Self-Evaluation PD
Self-Evaluation PD
Self-Evaluation PD
Teachers exhibit dispositions required for effective teaching and professional practice.
Please check the box below that most closely describes the candidate's overall dispositions:
The candidate’s displayed dispositions are inconsistent-to-weak. General interactions fall significantly
short of those expected of a professional educator. The candidate’s dispositions, as demonstrated by daily
< 20 POINTS interactions, are sufficiently weak so as to call into questions their fitness to become a successful teacher.
The candidate’s displayed dispositions are not consistently strong and positive. General interactions do not
always meet professional expectations. The candidate’s dispositions, as demonstrated by daily interactions,
21-30 POINTS could be strengthened to improve the candidate’s ability to become a successful teacher.
The candidate’s displayed dispositions are consistent with those of a successful beginning teacher. The
✔ candidate’s dispositions, as demonstrated by daily interactions, contribute to a positive learning climate in
31-35 POINTS the classroom and school.
The candidate’s displayed dispositions are consistent with the highest degree of professionalism expected
of a successful teacher. The candidate’s dispositions, as demonstrated by daily interactions, are consistently
36-40 POINTS positive and productive.
This document is meant as a descriptor guide for instructors and students as they search for clarity in
describing behaviors that would exemplify each of the following professional dispositions.
Professional Behaviors
Effective Communicator
Culturally Responsive