SAP - FICO Course Content
SAP - FICO Course Content
SAP - FICO Course Content
I. Introduction
1. Introduction to ERP, Advantages of SAP over other ERP Packages
2. Introduction to SAP R/1, R/2, R/3 – S/4 HANA Finance
3. Introduction to G/L (NEW G/L), A/R, A/P, AA and Bank.
4. Introduction to Banking and Treasury Management.
5. Introduction to CEA, CCA, EC- PCA, CO-PA and PC.
6. Tables in SAP FICO & S/4 HANA Finance
7. Full Deployment & Hybrid Deployment.
8. Green Field Implementation & Brown Field Implementation.
14. Document Entry posting normal postings posting with reference
15. Display and change of documents.
16. Display of GL balances and Line items
17. Parked documents & hold documents
18. Reversal of individual documents, Mass Reversal, reversal of cleared items and reversal of accrual
and deferral documents.
V. Bank Configuration.
1. House Bank .
2. Bank account interest calculation
3. Cash Journal.
4. Validations and Substitutions For Cash Journal.
5. Lockbox Principles
6. Bank Reconciliation Statements.
A. Automatic Bank Reconciliation.
B. Manual Bank Reconciliation.
7. Various Methods of Bank Reconciliation Statement
Preparations for Migration of House Bank Accounts
Xi. Taxes
1. Input Tax.
2. Output Tax.
3. Excise Tax. (In-depth)
4.. Service
5.. Customs Tax
6.. Professional tax
7. Withholding Tax.
8. Global Taxes.
9. GST (In-depth)
1. Posting of customer transactions (sales invoice posting, payment posting, debit memo).
2. Settings for advance payment from parties (down payment).
3. Defining correspondence & party statement of accounts.
4. Posting of vendor transactions (invoice posting, payment posting, credit memo).
5. Settings for advance payments to parties (down payment) and clearing of down payment against
invoices (special GL transactions).
6. Posting of partial Payment & Residual Payment.
7. Payment to vendors through APP.
8. Asset under Construction..
Asset Accounting
1. Defining chart of depreciation
2. Defining account determination, screen layout, number ranges and asset classes.
3. Integration with General Ledger & Posting rules.
4. Creation of asset master and sub asset master (change/display/block/unblock).
5. Defining Depreciation key (base, declining, multilevel, period control methods).
6. Acquisition or purchase of assets, sale of assets.
7. Amalgamation, Absorption, Liquidation, Holding Asset procedure.
8. Scrapping of assets, Transfer of assets.
9. Post Capitalization and write up.
10. Depreciation run.
11. Line Settle of assets under construction of capital work in progress.
1. Asset Purchase Posting.
2. Sale of Asset.
3. Transfer of Asset.
4. Scrapping of Asset.
9 Screen Variants.
10 Transport Request's.
11 User Creation.
1. Create users.
2. Role Authorizations.
3. Assign Tolerance to Users.
4. Create and Assign Validations to Users.
5. Create and Assign Substitutions to Users.
6. User Condition Controls
14 Cutover Activities.
1. Inventory Takeover.
2. Receivable Takeover.
3. Payable Takeover.
4. Asset Takeover.
5. Other GL Takeover.
15 Final Preparation.
1. Define Financial Statement Version.
2. Balance carry forward Balances.
3. Month ending Activities.
4. Structure of Account Balances.
5. FI- CO Tables.
16 Reports.
1. Financial statement version.
2. General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Assets Reports.
3. User Define Reports.
Basic settings for controlling
1. Maintain Controlling Area.
2. Activate control indicators/ components.
3. Defining Number ranges for Controlling Area.
4. Maintain Planning Versions.
Cost Element Accounting.
1. Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements.
2. Creation of Cost Element Groups.
3. primary cost element categories and secondary cost element categories .
Internal Orders
1. Statistical Internal Order.
2. Real Internal Order.
3. Defining order types.
4. Creation of internal orders.
5. Planning of internal orders.
6. Postings to internal order.
7. Report of Variance analysis.
Commitment Management.
S/4 Hana Controlling
Preparations and Migration of Customizing for Controlling
Budgetary Control
Cash Flow.
1. Direct Method.
2. Indirect Method
Product Costing.
1. Define Cost Sheet.
1. Maintain overhead cost element
2. Maintain overhead keys
3. Define cost component structure
4. Define overhead keys and groups
5. Variance calculation
6. Work in progress
7. Settlement
8. Variance calculation
9. Product cost by sale
10. Product cost by planning
11. Product cost by order
12. Product cost by period
13. Material ledger and BOM
Profitability Analysis.
1. Defining the operating concern.
2. Define profitability segment characteristics.
3. Activating the profitability analysis.
4. Creation of data structures.
5. Follow of actual values.
6. Creation of reports.
7. Execution of reports.
8. Define forms.
Preparations for Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance
➢ Set Migration Need
➢ Set Bank Function for Advising Bank
➢ Map Company Codes in SD-FT and Trade Finance
➢ Check and Define Customizing for Integration with Sales
➢ Check Customizing Settings
Data Migration
➢ Regenerate CDS Views and Field Mapping
➢ Analyze Transactional Data
➢ Display Status of Analysis of Transactional Data
➢ Documentation of Data Migration
➢ Start and Monitor Data Migration
➢ Migrate General Ledger Allocations
➢ Migrate House Banks Accounts
➢ Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance
➢ Credit Management Migration
➢ Complete Migration
➢ Complete Migration of Financial Documents to Trade Finance
Activities after Migration
➢ Transfer Application Indexes
➢ Display Status of Transfer of Application Indexes
➢ Fill Due Dates in FI Documents
➢ Display Status of Filling in Due Dates into FI Documents
➢ Fill the Offsetting Account in FI Documents
➢ Display Status of Filling the Offsetting Account in FI Documents
➢ Enrichment of Balance Carryforward
➢ Manual Activities for Trade Finance
➢ Manual Activities for Credit Management
➢ Migration of Accrual Engine Data
➢ Deactivate Reconciliation Ledger
Real Time Concepts:
1. SAP Methodology.
2. LSMW - Legacy System Migration Workbench.
(Batch Input, IDOC, BAPI)
3. Data Migration, LSMW, BDC, ALE/EDI and IDOCS.
4. Controlling (In depth).
5. SAP Query.
6. Transport Request Creation and Release.
7. Tickets.
8. FAQS.