Stifness and Damping of Expoy Granite
Stifness and Damping of Expoy Granite
Stifness and Damping of Expoy Granite
Abstract: The productivity and accuracy of machine tools stiffness and better damping. This review paper deals with
now became most significant as the cutting conditions changes various researches with respect to the stiffness and damping
continuously. Therefore to withstand against these cutting of developed materials for machine tool structure over last
conditions the machine tool structural material must have higher few decades. Any system which vibrates has three
stiffness and damping. This review deals with various research elements namely 1.Mass of system (m), 2. Stiffness of
works to study the stiffness and damping of epoxy granite or
polymer concrete. It is reported that the epoxy granite shows
material used for system (k) and 3. Damping (Material
improved damping and high strength to weight ratio than that of Damping) of system (ζ). Mass depends on density of material
conventional machine tool structures of steel and cast iron. used and parts geometry of system. Stiffness depends on
Young’s modulus (E), Shear modulus (G) (in some cases it
Keywords: Epoxy Granite, Stiffness, Damping factor depends on one modulus), parts geometry and nature of
loading. To withstand high dynamic forces at higher cutting
I. INTRODUCTION speeds and feeds the machine tool structure should have high
stiffness. The dynamic behavior of any vibratory system
The research in the field of alternative structural materials mostly depends upon its damping capacity. Higher the
for machine tools is increased in last few decades. The damping more is the energy dissipated from vibrating system
productivity and accuracy of machine tool became most per cycle. Thus vibrations are suppressed at faster rate.
significant due to continuously changing cutting conditions. It was found that two methods were used for
The productivity and accuracy is adversely affected by determination of damping factor (ζ).
vibrations in machine tool. These vibrations are categorized 1. Logarithmic decrement method
into two types: Forced vibrations and Self-excited vibrations.
The forced vibrations are due to unbalance rotating parts or =
intermittent engagement of work piece and cutter. Such Where, X and X are any two successive amplitudes, δ is
1 2
vibrations can cause waviness in machined surface of work logarithmic decrement.
piece. Forced vibrations are intense at resonance condition. 2. Half-Power bandwidth method
The self-excited vibrations occur when there is change in
cutting process such as increase in metal removal rate. This
type of vibrations is referred as Chatter. The chatter causes
unacceptable finish of work piece and reduces the life of Where ‘fn’ is the natural frequency, f1 and f2 are frequencies at
machine and tool which results into increased cost of half power bandwidth. Table I shows the mechanical
manufacturing. These vibrations must be suppressed to have properties of structural materials used for machine tool
productivity with high accuracy. Otherwise these vibrations structure such as steel, cast iron and epoxy granite. The
affect surface quality of work piece machined and reduce the strength to weight ratio (Young’s modulus to Density) of
life of machine and cutting tool. To control these vibrations steel is about twice than that of cast iron. The strength to
structural materials of high stiffness and better damping must weight ratio of epoxy granite is greater than cast iron. The
be used for machine tool structure. The researchers in the loss factor represents degree of material damping. The loss
field of machine tool are always in search of alternative factor of epoxy granite is 10 times higher than steel.
materials for machine tool structure which offers high
Table I Mechanical Properties of structural materials
Material Density Young’s Modulus Order of Loss factor
(Kg/m3) (MPa) (𝜂= 2ζ)
Steel 7850 210 10-3
Cast Iron 7150 100 10-2
Epoxy Granite 2100 30 10-2
2. Structure Redesign