Critical Journal Review
Critical Journal Review
Critical Journal Review
Medan, 23 September
TABEL OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................1
A. Rationalize the importance of CJR...............................................................1
B. Purpose Of Writing CJR...............................................................................1
C. CJR Benefits.................................................................................................1
D. Identity Of The Reviewed Article And Journal............................................1
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................3
SUMMARY OF ARTICLE CONTENTS...............................................................3
A. Introduction...................................................................................................3
B. Content Description......................................................................................4
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................6
A. Journal Content Discussion...........................................................................6
B. Strengths and weaknesses of the contents of Journal Articles......................7
CHAPTER IV..........................................................................................................8
A. Conclusions...................................................................................................8
B. Recomendations............................................................................................9
Critical journal review is one of the tasks given to students, the point
of which is to review one or more journals that are relevant to the subject in
question. With this CJR, students can broaden their horizons in comparing
journals and reviewing and demanding students to think critically and
C. CJR Benefits
Main journal
1. Article Title : The Implementation Of Pancasila Education
Through Field Work Learning Model
2. Journal name : Cakrawala Pendidikan
3. published edition :-
4. article author : Eny Kusdarini, Sunarso Sunarso dan Iqbal
5. publisher : State University Of Yogyakarta
6. rising city : Yogyakarta
7. e-ISSN : 2442-8620
Comparison journal
1. Article Title : Implementation of Pancasila Values in Character
Education: A Literature Review
2. Journal name : International Journal Pedagogy of Social Studies
3. published edition :-
4. article author : Veronica Eka Desi Natalia , Anisa O.S Pratama ,
Margareta Dewi Astuti
5. publisher : Lampung university
6. rising city : Lampung
7. e-ISSN : 2549-6530
A. Introduction
young generation to understand the knowledge, values, and expertise needed
to preserve democracy (Print, 2013). Political education is the preparation of
the younger generation to think independently of the essence of power and its
pillars, the factors that influence institutions, and the factors that influence the
society through those institutions. The essential part of political education is to
link educational activities with the practice of power in balance, useful and
democratic manner.
As the development of the era, the lecturing method such a monologue
is no longer appropriate in teaching Pancasila. Nowadays, students should not
be considered as the objects of learning, but subjects who are the partner of the
lecturer in learning Pancasila. In learning Pancasila, a dialogical method is
needed among fellow students, and between students and teachers who are
equal as partners in learning. The form of learning activities can be done with
variation including; lectures, interactive discussions, inquiry, case studies,
field work, small seminars and various other activities, so it is expected to
mature the students by applying the education of the values of the Pancasila in
their lives, in society, as well as in nation and state .
One of the learning models to study Pancasila is by learning outside
the classroom or field work. Through this learning model, students can
identify the practice of Pancasila values in Indonesian society. This learning
model can be applied in Pancasila villages which can be easily found in Bantul
regency. Bantul regency is one of the districts in Special Region of
Yogyakarta where Pancasila villages have been formed as those in other
regions in Indonesia. By identifying the practice of the values of Pancasila in
Pancasila village, it is expected that students will have a comprehensive and
in-depth knowledge as well as understanding of the implementation of
Pancasila precepts in the community.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation
of Pancasila education through fieldwork learning model by training students’
skills on searching, interpreting, and giving the meaning on the social reality
that appears based on in-depth observations. Thus, the observed facts and
phenomena are the reality which are full of inherent meanings and will be
comprehensively studied to find the true meaning by identifying the
implementation of the Pancasila values in the social and national life in the
Pancasila village.
B. Content Description
explained their result. Whereas any issues necessary to be clarified and
questions from other groups, other members of such groups assisted to answer
question from other groups and explained in detail their result in Desa
Pancasila, the research site.
Pancasila education, as part of general education representing the
Indonesian constitutional mandate which is applied in a fully-aware and
organized attempt, is basically aimed to create a comprehensive learning
activity that supports the students to actively explore their potentials, followed
by broad knowledge, good personality, and advanced skills, which fits to their
study majors. In this case, a public higher education institution plays an
important role in enacting many social or political agenda. One of the
purposes of higher education is to develop as well as to support the students to
be a good citizen who will actively participate and contribute to the
showed that students got a lot of meaningful experiences from the results of
the field work learning model by looking at social realities directly practicing
the values of the Pancasila precepts in society. The next finding is that
students can identify the implementation of the values of the Pancasila
precepts, both the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth principles in the life of
society, nation and state in the area studied.
However, the comparative journal explains about Pancasila Education
Subjects , which before the Reformation era (1998) were widely known by
the Indonesian people, have now experienced a process of marginalization in
the life of society, nation and state. This is due, one of the factors, that
Pancasila Education subjects were used as a means of indoctrination and the
political needs of authorities in carrying out development in the New Order
era (1966-1998). Although the subject of Pancasila Education has not been out
of the education curriculum in Indonesia since 2003, it is now recognized that
there is a need to raise awareness about Pancasila. noble values towards
students as future leaders of the nation. From the appropriate content of
Pancasila Education subjects to instill noble values in Indonesian students,
namely the results of the study indicate that respondents agree by re-
emphasizing matters relating to: (1) the basis and objectives of Pancasila
Education; (2) "Pancasila" in the context of the history of the Indonesian
struggle; (3) Pancasila as a philosophical system; (4) Pancasila as political
ethics; (5) Pancasila as the national ideology; (6) "Pancasila" in the Indonesian
constitution of the Republic; and (7) Pancasila as a paradigm of social,
national and state life in Indonesia continues to develop in Indonesian society.
A further research related to this type of learning model is considerably
performed, mainly concerning on implementation of Pancasila’s principles in
other villages by students. It considers that this learning model does not only
require active learning from students, but can also interpret social reality in
surrounding and transfer values of Pancasila’s principles to society
Another advantage of this journal is that it uses a grammar that is not
complicated to understand so that its objectives are conveyed, as well as the
availability of methods and steps as well as the results that show the
implications of its application.
As for the weakness of this journal, it is a typo in the journal which
should be in English, but there is Indonesian language, the writing style in this
journal is also less attractive, thereby reducing the interest of the readers.
A. Conclusions
approach with a case study in Pancasila Village. The subject of research in
learning is a first semester student of Communication Science at a state
university in Yogyakarta who is taking the Pancasila Education course. The
research subjects used as learning venues were determined purposively. Data
was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation, while data
analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive techniques. The results
showed that students got a lot of meaningful experiences from the results of
the field work learning model by looking at social realities directly practicing
the values of the Pancasila precepts in society. The next finding is that
students can identify the implementation of the values of the Pancasila
precepts, both the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth principles in the life of
society, nation and state in the area studied.
This study aims to describe the implementation of Pancasila education
through field work learning model by looking at the practice of Pancasila
values in the real community life in Pancasila village, Bantul regency. This
research is a descriptive qualitative study through a case study in Pancasila
A further research related to this type of learning model is considerably
performed, mainly concerning on implementation of Pancasila’s principles in
other villages by students. It considers that this learning model does not only
require active learning from students, but can also interpret social reality in
surrounding and transfer values of Pancasila’s principles to society
B. Recomendations
Taniredja, T., Afandi, M., & Faridli, E. M. (2012). The Appropriate Pancasila
Education Contents to Implant Lofty Values for Indonesian Students .
International Journal for Educational Studies , 107-116.
Main Journal
Comparison journal