RPMS Engg DBD PP 003

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Reliance Project Management System

Design Basis
Plant Layout and Piping

0 30.03.2020 Issued for Implementation PKP BM PKS

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Reliance Project Management System Date: 30/03/2020, Rev. 0
Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003


Date Revision Details Revision


30.03.2020 First Issue-Based on Bechtel Review 0

Reliance Project Management System Date: 30/03/2020, Rev. 0
Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

1. Purpose.................................................................................................................. 5
2. Scope ..................................................................................................................... 5
3. Application............................................................................................................. 5
4. Cost Competitive Engineering and Design .............................................................. 5
5. References ............................................................................................................. 6
6. Conflicts and Deviations ......................................................................................... 8
7. Abbreviations and Definitions ................................................................................ 9
8. Materials.............................................................................................................. 15
9. Pipe Sizing ............................................................................................................ 15
10. Piping Layout and Design ..................................................................................... 16
11. Valve Engineering ................................................................................................ 20
12. Line Blinds ............................................................................................................ 25
13. Relief Valves, Vents and Flare Piping .................................................................... 26
14. Service Piping ....................................................................................................... 28
15. Equipment Piping ................................................................................................. 35
16. Plant Layout ......................................................................................................... 40
17. Risk Assessment ................................................................................................... 56
18. Elevation, Clearance and Access Requirements .................................................... 61
19. Platform, Stair and Ladder Access ........................................................................ 63
20. Miscellaneous - Personnel Protection .................................................................. 64
Reliance Project Management System Date: 30/03/2020, Rev. 0
Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

Table 1 : Paving and Concrete Support Elevations………………………………………………………65

Table 2 : Requirement of Platforms and Access Ways………………………………………………..66
Table 3A : Requirement of Access Way Heights……………………………………………………………69
Table 3B : Access Road Width………………………………………………………………………………………70
Table 4 : Inter Unit Spacing..……………………………………………………………………………………..72
Table 5 : Intra Unit Spacing………………………………………………………………………………………..73
Table 6 : Storage Tank and Facilities Spacing ……………………………………………………………..74
Table 7 : Intra Storage Tank Spacing…………………………………………………………………………..75
Table 8 : Boundary Fencing and Installation Spacing ………………………………………………….76
Table 9 : Spacing between LPG Facilities ……………………………………………………………………77
Table 10 : Spacing Between LPG Storage Vessels and Other Facilities.…………………………78
Reliance Project Management System Date: 18/02/2020, Rev. 0

Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

1. Purpose
This document is the Design Basis to be used for plant layout and design. The
purpose of this design basis is to provide uniform guidelines for the plant layout
and design.
The main objective of this document is to give general guidelines to the engineering
consultants who may take up design job of green field/ brown field projects and
revamp / de bottlenecking of existing plants to design the layout of plants and its
allied infrastructure taking into consideration the best engineering practices,
optimum operational convenience and ensuring compliance to statutory
Highly inflammable, combustible, hazardous and toxic materials are handled and
processed in petrochemical and petroleum plants. Hence safe design of facilities is
of vital importance to:
• Minimise the risk and consequences of an accidental event
• Minimise the potential for hazardous occurrences
• Ensure a safe working environment for personnel
• Ensure adequate means of escape are provided
2. Scope
2.1. This Design Basis describes the requirements for spacing and layout of equipment,
piping arrangement and pressure piping design for the manufacturing sites of
2.2. The spacing and layout of equipment shall comply with OISD Standard - 118 Layout
for Oil and Gas Installations, XL CATLIN GAP. 2.5.2 Plant layout recommendations,
The Petroleum Act 1934, The Petroleum Rules 2002, safety, adequate allowance
for hazard separation and accessibility. The Design Basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003
shall precede all standards, any conflict shall be brought to Owner notification.
2.3. Non-pressurized underground drainage, domestic sewer piping and plumbing are
excluded from the scope of this design basis.
3. Application
This design basis is applicable to all engineering design activities carried out by
Owner and its contractors / subcontractors.
4. Cost Competitive Engineering and Design
The engineering team shall maintain a focus on cost throughout all phases of the
project without compromising any specification or design requirements.

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

Apart from process restrictions, equipment shall be positioned for maximum

economy of pipe-work and supporting steel. The prime objective is to design as
compact of a layout as possible with all equipment at grade, consistent with
standard clearances, construction and safety requirements.
Piping shall be routed so that optimum piping layout is achieved in terms of process
requirement, commissioning, operation, inspection & maintenance.
Optimize use of supporting structures in concrete or steel by duplicating their
application to more than one item of equipment and ensuring that access ways,
platforms etc., have more than one function.
Use of modular construction methods may be maximized. Refer Modularization
Implementation Guide.
5. References
Codes and Standards:
5.1. Refer to Appendix-1 of RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-001
Any requirements contained in the latest editions and amendments of local and
National Codes and Standards, which are more stringent than the codes and
standards listed in Para 5.1, shall be adhered to.
Owner’s Standards:

Owner Discipline: Piping

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-001 Design Basis for Piping Engineering

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-010 Design Basis for Piping Class

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-001 Design Basis for Piping Stress Analysis

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-003 Design Basis for Piping Support

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-004 Design Basis for Pipe Supports Standard Drawings

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-004- Standard Specification for Piping Components - Technical

Part-IV Supply Conditions of Valves

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-011 Standard Specification for Hot and Cold Tracing

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-019 Standard Specification for 3 Layer Polyethylene Coating for

Underground Piping

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RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-020 Standard Specification for Field Joint Coating for

Underground Piping

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-021 Standard Specification for External Liquid Epoxy Coating for

Underground Piping

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-032 Standard Specification for External Glass Flake Coating for

Underground Piping

RPMS-SD-P14-001 Pipe Spacing Chart 150# Flanged

RPMS-SD-P14-002 Pipe Spacing Chart 300# and 600# Flanged

RPMS-SD-P14-003 Pipe Spacing Chart 900#, 150# and 2500# Flanged

RPMS-SD-P14-007 Control Valve Manifolds

RPMS-SD-P14-011 Drip Leg and Equipment Steam Trap Details

RPMS-SD-P14-012 Steam Out, Pump Out, Purge & Flush Connections

RPMS-SD-P14-027 Hydro Test Vents and Drains

RPMS-SD-P14-046 Fabrication Details and General Notes for IBR Design Package

RPMS-SD-P14-050 Standard Carbon Steel Blinds and Spacers 26” & Above

RPMS-SD-P14-074 Steam Trap Details Types 1,2 and 3

Owner Discipline: Controls & Instruments

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-001 Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-010 Design Basis Document for Closed Coupled Hook-ups

Owner Discipline: Civil and Structure

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CS-001 Design Basis for Civil, Structural & Architectural

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CS-006 Design Basis for Storm Water & Sewer System

RPMS-SD-C18-203 Details of Vent Pipes (ISBL and OSBL Areas)

RPMS-SD-C18-214 Typical Details of Cleanout (Rodding Eye)

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RPMS-SD-C18-215 Typical UG and Above Ground Interface for Fire Water

Hydrant, Monitor and Hose reel

RPMS-SD-C18-241 Cooling Water Man Way Pit Detail

Owner Discipline: Electrical

RPMS-ENGG-SPC-EL-015 Standard Specifications for Cathodic Protection System for

Underground Plant Piping

RPMS-SD-E12-081 Electrical Installation Standard for Earthing of Pipework

Owner Discipline: HSE, Safety, Environment and Fire

RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-001 HSE & Loss Prevention Engineering Philosophy

5.2. Designation on Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams

The P & I Diagrams are to show limits of the piping governed by the Boiler Code.
They shall indicate which codes or requirements, other than Refinery Piping Code,
apply to various parts of the piping systems.
6. Conflicts and Deviations
Any deviation to the requirements of this document shall be brought to the notice
of Owner by contractor.
The supplier of any Packaged equipment is also instructed to bring any conflict or
deviation to the notice to the Owner in writing and obtain a resolution in writing
during the quotation stage.
In case of any conflict, actual or implied, among the documents relating to
Requisition & Enquiry or Purchase order, the following order of precedence shall
1. Data Sheets and Drawings/ Stock Code Purchase Description
2. The Material Requisition
3. This Standard Specification
4. Codes and Standard Specifically Referred
5. Local Regulatory and Statutory Requirements
6. Other National and International Standards Referenced

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7. Abbreviations and Definitions

BEC : Basic Engineering Contractor
CPS : Civil Pipe Support
ETP : Effluent Treatment Plant
HPP : High Point of Paving
MOC : Material of Construction
MTO : Material Take-Off
NFPA : National Fire Protection Association
O&M : Operation and Maintenance
OISD : Oil Industry Safety Directorate
PESO : Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation
PIB : Plant Interface Building
PMC : Project Management Contractor
Parties responsible for complying with an Engineering Standard
Supplier Party which manufactures or supplies equipment and services
to perform the function as specified by Buyer
Buyer Owner (Reliance) or Owner-appointed DEC or EPC who specifies
equipment and services for purchase from Supplier
Parties referred within body of Engineering Standard
Owner Reliance Industries Limited or specified Reliance Group
DEC Detailed Engineering Contractor
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractor
Contractor DEC or EPC
7.1. Design Conditions
A piping system shall be designed for most severe conditions to which it may be
subjected. The following may determine the design conditions: -
a) Steam out Pressure & Temperature.
b) Pump shut- off pressure.

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c) Static pressure.
d) Pressure drop.
e) Vacuum caused by cooling and possible condensing of trapped medium.
f) Steam/ nitrogen purge pressure.
g) External Pressure (due to jacket pipe).
7.2. Operating Conditions
Refer to Process Design Basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PS-001
7.2.1. Normal Conditions
Normal design conditions of pressure and temperature are the most severe
conditions expected to coexist under usual long-time operating conditions. These
usual operations include all manipulation and control functions such as throttling,
blocking and by-passing likely to be used for operation and control.
7.2.2. Temporary Conditions
Usual operating conditions do not include more severe temporary conditions, such
as those incidentals to start-up, shutdown, steam out or abnormal operation.
Temporary conditions govern as design conditions only when there is clear
evidence, they definitely exceed time and severity limits according to the applicable
Piping Design Code.
Assigning design pressure below the maximum surge pressure according to the
applicable piping design code shall be subject to approval of Owner.
7.3. Design Temperature
Refer to Process Design Basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PS-001
7.3.1. Design temperature is the most severe sustained fluid temperature, subject to
conditions of section 7.1 above and is generally based on the design temperature
of connected equipment. Design temperature of un-insulated components shall be
in accordance to the applicable Piping Design Code.
7.3.2. Steam Traced Piping
Design temperature for steam traced piping shall be the fluid temperature or 11⁰C
below saturation temperature of tracing steam, whichever is greater.
7.3.3. Low Temperature Piping
Design temperature for piping with a fluid operating temperature below minus
29⁰C, shall be the normal fluid operating temperature. In addition, design shall be
suitable for the design pressure at 38⁰C unless specified otherwise in LDT or any
other Process document.

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7.4. Design Pressure

Refer to Process Design Basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PS-001
7.4.1. The design pressure is the most severe condition of internal or external fluid
pressure, subject to conditions of Section 7.1 above. The design pressure for Boiler
Code piping is to be established in accordance with the Code for Power Piping ASME
B31.1, or The Indian Boiler Regulations 1950, whichever is greater.
7.4.2. Pump Discharge Systems Design pressure for unrelieved piping systems subject to pump discharge pressure
shall be either normal operating pump discharge pressure or pump shut-off
discharge pressure, whichever is greater. Design pressure for relieved piping systems subject to pump discharge shall be
either the normal operating pump discharge pressure or the safety valve set
pressure, whichever is greater.
7.4.3. Lines with Two different Ratings
Where a line with a lower rating connects to a pipe or equipment with a higher
rating, such line shall be rated at the higher rating and shall be of the same material
as the line having more severe process conditions upto and including the first block
valve or, when double block valves are used, upto and including the second block
valve. Block valves on both sides of a control valve and the by-pass valve shall all be
rated at the same specification as the line with the higher rating.
7.4.4. Vacuum Systems
Design pressure for piping systems operating under vacuum shall be full vacuum.
Exception shall be taken where suitable protection against vacuum failure is
7.5. Loads Affecting Piping Stresses
Allowable stress values apply to total loads imposed on piping materials. Design
shall provide for all loading significantly affecting pipe material stresses. See Para.
301.4 through 301.11 of Process Piping Code for loadings, in addition to fluid
pressure which may affect piping stresses and chapter VIII for piping in category ‘M’
fluid services. Refer to Piping Stress Analysis design basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-001.
7.6. Battery Limits – The boundaries of a process unit establishing outer limits for its
7.7. Blast Resistant – Designed to withstand the effects of a blast with the objective to
prevent structural collapse and to save lives. The blast resistant rating is
determined for a given charge weight and designated by the blast overpressures
and load that the building and its structural elements can withstand.

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Refer to HSE and Loss Prevention Engineering Philosophy (RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-

7.8. Separation – Measurements that apply to spacing between equipment, or from
equipment to defined lines, and which are “edge-to-edge” dimensions (not
“centerline” dimensions).
7.9. Fire Fighting Access – A clear path with at least one alternate secondary access way
for fire fighters or mobile equipment, or both, to safely enter or leave a fire area.
7.10. Flammable and Combustible Liquids – Flammable liquids are those having flash
points below 100⁰F (37.8⁰C). Combustible liquids are those having flash points at
or above 100⁰F (37.8⁰C). When heated above their flash points, combustible liquids
should be treated as flammable liquids. Detailed definitions of flammable and
combustible liquids can be found in NFPA 30.
7.11. Flash Point – The temperature at which a liquid gives off vapor sufficient to form an
ignitable mixture with air near the surface of liquid or within a vessel as determined
by the appropriate test procedure and apparatus (see NFPA 321).
7.12. Foam – A stable aggregation of small bubbles of lower density than oil or water,
which shows tenacious qualities in covering and clinging to vertical or horizontal
surfaces. Foam flows freely over a burning liquid surface, forming a tough, air-
excluding continuous blanket to seal volatile combustible vapors from access to air.
Foam resists disruption due to wind and draft, or to heat and flame attack, and is
capable of resealing in case of mechanical rupture.
Refer to Fire fighting Foam System (RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-005)
7.13. Main Pipe way – Pipe ways, at grade or elevated on pipe supports, that contain
utility lines and product lines for a number of process units and that are connected
to process unit pipe ways.
7.14. Process Equipment – Any component of an operating facility such as vessels, tanks,
fired heaters, heat exchangers, rotating equipment and piping that are part of a
process train used in processing material into a given product or products.
7.15. Process Unit – A complete train of equipment in which a material or product is
processed and then sent either to the next unit for further processing or to storage.
Process units can be separate or can be integrated with other units. Integrated
process units are part of a continuous operation such that they are not operated
7.16. Classification of Petroleum Products:
Classification of Petroleum products plays a crucial role for layout preparation of
any petroleum and petrochemical complex. Major facilities in the complex are
planned considering the risk perceived based on the class of products.

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Inter distance between the facilities are also kept depending upon the class of
products to adhere statutory norms.
Petroleum products are classified based on their Flash Points as under:
 Class "A" Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point below 23⁰ C.
 Class "B” Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point of 23⁰ C and above but
below 65⁰ C.
 Class "C” Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point of 65⁰ C and above but
below 93⁰ C.
 Excluded Petroleum: Liquids which have flash point of 93⁰ C and above.
Refer OISD Standard - 118 / PNGRB for more details.
Liquefied gases including LPG, do not fall under this classification but form separate
Hazardous areas for Liquefied gases including LPG are classified by gas groups and
 Zones are used to define the probability of the presence of flammable
 Groups classify the exact flammable nature of the material.
Protection Types are used to denote the level of safety for the device. Equipment
approved receives a temperature code indicating the maximum surface
temperature of the equipment.
For details of zones refer to RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-001.
General Information available in RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-001.
Electrical apparatus shall be used in areas or enclosed spaces where, depending on
local and operational conditions, gases, vapours or dusts forming an explosive
mixture with air, are likely to occur in sufficient quantity to constitute a hazard.
These flammable gases and vapours are classified into various groups based on
maximum experimental safe gap (MESG) and minimum igniting current (MIC). The
details of classification can be referred in IS 9570 – Classification of Flammable
Gases or Vapours with air according to their maximum experimental safe Gaps and
minimum igniting currents.
Similarly, Hydrocarbon gases and other gases like HF (Hydrogen Fluoride), O2, N2,
CO, CO2 the relevant applicable Zone / Group shall be taken in to account.
Heavier-than-air vapours released at or near ground level, the areas where
potentially hazardous concentrations are most likely to be found are below ground,

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those at ground are next most likely and as the height above ground increases, the
potential hazard decreases.
For lighter-than-air gases, there being little or no potential hazard at and below
ground and greater potential hazard above ground.
Elevated or depressed sources of release will alter the areas of potential hazard.
In the following case, above classification does not apply and special precautions
should be taken as required:
 Where ambient temperatures or the handling temperatures are higher than
the flash point of the product.
 Where product handled is artificially heated to a temperature above its flash
Special precaution should also be taken for Caustic and H2SO4 since the same are
toxic / carcinogenic in nature.
7.17. Road Type 1 - Main Plant Access Road:
Main traffic distributor, single carriageway road within the plant, and main
vehicular access road connecting the plant to the Public Highway.
7.18. Road Type 2 - Primary Road:
A main traffic route, for a tanker truck or semi-trailer truck route, including access
for heavy cranes. This type shall be used during construction phase and heavy lift
7.19. Road Type 2A - Primary Road:
A main traffic route, for a tanker truck or semi-trailer truck route, including access
for heavy cranes.
7.20. Road Type 3 - Primary Road:
A main traffic route, for a tanker truck or semi-trailer truck route.
7.21. Road Type 4 - Secondary Road:
A road subject to regular operational or maintenance traffic but not subject to high
traffic volume and crane movement.
7.22. Road Type 5 - Firefighting Access way:
An access way specifically located to provide access for firefighting equipment.
7.23. Access ways:
A distinctly delineated travelled way within process units which provide access to
equipment in congested areas, which shall be paved as specified in the drawings.
For details refer RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CS-001.

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8. Materials
8.1. Piping Material Specifications
For process requirements which are not covered in Owner standard Piping material
specifications, Contractor shall develop new piping material specifications with the
help of basic inputs from Licensers/BEC and shall take approval of Owner. Refer to
RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-010 for Owner’s standard Piping Class Design Basis.
8.2. Corrosion Allowances
Refer to Design Basis for Piping Classes RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-010
Corrosion allowances shown in the standard Piping Materials Classes is the
maximum for the respective service and material. However, for new pipe classes,
in consultation with the process designer / Licensor or process engineer, the Core
materials and corrosion engineer shall establish the required corrosion allowance
based on the process requirements such as nature of process fluid / medium,
pressure, temperature, flow and the environment of the process facility. Design life
and cost considerations shall also be taken in account.
8.3. Wall Thickness and Branch Reinforcement
Wall thickness and Reinforcement calculation shall be as per RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-
 Pipe wall thicknesses may not be specified for the full pipe size range within a
class but shall be calculated to suit specific line service conditions.
 Branch connections shall be as per branch table specified in the pipe class.
 Branch reinforcement is to be based on "limited" corrosion, where all excess
metal in the pipe wall, other than that required for pressure and corrosion
allowance, is credited to branch reinforcement.
9. Pipe Sizing
9.1. Piping is to be sized for normal operating conditions. Provision for future increased
capacity shall be made when specifically requested.
9.2. Piping smaller than ¾ inch shall not be used except in instrument and steam tracing
services due to their vulnerability to damage and their limited mechanical strength.
9.3. Nominal pipe sizes 1/4", 3/8", 1-1/4", 2-1/2", 3-1/2", 5", 22", 26”, 28” and Sizes
other than listed in ASME B16.47 shall not be used except to match manufacturer’s
equipment connections or existing piping. Where the use of one of these sizes is
necessary to match an equipment or existing connection, a reducer shall be
employed immediately to increase to the next larger acceptable nominal pipe size
and shall be kept to a minimum. Sizes other than listed in ASME B16.47 can be used
in consultation with Owner.

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Also refer RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-010 clause 7.8.1.

9.4. The units of measure shall be metric except that pipe sizes, flange ratings and flange
bolt diameters shall use imperial units. Dimensions and sizes quoted are not
intended as literal conversions from one system to the other.
10. Piping Layout and Design
10.1. Piping Routing
Piping is to be arranged in an orderly manner and routed as directly as practical,
preferably in established banks or pipe ways, as follows:
10.1.1. Piping on elevated racks shall run at different elevations designated for north-south
and east-west banks and change elevation when changing direction.
10.1.2. The branch pipe rack, wherever connecting the main pipe rack, shall have elevation
10.1.3. Relative elevations of pipe ways shall be set to provide sufficient clearance between
lines at intersections.
10.1.4. In case of concrete pipe rack, top most tier where flare lines, cable trays are
expected to run shall be made of structural steel.
10.1.5. Longitudinal beams shall be provided along all column grids at the mid-levels
between tiers.
10.1.6. Flat turns at changes in direction are to be avoided on elevated pipe racks.
10.1.7. Dead ends and pockets in line are to be avoided.
10.1.8. Piping should not be located at Grade especially where frequent personnel
movement or traffic is likely. This is important when choice is to be made between
sleepers and Pipe rack.
10.1.9. Lines whose temperature can drop to such a degree that the moisture in the
surrounding earth would freeze shall not be buried but carried overhead or run in
10.1.10. Off-plot piping between units shall be run on sleepers at grade, where practical.
10.1.11. Overhead lines in acid, caustic or other corrosive services shall be located on the
lower Piperack level. Flanged joints shall not be located above access ways or
platforms. Overhead flanged joints in these services shall be fitted with a plastic
10.1.12. Pipe racks and sleeper ways shall be sized to allow 20% spare capacity on
completion of engineering. An additional 20% spare capacity shall be allowed at
commencement of detailed engineering to allow for design development.
10.1.13. Lines requiring limited pressure drop shall be routed as directly as practical.

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10.1.14. Piping line size to be a minimum of 2" in pipe ways / pipe racks.
10.1.15. Piping located in paved or graded areas to be elevated 600mm from HPP to bottom
of pipe. e.g. Control valve sets and manifold sets.
10.1.16. Sleeper should be of trapezoidal design with rod of appropriate diameter on the
top to have only point contact with pipe, refer RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-001.
10.1.17. The elevations of sleepers shall be such that there is access for
maintenance/operation of valves, drains instruments etc. and that the pipes,
insulation will remain above the highest expected storm water level.
10.1.18. Where pipes are running in sloping trenches passing under roads, the minimum
sleeper height is to be 400mm above the bottom of the concrete trench.
10.1.19. Where pipes are running through interconnecting corridor and anywhere else such
that the pipe runs over the ungraded natural contours of the terrain, the minimum
sleeper height is to be 600mm.
10.1.20. There shall be adequate clear working space around equipment which requires
frequent maintenance/servicing.
10.1.21. The Pipe should be routed so as to have ease of supporting arrangement.
10.1.22. Piping should be arranged so as to clear the movement of cranes/hoists in the plant.
10.1.23. The lines routing should permit use of standard fittings as per piping specification.
In case non-standard fittings are used, prior Owner’s approval is required.
10.1.24. Hot lines should not be routed in the vicinity of electrical conduits, instrumentation
cable trays and steam condensate should not be discharged into the ground in the
vicinity of electrical conduits or instrumentation cable trays. A clear separation
distance for 750mm to be maintained.
10.1.25. Hot lines requiring expansion loop should be run on the outside edge of the pipe
way. This will permit the loops to have the greatest depth over the pipe way and it
will make it easier for the loop to be rested.
10.1.26. For Hot lines thermal movements of the pipe should also be considered while
checking interface with structure/column/beam.
10.1.27. Where large diameter piping is located on pipe rack or structure, including but not
limited to flare lines, the testing methodology as to whether hydrostatic or
pneumatic test shall be finalized by Contractor in consultation with Owner
construction and Operation team at the earliest opportunity / 30% Model Review
The methodology should consider the following aspects:
 Minimize adjacent operating plant downtime
 Minimize Total Installation Cost (TIC)

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

 Minimize risks to operators, construction workers, welders, and NDE

 Minimize the loads which support structures need to be designed for
 Minimize the volume of individual pressure tests
List of lines to be hydro tested at grade and in-situ shall be issued by Contractor for
site use.
10.1.28. For space requirement refer to project specific Bolt Tensioning and Bolt removing
Provide adequate space for installing and removing bolts/studs at flanged joints,
especially where hydraulic bolt tensioning device will be applied. Special attention
shall be paid to potential interferences with butterfly valves, supports and
instrument and branch connection locations
10.2. Piping Flexibility
10.2.1. Piping shall be designed with sufficient flexibility. Anchors, stops or guides shall be
used to direct thermal expansion away from pumps and turbines etc.
10.2.2. Expansion loops shall be used to reduce thermal expansions and absorb stresses
where the normal pipe routing is stiff. Use of expansion bellows shall be avoided.
If unavoidable, same can be used with prior approval of Owner. But in any case,
expansion joint shall not be used in toxic services.
10.2.3. Lines subject to dynamic loading shall be designed to ensure that its size,
configuration, mechanical strength, supports and restraints will prevent load
arising from pressure drop, vibration or noise. Dynamic loading may be expected
when pulsating flow (such as at reciprocating compressors), high velocity flow,
flushing fluid, fluctuating temperature or pressure, or mechanical vibration
(including wind) conditions exist. All lines shall be designed in compliance with the
relevant code requirements.
10.3. Pipe Spacing
Minimum spacing between pipes shall be based on staggered flanges with at least
25mm clearance between outside of bare pipe or outside of insulation, to outside
of bare flange or outside of flange insulation on adjacent line. Adequate spacing
shall be allowed for expansion / contraction between lines at loops and any change
of direction by stress engineer in accordance with RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-001
For details of pipe spacing refer to standard drawing Nos. RPMS-SD-P14-001, RPMS-
SD-P14-002 and RPMS-SD-P14-003.
10.4. Pipe Supports, Anchors & Guides
10.4.1. Pipe Support Procedure shall be in accordance with design basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-

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All piping shall be adequately supported and restrained so as to prevent vibration,

deflection, stresses or loads on equipment. Piping shall be supported from below
in preference to hanging from above. For strain sensitive equipment such as
turbines, piping may be supported by rigid / spring hangers to take benefit of low
friction and to permit any size adjustments that may be required.
Consideration shall be given to the intermediate supporting of smaller lines from
larger lines with the approval of the Contractor Lead Piping Stress Engineer.
All pipe supports, guides, shoes, trunnions shall be physically modelled in the 3D
electronic model. The use of spring supports, sway braces and snubbers shall be
Consideration shall be given for temporary supporting of piping which will be part
of isometric with suitable notes
 for module transportation
 for large thin walled piping during hydrotest (in case Civil / Structure is not
designed for hydro load).
10.4.2. Pipe Shoes
All Horizontal lines with insulation and lines requiring slope shall be run on shoes
as per design basis RPMS-ENGG-DBD-ST-004.
10.5. Underground Pipes
All required underground piping system and associated commodities shall be
designed in accordance with the Design Specifications and Standard industry
practice. Underground systems include, but are not limited to Process area, storm
water sewer, underground fire protection network, cooling water suction and
return lines, oily water sewer and other misc. open and closed drain system.
10.5.1. Direct buried Carbon Steel Pipe shall be coated and wrapped as per RPMS-ENGG-
10.5.2. Avoid pipe routing in trenches to prevent the accumulation of hydrocarbons in
trenches, which can be safety hazard.
10.5.3. Multiple lines running below roads or railway lines shall be either sleeved or run in
culverts dependent on the most economic installation cost. Consideration must be
given to the drainage of culverts and the effect on the hazardous area layout.
10.5.4. When located below grade, piping provided with protective heating and piping in
services requiring inspection and servicing, shall be in trenches. Other piping shall
be direct buried. Any dead ends in the system shall be avoided. For very large
diameter lines, provision of manholes shall be considered as per standard drawing

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10.5.5. Flanged connections shall not be installed in trenches in order to prevent the
accumulation of gas and liquid vapours in the trenches.
10.5.6. Underground piping shall be designed such that the complete underground piping
system can be flushed & cleaned.
10.5.7. Cathodic protection for UG piping shall be designed in accordance with standard
specification RPMS-ENGG-SPC-EL-015.
10.5.8. Fire water lines valve pit arrangement shall be designed in accordance with
standard drawings RPMS-SD-C18-214 and RPMS-SD-C18-215.
10.6. Branch Connection & Fittings
10.6.1. Branch connections shall not be made on elbows & concentric reducers. In case of
eccentric reducer, branch shall be located at the flat side of reducer after
considering size of eccentric reducer as well as size of branch connection.
10.6.2. Generally, branches should be connected at 90 deg to the run pipe. Butt welded
tees with equal or reducing outlets should be used for services where flow
disturbance is to be avoided. The same should be used in severe cyclic service.
11. Valve Engineering
11.1. Valves
11.1.1. Operating and block valves are to be provided in minimum quantity consistent with
good design and operating practice.
11.1.2. Unless specifically required for operation, block valves shall not be provided at
vessel nozzles when the following conditions exist: Line to or from the vessel can be blocked by a valve located within 12 metres
horizontal radius from vessel surface. No liquid pocket should be present in the line between vessel and valve to ensure
proper drainage.
11.1.3. No block valve should normally be provided in lines or at vessel nozzles for services
as follows however, block valve can be provided based on
Process/Operation/Maintenance philosophy: Vapour lines to condensers. Liquid and vapour lines to and from syphon re-boilers. Lines from condensers to accumulators. Lines between exchangers in series. No block valves to be placed upstream and downstream on steam and boiler feed-
water service relief valves (requirements of Indian Boiler Regulations). For all other
services paragraph 13.3 applies.
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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 Any bypass requirement of block valves and non- return valves shall be identified
on P&IDs and shall not be considered with in-built bypass provision.
11.1.4. Generally, block valves should be provided at all SB connections at equipment.
However, final isolation valve provision shall be considered as per corresponding
11.1.5. Valves shall be installed so that stems are not below the horizontal position except
cryogenic valves with extended bonnets which shall not be less than 45⁰ above the
horizontal. Locked open or car sealed open valves will have accessibility from fixed
or a rolling platform or scaffold and not from a fixed or portable ladder. Locked
open valves should be installed with their stems in horizontal plane as far as
possible. This is to avoid closure of valve in case plug or disc gets disengaged from
stem accidentally.
11.1.6. Globe valves shall be installed so as to close against pressure.
11.1.7. Where a locked open valve is required, a metal tag shall be attached to the valve:
reading "This valve must not be closed without written permission from responsible
11.1.8. In cryogenic valves and valves having cavity vent relief, direction of vent relief i.e.
upstream or downstream shall be identified and marked on P&ID to ensure correct
installation of valves. If valve is unidirectional note shall appear in isometric about
the high-pressure side faced by the valve e.g. downstream valve in the control valve
bypass line.
11.1.9. Spectacle blinds and line blinds shall not be placed within 1D distance immediately
after and before the butterfly valves to ensure free movement of valve disc.
11.2. Header Block Valves
11.2.1. Branch line block valves from pipe way headers shall be provided in primary branch
lines serving groups of lines to equipment, except where the main header may be
shut off without affecting unit operation in the event of failure in a branch line.
When block valves are used in branch lines at headers, they should be located in
horizontal runs, at high points, so that lines will drain both ways.
11.2.2. Branch line block valves must be located at edge of pipe way for access by portable
11.2.3. The location of a non-return valve whether in horizontal or in vertical leg of piping
depends upon its constructional feature and the same should be looked into while
making layout.

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

SWING CHECK VALVES : - Horizontal or in vertical in upward direction
LIFT CHECK VALVES : - Horizontal
(Piston or ball lift)
Some ball lift type check valves particularly lined type permit installation in vertical
only with flow from bottom to top.
Straight length of 2D and 3D shall be maintained upstream and downstream of
check valve respectively.
11.2.4. To meet the crack opening pressure requirement, all check ≤NPS 1.5 with line
operating pressure up to 1 Barg shall be considered as specialty tag items. Crack
opening pressure is the minimum operating pressure required to initiate opening
the valve disc. Refer specification RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-004-Part-IV, for tagged
check valves.
Also, if any check valve requires quick shut-off, then it shall be categorized as a
tagged item and all engineering shall be done by Contractor.
11.3. Unit Block Valves
Block valves shall be fitted on the unit side of plot limits to all overhead and
underground process lines entering or leaving a process unit. Drain valves shall be
fitted on unit side of the block valve.
11.4. Double Block & Bleed Valves
Double Seated valves (e.g. ball, gate and plug valves) with body bleed shall not be
considered proper double block & bleed valves, since a common failure may still
make both isolation ineffective. However, they can be used as more reliable
isolation valves than other single seated valves. For double block and bleed
requirements isolation philosophy document of P&ID’s should be referred.
11.5. Line Vents and Drains
11.5.1. Vents and Drains conforming to the following table may be added to large bore
lines. This will apply mainly to the lines on the pipe way and Marine Tank Farm and
lines on the main interconnecting pipe rack between the facilities. Final sizing shall
be in line with Process/Operation requirement.

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

Pipe Size Up to 150 m Greater than 150 m

10" 2" 3"

12" 2" 3"

14" 3" 3"

16" 3" 3"

18" 3" 4"

20" 3" 4"

24" 3" 4"

30" 3" 4"

36" 3" 4"

42" 4" 4"

48" 4" 4"

11.5.2. The vent / drain connections shall be branch connections according to the relevant
branch table complete with blind flange. Valves shall be included in the MTO for
drains only.
11.5.3. Line vents and drains fall into two categories, operating and non-operating. Valves shall be placed in Operating Vents for equipment and piping with the
incorporation of a blind flange when venting to atmosphere. In case of Open drains
Valves shall be installed with a blind flange. Non-Operating Vents and Drains shall conform to the following:
 For all hydrocarbon and hazardous service lines, non-operating vents and drains
shall be closed with a butt-welded cap and shall appear in isometrics. Valves
shall not be provided on such connections to eliminate the chance of leakage
through the valve gland.
 Systems for air, inert gas, and steam not exceeding design pressure or
temperatures of 9.6 bar and 117⁰C do not require high point vent connections
on piping unless otherwise specified.
 All other services shall have vent and drain connections provided at the high
and low points of the piping system to facilitate maintenance and hydrostatic

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testing. (The vents and drains shall not be shown on Piping & Instrument
Diagrams). Generally, vents and drains are to be ¾" dia. For assembly details
refer to standard Drawing RPMS-SD-P14-027.
 Vents and drains shall be as short as possible. In case of thick insulation, long
connections shall be provided with proper supports/ bracings.
 Drains shall be located so that there is sufficient free space below the header
pipe to collect the drained liquid or to install temporary facility to discharge the
drained liquid. Threaded components shall not be used on the hydrocarbon lines except Piping
and Instrument interface as mentioned in PMS.
11.6. Sample Connections
11.6.1. Sample connections shall be located for easy access from grade (preferred) or fixed
11.6.2. Length of sample piping to be kept to minimum.
11.6.3. Where a connection connects to a process line the tie in shall be made at the side
or top of the line.
11.7. Valves in Caustic and Acid Services
Valves in vertical pipe runs shall be located at a maximum height of 1350 mm from
grade or platform. All other valves shall have stems orientated in the vertical.
11.8. Valve Access

Type of Access Required

Grade Fixed Rolling Fixed Portable

Platform Platform Ladder Ladder
Operating Valves (11.8.1) Yes Yes No No No
Operating Valves, Small Yes Yes No Yes No
(11.8.1, 11.8.3)
Non-Operating Valves * * Yes No No
Non-Operating Valves, * * Yes Yes Yes
Small (11.8.2, 11.8.3)
Instrument Valves (See Para. 14. 9. 10 - Instrument Access)
* To be used if available.

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11.8.1. Operating valves are valves that are essential for plant operation.
11.8.2. Non-operating valves are valves that are not essential for plant operation.
11.8.3. Small valves are defined as valves that can be easily operated with one hand, the
other holding a ladder and are normally 2" and smaller.
11.8.4. In cases such as sample points where one hand holds the container and the other
the valve, then a platform access is required.
11.8.5. Chain Operated Valves
11.8.6. Operating valves with bottom of hand wheel over 2000mm above actual grade or
platform shall be chain operated. Chains shall not hang in walkways or access areas
and shall terminate approx. 1000mm above grade or platform. Chain operators
shall not be used for screwed, locked/car sealed valve or any valve 1-½" and
smaller. The use of chain operated valve is recommended only in unavoidable cases
and 2’’ and larger line sizes.
11.8.7. Valves when located below floor level due to process considerations are usually
provided with extended spindle for their operation, such that hand wheels are at
operating level. The extended stem of the valve passes through the floor and
usually a head stock is used which guide the stem. It is important to review location
of head stock from operation point of view and opening of the floor.
11.8.8. In gear operated valves the orientation of the gear box assembly shall be checked
as to ensure that the hand wheel is on operating side and there is no interference
of gear box assembly.
11.8.9. Motorized valves should be checked for their orientation for Actuators. These
valves are also provided for manual operation. Hence, it is important to check that
hand wheels are on operating side and no interference with piping and structure.
11.9. Valves in very Toxic Services
Valves in very toxic service shall be selected w.r.t. external leakage. External
leakage can be prevented by selecting proper level of tightness. Refer RPMS-ENGG-
DBD-PP-010 and RPMS-ENGG-SPC-PP-004-Part-IV
11.9.1. Through bolts components sandwiched between two flanges viz. wafer type valves
requiring long stud bolts shall not be used in hydrocarbon and critical utility
services, to avoid exposure of studs to external fire which may lead to loosening of
flange joints and result into leakage.
12. Line Blinds
12.1. Operational blinds shall be provided where process requirements indicate that part
of the unit may logically be idle during operation of balance of the unit. For details
of 26” and above blinds refer to standard drawing Nos. RPMS-SD-P14-050.

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12.2. All lines entering or leaving process unit limits shall be provided with operational
blinds as follows:
12.2.1. Provide blinds on unit side of block valve on all overhead and underground process
lines and all lines containing toxic material. Jackscrews at blinds and spacers are not
required; flange spreaders will be used.
12.2.2. Blinds/spacer shall be provided where indicated on the flow diagram.
12.2.3. For handling purposes blinds are to be installed preferably in the vertical (between
flanges in horizontal part of line).
12.2.4. Blinds shall be accessible from grade or platform.
12.2.5. When blinds/spacer exceeds 45 kg, Lifting shall be by mobile equipment. If the
blinds/spacer is not accessible, hitching point shall be provided.
12.2.6. Grouped flanges with blinds (e.g. at battery limit) are to be staggered.
12.2.7. Special attention must be given to the line flexibility when ring joint blinds are used.
When possible, install a blind in combination with flanged elbow sections.
12.3. Blind and Spacer Installation on Vessel Top Nozzles
12.3.1. Where possible all blind and spacer sets for overhead lines 14” and above should
be located in the horizontal axis, either by use of a 90degree spool piece or
preferably by incorporation of an appropriately designed 90degree flanged nozzle
on the vessel.
12.3.2. Lines below 14” which have high pressure flanges with ring type joints down to 6”
dia. should be considered in the same way.
13. Relief Valves, Vents and Flare Piping
13.1. Relief valves discharging into a closed Blowdown system shall be elevated to
provide self-draining of the discharge line into the Blowdown system. Safety relief
valve inlet piping should be kept as minimum as possible. In case, inlet pipe size is
higher than relief valve inlet size, Reducer shall be placed adjacent to inlet of relief
13.2. Relief valve tail pipes discharging to atmosphere shall terminated not less than 3
metres above any platform within a radius of 7.5 metres. A 6 mm diameter weep
hole shall be provided in the bottom of tail pipes, to prevent liquid accumulation.
Also, the top open end should either be provided with a rain hood or with a
45degree elbow and open end cut vertically. Bird screen to be provided at open
end of the vent pipe.
13.3. Block valves located upstream of a relief valve shall be full bore and the valve noted
as "Locked open" on the Piping & Instrument Diagram. Refer also to Para.
of this document.

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13.4. Small relief valves, protecting blocked-in process piping or equipment against fluid
thermal expansion shall be discharged to a suitable drain or closed Blowdown
13.5. All relief valves shall be accessible from fixed platforms with an exception of
thermal relief valves which can be accessed by portable ladder. Lifting devices shall
be provided for valves weighing more than 45 kg.
13.6. Vents from manholes shall be elevated 5 metres above grade if there is no pipe
rack, equipment, structure, building, fired heater or any source of ignition within
15 metres of radius, or 3 metres above adjacent pipe rack or nearest tallest
structure within 15 metre radius and 5 metres from building air intake or windows.
Vent should not be located within 15 metre measured horizontally from any fired
heater or any other source of ignition. Refer Standard Drawing, "RPMS-SD-C18-203-
Details of Vent Pipes (ISBL and OSBL Areas)”.
13.7. Vents from balance bellow type safety relief valve shall be routed to safe location
for toxic and hazardous services in consultation with Process.
13.8. The discharge of steam, air, or similar non-flammable non-toxic vapours from relief
valves, safety valves, and continuously operating vents, shall be located to prevent
hazard to personnel.
13.9. A guide and line-stop which is capable to withstand the relief valve reaction force
will be provided at the discharge of each relief valve.
13.10. Flare Piping
13.10.1. The flare header should slope in the direction of the flare knock out drum/ unit
knock out drum. The minimum slope shall be 1:200 for sub header and 1:500 for
main header.
13.10.2. Generally back sloping of the flare header shall be avoided. However back sloping
shall be provided to flare header downstream of flare knock out drum to flare stack.
13.10.3. To accommodate thermal expansion, only horizontal loops shall be provided. Slope
given to flare header shall also applicable to the horizontal loop.
13.10.4. Flare line between flare knock out drum and water seal drum/ Flare stack shall be
designed for pressure fluctuations and adequately supported to avoid vibrations.
13.10.5. Height of flare and its distance from operating facilities shall be decided based on
heat radiation considerations and other considerations like ground level
concentration, cold venting etc. Sterile radius around flare shall be ascertained
based on flare head radiation isopleths.
13.10.6. Area around flare should be paved to avoid growth of grass/vegetation which can
otherwise provide combustible material for fires.

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13.10.7. Sufficient space shall be provided between the flare and the nearest equipment to
keep the radiant heat flux below allowable limits. Refer to Process Safety Design
Basis RPMS-NGG-DBD-HS-001.
13.10.8. The flare-elevated stack shall be located at least 90 meters from other facilities and
Ground Flare shall be located 150mtrs from other facilities.
13.10.9. In case there are any full-size isolation valves in the scope of the Flare system
supplier, such valves must be of Triple Offset Metal Seated Butterfly valves with
high integrity and reliability.
14. Service Piping
14.1. Steam Piping
14.1.1. Piping shall be designed for complete condensate removal. Drip legs shall be
provided on all steam lines at all low points and dead ends. Drip legs shall be located
such that they do not foul pipe support steel or rack structures due to expansion.
14.1.2. Branch connections shall be made from the top of the headers except condensate
collection points.
14.1.3. Block valves shall be installed in a horizontal run of each branch line to group of
common users.
14.1.4. For 2-way flow lines, drip leg shall be provided at low points on either side of loops.
14.2. Piping shall be designed to make use of sub-headers to serve an area of process
equipment or groups of drivers.
14.3. Steam Traps
Thermodynamic or thermostatic type may be used for steam tracing and low
volume steam distribution lines and ball float types for equipment and large volume
distribution lines. Thermodynamic traps are available for pressures up to 120 barg
and temperature to 550⁰C, while ball float traps would be used in the lower
pressure ranges up to 32 barg with condensate discharge rates up to 40,000 kg/hr.
Steam tracing valve manifold units including traps and strainers will be purchased
to a standard design to reduce fabrication and installation time and cost.
Condensate collection manifolds shall have non return valves to avoid back
pressure at the trap discharge.
14.3.1. Drip legs & steam trap shall be provided at all low points and dead ends of steam
For long runs of steam piping that do not have natural collection points, drip legs
with steam traps shall be located at intervals as below:
1) Saturated Steam: 30m-50m

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2) Superheated Steam: 75m-100m (based on the degree of superheat)

14.3.2. Discharge steam traps to a lower pressure steam or condensate system (All steam
traps shall be accessible from grade or platform).
14.3.3. Provide valves on each side of trap for trap removal on closed systems.
14.3.4. For details of steam trap arrangements refer to Standard Drawing No. RPMS-SD-
P14-011 and RPMS-SD-P14-074.
14.3.5. Slope of steam line piping shall be maintained towards the flow direction as per
standard drawing RPMS-SD-P14-046.
14.4. Steam-out Connections
14.4.1. Steam-out connections are required for purging vessels and pipelines containing
hydrocarbon and hazardous fluid, except for cryogenic or LPG systems.
14.4.2. Steam-out connections shall not be less than 1” NB.
14.4.3. Hoses serving steam out connections shall not exceed 15 metres in length.
14.4.4. For details of steam-out connections refer to Standard Drawing No. RPMS-SD-P14-
14.5. Steam Tracing
14.5.1. Where process lines require steam tracing they are to be indicated by a dotted line
on the Piping & Instrument Diagrams. Above ground liquid lines subject to freezing
are to be steam traced if the liquid cannot be circulated.
Steam tracing should be used after thorough analysis with other methods like
Electric Tracing and Jacketing, when it is the practical choice for the plant or Specific
units of the plant.
14.5.2. For details of steam tracing requirements refer to specification, RPMS-ENGG-SPC-
14.6. Utility Stations
14.6.1. Utility stations at grade, consisting of air, steam and water, shall be located
throughout the operating area of each process unit, so that a 15 metre length of
hose can service any point in the area.
14.6.2. Additional utility hose connections for air and steam shall be supplied at platforms
for tower manholes and elevated structures, as required.
14.6.3. Utility stations shall be installed such that they remain in operation during unit
14.6.4. No extension of Nitrogen lines to utility hose stations is required.
14.6.5. Usage of Nitrogen shall be only through hard piping.

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14.7. Water System Piping

2"NB and below branch connections from cooling water headers shall be taken
from the top of the line. Drains shall be provided on the dead-end portion of lines
with minimum distance from dead end.
14.8. Air System Piping
14.8.1. Air piping system shall be designed for good drainage. Provide drain valves and drip
legs at the low points of systems. Branch connection shall be taken-off from the top
of the header.
14.8.2. Instrument air headers within process units shall be provided with a valve
connection every 6 metres for field routing provision. Contractor to model
instrument air lines from header to the air distribution Manifold / Christmas tree at
locations identified by instrument engineers. Any additional requirement identified
by site at later stage of construction shall be catered from additional spare
connections available on header.
14.9. Instrument Piping
14.9.1. Control Valve Manifolds Where required by the P & ID control valves shall be supplied with block valves
located up and down stream of control valve and a by-pass. Block Valves are normally line size, but where control valve is two or more sizes
smaller than line size, the block valves may be one size smaller than line size. When identified on P&ID with a specific note, by-pass valves for control valves shall
be designed to suit the CV requirement of main control valve. Supports at control valve manifolds shall be located so that the assembly is self-
supporting when the control valve is removed. The assembly shall be suitably
supported to avoid unnecessary movement due to expansion. Bleed valves shall be located between upstream block valve and control valve for
“fail open” valves. For “fail closed” valves, bleed valves shall be located upstream
and downstream of the control valve between the control valve and block valve. For configurations of Control Valve Manifolds refer to Standard Drawing No. RPMS-
SD-P14-007. Provision of space for Air Volume Tanks shall be modeled where specified.
Supporting information to be passed on to Civil & Structural discipline.
14.9.2. Location of Control Valves

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 Control valves shall be located at grade or on conveniently accessible platforms.

Their locations must be consistent with their function and with convenience of
plant operation. In general, they shall be located in sight of instruments or
indicators showing the variables they control. Control valves in flashing service and results to sluggish flow shall be located as far
downstream of the line as possible whilst complying with the requirements of These should be installed in horizontal leg of piping as far as possible. In case a
control valve is required to be located in vertical leg due to layout considerations,
the same should be discussed with the Owner. Some of the control valves have side mounted actuators and these should be
properly looked into for interference while making layouts. Some of the control
valves have design which requires removal of internals from bottom. It is important
to identify such control valves with Instrumentation and Control group and
sufficient clearance below the control valve should be provided while making
layouts. Similarly, clearance above the control valve should also be looked into
while routing by pass line or any other line above control valve. Generally, Bypass line shall be so designed that there are no vertical dead ends
where liquid can collect.
14.9.3. High Pressure Drop at Control Valves High pressure drop conditions at control valves shall be identified by the Process
and Instrument groups and conveyed to the Piping group. Where high pressure drop condition exist across control valves, high fluid velocities
along with extreme noise levels can be expected. Piping subjected to these
conditions shall be analyzed and designed to ensure that its size and configuration
downstream of the valve prevents excessive vibration and noise. In case of high
pressure drop, vendor shall be consulted for provision of a suitable diffuser.
High pressure drop control valves in erosive service shall be identified. Extra care
shall be taken during selection of MOC, size, layout etc. while engineering of
downstream piping of high pressure drop control valves to minimise the effect of
14.9.4. Level Instruments Location Level instruments shall be accessible from grade, platform or ladder. Their location
is to be consistent with function and with convenience of plant operation. Strong Backs

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Where strong backs are provided for external level instruments, their minimum
pipe size shall be 2". Block valves shall be provided at the vessel connections. Refer
Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-001.
14.9.5. Temperature Instruments
At temperature measuring points whether local indicators or transmitters require
use of thermo wells which are inserted in pipelines. Therefore, these points to be
located at easily accessible level and local temperature indicators should also be at
easily readable level Thermowell Nozzle Standout Dimensions
For details refer Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-
001. Thermowell Flange & Nozzle Details
Nozzle projection from top of pipe is important so that required portion of thermo
well comes in contact with the fluid. In case the projection is more, the length of
thermo well which comes in contact with fluid will get reduced and on other hand
if nozzle projection is less, thermo well may hit to the bottom of pipe.
For all schedules of thermowells, refer Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation
14.9.6. Orifice Runs
Horizontal meter runs are preferred, and the minimum length of upstream and
downstream shall be in accordance with ISO 5167 (Latest revision). Provide
sufficient clearance at orifice flanges for installation of instrument piping and seal
pots where required. Refer Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation RPMS-
14.9.7. Orifice Taps The number of taps required for an orifice flange shall be identified from the P&ID
(dual taps may be required). For liquid service, orifice taps shall preferably be horizontal or at 45⁰ downwards
from the horizontal, if the meter is located in pipe racks. Where this is not possible,
orientation shall be reviewed with Control Systems. Refer Design Basis for Control
and Instrumentation RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-001. For gas service, orifice taps shall preferably be located vertically upwards, or at 45⁰
upwards from the horizontal. Where this is not possible, orientation shall be
reviewed with Control Systems. Refer Design Basis for Control and Instrumentation

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 For steam service, orifice taps shall preferably be located horizontal, or at 45⁰
upwards from the horizontal. Where this is not possible, orientation shall be
reviewed with Control Systems. Orifice flanges may be located in horizontal or vertical lines; however same shall be
reviewed by instrument engineer. Pipe nipples at orifice taps shall be seal welded.
14.9.8. Pressure Instruments
For details of pressure connections, Refer Design Basis for Control and
Instrumentation RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-001, and Piping Standard Drawing RPMS-SD-
P14-027. Special care shall be taken for Diaphragm seal sensing pressure
instruments in terms of installation, requirement of longer stud bolts, etc.
14.9.9. Other Miscellaneous Instruments
Installation requirements for other miscellaneous instruments such as Mass Flow
Meters, Ultrasonic Flow Meters, Pitot Tubes, Venturi Flow Meters, Integral Orifice
Meters, Close Coupled Hook-ups, etc, shall be based on selected vendors. The
Control Systems group shall be consulted for details and dimensions.
14.9.10. Instrument Access requirements shall be provided in accordance with the following
Type of instrument Access Access Grade and/or
Required for from
Fixed Fixed
Operation Portable
Ladder Platform
Thermocouples & No Yes Yes Yes
Resistance Bulbs
Test Thermowells Yes No Yes Yes
Dial thermometers Yes No Yes Yes
Pressure Gauges Yes No Yes Yes
Level Gauges/Level Yes No Yes Yes
Transmitters (blind or Yes No Yes Yes
indicating including
sensing element)
Field Controllers & Yes No Yes Yes

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Field Switches (Alarm & No Yes Yes Yes

Control Valves & other Yes No No Yes
final Control Elements
Analytical & Other Special Yes No Yes Yes
Orifice Flanges No Yes Yes Yes

Close Coupled Hook-ups Yes No Yes Yes


14.9.11. Close Coupled Hook-Ups (CCH):

The requirement of CCH has to be depicted in the P&ID either at the basic
engineering stage or the first PID revision, “Issued for Review” during detail
engineering stage.
For details of CCH, refer RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CI-010 standard document on “Design
Basis Document for Closed Coupled Hook-ups” and RPMS-SD-P14-171 standard
drawing of “Close Coupled Hook-ups Pressure Connections”.
MOC compatibility of CCH to be confirmed with Process for lined pipe class.
CCH root valves shall be in CCH vendor scope and no additional valves to be
considered unless specifically shown in P&ID.
All CCH shall be accessible from permanent platform or grade.
For orifice plates for flow measurement, by default conventional mounting
assembly shall be used. During model review if access availability is found then CCH
to be used.
CCH shall not be used for services requiring double isolation valve arrangement e.g.
high-pressure systems (600# and above). In such systems conventional root valve
assembly to be used.
CCH support arrangement shall be as per Owner standard to be modelled and
corresponding details shall appear in isometrics.
14.10. O₂ Piping
14.10.1. Licensor / Contractor to issue the project specific guidelines on O₂ piping as well as
protective personnel barrier/screen requirement/Safety Distances as per
recommendations of EIGA for Owner approval prior to start of detail engineering.

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Earthing /Grounding requirement shall be in accordance with RPMS-SD-E12-081.
15. Equipment Piping
15.1. Vessel and Column Piping
15.1.1. Piping at columns shall be located radially about the column on the pipe way side.
Manways and platforms shall be located on the access side. Over-head vapour lines
and similar connections 18" and larger may have a welded connection to the vessel,
except where flanges are required for maintenance or blinding. Vertical lines down
columns or vessels shall be suitably supported from vessel and have a minimum of
300 mm clearance from the outside of shell to back of pipe. When vessel is
insulated allow a minimum clearance of 150mm between back of pipe and
Manholes should preferably be placed on the road side on tray area so that it is
convenient for removal and lowering to grade of tower internals. A balance must
be made between external accessibility of connections from ladders and platforms
and internal accessibility from shell manholes, hand holes or removal section of
Platforms of vessel/column shall be designed in such a way that all the nozzles are
accessible from platforms.
Vacuum service piping shall be routed as short as possible with minimum numbers
of bends and flanged joints.
Locate items such as bridles with level instruments at dead end of platforms if
possible, thereby eliminating normal operator travel around such items.
Cold pull piping shall not be used in piping between maintenance joints. Owner
shall be consulted before using cold pull in any piping.
Control valve assembly shall be placed at grade level instead of platform unless
specifically shown in P&ID. In case Control valve assemblies including valves and
safety valves, are provided on column, they will be located on platforms adjacent
to columns and not closer to railing as far as possible. This is to reduce bending
moment acting on columns due to weight of platforms and piping.
In front of thermowell nozzles, sufficient clearance shall be provided for the easy
removal of thermowell.
15.1.2. Connections inside Skirts
Valves and flanges shall not be located inside vessel skirts.
15.1.3. Platforms or fixed ladder shall be provided at all nozzles which require blinding
during maintenance periods.

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 Platforms shall be provided at manways above 3 metres above high point of
finished surface. The interval between platforms shall not exceed 9000mm. Exit
from ladder to a segmented platform should be one side only. Platforms shall be positioned so that the manhole centerline is not less than 610
mm above the platform, with 760 mm preferred. The bottom of the manhole entry
shall not be more than 1070 mm above the platform. Adjacent columns shall be provided with combined platforms and manways at
common elevations whenever possible. Vessel davits for handling internals, relief valves, etc., shall be provided on vertical
vessels, and on vessels not accessible by mobile crane. Davits shall be oriented to
allow the lowering of appurtenances into the access area. For lifting arrangement
refer RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PS-001.
15.1.4. Boots
Boots on elevated horizontal vessels may be extended a reasonable amount to
place the centers of gauge glass and level controller not over 1.5 metres from grade,
platform, or ladder access.
15.1.5. Vents and Drains A valve shall be provided along with a blinded atmospheric vent at vessel high
points and/or overhead piping with platform access provided for valve operation. Drains provided at vessels shall run to underground systems with open connections
terminating 50mm above the drain hub, so that discharge is plainly visible. When
practicable, connection shall be piped from the bottoms-out line.
15.2. Exchanger Piping
Piping to shell and tube exchangers shall be provided with break-out flanges to
permit easy removal of shell covers, channel covers, channels and bundles. Allow
adequate clearance for mobile handling equipment. Piping must be adequately
supported such that bundles can be removed without use of additional temporary
supports on piping. Hot piping shall be routed in such a way that line movement
due to thermal expansion matches that of equipment it is connected to.
15.2.1. Water Lines Piping is to be arranged where practical, or check valves properly located, so that
water remains in all units on loss of cooling water supply. Cooling water supply and return piping connected to underground headers shall be
piped as directly as possible. Allowing sufficient flexibility for final fit up with
equipment nozzles.

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15.2.2. Thermowells
When Thermowell connections cannot be provided on exchanger inlet & outlet
nozzles, they shall be installed on adjacent piping.
15.3. Air Cooled Exchanger Piping
15.3.1. Inlet piping to a heat exchanger unit made up of multiple bundles shall be designed
to provide for balanced flow and pressure drop through the tubes. Possible two-
phase flow must be considered.
15.3.2. Split Header Bundles
Piping connections to split header bundles shall incorporate necessary flexibility to
accommodate the anticipated movement produced by differential temperature
within the bundle. (Forces and movements at nozzles shall not exceed those
allowed by the equipment manufacturer).
15.4. Pump and Turbine Piping
15.4.1. Pump Suction Piping
Pump suction piping shall be arranged with particular care to avoid unnecessary
pressure drop and vapour pockets. Sources of disturbance such as bends, and
branches shall be minimised to avoid vortex formation and uneven velocity
distribution. Pipe bends before suction nozzles to be positioned where possible in
the same plane as the pump shaft. Eccentric reducers with flat side top shall be
used at all horizontal pump nozzles to prevent any entrained vapours in the liquid
from accumulating in the high point (if installed bottom flat) and thus causing
cavitation in the pump.
Pumps with side suction and discharge nozzles may require up to 7 diameters
length of straight pipe before suction nozzle in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations. Pumps with top suction and discharge as well as pumps for
slurry applications may have straight length requirement on suction & discharge, in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.
During developing an equipment layout in pump areas, the layout designer must
envision potential obstructions around the pumps (e.g. large block valves, steam
turbine piping, and tee-type pipe supports from grade).
15.4.2. Access to Pumps and Turbines
Piping at pumps and turbines shall be arranged to avoid interference with operation
or maintenance access. Removable spool pieces shall be provided as appropriate,
such as at end suction pump inlets. Pump suction and discharge piping shall be
designed to be self-supporting to permit maintenance without major piping and
pipe support disassembly
15.4.3. Weight and Thermal Stress

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Where possible, pump discharge piping to be brought down to pump center line
level with check valve and isolation valve located horizontally. This will allow piping
to be supported without the use of springs.
Suitable supports or anchors shall be provided so that excessive weight and thermal
stresses are not applied to the casings. Consideration shall be given to piping
configurations to minimise these stresses. (Forces and moments are not to exceed
those allowed by the equipment manufacturers).
First support from pump nozzle shall be adjustable type so that piping can be
adjusted with the nozzle concerned while aligning.
15.4.4. Suction and Inlet Strainers
Temporary strainers with a pipe spool shall be provided at all pump suction,
between block valve and suction flange and turbine inlet nozzles, unless permanent
strainers are specified.
15.4.5. Pump Valves Check valves shall be installed in the discharge line of each centrifugal and rotary
pump. Block valves shall be installed in the suction and discharge of all pumps, the
discharge valve being located downstream of the check. Suction valve to be located
upstream of strainer. When a positive displacement pump is not equipped with a built-in relief valve, a
relief valve shall be installed in the discharge piping between the pump nozzle and
the first block valve and shall normally discharge into the pump Suction Line.
15.5. Compressor Piping
15.5.1. Suction Piping Centrifugal Compressor Suction piping shall be designed to ensure that the
configuration of the piping and the length of straight pipe at inlet nozzle is adequate
and does not adversely affect the compressor performance. Piping shall be run to avoid the possibility of trapping of collecting liquid. If this is
not practical, then knock-out equipment shall be installed as required by the P &
ID. And Manual Drain shall be provided to drain the liquid. Temporary conical strainers with pipe spool shall be installed in compressor suction
lines between the block valve and suction flange and indicated on Piping & Inst.
15.5.2. Vibration (Reciprocating Compressor)

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 Particular consideration must be given to design of piping subject to vibration

(mechanical and acoustical) associated with reciprocating compressors. Volume
bottles may be provided as required. These lines shall also be subject to mechanical
and acoustical response analysis. Suction and discharge piping shall run preferably at grade. This arrangement
permits simple and effective hold down supports of the lines to reduce vibration. Suction and discharge lines shall be supported independently of the compressor
15.5.3. Removable Piping for Maintenance
Removable spool pieces shall be provided at compressors where needed to permit
maintenance without major piping disassembly.
15.5.4. All operating valves must be readily accessible, preferably from grade. Group
compressor block valves with hand wheels facing shall be in one direction.
15.6. Direct Fired Heater Piping
15.6.1. Inlet & Outlet Process Piping Preference shall be given to the inlet piping to heater, being symmetrical, and of
the same length, with similar fittings, from the point where the flow splits at the
heater inlets. Symmetry of outlet piping from heater is not so critical; however non symmetrical
piping may contribute to the uneven heating and possible coking up and
overheating of tubes. Consideration shall be given to the Symmetry of heater outlet
piping. Transfer line from Furnace to Reactor/Column shall be routed as short as possible
without pockets. Piping shall avoid dead-ends and short radius elbows. The outlet piping shall be short in distance considering the cost due to its metallurgy
however, stress flexibility will impart a major role to decide the pipe routing. The suitable space provision shall be kept for tube maintenance/pulling. The Piping
routing shall not encroach the area earmarked for the tube maintenance / pulling.
In case where satisfying this guideline becomes difficult suitable breakup flanges
with snuffing steam facility shall be provided.
15.6.2. Burner and Snuffing Steam piping at Fired Heaters
Burner piping shall be kept clear of all access and observation openings. Space
required for tube maintenance shall be kept free of all piping. Piping to the burners
shall be made using flanges, or other specified means, to provide for easy and
convenient removal of burners for maintenance. Piping shall be located to maintain

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a minimum of 2 metres clearance under the heater. In general, burner piping is to

conform to the following requirements: Take-off connections shall be made from the top of the steam and gas headers and
piping arranged for equal flow distribution. Condensate legs, knockout pots or
other approved methods for the collection and elimination of condensate shall be
provided. Valves connected to the Burner pipe shall be accessible when viewing
through peephole. Inlet /outlet piping shall be supported such that imposed loads on coil flanges are
kept to the absolute minimum, and that minimum loads are transferred to the
heater coil supports. This will reduce the risk of refractory lining damage. Snuffing steam manifold and emergency isolation valves for fuel manifolds shall be
located 15 metres minimum distance away from furnace and preferably on the
upwind side of Furnace. The low points shall be avoided in whole fuel gas system to prevent accumulation
of condensate.
15.7. Storage Tank Piping
The pipeline length in the tank dyke shall be kept minimum by routing them in
shortest way to pipe ways outside dyke. In a particular tank dyke, piping selected
to that particular tank shall only be routed.
15.7.1. Pipelines connected to tanks shall be designed so that stresses imposed are within
the tank design limits. Adequate flexibility shall be provided in connecting piping so
that the tank nozzles are not distorted if tank settlement occurs.
15.7.2. Storage tank isolation valves shall be located at the tank nozzles. Any further
isolation valves required as per P & ID are to be located outside of the bund wall
with access readily available. Tank isolation valve and first pipe support shall be
preferably supported from tank foundation to avoid differential settlement and use
of spring supports. Whenever there is common inlet and outlet of the tank, there
will be a valve manifold which connects incoming and outgoing lines. This manifold
should preferably be located outside tank dyke and approachable from the road.
16. Plant Layout
During developing layout plan, adequate care shall be taken while considering the
space allocation to the various units to facilitate easy access & escape route during
emergency, operation / maintenance convenience and adequate space for future
expansion to ensure critical equipment and personnel performing critical functions
in the complex are safe from the effects of fires, explosions, and toxic releases.
An ideal layout provides adequate firefighting access, means of escape in case of
fire and also provides segregation of facilities so that the adjacent facilities are not
endangered during a fire.
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While using different codes/Standard, the most stringent clause/provision shall

govern the design requirement specially equipment spacing, access requirement
etc. Codes / Standards shall not be selectively adopted for getting design leniency
which may cause serious operational inconvenience in case of any hazard.
Facilities of any hydrocarbon complex are broadly grouped /clustered in four
different blocks as under.
Onsite Block
 Main Process units
 Plant Interface Building (PIB)
 Main Control Room
 Electrical Substation
 Plant Maintenance Stores
 Oil Water Separators / Oil collection sumps
Utilities Block
 CPP (Boilers & Switch Yard)
 Cooling Tower
 Desalination Plant
 DM Plant
 Potable Water facilities
 Air compressor
 N2, O2
Offsite Block
 Main Power Receiving Switch Yard
 Tank Farm
 Feed Stock storage
 Intermediate and finished product storage (Liquefied Gas, Liquid and
 Inward/outward product movement facilities (rail, road, pipelines and port)
 Raw water storage/ponds
 Fire Water Pump House & Pond
 Flares

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 Open yard for storage of solid products such as Petcoke, Sulphur, etc.
 Warehouses,
 Filled cylinders storage area
Common Facilities Block
 Fire Station
 Laboratory
 Warehouse (Chemical / Catalysts)
 Warehouse (Consumable and Spares)
 CES workshop
 Main Administrative buildings
 Canteen
 Security Office and Gates
 Open Store yard
16.1. General
16.1.1. Process Units shall be located on high ground to avoid flooding, these and Utility
Units shall be arranged to suit independent operation and shutdown. Equipment
within process and offsite areas shall be arranged to satisfy safety, operational,
maintenance and construction requirements. Unless required for common
operation or safety reasons, equipment is to be located in process sequence to
minimise interconnecting piping. Equipment shall be spaced to allow for safe
operation and maintenance with due consideration to construction space
requirements. Orientation of the process plant should be to suit wind direction to
avoid travel of hydrocarbon vapour over source of ignition
16.1.2. Each unit shall have a rectangular shape of maximum size 183 meters by 92 meters
recommended for firefighting purposes. Where the unit exceeds this maximum
size, 15m fire breaks shall be provided.
16.1.3. Space for future expansion shall be provided where specifically requested by job
16.1.4. For Minimum Spacing required between Facilities and Units refer to Table 4. For
Minimum Spacing required within Process Unit Layouts refer to Table 5.
16.1.5. Generally, table 4 & 5 shall be followed for the plant layout; however, in special
cases, blast analysis can be performed to decide the inter distances between the

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16.1.6. Administration buildings shall be grouped and located upwind of operating plant
areas. Adequate parking facilities shall be provided at buildings which are normally
16.1.7. Buildings comprising of more than one floor, are to be provided with adequate
access openings in floors, or walls, to enable equipment from upper floors to be
lowered, by means of overhead lifting gear, down to grade for removal by mobile
16.1.8. Fire-stations shall be close to main entry gate with straight approach to critical
areas. Firewater Storage and Pumps shall be located a minimum distance of 60
metres from Hydrocarbon Storage and Process Units. For petroleum depots and
terminals refer to clause 4.3.5(v) of OISD – 117.
16.2.1. Control Rooms, PIB and sub-stations shall be located distinctly in the process block
for operational convenience.
16.2.2. Non-Blast Resistant building must be located beyond 60 meters from the hazardous
zone limits. These distances are minimum requirement; however actual distances
shall be determined after blast analysis.
16.2.3. Transformers should be located in open area on the rear side of sub-station. Each
transformer shall be isolated from the other by a brick masonry wall. Approach road
to sub-station and transformer bays should be provided to facilitate crane
movement for erection and maintenance.
16.2.4. Separate pit shall be provided to drain and collect the transformer oil near
transformer area. Contaminated transformer oil will be lifted by the movable
tanker facility.
16.2.5. The location of building air intakes in relation to adjacent equipment must be
carefully selected by taking into account prevailing wind direction, probable vapour
dispersion pattern and the hazard that results from possible formation of a
flammable vapour /air mixture.
16.3. Pumps
16.3.1. Pumps shall be located close to the associated equipment so that suction line
lengths are minimized, but with sufficient space required to provide adequate
Whenever practical, pumps shall be arranged in rows with the center line of the
discharge on a common line.
16.3.2. Pumps handling flammable materials shall not be located below pipe racks.

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16.3.3. Pumps shall be located such that the pump discharge is a minimum of 4500 mm
min. from the centerline of pipe rack column or outside edge of cantilevers for
pumps operating at 260⁰C or above, and a minimum of 3000 mm for pumps
operating at less than 260⁰C, as required by XL CATLIN, (GAP), recommendations.
16.3.4. A preliminary piping layout (study layout) shall be made to determine the
requirement of spacing between pumps especially in case of side suction/ side
discharge, top suction/ top discharge pumps where straight length requirement /
platform / CPS requirement etc. have to be considered.
16.3.5. Mono rail shall be provided for pumps which are not open to sky nor having
overhead access with other maintenance equipment and having motor rating of 75
kW or more.
16.4. Compressors
16.4.1. Compressors shall be housed in shelters to provide protection for equipment and
personnel. It shall be Located adjacent to a roadway and downwind from Heaters.
16.4.2. Centrifugal Compressors shall be a located at minimum of 8 meters from
Reciprocating Compressors.
16.4.3. Suction and Inter-stage Knockout Drums shall be a minimum of 4 metres from
16.4.4. A bridge or gantry crane shall be provided for removal of heaviest maintainable
component from the compressor / driver. Drop area shall be provided preferably
at one end of compressor shelter. Provision shall be made for erection via
removable roof panels.
16.4.5. Compressors may be elevated sufficiently to permit piping and auxiliaries to be
located below operating platform. Small compressors may be grade mounted with
piping and auxiliaries arranged for convenient access and maintenance.
16.4.6. Where possible all compressors in a process unit shall be grouped together and
located in a single shelter to reduce the cost of structures and cranes. This includes
combining different types of compressors where an economic shelter design can
be achieved.
16.5. Vessels
16.5.1. Vertical vessels are to be placed on a common centerline decided by largest vessel
parallel to the main pipe way.
16.5.2. Horizontal vessels shall be located to minimize piping runs and where practical, be
lined up with their tangents on a common locating line on the pipe rack side of the
unit. Vessels and associated piping should not encroach into established operating
or access aisles.

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16.5.3. Davits shall be provided on top of vessels to handle relief valves 4" and larger,
blinds, internals etc. that are not accessible by mobile equipment. Davits shall be
orientated in such a way, as to permit the lowering of these components to a clear
drop out area at grade.
16.5.4. Reactors shall be located for ease of access during catalyst unloading and loading
operations. Permanent facilities will not be provided unless expressly required by
the process licensor. Space shall be allowed for cranes and storage of spent and
new catalyst. Where necessary provision shall be made for the installation of
temporary handling equipment during catalyst unloading.
16.5.5. There shall be three hazard groups for Reactors:
 Moderate
 Intermediate
 High Moderate
This category shall include endothermic reactions and other operations, such as
distillation, absorption, mixing and blending of flammable liquids. Exothermic
reactions with no flammable liquids or gases shall also be included in this hazard
group. Typical process examples include:
 Acetic anhydride (carbonylation of methyl acetate)
 Acetone (dehydrogenation of alcohol)
 Adiponitrile
 Amine Treating (ATU)
 Ammonia
 Butamer
 Coker
 Crude distillation
 CRU Platformer
 Dimethyl formamide
 Chloromethanes
 Ethanol (from methanol)
 Ethylene glycol

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 Fluid cat Cracking (FCC)

 Formaldehyde (methanol oxidation)
 Heavy Naphtha Hydrotreater
 IC5 Extractive LMG Merox
 Methyl amines
 Methyl ethyl ketone (dehydrogenation of alcohol)
 Polypropylene (PP)
 Polypropylene Recovery (PRU)
 PSA H2
 Sat. & Unsat. LPG Merox & Dec3
 Solvent extraction
 Sour Water Stripping (SWS)
 Styrene
 Sulphur Recovery (SRU)
 Tail Gas Treating (TGT)
 Urea
 VGO Hydrotreating
 Visbreaking Intermediate
Processes or operations having an appreciable explosion hazard and a moderate
fire hazard are included. This category shall include slightly exothermic reactions.
Typical process examples include:
 Acetic anhydride (from acetic acid)
 Alkylation (Refinery)
 Benzene (from toluene-xylene)
 Benzene-Toluene-Xylene (BTX)
 Cumene
 Cyclohexane
 Ethyl benzene

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 Hydrogen Unit (HMU)

 Hydrogenation
 Methanol (Reforming)
 Natural Gas Liquefaction Plants
 Natural Gas Liquids Extraction Plants
 Organic Peroxide
 Polyethylene HD (small units)
 Polypropylene
 Polystyrene
 Polyvinylchloride
 Reforming (Refinery)
 Scanfining
 Terephtalic Acid High
This category includes highly exothermic or potential run-away reactions and high
hazard products handling. Typical process examples include:
 Acetic acid
 Acetaldehyde (oxidation)
 Acetone (cumene oxidation)
 Acrolein
 Acrylic acid (propylene oxidation)
 Acrylonitrile
 Butadiene (oxidation)
 Caprolactam
 Cumene hydroperoxide
 Cyclohexanone (cyclohexane oxidation)
 Dimethyl terephthalate
 Dintrotoluene (nitration)
 Ethylene
 Ethylene oxide
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 Hydrocracking (MHC & LCO)

 Hydrocracking (Refinery)
 Maleic anhydride (butane oxidation)
 Methyl metacrylate
 Organomatallics (Alkyla-luminums)
 Phenol (cumene oxidation)
 Phtalic anhydride
 Polyethylene LD (high pressure)
 Polyethylene HD (large units)
 Polyglycol ethers (polyols)
 Propylene oxide
 Trintrotolune (nitration)
 Vinyl acetate
 Vinyl chloride (VCM-EDC)
16.6. Exchangers
16.6.1. Shell and tube exchangers shall be located with the channel end away from pipe
ways to facilitate tube bundle removal, with a clearance length of 1 metre plus
length of bundles, this area shall not encroach on plant roadways.
Exchangers with fixed tube bundles (where bundle pulling is not a concern)
sufficient room shall be allowed at the heads to allow rodding of tubes.
16.6.2. For exchangers under drums or unit structures, wherever possible the channel end
shall be clear of overhead structures for handling of channel end by mobile
16.6.3. Shell and tube exchangers shall be located with the backs of exchangers on a
common line with horizontal vessels, with the exception of those having channel
ends connected to an underground cooling water system. These exchangers when
grouped shall be located with their channel nozzles on a common centerline, with
the largest exchanger setting the distance from the pipe rack in a similar manner as
indicated above.
16.6.4. Stacked tube exchangers shall be limited to two units high.

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16.6.5. Thermo-siphon reboilers should be preferably placed close to their associated

towers. Reboiler should be mounted on the tower so that vertical expansion will be
uniform, piping system design is simplified, and inlet/outlet piping is minimised.
clearance shall be provided for movement between reboiler and tower.
16.7. Air Coolers
16.7.1. Air coolers shall be located so as to provide safe and practical access for operation
and maintenance. They may be located in equipment areas or over pipe racks. No
equipment to be located above or below coolers.
16.7.2. If air coolers are located over pipe racks, platforms shall be provided for access to
motors and header boxes. Access shall be provided by ladders consistent with Para
19.4 of this document.
16.7.3. Access for removal or replacement of tube bundles located over pipe racks shall be
achieved by providing accessways, suitable for heavy craneage, between process
equipment on one side of the pipe rack. For major banks of air coolers this shall
require a number of access ways which shall be located on either side of the pipe
16.7.4. Monorail shall be provided within air coolers bay platform area for lowering heavy
components like gear box.
16.7.5. Cold boxes should be located on grade or on separate elevated structures.
Adequate space should be provided around cold boxes for ease of operation and
16.8. Fired Heaters and Boilers
16.8.1. Furnaces and boilers shall be located at plot boundaries for ease of access. Tube
pulling shall be by mobile crane and adequate dropout and swinging space shall be
provided. External piping shall be minimised at the tube pulling end of equipment.
16.8.2. Fired equipment on each process or utility unit shall be grouped together and
common stacks provided wherever this is possible and economically viable.
Common stack shall be located at the opposite side/end of process unit.
16.8.3. Fired heaters shall be located at one corner and upwind/side wind of process units
and storage tanks to minimise the possibility of vapours being carried towards
these ignition sources. Within congested process areas, heater locations will be
determined to provide the lowest risk of fire or explosion.
16.8.4. A minimum clearance of 15 metres shall be provided between the shell of fired
heaters and other hydrocarbon containing equipment.
16.8.5. A minimum clearance of 3 metres shall be provided between the shell of fired
heaters and access ways.

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16.8.6. Adjacent circular fired heaters shall be provided with interconnected firing
platforms at a common elevation.
16.8.7. FD fan shall be placed in one corner of plot area away from the equipment carrying
16.8.8. Access for operation and maintenance is a major consideration in the development
of a furnace layout. Other access requirements are for tube removal, soot blowers,
damper control, header boxes, peep doors, furnace mounted instruments, burners
and burner management system.
16.9. Storage Tanks
16.9.1. Liquid Storage Tanks Petroleum storage tanks shall be located in dyked enclosure with roads all around
the enclosure. Aggregate capacity of tanks located in one dyked enclosure shall not
exceed following values:
For a group of floating roof tanks : 120,000 cum.
For a group of fixed roof tanks : 60,000 cum.
If a group of tanks contains both fixed and floating roof tanks, then it shall be
treated as a group of fixed roof tanks for the purpose of above limits. The spacing and bunding requirements for tanks containing hydrocarbon liquids
shall be determined in accordance with the Tables 6 & 7. Dyke enclosure should be able to contain the complete contents of the largest tank
in the tank farm in case of any emergency. Enclosure capacity shall be calculated
after deducting the volume of tanks (other than the largest tank) up to the height
of the enclosure. A free board of 200 mm above the calculated liquid level shall be
considered for fixing the height of the dyke. The height of tank enclosure dyke shall be at least one metre and shall not be more
than 2.0 m above average grade level inside. However, for excluded petroleum, the
minimum height of dyke wall shall be 600 mm. Pump stations shall be located outside dyke areas by the side of roads. Tanks located overhead for process considerations shall meet safety distance and
shall also have dyke enclosure of RCC construction and provided with drain valves
at suitable height for easy operation. Tank height shall not exceed one and half times the diameter of the tank (1.5 x D)
or max 20m whichever is less. Piping from/to any tank located in a single dyke enclosure should not pass through
any other dyke enclosure. Piping connected to tanks should run directly to outside
of dyke to the extent possible to minimize piping within the enclosure.

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 No fire water/foam ring main shall pass through dyke enclosure. Adequate separation shall be provided between flammable hydrocarbons and
ignition sources (Hazardous Area Classification). Adequate separation shall be provided between hydrocarbon handling areas and
emergency services, main safety equipment and escape routes. Any tank shall have at least one side adjacent to a road within a distance of 90
metres. Tanks larger than 50,000 m3 shall be arranged in single file, i.e. 2 sides
minimum to road. Drainage from bund areas shall be controlled so as to prevent hydrocarbon liquids
entering the natural water course or rainwater drainage system where their
presence would constitute a hazard. Drainage shall have fire barriers between two
different bund areas to prevent the spread of fire. Vessels having large liquid hold-ups should be installed at lower heights and
preferably at grade. Adequate drainage should be provided around such vessel.
Where process requirement dictates their installation above grade, these should
be located in open area.
16.9.2. Tanks Containing Non-Hydrocarbon Liquids Tanks containing non-flammable liquids shall be located to suit their service
requirements. Fire water and foam storage tanks shall be located in a safe area with ease of access
to firefighting personnel. Tanks storing chemicals or non-contaminated water shall not normally require
bunding for containment of the total volume of liquid stored unless any spillage
would seriously impact the surrounding area affecting plant operations. Curbed areas shall be provided around hazardous chemicals so as to minimise the
impact of spillage on surrounding equipment and personnel. Drainage from such
areas shall be designed to prevent harmful chemicals entering other drainage
systems where corrosion, chemical reactions, or ecological damage could occur.
Curbed areas shall also be provided to prevent hydro-carbon spills/fires from
16.9.3. Refrigerated Storage Tanks
The spacing and bunding requirements for refrigerated LPG storage Tanks shall be
determined in accordance with the Institute of Petroleum Model Code of Safe
Practice Part 9 and OISD-Std-144.
16.10. Pressure Storage of LPG

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16.10.1. The spacing and bunding requirements for pressure storage of LPG shall be
determined in accordance with the OISD-Std-144 and Tables 9 & 10.
16.10.2. LPG spheres and bullets shall be treated as separate groups and provided with curb
wall a minimum of 30 cms and a maximum of 60 cms at shallow sump position.
Spillage of LPG shall be directed by means of diversion walls to the containment
area. Grading shall not permit any depressions and spillage from one vessel to flow
under another.
16.10.3. Storage vessels should be located downwind of process units, important buildings
and facilities.
16.10.4. Each group shall have a maximum of 6 vessels, with aggregate capacity limited to
15000m3. Each group of vessels shall be separated by 30 metres minimum.
16.10.5. Bullets shall be orientated such that they do not point towards process or
administration areas.
16.10.6. The arrangement of spheres and bullets shall be to permit the free flow of air below
the vessel. The minimum height below the shell of such vessels shall be 1200mm.
16.10.7. Liquefied gas storage vessels shall not be located within the same dykes where
other flammable liquid hydrocarbons are stored.
16.10.8. Storage vessels shall not be stacked one above the other.
16.10.9. Vessels with their dished ends facing each other shall have screen walls in between
16.10.10. Sufficient space shall be provided between two vessels to permit fire-fighting
16.11. Access/ Road Requirement
16.11.1. Two road approaches from the main public road should be provided, one for
employees and other for product movement. Both these approaches should be
available for receipt of assistance in emergency.
16.11.2. Road widths and turning radii at road junctions shall be designed to facilitate
movement of the largest fire fighting vehicle in the event of emergency.
16.11.3. Primary traffic roads in the installation shall be clear of hazardous classified areas.
The edge of the road shall not be less than 15 meters away from the edge of the
16.11.4. Adequate road access shall be provided for emergency service vehicles to enter and
go around the Plant. Roads required for emergency access shall either be open
ended at both ends or provided with adequate turning radius.

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16.11.5. All process units and dyke enclosures of storage tanks shall be planned in separate
blocks with roads all around for access and safety. Roads separating the blocks shall
provide fire breaks and have facilities for firefighting activities.
16.11.6. Fire appliances are envisaged for the largest emergency service vehicles and their
access requirements are as follows:
Type of Appliance Minimum Minimum Turning Minimum Laden
Circle Weight
Width of Clearance Width of
Width (dia.)
Access Height Gateways
Pumping Unit plus Foam 3.66m 3.66m 16.76m 3.05m 25 tonnes
Turntable Ladder 3.66m 3.66m 21.30m 3.05m 14.2 tonnes

Hydraulic Platform 3.66m 3.96m 21.30m 3.05m 18.8 tonnes

16.11.7. All roads/access used for firefighting shall be 6 meters wide minimum. Headroom
requirements for all roads shall be as per Table 3A.
16.12. Road Tanker Loading Facilities
16.12.1. Road tanker loading facilities for product export shall be laid out to suit the smooth
flow of traffic which avoids cross-flow.
16.12.2. Parking areas shall be provided for both empty and full tankers consistent with
planned operations.
16.12.3. Facilities for loading LPG shall be segregated from those for other hydrocarbons.
16.13. Rail Tanker loading facilities
16.13.1. Facilities shall be provided for both solids and bulk liquid loading of railcars. Sidings
shall be provided for marshalling, receiving, shipping and cleaning of empty railcars
and handling of sick wagons.
16.13.2. Road access for firefighting equipment shall be provided around loading sidings.
16.13.3. Loading racks shall be located at least 15 metres from the nearest running line or
roadway or 30 metres for LPG.
16.13.4. Separate rail spurs shall be provided for LPG loading.
16.14. Fire water pump house and storage facilities shall be located at a safe place away
from hazardous area. Fire water storage and pump shall be located at a minimum
distance of 60m from hydrocarbon storage and process unit.
16.15. Material Handling
16.15.1. Mechanical Conveyors

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Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003 The Manufacturer/Supplier shall be consulted on layout and Operation/

Maintenance requirement before finalisation of Plot Plan.
During Plot Plan development location of material handling system should be
studied and finalised in a such a way that it will not interfere with any access ways
and become hindrance for operation and maintenance of other equipment/
buildings. The design of platforms, walkways and ladders shall be such that adequate
clearance is provided for normal operations, servicing and maintenance, giving
sufficient room for movement and access for carrying out such duties. walkway
should be of min. 750mm width along each conveyor or as mentioned by the
Manufacturer/ Supplier, whichever is higher. Wherever belt conveyors crossing workstations or passageways (roads, railway
tracks etc.) and building, suitable protection (like seal plate) shall be provided
against accidental dropping of conveyed materials or objects over such area/
Vastu is essentially an oriental science based on directional alignment and hence
more widely accepted and practised in the orientation of Plant Layout. Deviation to
these guidelines will require prior approval of Owner. Some of the major guidelines
are as under:
16.16.1. Vastu Guidelines for Terminal Buildings Admin Building/Load office
a) The Main Admin building should face towards North or East or West.
(South facing should be avoided)
b) The Terminal Manager should sit in the SW corner.
c) All other executive/staff should sit facing North or East.
d) Toilet block & Pantry should be located in the NW or SE only. Control Room
a) The Control room is to be located in the West or North.
b) The Panel room/ UPS should be located in the SE or NW.
c) The Staircase can be located in any corner except NE corner.
d) The NE corner to be left open if possible.
16.16.2. Vastu Guidelines for Plot selection & Layout of Facilities Plot Selection

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a) Shape of the plot should be rectangular or a square as far as possible. If odd

shaped plots are selected, then facilities should be planned only in the rectangular
/square portions.
b) North East corner of the plot should not be cut.
c) North East (NE) corner signifies incoming prosperity, peace of mind & also pooja
place (god), so the NE corner should be kept as much open as possible.
d) NE corner signifies water, so water tank or reservoir to be planned here.
e) The ground level (for liquid/water incoming flows) should be sloped from South
to North OR from West to East.
f) The Main entry to the plot should be from North to South OR from East to West. Layout of Facilities
a) Storage tanks -Tanks should be built at S/SW or W/SW or E/SE or
S/SE or N/NW directions w.r.t. the plot.
b) Power -Facilities like Switchyard/Substation/DG set to be located at the SE corner
or on the NW corner but never on the NE corner of the plot.
c) Gantry –Loading/ unloading gantry to be located at SE or NW or SW or NE
direction of the plot.
d) Fire water tanks -Fire water tanks (above ground) can be planned at NW or SW
directions. No water storage facilities to be planned at SE corner. Underground
water tanks to be planned only in the NE corner of the plot. It should be lower than
any other U/G facilities.
e) Admin building/Control room- It should be near the main entry to the facility and
located to the South or West side of the main entry.
f) Future facility/Expansion- Future space for expansion should be left only on the
East & North directions.
g) ETP/OWS- pit should be planned at the N/NW or E/SE directions.
h) Retail outlets -Preferable locations are NW or SE or SW or NE.
i) Parking-Truck parking area should be planned at NE or NW or SE or SW directions.
j) If the main entry is from the South side then it is to be from the SE direction if it
is from the West then it should be from the NW direction.
k) Flares -Should be located in the SE or SW or NW direction.
l) Heaviest structures & tall buildings to be planned in the SW direction.

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17. Risk Assessment

This section deals with Risk Assessment in general. For details and conflicts refer
‘HSE and Loss Prevention Engineering Philosophy’ (RPMS-ENGG-DBD-HS-001).
A Risk Assessment is an important step in protecting employee and business, as
well as complying with the statutory laws. It helps focusing on the risks of handling
highly inflammable and toxic materials in the Petroleum and Petrochemical
Complex. Risk Assessment including EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) study
must be carried for the Complex to ascertain the risk involved before the plant goes
into operation.
As step forward, preliminary / tentative Layout plan shall be prepared based on the
parameters discussed in the above paragraphs. Identify credible hazard scenario
based on the above tentative layout plan. Primary significance of hazard
identification is to analyse, quantify and take cost effective adequate measures for
control of accidents. Hence, all the components of a system/ process need to be
thoroughly studied to assess their potential for initiating or propagating an
unplanned event or sequence of events which can be termed as an accident causing
damage to property, environment or personnel. Therefore, the type, quantity,
location and conditions of release of a toxic or flammable substance have to be
identified to estimate its damaging effects, area involved, and the possible
precautionary measures required to be taken for safeguarding properties and
Based on the Risk Assessment, layout of the complex shall be evaluated further to
ensure adequate firefighting access, means of escape and adequate segregation of
facilities has been provided so that the facilities in the vicinity are not endangered
during a fire.
17.1. Scenario-Based Layout Reviews
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of hazards can be used to determine which
levels of risk are unacceptable and must be removed by expenditure and those that
can be moderated through a combination of mitigation measures to achieve a level
of safety that is as low as reasonably practicable. For example, it may be more cost
effective to increase the blast resistance of an existing occupied building than to
relocate the building, or a new unit at a prescribed distance. It is necessary that a
sound loss prevention approach optimizing the additional level of safety with the
additional level of expenditure is taken.
To this end, Scenario-Based Layout Reviews are often a useful tool. The general idea
is to identify an undesired but credible event that the facility needs to be able to
withstand, and then to use this scenario as a basis for determining the degree of
robustness of the design. The selection of a Design Basis Scenario (DBS) involves a
good deal of subjectivity and judgment on the part of the analyst. The key point is

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that the DBS should be a rare event with serious consequences, but one that is still
considered to be a credible occurrence within the lifetime of the facility. Some
clients have quantitative frequency criteria for what constitutes a “credible” event,
and these can be valuable in identifying an appropriate DBS. For plant layout and
siting of occupied buildings, typical examples of a DBS would be: (1) gas dispersion
from small line rupture (e.g., a 2” line); (2) a vapour cloud explosion occurring at an
identified confined/congested space; or (3) a fire contained to a specified area (e.g.,
a dike). Design Basis Scenarios are often selected so as to be useful in providing an
answer to a specific question (e.g., “does this building need additional blast
protection?” or “is the location of this fired heater acceptable?”).
Once the Design Basis Scenarios have been identified, consequence modeling or
Quantitative Risk Analysis is performed to determine the expected consequences
and assess how this impacts the proposed layout. If the consequences are
unacceptable, then layout modifications or other mitigation measures must be
implemented. Scenario-Based Layout Reviews are generally used in conjunction
with prescriptive guidelines for plot spacing and can be used to determine the
acceptability of a proposed exception in a particular case.
Spacing of elevated flares from process equipment depends on the flare stack
height, flare load, and the allowable heat intensity at the equipment location. Flare
stack locations should be curbed to contain hydrocarbon carryover. Both location
and stack height shall be determined using radiant heat intensity and hydrocarbon
concentration requirements. The flare system should be designed to meet API RP
521. Issues relating to the location of the flare shall be considered in project Process
Hazards Analysis and consequences for identified scenarios should be calculated
where applicable.
The elevation change between the flare and the process area should be considered
when locating the flare. In general, the flare should be located to minimize the
potential for ignition of vapour released from the process units. Spacing of ground
flares should be based on radiation requirements, taking into account the effects
of walls or other thermal barriers.
The following checklist can be used as a facilitation aid for team-based layout
reviews or merely as a tool to remind the HSE Engineer of important HSE
considerations for plant layout.
17.1.1. General
What hazards does this unit pose to the public or to workers in the control room,
adjacent units, nearby offices, or shop areas from:

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 Toxic, corrosive, or flammable sprays, fumes, mists, or vapours?

 Thermal radiation from fires (including flares)?
 Overpressure from explosions?
 Contamination from spills or runoff?
 Noise?
 Contamination of utilities (e.g., potable water, breathing air, sewers)?
 Transport of hazardous materials from other sites?
What hazards do adjacent facilities (e.g., units, highways, railroads, underground
pipelines) pose to personnel or equipment in the unit from:
 Toxic, corrosive, or flammable sprays, fumes, mists, or vapours?
 Overpressure from explosions?
 Thermal radiation from fires (including flares)?
 Contamination?
 Noise?
 Contamination of utilities (e.g., potable water, breathing air, sewers)?
 Impacts (e.g., airplane crashes, derailments, turbine blade fragments)
 Flooding (e.g., ruptured storage tank, plugged sewer)
What external forces could affect the site? Consider:
 High winds (e.g., hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes)
 Each movement (e.g., earthquakes, landslides, sink holes, settling, freeze / thaw
heaving, coastal / levee erosion)
 Snow/ice (e.g., heavy accumulation, falling icicles, avalanches, hail, ice glaze)
 Utility failures from outside sources
 Releases from adjacent plants
 Sabotage / terrorism / war
 Airborne particulate (e.g., pollen, seeds, volcanic dust, dust storm)
 Natural fires (e.g., forest fires, grass fires, volcanism)
 Extreme temperatures (causing, for example, brittle fracture of steel)
 Flooding (e.g., hurricane surge, broken dam or levee, high waves, intense
precipitation, spring thaw)

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 Lightning
 Drought (causing, for example, low water levels or poor grounding)
 Meteorite
 Fog
What are the potential effects that events in this unit will have on other units within
the complex (what is the potential for domino effects)? What are the potential
effects that this event will have on off-site property and populations? What is the
potential off-site impact of the domino effects?
17.1.2. Intra-Unit Spacing
 Is there adequate spacing within the unit for normal operating and
maintenance requirements?
 Does the spacing within the unit allow for safe evacuation of personnel working
within the unit in the event of an emergency?
 Are the control room and any other process support buildings which are
normally populated located a safe distance from a high hazard unit?
 Is the unit laid out to minimize the piping requirements?
 Are firewalls, blast walls, etc. provided where needed to protect personnel and
equipment from high hazard equipment within the unit?
 Are there open ditches, pits, sumps, or pockets where inert, toxic, or flammable
vapours could collect?
 Are operating units and the equipment within units spaced to minimize
potential damage from fires or explosions in adjacent areas and to allow access
for firefighting activities? Are there safe exit routes?
 Is temporary storage provided for raw materials and for finished products at
appropriate locations?
17.1.3. Inter-Unit Spacing
 Are units of high risk separated, wherever possible, from each other by units of
mild, low, or medium risk?
 Are units located at appropriate distances from identified ignition sources such
as furnaces, electrical switchgear, flare stacks, etc.?
 Are units handling highly toxic materials located at suitable distance from all
buildings containing appreciable concentrations of personnel and also with
regard to similar areas outside of the complex boundary?

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 Are units having a high vapour cloud explosion potential located away from the
site boundary and away from on-site areas of population?
 Are units having a high vapour cloud explosion potential located away from
major plant traffic routes? Is traffic through such units controlled using gates,
 Are major pipe ways and process areas located or protected such that they are
at a minimal risk from transport accidents arising from the regular movement
of vehicles?
 Are storage areas separated from loading/unloading areas, major plant traffic
routes, and process areas?
17.1.4. Access
 Are units having a moderate or high fire risk provided with road access for
emergency vehicles from at least two directions?
 Is a secondary safe-haven area accessible from the unit, in case the primary area
is blocked off?
 Is vehicular traffic appropriately restricted from areas where pedestrians could
be injured, or equipment damaged?
 Can the unit be built and maintained without lifting heavy items over operating
equipment and piping?
17.1.5. Mitigation
 Are areas that are normally populated (control rooms, amenity buildings,
workshops, laboratories, etc.) located adjacent to mild or low risk units? Are
they provided with the appropriate protection against fire, explosion, or toxic
gas release?
 Are adequate gas and fire detectors provided to allow for prompt emergency
 Are emergency shutdowns/isolations adequate to prevent/reduce a
catastrophic event?
 Are adequate early warning systems for site personnel in the case of a
catastrophic accident provided?
 Are hydrocarbons and firewater drained away from the process area? How are
these areas protected from becoming a potential source for spreading of the
 Is the provided mitigation adequate given the inherent hazards and siting

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18. Elevation, Clearance and Access Requirements

18.1. Elevations, clearances and access requirements shall be in accordance with the
requirements contained in Tables 1 through 3 and the applicable notes.
18.2. Plants shall be serviced by primary roads adjacent to processing units, utility plants,
materials handling and loading/unloading areas. Secondary roads shall be provided
between process units, utility plants and offsite areas for maintenance and
firefighting access.
18.3. Equipment, structures, and piping are to be arranged to permit crane access to
compressors, air coolers and major equipment parts not provided with built-in
maintenance facilities.
18.4. Clear access, both vertically and horizontally is to be provided under main pipeways
for trucks or mobile equipment to service pumps.
Whenever possible, shell and tube heat exchanger tube bundles are to be removed
with a mobile crane and tube bundle extractor. Permanent monorail structures are
to be provided only where crane access is impractical. Where required, the
monorail is to extend far enough beyond exchanger channel end to permit full use
of hoists to pull and lower tube bundle to grade.
18.5. Where built-in handling facilities are not provided, clear space for tube-bundle
removal by mobile crane must be provided. A clearance of 1 metre plus length of
bundles in front of the exchanger measured from the tube sheet and extending 6
meters on at least one side is to be provided.
18.6. A minimum of 8 metre vertical clearance must be allowed for access of heavy lift
cranes at road crossings. A vertical clearance of 10 metre is required at identified
major road crossings where there is a need for heavy lift crane access.
18.7. Following shall be considered for sleeper way access requirements however, this
shall be applicable only for green field projects:
18.7.1. For sleeper way width up to 3 metres, the PCC/hard surface shall be extended 1
metre at appropriate side. This extra hard surfacing/PCC shall be utilized for
movement of operator or inspector along the sleeper ways. This movement area
shall be approachable from the road at every 250 metres approximately. The
number of approaches can be reduced in case of long pipe way (i.e. more than 1
km) after considering site requirement.
18.7.2. PCC/hard surfacing can be extended by 1 metre at both side where Sleeper way
width is ranging between 3-6 metres.
18.7.3. Sleeper way exceeding 6 metres width shall have walkway of 750 mm in the center
of the sleeper way along with access ways on both sides, to ease the approach.

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18.8. In sleeper ways, area below pipes shall have hard surfacing and/or PCC or as
suggested by civil group.
18.9. PCC shall be preferred at locations wherein frequent access is required. Access
requirement can be either for the drain valves or isolation valves or for any other
piping specials like steam traps. The requirement shall be defined during the design
phase when the sleeper ways are planned.
18.10. Means of Escape
Escape Routes
18.10.1. Sufficient means of escape shall be provided to enable efficient evacuation from all
areas to be designated assembly points, under a hazard condition.
18.10.2. Escape routes shall be provided from all process areas, and plant buildings.
18.10.3. At least two alternative escape routes shall be provided from buildings in excess of
25m² floor areas or where the distance from any point in an enclosed area to the
nearest exit exceeds 10m.
18.10.4. At least two alternative escape routes shall be provided from air cooler structures,
compressor platforms and boiler structures.
18.10.5. Escape routes shall take the most direct route from the immediate hazard to an
area of lesser hazard and shall avoid directing personnel escaping from a non-
hazardous area through a Zone 1 or Zone 2 hazardous area to a place of safety.
Escape routes shall be designated as follows:
 Primary escape routes from all areas to assembly points shall have a minimum
clear width of 1000mm.
 Secondary escape routes where escape is in one direction only shall have a
minimum clear width of 750mm.
 Stair widths on primary escape routes shall be at least 1000mm.
 The clear height of any escape route shall be at least 2100mm.
The minimum clear width of escape routes may be increased to suit the manning
levels/occupancy of the process area/building in which they will be located.
18.10.6. The configuration of the primary escape routes shall provide adequate room for
fire and rescue teams to operate unhindered. The need to evacuate personnel on
stretchers shall be considered, especially with regard to stair width and landings.
18.10.7. The minimum clear width of stairways shall generally be the same as the escape
route they serve.
18.10.8. Fixed ladders specifically for escape purposes are required as follows:

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 Escape from access platforms less than 5m long or from cranes, towers, etc.,
where the use of fixed ladders is common practice.
 Secondary escape from an elevated process area which has a main escape
18.10.9. Every escape route and assembly point shall be readily accessible, unobstructed
and well-marked.
18.10.10. All doors on escape routes shall be easily opened from either side and shall not be
capable of being permanently locked except by frangible elements. All doors and
escape routes shall be illuminated by an emergency lighting system. Hinged doors
shall generally open in the direction of escape. Sliding doors shall clearly show the
direction of opening on both sides. Doors which open out on to an escape route
shall not reduce the escape route width below the minimum required.
19. Platform, Stair and Ladder Access
19.1. General
The extent of platforms shall be the minimum consistent with safety, operation and
maintenance. Where practical, walkways, catwalks, access-ways, etc. should be
provided between elevated platforms. Examples would include: provisions to
move from a major structure to a platform on an adjacent tower in close proximity,
or to an air cooler header box catwalk. Care shall be taken however to ensure that
differential expansion will not cause problems.
19.2. Platforms on Pipe rack
19.2.1. Clear space shall be allocated on the top tier of pipe rack for facilitation access for
construction and maintenance.
19.2.2. Staircase with landings at each tier of the pipe rack can be designed at the extreme
end of pipe rack opposite to the Battery Limit to carryout visual inspection of pipes
on the basis of requirement given by operation/ maintenance.
19.2.3. Platforms for safety valves, battery limit valves etc. shall be considered during
detailed engineering.
19.2.4. For intermediate tiers, platforms with ladder access can be considered as per O&M
requirements. The space allocation and locations are needs to be finalized during
model review such that there is no alteration in the pipe rack design.
19.3. Platforms with Stair Access
Platforms with stair access shall be provided for the following:
1) Platforms which require operator attention more than once in an eight-hour
2) Platforms at elevated rotating equipment items.

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3) Stairways shall be provided for access on storage tanks which exceed 4500 mm
in diameter and 6 metres in height.
19.4. Platforms with Ladder Access
Platforms with ladder access shall be provided for the following:
a) Points requiring operating access less than once in an eight-hour shift, including
valves, instruments, etc.
b) Service platforms for manholes, pressure safety valves, removable heads, i.e., at
vertical re-boilers.
c) Storage tanks smaller than those in 19.3 (3)
d) Exchangers with centerline located 3.5 metres or more above grade.
e) Platforms are not required for manways, when manway centerline elevation
from grade is:
 3.3 metres and under without internals.
 3.3 metres and under with internals.
f) Air coolers, with interconnecting walkways provided to service valving fan motors
19.5. Ladder Requirements
a) Wherever possible, ladders shall be arranged so the user faces toward the
b) Front access ladders may be used with discretion.
c) Any single ladder run may not exceed 9 metres in length without a landing or
20. Miscellaneous - Personnel Protection
20.1. Eye wash and emergency showers shall be provided in areas where operators are
subject to hazardous sprays or spills.
20.2. Consideration shall be given to incorporating breathing air stations in facilities
handling extremely toxic gases.

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Table 1: Paving and Concrete Support Elevations


ITEM (1) (2)
(4) SIDED (4)

Grade, Floors High Point N/A 000 300 mm 300 mm

and Paving Low Point N/A -150 mm 150 mm 150 mm

Column Piers U/S Baseplate 300 mm 300 mm 450 mm 450 mm

Pumps (3) U/S Baseplate 150 mm 150 mm 450 mm 450 mm

Stair and U/S Baseplate 150 mm 150 mm 400 mm 400 mm

Ladder Pads

Vert. Vessels U/S Baseplate 300 mm 300 mm 400 mm 400 mm

Top of pipe rack column 150 mm 150 mm N/A N/A


Furnace Floor Wall or Roof N/A As required N/A N/A

Bottom of Fired

Floor Plate Floor Fired N/A As required N/A N/A

Blowers and U/S Baseplate As required As required As required As required


Pipe Trenches Top of Cover 50 mm Flush with Flush with Flush with
and Pits Paving Floor Floor

Sewer Boxes Top of Cover 50 mm Flush with Flush with Flush with
Paving Floor Floor

Plinth for Skid 150 mm

Mounted (above
150 mm N/A N/A
Equipment Grade)

Figures in parentheses refer to notes below

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1. All elevations shall be referred to the High Point of Paving (H.P.P.). H.P.P.
elevation shall be referenced to Mean Sea Level EL.00.000 on plot plans.
2. All concrete support levels shown for equipment and structural items, except
stairs and ladders, shall include an allowance for at least 25 mm of grout.
3. Small size pumps such as proportioning, injection and other small gear pumps
may have bottom of base plates located at elevation 450 mm above H.P.P.
4. Dimensions shown above are above high point of paving. Final elevation of
H.P.P. to be determined when complete site terracing is finalized.
Table 2: Requirement of Platforms and Access Ways


Headroom over platforms, walkways, passageways and working 2150mm


Headroom height for projections over platforms, walkways, 2150mm

passageways and working areas

Headroom height over stairs 2100mm

Access Width of stairways (Inside stringers) For Access 750mm

Main Access 1000mm

Walkways Width of Landings 1200mm

Width of walkways (At grade and elevated) For Access 750mm

Main Access 1200mm

Maximum vertical rise of stairways (One flight) 3040mm

Maximum horizontal distance from any point on platform to a 23M

primary or auxiliary exit

Maximum length of dead-end platform in escape route (1) 6.M

Vertical Distance of platform below vessel manhole 600-1500mm


Vessel Width of manhole platform (Minimum) (2) 900mm

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Shell Platform extension beyond centerline of manhole 1*M'hole dia.

Platforms Vessel Distance of platform below face of manhole flange 180-1000mm

(3) (4) Top Head Width of platform from three sides of manhole 750mm

Horizontal Clearance from bottom edge of channel or bonnet 450mm

Exchanger flanges

Vertical Maximum distance of platform below top flange of 1500mm

channel or bonnet

Exchanger Width of platform from three sides of flange 750mm

Fired Width of platform at sides of horizontal and vertical 750mm

tube furnaces

Heaters Width of platform at ends of horizontal tube 1200mm


Maximum vertical rise of operational ladders (Single run) 9M

Ladders Maximum Allowable slope of ladders from vertical 15

(5)(6)(7)(8) Toe clearance from centerline of rung to any obstruction 230mm

Clear climbing space for vertical ladders 680mm

Clear climbing space for inclined ladders (9) 900mm

Operation Width of platform required at bonnet or channel end of 1500mm


and Maximum elevation to the bottom of handwheel on valves 6" 2000mm

Maintenanc NB and smaller from platform or grade (14)

(10) (11) Horizontal clearance required between paired exchanger flanges 1000mm

(13) Horizontal clearance between insulation on paired exchanger 750mm


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Clearance below furnace raised floors (15) 750mm

Figures in parentheses refer to notes below

1. Dead-end platforms greater than 6 metres long are prohibited where such
dead-ends are in escape routes or where it may be reasonably anticipated
that, because of confusion arising from an emergency or panic situation, an
individual might select an escape path which would lead to such a dead-end.
2. Check clearance required to open manhole covers.
3. Toe plates shall be provided on the edges of all platform areas and around
openings, except at the platform entrance and exit locations.
4. Standard hand railing shall be provided on all sides of all platform areas
1200mm or more above grade and stairways.
5. Ladders shall generally be arranged for side exit; however, step-through
ladders are permissible.
6. Ladders which are located at, 2300mm or more above grade shall be provided
with safety cages. Ladders which serve platforms from 1500mm to 2300mm,
above grade shall be provided with top rail hoops only. Ladders which serve
platforms less than 1500mm above grade do not require a top rail hoop.
7. Self-closing gates and top rail hoops shall be provided across ladder openings
at all landing except for ladders located at or less than 1200mm above grade.
8. Clear climbing space is defined as the climbing area clearance for caged
ladders and shall be provided throughout the length of the ladder.
9. The clear climbing space required for ladders that deviate in pitch between 75
and 90 degrees.
10. A height adjustable mobile stair stand shall be available for access to
equipment, valves, instruments, and manholes located within 2.1 metres to
4.5 metres above grade. Except relief valves - see 13.5. Portable ladders shall
be 4.0 m max.
11. Adequate tube removal space shall be provided for all exchangers that require
tube bundles to be removed.
12. Horizontally installed wrench operated plug, ball, or butterfly valves shall be
positioned so that wrench and wrench movement arc is at no point higher
than 2.3 metres above grade or platform.
13. Valves shall be installed in valve pits and not buried.

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14. Manually operated valves which normally require manipulation during plant
operation or in an emergency, and which cannot be located vertically within 2
metres of a platform or grade, shall be furnished with chain operators or
extension stems.
15. Clearance specified applies to wall or roof fired furnaces.

Table 3A: Requirement of Access Way Heights


Headroom for primary access and main plant access 8.0M


Headroom for electrical transmission lines 6.7M

Headroom for secondary access roads 6.0M

Slope of road from centerline to edge 1/40

Distance from pump foundation to edge of paving 1200mm

Paving, Grading, Freeboard height of bund walls 200mm

Surfacing Maximum drop in paving 150mm

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Maximum average height of bund walls above grade + 1800mm +
(7) (8) 200mm freeboard 200mm

Headroom over refinery railway lines (From top of rail) 4.9M

Railways Headroom over public railways 6.7M

Clearance from track centerline to obstructions 2.6M

Figures in parentheses refer to notes below

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Table 3B: Access Road Width

Road Carriageway Shoulder Roadway

Type Width Width
1 Main Plant Access Road 14 m 2m 18 m

2 Primary Road (Final phase asphalt 14 m 1m 16 m

(7 m) (4.5 m) (16 m)
2A Primary Road (Final phase asphalt 14 m 1m 16 m
14 m 1m 16 m
3 Primary Road 7m 2.5 m 12 m

4 Secondary Road 6m 1m 8m

5 Firefighting Access Ways 6m - 6m

6 Access Ways As shown on Plot Plan


1. All roads shall be surfaced as per RPMS-ENGG-DBD-CS-001.
2. Walkways and the following areas shall be paved with concrete:
a) Paving shall extend to the outside edge of the supporting column piers,
under bottom oil-fired or combustible liquid containing furnaces and
elevated structures supporting coke drums.
b) Around catalyst containing vessels.
c) Around groups of two (2) or more pumps, located outdoors.
d) Around compressors and their related servicing equipment, i.e., lube oil
e) Inside fully enclosed equipment buildings.
f) Around all equipment in process units.
g) Around exchangers or other types of equipment in dirty service that
require frequent turn around maintenance.
h) Around equipment handling potentially toxic liquids. Controlled
drainage facilities shall be provided to recover spilled materials.
i) 1.5 metres width of concrete pavement shall be provided either side of
off-plot piperacks to serve as both a walkway and a base support for
control stations, manifolds, etc.

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j) Access ways under main piperacks.

3. Kerbs and walls required only to contain limited spillage shall normally extend
to a height of 150mm above High Point of Paving. These kerbed areas shall
drain to a sump or area drain provided with a valve in the sewer outlet.
4. All indoor and outdoor paving, except as otherwise noted (note 7), shall be
sloped for drainage.
5. The floors of control rooms and switch gear rooms shall be levelled.
6. General equipment areas within the unit limits, all parking, and administrative
areas shall be graded and surfaced with crushed stone.
7. The edges of paving adjacent to open sided buildings shall be at the same
elevation as the edges of the floor of the building with paving sloping away
from the building.
8. All paving surrounding vessels, tanks, or other equipment containing
hydrocarbons which could reach the paving in a liquid state, shall be sloped a
minimum of 1/100 away from the container towards the drainage system
located at the greatest practical distance from the tank.

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Table 4: Inter Unit Spacing

Minimum Distance between Facilities and Units as per XL CATLIN, GAP. 2.5.2 & 2.5.2a recommendations (If OISD Standard - 118 distances for compatible
units are higher, these are included)
Service Buildings / Notes: 1) All Dimensions are in metres
Motor Control Centres and Electrical Substations (1) 12 / 2) / = no spacing requirement
Utilities Areas 15 15 / 3) T7 = Refer to Table 7
Cooling Towers 15 15 30 15 4) Refer Para 16.5.5 for total Process Hazard examples.
Control Rooms 15 15 30 30 / 5) * = This shall be 36m considering the 6m wide road passing through
Compressor Buildings 30 30 30 30 30 9 the center. The edge of the road shall not be less than 15m away
Large Pump Houses 30 30 30 30 30 9 9 from the edge of the unit.
Process Units Moderate Hazard 30 32 30 30 32 9 9 30*
Process Units Intermediate Hazard 61 32 30 30 61 15 15 30* 30*
Process Units High Hazard 122 61 61 61 91.5 30 30 61 61 61
Atmosphere Storage Tanks 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 76.5 91.5 107 T7
Pressure Storage Tanks 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 T7 T7
Refrigerated Storage Tanks Dome Roof 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 107 T7 T7 T7
Flares 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 91.5 122 122 /
Unloading and Loading Racks 61 61 90 61 61 61 61 61 61 91.5 76.5 107 107 91.5 15
Fire Water Pumps 15 15 15 15 15 61 61 61 91.5 91.5 107 107 107 91.5 61 /
Fire Stations 15 15 30 30 30 61 61 61 91.5 91.5 107 107 107 91.5 90 / /

Unloading and Loading

Motor Control Centres

Compressor Buildings

Refrigerated Storage
Intermediate Hazard

Atmosphere Storage
Large Pump Houses

Process Units High

Fire Water Pumps

Moderate Hazard

Tanks Dome Roof

Pressure Storage
Service Buildings

Cooling Towers
Substations (1)

Control Rooms
Utilities Areas

Process Units

Process Units
and Electrical

Fire Stations



Note: 1. The separation distance for MRS (Main Receiving Station) referred as MAIN substations from any process unit shall be minimum 61 meter.

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Table 5: Intra Unit Spacing

Minimum Distance between Equipment within Process Units as per XL CATLIN, GAPS 2.5.2 & 2.5.2a (If OISD standard - 118 distances for compatible units
are higher, these are included)
Compressors 9.2 Notes: 1) All dimensions are in metres
Intermediate Hazard Pumps 9.2 2 2) / = no spacing requirements
High Hazard Pumps 15.3 2 2 3) High Hazard Pumps handle flammable, combustible liquids operating at 260°C or above and
High Hazard Reactors 15.3 7 7 7.7 above 34.5 bar. Also, liquified flammable gases.
Intermediate Hazard Reactors 15.3 7 7 7.7 5 4) Intermediate Hazard Pumps are all other pumps. Canned and magnetic have no specific requirements.
Moderate Hazard Reactors 15.3 7 7 7.7 5 5 5) High Hazard Reactors include exothermic or run-away reactions. Intermediate includes slightly
Columns, Accumulators, Drums 15.3 4 5 15.3 7.7 7.7 5 exothermic reactions and moderate includes endothermic reactions.
Rundown Tanks 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 6) Emergency exchangers needed for emergency heat exchange (typically cooling) during an emergency
Fired Heaters 30 15.3 20 15.3 15.3 15.3 18 30.5 8 shutdown and/or if primary cooling is not available. This may be required to prevent runaway reaction.
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger 9.2 5 5 7.7 5 5 5 30.5 15.3 / 7) For total process hazard examples refer to paragraph 16.5.5.
Heat Exchangers 9.2 3 5 7.7 5 4 3 30.5 15.3 5 2 8) For blow down facility refer OISD-118.
Pipe Racks 9.2 3 5 7.7 6 6 6 30.5 15.3 / 4.5 /
Emergency Exchangers 15.3 15.3 15.3 30.5 15.3 15.3 15.3 30.5 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 /
Unit Block Valves 15.3 15.3 15.3 30.5 15.3 15.3 15.3 30.5 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 / /
Analyzer Rooms 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 30.5 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 / / /
Columns, Accumulators,

Emergency Exchangers
High Hazard Reactors
Intermediate Hazard

Intermediate Hazard
High Hazard Pumps

Moderate Hazard

Unit Block Valves

Heat Exchangers

Analyzer Rooms
Rundown Tanks

Air Cooled Heat

Fired Heaters

Pipe Racks



PIB and Unit substation shall be located at a minimum distance of 32 meter from any process equipment containing hydrocarbons.

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Table 6: Storage Tank and Facilities Spacing

Minimum Distance between Storage Tanks and Offsite Facilities as per XL CATLIN, GAP. 2.5.2 & 2.5.2a. (If OISD-118 or Petroleum Act and Petroleum
Rules distances for compatible units are higher, these are included)
This Table is applicable for installations, where aggregate storage capacity of Class ‘A’ and Class ‘B’ petroleum stored above grade exceeds 5000 cu.
metres or a tank diameter exceeds 9 metres.
Class 'A' Storage Tanks T7 Notes: 1) All Dimensions are in metres
Class 'B' Storage Tanks T7 T7 2) NM = Minimum to suit operation or
Class 'C' Storage Tanks T7 T7 T7 maintenance access
Class 'A' & 'B' Filling Sheds 15 15 15 NM 3) T7 = Refer to Table 7
Class 'C' Filling Sheds 15 15 NM 8 NM 4) D= Diameter of Large tank
Class 'A' & 'B' Loading Area 15 15 15 15 8 NM
Class 'C' Loading Area 15 15 NM 15 NM NM NM
Flame Proof Elec. Pump Motor 15 8 NM 8 NM 8 NM NM
Non-flame Proof Elec. Pump Motor 15 15 NM 15 NM 15 NM 8 NM
0.5 D 0.5 D 0.5 D
Min 20 Min 20 Min 20
Boundary Wall m m m 15 10 20 10 NM NM NM

Flame Proof Elec. Pump

Class 'A' Storage Tanks

Class 'B' Storage Tanks

Class 'C' Storage Tanks

Non-flame Proof Elec.

Class 'A' & 'B' Loading

Class 'C' Loading Area

Class 'C' Filling Sheds
Class 'A' & 'B' Filling

Boundary Wall
Pump Motor


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Table 7: Intra Storage Tank Spacing

As per XL CATLIN, GAP. 2.5.2 & 2.5.2a (If OISD-118 or Petroleum Act and Petroleum Rules distances for compatible units are higher, these are included)
Floating Roof Tank 1xD

Cone Roof Tank 1xD 1xD

1.5xD or 30 1.5xD or 30 1xD or 15
Spheres, Spheroids and Storage Vessels
Min Min Min
2xD or 60 2xD or 60 1xD or 30 1xD or 30
Cryogenic Tanks
Min Min Min Min

Spheres, Spheroids
Floating Roof Tank

Cryogenic Tanks
Cone Roof Tank

and Storage
Notes Regarding Tanks and Spheres Spacing
 Minimum spacing between groups of spheres shall be 30 metres (as per Petroleum Act).
 Groups of spheres shall be limited to six, with an aggregate volume not to exceed 15,000m3 (as per Petroleum Act).
 Inter-distance between the nearest tanks located in two separate bunds shall be 30 metres or the diameter of the larger tank, whichever is greater.
 Minimum distance between a tank shell and the inside of the bund wall shall not be less than one half the height of the tank.
 Minimum distance between atmospheric storage tanks and refrigerated storage spheres / tanks shall be 2 x diameter of the larger tank/sphere or 60
metres, whichever is the greater.

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Table 8: Boundary Fencing and Installation Spacing

As per OISD-118 or Petroleum Act and Petroleum Rules (higher of these are included).
Installation Minimum Distance from
Boundary fencing around
Storage tank for Petroleum class ‘A’ D. (min. 20)
Storage tank for Petroleum class ‘B’ D. (min. 20)
Storage tank for Petroleum class ‘C’ D. (min. 10)
Storage/filling shed for Petroleum class ‘A’ and class ‘B’ 15
Storage/filling shed for Petroleum class ‘C’ 10
Tank vehicle loading/unloading area for class ‘A’ and 20
class ‘B’
Tank vehicle loading/unloading area for class ‘C’ 10
Notes: 1) All distances are in metres
2) This table is applicable for facilities in an installation where total quantity of petroleum class A & B stored above ground in bulk exceeds 5000 cu.
metres or where the diameter of any such tank for the storage of petroleum exceeds 9 metres.
3) D- diameter of larger tank.
4) Above table is based on the assumption that property beyond the boundary line is either protected or adequate green belt is provided as a safety
buffer where no structure exists. Property beyond property line is deemed protected if it is within the jurisdiction of public Fire Brigade or plant’s own
Fire Brigade.
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Table 9: Spacing between LPG Facilities

Minimum Distances between LPG Facilities
(If OISD standard – 118, Petroleum act and Petroleum Rules, Static and Mobile Pressure Rules distances for compatible units are higher, these are
1 LPG Storage Vessel T7 Notes. 1) All dimensions are in metres.
2 Equip, Non LPG T10 NA 2) NM = Minimum to suit operation or maintenance access
3 LPG Shed 30 30 15 3) NA = Not applicable, T10 = Refer to Table 10
4 LPG Loading Gantry 30 30 30 50 4) T7 = Refer to Table 7
5 LPG/Other Rail Spur 30 30 30 50 50
6 LPG Pump/Comp House 15 30 15 30 30 NA
7 Fire Pump House 60 NM 60 60 60 60 NA

LPG/Other Rail Spur

LPG Loading Gantry
LPG Storage Vessel

LPG Pump/Comp

Fire Pump House

Equip, Non-LPG

LPG Shed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Confidential: RIL Intellectual Property Page 77 of 78

Reliance Project Management System Date: 30/03/2020, Rev. 0

Design Basis for Plant Layout and Piping RPMS-ENGG-DBD-PP-003

Table 10: Spacing Between LPG Storage Vessels and Other Facilities
As per OISD-118 and Static and Mobile Pressure Vessel Rules (higher of these are
Minimum Distance between LPG Storage Vessels and Boundary/Property
Line/Group of Buildings not associated with LPG Plant

Capacity of each vessel Distance Cap. of each vessel Distance

(cu.mt of water) (cu.mt. of water)
10-20 15 451-750 60
21-40 20 751-3800 90
41-350 30 3801-above 120
351-450 40

All distances in metres.

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