shall be designed of width and thickness required to
satisfy projects movement and loading requirements and secured to base members by utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-centering
4.027 5.44.1 210 Metre 6,358.55 13,35,295.50
arrangement that freely rotates / moves in all directions. The Self – centering arrangement shall exhibit circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside
the corresponding aluminium extrusion cavity to allow freedom of movement and flexure in all directions including vertical displacement. Provision of
Moisture Barrier Membrane in the Joint System to have watertight joint is mandatory requirement all as per the manufactures design and as approved
by Engineer -in- Charge . (Material shall confirm to ASTM 6063.)
(a) Floor Joint 100 mm Gap

4.028 5.44.2 100 (b) Floor Joint 150 mm Gap Metre 6,982.85 6,98,285.00
Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with wall joint (internal/external) location as per drawings and direction of Engineer-In- Charge.
The joints shall be of extruded aluminium base members, self aligning / centering arrangement and support plates as per ASTM B221- 02. The material
shall be such that it provides an Expansion Joints System suitable for vertical wall to wall/ wall to corner application, both new and existing construction
4.029 5.45.1 426 in office Buildings & complexes with no slipping down tendency amongst the components of the Joint System. The Joint System shall utilize light weight Metre 5,080.90 21,64,463.40
aluminium profiles exhibiting minimal exposed aluminium surfaces mechanically snap locking the multicellular to facilitate movement. (Material shall
confirm to ASTM 6063.)
(a) Wall Joint 100 mm Gap
4.030 5.45.2 350 (b) Wall Joint 150 mm Gap Metre 5,472.90 19,15,515.00
30 Subtotal of Reinforced Cement Concrete Work 13678,33,895.09
5 Brick work
Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 70 mm class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in:
5.001 6.1.2 36275 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) Cum 4,677.25 1696,66,594.48

Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 70 mm class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth
5.002 6.4.2 3781 Cum 5,426.15 205,16,273.15
level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level
5.003 6.13.2 40 Sqm 665.80 26,632.00
in Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand)
Honey-comb brick work 10 / 11.4 cm thick with common burnt clay bricks of class designation 7.5 in super structure above plinth level up to floor V level
5.004 6.23 113 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). Sqm 433.80 49,205.93

Brick edging 7cm wide 11.4 cm deep to plinth protection with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 including grouting
5.005 6.44 150 with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand). Metre 38.15 5,722.50

Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 100 mm thick AAC blocks in super structure above plinth level up to floor V level in
5.006 6.38 20 cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ). The rate includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of Cum 6,386.95 1,27,739.00
masonry work.
Extra for brick work / AAC block masonry / Tile brick masonry in superstructure above floor V level, for each four floors or part thereof by mechanical
5.007 6.5 1123 means. Cum 289.05 3,24,458.63

5.008 6.14 1668 Extra for half brick masonry in superstructure, above floor V level for every four floors or part thereof by mechanical means. Sqm 25.60 42,690.56
8 Subtotal of Brick Work 1907,59,316.25
6 Stone work
Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling up with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12
6.001 7.1.1 34 Cum 3,918.10 1,32,235.88
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) upto plinth level with : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Coursed rubble masonry with hard stone (first or second sort) in superstructure above plinth level and upto floor five level Masonry work (first sort) , in
6.002 7.8.1 26 Cum 5,263.60 1,38,169.50
cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Stone work, plain in copings, cornices, string courses and plinth courses, upto 75 mm thick in Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand), including
6.003 7.32.1 100 pointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone shade. - Red Sandstone Cum 38,249.00 38,24,900.00

Providing and fixing stone jali 40 mm thick throughout in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2
6.004 7.33.1 8 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment, matching the stone shade, jali slab without any chamfers etc. Red sand stone Sqm 9,522.70 76,181.60

4 Subtotal of Stone Work 41,71,486.98

7 Marble & Granite Work
Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters,
window sills , facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
7.001 322 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to Sqm 3,907.40 12,58,182.80
edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels
.(a) : Granite of any colour and shade Area of slab over 0.50 Sqm
Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters, Vanities etc., including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete
7.002 8.3.2 541 as per design approved by engineer in charge. Metre 230.55 1,24,727.55
(a) : Granite work
Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basin/ kitchen sink in kitchen platform, vanity counter and similar location in
7.003 8.5 446 marble/Granite/stone work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc. including moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete. Nos 386.60 1,72,423.60

Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all
complete as per the architectural drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse
7.004 8.12 35 sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and Sqm 3,244.35 1,13,552.25
polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineering- Charge : Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown,
Cat Eye or equivalent
4 Subtotal of Marble & Granite Work 16,68,886.20
8 Wood & PVC Work
Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or
8.001 9.1.1 437 with dash fasteners of required dia & length ( hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for separately). Cum 91,496.90 399,84,145.30
(a) : Second class teak wood
Providing and fixing panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (Area of
opening for panel inserts excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled or panelled and glazed shutters 25 mm to
8.002 9.7.1 2593 40 mm thick : Sqm 2,155.60 55,89,470.80
(a) : Second class teak wood panels- 25 mm thick
8.003 2371 (b) : Float glass panes 5.0 mm thick glass panes Sqm 1,406.75 33,35,404.25
8.004 9.7.8 222 (c) : Fly proof stainless steel grade 304 wire gauge with 0.5 mm dia. wire and 1.4 mm wide aperture with matching wood beading Sqm 1,602.40 3,55,732.80
Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of
1st class hard wood and well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters, lipping
9.21.1+9.23 -
8.005 1171 with 2nd class teak wood battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges of flush door shutters : Sqm 1,972.15 23,09,387.65
(a) : 35 mm thick excluding ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws

9.21.2+9.23- (b) : 30 mm thick excluding ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws
8.006 85 Sqm 1,797.95 1,52,645.96

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Extra for Providing and fixing flush doors with decorative veneering instead of non decorative ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS: 2202
8.007 9.22.1 433 (Part I) Sqm 394.90 1,70,991.70
(a) : On one side only
Providing & Fixing decorative high pressure laminated sheet of plain / wood grain in gloss / matt / suede finish with high density protective surface layer
8.008 9.127 1893 and reverse side of adhesive bonding quality conforming to IS : 2046 Type S, including cost of adhesive of approved quality. (a) :1.0 mm thick on one side Sqm 676.40 12,80,425.20
Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer (having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on
8.009 9.84 12 the body, door weight up to 36 kg to 80 kg and door width from 701 mm to 1000 mm), with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories and Nos 1,027.20 12,326.40
screws etc. complete.
Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and manufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed on
the body / plate with double spring mechanism and door weight up to 125 kg, for doors, including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as required
8.010 21.4.1 120 and making good the same matching to the existing floor finishing and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer box with slide Nos 2,039.00 2,44,680.00
plate etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. With stainless steel cover plate minimum 1.25 mm thickness

Filling the gap in between frame & adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by providing weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per
8.011 21.8.1 8013 Metre 88.75 7,11,153.75
architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge complete. Up to 5mm depth and 5 mm width
11 Subtotal of Wood & PVC Work 541,46,363.81
9 Steel work
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed
together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking
with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile
9.001 10.6.1 941 Sqm 2,142.10 20,15,716.10
steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.
(a) : 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover

9.002 10.7 216 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. Nos 438.95 94,813.20
Extra over DSR Item No. 10.6.1 for providing mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating rolling shutters.
9.003 10.8.1 923 Sqm 724.85 6,69,036.55
(a) : Exceeding 10.00 sqm and up to 16.80 Sqm in the area
Extra over DSR item No. 10.6.1 for providing grilled rolling shutters manufactured out of 8 mm dia M.S. bar instead of laths as per design approved by
9.004 10.9 198 Engineer-in- charge,(area of grill to be measured). Sqm 313.60 62,092.80

Steel work in built up tubular ( round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a
9.005 10.16.1 215947 priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete. Kg 102.90 222,20,946.30
Hot finished welded type tubes
Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer
9.006 10.25.1 1559 using structural steel etc. as required. Kg 75.30 1,17,422.82
(a) : In stringers, treads, landings etc. of stair cases, including use of chequered plate wherever required, all complete
9.007 10.25.2 39539 (b) : In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates, and similar works. Kg 90.10 35,62,463.90
9.008 10 .19 4896 Providing and fixing mild steel round holding down bolts with nuts and washer plates complete. Kg 73.95 3,62,059.20
Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder railing, balcony railing, staircase railing and similar works, including
9.009 10.26.1 8713 applying priming coat of approved steel primer. Kg 104.70 9,12,251.10
(a) : M.S. tube

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and fixing carbon steel galvanised ( minimum coating 5 micron) dash fastener of 10 mm dia double threaded 6.8 grade (yield strength 480
N/mm2), counter sunk head, comprising of 10 m dia polyamide PA 6 grade sleeve, including drilling of hole in frame , concrete/ masonry, etc. as per
9.010 10.27.3 10218 direction of Engineer-in-charge. Nos 86.75 8,86,411.50
(a) :10 x 120 mm
9.011 10.27.2 6204 (b) :10 x 80 mm Nos 70.75 4,38,933.00
Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and
making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c fixing the railing with necessary
9.012 10.28 585 accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with suitable Kg 619.40 3,62,349.00
arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, ( for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing
accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.).
12 Subtotal of Steel Work 317,04,495.47
10 Flooring work
Brick on edge flooring with bricks of class designation 7.5 on a bed of 12 mm cement mortar, including filling the joints with same mortar, with common
10.001 11.1.2 15565 burnt clay non modular bricks: 1:6 (1cement : 6 coarse sand). Sqm 630.10 98,07,506.50

Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, including cement
10.002 11.3.1 4398 slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of steps etc. complete. Sqm 353.35 15,54,033.30
40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate
Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the
10.003 11.26.1 32573 slab, including rubbing and polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand): Sqm 1,141.40 371,78,822.20
a) 25 mm thick
Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and
10.004 11.27 6850 jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete. Sqm 1,191.25 81,60,062.50

Extra for Mirror polishing over normal polishing of marble work/Granite work/stone work where ever required to give high gloss finish complete.
10.005 8.6 25572 Sqm 212.85 54,43,000.20

10.006 11.31 442 Extra for pre finished nosing in treads of steps of Kota stone/ sand stone slab. Rmt 75.80 33,503.60
10.007 11.32 1109 Extra for Kota stone/ sand stone in treads of steps and risers using single length up to 1.05 metre. Sqm 16.90 18,742.10
Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make, in
all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm
10.008 11.36 473 Sqm 836.65 3,95,735.45
thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.
Providing and laying Ceramic glazed tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of
10.009 11.37 360 approved make in colours such as White, Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand), including Sqm 785.40 2,82,744.00
pointing the joints with white cement and matching pigment etc., complete.
Providing and fixing Glass mosaic tiles at finished plain wall surface of size 20 mm x 20 mm x 4 mm in all colour, design , fixing in customize design as per
direction of Engineer-in- Charge. The Glass mosaic tiles to be fixed on the wall surface with the help of approved adhesive applied at the rate of 2.5 kg
10.010 11.53 978 per sqm and grouting of the same. The rate is inclusive of all operation, material and required pattern approved by Engineer-in-Charge: Sqm 1,752.60 17,14,042.80

Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and
conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including
10.011 11.41.2 12033 Sqm 1,405.95 169,17,796.35
grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete.
(a) : Size of Tile 600x600 mm
10.012 11.41.3 1072 (b) : Size of Tile 800x800 mm Sqm 1,522.85 16,32,495.20

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming
to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all colours & shade, in skirting, riser of steps, dado and pillar over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:
10.013 11.46.2 6896 Sqm 1,415.40 97,60,598.40
3 coarse sand), including grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete.
(a) : Size of Tile 600x600 mm
10.014 11.46.3 585 (b) : Size of Tile 800x800 mm Sqm 1,534.45 8,97,653.25
Providing and fixing 25 mm wooden planking, tongued and grooved in flooring, including fixing with iron screws complete.
10.015 11.33.1 330 Sqm 3,332.85 10,98,507.36
(a) second class teak wood
Providing and laying 500x500x40 mm thick Turf paver (Turf pave XD) on 150 mm thick sub grade of compacted bed of 20 mm thick nominal size stone
10.016 11.45 557 aggregate and base course and filling with 150 mm thick sand, including spreading, well ramming, consolidating and finishing smooth etc. all complete Sqm 1,743.20 9,70,439.44
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of M -30 grade made by block making machine with strong
10.017 16.68 15589 vibratory compaction, of approved size, design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of coarse Sqm 602.20 93,87,695.80
sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
17 Subtotal of Flooring Work 1052,53,378.45
11 Roofing
Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishing with
11.001 12.21.1 4425 Metre 143.10 6,33,217.50
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design : In 75x75 mm deep chase
Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20
11.002 12.22 331 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1 m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and a coat of neat Nos 186.65 61,781.15
cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the outlet complete.
Providing and fixing 15 Cm wide, 45 cm overall semi-circular plane G.S. sheet gutter with iron brackets 40 x 3 mm Size, bolts, nuts and washers etc.,
11.003 12.7.1 759 including making necessary connections with rain Water pipes complete. Meter 534.60 4,05,761.40
0.80 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gm/m²
3 Subtotal of Roofing Work 11,00,760.05
12 Finishing work
Providing and laying plaster
12.001 13.4.1 21054 (a) : 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) Sqm 172.30 36,27,604.20

12.002 13.5.1 5612 (b) : 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) Sqm 200.05 11,22,680.60
(C) : 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement
12.003 13.12 4283 plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished rough with sponge. Sqm 258.90 11,08,868.70

Extra for addition of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre of length 6 mm, effective diameter 10-40 microns and specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40 in cement
plaster/mortar by using 125 gms. of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre for 50 Kgs. cement used in cement mortar as per directions of Engineer-in- Per Bag of 50
12.004 13.79 3787 58.05 2,19,835.35
Charge. Kg of cement

Pointing on brick work or brick flooring on non Modular bricks with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand):
12.005 13.31.1 31187 (a) : Flush / Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing on bricks of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 75mm Sqm 106.35 33,16,737.45

Pointing on brick work or brick flooring on non Modular bricks with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand):
12.006 13.31.2 366 (b) : Raised and cut pointing Sqm 172.75 63,295.60

Pointing on stone work with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.:
12.007 13.33.1 90 (a) : Flush/ Ruled pointing Sqm 152.85 13,756.50

12.008 13.33.2 45 (b) : Raised and cut pointing Sqm 276.70 12,451.50
12.009 13.37.1 611 White washing with lime to give an even shade : New work (three or more coats) Sqm 16.20 9,898.20

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of approved brand and manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to
12.010 13.8 12982 prepare the surface even and smooth complete. Sqm 89.65 11,63,836.30

Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade : New work (two or more coats) over and
12.011 13.41.1 8005 including water thin able priming coat with cement primer Sqm 89.70 7,18,048.50

12.012 13.44.1 3931 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm) Sqm 57.85 2,27,408.35
Wall painting with premium acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound ) content less than 50 grams/ litre of
12.013 13.83.2 20722 approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour. Two coats Sqm 75.35 15,61,402.70

Painting with synthetic enamel paint, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 150 grams/ litre, of approved brand and manufacture,
12.014 13.84.2 4480 Sqm 71.60 3,20,796.64
including applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour. Two coats
Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : New work (Two or more coat applied @ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming
12.015 13.46.1 1351 Sqm 90.00 1,21,590.00
coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20 kg/ 10 sqm)
Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming
12.016 13.52.1 609 coat, preparation of surface, etc. complete. On steel work Sqm 116.55 70,978.95

Providing and applying two coats of fire retardant paint on cleaned wood / ply surface / steel surface @ 3.5 sqm per litre per coat including preparation
12.017 13.58 185 Sqm 247.65 45,716.19
of base surface as per recommendations of manufacturer to make the surface fire retardant.
12.018 14.61 2100 Painting (one or more coats) with black Japan paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade. Sqm 42.00 88,200.00
18 Subtotal of Finishing Work 138,13,105.73
13 Water proofing work
Providing and Placing in position suitable PVC water stops conforming to IS:12200 for construction/ expansion joints between two RCC members and
13.001 22.4.1 865 fixed to the reinforcement with binding wire before pouring concrete etc. complete : Metre 490.20 4,24,023.00
(a) : Serrated with central bulb (225 mm wide, 8-11 mm thick)
Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing cement compound consisting of
applying: a) after surface preparation, first layer of slurry of cement @ 0.488 Kg/Sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 Kg/Sqm. b)
laying second layer of Fiber glass cloth when the first layer is still green. Overlaps of joints of fiber cloth should not be less than 10 cm. c) third layer of
1.5 mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 Kg/Sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.670 Kg/Sqm and coarse sand @
13.002 22.6 15437 Sqm 390.35 60,25,832.95
1.289 Kg/Sqm. This will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48 hours. The entire treatment will be taken up to 30 cm on
parapet wall and tucked into groove in parapet all around. d) fourth and final layer of brick tiling with cement mortar (which will be paid for separately.
For the purpose of measurement the entire treated surface will be measured.

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies,
terraces etc. consisting of following operations: a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed with water proofing
compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining walls up to 300 mm height including
cleaning the surface before treatment. b) Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement
mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm
thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by
Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls up to 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs c)
MR based on
13.003 16112 After two days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm of cement admixed with water proofing compound Sqm 1,051.42 169,40,445.54
conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge. d)Finishing the surface with joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1cement :4 coarse sand)
admixed with water proofing compound confirming to IS 2645 and approved by Engineer - in - Charge including finishing the top surface with boom
finish to receive subsequent finishing layer complete. The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of two weeks for
curing and for final test. All above operations to be done in order and as directed and specified by the Engineering-Charge :
With average thickness of 120 mm and minimum thickness at khurra as 65 mm.

Grading roof for water proofing treatment with Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
13.004 22.14.1 793 Cum 5,570.55 44,17,446.15
Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated five layer 3 mm thick water proofing membrane, black finished
reinforced with non-woven polyester matt consisting of a coat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by the same membrane
manufacture of density at 25°C, 0.87-0.89 kg/ litre and viscosity 70-160 cps. Over the primer coat the layer of membrane shall be laid using Butane
Torch and sealing all joints etc., and preparing the surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters of the membrane shall be as under :
13.005 22.20.1 13033 Sqm 425.35 55,43,586.55
Joint strength in longitudinal and transverse direction at 23°C as 650/450N/5cm. Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as 300/250N.
Softening point of membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility shall be up to -2°C when tested in accordance with ASTM,D - 5147. The laying of
membrane shall be got done through the authorised applicator of the manufacturer of membrane : 3 mm thick

Extra for covering top of membrane with Geotextile, 120 gsm non woven, 100% polyester of thickness 1 to 1.25 mm bonded to the membrane with
13.006 22.21 26116 intermittent touch by heating the membrane by Butane Torch as per manufactures recommendation. Sqm 74.85 19,54,782.60

6 Subtotal of Water Proofing Work 353,06,116.79

Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing
cistern, including flush pipe, with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, including
14.001 17.1.1 7 each 3,392.80 23,749.60
cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required. 17.1.1 White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral
type foot rests
Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratory sink with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass chain with rubber plug, 40 mm C.P brass waste and 40mm C.P.
brass trap with necessary C.P. brass unions complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall wherever required :
14.002 17.11 58 17.11.2 Size 600x450x200 mm each 3,162.75 1,83,439.50

2 Subtotal of Sanitary work 2,07,189.10

15.001 12.44 273 Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm diameter and weighing not less than 440 grams. each 41.10 11,220.30

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity


Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR-11 confirming to IIS 15778, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply,
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step
15.002 18.8.1 2956 CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in metre 270.00 7,98,187.50
Charge. Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc. a) 15 mm nominal dia Pipes

15.003 18.8.2 2970 b) 20mm nominal dia metre 296.40 8,80,340.60

15.004 18.8.3 840 c) 25mm nominal dia metre 351.30 2,95,232.52
Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR -11 , having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain &
brass threaded fittings, including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement
15.005 18.7.1 1838 and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. metre 143.65 2,63,964.06
Internal work - Exposed on wall
a) 15 mm nominal outer dia
15.006 18.7.2 1860 b) 20 mm nominal outer dia metre 163.30 3,03,700.44
15.007 18.7.3 1666 c) 25 mm nominal outer dia metre 209.50 3,48,947.39
15.008 18.7.4 1392 d) 32 mm nominal outer dia metre 262.35 3,65,204.32
15.009 18.7.5 584 e) 40 mm nominal outer dia metre 350.50 2,04,727.05
15.010 18.7.6 547 f) 50 mm nominal outer dia metre 524.10 2,86,525.47
Providing & fixing gun metal / Bronze non – return valve of approved make with union / flange, washer, nuts & bolts. Rated to temperature of 85
15.011 44 Deg C and tested to a pressure not less than 15 Kg/ each 411.25 18,095.00
a) 20mm nominal dia
15.012 59 b) 32 mm nominal dia each 634.60 37,441.40
DSR EnM 2014 NON RETURN VALVE with dual plate of CI body SS plates vulcanized NBR seal flanged end & PN 16 pressure rating
15.013 12 each 2,361.00 28,332.00 a) 65mm dia
DSR EnM 2014 b) 80 mm nominal dia
15.014 12 each 2,728.00 32,736.00
DSR EnM 2014 b) 100 mm nominal dia
15.015 10 each 3,776.00 37,760.00
15 Subtotal of Internal Plumbing work 39,12,414.05
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5m in width or
16.001 2.8.1 4975 10 sqm on plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus cum. 157.50 7,83,593.50
excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 m.
All kinds of soil
Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation for sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5
m, including getting out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, including compacting each
16.002 7867 deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 m. metre 208.30 16,38,737.76
All kinds of soil (a) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm dia

16.003 12001 (b) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm dia metre 325.20 39,02,562.60
STORM DRAINAGE - Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes with collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
16.004 19.6.2 5319 proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete: metre 348.30 18,52,433.55
a)150mm RCC Pipe

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

16.005 19.6.3 8956 metre 468.60 41,96,547.30

b) 250mm dia R.C.C. pipe
16.006 19.6.4 2145 c) 300mm dia R.C.C. pipe metre 506.35 10,86,120.75
Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand)
16.007 19.1.1 284 including testing of joints etc. complete: metre 206.55 58,556.93
a) 100mm dia.
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round. including bed
16.008 19.2.2 6189 concrete as per standard design. metre 724.70 44,84,805.95
a) 150mm nominal dia
16.009 19.2.3 790 b) 200mm nominal dia. metre 844.85 6,67,431.50
16.010 19.2.4 850 c) 250mm dia nominal dia. metre 977.00 8,30,450.00
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand :10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) up to haunches of pipes
16.011 19.3.4 8916 including bed concrete as per standard design. metre 624.60 55,68,621.30
a) 250mm nominal dia

16.012 19.3.5 2145 b) 300mm nominal dia metre 720.70 15,45,901.50

Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap class SP-1 complete with C.I. grating brick masonry chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of
300x300 mm size (inside) the weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 kg as per standard design 150 x 100 mm size
16.013 198 each 1,594.35 3,15,681.30
P type
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. inspection chamber and bends with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and
weight of frame 15 kg), R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete
DSR 2014 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
16.014 129 each 4,692.05 6,05,274.45 coarse sand), finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design:
Inside dimensions 455x610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonry chamber :

DSR 2014 19.31.1 For 455x610 mm size
16.015 20 Rmt. 3,924.65 78,493.00 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Sewer Manhole - Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement
:4 coarse sand), in side cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement,
foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and making necessary channel in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as
per standard design. 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to
16.016 391 each 8,738.55 34,16,773.05
I.S.12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for separately) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5

Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91 m to 1.67 mt With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of
16.017 19.10.1 75 metre 4,842.40 3,63,180.00
class designation 7.5

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.52 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) inside
cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6
(1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design a 2.30 m deep
16.018 27 with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame each 34,976.25 9,44,358.75
to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering,
shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) With common burnt
clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30 m :With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
16.019 19.14.1 13 metre 14,842.95 1,92,958.35
designation 7.5
Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 10910, on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS: 1786,
having minimum cross section as 23 mm x 25 mm and over all minimum length 263 mm and width as 165 mm with minimum 112 mm space between
protruded legs having 2 mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138
16.020 19.16 2508 mm as per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical resistance test as per specifications and having manufacture’s each 311.60 7,81,492.80
permanent identification mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) complete as per design.

Storm Chamber - Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement
:4 coarse
sand), in side cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation
concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design. 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. grating and frame (heavy duty,
16.021 66 each 8,738.55 5,76,744.30
HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S.12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete.
(Excavation, foot rests and
12mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5

Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91 m to 1.67 m
16.022 19.10.1 5 a) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class metre 4,842.40 24,212.00
designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 50x45x60 cm with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including 500x450 mm pre-
16.023 19.27.1 583 cast R.C.C. horizontal grating with frame complete as per standard design : each 3,957.50 23,07,222.50
a With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 45x45x77.5 cm with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with pre-cast R.C.C. vertical
16.024 19.28.1 307 grating complete as per standard design metre 4,408.95 13,51,343.18
: a With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Storm Chamber - Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. inspection chamber and bends with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :
4 coarse sand) C.I. Grating with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of
cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg), R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size),
foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar
16.025 31 metre 4,692.05 1,45,453.55
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design:
Inside dimensions 455x610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonry chamber :

16.026 10 For 455x610 mm size metre 3,924.65 39,246.50
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size),
inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in
16.027 19.7.1 7 cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete each 8,507.00 56,146.20
as per standard design :Inside size 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight
of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg) :With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of
class designation 7.5
16.028 86 Extra for depth for manholes : Size 90x80 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 metre 5,638.20 4,83,757.56
DOMESTIC WATER - Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all
CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling & testing of joints
16.029 18.9.10 1540 complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. metre 3,426.25 52,76,425.00
External work
a) 150 mm nominal outer dia Pipes Schedule 80
16.030 18.9.5 638 b) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 metre 350.50 2,23,619.00
Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic paint of approved quality
16.031 18.40.4 20 metre 10.40 208.00
a) 32 mm nominal inner dia Pipes
16.032 18.40.5 20 b)40 mm nominal inner dia Pipes metre 11.85 237.00
16.033 18.40.6 20 c)50 mm nominal inner dia Pipes metre 14.15 283.00
16.034 18.40.7 20 d)65 mm nominal inner dia Pipes metre 17.45 349.00
16.035 18.40.8 250 e)80 mm nominal inner dia Pipes metre 20.25 5,062.50
DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION -Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR 11, having thermal stability for hot & cold water
supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling
16.036 18.9.5 866 metre 209.50 1,81,364.15
& testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
a) 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes
16.037 18.9.2 589 b) 20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 163.30 96,102.05
16.038 18.9.6 1540 c) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 524.10 8,07,114.00
FLUSHING WATER DISTRIBUTION - Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling &
16.039 18.9.8 1540 metre 2,051.25 31,58,925.00
testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
a) 80 mm nominal inner dia Pipes Schedule 80
16.040 18.9.4 545 b) 32 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 metre 262.35 1,42,849.58
16.041 18.9.5 773 c) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 metre 350.50 2,71,041.65
16.042 18.9.6 773 d) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 metre 524.10 4,05,286.53
42 Subtotal of External Plumbing work 488,66,966.57

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity


Supplying Installation Testing and Commissioning of Butterfly Valve ( Manual ) with CI body, SS Disc , Nitrile Rubber seal & O Ring , flanges, PN 16
18.001 9 pressure rating complete as required each 3,269.00 29,421.00
a) 65mm nominal dia
DSR E&M b) 80mm nominal dia
18.002 9 each 3,638.00 32,742.00
DSR E&M c) 100mm nominal dia
18.003 4 each 5,205.00 20,820.00
DSR E&M c) 150mm nominal dia
18.004 8 each 6,499.00 51,992.00
DSR E&M d) 200mm nominal dia
18.005 6 each 10,982.00 65,892.00
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning CI `Y' strainer with Stainless steel strainer including rubber gasket, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers,
18.006 11 complete as per approved specifications. each 4,948.00 54,428.00
a) 80 mm nominal dia.
DSR E&M b)65mm nominal dia
18.007 6 each 4,746.00 28,476.00
DSR E&M c)100mm nominal dia
18.008 6 each 6,806.00 40,836.00
DSR E&M c) 150mm nominal dia
18.009 8 each 10,418.00 83,344.00
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning dual plate CI wafer type check valve tested to a pressure of 15 Kg/sqcm. Including rubber gasket, flanges,
18.010 10 union, nuts, bolts, washers & painting complete as per approved specifications. each 2,361.00 23,610.00
a) 65mm nominal dia
DSR E&M 80 mm dia
18.011 4 each 2,728.00 10,912.00
DSR E&M 100 mm dia
18.012 4 each 3,736.00 14,944.00
DSR E&M 150 mm dia
18.013 4 each 6,354.00 25,416.00
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of bronze gate valves of 25mm dia with high tensile brass rising stem confirming to IS 778 suitable for the
18.014 18.17.1 113 system pressure, complete as per specifications each 428.85 48,460.05

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of end terminations of following armoured cables. All the lugs shall be of Cu/Al lugs and glands shall be
double compression brass glands as per the technical specifications. The cost shall include the cost of crimping and all tools and accessorised required to
18.015 MR -19.074 12 complete the job in full respect. each 485.49 5,825.93
4C X 16 Sq. mm Cu2XY
18.016 MR -19.083 4 3C X 6 2XWY each 438.67 1,754.70
DSR EnM 2014 4C X 25 Sq. mm 2XY
18.017 30 each 248.00 7,440.00
DSR EnM 2014 3.5C X 50 Sq. mm 2XY
18.018 10 each 342.00 3,420.00
18.019 MR -19.091 90 2C X 2.5 2XY each 319.99 28,799.25

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

DSR EnM 2014 Providing and Fixing of 25 x 3 mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for connections etc. as required
18.020 213 metre 142.00 30,246.00
DSR EnM 2014 Providing and Fixing of 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing as required
18.021 186 metre 35.00 6,492.50
21 Subtotal of Fire fighting work 6,15,271.42
General Notes :
Chapter-1 Wiring (As per CPWD DSR 2014 E & M)
1. This section covers Items of Sub mains and point wiring for all internal areas.
2. Switchboards, power plugs, switches for power plugs, GI Modular boxes and cover plates and its accessories are included in this chapter.
3 GI box, soclets, cover plates for TV and telephone are included in this chapter.
4. Point wiring for light/bell/fan/exhaust fan - wiring including termination from switch boxes to the point outlet including Concealed/surface conduits,
the GI box, modular cover plate and switches are included in the rates of point wiring.
5. Sub mains wiring includes wiring including termination from distribution boards to respective switchboards and power outlets for all internal areas.
wiring for DB controlled light points are also considered in sub mains wiring.
6. All tools and accessories required to complete the job in full respect and as per engineer in charge shall be included.
Chapter-2 MCCBs, MCBs & DBs:
1. Items under this section covers Distribution boards considered for all internal and common areas.
2. Switchgears used inside the distribution boards and its accessories are covered under this chapter.
3. All internal wirings including neutral and earthing connections inside DB has to be fully completed.
4. External earthing for DB is considered under earthing section and shall be paid under relevant items.
5. Minimum Breaking capacity for all switchgears inside DB shall be 10kA with Ics=Icu.
4. All tools and accessories required to complete the job in full respect and as per engineer in charge shall be included.
Chapter-3 Cables & End terminations:
1. Items under this section covers Armoured / Unarmoured / flexible AL/Cu. cables & their end terminations from Substation to different feeder pillars ,
from feeder pillars to metering panels / Main LT Panel of different buildings and therefrom to different distribution boards and HVAC Panels.
2. Armoured cables are to be laid on cable trays / underground as per relevant design drawing and specifications. All flexible cables shall be laid inside
surface / concealed conduits (rigid / flexible)/ raceways or as per relevant design drawing and specifications. Cost of cable trays, raceways trenches,

19.002 1.14.2 48370.32667 Wiring of circuit / submain wiring along with earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface / Metre 131.00 63,36,512.79
recessed medium class PVC conduit as required.
(a)2 x 2.5 + 1 x 2.5 earth wire.
19.003 1.14.3 21228 (b)2 x 4 + 1 x 4 earth wire Metre 162.00 34,38,911.70
19.004 1.14.4 2368 (c)2 x 6 + 1 x 6 earth wire Metre 221.00 5,23,328.00
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with accessories in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good
19.005 1.21.2 11270 the same in case of recessed conduit as required. Metre 65.00 7,32,574.38
(a) : 25 mm
19.006 1.21.3 4005 (b) : 32 mm Metre 85.00 3,40,440.94
19.007 1.21.4 510 (c) : 40 mm Metre 110.00 56,100.00
19.008 1.21.5 135 (d) : 50 mm Metre 144.00 19,440.00
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of steel conduit along with accessories in surface/recess including painting in case of surface conduit, or cutting
19.009 1.20.2 1385 the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. Metre 142.00 1,96,670.00
(a) : 25 mm
19.010 1.20.3 900 (b) : 32 mm Metre 193.00 1,73,700.00

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

19.011 1.20.4 310 (c) : 40 mm Metre 287.00 88,970.00

19.012 1.20.5 120 (d) : 50 mm Metre 387.00 46,440.00
Supplying and drawing Co-axial TV cable RG-6 grade,0.7mm solid copper conductor PE insulated, shielded with fine tinned copper braid and protected
19.013 1.19 2550 with PVC sheath in the existing surface/recessed steel/PVC conduit as required. Metre 28.00 71,400.00

19.014 1.53 33111 Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT6 LAN cable in the existing surface / recessed steel/PVC conduit as required. Metre 33.00 10,92,663.00
Supplying and fixing following size / modules, GI box along with modular base and cover plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required.
19.015 1.27.1 2579 (a) : 1 or 2 Module (75mm x 75mm) Each 166.00 4,28,114.00

19.016 1.27.2 3939 (b) : 3 Module (100mm x 75mm) Each 175.00 6,89,325.00
19.017 1.27.3 236 (c) : 4 Module (125mm x 75mm) Each 195.00 46,020.00
19.018 1.27.4 1762 (d) : 6 Module (200mm x 75mm) Each 248.00 4,36,976.00
19.019 1.27.5 489 (e) : 8 Module (125mm x 125mm) Each 287.00 1,40,343.00
19.020 1.27.6 14 (f) : 12 Module (200mm x 150mm) Each 334.00 4,676.00
Supplying and fixing following modular switch / socket on existing modular plate and switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc.
19.021 1.24.4 5161 as required. Each 79.00 4,07,719.00
(a) : 3 pin 5/6 amp socket outlet
19.022 1.24.5 462 (b) : 6 pin 15/16 amp socket outlet Each 150.00 69,300.00
19.023 1.24.1 4228 (d) : 5/6 amps switch Each 81.00 3,42,468.00
19.024 1.24.3 1235 (e) : 15/16 amp switch Each 111.00 1,37,085.00
19.025 1.24.6 1121 (f) : Telephone socket outlet Each 95.00 1,06,495.00
19.026 1.24.7 255 (g): TV antenna socket outlet Each 94.00 23,970.00
19.027 1.24.8 74 (h): Bell Push Each 111.00 8,214.00
19.028 1.38 74 (i): Supplying and fixing call bell / buzzer suitable for single phase, 230 volts, complete as required. Each 61.00 4,514.00
19.029 1.26 1046 (j) Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required. Each 23.00 24,058.00
(k) Supplying and fixing stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular
19.030 1.25 1207 plate etc. as required. Each 284.00 3,42,788.00

(l) Supplying and fixing 20 amp, 240 Volts, SPN industrial type, socket outlet with 2 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 20 amps "C
19.031 2.18 52 curve", SP , MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket outlet and complete with connections , testing Each 954.00 49,608.00
commissioning etc. as required.
(m) Supplying and fixing 30 amp, 415 Volts, TPN industrial type, socket outlet with 4 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 30 amps "C
19.032 2.2 59 curve", TP , MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket outlet and complete with connections , testing Each 2,473.00 1,45,907.00
commissioning etc. as required.
Supplying and fixing TP sheet steel enclosure on surface/ recess along with 16/25/32amps 415 volts "C" curve TP MCB complete with connections,
19.033 2.17 19 testing and commissioning etc. as required. Each 868.00 16,492.00

Wiring for light point / fan point / exhaust fan point / call bell point with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface /
recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated
19.034 1.10.3 13115 Each 718.00 94,16,570.00
copper conductor single core cable etc. as required.
(a) Group C
Wiring for twin controlled light point with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC
conduit, 2 way modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core
19.035 1.11 211 cable etc. as required. Each 770.00 1,62,470.00
(a) Group C

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

19.036 1.34 12957 Supplying and fixing of brass batten / angle holder / connectors including connections etc. as required. Each 74.00 9,58,818.00
Installation, testing and commissioning of ceiling fan, including wiring, the down rods of standard length (up to 30 cm) with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC
19.037 1.44 1219 insulated copper conductor single core cables etc. as required. Each 95.00 1,15,805.00

Installation of exhaust fan in the existing opening , including making good the damage, connection, testing commissioning etc. as required.
19.038 1.50.1 251 (a): Up to 450mm sweep Each 204.00 51,204.00

19.039 1.50.2 17 (b): 510 mm sweep Each 288.00 4,896.00

19.040 1.51 268 Extra for fixing the louvers / shutters complete with frame for a exhaust fan of all sizes. Each 90.00 24,120.00
(i): Installation of Wall fan suitable for single phase, 230 volts including wiring with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cables
19.041 1.44 93 etc., complete as required. Each 95.00 8,835.00

Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C" curve, miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the
19.042 2.10.1 7683 existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. Each 169.00 12,98,427.00
(a) Single pole
19.043 2.10.3 306 (b) Double pole Each 459.00 1,40,454.00
19.044 2.10.4 96 (c) Triple pole Each 696.00 66,816.00
Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phase and neutral), 240 volts, residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) having sensitivity up to
30milliampere in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing commissioning etc. as required
19.045 2.14.1 91 Each 1,645.00 1,49,695.00
(a) 25 amps

19.046 2.14.2 449 (b) 40 amps Each 1,714.00 7,69,586.00

19.047 2.14.3 108 (c) 63 amps Each 2,237.00 2,41,596.00
Providing and fixing following rating and breaking capacity and pole MCCB in existing cubicle panel board including drilling holes in the cubical panel,
making connections etc. as required.
19.048 2.2.13 14 Each 5,347.00 74,858.00
(a) 100 A, 30kA, FP MCCB

19.049 2.2.14 8 (b) 125 A, 36kA, FP MCCB Each 5,434.00 43,472.00

19.050 2.1.15 3 (c) 200 A, 36kA, FP MCCB Each 13,118.00 39,354.00
19.051 2.11 606 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. Each 7.00 4,242.00
Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 volts, isolator in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as
19.052 2.13.1 11 required. Each 659.00 7,249.00
(a) 32 Amp
19.053 2.13.1 6 (b) 40 Amp Each 659.00 3,954.00
19.054 2.13.2 7 (c) 63 Amp Each 670.00 4,690.00
Supplying and laying 6 SWG GI wire at 0.50 metre below ground level for conductor earth electrode including connections / termination with GI thimble
19.055 5.7 11960 Metre 27.00 3,22,920.00
etc. as required.
Supplying and laying 25mm x 5mm GI strip at at 0.50 metre below ground as strip earth electrode including connections / terminating with GI nut, bolts,
19.056 5.9 6497 spring, washer etc. as required (Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 set of G.I nut bolt and spring washer spaced at 50mm). Metre 109.00 7,08,173.00

Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial , made of 25mm dia 300mm long Copper tube, having single prong at top, with 85mm dia 3mm thick
19.057 6.1 68 Copper base plate including holes etc. complete as required. Each 764.00 51,952.00

Providing and fixing Copper tape 20mm x 3mm thick on parapet or surface of wall for lightning conductor complete as required.(for horizontal run)
19.058 6.5 2753 Metre 376.00 10,35,128.00

Providing and fixing copper tape 20mm x 3mm thick on parapet or surface of wall for lightning conductor complete as required.(for vertical run)
19.059 6.6 1077 Metre 406.00 4,37,262.00

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Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Providing and fixing testing joint , made of 20mm x 3mm thick copper strip, 125 mm long, with 4 Nos. of tinned brass bolts, nuts, check nuts and spring
19.060 6.11 68 Each 195.00 13,260.00
washers etc. complete as required.
Extra for depth for manholes for above item : Size 90x90 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
19.061 35 Metre 5,638.20 1,96,068.41
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size),
inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete
19.062 19.7.2 84 as per standard design : Nos. 18,304.45 15,37,573.80
Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be
not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth for manholes for above item : Size 120x90 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
19.063 8 Metre 6,753.65 56,730.66
Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-2 class (Medium duty) R.C.C. pipes including collars/spigot jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
19.064 19.6.5 1471 proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete Metre 705.90 10,38,237.72
(a) 450 mm dia RCC pipe
providing and fixing of MV danger notice plate 200mm x 150mm, made of mild steel at least 2mm thick and vitreous enamelled white on both side and
19.065 2.21 49 Each 141.00 6,909.00
with inscription in single red colour on front side as required.
Installation of following fixtures in all internal and common areas complete in all respect including fixing and connection from nearby terminal to fixture
19.066 1.35 2354 as required. Supply of fixture not included in this item. Each 52.00 1,22,408.00
(a) 1 x LED 12W-300x300
19.067 1.35 1684 (b) 1 x LED 33W-300x300 Each 52.00 87,568.00
19.068 1.35 3562 (c) 15W LED Down lighter Each 52.00 1,85,224.00
19.069 1.35 880 (d) 1x12W LED down lighter Each 52.00 45,760.00
19.070 1.35 158 (e) 1x33 W LED Down lighter Each 52.00 8,216.00
19.071 1.35 512 (f) 1x20.8W LED Tube light Each 52.00 26,624.00
19.072 1.35 143 (g) 1x49W LED Tube light Each 52.00 7,436.00
19.073 1.35 250 (h) 1x10W LED Bulb Each 52.00 13,000.00
19.074 1.35 82 (i) 50W LED Wall Washer Each 52.00 4,264.00
19.075 1.35 219 (k) 18W Bulk Head Light Each 52.00 11,388.00
19.076 1.35 337 (l) 1 x 4W LED Mirror Light Each 52.00 17,524.00
19.077 1.35 481 (m) 1 x 27 W LED Down lighter Each 52.00 25,012.00
19.078 1.35 31 (n) LED Focus Light Each 52.00 1,612.00
19.079 1.35 110 (o) 13W LED Recessed Wall Light Each 52.00 5,720.00
19.080 1.35 20 (p) 17W LED Spot Light Each 52.00 1,040.00
19.081 1.35 100 (q) 18W LED Down lighter Each 52.00 5,200.00
19.082 1.35 20 (r) 18W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) Each 52.00 1,040.00
19.083 1.35 37 (s) 20.8 W LED Tube Light-IP-65 Type Each 52.00 1,924.00
19.084 1.35 4 (t) 20.8 W LED Tube Light -IP-65 Type(Battery Operated) Each 52.00 208.00
19.085 1.35 50 (u) 1 x 27 W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) Each 52.00 2,600.00
19.086 1.35 33 (v) 1x12W LED down lighter (Battery Operated) Each 52.00 1,716.00
19.087 1.35 50 (w) 1x3W LED Ground Burial Each 52.00 2,600.00

Page 20 of 22
Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

19.088 1.35 10 (x) 1x18 W LED Wall washer Each 52.00 520.00
19.089 1.35 800 (y) 1x 5 W LED strip Rmt 52.00 41,600.00
19.090 1.35 341 (z) 1x33 W LED pole Light Each 52.00 17,732.00
19.091 1.35 15 (b1) 1x12 W Bollard Lights Each 52.00 780.00
19.092 1.35 15 (c1) 1x15 W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) Each 52.00 780.00
19.093 1.35 3 (e1) Foot light Each 52.00 156.00
19.094 1.35 158 (e1) 24 W Pass Light Each 52.00 8,216.00
(n) Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Passive Infrared (PIR) technology based occupancy sensor with day light dimming (lighting level
shall be regulated as per availability of natural day light in an area along with occupancy detection.) having high performance, regulating programmable
19.095 15.2 386 type, suitable for connected load up to 10 Amp , for mounting height up to 2.8 mtr and for 5 m diameter coverage area along with necessary fixing Each 4,447.00 17,16,542.00
arrangements i/c programming at site etc. complete as required.

91 Subtotal of ELECTRICAL Work 378,96,958.39

20 Elevators -
21 Horticulture & Landscaping -
Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated / supplied earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods,
21.001 23.28 95716 watering of each layer, dressing etc., lead up to 50 meter and lift up to 1.5 m complete as per direction of Officer-in-charge. Cum 276.18 264,34,886.68

Road Work Preparation and compaction of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm
21.002 16.1 681317 depth, dressing to camber and compacting with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the sub grade and disposal of Sqm 94.45 643,50,390.65
surplus earth with lead up to 50 metres.
21.003 16.11 31788 Dry stone pitching 22.5 cm thick including supply of stones and preparing surface complete. Sqm 491.25 156,15,855.00
Dry brick pitching half brick thick in drains including supply of bricks and preparing the surface complete : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular)
21.004 16.12 46191 Sqm 509.38 235,28,771.58
bricks of class designation 5
Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons as per standards) of size 300x300x9.8mm having with water absorption less than 0.5% and
conforming to IS: 15622 of approved make in all colours and shades in for outdoor floors such as footpath, court yard, multi modals location etc., laid on
21.005 16.9 1138 Sqm 1,672.38 19,03,168.44
20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the joints with white cement mixed with
matching pigments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
5 Subtotal of Landscape Work - 1318,33,072.35
Carriage of Materials
22.001 NH SOR 1.4 (i) 7497320 6.89 516,56,537.08
Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading, unloading and stacking through Surface Road
22.002 NH SOR 1.4 (ii) 473118 Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading, unloading and stacking through Unsurfaced Gravelled Road 8.37 39,61,891.99
Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading, unloading and stacking through Katcha Track and Track in Riverbed/Nallah
22.003 NH SOR 1.4 (iii) 473118 16.75 79,23,783.98
Bed and Choe Bed
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders. (Construction of embankment for subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained
22.004 NH SOR 3.18 42319 Cum 284.08 120,22,117.88
from borrow pits with all lifts and lead up to 1000 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of
MoRTH table 300-2)
Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as per drawing and technical specification, including setting out,
22.005 NH SOR 12.1 (I) 176 construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling with approved Cum 95.07 16,706.02
material.) Ordinary Soil (up to 3.0 m. Depth)
Concrete work
22.006 NH SOR 12.4 176 PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation including form work (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal mix in foundation with crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size Cum 4,186.00 7,35,605.78
mechanically mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14 days.)

Page 21 of 22
Name of Work :- Development Of Permanent Campus Of Nu Rajgir.
Subject :- Schedule-B DSR Items 12-Sep-16

Item Nos. as per Total Description Unit Rate Total Amount
DSR'14 Quantity

Construction of cement concrete kerb 150 mm thick, 400 mm high in M 20 grade PCC on M-10 grade foundation 100 mm thick, foundation having 50
22.007 NH SOR 8.2 43844 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per MoRTH clause 408 Rmt 293.00 128,46,233.40
(B) Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
Construction of cement concrete kerb 150 mm thick, 400 mm high in M 20 grade, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid
22.008 NH SOR 8.2 28858 Rmt 235.00 67,81,677.00
manually, all complete as per MoRTH clause 408 (B) Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
Road work
NH SOR Dismantling of Flexible Pavements (Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking
22.009 5050 Cum 302.00 15,25,075.84
2.5 (II) serviceable and unserviceable materials separately)

Wet Mix Macadam : Providing laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specifications including premixing the
materials with water at OMC, in mechanical mix plant carriage of mix material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers of 100/125 mm thick compacted
22.010 NH SOR 4.12 5904 Cum 1,213.00 71,61,612.65
macadam with paver in sub base/base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve desired density as per relevant
MoRTH clause 406
Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per specifications, cement
content not to be less than 150 Kg/cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less
22.011 NH SOR 6.1 8858 Cum 2,474.00 219,14,197.20
than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, for all leads & lifts, laid with a mechanical paver, compacting with 8-10 tonne
vibratory roller, finishing and curing etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in charge.

Construction of 225 mm thick un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with cement @ 425 kg per cum,
coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per
approved mix design, transported to site and laid with fixed form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision
22.012 NH SOR 6.2 17014 Cum 5,985.00 1018,27,473.30
of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel
bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing as per MoRTH clause 602

Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of M -30 grade made by block making machine with strong
22.013 DSR 16.68 28871 vibratory compaction, of approved size, design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of coarse Sqm 699.70 202,01,159.31
sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks of required strength, thickness & size/shape, made by table vibratory
method, to attain superior smooth finish using PU or equivalent moulds, laid in required Grey colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of
coarse sand, compacting and proper embedding / laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using
22.014 DSR 16.94 12420 plate vibrator, filling the joints with jamuna sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand in Sqm 857.13 106,45,985.39
footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc. all complete as per manufacturer’s specifications & direction of Engineer -in-Charge: (a) 80
mm thick c.c. paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour design and pattern.

Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass Beads on Bituminous Surface (Providing and laying of hot applied
22.015 NH SOR 8.13 673 thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied Sqm 791.00 5,32,343.00
glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.)
Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal
beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level, fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m
22.016 NH SOR 8.23 A 3000 below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal beam rail Rmt 2,160.00 64,80,000.00
to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x 5 mm, 330 mm long complete as per clause 810)

16 Sub Total of Road Work - 2662,32,399.83

335.000 28658,23,634.45

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