Mrunal Sir Latest Handouts (1-21)
Mrunal Sir Latest Handouts (1-21)
Mrunal Sir Latest Handouts (1-21)
handout 1 -21
Mrunal’s Economy for UPSC & Other Competitive Exams 2021
Figure 1: �ोंिक बहोत सारे ब�े ये सबसे ज�री चीज समजते नहीं, और �चकनी-चुपड़ी बाते करनेवाले Baba-लोगों के ‘अंध-े भ�’ बनके अपने age/attempt बबार्द करते है।
Figure 2: या�न क� इधर Economy मे हमको B.Com, M.Com, CA, BBA, MBA, PHD करना नहीं है! #थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो #लेके-मत-बेठे-रहो
For more: Refer to Topicwise Papers & Trend analysis available: and
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- * IYB-2021= India (yearbook) 2021 by Ministry of Info & Broadcasting to be published next year. Don’t
buy India 2020. Infact no need to buy even 2021’s edition, just refer to free e-summaries on NET.
🛒🛒4_Sectors, GDP, 4 8 3 8 5 25 60 50 65 55
Useful for both
Inflation, Microeconomics prelims and Mains.
Lowest utility among
🏗🏗5_Infrastucture 2 4 1 3 1 37.5 10 15 15 15 6 pillars.
Useful for both
�6_HRD 3 4 6 2 0 50 40 60 75 85 prelims and Mains.
Total 29Qs 29Qs 25Qs 28Qs 23Qs 175m 140m 180m 180m 200m
10.2 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Barter system & its disadvantages: (व�ु �व�नमय प्रणाली)................................................................. 5
10.4.1 🥜🥜Commodity Money / व�ु मुद्रा (Intrinsic value: अंतभूर्त मू�? Yes) ............................................. 6
10.4.6 ��RBI’s App to help the blind identify currency notes .......................................................... 8
10.7.1 💸💸💸💸CBS ( full form: Core Banking Solution / िह�ी अनाव�क) .................................................. 12
10.8.3 �New Umbrella Entity (NUE) for Retail Payments System (2019) ........................................ 16
10.9.1 💳💳 Card Types based on Security Features: (सुर�ा प्रणाली के िहसाब से काडर् के प्रकार) ......................... 18
10.10 💳💳 MDR: Full form: Merchant Discount Rate (�ापा�रक छू ट दर) ....................................................... 19
10.11.1 �📒📒 RBI’s Nandan Nilekani Panel (2019: Jan to May) ............................................................ 21
10.11.3 🕵🕵🕵💳💳 📯📯 Scheme of Offline Retail Payments Using Cards and Mobile Devices............. 22
10.11.4 �📒📒 Payment and Settlement Systems in India: Vision 2019 – 2021 ..................................... 22
10.11.5 �📊📊RBI Digital Payments Index (DPI: िड�जटल भुगतान सूचकांक) ............................................. 22
10.14.3 🔗🔗🔗🔗 Cryptocurrency usage outside India (�वदेशों म� िक्र�ो मुद्रा का प्रयोग) ....................................... 25
10.2 🍅🍅🍅🍅 BARTER SYSTEM & ITS DISADVANTAGES: (व�ु �व�नमय प्रणाली)
Barter system was introduced by Mesopotamian tribes. Barter system has following disadvantages:
- 😰😰Double co-incidence of Wants (आव�कताओ का दोहरा सं योग).
- 😰😰Search Cost & Transaction cost is high. (सही दाम पर चीज ढूँ ढने व लेनदेन क� लागत बढ़ जाती है)
- 😰😰Storage of perishable commodities is difficult, results in loss of value. (नाशवान व�ुओ का मू�हास)
- 😰😰Doesn’t encourage specialization and division of labour (श्रम �वभाजन को प्रो�ािहत नहीं करता).
- 😰😰Fungibility problems:
• Fungible item= Division & Mutual substitution possible e.g. 1kg gold bar = 100gm x 10 smaller
bars, Currency Notes.
• Non-fungible items example: Diamonds, Shares-Bonds of different companies.
10.3 📏📏MONEY: FUNCTIONS OF (पैसे के कायर्)
Primary [प्राथ�मक] 2functions Secondary (S-T-D) [सहायक] 3functions Contingent [प्रासं �गक] 3
1. 📏📏Measure of Value 1. 🐷🐷🐷🐷Store of Value (मू� का सं चय) 1. Basis of credit system, Financial
(मू� का मापक). gm=wt, 2. 🚛🚛Transfer of Value (मू� का markets (share, bond etc.: More
ml=vol, ₹=value in 📑📑Pillar#1C-sharemarket)
�ानांतरण). Soldier in Kashmir to
2. 🛒🛒Medium of parents in Kanyakumari �व�ीय बाजार का आधार है पैसा
Exchange 2. Employing factor of production
3. ⏰Deferred Payments (��गत
(�व�नमय का मा�म). Buy & i.e. Land, Labour, Capital (More
Sell goods and services
भुगतानो का मानक). E.g. Buy iphone12
@₹3177 only per month x 36 in 📑📑Pillar#4C) उ�ादन के कारक
using money as the
‘medium’. months’ Equated Monthly 3. Creation & Redistribution of
Installments (EMIs) = ₹1,14,372. National Income via taxation.
10.4.1 🥜🥜Commodity Money / व�ु मुद्रा (Intrinsic value: अंतभूर्त मू�? Yes)
⇒ Iron Nails, Bear Pelts, Cocoa Beans, Whale Teeth, Gold Nuggets
⇒ Problems? Perishable, not uniform, not pure, foreigners may not accept. नाशवान,
एकसमान नहीं, शुद्ध नहीं, अ�ीकार भी कर सकते है.
⇒ Govt issues all coins upto ₹ 1,000, using powers of powers of Coinage Act 2011.
⇒ ₹ 1 Note signed by Finance Secretary (�व� स�चव)
⇒ ₹ 1 note doesn’t contain “I promise to pay bearer…”
⇒ RBI issues: Currency notes other than ₹ 1 Note using the powers of RBI Act 1934.
⇒ Currency notes have Governor’s sign: “I promise to pay bearer…”
😤😤 FAQ: why is it like this!!!??? WHY CAN’T RBI ISSUE BOTH coins & currency notes!!?
Ans. Send your suggestion to PM, to merge above two laws. Until it’s implemented, remember table for
passing exam. प्रधानमं त्री को कागज �लखो दोनों कानूनों का एक�करण करने के �लए. जब तक वह नहीं होता तो इस handout म� िदया है उतना
परी�ा के �लए #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
10.4.4 💵💵⚖Legal Tender (वैधा�नक �न�वदा)
To become a ‘legal tender’, a given coin/currency MUST fulfil two conditions SIMULTANEOUSLY: एक साथ दो
शत� को पूरा करना होगा.
1. It must be a FIAT MONEY (जो हमने ऊपर के से�न म� पढ़ा). AND SIMULTENOUSLY
2. It must be legally valid for all debts & transactions throughout the country. Other party can’t refuse to
accept. (लेनदार उसको अ�ीकार नहीं कर सकता)
Table 3: fiat money and legal tender in India
D) At present, is it E) Is it
A) Is it in form C) Result: Is it
B) Is it issued by legally valid for LEGAL
of a physical Fiat money?
Central Bank / transaction in Tender in
ITEM coin OR physical (YES If Both
Govt / King / India as per India (Yes, IF
Note OR Digital Cell A+B give
Queen Coinage Act or C+D give
Coin ✅+✅)
RBI Act? ✅+✅)
₹ Indian Rupee:
Coins & Notes ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
(�वमुद्रीकृ त) ₹500,₹1000 ✅ ✅ ✅ ✋ ✋
Dollar$, Yuan, Yen,
Euro etc ✅ ✅ ✅ ✋ ✋
G-Sec, T-Bill ✋ ✅ ✋ ✋ ✋
Shares, Bonds, DD,
Cheque, ATM, Cards,
Kirana coin, Casino ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋
coin, Filmstar-Notes
Bitcoins ✅ ✋ ✋ ✋ ✋
Marshall Island: SOV
Venezuela: Petro ✅ ✅ ✅ ✋ ✋
⇒ 😤😤 FAQ: I did not understand this thing and/or I want to engage in intellectual debate why “X” thing is
legal tender? Ans. Please watch lecture’s recorded video again, more peacefully.
⇒ Commemorative Coins (�ृ�त�च� �प �स�े ) = Fiat money yes but not legal tender unless notified to be used
as legal tenders.
Modern era: Conversion into other Bank notes and “token coins” of equal face value.
₹ 2000 = 500 x 4 Nos.= 100 x 20 Nos etc.
Not inflation adjusted value. Not linked with weight of gold or silver.
Figure 3: expression when you need 2.5 lakh riyal for a box of eggs👜👜
⇒ Inflation (मुद्रा���त/मं हगाई) is the rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over
a period of time. [More in 📑📑Pillar4C lecture]
⇒ REDENOMINATION involves removing zeros from currency’s face value, to facilitate transactions
during high inflation. (मुद्रा नॉट के कु छ शु�ो को हटा िदया जाए)
⇒ Here, the old currency is not instantly declared illegal / withdrawn from circulation immediately. Old
currency is allowed to continue side by side with new currency.
⇒ But people are given the option to switch to the new currency. Thus redenomination is considered to be
different than demonetization. (नोटबं दी से यह थोड़ा अलग है �ोंिक अचानक से सारे पुराने नोटों को बं द नहीं िकया जा रहा)
⇒ REDENOMINATION doesn’t fix inflation problem in reality because
o 1) not increasing the supply of goods (बाजार म� व�ुओ ं क� आपू�त को नहीं बढ़ा रहा)
o 2) your purchasing power remains the same as before (आंकड़ों क� ऐसी लीपापोती से आपक� खरीदश�� बढ़ेगी
नहीं). Further PHD useless. More on inflation 📑📑Pillar#4C lecture.
10.5.1 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 Iran = Toman to replace Iranian Riyal (2020)
Iran suffering from
⇒ 1) High levels of inflation. 1 box of eggs cost ~250,000 Iranian rials.
⇒ 2) Weak exchange rate (कमजोर �व�नमय दर). $1 costs ~42,000 Iranian rials. [More in 📑📑Pillar3A lecture]
⇒ So, very inconvenient to carry/count such a large quantity of paper currency.
⇒ 2020-May: Iranian Parliament approved a new paper currency “Toman” to replace its existing paper
currency “Iranian Rial” at the rate of 1 TOMAN = 10,000 Rial.
⇒ Although it’s not an ‘instant demonetization’ of Iranian Riyal. It will be replaced with TOMAN gradually
in the next 2-5 years. 🤩🤩Benefit? Ease of carrying currency and making transactions.
⇒ Similar thing was done in past in Zimbabwe (2006) but very old GK NOT.IMP.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money,
Representative / Crypto Currency
Money Money Deposit Money
Fiat Money
Payment & Settlement System Act 2007 empowers RBI to regulate card payment, e-payment related products
and services. (भुगतान और �नपटान प्रणाली अ�ध�नयम 2007)
10.7.1 💸💸💸💸CBS ( full form: Core Banking Solution / िह�ी अनाव�क)
It is a banking software with web-platform for centralized data management & branch-less banking. E.g.
Finacle (by Infosys, used in PNB); BanCS (TCS); E-Kuber (RBI)
10.7.2 💸💸💸💸Next Generation Treasury Application (NGTA), 2020-Oct
⇒ RBI planning this web based application / software for management of
o 🗃🗃Money Market Securities (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#1C)
o Gold Reserves, 💱💱Foreign exchange, 💱💱Multi currency transactions (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#3A)
⇒ ✋Will this replace E-Kuber? How will it work? Ans. Topic still under development. Further operational
aspects not important for the scope of IAS exam. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
🔠🔠❓MCQ: The term ‘Core Banking Solutions’ correct term? (Asked in UPSC Prelims-2016)
1. It is a networking of a bank’s branches which enables customers to operate their accounts regardless of
where they open their accounts.
2. It is an effort to increase RBI’s control over commercial banks through computerization.
3. It is a detailed procedure by which a bank with huge non-performing assets is taken over by another bank.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Table 5: Digital Payment Systems- transaction limits may differ, depending on banks
RBI’s RTGS: Real Time ⏰RBI’s NEFT: National
� Type Immediate
Gross Settlement Electronic Funds Transfer
Payment Service
💸💸 Transfer Min ₹2 lakh to ₹2000 crores ₹ 1 to maximum ₹2
upto ₹10 lakhs (SBI).
Amount (SBI). lakhs (SBI)
� Target Bizmen wanting high value
Ordinary retail customers
customers transactions instantly
- Settles net amount
🚛🚛 Settlement 🤩🤩Instant settlement (झटपट/ 🤩🤩Instant
between banks at
mechanism तुरंत �नपटारा) settlement
interval of 30 min.
BEFORE: Only working days - BEFORE: from 8 am to
8AM to 5:30PM(SBI) 7 pm on working days. 24/7 on all days (िदन
⏰ Timing
- From 2019-Dec: NEFT रात अ�वरल �प से)
From 2020-Dec: 24/7 operates on 24/7 basis.
💰💰 Fees fee + GST** fee + GST#
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A1 Money: Barter to Bitcoins → Page 13
⇒ 2008: National Payment Corporation of India is a “Not for Profit Company” registered under Company
Act. Originally it was founded by 10 banks with ₹ 100cr capital. 2020-Dec: Paytm, PhonePe, Amazon Pay
etc also became shareholders of NPCi
⇒ Objective? Provide cost-effective payment solutions / technology for Banks. (�रयायती लागत पर ब�िकंग टे�ोलॉजी)
⇒ Its UPI-BHIM app & other mechanisms also help in financial inclusion of villagers & poors by expanding
the reach of banking network. (गरीबों / गाँववालों के �व�ीय समोवेशन म� मदद के �लए अलग अलग तकनीक� आ�व�ार िकए है)
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A1 Money: Barter to Bitcoins → Page 17
10.9.1 💳💳 Card Types based on Security Features: (सुर�ा प्रणाली के िहसाब से काडर् के प्रकार)
1. Magnetic Card: 60s technology. Data on magnetic strip. But, such data can be duplicated, cloned,
skimmed while swiping the card = fraud. So, RBI stopped such cards from 1/1/2019 using powers under
Payment & Settlement Act. चुंबक�य काडर् म� जालसाजी का खतरा😰😰 → इस�लए आरबीआई ने ✋प्र�तबं �धत िकया
2. EMV card: Full form: Europay+Mastercard+Visa chip infrastructure with encryption. RBI had ordered
migration in 2013- finally effective from 1/1/2019. Two sub-types
o (A) EMV-Contact: cards must remain in Point of Sale (PoS) Terminal during transaction.
o (B) EMV-contactless cards: simply tap the card on terminal using RFID (radio-frequency
identification) technology.
HomeWork: Read about RFID & NFC from Sci-Tech book/internet.
Figure 7: NCMC card unboxing ka video bhi youtube & Instagram pe daalte hai!
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) got India’s 1st indigenously developed ‘One Nation One
Card Model’ with the help of NPCi, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), CDAC and some banks. It has 3
⇒ 1) NCMC Card: To be issued by banks. Nature can be Debit/Credit/Prepaid. Can be used for metro, bus,
suburban railways, toll, parking, smart city payments and retail shopping.
⇒ 2) SWEEKAR: Automatic Fare Collection System. (यात्री िकराया वसूलने क� �चा�लत प्रणाली)
⇒ 3) SWAGAT: Swachalit / Automated Gate at railway/bus station.
10.9.4 💳💳 🚕🚕 FASTag for paying toll fees at highways (2017)
FASTags are prepaid rechargeable tags that allow for automatic toll collection at electronic toll collection gates
Radio-frequency Identification (RFID) technology.
- 2013 onwards Govt required vehicle manufactures to install RFID tags on windscreens.
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A1 Money: Barter to Bitcoins → Page 18
- 2017: National Highways Authority of India (NHAI, a statutory body under Highways ministry)
launched 2 mobile apps MyFASTag and FASTag Partner to facilitate Electronic Toll Collection (इले��ॉ�नक
पथकर/टोल वसूली).
- Persons loads up ₹ ₹ in his mobile app → actives RFID tag in his car → when it passes through highway
toll-booth, the money is automatically deducted = faster traffic movement. (and hidden benefit: tracking
of vehicle theft, criminal’s movement etc.)
- FASTag is vehicle specific and once it is affixed to a vehicle, it cannot be transferred to another vehicle. It
has validity of 5 years.
- NPCi’s has National Electronic Toll Collection (NETC) provides technological support.
- Highways Ministry is also trying to bring inter-operability (आंतरसं चालनीयता) of the FASTags i.e. single
FASTag can be used for paying ₹
- at State Highways Toll Plaza (under State Governments’ purview) as well as
- at National Highways Toll Plaza (under Union Government’s purview).
- From middle of Feb 2021, it became be mandatory for all vehicles passing through tolls to have FASTags.
Vehicles without FASTags will have pay up more fees/toll at the gates.
10.9.5 💳💳 🏧🏧 ATM and its Types
⇒ Automated Teller Machine (ATM) allow bank customer to withdraw money or check balance without
visiting any branch of a bank.
⇒ ATM network works on NPCi’s NFS (National Financial Switch).
Bank label Bank itself owns and operates the ATM network.
Brown label Bank owns but operations outsourced (cash refilling truck, guard)
- Note: Some books offer different definition, but I’ve taken above from Economic
Times Article 2015.
White label Non-Bank owns and operates. E.g. Muthoot Finance, Tata Communication, Prism
⇒ In 2012: RBI invited application, 4 companies given license.
⇒ From 2013-19 no new applications invited.
⇒ 2019-Aug: RBI announced ‘on-tap’ licensing system for white label ATM i.e. a
company can apply to RBI as and when it wants (just like applying for driving
license), company doesn’t have to wait for applying (unlike IAS exam notification).
Micro-ATM Bankmitra manually makes entries of deposit and withdrawal for customer. He uses
handheld device for using card & Aadhar biometrics. NPCi’s AEPS technology gives
backend technological support.
2019-June: RBI setup V G Kannan Committee to examine ATM charges by banks such BankingGK
10.10💳💳 MDR: FULL FORM: MERCHANT DISCOUNT RATE (�ापा�रक छू ट दर)
⇒ MDR is the fees that a merchant must pay to his (acquirer) bank for every credit / debit card transaction.
⇒ MDR fees is shared among 3 parties 1) customer’s card issuing bank 2) merchant’s acquiring bank 3)
payment gateway provider.
Nilekani (Ex-chairman of UIDAI, also associated with Infosys) gave total 70+ suggestions. Notable are:
Suggested Reforms @Government
⇒ Under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT: प्र�� लाभ अंतरण) mechanism, Government transfers subsidies and
payments directly to bank accounts of poor people.
⇒ But poor people withdraw cash from bank account entirely because local merchants not accepting digital
payments. So, raise awareness about BHIM-UPI and its adoption.
⇒ Give companies tax incentives (कर प्रो�ाहन) for using digital payments.
⇒ ⏬ reduce taxes on the devices required for digital payments.
⇒ Govt orgs should not charge convenience fees (सु�वधा शु�) from citizens while accepting digital payments.
⇒ National Common Mobility Card (NCMC): Allow its usage in all transport routes and PoS.
⇒ Setup Computer Emergency Response Team for finance (FIN- CERT: आपातकालीन प्र�तिक्रया टीम).
�📒📒 Nilekani’s Suggested Reforms @RBI
⇒ RBI should prepare area wise ‘Digital Financial Inclusion Index’ (िड�जटल �व�ीय समावेशन सूचकांक) to monitor
progress & take remedial steps. Ensure no user is more than 5 kms away from a banking access point.
⇒ Setup an Acceptance Development Fund (िड�जटल भुगतान �ीकृ �त �वकास �न�ध) to develop digital payment
infrastructure in poorly served areas e.g. subsidy on PoS devices. RBI and Banks should co-contribute ₹ ₹
in this fund.
⇒ ⏬Reduce the MDR / card payment fees. Allow customer to do “x” no. of digital payment transactions
per month with zero charges.
⇒ RBI should make NEFT available 24/7 and remove its fees. (2019-20: RBI removed charges on both NEFT
and RTGS and asked the banks to pass on the benefits to customers.)
�📒📒 Nilekani’s Suggested Reforms @NPCi
NPCI shd offer RuPay and BHIM UPI in other countries to facilitate remittance to India.
Encourage local language apps/ software for digital payments.
Nilekani also suggested many other technical reforms but notimp4exam
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Who among the following was the Chairman of the Committee on Deepening Digital Payments appointed
by the RBI ? (Asked in UPSC-CDS2019-II-Q116)
(a) H.R.Khan (b) Nandan Nilekani (c) N.R.Narayana Murthy (d) Sanjay Jain
⇒ [Definition] Cryptocurrency: is a digital / virtual currency created & stored using blockchain
technology.िक्र�ोमुद्रा एक िड�जटल मुद्रा है �जसे �ॉकचेन तकनीक का उपयोग करके बनाया और सं ग्रहीत िकया जाता है।
⇒ [Definition] Blockchain: A secured decentralized database that maintains a continuously growing list of
records / transactions. Old entries can’t be deleted, new entries will be visible to all. Mainly used for
running cryptocurrency network. But it can also store any type of data. एक डेटाबेस जो �रकॉडर् क� �नरंतर बढ़ती सूची
को �वके �ीकृ त �प से बनाए रखता है।
⇒ [Origin] Anarchist (अशासनवादी) groups lost faith in FIAT MONEY because USA’s Subprime Crisis (2007)
eroded the purchasing power of US Dollar. They also dislike BANK MONEY / DEPOSIT MONEY
because of transaction charges on e-banking, card payments, MDR, interoperability issues.
⇒ 2009: An anonymous user Satoshi Nakomoto launched a cryptocurrency ‘Bitcoin’, total 21 million coins,
wherein 1 Bitcoin (BTC) = 108 Satoshi (the smallest unit).
⇒ Ethereum, Litecoin, Digicoin, Laxmicoin, Ripple etc. are also cryptocurrencies.
3 ways to obtain 🥵🥵👎👎Negative Points / Challenges
- Graphics cards demand & price hike: 2x-4x times due to bitcoin mania. E-
waste generation.
1) Mining
- Thermal Electricity wastage worth 20 megaton CO2
of the blockchains
- Iran: People deploying large number of computers for Bitcoin mining →
using powerful
Electricity outage in normal houses → Diesel generator → ⏫Pollution
/smog. So Iran is cracking down on such bitcoin mining centres.
श��शाली कं �ूटर द्वारा खनन
- If quantum computer invented it’ll solve blockchains in seconds, thus
crashing the value of Bitcoins.
- Bitcoin wallets have “public address” (like an email) & private key (like a
2) Selling goods and
password). Unlike Paytm wallet, possible to create a Bitcoin wallet without
services to a miner /
any phone number or email id. So, difficult to trace by law enforcement
owner of
agencies. Misuse in Narcotics, Illegal trade, Terror finance.**
- Selling goods/services in exchange of Bitcoins= Government deprived of
GST, Custom duty, Income tax. सरकार को कर नहीं �मलेगा
�जसके पास िक्र�ो मुद्रा है उसे
- If Scam: can’t get justice under Consumer Protection Act. ग्राहक सुर�ा कानून म�
कोई व�ु या सेवा बेचो
�ाय नहीं �मलेगा
3) Exchanging legal - For traditional Rupee to Dollar exchange, Forex dealers have to register with
tender to buy RBI under FEMA Act. (Foreign Exchange Management Act, 📑📑Pillar#3)
cryptocurrency. - But, if ₹ or $ exchanged with Bitcoin = terror finance, sending black money
वैधा�नक मुद्रा क� मदद से िक्र�ो to tax havens. (आतं क� �व�पोषण, काले धन को बाहर भेजना)
मुद्रा को खरीदो
⚖ 2020-March: SC revoked the RBI ban because (सुप्रीम कोटर् ने �रजवर् ब�क के प्र�तबं ध को हटा �दया �ोंिक):
🌐🌐 UNICEF ⇒ United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF, HQ- New
York,USA; 1946, later renamed to UN Children's Fund)
⇒ 2019-Oct: UNICEF setup a Cryptocurrency Fund to accept donations in
cryptocurrencies. It has become the first UN organization to accept
cryptocurrency. (यू�नसेफ सं �ा दान म� िक्र�ो मुद्रा का भी �ीकार करती है)
⇒ 2018-Aug: World Bank launched World’s first blockchain bond called “Bond-i” in
Australia, denomination: Australian Dollars → public invests, gets ~2% interest
🌐🌐 World Bank after 2 years.
(More about ⇒ Blockchain bond requires less cost in server / database /paperwork maintenance
this org in unlike traditional bonds. More in Pillar#1C: SEBI/Sharemarket
📑📑Pillar#3B) ⇒ World Bank’s report “Remittance Prices Worldwide 2020” says it costs an average
6-7%, to transfer money from one country to another, blockchain based money
transfer technologies can help ⏬ �ॉकचेन तकनीक द्वारा पैसा भेजने पर लागत खचर् म� कमी
⇒ World Economic Forum (WEF) is a non-government organization in Cologny-
Geneva, Switzerland. (�व� आ�थक मं च. गैर सरकारी सं गठन)
⇒ 2020-May: Published a document, ‘Blockchain Bill of Rights’ . Document talks
about rights to accountability, transparency, data privacy, data protection etc.
Bill of Rights (�ॉकचेन अ�धकार पत्र/�वधेयक: जवाबदेही, पारद�शता, डेटा गोपनीयता, डेटा सुर�ा आिद के अ�धकार)
⇒ Aims to set global standards for web-developers, corporates and governments
who’re building/using blockchain technology. (वै��क मानदंड बनाएगा)
But, WEF is not as big body as United Nation, and this report is not as great as the
United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. So, ✋DON'T LOSE SLEEP.
Elon Musk Announced "🚗🚗🚗🚗Tesla Electric car can be purchased using bitcoin, in future" → This
(2021) is created crazy demand for bitcoins among investors→ 1BTC selling for over $50,000.
⇒ Stablecoin is a type of cryptocurrency whose price is backed by a reserve asset like gold / dollar / fiat
currency e.g. Facebook’s proposed ‘Libra’, Tether, Basecoin, and TrueUSD.
⇒ 😰😰But, stablecoins challenges: 1) money laundering (धनशोधन / काले धन को वैध बनाना) 2) terror financing
(आतं क� �व�पोषण) 3) lack of consumer protection (उपभो�ा सं र�ण क� कमी) 4) financial frauds (�व�ीय धोखाधड़ी).
⇒ 2019-Dec: European Union announced, “No stable coins shall be allowed in EU until we frame law.”
⇒ 2019-Jun: G20 summit at Osaka, Japan. The leaders expressed similar apprehension. (आशं का/डर जताया)
10.14.5 🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗🔗 Cryptocurrency → Stable-coins → Facebook’s Libra
‘Libra’ is a blockchain based cryptocurrency to be launched in 2020 by Facebook's subsidiary company
'Calibra', using programming language 'Move'.
⇒ Visa, Uber, Paypal, PayU etc. had also invested in project. But later some of these co-partners left
⇒ Unlike Bitcoin, this Libra coin’s exchange rate will be stable because Libra's value backed with Financial
assets like G-sec, fiat currencies.
⇒ You can buy Libra with Fiat Money → stored in Calibra wallet. Libra can be re-converted to fiat money.
⇒ Usage: Money transfer through Whatsapp, Online shopping.
⇒ All this may happen ONLYIF regulators permit. But France says, “we’ll not allow it in Europe.”
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 30
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 31
British Economist John Maynard Keynes (Book: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,
1936) noted that people prefer to keep a part of assets in liquid form (cash money) with 3 motives:
1. 🌽🌽 Transaction motive (सं �वहार उद्दे�): For using money as a medium of exchange e.g. for buying daily
milk, vegetables and fruits.
2. 💊💊 Precautionary motive (एह�तयाती): To protect against sudden / unforeseen expenditure e.g. medical
emergency or impulsive purchase during a holiday trip.
3. 📉📉 Speculative motive (सट्टा-उद्दे�): Investors hold cash to make the best use of any investment
opportunity that arises later e.g. waiting for gold / land prices to fall, then “I will use my cash to buy it”.
Also known as "Asset Demand of Money".
The amount of money held in cash form vary inversely with interest rates. If higher interest available in Bank
Deposits, Bonds etc. → people would invest money there, instead of keeping money in liquid form (cash).
11.12 💸💸📥📥SUPPLY OF MONEY (मुद्रा क� पू�त)
🗓🗓 Time Liabilities of a Bank (FDRD) 💪💪 Demand Liabilities of a Bank (CASA)
समय / मीयादी देयताएँ मांग देयताएं
- Fixed deposits, Cumulative/ recurring deposits, - Current Account, Savings Account, Demand
Staff security deposit etc. Draft
- Bank legally not required to pay customer before - Overdue balance in Fixed Deposits
maturity. But may pay after deducting penalty/ - Unclaimed deposits.
Public parks more money here, because better LESS
returns / higher interest rates.
LESS More liquid because easily convertible into cash on
⇒ Bank deposits suddenly ⏫ in the aftermath of Demonetisation-2016 (because the public was required to
deposit banned notes in their bank account). However, afterwards the growth of bank deposits has fallen.
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21: Corona-2020: Initial months of lockdown the growth of (demand) deposit⏬⏬ because
people withdrew money in panic / precautionary motive. Although in the later months → Unlock down
and normalcy → ⏫⏫Quantity of deposit. तालाबं दी के शु�आती महीनों म� लोगों ने एह�तयाती कारणों से ब�कों से अपनी
िडपॉ�जट �नकाली हालांिक प�र���त सामा� होने पर, बाद के महीनों म� वापस बचत क� मात्रा म� बढ़ोतरी होने लगी है
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 32
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following is not included in the assets of a commercial bank in India? (Prelims-2019)
(a) Advances (b) Deposits (c) Investments (d) Money at call and short notice
11.12.1 💸💸💸💸💸💸Measures of Money Supply (मुद्रा आपू�त के प�रमाण)
- Money supply means the total amount of money in an economy at any given time.
- Money supply plays a crucial role in the determination of 1) price level (=inflation) and 2) interest rates
on deposits & loans. मुद्रा क� आपू�त महंगाई दर और �ाज दरों पर असर करती है
- RBI measures the money supply through indicators: M0, M1, M2, M3, M4
Table 1: *CU: Coins & Currency with Public
Commercial Banks Post Office Savings Bank
Measure Demand Time Demand Liquidity Qty
*CU Time
सं कु �चत, �ापक Deposits Deposits Deposits तरलता मात्रा
Narrow M1 ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ ☆☆☆☆ ☆
Money M2 ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ ☆☆☆ ☆☆
Broad M3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ☆☆ ☆☆☆
Money M4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ☆ ☆☆☆☆
- Self-Extrapolate e.g. M3 = M1 + Time deposits with commercial banks. (�यं से फामूर्ला बनाइए)
- M3 is the most commonly used measure of money supply, also known as “Aggregate Monetary
Resources / Aggregate Money Supply” (सम� मौिद्रक सं साधन).
- In above formulas for money supply, we are only counting the “NET Demand / NET Time deposits” i.e.
only public deposits in bank. We are not counting interbank deposits i.e. one commercial bank’s deposit
in other commercial banks. एक ब�क से दू सरे ब�क म� पैसा िडपॉ�जट िकया हो तो उसे नहीं �गनते इधर
- Liquidity= ease of converting an asset into cash. Cash is the most liquid asset.
o Highly liquid assets (अ��धक तरल सं प��): Gold, Demand deposits, G-Sec/T-Bill, shares/bonds of
reputed companies. तुरंत खरीदार �मल जाते ह� इस�लए अपनी सं प�� को आप नगदी धन म� आसानी से प�रव�तत कर सकते ह�
o Relatively illiquid assets: Home/Real estate, Paintings/Sculptures etc. Because difficult to find
buyers at right price instantly. खरीदार आसानी से नहीं �मलता इस�लए इन सं प��यों क� तरलता थोड़ी कम है
- Liquidity injection / infusion (तरलता अ�ः�ेपण) refers to phenomenon when RBI buys Bank/NBFCs’ G-
Sec/T-bill/financial assets to provide them with cash.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 33
🔠🔠❓ If you withdraw Rs. 1,00,000 in cash from your Demand Deposit Account at your bank, the
immediate effect on aggregate money supply in the economy will be _ _ . (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
[a) to reduce it by ₹ 1,00,000 [b) to increase it by ₹ 1,00,000
[c) to increase it by more than ₹ 1,00,000 [d) to leave it unchanged
M1, M3 Money Supply will ⏫ when:
- When Money multiplier and / or Velocity of money ⏫.
- When RBI’s asset side ⏫ e.g. Government borrowing more from RBI using G-sec or increase in RBI’s
foreign securities. (is there are limit on how much money can Government borrow? Ans. YES. We’ll see
in Pillar2 → FRBM Act.)
- With the ⏫in banking penetration, financial inclusion (�व�ीय समावेशन)
- Boom period, Whenever loan demand ⏫ (तेजी का माहौल लोन �ादा �लए जा रहे हो)
- When RBI adopts Cheap / Easy / Dovish / Expansionary monetary policy to combat deflation.
Table 2: Following also affect money supply (given in NCERT,not greatly imp so don’t lose sleep)
Currency - = ratio of (money held by the public) divided by (public’s deposit in banks).
Deposit Ratio - For example, cdr ⏫ during the festive season as people convert deposits to cash
(CDR) balance for meeting extra expenditure.
Reserve - = (A commercial bank’s vault cash+its deposits with RBI such as CRR) divided by
Deposit Ratio (public’s deposit in banks).
(RDR) - Vault Cash= banks keep some money with themselves for meeting day to day
withdrawal by depositors & for misc. business expenses.
11.13.1 😷😷💸💸💸💸💸💸Corona-2020 impact on Money Supply M0 and M3 as per 📔📔📔📔ES21
Note: There may be 500 other factors as well affecting these indicators but gives poor:cost benefit learning all
those things from MCQ point of view. वा��वक �जंदगी म� और भी 500 कारकों के चलते इन आंकड़ों पर असर होता है लेिकन उन सब
क� पं चात करने बैठे तो परी�ा के �लए उपयोगी नहीं #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 34
को ��र रखने के �लए �रजवर् ब�क ने बाजार से डॉलर करी दे और सामने �पए मुहयै ा कराए �जसके चलते आर��त मुद्रा (M0) क�
मात्रा म� बढ़ोतरी �ई - �पछले साल क� तुलना म�
M3 ⇒ M3 =Coin and currency with public + Demand deposits with banks + Time deposits with bank
⇒ Corona-2020: overall M3⏫ due to expansionary monetary policy of RBI (CRR⏬, Repo⏬
etc) �रजवर् ब�क क� �व�ार वादी नी�तयों के चलते बढ़ोतरी �ई - �पछले साल क� तुलना म�
😲😲 Moral outrage: Where is the repo, where is the profit, how can ₹1 coin be on asset side as well
as liability side? How did RBI print money before “THIS” to acquire gold? ++500-jaat-ke-doubts.
My Ans. Please refer to Viral Kohli’s wedding snapshot in the PowerPoint.
** 😲😲 Moral Outrage: How can loan and CRR be counted in M3? Ans. They’re not counted.
But, before money went into loans & CRR, it was sitting on deposit side. M3 counts deposits.
- Every “R” reserve generates “1/R” new money. Here, 10% reserve (R) generated 1/R = (1/1(/10%)]= 10x
times the high-powered money.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 35
- 4% reserve ratio will generate [1/(1/4%)]= 25x times (in theory), however in reality the multiplier may be
lower, due to poor banking penetration.
- In a functional economy, money multiplier is always greater than 1.
o & It directly improves with reduction in CRR.
o & It indirectly improves as economy develops, consumption / loan demand increases, banking
penetration, digital economy/less-cash economy etc.
o In 1960s = less than 2x, 90s = more than 3x, At present = more than 5x.
11.15.1 💸💸⚡Money Multiplier Before Corona as per 📔📔📔📔ES20
Figure 1: source- Economic Survey 2020, zigzag pattern means 'not increasing steadily'.
- 📘📘📘📘ES20: Between mid-1990’s to 2016-17: Money multiplier (measured as a ratio of M3/M0) was
mostly ⏫. But 2017-18 onwards: Money Multiplier is ⏬. Could be attributed to the lack of growth in
loaning activities & slowdown in economy.
11.15.2 💸💸⚡: 😷😷Corona-2020 impact on money multiplier as per 📔📔📔📔ES21
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 36
⇒ Money Multiplier mostly ⏫increasing from 1980s onwards up to 2016-17, has however been declining
⏬since then. multiplier 5.6 (2019) but ⏬ to 5.5 (2020) = Money Multiplier didn't grow / remained
suppressed / muted / Impaired in Corona-2020. Reasons? → कोरोना के दौरान मुद्रा गुणांक दबा �आ या मूक रहा �ोंिक:
⇒ 😰😰Slowdown in economy, demand for loans ⏬ → so, bank deposited large amount of money with RBI
under reverse repo. लोग लोन म� पैसा लेने के �लए कमाए इस�लए ब�कों ने अपनी अ�त�र� रा�श �रजवर् ब�क म� ही �रवसर् रेपो रेट के ��प म�
जमा करा दी
⇒ 😰😰if banks continuously loaned ₹₹ to households & business firms then M3 would grow thru 'zigzag'
lending-deposit activity from One bank account to another bank account यिद वह पैसा �रज़वर् ब�क म� �रवसर् रेपो रेट म�
डालने क� वजह, ब�क वाले लोन म� घुमाते तो मुद्रा गुणक म� बढ़ोतरी दजर् होती, लेिकन कोरोना के चलते लोगों म� लोन क� उ�ुकता कम देखी गई
⇒ 😰😰Then 📔📔📔📔ES21 tried to entered in technical commentary that If we ignore the Reverse repo rate
money parked in RBI then "Y" thing would have happened etc but Poor cost benefit for exam.
#⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो Even if some inexperienced to private quizmaster setup faltu MCQs from it.
⇒ 😰😰if people keep more portion of cash in hand and less in banks-deposits then Money multiplier will not
improve. Corona= ⏫ rise in cash:deposit ratio, as people drawing cash from bank account fearing
lockdown / precautionary motives [At Least,In the initial months of lockdown]. तालाबं दी के शु�आती महीनों म�
लोगों ने एह�तयाती कारणों से ब�कों से अपनी िडपॉ�जट �नकाली इस कारण भी, मुद्रा गुणक म� बढ़ोतरी नहीं हो पाई.
🔠🔠❓ Money Multiplier in an economy increases with _ _ _? (UPSC-Prelims-2019)
A. Increase in the cash reserve ratio
B. Increase in the banking habit of the population
C. Increase in the statutory liquidity ratio
D. Increase in the population of the country
11.15.3 💸💸 Misc. topic: Velocity of Money Circulation (मुद्रा सं चालन का वेग)
It is the average number of times money passes from one hand to another, during given time period. e.g. you
bought pen worth Rs.10 from shopkeeper, he uses same ₹10 note to buy tea from another shop, then same
currency note performed function of 20 Rupees. िकतनी बार एक नोट एक हाथ से दू सरे हाथ म� जाता है?
This “Velocity of money circulation” is affected by following factors:
- Income distribution: Money in the hands of poor people has higher velocity than the rich people.
- If more people borrow money for purchase → higher velocity. Hence developed countries => higher
velocity, because people save less and spend more because of consumerist lifestyle and confidence in
Government’s social-security e.g. USA. (जब लोगों म� बचत क� भावना कम हो)
- Boom period in economy = more raw material purchase & hiring = higher velocity. (तेजी का माहौल)
- Other 500-jaat-ke permutation-combination-PHD = poor cost:benefit for exam
- What is its scene in Corona? Answer not given in 📔📔📔📔ES21 so no point in SELFPHD.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 37
consumption, savings, investment, and capital formation (मुद्रा-आपू�त व �ाजदरो को �नयं �त्रत करके मुद्रा���त/महंगाई,
मांग/खपत, बचत, �नवेश, पूंजी �नमार्ण को आकार देना).
- [Significance] Monetary policy plays an important role in price stability [inflation control], economic
growth, job creation and social justice in any economy. (महंगाई-�नयं त्रण, आ�थक वृ�द्ध, रोजगार सृजन, सामा�जक �ाय के
�लए मह�पूणर् साधन)
- Milton Friedman: American economist whose research on monetary policy made this subject more
popular, he also won a Nobel in Economics in this regard (1976).
- Philip Curve: Inflation ↑ = unemployment ↓ (and vice versa). मं हगाई बढ़ेगी तो बेरोजगारी घटेगी. मं हगाई कम होगी तो
बेरोजगारी बढ़ेगी. (More in Pillar#4C)
- Therefore, stable & moderate inflation is good for the economy. (��र व म�म�र महंगाई अथर्तंत्र के �लए अ��)
- So, RBI tries to keep inflation with 2-6% Consumer Price Index (CPI: All India) using its bi-monthly
monetary policy made by its 6- member statutory Monetary Policy Committee. (छ:-सद�वाली वैधा�नक स�म�त
द्वारा िद्व-मा�सक मौिद्रक नी�त �नमार्ण करके �रजवर् ब�क महंगाई दर को उपभो�ा मू� सूचकांक के िहसाब से २-६% म� �नयं �त्रत करने क� को�शश
करता है)
12.11🐯🐯📢📢📐📐 MONPOLICY: QUANTITATIVE TOOLS (प�रमाणा�क साधन)
Also known as (aka) General or Indirect Tools as they affect the entire economy, and not just a particular
sector. (सामा� या अप्र�� उपकरण �ोंिक यह िकसी एक �ेत्र-�वशेष को नहीं िकंतु पूरी अथर्�व�ा को असर करते ह�)
12.11.1 🗄🗄✂Statutory Reserve Requirements: CRR, SLR (Fight inflation: ↑, deflation: ↓)
Figure 2: depositors waiting in a queue & demanding- हमारा paisa wapas kro, ABHI KE ABHI!
- CRR and SLR are collectively known as “Variable Reserve Ratios” or “Statutory Reserve Ratios”
(प�रवतर्नीय / वैधा�नक आर��त अनुपात)
Full form: Cash Reserve Ratio Full form: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
(नकद कोष अनुपात) (वैधा�नक तरलता अनुपात)
Banks must keep this much deposits (or balance) Banks must keep this much deposits in liquid assets
with RBI. RBI doesn’t pay interest on this deposit, such as cash, gold, G-Sec, T-Bills, State
except in extraordinary circumstances like 1999’s Development Loan Bonds and other securities
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 38
Banking slowdown. (ब�क ने जमाकतार्ओ ं से हांसील क� �ई रकम notified by RBI. (ब�क ने जमाकतार्ओ ं से हांसील क� �ई रकम का
का कु छ िह�ा �रजवर् ब�क मे जमा करना पड़ेगा।) कु छ िह�ा, �रजवर् ब�क द्वारा मा� तरल प�रसं प�तमे �नवेश करना होगा)
Bank earns no profit / interest, as such. Some profit may be involved. (मुनाफा हो सकता है)
- CRR: first suggested by the British economist Mandated under Banking Regulation Act, 1949
J.M. Keynes & first introduced in US Federal (ब�िकंग �व�नयमन अ�ध�नयम के अनुसार इसे लागू िकया जाता है)
Reserves (=Central Bank of USA).
- Mandated under RBI Act, 1934
RBI can fix any amount of CRR, legally there is no Legally, SLR can’t be more than 40%.
minimum or maximum limit. Presently it is 18.00% of NDTL.
Corona-2020: it was 3% of Net Demand & Time
Liabilities of a bank (NDTL: �नवल मांग और समय देयताएँ )
2021-May: it’ll be gradually increased to 4%
- All Banks must keep CRR. (ब�क के �लए अ�नवायर्) Similar to left cell of this table.
- However, RBI may prescribe separate %
norms/slabs for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
and Cooperative Banks. More in 📑📑Pillar1B1:
classification of Banks
✋Difference between NDTL, ODTL, Total DTL?= NOT IMP4IAS. If you want to satisfy your curiosity, do
google search yourself but I don’t t think it as best use of my/your time. #ARJUN-Fisheye
- CRR-SLR are counted on fortnightly basis. If not maintained, bank will have to pay penalty interest rate
to RBI. Penalty rate (जुमार्ना) is linked with Bank Rate.
- CRR-SLR ensure monetary stability of India through two primary functions:
1) CRR assists in money multiplier effect,
2) CRR-SLR provide buffer/protection during a Bank Run (ब�कों म� से जमारा�श वापस लेने क� दौड़) i.e. an
emergency when every depositor wants to pull out money from his bank account at once, mainly
due to fake news / rumors.
- While in theory CRR/SLR can be used for inflation control but RBI primarily relies on REPO Rate (=its
Policy Rate) to combat inflation, and not CRR/SLR. (हालांिक, महंगाई �नयं त्रण के यह मु� साधन नहीं है)
12.12.1 🐯🐯🐯🐯✂🗓🗓 (2016): Incremental CRR during Demonetization (नोटबं दीमे वृ�द्धशील सीआरआर)
- During demonetization (2016-17): public required to deposit the banned ₹500-1000 ke notes in banks.
So, banks’ deposits increased drastically.
- During that time, RBI temporarily prescribed Incremental CRR.
- ✋What it was? how did it work? Ans. 6 years old technical topic for Prelims-2021. Very poor cost
benefit in preparing #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो.
12.12.2 🐯🐯🐯🐯✂🗓🗓 (2020-Feb) CRR Exemption for 5 yrs, depending on loans (सीआरआर म� छू ट)
2020-Feb: RBI instructed the banks:
⇒ Whatever new (retail) loans you give for (1) automobiles (2) residential housing / home mortgages. (3)
MSMEs [After 31/Jan/2020 upto 31/Jul/2020]
Figure 3: कोरोना महामारी से जुज़ रही अथर्�व�ा पुनज��वत करने के �लए सीआरआर मे कटोती करना मं गता है।
- To revive Indian economy after Corona, RBI made certain changes in its monetary policy during March-
April-2020 period.
- Parallelly, Govt also took announced relief in tax-filling, free-food to poor etc.
- Collectively, Modi labelled these actions of [RBI + Government] = “Atmanirbhar Bharat Economic
revival package”. 📑📑More in Pillar#4C.
⇒ 2020-March: RBI announced 100 basis points (bps) cut (=1%) cut in CRR. so Earlier 4%-1%=3% CRR for
a period of 1 year (upto 2021-March). This will ⏫ the loanable funds available with the banks.
⇒ 2021: now moving towards economic recovery, enough loanable funds in banks available so, RBI ordered
restoration/⏫ of CRR in two phases: 3.5% (2021: March2May ) →4% (2021-May) वापस बढ़ोतरी
12.12.4 🐯🐯🗄🗄✂🗓🗓 (CRR Technical things NOTIMP
Following technical operational aspects of CRR not imp / poor cost benefit in studying for exam
- What is Automated sweep-in and sweep-out (ASISO) facility? NOTIMP
- What is Flexible Automated Option for Managing CRR? NOTIMP
- ✋Further, Banks are required to calculate CRR on a fortnightly (15 days) basis. They have to maintain at
least 90% of that amount in CRR on daily basis. RBI also ⏬ minimum daily CRR balance maintenance
from 90% to 80% upto 2020-June
- Above type of of information is not really important for the scope of civil service exam. So, don’t lose
sleep if some idiotic private Mocktest quiz master framing MCQs like this.
🔠🔠❓Cash reserve ratio refers to _ _ _ . (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) the share of Net Demand and time liabilities (NDTL) that banks have to hold as liquid assets
(b) the share of NDTL that banks have to hold as balances with the RBI
(c) the share of Net demand and time liabilities that banks have to hold as part of their cash reserves
(d) the ratio of cash holding to reserves of banks 🗄🗄✂🗓🗓 SLR reduction to 18% of NDTL
In 2018, RBI notified that SLR will be gradually reduced to 18% of NDTL in following phases
Year January 5, April 13, July 6, October 12, January 4, April 11,
2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 onwards
SLR 19.25% 19.00% 18.75% 18.50% 18.25% 18.00%
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 40
🔠🔠❓Find correct statements about SLR: (UPSC-CDS-2011-II)
1. To meet SLR, Commercial banks must keep cash only.
2. SLR is maintained by the banks with themselves.
3. SLR restricts the banks leverage in pumping more money into the economy.
Answer codes:(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) only 2
🔠🔠❓When RBI reduces SLR by 50 basis points which of the following is likely to happen? (UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) India's GDP growth rate increases drastically.
(b) Foreign Institutional Investors may bring more capital into our country.
(c) Scheduled Commercial Banks may cut their lending rates.
(d) It may drastically reduce the liquidity to the banking system.
12.12.5 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 MonPolicy → Quant Tools → Rates → Bank rate (ब�क दर):
Bank Rate MSF Repo Rate
Introduced in RBI Act, 1934** 2011 2000
What is the % Since 2012: Bank Monetary Policy
MSF = Repo% + “x”%
rate? Rate% = MSF% Committee decides
All clients of RBI: bank,
Who can borrow
Only banks non-bank, Union &
from the RBI?
State Govt
Collateral Bank can pledge securities from its Yes, G-Sec/T-bill. But
**Yes and No
required? SLR quota not from SLR
Loan duration Longer than repo Short term usually overnight to 14 days
Nowadays mainly for Emergency borrowing by bank,
Short term borrowing
Primary Utility? deciding penalty on using their securities from SLR
by all clients of RBI.
errant banks quota subject to certain limits.
⇒ **RBI Act, 1934: “Bank rate is the standard rate at which RBI buys or rediscounts first class securities,
bills of exchange or other commercial papers.(-NCERT)” rediscounting basically means the “repo-walla
game= RBI buys @x price, re-sells@y price where y>x”
⇒ But, since the introduction of the Repo rate in the 2000s, the Bank rate has become a dormant tool (�न��य
उपकरण =not frequently used by RBI for lending or by banks for borrowing).
⇒ So, reference books/websites differ in its present operational status e.g. some of them would say:
o Bank rate requires no collateral and is meant for long term loans.
o Bank rate accepts collateral which can be both GSec/T-bill as well as private companies’
So, in the real exam, it depends on which book/web source the examiner has copied the statement(s) and
accordingly you’ve to take a judgement call in ticking the answer.
RBI’s Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF, तरलता समायोजन सु�वधा): has two windows:
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 41
® LAF-Repo Rate (�रपो दर/पुन: क्रय-अनुबंध) ® ® LAF-Reverse Repo Rate (उलट �रपो/ पुन: क्रय-अनुबंध)
The Interest rate at which RBI lends short-term It’s the interest rate that clients earn when parking
loans to its clients, keeping their G-Sec as their surplus funds with the RBI for short periods, to
collaterals. (�रजवर् ब�क अपने ग्राहको को लघु अव�ध के ऋण देता earn interest. (ग्राहक अपना अ�त�र� धन, �रजवर् ब�क मे लघु
है। उसपर लागू �ाज दर को �रपो दर कहेते है। ग्राहक ने अपनी सरकारी अव�ध के �लए जमा कर जो �ाजदर कमाते है, उसे उलट-�रपो-दर
प्र�तभू�तयों को �रजवर् ब�क मे �गरवी रखना पड़ता है) कहेते है)
Clients enter into an agreement with RBI to Mechanism similar to Repo, RBI gives its G-Sec as a
repurchase their G-sec at a future date at a (higher) collateral.
pre-determined price.
Banks can’t pledge their SLR-quota-G-Secs for this
- Repo also called ‘Ready Forward Transaction’. Reverse Repo Rate = Repo% MINUS x%
- Repo Rate is our Policy Rate to control
inflation. (मौिद्रक नी�त दर)
⇒ Repo = RBI lends short term loans its clients, & demands G-Sec/T-bill as collateral. Every place I’ve not
mentioned T-bill, as it just blocks the speed of revision.
⇒ Market Repo = Players other than RBI (such as bank, NBFCs) loaning short money to other
Banks/NBFCs/Corporate Companies, and demanding financial securities (G-Sec/T-
Bill/shares/bonds/commercial paper etc.) as collateral. What do those terms mean? Ans. Ref the table
given in topic Operation Twist.
12.13.1 (2020) 🐯🐯🐯🐯:Repo Rate ⏬ to cheapen the loans & revive economy
Figure 4: कोरोना महामारी से जुज़ रही अथर्�व�ा पुनज��वत करने के �लए �रपो दर मे कटोती करना मं गता है।
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 42
⇒ 2019: repo was in the range of 5-6%. Then, 2020-Corona → 👻👻Atmanirbhar Bharat RBI’s monetary
polices from Mar-April-May-2020 → REPO Rate ⏬ to 4%
⇒ Stance: Accommodative. Means in the next meeting they will either ⏬ repo or keep it unchanged. But
no chance of ⏫the repo rate in next meeting.
⇒ Theoretically: ⏬repo → ⏫demand → ⏫ inflation but, RBI expects that inflation will be under
control because:
⇒ Monsoon will be normal so food prices (& resultant inflation) will be under control.
⇒ Corona-led Economic slowdown → demand⏬ → inflation should⏬.
⇒ Crude oil prices also under control due to Corona slowdown.
⇒ Thus, inflation is going to be remain under control. Therefore, large reduction in repo rate WAS justified
to boost economic growth in 🤧🤧Corona.
⇒ However, 2020-July-August: CPI >6.5% which is above the 2-6% limit.
⇒ So, then, ideally RBI should ⏫the repo rate to combat inflation, but that will make the loans expensive
and harm the post-corona economic revival. so the RBI kept the repo rate unchanged. (महंगाई से लड़ने के �लए
अगर लोन महंगे कर िदए तो कोरोना महामारी प�ात भारतीय अथर्तंत्र को पुनज��वत करना मु��ल होगा इस�लए �रजवर् ब�क के दरों म� कोई
बदलाव नहीं िकया गया)
⇒ Besides, the present inflation is caused by supply-side problems due to lockdown. Once the unlockdown
progresses → supply ⏫ → inflation ⏬. so changes in the repo rate not required at present. (लॉकडाउन
हटने प�ात वैसे भी बाजार म� चीज व�ुओ ं क� आपू�त बढ़ेगी तो अपने आप महंगाई काबू म� आ जाएगी.)
⇒ To conclude, basically it is kept unchanged @4% from May-2020 afterward upto 2021-Feb when I’m
writing this note.
12.13.2 (2020) 🐯🐯🐯🐯Reverse Repo Rate cut & Policy corridor Changed asymmetrically
Figure 5: sir, जब तक आप loan के �लए हाँ नही कं ह�गे, हम आपको telemarketing calls करते रह�गे!
MSF REPO Reverse Repo Total width
What? Banks borrow short All clients borrow short term Clients park Policy corridor
term funds from RBI by funds by pledging G-Sec. surplus funds in (नी�त ग�लयारा)
pledging G-Sec from But, banks can’t pledge SLR RBI to earn
SLR-quota quota G-Sec interest
Before R+25 bps R% R-25 bps 25+25=50bps
After R+25 bps R% R-65bps* 25+65=90bps
2020- 4.25% 4.00% 3.35% 25+65=90bps
May (40bps cut than earlier rate)
⇒ *Corona led economic slowdown → Loan demand ⏬ → banks parking their excess funds in RBI to
earn interest in the form of reverse repo rate. ब�क वाले अपना अ�त�र� धन �रज़वर् ब�क म� डाल के बैठे �बठाये �ाज कमा रहे थे.
⇒ By 2020-March: banks parked ₹~3 lakh crores in RBI in Reverse Repo.
⇒ So, RBI has drastically ⏬the reverse repo rate to discourage such laziness of banks.
⇒ Benefit of reverse repo reduction?
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 43
IF SBI offers 5.9% Fixed deposit interest rate to depositors, and parks it in the RBI reverse repo
rate (3.35%) then SBI will actually make losses.
So, RBI hopes SBI will now be ‘forced’ to give loans in a proactive manner (through SMS-spam,
email-spam and unwanted telemarketing calls)
Although as per 📔📔📔📔ES21, Banks still continued to park their surplus funds in Reverse repo because there
were not enough loan takers due to Corona slowdown.
12.13.3 (2020) 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 Long Term Repo Operations (LTROs)
⇒ Usually, Repo loans are for short term borrowing from overnight to 14-days.
⇒ But, 2020-Feb: RBI announced to conduct Long Term Repo Operations (LTROs: दीधर् अव�ध के रेपो ऋण) of 1
year and 3 years tenors.
⇒ RBI will loan total ₹ 1,00,000 crore, in various rounds through E-Kuber platform.
⇒ RBI’s clients can apply to borrow a minimum ₹1 crore or higher.
⇒ Interest rate: prevailing repo rate. Interest rate will be compounded annually. (वा�षक �प से चक्रवृ�द्ध �ाज)
⇒ This will ⏫ loanable funds with banks → economic growth can be revived.
⇒ MSF and (short term) repo lending will also be continued separately as per their own existing norms.
LTRO doesn’t aim to eliminate / replace them. (बाक� जो लघु अव�ध के उपकरण है, वह भी जारी ही है)
Further operational guidelines, how it impacts the bond yields etc. = poor cost:benefit
12.13.4 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯:Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO: ल��त दीघर्का�लक रेपो)
Figure 6: @Banks- jo Long term REPO loan diyaa hai uskaa certain % you must give to Bond Market
⇒ Tenure? upto 3 years
⇒ Interest Rate? FLOATING RATE linked with REPO Rate. Its exact formula? NOTIMP
⇒ Total quantity? First round 1.0= ₹1 lakh crore, round 2.0=₹50,000 crore and so on but figures NOTIMP.
⇒ If a bank borrows ₹₹ from this window → then
o within “X” number of days,
o bank must invest Y% of this borrowed money
o in Bond market/ debt securities (such as corporate bonds/non-convertible debentures,
commercial papers etc.) issued by “Z” borrower.
o “Z” could be a Corporates, Mutual Funds, Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and
housing finance companies (HFCs).
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? (इससे �ा फायदा होगा)
o Debt securities are primary source of funding for NBFCs and HFCs. This measure will help them
obtain funds to revive business. (गैर ब�िकंग �व�ीय कं प�नयों को मदद �मलेगी)
o Similarly, Mutual Funds and industrialists who need funds, will benefit.
12.13.5 🎓🎓✋TLTRO- Useless Doubts by novice students (बाबू-शोना /क�े �खला�ड़यों के फालतू प्र�)
1. 🎓🎓✋Why would bank borrow ₹₹ in TLTRO if so many conditions are imposed on it? Ans. maybe the
bank feels it will earn profit from such investment.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 44
2. 🎓🎓✋Why would bank borrow ₹₹ in REPO rate (Short term) when TLTRO offering long term loans?
Ans. 1) depends on the requirement of the bank 2) TLTRO amount is finite e.g. first round total ₹1 lakh
given. So, if a banker came late to RBI’s shop and Jalebi stock was finished , it’ll have to buy Samosa. इतनी
सब पं चात िकधर यूपीएससी पूछती है, िक आप फालतू म� व� और िदमाग खचर् कर रहे ह�?
3. 🎓🎓✋ How does TLTRO involve “flight of foreign investors & its impact on exchange rate & bond yield”
etc.? Ans. Such long-winded-financial-cause-effect = no importance in UPSC, even though private mock-
test-walla design useless MCQs from it. इतनी दू र क� बीरबल क� �खचड़ी अपने को पकाने क� ज�रत नहीं है!
4. 🎓🎓✋I want to do PHD on this until Taimur grows up & gets married. Ans. Good luck! You keep doing
that, but, I’m finished teaching this topic here. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
12.13.6 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 RBI’s special or flexible liquidity window to help MF
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund (MF) decided to stop / windup some MF schemes in India, because they
couldnot generate good returns during the Corona crisis.
⇒ So, its Fund manager will liquidate (=sell off) the securities → return ₹₹ to investors.
⇒ Investors panicked because
o Fund manager did not give clear timelines about money refund.
o even if Fund manager tries to sell off shares/bonds, it is difficult to find buyers at the right price
so MF-investors may lose money.
o Alleged financial scam angle. (क�थत �व�ीय घोटाला)
⇒ RBI reform? Special or flexible liquidity window to help Mutual Funds
o From this window, banks borrow from RBI → Bank uses it to either
Give loans to Mutual Fund or
Use the ₹₹ to buy debt-securities from Mutual Fund
😲😲✋ What is the total amount of funds in this special window? What is the tenure of loans
here? Do banks need to pledge G-Sec to borrow? How much interest is charged? Ans. Low profile
technical reform to a crisis affecting a small segment of financial market. # 🎓🎓Boycott-PHD
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 45
- Tri-Party Repo (�त्र-प�ीय पुन: क्रय-अनुबंध): In ordinary repo, there are two parties- borrower vs. lender (RBI).
In Tri-party Repo, there are 3 parties 1) borrowers 2) lenders 3) Tri-Party Agent (e.g. NSE or BSE) who,
acts as an intermediary between the two parties to facilitate collateral custody, payment and guaranteed
settlement. 2017: RBI issued guidelines → 2018: National Stock Exchange (NSE) started it, 2019: Bombay
Stock Exchange (BSE) started it. This is not a tool of Monetary Policy. It is meant to help Corporate
companies to borrow money from the market.
- BPLR, MCLR, External Benchmarks, Teaser Loans etc: Terms related to how individual banks decide
their lending rates to borrowers. Ref: 📑📑Pillar1B2- NPA
- Liquidity Trap: To be covered separately in 📑📑Pillar-4Z: Microeconomics.
12.13.9 🐯🐯🐯🐯📁📁 Market Operations (OMO, MSS): (Inflation → Sell G-Sec, Deflation → Buy)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 46
12.14.1 🔪🔪🔪🔪: Security → Debt → G-Sec & Bonds (ऋण के �लए जारी क� गई प्र�तभू�तयां)
A ‘Security’ means a certificate/document indicating that its holder is eligible to receive a certain amount of
money at a particular time. This could be a…
Table 4: प्र�तभू�तयों के �व�भ� प्रकार
Borrower 🦁🦁Govt 🤵🤵Corporate (�नगम)
Short term Treasury bills, Cash Management Bill of Exchange, Commercial Papers,
(less than 1 year) → bills Promissory Notes.
Long term G-Sec, Sovereign Bonds Bonds / Debentures
(1 year/>) →
Usually lower than Corporates’ Depends on following factors →
Interest rate
because risk is low
12.14.2 🔪🔪🔪🔪:🤵🤵Corporate Bonds: factors that determine its interest rate
If companies want to borrow money, they may issue bonds to investors. e.g. “Whoever buys this Reliance Bond
worth ₹1000, we will pay him 9.40% interest rate per year and return the principal after 15 years.” Usually the
interest rate offered on such bonds depends on
Factor (कारक) How it determines corporate bond interest rate
(Risk) Credit rating of Lower credit rating (e.g. CCC or D) → higher interest rate needs to be offered
company because risk of default is high. जब िदवा�लयेपन का जो�खम �ादा हो
Inflation why/how: Ans. Ref: 📑📑Pillar1C → Inflation Indexed Bonds
Bank deposit interest Higher the (Bank) deposit interest rate, higher bond interest rate needs to be
rates offered to attract households to shift money from bank savings/FD to corporate
bonds. (अगर ब�क जमाकतार्ओ ं को अ�ा �ाज दे रहा है तो कं पनी ने �ादा �ाज ऑफर करना होगा)
Yield on G-Sec If G-Sec yield ⏫, then corporate will have to offer even higher bond interest
rate to attract the investors from G-Sec investment towards C-Bond investment.
12.14.3 🔪🔪🗃🗃: 🤑🤑 Bond Yield (बांड म� �नवेश करने पर होने वाली आय या मुनाफा)
⇒ Bond yield is the profit an investor earns on a bond investment.
⇒ Suppose, Government issues a G-Sec or Bond: 8% annual interest, tenure: 1 year
⇒ Bhide Master invests ₹ 100. So, upon 1 year maturity he’ll get ₹ 8 Interest + ₹ 100 Principal = ₹ 108. So
his profit or yield will be= 8%
⇒ But suppose, before maturity of 1 year, Bhide Master urgently needs cash. So he sells ₹ 100 face-value
bond to Jethalal at a discounted price of ₹90. पैसों क� अचानक ज�रत पड़ने पर स�े दाम म� िकसी को बेच दे
⇒ Jethalal keeps the it till maturity → Government pays him ₹ 108. प�रप� होने तक बेचे नहीं
⇒ So, for Jethalal the profit OR current bond yield to maturity is….
𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑜𝑜𝑓𝑓 ₹ 90
� ∗ 100 = 20%
12.14.4 🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🤑🤑 Bond Yield ∝ 1/Price (स�े म� खरीदा तो मुनाफा �ादा)
⇒ Bhide bought @100, his yield is 8%; Jetha bought @90, his yield is 20%.
⇒ Thus, Bond yield is inversely related to the current selling price of the bond in the secondary market.
⇒ If a bond’s demand ⏫ → its selling price will ⏫ → bond yield ⏬ (Because of inverse relation)
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12.14.5 🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🤑🤑 Bond yield: other factors affecting it (अ� कारक)
⇒ If the economy is booming (तेजी), companies are making great profit, investors may sell bonds at lower
prices in a hurry to unlock their money to invest it in shares of companies, because they think it’ll get
them more dividend. Then bond’s current selling price in the secondary market ⏬ → yield ⏫.
⇒ If the economy is facing recession (Continuous decline in growth rate: मं दी) → companies will NOT make
great profit → investors sell shares, and prefer to buy bonds hoping they’ll get secured fixed interest.
Then bond’s demand ⏫ in the secondary market → selling price ⏫ → yield ⏬.
12.14.6 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯Operation Twist: why?
⇒ Commercial banks were reluctant to lend money to private sector companies because of the problem of
Bad Loans /Non-Performing assets (NPA: More in 📑📑Pillar1B2). िदवा�लयेपन क� घटनाओं के चलते ब�क वाले �नजी
�ेत्र क� कं प�नयों को कजर् देने से डर रहे थे। आ�थक वृ�द्ध और रोजगार सृजन के �लए यह अ�� बात नहीं थी
⇒ If such companies could borrow money by issuing corporate bonds (at cheaper interest rate) → more
factories, more jobs, more production, more GDP.
⇒ RBI decided to attack the third factor: “If the yield on long term G-Sec decreased, then automatically
Corporate Bond interest rates could also decrease.”
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Cheaper borrowing for Government. For reasons similar to above.
Investor of long term G-Sec will feel discouraged to hold the G-Sec till maturity (10-14 years), He will try
to sell it to another party/RBI and pull out his money, then he may park ₹₹ it a Corporate Bond /
Bungalow / car / Goa-vacation etc. Thus, it helps boost the consumption → economy grows.
समज म� आ गया हो तो ब�ढ़या है, नहीं तो रट्टा मारो �जंदाबाद (if not understood then memorize by Rot-learning)
1. 1961: "Operation Twist" was first used by the US Federal Reserve.
2. 2019: RBI used also done it. Officially called “Special Open Market Operation (OMO: खास िक� क� खुले बाजार
क� िक्रया) wherein the Central bank simultaneously buys and sells G-sec of varying maturities to adjust their
yields. Which helps reduce interest rates on corporate bonds/debentures → easier to mobilize
investment → factory expansion → jobs, GDP growth. (अगल अलग �मयादी क� सरकारी प्र�तभू�तयाँ खरीद-व-बेच कर
�रजवर् ब�क उनक� उपज को कम करता है, तािक कॉप�रेट कं प�नया स�े �ाज मे पैसा बाजार से हा�सल कर सके , तािक रोजगार और आ�थक वृ�द्ध
मे मदद �मले)
3. Objectives of Op-Twist=
a. To make borrowing cheaper for Companies and Govt. कं पनीओ/�नगमों और सरकार के �लए कजर् स�ा करवाना
b. It was NOT MEANT For fighting inflation. महंगाई से लड़ना इसका उद्दे� नहीं है
4. It ensures better Monetary Policy transmission for economic growth. (because, earlier, simply reducing
the repo rate has not helped much in making loans cheaper, for corporates. इससे पहले रेपो दर कम करने पर भी
बाजार म� लोन स�े नहीं हो रहे थे)
5. Net liquidity remains unchanged because ₹10,000 crore goes in and the same amount comes out of the
market. सकल तरलता म� कोई बदलाव नहीं �ोंिक �जतना खरीदा, उतना ही बेचा है
✋🎓🎓 🚫🚫 Beyond this, further PHD on what/why/how = poor cost:benefit for MCQs.For example “The
simultaneous sale of short-term bonds, on the other hand, helps push up short-term rates which had fallen
below RBI's benchmark rate. This would not only correct the anomaly in the short- and long-term rates ” ….
All this is not important for the scope of competitive exams, even if inexperienced private mock-test-quiz-
masters ask it. We need not loose sleep over each and every column.
12.14.8 ✋🎓🎓 🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🤑🤑 Bond Yield & Inverted Yield Curve: Concepts with poor cost-benefit for exam
1. Inverted Yield curve
2. Negative Bond Yield
✋🎓🎓🎓🎓 very poor cost-benefit chasing these topics. Irrespective of how many times theHindu columnists
write about it and how many private mock test-walla make faaltu MCQs from it. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
12.15🐯🐯🐯🐯🌽🌽 MONETARY POLICY: QUALITATIVE TOOLS (गुणा�क साधन)
⇒ Quantitative tools (SLR, CRR, Repo etc.) control the ‘volume’ of loans. कज� क� मात्रा को तय करते ह�
⇒ Whereas, qualitative tools (PSL,LTV etc.) control the “distribution” of loans to a particular sector of
economy. गुणा�क साधन कज� के �वतरण को तय करते ह�
- (e.g. agriculture) or particular segment of society (e.g. farmers, women, SC/ST).
⇒ Hence, qualitative tools also known as SELECTIVE (चयना�क) or DIRECT (प्र��) Tools.
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12.15.1 � Moral Suasion (नै�तक दबाव / सलाह) & Publicity (प्रचार)
Figure 9: म�ने तो अपनी repo-दर कम कर दी लेिकन ये लालची ब�क वाले अपने loan-दर कम नही कर रहे , कम से कम मेरा �लहाज/स�ान रखने के �लए भी उ�े थोड़ा तो स�ा
करना चािहए।
- Moral suasion meaning applying “Persuasion” without applying punitive measures. RBI governor tries
this tactic via conferences, informal meetings, letters, seminars etc
- Example, RBI-Governor asking banks to transmit repo-rate cuts, open new branches in rural areas,
spread financial literacy, give loans to farmers beyond PSL quota etc. Similarly, RBI Governor requesting
CM or Finance Minister to control fiscal deficit & subsidy leakage to enhance the efficacy (प्रभावका�रता) of
RBI’s monetary policy.
- Publicity: RBI governor could give media statement, speech during university convocation (दी�ांत पदवीदान
समारोह), memorial lectures… “Look I reduced repo rate but banks are not passing the benefit to
customers…and xyz”. By doing so, he can create an effective public opinion which also pressurizes the
banks to stop their thuggery.
12.15.2 �🚯🚯 Direct Action (सीधी कायर्वाही: �ोिक लातो के भुत बातो से नहीं मानते)
- RBI can punish banks (and even non-banks) for not complying with its directives under RBI Act, Banking
Regulation Act, Payment and Settlement Systems Act, Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA),
Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). �रजवर् ब�क के िदशा �नद�शों का पालन न करने पर �व�भ� कानूनों म� सजा/दंड
- 2019: RBI ordered the banks to have a “Clawback (लौटना)” provision in their CEO & Top executives’
salaries. E.g. If the CEO did any scam/fraud, he’ll have to return his previously paid salary / bonus, even if
he had retired/left the job afterwards. (िकसी ब�क का सीईओ कांड म� पकड़ा गया तो पुरानी तन�ाह भी लौटानी होगी.)
12.15.3 💍💍 Margin Requirements / Loan to Value (LTV) (सीमा अ�नवायर्ता)
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In a negative / restrictive direction (नकारा�क) In a positive direction (सकारा�क �दशा म�)
can’t get more than prescribed amount of loans like Vehicles, TV, Fridge etc. to boost
for each category (housing, education, consumption and demand.
business). - Priority Sector Lending <see below> प्राथ�मक �ेत्र
- 1960s: Credit Authorization Scheme (CAS) in के ऋण मानक
India: all commercial banks had to obtain prior
approval of the RBI before loaning ₹ 1 crore/>
to a single borrower.
- 1970s: RBI imposed quantitative ceiling on
non-food loans to boost green revolution, food
But such measures failed due to lax monitoring and
loopholes. (�श�थल �नगरानी के चलते बेअसर रहे)
12.16 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 PRIORITY SECTOR LENDING (PSL: प्राथ�मकता �ेत्र के �लए ऋण मानक)
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⇒ Exporters, Student-Education loans (upto Rs.10l),
⇒ Social Infrastructure (schools, health care, drinking water, sanitation facilities);
⇒ Renewable Energy Projects (wind mills, biomass generators, solar street light,
micro-hydel plants etc.) etc.
Total PSL for Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks and 40% 40%
(Foreign Banks with 20 or more branches).
* These quota⏫ is implemented in Phase Wise manner by 2023-24. (क्र�मक �प से लागू होंग)े
🤩🤩Benefit? It will ⏫ loan-availability for the weaker section and small farmers thus helping in the United
Nations' Sustainable Development Goals related to poverty removal. (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#6) कमजोर वगर् और छोटे
िकसानों को �ादा मात्रा म� कजार् �मल पाएगा. गरीबी �नवारण, सं यु� रा�� के सतत �वकास ल�ों क� प्रा�� म� मदद करेगा.
⇒ PSL quotas are ‘minimum (�ूनतम/कम से कम)’ & not maximum. So, if bank wishes, it can EVEN give even
60% of its loans to weaker sections, instead of just 12% “minimum quota” meant for weaker section.
⇒ Bank’s Loans given to Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC: गेरब�क �व�ीय कं पनी) who are lending to
above PSL categories = such ‘indirect loan’ to PSL sectors will also be counted for bank’s quota. (परो� �प से
दी लोन भी �गन ली जाती है। )
⇒ Bank + NBFC’s joint lending / co-lending/ co-origination loans to PSL categories are also eligible, with
certain caveats but #PHD-NOT-IMP. (ब�क और गेर-ब�क का साथ मे �मलकर पीएसएल �ेत्र को कजर् िदया, तो उसमे ब�क ने िदया
कजर् इस �ोटे म� �गन �लया जाता है, कु छ शत� के आधीन)
12.16.1 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 PSL Reforms-2020: on RRB/SFB/UCB?
What is the difference/meaning of SCB/RRB/SFB/UCB etc? Ans: (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#1B1: classification)
Type of Bank & PSL Reforms-2020: Before After
Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCB: अनुस�ू चत वा�ण��क ब�क) and 40% same 40%
Foreign Banks in India with 20 or more branches
Foreign Bank in India with <20 branches (�वदेशी ब�क) 40% same 40%
Regional Rural Banks (RRB: �ेत्रीय ग्रामीण ब�क) 75% same 75%
Small Finance Banks (SFB: लघु �व� ब�क) 75% same 75%
Urban Cooperative Banks (UCB: शहरी सहकारी ब�क)* 40% ⏫75%
Rural Cooperative Banks (ग्रामीण सहकारी ब�क) N/A N/A
⇒ *These quota⏫ is implemented in Phase Wise manner. So, It will become fully effective in 2023-24.
⇒ Internal quotas may be different e.g. RRBs: Weaker section =15%. But, poor cost-benefit in chasing all
that information. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
12.16.2 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 PSL Reforms-2020: Startups, Renewable Energy and Healthcare
PSL Loans → other category BEFORE AFTER
Startup Company is a company: only eligible categories: All types of Startups
⇒ Age: Not older than 10 years ⇒ Agro/Food processing related allowed in PSL quota
AND Startup
⇒ Annual turnover: Not more ⇒ MSME Startup For loans upto ₹50cr
than ₹100 cr AND [then What is MSME? (📑📑Ref: HDT-
⇒ Function: innovation in Pillar#1D and #4B)]
goods/services. (नवाचार)
(📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#4B)
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🔌🔌🔌🔌 Renewable energy(अ�य ऊजार्) only loans upto 15cr eligible ⏫30cr
💊💊 Healthcare project/Hospital? 5cr ⏫10cr
12.16.3 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 PSL Reforms-2020: Weightage to poor districts (गरीब/�पछड़े �जलों को भारांक)
RBI will classify the districts based on previous PSL loans given by all banks:
Type of district if Axis bank gives ₹100 PSL loan in this district → RBI
will count Axis’s quota-fulfillment as _ _ .
Low Credit penetration e.g. Tawang, ₹125 (आरबीआई ने एक ऐसी भारांक प्रणाली बनाइ है �जसमे ब�क �पछड़े
Dantewada etc. जहां भूतकाल म� ब�क-कजर् क� प�ँ च कम �जलों म� लोन देकर ब�त आसानी से अपना पीएसएल ल�ं क हा�सल कर
रही है सकती है।)
High Credit penetration e.g. Ahmedabad, ₹90 (तािक ब�क जो पहले से स�� �जले है, उसे �ादा स�� बनाने क� जगह
Pune etc. जहाँ पहले से ही काफ� कजार् िदया जा चूका है �पछड़े �जले पर �ान दे)
⇒ Thus, RBI’s PSL weightage system will passively discourage banks from giving more PSL-loans to the
developed districts and it will encourage banks to give PSL-loans to backward districts. This will help in
more balanced regional development. �ेत्रीय �प से सं तु�लत �वकास म� यह कदम फायदेमंद होगा.
🔠🔠❓ Priority Sector Lending by banks in India constitutes loans to _ _ _ _ . (UPSC-Pre-2013)
a) Agriculture b) Micro and Small Enterprises c) Weaker Sections d) All of the above
12.16.4 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯:📜📜 Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLC) from 2016 onwards
Figure 12: भाई आ�मर/Rancho हमने अपना assignment नही िकया, तू अपना "EXTRA-walla" हमे बेच दे!
⇒ In this arrangement, the overachieving Banks can sell their excess PSL in form of ‘certificates’ to
underachieving banks without transferring the loan assets or its risk. (ल�ं कों से �ादा उपल�� हांसील करने वाली
ब�क, अ� ज�रतमं द ब�क को स�टिफके ट बेचती)
⇒ Four kinds of PSLCs traded through RBI’s E-Kuber Portal, viz., Agriculture (PSLC-A); Small and
Marginal Farmers (PSLC-SM); Micro Enterprises (PSLC-ME); and General (PSLC-G). ✋But, their
internal difference/Operational details notIMP4Exam.
If an underachiever bank can’t fulfil its PSL-quota through PSL-certificates purchase then ultimately,
⇒ Underachiever bank will have to deposit PSL-shortfall money to NABARD's Rural Infrastructure
Development Fund (RIDF), SIDBI, National Housing Bank (NHB), MUDRA Ltd. etc as per the norms
decided by RBI from time to time. (ल�ं कों को हा�सल नहीं कर पाने वाली ब�क ने आरबीआई द्वारा �च��त अलग-अलग सं �ाओं म�
पैसा �नवेश करना पड़ेगा)
⇒ Underachiever bank will earn interest from such deposited money, but it’ll be (usually) linked with Bank-
Rate & their money will be locked-in a long-term project. वह पैसा लं बे समय तक अटक जाएगा
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following is not an instrument of Selective Credit Control? Pre-1995
a) Regulation of consumer credit b) Rationing of credit
c) Margin requirements d) Cash reserve ratio
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b) Central Bank is no longer making loans to commercial banks.
c) Central Bank is following an easy money policy.
d) Central Bank is following a tight money policy.
🔠🔠❓ If the RBI decides to adopt an expansionist monetary policy, which of the following would it not do ? (UPSC-
1. Cut and optimize the Statutory Liquidity Ratio
2. Increase the Marginal Standing Facility Rate
3. Cut the Bank Rate and Repo Rate
Answer Codes: [a) 1 and 2 only [b) 2 only [c) 1 and 3 only [d) 1, 2 and 3
Moral Suasion / Direct Nudge / Force the banks to enforce To enforce the Hawkish policy
Action Dovish Policy
Margin Req. / Loan to Increase e.g. inverse
Value (LTV) Gold-LTV: 60% → 90%
Qualitative Tools
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🐯🐯 RBI side (3 members) 🦁🦁 Govt. Side (3 members)
RBI Governor & Dy.Gov are selected by Financial Sector They’re selected by Search-cum-Selection
Regulatory Appointment Search Committee (FSRASC) is headed Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary (IAS)
by Cabinet Secretary (IAS)
- Meeting quorum 4 persons, incl. Governor. (कायर्साधक सं �ा: कम से कम चार लोगों क� हाजरी ज�री)
- Legally required to hold minimum four meetings in a year. (कानूनी �प से सालाना कम से कम 4 बार �मलना ज�री)
- In practice, they meet every two months to decide bi-monthly monetary policy updates. (Although
during 😷😷Corona-lockdown met more frequently).
- Repo rate(=Policy rate= benchmark interest rate: decided by Majority vote. (मौिद्रक नी�त दर ब�मत से तय होगा)
- When they vote for the first time, all members, including the Governor, will vote. If tie → Governor can
vote again for second time as casting vote (यिद मतों म� बराबरी �ई तो गु�ी सुलझाने के �लए �नणार्यक मत).
- To ensure transparency / accountability (पारद�शता / जवाबदेही):
o Govt can send message only in writing.
o Committee must publish its minutes of the meeting on the 14th day, and “Monetary Policy
report” at every 6 months.
- Inflation target decided by Union Government, after consulting with RBI Governor. (महंगाई �नयं त्रण का ल�
सरकार तय करेगी गवनर्र से �वमशर् करने के बाद)
o Present target: Keep Consumer Price Index (CPI:All India) within 2-6% for 2016-2020 (ending
at 31/03/2021). [alt. way of saying: 4% +/- spread of 2%]
o Target fail: if inflation not kept in this 2-6% zone for 3 consecutive quarters (=9 months) then
Committee must send report to Govt with reasons and remedies (ल� मे असफलता के कारण और उपचार
क� �रपोटर् भेजनी होगी).
Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015 Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017
🔠🔠❓ With reference to inflation in India, find 🔠🔠❓ Consider following statements about
correct statement: Monetary Policy Committee:
a) Controlling the inflation in India is the 1. It decides RBI’s benchmark interest rates.
responsibility of the Government of India only 2. It is a 12-member body including the Governor
b) The Reserve Bank of India has no role in of RBI and is reconstituted every year.
controlling the inflation 3. It functions under the chairmanship of the
c) Decreased money circulation helps in Union Finance Minister.
controlling the inflation Find Correct Statements:
d) Increased money circulation helps in (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
controlling the inflation (c) 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only
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Monetary Policy Committee decides only Repo rate. Other decisions, such as CRR-SLR cut, PSL norms,
banning magnetic-chip cards etc are decided separately alone by RBI Governor. However, after the meeting,
he’ll make all these announcements together, in the Press conference.
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. The Reserve Bank of India’s recent directives relating to ‘Storage of Payment System Data’,
popularly known as data diktat command the payment system providers that : (Prelims-2019)
1) They shall ensure entire data relating to their payment systems are stored in a system only in India.
2) They shall ensure that the systems are owned and operated by public sector enterprises.
3) They shall submit the consolidated system audit report to the comptroller and Auditor General of India
by the end of the calendar year.
Find Correct Statement(s): codes: (a) 1 only (b)1 and 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3 only
Ans. After April-2018’s monetary policy RBI governor announced certain regulatory reforms. One of them was :-
Payment System data must be stored in India within next 6 months, to ensure its safety against misuse /
Russian-Chinese-hackers. So, for Prelims-2019, this was D-1 year current affairs. Now we are targeting 2021, so
need not put so much efforts behind 2018’s current affairs.
📢📢 Policy Decisions & Regulatory Announcements
[we will study in appropriate pillars/sections, so DONOT LOSE SLEEP YET]
Dec- - Urjit’s last policy: No change in Repo; Stance: Calibrated Tightening.
2018 - While Crude oil prices have declined by ~30% since October, so higher inflation is unlikely.
But RBI wants to keep inflation @4 per cent on a durable basis. So, “calibrated tightening”
stance continued.
- Loan rate external benchmarks WEF 1/1/2019.
- RBI to reduce SLR, from 19.5% to 18% in a phased-manner.
- RBI's own Ombudsman for digital transactions- he'll look into not just banks but all
payment service providers. (📑📑Ref: 1A1)
- RBI to setup Ex-SEBI Chairman U K Sinha’s Committee on long-term solutions for loans to
MSME sector. (📑📑Ref:4B)
Feb- - Shakti’s 1st Policy: CPI falling towards 2%, so to prevent deflation, Repo cut by 25 basis
2019 points BPS (6.50% → 6.25%),
- Decision was not unanimous. (�नणर्य एकमत नही था) Dy.Gov Viral Acharya voted against
reducing repo, saying our previous stance in dec-meeting was “Calibrated Tightening” so
it’ll be wrong.
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- But, majority voting favored to cut repo rate, stance changed to “neutral”.
- Collateral free loans to farmers: limit raised from ₹1l to ₹1.6lakhs
Apr- - Repo cut 25bps (6.25% → 6.00%), stance kept at Neutral.
2019 - Decision not unanimous. Dy. Gov. Viral Acharya fears inflation due to Oil & El Nino. But,
Gov.Shaktikanta Das feels the declined sale of vehicles, air & sea traffic is pointing to
deflationary trend ahead, so rate cut necessary.
- Loan interest rates: External Benchmark mechanism was to be implemented from 1/4/2019
but decision deferred after bankers’ feedback.
Jun- - Repo Cut 25bps (6.00% → 5.75%), Consequently, the reverse repo rate @5.50%. MSF and
2019 Bank Rate @6%
- Stance: changed from Neutral to accommodative = next time Committee may decrease the
repo rate or keep it unchanged, but, no chances of rate hike.
- Committee voted unanimously for rate cut because, IMD has predicted 96% normal
monsoon, so high level of food inflation seems unlikely. Fuel prices rose but overall
inflation is offset by falling of other commodities prices. Thus, CPI inflation remained
unchanged at around 3%. Slowdown in trade and manufacturing due to US-China trade
war, and other geopolitical issues. So cheaper loans required to boost demand and mfg.
measures to promote digital economy
- RBI waives NEFT & RTGS charges. Banks will be required, in turn, to pass these benefits to
their customers.
Aug- - Repo cut 35 bps (5.75-0.35=5.40); accommodative stance.
2019 - RBI’s National Electronic Funds National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) will function
24/7 basis on all days, from 2019-December.
- Banks lending to NBFC (who is lending to agro,MSME, housing etc PSL sectors) will be
counted under Bank’s PSL quota achievement.
- External Loan Benchmark from 1/10/2019.
Oct- - Repo cut 25bps (5.40-0.25=5.15); accommodative stance.
2019 measures to promote digital economy
- We shall identify one district per State/UT, & develop it as 100% digital payment enabled
- Large sized Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) companies such as Amazon Pay, Mobikwick
etc. will be required to setup Internal Ombudsman (आंत�रक �शकायत �नवारण अ�धकारी) to reduce
workload of RBI’s digital ombudsman.
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 58
Dec- - No changes in Repo Rate or Stance. (5.15% accommodative stance)
2019 - heavy unseasonal rains → onions & other vegetables supply disrupted → price rise.
- Pulses’ area under cultivation is declining → supply declining → price rise.
- Milk became more expensive due to rise in fodder prices.
- 13 states’ Electricity distribution companies (DISCOMs) have ⏫ Electricity prices.
- So, if repo reduced → inflation problem may worsen.
- At the same time, the economy is facing slowdown, sales are down so, if repo increased →
slowdown may worsen. So, the MPC Committee unanimously (एकमत होकर) decided to keep
repo unchanged.
- Regulatory updates related: Urban Co-operative Banks (UCB), Small Finance Banks, Semi-
closed PPI etc. in respective pillars.
Feb- - No changes in Repo Rate or Stance because of reasons similar to Dec-2019.
2020 - CPI Inflation rose to 7.4% in December-2019 (which is outside the statutory limit of 2-6%)
& this inflation rate is highest since 2014-July. So, ideally, RBI should have ⏫repo rate to
combat inflation but
o 1) December-2019 policy had kept Accommodative stance = repo couldn’t be
increased. It could only be kept same/reduced.
o 2) Union Budget-2020 announced various measures to boost economic growth so
Committee preferred to wait & watch how those measures impact inflation and
growth, before changing repo rate.
RBI announces Measures to promote economic growth::
1. LTRO: Long Term Repo Operations (LTROs) of 1 yr & 3 yr.
2. CRR Exemption based on (new) loans given for 1) automobiles, 2) residential housing and
3) MSMEs
RBI announces measures to promote digital economy
1. Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) will be allowed to operate as ‘merchant Acquiring Banks’, in
other words, they can also tie up with card companies directly. (Ref: 1A1).
2. RBI to construct a “Digital Payments Index” (DPI) to capture the growth of digital
payments across India.
March - Given below as a separate sub-topic for Corona
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 59
⇒ So, in 2020-April, RBI governor (को सपना आ जाता है और वो) holds press conference
announcing some additional measures to revive economy against Corona.
2020-May ⇒ As per bi-monthly (2-2- months) pattern, this meeting was planned in 2020-June but
was advanced to May due to Corona
The gist of above March-April-May announcements are as following (and they’re considered to be part of
👻👻ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT, which we’ll learn in Pillar#2D and #4C):
12.20.1 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR → Gist of RBI’s March2April 2020 Announcements:
⇒ ⏬CRR to 3% and ⏬Repo to 4%.
⇒ Policy corridor changed, to ⏬Reverse repo rate. #SBI-telemarketing4loans
⇒ 🐯🐯🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪:Targeted Long Term Repo Operations (TLTRO: ल��त दीघर्का�लक रेपो) → RBI gives loans to
banks with condition that banks must invest it in “X” places to help Corporates & NBFCs. (Ref the full
short note in earlier part of this handout.)
⇒ 🐯🐯🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 RBI’s special or flexible liquidity window to help Mutual fund companies.
👻👻ATMANI → Reforms by RBI in Mar-Apr-May-2020 We’ll learn in Pillar#
🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯✋ Loan/EMI/NPA relief / Moratorium (ऋण अदायगी पर रोक) 📑📑1B2: NPA
🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 Special Refinance Facility for AIFI (All India Financial 📑📑1B1: classification of Banks
Institutions). खास िक� क� पुन�वत योजना, अ�खल भारतीय �व�ीय सं �ानो के �लए → AIFI (NABARD, SIDBI,
RBI defers BASEL Norms, IndAS accounting Norms, orders bank to 📑📑1B2: BASEL norms
pause/halt the Dividend Distribution
🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯👨👨: RBI reforms Ways and Means advances (WMA) and 📑📑1C: SEBI/Sharemarket: Short
Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) term Debt instruments
RBI reforms 📑📑3A: Balance of Payment
Voluntary Retention Route (VRR: �ै��क अवधारण मागर्) (BoP): FDI, FPI
Fully Accessible Route (FAR: स�ूणर्त: सुग� मागर्)
12.20.2 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯RBI’s Monetary Policies: 2020-August
⇒ 2020-May- last meeting (Which was originally scheduled in the month of June)
⇒ 2020-Aug: meeting held.
⇒ Repo unchanged @4% so Automatically MSF@4.25 and RR@3.35%. Stance: Accommodative
⇒ No changes in repo because
o ⏫ food inflation due to i) corona-lockdown supply chain disruptions and ii) heavy rains.
o So as per the theory RBI should ⏫ the repo rate to combat food inflation.
o But, expensive loans → post-corona economic-revival will be harmed. So, no changes in Repo.
⇒ Announced to conduct more rounds of Op.Twist, to help Govt & Companies to borrow at a cheaper rate.
⇒ CRR: technical reforms i) Automated sweep-in and sweep-out (ASISO) facility. ii) Flexible Automated
Option for Managing CRR Balances.
⇒ Gold Loan LTV: Before 75% → AFTER 90%. benefit? More quantity of loan can be taken by pledging
same quantity of gold → post-corona economic-revival.
⇒ Priority Sector Lending (PSL) reforms: 1) ⏫quota for weaker section, small-marginal farmers. 2) Made
all types of Startups eligible for PSL loans. 3) Extra weightage to give PSL-loans in poor districts.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 60
⇒ RBI Committee under KV Kamath submitted report on how to restructure loans impacted by the Covid
19 pandemic. "We'll take reforms accordingly".
⇒ RBI to loan ₹75,000cr to All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs: NABARD, SIDBI,EXIM,NHB) → post-
corona economic-revival. (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#1B1- classification of Banks and NBFCs)
⇒ Less Cash Economy / Digital Payment / Fraud Prevention: (1) Scheme of Offline Retail Payments Using
Cards and Mobile Devices (2) Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Digital Payments (3) Positive Pay
Mechanism for Cheques. (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#1A1)
⇒ We'll create a Reserve Bank Innovation Hub for research in cyber security, digital payment etc. साइबर सुर�ा,
िड�जटल भुगतान इ�ािद म� सं शोधन/नवाचार के �लए �रजवर् ब�क म� एक नवाचार क� द्र बनाएं गे
12.20.3 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯RBI’s Monetary Policies: 2020-October
Repo unchanged @4% so Automatically MSF@4.25 and RR@3.35%. Stance: Accommodative. Because
⇒ CPI inflation >6.5% in July-August 2020. This is beyond the statutory 2-6% limit. So, ideally RBI should
⏫the repo rate to combat inflation, but that will make the loans expensive and harm the post-corona
economic revival. so the RBI kept the repo rate unchanged. (महंगाई से लड़ने के �लए अगर लोन महंगे कर िदए तो
कोरोनावायरस के प�ात भारतीय अथर्तंत्र को पुनज��वत करना मु��ल होगा इस�लए �रजवर् ब�क के दरों म� कोई बदलाव नहीं िकया गया)
⇒ Besides, the present inflation is caused by supply-side problems due to lockdown. Once the unlockdown
progresses → supply ⏫ → inflation ⏬. so changes in the repo rate not required at present. (तालबं धी हटने
प�ात वैसे भी बाजार म� चीज व�ुओ ं क� आपू�त बढ़ेगी तो अपनेआप महंगाई काबू म� आ जाएगी.)
⇒ TLTRO: another round announced
⇒ Less Cash Economy / Digital Payment: (1) RTGS made 24/7 (2) perpetual license. (📑📑Ref: Pillar#1A1)
12.20.4 Monetary Policy: 2020-December
⇒ RBI is required to control the inflation within 2 to 6% of CPI all India. Inflation @7.6%(Oct), So in theory
repo⏫ required, but corona-slowdown = RBI does not want the loans to become more expensive. So
repo rate unchanged at 4%. Stance accommodative. हालांिक महंगाई �नयं त्रण के �लए रेपो दर को बढ़ाना ज�री है िकंतु कोरोना
के बाद अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करने के �लए स�े लोन मुहैया कराना भी उतना ही ज�री! इस�लए रेपो दर म� कोई बदलाव नहीं.
⇒ Banks prohibited from paying dividend to shareholders from their profits (So as to build buffer against
the Corona loan defaults) ब�कों ने अपने मुनाफे म� से शेयरधारकों को लाभांश �वतरण करने पर रोक
12.20.5 Monetary Policy: Feb-2021 update
Repo unchanged @4% so Automatically MSF@4.25 and RR@3.35%. Stance: Accommodative. Because
⇒ 1) Food inflation is normalizing with arrival / supply of winter fruits & vegetables, but fuel inflation is
worrisome. So can't ⏬ Repo. खाद्य पदाथर् तो स�े होने लगे िकंतु लेिकन इं धन के चलते महंगाई अभी भी �ाई �प से काबू म� नहीं
⇒ 2) GDP growth yet to fully revived → so cant ⏫ Repo [else Expensive loans= =⏬demand →⏬GDP
⇒ CRR: During CORONA-2020, CRR was reduced from 4% to 3% (2020-March till 2021-March). now
moving towards economic recovery, enough loanable funds available so, Restoration/⏫ of CRR in two
phases: 3.5% (2021: March2May ) →4% (2021-May)
⇒ 😰😰BEFORE: RBI appointed 3 types of ombudsman for consumer complaints: (i) Banking Ombudsman
Scheme (ii) NBFC Ombudsman (iii) Digital Transaction Ombudsman. 🤩🤩After: Integrate these 3 into a
One Nation One Ombudsman / Integrated Ombudsman Scheme (एक�कृ त �शकायत �नवारण अ�धकारी योजना)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 61
⇒ 😰😰BEFORE: Retail investors Indirectly invested in G-sec via Mutual funds, stock exchanges. 🤩🤩AFTER:
Retail Investors can directly Open "Gilt Securities Accounts Retail Direct" with RBI's E-Kuber core
banking solution (CBS) platform. 🤩🤩Benefits: [1) Deepening of the g-sec market (सरकारी प्र�तभू�तयों के बाजार
क� जड़ों को गहरा करेगा) [2) New investment opportunities for aam-aadmi. (�नवेश के नए अवसर) (More in Pillar1C:
SEBI share market)
12.20.6 ✋🚫🚫 Monetary Policy bi-monthly announcements: ignored
After the MPC Committee decides repo rate, the RBI governor also announces some regulatory
announcements by himself. But, I’ve ignored many technical announcements due to their poor cost:benefit
for “general studies of economy” such as सब तकनीक� िदशा�नद�श अपनी परी�ा म� काम के नहीं. फालतू म� व� बबार्द मत करो।
- CRR ASISO guidelines| Borrowing limits under Marginal Standing Facility as a % of NDTL
- (1) SLR holding reforms (2) banks and NBFCs: co-lending for PSL loans (3) Export Data Processing and
Monitoring System (EDPMS), the ‘Caution / De-caution Listing’ of exporters for Authorised Dealer (AD)
- Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Trading Platform for Retail Participants developed by Clearing
Corporation of India.
- new committees to review systemically important Core Investment Companies (CICs).
- Technical guidelines for retail investors to participate in State G-Sec auctions.
- Basel-III standards- Leverage Ratio guidelines: 4% for Domestic Systemically Important Banks (DSIBs)
and 3.5% for other banks.
- Will implement recommendations of Usha Thorat Task Force on Offshore Rupee Markets.
- Updated norms for non-interest-bearing Special Non-resident Rupee (SNRR) Account.
- And so many other things.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
12.21🔪🔪🔪🏠🏠🏠🏠 BANKS’ LENDING RATES % (ब�क ऋण क� �ाज दर�)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 62
12.21.1 🔪🔪🔪🏠🏠🏠🏠 Bank’s loan interest rate: MCLR system(2016)
- In 2016, RBI ordered banks to link their loan interest rate = “Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate
(MCLR) + Spread” system.
- Banks to calculate on monthly basis. Its formula consists of CRR Cost, Operating Cost, Marginal cost of
funds (Repo Rate, Deposit Interest) etc. what is the meaning of these things, how they work? ANS.
✋NOTIMP for exam. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
- 🤩🤩Benefits? Better transmission of Monetary Policy; transparency & accountability to borrowers.
- 😰😰Limitation? From January to Oct 2019, RBI has reduced its repo rate by 135 bps but banks reduced
their loan interest rates by merely 40-47 bps. Thus, even though the RBI reduces its repo rate, banks are
not quickly reducing their loan interest rates. (�रजवर् ब�क ने अपनी �रपो दर कम करी िकंतु ब�कोने लोन स�े नहीं िकए)
12.21.2 🔪🔪🔪🏠🏠🏠🏠 Bank’s loan interest rate: External Benchmark (बाहरी ब�चमाकर् )
⇒ MCLR’s #EPICFAIL ultimately forced RBI to order following from 1st October 2019.
⇒ Banks must link their loan interest rates with “External Benchmark + Spread + Risk premium” system.
⇒ Banks must feed the latest data of external benchmark in above formula, atleast once every three months.
⇒ 🤩🤩🤩🤩External Benchmark Benefits? Ans = Same benefits which MCLR couldn’t fully deliver.
Individual bank free to pick any one External External Benchmark system is applicable to the
Benchmark such as new loans given to….
1) RBI repo rate or 1. Personal loans (taken for any sudden
2) 91-day T-bill yield or emergency expenditure)
3) 182-day T-bill yield or 2. Retails loans (home, vehicle, electronics etc)
4) any other benchmarks by Financial 3. Loans to micro & small enterprises
Benchmarks India Ltd. 4. Loans medium enterprises (this 4th category is
to be added from 1/April/2020).
5. It is applicable to old/previous loans in above
categories, if borrower fills the application
Related topic: Fixed vs Floating interest loans, teaser loans, NPA etc. 📑📑Pillar1B-2: burning issues → NPA
12.21.3 😷😷Corona-2020 impact on Deposits interest rate & Loans interest rate as per 📔📔📔📔ES21
Deposits ⇒ Initial months of lockdown the growth of deposit⏬⏬ because people withdrew
amount money in panic. Although in the later months → Unlock down and normalcy →
बचत म� आने ⏫⏫Quantity of deposit तालाबं दी के शु�आती महीनों म� लोगों ने एह�तयाती कारणों से ब�कों से अपनी िडपॉ�जट
वाली रा�श �नकाली हालांिक प�र���त सामा� होने पर, बाद के महीनों म� वापस बचत क� मात्रा म� बढ़ोतरी होने लगी है
Deposit ⇒ ⏬⏬ The saving deposit rates = 3.25-3.5% in 2019 but 2.7-3.0% in 2021.Reason:
interest ⇒ RBI has reduced repo rate, and also provided long term loans in TLTRO so, banks are not
बचत �ाज so greatly desperate to acquire the raw material (i.e. money) from deposits. �रजवर् ब�क से
दर दीघार्व�ध के �रपोटर् लोन �मलने के चलते ब�कों को िडपॉ�जट कतार्ओ ं क� �ादा ज�रत महसूस नहीं �ई इस�लए उनको बजट
का पैसा ब�कों म� जमा करने के �लए लुभाने के �लए �ादा बचत �ाज दर% जारी करने क� भी ज�रत महसूस नहीं �ई
⇒ 2) ⏬Loan demand So cannot offer high level of returns to depositors. कोरोना क� मं दी ब�कों का
लोन देने का काम वैसे भी धीमा हो गया इस�लए वह िडपा�जट कतार्ओ ं को, उनक� बचत पर अ�ा �ाज दर% नहीं दे पाए
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Loan ⇒ ⏬ due to ⏬in repo rate in the External benchmark system लोन �ाज दर स�े �ए ऐसा आ�थक
interest सव��ण का कहना है
Figure 15: मै काम तो कर रहा �ँ , लेिकन उसक� सकारा�क असर, अथर्�व�ा पर िदख नही रही। 😢😢
Even though the monetary policy is updated every 2 months, its efficacy in controlling inflation or boosting
growth is restricted by following factors: (�न� कारणो के चलते, मौिद्रक-नी�त मं हगाई-�नयं त्रण और आ�थक वृध्धीमे असरकारकता नही
िदखा पायी:)
1) Western countries’ households → consumerist lifestyle → don’t save large amount of money in Banks.
So their banks borrow more quantum of money from US Federal reserve and European Central Bank
respectively. Whereas in India, Repo is not major source of funds for Indian banks, due to higher level of
savings & deposits. (पा�ा� देशो मे उपभो�ावादी जीवनशैली. जबिक भारतीयो मे ब�क-बचत क� भावना के चलते हमारे ब�कों के �लए
आरबीआई के रेपों लोन, पैसो का मु�य �ोत नहीं है। अंत: �रपो दर स�े होने पर भारतीय ब�को को खास फरक नहीं पड़ता। )
2) Before the External Benchmark System: Indian Banks did not immediately pass on the RBI rate cuts to
customers, citing NPA/Bad loans / profitability problem. According to RBI’s own research, it took
minimum 6-12 months for repo rate cut to benefit end-customers and it took about 24 months for repo
rate changes to impact inflation. (बाहरी-ब�चमाकर् से पहेले के समय मे,भारतीय ब�क तुरंत अपने �ाजदर कम नही करते थे।)
3) Poor management in Public Sector Banks (PSB), scams in the private sector banks, large level of Non-
Performing Assets (NPA) also stymie the impact of monetary policy. (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के ब�कों म� बेअसर प्रबं धन, �नजी
�ेत्र के ब�कों म� घोटाले, अनजर्क प�रसं प��या) More in 📑📑Pill1B2
4) Supply Side Issues: El-Nino/Poor monsoon hurting crop production → food inflation; Wars &
Geopolitical issues ⏫ global crude oil & raw material prices, protectionism by China-US denting our
exports. RBI can’t control them. (कम बा�रश + म�पूवर् क� भूराजनी�तक तनाव= भारत मे क�े माल क� आपू�त को असर करते है,
चीन-अमरीका का सं र�णवाद भारतीय �नयार्तमे बाधा डालता है। इ�े �नयं त्रण मे रखना आरबीआई के �लए मु��ल।) 📑📑Pill3&4A
5) While cheap loans can boost consumption, investment and growth but because of poor-monsoon-fear
and oil-price fear, RBI (during Raghuram Rajan and Urjit Patel’s governorships) was usually
apprehensive of inflation and more inclined to keep repo rate high. Then RBI was get criticized for not
facilitating cheap loans & economic growth because of its ‘Hawkish policy’. (महंगाई-�नयं त्रण के च�र मे कभी कभी
खुद �रजवर् के मं हगे �रपो-�ाजदारों ने अथर्त� को आगे बढ्ने से रोका है।)
6) Government Side Issues: Fiscal deficit, Subsidy leakage, Populist Loan-waivers etc. (राजकोषीय खाध, सब�सडी
का �रसाव, लोकलुभावन के �लए िकसानो क� ऋण-माफ�) 📑📑 Pill#2D → FRBM Act
7) Structural Issues in Economy: lack of Ease of Doing Biz, electricity-road infrastructure = production
/supply affecting inflation trends. (�ापारमे सुगमता क� कमी, �बजली-सड़क क� अवसं रचना आिद बु�नयादी मसलो के चलते
उ�ादन/आपू�त क� कमी। �रजवर् ब�क जादू क� छड़ी चलाकर इसे दु�� नहीं कर सकता) 📑📑More in Pill4B&5
8) Presence of Informal moneylenders in rural areas who circulate black money at exorbitant interest rates.
Poor penetration of banking sector, lack of financial inclusion, cash-intensive rural economy etc.
(�ाजखोर/सा�कार जो कालाधन ऊंचे �ाज पर घुमाते है, सभी गरीबो के �व�ीय समोवेशन क� कमी, नगदी मुद्रा पर �ादा आधीन है हमारी
ग्रामीण अथर्�व�ा। �रजवर् ब�क अपनी रेपो दर कम भी कर�, इधर कु छ फकर् नहीं पड़ता) 📑📑More in Pill1D
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 64
12.22.1 ✍Conclusion / �न�षर्
⇒ Monetary policy plays an important role in price stability, economic growth, job creation and social
justice in any economy. But, its efficacy is low for Indian economy, because of the aforementioned issues.
(उ� कारणो के वतर्मानमे मौिद्रक नी�त मं हगाई �नयं त्रण, आ�थक वृ�द्ध, रोजगार सृजन, सामा�जक �ाय म� मह�पूणर् भू�मका नही अदा कर पाती)
⇒ However, both RBI and Government of India have been making attempts to address it through various
reforms for fixing the bad loan/NPA problem in banking sector, developing the infrastructure &
promoting the ease of doing business, financial inclusion and less-cash economy. (अनजर्क प�रसं प�तया, बु�नयादी
अवसं रचना, �ापार म� सुगमता, �व�ीय समोवेशन, कम-नगदी वाली अथर्�व�ा के �लए �रजवर् ब�क व सरकार ने कदम उठाए है। )
⇒ In the upcoming time, these reforms will help improving the impact of Monetary policy in India's
economic growth and human development. (इन सुधार/कदमो के चलते भ�व� मे आ�थक- वृ�द्ध, मानव �वकास मे मौिद्रक नी�त
का असर अव� बढ़ेगा)
12.22.2 �🎺🎺🌞🌞1⃣✋ Mock Questions for UPSC Mains/GSM3 (250 words)
1) "Monetary policy is both a catalyst and an impediment to India's growth story." Examine critically. “भारत
क� �वकास-गाथा म� मौिद्रक नी�त एक उद्दीपक भी है और एक अवरोधक भी है।" इस कथन क� समी�ा क��जए।
2) “Monetary policy is a useful medicine, but NOT panacea for economic growth”. Comment in context of
India. “आ�थक �वकास के �लए, मौिद्रक नी�त एक उपयोगी दवा है, लेिकन रामबाण नहीं”.
3) Discuss the significance of Monetary policy in India's economic growth and human development. भारत क�
आ�थक वृ�द्ध और मानव �वकास म� मौिद्रक नी�त के मह� पर चचार् कर�.
4) Give an account of the steps undertaken by RBI to revive the Indian economy from Corona pandemic.
कोरोना महामारी से भारतीय अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करने के �लए आरबीआई द्वारा उठाए गए कदमो का �ववरण दी�जए।
5) Enumerate the steps taken by the RBI under the Atma Nirbhar Bharat initiative in 2020.
आ��नभर्र भारत अ�भयान के अंतगर्त आरबीआई द्वारा उठाए गए कदमो क� सूची दी�जए।
📑📑NEXT HDT: Pillar1B1- Classification of Banks and NBFCs
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 65
13.11 🐯🐯🐯🐯 ₹ 🖨🖨 Banks → Reserve Bank of India (RBI): भारतीय �रजवर् ब�क ............................................. 68
13.13.1 🦄🦄 → 🦁🦁 Nationalization of Banks After Independence (आजादी के बाद �नजी ब�कों का रा�ी� यकरण) 71
13.14.1 🦄🦄> 🦁🦁: Private sector banks are better than PSBs .................................................................... 72
13.15.4 🔂🔂🔂🔂Anti-Arguments against Merger and Privatization of PSBs (�वरोध म� तकर् )........................ 76
13.16 🏦🏦 �Commercial Banks ⇒ Pvt. Sector Banks (PvB) �नजी-�ेत्र के ब�क ............................................ 76
13.16.1 🏦🏦 � 🚗🚗🚗🚗 ‘On-Tap’ License to open Private Sector Banks (जब मन चाहे तब अज� डाल दो) ..... 77
13.16.2 🏦🏦 �Steps or procedure to open a bank (एक ब�क �ा�पत करने के क� प्रिक्रया �ा है?) .................. 77
13.19.1 🏦🏦 � 🌎🌎🌎🌎 Commercial Banks ⇒ Differential Banks⇒ RRB and LAB ............................ 80
13.19.5 🚐🚐 ⏳ (Proposed) Wholesale & Long Term Finance Banks (WLTF) ....................................... 82
13.20.1 🏦🏦 �😥😥 Cooperative Banks: Negative News (2019): PMC Bank .......................................... 84
13.21.9 👻👻(🚫🚫🚫🚫): NBFC: Shadow Banking (आभासी / प्र�तछाया ब�िकंग प्रणाली) .......................................... 91
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
👺👺moral outrage not required “Why it is only 5 lakh!!!??”. Send your suggestion to PM Modi to
amend the RBI Act, until it’s implemented remember the figure.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
✋This BIC is NOT YET implemented but once in a while newspaper columnist write about it.
While the nationalization of banks was done with the lofty objectives, but politicization in Public Sector Banks
(PSBs) created new set of problems:
- Government administered loan interest rates for populism= Low profitability for PSBs. (मुनाफा कम)
- Political Interference= Low recovery difficult (राजनी�तक ह��ेप के चलते दबं ग त�ो से ऋण वसूली मु��ल)
- Employees Unions hampering any innovation or customer responsiveness. (नवाचार, ग्राहक सु�वधा कम)
- 1991: Balance of Payment crisis (BoP: भुगतान सं तुलन,More in Pill#3) finally forced Govt. to set up a
committee for Banking Sector Reforms under The former RBI Governor M.Narasimham. He suggested:
o Government should ↓ its shareholding in Public Sector Banks. (सरकार अपनी शेयर िह�ेदारी कम करे)
o RBI should ↓ CRR and SLR (सीआरआर, एसएलआर मे कटोती करे)
o Govt should not dictate interest rates to Banks. Liberalize the branch expansion policy (ब�कों को
लोनदर, शाखा �व�ार नी�त तय करने मे सरकार दखल न करे।)
o Allow entry of New Private Banks and New Foreign Banks. (�वदेशी ब�क और �नजी �ेत्र के ब�कों को अनुम�त)
Table 6: Three rounds of bank licensing in India
Round-1 (1993-95) Round-2 (2001-04) Round 3 (2013-16)
1) ICICI 1) Kotak Mahindra Rajan invited applications,
2) HDFC 2) Yes Bank (Founder Rana Bimal Jalan Committee made
3) IndusInd Kapoor). Related Topic: Yes selections:
4) DCB bank scam/Crisis 1. Bandhan (A Microfinance
5) UTI-> later Axis bank company based in W.Bengal)
🎓🎓✋Q: MORAL OUTRAGE: isn’t above definition conflicting with Scheduled Commercial
Bank? Ans, given below
13.16.2 🏦🏦 �Steps or procedure to open a bank (एक ब�क �ा�पत करने के क� प्रिक्रया �ा है?)
Ans. No. If you open a commercial bank at present, the steps are as following
⇒ First you have to register the company with Ministry of Corporate Affairs, under Companies Act
⇒ Then you've to arrange minimum 500 cr capital. For this, If you want to issue shares in the share market
to acquire this ₹₹ → then you have to get permission from SEBI
⇒ Finally, you apply for bank license from RBI using above “ON-TAP” facility → If RBI is satisfied with, it
will give you license as an “non-scheduled (commercial) bank.”
⇒ After that you run the bank, THEN once you satisfy BOTH conditions to become ‘scheduled bank’
o Condition-A) minimum 5 lakh (capital + reserve)… you may already have THAT BUT STILL
SECOND Condition-B also need to be fulfilled that…
o Condition-B) Your bank is not conducting business in a manner harmful to its depositors. So,
RBI may observe your bank’s business/behavior for some months/years, to satisfy itself in this.
⇒ After RBI is satisfied with A+B= will give you the status of "scheduled (Commercial) bank."
⇒ On-Tap guideline: Company with minimum ₹500 cr capital can apply. However, its technical rules about
assets/ownership were such that Large NBFCs and industrial houses could not apply for it.
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
🔠🔠❓ Find correct about India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)? [Asked in UPSC-CDS-2018-1]
1) It has been incorporated as a Public Limited Company.
2) It started its operation by establishing two pilot branches at Hyderabad and Varanasi.
Answer codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
13.21.2 DFI → NaBFID: National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2021: We'll set up this org with ₹20,000cr capital.
⇒ NaBFID will give loans worth ₹5 lakh crore in 3 years.
⇒ It'll get funding from RBI, Govt, World Bank and other multilateral Bank, issuing bonds in market etc
⇒ As per news reports 1) The govt may make it mandatory for Insurance & Pension companies to invest
some ₹₹ in NaBFID. 2) This org may replace the India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (llFCL)
⇒ Primary Objective? finance National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) project.(📑📑Ref: HDT-
13.21.3 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫Non Bank ⇒ All India Financial Institutions (AIFI):
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following grants/grant direct credit assistance to rural households? (UPSC-Pre-2013)
1) Regional Rural Banks
2) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
3) Land Development Banks
Answer Codes:(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
🔠🔠❓Find Correct Statement(s) (Asked in UPSC-Prelims-2004)
A. NHB, the apex institution of housing finance in India, was setup as a wholly owned subsidiary of RBI
B. Small industries development bank of India was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Industrial
development bank of India
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B
13.21.4 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫FI ⇒ Non-Bank ⇒ Primary Dealers (PD)- (प्राथ�मक �वक्रेता)
They deal in "primary" market i.e. directly buy fresh G-sec from RBI’s E-Kuber platform and sell it in the
secondary market. Total 21 PD licensed by RBI: 14 of them are Banks. E.g. Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC
(HongKong), SBI, Kotak etc. (Numbers not important)
- They help clients buy-sell shares and bonds (=debentures) depending on his
instructions E.g. Motilal Oswal, Indiabulls, Sherkhan, Karvy etc.
Stock Broker
- 2019: Karvy Stock Broking transferred clients money & shares into its own
group company Karvy Realty without clients’ consent, so SEBI banned Karvy.
- They pool clients’ money and MF-manager invests it in shares/bonds using
his own discretion & expertise.
Mutual Funds (MF)
- E.g. SBI's Shariah Equity Mutual Fund: clients' money invested in Sharia
compliant Cos. That don’t deal with alcohol, pork, debt, tobacco or weapons.
- Pool & invest money in real estate / infra projects e.g. IRB. <📑📑More in
REITs / InvITs
Pillar#1C: SEBI Handout>
Investment Banks: Underwriting, Merger & Acquisition, Wealth Management of rich people:
(USA) & Merchant E.g. Kotak Mahindra, Citigroup, Bank of America, DSP Merrill Lynch, Morgan
Banking Companies: Stanley, SBI capital
(UK term)
Venture Capital Fund VCF Help startup companies via equity finance e.g. IFCI-VCF, IDG-VCF
13.21.8 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫NBFCs Regulated by Others 🦊🦊
- Specialized Manpower required. Secular India’s PM-Jan-Dhan Yojana & Post Office Payment bank
efforts are sufficient. (ब�क-बचत क� धमर्�नरपे� सेवाएं उपल�. अलग से एक धमर् �वशेष के �लए �व�ीय सेवा अनाव�क)
- USA authorities claim it’s used for terror finance & money laundering. (आतं क� �व�पोषण, काले धन को वैध बनाना)
- They provide loans without KYC, PAN or Aadhar card, formal documentation but require
Property/Vehicle/Home/Goods/Crop/Gold etc. as collaterals/pawn. (सं प�� �गरवी रखवा के कजर्)
- They charge very high compound interest rates & use muscle power for recovery (ऊंचे �ाजदर, वसूली के �लए
धमकाना-बलप्रयोग करना.)
- For every Rs.100 borrowed by a rural household, 33% from informal money lenders, 25% from
cooperative banks, 25% from commercial banks, and remainder from friends-family etc. (2012 data)
- They don’t fall under RBI purview, but State Govts have individual laws to regulate them e.g. Bombay
Moneylenders Act 1947, Kerala (1958), Gujarat (2011). These laws require such informal lenders to
register, impose ceiling on the interest rate & prohibit strong-arm tactics. (�रजवर् ब�क क� �नगरानी म� नहीं िकंतु रा�
सरकारों ने �नयं त्रण के �लए कानून बनाएं - पं जीकरण, �ाज क� मह�म सीमा �नधार्�रत करना, बलप्रयोग/जबरन वसूली पर रोक)
Types → Indigenous Banker (देशी ब�कर) Moneylender / Brokers
Shroff, Shikarpuri, Chettiar, Marwari, Kabuli Pathan, Quistwala, Arhatia, Village
Medieval time
Aiyar, Rastogi Bania, Soni, Mahajan & Seth, Pawnbrokers,
known as →
Financial Brokers
They used to mobilize money from They use their own money
Public via: 1) Hundi: bill of exchange; (or sometimes some villain’s black money-
mobilization →
2) Commercial bills �यं का पैसा कज� पर देते या िकसी भ्र� नेता अफसर का
पैसा कहां से लाते ह�
काला धन कज� पर घुमाते)
📑📑Next HDT: 🔥🔥 1B2: Burning Issues in Banking: Bad Loans, NPA, IBC, SARFAESI, BASEL etc.
CONTECT FOR-MOB-6205028266
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 93
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 94
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 95
Table 2: Type of Borrowers
🤵🤵 Prime Borrower He has the capacity to repay loans.
Such person doesn’t have the capacity to repay loan. Giving teaser rate home
� Subprime Borrower loans to sub-prime borrowers was among the reasons for Sub-prime Crisis in
(Individual) USA (2007-08), which ultimately led to Global Financial Crisis (GFC). (More in
🧔🧔 Overleveraged Such company has borrowed too much money than its ability to pay it back. An
Borrower Overleveraged company has high ratio of Debt (Bonds/loans) to Equity
(Company) (Shares). वापस करने क� �मता से भी अ�धक कजर् ले �लया है
When a weak bank keeps giving new loans to a subprime / overleveraged
� Zombie Lending
borrower. कमजोर ब�क, कमजोर कजर्दार को लोन देता रहे है
🔠🔠❓Why is the offering of "teaser loans" by commercial banks a cause of economic concern? (UPSC-Pre-2011)
1. The teaser loans are considered to be an aspect of sub-prime lending and banks may be exposed to
the risk of defaulters in future.
2. In India, the teaser loans are mostly given to inexperienced entrepreneurs to set up manufacturing or
export units.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 or 2
🔠🔠❓What is the importance of the term “Interest Coverage Ratio” of a firm in India? (Prelims-2020)
1. It helps in understanding the present risk of a firm that a bank is going to give a loan to.
2. It helps in evaluating the emerging risk of a firm that a bank is going to give a loan to.
3. The higher a borrowing firm’s level of Interest Coverage Ratio, the worse is its ability to service its debt.
Answer Code: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 96
📔📔📔📔ES20: NPA had reached its peak in 2018 but now it appears to be declining because of various measures
taken by Government and RBI.
📔📔📔📔ES21: NPA declined (2020-March-Sept) mainly due to RBI Loan Moratorium.
14.13.2 🔪🔪🔪🔪NPA related definitions in Banking Sector
Loan account where borrower is repaying the principal and interest in timely fashion.
Std. Assets
(आदशर् परीसं प�तया= �नय�मत �ाज मुद्दल/ मूलधन �मला)
If loan principal or interest unpaid for 1-30 days from its due date, then such loan
account is classified as Special Mention Account-0.
SMA-1 31-60 days
SMA-2 61-90 days
🥂🥂🥂🥂✈ - If loan principal or interest is not paid for more than 90 days from its due date, then
NPA such loan account is classified as Non-Performing Asset (NPA). िक� जमा करने क�
अनजर्क �नयत �त�थ/तारीख के ऊपर भी 90 िदनों से अ�धक हो चुके हो िक�ु िक� जमा नहीं क� गयी तो….
प�रसं प��यां - For the farm loans, NPA is not counted on number of days but on number of
या cropping seasons. कृ �ष ऋण म� महीनों के िहसाब से नहीं फसल क� मौसम/ऋतु के िहसाब से होता है
गैर-�न�ा�दत - Indian Commercial Banks’ (Gross) NPA approx. ₹8 lakh crores: within that PSB
प�रसं प��यां (₹6 lakh cr) > private Sector banks (₹2lakh cr) [As of 2020-Sept
Provisioning As per RBI norms, banks must set aside funds to cover losses against their NPA. Such
प्रावधानीकरण ‘provisioning of funds’ ⏬decrease profitability of the Bank.
Gross non-performing assets (GNPA: सकल एनपीए)= grand total of all NPA loans(कु ल योग)
Gross NPA 2020-Sept: sectors with highest % GNPA= 1) Industries (within that, infrastructure,
metal, electricity) > 2) Agriculture > 3) Service Sector > 4) Retail Loans
NET NPA NET NPA (शुद्ध एनपीए) = GNPA Minus Provisioning 🎓🎓✋WHATITMEANSNOTIMP
Substandard When loan account remains in the NPA classification for 12 months/>
asset (रद्दी/घिटया परीसं प�तया)
Doubtful When loan account in substandard classification for 12 months/>
When a bank, its auditor or RBI declares that given doubtful asset has little / no
Loss Asset
salvageable value. (नीलामी करके भी नुकसान भरपाई असं भव)
When loan is written off from the ‘asset-side’ of the bank balance sheet, to save
Loan write-off corporation tax (How? = we-are-not-here-for-CA-exam). Loan write-off doesn’t waive
bank’s right to recover that bad loan, it’s merely an accounting exercise for tax-benefits.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 97
Restructured When principal / interest rate / tenure of the loan is modified. Banks may do it when
loan borrower facing difficulty in repaying loans. (पुनगर्िठत कजर् / ऋण)
Stressed Asset NPA + Loans Written-Off + Restructured Loans = Stressed Assets (तनावपूणर् सं प��)
If bank allows the borrower to pay 60% of dues & forgoes 40% as loss, then bank has
OTS with
offered “Onetime Settlement (OTS) with 40% haircut” कजर् का कु छ िह�ा ब�क खुद ही नुकसानी
समझकर माफ कर दे
Evergreening of When a borrower taking a new loan to pay off his old loan.
loans पुराना कजर् चुकाने के �लए नया कजर् �लया
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 98
SC PIL: interest should be waived. But RBI opposed, because if borrowers don’t pay interest,
then how can banks give interest to depositors for their deposits. Banking system will become
unsustainable! (उ�तम �ायालय म� जनिहत या�चका क� यह �ाज क� रकम माफ हो जाए)
2020-Oct: Govt informed SC, “we’ll pay interest on the interest for those 6 months for loans upto
₹2 cr <REF: next section>” (उन छ: महीनों म� बकाया �ाज के ऊपर �जतना �ाज चढ़ेगा वह हम अदा कर द�ग)े
14.14.2 👻👻👻👻:🤧🤧🤧🤧✋ Loan Moratorium: Interest Relief Scheme (बकाया �ाज के ऊपर चढ़ने वाले �ाज पर �रयायत)
⇒ Technical name: COVID 19 Ex-Gratia to borrowers for difference in interest.
⇒ Boss? FinMin → Dept of Financial Services
⇒ Eligibility? ✅ALL Borrowers who had taken following types of loans up to ₹2 crores (including credit
card dues) as on 29 February, 2020.
✅Eligible ✋NOT eligible (पात्र नहीं है)
loan must be taken from a formal financial intermediary such as ✋loans from informal money
Bank, NBFC, MicroFinance Institution (औपचा�रक �व�ीय म��) lenders e.g. Shroff, Baniya, Sahukar
MSME Loans, Education loans, Housing Loans, Consumer Durable ✋if loan account classified as “Non
Loans, Credit Card Dues, personal /Consumption loans (e.g. Performing Asset (NPA) as on
marriage etc social ceremonies ke liye loans). 29.02.2020.
Automobile Loans: two wheeler, rickshaw, taxi, car, truck etc. ✋if tractor and crop loans. (govt
has different technical schemes to
help such farmers)
It doesn't matter If you (A) opted for the Moratorium or (B) did not --
opt for moratorium. Both types of borrowers are eligible. आपने �ाज
भर िदया हो तो भी सरकार आपको लाभ देगी
⇒ In these eligible accounts → Government will deposit the interest on interest during the moratorium
period. In other words, "difference between the compound interest and simple interest to all borrowers
with loans up to Rs 2 crore for the six-month period will be reimbursed."
⇒ कोरोना महामारी म�, कजर्दार को राहत के �लए �रजवर् ब�क ने लोन-िक�ों क� अदायगी पर रोक क� अनुम�त दी थी। िक�ु, यिद िकसी ग्राहक ने 6
महीनों तक िक� न चुकाई हो तो उसके बकाया �ाज के ऊपर �ाज चढ़ते रहता था। सरकार उस ‘�ाज के ऊपर चढ़े �ाज’ क� रकम ग्राहक के
ब�क-खाते म� जमा करेगी।
✋ How exactly does it work? What are the formulas and calculation methodologies? REF FAQ not important for exam. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 99
Figure 1: तनावग्र� प�रस���ओं को पुनज��वत करने हेतु आरबीआई का ढांचा: 2019 से पहेले का
14.15.1 ✔Rectification (सुधार)
⇒ 2015: RBI ordered the Banks to conduct Asset Quality Review (AQR: प�रसं प�� गुणव�ा समी�ा) and begin
rectification of bad loans i.e. Bank doesn’t change in loan interest, tenure or terms, but asks client to
rectify his irregularity in loan-repayment.
⇒ In genuine case, additional loan may be given. Bank may also try to find a new partner / investor for
reviving the project. ब�क अ�त�र� कजर् दे सकता था, नया �नवेशक ढू ंढने मदद कर सकता था।
14.15.2 ⛏Restructuring (पुनगर्ठन: �ाज दर या कजर् चुकाने क� अव�ध या मा�लक� म� बदलाव)
- Restructuring = Changing the loan interest (%) or tenure or ownership. it consisted of following schemes:
- 5/25 for Infrastructure loans: RBI allowed banks to extend infra-loan tenure upto 25 yrs, & even ⏬loan
interest rate. But such interest rate will be reviewed each 5yrs.
- CDR: Corporate Debt Restructuring: For non-infra corporate loan- features similar to above.
- SDR: Strategic Debt Restructuring (रणनी�तक ऋण पुनगर्ठन) Scheme: Bank’s Debt (Loan) is converted to
Equity (Shares) & bank sells it to highest bidder ⇒ company’s ownership may change. Scheme
unsuccessful as it required the approval of existing shareholders.
- S4A - Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets (तं गहाली आ��यो क� सं धारणीय सं रचना): Similar to
aforementioned SDR. Technical differences between SDR & S4A not important.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
- JLF- Joint lenders forum (ऋणदाताओ का सं यु� मं च): Consortium of the lenders, who will work out
aforementioned restructuring methods. But, proved unsuccessful because PSB Officials would not vote
positively due to the fear of Media & 4C [Courts, CBI, CAG and CVC].
14.15.3 🔪🔪 Recovery (वसूली)
Bank liquidates loan-defaulter’s assets under either of the following acts: (सं प��यों क� ज�ी और नीलामी)
1) SARFAESI Act 2002 (सरफे सी अ�ध�नयम) OR
2) Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 (शोधन-अ�मता एवं िदवा�लयापन सं िहता 2016)
🔠🔠❓‘Scheme for Sustainable Structuring of Stressed Assets (S4A)’ is related to: (UPSC-Prelim-2017)
a) procedure for ecological costs of developmental schemes.
b) scheme of RBI for reworking the financial structure of big corporates with genuine difficulties.
c) disinvestment plan for Central Public Sector Undertakings.
d) Provision in ‘The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code’.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 100
14.15.4 🦁🦁 🔪🔪RBI’s ‘Feb-12’ Circular (2018) & Prudential Framework (2019)
⇒ Using the powers of RBI Act, RBI issued a circular on 12th Feb 2018. It discontinued CDR, S4A, SDR etc.
henceforth IBC to be main tool. 1-day default norms, lenders to immediately start resolution, IF
resolution not finalized in 180 days then liquidation. Penalties for noncompliance.
⇒ 2019-April: SC declared it ultra-vires (क़ानूनीसीमा से बाहर) because not consistent with provisions in RBI Act.
2019-June: Consequently, RBI released Prudential Framework for Resolution of Stressed Assets Directions
2019 (तनावग्र� प�रसं प��यों के िदशा-�नद�शों के �लए �ववेकपूणर् �परेखा)
⇒ RBI applied it on Banks, AIFI and selected categories of NBFCs- using the powers under Banking
Regulation Act (1949) and RBI Act (1934).
⇒ It discontinued CDR, S4A, SDR, JLF etc. henceforth IBC to be main tool.
⇒ If principal / interest is overdue for 1-30 days, classify loan account as SMA-0. Then, within 30 days, the
lender shall review the loan account, & initiate resolution process (RP). (Previous Feb-12 circular
required lenders to start RP within 1-day of SMA-0.)
⇒ It framed rules to facilitate Sashakt approach #1 and #2-inter-creditor agreement (ICA).
⇒ Lenders must upload data of ₹5 crore /> loans to RBI’s CRILC portal on weekly basis.
⇒ Forbids loan restructuring for borrowers who have committed frauds/willful default in past. Forbids
evergreening of stressed loans.
✋😷😷 most of above directives were suspended / postponed in Corona so don’t lose sleep
⇒ 1991: Narsimham-I Committee on banking sector reforms observed that borrowers obtain stay orders
from ordinary courts = banks have difficulty recovering NPA. So, Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRT: ऋण
वसूली �ाया�धकरण) were set up (1993)= ordinary courts can’t interfere in the loan recovery process.
⇒ 1998: Narsimhan-II Committee observed that DRTs need to be strengthened with a law, so,
Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI)
Act enacted in 2002. [प्र�तभूतीकरण और �व�ीय आ��यों का पुनगर्ठन और प्र�तभू�त िहत को प्रभावी करने का अ�ध�नयम 2002]
⇒ Under SARFAESI act, lenders can attach the mortgaged assets when loan is not repaid. They can change
board of directors in such companies, can auction such assets, can also sell such assets to Asset
Reconstruction Companies (ARC, NBFC: प�रसं प�� पुन�नमार्ण कं पनी). SARFAESI not applicable on farm loans.
⇒ If loan-defaulter wants to obtain a stay order, he cannot go to ordinary courts. He will have to approach
for DRT. If DRT doesn’t help then ⇒ higher appeal to Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT: ऋण
वसूली अपीलीय �ाया�धकरण), but DRAT will require him to deposit minimum 50% of the loan dues (to
discourage frivolous appeals). ⇒ higher appeal to high court.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 101
14.16.1 ⚖🔪🔪�💪💪 Which lenders have SARFAESI powers?
All types of Banks
Housing Finance Companies (HFCs)
if an NBFC fulfills two conditions SIMULTANEOUSLY:
o 1) The NBFC having asset size of ₹100 cr or more, AND
o 2) loan given is at least ₹50 lakhs. [💼💼Budget-2021 reduced minimum limit to ₹20 lakh]
For example Bajaj Finserv, Reliance Capital, Muthoot Finance, IL&FS.
14.16.2 🔨🔨⚖ SC Judgement: Yes, Cooperative banks also have SARFAESI powers (2020)
⇒ Constitution: 7th Schedule → Union List: (सं �वधान क� 7वीं अनुसचू ी → सं घ सूची)
o Entry 43: Incorporation, regulation and winding up of trading corporations, including banking,
insurance and financial corporations, but not including co-operative societies.
o Entry 45: Banking.
⇒ 2007: A court judgments said “Union’s SARFAESI Act doesn’t apply to Cooperative banks. Because
cooperative banks are outside the law-making power of the Union as per the Entry 43.”
⇒ 2020-May: Supreme court finally clarified the matter: “Entry 45: banking involves all types of banks- both
commercial and cooperative banks. Therefore, when the Union made the SARFAESI Act to empower the
banking sector, → same powers are also available to Cooperative banks.” सहकारी ब�क भी इस कानून का इ�ेमाल
करके कजर्दार क� सं प�� ज� कर सकते ह�
14.16.3 ⚖🔪🔪: �Limitations of SARFAESI Act (मयार्दाए)
- 😰😰The DRTs & DRATs are understaffed. 1 lakh+ cases pending (2016), so, case will go on for years and
the debtor will remain in possession of asset. जजों क� कमी के चलते के स �नपटान क� प्रिक्रया ब�त धीमी है
- 😰😰This leads to erosion of asset-value (machinery, vehicles) even when DRT allows auction at a later
time. गाडी/ मशीन क� ज�ी नीलामी नहीं होगी तो उसके मू� म� और �गरावट आती है
- In some businesses, auction or liquidation may not yield the best returns for the banks e.g. hotel resort in
remote area, where no other hoteliers are keen to invest. हर प्रकार क� सं प�� क� नीलामी म� अ�� बोली लगाने वाली �मल
जाए यह ज�री नहीं
- In such cases, if the loans were restructured (i.e. reducing % interest rate, extending tenure, finding new
partners), then banks could salvage more value. इस�लए नीलामी क� वजह है अगर कु छ समझौता िकया जाए तो बेहतर
- But, SARFAESI act doesn’t facilitate such arbitration ( म��ता) So, Govt. came up with a new law: IBC
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शोधन-अ�मता एवं िदवा�लयापन सं िहता 2016: कजर्दार का लेनदार के साथ समझौता/मांडवली करवाने के �लए
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 103
⇒ 🔪🔪 � Wilful Defaulter (जान-बूझकर बकाएदार): A borrower who has the capacity to repay, but he’s not
repaying the loan. E.g. Vijay Mallya was declared willful defaulter by SBI (2017). OR
⇒ 🔪🔪 � Incapable Defaulter (असमथर् बकाएदार): A borrower whose loan account is in NPA for more than a
year, and he has no capacity to repay even partial loan amount. (�जसक� औकात ही नही लोन चुकाने क�, उसके साथ �ा
समजौता करोगे?)
Above two categories of borrowers are not eligible for I&B resolution process. Their assets will be directly
liquidated under SARFAESI Act. (उनक� तो बस सं प�� ज� करके नीलामी होगी, इनके साथ कोई समझौता िकया नहीं जाएगा)
14.17.2 ⚖🔪🔪🤝🤝 Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code Amendment (2018: सं िहता सं शोधन)
⇒ RERA registered building (home & office) buyers are classified as ‘financial creditors’. So, if builder
unable to finish project, unable to repay the loans to banks → homebuyers will have voting power in the
I&B resolution process. (More RERA in Pill#6)
⇒ It ⏬the voting requirements for faster resolution:
Lenders’ Voting requirements (ऋणदाताओ का प्र�ाव के समथर्न म� मतदान) Before After
Routine decisions (सामा� �नणर्यों के �लए) 75% 51%
Key decisions like appointing IP, extending deadlines for resolution process, approving 75% 66%
the resolution plan (मह�पूणर् �नणर्य के �लए)
Withdrawing resolution plan from NCLT NotIMP 90%
14.17.3 ⚖🔪🔪🤝🤝 IBC Code (first) Amendment Act (2019: सं िहता सं शोधन)
2019-Aug: it was passed by Parliament, with following features
⇒ Must finish entire process within 330 days, instead of earlier 180-270 days walli limit.
⇒ If too many FCs (e.g. homebuyers): they may appoint a representative (प्र�त�न�ध) for to attend the
Committee of Creditors on their behalf, for smoother & systematic conduct of meeting.
14.17.4 ⚖🔪🔪🤝🤝 IBC Code (second) Amendment Act 2019
2019-Dec: introduced in parliament, with following features:
⇒ IBC complaints can be made only if the loan amount is minimum “x” or minimum lenders are “y”. This
is to discourage frivolous complaints by lenders. (यिद बकाया ऋण क� रकम मामूली हो तो �शकायतों को रोकना)
⇒ If the government had given any license, permit, registration etc. then it’ll not be cancelled while IBC
proceedings are going on. (e.g. if a liquor company’s license was cancelled while ongoing case → no fresh
investor would come→ business can NOT be revived!).
⇒ Ring-fencing from any risk of criminal proceedings: (पुरानी आपरा�धक कायर्वाही के सामने नये �नवेशक क� िकलेबंदी/
मु��) = After IBC restructuring, if a new partner joins/takes over in the business, he’ll be given immunity
from criminal proceedings against offences committed by previous promoters.
⇒ Plus, many other technical changes but poor cost-benefit chasing them. It shows that IBC is a ‘work in
progress’…many operational difficulties= govt has to keep changing the norms/amendments. This is a
‘criticism/ shortcoming’ of IBC act. बार बार इस कानून म� सुधार करने क� ज�रत..एक तरह से इसक� खामी है।
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 104
�व�धवत �प से कोटर्/कानूनी प्रिक्रया शु� होने से पहले ही अनौपचा�रक �प से कजर्दार कं पनी अपने कजर्दाता तथा भ�व� क� नीलामी म� ��च रखने
वाले खरीदारों से पद� के पीछे /बं द दरवाजे म� चुपचाप समझौता कर कर ले.)
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? a quick (speedy) and discreet (confidential) way of completing the insolvency resolution
process. ��रत और गु� �प से मसले को समेट �लया जाए
⇒ 🤩🤩Prevents the stigma/bad publicity/damage to brand image associated with formal IBC proceedings.
else in future difficult to get investors/customers/clients. मामला औपचा�रक �प से कोटर् तक नहीं प�ंचेगा= अखबारों
म�/जनमानस म� कं पनी बदनाम/कलं िकत ना हो वरना भ�व� म� �नवेशकों/ग्राहकों को आक�षत करना मु��ल हो जाता है.
⇒ PRE-pack System is found in United Kingdom and the United States
Why in News? Indian govt thinking of amending the IBC code to allow pre-packing in India.
14.17.6 ⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🥱🥱 IBBI directive on Avoidance Transaction and 500 other technical things
✋Such technical topics not important for the scope of the exam. If any teacher teaching it / private
quizmaster is asking MCQ on it then please ask them to first go through previous years official papers and ask
him to prove where's the pattern of such questions being asked in real exam?#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
14.17.7 👻👻� (⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪) ATMANI → IBC Ordinance/Act 2020 to suspend new cases
⇒ 2020-June: Govt issues ordinance to amend IBC Code. (अ�ादेश)
⇒ Corona = business is down, difficult to work out any resolution plan. So, No fresh case will be registered
in IBC code for next “X” months Because Corona (नए के सों के दा�खले/पं जीकरण को ��गत िकया गया.)
⇒ “X” = 24 March 2021 ✋Exact dates notIMP
IBC Ordinance / Act 2020 Case can start if loan default of minimum _ _
BEFORE Minimum ₹1 lakh/>.
AFTER Minimum ₹1 crore/>**
**So even after suspension is lifted, most of the small businessmen will be spared from IBC proceedings. (रोक
हटाने के बाद भी नए के स दजर् िकए जाएं गे तो �सफर् बड़े लोन के �लए िकए जाएं गे)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 105
was the first to get the IU status. It is compulsory for the lenders to share data with IU. IU helps lenders in
two ways:
1) by looking @borrowers’ credit history, lenders can make informed decisions about whether to
give loan or not, and how much interest to charge? कजर्दाता को जानकारी मुहयै ा कराता है
2) This database helps establishing documentary proofs during NCLT / DRT / judicial / liquidation
proceedings. कानूनी प्रिक्रया म� द�ावेजी सबूत मुहैया कराता है
14.17.9 🕵🕵🕵(⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪)Insolvency → Misc. Org: Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA)
- an autonomous body under Ministry of Corporate Affairs. (�ाय� सं �ा)
- It has launched a two-year Graduate Insolvency Programme (GIP). �ातक कायर्क्रम शु� िकया
- The student passing this program can register as IP, without the mandatory 10 years' experience.
14.17.10 💪💪 Project Sashakt by Finance Ministry (2018)
Figure 2: चलो, हम सब सरकारी ब�क IBC मे जाने से पहेले, खुद से ही NPA सुलजा ने क� को�शश करते है!
2018-Jul: Finmin’s Project Sashakt for PSB-NPA on report by Sunil Mehta (PNB CEO).
5 Pronged approach to resolve the NPA problem in a timebound manner:
1. Small sized bad loans upto ₹50 cr: SME-resolution template, 90 days. Bank itself should work it out,
without approaching NCLT/IP. लघु मात्रा के
2. Mid-sized bad loans ₹ 50-500cr: Inter-Creditor Agreement (ICA: अंतर-लेनदार करार), 180 days. Banks
themselves should work it out, without approaching NCLT/IP. म� मात्रा के
3. Large size above 500 cr: (Proposed) independent Asset Management Company (AMC: प�रसं प��-प्रबं ध
कं पनी) to buy off bad loans from banks. AMC will not be funded by Government. बड़ी मात्रा के
4. Online asset trading platform.
5. NCLT/IBC legal-technical reforms.
14.17.11 👻👻👻👻👻 ATMA-NIRBHAR → Insolvency → Micro,Small,Medium Enterprises
⇒ 📑📑Ref Pillar#1D: Financial Inclusion → Mudra and other loans schemes
🔠🔠❓What was the purpose of the Inter-Creditor Agreement signed by Indian banks and financial institutions
recently? (UPSC-Prelims-2019)
a) To lessen the Government of India’s perennial burden of fiscal deficit and current account deficit
b) To support the infrastructure projects of Central and State Governments
c) To act as independent regulator in case of applications for loans of ₹ 50 crore or more
d) To aim at faster resolution of stressed assets of ₹ 50 crore or more which are under consortium
14.17.12 (⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪)🈶🈶🈶🈶 Cross-border Insolvency (सीमा-पार का �दवा�लयापन)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 106
⇒ Cross-border insolvency has two facets: 1) foreign creditors should be able to recover money lent to
Indian corporates & VICE VERSA. 2) During Indian company's insolvency in India, the Indian lenders
should be able to recover money from Indian company's foreign assets easily, AND VICE VERSA.
⇒ IBC sections 234 & 235 have provisions for it, BUT they are not notified yet, so they are not enforced.
2018: Corporate Affairs Ministry's Insolvency Law (reforms) Committee under Injeti Srinivas recommended
⇒ We should create a separate law for Cross-border Insolvency. अलग से कानून बने
⇒ More than 40 nations use United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)'s
Model Law of Cross Border Insolvency (1997)
⇒ So, we can use it as a template while making our own law. Government is working on such bill.
14.18(⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪)📘📘 📘📘 ECONOMIC SURVEY ON IBC/NPA (आ�थक सव��ण)
14.18.1 Economic Survey 2018-19 on IBC/NPA (released in 2019-July)
⇒ With I&B Code and other measures by RBI, the NPA % has ⏬ अनजर्क प�रसं प��यों के �नपटान म� मदद �मली
⇒ I&B code's time-bound mechanisms have prompted 'behavioral changes' in corporate borrowers. Now
they fear losing control of the company. This has improved corporate governance, cash and financial
discipline. (कॉप�रेट देनदार के �वहार म� प�रवतर्न, कं पनी क� मा�लक क� मेरे हाथ से चली जाएगी इस डर म� �नय�मत कजार् वापस कर रहे ह�)
⇒ By 31/3/2018: ₹ 50,000 crores worth NPAs have been upgraded to std assets (meaning the (arrogant)
borrowers have been forced to resume paying principal & interest regularly.)
⇒ Due to IBC Code, India's rank has improved in World Bank's Ease of Doing Biz report. (More in Pillar#4).
However, we also need to begin more reforms:
We need to increase the number of NCLT benches, number of IP Professionals, use ICT technology
for faster case proceedings. (�ायपीठ, मानव बल और टे�ोलॉजी के उपयोग म� बढ़ोतरी क� ज�रत)
We should enact separate law on cross-border insolvency. (सीमा-पार िदवा�लयापन)
Group Insolvency (समूह िदवा�लयापन): Big Industrialists usually operate through groups of companies,
each having a separate identity e.g. Tata Sons ltd → 1) TCS 2) Tata Motors 3) Tata Steel etc. If one of
these company become insolvent, it creates negative ripples on entire group's financial health.
Certain legal-technical reforms are necessary to address such group-insolvency.
Certain legal-technical reforms to address insolvency cases involving individual proprietors and
partnership firms. (���गत मा�लक और साझेदारी फमर्: They’re legally different entities than ‘Companies
registered under companies Act. More in 1C: SEBI handout)
14.18.2 (⚖🔪🔪🔪🔪)📔📔📔📔Economic Survey 2020 on IBC/NPA (released in 2020-Jan-31st)
⇒ NPA had reached its peak in 2018 but now it appears to be declining because of various measures taken
by the Government and RBI. (धीरे-धीरे अनजर्क प�रसं प��यों क� सम�ा कम हो रही है)
⇒ Nearly 3000 insolvency professionals (as on December 31, 2019).
⇒ Appreciated that IBC proceedings take on average 340 days to complete, unlike SARFAESI legal
proceedings which take 4.3 years. के स का �नपटारा �ादा ज�ी से हो पाता है
⇒ Appreciated that IBC helps recovering more amount of loan than SARFAESI in 2018-19
Approx. Amount recovered in crores 2017-18 2018-19
SARFAESI and DRT 33,000 52,000
IBC 5000 71,000
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14.19🤒🤒🤒🤒💊💊 📅📅:📔📔📔📔 ES21: REGULATORY FORBEARANCE (�व�नयामक� �मा/सहनशीलता)
During a great financial crisis the Reserve Bank may allow for some relaxation in above guidelines. (�व�ीय सं कट
काल म� �रजवर् ब�क उ� �नयमों म� �रयायत दे सकता है)
⇒ For example, Restructuring of loans: A stressed / NPA walla borrower's loan tenure⏫ and/or loan
interest rate ⏬ as per RBI norms. (�ण का पुनगर्ठन. लोन क� अव�ध-�मयादी/�ाज दरों म� बदलाव)
⇒ Then such restructured loan account will be reclassified from NPA to Standard account → then banker's
Provisioning, BASEL-capital norms related headaches will ⏬
⇒ such temporary relief from the strict rules is called "Regulatory forbearance".
⇒ RBI permitted it after 2007-08's Subprime & Global Financial Crisis.
⇒ Ideally, such forbearance should be discontinued after economic recovery i.e. in 2011 when GDP, IIP etc
had improved considerably. (हालांिक �व�ीय सं कट ख� होने के बाद इस प्रकार क� �मा/�रयायतों को बं द कर देना चािहए)
⇒ But RBI continued forbearance /Lax monitoring till 2015 → medicine started showing following side
effects / detrimental consequences on the health of banking sector and the economy. (िकंतु �रजवर् ब�क ने उसे कई
वष� तक जारी रखा. अनाव�क �प से ये दवाई खाने से ब�कों के �ा� पर दु�भाव)
14.19.1 🤒🤒🤒🤒💊💊 📅📅 Regulatory forbearance: side-effects by prolonged use (लं बे समय तक उपयोग से हा�नयां)
⇒ Banks exploited the forbearance window to restructure loans even for unviable entities, thereby window
dressing their accounts, inflating profits → ⏫ dividends to shareholders, including the govt in the case
of public sector banks. (�रजवर् ब�क क� �मा/�रयायतों का गलत इ�ेमाल करके ब�कों ने अपने िहसाबओं का बाहय़ अलं करण िकया,
जो�खम पूणर् प�रसं प��यों को कम और मुनाफे को �ादा बढ़ा चढ़ाकर िदखाया)
⇒ It also encouraged the banks to engage in risky lending practices e.g.
⇒ Zombie Lending (= weak bank keeps giving new loans to weak / subprime / Over Leveraged borrower)
⇒ Evergreening of loans (Companies taking new loans to repay the previous loans- कज� का �नरंतर ह�रतकरण)
As a result, when RBI ended forbearance in 2015, following bad things discovered:
⇒ 😰😰NPAs almost 2x doubled when compared to the pre-forbearance levels. (अनजर्क प�रसं प��यों दुगनी हो गई)
⇒ 😰😰Many corporate / loan scams unearthed: ICICI-Vodafone loan, Yes Bank-Rana Kapoor, PNB-Nirav
Modi, Punjab and Maharashtra Co-operative Bank (PMC) etc. (�व�ीय गबन सामने आए)
⇒ 😰😰Similar problems are also observed elsewhere in other countries. (अ� देशों म� भी यही वातार् का पुनरावतर्न)
14.19.2 🤒🤒🤒🤒💊💊 📅📅 Regulatory forbearance: Policy Lesson for Post-Corona Recovery (नी�त पाठ?)
⇒ During Corona, again RBI has announced regulatory forbearance measures. [e.g. Loan Moratorium loan
restructuring etc.] But, policymakers should not continue such emergency measures/ forbearance after
the crisis is over. (आपातकाल ख� होने के बाद इस प्रकार क� �मा/�रयायतों को तुरंत बं द करना चािहए)
⇒ As the economy recovers, banks should be ordered to conduct Asset Quality Review (AQR) and take
corrective measures accordingly. (प�रसं प�� गुणव�ा मू�ांकन कर सुधार के �लए कदम �लया जाए)
⇒ When an emergency medicine becomes a staple diet, it can be counterproductive.
⇒ “Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” (- Spanish philosopher George
Santayana) (जो इ�तहास क� गल�तयों से सीखेगा नहीं वह उन गल�तयों को दोहराएगा)
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⇒ Banks' auditors should be penalised if not reporting the malpractices like evergreening and zombie
lending. This would thereby create fear/incentives for the auditor to conduct the balancesheet inspection
more diligently. (लेखा परी�कों को कोताही के �लए दंिडत िकया जाए)
⇒ National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) should be empowered further, to enforce corporate governance
standards under Companies Act. (रा��ीय कं पनी कानून अ�धकरण का अ�धक सश��करण हो)
14.20 �🔪🔪💻💻 BORROWERS’ DATABASE & SURVEILLANCE (उधारकतार्ओ ं का डेटाबेज व् �नगरानी)
Figure 3: Instagram फोटो मे भले हम मोरेशीयश मे ऐ�ाशी करे, ब�क को बोल�गे लोन चुकाने का पैसा नही है।
14.20.2 �🔪🔪🔪🔪-📔📔📔📔 ES20: setup PSBN Network
⇒ Government should create a new organization named PSBN (Public Sector Bank Network), which will act
as a Financial Technology/Fintech Hub (FinTech: �व�ीय प्रौद्यो�गक�).
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⇒ Whenever a borrower applies for a loan to a public sector bank → Details will be sent to PSBN. → PSBN
will verify the creditworthiness (�व�ीय साख) and risk profile (िदवा�लयेपन का जो�खम) of the applicant through:
o Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and Big Data Analytics- as explained in the
previous section
o E-KYC (Know Your Customer): Aadhar verification → cross checking his Aadhar number
against Financial data from Corporate Affair Ministry, SEBI/share market, Income Tax
Department, GST, etc.
🤩🤩 Benefit? fraud prevention, ⏬ chances NPAs, quicker decision making, process loan applications faster,
cost saving for individual banks as all of them can use a single hub instead of spending on separate
servers/technology. (�व�ीय घोटाले का जो�खम कम होगा, लोन अज�ओं का ज�ी से �नपटा)
14.20.3 �🔪🔪🔪🔪- 🐯🐯 RBI → Public Credit Registry (ऋण क� सावर्ज�नक र�ज��ी)
Presently, multiple organizations keep borrowers’ database / credit history viz.
1) Under the I&B code, Insolvency and bankruptcy board of India (IBBI) has authorized the National e-
governance services Ltd (NeSL) to act as an Information Utility (IU).
2) Under the Credit Information Companies Regulation Act (CICRA 2005), RBI has given license to CRISIL
(oldest CIC-1987), CARE, FITCH India, ICRA, Brickwork Ratings , SMERA etc. as Credit Information
Company [ऋण सूचना कं पनी].
3) RBI has its own “Central Repository of Information on Large Credits (CRILC)” for Loans above Rs 5 cr.
Banks & NBFCs have to submit weekly updates in this portal.
😰😰But, not all of these databases are under the direct control of RBI. Each has their own methodology for
data collection & tabulation. Not all of these databases are covering all individual & corporate borrowers.
Figure 4: �बग बॉस क� तरह सब पे नजर रखूँ गा। चुन चुन के डेटा �नकालूँगा।
So, RBI’s Yeshwant M. Deosthalee Committee (2017-18) recommended setting up a Digital Public Credit
Registry (PCR) with following features:
1) PCR will be setup under RBI, using data from SEBI, Corporate Affairs Ministry, GST authorities, IBBI,
Banks, NBFCs etc. अलग-अलग सं �ाओं से को डाटा हा�सल करेगा
2) PCR will help lenders to get complete 360-degree profile of borrower on real time basis.
3) PCR will help RBI in early detection of systematic stress, checking the efficacy of monetary policy & other
big data analytics. मौिद्रक नी�त क� अ�धका�रता को जानने म� भी मदद करेगा
[Asked in UPSC-CDS-2016-II] [Asked in UPSC-CDS-2018-1]
Which one of the following is/are credit rating agency/ The Reserve Bank of India has recently constituted a
agencies in India? high-level task force on Public Credit Registry (PCR),
(a) CRISIL headed by
(b) CARE (a) Sekar Karnam (b) Vishakha Mulye
(c) ICRA (c) Sriram Kalyanaraman
(d) All of the above (d) Y. M. Deosthalee
MORAL Outrage NOT REQ: “WHY not merge PSBN Network with RBI’s PCR registry? Ans=Send
suggestion to RBI + CEA Subramanian K. that they shld not do duplication of efforts.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
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14.20.4 �🔪🔪🔪🔪- 🌐🌐 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Number: (कानूनी इकाई पहचान सं �ांक)
Figure 5: �वदेश मे नयी कं पनी बनाकर वापस �वदेशो क� ब�कों को चुना लगाएं गे तो �ा उखाड़ लोगे?
- Objective? Even if a company is blacklisted by Indian banks, it could apply for loans overseas, and those
overseas bankers may not be aware of company’s history. So, there should be a global “Aadhar card”
number for companies, and they must be forced to quote that number during every financial transaction.
- After Sub-Prime Crisis and Global Financial Crisis (GFC), the G20 and its Financial Stability Board
(FSB: �व�ीय ��रता बोडर्) came up this LEI concept- a 20-digit alphanumeric code.
- LEI’s Global Boss: Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), Frankfurt, Germany. LEI’s Indian
agent: Clearing Corporation of India.
- RBI had ordered the large corporate borrowers (who have taken loans of Rs.1,000 crore or more from
Indian banks) must obtain LEI number by 31/6/2018, then gradually smaller companies must obtain LEI-
number in a phased manner. पहेले बड़ी-बड़ी कं प�नयों ने यह सं �ाक लेना होगा, िफर छोटी छोटी कं प�नओ ने लेना होगा।
- Companies must quote this LEI-number in their financial transaction. RBI has power to issue such
directives under: Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 & Banking Regulation Act 1949.
Figure 6: देश छोड़ के भाग जाऊंगा, 9 लाख का लेधर जेकेट पहेनके लं डन क� ग�लयो मे घूमँ गू ा, �ा उखाड़ लोगे मेरा?
भगोड़ा आ�थकर् अपराधी अ�ध�नयम: This act targets economic offenders accused of cheque dishonor, loan / investment
/ chit-fund scam, money laundering etc. worth ₹ 100 crores /> & left India to avoid facing prosecution / arrest.
- Special courts under the PMLA (Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002) will order the villain to
appear within 6 weeks, if not then he is declared “Fugitive Economic Offender”⇒ His Indian & Overseas
& Benami properties will be attached (भगोडे आ�थक अपराधी क� भारतीय तथा �वदेशी सं प��यों को ज� िकया जाएगा).
- Once property attached- the Union Govt will oversee its administration / liquidation (प�रसमापन).
- No ordinary civil court / tribunal can give stay order. Villain can make appeal only in High Court and
Supreme Court. (भगोड़ा आ�थक अपराधी के वल उ� �ायालय और सव�� �ायालय म� जाकर मदद मांग सकता है).
If Borrowers don’t repay, SARFAESI auctions give little recovery, CRR-SLR insufficient to repay deposits
then bank collapse imminent. Then, how to protect the depositors? Ans. ⇒
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14.23.1 �(🏦🏦 🔪🔪🔪🔪) Bad Bank called ARC/AMC- Announced by 💼💼Budget-2021
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2021: we'll set up an Asset Reconstruction Company (ARC) and Asset Management Company
(AMC) to take over the bad loans from banks. (प�रसं प�� पुनगर्ठन/प्रबं धन कं पनी जो िक ब�कों से उनक� अनअजर्क प�रसं प��यों
को खरीदेगा )
⇒ Govt will not have any shareholding in ARC/AMC. Banks will set these organization(s) up with their own
funds. (सरकार इसम� शेयर धारक नहीं बन�गी ब�क वाले खुद से शेयर पूंजी देकर इसको बनाएं गे)
Actual details about structure / headquarters etc not yet announced. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो.
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⇒ This will help the banks to conserve funds and absorb losses in an environment of heightened uncertainty
in CORONA. (धन का सं र�ण और नुकसान को अवशो�षत/सोखना)
⇒ Separately, FinMin has ordered PSBs to reduce 20% non-core spending (िफजूल खच� म� 20% क� कटोती करने का
आदेश) E.g. PSBs have habit of buying Audi cars for their Managing Directors, but now they’ll not be able
to waste money like that.
14.25🌐🌐🌐🌐BASEL-III NORMS (बेसेल-3 मानदंड)
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international institution made up of 60 countries’ Central
Banks. HQ @ BASEL, Switzerland. Its committee on banking supervision set norms in 1988 (I), 2004 (II),
2011(III) to ensure global financial stability.
Figure 8: we need not bother with Tier-1 Tier-2 Capital etc, #थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
- From 1/4/2013, RBI began phased implementation of BASEL-III norms in India:
- First, a bank needs to calculate its Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA: जो�खमपूणर् सं प��).
- Against these RWA, (Universal) Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCB) must keep:
o “Minimum Capital to Risk Weighted Assets Ratio” (CRAR) at 9% or higher from 31/3/2019.
o “a%” Capital Conversation Buffer (CCB) from XX date..
o “b%” Counter Cyclic Capital Buffer (CCCB): whenever RBI notifies.
- “c%” Leverage ratio (LR)
- “d”% Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
- “e%” High quality liquid assets (HQLA)
- “f%” Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
- and so on…many things.
Q. How exactly do CCB, CCCB, LR, NSFR, HQLA, LCR etc work? Ans. Not important for exam, beyond
the basic ‘word-association’ that they’re related to BASEL Norms. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
⇒ Each member country’s Central Bank can prescribe different %, ratios depending on their country’s
situation. (हर देश क� क� द्रीय ब�क अलग-अलग िदशा �नद�श जारी कर सकती है)
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⇒ As Bad loans (NPA) ⏫ = bank’s asset quality degrades ⏬= its Risk-weighted assets (RWA) ⏫ →
bank must arrange more capital to comply with these ratios, norms and buffers.
⇒ If a bank can’t comply with BASEL norms → RBI puts it in PCA list. In worst case, bank will have to
merge/ sell off its business to another bank or shut down. (इन मानदंडों को नहीं माना तो अंत म� ब�क बं द हो सकता है)
⇒ BASEL Norms also apply on Differential Commercial Banks (LAB, RRB,
SFB, PyB), Cooperative Banks, AIFI (EXIM, NABARD, NHB, SIDBI) and certain category of NBFCs, but
RBI can prescribe separate norms / limits / deadlines for them. (�व�भ� प्रकार क� �व�ीय म�� ऊपर सं �ाओं पर इन
मानदंडों क� सीमा अलग-अलग ह�)
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14.26.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 BASEL Norms: Switzerland’s body deferred some norms
⇒ Some of the BASEL norms were to be effective from 1/1/2022 such as IRB approach for credit risk,
operational risk framework, CVA framework, market risk framework, Pillar 3 disclosure requirements.
(what these words mean= NOTIMP)
⇒ Basel Committee's oversight body (group of Central Bank Governors in BIS) have deferred them to
1/1/2023 due to ongoing Corona crisis.
14.27🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 BANKS’ BALANCE SHEET / AUDIT NORMS (तुलन पत्र लेखा परी�ण)
14.27.1 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 IndAS Accounting Norms deferred (लेखा मानदंड ��गत/टाल �दये)
⇒ Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) ordered all the companies to keep their balancesheet as per the
format prescribed in the Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS).
⇒ Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) → Accounting Standards Board (ASB) has designed
IndAS Norms. IndAS norms are similar to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) designed
by a global body whose name is not important for our exam.
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? IndAS accounting format makes it easier for the local and global investors and regulators to
compare, analyze and understand a company’s financial position from its balancesheet.
⇒ IndAS is not part of BASEL norm. But, since commercial banks are basically ‘companies doing banking
activity’, so they also have to comply to IndAS norms. But, only RBI has the power to notify its
implementation deadline on banks.
⇒ 2019- RBI deferred the deadline seeing banks had not fully prepared for the transition.
⇒ 2020- Critics demanded RBI should implement it, but RBI is in no hurry due to due to Corona crisis.
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⇒ Govt instructed PSBs to mobilize equity (share) capital from private investors. However, investors shy
away from smaller banks with weak balancesheets, so BMB & 5 Associated Banks merged with SBI
(2017). Vijaya & Dena to be merged with BoB (2019, 1st April) etc. (More in 📑📑Pillar#1B1)
⇒ 💼💼 Budget-2020 speech: ₹3.50 lakh cr in the last years years.
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2021: ₹20,000 crores for PSB recapitalization in Financial Year 2021-22.
🔠🔠❓With reference to the governance of public sector banking in India, Find Correct Statement(s):( UPSC-Pre-2018)
1. Capital infusion into public sector banks by the Government of India has steadily increased in the last
2. To put the public sector banks in order, the merger of associate banks with the parent State Bank of
India has been affected.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2.
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When/if company makes more How does employee benefit from ESOP?
profit →
1) Market price of shares⏫ He can sell his shares to a third party for a large gain.
2) the dividend to the He can keep the shares with himself, and will get large dividend from
shareholders will increase. the company (in addition of his regular salary) तन�ाह के अलावा कं पनी के
मुनाफे म� से लाभांश भी �मलेगा
- As shareholders, some of these employees may even join as board members → help designing more
realistic business policies at the apex level. Thus, ESOP changes mind-set from an “employee” to that of
an “owner”. (कमर्चारी म� कं पनी का मा�लक होने क� भावना जगाता है)
- It encourages the employee to work harder with more dedication, loyalty and passion for the company’s
profitability and brand image. (वह समपर्ण �न�ा और जुनून से ब�क के �लए काम करना शु� करता है)
14.29.4 �Enhanced Access and Service Excellence (EASE) Agenda 2018
- 2017, October: Government announced ₹2 lakh+ crore package for recapitalization of PSB. But critiques
argued such relief measures will just make the PSBs officials lazy & undisciplined (moral hazard). So,
- 2017, November: First Public Sector Bank (PSB)-Manthan organized by Dept of Financial Services (DFS)
at Gurugram. Based on the participants’ inputs…
- 2018, January: FinMin’s Dept of Financial Services released EASE framework (बढ़ी प�ंच और सेवा उ�ृ �ता) with
6 pillars to make PSBs more Responsive and Responsible viz.
1. Customer Responsiveness. (ग्राहको के प्र�त जवाबदेही)
2. Responsible Banking: Reduce NPA, prevent frauds. (धोखाधड़ी पर अंकुश)
3. Credit Off Take: Try to reach out to potential borrowers for home, auto, education, loans. (�यम ब�क ही
उधारकतार्ओ को खोज �नकाले)
4. Help MSME entrepreneurs via SIDBI’s portal. Approve/reject loans in not more
than 15 days. (लघुउधोगों क� मदद)
5. Deepening Financial Inclusion & Digitalization. (�व�ीय समोवेशन)
6. Employees’ Human Resource Management (HRM: मानव सं साधन प्रबं धन): improve with training,
performance linked promotion-salaries-posting-transfers etc.
Implementation? Each whole-time director of a PSB will be entrusted with one pillar of the EASE-framework.
Their performance will be checked by the PSB’s board of directors. An independent agency will be tasked to
check public perception. Finally PSB banks will be ranked: E.g. 2018: PNB > BoB > SBI.
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Table 3: Points for assembling Mains Answers Rapidly
Eco.Survey-2015: “4R” framework Eco.Survey-2014: “4D” framework
Recognition (पहचान): of bad loans via asset Disinter(खोदकर �नकालना): "Digup graves, recover money":
quality review (AQR) using SARFAESI Act, I&B code, Sashakt
Resolution (समाधान): via schemes/mechanisms Differentiate among PSB (�भ� �वहार करना): Government
I&B, Project Sashakt should recapitalize Profit Making PSB: while merge or
privatize Loss Making PSB.
Recapitalization(पुनपू�जीकरण): for BASEL-III Diversify (वै�व� लाना): Allow more number and variety of
norms ⇒ Indradhanush, Bank Recap Bonds & Banks.⇒ SFB & PyB allowed. Wholesale Bank proposed.
other measures: Total ₹ >3.5 lakh cr lakh crore
Reforms(सुधार): Governance & Administration Deregulate (�नयं त्रण मु�): Lower SLR, Promote Corporate
of PSB⇒ BBB, EASE Bond market so they borrow less from Banks e.g. Tri-
Party Repo mechanism.
Further, you can also mention: PCA Norms, PCR registry, PSBN Network, ESOP etc.
14.29.6 ✍ Conclusion for public sector banks? (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के ब�कों के बारे म� �न�षर्)
A vibrant banking system can support India’s growth story/ PSBs are growth levers for India.
Inefficient PSBs can severely handicap the country's economic development.
35% of Indians are in the 15-29 years age group. Majority of them live in rural areas and many of
them require education loans and business loans to progress in life.
Therefore, aforementioned initiatives are imp in that regard/ need to be addressed on priority basis to
o 1) reap India’s demographic dividend and
o 2) to achieve $5 trillion economy status by 2025.
o 3) to achieve V-Shaped recovery Post-Corona
भारत क� �वकासगाथा को आगे बढ़ाने, तथा जनसां��क�य लाभांश को प्रा� करने के �लए जीवं त बेिकंग प्रणाली आव�क। अत: उ� �रजवर्
ब�क|सरकार के उ� कदम सरहनीय है/ उ� सुधारो क� आव�कता है।
14.30🧹🧹🧹🧹🏦🏦🏦🏦 NEGATIVE NEWS → YES BANK AND AT1 BONDS (2020)
⇒ 2004: Yes Bank, a Private Sector Scheduled Commercial Bank starts (HQ-Mumbai)
⇒ Its founder Rana Kapoor took bribes to approve loans to companies without capacity to repay loans, such
HDIL (This HDIL company also borrowed from PMC bank, causing another crisis there.).
⇒ By 2020: Yes bank’s business became unstable. (धं धा अ��र हो गया)
Equity Capital + Liabilities + NET Profit = Assets
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Table 4: Hypothetical figure only for illustration. B.Com/PHD NOT REQUIRED🎓🎓⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋
+Equity Capital +Liabilities +NET =Assets
(Shares) Bonds Deposits Profit (Loans, CRR, SLR etc)
Healthy bank +11 +3 +78 +1 =100
Loser bank * * +78 -10 =90 (assets⬇ due to bad
This is happening loans)
*How to revive? (we 11 → ⬆20 (get 3 → ⬇2 (by +78 (put deposit withdrawal limits to -10 =90
must balance the equity infusion writing off AT1 keep this stable. Besides, if loans
Equation) from SBI etc.) bonds) given for 10-15 years project, bank
can’t return depositors’ money abhi
ke abhi)
2020-March: RBI is attempting following for Yes Bank’s revival (पुनज��वत करना)
⇒ Deposits Liability: (temporary) withdrawal limits of ₹50,000 on depositors
⇒ ⬇Bond Liability:
o A) Write down ~₹9000 crore worth AT1 Bonds liability from equation. (in other words, those
investors will not get a single paisaa. बॉ� क� देयता को ख़ा�रज कर देना). These bonds holders are
unhappy & will go to court to stop this. OR alternatively
o B) Convert the AT1 bonds into (lower priced) shares e.g. ₹100 Face Value ka Bond converted
into ₹20 Face Value ka Share (so there is 80% loss /haircut for the bond holder)
⇒ ⬆Equity Capital: Other banks to provide equity (share) capital worth >₹10,000cr into Yes Bank →
future shareholding maybe SBI (45%),ICICI(6%),HDFC(6%),Axis(3-4%)
⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋But daily ball by ball commentary / and changes in this plan so we need not lose sleep.
14.30.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐 🕵🕵🕵BASEL-III norms: Capital Tiers
BASEL-III norms require banks to keep capital against their risk weighted asset ratio. This capital is
subdivided into:
Capital of a Bank Instruments / subtypes: List not exhaustive
Tier1 / ⇒ Common Equity Tier-1 (CET1) e.g. ordinary shares.
core capital → ⇒ Additional Tier1 (AT1) e.g. 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪AT1 Bonds, Preferential shares etc.
Tier2 → ⇒ Bonds/Debenture, Hybrid instruments
BASEL-III prescribed that banks must keep minimum x%, y% etc in each of these tiers, depending on their
Risk Weighted Asset (RWA).
14.30.2 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪Additional Tier 1 (AT1) Bonds
They have no maturity date (i.e. bank has to pay interest for infinite time / perpetuity and principal will not be
returned). However, bank may ‘buyback’ them after certain years. If / when a bank makes huge losses → AT1
Bonds’ liability may be
A. written off (खा�रज कर देना) OR
B. converted into shares (process called ‘Bail-In’).
✋🎓🎓Beyond this any what/why/how/PHD, ball by ball commentary on SC judgements and PILs =poor
cost benefit for MCQs.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 120
⇒ 2021: Govt issued ₹5,500cr worth of Zero Coupon Bonds to Punjab & Sind Bank at face value. (i.e. ₹100
ka bond sold@100, 0% interest). So effectively no interest or profit to be made. (इधर तो कोई मुनाफा नहीं)
⇒ Basically, Govt is doing an Accounting Gimmick/Financial illusion wherein Punjab & Sind Bank gives
₹5500cr to Govt by buying these Zero Coupon Bonds→ Govt re-invests ₹5500cr in same bank's
shares/equities, to 'show on paper' that govt has recapitalised this bank for Basel norms. (बांसेल मानदंडों का
अनुपालन �आ है ऐसा �सफर् कागज पर िदखावा करने के �लए एक प्रकार क� �व�ीय नौटंक�)
⇒ RBI has expressed concerns/displeasure about this gimmick. (�रजवर् ब�क ने �चतं ा/नाराजगी जताई)
⇒ Anyways ✋Neither the amount nor the modus operandi is important for exam. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 121
14.31.2 👹👹(🚫🚫🚫🚫) Shadow Banks → IL&FS & NBFC Liquidity Crisis
⇒ Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) is a Systemically Important Non Deposit Taking Non
- Banking Finance Company (NBFC - ND – SI: प्रणालीगत �प से मह�पूणर्- िडपॉ�ज़ट न लेनेवाली- गैर-ब�िकंग �व� कं पनी)
Setup in 1987 HQ@Mumbai.
⇒ Shareholders: LIC > Japan’s Orix group > Abu Dhabi’s group > Central Bank of India > SBI.
⇒ Challenge? 1-2-3 of above diagram. + loans given to unworthy borrowers with forged documents, bribes
were paid to IL&FS board directors & auditors.
14.31.3 👻👻 ATMANIRBHAR → 🐯🐯: 👹👹(🚫🚫🚫🚫) RBI Helping NBFCs/ Shadow Banking industry
⇒ RBI has launched 1) TLTRO and 2) special liquidity window. (Ref 📑📑1A2 Monetary Policy)
⇒ Govt has announced following 1) Partial credit guarantee 2) Sp. Liquidity scheme 3) Credit Guarantee
Enhancement Corporation
14.31.5 👻👻 ATMANI → 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔 Special Liquidity Scheme for NBFC/HFC (खास तरलता योजना)
⇒ Special purpose Vehicle company (SPV: �वशेष उद्दे� से बनाई गयी कं पनी) by SBI Capital Markets Limited
(SBICAP). RBI will be regulator.
⇒ This company will buy ₹30,000 crore worth short-term debt securities of NBFCs from primary and
secondary market. (लघु अव�ध के ऋण प्र�तभू�तया खरीद�गे)
⇒ → liquidity for those (shadow banks) → they can revive their operations, pay off their other investors etc.
⇒ If shadow bank fails to repay principal/interest to above SPV, then SPV’s losses will be covered by FinMin
→ Dept of FinServices (�व�ीय सेवा �वभाग).
⇒ In other words, those securities will be fully guaranteed by the central government.
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NOTE: above things meant for banks/NBFCs. Apart from that, to help MSMEs, Government launched
Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS), but it’s separate-we’ll study in (More in 📑📑Pillar#1D)
�न� �ल�खतई Following measures have been done long before Corona / Atma Nirbhar. How exactly do above
norms work? Ans.Not-Imp. Because Prelims- word association sufficient due to technical nature of topic
and for mains the max. utility = 250 words, we’ve sufficient content for it
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 123
9) 2019 July: Dy. Gov Viral Acharya Committee → RBI board approved 3 year medium term framework to
improve RBI regulation & supervision, based on global best practices = “Utkarsh-2022” roadmap. वै��क
मानदंडों का अनुसरण करते �ए �रजवर् ब�क क� �नयं त्रण और �नगरानी करने क� प्रणा�लयों म� अगले 3 सालों म� सुधार करने के �लए उ�षर् कायर्क्रम
10) RBI ordered certain NBFCs to implement BASEL-III norm’s Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) High
Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) framework in a phased manner. बासेल मानदंडों का पालन
11) 2021: RBI proposes 4-tier structure for tighter regulation of NBFCs: NBFCs to be classified into four
categories BASE, MIDDLE, UPPER & TOP LAYER (most risky companies). Accordingly tighter
regulation on them. ✋Exact details notIMP, Until they actually implemented. चार श्रे�णयों म� जो�खम के िहसाब से
बांटा जाएगा सबसे उ� श्रेणी म� सबसे �ादा जो�खम पूणर् कं प�नयों को रखा जाएगा और उन पर �रजवर् ब�क क� �नगरानी सबसे �ादा स� होगी.
14.31.9 👹👹(🚫🚫🚫🚫) 💊💊📔📔📔📔 Shadow Banking → Remedies by SEBI
12) SEBI tightened norms for Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs). They’ve to disclose 'default probability' of
bonds & other debt instruments. SEBI tightened norms on Mutual Funds, regarding where/how they
invest clients’ money. (सेबी ने भी पारद�शता के �लए �नयमों को स� िकया है)
14.31.10 👹👹(🚫🚫🚫🚫) 💊💊📔📔📔📔 Shadow Banking → Remedies suggested by ES20
13) CEA Subramanian K. has created a “Health Score for NBFCs” (�ा� सूचकांक). It monitors given NBFC
company’s Asset Liability Management (ALM) problems, balance sheet strength, Operating Resilience
etc. and gives them a score between -100 to +100. Higher scores indicating higher financial stability of the
firm. This health score can provide early warning signals to the Financial regulators → they can initiate
appropriate measures before it's too late. (पूवर् चेतावनी देखकर �व�ीय �नयं त्रक तुरंत यो� कदम उठा सके )
14.31.11 🧹🧹🧹🧹⛱ NBFC-Negative News (2019): Thomas Cook NBFC closure in UK
⇒ Thomas Cook was a UK’s travel-related financial services company (1841).
⇒ They provided currency exchange, travel/luggage insurance, ticket booking, hotel accommodation, tour
package etc. facilities. But, Their business declined with the advent of Airbnb, Trivago, Makemytrip &
other apps / websites in travel segment.
⇒ 2019: Thomas Cook couldn’t repay its loans, couldn’t work out resolution plans with lenders, UK
Government did not give bailout money → compulsory liquidation. (अ�नवायर् �प से कं पनी क� नीलामी)
🔠🔠❓In September 2019, which one of the following travel giants declared itself bankrupt? (CDS-i-2020)
(a) Expedia (b) Cox & Kings (c) SOTC (d) Thomas Cook
PNB (Mumbai Branch): Give foreign currency loan to our client for purchase of goods (diamonds, airplanes,
whatever), if he doesn’t pay, we’ll pay.
- If such bank guarantee given to another bank in a foreign country, it’s called Letter of Undertaking/
Letter of Credit/ Letter of Comfort: internal difference not important.
⇒ Bank earns commission / fees from client for issuing such letters / guarantees.
⇒ The foreign currency thus loaned, goes into PNB’s Nostro (Latin:Ours) account, & Nirav uses the dollars
to buy diamonds in HongKong.
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⇒ PNB Scam: PNB-Mumbai’s corrupt manager kept issuing LoUs to diamond merchants Nirav Modi &
Mehul Chowkasi without due-diligence or collaterals for 7 years, worth ~₹12,000 crores. And 2018-
January: Nirav & Mehul left India.
⇒ PNB officials couldn’t detect scam because LoUs were generated through SWIFT platform, which was not
integrated with their Core Banking Solution (CBS) server.
14.32.1 📞📞Financial Messaging Systems
Within India Globally (वै��क �र पे)
Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS) Society for Worldwide Interbank financial
telecommunication (SWIFT)
designed by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for By a Cooperative organization in Belgium’s La
IDRBT (=Research arm of RBI) Hulpe city (1973).
to serve the messaging function in NEFT, RTGS, To serve the messaging function for Banks, NBFCs
and other inter-bank, intra-bank e-transactions & brokers who may / may not have direct bank
platforms within India. relations / settlement systems with each other due to
international borders.
Afterwards, ⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋ball by ball commentary on Nirav Modi case =NOTIMP
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 125
14.33.1 ��🦁🦁 RBI’s Bimal Jalan panel (2018-Nov)
- RBI had setup Bimal Jalan panel was setup to review RBI’s economic capital framework & decide the
guiding principles for dividend transfer to Govt. (आ�थक पूंजी सं रचना तथा लाभांश �वतरण के �सद्धांत)
- 2019- August: RBI board approved its report. It updated / reduced buffer related technical norms in such
manner that RBI will be able to transfer more dividend / surplus to the Government. (तकनीक� मानदंडों म� सुधार
तािक �रजवर् ब�क अपने मुनाफे म� से भारत सरकार को अ�धक लाभांश दे सक� . )
- Accordingly for 2018-19: (1.23Lcr dividend+52k extra)= ₹ 1.76 Lcrore to be transferred to government.
This will help the government to meet its fiscal deficit target. (🎓🎓✋Fig.NOTIMP)
14.33.2 📆📆 RBI’s Financial / Accounting Year (�व�ीय वषर् म� बदलाव)
2019: Bimal Jalan panel recommended �reform → RBI’s central board accepted it
� Before � After
RBI’s financial year - For 2020: a smaller balancesheet will be
- 1934 onwards: January to December prepared from 1/July/20 to 31/March/21. Then
- 1940 onwards: July to June - From 1st April, 2021, RBI will switch to annual
April-March format.
But Govt’s financial year is April-March so, RBI had After this reform, no need for interim dividend
to give interim dividend to govt until RBI’s final (अंत�रम लाभांश �वतरण नही देना होगा।)
balancesheet was prepared, then another (full)
dividend was given.
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14.33.3 🐯🐯�Section-7 Directive & Urjit Patel’s Resignation (इ�ीफा)
✋This topic is not very important because UPSC usually avoids “Controversy in News”. Urjit Patel was
unhappy with Government interfering / criticizing his work. Such as:
1) Higher Dividend: Govt. demanded higher dividend from RBI to finance the recapitalization of PSBs for
BASEL-III, and to finance its own fiscal deficit & populist welfare programs. Urjit Patel felt RBI’s higher
reserves are necessary to check any financial crisis. Excessive dividend could increase inflation. He did
not oblige. (सरकारी योजनाएं चलाने के �लए �ादा िड�वड�ड /लाभांश क� मांग)
2) BASEL-III-relaxation: These norms will become fully effective on 31/3/2019 but PSBs don’t have enough
capital to comply so they requested Finance Minister to tell Urjit Patel to extend the deadline, Urjit Patel
did not oblige. (बासेल मानदंडों क� अं�तम �त�थ म� �रयायत क� मांग)
3) PCA-relaxation: Urjit Patel vigorously implemented Prompt Corrective Action framework, so Public
Sector Banks’ branch expansion, lending operations were restricted, they came running to FM. FM asked
Urjit to relax PCA. He did not oblige.
4) Tight Money Policy: CEA Arvind Subramanian & BJP-Ministers were criticizing RBI’s “Tight” Monetary
Policy depriving MSMEs of cheap loans and thus harming India’s growth rate. Whereas Urjit Patel
deemed tight policy necessary to keep inflation @2-6%CPI (All India) on durable basis so he did not
oblige. (महंगाई से लड़ने के �लए लोन और महंगे क�ए → �ापारी वगर् नाराज)
5) PNB Scam: Jaitley expressed displeasure that RBI couldn’t detect PNB-Nirav Modi fraud, whereas Urjit
Patel defended that he lacks effective powers under Banking Regulation Act to take punitive actions
against Public Sector Banks. (पं जाब नेशनल ब�क - नीरव मोदी कांड को पकड़ने रोकने म� असमथर् रहे ऊ�जत पटेल)
All these forced Govt. to issue Section -7 Directive to RBI.
14.33.4 🐯🐯�🧔🧔 Section-7 of RBI Act
⇒ Section 7(1) of the RBI Act empowers the Government to consult with RBI Governor in Public Interest.
(जनिहत के �लए, �रजवर् ब�क कानून क� धारा नं बर 7 के अंतगर्त सरकार गवनर्र के साथ �वमशर् कर सकती है)
⇒ In, 2018-October, for the first time in the history of Independent India, Govt began a Section-7(1)
consultation with RBI Governor Urjit Patel, on the issues of PCA norms, BASEL-III deadline, higher
dividend to Govt., Cheap Monetary Policy etc.
⇒ If RBI Governor doesn’t positively respond in such Section-7(1) consultation, then Section 7(2):
Government can issue binding direction / orders to RBI Central Board to implement its wishes. (यिद गवनर्र,
एसे �वमशर् मे, सरकार क� बात नही सुनते तो, क� द्रीय बोडर् द्वारा सरकार अपनी बात को लागू करवा सकती है)
⇒ Although, fearing backlash from media & opposition parties, Govt did not issue any specific directions to
the RBI Board. But, 2018-Dec: Urjit Patel resigned before completing 3-year term. He is not the first RBI
governor to resign & we need not prepare KBC-GK-names of all the RBI governors who resigned before
their term.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 127
1. After 50 years of nationalization, the Public Sector Banks are lagging behind private sector banks in
majority of the performance indicators. Suggest remedies in this regard. रा��ीयकरण के 50 वष� के बाद, सावर्ज�नक
�ेत्र के ब�क प्रदशर्न सं के तकों के �नजी �ेत्र के ब�कों से पीछे ह�। इस सं बंध म� उपाय सुझाएं
2. Explain the significance of governance reforms in Public Sector Banks (PSBs) for India’s economic
growth. भारत के आ�थक �वकास के सं बं ध म� सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के ब�कों म� शासन सुधारों के मह� को समझाइए.
3. Suggest the ways in which information-technology can be utilized for combating the NPA in Indian
economy. अनजर्क प�रस��तयों से �नपटने के �लए सुचना प्रौद्यो�गक� कै से मदद कर सकती है?
4. What is “Twin Balancesheet Syndrome”? Enumerate steps taken by RBI to resolve it. "दोहरे तुलनपत्र क� सम�ा"
�ा है? इसके हल के �लए भारतीय �रज़वर् ब�क द्वारा उठाए कदमों क� सू�च दी�जए.
5. “While Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code doesn’t fully cure the Twin Balance sheet Syndrome, it certainly
helps alleviating the pain.” Elaborate. "हालांिक शोधन-अ�मता एवं िदवा�लयापन सं िहता भारत के दोहरे तुलनपत्र क� सम�ा को
पूरी तरह से ठीक नहीं करता है, लेिकन यह �न��त �प से ददर् को कम करने म� मदद करता है." �व�ृत क��जए.
6. With respect to India’s financial stability, explain significance of (i) PCA framework (ii) BASEL-III
Norms (iii) Public Credit Registry. भारत क� �व�ीय ��रता के सं बं ध म� इ�े समझाइए: (i) पीसीए ढांचा (ii) बेसल-III मानदंड
(iii) ऋण क� सावर्ज�नक र�ज��ी
7. Why are shadow banks considered to be a threat to the Indian economy? Discuss the reforms undertaken
by the authorities to address this challenge. प्र�तछाया ब�कों को भारतीय अथर्�व�ा के �लए खतरा �ों माना जाता है? इस
अनुसंधान मे �लए गए सुधारों पर चचार् कर�।
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1B2: Bad loans & Burning Issues in Banking → Page 128
15.3.4 🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯 Consolidated Sinking Fund (CSF) for State Govts’ repayment
⇒ Started in 1999. It has >₹1.25 lakh crore by 2019. (समेिकत घाटा �नपटान �न�ध)
⇒ Annually, State Govt has to contribute money equal to 1-3% of its outstanding market loans to this fund.
This fund is kept with RBI. (रा� ने �जतना कजार् उठाया है उसके सामने इस �न�ध म� थोड़ा पैसा जमा करना पड़ता है)
⇒ CSF is a fund outside consolidated fund of the State and public account of the State. (Ref 📑📑Pillar2)
⇒ CSF meant to be used for only 1 purpose= repayment/redemption of loans taken by the State
Government. (बकाया ऋण चुकाने के �लए ही इस �न�ध का उपयोग होगा)
⇒ 2020-May: RBI relaxed technical norms related to withdrawal of ₹₹ from CSF till 31/3/2021 to help the
State Governments. (तकनीक� �नयमो मे कु छ छू ट दी गयी)
What about GST cess release and end-to-end market borrowing by Union/State?
(Ans 📑📑Pillar#2: Taxation:GST. )
⇒ Company hires an underwriter (usually, a merchant bank, investment bank) for a fee.
Initial public ⇒ Underwriter drafts Red Herring Prospectus for SEBI approval.
offer (IPO)
⇒ Then, Underwriter invites application from public & sells them shares at face value or
प्रारं�भक लोग
�नगर्म higher. If less people subscribe → then underwriter will buy the unsold shares by
Follow on ⇒ If company had already issued IPO-shares previously, and now again issuing more
public offer shares to obtain more capital→ it is called FPO.
(FPO) ⇒ Rights issue (अ�धकार �नगर्म): Company issues additional shares but gives first right to
अनुसरण… existing shareholders to buy them, if they refuse then offered to outsiders.
Offer for sale / Private placement / Qualified institutional placement (QIP) /Issuing bonus
shares / share splitting / share swap / share buyback / PE Ratio etc. = NOT IMP.
methods /
However, to satiate your curiosity you may self-study them from Investopedia, but that’s
not the best use of your time!
15.6.1 ⚖🗃🗃 IPOs- Big sized IPOs in recent years
⇒ 2019: Saudi Arabia’s public sector oil company Aramco issued world largest IPO worth >$25 billion. It
was listed at Riyadh’s Tadawul Stock Exchange.
⇒ 2020: Jack Ma, founder of China's e-commerce company Alibaba. He started "ANT" company to provide
Financial services such as loans, insurance, Mobile payment (App 'Alipay') 2020-Oct/Nov: ANT IPO
Figure 2: �बना अमरीक� SEBI मे पं जीकरण िकए, उनके शेयरबाजार से पैसा उठाऊँ , तो कै से?
- A non-American company wants to mobilize money from American share market but does not want to
go through the lengthy & complex process of registration with the American sharemarket regulator.
- Then such non-American company gives its shares to an American bank.
- Based on those (non-American) shares, the American bank will issue American Depositary Receipts
(ADR: अमरीक� �नपे�ागार रसीद) & sell them to American investors. Denomination: USD.
- Global Depositary Receipt (GDR): Same as above, but when single bank issues receipts for investors in
multiple countries. Denomination: usually USD or Euro.
Share issuing company → Deposits his company’s shares That bank issues -- in local market
in a bank of → in – currency
Non-American company → American Bank → Issues ADR (in $) in American
Non-Indian company → Indian Bank → Issues Bharat / Indian depositary
receipt (IDR) (in ₹) in Indian
Shares are issued through IPO @Primary market. Then, they can be resold at secondary market, commonly
known as Share market or Stock Exchange or Bourses.
⇒ World’s Oldest: Amsterdam Stock exchange, Netherlands (1602)
⇒ Asia’s Oldest: Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE: 1875)
⇒ India’s stock exchanges chronology: BSE → A’bad → Kolkata → NSE (early 90s)
⇒ Just like Banks have Core Banking Solutions for e-banking, Stock exchanges have their electronic
platforms for trading. E.g. BOLT (BSE's On-line Trading System), NEAT (National Exchange for
Automated Trading). They communicate using VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) Satellite.
⇒ (Full) Budget-2019: we’ll set up a Social Stock Exchange under SEBI’s regulation. It’ll help social
enterprises and voluntary organizations to raise capital as equity, debt or mutual funds. Then SEBI setup
Ishaat Hussain panel to study it.
15.7.1 📈📈🤩🤩 Secondary Market: Significance? (िद्वतीयक बाजार का मह�)
⇒ ⏬ Cost of Transactions . You don't have to search around for buyers/sellers manually. सब लोग एक जगह पे
�मल जाते है। एक दू सरे को ढू ंढने मे �र�ा का खचार्/लागत बच जाता है।
⇒ Providing Liquidity to Financial Assets. तरलता बढती है �ोिक खरीदार �मल जाता है।
⇒ Facilitating Price Discovery of shares / bonds. औकात पता चल जाती है कं पनी क�।
⇒ Investor sells securities in secondary market→ ₹₹ could be re-invested to a new company’s IPO in
primary market → Contributes to Economic Growth. (पुरानी घिटया कं पनी म� से �नवेश क� रकम �नकाल कर नई और बहेतर
कं पनी म� �नवेश हो सकता है )
15.7.2 🗃🗃🗃🗃 DEMAT Account
1. Jobbers (आढ़ती): Full time engaged in buying / selling securities using money from their own pockets.
(Whereas brokers / commission agents buy/sell using money/shares of their clients).
2. STAG (Male Deer): He buys newly issued securities from primary market & sells them in secondary
market for quick profit. प्राथ�मक बाजार से खरीद के िद्वतीयक बाजार म� मोटे मुनाफे पर बेचने क� इ�ा रखता है
3. 🐮🐮Bull (तेज�ड़या ): Optimistic speculator who hopes share prices will rise⏫, so purchases (to sell them
later at much higher price). Just like a bull tends to throw his victim up in the air, the bull speculator
stimulates the price to rise.
4. 🐻🐻Bear (मं द�ड़या ) – A pessimistic speculator who fears prices will fall ⏬ so, he sells. A bear usually
presses its victim down to ground. Similarly, bear speculator tends to force down the prices of securities.
5. ⏲Day trading / Intra-day trading: Individuals buy and sell shares over the Internet over a period of a
single day's trading, with the speculative intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.
Figure 5: Corona के चलते �बजनेस प्रोजे� पूरा नही िकया, तो �ा जेल मे भेज दोगे, या फांसी पे लटका दोगे? कु छ नहीं उखाड़ सकते मेरा!
⇒ French word for ‘superior force’. It refers to unexpected external circumstances (अप्र�ा�शत बाहरी प�र���तयाँ)
that prevent a party to a contract from meeting their obligations. e.g. Acts of God (natural disasters,
epidemics), war, terror attacks.
⇒ In such cases, courts may not punish party for dishonoring contract. (करारनामे के दाय�� को न �नभाना)
⇒ E.g. Corona (COVID-19) Virus → Singapore Govt put restrictions on entry of Chinese → Singapore
construction firms facing labour crunch (श्र�मकों क� कमी) → invoked ‘Force Majeure’ to clients, “we can’t
finish building your homes/offices in time.”
⇒ Coronavirus: >55million people infected across the world (as of 2020-Oct).
⇒ Restriction on global travel and trade. Investors fear that companies will not generate much profit. Many
contracts/ payments will be stuck by Force Majeure. So, large scale withdrawal / exit of share investors
from stock exchanges across the world. Even the BSE SENSEX fell by 1400+ points in a single day in
2020-June Month. However in later months, share market has ⏫⏫ significantly.
Figure 6: पूंजी बाजार क� जड़ो को गहरा करना है तो �सफर् अमीरों का नही, गरीबो क� बचत का पैसा भी जाना चािहए!
⇒ Share market scams erode publics’ hard-earned savings → alcoholism, depression, suicide and other
social ills. (जनता क� बचत का पैसा घपले म� बबार्द तो जनता म� शराब, अवसाद, आ�ह�ा और अ� सामा�जक बुराई)
⇒ Duped investors will shy away from share market & they may invest in gold / real estate = not very
beneficial to economy as it our import-bill, creates black money opportunities.
⇒ If households don’t participate in capital market → companies will have to approach the banks to get
more loans. But banks’ lending capacity is limited by CRR, SLR, PSL, NPA, PCA.(REF in 📑📑Pillar#1B2)
⇒ If more retail investors participate in capital market = “Deepening of the capital market” → factory
expansion, job creation, and economic growth. (खुदरा �नवेशक क� मदद से पूंजी बाजार क� जड़ों क� ओर गहरा करना- तािक
रोजगार सृजन और आ�थक वृ�द्ध म� मदद �मले)
15.10.3 💼💼💼💼 (Full) Budget 2019: measures to ⏫ retail investors participation
⇒ For all the listed PSUs, Government will strive for minimum 25% public shareholding. (आम जनता को भी
सरकारी कं प�नयों के शेयर खरीदने का मौका �मले)
⇒ SEBI to raise minimum public shareholding in listed companies (other than PSUs) from 25% to 35%.
⇒ 👻👻ATMANI: minimum shareholding related norms deferred under Corona crisis.
15.10.4 🗃🗃🗃🗃: 🏃🏃 SEBI Reforms to boost investors’ confidence?
⇒ Harshad Mehta (1992), Ketan Parekh (2001) arranged money from banks, used it for rigging the share
prices to make windfall gains during Bull-runs by other investors. Once the prices crashed, small
investors suffered. ब�कों से गबन बं द करके पैसा लाए �जससे कं प�नयों के शेयर जमकर खरीद के उसक� मांग और दामों को बढ़ाया तािक
लालच म� अ� �नवेशक भी उन कं प�नयों के शेयर ऊँ ची क�मतों म� खरीदने लगे अंत म� यह लोग अपने शेयर बेच कर भाग गए
⇒ To prevent such scams, SEBI introduced Circuit Breaker System, wherein if fluctuation in the share
prices is more than “x%” than previous day, then stock exchange must stop trading for “y” minutes.
⇒ Badla System/Carry forward system:
- Buying of shares using borrowed money & making promises to carry forward the settlement for
upto 72 days. scamsters misused (इसक� टोपी उसके सर पे)
- so SEBI discontinued it (2001) & introduced (T+2) rolling settlement system i.e. after trade is
conducted, the parties must settle it within two working days (= buyer pays money, seller deliver
⇒ Rupal Panchal (2005) opened multiple fake DEMAT accounts to increase the chances of getting share
Give small/retail investors easier opportunity to invest directly in G-sec. लेिकन ये असल म� अभी बनना बाक� है।
15.11.2 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Deepening of G-Sec market- Direct Retail participation @RBI
⇒ Before: Retail investors invested in G-Sec indirectly via Mutual Fund Companies /Stock exchange
through NDS-OM (Negotiated Dealing system-order matching).
⇒ AFTER: RBI allows retail investors to open "Gilt account" in RBI Direct facility in E-Kuber Core banking
solution (CBS) platform= they can directly purchase fresh G-Sec from RBI (=Primary market) & resell it
to other investors (=secondary market) later on.
15.11.3 🛒🛒 (🔪🔪🔪🔪: 🧔🧔🧔) Bond Buying Institution in 💼💼Budget-2021
⇒ Secondary market-Provides liquidity to the investor -Since he can sell existing shares/bonds and hand to
others → motivation to buy new shares/bonds in primary market → capital to healthy new company.
⇒ But in India, the secondary market for bonds is not fully developed. Inadequate number of large players
→ Difficult to re-sell the bonds at the right prices → 😰😰discourages the investors from bonds →
Difficult for companies to mobilize ₹₹ (िद्वतीयक बाजार म� बांड को बेचने म� असु�वधा के चलते �नवेशक बांड से कतराते ह�)
⇒ So, 💼💼Budget-2021: Proposed to setup a body/organization to purchase investment grade debt securities.
This body will buy bonds both in stressed and normal times.
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? development/Deepening of the Bond market. (बांड बाजार क� जड़ों को गहरा कर�)
⇒ ✋Exact name of the organisation? headquarter? Ans. details yet to be announced.
⇒ A commodity market / exchange (व�ु बाजार) is a place where buyers & sellers trade goods in bulk - food
grains, cotton, precious metals or energy resources (coal, oil gas)
⇒ “Commodity Futures”: Type of contract for future delivery and settlement of commodity e.g. “on
1/5/2021, I shall deliver you 500 quintals of wheat at X price”.
⇒ Commodity exchanges were under a statutory regulator Forward Market Commission (FMC) under the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution.
⇒ But Jignesh Shah generated fake receipts without any commodities in the warehouses & traded at NSEL-
commodity exchange. FMC failed to prevent scam. (एक कांड हो गया था)
⇒ So first FMC transferred to Finance Ministry and FMC ultimately merged with SEBI (2015).
15.12.1 💍💍🎖🎖🏦🏦🏦🏦Commodity Market: Gold exchanges & 💼💼Budget-2021
⇒ Gold exchange is a special type of commodity market devoted only to Gold trading.
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2021: We will undertake reforms in the regulation of gold exchange markets in India. 1) SEBI
will be the regulator 2) Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA- Statutory body
under Dept of Food and Public Distribution) Will be responsible for Warehousing/Vaulting, Assaying,
Logistics of gold exchanges. (भं डारण, गुणव�ा परी�ण, रसद के मामलों क� �ज�ेदारी)
Figure 7: अभी भी इतने सारे "कांड" �ो हो रहे है, गवनर्र साहब?- �व�मं त्री @FSDC meeting.
Figure 8: swag से कर�गे 'middle-class' का '�ागत'। Observe colors in logo, meant for attracting ordinary crowd
⇒ Mutual Fund is an Asset Management Company (AMC-NBFC) that pools savings of (retail) investors
and gives them “Units”.
⇒ MF Manager parks this money in securities & builds his ‘portfolio’.
⇒ Whatever dividend/ interest is generated from the portfolio, it is distribute among investors in the
proportion of their units.
⇒ Investor pays Entry Load (= fees for joining), Exit Load (= fees while quitting). SEBI regulates these fees.
⇒ Due to low deposit rates in banks, people invested money in mutual funds however post-IL&FS crisis,
corona crisis, charm declining because mutual funds are subject to such market risks.
⇒ “Side pocketing”: SEBI ‘s technical guidelines to help MFs to separate their IL&FS type stressed/toxic
assets from their standard assets. Helps protecting the investors. How?NOTIMP.
15.14.1 📦📦 � � Mutual fund → SIP, ELSS, ULIP
⇒ Traditional Mutual Fund = client invests the entire amount at once. एक साथ पूरी रकम जमा करानी होती है
Figure 9: Swag से नही कर�गे 'middle-class' का '�ागत'। Observe ‘premium’ logo-designs to attract rich people
⇒ Special type of Mutual Fund meant for HNI (High Net Worth Individual) who wants high risk high
return. SEBI norms: Minimum investment per person is ₹1 crore. (�सफर् अमीरों के �लए है)
⇒ Hedge Fund manager will invest their money in Junk Bonds, Risky assets; he’ll do risky trading activities
such as Arbitrage, Leverage, Short Selling etc. to generate maximum return. (how is that done in real life
= UPSC-CSE not for recruitment of HF managers.)
Misc. : Gold-ETF: Investors give money → manager buys gold for safekeeping and trades it depending on
price movements → returns are divided among the unit-holders. In between, the investor may sell his Gold-
ETF to third party via Stock Exchange therefore they’re also Exchange Traded Funds. How/why/NOTIMP
15.18.2 (🦁🦁🦁🦁)📦📦: (🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛🏛) CPSE-ETF vs Mutual Fund
Table 3: Sad that I’ve to spoonfeed this much
Mutual Fund CPSE-ETF
Objective = invest clients’ money in shares/bonds Objective different than Mutual Fund
(1) help Government for its disinvestment
(2) help Government company to borrow money
(Bharat-Bond ETF)
fund managers may buy/sell variety of shares and He’s not doing that. His objective given above.
bonds of Government companies and private sector
companies for best returns through out the scheme.
a fund manager may also change the composition of His portfolio (list of govt companies’ shares/bonds)
the portfolio for example if Infosys shares are not is fixed. It’ll not change.
performing well → he may sell them and fill up the
box with Wipro shares for better dividend.
Figure 11: भ�व� मे खरीदने का सोदा तो िकया, लेिकन दाम �गर जाए, तो खुद को बचाऊँ तो कै से?
- A Forward / Future contract is a customized contract between two parties where settlement takes on a
future date at a price/quantity agreed upon today. E.g. on 1/5/2021 I shall sell you 100 nos. of Infosys shares
at ₹1000 each.
- In such contracts, there is a risk of other party not honoring commitment if he’s getting better deal
elsewhere in the future. So, for protecting (=hedging) themselves, they (=buyer or seller) may buy
“Option” from a third party by paying fees. नुकसानी से बचने के �लए बीमा �लया जाए
- Option is a type of insurance for executing the forward/future contract in a manner beneficial to them e.g.
I’ll sell you for ₹1000 on X date, & you must buy, but if I’m getting another buyer who is willing to pay
₹1500 then I may not sell you & you can’t compel me. Such ‘insurance options’ are further subdivided
into Call Option and Put Option, their internal difference & real-life mechanism not imp. for UPSC.
🔠🔠❓Which one of the following terms is used in Economics to denote a technique for avoiding a risk by
making a counteracting transaction? [UPSC-CDS-2016-I]
(a) Dumping (b) Hedging (c) Discounting (d) Deflating
15.21🗃🗃 🔗🔗 DERIVATIVES & SWAPS (�ु�� प्र�तभू�तयां और अदला-बदली)
⇒ A derivative is a contract whose value is derived from the value of another underlying asset which could
be a share, bond, commodity or currency. इस प्र�तभू�त का मू� िकसी और सं प�� से उद्भ�वत होकर आता है
⇒ They’re usually generated by the process of ‘securitization’. E.g. NHB taking loan papers from banks,
using them to generate new Mortgage Backed Securities. (प्र�तभू�तकरण क� प्रिक्रया से इसे बनाते ह�)
⇒ SWAP: is derivative instrument to swap one financial asset with another financial asset (usually) to
reduce the risk e.g. Currency Swap Agreement between two countries to protect themselves against dollar
volatility (more in 📑📑Pillar#3).
⇒ Similarly, there are Credit Default Swap (CDS) agreement against the risk of default, Interest swap
agreement to protect against volatility in interest rates. But their mechanisms NOT IMP.
15.21.1 🗃🗃🗃🗃: 🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛🚛 Bilateral Netting of Qualified Financial Contracts Act 2020
अहर्ताप्रा� �व�ीय सं �वदा/अनुबंध क� िद्वप�ीय नेिटंग के �लए कानून/अ�ध�नयम 2020
⇒ Suppose, some derivative trades / financial contracts have been made between two parties wherein Mr.
Jetha owes ₹10 lakh to Mr.Bhide, while Mr. Bhide owes ₹8 lakhs to Mr.Jetha.
⇒ "bilateral netting" is a process to offset claims against each other to determine a single net payment
obligation due from one party to another. Accordingly, in our example- Mr. Jetha should pay ₹2 lakh
"NET" to Mr.Bhide. (शुद्ध �प से एक प� ने अ� प� को िकतनी रकम देनी है उसका आ�खरी िहसाब लगा िदया जाए)
⇒ Previously India did not have a clear legal framework for this process. So lot of capital was tied up
unnecessarily into the contracts (e.g. Bhide's ₹8 lakh, अनाव�क �प से ब�त सारी पूंजी ऐसे अनुबंधों म� अटक� रहती थी)
⇒ 2020: Bilateral Netting of Qualified Financial Contracts Act/Bill 2020 Implemented from 1/10/2020.
Figure 12: �बना SEBI पं जीकरण के भारतीय पूंजी बाजार मे �नवेश क�, तो कै से?
⇒ A foreigner wishes to invest his money in India but does not want to go through the hassles of registering
with SEBI, getting PAN card number, opening a DEMAT account etc. So, he will approach a SEBI
registered foreign institutional investor (FII) / foreign portfolio investor (FPI) such as Morgan Stanley,
Citigroup or Goldman Sachs. He’ll pay them & instruct them to purchase particular shares and bonds and
store them in their Demat account.
⇒ Then FII will give him P-Notes, and he’ll receive interest and dividend accordingly.
⇒ He may also sell those P-notes to a third party. (िकसी अ� ��� को भी बेच सकता है)
⇒ P-Notes are Offshore Derivative Instruments that derive the value from the underlying Indian shares and
bonds. (अपतटीय �ु�� उपकरण)
😱😱P-Notes are harmful for Indian economy because:
⇒ P-note investors are not directly registered with SEBI. Identity of the actual investor, source of funds
remain disguised= chances of Tax evasion, money laundering, terror finance (इसके �नवेशक ने �यं सेबी म�
पं जीकरण नहीं करवाया वह पैसा िकधर से लेकर आया यह सब जानकारी नहीं �मल पाती, कर चोरी, काले धन को वैध बनाना,आतं क� �व�पोषण)
⇒ If P-Note owner sells his P-Notes to another foreign investor, Government of India may be deprived of
taxes. (Compared to a scenario where Indian share owner is selling his shares to another Indian investor
at profit, then government gets securities transaction tax and capital gains tax on his profit, & he can’t
dodge it because DEMAT accounts linked with PAN card. More on PAN card@Pillar#2 → BlackMoney)
⇒ Therefore, SEBI tightening the control P-Notes e.g. “X” category of FPIs can’t issue P-Notes. “Y”
category of FPI can issue P-Notes but every time they issue P-notes-they’ll have to deposit $1,000 to SEBI
18.12.5 📦📦📦📦 Chit Fund Scams? धांधली/ गबन / का� ........................................................................... 199
18.13 �� ←(💰💰💰💰) Financial inclusion: Credit (Loans: ऋण) .......................................................... 199
18.13.1 ��: 🧔🧔 ←(💰💰💰💰) Credit Guarantee (ऋण अदायगी गारंटी)................................................. 199
18.13.2 (💰💰💰💰)↗🗃🗃=(💰💰💰💰) Refinance (पुन�व�) .......................................................................... 200
18.13.3 👻👻 �🏭🏭 MSME: Definition changed in ATMANIRBHAR (2020)................................. 200
18.13.4 👻👻👻👻 �🏭🏭 MSME Non-NPA borrower → ECLGS 1.0.................................................. 200
18.13.5 👻👻👻👻 �🏭🏭 MSME Non-NPA borrower → ECLGS 2.0 (Atma-Nirbhar 3.0)............... 201
18.13.6 👻👻👻👻👻🏭🏭 MSME NPA borrower → Subordinate Debt (गौण ऋण) ................................ 201
18.13.7 👻👻👻👻👻🏭🏭 MSME Loans: FM tells Bankers not to fear 3C ............................................. 201
18.13.8 👻👻👻👻👻🏭🏭 MSME → Equity infusion via Fund of Funds (�न�धयो क� �न�ध) ..................... 201
18.13.9 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 NBFC → Mudra (2015, 100% SIDBI subsidiary) .................................. 202
18.13.10 👻👻👻👻 �🏭🏭 Mudra Loans → Shishu Loans pe 2% Interest subvention .................... 202
18.13.11 ⏰🔪🔪 (2018).......................................................................... 202
18.13.12 🙋🙋🙋Stand Up India Scheme, 2016 (उ��� भारत) .................................................................... 202
18.13.13 👭👭Self-help group (�-सहायता समूह) → Credit ................................................................... 203
18.13.14 🤑🤑🤑Street vendors’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi Scheme (SVANidhi)................................. 203
18.13.15 �💳💳 Kisan Credit Card (1998) ....................................................................................... 204
18.13.16 ��: 🧔🧔 ←(💰💰💰💰) Interest Subvention (�ाज सहायता) ................................................ 204
18.13.17 �PaiSA Portal (2018)........................................................................................................ 204
18.14 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Farm Loan Waiver (कृ �ष ऋण माफ�) ............................................................................... 205
18.14.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Finance → Loan waivers for the farmers ................................................ 205
18.14.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽=👌👌Agri-Finance → Farm loan waivers: arguments in favour ..................... 205
18.14.3 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽=👎👎Agri-Finance → Farm loan waivers: arguments against ....................... 205
18.14.4 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽=👎👎☠Anti-Argument: Loan waiver will not stop farmer suicide ............. 206
18.14.5 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 ✍ Farm Loan Waiver: Conclusion ............................................................... 206
18.14.6 👻👻👻👻👻👻 Atma-Nirbhar Farm Loan Reforms (2020) ......................................................... 206
18.15 ⚰� Financial inclusion: Insurance & Pension........................................................................... 207
18.15.1 ⚰🔬🔬 Micro Insurance (सू� बीमा) ............................................................................................... 207
18.15.2 🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍🏍 Gig Workers’ social security code (�गग कम� क� सामा�जक सुर�ा सं िहता) ....................... 207
18.15.3 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR → 👷👷👷Workers’ Social security (2020) ............................................. 207
18.16 ��: �Financial Inclusion: Customer Protection (ग्राहक सुर�ा) ............................................... 208
18.16.1 😾😾RBI’s 3 Ombudsman (ओमबड्समेन/ �शकायत �नवारण अ�धकारी) ................................................. 208
18.17 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Financial Inclusion: India’s Performance (भारत का प्रदशर्न) ............................................. 209
18.17.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐 Global Microscope Report .......................................................................................... 209
18.17.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐 Global Findex Database 2017: (released in 2018, April) .......................................... 209
18.17.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐 (India’s own) Financial Inclusion Index by DFS ...................................................... 209
18.17.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐 (India’s own) RBI’s National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI) ................... 209
18.18 �🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains (250 words Each) ................................................................... 210
- Initially started as postal life insurance for postal employees (1884), later extended to rural people as well.
- Presently, 6 schemes for govt employees and 6 schemes for rural areas (usually with prefix of “GRAM”
e.g. gram Suvidha / Suraksha / Santosh….)
⚰💀💀 💀💀
💀 💀 ��
� Sampoorna Bima Gram Yojana (2017)
⇒ by Ministry of Communications (सं चार मं त्रालय)
⇒ In every district, atleast 1 village identified → In that village, cover all households with a minimum of one
RPLI (Rural Postal Life Insurance) policy.
⇒ All villages under the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana will also be covered. (REF: 📑📑More in pillar#5
handout → infrastructure → rural infrastructure ).
⇒ To take over/nationalize the private life insurance companies → LIC Act, 1956. So, LIC is a statutory
corporation/statutory company. (वैधा�नक �नगम)
⇒ Rigveda: “योग�ेम” (Yogakshema: well being) = name of LIC HQ@Mumbai & its corporate magazine.
⇒ Gita: “योग�ेमं वहा�हम्” (Yogakshemam Vahamyaham:- I ensure safety and well being (of my devotees) =
LIC motto.
⇒ 2018: became majority shareholder in IDBI bank. 2019-March: RBI classifies IDBI as a ‘private sector’
bank. (Ref: 📑📑Pillar#1B1: classification)
16.13.3 ⚰💀💀💀💀 🦁🦁 LIC’s Disinvestment (2020, �व�नवेश)
- 💼💼Budget-2020: LIC Act will be amended → LIC will be converted from a statutory corporation into a
(listed) Public Limited Company → Initial Public Offering (IPO) → Government will sell part of its
shareholding. 💼💼Budget-2021: again repeated the same thing.
WHY is Govt doing disinvestment of LIC?
⇒ LIC’s insurance products come with a sovereign guarantee (सं प्रभु गारंटी) by the Govt. So people prefer to
buy it over private sector insurance policies. This hampers perfect competition (पूणर् प्र�तयो�गता).
⇒ If Govt shareholding ⬇ → LIC functioning becomes independent → less financial repression of
households e.g. how LIC bought loss making IDBI under Government’s pressure. Ref 📑📑Pillar#1B-1:
Banks’ classification. (सरकारी दबाव म�, एलआईसी घाटे वाले �ेत्रों म� �नवेश करता है, �जससे �नवेशकों का �व�ीय दमन)
⇒ So, earlier, International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2018) and Justice B.N.SriKrishna’s Financial Sector
Legislative Reforms Commission (FSLRC-2011) had also advised the same to Government of India. (�व�ीय
�ेत्र �वधायी सुधार आयोग म� भी कु छ ऐसी ही �सफा�रश� क� थी)
⇒ Disinvestment = Government will earn some ₹₹ by selling its shares → welfare schemes. (�व�नवेश से कमाई
रकम, गरीब क�ाण योजनाओं म� इ�ेमाल कर सकती है)
16.13.4 ⚰💀💀💀💀💀 LIC- Aam Admi Bima Yojana (AABY):
⇒ 👻👻 ATMANIRBHAR → PM Garib Kalyan → ₹50 lakh accident insurance scheme cover for health
workers involved in managing the Coronavirus such as doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, ASHA workers
o If corona illness death / corona duty related accidental death (like mob lynching & stone pelting)
= family gets ₹50 lakhs.
o If corona led illness but recovered AND NOT DIED = no ₹₹ given to anyone. (bcoz presumed
that health worker will get free treatment in Government hospital)
⇒ Age limit? None. (आयु मयार्दा)
⇒ Company? New India Assurance, a public sector general insurance company.
⇒ Who pays premium? Ministry of Health and Family welfare
⇒ Duration? Upto 2020-September then Government extended it for another 6 months.(Although govt
may extend it longer, dynamically changing information. ✋Don’t loose sleep)
16.15 💊💊 GEN → HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEMES (�ा� बीमा योजनाएं )
Fixed Benefit (�न��त लाभ) Indemnity Based (��तपू�त आधा�रत)
Fixed payment given depending on illness. Upto to the “actual hospitalization cost” from the total
⇒ If the Policy agreement said “if you get insured sum.
cancer, we’ll give you ₹50 lakhs.” ⇒ "Indemnity" = upto actual cost in treatment, subject
⇒ So, even if a patient spends ₹10 lakh on to max limit. so, if ₹5 lakh ki policy=
hospitalization, still the company will pay ⇒ Actual treatment cost ₹2 lakh → company pays only
₹50l. ₹2 lakh
इससे कोई फकर् नहीं पड़ता िक हॉ��टल का �बल िकतना आया ⇒ Actual treatment cost ₹7 lakh→ company pays max
आपको एक �न��त रकम दी जाएगी ₹5 lakh
Further Subtypes
⇒ Cashless policy: patient simply goes to an empanelled
hospital = free treatment.
⇒ Non-Cashless policy: patient first pays hospital bill
from own pocket → submits bills to insurance
company → gets refund.
16.15.1 💊💊 😵😵: 🧐🧐Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (2020)
Figure 2: पोलीसी खरीदु तो कौन सी, Features क� तुलना करना है ब�त मु��ल!😵😵
😰😰Too many types of health insurance policies with various features and premiums = a common man gets
confused which health policy is best for him. (आम आदमी भ्र�मत हो जाता है िक कौन सी �ा� �बमा पॉ�लसी उसके �लए सव��म)
Figure 3: है कोई �ा� बीमा पॉ�लसी जो कोरोना के भारी हॉ��टल �बल से 'र�ा' करवा दे मेरी?!
2020: IRDAI issued guidelines for the general insurance & health insurance companies to launch standard
health policies against Covid-19, with following standard names:
⇒ ₹ 30k for medical treatment [smartcard, cashless: even existing ailment, even private hospital.]
⇒ ₹ 25k for accidental death. And if breadwinner dies: ₹ 50 x 15 days.
⇒ ++Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIS) –if 60/> they get additional ₹ 30k for treatment.
(व�र� नाग�रक �ा� बीमा योजना)
⇒ Both RSBY and SCHIS are subsumed in PM-JAY (2018) आयु�ान भारत के साथ �वलीन
16.15.6 💊💊💊💊: 🧔🧔Why public health insurance for poor people? (गरीबों को सरकारी �ा� बीमा �ों �दया जाए)
⇒ Public goods = water, sanitation, transport, medical care, schools (सावर्ज�नक व�ुएं-पानी ��ता प�रवहन �ू ल
⇒ Rich people can seek private alternatives/Even migrate to better countries. But Poor cannot do it →
Govt support necessary. अमीर लोग अ�� सेवाएं �बजी बाजार से खरीद सकते ह�, लेिकन गरीब को सरकारी मदद क� ज�रत
⇒ “Time Horizon Problem” in a democracy: Frequent election cycles = Govts focus more on short term
gain but Healthcare, nutrition, schools: Long gestation period so govts may neglect it. लोकतं त्र म� समय ���तज
सम�ा: चुनाव के च�र म� सरकार दीघर् अव�ध के सुधारों क� जगह लघु अव�ध के लोकलुभावन पर �ान देती है, �ा� पोषण �श�ा नजरअंदाज.
A) 1.5 lakh Primary Health Care Centers (PHC) to be transformed into Health & Wellness Centres (�ा� और
क�ाण क� द्र). Free drugs, checkup, mother-child care etc.
B) National Health Protection Scheme (AB-NHPS) → Later renamed ‘PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)’
and launched with Motto “Swasthya Aapka, Saath Hamara” from Ranchi, Jharkhand (2018, Sept). It has
subsumed Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) & Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIS). 📔📔📔📔ES21 on PM-JAY (कु ल �मलाकर घी-दू ध क� न�दयां बह रही है-आ�थक सव��ण)
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21 analysed the health outcomes of West Bengal (Which did not implement PM-JAY scheme)
and its neighbouring States - Bihar, Assam and Sikkim (Who have implemented the PM-JAY scheme)
between 2015-2019. And found out W.Bengal has lagged behind them on various health indicators,
including Family planning and HIV/AIDS.. प��म बं गाल क� तृणमूल सरकार ने प्रधानमं त्री जन आरो� योजना नहीं लागू क�
इस�लए वह �ा� म� �पछड़ी रह गई और �बहार आसाम और �स��म आगे बढ़ गए �ोंिक उन पड़ोसी रा�ों म� इस योजना का अमल �आ है
🔠🔠❓ Which one of the following is not a feature of the Ayushman Bharat Scheme? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) There is no cap on family size and age.
(b) The scheme includes pre- and post-hospitalization expenses.
(c) A defined transport allowance per hospitalization will also be paid to the beneficiary.
(d) The scheme provides a benefit cover of Rs. 10 lakh per family.
🔠🔠❓ Ayushman Bharat is a national health insurance system for: (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
a) women b) every citizen c) old age people d) poor and vulnerable.
- Against natural calamities, pests, diseases; (प्राकृ �तक आपदाएँ , क�ट, बीमा�रयाँ;)
- Protects before, during and after harvest (फसल क� कटाई).
- Premium (बीमा-िक�) paid by farmers against the total insured amount: Rabi winter crops (1.5%) – Kharif
summer monsoon crops (2%) –Horticulture & Commercial crops other than oilseed & pulses (5%).
Remainder premium is paid by Union: State Govt (50:50). It’s optional for States to join.
- Nodal Ministry: Agri Min → Public sector general insurance companies, and empanelled private sector
insurance companies. सरकारी सामा� बीमा कं प�नयां तथा �नजी �ेत्र क� ऐसी सामा� बीमा कं प�नयां �जनको कृ �ष मं त्रालय ने इस योजना
लागू करने के �लए सूचीबद्ध िकया है
- 😰😰Challenges? (इस योजना म� �ा चुनौ�तयां ह�)
Figure 5: �नयार्तक ब�क का कजार् नहीं चुकाएगा तो नुकसान क� भरपाई कौन करेगा
Boss? Commerce Ministry → Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)
⇒ NIRVIK (Niryat Rin Vikas Yojana) is an Export Credit Insurance Scheme (ECIS).
- Motor Vehicles Act (1988) requires all motor vehicle owners to purchase it. (कानूनी �प से अ�नवायर्)
- Third party (TP) insurance: When your vehicle hits another vehicle, person or property → that victim
(third party) registers a case, gets compensation. IRDAI regulates premium rates & other norms.
- SC judgement (2019): TP insurance validity should be 3-5 years, so even if owner forgets to renew
annually, the third party is protected.
16.16.6 🚕🚕🚕🚕 Own Damage Insurance (OD: मोटर सं बं �धत �यं के नुकसान का बीमा )
- It protects owner of vehicle against theft, vandalism, accident, fire.
16.16.7 🏗🏗⚖📜📜Title Insurance (जमीन / इमारत का टाइटल बीमा)
Figure 6: जमीन मकान �ववादों के कानूनी लफड़ो म� नुकसान से बचने का �बमा #गुलाबो-�सताबो
- 'Title' (अ�धकार-�वलेख) means a legal document showing ownership of a property. 'Title dispute': usually
happens when multiple persons are claiming ownership of the same land / building.
- 'Title Insurance' protects the new buyer in case of such legal disputes (by refunding the money he had
spent in buying land, construction, legal expenses etc).
- Real Estate Regulation and Development Act 2016 (RERA) requires the builders to buy this type of
insurance. More on RERA in 📑📑pillar#5: urban infrastructure.
🔠🔠❓In India, under cyber insurance for individuals, which of the following benefits are generally covered, in addition
to payment for the loss of funds and other benefits? (UPSC-Prelims-2020 SetB.Q90)
1. Cost of restoration of the computer system in case of malware disrupting access to one’s computer
2. Cost of a new computer if some miscreant wilfully damages it, if proved so
3. Cost of hiring a specialized consultant to minimize the loss in case of cyber extortion
4. Cost of defence in the Court of Law if any third party files a suit
Answer Codes: [a) 1, 2 and 4 only [b) 1, 3 and 4 only [c) 2 and 3 only [d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
- 🤩🤩Benefits of multiple re-insurance cos? GIC’s monopoly in dictating re-insurance premium rates is
gone. So, insurance cos’ cost of operations to decline → biz. expansion, launch innovative products etc.
- (Full) Budget 2019: Technical Norms relaxed to attract foreign reinsurers to open branches in India.
16.18 ⚰�IRDAI: THE INSURANCE SECTOR REGULATOR (बीमा �ेत्र �नयं त्रक)
- 1996: IRDA setup→ given statutory status in 1999 (वैधा�नक सं �ा बनी)
Org - 2014: Its name changed to Insurance Regulatory and Development
सं गठन Authority of India (IRDAI: भारतीय बीमा �व�नयामक एवं �वकास प्रा�धकरण)
- HQ: @Hyderabad, Telangana. (Whereas RBI & SEBI HQs @Mumbai.)
Structure 1 Chairman: Dr. Subhashchandra Khuntia (IAS) (5/65), 9 members (5/62) = Total 10.
सं रचना They can be re-appointed.
⇒ IRDAI gives separate licenses for life, general & re-insurance companies.
⇒ Prescribes norms for insurance companies for accounting, solvency, audit, commission to
agents etc. It can penalize companies, suspend or cancel registration. Appeal → Securities
appellate Tribunal (SAT) (More in 📑📑Pillar#1C)
⇒ Norms for agents & brokers, banks selling products (Bancassurance), Surveyor/ Loss
Assessor, and Third-Party Administrators (e.g. Hospital)
⇒ Consumer grievance redressal via Insurance Ombudsman (�शकायत �नरावरण अ�धकारी).
⇒ IRDAI is member of Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC). Ref: 📑📑1C
1) Capital intensive industry (पूंजी प्रधान उद्योग): Private players not generating enough profits due to poor
returns in sharemarket. Heavy costs in paying agent commission rates and marketing advertisements.
2) Corona led policy claims will further damage their profits
3) Products are not cheap. Premiums expensive. Will become more expensive by Corona losses.
4) Insurance agents need more skill, network than banker. For bankers- loan recovery easier (SARFAESI,
I&B) compared to an insurance company that invested into shares of a failing company (like IL&FS).
5) Rural people: either disinterested / un-served despite schemes & IRDAI norms.
6) People hesitate in buying House / Factory / Fire / Theft insurance due to fear of discovery of ‘asset value’-
IT/GST raids & ransom demands. → India’s “insurance gap” is high i.e. all the assets are not insured.
(लोग अपनी सं प�� का पूणर् �प से �बमा नहीं करवाते)
7) Insurance: Highly regulated, but Healthcare: highly unregulated, so
o Supply demand mismatch: between (doctors-hospitals) vs. patients.
o Standardized medical treatment costs difficult to ascertain, unlike car damage.
8) Delays in claim settlement= fewer repeat customers for health insurance.
16.19.1 Insurance progress indicators (बीमा प्रग�त सं के तक)
Table 2:✋ figures are not important
As per Insurance penetration (%: बीमा प्रवेश) Insurance Density ($:बीमा घन�) =Premium
📔📔📔📔ES21 =Premium divided by GDP divided by population
Life (2019) 2.82% ↗Improving but in zigzag fashion. $58 ↗Improving but in zigzag fashion.
(2014-2019) (2014-2019)
⇒ the Majority of Directors on the Board and key management persons must be Resident Indians. बोडर् ऑफ
डायरे�र तथा कं पनी प्रबं धन के व�र� पदा�धका�रयों म� ब�म�त भारतीय �नवासी होने चािहए
⇒ At least 50% of Directors must be Independent Directors. कम से कम आधे डायरे�र �तं त्र डायरे�र होनी चािहए
⇒ Certain % of profits must be retained as general reserve. मुनाफे का कु छ प्र�तशत सामा� आर��त �न�ध के �प म� अलग से
रखना होगा.
16.19.3 Should we ⏫ FDI beyond 49% in insurance companies? (�ा सीमा बढ़ाए?)
🤗🤗 � yes we should raise FDI limits (हां बढ़ाई जाए) 😣😣 � No, we shouldn’t raise FDI
Indian insurance companies will get additional capital from Foreign investors will put pressure on
Foreign investors = this can help mitigating above Indian insurance companies to generate
challenges. more profit. So
- They can expand overseas, mobilize money from - investment in junk bonds that offer
Bangladesh/Kenya’s insurance clients etc. & invest it in higher return → Collapse. (तुरंत मुनाफा
Indian economy. (�वदेशो का पैसा भारतीय अथर्त� मे लाना) कमाने क� चाह म� �ादा जो�खम वाले बॉ� म� �नवेश)
- IRDAI prescribes “Investment pattern”, there is - Insurance company may reject
ombudsman for customer complaints. insurance claims for frivolous reasons
- Further, Companies Act has norms for independent to increase its profitability to keep
directors, auditing, whistleblower protection, CSR. So, foreign investors happy. (मुनाफाखोरी के
apprehension that foreign investors will cause mischief = �लए बीमा दावों को अ�ीकार करना)
unlikely. (�नगरानी/�नयं त्रण के पयार्� प्रावधान है, कं प�नयो के �लए
बदमाशी करना मु��ल)
- 💼💼Budget-2021 too has mentioned safeguards.
- China, Thailand, Indonesia et al ⏫ FDI limits in
insurance sector. We should also follow their path.
- So, to encourage pvt companies to hire new workers ‘formally’ → Govt pays employer (Factory owners)
portion (A%) for the first 3 years.**
- This scheme is called Labour Ministry’s Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana.
- Later, Textiles ministry (कपड़ा मं त्रालय) announced, “if it’s a textile factory, then we’ll pay the X%-walla
component (to EPFO), while labour ministry pays the Y%-walla component = this is called “Pradhan
Mantri Paridhan Rojgar Protsahan Yojana” to encourage formal job creation in the textile sector.
17.11.3 👻👻ATMANI Reforms in EPFO 🧔🧔🧔� (March to August)
EPFO → 👷👷👷worker �Boss 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR Reform
Small firm 12% 12% ⇒ Total 24% goes to EPFO
(up to 100
🔠🔠❓ [Asked in UPSC-CDS-2019-1] Consider the following passage about a scheme : It was launched to
provide social security during old age and to protect elderly persons aged 60 years and above against a future
fall in their interest income due to uncertain market conditions. The scheme enables old age income security
for senior citizens through provision of assured pension / return linked to the subscription amount based on
government guarantee to Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Identify the scheme.
Answer Choices:
a) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana b) Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana
c) Liveability Index Programme d) Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana
🔠🔠❓ [Asked in Prelim 2016] Find correct statement(s) regarding ‘Atal Pension Yojana’:
1. It is a minimum guaranteed pension scheme mainly targeted at unorganized sector workers.
2. Only one member of a family can join the scheme.
3. Same amount of pension is guaranteed for the spouse for life after subscriber's death.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
17.14.1 � → 👴👴👴👴👴👴: 🧔🧔 Pension: Three Maan Dhan Yojanas
18-40 Age; ₹ 55-200 fees; LIC Fund manager + Who?
Pension @60=3000 → family This Ministry co-
pension ₹ 1500 contributes
1) Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Labour unorganized sector workers with monthly
Maan-dhan (Feb’19) income upto ₹15k
- For Below Poverty Line (BPL) people, Rural Development Ministry’s National Social Assistance
Programme (NSoAP: रा�ी� य सामा�जक सहायता कायर्क्रम) in 1995, where direct money is given without asking for
any premium from the beneficiary (लाभाथ�).
- It’s a core of the core scheme (अ�त-मह�पूणर् योजना) with 100% cost is paid by Union. It’s optional for state
govt. to contribute money- They may contribute, if they want to enhance the scheme’s features. For
example: (इस योजना म� रा� सरकार ने पैसा देना वैक��क है)
🔠🔠❓ [Asked in Pre-2015] Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana’ has been launched for:
(a) providing housing loan to poor people at cheaper interest rates
(b) promoting women’s Self-Help Groups in backward areas
(c) promoting financial inclusion in the country
(d) providing financial help to the marginalized communities
18.11.2 � Jan Dhan Darshak App (2018)
Jointly developed by Department of Financial Services (DFS) & National Informatics Centre (NIC). It helps
people find the nearby financial touch points such as Bank branches, ATMs, Post Offices etc.
What if poor / lower middle-class person wants better returns than bank deposit rates? He may opt for…
Act Small Savings Schemes: लघु बचत योजनाएं
Govt Savings Bank Act 1873 📮📮 Post Office schemes: monthly, 5 year, savings, time
Govt Savings Bank Act 1873 Senior Citizen Savings (2004)
Government Savings Certi Act ’59 National Savings Scheme (NSC)’59
Government Savings Certi Act ’59 Kisan Vikas Patra 1988-11, 2014
PPF Act 1968 Public Provident Fund (PPF)
No Act → Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana ‘2015
- Individual eligibility, upper-lower limits etc. poor cost: benefit…except Sukanya Samriddhi.
- Money (usually) goes into National Small Savings Fund (NSSF)→ loans to Union and (selected States),
with technical norms which not imp for us.
- Here, interest rates are decided by FinMin’s Dept of Economic Affairs on quarterly basis. (�व� मं त्रालय का
आ�थक मामलों का �वभाग इन योजनाओं क� �ाज दर तय करता है हर 3-3 महीने पर)
- Parents open a (fixed deposit type) bank account in the name of a 0-10 years girl child, and deposit
annually ₹ 250 to ₹ 1.5 lakhs till she reaches age of 14.
- FinMin’s Dept of Economic Affairs announces interest rate (originally 9.1%, presently ~8.5%)
- Money (principal and interest) can be withdrawn @ the age of 18-21 depending on whether married or
not. So, it indirectly prevents child marriages & empowers the grown-up daughter with money to pursue
higher education, small business etc.
- One daughter = ONLY one account can be opened in this scheme. (एक बेटी के नाम पर �सफर् एक खाता खुल सकता)
- Maximum two daughters can be enrolled by parents/legal guardians.
18.12.3 ⚖Proposed Government Savings Promotion Act (in 2018)
It aims to merge (outdated) laws related to small saving schemes (ref: previous table)
- Easier withdrawal during medical emergency, college fees etc,
- Clarification on Minor account, PH people- guardian rights; Grievances redressal.
18.12.4 (��:💰💰)→ 📦📦 Chit Funds and Prize Chits
Chit Funds (�चट् फं ड/कोष)- गैरकानूनी नहीं है Prize Chits (इनामी �चट्स)- गैर कानूनी
Scheme runs for a definite period of e.g. 12 months from Jan Scheme is illegal and vaguely designed. It
to Dec-2020. (�न��त समय तक चलती) runs until idiot investors keep coming, then
it collapses.
⇒ Every month each subscriber deposits equal ₹₹, as ⇒ There are no official documents or
stipulated in the scheme document account books.
⇒ Every month Foreman draws ‘chit’ → whichever ⇒ Scamster will accept whatever small /
subscribers’ name comes he may get loan / prize. (in large amount is offered by the poor
next month, previous winners’ names may not be person who falls prey.
added to the lottery pool). This way, everyone has an ⇒ Investor doesn't know with surety how
equal chance of winning. much is contributed by other investors?
Even if you won in Feb-2020, still you'll have to Not compulsory to pay the monthly
compulsorily pay monthly deposits until Dec-2020 when deposits after you’ve won the prize.
the scheme is officially over. (Therefore the scheme will collapse
eventually, when new subscribers stop
This is legal, under Chit Funds Act (गैरकानूनी नहीं है) This is illegal under Prize Chits and Money
Circulation Schemes Banning Act, 1978
Beyond that, - How does that work? How’s that different from NIDHI companies (regulated by Ministry of
Corporate Affairs) = thing not. Imp. For UPSC. (��:💰💰)→ 📦📦 Chit Funds (Amendment) Act, 2019
⇒ To amend 1982’s Chit Funds Act.
💡💡 Note: This handout only deals with ‘loan’ component of MSME. For other MSME
issues/challenges, refer (More in 📑📑Pillar#4B → MSME)
✋in above image, read "<" sign as "NOT MORE THAN (से अ�धक नहीं)
Investment: �नवेश annual turnover: वा�षक कारोबार
18.13.4 👻👻🔪🔪 �🏭🏭 MSME Non-NPA borrower → ECLGS 1.0
ऋण अदायगी गारंटी -उन उधोगों के �लए �जनके लोन-खाते अभी एनपीए/अनजर्क प�रसं प�त क� श्रेणी मे नही है
⇒ Corona Lockdown → MSME business hurt → need loans to restart business → Emergency Credit Line
Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS: आपातकालीन क्रेिडट लाइन गारंटी योजना). This scheme will expire in 31/3/2021
(originally deadline was shorter, but later extended under Atma-Nirbhar 3.0 but ⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋)
- Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency. (सू� इकाई �वकास एवं पून: �व�पोषण एज�सी)
- Objective? provides indirect lending via SCB, RRB, Cooperative Banks, MicroFinance Inst & other
NBFCs. (अनुसू�चत वा�ण� ब�क �ेत्रीय ग्रामीण ब�क सहकारी ब�क गैर ब�क �व�ीय कं प�नयों द्वारा परो� �प से कजर् देता है)
- Ownership? It’s wholly owned by SIDBI, and also receives the funding from PSL-shortfalls via RBI, and
budgetary support via Department of Financial Services.
- Beneficiary? Micro Enterprises from Agri-allied sectors, mfg & service sector who are not registered
under the companies act = Non-corporate type. (�ज�ोंने कं पनी कानून म� पं जीकरण नहीं करवाया)
Table 3: Mudra-Products:
Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) MUDRA Rupay Card
1) Shishu : loans upto 50,000/- - ATM cum Debit Card issued against MUDRA loan
2) Kishor : >50,000/- upto 5 lakh account.
3) Tarun : > 5 lakh and upto 10 lakhs - For working capital component.
- Can be accessed in all modes like a routine debit card
(ATM, MicroATM, PoS, Online)
- Mudra loans are collateral-free (जमानत से मु�). If borrower defaults on loan, then lender’s losses are
covered through Credit Guarantee Fund for Micro Units [CGFMU] which is operated by National Credit
Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd. [NCGTC, 2016]- which is a private ltd company by Dept of Financial
Services in Finance Ministry.
- 😰😰MUDRA Challenges? (1) Loan Interests are high (2) Rising NPA/Bad loans.
18.13.10 👻👻👻👻 �🏭🏭 Mudra Loans → Shishu Loans pe 2% Interest subvention
⇒ 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR-2020: Shishu loan borrowers = 2% Interest subvention (�ाज-अदायगी मे सरकारी-मदद)
IF they’re prompt payees (=repaying the loans regularly).
⇒ This offer is valid for 12 months.
🔠🔠❓ Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana is aimed at (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
a) bringing the small entrepreneurs into formal financial system
b) providing loans to poor farmers for cultivating particular crops.
c) providing pensions to old and destitute persons.
d) funding the voluntary organizations involved in the promotion of skill development and employment
18.13.11 ⏰🔪🔪 (2018)
portal by SIDBI & 5 PSBs. GST-registered MSME get loans 10L to 1 cr. Without collaterals. if loan approved
then ₹1000 fees need to be paid
18.13.12 🙋🙋🙋Stand Up India Scheme, 2016 (उ��� भारत)
- Boss? FinMin’s Dept of Financial Services (�व�ीय सेवा �वभाग)
- is an informal group of 10-20 local people to combine their savings/ resources, engage in biz activity like
weaving, agarbatti etc अपनी बचत और सं साधनों क� मदद से कु छ छोटा उ�ादन करने वाला गरीब लोगों का एक अनौपचा�रक समूह
- and not registered in as a firm / company under partnership act or companies act etc.
- Self-Help Groups are formed under the government schemes like National rural livelihood mission
(NRLM). More in 📑📑Pillar#6]
- (Full) Budget-2019:
o 1 woman in each self-help group (SHG) will be made eligible for ₹ 1 lakh loan under Mudra
o Every verified woman SHG member with a PM Jan Dhan account eligible for overdraft of ₹
- 👻👻ATMANI→ PM GaribKalyan → Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) to be given ₹20 lakh collateral
free loans. Further,
o Government will procure masks and sanitizers prepared by SHG = ₹₹ income for poor
o These SHG are given additional 10-15k rupees as Revolving funds (RF: प�रक्रमण �न�ध), if
they’re holding – regular meetings, regular savings, and maintenance of proper books of
accounts etc. ATMANI= RF fund disbursal will be done through PAISA webportal.
18.13.14 🤑🤑�Street vendors’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi Scheme (SVANidhi)
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs- आवास और शहरी मामलों का मं त्रालय
⇒ Pradhan Mantri Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi Scheme (PM SVANidhi)
⇒ Street Vendors will be given ₹10,000 loan via banks, NBFCs, Micro Finance institutions. (सड़क
�वक्रेता/फे रीवाला को ब�क, गैर-ब�क �व�ीय सं �ान, सू� �व� सं �ान से कजार् �मलेगा)
⇒ Loan Tenure: 1 year. Repayment to be done on a monthly basis.
⇒ Loan Interest? approx @7.25% & if vendor repays in timely fashion → govt will give 7% interest subsidy
in his bank account. (फे रीवाला ने �ण अदायगी �नय�मत �प से क� तो �ाज म� सरकार राहत देगी)
⇒ Scheme Valid till: 2022-March.
18.13.15 �💳💳 Kisan Credit Card (1998)
1998: Launched by RBI +NABARD. Farmer gets credit card from PSB, RRB, State Cooperative Banks for:
- Can swipe it to buy farm inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc.)
- Investment credit requirement for agriculture
- Working capital for maintenance of farm assets
- Post-harvest expenses, (फसल काटने के बाद होने वाले खचर्)
- Consumption requirements of farmer household; (घर म� उपभोग हेतु खच�)
- Can withdraw cash (as loan).
- Money to be repaid with interest. Accidental insurance also given.
- Budget-2018: Kisan Credit Card (KCC) extended to Animal Husbandry and Fisheries farmers. Interim-
Budget-2019: they (animal/fisheries-walla) too will get the interest subvention
- Interim-Budget-2019: comprehensive drive with a simplified application form to get all farmers under
KCC cards.
🔠🔠🔠 Under the Kisan Credit Card scheme, short-term credit support is given to farmers for which of the following
purposes ? (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
1. Working capital for maintenance of farm assets
2. Purchase of combine harvesters, tractors and mini trucks
3. Consumption requirements of farm households
4. Post-harvest expenses
5. Construction of family house and setting up of village cold storage facility
Codes: [a) 1, 2 and 5 only [b) 1, 3 and 4 only [c) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only [d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
18.13.16 ��: 🧔🧔 ←(💰💰💰💰) Interest Subvention (�ाज सहायता)
Government pays part of the interest rate for borrower. (farmer, MSME, affordable housing etc) such as:
- Farm loans upto 3 lakhs→ 9% MINUS 2% (to all farmers) MINUS 3% (regular paying farmers)= only 4%
loan interest farmer has to pay.
- Interim-Budget-2019:
o KCC-card-walla Animal Husbandry and Fisheries farmers also eligible.
o If natural disaster- then crop loans are rescheduled, we’ll streamline the subvention norms there.
o MSME: incremental loans upto ₹1 crore to GST registered MSME industry= 2% subvention. (As
such already announced by Modi in 2018)
18.13.17 �PaiSA Portal (2018)
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MOHUA) → Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban
Livelihoods Mission (NULM) → urban poor are given skill training, bank loans to setup business →
interest subvention. (more in Pill#6).
⇒ Informal workers (अयथा�व�ध कम�)= doesn’t have formal job contracts with employers. E.g. Domestic
Maids, Brick Kiln Workers, Construction Labourers, Gurkha Chowkidar, Dhaabaa cooks/waiters etc.
⇒ Gig workers (�गग कम�)= Uber Taxi Drivers, Amazon/Zomato Delivery boys, Urbanclap’s beauticians/
plumbers/ AC repairman, Unacademy Educators etc. They are freelancers / independent contractors
(�तं त्र ठे केदारों) hired by startup or digital companies for short-term engagements. While they may have
some written contract to deliver services to the company, but the contract is worded in such manner they
are not “regular employees” of a company = not eligible for EPFO, ESIC etc.
⇒ 2019-Sept: Labour Ministry drafting a “social security code for all informal & gig workers”. It aims to
provide ‘insurance on death/disability/sickness’, maternity benefit, pension, scholarship for their children
etc. (मृ�ु / �वकलांगता / बीमारी पर बीमा, मातृ� लाभ, प�शन, �गग कम� के ब�ों को छात्रवृ��)
18.15.3 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR → 👷👷👷Workers’ Social security (2020)
⇒ Annual health check-up for all employees. (�ा� जांच)
⇒ Govt’s Social security schemes will be extended to Gig workers and platform workers (गीग प्रणाली के श्र�मक
e.g. Zomato delivery boys, Urbanclap beautician, uber taxi drivers etc.)
⇒ Central Government’s Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996: → workers contribute ₹₹ to
a fund held by the State Government → they get pension after retirement/accident compensation etc.
👻👻ATMANI→ PM GaribKalyan → State Governments ordered to use this ₹₹ for helping construction
workers during Corona.
⇒ Portability of social security benefits to migrant workers. E.g. If a construction worker deposits a
premium in Gujarat building workers welfare fund → Afterwards he returns back to home state Odisha,
he will get pension from there. (सामा�जक सुर�ा लाभ क� सुवाह्यता- अपने वतन वापस जाए तो भी लाभ �मलते रहे)
✋Sidenote: Lot of controversy because govt has relaxed/suspended labour laws during Corona, but we will study it under pillar 4.
18.17.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐 (India’s own) RBI’s National Strategy for Financial Inclusion (NSFI)
⇒ 2020-Jan: RBI released this report covering the timeframe “2019-2024.”
⇒ Exact points / salient features = poor cost benefit for UPSC. We already have sufficient points for a 250
words answer.
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economic development and inclusive growth. (बचत, �नवेश और खपत को सरकार को प्रभा�वत करती→ आय का
पुन�वतरण, सामा�जक-आ�थक क�ाण, समावेशी �वकास हो सकता है)
A well planned Fiscal Policy can help in following arenas:
Full Employment: through welfare schemes/ rural employment programmes like MGNREGA
�More in pillar6) (लोक क�ाणकारी योजनाओं द्वारा पूणर् रोजगार)
�To Fight Inflation (मुद्रा���त): Higher Income tax →
�disposable income (�य यो� आय) →
demand curbed, To fight deflation=
�direct and indirect taxes to boost demand. (
�More in
pillar4: Inflation) (अप���त से लड़ने के �लए करों म� कटौती करे माँग को बढ़ाएँ )
To Boost Economic Growth: Provide income tax benefits on household savings in
LIC/Mutual Fund etc. → industries get new capital investment → factory expansion, jobs, GDP
growth. (
�More in pillar4: GDP) (करों म� �रयायत� दे कर �नवेश को बढ़ोतरी, आ�थक वृ�द्ध को बढ़ोतरी देना)
�To Boost Inclusive Growth (समावेशी �वकास): Higher taxes on rich → use money for health,
education, women, poverty removal programs. (
�More in pillar6: Human Dev)
� To Boost Regionally Balanced Growth: Give tax benefits to industrialists for setting up
factories in North East, Naxal/Left-wing Extremism (LWE) & other backward areas. (उद्योगप�तयों को
उ�र पूव� रा� तथा न�ल प्रभा�वत रा�ों म� फै �री लगाने पर करो म� �रयायते देकर सभी प्रदेशो का सं तु�लत �वकास)
Exchange Rate Stability (�व�नमय दर ��रता): Give tax benefits to exporters to boost exports;
while impose higher taxes on imported items to reduce imports → Current Account Deficit
(CAD: चालू खाता घाटा) controlled → ₹ :$ Exchange rate volatility controlled. (
� pillar3:BoP)
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e.g. Central Road Fund Act 2000, where Road Cess on Petrol,
Diesel would be deposited.
Art. 🔐🔐Contingency Fund Unforeseen events ₹ 500 cr by FinSecy on behalf of President.
267 of India (आक��कता �न�ध) Parliament approval is “subsequently” obtained, after
expenditure. Money refilled from CFI.
🔠🔠❓ Authorization for the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India must come from: (Pre-2011)
(a) President of India (b) Parliament of India (c) The Prime Minister of India(d) The Union Finance Minister
20.2.2 🤧🤧🤧🤧Donation Funds: PMNRF vs PM CARES (दान)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 214
⇒ Usually, such Govt donation funds are registered under Indian Trust Act, 1882. But, some legal
experts / critics suggest these donations should be brought under Public Account / Consolidated
Fund to bring accountability & transparency.
⇒ 😰😰Controversy? PM CARES Fund officials refused to give information to a person under Right
to information Act (RTI), so now court case about applicability of RTI on this.
20.2.3 💼💼📃📃 Three Documents related to Budget
- Budget comes from a French word 'bougette' meaning a leather bag / suitcase.
- Finance Minister (FM: �व� मं त्री) would keep documents in it → present in parliament.
- 2019: FM Nirmala Sitharaman ended this colonial practice by presenting the budget in a
traditional four-fold red cloth ledger. CEA K.Subramanian said the ‘budget documents’ inside
this red-cloth should be called “Bahi-Khata”.
- While the term ‘budget’ not given in our constitution, but for each financial year, the Govt is
required to present following: सं �वधान म� इस श� का �जक्र नहीं हालाँिक हर साल तीन द�ावेज सं सद म� रखे जाते ह�।
📃📃Art. 112 📊📊Annual Financial Statement (AFS: वा�षक �व�ीय �ववरण) containing receipt and
expenditure of last year (and projections for the next year).
1) The revenue expenditure must be shown separately from other expenditures.
2) No compulsion to show railway budget separately from general budget.
3) No compulsion to show plan expenditure separately from non-plan.
📃📃Art. 265 Taxes can’t be imposed without law so Finance Bill to obtain Parliament's
📃📃Art.117 permission to collect taxes. (�व� �वधेयक कराधान के �लए।)
Further, Parliament can reduce or abolish a tax proposed by the Govt. but
Parliament cannot increase tax beyond what Govt has proposed in the Finance
more about
them in bill. E.g. If Modi Govt’s Finance bill proposes “we want to ⏫tax on imported
Laxmikanth shoes from 25% → 35%”. Then
⇒ Members of parliament can vote to allow tax@35%/reduce/remove it.
�Members of parliament CANNOT vote “let’s ⏫tax to 45%”.
📃📃Art. 114 🛒🛒Appropriation Bill (�व�नयोग �वधेयक) to obtain Parliament's permission to spend
money from Consolidated Fund of India(CFI: Art 266). Such expenditure can be
of two types :
1) The expenditures ‘charged’ upon the Consolidated Fund of India e.g. Judges
salaries. They can be discussed but they are non-votable & automatically
approved. (भारत क� सं �चत �न�ध पर भा�रत �य. सं सद म� उसक� चचार् हो सकती है, िक�ु मतदान नहीं।
वरना यिद मतदान से सांसद, जज क� तन�ाह ⏬कर द�गे तो जज �न�� �प से काम नहीं कर पाएं गे)
2) The expenditure ‘made’ from CFI. E.g. ₹ ₹ for a scheme. They’re discussed
and voted. (भारत क� सं �चत �न�ध से िकये गए �य)
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⇒ The finance bill and appropriation bill are considered money bills (धन �वधेयक) under article 110.
Therefore Rajya Sabha (RS) approval is not necessary.
⇒ At maximum Rajya Sabha can discuss it for 14 days and give suggestions to Lok Sabha for
amendments, but it’s not binding on the Lok Sabha to accept Rajya Sabha’s suggestions. (सुजाव
मानना बा�कारी नहीं है)
⇒ Sometimes, the ruling party does not have majority in Rajya Sabha to pass other type of ordinary
bills (e.g. a bill to transfer National Housing Bank (NHB)’s ownership from RBI to Govt. or
abolishing some low-profile statutory body or enacting a law to make Aadhar card compulsory)…
⇒ Then, ruling party packs those ordinary bills’ (सामा� �वधेयक) proposals inside Finance Bill to get it
approved without Rajya Sabha’s obstruction.
⇒ In such scenarios, whether a given bill is money bill or not?= Lok Sabha Speaker’s decision is
final [Art.110(3)]. Decision cannot be enquired by any Court [Art.122].
🔠🔠❓ What will follow if a Money Bill is substantially amended by Rajya Sabha? (Pre’13)
a. Lok Sabha may still proceed with the Bill, accepting or not accepting the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha.
b. The Lok Sabha cannot consider the Bill further.
c. The Lok Sabha may send the Bill to the Rajya Sabha for reconsideration.
d. The President may call a joint sitting for passing the Bill.
🔠🔠❓ Find correct statement(s): (UPSC Pre’15)
1. The Rajya Sabha has no power either to reject or to amend a Money Bill.
2. The Rajya Sabha cannot vote on the Demands for Grants.
3. The Rajya Sabha cannot discuss the Annual Financial Statement.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
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�2017: All states not in favor because accounting practices /softwares need to be changed. Its
challenges outweighed the benefits. So, Modi Govt not implementing. इसको लागू नहीं कर रहे
�2020: some fake news that FY changed due to Corona, but it was FAKE-NEWs (झूठा समाचार)
20.4 📃📃🛒🛒🛒🛒📆📆⏳VOTE ON ACCOUNT- (लेखा अनुदान)
The Constitution does not mandate any specific date for presentation of the Budget, but it is
presented to the Lok Sabha on such day as the President directs.
⇒ Before 2017: Presented in the last working day of February. Then it’ll pass through
aforementioned six stages- consuming all the time upto May month.
⇒ But while those six stages were going on, the financial year will be over (on 31st March) so
previous year’s Appropriation Act’s validity will be over.
⇒ Then govt cannot withdraw money from the Consolidated Fund of India even for the routine
expenditure like staff salary, electricity bills.
⇒ So, to avoid such crisis, government will put a motion for vote on account.
⇒ Here, parliament (= practically Lok Sabha) will allow the govt to spend some money from the
CFI, till the (next) Appropriation Act for next financial year is passed.
⇒ Vote on Account is generally granted for two months for an amount equivalent to one-sixth of
the total budget estimation.
✋Vote on Account is no longer necessary because
⇒ Constitution has no compulsion to put budget on a specific date. So, 2017 onwards, Modi Govt.
began tabling the budget on the first working day of February.
⇒ All the six stages are completed by the last week of March.
⇒ Appropriation bill gets passed and signed by President before completion of 31st March. So they
did not require vote on account in 2017, 2018.
⇒ However, in 2019’s Interim Budget, Modi Govt demanded vote on account because they planned
to place full-budget after general elections.
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20.5 (🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴🤴)=🥛🥛💼💼 INTERIM BUDGET (अंत�रम बजट)
⇒ Our constitution does not define or require interim budget. (सं �वधान म� �जक्र नहीं है)
⇒ But, during election year or extreme situation (E.g. when coalition government may collapse
before its term) then it’s considered unethical for such Govt. to make drastic/populist changes in
budget like “2gm gold for the marriage of every BPL-girl.”
⇒ So, while they’ll present a budget in the regular fashion i.e. 3 documents (AFS, FinBill,
Appro.Bill) & 6 Stages of Passing. But it (should) not have grand populist announcements. (ऐसी
प�र���तमे लोक-लुभावन क� योजनाओ के �बना बजट प्र�ुत करना नै�तक नहीं होगा)
⇒ Such budgets are called Interim Budgets, and were presented in 2004 (Yashwant S.), 2009
(Pranab M.), 2014 (Chidambaram P.) and 2019 (Piyush G.)
⇒ Just like a Regular General Budget, an Interim budget is valid for the whole financial year,
however in between if new government is formed, they may present another budget to change
the provisions. (वैसे तो पूरे वषर् के �लए वैध होता है)
⇒ E.g. 2014-Feb: FM Chidambaram presented (interim) budget in 15th Lok Sabha, but then
UPA/Congress defeated in general election→ 2014-July: BJP’s FM Arun Jaitley presented (Full)
General Budget in 16th Lok Sabha.
⇒ 2019-Feb: FM Piyush G. presented Interim budget in 16th Lok Sabha → 2019-May: Modi won
General Election → 2019-July: FM Nirmala S. presented (Full) Gen Budget in 17th Lok Sabha.
✋Note: throughout the handout, I’ve used the term “Full” budget to
differentiate it from “Interim” Budget for easier revision & visualization. But in
Mains, you should use the word ‘General Budget’(सामा� बजट)
20.5.1 THEME of budget (�वषयव�ु)
Constitution doesn’t require, but sometimes FM will do it to create media-hype:
Budget Year Did FM Speech mention a specific theme (�वषयव�ु)?
2018 and 2019 No specific theme mentioned in speech
Had three themes: (1) Aspirational India: मह�ाकांशी भारत (2)Economic
2020 (Full)
Development for all: सबके �लए आ�थक �वकास(3) Caring India: दयभावना
⇒ No specific theme mentioned in speech but focus on AtmaNirbhar Bharat
2021 (Full) ⇒ Paperless/Digital Budget in a Samsung tablet made in India, covered in
Red-colored cover.
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20.6 📘📘📘📘 ECONOMIC SURVEY (आ�थक सव��ण)
- A (two volume) doc prepared by the Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) in the finance ministry.
- Vol2 shows annual data of past year. Vol1 shows prospects & suggestions for the future years.
- ✋No constitutional obligation to prepare or present it but usually it’s tabled in the parliament a
day before the Union Budget. (सं �वधा�नक �प से ऐसा करना अ�नवायर् नहीं)
- 2019-Feb: No economic survey was presented before the interim budget.
- 2019-July: Economic Survey presented before the (Full) General Budget.
- While Budget is labelled after next financial year (e.g. 2019-20), the Economic survey is labelled
after previous Financial Year. e.g. The survey tabled on Feb-2018 is labelled as “Economic
Survey 2017-18”, the Survey tabled in July-2019 is labelled “Economic Survey 2018-19”.
Table 1: Theme / Format of Economic Survey?
till‘13-14 ⇒ Single Volume survey.
⇒ Adopted Two Volume Systems like “IMF’s World Economic Outlook”.
⇒ Vol1= future suggestions | Vol2= Past data.
⇒ Explicitly mentioned Theme in preface (प्रा�थन): “Creating opportunity and
reducing vulnerability” (through JanDhan-Aadhar-Mobile = JAM trinity)
⇒ No theme in preface. PINK Cover for -Ending Gender Violence.
⇒ (गुलाबी: ल��गक िहसं ा को समा� करना)
No theme. But Sky Blue Cover for -Blueprint for making India a $5 trillion
economy” (नीले गगन का रंग: भारतीय अथर्�व�ा को $5 िट��लयन तक ले जाना )
No theme but Lavender Purple color cover to show the synthesis of old and new ideas
for wealth creation & economic freedom (to do business). Just like ₹100 currency note
which comes in both “old” series as well as “new” Mahatma Gandhi series with
lavender/purple color- जामुनी: धनसृजन और आ�थक �तं त्रता के �लए नये तथा पुराने �वचारो का स��लन
Paperless / Digital Survey. Green&Red/Brownish cover with photo of healthworkers &
Corona Virus. No theme explicitly mentioned in preface. but focus areas / major talking
points were 1) #SavingLives&Livelihoods 2) V-shaped Recovery 3) Countercyclical
fiscal policy 4) Bare Necessities Index
20.6.1 �Chief Economic Advisor (CEA: मु� आ�थक सलाहकार)
- Falls under Finance ministry’s Department of Economic Affairs
- Usual tenure 3 years, reappointment possible, but not a constitutional or statutory body. Has
control over Indian Economic Service (IES) officers.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 219
- Notable CEAs in Past: Manmohan Singh, Raghuram Rajan, Arvind Subramanian (2014-18).
2018-Dec: Krishnamurthy Subramanian became the new CEA.
20.7 �FINANCE MINISTRY AND ITS DEPARTMENTS: (�व� मं त्रालय और उसके �वभाग)
20.7.1 �💼💼Department of Economic Affairs (DEA: आ�थक कायर्/ आ�थक मामलो का �वभाग)
Functions of DEA:
⇒ Fiscal policy, Preparation and presentation of Union budget including the Railway component of
budget. Budget for union territories without legislature, budget for States under president rule.
⇒ DEA announces the Interest rates of small saving schemes.
⇒ DEA assigns infrastructure status to a particular sector, maintains a website
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 220
A. Department of Financial Services
B. Institute of Government Accounts and Finance
C. Controller General of Accounts
D. National Institute of Financial Management
20.7.3 �🍋🍋FinMin#3: Department of Revenue (राज� �वभाग)
Looks after the taxation matters using bodies: <Hindi terms not given because it’ll take too much
printout space, but they’re given in indirect tax section of this handout>
Central Boards of Revenue Act 1963
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)→ Department of Income Tax
o Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). Before-2018-
& Quasi-
March, it was known as Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC).
judicial bodies
It implements GST from 1st July 2017, under the 101st Constitutional
Amendment Act, 2016.
वैधा�नक सं �ाएं
Authorities for Advance rulings in Acts for IT, Customs & Central Excise, GST
अधर् �ा�यक
Various Tribunals and appellate bodies related to taxation.
Enforcement Directorate (for enforcing PMLA and FEMA Act)
Attached /
Central Economic Intelligence Bureau
Central Bureau of Narcotics Financial Intelligence Unit
Goods and Service Tax Network (GSTN) is a non-profit company. Originally its
51% shareholding was with HDFC, ICICI etc. but 2018- Government decided to
make it 100% owned by Union & State Governments.
20.7.4 �💳💳💳💳FinMin#4: Department of Financial Services (DFS: �व�ीय सेवाएँ �वभाग)
Functions of DFS:
Schemes for Financial Inclusion (📑📑Ref-1D), PSB supervision and recapitalization, Public Sector
Financial Intermediaries, including their regulators (Except EPFO, ESIC etc.)
Organizations under/related to DFS:
Bank Board Bureau: Neither Constitutional / statutory. Setup through gazette notification for
selection of top officials (MD, CEO, Chairman and full-time Directors) for PSBs, LIC and other
public sector financial institutions. (Ref:1B-2)
PSU: National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company (NCGTC): For providing credit guarantee for
loans in Mudra, certain MSME loans, Stand up India, education-skill development related loans.
20.7.5 �🏭🏭FinMin#5: DIPAM (�नवेश एवं लोक प�रसं प�� प्रबं धन �वभाग)
Department of Investment and Public Asset Management (DIPAM) looks after Disinvestment of
Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE- सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के क� द्रीय उद्यम)
The highest official in each of above 5 depts is called ‘Secretary’ (usually an IAS)
→ senior-most among them is designated as Finance Secretary=signs ₹ 1 note.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 221
This (lesser known) dept is headed by Constitutional Body: Comptroller and Auditor General
(CAG: भारत के �नयं त्रक-महालेखापरी�क)
😰😰Impact of Tax: point where the burden Income Tax Assessee Customer/buyer (ग्राहक )
of tax is ultimately felt and can’t be (प्र�� करदाता खुद)
transferred elsewhere. (कराघात/कर का प्रभाव)
The incidence and impact of tax is…. On the same person Not on the same person.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 222
Type of Tax Example
�😁😁 greater proportion of poorman’s income is gone in taxes. Thus, indirect taxes
↗�😥😥 are regressive in nature. (गरीब आदमी क� वेतन का �ादा िह�ा जाता है)
MCQ. Which one of following is a progressive tax structure? [UPSC-CDS-2015-II]
(a) Tax rate is the same across all incomes (b) Tax rate increases as income increases
(c) Tax rate decreases as income increases (d) Each household pays equal amount of tax
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following was not advocated by Adam Smith? (UPSC-CDS-2019-1)
a) Canon of equality b) Canon of certainty c) Canon of convenience d) Canon of fiscal adequacy
🔠🔠❓ Find Correct Statements (UPSC-CDS-2016-1)
1. Ability to pay principle of taxation holds that the amount of taxes people pay should relate to their income or wealth
2. The Benefit Principle of taxation states that individuals should be taxed in proportion to the benefit they receive
from Government programmes
3. A progressive tax takes a larger share of tax from poor families than it does from rich families
4. Indirect taxes have the advantage of being cheaper and easier to collect
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 4 only (c) 1, 2 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 223
Direct Taxes 🧔🧔 of Union Govt. * Means Abolished �🕉🕉 Of State Govt.
expenditure (खचर् − ❌ *Fringe Benefit Tax i.e. When the as in some States/categories of
पर) employer give benefits to employee apart vehicles- the seller will collect &
from salary e.g. subscription to gymkhana submit)
or golf-club.
💼💼Budget-2020: (Expected collection-wise): Corporation tax > Income Tax > STT
💼💼Budget-2021: (Expected collection-wise): Income Tax > Corporation Tax > STT
21.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋DIRECT TAXES: MERITS AND DEMERITS (प्र�� करों के लाभ व् नुकसान)
😀😀Merits of Direct Taxes 😓😓Demerits
1. Progressive (प्रगामी: richer the person higher
the tax): income inequality ⬇
2. Promotes civic consciousness (नाग�रक चेतना)
since citizen directly feels the ‘pinch of tax’
(चुभन महसूस करना).
3. To ⬆ savings & investment: Income tax
deduction/exemptions on NPS/ LIC etc. 1. Externality (बाह्यता) not counted: Academic
4. Elasticity (लचीलापन): As public’s income level Books Company vs Film star promoting
⬆ then tax revenue ⬆ cigars [30% Tax on both].
5. Certainty (when and how to pay IT, �न��तता) 2. Hardship not counted: Working Carpenter
6. Can ⬇ volatility in International currency [5%] vs sleeping landlord [5%] (किठन प�रश्रम के
exchange rates by imposing Tobin Tax �लए कोई �रयायत नहीं )
(📑📑More in Pillar#3) (मुद्रा �व�नमय दर क� अ��रता 3. High level of direct tax= laziness, less foreign
को कम िकया जा सकता है ) investment. (उची दरे लोगों को आलसी बनाती है)
4. Narrow base (सं क�णर् आधार) poor people not
covered. If we try then very large Income tax
staff will required to supervise over poor
5. Prone to litigation & loopholes, tax evasion,
avoidance. (📑📑More in #2B: Blackmoney)
(मुकदमेबाजी, कर-चोरी, कर-प�रहार)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 224
21.2 UNION TAX, CESS AND SURCHARGE (क� द्रीय कर, उपकर और अ�धभार)
Any Union - Computed on taxable income, profit, transaction. Goes to Consolidated Fund of
Tax India → Later divided between Union and states as per the Finance Commission
(सं घ कर) formula. (except if IGST: divided on GST Council’s formula.)
Surcharge - Computed on Tax amount. So, it is a ‘tax on tax’. This ₹₹ will also goto CFI. It is not
shared with States using Finance Commission Formula.
(अ�धभार) - Usually, surcharge doesn’t have any clear objective in ‘prefix’, so it may be used for
any purpose. Exception is 10% Social Welfare Surcharge (समाज क�ाण अ�धभार) on the
customs duty on imported goods. → ₹₹ specifically used for social welfare schemes
of the Union. (सामा� �प से इन पैसों का उपयोग िकस खास काम म� होता है उसे �� बताया नहीं जाता)
Cess - Computed on [(Tax) + (Surcharge, if any)]
(उपकर) - Clear objective is mentioned. E.g. Krishi Kalyan Cess, Swachh Bharat cess, Road &
infrastructure, Health & Education, GST compensation cess etc.
- By default, cess goes to CFI→ from there, it goes to Public Accounts. Sometimes
there may be separate fund inside public account for it, e.g. Central Road Safety
Fund, Prarambhik Shiksha Kosh etc.
- Finance Commission can’t prescribe formula to share cess with States. (Although
some of the cess money will invisibly goto states as a part of scheme implementation
e.g. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Premium share, etc. but that depends on discretion
of Union) (इस रकम को �व� आयोग रा�ों के साथ नहीं बाँट सकता. क� द्र सरकार अपने �ववेक से अलग अलग
योजनाओं म� शायद इस उपकार का कु छ पैसा रा�ों को दे सकती है )
- GST Compensation Cess is shared with States, as per GST Council formula. <More
in the GST segment of this handout>
21.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🏦🏦 DIRECT TAX → CORPORATION TAX (�नगम कर)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 225
Table 2: Corporation Tax Rates before 2019-Sept 📅📅
25% If Indian company's turnover is upto ₹400 cr.** 99.3% companies fall here.
30% If Indian company’s turnover is higher than ₹400 cr.** 0.7% companies fall here.
40% foreign company’s profit from India
⇒ Additionally “x%” surcharge (अ�धभार) amount on above Corporation Tax amount, depending on
the company's turnover.
⇒ Additionally 4% health and education cess (उपकर) on above [Corporation Tax + Surcharge]
21.3.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🏦🏦 Corporation Tax Cut in 2019-Sep
Since Indian corporate sector was facing a slowdown, Nirmala.S announced tax-cuts:
Corporation Tax Before After
🌳🌳 Existing Indian companies 25-30% depending on 22 % tax
(वतर्मान भारतीय कं प�नयों पर ) turnover +10% surcharge on
+ 0-12% surcharge (tax)
depending on profit +4% cess (on tax +
+ 4% health edu cess surcharge)
= 25.17%
🌱🌱 New INDIAN MFG company registered -- 15 %
from 1/10/2019. (but they must start +surcharge & cess
manufacturing by 31/3/2023 as given above
�Budget-2020: new INDIAN electricity = 17.01%
cos also eligible in this
🐼🐼 Foreign Company’s profit from India 40%+surcharge+cess no change
🐷🐷 Zero profit companies 18.5% MAT 15% MAT
Related Topics: Laffer Curve, Tax elasticity etc in 📑📑2B: black money handout.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 226
Figure 2: “अभी अभी धं धा शु� िकया है, थोड़ा ब� दो, मा�लक!” IT Dept: “ठीक है, �सफर् थोड़े वष� के �लए ही!”
Startup is a company not older than 10 years and not having turnover more than 100 cr. & is doing
innovation in goods/services. Govt helps them through Startup India Scheme (📑📑more in Pillar4B).
💼💼Budget-2020 →
Startup can claim 100% deduction (=Tax Holiday) on its profits, for 3 years out of the first 10
years of incorporation. (as such they get tax benefits under Startup India scheme, but new budget
fine tuned those technical definitions further.)
Start-ups generally use Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) to attract talented employees. But
ESOP was subjected to various direct taxes → New budget gave some technical reliefs to them.
Related concepts: Angel Tax (More in
�Pillar#2B: Black Money)
�Budget-2021 →
Most of above rules related to Startup company Tax Holidays = shall valid upto 31/3/2022.
Person makes investment in startup → sells his share/partnership @profit to other investor →
0% Capital Gains Tax on that Profit till 31/3/2022.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 227
21.4 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🏦🏦 EQUALISATION LEVY / GOOGLE TAX (समकारी लेवी/ गूगल टै�)
Figure 3: “हमारा server तो भारत म� है ही नहीं तो हमे ब� दो!” IT Dept: “तुमको तो �ब�ु ल ही नहीं ब��गे!! 👺👺🤬🤬
⇒ If a foreign company makes profit in India, they have to pay 40% Corporation Tax.
⇒ If an Indian businessman purchases digital advertisement slots in google-adsense / facebook =
those (foreign) digital-ads companies are making profit.
⇒ But earlier, google/facebook did not pay tax on that profit, claiming their business activity (of
displaying digital-ads) is done outside India on global servers.
⇒ So, Budget-2016 imposed tax on such income/fees of foreign digital advertisement companies.
⇒ Officially called “Equalisation Levy” (EQL), unofficially nicknamed “Google Tax” / “Digital
Service Tax (DST).
⇒ It’s not part of “Income Tax” or “Corporation Tax” under the Income Tax Act 1961, but a
separately imposed by the Finance Bill 2016.
⇒ Foreign Company can’t escape it saying we’re protected under Double Taxation Avoidance
Agreement (DTAA) in our home country. (More in 📑📑Pill#2B: blackmoney)
Table 3:✋ further operational guidelines NOTIMP. Not-here4C.A. Exam
💼💼Budget- ⇒ 6% Equalisation Levy on foreign digital advertisement companies e.g. Google’s
2016 adsense, facebook digital ads (�वदेशी िड�जटल �व�ापन कं प�नयाँ)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 228
4. What is the difference between tax, duty, levy?= if you get selected in IRS (Indian revenue
service) they’ll teach you in training.
�Not-imp here. #थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो.
Related terms: DTAA, GAAR, PoEM etc in 📑📑Pillar#2B: Black Money
🔠🔠❓ With reference to India’s decision to levy an equalization tax of 6% on online advertisement services offered by
non-resident entities, Find correct statements? (Pre-2018)
1. It is introduced as a part of the Income Tax Act.
2. Non-resident entities that offer advertisement services in India can claim a tax credit in their home country
under the “Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements”.
Answer Codes: a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2
21.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🏦🏦🐷🐷 MINIMUM ALTERNATE TAX (MAT: �ूनतम वैक��क कर)
Figure 4: मेरा मुनाफा शू� है! मुजे ब� दो मा�लक! IT Dept: तुमको तो �ब�ु ल ही नहीं ब��गे!! 👺👺👺👺
- Some industrialists use tax-deduction-exemptions-depreciations and accounting tricks to
become “Zero Profit Companies” & escape paying Corporation Tax. So,
- Budget-1996 (Chidambaram) introduced 18.5% MAT on book profit using a different type of
formula. (What was the formula, not important).
- AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax): Concept similar to MAT but for Non-Corporate assesses e.g.
Individual Person or Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) or Cooperative Society who are earning
more than ₹“xx” lakh but not paying direct tax. Howmuch/why/NOTIMP
- Both MAT and AMT subjected to + surcharge + cess.
21.6 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🗃🗃 DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION TAX (DDT: लाभांश �वतरण कर)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 229
Previously even lower middle-class shareholder’s ~ 20% dividend was cut in the name of
DDT. But now he may have to pay barely 0-5% income tax on income from dividend.
Thus, Shareholders get to keep more ₹₹ for spending→ shopping spree → demand,
production, economic growth.
Foreign investors may feel more attracted to invest in Indian shares.
21.7 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🗃🗃🗃🗃 BUYBACK TAX (शेयर क� वापसी-खरीद पर कर)
Profit making companies sometimes repurchase their own shares back from shareholders
⇒ Impact? These many shares are extinguished from company’s liability side.
⇒ Benefit to company? No need to pay dividend on these shares in future.
⇒ Budget-2013: Government ordered UNLISTED companies to pay “20% Buyback tax” they buy
back their own shares from the market.
⇒ (Full) Budget-2019: made this applicable on LISTED companies as well. (Ref:
21.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠🏠CAPITAL GAINS TAX (CGT: पूंजीगत लाभ कर)
- When an owner makes profit by selling his capital assets such as non-agro-land, property,
jewellery, paintings, vehicles, machinery, patents, trademarks, shares, bonds & other securities-
then he has to pay CAPITAL GAINS TAX (CGT).
- Depending on how long did the owner keep that asset before selling it, he will pay:
- EITHER Long Term Capital Gains tax (LCGT: x% दीघार्व�ध) OR
- OR Short Term Capital Gains tax (SCGT: y% अ�ाव�ध)
- In practice, the buyer will deduct that much ₹ ₹ portion from the payment to seller, and deposit
to the government. (वा��वक जीवन म� खरीदार ये रकम बेचने वाले के भुगतान म� से काट के सरकार को जमा करता है )
- However, some people form shell companies abroad & do transactions from there to avoid
paying taxes to India. (More in 📑📑Pillar#2B: Black Money. For Shell companies, DTAA, GAAR,
Round Tripping, Angel Tax etc)
- 💼💼Budget-2018:
- Earlier Listed companies Shares, Mutual Funds Units etc. were exempt from LCGT. But,
since large amount of money is invested here and owners make good profits by selling
them so govt applied Long Term Capital Gains Tax system on them @10%.
- 💼💼Interim-Budget-2019:
- IF person sells his house on profit, then he has to pay CGT. However, if he uses the profit
to invest in two more residential houses in India, then no need to pay CGT. He can use
this scheme only once in his lifetime. (Before Budget-2019, it was for only 1 new
residential house.)
- Income Tax computation on the notional rental income from 2nd house also tweaked
but we’re not here for CA exam.
- 💼💼Full-Budget-2019
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 230
- If Startup entrepreneurs unable to secure capital from investors → they sometimes have
to sell their house arrange money for starting business. So, Govt had exempted their
house-selling-profit from CGT.
- Companies operating from GIFT-city-IFSC given some exemptions from CGT. (More
about GIFT City IFSC in 📑📑Pillar#3A: FDI)
- 💼💼Budget-2020 & 2021: some minor technical updates. notIMP.
🔠🔠❓MCQ: In which of the following circumstances may ‘capital gains’ arise? (Pre’12)
1. When there is an increase in the sales of a product.
2. When there is a natural increase in the value of the property owned.
3. When you purchase a painting and there is a growth in its value due to increase in its popularity.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 2 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
James Wilson (financial member of the Council of India, founder of the Economist magazine and
Standard Chartered Bank) introduced income tax in India on 24 July 1860 to compensate the British
losses during 1857’s Sepoy mutiny. So, 24th July is celebrated as Income Tax Day (Aaykar Diwas).
Suppose the gross income of an Indian Resident (age less than 60) is ₹9 lakhs.
- Out of this gross income, first we have to subtract the tax-deductions and tax-exemptions (कर-
कटौती और कर-छू ट) like income from agriculture, investments made in Provident Fund, NPS, LIC,
Medical Insurance etc (upto a certain limit), house rent allowance (HRA), repayment of
home/education loan, money donated in eligible charitable funds etc
- 💼💼Full-Budget-2019: additional tax deduction (कर कटौती) given
- if took loans to buy electric vehicle🚗🚗
- if a taking home loan for the first time. 💼💼Budget-2021 → extended this scheme till
31/3/2022 (छोटे मकान खरीदने के �लए म�म वग�य प�रवार ने जो कजर् �लया होता है उस कजर् पर जो �ाज चुकाना
होता है उस िहसाब से आयकर म� उ�� �रयायत दी जाएगी.)
- 👻👻Atma-Nirbhar 3.0: �First time home buyers of home upto Rs. 2 cr will get income tax
relief. How exactly? Associated concepts of circle rate of stamp duty etc. = beyond the scope of
UPSC MCQs. We'll not waste time. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
- After subtracting such things, suppose taxable Income is: ₹5,50,000/-
- From this amount, Salaried individuals get standard deduction of ₹50000.
- (Previously, it was ₹40k but Interim-Budget-2019 raised it to 50k).
- So, ₹5,50,000 - 50000 = ₹5 lakh is the taxable income, THEN…
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 231
Total Taxable Income: ₹5 lakh Income Tax Amount
Out of that upto 2.5 lakhs 0% 0%
From 2,50,001 to 5 lakhs = ₹2.5 lakhs 5% of 2.5 lakhs* 12500
From 5,00,001 to 10 lakhs = ₹5 lakhs 20% of of that 5 lakhs N/A
From 10,00,001 & above 30% of that amount N/A
Total Income Tax ₹12,500
Minus Tax Rebate of ₹12,500 (if taxable income is upto ₹5l)** -(MINUS) ₹12,500
Total Income Tax to be paid
Surcharge (अ�धभार): 10%-37% surcharge on Tax amount, IF 0% of 0% = 0
taxable-income is above ₹50 lakhs
Cess (उपकर): 4% Health and education cess on (Tax + Surcharge). 4% x (0+0) = 0
(Before Budget-2018, there was only 3% Education Cess).
Total payment to IT Dept: Income Tax + Surcharge + Cess 0
- **Previously, rebate was ₹2500 if taxable income upto ₹3.5 lakhs but Interim-Budget-2019
raised it to keep middle-class voters happy before General Elections.
- Full-Budget-2019: no changes in income tax %rates or slabs, but Nirmala S. justified that ‘rich
people need to contribute more for national development, so I’m raising the surcharges on them.’
Surcharge if taxable income is Before Full-Budget-2019 After full-Budget-2019
More than ₹50 lakh upto 1 cr. 10% Unchanged
More than ₹1 cr upto 2 cr. 15% Unchanged
More than ₹ 2 cr upto 5 cr. 15% 25%
More than ₹5 cr 15% 37%
2019-Sept: Facing protests from the Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI), Nirmala.S clarified above
enhanced surcharges will not be applicable on the profits made from selling listed companies’ shares.
But, poor cost:benefit chasing all such technical things.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
21.9.1 ��Income Tax Slabs before 💼💼Budget-2020
- Before Budget-2017: there were three tax slabs in income tax: 10%, 20%, 30%;
- After Budget-2017: 5%, 20%, 30%.
- Income tax slabs for senior citizens are slightly relaxed. i.e.
- �Age 60+ but less than 80 Yrs: upto 3l(0%), 3-5l(5%)...remaining slabs same as young.
- ��Age 80+ years: upto 5l(0%)...remaining slabs are same as young.
21.9.2 (Optional) New slabs for Income Tax in 💼💼Budget-2020
IF you give up exemptions and deductions (छू ट और कटौती) such as
- Salaried employees’ standard deduction, HRA, Leave Travel Concession (LTA)
- Section 80C-walle deduction (e.g. investments made in LIC/NPS etc upto ₹1.5 lakh per year) Etc.
- Then you can opt to pay with new (reduced) income tax slabs viz.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 232
TAXABLE Income (per annum) (new slab, if you give up (old slabs, if u don’t
deduction & exemptions) give up)
Upto ₹2.5 lakh Nil / 0% Nil / 0%
>₹2.5 lakh-₹5 lakh 5% (But 12500 rebate so in 5% (But 12500
(meaning from 2,50,001 to 5,00,000) reality ₹0) rebate so in reality
>₹5 lakh to ₹7.5 lakh 10% 20%
>₹7.5 lakh to ₹10 lakh 15%
>₹10 lakh to ₹12.5 lakh 20% 30%
>₹12.5 lakh to ₹15 lakh 25%
>₹15 lakh 30%
Surcharge & cess applicable? Yes Yes
E.g. An employee with annual salary ₹1.95 lakh** ₹2.73 lakh
₹15lakhs will pay total INCOME TAX
**It is left to individual’s discretion whether he wants to stay in old / new system. But if all people
opted for the new slabs then Govt will hypothetically get ₹40,000 crore less (compared to old
system). Technically, called “Revenue forgone or Tax Expenditure” (प�र�� राज�).
⇒ But, ⬇Income tax paid = ⬆disposable income with people (खचर् करने के �लए उपल� आय)→
shopping spree → ⬆demand → production, economic growth etc.
⇒ And shopping spree = ⬆Indirect tax collection e.g Mobiles = 18% GST.
⇒ Currently the Income Tax Act is riddled with various exemptions and deductions. Ordinary
people can’t understand and have to consult Chartered Accountants (CA) & investment advisors
before filing taxes. Now process is easier. (सी.ए. क� सहायता नहीं लेनी होगी. कराधान का सरलीकरण होगा)
⇒ In the old slabs, IT Act provided 100+ types of exemption /deduction. 💼💼Budget-2020 removed
70 of them.
21.9.3 🍋🍋🍋🌱🌱Income Tax Slabs in 💼💼Budget-2021, Compliance relief to Senior Citizen👴👴
- No changes in the income tax slabs. so the previous system of normal slab and optional slab
continued. आयकर क� दरों म� कोई बदलाव नहीं िकया गया, पुरानी �व�ा जारी रहेगी.
- IF senior citizen
� aged 75 years/> or older AND has only pension and interest income THEN:
- He need not file the income tax return form. व�र� नाग�रक �जसका प�शन और ब�क बचत �ाज के
अलावा आय का अ� कोई �ोत नहीं है उसने आयकर फॉमर् नहीं भरना होगा
- The paying bank will deduct the necessary tax on their income.
�Benefit? ⏬compliance burden on the senior citizen. बुजुगर् पर कर-अनुपालन के बोज म� कमी
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 233
21.10🍋🍋🍋🌱🌱DIRECT TAX CODE (DTC) TASK FORCE (2017-2019)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 234
- But self-employed freelance consultants / professionals such as lawyers, doctors, fashion
designers, DJ-walle-babu etc. face difficulty in keeping such account books. (�रोजगा�रयों के �लए
िहसाब िकताब रखना थोड़ा मु��ल होता है )
- So, for above persons, Income Tax Act has Presumptive Taxation System i.e. their
‘income/profit’ is computed as “x%” of their gross receipts, and on that amount they’ve to pay
income tax (depending on slabs) + applicable cess and surcharges. (प्रक��त कराधान प्रणाली: ��� क�
सकल आय म� से कु छ प्र�तशत उसका मुनाफा मान �लया जाएगा, उस मुनाफ़े पर उसने आयकर भरना होगा)
- To encourage less-cash-economy, Budget-2017 had given benefits in this presumptive taxation
calculation formula, If the entrepreneur received payments in cashless format -NEFT, RTGS,
Cheque, Card etc. (यिद िड�जटल भुगतान से लेन देन कर�गे तो इस प्रणाली म� भी और �रयायत� दी जाएं गी.)
Table 4: ✋don't confuse the terms and at the same time no need for CA-giri
Income Tax on income ⇒ A direct tax levied by Union.
other than agri → ⇒ Every resident has to pay it on his taxable income.
(आयकर ) ⇒ Within that income tax: lawyers, doctors, fashion designers etc.
self-employed/freelance professionals do calculation of income
tax using Presumptive Taxation
Professional tax ⇒ It is a separate direct tax Levied by State Govt on the
(�वसाय कर) →[गैर-िकसान professionals (who are not farmers).
पेशेवर पर रा� सरकार का कर] ⇒ Constitution says it can’t be more than ₹2,500 per yr per person.
21.11.3 🍋🍋⏰Advance Tax ? (अ�ग्रम कर)
- New financial year starts from 1st April 2019 and ends on 31st March 2020.
- If everyone paid all of their direct taxes at 11:59PM on 31st March 2020, then govt. will face
money-shortage for the whole year till 31st March midnight comes.
- So, Advance Tax mechanism requires people to pay their Income tax and Corporation tax in
advance-instalments on quarterly basis (every 3-3 months), If their annual tax liability is ₹10,000
or more. (बड़े आयकरदाता और कं प�नयों ने हर तीन तीन महीने पर िक�ों म� कर जमा करना होगा)
21.11.4 👻👻 ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT → Tax Ordinance 2020 [कर अ�ादेश]
- Traditionally financial year ends @31st March 2020. So, accordingly, people/companies deposit
the taxes, fillup the tax return-forms, buy LIC/PPF/NPS policies (for tax deduction) etc.
- But, corona lockdown → Ordinance extended deadlines to file Income tax, TDS, TCS and GST
etc. to June 2020. (आ�खरी तारीख/अं�तम �त�थयों म� कु छ �रयायत�/ छू ट दी गई )
21.11.5 🍋🍋�✂Tax Deducted at Source (TDS): (स्रोत पर कर कटौती)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 235
- Suppose a college pays ₹10,000 to a freelance visiting faculty or a bank/NBFC/post-office pays
₹10,000 as interest to a depositor, then how to ensure that payment-recipient (visiting faculty)
reports his income to the tax authorities, otherwise he could avoid paying taxes!!
- So, Income Tax Act requires such organizations (college) to deduct a portion of the payment at
source and deposit it to IT-dept. along with PAN card number of the recipient.
- Then, payment-recipient (visiting faculty) will be forced to file his tax return form, to unlock his
TDS amount.
- 😰😰On one side, TDS helps fighting tax evasion but on the other side, TDS also creates hardship
for lower middle-class persons, because part of their payment is cut in advance. So, in each
budget, Govt will finetune the norms, such as
- Full-Budget-2019: TDS on cash withdrawal to encourage digital payments
- 2% TDS if total cash withdrawn during a financial year exceed 1 crore from a single user-
account in bank or post-office. This will encourage digital payments.
- Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Mandi traders protested that lot of
their transaction is cash based. They have to withdraw crores of rupees to pay the
farmers, because farmers in remote areas don’t have easy access to banking facilities.
- So Government exempted APMC traders from 1/1/2019 from above TDS on cash
withdrawal. More about APMC in 📑📑Pillar#4A.
- Related? Banking Cash Transaction Tax (BCTT: 2005-09) in Black Money handout in
upcoming classes.
- Full-Budget-2019: TDS: Other measures (list not exhaustive)
- (while companies are required to cut TDS on almost every payment made to anyone, but
from now onwards) Even if an individual person is paying larger than ₹ 50 lakhs to
contractors or professional, he’ll have to cut 5% TDS. (So tax evasion by real estate
brokers, high-profile wedding-organizers etc. can be checked.)
- 💼💼Budget-2020: Following changes made:
Table 5: (What/HOW/NOTIMP). This is just for illustration
TDS% reduced to 1) attract foreign investment TDS applied / %increased to stop tax evasion
2) reduce hardship opportunities
1. When Indian company repays loan interest to 4. TDS when an e-commerce company pays
foreign lenders. to sellers.
2. Bond market @Gift-City-IFSC 5. Loan interest paid by cooperative
3. Payment for Technical services societies.
�Budget-2021: some technical changes. NOTIMP for Exam#
⇒ Whenever salary, contract, professional fees, interest, rent, dividend, commission, brokerage, etc.
are paid, the payment giver is required to cut a certain % of the amount as TDS and deposit to
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 236
the Income Tax Department. It helps in tracking tax evasion & tax avoidance. We had learned in
original lecture series on budget.
⇒ These TDS rate% vary as per nature of payment. (It could be 0.5% on some payment, it could be
10% on some payment etc.)
⇒ FinMin has ⏬ TDS% by 25% compared to their original rates so as to unlock ₹50,000 cr in the
hands of people. = ⏫shopping → economic revival.
- A person is eligible to receive income tax refund from IT-dept IF he has paid more tax to the govt
than his actual tax liability. e.g. If college deducted 10% TDS from freelance visiting faculty
payment, but what if he was in 0% or 5% Income Tax slab? Then, Income Tax Department will
refund his money with interest.
- Similarly, GST refund can be claimed by an entrepreneur from GSTN webportal.
�ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT FM announced, “we’ll issue tax refunds more quickly.” So more
shopping demand ⏫→ economic revival.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Tax-Receipts → Page 238
Table of Contents
22 💼💼BUDGET→ ⏳REVENUE PART→ 📥📥RECEIPTS→ 🍋🍋TAX →🛒🛒 Indirect Taxes .240
22.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Indirect Taxes: types (अप्र�� करों के प्रकार) .......................................................................241
22.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Indirect Taxes: merits and demerits (लाभ व् नुकसान ) ....................................................241
22.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 (Concept) Pigouvian Tax (�पगो�वयन कर) ............................................................241
22.4 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋↗� Cascading Effect of Indirect Taxes..............................................................242
22.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: Indirect Taxes: A Timeline of Reforms ...........................................................242
22.5.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋Cess and Surcharges on Excise & Customs....................................................244
22.6 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Indirect Taxes → GST: Timeline (समयरेखा) ............................................................245
22.7 🍋🍋🍋🍋:📙📙📙📙 GST: 101st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2016 ........................................245
22.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🧔🧔🧔🕉🕉 GST Council: Composition? जीएसटी प�रषद ................................................246
22.8.1 🧔🧔🧔🕉🕉 GST Council: Functions? They’ll decide following- ....................................246
22.9 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 GST Input Tax Credit (ITC: इनपुट कर प्र�य) ............................................................247
22.10 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Centre’s Indirect Taxes subsumed in CGST ...............................................249
22.10.1 📈📈 GST Revenue Collection Figures: जीएसटी राज� प्रा�� के आंकड़े ..............................250
22.11 🍋🍋🍋🍋(�🕉🕉)🌬🌬 States’ Indirect Taxes subsumed in SGST ..........................................252
22.12 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 GST Rates on Services: सेवाओं पर जीएसटी क� दर .....................................................253
22.13 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 GST Rates on Goods : सामान पर जीएसटी क� दर� ........................................................254
22.14 🍋🍋🍋🍋⏰🗓🗓 GST Composition Scheme (जीएसटी सं रचना योजना) ..........................................257
22.14.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋⏰🗓🗓 GST Mechanism: Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payment of Tax
(QRMP) 258
22.14.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋: 💸💸💸💸(😈😈) 1% GST deposit in cash for controlling fake ITC claims ......258
22.15 🍋🍋🍋🍋↩ Reverse Charge Mechanism (�वपरीत प्रभार क� �व�ा) ...........................................259
22.16 🚛🚛🚛🚛 E-way Bill System (ई-वे �बल प्रणाली) from 2018 onwards ...........................................259
22.17 🧔🧔 → 🤑🤑(��) Compensation to States: WHY?..........................................................260
22.17.1 🧔🧔 → 🤑🤑(��) Compensation to States: HOW? ................................................260
22.18 🤧🤧🤧🤧:🧔🧔 → 🤑🤑(��) GST Compensation & Back2Back Loans .............................261
22.18.1 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 → 🤑🤑(��) GST Compensation: 2 Borrowing options ...................262
22.18.2 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧[🧔🧔 → 🔪🔪(�� GST compensation: "back to back" loans ₹1.10 lcr263
22.18.3 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧[🧔🧔 → 🔪🔪(�� Back to Back loans: Beneficiary States.....................263
22.18.4 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧:⚖ GST Back to Back Loans and Fiscal Deficit / FRBM for States ......263
22.18.5 ✍Conclusion : GST compensation (�न�षर्) ................................................................264
22.19 🍋🍋🍋🍋🕵🕵🕵GST Related Organizations (सं �ाए) .....................................................................264
22.19.1 🕵🕵🕵�� Group of Ministers (GoM: मं �त्रयों का समूह) ....................................................264
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(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 240
22.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋 INDIRECT TAXES: TYPES (अप्र�� करों के प्रकार)
🥤🥤 Ad- Valorem tax (यथामू� कर) 🚭🚭 Specific Tax per unit (�व�श� कर प्र�त यू�नट)
Taxes based on the value of something. E.g. Tax based on quantity of items. E.g. ₹ 260 Excise duty
35% Customs Duty on import of orange on production of every 1000 cigarettes of 65-70mm
juice. So, if juice priced at ₹1000 imported, length. Here we’re taxing them irrespective of their
then ₹350 as tax. manufacturing price or selling price.
Easier to administer. Difficult to administer, leads to inspector-raj &
litigation. But, if slight increase in this tax, then greater
burden passed on to the consumer so it helps reducing
harmful consumption. (How exactly? Ans.
microeconomics graph is not imp)
22.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋 INDIRECT TAXES: MERITS AND DEMERITS (लाभ व् नुकसान )
😀😀 Merits 😥😥 Demerits
➔ Convenient (सुगम) to collect because the ➔ Regressive (प्र�तगामी) in nature, both poor and
traders act as honorary (=unpaid) tax rich taxed equally for the same item then
collectors. Wider base because everyone poor people end up paying more portion of
covered e.g. 18% GST on Biscuit. their income in indirect taxes.
➔ Elastic (लचीला): small ⬆brings large revenue, ➔ This tax is hidden in the price. Customers do
because everyone is affected. Although they’re not always feel the pinch of paying indirect
“relatively” less elastic than Direct taxes. tax so it promotes less civic consciousness
(Poor cost benefit interpreting its than direct taxes.
Microeconomics graph) ➔ Indirect taxes ⬆→ product becomes
➔ 🚭🚭 Can ⬇harmful consumption by expensive → demand ⬇ so uncertainty
imposing higher taxes on cigar, alcohol, soft involved in how much ₹ ₹ will Government
drinks & fast food. (हा�नकारक पदाथ� का उपभोग कम actually earn?
करवा सकते ह�) ➔ High level of corruption, evasion, cascading
effect if input credit is not given e.g. erstwhile
sales tax system.
22.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🥂🥂🚭🚭 (CONCEPT) PIGOUVIAN TAX (�पगो�वयन कर)
- An externality (बाह्यता) is a positive or negative consequence of an economic activity experienced
by unrelated third parties. E.g. Cement company (related parties: labourers & consumers
benefit); whereas unrelated third parties (local community, flora and fauna) are harmed by
cement company’s air-pollution.
- English economist Arthur C. Pigou proposed taxing the companies that create such negative
externalities: e.g. polluting industries, cigarettes (passive smoking), alcohol (social disharmony).
- We HAVE high level of indirect taxes on petroleum, tobacco and alcoholic products.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 241
- We HAD “Clean environment cess” on Rs 400 per tonne of coal (but abolished in GST)
- Sin tax? Similar concept- imposing tax on immoral things like alcohol, tobacco. Difference
between Sin Tax vs Pigouvian tax = that pedantism/hairsplittery NOT IMP🎓🎓✋
If a government levies 10% indirect tax every time an item is sold, then buyer will have to to pay tax
on tax. This ‘cascading effect’ of indirect taxes (अप्र�� करों का सोपानी प्रभाव) raises the price of final
product. Observe:
Table 1:✋ <NOTIMP For UPSC. Prepare only for State Tax officers’ Jobs’ Interview>
Suppose, Price 10% Tax on price Total
Retailer bought from ₹100 ₹10 ₹110
Retailer sold to customer with ₹120 ₹12 ₹132
₹10 profit
Breakdown the ₹132 paid by the final customer: 132=100+10+10+11+1
- 132= 100 (price of original product)+10 (tax paid by retailer to wholesaler)+10 (as retailer’s
profit margin)+11 (tax paid by customer to buy from retailer) + 1**.
- 1** this one rupee is 10% of 10(tax paid by retailer to wholesaler). So, it’s “TAX on TAX paid at
previous stage” / cascading effect of tax on the end-customer.
- Then, both buyer and seller will prefer to do transaction without bills, to entirely avoid tax
liability and its cascading effect → Govt.’s revenue collection ↓, Fiscal deficit ↑, black money ↑
- This problem can be solved, if govt gives some type of cashback, reward points or input tax credit
(ITC: इनपुट कर प्र�य) to the sellers, on the indirect taxes they’ve already paid in previous stage.
- To claim such input tax credit, the sellers will have to show the bills/ invoices for each stage =
self-policing = black money ↓.
Year Who? Reform in Indirect taxation
1944 Union Central Excise Act (क� द्रीय उ�ाद शु� अ�ध�नयम) to levy Excise duty on goods
🧔🧔 produced/manufactured in India. Abolished on most items after GST.
1956 Union Central Sales Tax Act (क� द्रीय �बक्र� कर अ�ध�नयम) to levy tax on inter-state commerce.
🧔🧔 In practice, CST was given to the source/exporting state from where goods went to
the destination/importing state. Abolished after GST.
1962 Union Customs Act (सीमा शु� अ�ध�नयम) to levy Customs Duty on import and exports
🧔🧔 - 💼💼Budget 2018: Raised customs duty on a range of imported products—from
fruit juice, perfumes, TVs, mobile phones etc. to encourage Make in India
💼💼Interim-Budget-2019 & full Budget 2019:
- ⬆custom duty on gold & other precious metals to control current account
deficit (more in Pill3)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 242
Year Who? Reform in Indirect taxation
- ⬆custom duty on imported items like Cashew & other food items, PVC,
tiles, autoparts, CCTV camera, video recorders, electronics, imported books
etc. to encourage #MAKE-IN-INDIA
- ⬇custom duty on import of raw material / intermediate goods required for
Make in India e.g. parts of electric-vehicles, chemicals etc.
- ⬆On imported footwear, furniture, Wallfans, food grinder, oven, tricycle,
scooter, earphones, etc to protect Indian companies
- ⬇ Imported raw material / inputs used in manufacturing vehicles, mobiles,
sports accessories, newspaper etc. in India #MAKE-IN-INDIA
- 0% Customs Duty on import of defense equipment that are not being
manufactured in India.
- ⏫Increased On imported raw silk ethanol leather auto parts, Mobile phone
parts, Solar lamps, etc. To provide level playing field to domestic farmers &
- ⏬Decreased On imported Naptha Nylon Iron Steel Copper Platinum etc to
help Local manufacturers Who use it as raw material
- ⏬Decreased Customs Duty on the items which are subjected to Agriculture
Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC)- To prevent additional burden
on the customers
Related concepts: Inverted Duty Structure, Countervailing Duty, Anti-Dumping
Duty, RoDTEP/MEIS etc. (More in 📑📑Pillar#3).
1986 Union - Modified Value Added Tax system (MODVAT:क� द्रीय �बक्र� कर सं शो�धत मू� व�धत कर
🧔🧔 प्रणाली) based on LK Jha Committee recommendations.
- Entrepreneur gets Input credit for Excise duty he already paid in previous
stage E.g. Ratan Tata getting input credit for rubber, tires and steel he bought
to make Nano car.
- Limitation: he’ll NOT get input credit (इनपुट प्र�य) for the States’ Indirect taxes
like Sale Tax/ VAT.
1994 Union - FM Manmohan Singh introduces 5% Service Tax (सेवा कर) on telephone bills,
🧔🧔 non-life insurance and tax brokers.
- Over the years, more services were subjected to Service Tax, except those in
“Negative List” (E.g. postal service, etc.). Successive govts. also increased tax
amount and added Swachh Bharat Cess & Krishi Kalyan Cess on it.
- Ultimately, Service Tax+Cess = total 15%. Abolished after GST.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 243
Year Who? Reform in Indirect taxation
2004 Union - Central Value Added Tax system (CENVAT: क� द्रीय मू� व�धत कर) Entrepreneur
🧔🧔 gets Input credit for Excise Duty and Service Tax he already paid in previous
- But he’d NOT get input credit for the state taxes like Sale Tax/ VAT.
2005 States - Previously, State governments levied Sales Tax on sale of goods however these
�🕉🕉 rates varied from state to state, no input credit & therefore problem of
cascading effects & tax evasion.
- From 2005 onwards, State governments begin replacing Sales Tax system with
Value Added Tax (VAT: मू� व�धत कर). Uttar Pradesh was the last state to
implement it from 2008.
- In VAT regime, a dealer gets input credit for the VAT he already paid in the
previous stage.
- But he’d not get input credit for Union’s Indirect Taxes like Customs Duty,
Excise Duty or Service tax. He’ll not even get input credit for various other
indirect taxes of the state like Luxury Tax, Entertainment Tax, etc. which were
not subsumed in VAT. So cascading continued.
2017 Both From 1st July, 2017: Goods and Services Tax (GST: व�ु एवं सेवा कर) became
🧔🧔🧔 effective. Here, supplier gets input tax credit for (most of the) indirect taxes of
Union & States that he paid in the previous stage.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 244
On Customs ⇒ This cess will be applicable on Customs Duty on Gold silver, alcoholic
And beverages, certain types of edible oils, certain fruits, certain Pulses,
Excise Cotton, Urea/fertilizer. (Cess varies from 1.5-100% depending on item)
🔠🔠❓MCQ-UPSC-CDS-2013-I. Which of the following are direct tax in India?
1. Corporation tax 2. Tax on income 3. Wealth tax 4. Customs duty 5. Excise duty
Ans. Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 3, 4 and 5
🔠🔠❓MCQ-UPSC-Pre-2014. The sales tax you pay while purchasing a toothpaste is a:
(a) tax imposed by the Central Government
(b) tax imposed by the Central Government but collected by the State Government
(c) tax imposed by the State Government but collected by the Central Government
(d) tax imposed and collected by the State Government
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 245
Abhijeet Pratap Singh Avi
269-A IGST (on inter-state trade) will be distributed between Union and states, as per the
formula by the GST Council (जीएसटी प�रषद)
270 CGST (=new indirect tax of Union, which replaced Excise Duty & Service Tax)..this
CGST will be distributed between union and states as per the formula by the Finance
Commission (�व� आयोग)
279-A President of India to appoint a constitutional body, “GST Council” (जीएसटी प�रषद) headed
by Finance Minister.
366 🥂🥂 Alcoholic liquor for human consumption (मिदरा) is kept out of GST. (i.e. State govt
continue to levy State Excise on its production and State VAT on its sale.)
22.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋: 🧔🧔🧔🕉🕉 GST COUNCIL: COMPOSITION? जीएसटी प�रषद
🧔🧔Union representatives (2 प्र�त�न�ध) �🕉🕉 States’ representatives (31)
1. Finance Minister as the Chairman - Each state government (including UT with
2. Union Minister of State for finance or legislature: J&K, Delhi & Puducherry) can
revenue. (�व� या राज� के क� द्रीय रा� मं त्री) nominate 1minister to GST council- it may
be their minister of finance or Dy.CM or any
other minister as per their wish.
- One of them will be selected as the Vice-
Chairman of GST council.
🗳🗳 Voting power: 1/3rd 🗳🗳 Voting power: 2/3rd
✓ If all members don’t no unanimously agree over a proposal (यिद िकसी प्र�ाव पर सवर्स��त नहीं, तो वोिटंग
होगा) → it’ll be put for voting → then minimum 3/4th votes required to pass the proposal.
✓ Council Meetings to proceed only with quorum of 50% of total membership.
22.8.1 🧔🧔🧔🕉🕉 GST Council: Functions? They’ll decide following-
1. List of indirect taxes, cess, surcharge of the union and states to be subsumed under GST-regime.
(पुराने करो को जीएसटी-�व�ा म� स���लत/ �वलीन करना)
2. Decide the date from which Crude oil, Petrol, Diesel, Aviation Turbine Fuel and Natural Gas will
be put under GST regime. (Until then excise-VAT on these five hydrocarbon fuel products, will
be unilaterally decided by Union and individual States).
3. Decide Standard rates (सामा� दर ) for GST (i.e. CGST, SGST and UTGST). IGST = {CGST +
(SGST or UTGST depending on destination)}
4. Decide Special rates (�व�श� दर) for GST, during natural disaster / calamity if required. E.g. 2019-
Jan, GST-Council also allowed Kerala to levy a 1% calamity cess (आपदा उपकर) on intra-state trade
for next two years, for the rehabilitation of 2018’s flood-victims.
5. Integrated GST (IGST) system during interstate commerce, and its tax-sharing.
6. Norms related to GST registration of businessmen. If a goods selling Bizman has turnover above
“x” lakhs, he must register @GSTN online portal, he must collect GST from consumers and
deposit it there. Originally the “x” was ₹20 lakhs for ordinary states; ₹10 lakhs for states &
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 246
Telengana. However, in 2019-Jan the GST council doubled this limit to ₹40l & ₹20l respectively
(Turnover limits for service seller bizmen in Manipur, Mizoram etc separate but hairsplittery not
REQ, not here for C.A. Exam).
7. Protecting the interests of the special category states (खास श्रेणी के रा�) i.e. 8 North Eastern states
and Himalayan states (Himachal and Uttarakhand.)
8. Compensation to the states for their revenue loss in switching from VAT to GST regime
(through Cess mechanism: रा�ो को उपकर द्वारा मुआवजा)
9. Dispute settlement between Union vs state(s), state(s) vs state(s). (�ववाद �नपटारा)
So, Constitutional Amendment→ set up GST council → GST council’s meeting→ laws passed by
Parliament and Vidhan Sabhas, to implement the GST related mechanisms.
1. 🧔🧔 Parliament has passed:
✓ Central Goods & Services Tax Act (CGST: क� द्रीय व�ु एवं सेवा कर अ�ध�नयम)
✓ Integrated Goods & Services Tax Act (IGST: एक�कृ त माल और सेवा कर अ�ध�नयम)
✓ Union Territory Goods & Services Tax Act (UTGST: क� द्र शा�सत प्रदेश माल और सेवा कर
अ�ध�नयम): Finance Act 2020 → amends UTGST Act to update list of UTs:
i. (new) Ladakh without legislature.
ii. (merged) 1) Dadra and Nagar Haveli + 2) Daman and Diu = treated as single UT
(because Govt merged them in 2019).
✓ Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Amendment Act. माल और सेवा कर (रा�ों
को मुआवजा) सं शोधन अ�ध�नयम
✓ Parliament originally passed them 2017, later amended in 2018 As per the
recommendations of the GST Council.
2. �🕉🕉 State Legislatures have passed State Goods and Services Tax Acts. (SGST)
3. � Jammu & Kashmir passed SGST Act on 8th July, 2017→ then GST system became
effective there as well. JAMMU AND KASHMIR REORGANISATION ACT, 2019 has not
abolished this SGST act. Present status is:
✓ SGST applicable on J&K (UT with Legislature:�वधा�यका यु� क� द्रशा�सत प्रदेश)
✓ UTGST on Ladakh (UT without Legi: �वधा�यका-हीन क� द्रशा�सत प्रदेश)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 247
GST is a ‘destination based’ indirect tax on consumption of goods & services. (उपभोग पर लगने वाला
‘�ान-आधा�रत’ अप्र�� कर) It is applicable on supply (आपू�त) of goods or services as against the previous
indirect taxes that worked on the concept of manufacture, sale, exchange, transfer etc.
Table 2: When Goods / Services (produced &) supplied →
in same the State (or UT without legislature) = in another State (or UT w/o LSR)
Intra-state supply (अंत:रा�) = Inter-state supply (अंतररा�ीय)
🧔🧔(�🕉🕉 → �🕉🕉) 🧔🧔(�🕉🕉 → � )
Table 3: Suppose in Jan-2021: a Gujarat based Calendar printing company is doing following
Bought (Input) in 2021-January Price ₹ CGST SGST IGST, if inter-state
(Guj) supply
Printer from Mumbai @18% GST 1 lakh N/A N/A 18k
Ink from a factory in Guj @18% GST 10k 900 900 N/A
Paper from Himachal @12% GST 20k N/A N/A 2400
Total 1.30 lac 900 900 20,400
Table 4: Suppose company manufactures (prints) and sells calendars @₹100 each, @12% GST
Sold (Output) in 2021-January Price CGST SGST Guj) IGST, if inter-state supply
500 Calendars within Gujarat 50k 3000 3000 N/A
500 Calendars to Rajasthan 50k N/A N/A 6000
Total 100k 3000 3000 6000
So, how much tax will the Calendar company have to deposit online at the GSTN webportal?
GST liability in 2021-January CGST SGST (Guj) IGST
GST Taxes collected on Output (from wholesalers, 3000 3000 6000
retailers or customers)
MINUS GST Taxes paid on Input (in previous stage -900 -900 -20,400
for raw material, intermediate goods)
=Company must deposit how much tax @GSTN 2100 2100 -14400**
** this is the input tax credit (ITC) company can use for offsetting its tax-liability in future.
- Suppose in Feb-2021, company did not purchase any inputs and sold 1,500 calendars in
Tamilnadu @₹100 each = ₹ 1,50,000 + 18,000 (IGST) it must have collected from the
Wholesalers/ retailers/ end-customers of Tamilnadu.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 248
- But in Feb-2019, Company need not deposit ₹18000 @GSTN webportal, because already it
has ₹14400 IGST credit🤑🤑 so Company only needs to deposit 18000 MINUS 14400= ₹3600.
- Cross-utilization of ITC🤑🤑:
- IGST credit can be used for payment of all GST taxes.
- CGST credit can be used only for paying CGST or IGST.
- SGST credit can be used only for paying SGST or IGST.
If the goods or services are sold in union territory without legislature, then instead of SGST, they
(practically the Union Govt) will levy UTGST but the funda will remain similar as above.
Table 5: क� द्र के अप्र�� कर जो क� द्रीय व�ु एवं सेवा कर (सीजीएसटी) म� �वलीन हो गए
Indirect Tax of Union Whether replaced by CGST?
⚓For import-export: Basic - No, Customs Duty is NOT replaced with GST. It’s
Customs Duty, cess / surcharge on separate from GST-regime. So, imported goods are
it. subjected to Custom Duty + IGST.
सीमा शु� और �व�भ� उपकर / अ�धभार - Previously, imported goods were subject to Customs
Duty + education cess (�श�ा उपकर) but Budget 2018
replaced it with Customs Duty + 10% Social Welfare
Surcharge (समाज क�ाण अ�धभार).
- 💼💼Budget-2020: 5% Health CESS (�ा� उपकर) on
imported medical devices (�चिक�ा उपकरण) for building
⚓On imports: Special Additional They’re not ‘replaced’ with CGST
Customs Duty (SAD),
Countervailing Duty (CVD)
Central Sales Tax CST was the Union tax levied on sale of items in inter-state
(CST-क� द्रीय �बक्र� कर) trade, and it was assigned to the ‘Origin state’. It’s replaced
with IGST (= CGST + SGST) एक रा� से दू सरे रा� म� माल सामान
बेचने पर ये कर लगता था हालांिक उद्गम रा� को क� द्र सरकार यह रकम देता था
�On providing services: Service Yes, completely replaced by CGST. These previous cess /
tax (सेवा कर) and Krishi Kalyan Cess surcharge are deleted.
and Swatchh bharat Cess
�On manufacturing/production - Yes, completely replaced by CGST (except 5
of goods: Excise duty and various hydrocarbon fuels: petrol, diesel etc.)
Cess / surcharges on it.(उ�ाद शु� और - Excise on manufacturing medicinal & toiletry
�व�भ� उपकर / अ�धभार) preparations containing alcohol (e.g. Cough syrups,
deodorants and perfumes) also replaced by CGST.
- Alcoholic Liquor for human consumption- falls in States’
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 249
Indirect Tax of Union Whether replaced by CGST?
purview so Union Excise / CGST not applicable on it.
🚭🚭Excise duty on Tobacco products - It’s replaced with 14% CGST. Further, Union also levies
+ GST Compensation Cess + National Calamity
Contingency Duty** (NCCD:-रा��ीय आपदा आक��कता ड्यूटी)
on them.
- **because 101st Constitutional Amendment allows
Union to tax tobacco products separately.
- NCCD money goes to Public Account → National
Disaster Response Fund set up under Disaster
Management Act, 2005.
⛽Excise duty on - Once GST council decides the date they’ll be brought
production/refining of Crude oil, under GST-regime. अभी जीएसटी नहीं लगता. भ�व� म� जीएसटी
Petrol (Motor Spirit), Diesel, प�रषद तय करेगी उसके बाद लगेगा.
Aviation Turbine Fuel and natural - Until then refineries / oil-drilling companies have to pay
gas: क�े तेल, पेट�ोल (मोटर ���रट), डीजल, excise duty+cess/surcharges to Union for production /
�वमानन टरबाइन �धन और प्राकृ �तक गेस पर manufacturing of these items. (and petrol pump owner,
उ�ाद शु� etc will have to pay VAT to states on their sale.)
- Presently, Petrol & Diesel are also subjected to Union’s
Road and Infrastructure Cess (सड़क और बु�नयादी ढांचा उपकर)
its ₹₹ goes into Public Account→ Central Road &
Infrastructure Fund under Central Road Fund Act 2000.
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋Corporation Tax, Income ⇒ 👿👿Arre Bhai, they’re 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋DIRECT Taxes of Union, so
Tax, Capital Gains Tax, MAT, STT, they are not replaced by GST.
CTT ⇒ The GST is meant to replace 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋INDIRECT
Taxes only. ये सब प्र�� कर है. जीएसटी के वल परो� करों के साथ जुडा है
22.10.1 📈📈 GST Revenue Collection Figures: जीएसटी राज� प्रा�� के आंकड़े
GST registered suppliers have to deposit the GST at the GSTN portal on monthly basis ( except those
who opted for the GST composition scheme).
In monthly collection of GST, there are ups and downs based on seasonality.
Year/Month 2017 monthly avg. 2018 monthly avg. 2019 and 2021
GST collection 89700 cr 98114 cr Given in graph below.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 250
Table 6: Data from 💼💼बजेट (Approx. Amount)
Year → 2019-20 2020-21 (BE 2020-21 (Revised 2021-22 (BE:
(Note: this is including Cess & on 1st Feb Estimates on 1st Feb Budget
Surcharge) 2020) 2021) Estimates)
🏢🏢 Corporation Tax (direct tax) 5.56 Lcr 6.81 Lcr 4.46 Lcr 5.47 Lcr
� Income Tax (direct tax) 4.92 Lcr 6.38 Lcr 4.59 Lcr 5.61 Lcr
⛽- Excise Duty (petrol, diesel 2.48 Lcr 2.67 Lcr 3.61 Lcr (⏫ than 3.35 Lcr⏬
etc.) & expected bcoz govt
🚭🚭- National Calamity kept raising excise
Contingent Duty on Tobacco on petrol diesel)
⚓Customs Duty 1.25 Lcr 1.38 Lcr 1.12 Lcr (bcoz 1.36 Lcr⏫
⏬Corona =⏬
import export)
👨👨A) CGST 5.14 Lcr 5.80 Lcr 4.31 Lcr (⏬) 5.30 Lcr⏫
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 251
कौनसे करो म� सबसे �ादा आमदनी होगी सबसे �ादा आमदनी होगी
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 252
gambling etc. लॉटरी, घोड़े क� दौड़ सट्टेबाजी, जुआ ‘sinful/demerit goods’, they’re subjected to highest
slab : 14% SGST + 14% CGST = 28%
📽📽Entertainment Tax on Cinema, Live ✅Yes, replaced by SGST unless levied by a local
Performance shows etc.- मनोरंजन कर body. e.g. Kerala local bodies 10% on movie tickets.
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋Income tax on Agriculture, 👿👿Arre Bhai, they’re 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋DIRECT Taxes of State
Professional tax, Property tax, Stamp Duty, so not replaced by GST. The GST is meant to replace
Land revenue 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋INDIRECT Taxes only.
22.12 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 GST RATES ON SERVICES: सेवाओं पर जीएसटी क� दर
What is the difference between NiL rated vs Exempted? Ans. CA-giri = Poor cost:benefit.
<0% or NiL GST or Exempt on following services: List is not exhaustive>
1. Services provided by union government, state government, local bodies, constitutional bodies,
department of post (except premium services like speed post), Railways (except premium
services like first class AC ticket)
2. Services by Reserve Bank of India and other financial regulators.
3. Services by Banks/NBFCs in connection with Government sponsored banking, insurance and
pension schemes. (Refer to financial inclusion handout)
4. Group insurance schemes for paramilitary forces
5. ESIC, EPFO services to the subscribers
6. Religious, charitable activities, cooperative societies, Public libraries, Public toilets,
Crematorium, Burial grounds.
7. Hotel room rent less than ₹ 1000 per day, Rent on residential accommodation
8. Aviation Services in North-eastern States
9. Transport services to milk, newspaper, defence equipment, relief material during disasters etc.
10. Doctors, para-medics, Ambulance, Blood bank.
11. Agriculture warehouse, cold storage, renting of Agro machinery, Contractor who is supplying
farm labourers, APMC (Agricultural produce market committee)
12. Agriculture pre-processing of food e.g. ripening, waxing, retail packing, labelling of fruits and
vegetables which do not change essential characteristics of the said fruits or vegetables.
13. Veterinary doctor, Animal husbandry related services except racehorses
14. � Educational services by Educational Institutes (like schools colleges universities Vocational
institutes. NOT COACHING Institutes)
15. Private training partners in government skill development schemes
16. Sports training and events by recognised sports body
17. Sports, Art, Culture etc. clubs with member-fees less than “X” rupees.
18. Circus, dance, drama or ballet, award function, concert, pageant, musical performance or any
sporting event where admission fees is less than “X” rupees.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 253
19. Admission to a museum, national park, wildlife sanctuary, tiger reserve, zoo, ASI-recognized
Heritage sites.
20. 2020-Oct decision: satellite launch services supplied by ISRO, Antrix Corporation Ltd. and NSIL
would be exempted. (More about these organizations in (More in 📑📑Pillar#5: communication
21. Any service EXPORTED outside India (technically called “ZERO RATED Export”)
In the Pre-GST era, most of above services were having 0% Service Tax. वतर्मान म� उ� पर 0% जीएसटी
लगता, उसी प्रकार भूतकाल म� जब ‘सेवा-कर’ था तो वो भी इनम� से �ादातर सेवाओं पर 0% था.
If a given service is not in the above list, then it will be subjected to GST: <see next table>
Example of services If supplied in the same If supplied to another State or
(List not exhaustive) State or UT w/o LSR then UT w/o LSR (: IGST)
(�🚛🚛🚛) (�🚛🚛🚛🚛)
Plumbing, carpentering, Ads in print - 🧔🧔Union gets 2.5% IGST 5% (its bifurcation is same
media, Ebooks CGST like left cell. Union gets half in
- �State/UT gets 2.5% CGST, and other half goes to
SGST/UTGST amount.
🏇🏇Gambling, Horse Race club, Similar as above but 14+14 IGST 28%
For more, you may refer to:
22.13 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 GST RATES ON GOODS : सामान पर जीएसटी क� दर�
<0% or NiL GST or Exempt on following Goods: List is not exhaustive>
1. Fresh milk, Pasteurized Milk
Live animals (except race horses), poultry, pigs, shrimps, fishes, insects etc. and their
“UNBRANDED” eggs, meat, honey, rawsilk etc. fresh products.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 254
2. 🍋🍋Fresh flowers, leaves, fruits vegetables, unroasted coffee beans & tea leaves, Salt.
3. Unbranded grain crops/ cash crops like wheat, maze, rice, oat, barley, coconut, etc & their
unbranded flour; seeds for sowing.
4. Bread (**except when served in Restaurant/ pizza)
5. Prasadam supplied by religious places.
6. Deities made of stone, marble or wood; Puja Samagri like Rudraksha, Panchamrit
7. Rakhi, Kumkum, Bindi, Sindur, Plastic / glass bangles without precious metal.
8. Fresh unpacked - water, coconut water, Non-alcoholic Toddy, Neera
9. Human blood, contraceptives, sanitary napkins, tampoons, hearing aid
10. Electricity, Firewood
11. Judicial / Non-judicial stamp papers, Court fee stamps, ordinary post cards etc.
12. Printed Books, Maps, Cheque Books; physical edition of Newspapers, journals, periodicals
irrespective of whether they have advertisement or not.
13. Khadi sold by Khadi and Village Industries Commission(KVIC) certified outlets
14. Gandhi topi, Charkha, national flag, Earthen pot, clay idols
15. Agricultural hand tools like spade, axes, sickle.
16. When a constitutional / public authority auctions the gifts received by him.
17. Spacecraft, satellites and their launch vehicles.
18. Import of specified defense goods not manufactured in India
19. Free sample or gift given. E.g. “Offer: Toothpaste pe toothbrush FREE” then only Toothpaste
subjected to GST. No gst on that free-toothbrush.
20. Any Goods EXPORTED outside India (technically called “ZERO RATED Export”)
If a given goods is not in the above 0% list (and not kept out the GST-regime like Petrol-Diesel-
Daaru), then it will be subjected to GST: such as:
Example of Goods (list not If supplied in the same If supplied to another State or
exhaustive) State or UT w/o LSR UT w/o LSR (: IGST)
Diamond, Semi-precious stones like Union gets 0.125% CGST IGST 0.25% (its bifurcation is
agate, amber, topaz, lapis lazuli etc. same as left cell. But
State/UT gets 0.125% “DESTINATION” state/UT gets
SGST or UTGST the SGST/UTGST portion)
Jewellery, Pearls, Gold, platinum, Similar as above IGST 3% (funda same as above)
silver etc. 1.5%+1.5%
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 255
Example of Goods (list not If supplied in the same If supplied to another State or
exhaustive) State or UT w/o LSR UT w/o LSR (: IGST)
🍸🍸Alcohol for human consumption Outside GST-regime. Subjected to State Excise + VAT
⛽Crude oil, Petrol (Motor Spirit), Until GST council announces: Union Excise + State VAT +
Diesel, Aviation Turbine Fuel and various cess/surcharges.
Natural Gas
As of 2018-December, very few items left in the 28% slab. PM Modi has announced to bring 99% of
the items in 18% or lower slab.
- ** Originally, state Government run lottery = 12% GST & other (private) lotteries= 28% GST.
But from 2020 all types of lotteries = 28%. While Kerala Govt opposed to this move fearing less
sales of State lottery so GST council had to go for voting → majority voted in favour of 28%.
This is the first matter since inception of GST council, wherein voting had to be done. All
previous decisions were taken unanimously without voting.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 256
- As the elections come near, GST Council will bring down more items in lower GST-slabs to keep
the voters (or bizmen) happy, so above tables/lists are “not static”. E.g. from 1/4/2019: norms
will be changed for real estate property: affordable houses 1% GST without input tax credit
(ITC), non-affordable housing: 5% without ITC and Commercial properties: 12% WITH ITC.
- 2019: To boost electric vehicle, GST council ⏬ GST on e-vehicle & its chargers to 5%
- For more, you may refer to:
- 2020-June: 40th GST council meeting → reliefs in Corona: Conducted meeting through video
conference. ⏬ the late fees/penalties on delay in submission of GST return forms/compliance
documents. No changes made in the GST % rates.
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22.14.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋⏰🗓🗓 GST Mechanism: Quarterly Returns and Monthly Payment of Tax (QRMP)
जीएसटी का पैसा हर महीने सरकार म� जमा करो लेिकन खरीदी और �बक्र� के िहसाब िकताब के फॉमर् आराम से
तीन-तीन महीने म� जमा करो योजना
⇒ Bizman will have to deposit the GST Tax ₹₹ to Government on a monthly basis (1-1 month), but
he may submit the GST forms on quarterly basis (3-3 months) [Forms showing summary of
Incoming and outgoing supplies]
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? ⏬Compliance burden. Bizman will have to spend less time filling monthly forms /
have to pay less fees to the chartered accountant.
⇒ Scheme applicable to? Small traders/taxpayers having turnover Not more than ₹"X" cr.
(Presently, X = ₹5cr), But the exact figure is not important. Sufficient to know that it is not
available for everyone. छोटे �ापा�रयों पर कर-अनुपालन का बोझ कम होगा
⇒ The scheme is not compulsory. It is optional / Voluntary. अ�नवायर् नहीं है. वैक��क है
22.14.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋: 💸💸💸💸(✋😈😈) 1% GST deposit in cash for controlling fake ITC claims
फज� टै� क्रेिडट को रोकने के �लए अ�नवायर् �प से 1% जीएसटी नगदी म� जमा करना होगा
⇒ Scamsters acquire Aadhaar card/pan card xerox of innocent victims → Register multiple
fake/dummy companies in their name → Generate fake invoices to show they purchased
good/services (input) price+GST → Then they show (output) fake exports bills (Because exports
are subjected to 0% GST) thus they accumulate GST input tax credit (ITC) from govt, thus gain
money. Then they pull out this accumulated ITC money through other fake bills & refund forms.
धोखेबाज फज�-कं प�नयां बनाकर, उसम� खरीदी �बक्र� के फज�-�बल बनाकर सरकार से जीएसटी-क्रेिडट का गबन करते ह�.
⇒ To control this nuisance, the govt ordered Bizmen to compulsorily deposit at least 1% of their
GST liability in Cash to the Govt.
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? Fraudster will have to make a trip to the bank branch /GST office To deposit the
cash. It will generate CCTV footage, paper-evidences, etc which will help nabbing them. धोखेबाज ने
नगदी रकम जमा करने के �लए ब�क शाखा और सरकारी द�रों के च�र काटने होंगे वहां सीसीटीवी और कागजी सबूत द्वारा उ�� ढू ंढना
आसान होगा।
Who is kept in this rule? (�नयम िकस पर लागू होगा?)
⇒ [1) Bizman with monthly turnover Not more than ₹50 lakhs
⇒ [2) Bizman who has paid more than ₹1 lakh Income Tax in last year [Because Then it is less
likely that he will be a GST fraudster, अगर इतना आयकर भरता है तो धोखेबाज तो होने क� सं भावना कम ही होगी]
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⇒ [3) Government companies / Public sector undertakings, statutory bodies etc [सरकारी कं प�नयां,
वैधा�नक �नगम इ�ािद]
✋How/why/what/JamesBond-giri= They will teach you In the IRS training academy. We are not
here to Learn exact modus operandi.#⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
- Normally, a seller must collect the GST tax from buyer & deposit to the govt.
- However, in selected cases when seller is not registered with GST number, while buyer is
registered with GST number, then buyer will have to deposit the tax to government.
- How / when / why = NOT IMP, EXCEPT the MCQ word Association that ‘Reverse Charge
Mechanism’ is associated with GST, just like ‘E-way bill’ mechanism is associated with GST.
22.16🚛🚛🚛🚛 E-WAY BILL SYSTEM (ई-वे �बल प्रणाली) FROM 2018 ONWARDS
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 259
Recall Definition: GST is a destination based indirect tax on consumption of goods and services.
(जीएसटी व�ुओ ं और सेवाओं के खपत-�ान पर आधा�रत अप्र�� कर है।)
✓ For the Union govt, largest source of tax collection were corporate tax and personal income tax.
Both are direct taxes and therefore kept out of the GST regime.
✓ For the state governments, VAT was largest source of tax income, but it is to be subsumed under
GST, along with other indirect taxes, cess and surcharges levied by the states. Therefore, states
were afraid their revenue income will ⬇.
✓ Secondly, GST is a destination-based tax, therefore industrialized states are not happy with it.
Consider a Nano car manufactured in Tata's Plant in Gujarat and sold in Uttar Pradesh.
(Destination) UP gets SGST, While (Source) Gujarat gets nothing. Although reverse is also true-
UP's bicycle sold in Gujarat, then Gujarat will earn SGST and UP will get nothing.
✓ But the industrialized states such as Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Haryana feared they’d
get less SGST revenue in absolute terms compared to erstwhile VAT regime.
Notable States that witnessed revenue ⏫ Notable States that witnessed revenue ⏬in SGST
in SGST (compared to VAT in 2019) (compared to VAT)
Andhra Pradesh and some NE states -- Mizoram, Punjab, Himachal, Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand, J&K, Odisha,
Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland Goa, Bihar, Gujarat and Delhi and others.
22.17.1 🧔🧔 → 🤑🤑(��) Compensation to States: HOW?
Parliament enacted GST Compensation to States Act 2017 (रा�ों को मुआवजा अ�ध�नयम)
✓ Under its provisions, GST council recommended Union Govt to impose “GST Compensation
Cess” (जीएसटी ��तपू�त उपकर ) on specified luxury & demerit goods, like
○ pan masala (60%), tobacco products (cess varies as per product),
○ aerated water & Caffeinated Beverages (12%), coal / lignite (₹400 per tonne),
○ motor vehicles-aircraft-yacht (3-22% depending on type of vehicle).
○ [These rates may change/update, but don’t worry about figures. E.g. Passenger vehicles
originally 15% cess, but due to slowdown in automobile sector, GST council reduced it
to 1-3% depending on type of vehicle.]
✓ The cess thus collected is used for compensating States for their revenue losses during the first
five years since inception of GST. i.e. 1st July 2017 to 30th June 2022
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 260
Table 9: GST Compensation to States Act 2017 (रा�ों को मुआवजा अ�ध�नयम)
Section- ⇒ It contains formula for compensation: State's Projected Revenue = 14% annual
7 compound growth rate than its 2015's VAT collection (base year). If current year
SGST collection is less than Projected Revenue → Union to pay compensation
⇒ (रा� का " अनुमा�नत राज�" उसके 2015 के वेट अनुपात क� 14% वा�षक वृ�द्ध के साथ क� �गना गया। यिद
रा� को एसजीएसटी मे उससे कम आमदनी �ई तो उस रा� को, क� द्र मुआवजा देगा, पहले 5 वष� के �लए, जनता
पर जीएसटी ��तपू�त उपकर लागू करके । )
Section- ⇒ GST Council can recommend extending GST compensation cess beyond the
8 period of five years. (5 साल से के प�ात भी उपकर जारी रखने क� �सफा�रश कर सकता है. )
✓ Compensation available only for SGST. It is not given to The Union Territory Without
Legislature (because they've UTGST e.g. Ladakh)
✓ State Liquor Taxes are outside GST, so Bihar / Gujarat / Nagaland / Lakshadweep / Parts of
Manipur can’t ask more ₹ for compensation from GST for having liquor prohibition (मद्य-�नषेध).
Year → 2018-19(actual) 2019-20 (revised) 2020-21 2021-22 (Estimated)
GST Compensation 95k cr 98k cr 1.10 Lakh Cr 1 Lakh cr.
Cess प्र�तपू�त उपकर expected but in
reality hardly
84,100cr earned
⇒ Before Corona: since 2019-August onwards payment pending. Also known as “GST Arrears
problems” (मुआवजे क� रकम बकाया है) . 2019-Dec: only partial compensation released. FM Nirmala. S
says, “Sales are ⬇, so we have not collected enough ₹₹ to release the cess.” Non-BJP states first
complained to GST council, but it did not help much. So some State Govts even threatened of
going to Supreme Court, which hints cooperative federalism is in danger. (सहकारी सं घवाद खतरे म�)
⇒ During Corona: given below →
22.18🤧🤧🤧🤧:🧔🧔 → 🤑🤑(��) GST COMPENSATION & BACK2BACK LOANS
⇒ Feb 2020: when state govts had presented their budgets in their Vidhan Sabha, for next financial
year → they could only estimate the amount of SGST they'll earn between 1/4/2020 to
31/3/2021. फरवरी म� तो के वल अनुमान ही लगा सकते थे िक अगले �व�ीय वषर् म� िकतनी आमदनी होगी!
⇒ So, States had estimated a large/decent collection in SGST for the 2020-21. because, in Feb'2020,
Corona yet to fully develop, so States were optimistic. [फरवरी मे कोरोनावायरस क� गं भीर हानी भारत म� आई
नहीं, इस�लए रा� आशावादी थे िक अ�� आमदनी होगी]
⇒ Consequently, ₹97,000 cr SGST compensation estimated for 2020-21, before corona impact.
⇒ However, by August-2020, started to become more and more clear that the state is unlikely to
earn good amount in SGST. → States lowered their estimates for SGST for 2020-21. (बाद म� रा�ों
को एहसास �आ िक कोरोना के चलते तो ब�त �ादा आमदनी नहीं होगी 😰😰→ तो हम� ब�त �ादा बड़ा मुआवजा चािहए)
⇒ So then States started demanding ₹2.35 lakh crore in GST compensation.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 261
⇒ Union govt's initial reaction was, "Under the GST compensation Act, we are not legally obliged
to pay this large amount (₹2.35lcr) because of unexpected circumstances / 'Act of God' / 'Force
Majure' like Corona. We can only pay the originally estimated amount (₹97kcr)."
⇒ However the Attorney General opined that GST Compensation Act does not provide such
exceptions; Union ought to pay the entire loss amount ₹2.35lcr. (अटॉन�-जनरल का मानना है िक क� द्र ने पूरी
रकम देनी चािहए �ोंिक जीएसटी मुआवजे के कानून म� कोरोनावायरस जेसी आपातकालीन चीजों मे क� द्र कोई माफ� /अपवाद नहीं)
⇒ But, corona → sales⏬ → GST compensation cess collection ⏬. So, the union offered two
options to borrow money for the compensation (�ोंिक जीएसटी म� आमदनी वैसे भी कम है, इस�लए क� द्र ने
रा�ों को पैसा उधार लेकर मुआवजा चुकाने के �वक� िदए….. )
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GST council is also considering to extend GST compensation cess beyond 2022 to cover it.
22.18.2 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧[🧔🧔 → 🔪🔪(�� GST compensation: "back to back" loans ₹1.10 lcr
2020 October: Union Finance ministry agreed to borrow ₹1.10 lakh from market. Since this amount
is close to ₹97000 cr, so it is more close to the option#1. But operational methodology is slightly
different than above table:
⇒ States are not borrowing from market. Union is borrowing from market to help the States.
⇒ Union will give this borrowed ₹₹ as "back to back loans" to state governments. (बैक टू बैक ��प म�)
⇒ In other words whatever ₹₹ union government has borrowed at 5.19% from market → union
will loan it to States at 5.19% (क� द्र ने बाजार से एक हाथ लोन �लया और दू सरे हाथ वही लोन उसी �ाज दर पर रा�
सरकारों को दे िदया..)
⇒ Interest rate: 5.19% Bcoz union govt's G-Sec has less risk of default than State govts' G-Sec, so
Union can get the loans relatively cheaper from investors. क� द्र सरकार के िदवा�लयापन क� जो�खम कम होती है
इस�लए क� द्र को लोन स�े म� �मल गया। अगर रा� सरकार �यं उधार लेने जाती- चाहे �रजवर् ब�क से- चाहे बाजार से, िफरभी रा�
को 5.19% से तो �ादा ही �ाज चुकाना पड़ता)
⇒ ⏰ Loan Tenure: 3-5 years (ऋण अव�ध)
⇒ Repayment: This principal + Interest will be paid from GST Compensation Cess.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 263
22.18.5 ✍Conclusion : GST compensation (�न�षर्)
Coronavirus has put unprecedented pressure on the revenue collection of the Union and
States. Consequently, the Union is facing challenges in allocating money for welfare schemes to
releasing the GST compensation to States. Hopefully, after 💉💉 vaccination, when the economy
bounces back, this pressure should subside. (कोरोना के सरकारों के राज� आमदनी म� भारी कटौती आई है �जसके चलते
क�ाणकारी योजना से लेकर जीएसटी मुआवजे तक प्र�ेक �ान म� चुनौ�तया, हालांिक टीकाकरण के जब अथर्तंत्र वापस पटरी पर आ
जाएगा, तब यह चुनौ�तया/ दबाव कम हो जाएं गे)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 264
⇒ Depending on the case, NAA can order the culprit company to 1) reduce prices 2) refund money
with interest to consumers 3) deposit money to Consumer Welfare Funds at union & state level
4) Impose penalty upto 10% of profiteered amt 5) cancel registration. Appeal→ High Court.
⇒ This Authority shall cease to exist after two years from its inception (2017), unless GST council
renews it. 2019-Jun: GST council extended it for another 2 years, which means all crooked
companies have not yet stopped profiteering. (कायर्काल बढ़ाया)
22.19.4 🕵🕵🕵🍼🍼 Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR-अ�ग्रम फै सलों के �लए प्रा�धकरण)
⇒ Diabetic foods supplements are subjected to 12% GST whereas pasteurized milk is subject to 0%
GST. If Amul plans to launch ‘Amul Camel Milk' with bottle label: "Camel milk is easy to digest,
high in an insulin-like protein, hence beneficial for diabetic person."
⇒ So, whether Amul’s product be subjected to 0% GST or 12% GST? An entrepreneur would like
to such have clarification from Tax authorities before starting the production, lest he gets
tangled in raids and litigations afterwards. (छापेमारी और मुकदमेबाजी)
⇒ So, CGST Act, 2017 provides for a statutory body called Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR),
where entrepreneur can seek such advance clarification.
⇒ Higher appeal? Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling (AAAR: अ�ग्रम फै सलों के �लए अपील प्रा�धकरण).
⇒ Benefit? reduces litigation & harassment afterwards → Ease of doing business (�ापार करने म�
आसानी) → attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI: प्र�� �वदेशी �नवेश).
22.19.5 🕵🕵🕵💻💻GSTN Network (Not for Profit Company- मुनाफ़ा रिहत कं पनी )
2013: Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) “Not for Profit” Private ltd. company was set up
under the Companies Act.
Original Partners Ownership from Ownership in
2013-18 future**
Union govt 24.5% 50%
All states of India (incl. Delhi & Puducherry) 24.5% 50%
Non-Government Financial Institutions such as 51% 0%
HDFC Bank (20%), ICICI Bank (10%), NSE (10%),
LIC Housing Finance (10%)
**2018-May: GST Council approved acquisition of entire 51% equity held by non-Governmental
institutions & distribute it equally between Centre and the State Governments.
⇒ This company runs the GSTN online portal, where the suppliers register themselves, pay their
GST, claim input tax credits, generate e-way bills etc. [Infosys ltd. helped develop the webportal.]
⇒ GSTN Network ltd. also provides the IT infrastructure and software services to GST officials for
monitoring the tax compliance, issuing notices, data mining etc.
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⇒ In future, such data could also be shared with the RBI’s Public Credit Registry (PCR: ऋण क�
सावर्ज�नक र�ज��ी) so the lenders can have a complete picture of the borrower’s business.
⇒ GST Suvidha Providers (GSPs): These are selected private IT/Fintech companies that develop
apps / software to help the taxpayers interact with GSTN portal. E.g. Zoho
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Table 11: ✋don't lose too much sleep over it unless preparing for State Tax Dept Exams
Difference PAN: �ायी लेखा सं �ाक GSTIN: व�ु एवं सेवा कर पहचान सं �ाक
Full form Permanent Account Number Goods and Services Tax Identification Number
issued by the Income Tax issued by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes &
Department Customs (CBIC)
example Suzlon Energy ltd: Suzlon Energy ltd:
AADCS0472N 24AADCS0472N1Z8
Format 10 digit alphanumeric number 2 digit state code+ 10 digits PAN number + 3
(=containing both alphabets and characters = total 15 characters (=containing
numbers) both alphabets and numbers)
Who has to Every income tax assessee- - IF Individuals / firms registered under the
get it? individual, HUF, firm, company, Pre-GST law (i.e., Excise, VAT, Service Tax
trust (internal different not imp.) etc.) OR
- IF your biz. turnover is above a threshold
limit of “x” lakhs for ordinary states or “y”
lakhs in States. OR
- Merchants who sell through e-commerce
aggregators like Amazon.
Do all Every PAN card holder is not Every GSTIN holder is required to have PAN
taxpayers REQUIRED to have GSTIN. (e.g. a card number. (Because its format is like that,
have it? salaried employee) observe “format” row above).
How many - Only 1 PAN number allowed - If firm operates from more than one state,
numbers / per individual. then a separate GST registration is required
cards can - Only 1 PAN number allowed for each state.
one have? per company. - If a firm has multiple subsidiaries, they have
- Subsidiary firms will have to to get GST number for each e.g. “Faith
get separate PAN numbers. Hospitality Chain ltd→ Sam’s Pizza
restaurant, Sankalp Dosa restaurant, Saffron
Punjabi restaurant”
Objective Prevent evasion of direct taxes. Prevent evasion of GST, and help the
entrepreneurs claim their input credits.
- PAN number is required for various activities like opening of bank account, opening of demat
accounts (for trading in securities), obtaining registration for GST, VAT-Excise registration (for
Petrol-Liquor dealers) etc.
- So, PAN is slowly becoming a Common Business Identification Number (CBIN) or simply
Business Identification Number (BIN: सामा� �वसाय पहचान सं �ाक)- because if a Department
knows your PAN number they can dig all information about you, know whether you’re eligible
to fill up a particular tender or contract or a scheme application form or not?
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22.20.1 🔢🔢🔢🔢🔢🔢 PAN/GSTIN vs UID (=Aadhar Card)
Table 12: ✋don't lose too much sleep over it unless preparing for State Tax Dept Exams
🔢🔢🔢🔢PAN and GSTIN 🔢🔢UID (=Aadhar Card)
Issued by the direct and indirect tax authorities Issued by a Statutory body- Unique Identification
that function under Ministry of Finance. Authority of India (UIDAI:भारतीय �व�श� पहचान
प्रा�धकरण ) that functions under Ministry of
Electronics and Information Technology
These Tax authorities derive powers from: Aadhaar Targeted Delivery of Financial and
- Income Tax Act 1961 Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016
- Goods & Service Tax Acts in 2017. (“आधार ए� 2016”)
Primary objective of these id-numbers is to Primary objective is to eliminate bogus
reduce tax evasion by tracking the transactions. beneficiaries in government schemes & reduce
subsidy leakage. Auxiliary benefits: Identifying
dead bodies, tracking criminals, mobile number
ownership, tax evasion etc.
🔢🔢🔢🔢Their format contains both numbers and 🔢🔢Unique Identification number (UID) or
alphabets. Aadhaar is a 12 digit number. No alphabets.
Issued for individual humans, Only for living resident HUMANS of India. Not
HUF/firms/companies/trusts**. given for companies. Resident is defined as
person who lived in India for 182 days/> in last
12 months.
💼💼Full-Budget-2019: we’ll consider giving
immediate Aadhar card to NRIs with Indian
Passport so they don’t have to wait till ~180 days.
It’ll help them get through KYC bank/share
market transaction.
One HUMAN → one PAN number only. No age same
limit. Minors can also join.
- ~₹110 Fees to get PAN card. No fees to get Aadhar. मु� म� �मलता है.
- No fees to get GSTIN
Compulsory to enroll (अ�नवायर् है), if your income Voluntary to enroll. आधार काडर् बनवाना �ै��क है.
or turnover is beyond “x” rupees**. अ�नवायर् / बा�कर नहीं है.**
They contain Demographic info:
- Name - Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Address.
- Photograph & Date of Birth (in case of - Mobile & Email (optional)
“Human”) Biometric info:
- Address. ⇒ Ten Fingerprints, Two Iris Scans, and Facial
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⇒ **💼💼Full-Budget-2019: > 120 crore Indians have Aadhaarcard but all Indian don’t have PAN
card. Earlier, it was compulsory to give PAN No when filling income tax. But if you don’t have
PAN you can simply quote your Aadhaar number to file Income Tax returns.
⇒ Later IT-department clarified that whoever quotes Aadhar number because he doesn’t have PAN
card → we’ll issue him PAN card on suo-moto basis later on. 💼💼Budget-2020 added technical
reforms in this process.
Self-Study? Right to Privacy debate / judgement; Aadhaar virtual ID etc.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 269
item available in home state. Then State govt will
have to deploy more officials at the check posts,
leading to bribery, harassment, inspector-raj.
Suppose, a mobile is manufactured at ₹10,000/- & Both CGST and SGST are computed on the same
is subject to 9% Excise duty and 9% VAT. Then base (₹10,000), therefore tax burden on final
- 9% Union Excise duty = 900. (calculated on consumer is less in GST regime, than in Excise-
base of 10,000) VAT regime. (एक आधार पर क� द्र और रा� के जीएसटी क�
- 9% State-VAT = 981 (calculated on base of �गनती से उपभो�ा पर बोज कम होता है)
10,900 after including excise duty). Thus, GST will reduce overall impact of tax on
end-customer, so his purchasing power will
improve, leading to more demand, more sales,
more business expansion and GDP growth &
22.21.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: ⚓ GST Benefit: Zero Rated Exports (शू� रेटेड �नयार्त )
- When company buys raw material or intermediate goods it will have to pay GST but if final
product is exported outside India (or sent to Special Economic Zone/SEZ in India: more in
📑📑Pill#3), it'll be subjected to 0% IGST.
- So, whatever GST the company had paid on the inputs, all of that will become its “Input Tax
Credit” (and company can use this ITC to pay for the taxes on the purchase of raw material and
intermediate goods in the next time), thus reducing its cost of production.
- This will improve price competitiveness of Indian products in foreign markets. (�वदेशी बाजार म�
भारत का सामान िकफायती बनता है)
- Australia and other GST countries also follow similar “zero rated export” regime.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. What are the most likely advantages of implementing GST? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. It will replace multiple taxes collected by multiple authorities thus create a single market in India.
2. It will drastically reduce ‘Current Account Deficit’ of India and will enable it to increase its foreign exchange
3. It will enormously increase the growth and size of economy of India and will enable it to overtake China in the near
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 270
➢ Many daily necessities are in 18% GST slab. Indirect taxes regressive in nature & harm
purchasing power of poor. (गरीबों क� खरदी श�� को कम करता है)
➢ Petrol, diesel, electricity: not subjected to GST regime yet, So, businessman cannot claim GST-
input credit on them. Even when crude oil prices are ⬇ in the international market, the Union
and State governments ⏫ Union excise and state VAT on the petroleum fuels just to earn more
revenue, which further aggravates the inflation and business cost. (�व� बाजार म� क�ा तेल स�ा होने पर
सरकार �ादा आमदनी के �लए उ�ाद शु� और वेट क� दर बढ़ा देती है।)
22.22.2 🤹🤹🤹😢😢Frequent changes harming long term business planning
Frequent changes in GST rates makes it difficult for the companies to plan long term business
strategies. (जीएसटी क� दरों म� बार बार बदलाव के चलते, उधयोगप�त लं बी समयाव�ध के �लए रणनी�त नहीं बना पाते।)
E.g. In 2019-Sept, GST on Caffeinated beverages ⬆ from 18% → 28%. This will ⬇ sales. If
any soft-drinks company had invested in factory expansion it would suffer. 😰😰
15th Finance Commission Chairman NK Singh criticized frequent changes in GST rates.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 271
➢ 😭😭 GSTN server crashes often so traders can’t upload things on time, and then they’ve to pay
penalty for crossing monthly deadlines.
○ 😾😾 (Counter: GST Council has reduced the late-fees, GSTN portal has been given
technical upgrades to reduce the glitches/outages.)
➢ 😭😭 Malaysia scrapped GST in 2018 due to popular uproar against it, So it will not be successful
in India either!
○ 😾😾 (Counter: Malaysia had subjected all the goods and services to a flat rate of 6% and
the opposition parties were blaming it for the inflation, and there were many political
dimensions to the entire controversy. Whereas in India, we have kept many daily
necessity goods at 0% to 5% GST. RBI has been successful in keeping the inflation within
2-6% CPI limit. GST is implemented through Constitutional Amendment so even if
Rahul Gandhi promises to “UNDO” this Gabbar Singh Tax, he’ll have to go for another
Constitutional Amendment to scrap the GST which is not so easy.)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 272
अ�ध�नयम, 2016 क� मु� �वशेषताओं को �� कर�। �ा िक करों के सोपानी प्रभाव को हटाने और आम रा��ीय बाजार बनाने के
�लए यह पयार्��प से प्रभावकारी है?
3. (Asked in GSM3-2019) Enumerate the indirect taxes which have been subsumed in the Goods
and Services Tax (GST) in India. Also, comment on the revenue implications of the GST
introduced in India since July 2017. (उन अप्र�� करों को �गनाइए जो भारत म� व�ु एवं सेवा कर म� स���लत िकये गए
ह� | भारत म� जुलाई २०१७ से िक्रया��त (जी. एस. टी) के राज� �निहताथ� पर भी िटप�ी क��जए |)
4. (Asked in GSM3-2020)Explain the rationale behind the Goods and Services Tax (Compensation
to States) Act of 2017. How has COVID-19 impacted the GST compensation fund and created
new federal tensions? (व�ु एवं सेवा कर (रा�ों को ��तपू�त) अ�ध�नयम, 2017 के तकार्धार क� �ा�ा क��जए, को�वद-
19 ने कै से व�ु एवं सेवा कर ��तपू�त �न�ध (जी.एस.टी.कॉ�े�ेशन फ�) को प्रभा�वत और नये सं घीय तनावों को उ�� िकया है?)
5. Examine critically the apprehensions surrounding the GST compensation to the States. What
measures have been taken by the Union Government in this regard. (रा�ों को जीएसटी मुआवजे देने
सं बं �धत आशं काओं क� जांच कर�। इस अनुसंधान म� क� द्र सरकार द्वारा �ा उपाय िकए गए ह�?)
6. “Is GST a boon or a bane?” examine critically from State governments’ perspective. "�ा जीएसटी
एक वरदान या अ�भशाप है?" रा� सरकारों के ���कोण से गं भीर �प से जांच कर�।
7. “Is GST a boon or a bane?” examine critically from the small traders’ perspective. छोटे �ापारी
8. With respect to ease of doing business in India, discuss the importance of following (1) E-Way
Bill System (2) Authority for Advance Ruling. भारत म� �ापार करने म� आसानी के सं बंध म�, �न��ल�खत के मह�
पर चचार् कर� (1) ई-वे �बल प्रणाली (2) अ�ग्रम फै सलों के �लए प्रा�धकरण
Handout: [2A)✅Direct & Indirect Taxes [2B) Black Money, 15th Finance Commission
[2C) Subsidies to Disinvestment [2D) Fiscal Deficit, FRBM, Budgeting & scheme types
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2A: Budget → Revenue Part → Indirect Taxes & GST → Page 273
2B: Finance Commission, Black Money & 2C: subsidies, revenue expenditure
Table of Contents
23 🍋🍋 (🧔🧔⚖���) Taxation → Finance Commission ..................................................... 277
23.1 Introduction to Finance Commission (�व� आयोग) .............................................................. 277
23.2 🕵🕵🕵(🍋🍋 🧔🧔⚖�) Fifteenth FC Composition (setup in 2017-Nov) ............................ 277
23.2.1 📑📑15th FC Terms of Reference (TOR: �वचाराथर् �वषय)?................................................ 278
23.3 🕵🕵🕵📑📑: (� → 😱😱) 15th FC’s TOR: Apprehension of the States................................... 278
23.3.1 👪👪 States Fear#1: Vision for New India 2022............................................................ 278
23.3.2 🏆🏆 States fear#2: Performance based incentives (प्रदशर्न आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन) .................. 278
23.3.3 👪👪 States fear#3: Census-2011 (जनगणना -2011) ......................................................... 279
23.3.4 🔪🔪 States fear#4: Debt and Grants (ऋण और अनुदान) .................................................... 279
23.3.5 �15th FC TOR: Conclusion (�न�षर्) ......................................................................... 279
23.4 🍋🍋 [🧔🧔⚖(���)] FC: Vertical Tax Devolution from Union to States ............... 280
23.5 🍋🍋 [�⚖� �] Horizontal Tax Devolution among States ................................. 280
23.5.1 🍋🍋 [�⚖� �]15th FC: Horizontal devolution: States’ share .................... 281
23.5.2 🧕🧕Finance Commissions & the fate of UTs of J&K & Ladakh ................................. 281
23.6 🧔🧔 → 💸💸💸 (��) Grants from Union to States (सं घ से रा�ों को अनुदान) .................... 282
23.6.1 💸💸💸🏕🏕15th FC: Local Bodies Grants (�ानीय �नकाय अनुदान) ................................... 283
23.6.2 💸💸💸�Post-Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants ................................................. 283
23.6.3 💸💸💸�15th FC: Special Grants: (�वशेष अनुदान) ....................................................... 284
23.6.4 💸💸💸🌬🌬🌬🌬15th FC: Disaster Management Grants (आपदा प्रबं धन अनुदान:)............. 284
23.6.5 💸💸💸🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)-Malnutrition............ 284
23.6.6 💸💸💸🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)-Health ...................... 284
23.6.7 💸💸💸🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)-Health ...................... 285
23.6.8 💸💸💸💸💸💸Defence and Internal Security Fund for Union............................................ 286
23.6.9 🤏🤏 15th FC: Other recommendations to Govt (सरकार के �लए अ� �सफा�रश�) ............... 287
23.6.10 ✍ 15th FC Report: conclusion (�न�षर्) ....................................................................... 287
23.6.11 👻👻ATMANI → 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔Helping States → Tax devolution and grants .......... 287
23.7 🕵🕵🕵(🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖�)⏰ FC: Giving Permanent Status (�ायी दजार् देना) ............................... 287
23.7.1 �👎👎Arguments against giving permanent status to FC (�वरोध म� तकर् ) ................... 287
23.7.2 �👌👌Argument in favour of giving permanent status to FC .................................. 288
23.7.3 � Conclusion: give permanent status to FC or not? (�न�षर्) ................................ 288
23.8 � FC vs PC vs NITI: What’s the Difference? ................................................................... 289
23.9 🍋🍋(🧔🧔⚖�🙏🙏) Special Category States? �वशेष श्रेणी के रा�?......................................... 290
23.9.1 🍋🍋(🧔🧔⚖�🙏🙏) Sp.Cat States → Economic Surveys criticised ......................... 291
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 274
23.9.2 🍋🍋(🧔🧔⚖�🙏🙏) Sp.Cat States → Hill Union Territory Status for J&K? .......... 291
23.10 � Mock Questions for UPSC Mains (250 words each) .................................................. 292
24 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Taxation → Black Money & Allied Issues ................................................................ 293
24.1 (🍋🍋🍋🍋)�Black Money → Notable Organisations ........................................................ 294
24.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax Evasion (Hiding Income / Transaction) ........................................................ 295
24.2.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖ Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA-2002) ........................... 295
24.2.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖ Undisclosed Foreign Income & Assets Act (UFIA-2015) ..................... 295
24.2.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖ Benami Transactions Prohibition Act (BTPA- 1988, 2016) ................. 296
24.3 (🍋🍋🍋🍋)💼💼 Tax Evasion → Full-Budget-2019 Announcements ................................... 296
24.3.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax (Evasion) disclosure schemes (“surrender = less punish”) ........... 297
24.3.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Vivad se Vishwas Scheme for Direct Taxes (Budget-2020) .................. 297
24.3.3 👻👻 Tax Ordinance 2020 in ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT[कर अ�ादेश] ................... 298
24.3.4 Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) in Budget-2021 ............................................... 298
24.3.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax Evasion → Other Initiatives (अ� कदम) .................................................. 298
24.4 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋)Tax avoidance (कर प�रहार / कर टालना) ................................................................. 299
24.4.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) & Round Tripping 299
24.4.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax Avoidance through Non-Resident Status ......................................... 300
24.4.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Place of Effective Management (POEM: पीओईएम) ................................... 300
24.4.4 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS: बीईपीएस) .................................... 301
24.4.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Transfer Pricing (ह�ांतरण मू�) ................................................................... 301
24.4.6 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋) � Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) ........................................... 302
24.4.7 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋) � General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)......................................... 302
24.4.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Angel Tax on Startup Investments (2012)................................................ 302
24.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: � Reforms to reduce Tax Terrorism / Harassment .............................. 303
24.5.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋:🧾🧾 Pre-filled online forms for Tax Payers ............................................. 303
24.5.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋:🧾🧾 Faceless interaction between Tax payers and Tax official ............. 303
24.5.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋:🧾🧾⏰ Time limit on opening of past cases........................................... 304
24.5.4 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋:🧾🧾 Document Identification Number (DIN: द�ावेज़ पहचान सं �ाक) . 304
24.6 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 Taxpayers’ Charter in 💼💼 Budget-2020 (करदाताओ का अ�धकारपत्र)........................ 305
24.6.1 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 (Indian) Tax Payers' Charter released in 2020-Aug ................................... 306
24.6.2 ✍ 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 Conclusion: Tax Payers' Charter........................................................... 306
24.7 🍋🍋🍋: �� Tax Ombudsman in Economic Survey 2021 ............................................... 306
24.7.1 🍋🍋🍋: ��Tax ombudsman: Indian experience ...................................................... 306
24.7.2 😰😰problems in previous Ombudsman system (2003-19)? .......................................... 307
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 275
24.7.3 🍋🍋🍋: ��Tax Ombudsman: Global experience with Independent ..................... 307
24.7.4 🍋🍋🍋: �� Tax Ombudsman: Conclusion / way forward (�न�षर्/आगे का रा�ा) .... 307
24.7.5 🍋🍋🍋: Reducing Tax Terrorism / Harassment: online portals/Apps ....................... 308
24.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋Taxation → Global Treaties, Agreements & Indexes ...................................... 308
24.8.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA: कर सूचना �व�नमय समझौता) 308
24.8.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 USA’s Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA-2010) ............. 308
24.8.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Global Financial Secrecy Index (वै��क �व�ीय गोपनीयता सूचकांक).................. 309
24.9 💸💸Black Money → Demonetisation (�वमुद्रीकरण) ................................................................ 309
24.9.1 💸💸Why Demonetise ₹ 500 & 1000? ............................................................................ 309
24.9.2 💸💸How did 99.30% SBN returned into banking system? ........................................ 310
24.9.3 💸💸99.30% SBN returned, but Demonetization not failed experiment because: .... 310
24.9.4 💸💸Demonetization: Impact as per Economic survey 2016-17 ................................ 311
24.10 📘📘📘📘Economic Survey on taxation and fiscal capacity (�व�ीय �मता) ............................... 311
24.10.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP – why low in India (भारत का कर:जीडीपी अनुपात खराब �ों है?) .............. 312
24.10.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP 📘📘📘📘 ES19: “Use Behavioural Economics to improve Tax
Compliance” ........................................................................................................................................ 312
24.10.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP: 15th Finance Commission on how to improve it? ..................... 314
24.11 🍋🍋Taxation: Misc. Terms ..................................................................................................... 314
24.11.1 🍋🍋 Net Tax Revenue of the Govt (शुद्ध कर राज�) ......................................................... 315
24.11.2 🍋🍋 Revenue Shortfall (राज� म� कमी).............................................................................. 315
24.11.3 � Mock Questions for UPSC Mains (250 words each) .......................................... 316
24.12 📥📥📥📥📥📥 Budget → Revenue Part → Receipts → Non-Tax Receipts ....................... 317
25 📤📤⏰ Budget → Revenue Expenditure (राज� खचर्/ �य).......................................................... 318
25.1 📤📤⏰(🌽🌽⛽) Revenue Expenditure → Subsidies ......................................................... 319
25.1.1 📤📤⏰(🌽🌽⛽) Types of subsidies with selected examples...................................... 319
25.1.2 � � Impact of Subsidies (स��डी का प्रभाव: सकारा�क एवं नकारा�क) ............................ 320
25.1.3 📘📘📘📘 Past Economic Surveys on subsidy delivery (आ�थक सव��णों के उपाय) ............... 320
25.1.4 📘📘📘📘 ES19: Use ‘Behavioural economics (�वहार अथर्शा�)’ to ↓ subsidy bill.......... 321
25.1.5 ��🕵🕵🕵National Recruitment Agency (NRA: रा��ीय भत� एज�सी) ............................... 321
25.2 📤📤⏰🥳🥳 Revenue xpdr → Salaries→ 7th Pay Commission (वेतन आयोग) .................... 322
25.2.1 🥳🥳 Pay Commission: Associated terms ..................................................................... 322
25.3 👻👻📤📤⏰�🥳🥳 SALARY Reforms in Atmanirbharat 2.0 (Oct 2020) .............................. 323
25.3.1 👻👻⏰�🥳🥳 Atma-Nirbhar 2.0: Festival Advance Scheme (�ोहारों म� एडवांस रकम) .... 323
25.3.2 👻👻⏰�🥳🥳 Atma-Nirbhar 2.0: LTC Cash Voucher Scheme ................................... 323
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 276
25.4 (📥📥<📤📤)⏰⚠ Revenue Deficit (राज� घाटा: 5.1% of GDP) .......................................... 323
25.5 (📥📥<📤📤)⏰⚠ Effective Revenue Deficit (प्रभावी राज� घाटा: 4.1% of GDP) ................ 324
15th FC: NK Singh Originally, it was meant to cover: 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2025
But later, Modi Govt ordered it to submit two reports:
1) Report#1: for 1/Apr/2020 to 31/March/2021 → submitted to President
in 2019-Nov, and accepted in 2020-Jan
2) Report#2: for 1/Apr/2021 to 31/March/2026. Title of report is "“Finance
Commission in Covid Times”. Published in 2021-February.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 277
23.2.1 📑📑15th FC Terms of Reference (TOR: �वचाराथर् �वषय)?
President of India has ordered them to study and recommend following:
1. Union Taxes’ vertical devolution to the states, and its horizontal distribution among the states.
(except cess, surcharge and IGST).
2. Union’s grant-in-aids to the states. (क� द्र द्वारा रा�ों को अनुदान)
3. How to augment State Govts’ Consolidated funds to help their PRI/ULBs
4. Any other matters referred by the President of India such as:
5. Use Census-2011 for your calculation. (जनगणना)
6. Keep in mind Union’s responsibilities for New India 2022 vision. (2022 के नए भारत के �नमार्ण के �लए
क� द्र सरकार क� �ज�ेदा�रयों को �ान म� रखना)
7. Recommend measures for Fiscal Discipline/Consolidation for the Union and State governments.
(राजकोषीय अनुशासन/समेकन)
8. Shd union continue to provide revenue deficit grants to States? (राज� घाटे क� भरपाई के �लए अनुदान)
9. How to finance the disaster management initiatives? (आपदा प्रबं धन)
10. Performance based incentives to the state governments? (प्रदशर्न आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन)
11. (2019-Jul) suggest ways for allocation of non-lapsable funds for defence and internal security.
(र�ा और आंत�रक सुर�ा �बन�पगत �न�ध)
12. (2019-Oct) Award for the UT of J&K. (This terms of reference required under Jammu and
Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019. ज�ू क�ीर पुनगर्ठन अ�ध�नयम)
23.3 🕵🕵🕵📑📑: (� → 😱😱) 15TH FC’S TOR: APPREHENSION OF THE STATES
�वचाराथर् �वषय से रा� आशं कावान �ों है
23.3.1 👪👪 States Fear#1: Vision for New India 2022
15th FC is required to keep New India 2022 vision in mind (wherein Modi government aims to double
the farmers’ income, provide housing for all, achieve 175GW of renewable energy etc.)
⇒ 15th FC also required to keep in mind Union’s additional burden regarding Defence, Internal
Security, Infrastructure, Railways, Climate Change, commitments towards administration of
UTs without legislature etc. (र�ा, आंत�रक सुर�ा, बु�नयादी ढाँचा, रेलवे, जलवायु प�रवतर्न)
⇒ So, TOR indirectly implying that 15th FC should give less than 42% to state governments
because union government needs more ₹ ₹ for aforementioned activities. So, Non-BJP states are
angry- “Tax devolution is our constitutional right”. (क� द्र के कर म� िह�ा हमारा सं वैधा�नक अ�धकार है)
23.3.2 🏆🏆 States fear#2: Performance based incentives (प्रदशर्न आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन)
15th FC asked to recommend performance-based incentives based on (list not exhaustive)
Performance parameter Why states apprehensive?
State’s Efforts in expansion of ➢ Manipur can’t do as much as Maharashtra in deepening the
tax-net GST tax net, owning to the variety of economic, geographic
कर-जाल का �व�ार बढ़ाना and political factors (frequent bandh and blockades).
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 278
Performance parameter Why states apprehensive?
➢ Secondly, Constitution provides for a separate GST council
with representatives of state governments. FC doesn’t have
state representatives.
State’s Efforts in population Gangetic plain states’ total fertility rate higher, so they’re
control apprehensive that Kerala & other Southern States will get more
आबादी �नयं त्रण money. <More about TFR in Pill#6>
Southern states have been running populist schemes for free TV,
State’s efforts in controlling
Fridge, Mixer, Idli at ₹ 1 etc. Similarly Northern states run
the expenditure on populist
schemes for farm-loan waiver, free bicycle, mobile & laptop
schemes. They fear they’ll be reviewed negatively, and union will
(लोकलुभावन योजनाएं ).
get to keep more ₹ ₹ for itself.
Electricity theft is a rampant problem in certain Gangetic states
State’s Efforts in controlling
but their ruling parties turn blind eye because of electoral
power sector losses
populism of farmers and villagers. Now they are apprehensive of
(ऊजार् /�बजली)
getting less money.
⇒ States resent that Modi’s Swatchh Bharat Mission is ‘imposed
Behavioral changes to end upon them’. (अनाव�क �प से क� द्र सरकार थोप रही है)
open defecation.
⇒ FC devolution is their Constitutional right, and not an alm
(खुले म� शौच जाने के बतार्व म� सुधार)
(खेरात) tied to their implementation of central schemes.
23.3.3 👪👪 States fear#3: Census-2011 (जनगणना -2011)
For horizontal distribution of taxes among states, 14th FC had used Census-1971 data. Census-1971
population was given 17% weight i.e. more populous state will get more funds.
⇒ 15th FC’s Terms of Reference (TOR) requires NK Singh to use ONLY Census-2011 data.
⇒ But, Southern states ⏬their fertility rate between 1971 to 2011, whereas Northern states could
not- due to poverty, illiteracy and lack of healthcare infrastructure. So, Southern states had
feared Northern states will get proportionately more funds, if Census-2011 is used. (द��ण भारत के
रा�ों ने अपनी आबादी म� / प्रजनन दर म� कटौती क� थी इस�लए उ�� डर िक हम� कम पैसा �मलेगा)
23.3.4 🔪🔪 States fear#4: Debt and Grants (ऋण और अनुदान)
⇒ Article 293: States can’t borrow without consent of the Union. So, what additional conditions
should the Union impose on the states when they (states) borrow from market / external
sources? (रा� सरकार बाजार से पैसा उधार ले तो क� द्र सरकार ने उस पर �ा शत� रखनी चािहए)
⇒ TOR even requires 15th FC to make recommendations in this regard. States fear it’ll reduce their
autonomy in raising loans from the market. (रा� सरकार क� बाजार से कजर् उठाने क� �तं त्रता चली जाएगी)
23.3.5 �15th FC TOR: Conclusion (�न�षर्)
✓ Economic Survey 2016-17 had observed ‘aid-curse’ ('सहायता-अ�भशाप') i.e. over the years, Special
Category States received large amount of funds via Planning Commission and Finance
Commissions yet couldn’t perform well in poverty removal or economic growth due to lack of
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 279
accountability and poor governance. (योजना आयोग और �व� आयोग ने दशकों तक �पछड़े रा�ों को पैसा देते िक�ु
कु शासन के चलते गरीबी उ�ूलन व् आ�थक वृ�द्ध नहीं �ई)
✓ The 15th FC TOR aims to link the fund transfers with performance and accountability
parameters. While states are apprehensive, but we’ll have to swallow this bitter pill eventually to
⬆ India’s human dev. & economic growth. (नया �व� आयोग प्रदशर्न आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन और जवाबदेही क� बात
करता है वो आवकायर् प्रशं सनीय है, भारत के मानव �वकास और आ�थक वृ�द्ध के �लए, ये कड़वी दवा हमने पीनी होगी)
✋Error in Answer Writing: Don’t digress to unsolicited suggestions & overthinking like “Southern
states should help Northern states in their family planning programs.”
Finance Commission recommends the vertical devolution (ऊ�ार्धर कर अंतरण) from the ‘divisible pool’
of union taxes. (Here IGST, Cess, Surcharge not counted.)
FC → �व� आयोग 12th (2005-10) 13th (2010-15) 14th (2015-20) 15th (2020-21) & 21-26
Chairman? (अ��) C.Rangarajan Vijay Kelkar VY Reddy NK Singh
States Share 30.5% 32% 42% 41%*
*15th FC’s justification: Compared to 14 FC, 1% extra Union should keep for UTs of J&K &
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 280
15th FC horizontal distribution formula components (घटक) → (भारांक%)
(both in Report#1 and Report#2)
Income Distance (आय म� अंतर):
⇒ State GSDP divided by its Population = per capita GSDP.
⇒ For most states, Haryana’s per capita GSDP is taken as benchmark. How
poorer is your state compared to Haryana= more ₹₹ you’ll get.**
📏📏 Area (�ेत्रफल) More area = more ₹₹ 15%
23.5.2 🧕🧕Finance Commissions & the fate of UTs of J&K & Ladakh
Until 10th Finance Commission, the FC would also prescribe the revenue sharing formula between
the Union Government and Union Territories.
But this practice stopped since 11th finance commission i.e. Finance ministry itself decides how
much revenue will be shared with Union Territories based on its own discretion (क� द्रशा�सत प्रदेशों को
िकतने पैसा देना है= क� द्र सरकार अपने �ववेक से तय करता है. �व� आयोग इस म� चूं नहीं कर सकता).
Finance Commission no longer prescribed formula in this regard. But,
31st October 2019: The state of Jammu Kashmir was officially split into the union territories of
Jammu Kashmir and union territory of Ladakh.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 281
Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019 mandates that:
o Whatever amount the former state of J&K was supposed to receive between 31/10/2019
to 31/3/2020 (as per 14th FC formula) …It will be distributed between these two new
union territories on the basis of population ratio and other parameters.
o President of India shall require 15th FC to make award for UT of J&K.
o But, 15th FC report, no separate share is given in verticle / horizontal tax devolutions.
Simply 1% extra kept with Union to look after J&K & Ladakh, compared to 14th FC.
23.6 🧔🧔 → 💸💸💸 (��) GRANTS FROM UNION TO STATES (सं घ से रा�ों को अनुदान)
Apart from the tax devolution, FC would also suggest Union to give grant to the states (grant= NOT
loan, so need not return with interest).
14th FC suggested following types of grants→
1. For All States: Grants for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI) and Urban Local Bodies (ULB) are
subdivided into two parts (पं चायती राज व शहरी �ानीय �नकायों के �लए अनुदान दो िह�ों म� �वभा�जत)
a. basic grant (प्राथ�मक) and
b. (10-20%) performance based grants.(प्रदशर्न आधा�रत)
2. For All States: Disaster Management Grants. (आपदा प्रबं धन अनुदान)
3. For 14 States: Post-Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants. (अंतरण-प� राज� घाटा अनुदान)
15th FC suggested following types of grants →
Type Report#1 (2020-21) Report#2 (2021-26)
1) 💸💸💸🏕🏕Local Bodies A) 60cr to Rural A)2.##Lcr Rural
Grants (�ानीय �नकाय अनुदान B) 30cr to Urban B)1.##Lcr Urban
= Total 90k cr =total 4.36Lcr
2) 💸💸💸�Post-Devolution 74kcr 2.94 Lcr
Revenue Deficit Grants
3) 💸💸💸🌬🌬🌬🌬Disaster A) 12kcr in Union ke A) 68 kcr in Union ke Disaster
Management Grants (आपदा Disaster funds funds
प्रबं धन अनुदान) B) 29kcr in State ke B) 1.22 Lcr in State ke Disaster
Disaster funds funds
4) 💸💸💸🍽🍽Sector Specific 7700cr for Nutrition >1 lakh crore for (Sectoral grants
Grants: (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान) with Health, Education, agricultural
💸💸💸� Performance- reforms, rural roads, Judiciary,
based incentives (�न�ादन- Statistics, Aspirational districts)
आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन)
6) 💸💸💸🏰🏰State specific N/A 49599 cr.
grants for tourism, historical
monuments, infrastructure,
water etc.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 282
Type Report#1 (2020-21) Report#2 (2021-26)
7) 💸💸💸�Special Grants: ~6700kcr N/A
(�वशेष अनुदान)
8) Union Govt ke liye Defense N/A 2.38 Lcr
and Internal Security Fund
23.6.1 💸💸💸🏕🏕15th FC: Local Bodies Grants (�ानीय �नकाय अनुदान)
Rural Local Bodies - Out of the total amount:
given to all three tiers ⇒ 50% is Tied Grants (�न�द�) = meant only for specific objectives 1)
in the panchayats, i.e. sanitation 2) water (��ता और पानी)
village, block and ⇒ 50% is Untied/basic (प्राथ�मक) = can be used for any objective
district. And also, for
depending on location. Except salary & establishment (building
5th and 6th Sch. areas
renovation, electricity bill etc.)
From 1/4/2021 they’ll be required to submit audited accounts online
through Panchayati Raj Institutions Accounting Software (PRIAsoft) to
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG: �नयं त्रक और महालेखा परी�क)
Urban Local Bodies Divided into two parts:
(ULB) & ⇒ ₹“X” cr million plus population-walli cities. (Excluding Delhi &
Cantonment boards Srinagar for being in UT). These grants are mainly to be used for air
quality improvement, water & solid waste management (वायु गुणव�ा म�
शहरी �ानीय �नकाय सुधार, जल और ठोस अप�श� प्रबं धन).
⇒ ₹”Y” cr for cities with <1million pop: 50% untied (basic) grants + 50%
tied for specific objectives 1) drinking water 2) solid waste
From 1/4/2021, ULBs required to 1) reform property tax rates 2) submit
audited accounts to CAG online.
23.6.2 💸💸💸�Post-Devolution Revenue Deficit Grants
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 283
So 15th FC will give Andhra extra 6 kcr as Post-Devolution Revenue Deficit Grant (अंतरण-प� राज�
घाटा अनुदान). Only 14 states eligible: Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Andhra,Kerala, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal.
23.6.3 💸💸💸�15th FC: Special Grants: (�वशेष अनुदान)
Report#1 (2020-21)
⇒ If a state receives less ₹₹ in (15th FC’s devolution + post revenue deficit grants) in 2020-21
compared to 2019-20 (when 14th FC Rangarajan’s formula was in effect),
⇒ Then such State will get Special Grants just to prevent any ‘feeling of injustice / bias’ (अगर 14व� �व�
आयोग क� अपे�ा 15म� कम �मल रहा हो तो अ�ाय / प�पात के आरोप से बचने के �लए �वशेष अनुदान)
⇒ Only 3 states eligible: Karnataka, Telangana and Mizoram. Total ₹6,764 cr for 2020-21
Report#2 (2021-26)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 284
Type Report#2: (2021-26) Amount
पं चायती राज/नगरपा�लकाओं को प्राथ�मक (PHC) into health and wellness centres
�ा� क� द्र को �ा� और क�ाण क� द्र म� (HWCs)
प�रव�तत करने के �लए ट�क भर के पैसा
Sectoral Grant → Health Critical Care hospitals i.e. facilities with 15kcr
नाजुक देखभाल के अ�तालों को बनाने के Intensive Care Unit (ICU) ventilator,
�लए पैसा kidney dialysis etc.
Sectoral Grant → Health Training of Allied Healthcare 13kcr
�चिक�ा सं ल� मानव बल क� तालीम के workforce (lab technicians,
�लए पैसे radiographers, dieticians,
Physiotherapist, ASHA Worker etc)
Sectoral Grant → Health State government to run Doctor 2kcr
�जले के अ�तालों म� डॉ�री तालीम के training courses in district hospital
कोसर् करवाने के �लए पैसा
कु ल �मलाकर Total: 70kcr to local bodies + 30kcr as
1.06 Lcr = approx.
Sectoral Grants 10% of total grants to
Healthcare sector
Additional Recommendations by 15th FC on Healthcare
⇒ Union and State Government together should spend 2.5% of GDP on Healthcare sector by 2025.
(क� द्र और रा� सरकार ने �मलकर �ा� �ेत्र म� सावर्ज�नक खचर् को बढ़ाकर जीडीपी के ढाई प्र�तशत तक करना चािहए)
⇒ All-India Services Act, 1951: (presently we've IAS,IPS,Indian Forest Service) → make 4th All
India service: "All India Medical and Health Service" → UPSC to conduct recruitment. This will
help addressing the shortage of doctor in backward states. आईएएस/आईपीएस क� तजर् पर एक और अ�खल
भारतीय सेवा बनाई जाए "अ�खल भारतीय �चिक�ा एवं �ा� सेवा" तािक �पछड़े रा�ों म� डॉ�रों क� कमी को पूरा िकया जा सके
⇒ Most of the medical colleges and super-speciality hospitals (e.g. Cancer) are concentrated in the
Western and Southern parts of India. Union and State government should make efforts to
address this.(प��मी/द��णी रा�ों के अलावा वाले �व�ार म� भी अ�� मेिडकल कॉलेज| अ�ताल बनाने पर जोर िदया जाए)
23.6.7 💸💸💸🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)- Others(अ�)
Report#2: (2021-26) Amount
कृ �ष �ेत्र म� सुधारों के �लए -नी�त आयोग Implementation of agricultural reforms e.g.
द्वारा प्र�ा�वत कानूनों को पा�रत करना, Passing the agricultural formula suggested by
भूजल सं वधर्न, �तलहन दाल लकड़ी उ�ादों Niti Aayog, Groundwater conservation,
को प्रो�ाहन, कृ �ष �नयार्त को बढ़ोतरी Improving Oilseed pulses wood products, 45kcr
agricultural export, (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#4A)
�ा� �ेत्र Sectoral grants for Health (Learned in previous 30k as
section) sectoral
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 285
Report#2: (2021-26) Amount
Note: +A) sectoral grant 30k cr + B) separately
local bodies given 70kcr= total >1 lakh cr but
“Sectoral grants MCQ =count only ₹30k
ग्रामीण सड़कों क� मर�त Maintenance of PMGSY roads (Pradhanmantri 27 kcr
Gram Sadak Yojana) (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#5-
Transport Infrastructure)
�ा�यक सुधार -अ�त�र� �ायालय और Judiciary: ₹₹ for Setting of extra courts and
जजों क� �नयु�� के �लए पैसा- �जसे 5 साल judges to finish the the property cases which are 10 kcr
या उससे अ�धक �वलं �बत सं प��यों के मामलों pending for 5 years or older, Civil cases of
का �नपटारा, ब�ों के यौन शोषण,गं भीर marginalized people, POSCO cases (child sex
अपराध के मामलों का ज�ी �नपटारा abuse) & heinous crimes
उ� �श�ा म� ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई क� �व�ा Higher Education-For 1) developing online 6 kcr
तथा �चिक�ा और इं जी�नय�रंग के कोसर् को learning 2) translating medical engineering
प्रादे�शक भाषा म� अनुवािदत करने के �लए courses in regional languages
�ू ली �श�ा School Education 4.8 kcr
Total >1 lakh cr
These grants also include internal quota for performance based incentives i.e. Better performing
States will be given additional money. (इन सभी अनुदान म� कु छ अंद�नी/आंत�रक कोटा होता है, �जसम� अ�धक अ�ा
प्रदशर्न करने वाले रा�ों को अ�धक रकम �मल सके )
⇒ Some State governments are unhappy that the 15th finance commission should stick to its
Constitutional mandate of giving ₹₹ to States & not allot to Union. ESLE less money available for
State Governments' development works. �व� आयोग क� सं वैधा�नक �ज�ेदारी है िक रा�ों क� तरफ पैसा दे, ना िक
क� द्र के िह�े म� पैसा बढ़ाते रहे अ�था रा�ों के पास कम पैसा आएगा
⇒ Since the fund is marked as a non-lapsable fund → Defence ministry may be very involved in
utilising it and the amount will remain on spent. A similar problem is present in "Nirbhaya fund
for women safety". (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar# 2D for more) �बन�पगत �नधी म� पैसा खचर् करने म� मं त्रालय सु�ी
�ादा िदखाते ह� इस�लए असल म� लाभ होता नहीं. भूतकाल म� मिहला सुर�ा के �लए बनाए गए �नभर्या फं ड म� ऐसा ही अनुभव रहा है.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 286
23.6.9 🤏🤏 15th FC: Other recommendations to Govt (सरकार के �लए अ� �सफा�रश�)
⇒ Some States have requested special category status. But it’s not part of our mandate/Terms of
Reference. So we’ve nothing to say on this matter. (कु छ रा� “�वशेष श्रेणी का दजार्” मांग रहे ह� लेिकन रा�प� �त
महोदय द्वारा हम� िदए गए �वचाराधीन �वषय म� यह मुद्दा है ही नहीं इस�लए हम इस पर कोई िट�णी नहीं द�ग)े .
⇒ Reform the taxation system → ⏫ tax collection. (प्र�� कर प्रणाली म� सुधार)
⇒ Review the outcomes of all Govt schemes. Merge/abolish non-essential schemes. सभी सरकारी
योजनाओं क� समी�ा कर� और अनाव�क योजनाओं को �वलीन कर�
⇒ We need a law on “Public Financial Management System (लोक �व�ीय प्रबं धन प्रणाली)” it’ll prescribe
the budgeting, accounting, internal control and audit standards to be followed at all levels of
⇒ Govt should follow FRBM Act with full sincerity in letter and spirit. (More in 📑📑Pillar2D: FRBM
Section पूरी �न�ा के साथ एफआरबीएम कानून का पालन ज�री)
23.6.10 ✍ 15th FC Report: conclusion (�न�षर्)
✓ Sustainable Development Goal#10: ⏬ inequality within the country. SDG-Goal#16 requires
nations to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. सतत �वकास ल�:
असमानता को कम करो | लोक प्रशासनके सभी �रो मे सं �ानो को प्रभावी, जवाबदेह और समावेशी बनाओ
✓ In this regard, 15th FC has tried to provide a framework for
○ 1) equitable distribution of revenue 2) incentives tied with performance. ऐसा ढांचा जहा 1)
कर-�वतरण समानता के साथ और 2) प्रो�ाहन प्रदशर्न के िहसाब से �मलेगा
✓ It’ll greatly help to improve India’s human dev+ eco growth. मानव �वकास और आ�थक �वकास मे मदद
23.6.11 👻👻ATMANI → 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔Helping States → Tax devolution and grants
⇒ Corona = Union’s tax income ⏬⏬ but still under Atma-Nirbhar → Union has given
assurance, “We’ll release Tax Devolution and grants to the states as per the figures announced in
the Budget and Finance Commission report.”
23.7 🕵🕵🕵(🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖�)⏰ FC: GIVING PERMANENT STATUS (�ायी दजार् देना)
Figure 2: CAG-UPSC जेसी कायम चालू रहेने वाली सं �ा बनाओ FC को- तभी ठीक से काम होगा- श��कांता
(Introduction: Origin) Shaktikanta Das, the Governor of RBI and a member of the 15th Finance
Commission (FC), has recommended giving a permanent status to the FC, wherein the old
commission continues to implement & monitor the recommendations till the next commission
starts functioning. (जब तक नया �व� आयोग नहीं बनता पुराने �व� आयोग क� ऑिफस खुली रखनी चािहए)
23.7.1 �👎👎Arguments against giving permanent status to FC (�वरोध म� तकर् )
Indian economy and Indian union has functioned successfully for over 70 years with this
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 287
mechanism, so there is no need for such constitutional amendments and experimentations.
वतर्मान �व�ा यो��प से चल रही है, नए सं वध
े ा�नक प्रयोगो क� कोई ज�रत नही
Both NITI Aayog and GST Council provide a platform for cooperative federalism (सहकारी सं घवाद
क� चचार् के �लए मं च उपल�).
Further, we already have the CAG to audit the accounts of the Union and the States.
Therefore, Giving permanent status to FC= duplication of efforts.(प्रयासों का �थर् दोहराव)
Even if the FC given a permanent status → states ruled by opposition parties will continue to
allege injustice & partiality, just like they allege with the functioning of Election Commission.
Then, the Union Finance Ministry’s precious time will be wasted in filing counter-responses to
the States at FC. �व� आयोग पूरा समय रा�ों क� फ�रयाद सुनता रहेगा और क� द्र सरकार उसी के जवाब देने म� लगी रहेगी
23.7.2 �👌👌Argument in favour of giving permanent status to FC
Election Commission has a permanent status even though elections are to be conducted every 5
years. Previous Lok Sabha’s speaker continues to hold position until new Lok Sabha meets for
the first time. Following this rationale, Shaktikanta Das’s suggestion that “Previous Finance
Commission should continue to function & oversee the implementation of its recommendations
until new FC is formed” is valid. (चुनाव तो 5 साल म� एक बार होते ह� िफर भी चुनाव आयोग क� ऑिफस खुली रहती है)
Finance Commission recommendations are valid for a block of 5 years. Even if there is a war,
disaster, famine or an economic crisis which may affect the revenue collection of the union vs.
the demands by the States, still, the FC-formula/recommendations cannot be modified/finetuned
in-between the five years. So, even if Union/states are feeling any injustice in the FC-formula,
they have to wait for five years to make pleas to the next Finance Commission.
If FC has a permanent secretariat/office = staff will keep all the records/ Knowledge bank for
future reference, and a few officers will act as ‘Resource Persons’ to assist the new panel. Then,
there will be more consistency in the FC recommendations. (जानकार �ाफ का तबादला हो जाता है)
Such permanent body can keep a constant vigil (अ�वरत सतकर् ता) on the Union and State finances &
revenue collections and hold them accountable for any transgressions or lethargy (उ�ं घन / सु�ी).
[Present approach of the union governments is if they are not getting enough taxes, they will simply
borrow more money and changing the FRBM targets/goalposts as per their convenience. More
under 📑📑 Pillar2D:FRBM handout]
Previously, Union and States designed their five-year plans, and so it made sense to have a ‘five-
year formula for tax distribution’. But now the five-year planning system has been discontinued.
पं चवष�य योजनाओं का दौर ख� हो चुका है, इसी हमने 5-5 वषर् के मान�सकता से �नकलकर �नरंतर �नगरानी रखनी चािहए
23.7.3 � Conclusion: give permanent status to FC or not? (�न�षर्)
⇒ ✅(In-favor) Considering the aforementioned benefits, Finance Commission should be given a
permanent status for better monitoring, accountability, grievance redressal in the matters related
to fiscal federalism. (राजकोषीय सं घवाद के मामलों म� बेहतर �नगरानी, जवाबदेही और �शकायत �नवारण के �लए �व�आयोग
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को �ायी दजार् देना लाभकारक होगा.)
⇒ ✋(Against) Considering the aforementioned issues, the present constitutional and institutional
mechanisms are adequate for fiscal federalism; they do not merit any changes for the time being.
(वतर्मान प्रणाली सुयो�, िफ़लहाल कोई प�रवतर्न अनाव�क)
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2. Parliamentary Department Related Standing Committees
3. Finance Commission
4. Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
5. NITI Aayog
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 , 3 and 4 (c) 3, 4 and 5 (d) 2 and 5
Figure 3: हमारा रा� गरीब है, इस�लए हमे �वकास के �लए क� द्र सरकार ने अलग से ढेर सारा पैसा देना चािहए!
- 1952: The National Development Council (NDC: रा��ीय �वकास प�रषद) was set up, with PM, CMs and
other representatives to approve FYP prepared by the Planning Comm.
- Although NDC became obsolete with establishment of NITI Aayog.
- 1969: 5th FC recommended giving extra ₹₹+ tax-relief to certain disadvantaged states. Over the
years, NDC added more states into the Special Category List based on
✓ (i) hilly and difficult terrain (पहाड़ी और किठन भूभाग)
✓ (ii) low population density and / or sizeable share of tribal population (कम जनसं �ा
घन� और / या जनजातीय जनसं �ा का बड़ा िह�ा)
✓ (iii) strategic location along borders with neighbouring countries (पड़ोसी देशों के साथ
सीमाओं के साथ रणनी�तक �ान)
✓ (iv) economic/infrastructural backwardness (आ�थक/अवसं रचना�क �पछड़ेपन)
✓ (v) non-viable nature of state finances. (रा� �व� क� गैर-�निहत प्रकृ �त।)
- Examples: 8 North Eastern states and 3 Himalayan States (JK, Uttarakhand, HP). Although,
Post-370 removal, J&K is no longer in this list.
- 🤩🤩🤩🤩Benefits of Sp.Cat. States? (�वशेष श्रेणी के रा�ों को �ा �रयायते / लाभ �मलते है?)
✓ Industrialists will be given benefits in Union-taxes for setting up factories in these states.
(उद्योगप�त को फै ��ी लगाने पर कर म� छू ट/ �रयायत- तािक वह �पछड़े रा� म� जाने के �लए आक�षत हो )
✓ Union bears higher burden in Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) e.g 90:10 ratio: (क� द्र
प्रायो�जत योजनाएं म� क� द्र सरकार अपनी जेब से �ादा अनुपात म� पैसा देता)
✓ FC & PC would assign more weightage in their formulas to give’em more funds.
- 14th FC: Previous FC assigned extra weightage & funds to Sp.Cat states, but 14th FC stopped
- But, whenever elections are near, W.Bengal, Bihar and Andhra CMs would demand Sp.Cat.
status & blame Union for ‘injustice’. (चुनाव करीब हो तो कु छ रा� नाइं साफ� क� बात करते ह�)
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- 15th FC: Some States have requested special category status. But it’s not part of our
mandate/Terms of Reference. (हमारे �वचाराथर् �वषयो मे ये है ही नही!)
- So, at present, Sp.Cat states don’t get additional revenue/grants in FC’s formula. Although,
Union upon its own discretion continues to give them certain benefits in CSS. (वतर्मान �व� आयोग,
इन रा�ों को अलग से कोई पैसा नहीं देते। िकंतु क� द्र सरकार �यं के �ववेक से योजनाओं म� �ादा पैसा दे सकती है।)
23.9.1 🍋🍋(🧔🧔⚖�🙏🙏) Sp.Cat States → Economic Surveys criticised
Figure 4: इतने सालों तक ढेर सारा अनुदान िदया िफर भी �वकास �ों नहीं? - "दान एक श्राप है"- Former CEA
- 📔📔📔📔Economic survey 2016-17: Noted that Sp.Cat states have received lot of funds & grant
from previous FCs and PCs, and yet they have not made any tangible progress in improving
public administration or removing poverty (=” Aid Curse”: सहायता का अ�भशाप). Similar problem
with the States having abundant mineral resources (=“Resource Curse”: ख�नज सं साधनों का अ�भशाप).
- ES 2017-18: Noted that compared to Brazil, Germany and other countries with federal polity,
India’s State Governments and Local Bodies are collecting less amount of tax for two reasons :
- 1) Constitution has not given them sufficient taxation powers. (सं �वधा�नक श��यां कम)
- 2) Even where constitution gave them powers like collection of Agricultural Income Tax,
Land Revenue, Property Tax: The States/Local Bodies are shy of collecting taxes due to
electoral politics. (चुनावी लोकलुभावन के चलते सही मात्रा म� टै� नहीं वसूला)
😰😰Result? Poor quality of Public Schools, Public Transport, Police, Drinking Water and Sanitation.
सावर्ज�नक �ू लों, प�रवहन, पु�लस, पेयजल और ��ता क� खराब गुणव�ा
23.9.2 🍋🍋(🧔🧔⚖�🙏🙏) Sp.Cat States → Hill Union Territory Status for J&K?
While FC no longer give extra weightage to ‘Sp.Category States’ in horizontal tax distribution
formula, but Union give additional ₹₹ for their welfare schemes from Union’s own pocket:
Category (श्रेणी) → Welfare schemes Cost sharing (खचर् क� साझेदारी)
A "Special Category States" (�वशेष श्रेणी के रा�): Depending on the scheme, union
- North-Eastern States, and may contribute 80-90% of the
- TWO Himalayan Hilly States: Himachal Pradesh and scheme cost, rest will be borne by
Uttarakhand# the State.
B - Other States: who are not in above category (UP, Union may bear lower burden
Bihar, etc.) than Sp. Category states e.g.
- Union territory (UT) with legislature: Delhi, 50:50, 60:40 etc.
Puducherry, Jammu & Kashmir.
C - UT without legislature (�बना �वधा�यका के क� द्र शा�सत प्रदेश): 100% funded by Union
Ladakh, Andaman Nicobar etc.
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- #
Before removal of Article 370, the State of J&K was previously in Special category.
- But as a UT with legislature, J&K will get lower assistance from Union in the welfare schemes.
So, 2019-Aug: Central Government considering creating a new category ‘Hilly Union Territory
(पहाड़ी क� द्र शा�सत प्रदेश)’ so J&K may continue to received 90:10 funding. <update when done>
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Tax Planning / Tax When person invests money in LIC/PPF/Pension funds such manner
Mitigation that he can claim various deductions legally available in the Income Tax Act.
(कर-�नयोजन) It’s neither illegal nor unethical. (न ही अवैध और न ही अनै�तक)
Black Money It is an income or transaction that is taxable yet NOT reported to the tax
(काला धन) authorities concealed from the tax authority.
कालाधन ऐसी आय/लेनदेन है जो क� कर-पात्र है, िक�ु कर-अ�धका�रयों से �छपाई गई.
Parallel Economy The economy that runs on black money. (समानांतर अथर्�व�ा)
👺👺Tax Evasion When person hides income or transaction from tax authorities, and thereby
(कर अपवं चन) evades paying taxes. It’s illegal.
🤵🤵🤵🤵Tax When person discloses his income and transactions to tax authorities but uses
Avoidance legal loopholes to avoid paying taxes. E.g. Bollywood stars who register digital
(कर प�रहार) media companies in Tax Havens. It may not be illegal in every case, but still
🍸🍸Tax Haven Is a country that demands little taxes from foreigners and offers legal
(कर �गर्) loopholes for Tax Avoidance & opportunities for Tax Evasion. E.g.
जहां कर टालने / �छपाने के Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Cayman Islands, Panama, Nauru,
Vanuatu etc. These countries are geographically small, & without viable
�लए ब�त अवसर �मलते ह�
economy. So they offer such mechanism to attract foreign investors and
foreign tourists.
👺👺→🤵🤵Money ⇒ When drug trafficking, ransom, corruption and other criminal activity
laundering generates substantial profits, the criminal tries to spend / invest / hide the
(गैरकानूनी तरीके से प्रा� money without attracting attention.
धन को वैध बनाना) ⇒ Money laundering (धनशोधन) is the process of disguising the source of
money, as if it came from a legitimate activity, & then channelize it into
banks, share market and other financial intermediaries.
Hawala ⇒ Hawala is an illegal money transfer / remittance system. Money is paid to
गैर कानूनी �प से एक जगह an agent who instructs an associate in the relevant country or area to pay
से दू सरी जगह पैसा भेजना the final recipient.
Although used by Indian workers in middle east because lower commission
than post-office/bank transfers, + better network in remote villages
Shell firms, They do not have any active business operations. Created with sole objective
Post-box/ of money laundering/tax evasion/avoidance E.g. Mishail Packers and Printers
Letter-box Pvt Ltd. allegedly setup by Misa Bharti Yadav to launder ₹1.2 crores (as per
companies Enforcement Directorate). मात्र कर चोरी के �लए बनाई गई कं प�नयां
Panama Papers International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a USA based
(2016) Paradise nonprofit organization: released these incriminating documents from certain
Papers (2017) law firms in tax havens & showed how notable people across the world
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 293
Mauritius papers engaged in tax avoidance/ evasion.
(2018) Amitabh Bachchan & Aishwarya Rai also named in some them.
Tax Terrorism Happens when tax authorities put undue pressure on an honest taxpayer
(कर आतं कवाद) to pay more taxes. (ईमानदार करदाता पर टै� अ�धकारी अनाव�क दबाव / उ�ीड़न करे)
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋: � 2012: Vodafone won a case against income tax department in the supreme
court related to Capital Gains Tax on purchase of Hutch mobile company.
Afterwards, UPA government amended the Income Tax Act with
retrospective effect and issued fresh notices against Vodafone. So, Modi
called it “UPA’s Tax Terrorism on Corporates”
2021: Netherland Arbitration Court had ordered Indian govt to pay $1.2
billion to Cairn Energy for tax harassment. Cairn company planning to
get Indian Govt's assets in foreign countries seized for recovering
compensation e.g. Air India planes, etc
TDS/TCS Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) �ोत पर कर कटौती
Tax Collection at Source (TCS) �ोत पर कर सं ग्रह
These are the mechanism to discourage tax evasion. 📑📑Ref:2A: IT Handout
PAN Card 10 letters alphanumeric numbered assigned to all taxpayers in India by
�ाई खाता सं �ाक Income Tax Dept. 📑📑Ref: 2A: GST Handout for more.
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Blacklist: nations that are not cooperating in the global fight against
money laundering, terrorist financing. Iran and N.Korea
OECD (1961:आ�थक Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
सहयोग तथा �वकास सं गठन) HQ@Paris. Works for International cooperation in the matters of
economy and taxation. Known for Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS)
Norms. India is not a member of OECD, yet.
24.2.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖ Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA-2002)
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24.2.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋⚖ Benami Transactions Prohibition Act (BTPA- 1988, 2016)
बेनामी लेनदेन (�नषेध) अ�ध�नयम: 1988’s original act did not achieve much results → amended in 2016.
Main Agency? Income Tax Department.
Benami refers to properties that buyer registers in the name of his relative, personal staff (Driver,
Gardner) or a non-existent/ fictitious persons (का��नक ���) to avoid tax authorities’ attention.
E.g. 2018: Misa Bharti Yadav (allegedly) bought farmhouse in the name of her brother-in-law
Nilesh Kumar.
Cases heard @ PMLA-walli bodies. Violation = Confiscation of property + penalty + Jail
🔠🔠❓MCQ. With reference to the ‘Prohibition of Benami Transactions Act’, find correct statement(s):(Asked in
1. A property transaction is not treated as a benami transaction if the owner of the property is not aware of the
2. Properties held benami are liable for confiscation by the Government.
3. The Act provides for three authorities for investigations but does not provide for any appellate mechanism.
Answer Codes: (a) 1only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 2 and 3 only
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24.3.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax (Evasion) disclosure schemes (“surrender = less punish”)
Under such schemes, a tax-evader can declare his undisclosed income, pay the taxes and penalty.
Then, Income Tax Department will not pursue case against him. (Although Police may still pursue
case if income is from narcotics, kidnapping, extortion etc.)
Income Declaration Offer? 45% of the undisclosed income shall be taken away by govt as (tax
Scheme (IDS) 30%+ surcharge 7.5% + penalty 7.5%).
Validity? 2016 June to Sept. ~67,000 cr black money was declared.
Pradhan Mantri - ~50% of the undisclosed income shall be taken away by Govt. as Tax +
Garib Kalyan Yojana Penalty + Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Cess.
(PMGKY) - Further, 25% of the undisclosed income shall be deposited in RBI’s
Launched after
‘Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme, 2016’. It’ll be a fixed
deposit for 4 years @ ZERO % Interest rate.
2016-Dec: - The PM Garib Kalyan cess, and deposit will be used for schemes related to
To 2017-April irrigation,housing,toilets,infrastructure, edu, health etc.
- The scheme was not so successful, hardly ~ ₹ 5000 cr. declared.
🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Sabka - > ₹ 3.75 lakh crore tax revenue is locked in the service tax and excise duty
Vishwas L.D.S related cases.
Scheme 2019 - (Full) Budget-2019: Launched Sabka Vishwas (Legacy Dispute Resolution)
In budget-2019 Scheme, 2019 (�ववाद समाधान योजना).
- Businessman accepts his fault, Tax officials gives a ‘discount/relief/waiver’
in the penalty/late-fees, and the matter is settled instead of litigating in
Service Tax
& Excise Duty courts for years & years.
Presently, >₹9 lakh cr worth direct tax cases pending before Appellate Forums (अपीलीय मं चों के सम�
लं �बत मामले) viz. IT Commissioner (Appeals) → Income Tax Appellate Tribunals (ITAT: आयकर अपीलीय
�ाया�धकरण ) → HC → SC. So, 💼💼Budget-2020 → “Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Bill/Act, 2020”.
⇒ Scope: Appeal related to Income tax or Corporation Tax, pending before a forum as of
31/Jan/2020. Then,
⇒ Taxpayers can settle with IT dept in following manner
o A) If IT dept filled appeal → he has to pay 50% of disputed tax amt
o B) If Taxpayer filled appeal → he has to pay 100% of the disputed tax amt
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⇒ In both situations, he'll get a complete waiver/relief from interest+penalty (�ाज और जुमार्ना से माफ�).
⇒ Above scheme is valid upto 31/March/2020, then Atma-Nirbhar Bharat extended it further.
⇒ This scheme is not applicable if:
o person is under prosecution for criminal activities. (अपरा�धक मामले चल रहे हो)
o If black money is hidden in foreign countries. (�वदेश म� काला धन �छपाया हो)
😰😰Controversies? 1) Southern India’s Members of Parliament angry that Hindi scheme name is
used. (2) both honest and dishonest tax payers are treated equally. Even dishonest tax payer can now
settle without paying interest/penalty.(3) Income Tax officials’ job-transfer etc will be linked to how
many cases they solve in this scheme. They’re also asked to work on weekends to fulfill these targets.
= resentment among staff (आयकर कमर्चारीओमे आक्रोश िक उनके तबादले और पदो��त म� इसम� सफलता को को �गन�गे).
24.3.3 👻👻 Tax Ordinance 2020 in ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT[कर अ�ादेश]
⇒ Vivad se Vishwas Scheme & Sabka Vishwas LDS deadline = extended
⇒ Income tax, TDS, TCS, GST: last date for filling = extended (अं�तम �त�थ को बढ़ाया गया)
⇒ TDS rates ⏬ so tax-payer left with more money for spending → shopping / demand⏫ →
economic revival
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SC’s special Chairman: Retd. SC Justice MB Shah, and senior tax officials. They
investigation team (SIT) recommended various measures against Black Money hidden in India, in
on Black Money 2014 overseas banks, P-Notes etc. SC ordered Govt to implement its
Operation Clean Money 2017: IT Dept. verified large bank deposits made Post-demonetization.
Project Insight 2017 Income Tax Dept. hired L&T Infotech ltd to develop an integrated
platform for data mining & tracking tax evaders.
(Related) Project Saksham 2016: CBEC/CBIC’s project for digital re-
engineering related to GST. It’s not a ‘drive against black money’ but for
‘Ease of Paying Taxes’.
(Related) Aaykar Setu: CBDT’s mobile app to pay Income Tax.
Restrictions on Cash Budget 2017 → Finance Act, 2017 → if anyone accepts ₹ 2 lakh /> CASH in
Transactions, 2017 a day / in multiple transactions related to one ‘event’, then Income Tax Dept
penalty = 100% of the cash received.
Banks, post office, government organisations are exempted.
Electoral Bonds, 2017 📑📑Ref: Pillar#1C: SEBI/Sharemarket handout
24.4 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋)TAX AVOIDANCE (कर प�रहार / कर टालना)
Here, people will not hide the transaction, they’ll blatantly declare transactions in their official
records, but will use legal loopholes (कानूनी-खा�मया) to avoid paying taxes.
24.4.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) & Round Tripping
दोहरा कराधान प�रहार समझौता
➢ It is a tax treaty signed between two or more countries.
➢ Objective? A taxpayer resides in one country and earns income in another, then he need not pay
(direct) tax twice in two countries for the same income.
➢ e.g. India Mauritius DTAA (1982): If a Mauritius person / company buy shares in India and sells
them at profit, then he need not pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in India. Only the Mauritius
government can ask CGT from him. And vice-versa.
➢ Loophole? India has ~10-20% CGT whereas Mauritius has ~0-3% CGT (depending on nature of
asset, how long the buyer kept asset before selling etc). So many Indian Politicians, Businessmen
and Bollywood actors would transfer the money using Hawala to their shell companies in
Mauritius → make those Mauritius Cos to invest back in Indian assets → avoid Indian CGT.
➢ This process is called Round Tripping (राउं ड-�ट��पंग) i.e. money that leaves the country through
various channels and makes its way back into the country as foreign investment.
➢ Similar loophole in India Singapore DTAA. 2016: Modi government amended the treaties = even
Mauritius and Singapore investments in India will be subjected to Indian taxes.
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24.4.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax Avoidance through Non-Resident Status
💼💼Budget-2020: A citizen of India (even if he is staying abroad), but if he is not liable to tax in any
other country → he’ll have to pay tax in India. E.g. United Arab Emirates and Bahrain where no
income tax is payable. Then critics started opposing it, so govt made some technical clarifications →
Bona-fide Indian workers in other countries will not be targeted. (प्रामा�णक �प से वीदेश गए भारतीय
मजदू रों को परेशान ही कर�गे )
Only the Indian citizens who deliberately shift residence to avoid taxes in India, will be targeted.
(के वल ऐसे भारतीय नाग�रक जो जानबूझकर भारत म� करों से बचने के �लए �नवास �ान बदलते ह�, उ�� ल��त िकया जाएगा।)
✋�How exactly?= NOT-HERE-for-CA-Exam
24.4.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Place of Effective Management (POEM: पीओईएम)
Bollywood Producer “A” forms a shell company in Cayman Islands (because it has a very low
rate of corporation tax). He gives this company international movie distribution rights for his
Indian movie @₹ 10 only.
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Then, Cayman Island company makes ₹ 50 crore profits, but he’d not pay any taxes in India
saying it’s a foreign company making profits from foreign territories, so Income Tax Department
of India has no jurisdiction!
But, here the Place of Effective Management is India, from where the Bollywood producer was
really taking the decisions of this shell company. (फज� कं पनी के प्रबं धन का वा��वक �ान भारत म� ��त है।)
So, Budget-2015 introduced the concept of POEM. Such overseas / foreign company will be
subjected to India’s 40% Corporation tax + cess + surcharge.
24.4.4 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS: बीईपीएस)
Multinational Corporation (MNC) “M” opens fast food outlets in India & makes ₹ 50 crores
profit. By default, it should be subjected to 40% Corporation tax in India.
But then MNC shows its Indian outlets had taken loan / raw material / patented technology
from MNC’s shell firm in Bahamas (where Corporation tax is 0-2%). So, after deducting these
operating costs, it has zero profit, so in India, it will pay only 18.5% Minimum Alternative Tax
(MAT), instead of 40% Corporation tax.
Thus, when MNCs shift profit from its source country to a tax-haven to avoid / reduce paying
taxes, its known as “BEPS”. (ब�रा�ी� य �नगम द्वारा मुनाफे को �ानांत�रत करना)
2019-July: India ratified the OECD’s joint Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty
Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (commonly referred to as MLI)
ओईसीडी के ब�प�ीय समझौते पर ह�ा�र िकए ह�
24.4.5 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Transfer Pricing (ह�ांतरण मू�)
Transfer pricing happens whenever two subsidiary companies that are part of the same
multinational group, trade with each other.
Suppose Coca Cola’s (Indian Subsidiary company) buys Sosyo Company’s shares or soda
formula at ₹ 10 crores, and then sells it to Coca Cola’s (Cayman Islands subsidiary company) at ₹
10 rupees. Then ₹ 10 is the transfer price.
Coca Cola (Cayman Islands) further sells Sosyo’s shares / Soda-Formula to other companies at
very high price. Yet, Indian tax authorities will not get any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) even though
Coca-Cola (USA holding company) may be making profit (Capital Gains) of billion$ from this
‘Indian Asset’ (Sosyo).
2001: Transfer pricing related provisions added in the Income Tax Act. But they were quite
strict leading to ‘tax terrorism’ by IT officials who’d slap notices on every transaction, resulting
into ‘No ease’ of doing business for MNCs.
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24.4.6 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋) � Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR)
After above episode, Coca Cola (India) would like to know in advance whether its transfer price
of ₹ “y” or its imported / exported item worth ₹ “z” is agreeable to tax authorities or not? lest it
suffers from notices, raids and litigations afterwards.
For this purpose, Authority for Advance Rulings (and their Appellate bodies) have been set up
under Income Tax Act, Customs Act and even GST Act (Recall Amul Camel Milk).
Advance Pricing Agreement (APA: अ�ग्रम मू� �नधार्रण समझौता)= If in previous example, Coca Cola
approached AAR -> agreement signed between taxpayer and a tax authority that “Transfer price
of ₹ y is agreeable to both of us, and will not attract any notices / raids / litigations afterwards.”
Related terms? Safe Harbour Regime (SHR), Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP), Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR). How they work? poor cost benefit for MCQs.
24.4.7 (🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋) � General Anti-Avoidance Rules (GAAR)
Till now we learned how Indians and foreigners avoid tax payment in India through loopholes like
DTAA, POEM, BEPS, Transfer Pricing etc.
So, UPA/Congress Govt setup economist Parthasarathi Shome panel who suggested General
Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR: कर प�रवजर्न रोधी �ापक �नयम) → they were added Income Tax Act
GAAR empowers Income Tax officials to send notices to both Indians and foreigners for
suspected Tax Avoidance. (For Tax evasion, we’ve separate laws- PMLA, UFIA, BTPA)
But critics alleged GAAR will result in tax terrorism, harassment, no ease of doing biz. So
successive Budgets kept delaying the GAAR- implementation. Finally done on 1/4/2017.
24.4.8 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋 Angel Tax on Startup Investments (2012)
⇒ Angel investors are the rich people who occasionally invest equity-capital in start-up companies
out of hobby / timepass / profit motive. (Whereas Venture Capital Companies do the same thing
but on regular & serious basis)
⇒ Startup Entrepreneur Sunder Yadav registers a phony “Sunder Construction” as an (unlisted)
Public Limited Company with ₹ 10 Face Value Shares, & sells them to Angel Investor Sadhu
Yadav @a premium price of ₹ 1,000 per share.
⇒ But, even construction sector’s (listed) public ltd co like DLF’s shares selling around ₹ 230.
⇒ Thus, Sundar-startup’s shares are above ‘fair market price (fair market price’)’. So, this is not a
genuine “Angel investment” but rather a facade for laundering Sadhu Yadav’s money from
construction, corruption or extortion business. (काले धन को वैध बनाने क� तरक�ब है)
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⇒ So, UPA/Congress’s Budget-2012 required Sunder Construction (the Startup Company) to pay
30% Tax + Penalty on the investment which they received from Angel investor Sadhu Yadav.
⇒ This is dubbed as ‘Angel Tax’. Norms were further tightened by Modi-regime,
⇒ But then controversy that Angel Tax will discourage the growth of startup companies so norms
relaxed- ‘Angel Tax will not apply if Startup’s turnover is less than ₹ “x” crores or if startup was
registered for upto “y” years & other technical ball by ball commentary that is NOTIMP4UPSC.’
⇒ (Full) Budget-2019: IF Start-ups and their investors provide the required declarations and
information, then IT dept will settle the matter.
We learned about the reforms to fight “Tax evasion” → ban on cash transaction of ₹ 2 lakh / >, -
Operation Clean Money etc. So, on one hand, Income Tax Department has to become 😡😡😡😡strict /
coercive to fight against Tax evasion. At the same time, IT dept. also needs to become more
🤝🤝🤝🤝friendly towards honest taxpayers, So, following measures taken→ (कर आतं कवाद उ�ीड़न)
Rajaswa Gyan Sangam Organised by CBDT & CBIC for idea exchange between policy makers
2016 & 2017 and senior tax officers.
2016: Modi gave them RAPID Mantra: R for Revenue, A for
Accountability, P for Probity, I for Information and D for Digitization.
Direct Tax Code 2010 This bill aimed to replace the Income Tax Act, 1961 with simpler
provisions. But, lapsed with 15th LokSabha dissolution in 2014.
Easwar Panel on Direct To simplify the provisions of IT Act, 1961, to remove ambiguities that
Taxes 2015 cause unnecessary litigations & hardships to Taxpayers.
Direct Tax Code - 2017: Setup by CBDT to draft New Direct Tax Legislation (Law) to
Taskforce 2017 replace IT Act 1961.
(Akhilesh Ranjan)
- 2019: submitted report (📑📑Ref: Pillar#2A)
24.5.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋:🧾🧾 Faceless interaction between Tax payers and Tax official
Personal interaction between the assessee and Income Tax official = more chances of harassment /
bribery. So, Government launched following reforms:
1) Cases will be allotted in random computerized lottery basis to IT officials without disclosing the
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name, designation or location of the Officer.
Table 3: कर अ�धकारी और करदाता के �ब� मुलाकात/सं पकर् �बना आकलन और अपील कारर्वाई
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Whenever Tax official sends letters to taxpayers regarding search authorisation, summons, arrest
memo, inspection notices etc. All such documents will have computer generated ‘Document
Identification Number’ (DIN).
2019-Oct: Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) implemented this.
2019-Nov: Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Custom (CBIC) implemented this.
DIN system benefits?
It’ll create a digital directory of communication between tax authorities and taxpayers.
Transparency, accountability, efficient and faster clearance of cases, because all the information
available at the click of a mouse.
If a document doesn’t have DIN number, it’ll be treated invalid. Thus, DIN system will prevent
the corrupt tax officials from sending fake notices to harass/blackmail taxpayers for bribes.
Sidenote: Director Identification Number (DIN): Director of every company is required to obtain
this number from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under the provisions of Companies Act. It helps
monitoring the company act provisions related to “1 person can’t be director in more than ‘x’ number
of companies” etc.
24.6 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 TAXPAYERS’ CHARTER IN 💼💼 BUDGET-2020 (करदाताओ का अ�धकारपत्र)
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2020 💼💼 Indian Budget-2020: CBDT will declare a Taxpayers’ Charter. So, Tax payer
will easily know what services / complaint redressal mechanisms (�शकायत �नवारणतं त्र)
are available to him= ⬇taxpayer’s harassment (करदाता का उ�ीड़न)
24.6.1 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 (Indian) Tax Payers' Charter released in 2020-Aug
It promises following things to taxpayers: करदाताओं को वादा करता है
1. You'll be treated in an impartial,courteous, professional manner. �न��, �वनम्र और पेशेवर तरीके से �वहार
2. You'll be treated/ presumed to be honest, unless there is a reason to believe otherwise. आपको
ईमानदार माना जाएगा।
3. We will provide complete and accurate information about rules & complaint mechanism etc a
timely fashion.�नयम/�शकायत दजर् कराने स��ी जानकारी
4. We will collect only correct amount of tax.
5. We will respect your privacy and confidentiality �नजता व् गोपनीयता का स�ान
6. We will hold our officers accountable for their wrongful actions. अ�धका�रओ को गलत काय� क� सजा द�गे
7. You can appoint a representative / tax lawyer to file replies/complaints//cases on your behalf.
मामले दजर् करने के �लए एक प्र�त�न�ध / कर वक�ल �नयु� कर सकते ह�।
8. We'll reduce cost of compliance (e.g. number of forms to be filled, photocopies to be submitted
etc) अनुपालन क� लागत कम कर�गे
9. +many other points but we have sufficient content for 250 words
It expects following things from taxpayers: Be honest, Pay taxes in time, Keep accurate records, be
informed, respond to notices in time when notices are given. (करदाताओं से �न� अपे�ा करता है क� वे ईमानदार
रह�, समय म� करों का भुगतान कर�, सटीक �रकॉडर् रख�, सू�चत रह�, समयसर नोिटस का जवाब द�)
24.6.2 ✍ 📯📯🍋🍋📜📜 Conclusion: Tax Payers' Charter
Thus, taxpayers' charter will help in building trust between a tax payer and the tax administration
while reducing harassment and litigation. (करदाताओं का चाटर्र/अ�धकारपत्र आने वाले समय मे करदाता और कर प्रशासन
के बीच �व�ास/सौहादर् बढ़ाने मे तथा, उ�ीड़न और मुकदमेबाजी को कम करने मे मदद करेगा)
‘Ombud’ is a Swedish term and refers to a person who acts as the representative or spokesman of
another person. 1809: The institution of Ombudsman was first created in Sweden- to look into
citizens grievances (लोकपाल/लोक प्रहरी- नाग�रकों क� �शकायतों के �नवारण के �लए)
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24.7.2 😰😰problems in previous Ombudsman system (2003-19)?
⇒ Above ombudsmen were tax officers, Who were given additional responsibility by the
government to inquire into grievances/ complaints against other tax officers. They did not have
independence from Senior officers/ministers. There was no separate law to empower them. (वे
�यं भी कर-अ�धकारी थे, कानूनन �प से कोई सता नहीं दी गई थी, इस�लए अ� अ�धका�रयों के �खलाफ �न�� �प से जांच या
सजा कर नहीं पाते)
⇒ They could only settle the complaint through advice/mediation between the citizens and tax
officials. (मात्र सलाह/सुलह द्वारा �नपटान)
⇒ They could only offer a token compensation upto ₹5,000 to victim (पीिड़त को मुआवजे म� ब�त मामूली
रकम दे पाते) Thus, failed to deliver any result and both the posts were abolished in 2019.
At present, Direct tax/Income Tax assessee can complain to
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चािहए तािक �न�� �तं त्र और प्रभावी �प से कायर् हो सके .)
Definition? Demonetization is the wholesale withdrawal of currency notes from circulation. (मुद्रा-
चलन म� से कु छ खास िक� क� नोटों को हटा देना)
RBI Act 1934: Every banknote is a legal tender. However, RBI Central Board can recommend
the Government of India to notify specific currency note(s) should no longer be treated as legal
tenders. Then FinMin → Department of Economic Affairs makes official gazette notification.
1946: ₹ 500 Notes demonetized; 1978: ₹ 1000, ₹ 5000, ₹10000 Notes demonetized.
2016-Nov-8th: Public was ordered to deposit the (old) Mahatma Gandhi series currency notes ₹
500 and ₹ 1,000 (henceforth called “Specified Bank Notes: SBN”) into Banks and post-offices
latest by 30th December 2016. And all the banks and post offices where ordered to deposit such
SBN into RBI.
Specified Bank Notes (Cessation of Liabilities) Ordinance:
- From 31st December 2016, RBI Governor not required to honour “I promise to pay…”
or exchange the SBN. Except for NRIs: deadline little bit relaxed, with certain caveats.
- Public prohibited from keeping SBN, except for research or numismatics or museum-
and that too in limited amount. This ordinance became Act in 2017.
India is not the only country in the world to do demonetisation. Sweden ( 2013), European
Union ( 2016) and even Pakistan (2015) has done it for their currency notes.
24.9.1 💸💸Why Demonetise ₹ 500 & 1000?
Demonetization is usually done in the aftermath of hyperinflation, war & regime-change.
India did it to combat Corruption, Black money, Counterfeiting and Terror finance .
भ्र�ाचार, काला धन, जाली नॉट,आतं क का �व�पोषण
We had 12.04% Cash to GDP ratio, one of the highest in the world. Currency printing &
transportation cost alone was 1.7% of GDP.
“Soil rate” is the rate at which notes are considered to be too damaged to use and returned to the
RBI. (�बगड़े/फटे �ए नोटों को �रजवर् ब�क म� बदलवाना)
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For ₹ 500 & 1000 SBN-notes, soil rate was much lower than the currency notes of ₹ 10 to 100.
(implying that 500-1000 SBN were used more for ‘storing black money’, rather than using in
So, experts made mathematical comparison of the foreign countries’ economic development,
soil rates of their foreign currency notes etc. and arrived at a figure ₹ 3 lakh crores of Indian
black money is stored in SBN (=2% of GDP).
So if SBN were demonetised, the black money holders will not return their currency notes into
banks (fearing IT-RAIDS) and thus black money will be destroyed. (काला धन �यं तबाह हो जाएगा)
But in reality, ~99.30% of the SBN were returned back into the banking system, so hardly ₹
10,720 crore of black money was destroyed by the demonetisation of 2016.
24.9.2 💸💸How did 99.30% SBN returned into banking system?
If the mathematical modelling was correct, then only 80% of the SBN should have returned back, &
20% SBN (presumed to be Black Money) should not have returned. But, Black money owners used
following tricks to deposit their SBN in bank accounts:
1. Businessmen / Politicians used their drivers, cooks, gardeners, personal staff members and
relatives as ‘money mules’. This is evident from exponential rise in the deposits in Pradhan
Mantri Jan Dhan bank accounts. (धनं ख�र/टट्ट� के �प म� इ�ेमाल िकया)
2. SBN were given out as “loans” to poor & as advance salaries to workers.
3. Agents who tied up with corrupt bankers who exchanged SBN without KYC verification.
4. SBN deposited in Cooperative Banks as back-dated Fixed Deposits, because Cooperative Banks
didn’t use Core Bank Solution (CBS) so it was possible to temper records.
5. SBN deposited in banks and then shown as income from sale of (fictitious) grain stock etc. So,
IT-dept can’t demand tax on it (and most state governments not levy tax on agricultural income
due to populism/vote bank politics). (फज� तरीके से आए को कृ �ष �ोत से आया �आ बताया)
6. SBN deposited in shell companies & shown as income from (fictitious) sale and invoices.
7. SBN donationed to trust, temples & political parties with backdated receipts (and those entities
are exempted from Income Tax on their income.)…. And so on
24.9.3 💸💸99.30% SBN returned, but Demonetization not failed experiment because:
✓ Those who could not return their SBN, have lost their black money (₹ 10,720 crore)
✓ Those who used poor people are money mules- must have paid some commission to them. So
even if government did not get tax from black money, atleast poor people benefited. Thus,
indirectly demonetization helped in redistribution of wealth.
✓ Further, Operation Clean money, IT-dept issued notices to the suspicious bank accounts where
large amount of money was deposited. Such shell firms & their benami properties are seized.
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✓ With Project Insight & Op. Clean Money: IT dept fetched ₹ 1.30 lakh crore in taxes and penalty,
attached ₹ 7000 crore worth Benami properties, ₹ 1600 crore worth foreign assets & de-
registered ~3.40 lakh shell firms. (says the Int-Budget-2019).
✓ The number of PAN card registration, IT returns, registrations under excise / VAT / GST have
greatly ⏫⏫ in the aftermath of demonetisation which proves that crooked people have
learned lesson. More than 1 cr. new IT assesses added in 2017.
✓ Tax collection ⏫⏫ from ~₹ 6 lakh crores (2013) to ~₹ 12 lakh crores (2018).
24.9.4 💸💸Demonetization: Impact as per Economic survey 2016-17
Area 😢😢 Short Term Challenges 🥰🥰 Long Term Benefits (दीघर् अव�ध के फायदे)
Banking Administrative challenges on Growth in the deposits → more loans can be given
the bankers to exchange the @cheaper interest rate, Less Cash economy &
banned notes, long queues associated benefits.
Real Estate Sale of houses ⏬ (मकानों क� Prices & rents of houses should ⏬.
�बक्र� म� �गरावट) Migrants will benefit.
Economy Job loss in cash-intensive
Less-cash economy, digitization and formalization
at large sectors like diamond of economy, Bizmen getting GST registrations →
polishing, farm laborer, further surveillance → forced to show employees
MSME (बेरोजगारी) on paper → EPFO & ESIC benefits to worker.
Growth Slow down (�गरावट) Improvement (आ�थक वृ�द्ध दर म� बढ़ोतरी)
SELF-Study for Mains: Economic survey 2016-17 Vol1ch3, table 2 “impact of demoneti..”
The Economic Surveys of 2015, 2016, 2017 have repeatedly observed that
- Democracy is a contract. Taxation is the economic glue that binds government and citizens into
this contract. (लोकतं त्र एक अनुबंध है, कराधान एक आ�थक गोंद)
- But, whenever govt delivers poor quality of service in public schools, hospital etc. → middle
class & rich citizens will “EXIT” towards the pvt school & hospitals → Then they feel ‘moral
right’ to evade / avoid taxes, bcoz, they are no longer using public services.
- Result? hardly 4% of Indian voters are taxpayers (23% is desirable, as per our level of
development against BRICS nations. भारत के के वल 4% मतदाता करदाता है)
- Govt gets less taxes → poor fiscal capacity → poor services → vicious cycle continues and
results in ⏬ of govt’s accountability towards citizens. (सरकार क� जवाबदेही कम होती है)
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24.10.1 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP – why low in India (भारत का कर:जीडीपी अनुपात खराब �ों है?)
1) Lack of civic sense among people that paying taxes is a basic duty. (देश के प्र�त कतर्� क� भावना नहीं)
2) Presence of informal sector, parallel economy, cash based economy provides ample
opportunities of hiding income. (नगदी आधा�रत अनौपचा�रक अथर्तंत्र)
3) Low per capita income, high level of poverty. Concentration of income in the hands of few
people- who are greedy to engage in tax evasion & avoidance. (देश क� �ादातर सं प�� चु�नदं ा लोगों के हाथों
म� क� िद्रत, जो �यं क� लालच म� कर जमा नहीं करते)
4) Election funding → source of corruption → black money. Politician-Builders-Mafia nexus.
5) Due to political considerations, state govts and local bodies do not levy all the taxes authorised
by the constitution e.g. tax on agricultural income. So our (direct) tax base is narrow. [Tax base:
कराधार means the total value of all the persons/income/property, etc. on which tax is charged.]
6) Loopholes in the tax laws encourage tax avoidance (कर कानूनों म� खा�मयां)
7) Direct taxes like wealth tax, gift tax and estate duty suffered from loopholes, lax monitoring and
evasion. They didn’t yield much revenue. Hence even referred as ‘paper taxes’, and had to be
abolished ultimately. (कागजी कर �जनसे वा�व म� नाम मात्र क� आमदनी होती थी)
24.10.2 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP 📘📘📘📘 ES19: “Use Behavioural Economics to improve Tax Compliance”
Plato said, “What is honoured in a country, is cultivated there.” Indians join military because 1)
salary 2) because serving in the armed forces is considered ‘honourable’. (स�ाननीय)
So, we should use the principles of Behavioral Economics to enhance tax compliance We’ve to
modify the social norm from “evading taxes is acceptable” to “paying taxes honestly is
honorable.” ((�ावहा�रक अथर्शा� के �सद्धांतों द्वारा कर अनुपालन म� बढ़ोतरी कराएं . कर भरना एक स�ाननीय कतर्� बने)
Tax Morale: it is the motivation of taxpayers to pay taxes. (कर सं बंधी नै�तक मनोबल)
When tax morale is ⏬ → motivation for tax evasion ⏫.
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Table 4: Tax Morale is affected by two types of fairness
Fairness Vertical Fairness Horizontal Fairness
�न��ता (उ�ार्धार �न��ता �ै�तज) (�ै�तज �न��ता)
Tax Payer’s What I pay in taxes is commensurate There should not be a great difference
thought to the benefits I receive as services in the taxes paid by the ‘similar’
process → from the Government. sections of society.
His Tax He sees taxpayers' money wasted in If a salaried employee and a
morale is public expenditure (like Mayawati’s shopkeeper are earning ₹8 lakhs per
lowered when elephant statutes) instead of better annum, still the salaried employee is
→ quality of water, road, education or forced to pay more taxes than this
electricity. shopkeeper, because
- TDS on salary whereas shopkeeper
underreports his sales in cash
- Shopkeeper shows less profit
through fictitious business
Solution(s) under-constructions projects SMS, billboards highlighting self-
should show signboards “Your tax employed individuals who pay
money at work” good amount of tax.
Reminding tax payers that public Public shaming of individuals who
goods can only be provided in don’t pay taxes. It’ll scare other
return for tax compliance. Most tax-evaders that the probability of
people in your local community their detection has increased.
pay their taxes on time. Avoid Tax Amnesties. Give
stringent punishment to tax
Further, CEA Subramanian K. suggested:
Top 10 highest taxpayers within a district → They should be given VIP-treatment such as faster
boarding privileges at airports, special “diplomatic” type lanes at immigration counters, fast-lane
on roads and toll booths, etc.
Highest taxpayers over a decade → Important places should be named after them e.g. roads,
trains, schools, universities, hospitals and airports.
In Hinduism, Islam and Christianity - unpaid debt is considered a sin. So, advertisements should
highlight how tax evasion is a violation of such “spiritual/religious norms”.
Ease in Paying Taxes: Pre-populated Income Tax forms with easy to understand terms. Even if a
person’s tax liability is ZERO, he should be required to fill Income Tax form.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 313
Automated TDS as and where possible and timely release of Tax refunds.
@Hindi-Medium-Mains candidates: refer ES2018-19 Vol1 Ch.2 page52’s bullet
2.33 upto page 55’s box 5 to get the clean & formal vocabulary
24.10.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋 Tax: GDP: 15th Finance Commission on how to improve it?
⇒ Expand the scope of TDS/TCS to cover more number of transactions and find the tax
evaders. (�व�वध प्रकार के लेनदेन को टीडीएस/टीसीएस के दायरे म� लाया जाए तािक कर चोरी पर �नगरानी रखी जा सके )
⇒ 40% of the people who filed Income Tax forms in 2019-20 did not pay any income tax. Because
either: आयकर का फॉमर् भरने वाले 40% लोग असल म� आयकर नहीं जमा करते �ोंिक.
o the taxable income was very low (आयकर यो� आय ब�त कम है)
o they are hiding / underreporting some of the income (आयकर फॉमर् म� कु छ आमदनी को छु पाया जा
रहा है)
o because of tax-deduction & tax rebates. (वह �व�वध प्रकार के टै� िडड�न, टै� �रबेट का लाभ लेकर
अपने आयकर दा�य� 0 कर देते ह�)
o So, Government needs to address this. इस�लए �व�ा म� सुधार ज�री
Income Tax Rate Minimum Maximum Income Tax Rate Minimum Maximum
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 314
- So, tax-cuts could lead to ⏫tax revenue collections.
- 💼💼Modi Budgets from 2017 onwards: The lowest Income Tax slab was cut
from 10% to 5%; The corporation tax on small sized companies was also
brought down from 30 % to 25% in a phased manner.
- 💼💼Budget-2020: new optional Income tax slabs.
- 💼💼USA Budget-2017: Corporation tax cut down from 35 % to 15%
Tax buoyancy - If GDP grew by x%, then how much % Income tax collection will grow?
(कर उ�ावकता): - E.g. if income tax collection growth rate is 11% when GDP growth rate is
10%, then Income Tax’s tax buoyancy is 1.1
Tax elasticity If first income tax slab increased from say 5% to 15%, then in absolute terms how
(कर ल�चलाता): much more IT-revenue will be generated?
24.11.1 🍋🍋 Net Tax Revenue of the Govt (शुद्ध कर राज�)
Sr. Budget → Revenue Receipts → Tax 💼💼Budget 2020-21 💼💼Budget 2021-22
Receipts (Approx.)
A Union’s Direct taxes, incl. cess and ~ 13 lakh crores 11.0 Lakh Cr
B Union’s Indirect taxes incl. cess and ~ 11 lakh crores 10.9 Lakh Cr
- For Union: direct taxes income
is >> indirect taxes.
- But if we summed all the taxes
of union, state and local bodies
then indirect taxes income >>
direct taxes.
C Union territories without legislature: ~7500 crores 7000 cr
their direct and indirect taxes: �वधानमं डल
रिहत सं घ रा� �ेत्र
D Gross Tax Revenue (=A+B+C) सकल कर ~24 lakh crores 22 Lcr
E Minus the Tax devolution to States (कर (-)~8 lakh crores (-) 6.65 Lakh Cr
ह�ांतरण) as per the Finance
F Minus Contributions to National (-)~3500 crores (-) 6100 cr
Disaster Response Fund in Home
D-E- Net Tax Revenue of Union (शुद्ध कर ~ 16 lakh crores 15 Lakh Cr
F राज�) +D-E-F=
**Public Account → National Disaster Response Fund (रा��ीय आपदा प्र�तिक्रया कोष) is a statutory fund under Disaster Management Act,
2005. Previously, called National Calamity Contingency Fund (NCCF).
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 315
Budget Estimates: बजट अनुमान BE-2020-21 Presented RE-2020-21 Shortfall: BE Minus RE
Revised Estimates सं शो�धत अनुमान on 1/2/2020 Presented on 1/2/2021 Amount in Crores
Corporation Tax (�नगम कर) 681000 446000 😰😰235000
Income Tax (आयकर) 638000 459000 😰😰179000
Customs Duty (सीमा शु�) 138000 112000 😰😰26000
Excise Duty (उ�ाद शु�) 267000 361000 😰😰No Shortfall, excess
collection of 94kCr
GST 690500 515100 😰😰175400
Total = Gross Tax Revenue 2423020 1900280 😰😰522740
इतना कमाने क� उ�ीद थी वा�व म� इसके आसपास इतना �आ राज� घाटा
⇒ Budget 2020 is presented on 1/2/2020 for the next financial year starting from 1st April 2020 to
31st March 2021. So, FinMin could have only made projections /estimations about how much
taxes will be collected during 1/4/20 to 31/3/21.
⇒ But throughout the year, based on the advance tax-collection figures & monthly GST collection
figures, FinMin will have to re-adjust the estimates.
⇒ 1/2/2021: Budget 2021 is presented for next FY-2021-22. Along with that, Govt will present
revised estimates for previous Financial Year (2020-21).
⇒ From the table we can see Gross Tax collection is less than expected (24 MINUS 19) = ~5.## lakh
crore is ‘Revenue Shortfall’, mainly because GST & Corporation Tax collection are much less
than expected due to slowdown in economy.
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(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 317
25 📤📤⏰ BUDGET → REVENUE EXPENDITURE (राज� खचर्/ �य)
- Expenditures spent on day to day functioning of the organs of the state =
- salaries & pensions, stationery, electricity bill, phone bill etc.
- in Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, Constitutional & Statutory bodies.
- Expenditures that do not create income generating assets or permanent assets or financial assets.
- Thus, money SPENT on loan-interests, subsidies, scholarships, grants etc. counted here
Notable Revenue Expenditures (In descending order) 2021-22
Interest to be paid on previous loans is Revenue Expenditure. [Whereas Union repays 8.1 Lcr
loan-principal, its ‘Capital Expenditure’]
- Grant-in-Aid (अनुदान) to States & Local Bodies for Disaster Management, 5.5 Lcr
Panchayati Raj Development etc. as per Finance Commission recommendations.
Additionally, Govt also gives grants to poor foreign countries for improving
diplomatic relations. (अंतररा�ी� य �र�ो को के �लए अनुदान)
- Grant = Amt doesn’t have to be returned with Interest. (Whereas If Govt gave
‘loans’ to States/CPSE/Foreign Countries then it’s an income generating financial
asset = counted under Capital Expenditure).
Subsidies: Within them descending order (Approx. Figures for 2021-22) 3.7 Lcr
1. 🌽🌽Food subsidies: ₹ 2.4 lakh cr.
2. 🌽🌽🌽Fertilizer (Urea > Others): ₹ 80,000 cr
3. ⛽Fuel (LPG > Kerosene): ₹ 13,000 cr
4. Interest Subsidies on loans: Farmers (highest), MSME, Affordable Housing, LIC
Vay Vandana Yojana etc.: ₹26,000 cr.
5. Other (Price stabilization fund, Cotton & Jute etc.): 7000 cr.
�Defence revenue expenditure (e.g. soldier salaries, fuel for tanks) 2.2 Lcr
�Pension to retired employees (zigzag in last 3 years) 2.1 Lcr
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 318
➢ Economic services related revenue expenditure (Agriculture, energy, transport, --some
communication, Science technology) figures
Not imp
➢ Social services’ revenue expenditure ( health, education, social security):
➢ Expenditure on Administrative machinery (Police, Jail, External Affairs etc.),
Elections, Parliament, Judiciary:
➢ Revenue expenditures of UT without Legislature:
Total Revenue Expenditure कु ल राज� �य (approx.) 29.##Lcr
Total Revenue Receipts (Tax + Non Tax Receipts) कु ल राज� प्रा��यां (approx.) 17.##Lcr
⚠ Revenue Deficit = Revenue Receipt MINUS Expenditure 11.40Lcr
Estimated nominal GDP for 2021-22 is ₹ 222 lakh crores. So Revenue Deficit as a 5.1%
percentage of GDP = (11.40 divided by 222) x 100=
🔠🔠❓ As per the Budget 2019-20, the maximum subsidy expenditure was likely to be on _ _ _ (UPSC-CDS-2020-ii)
(a) urea subsidy (b) petroleum subsidy (c) food subsidy (d) fertilizer subsidy
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 319
3. Indirect subsidies (परो�): cheap fees in government colleges, cheap kerosene, cheap urea, cheap
crop insurance premium etc. Here govt. is paying some money to an organization so they may
provide goods/services @cheap rate to the beneficiary.
4. Implicit Subsidies (अंत�निहत): Govt supresses the supply so to ⏫ the prices to help a sector. E.g.
Indian govt banned import of American chicken/poultry/eggs. So, shortage of chicken helps
local Indian poultry industry to demand high prices from public. Here Indian poultry receiving
‘implicit subsidy’ (from public), even though Govt is not paying them money. (More in
📑📑Pillar#3B -> WTO)
5. Cross-Subsidization (क्रॉस सहा�यक�करण): To keep rail travel cheap for the poor people, Railways
keeps the passenger tickets lower than its input cost. To compensate this loss, Railways keeps
freight (goods transport) prices higher. This is called “Cross subsidization” (More in 📑📑Pillar#5
Infra → Railways)
6. Regulatory (�नयामक) subsidies: e.g. if State Electricity Regulatory Commission directs companies-
that electricity to farmers must NOT to be beyond ₹ “x” per unit.
7. Procurement (खरीद) subsidies: e.g. FCI purchasing at food grains from farmers at minimum
support price (MSP). (More in 📑📑Pillar#4A -> AGRO)
8. Interest (�ाज) subsidies / subvention: govt pays “x%” interest on agriculture, MSME, affordable
housing loans.
25.1.2 � � Impact of Subsidies (स��डी का प्रभाव: सकारा�क एवं नकारा�क)
� Merit Goods (लाभदायक व�ुऐ)ं : Healthcare, education, scientific research, LPG, solar panels,
wind mills etc. Here subsidies can increase the positive externalities. (Cheap LPG → poors don’t
use firewood → more trees & less indoor pollution.)
� But subsidies on diesel, kerosene =negative externalities (नकारा�क बाह्यता) on environment.
� Urea subsidies to industries → cheap urea to farmers → excessive consumption → soil &
water pollution, algae-blooms. (यू�रया उवर्रक का अ�ा�धक उपयोग जमीन पानी म� प्रदू षण)
� Subsidy leakage: When ghost beneficiaries (non-existent persons propped up by corrupt
officials), and ineligible (rich) people are receiving subsidy. (स��डी �रसाव, धांधली और गबन)
25.1.3 📘📘📘📘 Past Economic Surveys on subsidy delivery (आ�थक सव��णों के उपाय)
📘📘📘📘 Economic survey 2014-15:
✓ We should use Jandhan Aadhar Mobile (JAM) trinity to reduce the subsidy leakage.
📘📘📘📘 Economic survey 2015-16:
✓ Direct benefit transfer (DBT: प्र�� लाभ ह�ांतरण) can’t be a panacea in every case, because
males of the house may waste DBT-money on liquor & tobacco. So, in some cases,
Biometrically Authenticated Physical Uptake (BAPU) mechanism will be better i.e.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 320
beneficiary goes to a grain / fertilizer shop and uses his Aadhaar & fingerprint to purchase
subsidized goods. (बॉयोमीिट�क �प से प्रमा�णत करके लाभाथ� को व�ु देना)
📘📘📘📘 Economic survey 2016-17:
➢ The present subsidy delivery mechanism suffers from two errors:
○ Inclusion Error (समावेश त्रुिट): Non-poor (=affluent) are receiving ~40% of subsidies.
○ Exclusion Error (बिह�रण त्रुिट): real poor are not getting subsidies due to corruption
✓ So better to abolish all type of subsidies and directly deposit a specific sum of money into
beneficiary’s bank account to help him buy goods/services from open market = Universal
Basic Income (सावर्�त्रक बु�नयादी आय) (UBI): 📑📑More in Pillar#6.
25.1.4 📘📘📘📘 ES19: Use ‘Behavioural economics (�वहार अथर्शा�)’ to ↓ subsidy bill
To ⏬Govt’s subsidy burden: Above Poverty Line (APL: गरीबी रेखा से ऊपर) households shd be
encouraged to voluntarily surrender LPG subsidies using following tools of Behavioral economics:
People have a strong tendency to go with the status quo. So, ‘Default ticked option’ in LPG
registration forms should be ‘I wish to give up the subsidy’, so a person will be ‘forced’ to untick
the option to avail the subsidy benefit.
Similarly, income tax forms should contain extra-fields with pre-ticked options like ‘I want to
give up LPG subsidy’.
The online /SMS-based ‘subsidy giving up process’ should be quick and hassle-free. It should
not take more than a few minutes. Because every additional minute required to complete the
formalities= increases the chances that person will drop out in the middle of the process.
People act positively when they see others act positively, and particularly when they can relate to
such individuals. So, online “scroll of honour” should show name/photos/social media-profiles
of others in their area who gave up subsidies.
Advertisements to highlight that “Rich people are helping in poverty removal by giving up
When people are watching a movie with social message (such as Padman, Toilet Ek Premkatha
etc), it should contain ad asking people to give up full / partial subsidy.
Once a person gives up subsidy, he should be shown the photos of poor people benefitting from
his act / or a video with a beneficiary saying ‘thank you’.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 321
Future: NRA will conduct Common Eligibility Test for recruitment to Non-Gazetted personnel
in Government and PSBs. → SSC and IBPS will conduct Mains exams for respective posts →
time and cost saved for both candidate and recruiting agencies.
💼💼Budget-2020: we’ll set up NRA & open a (computerized) test centre in every district.
✋Self-Study-Topics for GSM2/GSM4: 1) Lateral entry in IAS. 2) Three years tour of duty in
Army. Source? Internet / Current Affairs PDF/Lectures.
Setup by Finmin → Dept of Expenditure. 1st: Srinivasa Varadachariar (1946). 7th: (Retd) Justice
AK Mathur (2014). Its recommendations became effective from 1/1/2016. Major highlights were:
✓ New system of “Pay Matrix” instead of previous system of pay band and grade pay.
✓ Regulatory bodies salaries increased: Chairman ₹ 4.50 lakh / month, members ₹ 4l.
✓ Minimum pay in Central service increased to ₹ 18k / per month (Group-D).
✓ Maximum pay: ₹ 2.25 lakh per month for Apex scale (e.g. Secretary of a Dept.), and ₹ 2.50l (for
Cabinet Secretary)
✓ It adopted Dr. Aykroyd formula to computing wages at periodic interval (formula tracks the
changes prices of the commodities used by a common man). So, critiques believe there will not
be an 8th Pay Commission because salaries will be updated automatically at regular interval,
using this formula.
✓ It abolished various type of ‘interest free allowances’ e.g. Purchase of bicycle etc.
✓ It continued ‘interest-bearing advances’ for purchase of computer, house building (upto ₹ 25
lakhs). [= employee can borrow money from dept but he will have to return it with interest.]
✓ Various reforms for defence and CAPF services. (सश� सेना /क� द्रीय पु�लस बल के �लए सुधार)
✓ stronger rules in Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) system so lazy officials don’t
get promoted. (आलसी और �नक�े अफसरों क� पदो��त को रोका जाए)
25.2.1 🥳🥳 Pay Commission: Associated terms
- Dearness Allowance (DA: महंगाई भ�ा): It’s given by an employer to protect the employees against
rise in inflation. In government services, both working employees and retired pensioners are
given dearness allowance.
- House Rent Allowance (HRA: मकान िकराया भ�ा): rent allotted by the employer for employee's
accommodation (house).
- Gratuity (ग्रे�ुटी): It’s a lump sum amount “x” given by an employer to the employee for
rendering services continuously for “y” number of years. Usually given at retirement. Norms
governed under Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2B: Budget → Revenue → 15th FC, Black Money, Subsidies→ Page 322
- One Rank One Pension (OROP): 2015- Modi govt. promised equal pension to military
personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of the date of
retirement. Although, Ex-servicemen unhappy about the base year & calculation formula.
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⇒ Since most of revenue expenditure is ‘committed’ (like Interest repayment on previous loans,
staff-salaries & pensions which Govt can’t ‘avoid’), so difficult to ⬇ the revenue deficit.
⇒ So, when revenue deficit ⬆, govt forced to borrow more money or ⏬ expenditure in the
capital part (= less new schools, bridges and hospitals) → ⏬ human dev, and lower economic
growth (less new bridges → ⬇ demand of steel/cements → ⬇ growth in those sectors).
25.5 (📥📥<📤📤)⏰⚠ EFFECTIVE REVENUE DEFICIT (प्रभावी राज� घाटा: 4.1% OF GDP)
- We’ve counted Grant-in-Aid to States / Local Bodies as ‘Revenue Expenditure’, but some
portion of that ₹₹ may have been spent by the States / Local Bodies for building Panchayat-
Bhavans, Disaster Management Training Institutes, Cranes & Bulldozers for Disaster rescue
operations etc. which are actually “Capital Assets”. (पूंजीगत सं प��यां)
- Therefore, Budget 2011 (Chidambaram) introduced a new concept:
- Effective Revenue Deficit = Revenue Deficit (~₹11 lakh cr) MINUS Grants to various bodies
which were spent for creation of Capital Assets (₹2 lakh cr)
- ERD= ~9 lakh crores (4.1% of GDP) for 2021
- To be continued…. Next Handouts
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(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 326
28.9 💼💼💼💼💼💼Lapsable Funds & March Rush: �पगत �न�ध और माचर् ��ता .................................... 362
28.10 💼💼💼💼💼💼 Non lapsable funds & No Rush: �बन�पगत �नधी ................................................. 363
28.11 📯📯📯📯Types of schemes (योजनाओं के प्रकार) ........................................................................... 363
28.11.1 📯📯📯📯Ministry-wise Highest Allocation in Budget-2021 ........................................ 364
28.12 �Mock Questions for UPSC Mains GSM3 (250 words each) ....................................... 364
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 327
🙂🙂Arguments in favor (समथर्न) 😥😥Against (प्र�ाव के �व�द्ध)
1. In domestic market, the 'crowding 1. Exchange Rate Risk (�व�नमय दर का जो�खम): If rupee
out of private corporate borrowers' weakens against the dollar during the bond’s tenure
will decline. (📑📑more in 2D:Fiscal ($1: ₹ 60 → ₹ 70), the government would have to
Deficit) return more rupees to pay back the same amount of
2. Corporates will be able to mobilize dollars. Then the loan may turn out to be 'more
more funds from local market → expensive' than originally anticipated.
factory expansion, jobs, GDP 2. It's true that presently Indian Govt's external
growth⏫ borrowing is very low, but once this 'door' is opened,
3. In the advanced economies such as subsequent govts may get tempted to borrow more
USA, EU: the loan interest rates and more from the foreign sources to finance their
are very low, so our Indian govt (populist) welfare schemes, ultimately it can result
may be able to get cheaper loans. into crisis when rupee gets weaker. लोकलुभावन योजनाओं
स�े �ाज पर के �लए �वदेशी ऋण लेने क� सरकार को लत लग सकती है
4. If we borrow a little more from 3. Better to ⏫the foreigners' investment limit in G-
external sources it won't harm. थोड़ा Sec (in ₹ currency) and attract them to come to
सा ऋण अगर �वदेशों से �वदेशी मुद्रा म� ले �लया India, rather than we going 'abroad' to get their
तो कु छ जो�खम नहीं money in $ currency.
Conclusion: whether we should borrow in foreign currency or not?
⇒ 👎👎 (Against) From the aforementioned analysis, it's evident that challenges outweigh the
potential benefits. Noted economists such as Dr. Raghuram Rajan are apprehensive about
sovereign borrowing from external markets in foreign currency. Therefore, this idea, though
well-intended, requires more deliberation. (इस प्र�ाव म� फायदे कम नुकसान �ादा िदख रहे ह� इस�लए इरादा नेक
है लेिकन इस पर �ादा �वमशर् क� आव�कता है)
⇒ 💼💼💼💼💼💼=👌👌👌👌 (In favor) Considering above points, sovereign borrowing from external
markets in foreign currency may not be a bad idea, provided that it's done in a judicious and
prudential manner. (यह प्र�ाव बुरा नहीं है, �ववेक पूणर् �प से लागू करना चािहए)
26.1.2 💼💼🤲🤲🤲🤲💼💼Budget-2021: Foreign Borrowing
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 328
⇒ Govt borrowed large amount borrowed (54,522 cr) World Bank, Asian Development Bank etc
from abroad due to Corona. But most of our foreign debt denominated in ₹₹ Currency. So need
not worry much.
There are THREE types of Commercial or industrial undertaking owned by the govt:
🚝🚝 ✉ Departmental 🐯🐯Statutory Corporations ⛽Govt. Companies
Undertakings �वभागीय उपक्रम वैधा�नक �नगम सरकारी कं प�नया
Directly part of a ministry e.g. Created by an act of Parliament Registered under the
Postal, Railways, Ordnance or state legislature. E.g. RBI Act, Companies Act, Govt’s
Factories (ह�थयार गोला बा�द). SBI Act, LIC Act, FCI Act, shareholding is 51% or
They can be created easily EPFO Act. etc, SIDBI, more.Coal India ltd, GAIL,
because, no laws required, no NABARD, NHB, EXIM.. SAIL, NTPC, IOCL, BHEL &
Companies Act registration various Public Sector Banks and
required NBFCs which are not statutory
👺👺 High level of ministerial 🤘🤘 Middle of both sides More operational flexibility, less
interference interference by Ministers
CAG will audit directly Some of these Acts provide for Companies Act requires them
internal audit & exclude CAG to produce audited reports.
from auditing the Corporation. CAG will empanel the (private)
E.g. RBI, LIC. auditors for them.
Their earning will go directly in Their earning → profit → dividend goes to shareholders.
Public Account / CFI
All three types of org are Answerable under the Right to Information Act, 2005
सूचना अ�धकार कानून/ अ�ध�नयम के अंतगर्त इन सभी सं �ानों ने जानकारी देनी पड़ती है
Their employees are considered Not considered govt employees. Their service / discipline
government employee- conditions are governed by the respective organizations’ internal
subjected to service and manuals. सरकारी क�मयों वाले सेवा और �श� के �नयम लागू नहीं होते.
discipline rules framed by the
⇒ Objective: Public interest & welfare through affordable services, Development of infrastructure,
regional balance, prevent concentration of economic power in the hands of Corporates /MNCs.
(उदे�: जन िहत म� स�ी सेवाएं , बु�नयादी ढांचा, �वकास म� �ेत्रीय सं तुलन, ब�रा��ीय कं प�नयों के हाथों म� आ�थक श�� क�
के �ीकरण रोकना)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 329
⇒ 😭😭Challenges? Political interference, lack of innovation & consumer responsiveness, employee
unions, loss making business. (राजनी�तक ह��ेप, नवाचार क� कमी, उपभो�ा के प्र�त जवाबदेही कम, कमर्चारीओ को
काम से �ादा यू�नयनों-बाजी और हड़ताल म� �ल� रहेना, घाटे म� चलना)
⇒ Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs: क� द्रीय सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के उपक्रम): Registered in Companies
act & Union Government has 51%/> shareholding. Commonly known as ‘Govt companies’. The
word CPSE is mainly used to denote “govt companies other than Public Sector Banks, Public
Sector Insurance Companies and Public Sector NBFCs”.
⇒ Public sector Undertaking (PSU: सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के उपक्रम) = collective term for all the govt
companies owned by Union/State/Local Bodies.
✋ Note: Some book/internet may differ in this definition. But we need not loose sleep over pedantry.
श�भेद म� पांिड� वाली बाल क� खाल �नकालने क� कोई ज�रत नहीं है।
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 330
Category Condition and examples
✓ Very few here: 1)Bharat Heavy Electricals, 2)Bharat Petroleum Corporation,
3)Coal India , 4)GAIL (India) , 5)Hindustan Petroleum , 6)Indian Oil
Corporation, 7)NTPC , 8)Oil & Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), 9)Power Grid
Corporation, 10) Steel Authority of India (SAIL)
✋ Above Ratna examples are taken on 1/1/2020. List may change afterwards. We need not lose sleep over
it unless preparing for their specific recruitment exam.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which among the following is designated with ‘Navratna’ status? (CDS-2021-i)
(a) Indian Oil Corporation Limited (b) Gas Authority of India Limited
(c) Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (d) Bharat Electronics Limited
26.2.2 📞📞 ☎: BSNL MTNL Merger (�वलीनीकरण)
⇒ Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL, 2000, HQ Delhi)
⇒ Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd (MTNL, 1986, HQ Delhi) to provide services in Delhi,
Mumbai; later also providing services in Mauritius.
⇒ But both of them suffering from heavy losses, unable to compete against the private telecom
sector. (�नजी �ेत्र क� टेलीफोन कं प�नयों के साथ भारी �धार् के चलते घाटे म�)
⇒ 2019: Telecom Ministry decided to merge MTNL with BSNL. Existing employees are offered
voluntary retirement scheme (VRS: �ै��क सेवा�नवृ�� योजना) to reduce the staff cost.
⇒ VRS package= basically employee allowed to retired early, yet he’ll be given large ₹₹ package +
pension when he crosses retirement age + training to start his own business/private sector job.
26.2.3 🧔🧔🗃🗃 ♐ 🤵🤵 Government policy towards disinvestment before 2021
⇒ Disinvestment: ⏬ govt shareholding in a Government company but govt keeps atleast 51%
shareholding with itself.
⇒ Privatization / Divestment / Strategic Disinvestment (�नजीकरण/रणनी�तक �व�नवेश): Reducing the
government shareholding below 50%
⇒ ✅Arguments in favour: ⏬govt shareholding → Private investors will enter in the board of
directors → ⏫ efficiency, innovation and autonomy. द�ता, नवाचार �ाय�ता
⇒ Disinvestment proceeds can be used for welfare schemes, and ⏬ fiscal deficit.
⇒ ✋ Argument Against: MNC monopolies, exploitation of worker, job loss.
Year Disinvestment Policy
1991’s Industrial Reduce shareholding in all Govt Companies
1998’s Vajpayee - In strategic sector (Railways, Defense, Atomic Energy)- we’ll not do
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 331
Year Disinvestment Policy
- In Non-strategic sector = we’ll do disinvestment in a phased manner (गैर-
रणनी�तक �ेत्र म� चरणबद्ध तरीके से �व�नवेश कर�गे ).
UPA-1 (2004-09) Due to pressure from Leftist/Marxist coalition parties = No Disinvestment
from any government companies. If a government company is sick, we will
try to revive it. वामपं थी / मा�र्वादी गठबं धन दल के चलते �व�नवेश नहीं
UPA-2 (2009-14) All Govt Companies can be disinvested upto 49% = Govt will keep 51%
minimum and sell remaining shares.
₹₹ will goto National Investment Fund (NIF, in Public Account) → used
for Bank recapitalization, metro rail, nuke energy, EXIM-NABARD-RRB
etc. रा��ीय �नवेश कोष
Also launched CPSE-Exchange Traded funds (ETF): 📑📑Ref Pill#1C:SEBI
26.2.4 🧔🧔🧔🧔 ♐ 🤵🤵 Disinvestment & Privatization in the Modi Raj (2014-19)
✓ Various methods of Disinvestment, depending on the Company
1. Converting Private Limited Company to public limited company and issuing Initial
Public Offers (IPOs) e.g. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC)
and Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL)
2. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): CPSE-ETF, Bharat-22-ETF (Ref: Pillar#1C)
3. Institutional placement Programme (IPP): offer shares only to non-retail investors.
4. Offer for sale (OFS): offer shares to both retail and non-retail investors
5. Share Buyback i.e. Government company itself buys the shares owned by Government,
thereby decreasing Government's shareholding portion viz a viz private sector's
✓ Modi govt shut down many sick Govt companies such as HMT watches, Hindustan Photo Film
etc. (�जसे कोई �नजी �ेत्र का उद्योगप�त खरीद कर चलाना नहीं चाहता था उन बीमार सरकारी कं प�नयों को बं द कर िदया.)
✓ Budget-2016 renamed FinMin’s Dept of Disinvestment into Dept. of Investment & Public Asset
Management (DIPAM: �नवेश और सावर्ज�नक सं प�� प्रबं धन �वभाग).
✓ Disinvestment targets previous budgets:
Budget 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Target (Lakh cr) 1 0.80 1.05 lakh crore 2.10 lcr 1.75 lcr
Target Achieved? ✅ ✅ 😰😰65,000 cr* 😷😷32000 Cr ?? wait & Watch
*💼💼Budget-2019: Govt planned to earn ₹1.05 lakh cr from disinvestment but hardy 65,000 cr
earned, because investors’ response lukewarm, due to slowdown in economy. (�नवेशको ने सरकारी कं प�नयों
के शेयर ऊंची दामों पर खरीदने म� उदासीनता िदखाई)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 332
26.2.5 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔 ♐ 🤵🤵 Strategic Disinvestment in Modi Raj
⇒ Strategic Disinvestment (रणनी�तक �व�नवेश): it means selling a substantial portion of Government
shareholding in a CPSEs along with transfer of management control to a private party.
⇒ Practically, it means 51% or higher shareholding with private players and 49% or lower with
Govt. For this action, NITI Aayog prefers to use the term ‘strategic disinvestment’, ‘strategic
sale’ instead of ‘privatization’, lest the opposition parties create uproar about it.
⇒ Sometimes, press statement also uses the word “Divestment” for it.
⇒ NITI Aayog has identified Air India, Pawan Hans, Dredging Corporation, Scooters India, Bharat
Pumps Compressors, Hindustan Fluorocarbon, Hindustan Newsprint, Cement Corporation of
India etc. for strategic disinvestment →
✓ NITI Aayog makes the list → approval by cabinet committee on economic affairs headed by PM
(CCEA: आ�थक मामलों क� कै �बनेट स�म�त).
2019: PM Modi setup a Ministerial panel called Alternative Mechanism (AM: वैक��क �व�ा)
headed by Finance Minister – to clear the NITI list in a faster manner. So, only very important
cases/files will be referred to CCEA.
⇒ 2018: (1) Tried to sell-off 74% shareholding from Air India but no investors found. (2) IDBI sold
to LIC.
⇒ 💼💼2019-July: (Full) Budget-2019, Nirmala S. announced:
⇒ We will again try for strategic disinvestment of Air India & other selected CPSEs.
⇒ We’ll relax foreign investment limits in the CPSEs. → 2020-July: even simplified FDI rules to
encourage NRIs to buy Air India (more in Pillar#3: FDI)
⇒ We’ll monetize the unused land assets of CPSEs (e.g. selling / renting). → Government Land
Information System (GLIS) portal launched to keep track of all such land assets. (अप्रयु� भू�म सं प��
को बेच/िकराये पे देकर धन कमाएं ग)े
⇒ 2019-Nov: Govt announced strategic disinvestment of some more companies such as ,
⇒ 1) Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd (BPCL). Big international oil companies including Saudi Aramco
are keen to buy BPCL, given its strong presence in fuel retail outlets.
⇒ 2) Shipping Corporation of India.
⇒ 3) Container Corporation of India (Concor)
⇒ 2020-Jul: NITI Aayog recommended govt privatize 3 public sector banks – 1) Punjab & Sind
Bank, 2) UCO Bank and 3) Bank of Maharashtra.
26.3 👻👻🧔🧔🧔🧔 → � DISINVESTMENT IN BUDGET 2021
⇒ We will privatise 2 Public Sector Banks and 1 Public Sector General Insurance company in 2021-
22 (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के दो ब�क और एक सामा� बीमा कं पनी)
⇒ We will launch the initial public offer (IPO) of LIC. (जीवन बीमा �नगम म� �व�नवेश)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 333
Strategic sectors (मह�पूणर् �ेत्रो) Non strategic sectors
Example 1) Atomic energy, Space, Defence (परमाणु ऊजार्, All the other sectors. (बाक�
अवकाश,र�ा,) तमाम �ेत्रों= गैर-मह�पूणर् �ेत्रो= म�
2) Transport, Telecommunications (प�रवहन, �जतने भी सरकारी कं प�नयां है उन सब
दू रसं चार) को या तो �नजीकरण कर द�गे या बं द कर
3) Power, Petroleum, Coal, other minerals द�गे)
(ऊजार्, पेट�ो�लयम, कोयला, ख�नज,)
4) iv) Banking, Insurance and financial
services ( ब�िकंग बीमा �व�ीय सेवाएं )
Will there be a Minimum one government company will be No government company will
government kept. Remaining will be merged/ be kept. All the Existing
company privatized/shutdown (मह�पूणर् �ेत्रो म� �सफर् एक government companies will
here? सरकारी कं पनी को रखा जाएगा, बाक� सभी अ� सरकारी कं प�नयों be privatized/shutdown.
को उस म� �वलीन/�नजीकरण/बं द कर िदया जाए)
Note: above (strategic vs non-strategic) principal was also announced in Atma-Nirbhar Bharat
announcement (2020-May)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Why is Govt disinvesting its equity in the Central Public Sector Enterprises (Pre’11)
1. The Government intends to use the revenue earned from the disinvestment mainly to pay
back the external debt.
2. The Government no longer intends to retain the management control of the CPSEs.
Ans Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
26.4.1 📔📔📔📔 Strategic Disinvestment (=privatisation) → ⏫profitability
⇒ In 1980s, UK PM Mrs. Margaret Thatcher started privatization of the Govt companies such as
British Telecom, British Airways, water and electricity companies etc. → ⏫ profitability &
wealth creation for those companies. (�नजी करण द्वारा धन सृजन)
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES20 analysed 11 Indian Govt companies that were privatized during BJP/NDA PM Atal
Bihari Vajpayee tenure (1998-2004) such as Hindustan Zinc, Bharat Aluminum Company Ltd.
(BALCO), Maruti Suzuki, Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. (IPCL), Modern Food India
Ltd. (MFIL) etc.
⇒ After strategic disinvestment (=privatization) these Indian companies’ sales, profitability etc.
greatly ⏫ because of: (�ब्रक� व मुनाफे मे अप्र�तम बढ़ोतरी)
o Technology Up-gradation (प्रौद्यो�गक� उ�यन)
o Efficient management practices by Private professionals. (कु शल प्रबं धन)
✅Thus, privatized PSUs help in economic growth & employment generation. (सरकारी कं प�नयों का
�नजीकरण करने से आ�थक वृ�द्ध और रोजगार �नमार्ण)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 334
26.4.2 📔📔📔📔Strategic Disinvestment (=Privatisation) → Adopt Singapore Model
1974: Singapore Govt set up a holding company “Temasek Holdings Company” (THC). Then the
Govt transferred its shares of PSUs to THC → THC sold them in market → privatization complete.
⇒ Government of India has 264 CPSEs under 38 different Ministries/Departments.
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES20 suggested, we should also create a Holding Company (�नयं त्रक कं पनी) just like
Singapore, for our / strategic disinvestment (=privatization) drive.
⇒ Benefits of Singapore Model? Professionalism and autonomy (पेशेवर कु शलता और �ाय�ा) to the
disinvestment programme. Because If an individual ministry tried individual company’s
privatization then
o Ministry's (IAS) officers may not have network/experience for selling the shares
@highest price. (सरकारी कं पनी के शेयसर् को सरकारी अफसर ऊँ चे दाम पर को बेचने के �लए �नवेशकों के पास गए
तो असफल हो सकते ह� �ोंिक नेटवकर् और अनुभव क� कमी)
o Internal resistance by employee unions. (कमर्चारी यू�नयन का आंत�रक प्र�तरोध)
⇒ So, better let a separate holding company look after this process.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 335
27 💼💼�TYPES OF DEFICITS: घाटे के प्रकार
- If government’s income >> its expenditure it will have a surplus budget/ अ�धशेष बजट
- If government’s expenditure == its income, it will be a balanced budget/ सं तु�लत बजट
- If government’s expenditure >> its income, it’ll be a deficit budget/ घाटे का बजट
Deficit Formula (amt in approx. ₹ lakh cr)
Revenue Deficit राज� घाटा Revenue expenditure – Revenue receipts जब राज� खचर् राज� आय से �ादा
Effective Revenue Deficit Revenue Deficit minus Grants for creation of capital assets
प्रभावी राज� घाटा
Budget Deficit बजट घाटा Budget expenditure minus Budget receipt
Fiscal Deficit Budget Deficit plus Borrowing बजट घाटे क� भरपाई के �लए �लया गया ऋण
राजकोषीय घाटा
Primary Deficit Fiscal Deficit minus interest to be paid on previous loans राजकोषीय
प्राथ�मक घाटा घाटे म� से पुराने ऋण/कजर् पर जो �ाज चुकाना है उसे हटा दी�जए
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 336
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find Correct Statement(s) (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. Tax revenue as a percent of GDP of India has steadily increased in the last decade.
2. Fiscal deficit as a percent of GDP of India has steadily increased in the last decade.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The excess of total expenditure of Government over its total receipts, excluding borrowings, is known as _ _
_ (CDS-2021-i) (a) Primary deficit (b) Fiscal deficit (c) Current deficit (d) Capital deficit
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 337
Table 2: Definition & DATA as per 📔📔📔📔ES21 Vol2Ch2. And 2019-20’s Data is Provisional (not final)
Amt in lakh Crore 2018-19 2019-20(P)
i) Internal Debt (आंत�रक ऋण)- all the pending loans total 71 Lcr 80.20 Lcr
ii) External Debt (बाह्य ऋण) 5 Lcr 5.85 Lcr
Borrowed from other nations and multilateral institutions
such as IMF, World Bank, ADB etc.
At present Govt of India doesn’t borrow directly from the
International Capital Market.
A) Public Debt (सावर्ज�नक ऋण)= (i) + (ii) 76 Lcr 86.## Lcr
B) (Public Accounts): Other Liabilities such as Post Office Savings, 9 Lcr 9.89 Lcr
Postal Insurance, Provident Fund etc. small savings schemes (लघु बचत
योजना) (More in 📑📑Pillar#1D3)
C) Extra Budgetary Resources (बजेटेतर सं साधन) 88,000 cr Over1Lcr
Total Liability (कु ल देयता) = A+B+C 86.## Lcr 97.## Lcr
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 338
27.4 💼💼💼👜👜👜 EXTRA-BUDGETARY RESOURCES (बजटेतर सं साधन)
‘Extra Budgetary Resources’ (EBR) or ‘Off-budget resources’ are loans taken by public sector
undertakings and Government organizations. (सरकारी �नगम सं �ानों द्वारा कजर् �लया जाना)For example,
Govt not releasing food subsidy to Food Corporation of India (FCI) & (thereby forcing) FCI to
borrow money from National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) for its food schemes. [Although
💼💼Budget-2021 announced to stop this practice].
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs → (Autonomous body) Building Materials and
Technology Promotion Council → they borrowed ₹ 60,000 crores in next 4 years to finance the
PM Awas Yojana (Urban, more in Pill#5 Infra).
⇒ Here repayment of the entire principal and interest is done from the Central Government Budget
eventually, behind the curtains. (पद� के पीछे सरकार देरी से पैसा देगी)
EBR measures are announced after passing of budget so, they may escape the same general level
of media-reporting, parliament debate or audit = bad for financial transparency &
accountability. मीिडया-�रपो�टग, सं सद बहस या ऑिडट से �छपना = �व�ीय पारद�शता और जवाबदेही के �लए बुरा।
15th FC has termed “EBR” as ‘off-budget borrowings through para-statal entities’ and asked
Government to avoid it. (15व� �व� आयोग ने भी इन हरकतों को बं द करने क� सलाह दी है)
📔📔📔📔ES20 also criticised this practice
⇒ These EBRs are not taken into account while calculating the Fiscal Deficit but they’re counted
while calculating Government debt or public debt.
Year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
EBR Amount 1.48 Lcr 1.86 Lcr 30,000 Cr
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 339
⇒ Crowding out of the private borrowers Although 📔📔📔📔ES21 says
this will not happen in India.
⇒ Fall in the sovereign credit rating. Although 📔📔📔📔ES21 says this will
not happen in India.
🖨🖨 🖨🖨3) Printing ⇒ Although known as Monetising the deficit- it results in
More money hyperinflation (दे दना दन नोट छाप िदया जाए तो महंगाई ब�त बढ़ जाएगी)
Ricardian Equivalence Proposition (REP) Assumes Why invalid for India? भारत म� यह �सद्धांत गलत
that (�न� धारणाएं आव�क है) �ों सा�बत �आ?
Citizens are perfectly rational and perfectly capable Shopping decisions also depend on
to think about Future income, future tax liability, emotional urges and psychological whims
fiscal deficit when making their consumption e.g. Marriage-DJ/iPhone/Foreign vacation.
decisions.डे�वड �रकाड� क� तु�ता �सद्धांत सही सा�बत होने के �लए ग्राहक सभी �नणर्य तकर् सं गत बनकर नहीं लेते. भावना�क
सभी नाग�रकों का तकर् सं गत और बु�द्धम�ा से सोच �वचार के �लए स�म आग्रह और मनोवै�ा�नक सनक भी आप को खरीदारी के
होना ज�री- िक भ�व� म� उनक� आमदनी, कर-दा�य�, राजकोषीय �लए उ�े�जत करती है
खाध, उपभो�ा मांग िकतनी होगी.
All citizens are paying taxes. डे�वड �रकाड� क� तु�ता �सद्धांत Tax Evasion, Black money, parallel
सही सा�बत होने के �लए सभी नाग�रकों का करदाता होना ज�री economy. भरपूर मात्रा म� कर चोरी, काला धन
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 340
Crowding Out Effect” on the private borrowers= harms factory expansion and job creation.
(कॉरपोरेट उधारकतार्ओ को ऋण बाजार से बाहर धके ल देना)
If Govt forces SBI, LIC, EPFO to buy its G-sec using public deposits → depriving households of
the optimal return (Had the same money been invested in the corporate sector) = “ Financial
Repression of the households.” (घरों/ कु टु�ों का �व�ीय दमन”.)
Govt (forced) NABARD to buy its ₹ 15,000 crore Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Bonds with
maturity period of 10 years. Govt (forcing) RBI and others to pay higher dividend. →
operational freedom of those organization is affected.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 341
27.5.5 💼💼💼 Financing the deficit: Printing More Money
High level of fiscal deficit → International Credit Rating Agencies will ⏬ the sovereign rating
for India → investors will demand ⏫ interest from government for buying new G-Sec→ G-sec
remains unsold → RBI forced to buy it (and print more money to give to Govt)
it’s called “Monetizing the Deficit”. It can result in hyperinflation and ⏬ the purchasing power
of currency (if there is not sufficient increase in the supply of onion, tomatoes & goods in the
market. e.g. Germany, after Treaty of Versailles in 1919. (मुद्रीकृ त घाटा: सरकारी कजर् के �लए �रजवर् ब�क द्वारा
दे दना दन नोट छापे जाने पर महंगाई दर/मुद्रा���त को अप्र�ा�शत �प से बढ़ जाएगी)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 342
से अनुपात, चालू खाता घाटा, �वदेशी मुद्रा क� आर��त �न�ध, राजनी�तक ��रता, कानून का शासन, भ्र�ाचार �नयम, �नवेशक क�
सुर�ा, �ापार म� सुगमता)
⇒ Indian Govt's external debt is also very low. Zero history of sovereign default. (भारत सरकार का �वदेशी
�ण ब�त ही कम है, इ�तहास म� कभी िदवा�लयापन नहीं िदखाया है.)
⇒ Yet, Poor ratings given by Credit rating agencies Standard and Poor's, Fitch Moody. They are
biased against India (& China) -says 📔📔📔📔ES21 (हालांिक इन सब के बावजूद भी प��मी देशों क� क्रेिडट रेिटगं
एज�सी भारत चीन के प्र�त भेदभाव करती है)
⇒ 1998: after Pokhran nuclear test → India faced international sanctions → Credit rating was
downgraded. But at a later stage it was upgraded again. (पोखरण परमाणु परी�ण के बाद भारत पर अंतररा�ी� य
प्र�तबं ध, �जसके चलते रेिटगं म� �गरावट)
⇒ Economic survey has observed following impact of the rating downgrade
Whenever India's rating ⏳Short Term (रे�टंग म� 📆📆Long Term from
degraded (1998) �गरावट का अ�का�लक असर) 1998-2018 (दीघर्का�लक)
No strong relation (कोई
Sensex (शेयर बाजार सूचकांक) No strong relation
मजबूत �र�ा नहीं िदखा)
Rupee dollar currency exchange
No strong relation No strong relation
rate (मुद्रा �व�नमय दर)
G-Sec Yield No strong relation No strong relation
GDP growth rate No strong relation No strong relation
Foreign Portfolio Investors in (Shares
⏬fallen😰😰 (�गरावट देखी गई) ⏬fallen 😰😰
and Bonds)�वदेशी पोटर्फो�लयो �नवेशक
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 343
27.6 💼💼💼💼💼💼💼💼COUNTERCYCLICAL POLICY (प्र�तचक्र�य राजकोषीय नी�त)
Indian Kings used to build palaces, temples, mosques etc during famines to provide employment.
Thus, during an economic slowdown, the Govt must spend more ₹₹ to achieve a similar
objective. (अकाल के िदनों म� राजा महाराजा महल मं िदर और म��द बनवाते, तािक लोगों को रोजगार �मले. आ�थक मं दी के समय म�
सरकार ने भी कु छ ऐसा ही करना चािहए)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 344
More on IRGD = 📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#4C: GDP
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In India, the price of petroleum products has been deregulated mainly to (UPSC-CDS-2013-II)
(a) reduce the burden of subsidies given to the oil companies
(b) discourage the exploration of oil reserves in the country
(c) discourage the demand for private vehicles
(d) curb the use of black money in the economy
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 346
27.8 💼💼💼💼 FISCAL STIMULUS (राज� प्रो�ाहन पेकेज)
When govt ⏬taxes and/or ⏫ public procurement (सरकारी खरीद) to ⏫ demand & growth in
economy, it’s called “Fiscal Stimulus” (राज� प्रो�ाहन पेकेज).
27.8.1 💼💼💼💼 👳👳👳Manmohan’s Fiscal Stimulus (2008-)
⇒ Post-subprime crisis in USA, PM Manmohan announced Fiscal Stimulus (2008) such as
- (1) ⏬ in the Excise duty & Custom Duty on exports
- (2) Businessman were given additional benefits in Income Tax & Corporation Tax, if
they purchased new commercial vehicles.
- (3) Hiked the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for farmers. 📑📑More in Pillar#4A
⇒ However, the economic surveys observed that such Fiscal Stimulus create new set of problems by
⏫ fiscal deficit in the subsequent years.
27.8.2 💼💼💉💉 🧔🧔 Modi’s Fiscal Stimulus (2019)
2019-Aug: Car sales and GDP growth sharply ⏬, Foreign investors exiting on large scale from
India. So, Finance Minister Nirmala.S announced in 2019-September:
1) 🌞🌞Reduced tax burden on companies. (कं प�नयों के मुनाफ़े पर लगने वाले �नगम करों म� कटौती )
⇒ Indian companies corporation tax slabs ⏬ from 25-30% to 15-22%. 📑📑Ref:
Corporation Tax section of Handout for more details.
2) 🌞🌞Reduced tax harassment (कर उ�ीड़न /कर आतं कवाद को कम कर�गे )
⇒ No startups will be subjected to 'angel tax'.
⇒ All tax notices to be issued from centralised system to 'end harassment of taxpayers' by
individual officials.
⇒ GST refunds would be given to entrepreneurs within 30 days.
⇒ Violation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) will be treated as a civil offense and
not a criminal offense.
⇒ (Full) Budget-2019 had hiked surcharge on the income tax paid by Super-rich. As a
result, Foreign investors were exiting from India, fearing extra tax burden. So, we’ll
‘undo’ that budget announcement.
3) 🌞🌞We’ll fix the PSBs (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के ब�क को द�ु � कर�गे/ पुनपू�जीकरण कर�गे )
⇒ Government will infuse more capital in public sector banks, order them to link loan
interest rates with repo rate or other external benchmarks so, loans may become cheaper
especially for home, auto sector. This will boost sales, revive economy
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 347
4) 🌞🌞We’ll encourage car sales & other consumption
⇒ Vehicle Depreciation ⏫ from 15% to 30% (meaning Bizman will get more tax benefits
in Income Tax and Corporation Tax). → businessman encouraged to buy new vehicles.
⇒ Govt departments will buy new petrol/ diesel vehicles.
⇒ GST council ⏬ GST rates on 5 star hotels, outdoor catering, GST compensation cess on
passenger vehicles etc.
Plus many other fragmented reforms to ⏬ taxes, or to ⏫ Government spending on highway
projects etc. are done every now and then. BallbyballNOTIMP.
27.8.3 👻👻💼💼💼💼 🧔🧔 Modi’s Atma-Nirbhar Bharat Economic Stimulus Package (2020)
⇒ (Origin) 2020-March: Government of India initiated nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread
of Corona/COVID-19 pandemic. (कोरोना महामारी के चलते देश�ापी तालाबं दी)
⇒ This lockdown affected the income and livelihood of everyone from corporate companies to
common citizens of India. (सबक� आजी�वका को हानी �ई)
⇒ Therefore, to revive the economy, Prime Minister of India launched Atma Nirbhar Bharat
stimulus package in 2020-May to revive the Indian economy. (अथर्�व�ा को पुनजीवन / प्रो�ाहन का
आ�थक पेकेज)
⇒ It’s centred on five pillars of – Economy, Infrastructure, System, Demand and Vibrant
Demography (�ू �तली जनसां��क�).
Table 5: (DATA) 👻👻Atma Nirbhar Bharat consists of
Amt in lakh cr As per
DATE 👻👻 Components of Atma Nirbhar Bharat
(Originally) 📔📔📔📔ES21
2020-Mar to May 1) RBI’s monetary policies → (Ref#1A2) ₹8 lakh cr ₹13 Lcr
2) PM GARIB KALYAN (PMGKY): Covid Relief ₹17 Lcr
2020-Mar ₹1.70-1.90 lcr
Package →
3) FM Nirmala.S made new announcements made like
2020-May Credit guarantee for MSME, ⏬TDS rates, PM Matsya ₹11 lakh cr
Samda Yojana, Agri infra fund etc.
= ₹20 lcr approx. ₹30 Lcr = 15%
ATMANI = 1+2+3=Total मार पीट के जोड़ी गयी रकम
(10% of GDP) of GDP
Note: Salient features of Atma-Nirbhar is spread across 6 pillars of Handout. Its criticism, how useful
in reviving economy & GDP growth, Nehru vs Modi’s ideas of self-reliance etc. = Ref: 📑📑Pillar#4C
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following describes the “fiscal stimulus”? (UPSC-Pre-2011)
1) It is a massive investment by the Government in manufacturing sector to ensure the supply of
goods to meet the demand surge caused by rapid economic growth
2) It is an intense affirmative action of the Government to boost economic activity in the country
3) It is Government’s intensive action on financial institutions to ensure disbursement of loans to
agriculture and allied sectors to promote greater food production and contain food inflation
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 348
4) It is an extreme affirmative action by the Government to pursue its policy of financial inclusion
FRBM Act: राजकोषीय उ�रदा�य� और बजट प्रबं धन अ�ध�नयम, 2003
Originally it required Union and States to control their deficits with following targets:
- By 2008: ⏬ Fiscal Deficit
- 🧔🧔 For Union: 3% of GDP (GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT: सकल घरेलू उ�ाद)
- By 2008: Eliminate Revenue deficit (=make it 0%) of their respective GDP or GSDP.
While some of the state govts achieved them, but successive union govts struggled to meet these
targets so they kept amending the act to extend the deadlines and targets. (ल�ों क� समयसीमा को पीछे
धके लते रहे). E.g. Amendment 2012: No need to have 0% Revenue deficit. Instead it required 0%
Effective Revenue Deficit by 2015. These deadlines were extended even further in subsequent
Finance Bills.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 349
- Revenue Deficit and ERD also over crossed but anyways FRBM Act has abandoned targeting
them since 2018’s amendment.
- 📔📔📔📔ES19 had suggested Government to reduce deficit through fiscal prudence. BUT
- 📔📔📔📔ES20 (Vol2Ch2) identified following challenges in 2020-21 in reducing deficit:
- Slowdown in economic growth⏬, trade protectionism⏫, geopolitical situations in
West Asia, Oil price = tax collection will be affected. (मं दी, �ापा�रक सं र�णवाद और भू राजनी�तक
तनावों के चलते करो म� अ�� आमदनी के आसार नहीं िदख रहे थे )
- To revive growth in the Indian economy, the Government should relax fiscal deficit
targets → in other words, give fiscal stimulus → economic growth. (घाटा �नयं त्रण ल�यांक मे
ढील देदो, राज� प्रो�ाहन पेकेज दे दो)
- 2020-Corona crisis: Govt’s income ⏬ and expenses ⏫ so deficit rose to unprecedented level.
💼💼Budget-2021: FRBM amended to provide fiscal deficit 6.8% (2021-22) and 4.5% (2025-26)-
because 4.5% target is recommended by 15th FC.
27.10.1 💼💼�🔨🔨 FRBM: Misc. Concepts
1) 🛬🛬 in 2018, instead of immediately reducing the Fiscal deficit to 3.0% FM Jaitley promised to
reduce it to 3% in 2020-21 like a glider gradually descending on its landing target. Hence
subsequent Finance Ministers keep reiterating that we’ll continue on that ‘Fiscal Glide’ (राजकोषीय
सरकाव) path. Although 💼💼Budget-2020 FM Nirmala.S used FRBM-trigger to escape it,
2) Fiscal Profligacy (अंधाधुंध राजकोषीय खचर्/आवारगी/ऐयाशी): This phrase is used to denote reckless
extravagance/wasteful expenditure of public money.
3) 🛵🛵 If government has targeted to keep the fiscal deficit within 3.3% percent of GDP, but if it
crosses that limit, it’s called ‘Fiscal Slippage’ (राजकोषीय िफसलन).
27.10.2 💼💼�🔨🔨 🗂🗂 FRBM Act: Documents (द�ावेज़)
FRBM Act requires the Union Govt to present following documents along with the budget:
1) Macroeconomic Framework Statement (�ापक आ�थक ढाँचा �ववरण): to show economic data - GDP,
growth rate, import-exports, and government’s receipts,expenditure etc.
2) Medium Term Fiscal Policy Statement (म�म अव�ध क� राजकोषीय नी�त �ववरण)
3) Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement (राजकोषीय नी�त कायर्नी�त �ववरण): To explain how Govt. is controlling
the deficits, and whether there is going to be any deviation from the target. Note: In real life,
Doc#2 and Doc#3 are published together as "Medium Term Fiscal Policy cum Fiscal Policy
Strategy Statement." (दू सरा और तीसरा द�ावेज वा�व म� एक साथ, एक ही फाइल म� दे देते ह�)
4) Medium-term Expenditure Framework (म�म अव�ध �य ढाँचा �ववरण) → 💼💼Budget-2021
Government not presented this document in Parliament, due to Corona.😰😰
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 350
Note: above DATA Table from 💼💼Budget-2020. Later in 💼💼Budget-2021, govt not given such table
because Nirmala.S said “we will amend the FRBM Act. Hence, no fiscal projections for the
years 2022-23 and 2023-24 have been presented along with this Statement.”
🔠🔠❓MCQ. According FRBM Act, the Government is under obligation to present three statements before the
parliament along with the Annual Budget. Which one of the following is not one of them? [UPSC-CDS-2008-I]
(a) Macroeconomic Framework Statement (b) Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement
(c) Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement (d) Statement showing Short term Fiscal Policy
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Along with the Budget, the Finance Minister also places ‘The Macro Economic Framework Statement’.
The aforesaid document is presented because this is mandated by (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
[a) Long standing parliamentary convention
[b) Article 112 and Article 110(1) of the Constitution of India
[c) Article 113 of the Constitution of India
[d) Provisions of the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 352
⇒ Budget-2016: Finance Minister Jaitley felt FRBM Act targets were too rigid and did not allow any
room for the government to address any crisis. (ल� ब�त ही स� थे, उ�� लचीला बनाने क� ज�रत)
⇒ e.g. farm loan waivers during drought period or unemployment allowance during global
financial crisis are not possible if government strictly wants to control fiscal deficit at 3% of GDP.
(अकाल म� िकसानों को ऋण-माफ�, या नौजवानों को बेरोजगारी भ�ा देना असं भव)
⇒ So, FM constituted a panel under NK Singh (ex-IAS, 15th FC chairman) to review the FRBM act.
27.13.1 💼💼💼🔨🔨 FRBM Panel’s Notable recommendations: उ�ेखनीय �सफा�रश�?
- Replace the existing FRBM act with a new act, with an Escape clause i.e. During a war, drought
or economic crisis, the government should be temporarily allowed to cross breach targets. →
Government amended FRBM act for this.
- Set up an independent Fiscal Council for monitoring. → NOT YET Done.
- Adopt a fiscal road map for the union from 2017 to 2023 gradually reduce Union Debt to GDP,
Fiscal Deficit and Revenue Deficit
So, citing NK Singh report (as an excuse), Budget 2018 amended the FRBM targets →
Indicator (Actual) (TARGET) (TARGET) (TARGET)
as % of GDP 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2024-25
Fiscal Deficit 3.4% 3.3% 3.0% 3.0%
(reality 3.8%) (reality 3.5%)
Primary Deficit 0.2% 0.2% 0.0 % 0.0%
(reality 0.7%) (reality 0.4%)
Revenue Deficit & ERD These targets are abandoned in FRBM
Union Debt: GDP reduce it 2017: ~46.5%, 2018: 48.4%; 40%
gradually 2019: 48.0%..(reality: 2019 >50%)
General (=Union+State) Debt Gradually reduce to → 60%
to GDP:
✋Note: most of the above targets not going to be accomplished by Corona.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 353
**💼💼Budget-2021 has accepted this path (⏬Fiscal Deficit to 4.5% by 2025-26).
⇒ If the state government is undertaking reforms in the power sector (e.g. stopping power theft)
→ Union should allow it to borrow extra money. (�बज�लया/ऊजार् �ेत्र म� सुधार करने वाली रा� सरकारों को क� द्र
सरकार अ�त�र� पैसा कजर् लेने क� अनुम�त द�)
⇒ Evaluation of government schemes → Focus on outcome of the scheme → Department should
be asked to justify why the scheme should be continued if annually it is unable to deliver "X"
outcomes. (सरकारी योजनाओं क� समी�ा करवाई जाए, यिद �नधार्�रत ल� हा�सल नहीं हो रहे तो �वभागों से जवाब तलब िकया
जाए िक �ों इस योजना को रद्द ना िकया जाए?)
⇒ Union Government should set up a High-powered Inter-governmental Group/committee
(उ��रीय अंतर-सरकारी समूह / स�म�त को बनाया जाए)
⇒ to recommend reforms in FRBM Acts of Union and State governments.कानून म� सुधार के �लए
⇒ Monitor the implementation of Reform the FRBM Act. कानून के अनुपालन क� �नगरानी के �लए
⇒ to Monitor the implementation of 15 finance commission recommendations. 15 वे �व� आयोग क�
�सफा�रशों के अमल क� �नगरानी के �लए
⇒ State Govts should form public debt management cells to plan their borrowing programme
efficiently. (रा� सरकार अपने कज़� का प्रभावी �प से आयोजन करने के �लए एक सावर्ज�नक ऋण प्रबं धन सेल नामक इकाइयों
को �ा�पत कर�)
⇒ If a state govt does not set up a state finance commission by March 2024 then the union
government should stop giving it grants afterwards. (रा� �व� आयोग क� �ापना न करने वाले रा� सरकारों
का अनुदान बं द िकया जाए)
⇒ Union and State governments should avoid any extra budgetary resources/off-budget borrowing.
(क� द्र और रा� सरकार बजेतेटर सं साधनों के उपयोग से बच�)
⇒ Cess and surcharge amount to nearly 18% of the gross tax revenue of the union government. FC
can't allot cess-surcharge amount to State governments. Need to rationalize this. (क� द्र सरकार को
�व�भ� करो से जो कु ल/सकल आमदनी होती है उसका 18% तो उपकर और अ�धभार से ही आता है �जसम� रा� सरकारों को �व�
आयोग िह�ा नहीं दे सकता, इस पर थोड़ा �नयं त्रण िकया जाए.)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 354
Expenditure → Revenue (subsidies, 24.47 Lcr 23.49 Lcr 23.50 Lcr
loan interest repayment etc)
⇒ Thus the union government is poor in budget marksmanship. (बजट �नशानेबाजी म� कमजोर). Why?
⇒ Because generally the income is overestimated in budget presentation to show a rosy picture
(मीिडया और �वप� के सामने गुलाबी �चत्र प्र�ुत करने के �लए आमदनी के आंकड़ों को वा��वक प�र���तयों क� अपे�ा �ादा बढ़ा
चढ़ा कर िदखाया जाता है) but, when the tax collection target is missed → it results in:
😰😰problem#1) Tax authorities engaging in tax terrorism / litigation (कर आतं कवाद और मुकदमे बाजी)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 355
⇒ e.g. Sweden, Hungary, & some other western countries. Its functions include:
Monitoring Govt's Receipt, Expenditure, Annual Budget.
Ensure that Govt's borrowing remains within the legally permitted limits.
Recommend fiscal stimulus and fiscal prudence measures depending on the economic
situation of the country. (समय समय क� ज�रत के िहसाब से �व�ीय प्रो�ाहन और �मत��यता के उपाय देना)
27.16.1 💼💼�🔨🔨🔨 Fiscal Council: Why do we need it in India?
Budgeting process in India suffers from following lacunas. (वतर्मान प्रणाली म� खा�मया)
⇒ Overestimation of tax receipts, Creative accounting and data dressing in the budget. (आंकड़ों को बढ़ा
चढ़ा कर/ मरहम पट्टी लगाकर िदखाना)
⇒ If not revenue targets not achieved then
o Extra Budgetary Resources (बजेटेतर सं साधन)
o Fiscal repression of the households via LIC. (�व�ीय दमन)
o Frequent changes in the FRBM goalposts. (ल� बदल देना)
⇒ Engaging Practices against the spirit of cooperative federalism (सहकारी सं घवाद):
o Imposition of cess/surcharge on Union taxes, to avoid FC devolution.
o Union irregularly releasing GST & Finance Commission Devolution/grants to State
governments. (अ�नय�मत �प से पैसा रा�ों को देना)
⇒ India's sovereign credit rating also ⏬ because of such mismanagement.
Therefore, NK Singh’s FRBM Review Panel (2017) and successive Finance Commissions have
recommended setting up such an Independent Fiscal Council in India. because:
😰😰Existing Mechanism (वतर्मान ���त /�व�ा /प्रणाली) 🤩🤩Whereas Fiscal Council
Parliamentary Committees such as Public Accounts, Estimates technical experts (तकनीक�
Committee etc. are made up of Members of Parliament, who may �वशेष� होंग)े
not have the technical expertise over economics and public finance.
(सं सद क� लोक लेखा स�म�त, प्रा�लन स�म�त )
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) will audit the government continuously strive to keep
Expenditure after the spending has taken place. (�नयं त्रक और महालेखा the fiscal deficit under
परी�क- खचर् हों जाने के बाद वो जांच करता है) control. (अ�वरल �नगरानी)
Finance commission: Constituted every 5 yrs, stops functioning will function continuously
after submitting report. Until new body setup. round the year.
27.16.2 💼💼💼🔨🔨🔨 Fiscal Council: conclusion YES we NEED it for INDIA
Considering the aforementioned issues, need of the hour is to set up an independent fiscal council,
(�तं त्र राजकोषीय प�रषद क� �ापना वतर्मान समय क� ज�रतों के िहसाब से अ�त आव�क है)
⇒ To make the Public Finance Management in India more prudent, transparent, accountable and
efficient. (सावर्ज�नक �व�ीय प्रबं धन को �ववेकपूणर्, पारदश�, जवाबदेह और कु शल।)
⇒ To achieve UN SDG Goal #16: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all
levels of governance. (सतत �वकास ल�: शासन के हर एक �र पर जवाबदेही सं �ानों का �नमार्ण)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 356
- (Definition) Public expenditure management deals with allocation of Govt’s economic resources
into three channels : सावर्ज�नक �य प्रबं धन - आ�थक सं साधनों का आवं टन करता है:
- 1) Public Administration (लोक प्रशासन)
- 2) Economic Development (आ�थक �वकास)
- 3) Welfare Schemes (क�ाणकारी योजनाएँ )
- 1991: Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG: उदारीकरण, �नजीकरण और वै�ीकरण)
reforms → then following challenges in management of public expenditure:
Sector Pre-LPG Post-LPG-1991 (More in Pillar4: LPG)
Banking: बासेल Nationalisation of banks, Twin balance sheet syndrome, govt required to
मानदंड: पुनः Basel norms less recapitalise the public sector banks because they
पूंजीकरण के �लए ढेर stringent. (More in cannot do it on their own → Financial burden ⏫
सारी रकम चािहए 📑📑Pillar#1B2)
Monetary Policy High level of fiscal - Private Sectors Investment demand,
and Fiscal Policy deficit. consumerism has ⏫ → RBI is forced to cut
RBI’s monetary policy down the SLR to increase the loanable funds.
मौ�द्रक नी�त एवं which mandated high - Since high level of fiscal deficit was one of the
राजकोषीय नी�त level of SLR to finance
reasons for BOP crisis, now Govt has statutory
FRBM requirements to control fiscal deficit.
borrowing using bank
- RBI has statutory requirement to control
depositors’ money.
inflation - So rampant borrowing from RBI is
becoming difficult for government.
Private sector Share of private sector in - Drastically ⏫.
India's economic growth - Private sector requires ₹20 lakh crores every
�नजी �ेत्र को �नवेश म� and employment year for sustaining the current level of
लाखों करोड़ों �पए generation was limited Economic Growth & Employment generation
चािहए →सरकार due to the License Quota
- Therefore, if govt does not control fiscal deficit
जनता क� बचत का Inspector Raj. (More in
→ crowding out of the private investment =
सारा पैसा कज� म� ले Pillar4)
⏬India’s growth (although latest 📔📔📔📔ES21
लेगी, तो �नजी �ेत्र को
पूंजी �मलेगी कै से disagrees with this argument)
PSU Loss making public - Difficult to sustain the Public Sector
सावर्जा�नक �ेत्र के sector undertakings were Undertakings against the heavy competition of
उपक्रम, नुकसानी म� supported by the private sector be it Air India or BSNL.
चल रहे ह� तन�ाह देने Government as white - Govt unable to pay salaries, even no buyers for
का भी पैसा नहीं elephant. their privatization
Infrastructure Population was sparse. - Population has ⏫
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 357
Sector Pre-LPG Post-LPG-1991 (More in Pillar4: LPG)
Most people didn't have - Aspiration of people have ⏫
बु�नयादी अवसं रचना access to TV, fridge, - They want clean water, 24/7 electricity, good
के �लए ढेर सारा पैसा mobile, internet or social quality of roads;
चािहए जो सरकार के media - Lot of money required for infrastructure
पास नहीं Their demand for
electricity was low.
- Railway alone requires ₹50 lakh crore between
2016-30, Govt can’t spend more than ₹1.6 lakh
crore a year.
Welfare Right to education, right - Now they have become legal rights so the govt
to food, right to work is required to allocate large amount of funds
�श�ा, अ� और (MGNREGA) were not - Post-LPG era, the level of education and
रोजगार क� �व�भ� yet ‘legal rights’. demand for various amenities, and even per
क�ाणकारी capita income has increased, but that has not
योजनाओं के �लए ढेर been a corresponding increase in our tax to
सारा पैसा चािहए जो
GDP (11%, where as countries with similar
सरकार के पास नहीं
growth have >20%).
Public Small size of - Public aspirations have ⏫, number of
Administration Government staff
welfare schemes ⏫, Border Security
लोक प्रशासन और Their salary levels were
challenges ⏫ → employees have ⏫
र�ा के �लए सरकार ने also low.
- 6th pay commission and 7th pay commission
ब�त लोगों को नौकरी
→ salaries have ⏫
→ वेतन आयोग क�
�सफा�रशों के िहसाब से - 😰😰Challenge? ‘Contracting out of the jobs’ to
मोटी मोटी तन�ाह keep revenue deficit minimal. NPS where
Employee himself is largely responsible for his
pension etc. ⏬vacancies in UPSC/SSC
✍Conclusion: Thus, in the aftermath of LPG reforms, Nation's per capita income has ⏫,
Governments expenditure has ⏫, demands for infrastructure investment ⏫. But not adequate
⏫increase in the tax to GDP levels. As a result, public expenditure management has become a
challenge to the government. (कर राज� म� आमदनी क� कमी के चलते सावर्ज�नक-�य-प्रबं धन, चुनौती बन गया है)
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 358
28 💼💼 TYPES OF BUDGET: बजट के प्रकार
28.1 REVENUE VERSUS CAPITAL BUDGET: राज� बनाम पूंजीगत बजट
👜👜 Revenue budget: राज� बजट 👛👛 Capital Budget पूंजीगत बजट
associated with the income and expenditure that
It is associated with the income and expenditure
are of long term nature and/or results into
that are of temporary in nature (1 year or less),
creation of permanent / capital /financial assets,
and/or do not result into creation of permanent /
such as land, buildings, machinery, equipment,
capital / physical / financial assets.
shares, bonds, G-sec.
Taxation, revenue from selling goods and
services, interest payment on previous loans, Borrowings, disinvestment, and expenditure on
salaries, pension, subsidies and other non- assets creation.
developmental expenditure
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which is/are included in the capital budget of the Government of India? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
1. Expenditure on acquisition of assets like roads, buildings, machinery, etc,
2. Loans received from foreign governments
3. Loans and advances granted to the States and Union Territories
Ans Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
28.2 💼💼💼💼GENERAL BUDGET VERSUS RAILWAY BUDGET (आम बजट बनाम रेलवे बजट)
- 1920-21: Acworth Committee recommends separate Railway Budget. This practice continued
even after Independence, first the railway minister would present the Railway budget in
parliament, and after a few days finance minister will present General Budget.
- NITI Aayog’s Bibek Debroy committee recommends its abolition because
- 1) No constitutional requirement (सं वैधा�नक �प से यह अ�नवायर् नहीं है)
- 2) During Coalition Governments, Rail budget was used for populism, cheap fares which eroded
the profitability of Railways. (गठबं धन सरकारों म� लोकलुभावन, भारी घाटा)
- 3) during the British time, railway revenue used to be quite large compared to other sources of
revenue, but after independence, Railway revenue is quite small compared to overall General
budget- So it does not deserve a special presentation.
Therefore, Modi govt merged Railway budget with General budget from 2017 (�वलीनीकरण).
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 359
योजना बनाम गैर योजना �य बजट: is a method of classifying the expenditure side
Plan (expenditure) budget: योजना Non-Plan (Expenditure) Budget: गैर योजना
⇒ Central Plans (the Five-Year Plans) - Expenditure related to general, economic and
⇒ Central assistance for State Five Year Plans. social services of the government; Interest
⇒ It is further subdivided into payments, defence services, subsidies, salaries
1) revenue expenditure (e.g. teachers and pensions.
salary under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) - It is also further subdivided into revenue
2) capital expenditure (e.g. new school expenditure (e.g. soldier salaries) and capital
buildings to be constructed under expenditure (e.g. Building new aircraft
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) carrier).
Since Budget-2017, Modi govt stopped the practice of displaying the plan and non plan expenditure
separately because (1) No such constitutional requirement (2) Government had dissolved the
planning commission in 2014-15 (3) 12th Five Year Plan (FYP:2012-17) was ending in 2017 anyways.
(More about PC & FYP in 📑📑Pillar#4C)
28.4 💼💼💼💼BUDGETING (बजट �नमार्ण क� प्रिक्रया/ रणनी�त)
It is the process / strategy with which the budget is created.
🖋🖋Traditional / पारंप�रक / लाइन-आइटम बजट: Simply calculating the income and expenditure without
Line-item measuring the underlying benefit or performance
Budgeting - Allot ₹ 10,000/- to buy a new bed in government hospital
- Allot ₹ 50,000 to buy a new computer in government department
⏱Performance calculating income and expenditure tied with underlying benefit or performance
budgeting प्रदशर्न - Allot ₹ 50,000 to buy a new computer with target that it should result in 30%
बजट the faster clearance of RTI-applications compared to pen and paper
- Such budgeting helps measuring cost:benefit and efficiency.
⭕Zero based - In a traditional budgeting, the approach is “automatic and incremental e.g.
budgeting “Last year we allotted ₹ 50,000 crore to educational schemes, so this year we
शू� आधा�रत बजट should allot 55,000 crores, lest the opposition parties create controversy.”
- Whereas in Zero Based Budgeting the budget is viewed as a fresh exercise
from zero base. So, each department has to justify its budget demands to
finance ministry. E.g. if last year ₹ 50,000 crores given to education schemes
but still 60% of class 5 kids cannot read class 2 books, then we’ll delete /
modify that scheme.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 360
🌞🌞 Sunset - In a traditional budgeting, once a scheme is launched it runs perpetually, even
Budgeting after regime change e.g. MNREGA, Mid-day Meal.
सूयार्�/ समयसीमा - In a Zero Based Budgeting, schemes are reviewed every year and then they
may get discontinued or continued (with or without modifications).
का बजट
- In Sunset Budgeting, scheme are announced with deadline. e.g. MEITY to give
MDR subsidy for a period of two years starting from 1/1/2018. Thus, this
scheme will self-destruct after deadline just like the sun will set after the sunset.
👜👜 Gender This system was started from Budget-2005.
budgeting It is not a separate budget but rather within the general budget, FinMin will put a
ल��गक बजट separate expenditure docs showing women specific Schemes, Targets,
Commitments- in two parts:
✓ 👩👩Part A = Women Specific Schemes, i.e. which have 100% allocation meant
for women. E.g. Minority Affairs Ministry’s “Nai Roshni” scheme for
Leadership Dev. in Minority Women. (💼💼Budget20: 28kcr. ⏬)
✓ 👩👩👩👩Part B = Pro Women Schemes, i.e. atleast 30% allocation meant for
women. E.g. HRD Ministry → Samagra Shiksha for pre-nursey to Class12
both boys & girls covered.(💼💼Budget-2020: 1.1 Lcr⏫)
Arrow indicates increase / decrease than last budget.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 361
28.7 💼💼💼💼CASH VS ACCRUAL BUDGETING: नगदी बनाम उपचय बजट
If Railways transported cargo of Jindal Steel in Jan., & created invoice of ₹ 5 lakh, but Jindal paid
money in Feb. Then, Railways account book can be prepared in 2 ways:
Income Cash based accounting Accrual-based accounting
नकद आधा�रत लेखा उपचय आधा�रत लेखा
January ₹0 ₹ 5 lakhs (it’s deemed as ‘earned’ even though it’s
not ‘paid’ right now)
February ₹ 5 lakhs (i.e. when cash ₹0
actually received / spent).
So? Since colonial times, Govt. ⇒ 12th FC suggested to use this method, for better
preparing accounts and budget estimation of income and expenditure. HOW?
in this manner. #BcomNOTIMP.
⇒ From 2019 Railways planning to adopt this. So,
TheHindu columnists suggesting that all depts
should adopt
Treasury Single Account (TSA) is a mechanism to link all of those accounts together in the public
financial management system (PFMS) portal under the Department of Expenditure in the Finance
ministry. (अलग-अलग �वभागों के अलग-अलग ब�कों म� खातों क� कु ल रा�श को ऑनलाइन तरीके से एक खाते म� एक�कृ त िकया जाए)
🤩🤩Benefit? Optimal utilisation of the total balance which is spread across multiple bank accounts.
HOW?Technical aspects NOTIMP.
28.9 💼💼💼💼💼💼LAPSABLE FUNDS & MARCH RUSH: �पगत �न�ध और माचर् ��ता
Appropriation act allows the government to spend funds from consolidated fund of India for a
period of one year (ending in 31st March).
- If any allotted funds remain unutilised, then by the ‘ rule of lapse ’, they must be returned (&
govt will have to again seek Parliament approval for the next financial year using next
appropriation bill). So, in March, there is a rush among the Govt orgs to spend money (in a
haphazard / reckless manner) lest they’ve to return it back.
- 2017-18: Finance ministry issued directive that in “In the fourth quarter (Jan to March) and in
the March-Month, Govt organizations shall not spend more than “x%” & “y%” of funds”. This
helps controlling the March Rush.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 362
28.10 💼💼💼💼💼💼 NON LAPSABLE FUNDS & NO RUSH: �बन�पगत �नधी
The money in such fund will not lapse on 31st March, so it can be used in future without getting
another approval from parliament. e.g. Dept of Economic Affairs → Nirbhaya fund → women
safety related projects.
- 😰😰Criticism? Since fund is non lapsable, Departments become very lax in utilising it. Budget
2013 started Nirbhaya fund in the aftermath of Dec-2012 Gangrape @Delhi. The successive
budgets kept adding ₹ into it. By 2018: ~3000 crore but not even 50% utilized
- 2018: Defence ministry demands “ non lapsable defence modernization fund”, but Finance
ministry rejected for similar same reason. (money will remain unspent.) Although later 15th FC
has recommended Modernisation Fund for Defence and Internal Security (MFDIS) ₹ 2.38 Lcr
(total for 2021-26). (More in 📑📑Pillar#2B: 15th FC)
28.11📯📯📯📯TYPES OF SCHEMES (योजनाओ ं के प्रकार)
UPA/Congress Raj: hundreds of centrally sponsored schemes (CSS) with overlapping objectives and
duplication of efforts. Then Modi-Raj: 2015-16, NITI Aayog forms Shivraj Singh Chouhan Panel for
rationalization of CSS (योजनाओ का सु�व�ीकरण) → Ultimate outcome is:
Table 7: figures from 💼💼Budget-2021
📯📯📯📯 Central Sector Schemes 📯📯📯📯📯� Centrally Sponsored Schemes
क� द्रीय �ेत्र क� योजनाएं ⏬(₹10 lcr) क� द्र द्वारा प्रायो�जत योजनाएं (₹3.8 lakh cr)
100% funded by Union States may have to bear some cost.
Examples: Further subtypes:
Urea Subsidy, MDR Subsidy, Jan 1. Core of the Core (अ�त मह�पूणर् योजनाऐं): ₹96kcr in Budget21
Aushadhi Scheme, BharatNET, a. Only 6 schemes: MNREGA, NSoAP**, Umbrella
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital schemes for SC,ST,Minorities & other vulnerable
Saksharta Abhiyan groups. For these schemes, UPA-era funding pattern
(PMGDISHA) etc. will continue.** NSoAP:100%
b. Those schemes deal with social protection and social
In the union budgets, collectively inclusion are given first priority in the funding for
more ₹₹ allotted for these types of National Development Agenda
schemes. 2. Core Scheme ( मह�पूणर् योजनाऐं): 2.83 Lcr in 💼💼Budget-2021
Within thi a. e.g. PM Gram Sadak, PM Awas, Swachh Bharat,
6 Lcr for revenue Expenditure AMRUT & Smart cities etc. Here funding pattern
4 Lcr for Capital Expenditure could be 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 75:25, 80:20 or 90:10
depending on a particular scheme and depending on
whether it’s a general / special cat. state.
In 2016, 3rd category of Centrally Sponsored Schemes was “Optional Schemes” viz. 1) Border Area Development Programme 2)
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission with funding pattern (50:50 | 80:20), But over the years they shifted in the Core schemes.
- For any Union Territory without Legislature: 100% funding by Union for any scheme in any
category. ✋We will look at the schemes’ features in the respective pillars.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 363
- To disburse scheme ₹ & monitor it effectively, FinMin →Dept of Expenditure Controller
General of Accounts (CGA) → Public Financial Management System (PFMS) webportal.
(Batch:PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#2D: Budget → Disinvestment & Deficits → Page 364
PILLAR#3A: Balance of Payment, International Trade, Currency Exchange
Table of Contents
30 ⛽🎖🎖Pillar#3A: Balance of Payment (भुगतान सं तुलन) ..................................................................... 367
30.1 🐯🐯 RBI’s (Actual) method of classifying BoP .................................................................... 368
30.2 ⛽🎖🎖 Balance of payment → Current Account →............................................................ 368
30.2.1 ⛽🎖🎖 Balance of Trade (BoT �ापार का सं तुलन)............................................................... 369
30.2.2 Net Terms of Trade (NTT) or Commodity terms of trade ....................................... 369
30.2.3 Gross (Barter) Terms of Trade (GTT, �सफर् �प्र�लम के �लए, अत: िहदं ी अनाव�क) ............... 369
30.2.4 Income terms of trade (ITT)......................................................................................... 370
30.2.5 Top Import and Exports before Corona: .................................................................... 370
30.2.6 Largest importer and exporter in world (before Corona 2020) ............................... 371
30.2.7 Top Import and Exports During Corona April-Nov-2020 ....................................... 371
30.2.8 💌💌 Remittance: World Bank’s Remittance Report (�व� ब�क क� धनप्रेषण �रपोटर्) ........... 372
30.2.9 💌💌 Remittance: Global migration report 2020 (अंतररा��ीय प्रवास)................................ 373
30.2.10 💌💌 Remittance: Sidetopic → Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas (PBD) ............................... 373
30.3 ⛽Balance of payment → Current Account → Import of Oil ......................................... 373
30.3.1 ⛽� Domestic Oil Exploration Policies? ................................................................. 374
30.3.2 ⛽�: �NELP’s primary limitations were → ....................................................... 374
30.3.3 ⛽📯📯📯📯HELP Policy (हाइड�ोकाबर्न अ�ेषण और अनु���/लाइस��सगं नी�त) ........................... 374
30.3.4 ⛽India’s Strategic Oil Reserves (भारत के साम�रक तेल भ�ार) ......................................... 374
30.3.5 ⛽📈📈📈📈 Crude Oil prices & OPEC (क�ा तेल)........................................................... 375
30.4 ⛽💰💰BoP: Current → Fall of Crude oil prices in negative figure .................................... 376
30.4.1 ⛽💰💰BoP: Current → Petrol & Diesel Prices in India .............................................. 376
30.5 🎖🎖Balance of payment → Current Account → Import of Gold ...................................... 377
30.5.1 🎖🎖🎖🎖RBI’s 80:20 Scheme (2013-14) .......................................................................... 377
30.5.2 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖 Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (2015: �णर् बांड योजना) ................................ 377
30.5.3 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖 Gold Monetization Scheme (2015: �णर् मुद्रीकरण योजना) ............................ 378
30.5.4 🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖🎖 Indian (Sovereign) Gold Coins (2015: भारतीय �णर् �स�े ) ............................. 378
30.5.5 🎖🎖🎖🎖: Gold price in Corona ........................................................................................ 379
30.5.6 ☕BoP → Current → Export → GI Tag .................................................................. 379
30.5.7 ☕GI-Controversies? (�ववाद) ...................................................................................... 381
30.5.8 ☕🔖🔖 GI Logo .............................................................................................................. 381
30.5.9 🍋🍋🍋🍋BoP → Current → Exports → SEZ .................................................................... 381
30.5.10 🍋🍋🍋🍋🕵🕵🕵Baba Kalyani report on SEZ ....................................................................... 382
30.5.11 💎💎💎💎💎💎BoP → Current → Exports → Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020) ...... 382
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3A- BoP & Currency Exchange→ Page 365
30.5.12 🥵🥵 Foreign Trade Policy: Challenge / Updates? ....................................................... 383
30.5.13 🍋🍋🍋🍋Tax Credit for Exporters: MEIS/SEIS.............................................................. 383
30.5.14 Tax Credit for Exporters: RoDTEP? ............................................................................ 383
30.5.15 ⚓Port Logistics: Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) ...................................... 384
30.5.16 📊📊Export Preparedness Index by NITI (2020,Aug: �नयार्त तैयारी सूचकांक) ................... 384
30.5.17 📲📲📲📲📲📲 “Assemble in India” | Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI) ...... 384
30.6 ⛽🎖🎖: 🗃🗃🗃🗃 BoP → Capital Account→ Investment→ FDI / FPI................................ 384
30.6.1 🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI: �वदेशी पोटर्फो�लयो �नवेशक) .............................. 385
30.6.2 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI: प्र�� �वदेशी �नवेश) ........................... 385
30.6.3 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Investment → 100% Automatic permitted in ................... 386
30.6.4 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Investment → Others ........................................................... 386
30.6.5 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hotmoney Effect by FPIs....................................................................................... 387
30.6.6 📊📊UNCTAD's World Investment Report 2020 (�व� �नवेश �रपोटर्) .................................. 387
30.6.7 🖱🖱🖱🖱 India’s new FDI rules for E-Commerce .......................................................... 387
30.6.8 🖱🖱🖱🖱 E-Commerce Rules 2019-Feb ........................................................................... 388
30.6.9 🖱🖱🖱🖱 E-Commerce Rules 2020-Jul ............................................................................ 388
30.6.10 � Yearbook: Ministry of Commerce and Industry (वा�ण� और उद्योग मं त्रालय): ........ 389
30.6.11 🕵🕵🕵(2019) DIPP becomes DPIIT (�वभाग का नाम बदला गया) ........................................... 390
30.6.12 � (2017) FIPB Abolished (�वदेशी �नवेश अनुम�त क� सं �ा को हटाया गया)........................... 390
30.6.13 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 BoP: Capital → Chinese FDI need Govt approval .................................. 390
30.6.14 � Related Topic: Cabinet Committees ..................................................................... 391
30.6.15 🐯🐯🐯🦁🦁 International Financial Services Centre (IFSC).................................... 391
30.6.16 🐯🐯🐯🦁🦁: � IFSC Authority Act, 2019 .................................................................. 392
30.6.17 � 🔪🔪 BoP → Capital Account → Debt (Loans & Non Resident Bank deposits)
30.6.18 � 🔪🔪 BoP → Capital Account → Misc. Concept: NIIP ....................................... 392
30.6.19 � 🔪🔪 BoP: External Debt overhang Problem (ऋण क� अ�धकता) .............................. 393
30.7 ⛽🎖🎖: 🗃🗃🗃🗃 BoP → summing up ..................................................................................... 393
30.7.1 💱💱💱💱💱💱 Sterilization (��रीकरण)? ............................................................................ 394
30.7.2 💱💱💱💱💱💱: 🧅🧅 🧅🧅 Mundell-Fleming Trilemma (मं डल �े�मगं क� �त्र-आयामी दू �वधा)....... 394
30.8 (⛽🎖🎖>🗃🗃🗃🗃)⚠ India’s Balance of Payment crisis (1991).......................................... 395
30.8.1 🐯🐯🐯🐯 RBI’s Forex Reserve: �वदेशी मुद्रा �रजवर् .................................................................. 396
30.8.2 (⛽🎖🎖>🗃🗃🗃🗃)⚠ Disequilibrium in BoP: Factors responsible (असं तुलन के कारण) 397
31 💱💱 Currency Exchange Rate: मुद्रा �व�नमय दर .................................................................................. 397
31.1 💱💱 Exchange Rate Regime: Theory ..................................................................................... 398
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31.1.1 💱💱💱💱 Managed Float / Dirty Float; प्रबं �धत चल/ म�लन चल ........................................... 399
31.2 💱💱💱 Exchange Rate Regime: Historic .............................................................................. 400
31.2.1 💱💱💱💱💱 Fixed exchange rate system → Gold Standard; सोने के मानक/ �णर्मान (1870-
1914) 400
31.2.2 💱💱 🔨🔨🔨 Fixed exchange rate system → Bretton Woods System (1946-1971) . 401
31.2.3 💱💱💱💱Currency Exchange in India ............................................................................. 401
31.3 💱💱💱IMF Special Drawing Rights (SDR: �वशेष आहरण अ�धकार) ....................................... 402
31.4 💱💱⛽🤲🤲 Currency Convertibility (मुद्रा प�रवतर्नीयता) ............................................................ 403
31.5 💱💱✋🐯🐯RBI restriction on convertibility of rupee: �पये क� प�रवतर्नीयता ............................ 403
31.5.1 💱💱💱💱 Full convertibility of Rupee :�पये क� पूणर् प�रवतर्नीयता? ....................................... 404
31.5.2 💱💱💱💱 ₹ 🕵🕵🕵Convertibility → S.S. Tarapore Committee (1997) .......................... 405
31.5.3 💱💱💱💱 🐯🐯 ₹ Convertibility → RBI reforms (2004-2019) ....................................... 405
31.5.4 💸💸💸💸Currency Exchange Rate → Attracting Dollars: VRR and FAR .................. 405
31.5.5 Sidenote: FCRA violations (�वदेशी चं दे पर �नयं त्रण) ........................................................... 406
31.6 💱💱⚔ Currency War 2018 (मुद्रा युद्ध) .................................................................................... 407
31.6.1 💱💱⚔Currency War → Fall of Indian ₹ in 2018 ...................................................... 407
31.6.2 💱💱⚔ Misc. Concepts: Quantitative Easing and Federal Tapering........................ 409
31.6.3 💱💱⚔ Misc. Concepts: Helicopter Money & Zero interest rate regimes ............... 409
31.6.4 💱💱⚔🐼🐼🐼 Misc. Concepts: Yuan as global currency? ....................................... 410
31.7 💱💱 Exchange Rate → Miscellaneous Terminologies ........................................................ 410
31.7.1 💱💱 NEER and REER? (Hindi not imp because only prelim relevant) .................... 410
31.7.2 �🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains:............................................................................. 411
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⛽🎖🎖🎖🎖 Current Account 🗃🗃 🤲🤲 Capital & Financial Account
Goods and services 1. Direct Investment (FDI)
Primary Income: wages, dividend, interest 2. Portfolio Investment (FPI)
Secondary income: remittance, gift, donation 3. Loans / ECB
4. Non-resident’s investment in Bank,
Insurance, Pension schemes.
5. RBI’s foreign exchange reserve
However, for the purpose of learning, we’ll continue with the traditional classification given in the
textbooks (and in below image)
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$208 Export - $126 Import= +82 Billion surplus.
Income: Profit, Interest, Dividend. -28 -17
Transfer: Remittance, Gift, Grants, Donations. +70 +35
Subtypes: Pvt transfers > Govt.
Net Current Account Balance (if negative: “Deficit”) -57 Billion +35 Bn
⇒ From 2001-04: We had Current Account Surplus (चालू खाता अ�धशेष) because, it was a time before
the USA’s subprime crisis when global economy boom had ⏫ our exports). But then we started
to have deficit. India’s current account deficit averaged -2.2% GDP in the last 10 years.
⇒ 2020-21: Corona- imports⏬ compared to export (and we managed to export decently in the
Pharmaceutical and IT sector). So, 📔📔📔📔ES21 Expects that India will witness Current Account
surplus for the first time (2020-21) after last 17 years! कोरोना महामारी व तालाबं दी के चलते आयात म� भारी
�गरावट के चलते �पछले 17 सालों म� पहली बार चालू खाता घाटा नहीं, चालू खाता अ�धशेष होगा!
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (estimate)
CAD as % of GDP -4.3% -4.8% -1.7% -1.3% -1.1% -0.6% -1.8% -2.1% -0.9% +2 to 3.1%(est)
30.2.3 Gross (Barter) Terms of Trade (GTT, �सफर् �प्र�लम के �लए, अत: िहंदी अनाव�क)
𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞 (𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣) 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 ⚖
𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺𝐺 = ∗ 100 = 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 𝑖𝑖𝑡𝑡 ′ 𝑠𝑠 < 100.
𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞𝑞 (𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣) 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 ⚖
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So, in physical quantity (kg, litres) we are exporting more than importing. This is possible because
exported Indian rice’s quantity (kg) could be large even though its value ($) will not be very large.
30.2.4 Income terms of trade (ITT)
𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 💸💸
𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 = � � ∗ (𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄)
𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 💸💸
= (𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡) ∗ (𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄)
✋Formula not important. What is quantum index of export = not important.
For India and other developing countries, ITT is much relevant indicator for analysing their foreign
trade compared to previous 2 indicators. Why? not important.
30.2.5 Top Import and Exports before Corona:
In the years/times before Corona, usual scene was as following:
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We’ve large Trade Deficit: �ापार घाटा with China We’ve Trade Surplus: �ापार अ�धशेष with
(cheap electronics, toys etc.) Switzerland (Gold, USA (Chemicals, textile, services etc.), UAE
Luxury items), Middle Eastern nations (Oil). (Tea, Spices, textile etc.).
- India’s top five trading partners are USA, China, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong (with
whom we’ve largest amount of import & export relations)
30.2.6 Largest importer and exporter in world (before Corona 2020)
2018: In The World → Largest Importer Largest Exporter
Goods (Merchandise) #1:USA…..#10: India #1: China…. #19: India
Services #1:USA…..#10: India #1: USA…...#8: India
30.2.7 Top Import and Exports During Corona April-Nov-2020
**📔📔📔📔ES21 vol2ch3 has remarked that India can become the "pharmacy of the world": more in
📑📑pillar4B: Production linked incentive (PLI) scheme.
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1. China ⇒ USA
2. Iraq ⇒ Bangladesh##
3. Saudi Arabia ⇒ Nepal
##📔📔📔📔ES21 vol2ch3 has given certain observations about export performance of India versus
Bangladesh but we will see that in pillar#4C while comparing the GDP growth of both the countries.
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- 2020-April: world bank new report says due to Corona, India’s remittances likely to fall by 23%
due to Corona😰😰😰😰
- World Bank also noted: remittances have a direct impact in poverty removal for many
households, (धन प्रेषण से गरीबी उ�ूलन म� मदद �मलती है)
- but Post Offices charge very high fees in remitting the money to household.
- so Financial inclusion, UPI/BHIM/IMPS blockchain Technology led money transfer
mechanism are important in that context as well.(📑📑Ref Pillar#1A)
30.2.9 💌💌 Remittance: Global migration report 2020 (अंतररा��ीय प्रवास)
⇒ The International Organization for Migration (IOM, HQ: Geneva, Switzerland) is a related
organization of UN. As per its latest Global migration report 2020….
⇒ Top number of international migrants are from 1) India (17 million) 2) Mexico 3) China
⇒ Top destination country of migrants across the world is USA.
⇒ Top amount of remittance received to 1) India 2) China 3) Mexico.
⇒ Corona: India remittance to fall from $83 Billion (2019) to $76 Billion (2020)
30.2.10 💌💌 Remittance: Sidetopic → Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas (PBD)
1915 9th January: Gandhi-ji returned from S.Africa to Bombay (India).
2003 NDA-I (PM Vajpayee) decides to celebrate Pravasi Bharatiya divas (PBD) annually every
9th January. First summit @New Delhi. Presently organized by Ministry of External Affairs
2015 ⇒ NDA-II (PM Modi) converts PBD into “biennial” event i.e. grand festival every second
year (भ� उ�व/रंगारंग कायर्क्र्म हर दू सरे साल)
⇒ every other year, only a small event in India, & regional PBD event in a foreign country
2017 @Bengaluru, Karnataka. (because its second year from 2015)
2018 Regional Pravasi Bharatiya Divas at Singapore
2019 ⇒ @Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (because its second year from 2017)
⇒ THEME: "Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India.”
⇒ 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention was organized from 21 to 23 January 2019
instead of 9th January, so that NRIs could visit Prayagraj for Kumbh Mela and witness
the Republic Day Parade at New Delhi on 26th January 2019.
2020 @New Delhi. But just a small scale video conference type of event.
भ� रंगारंग कायर्क्रम नही िकया, �ोिक वो तो हर दू सरे साल करते है।
2021 Theme: "Contributing to Aatmanirbhar Bharat”. It was held virtually due to Corona
Chief Guest: Mr. Chandrikapersad Santokhi, President of Suriname.
🎓🎓Self Study? Laxmikanth’s Indian Polity ch.6 on citizenship → difference OCI vs PIO
🎓🎓Self Study? India’s energy resources, location of refineries & pipelines → Majid Hussain
Geography of India book ch.8
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➢ Govt’s target of ⏬oil import by 10% by 2022 (compared to 2015).
➢ Therefore, boosting domestic oil exploration & production is necessary. So, …..
30.3.1 ⛽� Domestic Oil Exploration Policies?
⇒ Nodal? Directorate General of Hydrocarbons: हाइड�ोकाबर्न महा�नदेशक (DGH) Ministry of Petroleum
& Natural Gas.पेट�ो�लयम और प्राकृ �तक गैस मं त्रालय
⇒ Before the 1991’s LPG reforms, only ONGC and other Public sector companies were allowed to
explore the oil, gas and hydrocarbon reserves in India. But under 1991’s Liberalization norms,
this sector was opened for the private sector players as well.
⇒ 1997: New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP: नयी अ�ेषण अनु��� नी�त) to award contract to
public and private sector companies using bidding / auction system.
30.3.2 ⛽�: �NELP’s primary limitations were →
Separate license required for each type of hydrocarbon.
NELP worked on production sharing contract (PSC: उ�ादन साझाकरण अनुबंध), wherein the Oil Explorer
will pay a share to Govt from the profits from production. However,
⇒ whenever the oil prices ⏬in the global market, Indian producers will also ⏬their production.
⇒ Indian producers exaggerate their production costs to show less profit. → Govt earned less, and
will do more ‘inspector raj’ to check account books → No ease of doing Biz. (उ�ाद खचर् को बढ़ा चढ़ा
के िदखाया जाता तािक मुनाफा कम िदखे)
30.3.3 ⛽📯📯📯📯HELP Policy (हाइड�ोकाबर्न अ�ेषण और अनु���/लाइस��संग नी�त)
In 2016, NELP was replaced with Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP).
Single uniform license sufficient to explore and produce all type of hydrocarbons from the given
area. (oil, gas, coal bed methane, shale gas, tight gas and gas hydrates etc)
Govt to receive a share from gross revenue from sale of oil / gas etc, irrespective of company’s
profit. (�बक्र� से िह�ा देना होगा, सरकार को आपके मुनाफे से कोई लेनादेना नही)
Government not to interfere in the marketing and pricing of the oil and gas.
Relaxed norms for exploration in offshore areas, because they have higher risk and higher cost
of production. (समुद्र म� तट से दू र �ेत्रों म� खोज के �लए सुगम मानदंड)
Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OLAP) → company can pick and choose the blocks from the
designated area, even if no specific bids are invited by Govt before. Then Govt will invite other
companies for auction.
2019-July: Govt finished auctioning process of HELP-OLAP round 2 and 3.
30.3.4 ⛽India’s Strategic Oil Reserves (भारत के साम�रक तेल भ�ार)
Objective? (When crude prices are low) India should buy and store crude oil for strategic-cum-
buffer stock → use during war & other emergency. दाम स�े चल रहे हो तब, खरीद के भं डारण कर लेना चािहए
- Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas → Govt petro companies → places such Visakhapatnam
(Andhra), Chandikhol (Odisha), Padur & Mangalore (Karnataka) etc.
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- They’re stored in underground rock cavern facilities = more secure / safe during airstrikes, more
economical and environmental friendly than conventional ‘Above Ground Storage Tanks’
(which may require additional cooling / AC).
- 2021-Saudi minister (rudely) tells India, “if you do not like our expensive oil, then use oil from
your own strategic reserves.” Indian Petroleum Minister calls it an ‘undiplomatic’ comment.
30.3.5 ⛽📈📈📈📈 Crude Oil prices & OPEC (क�ा तेल)
⇒ 1961: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC: पेट�ो�लयम �नयार्तक देशों का सं गठन) is
a group of oil producing countries Saudi, UAE, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq etc.… total 14 members.
HQ: Vienna city of Austria.
⇒ Qatar withdrew from 1/1/19. Russia is NOT a member.
Depending on following factors of supply versus demand, there have been ups and downs in the oil
price movement in the last 3 years: आपू�त और मांग के कारकों के चलते क�े तेल के दाम कम/�ादा होते ह�
⇒ 2016 onwards OPEC + Russia agreed to reduce their oil production. For a while, it resulted ⏫
the crude oil prices. उ�ादन म� कटौती क� तो महंगा हो गया
⇒ 2018-Oct onwards: oil prices ⏬ because
- Nigeria etc. produced more oil due to USA pressure. USA also increased its own
domestic oil and shale gas production. अमे�रका के दबाव म� कु छ देशो म� उ�ादन बढ़ा
- Chinese tariff war on American cars → ⏬ car sales → ⏬ oil demand in China.
⇒ 2018-Dec: oil prices ⏫ because
- All major currencies weakened against US Dollar so purchase cost increased
- OPEC+Russia started even more stricter output reduction उ�ादन म� कटौती
⇒ 2019-Sept: Houthi = Shia rebel group of Yemen with Iran’s backing. They attacked Abquaiq-
Khurais oil field of Saudi Arabia’s Aramco company using drone. Oil production suspended,
global oil prices ⏫ further.
⇒ 2020-March: oil prices ⏬fell to $20 per barrel, because
⇒ OPEC and Russia couldn’t agree for production cuts.
⇒ Corona air travel ban = fuel consumption ⏬= Demand⏬=prices ⏬
⇒ Afterwards they agreed for production cut so prices ⏫to $60 range
⇒ 2021-Feb: India's biggest oil suppliers: 1) Iraq 2) USA 3) Saudi. Saudi Arabia ranked shifted from
#2 to #3 because Saudi has been ⏬cutting down its production to raise prices.
⇒ 2021-Mar: Indian Oil Companies have decided to reduce import from Saudi Arabia (to teach
them a lesson).
⇒ 2021-April: OPEC+ Group decided to gradually ⏫the production. This ball by ball
commentary keeps going on....If any MCQs asked, solve through 50:50. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
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Figure 1: Oil Barrel Prices in U$D
Side Topics?
1) Cartel is an association of manufacturers who collude to keep prices high, and keep the
competitors away. (More in 📑📑Pillar#4Z-Microeconomics)
2) Sweet crude oil = Low Sulphur content. Sour crude = High Sulphur content.
3) BRENT Index is an index to measures crude oil price, mainly in North West Europe.
⇒ USA’s crude oil prices are monitored through West Texas Intermediate (WTI) contracts.
⇒ Long story cut short: Oil demand ⏬ due to Corona lockdown on vehicle/aviation traffic. But,
American oil drilling companies can’t stop production because it’s more expensive to ‘restart’
the production after shutting it. खुदाई को पूणर् �प से ��गत िकया तो वापस शु� करने म� ब�त लागत खचर् आता है
⇒ And merchants/intermediaries can’t hold stock because their storage capacity is limited.
⇒ 2020-April: sellers are (temporarily) paying $$ to buyer to take the stock of oil barrels. Hence
negative minus $40 per barrel price. (अमरीक� �वक्रेताओ के पास तेल रखने क� जगह उपल� नही, इस�लए ग्राहक को
सामने से पैसा देकर माल उठवा रहे है।)
⇒ India may not benefit, since we mostly import from the middle-east and not the USA.
⇒ Further, our Government will ⏫taxes on petrol diesel, so even if crude oil gets cheap for oil
refineries, the resultant petrol-diesel may remain costly for Indian families.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Term ‘West Texas Intermediate’, sometimes found in news, refers to a grade of_ _
[a) Crude oil [b) Bullion [c) Rare earth elements [d) Uranium
30.4.1 ⛽💰💰BoP: Current → Petrol & Diesel Prices in India
⇒ 1970s to 2002: Administered Price Mechanism (APM: प्रशा�सत/�नयं �त्रत मू� तं त्र): Wherein the
government fixed the prices of petroleum fuels and paid subsidy to the oil marketing companies
(OMC: तेल �वपणन कं प�नयां) for their losses.
⇒ 2002-2014: Govt gradually began decontrolling fuel prices, ⏬its own subsidy burden.
⇒ Present system Dynamic Fuel pricing system (�धन क� ग�तशील �प से बदलने वाली मू� प्रणाली): wherein
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OMCs decide the prices of petrol and diesel on DAILY basis, based on the movement in
international prices. Associated keyword/formula/methodology is “Trade parity price (TPP)”.
⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋What is means, how it works? = Poor cost benefit chasing that.
⇒ 😍😍 Benefit of dynamic pricing? In theory, If the oil prices lowered in the international
market, petrol diesel should become cheaper in India. �व� बाजार म� दाम �गरने पर इं जन के दाम भारत म� भी
कम होने चािहए. But, Union and State govt keep ⏫⏫ taxes on it so it remains expensive for
common people.
⇒ 🤧🤧🤧🤧Corona crisis = ⏬ transport → ⏬ demand of crude oil → prices have fallen or
remained moderate. (�व� बाजार म� क�े तेल क� क�मत� या तो कम �ई है या म�म �र पर रही है)
⇒ But, Corona crisis → direct tax and GST collection ⏬. Government required more ₹₹ to run
the schemes. So, continuously ⏫ excise & VAT. (उ�ाद शु� और वैट क� दरों म� बढ़ोतरी)
⇒ Consequently, by 2020-Dec: Petrol costing around ₹83/litre in Delhi😰😰
From 2010 onwards, Indian economy was suffering from high level of inflation (8-12%) due drought
→ Food & Pulses shortage. MNREGA scheme (📑📑more in Pill#6) → higher wages in the hands of
villagers without proportional growth in supply of commodities etc.
⇒ So households earned ‘Negative Real Interest Rate: नकारा�क वा��वक �ाज दर’ on their bank
deposits → started investing in gold. (More in 📑📑Pillar#1C: inflation Indexed Bonds)
⇒ But, ⏫ gold consumption → ⏫ trade deficit, current account deficit → Indian rupee gets
weaker. Gold transactions also help in the storage of black money and tax evasion. India is the
second largest consumer of Gold after China. (सोने म� �ादा �नवेश से �पया कमजोर. कर चोरी व काला धन)
Therefore, RBI and Indian government launched following schemes to reduce gold consumption:
30.5.1 🎖🎖🐯🐯RBI’s 80:20 Scheme (2013-14)
- RBI mandated that minimum 20% of the imported gold must be exported back. Until then the
Jeweller/ bullion dealers will not get permission to (convert their rupees into dollars / foreign
currency) to import next consignment of gold.
- RBI gets this power under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA: �वदेशी मुद्रा प्रबं धन अ�ध�नयम).
Although, 2014: Scheme was stopped as the gold craze had declined.
30.5.2 🎖🎖🎖🎖🐯🐯 Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (2015: �णर् बांड योजना)
⇒ RBI (on behalf of Union Government) issued Gold bonds in the denominations of one gram and
its multiples. One person can buy upto 4 kgs.
⇒ They can be purchased from commercial banks, post offices and authorised agents.
⇒ RBI continued to release them in 2018, 2019 & 2020 as well.
⇒ Tenure? 8 years. (But investor can exit from 5th year).
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⇒ Fixed ~2% interest every year. On the redemption date you get the principal equivalent of the
latest price of gold in grams. So, if gold price ⏫ then you get more profit.
⇒ Bonds can be tradable in stock exchange. Can be used as collateral for loans.
⇒ They given certain exemption in Capital Gains Tax. (More in 📑📑Pillar#2A: taxation)
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? People were investing in gold with speculation that when gold prices increase they’ll
profit. Gold Bonds offer them similar without actually giving them gold. So it helps ⏬ gold
import. (सोने के दामों म� बढ़ोतरी के िहसाब से आपको �नवेश पर �ादा रकम �मलेगी तो सोने का �ब��ट लेने क� ज�रत नहीं)
30.5.3 🎖🎖🎖🎖🐯🐯 Gold Monetization Scheme (2015: �णर् मुद्रीकरण योजना)
- Under this scheme, RBI allows commercial banks accept customers’ idle gold / jewellery for 1
year to 15 years tenure. (2019- RBI also allowed Charitable Institutions and Central Govt to
deposit their gold in the commercial banks)
- Commercial Banks pay the depositor ~2% interest.
- Min. 30gm to maximum any amount of gold can be deposited.
- Gold goes to → Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India →
- Gold sold to jewellers, electronic circuits companies and
- Some of the gold used for Minting “Indian Gold Coin.”
- Upon maturity you can redeem deposit in the form of gold coin/bars or cash equivalent. The
profit exempted from Capital Gains Tax.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following are the main objectives of Gold Monetization Scheme launched in the country ?
1. To monetize gold holdings in the country 2. To increase export of gold from the country
3. To reduce India’s import bill 4. To meet the targets of reduction in fiscal deficit
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 4 only (b) 2 and 4 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
🔠🔠❓MCQ. What is/are the purpose/purposes of Government's 'Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme' and 'Gold
Monetization Scheme’? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
1.To bring the idle gold lying with Indian households into the economy.
2. To promote FDI in the gold and jewellery sector.
3. To reduce India's dependence on gold imports.
Answer codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3
30.5.4 🎖🎖🎖🎖🦁🦁 Indian (Sovereign) Gold Coins (2015: भारतीय �णर् �स�े )
Issued by a Govt company “Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation of India”.
- Available in denominations of 5, 10, 20 grams.
- These gold coins are not fiat money because not issued under the powers of Coinage act, they
don’t bear any markings indicating rupee denominations. Their markings only indicate gold
grams. And since they’re not ‘fiat money’ → so, not ‘legal tenders’.
- Benefit? Trusted Purity → Easily resold → Easy liquidity, and Profit (if) gold price⏫.
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30.5.5 🎖🎖🎖🎖: Gold price in Corona
As such, Govt's economic surveys don't talk much about daily ups/downs of gold price movement.
UPSC also never asked anything like that. So, we need not PHD.
⇒ Indian banks ⏬ fixed deposit interest rates. People shifting towards gold investment for a better
"positive real" interest rate. (Recall Pillar1)
⇒ Mutual funds not giving good returns post-ILFS crisis and Franklin Templeton MF crisis (Recall
Pillar1) → some investors prefer gold
⇒ Geopolitical tensions like Iran-US, China-US, India-China have negative impact on sharemarket
→ some investors prefer gold
⇒ 2020 Corona-Crisis: Shares and bonds have become risky due to heavy losses faced by
companies. Investors prefer a 'safe assets' = ⏫demand of gold → ⏫prices.
⇒ Corona→ workers @gold mines / refineries ⏬ → gold production ⏬ → price⏫
⇒ However, vaccination = investors expect business revival so they’ll sell gold to invest in shares so
again gold prices fallen from ₹56000 per 10gm in (2020-Aug) to ₹45000 (2021-March) =
₹11,000⏬. … ✋+ other 500 angles on Dollar currency exchange rate, Bond yields, some
investors shifting to Bitcoin etc=poor cost-benefit. Apply logic/50:50.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
30.5.6 ☕BoP → Current → Export → GI Tag
⇒ A Geographical Indication (GI: भौगो�लक सं के तक) is a sign used on products with specific
geographical origin and unique qualities due to that origin. E.g. Darjeeling tea from W.Bengal- It
was the first to obtain GI tag from India.
⇒ 🤩🤩Benefit? GI tag adds premium-ness to a product, helps fetching higher prices in the
international market → better income for farmers and artisans. �वदेशी ग्राहक उसे उ�ा िक� क� समझ के
और �ादा पैसा देने के �लए राजी हो सकता है
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⇒ Indian Nodal? Commerce ministry → Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks
→ Geographical Indications Registry in Chennai.
New Indian GI tag during From April 2018 till Now Nov. 2020
☕GI Product Type Origin?
Araku Valley Arabica Coffee Agricultural Andhra & Odisha
ldu Mishmi Textiles Handicraft Arunachal
Boka Chaul, Kaji Nemu Agricultural Assam
Shahi Litchi Agricultural Bihar
Silao Khaja Food stuff Bihar
Jeeraphool Agri cultural Chhattisgarh
Khola Chilli Agricultural Goa
Rajkot Patola, Pethapur Printing Blocks Handicraft Gujarat
Himachali Kala Zeera Agri cultural Himachal
Himachali Chulli Oil Manufactured Himachal
Coffee from Coorg| Chikmagalur |Bababudangiris, Sirsi Agricultural Karnataka
Supari; Gulbarga Tur Dai
Kolhapuri Chappal Handicraft Karnataka & MH
Wayanaad Coffee, Marayoor Jaggery-Sharkara, Tirur Agricultural Kerala
Betel Leaf (Tirur Vettila)
Kashmir Saffron Agricultural J&K
Sohrai – Khovar Painting Handicraft Jharkhand
Jhabua Kadaknath Black Chicken Meat Food Stuff Madhya Pradesh
Alphonso, Sangli Turmeric Agricultural Maharashtra
Chak-Hao Agri Manipur
Pawndum, Ngotekherh, Hmaram, Tawlhlohpuan, Mizo Handicraft Mizoram
Kandhamal Haldi(turmeric); Odisha Rasagola Agri;food Odisha
Erode Manjal / Turmeric, Kodaikanal Malai Poondu Agricultural Tamil Nadu
Thirubuvanam Silk Sarees, Kandangi Saree, Thanjavur Handicraft Tamil Nadu
Pith Works, Arumbavur Wood Carvings
Palani Panchamirtham, Srivilliputtur Palkova, Kovilpatti Food Stuff Tamil Nadu
Kadalai Mittai
Dindigul Locks Manufactured Tamil Nadu
Telia Rumal Handicraft Telangana
Chunar Balua Patthar, Gorakhpur Terracotta Natural Uttar Pradesh
🎓🎓Self Study? For UPSC interview, your state’s GIs from
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30.5.7 ☕😰😰GI-Controversies? (�ववाद)
- 2010: GI status given to the Basmati rice grown only in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand and parts of western Uttar Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. Madhya
Pradesh state government had been fighting to get GI-status for its Basmati rice as well, but 2018
rejected by GI Registry @Chennai.
- 2017-19: W.Bengal and Odisha were fighting to get GI for Rasagola, ultimately they are given
separate GIs: ‘Banglar Rasogolla (2017)’ and ‘Odisha Rasagola (2019-July)’.
30.5.8 ☕🔖🔖 GI Logo
Commerce Ministry has created a logo for GI products with tag ‘Invaluable Treasures of Incredible
India’ to make them more attractive to foreign buyers. (�वदेशी ग्राहकों म� चाहत बढ़ाने के �लए)
30.5.9 🍋🍋🍋🍋BoP → Current → Exports → SEZ
🍋🍋Ordinary area 🍋🍋🍋🍋SEZ area
Mfg pe Excise / GST N/A
Import Exports pe Customs Duty N/A
Profit pe Corporation Tax/ Income Tax N/A**
⇒ Special Economic Zones (SEZ: �वशेष आ�थक �ेत्र) is a specifically demarcated area of India which is
deemed as foreign territory for the purpose of Tax laws and Trade laws. (भारत के कर कानून वहां भारत
के अ� प्रदेशों क� समान नहीं लागू होते। उ�� करो म� छू ट/�रयायत दी जाती है)
⇒ Thus, exempted from aforementioned taxes (OR)/ subjected to lower rate of taxes of Union and
State Govts. This relief is for a specific time-period only, which is called “Tax holiday” (कराधान से
छु ट्टी, एक सी�मत समय के �लए ही होती है, अनं त काल के �लए नहीं).
**SEZ Sunset clause in Income Tax Act (आयकर कानून म� सूयार्� प्रावधान)
⇒ Income Tax Act (Section 10AA) provides for a tax-holiday for SEZ firms for a period of “X”
years only. Corona = Economists suggest this deadline should be extended to attract more
foreign companies in India. ✋Exact norms & deadline? NOTimp#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
🤑🤑🤑🤑Benefits given to SEZ
⇒ They get single window clearance for various import / export licenses / permissions
⇒ Government will bear the cost of developing the roads, sewage, affluent treatment, weighing-
packaging-labelling etc infrastructure within the SEZ.
⇒ They are regulated under SEZ policy (2000) and Special Economic Zone Act, 2005. State Govt
forwards the proposal to create SEZ → Union’s Commerce Ministry approves.
⇒ 1965: Asia's first SEZ was set up in Kandla, Gujarat (At that time it was called Export Processing
Zone/EPZ). Currently we’ve 220+ SEZ in India.
⇒ 🥰🥰Benefit? More exports, employment, economic growth.
⇒ 😰😰Challenges? SEZ entrepreneurs use legal loopholes → Tax avoidance, Workers deprived of
EPFO/ESIC/Maternity benefit. When entrepreneurs’ Tax holiday is over in one SEZ, they
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shutdown operation and move to another SEZ with new name/registration. Agricultural and
forest lands diverted to build SEZs → future challenges in food security, pollution control and
climate change.
Solution? 2018: Commerce Ministry had setup Baba Kalyani committee to look into SEZ issues.
Baba is the Chairman of Bharat Forge ltd.
30.5.10 🍋🍋🍋🍋🕵🕵🕵Baba Kalyani report on SEZ
1. While the number of SEZ & SEZ-led employment has ⏫, but their export growth rates were
not encouraging in the last decade.
2. Instead of giving blanket-general-tax-holiday, SEZ-units should be given tax benefits linked to
how many job created, how much FDI investment attracted, how much goods/services exported
etc. सब को एक समान �प से करो म� छू ट नहीं देनी चािहए उद्योगप�त ने िकतना रोजगार सृजन/ �नयार्त िकया, उस िहसाब से प्रदशनर्
के आधार पे छू ट �मले
3. SEZs should be converted into Employment and Economic Enclaves(3Es: रोजगार और आ�थक प�र�ेत्रों)
with efficient transport infrastructure, uninterrupted water and power supply. (So, both
domestic-consumer-centric entrepreneurs and export-centric entrepreneurs can operate from
same locality, supply each other with intermediate goods/services. While export-wallas get
further tax benefits in Customs Duty & Direct Taxes.)
4. Encourage MSMEs in 3Es, so we can create more jobs. लघु उद्योगों को प्रो�ाहन
5. Develop infrastructure: High Speed Rail, Express roadways, Passenger/Cargo airports, shipping
ports, warehouses etc. near SEZ/3Es zones. प�रवहन क� बु�नयादी अवसं रचना
6. Focus on electronics for domestic production for domestic consumers, and need to have a plan
for import substitution (i.e. encourage Swadeshi electronics companies in 3Es, so Indians buy
import less VIDESHI products).
✍Conclusion in SEZ related Mains Qs? Government of India has set a target of creating 100
million jobs and achieving 25% of GDP from the manufacturing sector by 2022, as part of its flagship
‘Make in India’, so above reforms / recommendations will help achieving these targets.
🔠🔠❓ _ _ _ Asian country established the first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in 1965? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
a. China b. India c. South Korea d. Japan
30.5.11 💎💎💎💎📯📯BoP → Current → Exports → Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020)
⇒ India's export in goods and services in 2013-14 was ~$465 billions. This FTP Policy (�वदेश �ापार
नी�त) aims to almost double it to $900 billion by 2020.
⇒ Nodal? Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) under Ministry of Commerce.
⇒ Introduced new schemes / streamlined previous schemes such as: MEIS/SEIS.
⇒ Interest Equalization Scheme (�ाज समानकरण योजना): MSME exporters given interest subsidy on
loans by Commerce Ministry. Exact details NOT imp because this is a low-profile scheme.
⇒ Duty free import of capital goods (machinery required for production: पूंजीगत व�ु के आयात पे
उद्योगप�त को सीमाशु� मु��).
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⇒ Advance Authorization Scheme (अ�ग्रम प्रा�धकरण योजना) allows duty free import of inputs, along
with fuel, oil, catalyst, etc., required for manufacturing export product.
⇒ Niryat Bandhu Scheme: Govt mentors the new and potential exporters and mentor them
through training, counselling, orientation programmes
⇒ Towns of Export Excellence (TEE: �नयार्त उ�ृ �ता के शहर) and Trade Infrastructure for Export
Scheme (TIES: �नयार्त योजना के �लए �ापार आधा�रक सं रचना): where Union gives ₹ for infra development
for export (warehouses, transportation, packaging facilities etc.)
✓ E-governance initiatives →
○ CBIC → Single Window Interface for Facilitating Trade (SWIFT) for importers and
exporters through Within that, e-governance modules like E-Sanchit,
Turant etc for document approval etc.
○ Commerce Ministry & FIEO (Federation of Indian Export Organisations) launched
India Trade webportal and Niryat Mitra App.
30.5.12 🥵🥵 Foreign Trade Policy: Challenge / Updates?
⇒ While policy has lofty goal of doubling Indian exports to $900 billion by 2020. But US/EU
protectionism = target difficult to achieve.
⇒ Existing policy was to expire on 31/3/2020. Although Government extended it till 30/9/2021.
⇒ 2018: Commerce Ministry launched a separate policy for Agriculture Exports (📑📑Ref#4A).
30.5.13 🍋🍋🍋🍋Tax Credit for Exporters: MEIS/SEIS
Boss? Commerce Ministry WAS running two tax-incentive schemes to boost exports
⇒ Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS: भारत से सेवाएं �नयार्त योजना).
⇒ Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS: भारत से �ापा�रक माल �नयार्त योजना)
These schemes provide tax credit to exporters, which they can use for paying Union’s Customs Duty.
AFTER RODTEP is notified fully, the MEIS scheme will be STOPPED.
30.5.14 Tax Credit for Exporters: RoDTEP?
2020-March: govt announced Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP: �नयार्त
उ�ादों पर शु� और कर क� छू ट). Boss? Commerce Ministry
GOODS Exporter Customs Duty Following taxes he paid in previous stage:
gets Input tax credit 1. Customs Duty
for 2. Transport fuel (petrol diesel) Excise and VAT
3. Agriculture raw material pe State Mandi tax
(it’s not a ‘tax’ but rather a FEES charged by
APMC Mandi.)
4. Electricity pe electricity duty
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WTO-compliant? No, so WTO ordered Yes (or atleast Modi claims so.) RoDTEP will
to stop it replace MEIS scheme.
30.5.15 ⚓Port Logistics: Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
⇒ अ�धकृ त आ�थक सं चालक: An importer/exporter/cargo company can apply to the Central Board of
Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) to get this ‘status’.
⇒ Subject to conditions like 1) minimum 3 years experience 2) never filed bankruptcy 3) never
caught in fraud / smuggling etc.
⇒ 🥰🥰 Benefits? Faster clearance times, fewer physical examinations on cargo etc.
⇒ At International level, World Customs Organization (WCO, HQ: Brussels, Belgium)’s “SAFE
Framework” guides this program.
30.5.16 📊📊Export Preparedness Index by NITI (2020,Aug: �नयार्त तैयारी सूचकांक)
⇒ It ranks the Indian states based on State government policies, infrastructure, transport
connectivity, ease of doing business etc. (रा� सरकार क� नी�तयां, बु�नयादी अवसं रचना, प�रवहन, �ापार म� सुगमता)
⇒ Overall, most of the Coastal States are the best performers. (तटीय रा� सवर्श्रे� प्रदशर्न)
⇒ Top-3 (2020): Gujarat > Maharashtra > Tamil Nadu.
⇒ ✋Some private mock test walla prepare faltu-MCQs based on the 4-pillars and 11-sub pillars of
this index, but poor cost benefit.
30.5.17 📲📲📲📲📲📲 “Assemble in India” | Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI)
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30.6.1 🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI: �वदेशी पोटर्फो�लयो �नवेशक)
⇒ It is a foreign entity registered @SEBI, and who buys upto 10% in equity / shares of an Indian
Company. [For Corporate Bonds and G-Sec these % are different.]
⇒ Originally, these were called Foreign Institutional Investor (FII: �वदेशी सं �ागत �नवेशक) and
Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs), but in 2013 SEBI merged them all into a single category- FPI,
based on the recommendations of K.M. Chandrasekhar committee.
⇒ FPI’s primary objective is make money from buying and selling of shares through the capital
market / share market. They even help the SEBI-non-registered foreign investors by issuing them
Participatory notes (P-Notes) [📑📑Ref: 1C: SEBI handout].
⇒ FPIs are not involved in the actual operations / production / management / business policy
making of a company (unlike Walmart is for Flipkart). कं पनी का �यं सं चालन म� ��च नहीं
⇒ If FPI investor is hopeful to get better returns in the other countries’ share/bond market, he may
quickly sell his Indian securities and run away. The flight of such money is called ‘hot money
(चलायमान मुद्रा)', It results into weakening of Indian Rupee and falling of Sensex.
30.6.2 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI: प्र�� �वदेशी �नवेश)
⇒ FDI is the (more than 10% equity / share) investment made by a foreign entity into an Indian
company, with the objective to get involved in the management / production of that Indian
company. भारतीय कं पनी के सं चालन/ उ�ादन म� शा�मल होने के उद्दे� से 10% या उससे �ादा शेयर खरीदना
⇒ (e.g. 2018: Walmart-USA bought 77% stakes in Flipkart @$16 billion.)
⇒ 2020: 1) FDI highest sector wise= Computer software and hardware. 2) FDI highest country
wise: from #1: Singapore #2: USA
⇒ ✋Foreign Investment is prohibited in atomic energy, railway operations (except Metro & infra
dev.); Tobacco Products, Real Estate Business, Farm Houses, Chit Funds, Nidhi Companies,
Betting Gambling Casino & Lottery.
⇒ For the remaining sectors, Foreign Investment is permitted either through:
A. � Automatic Route: �चा�लत मागर् i.e. Foreign entity doesn’t require Indian Govt’s
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B. 🧔🧔 Government Route: सरकारी मागर् i.e. prior to investment, they’ve to get approval from
the Govt of India’s respective Administrative Ministry/ Department (+ Commerce
30.6.3 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Investment → 100% Automatic permitted in
✓ Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Plantation Sector, Food Processing companies
✓ Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARC), Credit Information Companies, Core Investment
Company, White Label ATM Operation and Other Financial Services
✓ Pharma & Biotechnology(Greenfield), Healthcare (Greenfield), Medical Devices
✓ Broadcast of non-NEWS TV Channels, Printing of scientific and technical magazines; Wholesale
Trading, Single Brand Retail, E-Commerce (market-place)
✓ IT and Business process management (BPM); Township Construction, Housing, Infrastructure;
Gems & Jewellery, Duty Free Shops, Tourism & Hospitality
✓ Leather, Textiles & Garments, Manufacturing, Capital Goods, Industrial Parks
✓ Mining and Exploration of metal and non-metal,
✓ Petroleum & Natural Gas, Chemicals, Coal & Lignite, Thermal & Renewable Energy
✓ Civil Aviation (**Selected services), Airports (Greenfield & Brownfield)
✓ Ports and Shipping, Railway Infrastructure, Roads & Highways
✓ 2019-Jul: Insurance intermediaries (e.g. agents, brokers, surveyors, 3rd party admin etc)
✓ 2019-Sept: Coal mining, coal sale & associated activities; Contract manufacturing.
30.6.4 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 Foreign Investment → Others
sector → Foreign Investment limits Automatic 🧔🧔✋With Govt
upto? approval?
Banking - Public Sector N/A 20%
⇒ Printing / Publishing newspaper, current affairs magazines; N/A 26%
⇒ News/Current Affairs through Digital Media
Broadcasting of News TV-channels, FM-Radio N/A 49%
Multi Brand Retail Trading N/A 51%
REITs / InvITs Infrastructure Companies N/A 49%
Petroleum Refining (by PSUs), Power Exchanges N/A 49%
Banking (Private Sector) 49% >49 upto 74%
Telecom Services, Private Security Agencies, 49% ABOVE 49%
Air Transport Services
Insurance Company (earlier 49% then 💼💼Budget-2021 ⏫to → ) 74% Not required
[Pension sector FDI% = Insurance sector so it shd be 74% as well]
1) Defense (2020-Sept: FDI in Defense limit ⏫from 49% to 74%) 74% ABOVE 74%
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sector → Foreign Investment limits Automatic 🧔🧔✋With Govt
upto? approval?
2) Brownfield projects in Pharma, Biotech, Healthcare
Satellite operation N/A 100%
For future updates, refer to
Definition? E-commerce means buying and selling of goods and services over digital & electronic
network. Two subtypes
1. Inventory based (इ��टरी आधा�रत) model of e-commerce: Company sells the inventory of goods
and services, which is owned by them to consumers directly. E.g. (A computer
hardware site). FDI is not permitted here.
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2. Marketplace based (बाजार आधा�रत) model of e-commerce: Company merely provides a
webportal/app to act as a facilitator between buyer and sellers. E.g. Amazon, Flipkart. 100% FDI
allowed here.
Marketplace E-Commerce companies were engaging in Anti-Competitive (�धार् �वरोधी) behaviour e.g.
- 😰😰Flipkart / Amazon would enter in exclusive partnerships with top smartphone brands such
as Xiaomi and Oppo- Prohibiting them from selling their mobile phones through other online or
offline channels → offline mobile shops suffer.
- 😰😰Flipkart / Amazon run “Marketplace E-Commerce model” i.e. they allow any merchant to
list their products on their website. However they will also have their own merchant company
(e.g. Amazon’s cloudtail pvt ltd) who would offer deep discounts / cashbacks to the customers.
→ Other online merchants on the same web platform will suffer. Offline brick and mortar shop
merchants (=kiranawalla) will also suffer.
30.6.8 🖱🖱🖱🖱 E-Commerce Rules 2019-Feb
Who? Consumer Affairs ministry. उपभो�ा मामलों का मं त्रालय
How? using the powers under Consumer Protection Act 2019. उपभो�ा सं र�ण अ�ध�नयम(Ref:Pill4)
1. ✋Such E-commerce companies can’t have exclusive agreements with sellers (�बक्रेताओ के साथ अन�
समजौते). E.g. Flipkart can’t compel Xiaomi ‘not to’ sell Mi phones on other online/offline
2. ✋Tightened the technical norms related to cashback and discounts. (कै शबैक और छू ट से सं बं �धत
तकनीक� मानदंडों को स� िकया)
3. ✋Tightened norms on E-commerce company who were using their own subsidiary
companies/shell companies as “Online Merchants” to sell products at deep discount (सहायक
कं प�नयों द्वारा गहरी छू ट पर सामान बेचने पर स�ी क� गयी).
30.6.9 🖱🖱🖱🖱 E-Commerce Rules 2020-Jul
These rules applicable to all types of electronic retailers (e-tailers) registered in India or abroad -
whenever they're offering goods and services to Indian consumers.
E-tailers must mention the 'expiry date', 'country of origin' of goods, its policies on return,
refund, exchange, warranty and guarantee, delivery, shipment, cancellation policy. (ई �वक्रेता ने
समा�� �त�थ, उ�ादन का मूल देश इ�ािद क� जानकारी देनी होगी )
E-tailer must display sellers' geographic address, customer care number, rating etc.
✋Plus many other technical norms. Poor cost:benefit in chasing all them. In MCQs, just apply
logical reasoning that news rules are more consumer friendly, and imposes more responsibilities
on e-tailer/seller. Accordingly do logical reasoning, if any technical norm asked. For example, "E-
tailer must not post fake reviews by creating fake accounts".= Yes this statement is correct.
Penalties? Consumer Protection Act, 2019.
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🔠🔠❓MCQ. Both Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Foreign Institutional Investor (FII) are related to investment
in a country. Which one of the following statements best represents an important difference between the two?(Asked
in UPSC-Pre-2011)
A. FII helps bring better management skills and technology, while FDI only brings in capital.
B. FII helps in increasing capital availability in general, while FDI only targets specific sectors.
C. FDI flows only into the secondary market, while FII targets primary market.
D. FII is considered to be more stable than FDI
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct major characteristics with reference to Foreign Direct Investment in India (Prelims-2020)
[a) It is the investment through capital instruments essentially in a listed company.
[b) It is largely non-debt creating capital flow.
[c) It is the investment which involves debt-servicing.
[d) It is the investment made by foreign institutional investors in the Government securities.
30.6.10 � Yearbook: Ministry of Commerce and Industry (वा�ण� और उद्योग मं त्रालय):
This ministry looks after Internal and External Trade, WTO, Dumping, SEZ, FDI related issues. It’s
the boss of <List not exhaustive- मं त्रालय म� और भी सं �ाएं हो सकती है लेिकन सभी क� सूची म�ने नहीं दी >
Attached 1. Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT: �वदेश �ापार महा�नदेशालय) for promotion
offices of foreign trade.
सं ल� 2. Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) to impose anti-dumping duty on
कायार्लय foreign products.
3. Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
PSUs ⇒ Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (ECGC: NIRVIC scheme-walle)
⇒ MMTC ltd. (Gold-coin-walle). Although 2020-Jan approved for Strategic
⇒ National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency of India. Commonly known
as “Invest India”: A ‘not for profit’ company by commerce ministry + FICCI +
NASSCOM + other in 2009. Sidenote: FICCI and NASSCOM are not-for-profit
associations made by businessmen, mainly to lobby/highlight their demands to
Autonomo 1. Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
us/ (APEDA: कृ �ष और सं सा�धत खाद्य उ�ाद �नयार्त �वकास प्रा�धकरण), under its statutory act.
statuto. 2. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)- a “Deemed University” that offers
MBA, PHD & other programs.
�नकाय/ 3. Statutory Commodity Boards → Coffee, Rubber, Tea, Tobacco, Spices Board.
सं �ाए Controversy? Some new articles suggesting they’ll be closed / merged to farmers
are opposing.
Self-Study: Go through
departments-forms-of-government-organisations-in-hindi/7KCEZHT4/ to learn about the ‘types’ of
Government organizations.
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💼💼Budget-2020: Indus script “Takara Kolimi=Tin smithery”, “ Sreni “= Guild ,” Sethi”= wholesale
merchant, “Poddar”= Assayer of metal into treasury. (🎓🎓Medieval dictionary GK sometimes asked
in MCQ so memorize.)
30.6.11 🕵🕵🕵(2019) DIPP becomes DPIIT (�वभाग का नाम बदला गया)
⇒ 💼💼Interim-Budget- 2019: Govt renamed Commerce Ministry’s Department of Industrial Policy
and Promotion (DIPP: औद्यो�गक नी�त और सं वधर्न �वभाग) → Department for Promotion of Industry
and Internal Trade (DPIIT: उद्योग और आंत�रक �ापार को बढ़ावा देने के �लए �वभाग ).
⇒ It’ll function under Ministry of Commerce and Industry
⇒ DPIIT’s Objectives? Promotion of internal trade, including retail trade; welfare of traders and
their employees; matters relating to ease of doing business; and startups.
30.6.12 � (2017) FIPB Abolished (�वदेशी �नवेश अनुम�त क� सं �ा को हटाया गया)
- Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB: �वदेशी �नवेश सं वधर्न बोडर्) was an inter-ministerial body
in the Department of Economic Affairs in the finance ministry.
- FIPB processed the FDI applications where government approval was required. If investment
amount exceeded ₹ 5,000 crore → application forwarded to Cabinet Committee on Economic
Affairs (CCEA: आ�थक मामलों क� मं �त्रमं डलीय स�म�त).
- FIPB was chaired by the economic affairs secretary, & members from other depts.
- 2017: Govt announced FIPB’s abolition. Now, individual ministries/departments are empowered
to clear FDI proposals in consultation with Commerce Ministry. e.g. FDI in Pendrive factory →
MEITY + Commerce Ministry. (if proposal above ₹5kcr →CCEA)
- FIPB’s webportal was renamed into “Foreign Investment Facilitation Portal” and transferred to
Commerce ministry.
However, Only Home Ministry will clear FDI proposals coming from Pakistan and Bangladesh; and
FDI proposals related to private security agencies, small arms manufacturing.
30.6.13 🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃🗃 BoP: Capital → Chinese FDI need Govt approval
Before From 2020-April
If any FDI proposal coming from Pakistan and ⇒ If any FDI proposal from any country that
Bangladesh, it required approval from shares border with India → Indian Govt
Government of India. approval required
⇒ Means, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China,
Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar
Govt decided this because: Corona-led slowdown = Indian companies suffering from losses.
China may mis-use this opportunity to takeover such Indian companies @very low share price
→ will harm our strategic & economic interests. (चीन, हमारी भारतीय कं प�नयो का अ�धग्रहण कर लेगा तो हमारे
रणनी�तक और आ�थक िहतों को नुकसान हो सकता है)
😰😰Criticism? China says this is violation of WTO norms related to foreign investment.
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Although Australia and Germany also announced similar restrictions on China for similar
reasons (More on WTO in 📑📑Pillar#3B)
30.6.14 � Related Topic: Cabinet Committees
Cabinet Committee on Boss* Notes
1) Appointments �नयु�� �वषयक 🧔🧔 PM finalizes the name for top level appointments like
के �बनेट स�म�त Cabinet Secretary, Indian ambassadors for each
nation etc.
2) Accommodation आवास HM Giving house allocation to politicians, top officials
3) Economic Affairs 🧔🧔 PM FDI approval, Agri-MSP approval (Pillar#4A),
आ�थक मामले Bank merger,disinvestment etc grand things
4) Parliamentary Affairs Defense Defense Minister Rajnath Singh made boss for his
सं सदीय कायर् Minister acumen in parliamentary matters
5) Political Affairs, 6) Security 🧔🧔 PM Self-explanatory. If PM is in a cabinet Committee,
5) राजनी�तक मामले, 6) सुर�ा he automatically becomes its chairman
7) Investment and Growth 🧔🧔 PM These two are new committee formed after 2019's
8) Employment and Skill General Election. 7) �नवेश और �वकास
Development 8) रोजगार और कौशल �वकास
30.6.15 🐯🐯�🦁🦁 International Financial Services Centre (IFSC)
A nation will not apply its local taxation and investment norms in its IFSCs (अंतरार्��ीय �व�ीय सेवा
क� द्र:) E.g. UAE → Dubai’s IFSC centre: 100% FDI allowed in any sector. 100% Capital Account
Convertibility (i.e.Invest & pullout money as & when you please in any currency of your
choice!), 0% income tax for 50 years. DTAA with most countries. Independent judiciary not
bound with local laws. Quick Visa etc. (करो म� भारी छू ट, �ा�नक कानूनों से मु��)
🤩🤩Result? Such place becomes a hub / base of operation for international financial companies
and investment bankers. It also creates trickle down benefits for local people e.g. Chartered
Accountants, Hoteliers, Golf club owners, Taxi operators etc.
London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore to have also grown by setting up such centres.
Taking their example, India too has set up Gujarat International Finance Tec (GIFT) city
international financial services centre (IFSC) near Ahmedabad. (2015)
Although GIFT city not yet attracted good number of international financial companies because
the tax benefits are not as great as Singapore, Hong Kong etc.
This ‘greenfield’ GIFT city was developed by 50:50 Joint venture of (the infamous) IL&FS +
Gujarat Urban Development Company Limited (GUDCL). Together they were responsible for
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the construction, electricity, water, sanitation and other responsibilities of running this city. But
post IL&FS crisis, Govt of Gujarat has bought IL&FS’s 50% shareholding.
💼💼Full-Budget-2019: Companies operating in operating IFSC were given additional benefits / tax
holidays in the direct taxes (with the hopes that it’ll attract more companies here).
30.6.16 🐯🐯�🦁🦁: � IFSC Authority Act, 2019
IFSC (such as GIFT city) are setup under the SEZ Act.
IFSC get relief / exemption in the Indian tax laws. Further, RBI, SEBI, IRDAI and other
regulators’ norms also apply in relaxed manner. E.g. Bank branches in GIFT-city-IFSC are
exempted from RBI’s CRR-SLR-PSL etc. norms.
2019’s Act aim to setup a statutory International Financial Services Centres Authority (अंतरार्�ी� य
�व�ीय सेवा क� द्र प्रा�धकरण), with
- One Chairperson
- One member each nominated from RBI,SEBI, IRDAI, PFRDA
- + few other members from Finance ministry etc
- Tenure? 3 years. Re-appointment? Yes, possible.
The IFSC Authority will regulate all financial services, products, institutions in International
Financial Services Centres of India.
⇒ 2020-April: Government announced its headquarter will be at Gandhinagar, Gujarat. (Since
Gandhinagar is the only place with an IFSC at present, i.e. GIFT City)
⇒ 😥😥Controversy? Maharashtra political outfits demanding HQ should be in Mumbai.
30.6.17 � 🔪🔪 BoP → Capital Account → Debt (Loans & Non Resident Bank deposits)
NET inflow in (Bn. USD) →�नवल आमद 2018- Corona-
19 2020
Foreign Investment (FPI & FDI) +30 +31
External borrowing: Pvt. Sector borrowing >Govt. +16 +0.30
Further, majority of India’s external debt is in U$D currency > Indian
Rupee > IMF’s SDR > (Yen, Euro, Pound Sterling, etc)
Non-Residents’ Deposits in Indian Banks [Foreign Currency Non-Resident +7 -15
FCNR accounts] & other misc. components of Capital Account
NET balance in Capital Account (approx.) + 54 +16
(Full) Budget-2019: Indian Development Assistance Scheme (IDEAS) provides concessional loans to
developing countries. We’ll revamp this scheme. भारतीय �वकास सहायता योजना → �वकासशील देशों को भारत
�रयायती �ाज दरों पर कज़ार् देता है
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the value of domestic assets owned by foreigners.
⇒ 🧐🧐 Positive NIIP value = creditor nation (लेनदार रा�)�
⇒ 😭😭 Negative value = debtor nation (कजर्दार देश). USA highest, India at 8th place (in 2018)
⇒ Up to a certain level, more External borrowing → ⏫economic growth (Because that foreign
money can be used for expanding the local factories, jobs, production). But beyond a certain
level it will become unsustainable. (Just like in Original Laffer Curve: ⏫direct tax% → ⏫tax
collection but then it'll reduce tax collection Because high level of direct taxes will encourage
laziness and tax evasion/blackmoney.) एक हद तक �वदेशी कज� से भारतीय का अथर्तंत्र म� वृ�द्ध क� जा सकती है लेिकन
एक हद के बाद वह अ��रता पैदा करता है
⇒ Because too much debt = then all of your new (monthly/yearly) income will be gone in repaying
the previous loan installments. This phenomena is known as debt overhang. यिद आपक� सारी कमाई
लोन क� िक� चुकाने म� चली जाए तो काम करने का उ�ाह भी चला जाता है
o Debt overhang destroys enthusiasm and motivation to work harder.
o Debt overhang increases the chances of loan default e.g. Argentina, Ecuador, Belize,
Lebanon, Suriname and Zambia – have defaulted on their sovereign debt in Corona.
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21: Presently India's external debt to GDP is at the optimal level. (In other words we
should not let this ratio increase anymore.)
⇒ Corona: business ⏬: now If Indian companies borrow too much money from abroad to revive
their business → It may create the debt overhang problem in the future.
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5 Official Reserve Transactions or Monetary (+) 3 bn** (-)51##
Movements in RBI's Foreign Exchange Reserves**
NET Balance of Payment for India 0 (ZERO) 0 (ZERO)
- **
Column for 2018-19: (+) sign indicates RBI supplied/sold that many $$ from its forex reserve,
else $ becomes stronger= ₹becomes weaker bad for importers. (+) Sign indicates ⏬in RBI’s
forex reserve (since RBI sold dollars)
- ##
Column for 2020: (-) sign indicates RBI supplied/sold that many rupees to purchase $$ from
market, else ₹ rupee becomes stronger= bad for exporters. (-) Sign in sr.5 row indicates ⏫in
RBI’s forex reserve (since RBI bought dollars).
- Sr. no 5 is called Accommodating transaction, bcoz RBI will do it based on whether we are
having surplus or deficit due to previous 4 items (so that RBI can accommodate NET BoP to
- Sr. no 1 to 4 are called Autonomous transactions because they occur independently on their own
without RBI’s involvement. (यह लेनदेन �ाय� �प से, अपने आप ही हो जाती है)
30.7.1 💱💱💱💱💱💱 Sterilization (��रीकरण)?
⇒ If there is a BoP situation, wherein RBI has to sell ₹ to buy $ to get the NET answer ZERO e.g in
2018: RBI had to sell ₹ to buy those 3 billion$, but then then… Such RBI action would result in
⏫supply of rupee currency in the Indian market → it can cause inflation if there is not
sufficient supply of goods for purchase.
⇒ So, RBI must ‘absorb’ that excess rupee currency back. RBI will it through Open Market
Operation (OMO) → sell government securities to buyback Indian rupees. This entire process
is called Sterilization. �रजवर् ब�क ने यिद डॉलर खरीदने के �लए बाजार म� �पए िदए तो उ�ीं �पयों को वापस से भी चूस लेना
चािहए, वरना महंगाई हो सकती है → इस�लए �रजवर् ब�क, सरकारी प्र�तभू�तयां भेजकर बाजार ₹ चूस लेता है इसे ��रीकरण कहते ह�
30.7.2 💱💱💱💱💱💱: 🧅🧅 🧅🧅 Mundell-Fleming Trilemma (मं डल �े�मंग क� �त्र-आयामी दू �वधा)
Theory by economists Robert Mundell and Marcus Fleming (1960s). It argues that three things can't
be accomplished together: �रजवर् ब�क तीन चीज� एक साथ नहीं कर सकते
Trilemma (�त्र-आयामी दू �वधा) Example situation in Corona
1) Keep capital account open / relax Corona:- large foreign FPI,FDI inflow towards India’s
capital account convertibility to boost pharma-IT/Tech sectors. कोरोना के दौरान भारत के औष�ध तथा
economy. पूंजी खाते म� छू ट: भारत म� �वदेशी �पया सूचना प्रौद्यो�गक� �ेत्र म� ढेर सारी �वदेशी पूंजी आई
लाने- ले जाने पर ब�त �ादा पाबं दी ना हो, तािक
अथर्तंत्र को बढ़ोतरी �मल सके
2) Keep exchange rate stable �वदेशी मुद्रा ⇒ FPI,FDI ⏫ → so, inflow of Dollar$⏫⏫ →
�व�नमय दर को ��र रखा जाए then rupee will become stronger → exchange rate
will not remain stable & exporters will suffer due to
stronger rupee. �वदेशी मुद्रा के भारत म� अ�धक मात्रा म� आने से
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�पया मजबूत होता है जो �नयार्तकों के �लए अ�� बात नहीं
3) Keep monetary policy independent ⇒ Stronger rupee will be bad for exporters → RBI
(from what is happening elsewhere in should purchase dollars & sell rupees →
the world / solely focusing on Inflation
⏫Rupees supply → Inflation if there are not
- target) मौिद्रक नीती �तं त्र �प से चलाई जा
sufficient goods in the market. �रज़वर् ब�क �पया बेचकर
सके -�बना परवाह िकए िक �व�नमय दर म� �वदेशी
डॉलर खरीदना शु� कर� तो बाजार म� �पये क� मात्रा बढ़ जाएगी जो
ताकतों/कारको के चलते �ा अ��रताएँ हो रही है?
महंगाई उ�� कर सकती है
⇒ So if RBI try to control the exchange rate volatility,
then RBI will end up creating inflation! यानी क�
�व�नमय दर क� अ��रता रोकने के च�र म� महंगाई उ�� हो गई
⇒ Corona-2020: amount of $$ inflow so high,
sterilization game (Ref: previous section) was
difficult. So, inflation inevitable. ��रीकरण वाला खेला
ब�त मु��ल �ोंिक डॉलर/�पये मात्रा ब�त �ादा थी.
In this trilemma, What did RBI do?
Way Forward: Description did RBI implement this solution?
Control the exchange rate RBI should buy ✅YES. हाँ यहीं िकया गया
volatility, prevent Rupee dollars & sell
from becoming rupees. डॉलर खरीद
stronger →�पया को मजबूत होने �पया बेचो
से रोको
Control the inflation → Then RBI should not ✋No. Because RBI felt that inflation will
मं हगाई को काबू म� रखो buy the dollars and increase ⏫irrespectively, because of the
sell the rupees. तो Corona lockdown related supply-demand
डॉलर मत खरीदों �पया मत mismatch.
बेचो, तािक बाजार म� �पए लॉकडाउन- महंगाई तो वैसे भी होनी थी व�ुओ ं क� आपू�त
का ज�ा ना बढ़े, महंगाई न म� �गरावट के चलते. इस�लए �रज़वर् ब�क ने �पये क� �व�नमय
बढ़े दर को ��र रखना �ादा ज�री समझा
30.8 (⛽🎖🎖>🗃🗃🗃🗃)⚠ INDIA’S BALANCE OF PAYMENT CRISIS (1991)
Nowadays India usually has “DEFICIT” in current account (due to crude oil imports), but there is
usually sufficient “SURPLUS” in capital account (thanks to FDI & FPI) to counter/offset that
Current Account DEFICIT.
- But in the pre-1991’s Nehruvian Socialist Economy, many sectors were nationalised (banking
insurance) and / or reserved for the public sector companies only = mismanaged & inefficiency.
Private sector industrialists were allowed only in selected sectors, and were subjected to Licence-
Quota-Inspector Raj → ⏬competition,⏬ innovation = low exports.(Ref: 📑📑Pillar#4B)
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- And our policy makers restricted foreign investments (FDI /FPI) fearing that
- It’ll bring USA-CIA’s invisible hand in Indian Affairs,
- Our Swadeshi industries & our ‘Non-Alignment Movement (NAM)’ will be harmed.
- 😰😰End result? High level of “DEFICIT” in Current Account and not enough surplus in Capital
account to counter/offset that DEFICIT. The situation could be like this:
1991 → imaginary figures for illustration only (Bn. USD)
Current Account (Deficit) - 100
Capital Account (Surplus, but it’s insufficient surplus) + 50
Errors & Omissions 0
Overall Balance - 50
Monetary Movements in RBI's Foreign Exchange Reserves** + 50
NET Balance of Payment for India 0
**Here plus (+) indicates RBI must sell dollars from its forex reserve to keep India’s BoP at ZERO
level. If they can’t do it then shortage of dollars in Indian market to pay for our import bills →
results in heavy weakening of Indian rupee (e.g. $1 =₹ 60 → $1= ₹ 6000) then it becomes even more
expensive to import oil. �पया ब�त कमजोर �आ तो क�ा तेल आयात करना और महंगा होगा
- In 1991, RBI didn’t have enough forex reserves to get India’s BoP zero → we had to pledge our
gold to IMF to borrow dollars. सोना �गरवी रखकर डॉलर के लोन �लए
- IMF also imposed certain conditions which required India to open up its economy through LPG
reforms (Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation: उदारीकरण, �नजीकरण, वै�ीकरण). 🎓🎓Self-study
from (new) NCERT Class11:Indian economic development → Ch3.
30.8.1 🐯🐯🐯🐯 RBI’s Forex Reserve: �वदेशी मुद्रा �रजवर्
The Forex Reserve component(s) in decreasing order of size =
1) Foreign Currency Assets (includes foreign currencies & G-Sec/bonds of foreign Govts
2) Gold (�णर्)
3) Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) in the IMF. (What is RTP = NOT IMP)
4) Special Drawing Right (SDR) of International Monetary Fund
2019. We were 8th largest after China ($3 Trillion)> Japan > Switzerland > Saudi Arabia > Russia
> .... However USA is not in the top-10 list, it barely keeps ~$125 billions in reserve.
2020: India became 5th largest foreign forex reserve after China, Japan, Switzerland and Russia.
2021-Jan: RBI forex Reserves crossed $585 billions. because of following reasons:
⇒ Corona: imports ⏬⏬ → Capital Account surplus. आयात म� �गरावट के चलते चालू खाता अ�धशेष
⇒ Corona: USA/EU ke Central banks cheap/dovish/expansionary monetary policy → Flow of
dollars in euros increased towards Indian share market (Particularly In the pharma/IT-Tech
companies). FPI/FDI ⏫ → so, inflow of Dollar$/Euro etc⏫⏫ कोरोना के दौरान अमे�रक� यूरोपीय
क� द्रीय ब�कों द्वारा �व�ार वादी मौिद्रक नी�त के चलते ढेर सारा �वदेशी पैसा भारतीय बाजार म� आया है.
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⇒ then rupee will become stronger → exchange rate will not remain stable & exporters will suffer
due to stronger rupee. ऐसी प�र���त म� �पया �वदेशी मुद्राओं के सामने मजबूत होगा जो िक भारत के �नयार्तकों के �लए
अ�� बात नहीं होगी
⇒ So RBI bought dollars/Euro etc foreign currencies & sold rupees → $$/Euro etc accumulation in
the RBI forex reserve. इस�लए भारतीय �पया को मजबूत होने से रोकने के �लए �रजवर् ब�क ने �पया देकर बाजार से �वदेशी
मुद्रा को खरीदना शु� िकया. और ऐसी �जतनी �वदेशी मुद्रा �रजवर् ब�क ने खरीदी → उससे फॉरे� �रजवर् तो बढ़ना �ाभा�वक है.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is included in India's foreign-exchange reserves? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2013)
A. Foreign-currency assets, Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and loans from foreign countries.
B. Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and SDRs.
C. Foreign-currency assets, loans from the World Bank and SDRs.
D. Foreign-currency assets, gold holdings of the RBI and loans from the World Bank.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. “Gold Tranche” (Reserve Tranche) refers to _ _ (UPSC-Pre-2020)
[a) A loan system of the World bank [b) One of the operations of a central bank
[c) A credit system granted by WTO to its members [d) A credit system granted by IMF to its members
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(Definition) The price of one currency in terms of the other currency is called exchange rate. E.g. $1
= ₹ 70. Meaning, it costs ₹ 70 to buy one dollar (or $0.014 to buy ₹ 1).
- This is also called Nominal Exchange Rate because it does not take into consideration inflation
or purchasing power in the respective countries. (औपचा�रक �व�नमय दर, महंगाई को नजरअंदाज िकया)
- The place where currencies are exchanged is called Foreign Exchange Market (�वदेश �व�नमय बाज़ार).
Their dealers are called Authorized (Forex) Dealers (AD). They can be banks or non-banks.
They have to get registered with RBI under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA:
�वदेशी मुद्रा प्रबं धन अ�ध�नयम के अंतगर्त �वदेशी मुद्रा के दलालों को �रजवर् ब�क से अनुम�त लेनी होती है).
- These dealers keep separate prices for buying and selling, to make profit in between e.g. ICICI:
$1 Dollar buying price ₹ 67.95 and $1 selling price is ₹ 72.76. (इन दलालों का डॉलर खरीदने का दाम अलग
और बेचने का दाम अलग होता है तािक बीच म� उनका मुनाफा रहे)
- Such currency transaction service is also subjected to GST, however the tax depends on the
quantum of currency exchanged. (e.g. upto ₹ 10 lakh exchanged in foreign currency then only ~₹
3000 of that 10 lakh will be taxable in GST → 18% of 3000 → ₹ 540 GST Tax. GST will not be
levied on the entire 10 lakh rupees)
- American Economist James Tobin had suggested 0.1% to 0.5% Tobin Tax on currency exchange
transactions to discourage the speculative trading and volatility in the International Financial
Market, but on that logic if ₹ 10 lakhs exchanged then 0.1-0.5% = ₹1,000 to 5,000 should be
levied as ‘tax’, but since GST amount is much lower, so in reality it can’t be labelled as ‘Tobin
Tax’ (But we need not do PHD on it)
It is the set of rules governing the exchange of domestic currency with foreign currencies.
🐍🐍 Floating or Flexible (अ�ाई �व�नमय दर) 🔨🔨 Fixed or Pegged (�नयत �व�नमय दर)
Here the exchange rate is determined by the When the central bank of a country itself decides
market forces of demand and supply. the exchange rate of local currency to foreign
- So if there are more number of Indian people currency e.g. People’s Bank of China (PBC) $1 =
wanting to import crude oil, gold, iphones;/ 6 Yuan.
going to USA for higher studies,... Compared - If excess dollars are entering in their market,
to the number of Americans interested to buy the central bank will print more Yuan to buy
Indian goods, services; / coming to vacation and absorb the excess dollars, to ensure Yuan
in Kerala doesn’t strengthen against Dollar ($1=6 → 5
- Then, demand for dollars will be more than Yuan). As a result their forex reserve will get
that of rupees. So, $1 = 50 → $1=70 large build up of dollars, due to central bank’s
- In future, if less dollars are entering in their
market, the central bank will sell the
(previously acquired) dollars from its forex
reserve to ensure Yuan doesn’t weaken (₹ 1=
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🐍🐍 Floating or Flexible (अ�ाई �व�नमय दर) 🔨🔨 Fixed or Pegged (�नयत �व�नमय दर)
6 → 7 Yuan)
In this system, In this system,
- 😰😰 if rupees weakens, it’s called - 😰😰 if Yuan is weakened by Central Bank’s
‘Depreciation (मू�ह्रास e.g 50 → 70); Makes official notification, it’s called ‘devaluation’
the export look cheaper to the foreign buyer (अवमू�न e.g $1=6 → 7); usually done when it
- 💪💪 if ₹ strengthens it’s called ‘Appreciation doesn’t have enough dollars in reserve to play
(अ�भमु�न e.g. 70 → 50) the game and / or when it wants to
deliberately weaken Yuan to encourage
- 💪💪 if Yuan is strengthened by Central Bank’s
official notification, it’s called ‘Revaluation’
(पुनमू�न e.g. $1=7 → 6)
😢😢 Challenge? चुनौती 😢😢 Challenge? चुनौती
- Currency Speculation: When a person buys - If trade deficit widens / speculators are
$ and other foreign currency with the hopes hoarding dollars / FPIs are pulling their
they become more expensive in future so he money back to USA due to higher interest
can sell@ profit to others. (so he’d be hoping rates → shortage of $ in local forex market→
for ₹ to depreciate / $ to appreciate). Such PBC will have to sell $ from its forex reserve
elements distort the exchange rate by hording to keep the exchange rate stable.
foreign currencies. सट्टेबाजी - but since PBC will not have infinite amount
- Interest Rates: If US repo rate / Treasury of dollars in its reserve ultimately it will be
Bonds are going @2% whereas in Greece’s forced to be devalue the local currency →
bonds going@4% Then American investors imports will become more expensive.
will convert Dollars to invest in Greece. Later, - Therefore, most of the countries have
when US fed ⏫ their repo rate from 2% to abandoned this system after 70s. China too
4% American investors might pull back from abandoned it in eventually, and shifted to
Greece. (Because America commercial bank Managed Floating Exchange Rate.
loans will become more expensive ~5%, then
there will be American companies willing to
borrow by issuing Bond/debentures at 4.5%.)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Under flexible exchange rate system, the exchange rate is determined by [UPSC-CDS-2015-II]
(a) predominantly by market mechanism (b) by the Central Bank
(c) as a weighted index of a group of currencies (d) by the World Trade Organization
31.1.1 💱💱💱💱 Managed Float / Dirty Float; प्रबं �धत चल/ म�लन चल
- It is the middle path between the two extremes (floating and fixed).
- RBI will not decide the exchange rate (unlike the fixed system). In the ordinary days, RBI will let
the market forces of supply and demand decide the exchange rate.
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- But if there is too much volatility, then RBI will intervene to buy / sell $ to keep the volatility
controlled. (सामा� िदनों म� �रजवर्ब�क दखल नहीं, लेिकन �व�नमय दर म� यिद भारी अ��रता होगी तो बाजार म� दखल देगी)
- Similarly, People Bank of China will not intervene in ordinary circumstances. They’ll intervene
during volatility i.e. if $ to Yuan value changes more than “x%” up or down compared to
previous day’s exchange rate. Challenges in Managed Float System?
1. Currency speculation and interest rates
2. Currency Manipulation/ मुद्रा जोड़-तोड़: usually occurs when a central bank keeps buying dollars to
create artificial scarcity of $ in the forex markets → dollar becomes expensive → local currency
becomes weak → boost to exports.
US Department of the Treasury publishes a semi-annual report to track such nations. China,
S.Korea, India etc have been kept in (‘Watch list’) citing the (alleged) lack of transparency and
consistency in their respective Central banks operations. (इन देशों क� क� द्रीय ब�क, मुद्रा �व�नमय दर को �नयं �त्रत रखने
के �लए जो िक्रयाएं करती है, उस म� पारद�शता नहीं, इस�लए अमे�रका उन पर मुद्रा जोड़-तोड़ का इ�ाम लगाता है)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The price of any currency in international market is decided by: (Pre-2012)
1. The World Bank.
2. Demand for goods/services provided by the country concerned.
3. Stability of the government of the concerned country.
4. Economic potential of the country in question.
Answer codes: (a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4
- USA would issue $1 note, if only it has 14 grams of gold in reserve, whereas England would issue
one pound note if only it has 73 grams of gold in its reserve. Accordingly, their exchange rate will
be 1 Pound =73/14 = ~5 USD.
- And, each Central Bank Governor has promised to convert their currency into gold at a fixed
amount. So, a person could walk with paper currency & demand gold coins/biscuits in return.
- When the gold mining production declined, nations gradually shifted to ‘bimetallism’ e.g. $1
promised with 14 gm gold or 210 gm of silver whichever available with their Central Bank.
This system collapsed during the First World War (WW1) because the nation’s currency printing
capacity was limited by their gold reserve, but their governments where more eager to print more
money to finance the war (soldiers’ salaries, rifles’ ammunition etc.)
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31.2.2 💱💱 🔨🔨🔨 Fixed exchange rate system → Bretton Woods System (1946-1971)
Here, USA agreed to fix price of its $1 = (1/35) ounces of gold. [1 ounce = 28 grams]. USA allowed
free convertibility of Dollar to Gold. So if a person walked into the US Federal Reserve with $35, their
chairman (Governor) will give him one ounce of gold.
⇒ Then IMF fixed the exchange rate of every country's currency against USA. e.g.₹ 1= $0.30 =
~0.24 grams of Gold. So, that implied India can’t issue more currency If Indian RBI does not
have proportionately sufficient gold reserve of its own. Still if RBI issues more ₹ currency,
International Monetary Fund (IMF: अंतररा��ीय मुद्रा कोष) will order India to devalue its rupee
exchange rate against dollar.
⇒ American Economist Robert Triffin claimed this system will collapse eventually because gold is
a finite commodity and its price will continue to rise (from 1 ounce of gold = $35 to $40). So
there is always danger of people converting the local currency into dollars and then converting
dollars into gold @$35, then selling it in open market @profit, then US Feds Chairman can’t
continue honouring his promise. It was called “Triffin Dilemma: �त्र�फ़न द�ु वधा”. He therefore
suggested an alternative SDR (Paper gold) system for IMF. (�णर् का ज�ा अमयार्िदत नहीं है इस�लए यह
�व�ा एक िदन तबाह हो जाएगी)
⇒ 1971: USA President Robert Nixon pulled out of Bretton Woods gold convertibility system,
mainly because he wanted freedom to print more dollars to finance the Cold War (शीत युद्ध) and
arms race against the USSR. You may read more about the Cold War in NCERT PolSci-I
⇒ Thus, USA shifted to “Floating Exchange System”. Eventually most of the nations also shifted in
that either floating / managed-floating system. (अमे�रका ने डॉलर का �व�नमय दर बाजार पर छोड़ िदया है)
⇒ 2000: Ecuador adopted Dollarization i.e. it abandoned the domestic currency and adopted the
US dollar as their official currency. (कु छ देशोने अमे�रक� डॉलर को ही अपनी वैधा�नक मुद्रा मान ली है)
31.2.3 💱💱💱💱Currency Exchange in India
We need not waste time looking at what was the system in India before 1995. But for reference of
non-UPSC Exams:
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➢ 1956 onwards: While RBI could issue any amount of Indian currency but that has to be balanced
by the Assets of the issue department (Recall M0). Of course, if RBI printed too much currency
backed by only Indian G-sec but (without adequate Gold / Forex Reserve, then IMF may force ₹
devaluation against Dollar). So, we adopted “Minimum Reserve System” i.e. RBI must keep ₹
400 crore of foreign currency/security + ₹ ‘x’ crore worth gold.
Towards Managed Floating Exchange Rate →
✓ 1995 onwards: “Minimum Reserve System; �ूनतम आर��त प्रणाली” is continued but RBI is required
to only keep ₹ ’x’ crores of gold. No compulsion for RBI to keep additional 400 crore worth
foreign currency or foreign securities. RBI can print as much currency it wants as long as its
balanced by the Assets of Issue Dept. (such as Indian G-sec, Foreign Securities, Gold etc.)
31.3 💱💱💱IMF SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS (SDR: �वशेष आहरण अ�धकार)
After the collapse of Bretton Woods Exchange Rate System, IMF was converted into a type of
‘deposit bank’, where the members would deposit currencies in the proportion of quotas allotted to
them (depending on size of their economy, openness etc).
- IMF will pay them a small interest rate for their deposits. And IMF would lend this money to a
member facing balance of payment crisis. To operationalize this mechanism, IMF would allot an
artificial currency / accounting unit called SDR to the members based on their deposits. स� देश
द्वारा जमा क� गयी रा�श के सामने उसे एक कृ �त्रम मुद्रा / लेखा इकाई दी जाती है, �जसे एसडीआर कहते है
- Initially the price of SDR was fixed against the amount of gold but present mechanism:
Currency Basket Weight Exchange rate against $?
U.S. Dollar 41.73 $1=$1
Euro 30.93 1.13
Chinese Yuan (Renminbi *added in 2015) 10.92 6.7
Japanese Yen 8.33 And so on
Pound Sterling 8.09 And so on
- By applying a formula involving (weight * exchange rate), IMF will obtain value of 1 SDR = how
many dollars? Presently, 1 SDR = $1.40 = ₹ 98 (assuming $1 is trading @₹ 70).
- SDR is called ‘Paper Gold’ because it’s merely an accounting entry or artificial currency, without
any gold involved. (इसक� पीछे कोई �णर् नहीं है , के वल एक िहसाब िकताब क� एक प्रिक्रया है)
- SDR can be traded among the members, it can be converted into members’ currencies as per
above method & be used to settle their Balance of Payment Transactions / Crisis.
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- If the BoP crisis is so big, that a country’s entire SDR quota exhausts, then member country may
borrow more SDR from IMF (and then convert it into dollar etc to pay off the import bill), but
eventually member will have to repay this loan to IMF with interest.
- 2016-Reforms: The total quantity of SDR was increased, and India’s quota was increased from
2.44% to ~2.75%, accordingly, we are allotted ~13 billion SDR (25% of it is kept as reserve
tranche position RTP: What that means and how does that work is not important.)
- India is 8th largest quota holder after USA (~18%), Japan (~7%), China (~6%)...
- In IMF, a member’s voting power depends on his SDR quota contribution.
- For India, this voting power is exercised by India’s Finance Minister as the ex-officio Governor
in IMF’s Board of Governors. . (पदेन / पद के िहसाब से गवनर्र)
- If FM absent, then RBI Governor can vote as the Alternate Governor during the IMF’s meetings.
(�व� मं त्री क� गैरहाजरी मे वैक��क गवनर्र)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Recently, which one of the following currencies has been proposed to be added to the basket of IMF's
SDR? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
Answer codes: (a) Rouble (b) Rand (c) Indian Rupee (d) Renminbi
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Ambani can’t bring all those dollars (or its converted rupee equivalent) in India. If he tries
through illegal methods like Hawala, then Enforcement Directorate (ED प्रवतर्न �नद�शालय ) will take
action for FEMA violation.
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So, in 1998, their GDP growth rates fell in negative territory e.g. Indonesia (-13.7%) Because of
their mistake of allowing full currency convertibility. Whereas India and China grew at 6-8%
because we had not allowed it.
31.5.2 💱💱💱💱 ₹ 🕵🕵🕵Convertibility → S.S. Tarapore Committee (1997)
He suggested India to allow full Capital Account Convertibility (CAC) only when the fundamentals
of our economy become strong enough, such as: ( तारापुर स�म�त के िहसाब से यिद भारतीय अथर्तंत्र क� बु�नयाद
एकदम मजबूत हो जाए तो पूणर् प�रवतर्नीयता अनुम�त क� देनी चािहए)
⇒ RBI must have enough forex to sustain 6 months’ import
⇒ Fiscal deficit must not be more than 3.5% of GDP
⇒ Inflation must not be more than 3-5%
⇒ Banks’ NPA must not be more than 5% of their total assets. And so forth. So, time is not yet ripe
for allowing full CAC.
31.5.3 💱💱💱💱 🐯🐯 ₹ Convertibility → RBI reforms (2004-2019)
While RBI has not permitted full convertibility of Indian rupee (on Capital Account), but over the
years it has liberalised the norms, such as (पूणर् �प से छू ट तो नहीं दी, लेिकन उदारीकरण सरलीकरण िकया है)
⇒ 2004 → Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS: उदारीकृ त �वप्रेषण योजना) for each financial year, An
Indian resident (incl. minor) is allowed to take out upto $2,50,000 (or its equivalents in other
currencies) from India. He may use it for either current account or capital account transaction as
per his wish. (e.g. paying for college fees abroad, buying shares, bonds, properties, bank accounts
abroad.) 😰😰Controversy? Panama papers allege certain Bollywood celebrities used LRS window
to shift money from India in their shell companies in tax havens → later used those shell
companies for tax avoidance. [Ref: Black Money Handout for more]
⇒ 2016 onwards: RBI began relaxing the norms for External Commercial Borrowing (ECB),
mainly to soften the NPA problem e.g. Software cos. can bring up to $200 million in ECB,
Microfinance $500 mill, Infra.cos $750 mill etc. (�वदेशी वा�ण��क कजर् क� सीमा म� बढ़ोतरी)
- 2018-19: When ₹ started to depreciate heavily against dollars ($1 → ₹ 63 → ₹ 74), RBI had to
encourage the flow of dollars into Indian economy. So, aforementioned sector-specific limits
streamlined → all eligible companies automatically allowed to borrow upto $750 million via
ECB route. (✋Although prohibited in certain categories e.g. purchase of farm house, tobacco,
betting, gambling, lottery etc. कु छ �ेत्रो म� �वदेशी कजर् लेने क� मनाई)
- 2019: RBI allowed ECB even for working capital & repayment of rupee loans.
- 2020: some more technical reforms but poor-cost benefit in preparing them. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
31.5.4 💸💸💸💸Currency Exchange Rate → Attracting Dollars: VRR and FAR
To prevent weakening of ₹, we’ve to attract more $ (and other foreign currencies) in India. So, RBI
taken following notable measures:
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Voluntary ⇒ Launched in 2019: If an FPI buys Indian Union/State Governments’ G-
Retention Route Sec and Indian Corporates’ Bonds through this route → FPI will be
(VRR: : �ै��क given more freedom in certain technical regulations of RBI & SEBI.
अवधारण मागर्)
⇒ But, with condition= FPI must remain invested in India for minimum 3
years. (HotMoney वाला गेम खेल के भाग नही सकते)
⇒ RBI decides quantitative limits to how much money can FPI invest
through this route. �रजवर् ब�क �नवेश सीमा �नधार्रण तय करेगा
Fully Accessible ⇒ 💼💼Budget-2020 had announced allowing non-resident investors to
Route (FAR: invest in G-Sec, without any restrictions.
स�ूणर्त: सुग� मागर्)
⇒ 2020-March: RBI announced this window, non-resident individual
investors (who’re not FPI) can buy G-Sec.
⇒ No limits on amount of investment. �जतना मज� उतना पैसा �नवेश कर सकते हो
🤩🤩Benefit? Investors will convert $ & other foreign currency into ₹ currency to buy G-Sec= more
$$ coming towards India = helps keeping BoP and currency exchange rate stable during crisis.
Side note: RBI frequently ⏫ / ⏬ in FPI investment quota/limits in G-sec, depending on how RBI
wants to shape bond-yield, flow of dollars & available quota of G-sec for local investors to play its
repo & OMO games. But that ball by ball chase is NOTIMP.
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31.6 💱💱⚔ CURRENCY WAR 2018 (मुद्रा युद्ध)
2015: Chinese authorities announced they don’t manipulate/control Yuan exchange rate. They only
intervene if Yuan’s exchange rate varies more than +/- 4% from previous day.
- During 2018, People’s Bank of China pursued ‘Easy/Cheap/Dovish Money Policy’ (Ref: Pillar#1
Monetary policy) → injected more Yuan (renminbi) in the system to makes loans cheaper in
domestic market and boost the consumption, demand, growth.
- But, on the other side,US Feds pursued Tight/Dear/Hawkish Money Policy, so dollar supply is
shrinking, so dollar is becoming more expensive against other currencies.
- So, ⏫ supply of Yuan vs. reduced supply of $: resulted in $1=6.20 Yuan weakening to almost
$1= 7 Yuan.
- Trump alleges Yuan was deliberately weakened (due to PCB increasing Yuan supply) to make
Chinese product more cheaper in global trade. He even accused Russia and Japan of playing
similar ‘Currency War’ against him.
31.6.1 💱💱⚔Currency War → Fall of Indian ₹ in 2018
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- Because of this mad rush, demand of dollars strengthened even further → other currencies
became even weaker. Including India: $1=₹ 63 in January → $1= ₹ 74 in Oct’18.
- In 2019-20 also, India rupee continued to weaken towards $1=75₹ because Corona Force Majure
(Ref:1C) → SENSEX⏬ → foreign investors pulling out money from India.
- While such depreciation is good for our exporters but bad for our importers.
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Indian market. If RBI does not supply dollars → further weakening of rupee ($1=₹75 → ₹80).
12. 2020-March: RBI starts Dollars Swap with Indian banks. i.e. A bank shall buy US Dollars from
the Reserve Bank and simultaneously agree to sell the same amount of US Dollars at the end of
the swap period (6 months). It is done through auctioning, so, RBI to earn some % of profit.
How it works NOT IMP.
13. 2020-later months: CAD surplus, FPI,FDI ⏫ → so, inflow of Dollar$⏫⏫ → then rupee
will become stronger → exchange rate will not remain stable & exporters will suffer due to
stronger rupee. Stronger rupee will be bad for exporters → RBI purchased dollars & sell rupees
�वदेशी मुद्रा के भारत म� अ�धक मात्रा म� आने से �पया मजबूत होता है जो �नयार्तकों के �लए अ�� बात नहीं. इस�लए �पया बेचकर
डॉलर खरीद�
31.6.2 💱💱⚔ Misc. Concepts: Quantitative Easing and Federal Tapering
⇒ 2007-08: Subprime crisis in USA → Borrowers unable to repay the home loans → American
Banks and NBFCs’ bad loans / NPA / toxic assets increased → to help them, US Federal Reserve
printed new dollars & used it to buy those toxic assets → ⏫ dollar supply in the system.
Known as “Quantitative Easing (मात्रा�क आसानी)”.
⇒ 2013: US Federal Reserve gradually cut down its toxic asset purchasing program → less new
dollars issued → called “Fed Tapering (सं घीय टे�पगं )”.
⇒ Result?= (perceived) shortage of dollars in USA → Loans% become more expensive in USA→
American investors began selling shares/bonds in other countries, and took their dollars back to
USA (to lend to local businessmen). This phenomenon was called “Taper Tantrum”. It resulted
into weakening of other currencies against USD. Old topic but theHindu’s columnists recalling
old things just to fillup space in their columns related to Rupee exchange rate.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In the context of India, which of the 🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is not the most
following factors is/are contributor/contributors to likely measure the Government/RBI takes to stop the
reducing the risk of a currency crisis? ( Prelims-2019) slide of Indian rupee? (UPSC Prelims-2019)
1. The foreign currency earnings of India’s IT (a) Curbing imports of non-essential goods
sector. and promoting exports
2. Increasing the government expenditure. (b) Encouraging Indian borrowers to issue
3. Remittances from Indians abroad. rupee denominated Masala bonds
Answer Codes: (c) Easing conditions relating to external
(a) 1 only (b) 1 and 3 only
commercial borrowing
(c) 2 only (d) 1,2 and 3 only
(d) Following an expansionary monetary policy
31.6.3 💱💱⚔ Misc. Concepts: Helicopter Money & Zero interest rate regimes
- Economist Milton Friedman (1969) introduced concept of ‘HELICOPTER MONEY’= To
combat recession, a central bank should supply large amounts of money to the public at near
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3A- BoP & Currency Exchange→ Page 409
zero interest rate, as if the money was being showered on them from a helicopter. It will ⏫
consumption, demand → ⏫ factories, jobs and economic growth.
- In the aftermath of sub-prime crisis and global financial crisis → fall in consumption, demand
→ deflation & recession scenario. So, the Central Banks of Sweden, EU and Japan cut their
deposit interest rates into negative figures (-0.1%) so if a commercial bank parked/deposited its
surplus money into the central bank (through a reverse repo like mechanism), its money will be
deducted in penalty instead of earning deposit interest.
Result? Commercial banks will proactively try to give away more loans to customers to boost
demand in economy. Another Old topic but theHindu’s columnists recalling old things just to fillup
space in their columns related to Rupee exchange rate.
31.6.4 💱💱⚔🐼🐼🐼 Misc. Concepts: Yuan as global currency?
⇒ 2015: Yuan added in SDR basket of currency. → It ⏫acceptance of Yuan in global economy.
⇒ China is also loaning Yuan to other nations for infra. development in One Belt One Road
Initiative (OBOR: एक �ेत्र एक मागर् पहल), via AIIB and BRICS bank, and even via Panda Bonds.
⇒ In future, China may have to be less dependent on dollar$ while importing oil, missiles, metal
and food commodities- as other nations begin to happily accept Yuan.
⇒ Such Yuan dominance may pose strategic challenges to USA and India.
31.7.1 💱💱 NEER and REER? (Hindi not imp because only prelim relevant)
In real life we are not just trading with USA but other countries, using foreign currencies other than
US dollars (Euro, Pound, Yen, Yuan etc).
⇒ Therefore, only tracking $1=60, $1=70 will not give a full picture. So, RBI also calculates
geometric average of rupee’s exchange rate against upto 36 types of foreign currencies. The
formula will give weightage to each of those 36 foreign currencies depending on their trade-
volume with India.
⇒ The result is called “Nominal effective exchange rate (NEER)”.
⇒ When NEER is mathematically adjusted as per the CPI-inflation levels in India and those foreign
countries, it’s called “Real effective exchange rate (REER)”.
⇒ REER interpreted as the quantity of domestic goods required to purchase one unit of a given
basket of foreign goods, says NCERT.
⇒ NEER vs REER values help finding whether a currency is really weakening (depreciating) against
foreign currencies or not, thus helps to know our international competitiveness in exports.
⇒ For example: REER⏬ = foreigners will find our export prices attractive. REER⏫ = foreigners
will find our export prices less attractive. Says 📔📔📔📔ES20. How?NotIMP
⇒ 2018’s analysis reveals that though Indian rupee weakened against dollar $1=₹ 63 → ₹ 74, but
rupee has not so greatly weakened against other foreign currencies.
⇒ 2020: RBI report says rupee remained overall stable on these indicators.
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Twin Deficit ⇒ It’s the term used when both Current Account Deficit and Fiscal Deficit are
दोहरा घाटा high : चालू खाता घाटा और राजकोषीय घाटा
Purchasing ⇒ Hypothetical concept that tries to compare two currencies’ exchange rate
Power Parity: through their purchasing power in respective countries.
क्रय श�� समता ⇒ So, If 1 cup of coffee in India = ₹ 20 whereas 1 cup of coffee costs $2 in USA then
Dollar to Rupee exchange rate (PPP) should be $1 = ₹ 10. (According to OECD,
exact figure is $1=₹ 17@PPP).
⇒ This (hypothetical) exchange rate can happen in real life, if both the countries
have Floating Exchange Rate without any intervention of the respective Central
banks; and if the bilateral trade is free of protectionism (= without tariff or non-
tariff barriers).
⇒ GDP is the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country
within a year. When we convert these GDP values from local currencies into
PPP $ exchange rates, the largest economies of the world (GDP, PPP wise) are
1) USA 2) China 3) India 4) Japan 5) Germany
Big Mac Index ⇒ The Economist magazine’s informal index to measure PPP exchange rate using
the price of one McDonald burger in USA vs the respective country.
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4. GSM3-2014: Foreign direct investment in the defence sector is now said to be liberalised. What
influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run?
भारतीय र�ा �ेत्र म� �वदेशी प्र�� �नवेश उदारीकरण से भारतीय अथर्�व�ा पर लघु और दीघार्व�ध म� �ा प्रभाव होंने क� उ�ीद है?
5. GSM3-13: Discuss the impact of FDI entry into multi-trade retail sector on supply chain
management in commodity trade pattern of the economy. ब�-�ापार खुदरा �ेत्र म� एफडीआई प्रवेश से
कमोिडटी �ापार क� आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन पर �ा असर होगी?
6. GSM3-2013: Though India allowed Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in what is called Multi
Brand Retail through joint venture route in September 2012, the FDI even after a year, has not
picked up. Discuss the reasons. म�ी ब्रांड �रटेल म� �वदेशी प्र�� �नवेश को अनुम�त �मलने के बाद भी वा��वक �प से
�नवेश �ों नहीं आ रहा है?
7. GSM2-2014: Though 100 percent FDI is already allowed in non-news media like a trade
publication and general entertainment channel, the Government is mulling over the proposal for
increased FDI in news media for quite some time. What difference would an increase in FDI
make? Critically evaluate the pros and cons. समाचार मीिडया म� �वदेशी प्र�� �नवेश बढ़ाने के फायदे और नुकसान
क� समी�ा।
📑📑Next HDT: Pillar3B: WTO & other International Economic Orgs, Trade Agreements, Protectionism and burning issues.
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32 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Pillar #3B: Bretton Woods Organizations ................................................................. 415
32.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Bretton Woods → 1) World Bank, Washington, 1945, Jul............................... 415
32.1.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐World Bank President?................................................................................... 416
32.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐(Non-Bretton Woods) → Multilateral Development Banks ............................ 416
32.2.1 BRICS Bank and AIIB ........................................................................................................ 417
32.2.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Multilateral Development Banks → Others................................................. 417
32.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Bretton Woods → 2) IMF, Washington, 1945, Dec ........................................... 418
32.3.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🛐🛐IMF gives loan to Pakistan (2019) ........................................................... 419
32.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐 Theories of International Trade .................................................................................. 420
32.4.1 Mercantilist Theory: �ापारी �सद्धांत ...................................................................................... 420
32.4.2 Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage (1776) .......................................... 420
32.4.3 David Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative/Relative Cost Advantage (1817) ................ 420
32.4.4 Heckscher and Ohlin’s Factor - Proporations Theory (1919) ..................................... 421
32.5 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Bretton Woods → 3) GATT → WTO (Geneva) ............................................... 421
33 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐World Trade Organization: �व� �ापार सं गठन .................................................................. 421
33.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐WTO → functions (�ज�ेदा�रयां या कायर्) ................................................................... 422
33.1.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐: Tariff Barriers against international trade .................................................. 422
33.1.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 Non-Tariff Barriers against international trade.......................................... 422
33.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔🧔🧔 WTO Disputes involving India vs USA ......................................................... 423
33.2.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔ 🌞🌞🌞🌞 India’s Solar procurement preference ............................................ 423
33.2.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔ 🐥🐥🐥🐥 Ban on American Poultry ................................................................ 423
33.2.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔📯📯📯📯 India’s export incentive schemes ..................................................... 423
33.2.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔📯📯📯📯 WTO’s Appellate Body (AB) Crisis ................................................. 424
33.2.5 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔📯📯📯📯 WTO Multiparty Interim Arbitration (MPIA) mechanism ......... 424
33.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐: 📝📝 WTO → Notable Agreements ..................................................................... 424
33.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐: 🤝🤝 WTO negotiations / summits / packages ..................................................... 426
33.4.1 🤝🤝 � Most Favoured Nation (MFN)- अ�ा�धक वरीयता वाले देश ..................................... 426
33.4.2 🤝🤝 � Least Developed Countries (LDC: सबसे से कम �वक�सत देश) ................................. 426
33.4.3 🤝🤝 � Doha Development Round (Qatar 2001) ......................................................... 427
33.4.4 🤝🤝🤝 � Food subsidies & peace clause: खाद्य �रयायत� और शा�� अनु�ेद/उपधारा ............. 427
33.4.5 🤝🤝🤝 � Food subsidies: Cairns Group ..................................................................... 428
33.4.6 🤝🤝 � Bali Package & Trade Facilitation Agreement / TFA (2013) .......................... 428
33.4.7 🤝🤝 � Nairobi Package & SSM (2015).......................................................................... 429
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33.4.8 🤝🤝 � Buenos Aires Summit #flop (2017) ................................................................... 429
33.4.9 🤝🤝 � Kazakhstan Summit #cancelled (2020-June) ................................................... 429
33.5 🤝🤝Trade Agreements Types: �ापार समझौते के प्रकार ................................................................... 430
33.6 🛒🛒⛷📝📝Free Trade agreements → TPP, TPP11, TATIP, RCEP...................................... 431
33.6.1 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP: ट�ासं पै�सिफक साझेदारी) #FAIL ...................... 431
33.6.2 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 TPP-11 or CPTPP .......................................................................................... 431
33.6.3 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 Transatlantic Trade and Investment Pact (TTIP) ...................................... 431
33.7 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) ................................ 432
33.7.1 � Introduction to RCEP () ............................................................................................ 432
33.7.2 🧔🧔🧔🧔✍ RCEP: Why didn't India join in 2019-Nov? ................................................. 432
33.7.3 � RCEP: Counterview: India made a mistake by not joining.................................... 433
33.7.4 � RCEP: Conclusion? (�न�षर्) ...................................................................................... 433
33.7.5 📘📘 📘📘 Economic survey 2015-16: Observations abt India’s Trade Agreements ....... 434
33.7.6 ES20: Observations abt India’s Trade Agreements (आ�थक सव��ण) ............................... 434
33.7.7 Budget-2020: FTA ‘rules of origin’ (उ��� के �नयम) .......................................................... 434
33.7.8 📝📝 Commerce Ministry: Certificate of Origin (उदगम प्रमाण पत्र) .................................... 435
33.7.9 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 Trade agreements losing shine → NAFTA & SAFTA............................... 435
33.8 🛒🛒⛷📝📝India’s trade agreements ......................................................................................... 435
33.9 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Burning issues in International trade ................................................................... 436
33.9.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Protectionism, Trade war: सं र�णवाद, �ापार युद्ध ............................................... 436
33.9.2 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻: 🔫🔫🔫🔫Protectionism → Medicine and Defence ............................... 436
33.9.3 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻: 🛒🛒🛒🛒 Protectionism → Indian Govt procurement (सरकारी खरीद).. 436
33.9.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🎃🎃USA’s Special 301 report.......................................................................... 437
33.9.5 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🎃🎃USA’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) list............................ 437
33.9.6 ⚖🎃🎃USA Reciprocal Trade Bill/Act (पार��रक �ापार �वधेयक / अ�ध�नयम) ...................... 437
33.9.7 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔 India-USA limited trade deal (सी�मत �ापार सौदा) ........................................... 438
33.9.8 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐How does US/EU/China trade war impact India? ...................................... 438
33.9.9 ��BREXIT = BRITAIN EXIT .................................................................................... 439
34 🌐🌐🌐🌐Other Notable Groupings related to economy .................................................................... 440
34.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Groupings: Indian subcontinent ..................................................................... 440
34.1.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Mekong- Ganga Cooperation (2000) ..................................................... 441
34.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 Groupings: ASEAN vs SCO ................................................................................... 441
34.2.1 ☪🤝🤝Afghanistan 6+2+1 group for redevelopment of Afghanistan ......................... 442
34.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 Groupings: Ocean-rim walla ................................................................................. 442
34.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐Groupings: BRICS, OECD, OPEC, G20 & JAI............................................................ 442
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34.5 📝📝📝📝⛷ G20: Osaka Declaration .......................................................................................... 444
34.5.1 📝📝📝📝⛷🚫🚫🚫🚫Osaka declaration: why India refused to sign .................................. 444
34.5.2 ✍Conclusion (�न�षर्) ....................................................................................................... 445
34.6 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Groupings led by Gora → G7 and D10 ................................................................. 445
34.6.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐G7 - Group of Seven (1975).................................................................................. 445
34.6.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 D10: 5G club proposed by UK (2020) ........................................................... 445
34.7 🌐🌐🌐🌐☪Groupings: GCC vs OIC ......................................................................................... 446
34.7.1 ⚖☪✋:👷👷👷👷👷👷Kuwait Expat Bill (प्रवासी/�वदेशी मजदू रों क� सं �ा ⏬ का �वधेयक) .............. 446
34.7.2 ☪🤝🤝🤝🤝Abraham Accords (2020-Sept) ..................................................................... 446
34.8 🌐🌐🌐🌐 Misc groupings / org → World Economic Forum (1971) ...................................... 446
34.9 🌐🌐🌐🌐 Misc groupings / organizations Others ...................................................................... 447
34.10 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 Export control / Non-Proliferation regimes.................................................... 447
34.10.1 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫USA Exit from Arms Treaties ........................................................................ 447
34.10.2 🎺🎺✍ Mock Questions for Mains GSM2 (Intl. Org Related to Economy) ............... 448
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32.2.1 BRICS Bank and AIIB
BRICS Bank: New Development AIIB: Asian Infrastructure Investment
Bank (NDB) नई �वकास ब�क Bank ए�शयाई अवसं रचना �नवेश ब�क
Started in 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza 2015-16
(2014) members signed treaty
Members Brazil, Russia, India, China China, India, UK, Switzerland, >100 nations
South Africa as of 2020.
Voting power Each member is given equal 20% ⇒ Based on share capital provided.
voting power. As per the original ⇒ Asian countries control about 75%
agreement: All member countries of
the United Nations can become
members of the bank, but BRICS ⇒ China largest ~27%, India second
nations' voting power can never be largest shareholding~7%.
less than 55%. ⇒ India is the largest borrower.
HQ Shanghai, China Beijing, China
🔪🔪🔪🔪 Corona $1 billion. (2020-Apr) $750 million (2020-June)
- BRICS member have also setup $100 billion BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement: (आक��क
�रजवर् �व�ा) to help members during BoP crisis- similar to IMF.
- BRICS nations also planning to setup their BRICS payment system parallel to SWIFT (ref: Pill1:
NPA handout), and BRICS rating agency (ref: 1C: SEBI-Share Market)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 417
Asian Development ⇒ 1966: setup in Manila, Philippines
Bank (ADB) ⇒ India is a member, also gets loans.
ए�शयन �वकास ब�क
⇒ 🔪🔪🔪🔪 Corona loan2India $1.5 billion (2020-Apr) then more
loans for various projects but ⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋
European Bank for ⇒ 1991: setup at London.
Reconstruction & ⇒ India became member (shareholder) in 2018. India will not be
Development (EBRD)
eligible for loans from EBRD but India can initiate joint loan
पुन�नमार्ण और �वकास के �लए
proposals for Asian, African, European nations for its soft-
यूरोपीय ब�क
diplomacy. (usually India does it for winning poor nations
friendship. so they vote in favour of India during Kashmir-
Arunanchal etc resolutions in UN General Assembly)
IDEAS ⇒ 2005: Indian Development and Economic Assistance Scheme
भारत द्वारा �वकासशील देशों को (IDEAS) to give loans to Developing countries. Ministry of
�वकास और आ�थक सहायता के
External Affairs selects the loan-projects → FinMin's Dept of
�लए कजर् म� पैसा देना।
Economic Affairs will release the loan ₹₹ to the recipient country.
आ��नभर्र भारत म� नई शतर् क�
लाभाथ� देश ने कजर् क� रकम के ⇒ 👻👻Atma-Nirbhar 3.0= EXIM Bank to give loans to [Lines of
तीन चौथाई िह�े म� से भारत से Credit (LOC)] to developing nations under IDEAS scheme.
ही व�ु और सेवा खरीदनी होगी ⇒ These loans will be given Road-Railways, power, auto
components, sugar projects. WITH the condition that the
borrower nation must use a minimum 75% of the loan amount for
importing goods and services from India.
32.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐BRETTON WOODS → 2) IMF, WASHINGTON, 1945, DEC
⇒ International Monetary Fund (IMF) helps in global currency exchange stability, helps against
balance of payment crisis. (अंतरार्���य मुद्रा कोष: मुद्रा �व�नमय दर ��रता भुगतान सं तुलन सं कट म� मदद )
⇒ Acts as a reservoir of the currencies of all the member countries, from which a borrower nation
can borrow the currency of other nations- using the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) mechanism.
(Ref: Previous Handout on Currency Exchange.)
⇒ IMF important decisions need to be passed with 85% majority. USA has 16.52% voting power so
it can effectively block/veto it. (अमे�रका हर सुधार प्र�ाव को रोक सकता है)
⇒ 😷😷 2020-May: IMF wanted to issue $500 billion FRESH SDR to help member countries combat
the corona crisis. But the USA (under President Trump) blocked it. India supported USA. India
2.6% voting rights.
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⇒ 2021: Positive discussion on adding extra $650 billion to IMF, and freezing loan repayment of 3rd
world countries. <Update when actually done>
⇒ IMF Chief?
o 2019: Christine Lagarde (France) resigned to become chief of European Central Bank
(ECB, HQ Frankfurt, Germany). Then,
o Kristalina Georgieva (Bulgarian economist, previously CEO of the World Bank)
becomes the second woman IMF Chief after Christine Lagarde, for five years tenure.
⇒ IMF’ Chief Economist (CE)? Gita Gopinath, an Indian-American economist, she became the
first woman to be the Chief Economist of IMF (2019-Jan). Previously Raghuram Rajan has also
served in this position. (मु� अथर्शा�ी)
⇒ 📚📚Notable reports? Global Financial Stability Report, World Economic Outlook
⇒ United Nations (UN) has 195 members, whereas IMF has 189 members. But pursuing this type
of KBC GK = poor cost:benefit for UPSC #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
32.3.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🛐🛐IMF gives loan to Pakistan (2019)
2019: IMF approved $6 billion loan/ Extended Fund Facility (EFF) to Pakistan. It’ll be released in
tranches (=instalments/िक�ों म�) over the next three-years depending on the conditional reforms
taken by Pak Govt, which includes:
⇒ Pakistan will have to comply with Financial Action Task Force (FATF) norms against anti-
money laundering and terror financing → so, if Pak gets added in FATF-blacklist, then Pak’s
IMF loan release may get stopped. (धन शोधन, आतं क� �व�पोषण को बं द करवाना होगा )
⇒ Fiscal Deficit and Primary deficit must be controlled to x% of GDP → indirectly, Pak will be
forced to cut down on its Defence Expenditure (& ISI funding to terrorists).
⇒ Pak Govt will have to ⏬subsidy on gas & electricity → hardship for Pakistani people/
⇒ Loss making PSUs like Pakistan Steel Mills, Pakistan International Airlines and Pakistan
Railways etc. have to A) become profit making OR B) be Privatized OR C) be Shutdown. (घाटे म�
चल रहे सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के �नगमों म� सुधार, नहीं तो उसका �नजीकरण ) And so on…
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32.4.1 Mercantilist Theory: �ापारी �सद्धांत
- From the 16th to 18th century, economists believed in mercantilism i.e. The amount of wealth
in the world is static. A nation's wealth and power were best served by ⏫ exports and receiving
payments in gold, silver and precious metals. (आयात करने से रा�ी� य सं प�� का �य होता है ऐसा मानते थे)
- Therefore, any import was seen as loss of nation’s wealth in gold payment.
- So, colonial powers tried to flood their colonies with readymade goods but always prevented
entry of goods in their home country. (औप�नवे�शक श��याँ भारत को गुलाम बनाने लगी)
32.4.2 Adam Smith’s Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage (1776)
Output per one laborer �→ India 🦁🦁 China 🐼🐼
Wheat 🌽🌽 30kg 🌽🌽 🌽🌽 10kg 🌽🌽
Rice 🍚🍚 10kg 🍚🍚 15kg 🍚🍚 🍚🍚
⇒ India has an absolute cost advantage over China in wheat production. (सं पूणर् लागत लाभ)
⇒ So, India should focus on producing more wheat, and import rice from China. India should not
try to be a ‘rice production specialist’. (भारत को जो काम सही से करना आता है वह करना चािहए चीन क� नकल नहीं)
⇒ Adam Smith’s theory assumes 1) there are no production costs except labourers 2) no transport
cost 3) there is free trade (no taxes on import exports)
32.4.3 David Ricardo’s Theory of Comparative/Relative Cost Advantage (1817)
तुलना�क लाभ �सद्धांत
How many workers required to produce → 1-meter textile 🧣🧣 1 bottle of wine 🥂🥂
France 10 workers � � 12 workers � �
England 9 workers � 8 workers �
⇒ Here, we can see England requires less workers than France to produce wine and textiles. So, as
per Adam Smith’s absolute cost advantage, England should not import anything from France!
⇒ But, if plotted on graphs, it’ll appear for England per unit labour cost to produce 1 meter textile is
(relatively) cheaper than 1 bottle of wine.(इं गल�ड के �लए कपड़ा बनाना, शराब बनाने से तुलना�क �पसे स�ा है।)
⇒ So, England should shift domestic English wine workers towards textiles. England should export
textile to France and import wine from France. England should not try to become a ‘Wine
production specialist’. (इं ��ड म� स�ी लागत पर कपड़ा बना के �नयार्त कर� और शराब को आयात कर�। खुद शराब न बनाए)
⇒ Based on Ricardo’s theory, Economists prepare Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index,
which can help monitoring which commodities should a country expor?
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21: India’s top RCA (Relative cost advantage) export commodities are mainly
o Labour-intensive products [such as cotton, carpets, textiles- similar case in Bangladesh]
o some capital /technology intensive products [such as Indian pharmaceuticals.]
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32.4.4 Heckscher and Ohlin’s Factor - Proporations Theory (1919)
⇒ Capital-abundant country will export the capital –intensive goods. E.g. USA’s Boeing company
exporting Jet planes. �ोंिक �वमान बनाने म� मजदू र कम और पूंजी �ादा चािहए. अमे�रका के पास मजदू र कम और पूंजी
�वपुल मात्रा म� है
⇒ Labour-Abundant Country will export labour-intensive goods. E.g. India exporting cotton (and
imports jet planes from USA). �ोंिक कपास के उ�ादन म� पूंजी कम और मजदू र �ादा चािहए, भारत के पास मजदू र
�वपुल मात्रा म� है.
⇒ Initially, Bretton Woods conference proposed set up the International Trade Organisation (ITO)
But USA opposed → the idea could not materialize (अमे�रक� �वरोध के चलते बन नहीं पाया)
⇒ 1948: General Agreement for Tariffs and Trade (GATT: टै�रफ/शु� और �ापार के �लए सामा� समझौता)
⇒ 1986-1993: Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations → set up a permanent institution to
encourage international trade in goods & services and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) सेवा और
व�ुओ ं का �ापार तथा बौ�द्धक सं पदा अ�धकार.
⇒ 1994: Marrakesh treaty → WTO started functioning from 1/1/1995 at Geneva, Switzerland.
India is a founding member. (भारत एक �ापक सद�)
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33.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐WTO → FUNCTIONS (�ज�ेदा�रयां या कायर्)
Today all countries try to protect domestic industries against foreign imports by creating two types
of barriers against the international trade:
33.1.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐: Tariff Barriers against international trade
Tariff Barriers: शु� बाधाएं : Increasing the taxes, duties, cess, surcharge, on imported goods and
services e.g. Trump imposed 25% custom duty on imported steel.
CVD Anti-Dumping Duty: प्र�तपाटन शु�
two scenarios when foreign goods will appear - If China exports goods to India at a price below
cheaper to Indians than domestic goods: their normal price in domestic Chinese market
- If foreign country is giving subsidies to their or at a price below their cost of production-
exporters AND / OR then it is termed as “Dumping”
- If Indian government imposes higher - Then, India's commerce ministry →
amount of taxes, cess or surcharge on the Directorate General of Trade Remedies : �ापार
locally manufactured products उपचार महा�नद�शालय (DGTR) investigates →
recommends Finance ministry to impose
THEN Indian Govt tries to protect local “Anti-Dumping Duty” on such imported
(domestic) industry by imposing items.
Countervailing Duty (CVD: प्र�तकारी शु�), - E.g. $185 on every one tonne of imported
Special Countervailing Duty, Additional Chinese Steel, Then its prices will become
Customs Duty on imported items on imported equivalent to India Steel, thus Indian steel
items. Internal difference NOTIMP industry will be protected.
These duties have been removed in India. Now Not yet abolished in India. They’re imposed
imported items are subjected to [Basic Customs subjected to WTO norms.
Duty + Social Welfare Surcharge on it]+IGST
- Inverted duty structure (उ�ी कर सं रचना) is a situation where import duty on finished goods is low
compared to the import duty on raw materials, then it becomes difficult to produce the
concerned good domestically at a competitive price.
- Commerce Ministry → DG foreign trade (DGFT) launched ‘ARTIS’ portal (Application for
Remedies in Trade for Indian industry and other Stakeholders). Applicants can file complaints
against dumping.
- 💼💼Budget-2020: Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) is used in manufacturing (synthetic) textile
fibres and yarns. Cheap PTA = boost to Indian textile sector, so we’ll no longer charge Anti-
dumping duty on it.
33.1.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐 Non-Tariff Barriers against international trade
गैर शु� बाधाएं : if USA does not increase import taxes but plays other tricks like:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 422
1. Subsidies to domestic industries: Giving free electricity to Detroit car manufacturers. OR USA
govt. giving tax benefits & free car-insurance to USA residents for buying American made cars.
2. Public Procurement: सावर्ज�नक खरीद/प्रा�� : Making rule that only American companies can fill up
tender for supplying stationery, school bags etc. in government schemes.
3. Technical Barriers to Trade: �ापार के �लए तकनीक� बाधाएं : e.g. imported mango must have 0%
pesticides residue, imported cars must have airbags for each passenger.
4. Quota system: e.g. not >50 metric tonnes of steel can be imported from a single foreign country.
WTO aims to reduce such tariff and non-tariff barriers to encourage international trade through its
agreements and dispute settlement body.
33.2.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔ 🌞🌞🌞🌞 India’s Solar procurement preference
USA argued India’s Jawaharlal Nehru Solar Mission gave public procurement preference & subsidy
to India-made solar panels thus creating a non-tariff barrier for American solar panels. India lost the
case @WTO & forced to withdraw such barriers (2017). However, USA still alleges that India is
playing mischief in solar schemes by giving preference to local manufacturers over American-made
products (2018)
33.2.2 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔ 🐥🐥🐥🐥 Ban on American Poultry
In 2007, India had imposed the ban on American poultry under the Indian Livestock Importation
Act, 1898 stating avian influenza / bird flu danger in India. USA claimed there was no scientific
basis- India merely banning us to protect local poultry-wallas’ business interest. WTO ruled in
favour of USA (2016). But India has only allowed partial import of poultry from selected states of
USA so, USA has demanded $450 million compensation from Indian Govt. @WTO (2018).
33.2.3 🌐🌐🌐🌐⚔📯📯📯📯 India’s export incentive schemes
⇒ 2018: USA complained to the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB: �ववाद �नपटान �नकाय) that
India is running various export incentive schemes such as:
⇒ Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS: भारत से �ापा�रक �नयार्त के �लए योजना),
⇒ Export Oriented Units (EOU: �नयार्तो�ुख इकाइयाँ),
⇒ Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP),
⇒ Special Economic Zone (SEZ: �वशेष आ�थक �ेत्र)
⇒ Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG: �नयार्त सं वधर्न के �लए पूंजीगत माल).
⇒ Under above schemes India gives tax reliefs / subsidies to its exporters. So, it is creating tariffs
and non-tariff barriers against American companies, & thus India is violating the WTO
Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM: स��डी और प्र�तकार उपायों पर समझौता).
⇒ India’s position is “We’ll phase out these schemes after 8 years from 2017 (=2025). Since we are
a developing country, we should be given such relaxed deadline under SCM agreement.”
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 423
⇒ 2019-Oct: WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) ordered in favour of USA and ordered India
to stop such schemes within the next 90-180 days.
⇒ 2019-Nov: India goes to WTO Appellate Body (अपीलीय �नकाय) to undo DSB’s order.
⇒ 2020-Mar: Indian Commerce Minister says, “we will not implement WTO's DSB’s orders,
because the appellate body (AB) is not functioning, so our appeal is pending.”
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2. 🌽🌽 For food: Agreement on Agriculture (AoA: कृ �ष पर समझौता)- which
aims to regulate the subsidies on agriculture through its ‘box’ mechanism.
a. 📦📦 Subsidies that are classified in Green & Blue box category- are
allowed (e.g. Research, Cattle-Vaccination).
b. 📦📦 Amber (ए�र) box category subsidies will be subjected to
quantitative limits (e.g. Fertilizer, Electricity, Diesel, MSP.)
Misc. measures to 1. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS: बौ�द्धक सं पदा
encourage global अ�धकारों के �ापार-सं बं �धत पहलू) → related topics: Compulsory licensing,
pharma-patents. 📑📑More in Pillar4B: IPR
2. Trade-Related Investment Measures on Foreigners. (TRIMs: �वदे�शयों पर
�ापार से सं बं �धत �नवेश के उपाय)- it applies to foreign investment norms related
to goods only. Doesn’t apply on foreign investment norms on services.
3. Plurilateral agreements (ब�प�ीय समझौते): They are not signed by all the
members of WTO e.g. Agreements on aircrafts, dairy product, bovine
meat, Information Technology Agreement (ITA) सभी सद� रा��ो ं ने इस पर
ह�ा�र नहीं िकए
🔠🔠❓ With reference to Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS), which of the following statements is/are
correct? (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
1. Quantitative restrictions on imports by foreign investors are prohibited.
2. They apply to investment measures related to trade in both goods and services.
3. They are not concerned with the regulation of foreign investment.
Ans Codes: [a) 1 and 2 only [b) 2 only [c) 1 and 3 only [d) 1, 2 and 3
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In the context of which of the following do you sometimes find the terms 'amber box, blue box and green
box' in the news? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2016)
(a) WTO affairs (b) SAARC affairs (c) UNFCCC (d) India-EU negotiations
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The terms 'Agreement on Agriculture', 'SPS Agreement and 'Peace Clause' are in the context of affairs of
the _ _ _ (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) Food and Agriculture Organization (b) UN Framework Conference on Climate Change
(c) World Trade Organization (d) United Nations Environment Programme
🔠🔠❓MCQ. TRIPS Agreement pertains to (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2017-I)
(a) international tariff regime (b) intellectual property protection
(c) international practices on trade facilitation (d) international taxation of property
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following are the main functions of WTO? (UPSC-IES-2020)
1. To organize meetings of members to arrive at trade agreements covering international trade.
2. To ensure that member countries conduct trade practices as per agreements agreed upon &
signed by the members.
3. To provide a platform to negotiate and settle disputes related to international trade between &
among members.
codes: (a)1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
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33.4.1 🤝🤝 � Most Favoured Nation (MFN)- अ�ा�धक वरीयता वाले देश
⇒ Suppose India levies 15% custom duty on imported pen-drives from any country. But, later
India-Japan trade agreement is signed wherein Japanese pen-drives are subjected to only 5%
custom duty in India. Then implies Japan has become the Most Favoured Nation for India (as far
as the pen-drive trade is concerned).
⇒ WTO agreements require that whatever treatment is being given to the Most Favoured Nation,
must also be extended to all other member countries. A member should not discriminate
between its trading partners. (So even imported Pakistani pendrives should be subjected to 5%
custom duty only, if India is charging that % on Japanese). But in practice, MFN is not
implemented in letter and spirit by the members.
⇒ 1996: India granted MFN status to Pakistan but Pakistan didn’t reciprocate (mainly) due to their
local textile industrialists’ lobby who feared competition from Indian textile imports.
⇒ 2019-Feb: India withdrew MFN status for Pakistan, following Pulwama attack on CRPF
personnel. India also ⏫customs duty by 200% on goods originating from Pakistan.
⇒ Since Pak not giving India MFN treatment. So, there is no ‘legal-compulsion’ on India to give
them MFN status. even if Pak complained to WTO’s dispute redressal panel, it’ll lose the case.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Most Favoured Nation (MFN) Clause under WTO regime is based on the principle of [UPSC-CDS-2017-I]
a) non-discrimination between nations
b) discrimination between nations
c) differential treatment between locals & foreigners
d) uniform tariff across commodities
33.4.2 🤝🤝 � Least Developed Countries (LDC: सबसे से कम �वक�सत देश)
⇒ are identified by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC: सं यु� रा�� आ�थक और सामा�जक
प�रषद). Somaliya, Ethiopia, Congo, Bhutan, Bangladesh etc.
⇒ Least Developed Countries’ economic growth can ⏫ if they are able to export more. So, WTO
agreements permit other countries to give duty free quota free access to exports from LDC. and
that is not considered as a violation of any other agreement.
⇒ e.g. If India levied 0% custom duty on Somalian pendrives, India will not be required to give
same treatment to Japanese pen drives under “MFN norm”, Bcoz Japan isnot LDC.
Before dwelling into summits, let’s keep a few terminologies in mind →
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1. First world countries, Advanced Economies (AE), Developed Countries= such as USA Canada,
France and Germany etc. (प्रथम �व� के देश, उ�त अथर्�व�ाएँ , �वक�सत देश)
2. Second world countries= USSR and its neighbouring European countries which were under the
influence of Communist Socialist ideologies. However, with the collapse of USSR, the term has
become defunct (अप्रच�लत/ मृत).
3. Third world countries, developing countries, Emerging market economies (EME)= India China,
Mexico, Brazil etc. Nowadays, “Global South” term also used for them. तीसरा �व�, �वकासशील देश,
उभरती �ई अथर्�व�ाए, वै��क-द��ण
Some of the burning and contentious issues between 1st world vs. 3rd world at WTO→
33.4.3 🤝🤝 � Doha Development Round (Qatar 2001)
Under WTO’s Agreement on Agriculture (AoA), 1st world and 3rd world countries are required to
limit their food-subsidies to 5% and 10% respectively to the value of their agriculture production.
⇒ But, in absolute quantitative terms USA’s 5% will be much bigger than India’s 10% → 1st world
countries are able to give larger amount of food subsidies to their farmers → export them to 3rd
world countries @cheap price, and ruining local farmers.
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⇒ Further, India has a large population of poor farmers who require Govt support in the form of
subsidies & procurement at Minimum support prices (MSP: �ूनतम समथर्न मू�) More in Pill#4A.
⇒ India also has a large number of malnourished poor families who need subsidized food grains
under National Food Security Act (NFSA खाद्य सुर�ा अ�ध�नयम/कानून) More in Pill#6.
⇒ 2013: WTO ministerial conference at Bali (Indonesia) → India refused to sign any new
agreements until this food subsidy issue was resolved.
⇒ So, WTO Peace Clause → it gave temporary immunity to India and other developing countries.
(अ�ायी- बचाव/ अ�का�लक- प्र�तर�ा)
⇒ Basically, 3rd world nations can give any amt of subsidy for their food programs:
- (1) USA/Other countries cannot impose countervailing duty. प्र�तकारी शु� पर रोक
- (2) USA/Other countries cannot complaint to WTO about it. �शकायत पर गौर नहीं िकया जाएगा
⇒ 2020-April: India informed WTO that in rice production, we've crossed the 10% subsidy limit
(in 2018-19). But as per Peace clause, we’ve immunity! हम को खुली छू ट �मली है.
33.4.5 🤝🤝🤝 � Food subsidies: Cairns Group
Agricultural exporting countries' group. Members: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada etc.
20 nations. They want WTO members to ⏬/stop agri subsidies. India is not a member.
33.4.6 🤝🤝 � Bali Package & Trade Facilitation Agreement / TFA (2013)
Bali Package is the trade agreement / outcome resulting from the WTO ministerial conference (मं त्री
स�ेलन) 2013 @Bali, Indonesia. Its two significant components are :
1. Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA: �ापार सु�वधा समझौता):
a. requires member countries to ⏬their bureaucratic delays, red tapes, inspector raj in
import-export of goods. (नौकरशाही, लाल फ़�ताशाही)
b. They’ve setup online portals where traders can seek permissions, pay fees, custom duties,
self declaration forms (like e-way bill) etc.
c. India & others ratified in 2016 → TFA became effective from 2017.
d. India set up a National Committee on Trade Facilitation (NCTF) under Cabinet
Secretary (IAS). Below him → a steering committee jointed headed by Revenue secretary
(IAS) and Commerce secretary (IAS). (�ापार सु�वधा पर रा�ी� य स�म�त → सं चालन स�म�त)
2. Peace Clause on subsidies → explained in previous section.
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3. TFA came into force in January 2016.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 & 2 only (b) 1 & 3 only (c) 2 & 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
33.4.7 🤝🤝 � Nairobi Package & SSM (2015)
Nairobi Package resulted from the WTO ministerial conference 2015 @Nairobi, Kenya →
1. We’ll extend the Peace Clause for another “x” years.
2. Members must stop the subsidy on Agriculture Exports: 1st world countries must comply
immediately while 3rd world countries given a relaxed deadline.
3. If there is a surge of cheap agro exports from 1st world to 3rd world, then 3rd world countries
will have the right to temporarily increase tariff / taxes on them, to protect their local farmers.
It’s called “ Special Safeguard Mechanism: �वशेष सुर�ा तं त्र (SSM).”
4. 1996 → Information Technology Agreement (ITA) plurilateral agreement (i.e. not signed by all
member nations) → It aims to abolish import export taxes on ~200 IT products. WTO
discussions to try to get more members sign this, so global IT-trade can increase. India signed in
1997 but could not benefit due to low capacity of local manufacturing. (हालांिक भारत म� ह�ा�र तो िकए
थे लेिकन हम� ब�त �ादा फायदा नहीं �आ �ोंिक हमारी कम्�ूटर हाडर्वये र उ�ादन �मता ही कमजोर है)
5. Technical reforms to help the exports from Least Developed Countries (LDC).
33.4.8 🤝🤝 � Buenos Aires Summit #flop (2017)
The 11th WTO Ministerial conference 2017 @Buenos Aires, Argentina failed to deliver any notable
outcome because : उ�ेखनीय प�रणाम देने म� �वफल �ोंिक
1. Food subsidy related reforms remained inconclusive (अ�नण�त) because neither India-China nor
USA-EU were willing to compromise.
a. So, in reality ‘Peace clause’ is extended for infinite period-
b. which is not a good thing because large amount of food subsidies given on (chemical)
fertilizers harm the environment.
2. USA-EU were more keen for a new agreement on e-commerce
a. but India-China opposed that such agreements will benefit 1st world countries more
(because they’ve Amazon, Walmart, Facebook etc) than 3rd world.
b. India-China insisted that first finish negotiations of the original Doha agenda subjects,
before proposing such new topics like e-commerce.
3. Members also failed to conclude negotiations related to Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM),
investment facilitation, MSME etc..
As a result, this conference ended without a joint declaration by the members.
33.4.9 🤝🤝 � Kazakhstan Summit #cancelled (2020-June)
⇒ 🤧🤧🤧🤧 2020-June: WTO ministerial conference was to held at Kazakhstan’s Astana (new name
of this city: Nur-Sultan) But, cancelled by Corona.
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1. The WTO deals with the global rules of trade between nations.
2. The goal of the WTO is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers
conduct their business.
3. The WTO, which is a successor body of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, came into
being following the Uruguay Round of Negotiations.
4. The WTO distances itself in framing of rules on trade in intellectual property rights.
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 3 only
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common parliament ‘European Parliament’, and their monetary policies through a common
central bank – ‘European Central Bank’.
🔠🔠❓How many member states are there in CARICOM, a grouping of Caribbean nations? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
a. 10 b. 12 c. 15 d. 18
<While the answer is 15 but poor cost:benefit chasing such KBC GK. Better to skip>
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3. USA wants EU nations to cut down the subsidies & preferences given to EU’s state owned
enterprises (SOE) / PSUs. EU civil rights / labour rights group fear it will lead to privatization of
Health, Education, Insurance cos which will cause unemployment of PSU-workers, and when
pvt.MNCs are providing such essential services it’ll become unaffordable for many poor citizens.
सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के उपक्रमों का �नजीकरण → बेरोजगारी
USA had been lobbying for TPP and TTIP because USA is disillusioned (मोहभं ग) with the WTO-
wherein India, China and other emerging economies have equal voting rights and have become more
assertive, so USA and its MNCs are not gaining much benefit out of WTO led agreements.
But, If TPP/TTIP materialized, it’d harm Asian economies exports towards US/EU so to compensate
that loss, Asian economies came up with their own idea RCEP….
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4) 🌡🌡🌡🌡 So, India wanted an Automatic Trigger Safeguard Mechanism (ATSM: �चा�लत �ट�गर का सुर�ा
तं त्र) to protect itself from surge in imports. (e.g. ⏫ customs duty by “X%” on imported products
from “y” country if “z” situation occurs).
5) ↩🚫🚫 Ratchet Obligation (रैचेट दा�य�): It means a nation can not go back/undo its
commitments under the RCEP agreement. India wants certain exemptions here.
6) 💾💾 Data localisation (डेटा �ानीयकरण): India wants all RCEP countries to have the rights to protect
data & prohibit cross-border data flow (सीमापार डेटा प्रवाह पर रोक) in the national interest. For this
reason, India even refused to sign G20 Osaka declaration on cross-border data flow.
2019-Nov: RCEP summit at Bangkok, Thailand. Here, Indian demands were not agreeable to the
majority of other members. So, India announced not to join the RCEP Agreement.
2020-Nov: 15 members signed it. India not yet signed. 2021: Singapore becomes 1st to sign.
India also had 500 जात के other objections but the maximum utility of RCEP topic is 250 words in the mains exam. For
that, we have gathered sufficient points. Further PHD useless.
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⇒ So we’ve opted not to sign it. The remaining member-nations have planned to sign the RCEP
agreement in 2020 and they are trying to convince India to get onboard.
⇒ India has not permanently shut the doors for negotiation. In future we may sign it, if our
concerns are addressed. �ायी �प से दरवाजे बं द नहीं िकए ह�। यिद हमारी �चतं ाओं पर �ान िदया जाए तो भ�व� म� हम इस
पर ह�ा�र कर सकते ह�।
33.7.5 📘📘 📘📘 Economic survey 2015-16: Observations abt India’s Trade Agreements
- India has signed 40+ trade agreements with various countries, our global trade has improved but
more on import side than export side. �नयार्त क� तुलना म� आयात �ादा बढ़ी।
- RCEP, TTIP, TPP are mega regional agreements that will undermine the WTO processes. ब�
�ेत्रीय समझौते, डब�ूटीओ को कमजोर कर रहे है।
- India must prepare for this changing world. India should shed its “big but poor”
dilemma/mentality ("बड़ा लेिकन गरीब" द�ु वधा/मान�सकता) i.e.
- “Our India is poor nation we must protect farmers & MSME so we have moral right to
impose tariff and non-tariff barriers on US/EU goods/services &
- yet US/EU must allow our goods/services into their countries without any barriers!”
- That’s why India-European Broad-Based Trade & Investment Agreement (BTIA) is not reaching
conclusion. International trade is a give-and-take relationship we’ve to ⏬our trade barriers
only then we can expect them to reduce their trade barriers. (पार��रकता, एक हाथ दो-दू सरे हाथ लो)
33.7.6 📔📔📔📔ES20: Observations abt India’s Trade Agreements (आ�थक सव��ण)
⇒ Critiques allege that most of India’s FTAs have not worked in “India’s favour.” e.g. India’s FTA
with S.Korea, Japan and Sri Lanka= %⬆in imports >> are higher than %⬆ of exports. (आयात
क� प्र�तशत-वृ�द्ध, �नयार्त क� प्र�तशत-वृ�द्ध से अ�धक है. इस�लए मु� �ापार समझौते भारत के �लए लाभकारी नहीं है, ऐसा
आलोचकों का मं त�)
⇒ However, after lengthy data analysis, the ES20 concluded overall India gained in terms of ⏫ in
exports by signing FTAs. (मु� �ापार समझौतों पर ह�ा�र करने के बाद कु ल �मलाकर भारत के �नयार्त म� वृ�द्ध �ई है)
33.7.7 💼💼Budget-2020: FTA ‘rules of origin’ (उ��� के �नयम)
- 1998: India - Sri Lanka FTA. So ink manufactured in SriLanka = 0% Indian customs duty when
imported in India.
- But sometimes Chinese company manufacture ink bottles in China, transports to its Sri Lankan
company → Sri Lanka’s (phoney/namesake) company pastes a label “this bottle manufactured
in Sri-Lanka” → sell them in India @0% customs duty?
- So, FTA agreements contain 'rules of origin'. Which requires that minimum x%
manufacturing/processing/value addition must be done in originating country (SriLanka in our
example) before it’s eligible for 0% customs duty.
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- Originating country (Srilanka) cannot dump goods from some third country (China) in the
Indian market by just putting a label on it. (तािक, उदगम/ �नयार्त करता देश िकसी तीसरे देश क� व�ुओ पर अपना
लेबल �चपका के भारत म� कर-मु�� के साथ न बेच सके .)
33.7.8 📝📝 Commerce Ministry: Certificate of Origin (उदगम प्रमाण पत्र)
⇒ India has signed a free trade agreement with many countries. Such agreements provide that
foreign partner nations will levy 0% or reduced taxes on the imported items of India.
⇒ But for this, Indian exporters need to submit a document to the Foreign partner country' landing
port that "indeed the item was manufactured and sent from India."
⇒ Such Certificate of Origin (CoO) is issued by the Director general of foreign trade under the
commerce ministry. भारत से �नयार्त िकया गया सामान भारत द्वारा ही बनाया गया है ऐसा प्रमाण पत्र तािक �मत्र रा�� उस पर
मु� �ापार समझौते के अंतगर्त टै� म� �रयायत दे
⇒ 2020 -Online portal was created to facilitate this project. But, it does not have any MCQ worthy-
fancy name, so we need not remember its name.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Consider the following countries:(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
1.Australia 2.Canada 3.China 4.India 5.Japan 6.USA
Which of the above are among the 'free-trade partners' of ASEAN?
(a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (b) 3, 4, 5 and 6 (c) 1, 3, 4 and 5 (d) 2, 3, 4 and 6
33.7.9 🛒🛒⛷📝📝 Trade agreements losing shine → NAFTA & SAFTA
NAFTA ⇒ North American Free Trade Agreement; उ�री अमे�रका �नशु� �ापार समझौता (1994)
involves Canada, USA and Mexico.
⇒ However, Trump felt NAFTA harms the American interests → 2018: He made a deal
with Mexico and Canada to replace NAFTA with a new agreement called United
States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement (USMCA).
SAFTA ⇒ South Asian Free Trade Area (द��ण ए�शयाई मु� �ापार �ेत्र) is a trade agreement of
SAARC nations- Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan
and Sri Lanka.
⇒ 2016: India refused to attend SAARC Annual summit @Pakistan, after Uri-Attack. In
2019 India raised duties on Pakistani goods so SAFTA’s is losing its shine.
AFCFTA ⇒ 2019: African Union (AU) members have signed the African Continental Free Trade
Agreement (AfCFTA). It’s world’s largest FTA covering 54 nations.
Homework: Refer Economic Survey 2019-20 Vol2 ch.3: Annexure-II= table is given, focus on participants, & whether
trade agreement ‘concluded’ or at ‘negotiation stage’.
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⇒ This will help Indian Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) and large Indian companies
to revive business through ⏫purchase from the Government.
⇒ Sidenote: In an excessive and unplanned enthusiasm, Home Minister Amit Shah ordered
Central Armed Police Force (CAPF) canteens not to sell any “imported” items. But, many
Indian companies were also kept on the banned list because of miscommunication or haste in
preparing the list. So, the order has been withdrawn.
33.9.4 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🎃🎃USA’s Special 301 report
Annual report that lists the countries who are harming the Intellectual Property Rights: (IPR: बौ�द्धक
सं पदा अ�धकार)- copyrights, patents and trademarks of American companies.
- These countries are classified into categories such as “Priority Foreign Country” (Most
dangerous)> "Priority Watch List" > "Watch List" etc.
- Depending on classification, USA will complaint to WTO and / or spend money on those
countries to ⏬ piracy (e.g. training and capacity building of Russian police officers & China’s
cybercrime courts etc.).
- 2018: India, Russia, China etc. are in priority watchlist. Mainly because of their hackers, movie
piracy, counterfeit products; India because of its drug patent norms & NPPA which reduce the
profitability of US pharma companies’ patented drugs.
33.9.5 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🎃🎃USA’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) list
यूएसए क� प्राथ�मकताओं क� सामा�ीकृ त प्रणाली सू�च
- If a developing country’s name is in this list, its exports will be subjected to zero/lower import
duties in USA (for selected products only).
- 2019: Trump removed India from GSP list, citing India has imposed heavy import duties on
Harley Davidson bikes and other American exports.
- As such most of the Indian exported goods to USA are not in the GSP list in the first place, so
this blacklisting will not harm India much, albeit, Indian textile companies are worried that GSP-
removal will make Indian garments more expensive in USA.
Related term: Global System of Trade Preferences among Developing Countries (GSTP: �वकासशील
देशों के बीच �ापार �व�ा क� वै��क प्रणाली) is a trade agreement among developing countries & LDC signed
under the aegis of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD: �ापार और
�वकास पर सं यु� रा�� स�ेलन) in 1988. It aims to ⏬ trade barrier among themselves. India is a member.
33.9.6 ⚖🎃🎃USA Reciprocal Trade Bill/Act (पार��रक �ापार �वधेयक / अ�ध�नयम)
⇒ 2019: l was introduced in the American parliament (=US congress)
⇒ IF partner nation imposed a high level of tariff/non-tariff barriers on American products, then
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o US President can unilaterally ⏫ the taxes on imported products of that trading
country. आयात होने वाली चीजों पर रा�प� �त कराधान बढ़ा सकते ह�
o US President can even 'undo' his commitment from the free trade agreements with that
country. पुराने वचनों से मुकर सकते ह�
⇒ If the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR: बौ�द्धक सं पदा अ�धकार) of American products are not
respected/enforced in a country → US President can ⏫ taxes on imported products from that
country. +500 other things but poor cost benefit in chasing it.
33.9.7 🧔🧔🧔🧔🎃🎃 India-USA limited trade deal (सी�मत �ापार सौदा)
⇒ 2020-Jul: India USA are negotiating for a 'limited trade deal' i.e. only for selected commodities
taxes may be ⏬. Basically, they're looking for following
⇒ India should ⏬ taxes on American farm & dairy products, pharmaceuticals, electronics etc
⇒ USA should ⏬ taxes on Indian steel & Aluminium etc, and USA should restore India's name in
the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).
33.9.8 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐How does US/EU/China trade war impact India?
📘📘📘📘Previous economic surveys observed:
⇒ US’s protectionism is targeted more towards Chinese goods than towards Indian services
(IT/BPO) because of their local political / vote bank perception that Chinese manufacturing
industries are more responsible for the loss of American jobs than Indian call-centres. So, India
need not worry excessively.
⇒ Besides, Chinese tariffs on USA → opportunities for India to export its soyabean, cars, medical
equipment to China. Commerce Ministry has recorded growth in over 300+ Indian exports
including vulcanized rubber, paper, copper wires, electrodes, natural honey and pipes to China.
⇒ Similarly, USA’s 25% import duty on Chinese seafood has made American consumers shift to
Indian frozen shrimps which don’t attract such large duties in USA. This has positively boosted
India’s seafood exports.
⇒ However, with the rise of nationalistic political groups (रा��वादी प�) in the 1st world nations, India
will face following challenges →
⇒ 1st world nations’ local industrial groups keep pressuring their governments to impose more
tariffs on Indian fisheries, textile and pharma sectors.
⇒ With the fall in (overall) exports of India, there has been a glut the supply of commodities in the
domestic market, resulting into inflation levels falling below 3%. According to Phillips curve,
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there is an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment. This could pose a
challenge to our economy in the days ahead. (महंगाई ब�त कम होगी तो बेरोजगारी बढ़ेगी)
⇒ 1st world nations tighten their visa / immigration policies = NRIs suffer. (Although positive in
the sense it’ll result into ‘brain gain’ for India, instead of ‘brain drain’- says Mukesh Ambani!) �Protectionism / Trade War: Conclusion (�न�षर्)
⇒ Protectionism has a mixed impact on Indian economic stability because while helped boosting
Indian exports in some sectors (seafood & soybean), it has harmed the other sectors.
⇒ Protectionism will only hurt the US economy & Chinese economy in the long run.
⇒ So, after their initially machismo, both USA & China have softened their stand, and are trying to
negotiate a way out of the present conundrum.
⇒ Hopefully, it will undo negative impact on Indian economy in the upcoming months.
⇒ शु�आत म� चीन और अमे�रका ने काफ� गु�ैल �मजाज के साथ सं र�णवाद और �ापारयुद्ध िकया लेिकन अब दोनों को पार��रक
नुकसान होने के बाद, अपना �ख नरम िकया है और वह समझौता चाहते ह�
⇒ 1993: Maastricht Treaty formed European Union, a political and economic union to allow easy
movement of goods, services, citizens among themselves.
⇒ 2002: EU introduced its common currency, Euro. Although Britain was an EU member, it
continued with its own currency ‘Pound Sterling’.
⇒ Later, Britain’s political parties campaigned that 1) migrant workers from other EU countries=
job loss for local Britishers. 2) EU framework is harming our economic and foreign diplomacy
interests. (यूरोप के प्रवासी मजदू रों के आगमन से �ब्रिटशरो क� नौकरी को खतरा, आ�थक और �वदेशी कू टनी�त)
⇒ 2016: Britain held a referendum (जनमतसं ग्रह) & asked its citizens “whether the Britain should EXIT
or remain in the European Union?” 52% voted yes, 48% voted no.
⇒ 2017: Britain invokes Article 50 of Lisbon Treaty, which gives them 2 yrs timeframe to workout a
deal for exit / divorce. e.g. What happens to UK citizens living elsewhere in the EU and EU
citizens living in the UK etc. How much money Britain must pay to EU for leaving?
⇒ 2020-Jan-31st: United Kingdom has officially left the European Union. However, in reality, till
31st Dec 2020, UK is under "Transition Period / Implementation Period (कायार्�यन अव�ध)" During
this transition time, most of the things will remain the same as before e.g. visa-travel/driving
license etc. But, gradually 'divorce' will be implemented in phasewise manner. (धीरे-धीरे
चरणबद्ध/क्र�मक �प से �र�ा ख� िकया जाएगा)
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⇒ 🤧🤧🤧🤧2020-May: EU announced 750 billion euro (=826 billion$) economic stimulus package.
Basically, the EU will borrow money from the market → give it to Member states in the form of
loans and grants for reviving their economy. How?NOTIMP. ��How does BREXIT affect India?
BREXIT creates both opportunities and challenges for India. (अवसरों और चुनौ�तयों का �नमार्ण)
We will have to rebuild / update our trade agreements with both parties separately.
⇒ With the rise of ‘nationalism’, ‘protectionism’ in Britain/EU → India’s textile, pharma,
automobile exports may get hurt. Although Britain may ease its travel & education visa norms to
attract Indian students for their college fees.
⇒ EU planning to create a ‘Digital Single Market by 2020’ to cover digital marketing, E-commerce
and telecommunications related services. Indian companies can provide backend services.
⇒ British goods will no longer get easy entry in EU, so they’ll try to export more towards India -
bcoz of India’s rising middle class & their purchasing power. We can demand reciprocal
treatment e.g. “we’ll cutdown tariff for your ‘x’ list of goods, if you do the same for ‘y’ list of
Indian goods.” (पार��रक �प से यिद हम आपक� चीजों पे टे� कम करे तो आप भी हमारी चीजों पे टे� कम करे.)
⇒ Britain becomes ‘free’ of EU’s foreign policies so it may come up with new initiatives for
Palestine, Middle East, Afghanistan etc. and to keep India on board, Britain may give some
concessions e.g. “Vote in favour of our “x” resolution @UNGA & we’ll cut down tariff on Indian
goods by y% & will give a cheap infra. loan @z%”. And so forth…
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The term ‘Digital Single Market Strategy’ seen in the news refers to(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
(a) ASEAN (b) BRICS (c) EU (d) G20
🔠🔠❓MCQ. ‘Broad-based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA)’ is in the context of negotiations between India
and_ _ _ _(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017) (a) European Union (b) GCC (c) OECD (d) SCO
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SAARC, 1985 BIMSTEC, 1997
HQ: Kathmandu, Nepal (1985) Dhaka, Bangladesh (1997)
8: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, 7 members: Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri
Nepal, Maldives, Pak & Sri Lanka. Lanka, Thailand , Nepal and Bhutan.
- 2016: summit @Islamabad cancelled after ⇒ Summits every four years.
India and others boycotted due to Uri attack. ⇒ 2018 summit @Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Then no annual summits in 2017, 2018.
⇒ Next will be in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Although 2019 summit is planned
@Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- SAFTA losing its shine as we learned in earlier section.
- India has setup South Asian University (SAU-2010) @ Delhi (2010) for SAARC students.
- India launched South Asia Communication Satellite (GSAT-9) in 2017 to provide tele-
medicine, tele-education, banking, television broadcasting facilities to SAARC nations.
- 🤧🤧🤧🤧 2020-March: SAARC leaders organized video conference to fight Corona.
- India proposed creation of a COVID-19 emergency (आपातकालीन �न�ध) fund & contributed
$10 million in it.
34.1.1 🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐🌐Mekong- Ganga Cooperation (2000)
India + five of the ASEAN countries, namely, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. for
cooperation in tourism, culture, education, transport, communications. (पयर्टन, सं �ृ �त, �श�ा, प�रवहन,
सं चार). Mekong river starts from China → flows through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam,
Cambodia → drains in South China Sea.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations : Shanghai Cooperation Organization :
द��ण पूवर् ए�शयाई रा�� सं घ शं घाई सहयोग सं गठन
1969 → Bangkok declaration → HQ: Jakarta, - 2001 → HQ: Beijing, China.
Indonesia - Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS)
@Tashkent, Uzbekistan
10 Members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, - 6 founding members: Russia, China,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and
Thailand and Vietnam. Uzbekistan.
- +2 new members: India & Pak.
- 2018: marked the 25th Anniversary of ✓ 2017: SCO summit at Astana, Kazakhstan →
ASEAN-India Dialogue Relation, their India, Pak formally given membership.
leaders were invited to India → Delhi ✓ 2018: SCO summit at Qingdao, China
declaration with the theme “Shared Values, resulted Qingdao declaration- a 3-year plan
Common Destiny” to combat terrorism. India refused to endorse
- Their 10 leaders also graced our 26th January China’s One belt one road (OBOR) policy in
2018 Republic Day parade as chief guests.
this summit. (More in Pillar5: Transport)
- 2019: Summit at Thailand‘s capital Bangkok.
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Theme: Advancing partnership for ✓ 2019-June: SCO summit at Kyrgyzstan’s
sustainability. Result? Bangkok declaration capital Bishkek. Bishkek declaration major
against Marine Debris (समुद्रम� कचरा)
points: 1) condemn terrorism, 2) Settle Syrian
- 2020: Vietnam’s Hanoi. Theme: “Cohesive
issue with political dialogue, 3) roadmap to
and Responsive ASEAN”
- 2021: Brunei’s Bandar Seri Begawan. Theme: peace in Afghanistan through dialogues, 4)
We Care, We Prepare, We Prosper”, appreciated WTO
✓ 2020: Russia virtually hosted summit of
“Head of State(e.g. India’s president)”.
Separately 2020: India virtually hosted
summits of ‘heads of Govt’ (HoGe.g. India’s
PM). PM Modi did not attend, VP Naidu
played the host.
34.2.1 ☪🤝🤝Afghanistan 6+2+1 group for redevelopment of Afghanistan
6: neighbouring countries: China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan; + 2
global players the United States and Russia, and 1: Afghanistan itself.
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA); Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
िहंद महासागर �रम/िकनारा एसो�सएशन (IORA) ए�शया-प्रशांत आ�थक सहयोग
22 Indian Ocean rim nations. India is a member. 21 Pacific Rim ocean economies. India is not a
China-USA are dialogue partners. member, China-USA are members.
Setup in 1997, HQ: Ebene, Mauritius 1989, HQ: Singapore
- 2018 council of ministers’ meeting - 2018 summit @Port Moresby, Papua New
@S.Africa’s Durban- established Mandela Guinea. India is keen to become member but
Scholarship, added Maldives as a member but not yet added.
blocked membership of Myanmar due to - 2019 summit @Chile cancelled due to civilian
S.Africa’s opposition. unrest in the country.
2019 & 2020 self-update homework: - 2020-Virtual summit adopted “Putrajya
Vision 2040” for economic cooperation and
development partnership.
BRICS, - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. S.Africa joined later in 2011.
2009 - 2014: BRICS New Development Bank
- 2018: summit @Johannesburg, S.Africa with theme “Collaboration for Inclusive
Growth and Shared Prosperity”
- 2019-Nov: summit @Brasilia, Brazil. Theme: "BRICS: economic growth for an
innovative future".
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- 2020: 12th BRICS summit @Saint Petersburg, Russia (held virtually)- theme “BRICS
Partnership for Global Stability, Shared Security and Innovative Growth”
- 2021: 13th BRICS Summit @India, along with BRICS Games 2021.
Role of secretariat is played by its pro tempore presidency, so accordingly, 2018:
S.Africa. 2019: Brazil. 2020: Russia, 2021: India
OPEC, - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries: पेट�ो�लयम �नयार्तक देशों का सं गठन-
1961 1961 HQ@Vienna, Austria.
- a group of oil producing countries Saudi, UAE, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq etc.… total 14
members. Qatar withdrew from 1/1/19. Russia is NOT a member.
OECD, - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: आ�थक सहयोग तथा �वकास
1961 सं गठन-1961 HQ@Paris, France.
- Works for International cooperation in the matters of economy and taxation.
Known for Base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) Norms. India is not a member.
NAM - Non-Aligned Movement was founded under the leadership of Josip Broz Tito of
1961 Yugoslavia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Kwame
Nkrumah of Ghana, and Sukarno of Indonesia.
- They advocated 3rd world nations to abstain from allying with USA/USSR during
Cold war. (शीत युद्ध के दौरान असं यु� रहेने का आंदोलन)
- Member nations are in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Caribbean, and Europe.
- 2020-May: Online NAM contact group summit organized. Theme of "United
against COVID-19”. Chairman/Host: Azerbaijan. The group decided to form a task
force against Corona.
G-20, - International forum for the governments and central bank governors from 19
1999 countries and the 1 European Union namely,
- Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia,
Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey,
- Annual summits: 2018@Buenos Aires-Argentina, 2019@Osaka-Japan, 2020-
Nov@Saudi Arabia’sRiyadh, 2021@Italy’s Rome,2022@Indoensia,2023@Delhi.
2+2 e.g. India Japan 2+2 = meeting of foreign minister & defense minister from each side.
JAI Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Donald Trump and Japan Prime Minister
trilater Shinzo Abe met in a trilateral format in the sidelines of G-20 Summit in Buenos Aires,
al Argentina. It was called the first-ever ‘JAI’ meeting. Objective? Economic growth,
2018 common prosperity & harassment of UPSC aspirants.
QUAD Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (चतुभुर्ज सुर�ा सं वाद) is a strategic dialogue / group of
political democracies, market economies and pluralistic societies. between the United
States, Japan, Australia and India. (रणनी�तक सं वाद, लोकतं त्र बाजार आधा�रत अथर्तंत्र और
एका�धकत�वादी समाजों का एक समूह)
🔠🔠❓ BRICS Summit, 2020 will be hosted by (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) India (b) China (c) Russia (d) Brazil
🔠🔠❓ In which one of the following groups are all the four countries members of G20? (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
[a) Argentina, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey [b) Australia, Canada, Malaysia and New Zealand
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 443
[c) Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam [d) Indonesia, Japan, Singapore and South Korea
2019-June: G20 summit @Osaka, Japan. Its declaration announced following points:
− We endorse G20 Fukuoka Policy Priorities on Aging society’s Financial Inclusion. (बुजुग� का �व�ीय
− We affirm our support to G20/OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS: कर बचाने के �लए मुनाफे
का �ानांतरण) Agreement;
− Financial Action Task Force (FATF, HQ: Paris, France) regulations against money laundering,
terrorist financing. No safe haven to any economic offenders. (धन शोधन और आतं क� �व�पोषण)
− We will work together to foster global economic growth using technological innovation, esp.
Digitalization. (तकनीक� नवाचार,करके वै��क आ�थक �वकास को बढ़ावा देना।)
− Cross-border flow of data, information, ideas and knowledge generates higher productivity,
greater innovation, and improved sustainable development. So, we’ll encourage free flow of data
to harness the opportunities of the digital economy.
− There should not be any restriction on companies from storing personal information, in foreign
servers. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe called this initiative ‘Data Free Flow with Trust’ (DFFT: �व�ास
के साथ डाटा का सीमापार मु� प्रवाह).
− ++ lot of lip service on Corruption, Labour, Women’s Empowerment, Tourism, Agriculture,
Global Health & Environmental Issues (भ्र�ाचार, श्रम, मिहला सश��करण, पयर्टन, कृ �ष, वै��क �ा� और
पयार्वरण के मुद्दे)
34.5.1 📝📝📝📝⛷🚫🚫🚫🚫Osaka declaration: why India refused to sign
India, South Africa and Indonesia remained absent when G20 members formally signed Osaka
declaration BECAUSE:
1. India believes that all of the countries must individually manage data. Otherwise MNCs will use
data for their commercial benefits, harming privacy of citizens and sovereign interests of the
States. (e.g. Huawei mobiles’ send their data to China, they may be hacked by Government-
sponsored hackers to spy on India.) �ापा�रक फायदे के �लए जनता के डाटा क� चोरी, धांधली, �नजता का हनन होगा.
2. Such free flow of data may be misused for influencing public opinion through targeted
advertisements and articles on social media. (e.g. The alleged Russian hand in Trump's election.)
चुनाव मतदान / जनमत को प्रभा�वत करने नाग�रको के �नजी डाटा का द�ु पयोग
3. Data is a new form of wealth. So, this entire matter should be discussed within WTO and not
outside of it. �व� �ापार सं गठन के मं च पर इसक� चचार् करो
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 444
34.5.2 ✍Conclusion (�न�षर्)
⇒ While India understands & appreciates the role of ICT in economic development & good
governance. सूचना प्रौद्यो�गक� का आ�थक �वकास और सुशासन म� मह� भारत समझता है
⇒ The issue of data flow requires a wider global cooperation without undermining an individual’s
privacy or a State’s sovereign interests. ���गत �नजता, रा��ो ं के सं प्रभु िहत
⇒ Considering these facets, India has refused to sign the Osaka declaration on cross border data
flow (उ� पहलुओ ं को देखते �ए सीमापार डाटा प्रवाह सं �ध पर ह�ा�र नहीं िकया).
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 445
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
खाड़ी सहयोग प�रषद (GCC) इ�ा�मक सहयोग सं गठन (OIC)
1981: HQ-Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1969: HQ-Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
6 members: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, ~50 Islamic countries from across of the world.
Saudi Arabia, and the UAE
2017: some of these members have cut off 2019-March: While India is not a member, but
diplomatic and business ties with Qatar. first time invited in OIC meeting as guest of
honour. Sushma Swaraj attended @Abu
Dhabi,UAE while Pakistan (OIC member)
skipped the event in protest.
34.7.1 ⚖☪✋:👷👷👷👷👷K
👷 uwait Expat Bill (प्रवासी/�वदेशी मजदू रों क� सं �ा ⏬ का �वधेयक)
⇒ Kuwait parliament working on an expatriates/ expat law' to ⏬the number of foreigners in the
country. India is worried because 1) this will reduce work-visa quotas for Indians. 2) Kuwait
contributes $4-5 billion dollar remittance to India, which may ⏬ If less number of Indians are
allowed to work in Kuwait. (प्रे�षत धन/प�रजनों को भेजी गई रकम)
⇒ But, experts believe this draft law will not be passed/implemented because 1) Local population is
not large to supply all laborers 2) locals are unwilling to do certain types of labour. (उनको छोटे काम
करना पसं द नहीं)
34.7.2 ☪🤝🤝🤝🤝Abraham Accords (2020-Sept)
⇒ UAE, Bahrain and Israel’s Peace agreement for normalization of relations. (�र�ों को सामा� करने के
�लए शां�त समजोता) U.S. President Trump acted as mediator (म�� क� भू�मका)
⇒ Abraham = regarded as a prophet by both the Jewish and Islam.
⇒ Not-for-profit think-tank in Cologny (a municipal area in Geneva), Switzerland. �व� आ�थक मं च-
मुनाफा-रिहत �वशेष� समूह
⇒ Known for its annual summit at Davos resort in Switzerland where they invite selected world
leaders, thinkers, NGOs and industrialists.
⇒ Davos Theme 2019: Globalization 4.0 in 4th industrial revolution
⇒ Davos Theme 2020: Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World.
⇒ 2021-May: venue shifted to Singapore by Corona. Theme: "A Crucial Year to Rebuild Trust"
⇒ 2020: created global consortium for digital currency governance. (िड�जटल मुद्रा के प्रबं धन के �लए एक
वै��क सं घ)
⇒ Known for its annual reports: Global Competitiveness Report, Global Information Technology
Report, Global Gender Gap Report, Global Risks Report, Global Travel and Tourism Report,
Financial Development Report, Global Enabling Trade Report.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 446
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Global Competitiveness Report is published by the _ _ _ (UPSC Prelims-2020)
Codes: A) IMF B) UNCTAD C) World Economic Forum D) World Bank
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 447
✋for more on IR annual summits, treaties, etc. for prelims study from PDF/Mags/Courses
34.10.2 🎺🎺✍ Mock Questions for Mains GSM2 (Intl. Org Related to Economy)
Syllabus Topic: Important International institutions, agencies, for a (structure, mandate); Bilateral, Regional, Global groupings &
Agreements (involving and/or affecting India)
1) Discuss the importance of membership to Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (शं घाई सहयोग सं गठन) in furthering
India's interests in the Central Asian region.
2) Why has India refused to sign the Osaka declaration-2019 on cross-border data flow? (भारत ने सीमा पार डेटा प्रवाह पर
ओसाका घोषणा-2019 पर ह�ा�र करने से इनकार �ों कर िदया है?)
3) “Concerns for the domestic industry has prevented India from joining RCEP agreement.” Comment. "घरेलू उद्योगो क�
�चतं ा ने भारत को आरसीईपी समझौते म� शा�मल होने से रोक िदया है।" िट�णी करे.
4) Is India’s decision to stay out of the RCEP agreement appropriate? Examine critically. �ा आरसीईपी समझौते से बाहर रहने का
भारत का �नणर्य उ�चत है? गं भीर�प से समी�ा क��जए.
5) In 2018, the 25th Anniversary of ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations was commemorated under the theme of "Shared
Values, Common Destiny ”. In what areas do India and ASEAN nations share common values and common
destiny? साझा मू�, समान भा� िकन �ेत्रों म�?
6) "The USA-China and USA-EU trade wars present new sets of threats and opportunities for India." Examine. �ापार
युद्ध ने भारत के �लए नए खतरे और नए अवसर पैदा क�ए है
7) (Asked-in-GSM3-2018) How would the recent phenomenon of protectionism and currency manipulations in world
trade affect macroeconomic stability of India? �व� �ापार म� सं र�णवाद और मुद्रा जोड़तोड़ क� हा�लया घटना भारत क� �ापक आ�थक
��रता को कै से प्रभा�वत करेगी?
8) (Asked-in-GSM2-2018) What are the key areas of reform if the WTO has to survive in the present context of ‘Trade
War’, especially keeping in mind the interest of India? यिद �व� �ापार सं गठन को '�ापार युद्ध' म� बचकर रहना है तो �ा प्रमुख सुधार
करने होंगे? �वशेष �प से भारत के िहत को �ान म� रखते चचार् क��जए।
9) (Asked-in-GSM2-2014) The aim of Information Technology Agreements (ITAs) is to lower all taxes and tariffs on
information technology products by signatories to zero. What impact should such agreements have on India’s
interests? सूचना प्रौद्यो�गक� समझौतों से भारत के िहतों पर �ा प्रभाव होना चािहए?
10) (Asked-in-GSM2-2014) WTO is an important international institution where decisions taken affect countries in
profound manner. What is the mandate of WTO and how binding are their decisions? Critically analyse India’s
stand on the latest round of talks on Food security. �व� �ापार सं गठन का जनादेश �ा है और उनके फै सले िकतने बा�कारी ह�? खाद्य
सुर�ा पर नवीनतम दौर क� वातार् म� भारत के �ख का गं भीर �प से �व�ेषण कर�।
11) (Asked-in-GSM2-2014) India has recently signed to become founding a New Development Bank (NDB) and also
the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). How will the role of the two Banks be different? Discuss the
significance of these two Banks for India. दोनों ब�कों क� भू�मका अलग कै से होगी? भारत के �लए इन दोनों ब�कों के मह� पर चचार् कर�।
12) (Asked-in-GSM2-2013) The World Bank and the IMF, collectively known as the Bretton Woods Institutions, are
the two inter-governmental pillars supporting the structure of the world’s economic and financial order.
Superficially, the World Bank and the IMF exhibit many common characteristics, yet their role, functions and
mandate are distinctly different. Elucidate. सतही तौर पर, �व� ब�क और आईएमएफ़ कई सामा� �वशेषताओं को प्रद�शत करते ह�, िफर भी
उनक� भू�मका, कायर् और जनादेश अलग-अलग ह�। �� क��जए
13) (Asked-in-GSM2-2020) ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)’ is transforming itself into a trade bloc from a
military alliance, in present times - Discuss. ('चतुभुर्जीय सुर�ा सं वाद (�ाड)' वतर्मान समय म� �यं को सै�नक गठबं धन से एक �ापा�रक गट म�
�पा��रत कर रहा है - �ववेचना क��जए)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#3B- Intl.Org & Agreements → Page 448
40 🌽🌽 Agriculture- Intro .................................................................................................................... 453
40.1.1 �🌽🌽 [Yearbook-Info] Agro Ministry ...................................................................... 453
40.1.2 �🐮🐮🐮🐮 [Yearbook] Min. for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying ....... 454
40.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Input → Land (जमीन)........................................................................................ 454
40.2.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽Land reforms in India after independence ..................................................... 454
40.3 🌱🌱Agri-Input → Seeds: बीज ................................................................................................. 455
40.3.1 🌱🌱🌱🌱Agri-Input → Seeds → Green Revolution: ह�रत क्रां�त..................................... 456
40.3.2 🌱🌱🌱🌱Agri-Input → Seeds → 🥔🥔 Pepsi vs Potato Farmers .................................. 456
40.3.3 🌱🌱🌱🌱Agri-Input → Seeds → Genetically modified (GM) crops.......................... 456
40.3.4 🌱🌱🌱🌱Seeds → GM crops → Challenges: HTBT Cotton ....................................... 457
40.3.5 🌱🌱🌱🌱Seeds → GM crops → Challenges? ............................................................... 457
40.3.6 🌱🌱🌱🌱Seeds → GM crops → suggestions by Economic survey 2017? ................ 457
40.3.7 ✍ 🌱🌱🌱🌱 GM-Crops: Conclusion templates? ........................................................ 457
40.4 🌧🌧☔Agri-Input → Water (Irrigation: �सच
ं ाई) ................................................................... 458
40.4.1 🕵🕵🕵🌧🌧☔ [Yearbook] Water related Ministries and Departments ........................ 458
40.4.2 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → NRDWP (2009) ......................................................... 459
40.4.3 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (2015) ...... 459
40.4.4 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Namami Gange Yojana (2015) ................................ 460
40.4.5 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Kranti Abhiyan (2015) ........................................ 460
40.4.6 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Shakti Abhiyan (2019-July) ............................... 460
40.4.7 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) (2019-Aug).................. 460
40.4.8 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) (2021-Budget)............. 461
40.4.9 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → ATAL Bhujal Yojana (=ATAL JAL) (2019-Dec) .. 461
40.4.10 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Misc. Schemes ........................................................... 461
40.4.11 ☔📈📈 Agri-Input → Water → Composite Water Management Index................. 462
40.4.12 ☔Agri-Input → Water (irrigation) → suggestions by Economic Surveys........... 462
40.4.13 ं ाई के बारे म� �न�षर्) ................................................. 462
✍ ⛈ Conclusion? (पेयजल और �सच
40.5 🌽🌽🌽Agri-Input → Fertilizer (उवर्रक / खाद) ....................................................................... 462
40.5.1 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Nutrient Based Subsidy (2010) ......................... 463
40.5.2 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Soil Health Card (2015) .................................... 463
40.5.3 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Neem Coating of Urea (2015) ........................... 464
40.5.4 �📯📯📯📯📯📯 Prevent urea misuse→ DBT of fertilizer (2018) ............................... 464
40.6 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Input → Pesticides & weedicides ................................................................... 465
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 449
40.7 🌽🌽🌽🌽☣ Agri Inputs → Don’t use chemicals → PKVY (2015)................................... 465
40.7.1 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫☣Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF: शू� बजट प्राकृ �तक खेती) ............ 466
40.7.2 🚫🚫☣😢😢 Organic farming & ZBNF → Limitations? (मयार्दा/चुनौ�तया) ................... 466
40.7.3 🚫🚫☣✍ Conclusion: Organic farming / ZBNF ..................................................... 466
40.8 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri Inputs → Farm Mechanization (मशीनीकरण) ................................................... 467
40.8.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri Inputs → Farm Mechanization: Challenges? ................................ 467
40.9 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri Inputs → Finance / Credit: ऋण.................................................................. 468
40.9.1 💰💰💰💰Agri-Finance → Negotiable Warehouse Receipts (NWR) ........................... 468
40.9.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Finance → Loan waivers for the farmers.................................... 468
40.10 🌽🌽⚰ Agri-Input → Risk reduction → Insurance .......................................................... 469
40.11 🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri-Output → don’t burn the crop residue (फ़सल-अवशेष/ पराली) ......................... 469
40.12 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling → APMC (कृ �षगत उ�ाद �वपणन स�म�त) ................................................... 469
40.12.1 ⚠APMC Problems? सम�ाएं / चुनौ�तयां ......................................................................... 470
40.12.2 🔨🔨Model APMC Act? (आदशर् कानून) ............................................................................ 470
40.13 👻👻⚖�🛒🛒 Agro Ordinance/Act#1 → APMC Ordinance/Act 2020 ......................... 471
40.13.1 ⚖�🛒🛒:👎👎👎👎 Criticism for Agro-Ordinance#1: आलोचना/ �नदं ा .......................... 472
40.13.2 ⚖�🛒🛒:👍👍👍👍Conclusion /Pros: Agro-Act#1: Appreciate (�न�षर्) ................... 473
40.13.3 ⚖�🛒🛒: �🍋🍋🍋🍋 Punjab's Rural Development Fund Act, 1987 .................... 473
40.14 👻👻⚖🥭🥭🥭🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝 Agro Ordinance/Act#2 → Contract farming 2020 ................. 473
40.14.1 👻👻 ⚖🥭🥭🥭🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝:👎👎 :👿👿 Criticism & Conclusion Act#2: ......................... 474
40.15 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling Online → e-national agriculture market (E-NAM) ................... 474
40.15.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽E-NAM: Criticism? (आलोचना) .............................................................. 475
40.15.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling Online → Other Misc. initiatives= NOT IMP......................... 475
40.15.3 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling → Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs) ............................. 475
40.15.4 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling→Outside India →Agri Export Policy, 2018 ..................... 475
40.16 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling → Income support for farmers ............................................. 476
40.17 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri-Selling → Minimum Support Prices (MSP) .................................... 476
40.17.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 MSP covers which crops? ................................................................... 477
40.17.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 MSP computation, Swaminathan Committee? ............................... 477
40.17.3 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri-Selling → MSP → Procurement (अ�धप्रापण / खरीद)? .............. 478
40.17.4 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽= 👌👌 MSP Benefits? .............................................................................. 479
40.17.5 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽= 👎👎 MSP Limitations? (मयार्दा)........................................................... 479
40.18 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽: 🧔🧔 Agri-Selling: PM-AASHA: fix MSP limitations ............................... 479
40.19 🌽🌽🌽📦📦📦📦📦�: FCI’s Buffer Stock Problem (बफर भं डार) ......................................... 480
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 450
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 451
40.28.3 🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing Industry: Scope / Opportunities (अवसर) ............................ 493
40.28.4 🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing Industry: Challenges → General (चुनौ�तयां) ......................... 494
40.28.5 🧃🧃🧃🧃Supply Chain Management (SCM: आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन)..................................... 494
40.28.6 🧃🧃🧃🧃SCM: Upstream-Downstream: Meaning ......................................................... 494
40.28.7 🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing: Upstream issues ............................................................. 494
40.28.8 🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing: Downstream issues ........................................................ 495
40.28.9 🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing: Downstream issues → Export stage...................... 495
40.28.10 🧃🧃✍Food Processing: Conclusion- हां इस �ेत्र पर �ान देना होगा ............................... 496
40.29 🐮🐮 Sectors → Agro Allied: → Animal husbandry (पशुपालन) ........................................... 496
40.29.1 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 Livestock Census (पशुधन क� जनगणना) ......................................................... 496
40.29.2 🐮🐮🐮🐮 Agro Allied: Animal husbandry → White Revolution................................... 497
40.29.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋Cow (welfare) Cess ............................................................................................ 499
40.29.4 🐑🐑🐑🐑: ES2019: Focus on Small Ruminants ............................................................. 499
40.29.5 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻Atma-Nirbhar: Dairy cooperatives (द�
ु ालय सहकारी स�म�तयां) ............ 499
40.29.6 🐟🐟Agro Allied: Fisheries → Blue revolution (म� → नीली क्रां�त) ............................ 499
40.29.7 🌈🌈Other revolutions: ................................................................................................... 500
40.29.8 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (2020) ............................ 500
40.30 🌽🌽🌽� Agriculture → Research Development & Education .................................... 501
40.30.1 ⚠ Challenges in Agro R&D? <for Mains GSM3>................................................... 501
40.30.2 🌽🌽🌽� Agriculture → Extension Service (�व�ार-सेवा) <for GSM3> ................ 502
40.30.3 🌽🌽🌽� Agri-extension services → Timeline of schemes / events ..................... 502
40.30.4 🌽🌽🌽� Krishi Kalyan Abhiyaan (2018) ................................................................ 503
40.30.5 � Extension Services: Conclusion template ............................................................ 503
40.30.6 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) .................... 503
40.30.7 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Misc. → SAARC Food Bank (2007) ............................... 504
40.30.8 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Misc. → International Grains Council (London) ......... 504
40.30.9 🤝🤝 Global Awards related to Agro.............................................................................. 504
40.30.10 ✍ Agriculture-Conclusion (�न�षर्) ........................................................................ 504
40.31 ✍ Mains Qs from Agriculture in Previous UPSC Exams ............................................... 505
40.31.1 Mains Questions: Agro → Cropping & irrigation & Land Reforms ....................... 505
40.31.2 Mains Questions: Agro →E-Tech. in aid of farmers ................................................. 505
40.31.3 Mains Questions: Agro →Food processing industry ................................................ 505
40.31.4 Mains Questions: Agro → MSP .................................................................................. 506
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 452
(Definition) Agriculture is a primary economic activity that includes growing crops, fruits,
vegetables, flowers and rearing of livestock. कृ �ष एक प्राथ�मक आ�थक ग�त�व�ध है �जसम� बढ़ती फसल�, फल, स��यां,
फू ल और पशुधन का पालन शा�मल है
- Modi-Target: Doubling farmers’ income by 2022-23 compared to 2015-16.
- UN-SDG#1: End poverty in all forms. | UN-SDG#2: Eliminate global hunger, protect indigenous
seed and crop varieties, doubling agriculture productivity and small farmer incomes by 2030.
- Sir Arthur Lewis’ Dual Economy Model (द्वैत अथर्�व�ा): Economic development results in
labourer moving away from agriculture to the more productive industrial sector, & agriculture
sector becomes less important part GDP. कृ �ष से �व�नमार्ण और सेवा म� मजदू रों का गमन
- Indians in agriculture is steadily falling down: 55% (2011) to 42% (2018) (World Bank data).
- Approx. 16cr Indian workers are in agriculture & allied sectors at present.
- The share of agriculture in the total GDP is ⏬, but not steadily. ~15-17%
- The growth rate of agri= zig zag due to El-Nino led drought years. Manmohan target 4% annual
growth rate, Modi’s 2x income target would require 10% annual growth rate in agriculture.
Agriculture & allied sectors 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020-
(livestock, forestry, fishing) -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 21(EST)
Annual Growth Rate (%) -0.2 0.6% 6.3% 5.0% 2.9% 2.8% 3.4%
Share in total GDP Yet to
18.2 17.7 17.9 17.2 16.1 16.5 release
40.1.1 �🌽🌽 [Yearbook-Info] Agro Ministry
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare is made up 2 departments and implements National
Policy for Farmers (2007)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 453
* Hindi terms not given for most org. because above information is meant for MCQ only. In the mains
exam you may attribute all things to ‘कृ �ष और िकसान क�ाण मं त्रालय क� वैधा�नक / सहकारी / �ाय� सं �ा <insert
English term/abbreviation>’.
40.1.2 �🐮🐮🦈🦈 [Yearbook] Min. for Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
This ministry was newly setup in 2019, with two departments
1. 🦈🦈Dept of Fisheries (Matsyapalan Vibhag)
2. 🐮🐮 Dept of Animal Husbandry And Dairying (Pashupalan Aur Dairy Vibhag): → Statutory:
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
Previously above subjects were under the aegis of Agri ministry.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 454
⇒ (5) Forest Rights Act: वन अ�धकार अ�ध�नयम 2006 which gives ‘Patta’ (farm land ownership title) to
the forest dwellers, if the given family was cultivating that forest land for the last 75 years.
⇒ Land is a state subject, so Union circulated Model Agriculture Land Leasing Act, 2016:
- 1) To protects land owner from illegal occupation by tenant farmer
- 2) To help tenant farmer get bank loans using leasing agreement as proof.
Further Self-study? (1) Land reforms is a Mains-GSM3 topic. Do selective study from (2) Soil pollution & soil erosion is Environment topic do it from
Shankar IAS book (3) Soil & Crop distribution: Geography topic from NCERT/ Majid.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following are responsible for the decrease of per capita holding of cultivated land in India?
(Asked in UPSC-CDS-2012-II)
1. Low per capita income. 2. Rapid rate of increase of population.
3. Practice of dividing land equally among the heirs. 4. Use of traditional techniques of ploughing.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 2,3 and 4
(Introduction: Origin) Since we can’t drastically increase the area under cultivation, so, agriculture
yield (amount of crop produced in a given acre of land) depends greatly on seed quality.
- For best yield, hybrid seeds must be replaced every year, and non-hybrid must be replaced every
three years. But in India, seed replacement rate is less than optimum because of (1) new seeds are
not affordable and 2) not available to all farmers. So, government has approved 100% FDI (in
automatic route) in seed development. सं कर बीजों को हर साल बदलना चािहए िकंतु गरीब िकसान के �लए मु��ल
- Seed village concept: Group of farmers in a village given training to produce seeds of various
crops so they can fulfill seed demand of their own & neighbouring villages.
- Seed bank / Seed vault is a depository that stores seeds to 1) preserve genetic diversity 2) supply
seeds during natural calamities and unforeseen conditions.
- Agro Ministry gives funding for above two initiatives.
- draft Seeds Bill 2019 aims to replace the Seeds Act, 1966, to regulate the quality of seeds for sale,
import, export. But since it’s in draft stage, DONT lose sleep.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following best describes the main objective of Seed Village Concept? (UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) Encouraging the farmers to use their own farm seeds and discouraging them to buy the seeds from others.
(b) Involving the farmers for training in quality seed production and thereby to make available quality seeds to others at
appropriate time and affordable cost.
(c) Earmarking some villages exclusively for the production of certified seeds.
(d) Identifying the entrepreneurs in villages and providing them technology and finance to set up seed companies.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 455
40.3.1 🌱🌱🌱🌱Agri-Input → Seeds → Green Revolution: ह�रत क्रां�त
Green revolution refers to the large increase in food production with the help of High Yielding
Variety (HYV: उ� उपज देने वाली िक�) of hybrid seeds.
- Phase-1: mid 1960s upto mid 1970s → focus on wheat, rice and more affluent states such as
Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. (गे�ं चावल �ादा समृद्ध रा�ों म�)
- Phase-2: mid-1970s to mid-1980s → HYV seeds were spread to a larger number of states. They
also focused on crops apart from wheat and rice. (अ� रा�ों म� भी ह�रत क्रां�त का प्रसार)
- Biofortification: is the process by which the nutritional quality of food crops is increased. E.g.
ICAR developed CR Dhan 310- a rice variety that has higher protein & zinc content than
traditional rice. Germans developed Golden rice for VitaminA
Homework: read NCERT Class11 Economy: Ch2 for more vocabulary
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 456
40.3.4 🌱🌱🌱🌱😰😰Seeds → GM crops → Challenges: HTBT Cotton
⇒ Herbicide (तृणमारक) is a Poisonous chemical for removing unwanted grass / vegetation from
farm. But such chemicals can also harm the standing crop, So farmers hesitate in using it.
⇒ However, Herbicide tolerant Bt (HT Bt) Cotton is a genetically modified crop that is tolerant of
such chemicals. So farmers can use more Herbicide chemicals to remove the unwanted grass
from cotton field. खेत से घासफू स हटाने के �लए जहरीली दवाईया दे धनाधन इ�ेमाल क्र सकते है, इस कपास को जहर का
कोई फकर् नहीं पड़ता. 😰😰Controversy? This HTBT variety is Not approved in India. Yet, some
farmers illegally use such seeds.
40.3.5 🌱🌱🌱🌱Seeds → GM crops → Challenges?
1. Biosafety concerns (जैव सुर�ा सं बं धी �चतं ाएं ) GM food crops may be unsafe for human and animal
consumption. They may harm the soil bacteria & bees → harm to entire food web and
biodiversity. GM crop may eliminate the wild/indigenous species by cross-pollination (पर-परागण)
2. American company Monsanto’s Bollgard technology is used for developing Bt Cotton seeds. So,
Indian Bt-cotton seed production companies have to pay a type of royalty to Monsanto, called
Trait fees (�वशेषता शु�). Govt of India decides the ceiling on Trait fees. Some legal disputes going
on. what/how/why NOTIMP.
3. Monsanto also owns patent over Terminator gene technology (समापक जनीन प्रौद्यो�गक�) i.e. when
such seeds are planted, they’ll produce crops only once. Their resultant crop’s seeds will be
sterile (बाँझ/ नपुंसक) → Farmer forced to buy new seeds from company for every season.
Terminator gene seeds are not allowed in India.
40.3.6 🌱🌱🌱🌱Seeds → GM crops → suggestions by Economic survey 2017?
We’ve a robust regulatory framework with GEAC. So, mischief is unlikely so we should allow GM
crops with following precautions →
1. Allow GM seeds which don’t have Terminator Gene or high cost. (लागत खचर् कम)
2. Allow GM seeds that have following properties: 1) Disease, pest & drought resistant 2)
Longer shelf life 3) Shorter crop duration 4) Nonfood / Tree format crops.
3. To prevent MNC monopoly on GM seeds, we’ve to encourage domestic companies. (ब�रा��ीय
कं प�नओ का एका�धकार रोकने के �लए घरेलू कं प�नयो को प्रो�ाहन दो.)
40.3.7 ✍ 🌱🌱🌱🌱 GM-Crops: Conclusion templates?
A. ✅Conclude in Favor: India needs self-sufficiency in agri bcoz 1) SDG goal of ZERO HUNGER
2) Economic goal of low food inflation. GM-crop can help in this regard, so a positive
consideration should be given for GM in India. भुखमरी और खाद्या� म� महंगाई से लड़ने के �लए अनुम�त दो
B. ✋Conclude Against: India is a signatory to Cartagena protocol to protect biodiversity. SDG
Goal (#2.5) also requires all nations to protect the genetic diversity of plants and animals. Given
the aforementioned concerns, GM crops should not be introduced in India without due
diligence. उ� भय�ानों को देखते �ए, जैव �व�वधता बनाए रखने के �लए, �ादा सं शोधन के �बना अनुम�त नहीं देनी चािहए
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 457
🎓🎓Further self study of GM → (i) NCERT Biology class 12 chapter 10,
12 (ii) Ravi Agrahari’s Science Tech book: ch. On Biotechnology.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 458
- Central Ground Water Authority (क� द्रीय भूजल प्रा�धकरण) formed under
the Environment (Protection) Act.1986
PSU - Water and Power Consultancy Services Ltd (WAPCOS)
- National Projects construction Corporation Ltd.
Autonomous Bodies - National Institute of Hydrology | Krishna River Management Board
- Godavari River Management Board
🕵🕵🕵[Yearbook2] Ministry of Drinking Water And Sanitation: पेयजल और स्वच्छता मं त्रालय → doesn’t
have any MCQ worth Organizations. (परी�ा के �लए जानने लायक कोई सं �ा नहीं)
🕵🕵🕵[Yearbook3] Jal Shakti Ministry
2019-May: Government formed Jal Shakti Mantralaya by merging following ministries
1. Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (जल सं साधन, नदी
�वकास और गं गा सं र�ण)
2. Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (पेयजल और ��ता)
Now Ministry#1 and Ministry#2 have been made ‘Departments (�वभाग)’ under the Jal Shakti
Ministry. (पहले जो मं त्रालय थे अब वह �वभाग म� त�ील कर िदए)
40.4.2 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → NRDWP (2009)
National Rural Drinking Water Mission रा��ीय ग्रामीण पेयजल �मशन
- Boss? Drinking Water Dept: Centrally Sponsored Scheme → Core Scheme = NOT 100%
funded by Union. (50:50) (क� द्र द्वारा प्रायो�जत - मह�पूणर् योजना जहां रा� ने भी खचर् का कु छ िह�ा देना पड़ता है)
- To provide every rural person with safe water for drinking, cooking & domestic needs.
- Additional focus on areas affected by Arsenic, Fluoride & chemical contamination, Encephalitis
disease etc. (रासाय�नक सं दूषण तथा ए�ेफेलाइिटस बीमारी को रोकने के �लए �ादा �ान िदया जाए)
- 2019: NRDWP subsumed under a new scheme namely Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM).
40.4.3 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (2015)
Boss? Agro Ministry (2015). Core Scheme = Not 100% Funded by Union.
Aim? To improve the irrigation coverage, reduce wastage of water, using 4-pillar strategy:
1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP: ��रत �सच ं ाई लाभ कायर्क्रम) → Requires Jal Shkati
Ministry to finish the ongoing national irrigation projects at a faster pace.
2. Watershed Development (जलस्राव �व�ार �वकास) → Setup water harvesting structures like check
dams, Nala bund, farm ponds, tanks etc. Encourage traditional water storage systems such as Jal
Mandir (Gujarat); Khatri & Kuhl (H.P.); Zabo (Nagaland); Eri & Ooranis (T.N.); Dongs (Assam);
Katas & Bandhas (Odisha & M.P.).
3. Har Khet ko Pani → To distribute water to each and every farm.
4. Per drop more crop → Improve the water usage efficiency through Micro-irrigation devices
such as drips, sprinklers, pivots, rain-guns. Related terms →
a. Fertigation: Mixing water-soluble fertilizers in drip system → fertilizer delivered into
the root system → ⏬ wastage of fertilizers.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 459
b. Mulching: It is a simple process of covering the bare soil with straw, wood chips,
shredded bark etc. to ⏬ the water evaporation, soil erosion and weed growth.
⚠😰😰 🐘🐘 Micro-irrigation challenges? High cost of purchase. Trampling by elephant, boar, nilgai
etc. damages the equipment, but repairman not available locally and repair costs not covered in crop
insurance. So less adoption. (हाथी कु चल दे तो मर�त का पैसा नहीं देती सरकार)
40.4.4 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Namami Gange Yojana (2015)
- 1986: Ganga Action Plan by PM Rajiv Gandhi.
- 2009: Ganga was declared the ‘National River’, & National Ganga River Basin Authority
(NGRBA) setup under Environment Protection Act. Initially the authority functioned under the
Environment Ministry but later transferred to the Water Resources Ministry.
- 2015: Modi repacked previous schemes / initiatives under ‘Namami Gange’.
- Boss? Water Resources Dept. Central Sector Scheme = 100% funded by union
⇒ To make Ganga pollution free in the next 5 years through Sewage / Effluent Treatment Plants
(गं दा पानी साफ़ करने के सं यं त्र), Information, Education & Communication (IEC: सूचना, �श�ा और सं चार) etc.
40.4.5 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Kranti Abhiyan (2015)
Boss? Water Resources Dept. : In every district, 2 villages facing acute water shortage (पानी क� तीव्र कमी)
are designated as ‘Jal Gram’ and efforts are made to turn them into ‘water surplus’ villages.
− This is not a separate scheme. ₹ ₹ is mobilized from others schemes like Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Sinchayee Yojana, NRDWP, MNREGA etc. to create dugwells, watershed, artificial recharge
tanks etc. water assets. (दू सरी योजनाओं का पैसा इधर-उधर से बटोर के चलाते ह�)
40.4.6 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Shakti Abhiyan (2019-July)
- Boss? Jal Shakti Ministry’s 2 phase to conserve water.
- Phase1: from 1st July, 2019 to 15th September, 2019.
- Phase2: from 1st October, 2019 to 30th November, 2019 for States receiving the North East
retreating monsoons.
- They’ll focus on following areas to conserve water:
o Rainwater harvesting, Renovation of traditional water bodies/tanks, bore well recharge
structures, watershed development
o Water reuse, intensive afforestation.
40.4.7 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) (2019-Aug)
- Boss? Jal Shakti Ministry
- Objective? Har Ghar Jal (piped water supply) To all rural households by 2024.
- To Cities with million+ population will be encouraged to achieve it in current year (2020) itself.
- Focus on rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and using household wastewater for reuse
in agriculture. वषार् जल सं चयन, भूजल पुनभर्रण और कृ �ष म� पुन: उपयोग के �लए घरेलू अप�श� जल का उपयोग करना।
- Previous scheme NRDWP scheme subsumed into this new scheme.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 460
- Funding? Government aims to spend ₹ 3.60 lakh crores in this by converging with other Central
and State Government Schemes and using their funds. Further, if required, the Government will
also use additional funds available under the Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management
and Planning Authority (CAMPA- ��तपूरक वनीकरण कोष प्रबं धन और योजना प्रा�धकरण) for this purpose.
40.4.8 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → Jal Jeevan Mission (Rural) (2021-Budget)
💼💼Budget-2021: Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban), will be launched
1) To provide Functional Household Tap Connection (FHTC) to houses in all 4378 Urban Local
Bodies. (शहरी आवास को नल द्वारा पानी)
2) This mission will also provide liquid waste management in 500 AMRUT cities. (What are
AMRUT cities? = Ref#5: Urban infrastructure) तरल अप�श� प्रबं धन
40.4.9 🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧 Water Schemes → ATAL Bhujal Yojana (=ATAL JAL) (2019-Dec)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 461
− Budget-2017: NABARD given funds for long term irrigation
infrastructure (20k cr) and Micro Irrigation (5kcr)
40.4.11 ☔📈📈 Agri-Input → Water → Composite Water Management Index
⇒ NITI Aayog’s: Guidelines Version 1.0 in 2018, Version 2.0 in 2019. (समग्र जल प्रबं धन सूचकांक)
⇒ NITI divides India in: 1) non-Himalayan states 2) North-Eastern and Himalayan states, 3)
Union Territories (UTs).
⇒ NITI ranks them into nine themes and 28 indicators against the base year 2017-18.
40.4.12 ☔Agri-Input → Water (irrigation) → suggestions by Economic Surveys
1. River inter Linking project. Self-study in Geography for more.
2. Encourage pulses cultivation in the drought prone areas. अकाल प्रभा�वत �व�ार म� दालों क� खेती
3. Canal water usages: cost-based water pricing, stop theft of water. (उपभोग आधा�रत दाम वसूले जाएं , पानी
क� चोरी को रोका जाए)
4. Rain water harvesting i.e. capture and store rainwater. (वषार् जल सं चयन)
5. Watershed management i.e. building percolation tanks, recharge wells, etc. with community
participation. It helps in conservation of rain, surface and groundwater resources.
6. And finally, a National level dedicated agency to push above things. (रा��ीय �र पर सं �ा बनाई जाए)
40.4.13 ✍ ⛈ Conclusion? (पेयजल और �संचाई के बारे म� �न�षर्)
⇒ Water is a scarce natural resource. Water is fundamental to life, livelihood, food security and
sustainable development. SDG Goal#6 requires India to provide Universal access to safe and
affordable drinking water for all. Aforementioned policy / scheme / challenges are significant in
this regard / need to be addressed on priority basis.
⇒ दलु र्भ प्राकृ �तक सं साधन- आजी�वका सुर�ा, सतत �वकास के �लए सब को �� और स�ा पेयजल उपल� कराना ज�री. अग्रता
क्रम से इस सम�ा से लड़ना होगा
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s): (UPSC-Prelims-2020)
1) 36% of India’s districts are classified as “overexploited” or “critical” by the CGWA.
2) Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) was formed under the Environment (Protection) Act.
3) India has the largest area under groundwater irrigation in the world.
Codes: [a) 1 only [b) 2 and 3 only [c) 2 only [d) 1 and 3 only
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 462
Fertilizers Notes
Nitrogen (N) - Haber process: natural gas (methane) converted into ammonia (NH3) →
Urea further processing to create Urea.
- Therefore, Urea production requires natural gas import.
- Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers statutorily fixes the retail selling price of
urea using Essential Commodities Act, 1955 →Fertilizer (Control) Order,
1985. Then ministry gives companies subsidy for their losses.[ यू�रया के �बक्र� के
दाम कानूनन �प से रसायन और उवर्रक मं त्रालय तय करता है और कं प�नयों को होने वाले नुकसान क� भरपाई
के �लए उ�� स��डी देता है]
- Urea subsidy is a Central Sector Scheme = 100% paid by Union. (i.e. State
Government not required to contribute money).
Phosphorou ~80-85% demand is met via import. ISRO using remote Sensing technology to
s (P) identify the potential mines for rock phosphate.
Potash (K) 100% demand is met via import. (भारत सं पूणर्ता आयात पर �नभर्र)
Ideal Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potassium (NPK) ratio in soil: 4:2:1, for India it’s 8:3:1 because
subsidized cheap Urea → illiterate farmers use excessively. As a result →
1. Soil & groundwater pollution. (यू�रया के अ��धक उपयोग के चलते जमीन और भूजल प्रदू षण)
2. Subsidized urea smuggled to non-agro purpose in chemical industries related to dyeing, inks,
coatings, plastics, paints even synthetic milk. (गैर कृ �ष उपयोग के �लए त�री)
3. Subsidized urea also smuggled to Bangladesh and Nepal. (स�े यू�रया क� पड़ोसी देशों म� त�री)
4. Increased use & smuggling → increased subsidy burden → increased fiscal deficit.
So Govt. initiated one following reforms to control urea Misuse/Overuse/Diversion:
40.5.1 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Nutrient Based Subsidy (2010)
- पोषक तत्व आधा�रत सिब्सडी. Central Sector Scheme = 100% Paid by Union (i.e. State Government not
required to contribute money).
- Boss? Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers gives subsidy to company based on weight of the
different nutrient in the fertilizer. E.g.
Nutrient N (Nitrogen) P(Phosphorus) K(Potash) S(Sulphur)
₹ Subsidy per kg 19 15 11 4
- Above subsidy given to companies for producing non-UREA type “customized/mixed” fertilizer
according to soil requirement in each region.
- ☹Challenge? Urea not covered in this scheme, Urea subsidy paid separately. Delay in NBS
subsidy payments. Therefore Fertilizer companies focus more on urea more than other fertilizers
→ Urea overuse continued
40.5.2 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Soil Health Card (2015)
- Boss? Agro Ministry. Core Scheme = not 100% funded by Union.
- मृदा �ा� काडर् contains the status of soils with respect to 12 parameters →
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 463
Macronutrients N, P, K
Micro - nutrients Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Bo
Secondary- nutrient S: Sulphur
Physical parameters pH, electrical conductivity (EC), Organic Carbon (OC)
- A farmer’s land is tested & he is given updated soil card once in every 3 years.
- The card also advises on which type of crops, seeds, fertilizer, irrigation method will be suitable
ं ाई उपयु� है)
for his farm, according to his soil type. (िकसान को सलाह दी जाएगी कौन सी फसल बीज उवर्रक �सच
40.5.3 �📯📯📯📯Prevent urea misuse→ Neem Coating of Urea (2015)
Boss? Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. From 2015, Government made it mandatory for
fertilizer companies to neem coat the urea before selling it. Benefits? →
1. Prevents diversion of subsidized urea towards non-agricultural purposes.
2. Neem coating slows down the rate of dissolution of urea in soil→ Improves the plant’s
absorption of Nitrogen from the urea → Yield is ⏫. (पैदावार म� बढ़ोतरी)
3. ⏬ in pest and disease attack → Pesticide consumption is also ⏬. (क�टनाशक कम चािहए)
🔠🔠❓Why does the Govt promote the use of Neem-coated Urea’ in agriculture? (Prelims-2016)
(a) Release of Neem oil in the soil increases nitrogen fixation by the soil microorganisms
(b) Neem coating slows down the rate of dissolution of urea in the soil
(c) Nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, is not at all released into atmosphere by crop fields
(d) It is a combination of a weedicide and a fertilizer for particular crops.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 464
(Introduction: Definition) Pesticides and weedicides (क�टनाशक, खरपतवार नाशक) are chemicals which
are used for killing / controlling pests and weeds respectively.
⇒ 25% crop loss on account of pests, weed, diseases but India’s per hectare pesticide consumption
is far less than first world. We should encourage organic pesticides and biocontrol agents.
⇒ We should adopt Integrated Pest Management (IPM: एक�कृ त क�ट प्रबं धन) approach i.e. rather than
eradicating pest population to 100%, just try to keep crop damage to economically tolerable level.
Because even pests are important for biodiversity protection and food chain balance.
⇒ Spread awareness about proper use of chemical pesticides (esp. Endosulfan) so it doesn’t
contaminate in food / land / water / human bodies excessively. (सावधानीपूवर्क उपयोग के �लए जागृ�त )
⇒ 2019: Monsanto & its parent company Bayer fined in USA for their weedicide / herbicide ‘
Glyphosate’ (brand name ‘Roundup’) which was causing cancer. This weedicide is already
banned in Punjab, Kerala and selected states of India (2018).
⇒ Homework-Self-Study: Locust disaster Management. (िटड्डी आपदा प्रबं धन)
⇒ 🎓🎓✋Pesticides Management Bill, 2020 to regulate the trade, storage & use of pesticides but not
yet passed so its controversies NOTIMP4EXAM. #🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Intro: Definition) Organic farming is a type of agriculture that avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers,
pesticides, and other chemical inputs. It relies on crop rotation, crop residues, manures,
biofertilizers, biopesticides etc. (जै�वक खेती: कृ �त्रम उवर्रक, क�टनाशक और अ� रसायनों का उपयोग न कर�.)
⇒ 🤩🤩Ecological benefits? Less use of chemicals → biodiversity protected, less soil pollution and
water pollution. Less air pollution (because farmers will not burn the crop residue).
⇒ 🤩🤩Economic benefits? 1) organic products command higher prices among the health conscious
buyers from developed countries → more exports → less CAD, more farmer’s income. 2) less
use of chemical fertilizers → governments urea subsidy bill will decline → fiscal deficit can be
controlled. (चालू खाता घाटा, स��डी बोझ, राजकोषीय खाध म� कमी)
⇒ In 2003, Sikkim stopped entry of chemical fertilizers, and its Vidhan-Sabha declared the
intention to become a 100% organic state. The goal achieved in 2015. (�स��म सं पूणर्ता जै�वक खेती रा�)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 465
⇒ 2015: To encourage organic farming in India, Union Govt. launched Paramparagat Krishi Vikas
Yojana (PKVY). Boss? Agro Ministry. Core Scheme = Not 100% paid by Union. (60:40,90:10)
⇒ Mechanism? Form a group of 50 farmers in a cluster to start organic farming. Every beneficiary
farmer is given ₹ 20,000 per acre for 3 years for doing organic farming.
⇒ Agro Ministry’s Jaivik Kheti webportal to help organic buyers & sellers connect with each other.
⇒ Agro Ministry’s Participatory Guarantee Scheme (PGS: सहभागी गारंटी योजना) for certification of
organic products. It assures the buyers the given fruit/vegetable/produce has organic origin.
(जै�वक उ�ादों का प्रमाणीकरण)
40.7.1 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫☣Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF: शू� बजट प्राकृ �तक खेती)
- 'Zero Budget' means without using any loan, and without spending any money on purchase of
inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides). (बीज उवर्रक क�टनाशक म� पैसा खचर् िकए �बना, कजर् �लए �बना, खेती करना)
- 'Natural farming' means farming without chemicals. By using biofertilizers, earthworms, cow
dung etc. Associated keywords:
○ Jiwamrita’ (microbial culture) and ‘Bijamrita’ (seed treatment solution)
○ Biopesticides: ‘Agniastra’, ‘Brahmastra’ and ‘Neemastra’
○ Most of the above are made from Cow-urine.
○ ‘Waaphasa’ (giving water outside the plant’s canopy),
- ZBNF saves farmers from debt-traps; and protects the environment, soil and biodiversity. (कजर् के
�वष चक्र; पयार्वरण, �मट्टी और जैव �व�वधता क� र�ा)
- Practice first started in Karnataka by Subhash Palekar. Himachal, Andhra also frontrunners.
- 💼💼 (Full) Budget-2019 promised to expand ZBNF in other parts of India. Govt thinking of
launching it as a sub-scheme (उप-योजना) under Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.
40.7.2 🚫🚫☣😢😢 Organic farming & ZBNF → Limitations? (मयार्दा/चुनौ�तया)
1. Organic farming yield (quantity produced per acre) is lower than conventional chemical-based
farming. (पारंप�रक रासाय�नक आधा�रत खेती क� तुलना मे कम उपज)
2. Difficult to produce off-season crops using organic farming. so if entire India became “100%
organic farming” → food shortage → inflation. (उ�ादन म� कमी के चलते खाद्य असुर�ा और महंगाई )
3. Shelf life, colour and texture of organically grown fruits/vegetables are less attractive than
chemically grown hybrid / GM varieties. So, unless ordinary consumers are made aware of their
health benefits they may not buy. (जै�वक फल स��यां ज�ी �बगड़ जाते है, रंग-बनावट आकषर्क नही)
40.7.3 🚫🚫☣✍ Conclusion: Organic farming / ZBNF
(SDG) New India Vision 2022 requires doubling farmers’ income, while Sustainable
Development Goal No.2 requires nations to adopt agriculture practices that improve land and
soil quality & protect the genetic diversity of flora-fauna. (सतत �वकास ल� और िकसानो क� आय को दगु ना)
Given the aforementioned ecological and economic benefits of organic farming /ZBNF, it can
help us achieve both the targets. (पयार्वरण और आ�थक नज�रए से ब�त फायदेमंद)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 466
(Intro: Definition) It means the higher usage of combine harvesters, land levelers, cultivators,
tractors, reapers, threshers, trolleys and mechanical pickers etc. (कृ �ष म� मशीनों का �ादा उपयोग)
⇒ Significance? (1) ↑ productivity of land, labour by increasing work output per unit time. (2) ↑
employment opportunities to rural youth in production, operation, and repair-maintenance of
machines. (उ�ादन, सं चालन और मर�त-रखरखाव म� ग्रामीण युवा को रोजगार)
⇒ Labour augmenting technological progress: Allows each laborer to be more productive e.g.
Industrial revolution → James Hargreaves' Spinning Jenny that allowed each worker to spin
eight cotton threads at once (1770).
⇒ Capital augmenting technological progress: Allows capital assets / machinery to be more
productive. E.g. wooden plough replaced with steel plough → more sturdy, requires less
maintenance & repairs, resistant to water-fungal attacks.
⇒ After MNREGA scheme (wherein villagers are guaranteed 100 days of unskilled manual work),
the Punjab-Haryana farmers are facing shortage of farm-laborer in peak season, & forced them
to offer higher wages → many of those farmers opting for machinery to reduce labour
requirement. (पं जाब ह�रयाणा म� कृ �ष मजदू रों क� कमी के चलते मशीनों का उपयोग �ादा)
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21: Corona lockdown- movement of migrant farm labourers & farm machinery-
repair/movement affected = problems during harvesting season. (फसल कटाई म� िद�त आयी)
40.8.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽😥😥 Agri Inputs → Farm Mechanization: Challenges?
⇒ Indian tractor industry is the largest in the world, accounting for 1/3rd of total global production.
Nearly 80,000 tractors exported every year to African and Asian nations. But within India, the
utilization is low. India farm mechanization (40%) < China (60%)< Brazil (75%) < USA (95%).
⇒ Customized machinery required for India’s soil and climatic diversity so R&D, Make in India
required. Small-marginal farmers lack financial resources to own machines so renting centres
should be setup. (भारत क� जमीन और आबोहवा क� �व�वधता के अनु�प यं त्रों का सं शोधन और �वकास िकया जाए)
⇒ 📯📯 Government Scheme? 2017: Green Revolution - Krishonnati Yojana → Sub-Mission on
Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM): to address above challenges.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The substitution of steel for wooden ploughs in agricultural production is an example of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
technological progress. (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) labour-augmenting (b) capital-augmenting (c) capital-reducing (d) None of the above.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Private investment in Indian agriculture is mostly on labour saving mechanization. This could be a
response to (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2015-II)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 467
(a) rising productivity of agricultural sector (b) rising inequality in agriculture
(c) rising wages and tighter labour market (d) debt write-off by the Government
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 468
(Intro: Origin) Though agriculture sector is a minor contributor to India’s GDP, but large
proportion of our population depends on agriculture. Agriculture itself depends on monsoon, pests,
disease and other vagaries of nature. But insurance penetration & insurance density is low in India.
- 2002: Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) was setup.
- Agro Ministry launched 🧔🧔🧔🧔⚰Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (Core scheme) and other
crop insurance schemes. (More in 📑📑Pillar#1D: general insurance)
40.11🌽🌽🌽🌽 AGRI-OUTPUT → DON’T BURN THE CROP RESIDUE (फ़सल-अवशेष/ पराली)
(Intro: Origin) Every year during Sept-October, farmers of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh burn the
paddy stubble & residue which are leftover from previous cropping season. Burning clears the farm
land for sowing wheat for next cropping season. अगले मौसम म� गे�ं उगाने के �लए फसल-अवशेष/ पराली जलाना
- Result? Thick smog, air pollution, particulate matter (PM 2.5) in Delhi.
- open burning of crop residues has ill effects on soil organic carbon and soil fertility
- In-situ composting (��ानी उपजाऊकरन)
- Machines like Rotary Slasher, Zero Till Seed Drill, Rotavators, 'Happy Seeder: They help in wheat
sowing without having to get rid of paddy straw on the land.
- 2015: National Green Tribunal order → Burning crop residue is a crime under Section 188 of
the IPC and under the Air and Pollution Control Act of 1981
- 💼💼 Budget-2018: Union to give 100% funding to Punjab, Haryana and Delhi to tackle this
menace. Further, individual farmers to be given subsidy for such machinery purchase.
- 📔📔📔📔ES20: PM2.5 emission (g/Kg) from burning crops: Sugarcane (12.0)> Maize (11.2)>
Cotton (9.8)> Rice (9.3)> wheat (8.5). So, we should promote low lignocellulosic crop residues
like rice, wheat, maize etc.
- Setup biomass depots for storage of crop residues. from there
- Thermal power plants to use crop residues with coal. (तापीय ऊजार्)
- biochar briquettes as fuel for local industries, brick kiln and hotel/dhaba
40.12🌽🌽🌽🌽AGRI-SELLING → APMC (कृ �षगत उ�ाद �वपणन स�म�त)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 469
(Intro: Origin) In the Post-independent India, despite the abolition of zamindari, the farmers were
not ‘liberated’ from exploitation. Because, the goons of local Baniyaa or money lender would forcibly
take away the farmers’ harvest without paying sufficient money. So, state governments enacted
APMC laws that “first sale of agriculture produce can occur only at the market yards / Mandis of
Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMC).”
40.12.1 ⚠APMC Problems? सम�ाएं / चुनौ�तयां
1. APMC trustees (office bearers) are politically influential persons. They enjoy a cozy relationship
with the licensed commission agents. These agents form cartel, manipulate prices, deprive
farmers of remunerative prices; engage in hoarding & artificial shortage of food supply in the
retail market, thereby driving up the food inflation for profiteering. (राजनी�तसे जुड़े त�, िकसान को अ��
क�मत नहीं देत,े सं ग्रह-खोरी द्वारा बाजार म� चीजों को महंगा करके मुनाफाखोरी करते ह�)
2. APMC trustees lack the managerial skill / vision for vertical integration with food processing
industries. [because their only skill is ‘Politics’, प्रबं धन कौश� कम है]
3. While these Mandis charge multiple entry, exit and other fees. But money is siphoned off →
poor infrastructure, lack of cold-storage, transport facilities → waste of fruits & vegetables even
in good monsoon years. (शीतगार, प�रवहन बु�नयादी अवसं रचना क� कमी के चलते स�ी फल बबार्द)
40.12.2 🔨🔨Model APMC Act? (आदशर् कानून)
Since agriculture is a state subject, ultimately state governments have to reform their archaic laws.
Union Government already circulated a model APMC Act, 2003 (सातवीं अनुसूची म� रा� सूची म� है)
- It allows the private entrepreneurs and cooperatives to set up their parallel markets, & sell
directly to consumers
- It allows the corporate companies to engage farmers in ‘contract farming (अनुबंध खेती)’ and
directly purchase the produce from farmgate.
Further, Union Government released
1) Model Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing Act 2017 (APLM: मॉडल कृ �ष उपज और पशुधन
�वपणन) → it has better features than above model act, covering both Agro commodities as well as
livestock, fisheries and poultry.
2) Model Contract Farming Act, 2018 → (concurrent list) → aims to protect farmers engaged in
contract farming with better features than model APMC act 2003.
2016: NITI Aayog launched Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Friendly Reforms Index (AMFFRI)
to rank States and UTs. No state has achieved 100/100 score yet.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In India, markets in agricultural products are regulated under the (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) Essential Commodities Act, 1955
(b) Agricultural Produce Market Committee Act enacted by States
(c) Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act, 1937
(d) Food Products Order, 1956 and Meat and Food Products Order, 1973
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 470
⇒ 2020-June: Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance,
2020. िकसान उ�ादन �ापार और वा�ण� (सं वधर्न और सु�वधा) अ�ादेश, later passed as Act in 2020-Sept
⇒ It will prevail / override over state APMC Acts. रा�ों के कानूनों के ऊपर यह कानून अ�धभावी / सव�प�र रहेगा.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 471
�State APMC Acts. 🧔🧔Union’s Ordinance/Act in 2020
⇒ When Britannia buys wheat from farmer = no taxes by Union
(अनेक प्रकार क� फ�स और उपकर का or State (as per this new law, because raw commodity bought)
बोझ िकसान पर डाला जाता था ) ⇒ After that stage, taxes are as usual-e.g.
⇒ When Britannia biscuits made from that wheat → GST yes.
⇒ When Britannia makes profit → Corporation tax yes.
⇒ When Britannia shareholders receive dividend from profit →
Income tax yes.
Penalties? from ₹25,000 to higher, depending on violation. (उ�ं घन के िहसाब से जुमार्ने)
✋🎓🎓Some of the (inexperienced) private quizmasters randomly lift statement(s) from the original
text of ordinance to frame MCQ. But microscopic LLB things not asking in UPSC.
40.13.1 ⚖�🛒🛒:👎👎👎👎 Criticism for Agro-Ordinance#1: आलोचना/ �नदं ा
1) Constitution of India → Seventh schedule → State list → Entry#14: Agriculture. Therefore only
the state legislature is empowered to laws on agriculture. Union is encroaching upon the state's
domain and harming the spirit of cooperative federalism. (सं �वधान क� सातवीं सूची अनुसार कृ �ष कानून बनाने
का हक रा�ों को िदया गया है. क� द्र सरकार अपनी मज� थोप के , सहकारी सं घवाद को नुकसान प�ंचा रही है) ✋Counter:
Union List Entry#42: Inter-State trade and commerce & Concurrent Entry #Contract allow this.
(सं घीय सूची और समवत� सूची के अंतगर्त क� द्र ऐसा कर सकता है)
2) 🍋🍋 State govt prohibited from collecting taxes/fees → ⏬ Fiscal independence. ⏫States'
dependence on Finance Commission. (राजकोषीय �तं त्रता कम हो जाएगी हमेशा �व� आयोग के सामने कटोरा लेकर
खड़ा रहना पड़ेगा😰😰)
3) 👳👳👳Punjab Agri Acts much better. Union should have copied it. (क� द्र ने पं जाब का अनुकरण करना चािहए )
4) Scope of mis-interpretation and exploitation of small farmers by big traders and Multinational
Corporations (MNCs: ब�रा��ीय कं प�नयों द्वारा छोटे िकसानों का शोषण).
5) Liberalisation / Deregulation of a sector has not always helped consumers e.g. in case of
education, health (looting by private colleges/hospitals). (उदारीकरण / �नयं त्रण हटाने से ग्राहकों का नुकसान)
6) If farmers are getting remunerative prices via these ordinances → they'll go less to the Govt's
MSP → MSP subsidy bill ⏬ → India will be able to comply with WTO subsidy norms in
future. So, PM Modi doing it under WTO pressure, and not for farmers' welfare. (स�े िदल से नहीं
लेिकन �व� �ापार सं गठन के दबाव म� िकया गया.)
⇒ Act prepared in haste, ignores X/Y/Z recommendation of past committees on agriculture.
Ordinance does not have X/Y/Z good provisions seen in other countries' agriculture Acts. (�व�भ�
स�म�तओ के सुझाव /�व�भ� देशों के कृ �ष कानूनो के अ�े मुद्दों को न अपनाकर करके ज� बाजी म� बनाया गया. ) Counter
Argument: 📔📔📔📔ES21: Govt amended these laws based on recommendations of National
Commission on Farmers (under Dr M.S. Swaminathan, 2004) and many other committees &
they are in the best interests of the farmers.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 472
⚾📻📻⚾🎓🎓✋ Farmer protest going on, but wait for concrete decision/final judgement. Latest
economic survey 2021 has also chosen to remain silent on farmer protest for similar reason
⇒ Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance & Farm Services
Ordinance, 2020. िकसान मू� आ�ासन और कृ �ष सेवा (सश��करण और सं र�ण) अ�ादेश. Later passed as Act
⇒ Its provisions will prevail / override over state APMC Acts and Essential Commodities Act.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 473
⇒ Contract farming agreement means an advance agreement between the farmer and the buyer
agent, before the production of farm commodities. (अनुबंध खेती: ग्राहक और िकसान के बीच, कृ �ष उ�ादन से
पहले, िकया गया एक अ�ग्रम समझौता है)
Contract farming agreement: ideal elements/ it should contain:
⇒ Estimate Date of supply & Minimum quality standards (आपू�त �त�थ �ूनतम गुणव�ा)
⇒ Selling Price. (�बक्र� क�मत/भाव)
⇒ further, if market prices ⏫, buyer to give latest higher price to farmer.
⇒ (e.g. If a contract was signed in January, requiring farmer to supply wheat @₹10/- to Britannia on
Dec, but @dec, market price of wheat gets ₹12/kg.)
⇒ What inputs or services will be provided by the buyer (e.g. Pepsico giving
seeds/fertilizers/pesticides) कं पनी कौन सी चीज� मुहैया करेगी
⇒ Copies of associated Insurance / loan document. (फसल बीमा और ऋण के कागजात)
⇒ 📆📆Duration of Contract: From minimum one crop season to maximum five years. It may be
renewed further afterwards, if both parties agree. (अनुबंध क� अव�ध: 1 फसल मौसम से लेकर 5 साल तक)
⇒ Contract farming agreement doesn't mean buyer has got ownership of the farmer's land, (तािक कोई
बदमाश ग्राहक/क�नी ऐसे समझौता के कागजात के बल पर िकसान क� जमीन हड़पना शु� न कर द�)
⇒ ⚔Dispute settlement? Conciliation Board → Sub-divisional Magistrate (SDM) → Appellate
Authority (DM/collector/additional collector). (�ववाद �नपटान के �लए सुलह मं डल और अपील का प्रावधान)
⇒ 💸💸Penalty? Yes possible. But farmer's land can't be confiscated/attached for recovery of any
penalties/damages. (िकसान क� गलती/बदमाशी के चलते ग्राहक/कं पनी का नुकसान हो गया तो जुमार्ना/भरपाई मांग तो सकते
ह�, िकंतु िकसान से उसक� जमीन ज� नहीं कर सकते।)
40.14.1 👻👻 ⚖🥭🥭🥭🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝:👎👎 :👿👿 Criticism & Conclusion Act#2:
Similar to Agro-Ordinance#1. #थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 474
40.15.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽E-NAM: Criticism? (आलोचना)
- While the portal was launched for namesake in 2016, but, first inter-state trade started only in
2019. Only 16 states have so far connected their mandis with the web portal as of 1/1/2020.
- Many APMC mandis lack in quality-check labs for grading of the commodities before online
auction- so buyers hesitant to purchase. + Delays in the actual delivery.
40.15.2 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling Online → Other Misc. initiatives= NOT IMP✋
- Coffee Board (a statutory body under Commerce Ministry) has launched blockchain based
coffee e-marketplace.
- e-Rashtriya Kisan Agri Mandi (e-RaKAM) 2017: portal is a joint initiative by state-run-
company under the Steel Ministry) and Central Warehousing Corporation (a statutory
corporation under Consumer Affairs Ministry). It helps farmers to sell agricultural produce.
Above are faded / obscure topic compared to E-NAM so don’t lose sleep
🔠🔠❓MCQ. What is/are the advantage/advantages of implementing the 'National Agriculture Market' scheme?(Asked
in UPSC-Pre-2017)
a) It is a pan-India electronic trading portal for agricultural commodities.
b) It provides the farmers access to nationwide market, with prices commensurate with the quality of their produce.
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
40.15.3 🌽🌽🌽🌽Agri-Selling → Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs)
- Boss? Agro Ministry (2018) → NABARD fund for Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund (AMIF).
- Gramin Haats are owned by Local Bodies (Panchayats/councils), Agricultural/ Horticultural
Departments of State Govts, Cooperatives, APMCs and Private Sector. Total ~22,000 of them.
Whereas APMC mandis are barely 580+.
- Budget-2018: 1) we will upgrade Gramin haat into GrAMs (ग्रामीण कृ �ष बाजार) 2) We’ll link them
with e-NAM. So, farmers can directly sell from nearby Gram Haat, instead of transporting the
produce to the APMC Mandis at the district level.
40.15.4 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌐🌐Agri-Selling→Outside India →Agri Export Policy, 2018
Since the economic reforms began in 1991, India has remained consistently a net exporter of agri-
products i.e we export more than we import, in value terms. (हम कृ �ष �नयार्त �ादा करते है, आयात कम)
⇒ Indian Agri major export items = rice, buffalo meat, spices, cotton, tea,sugar, castor oil & oil
meals, [**Oil meals are leftovers after oil extraction. It is used as fish food, animal food &
fertilizer. E.g. de-oiled soya extract, groundnut oil cake etc.]
⇒ Indian Agri Export major export destinations = USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nepal and Bangladesh
⇒ 😰😰Challenge? India accounts for less than 3% of world Agriculture exports.
⇒ Agri Export Policy Boss? Commerce Ministry. (वा�ण� मं त्रालय क� कृ �ष �नयार्त नी�त)
⇒ Target? To double agricultural exports from present ~US$ 30+ Billion to ~US$ 60+ Billion by
2022 and reach US$ 100 Billion in the next few years thereafter.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 475
⇒ To diversify our export basket e.g. Wild Herbs, Medicinal Plants, Aromatic Oils, Frozen
vegetables; Biscuits, Confectionery & Processed Food etc.
⇒ To diversify destinations e.g. Biscuits to Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya. (because Americans are
unlikely to be attracted to our Parle-G biscuits.)
⇒ To boost value added agricultural exports e.g cashew apple jams , flavoured / roasted cashew, etc.
instead of exporting raw cashew. (कृ �ष �नयार्त म� प्रस�रण द्वारा मू�वधर्न करना)
⇒ To help exporters with sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) issues via APEDA, FSSAI and other
bodies. So their products are not banned by US/EU on the allegations of pesticide residue /
pathogen / fruit fly contamination.
⇒ To focus on branding, packaging & marketing of Indian ethnic products e.g. canned Indian
cuisine like Sarson Da Saag, Agra petha, Hyderabadi biryani in overseas markets.
⇒ To focus on R&D for gluten free, fibre rich products to cater health conscious consumer
overseas. (�ा� के प्र�त जाग�क �वदेशी उपभो�ा को आक�षत करना)
⇒ Encourage private investments through Ease of doing biz. in export oriented activities: cold
storage, packaging, air cargo; Creation of Agri-start-up fund. (�नजी �नवेश को प्रो�ाहन, �ापार म� सुगमता)
✍Conclusion? Thus, this policy will help integrating Indian agricultural products with the global
value chains and help doubling farmers’ income by 2022. (िकसान क� आय दोगुनी करने म� मदद)
2018: NABARD released All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey.
- Total ~21 crore rural household. Out of them ~10 crore engaged in agriculture.
- These agricultural households’ average monthly income is ₹ 8900/-
- Out of that agriculture cultivation brings barely ₹ 3100. (महीने क� औसत आमदनी)
- Rest of the income comes from livestock, wage labour, MNREGA etc.
- Thus farming is not a very profitable enterprise in India.
- 📔📔📔📔ES2018 noted: Climate change’s negative impact is twice on unirrigated farms than
irrigated. With higher temperature and shorter rainfall: income fall will be 15-18% (for irrigated
farm), 20-25% (for unirrigated farm). जलवायु प�रवतर्न से उ�ादकता को खतरा
- Modi-govt has target of doubling the farmers income (from base year 2015-16) in 2022-23. But
for that agricultural sector must grow at 10% annually whereas it’s struggling to grow even @5%!
Therefore, Govt. intervention is necessary in the form of subsidies, procurement, MSP and
minimum income support (PM-KISAN@6k/pa). इस�लए स��डी �वपणन �ूनतम समथर्न मू� �ूनतम आय
समथर्न के �प म� सरकारी ह��ेप ज�री
Under the State APMC Acts, the first sale of agriculture commodity can occur at Agricultural
Produce Market Committee (APMC) Mandis only. However, a farmer may not get remunerative
prices at the Mandi due to following reasons:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 476
1. Bumper production /⏫supply =market prices⏬ (आपू�त बढ़े: दाम �गरे) AND / OR
2. Cartelization / price-fixing by the mandi-merchants.
So, to protect the farmers, Government of India announces MSP (�ूनतम समथर्न मू�) before each crop
sowing season. (यिद िकसान को मं डी म� अ�� क�मती ना �मले तो सरकार को बेच सक� )
40.17.1 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 MSP covers which crops?
For 22 crops (MSP) + 1 sugarcane (FRP) = 23 viz.
14 kharif crops − Kharif: Grown In Summer / Monsoon Season.
− Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Maize, Ragi, Arhar, Moong, Urad, Groundnut-In-Shell,
Soyabean, Sunflower, Sesamum (�तल), Nigerseed (राम�तल) And Cotton;
6 rabi crops − Rabi: grown in winter season.
− Wheat, Barley, Gram, Masur(Lentil), Rapeseed/Mustard,Safflower (कु सुम)
3 commercial − Jute, Copra (coconut) and Sugarcane.
/cash crops − For Sugarcane, mechanism is different: It requires the sugar mill companies
to pay the minimum Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) fixed by Govt.
(Whereas for other 22, Govt itself procures @MSP)
** In addition, MSP of Toria (a type of oilseed crop) fixed on basis of rapeseed/mustard and MSP of
de-husked coconut (�छलका उतारा गया ना�रयल) fixed on the basis of the MSP of copra. But for MCQ if
asked the number if ‘22’.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Consider the following:(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
1. Areca nut 2.Barley 3.Coffee 4.Finger millet 5.Groundnut 6.Sesamum 7.Turmeric
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs announces MSP for which of the above?
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 7 only (b) 2, 4, 5 and 6 only
(c) 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 477
someone else, instead of farming by himself, then how much rent / interest would he have
earned?) (का��नक �प से वह िकतना कमा लेता उसके भी कु छ आंकड़े जोड़े जाते ह�)
- If govt. used C2 formula, MSP will become very high due to aforementioned (hypothetical)
imputed costs → higher budgetary allocation, fiscal deficit will increase. So, Govt is using
A2+FL formula only.
- 2020: 😷😷Corona → 👻👻Atma-Nirbhar → Govt promised to ⏫MSP to help farmers.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) of sugarcane is approved by the (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2015)
(a) Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
(b) Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices.
(c) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Ministry of Agriculture.
(d) Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee.
40.17.3 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 Agri-Selling → MSP → Procurement (अ�धप्रापण / खरीद)?
Central agencies namely, Food Corporation of India (FCI), Cotton Corporation of India (CCI), Jute
Corporation of India (JCI), Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC), National Agricultural
Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED), National Consumer Cooperative
Federation of India Ltd. (NCCF), and Small Farmers Agro Consortium (SFAC) will purchase the
entire quantity offered by the farmers at MSP.
− So, it’s also called ‘Open Ended Procurement (खुले छोर का)’ i.e. whether farmer brings
20/200/2000/xyz kilo, Govt agencies will buy it, without any ‘quota’ for every farmer. [Although
in real life there are some state-wise quotas but we’ll not get into operational guidelines]
− Collectively, this entire mechanism is called Market Intervention Scheme and Price Support
Scheme (MIS-PSS: बाजार ह��ेप योजना और मू� समथर्न योजना).
− Boss? Agro Ministry. Central Sector Scheme = 100% paid by Union.
From Food Corporation of India’s point of view, the economic cost of food grains is:
1) MSP paid to farmers (technically called ‘Pooled cost of grains bought at MSP’)
2) + Bonus paid to farmers (if any. This is usually announced during election season for votebank
3) Procurement Incidentals: paid to truck drivers, loaders, diesel, cost of operating godowns etc.
4) Cost of Distribution: When delivering grains to States for their Public Distribution System
(PDS) shops, National Food Security Act (NFSA), Mid-day-meal schools etc. More in Pillar#6:
🔠🔠❓ The economic cost of food grains to the Food Corporation Of India is Minimum Support Price and bonus (if
any) paid to the farmers plus _ _ . (Prelims 2019-SetA, Q79)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 478
(a) Transportation cost only (b) Interest cost only
(c) Procurement incidentals and distribution costs (d) Procurement incidentals and charges for godowns
40.17.4 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽= 👌👌 MSP Benefits?
Farmer always has the option to sell produce to govt, if he can’t get remunerative prices from
private merchants. It prevents distress-sale of produce at throwaway prices to private merchants.
(सरकार द्वारा आ�� िकसान, घबराहट म� उपज �नजी �ापारी को पानी के दामों पर नहीं बेचेगा)
Govt announces MSP before the sowing season for 23 crops including cereals, pulses, oilseeds &
certain cash crops. This advance information helps the farmer to make an informed decision
about which crop to sow for maximum economic benefit within the limitations of his farm size,
climate and irrigation facilities. (िकसान �नणर्य ले सकता है कौन सी फसल म� उसे �ादा फायदा होगा)
MSP sends a price-signal to market that if merchants don’t offer higher than MSP prices the
farmer may not sell them his produce. Thus MSP serves as an anchor or benchmark for agro-
commodity market. While MSP doesn’t guarantee that market prices will always be higher than
MSP, but at least it ensures the market prices will not be drastically lower than MSP. (�नजी बाजार के
मू�ों के �लए मानदंड का काम करता है)
40.17.5 🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽= 👎👎 MSP Limitations? (मयार्दा)
FCI/NAFED procurement (अ�धप्रापण) is usually confined to big towns and district centres.
Farmers in remote & tribal area unable to bring their produce to the procurement agencies due
to high cost of transportation. 1997: Govt launched Decentralized Procurement (DCP: �वक� द्रीकृ त
अ�धप्रापण योजना) wherein State Govt themselves procure wheat and rice from farmers, & Union will
bear the costs. But not much success in increasing the penetration yet.
Procurement is usually confined to rice and wheat (cereal grains). Not done for pulses, oilseeds
and other crops. So, aforementioned benefits of MSP remain ‘only on paper’, they are not
implemented in reality. (वा��वकता म� नहीं होती। �सफर् एक कागदी िक्रया)
MSP not even announced for vegetables and fruits. (फल स��यों का नहीं होता)
🔠🔠❓(UPSC-Prelims-2020) Q.79. Consider the following statements
1) In the case of all cereals, pulses and oil-seeds, the procurement at Minimum Support Price
(MSP) is unlimited in any State/UT of India.
2) In the case of cereals and pulses, the MSP is fixed in any State/UT at a level to which the market
price will never rise.
Codes: [a) 1 only [b) 2 only [c) Both 1 and 2 [d) Neither 1 nor 2
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 479
2. Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS: मू� म� कमी भुगतान योजना): If Farmers sells oilseed crops
to private merchants in APMC-mandis who are paying them less than MSP price, then govt will
directly transfer the difference money in farmer’s bank account.
3. Private Procurement Stockist Scheme (PPSS: गैर-सरकारी प्रा�� थोक-�ापारी योजना): Private agencies
will be hired for procuring the commodities at MSP on behalf of Govt.
40.19🌽🌽🌽📦📦📦📦📦�: FCI’S BUFFER STOCK PROBLEM (बफर भं डार)
1964-65: Food Corporation of India (FCI, HQ-Delhi), a statutory corporation, setup under
Consumer Affairs Ministry (भारतीय खाद्य �नगम, उपभो�ा कायर् मं त्रालय का वैधा�नक �नगम)
1) Procurement of foodgrains from farmers at Minimum Support Prices (प्रापण करना)
2) Distribution of foodgrains to consumers through Public Distribution System (PDS, सावर्ज�नक
�वतरण प्रणाली द्वारा गरीबों म� खाद्या�ों का �वतरण)
3) Maintenance of buffer stock for food related schemes and to meet emergency situations like
unexpected crop failure, natural disasters, festivals, etc. (खाद्य सुर�ा और क�मत ��रता के �लए खाद्या�ों के
बफर �ॉक का भं डारण करना)
40.19.1 🌽🌽🌽📦📦📦📦📦: 😥😥 FCI → Problems (सम�ाएं )
Due to electoral populism, successive Governments kept ⏫ MSPs → MSP is no longer
‘minimum support price’ but rather maximum offered prices as rarely any private trader is
matching that amount. Consequently, 80-90% of rice and wheat in Punjab-Haryana is procured
by FCI only. (लोकलुभावन मे सरकार ने एमएसपी इतना बढ़ा िदया है क� �नजी �ापारी उतनी क�मत देने के �लए अ�म है)
This discourages private sector to undertake long-term investments in procurement, storage
processing of commodities. (�नजी �ापारी खाद्या� भं डारण और प्रसं �रण म� �नवेश करने के �लए हतो�ािहत हो जाते ह�)
2019: Food Corporation of India’s (FCI) godowns are overflowing with three times the buffer
stock requirement. So 1) started Open market sale. 2) exploring to donate it to the poorest
nations of the world. (�मता से अ�धक भं डारण😰😰)
FCI forced to spend a large amount of ₹₹ for acquiring, storing and distributing foodgrains. But
the Government is not releasing subsidy / funds to FCI in a timely fashion. FCI is forced to
borrow money. (📑📑Ref: Pillar2: fiscal deficit → EBR)
Thus, Govt Intervention has hurt more than it has helped. (सरकारी दखल से यहाँ पर मदद कम, और तकलीफ
�ादा �ई है!), so 📔📔📔📔ES20Vol1ch4 recommended following →
40.19.2 🌽🌽🌽📦📦📦📦📦 FCI → Solutions by 📔📔📔📔ES20
National Food Security Act (NFSA:रा��ीय खाद्य सुर�ा अ�ध�नयम): It aims to provide rice(₹3/kg),
wheat(₹2/kg) and coarse grains (₹1/kg) at heavily subsidized price to 67% of Indian population.
o We should reduce the number of beneficiaries to bottom-20% poorest Indians.
o For ‘relatively less poor’ people, Govt should charge slightly higher prices. (More about
NFSAin Pillar6 → Malnutrition).
Conditional Cash Transfer Schemes (सशतर् नकदी ह�ांतरण योजनाएं )
o Brazil (Bolsa Familia), Mexico (Oportuni dades), Philippines (Pantawid Pamilyang
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 480
o Here poor families given money to buy (non-subsidized) foodgrains from market.
o We should explore similar ways of giving cash/food coupon/smart cards to ⏬ FCI’s
procurement and stock keeping burden.
💼💼Budget-2020 announced:
🚝🚝 Indian Railways with refrigerated coaches in trains. ट�ेनों म� प्रशी�तत िड�े.
Kisan Rail 🤩🤩= improve national cold supply chain for perishables, milk, meat and fish. (नाशपाती
कृ �ष उपज, दू ध, मांस और मछली।)
✈ Ministry of Civil Aviation (नाग�रक उड्डयन मं त्रालय) will permit new flights on international
Krishi and national routes to transport agricultural cargo.
Udaan 🤩🤩= farmers of North-East and tribal districts to sell their exotic fruits/flowers at
premium prices. (अनोखे/जं गली फल-फू लो को ऊँ ची क�मत)
We’ll encourage the Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA), Food
Corporation of India (FCI) and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) to build more
warehouses. [All these are bodies under Consumer Affairs Ministry]
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 481
- Farmer may show Aadhar card, driving License, Voters’ ID Card, MNREGA Job Card etc. State
authorities will cross check it against their land ownership database.
- Aadhar card is kept optional for the 1st and 2nd instalment. But, in subsequent instalments,
Aadhar to be compulsory for farmers for verifying their identity.
- Mobile number is optional but State Govt are encouraged to capture it.
- Compulsory to give Bank account number and its IFSC code (This code is written on bank’s
passbook, helps identify the name of the bank and address of the branch.)
- Mechanism? Union ₹ → State govt’s bank account → beneficiary’s account. States send data to portal.
- Complaint? District Level Grievance Redressal Committees. (�जला �र क� �शकायत �नवारण स�म�त)
40.21.1 💰💰💰💰💰: 🧔🧔= 👎👎 PM-KISAN: Criticism / Challenges?
1. If a farmer’s name is not in the land records of State/UT then he’s not eligible. This excludes
a. landless / tenant farmers - who cultivate someone else’s land on contract.
b. Tribal farmers who may not have land ownership documents.
2. It excludes farmers with land above 2 ht. But in drought prone / rain-fed areas, even they require
income support because their income is low.(but now all farmers covered)
3. ₹ 6000 rupees per year is too little amount to cover the cost of seeds, fertilizers, wages of farm
labourers. For a 2 ht land, minimum input cost is ~₹ 50k in reality.
4. Some state governments are running better schemes on their own e.g. Telangana’s Rythu
Bandhu, Odisha’s KALIA scheme etc. Either they give more ₹₹ per farmer and/or even landless
farmers given some ₹₹. (कु छ रा� सरकारों क� योजनाएं क� द्र सरकार क� योजना से भी बेहतर है )
👊👊 ✋ Counter-argument? Union government has launched a scheme within the constraints of
fiscal deficit target. 15th finance commission has provided 41% tax devolution to the states so they
may run parallel schemes with their own ₹₹ for the farmers’ welfare. PM-Kisan is a better alternative
than one-time loan-waivers. (रा� सरकार चाहे तो अपनी जेब से �ादा पैसा �नकाल कर िकसानो को द�)
40.21.2 � → 👴👴👴👴💰💰: 🧔🧔 Pension: PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana
2019-August launched on the similar lines as Shram-Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana (Ref: Pill1D).
- Voluntary and co-contributory for small / marginal farmers in 18 to 40 years age group.
- They’ve to contribute ₹ 55-200 (depending on which age they joined). Agri Ministry will co-
contribute money. LIC is the fund manager, and responsible for Pension pay out.
- They get a monthly pension of ₹ 3000/pm on attaining 60 years. Husband dies → wife gets ₹
1500/pm as ‘family pension’. Wife dies → children get nothing.
Who is not eligible? (कौन इस योजना क� पात्रता नहीं रखता)
- Small / marginal farmer who joined Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan Yojana, NPS,
EPFO or any other Government run pension scheme.
- Farmer who owns more than 2 ht cultivable land.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 482
- Any income tax assessee; Any registered as Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants
etc; Any Government employee; Any person who is a member in local bodies, State / Union
legislature…. Even if they own 2 ht or less farmland, they’ll not be eligible for this scheme.
40.21.3 ✍ Income Support: Conclusion template? (आमदनी म� सहयोग -�न�षर्)
Successive economic surveys have noted that farming is not a profitable enterprise in India. <insert
UN-SDG Goal#1, 2, Modi-Target 2x income>. However, an Indian farmer is often at the mercy of the
monsoon & the APMC-merchants. PM KISAN income support scheme / PM Kisan Maan-dhan
Yojana is a notable initiative to empower him. (इन योजनाओं से िकसान का सश��करण होगा)
(Intro-Origin) With green revolution, we became self-reliant in cereal production. But perishable
fruits and vegetables have remained our Achilles’ heel. Seasonal spikes in onion, tomatoes & pulses is
a recurring nightmare for middle class families of India. The underlying causes as following:
1. Demand Side: Growth of middle class & their disposable incomes → ⏫ demand of
fruits/veggies than before.
2. Supply Side: shortage of commodities on account of 1) poor monsoon & pests 2) post-harvest
losses due to unavailability of cold-storage & warehousing 3) hoarding (सं ग्रहखोरी/काला-बाजारी).
40.22.1 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Food Inflation due to shortage of Vegetable supply
1. Global Warming: April-May heat waves destroy nascent flowers / buds of vegetable plants.
(वै��क ताप मे वृ�द्ध के चलते नवजात फू ल / क�लयों का मुरजाना)
2. Pests & Diseases (क�ट और रोग): Maharashtra and Southern Indian farmers have been growing
tomatoes & onions since last 3 decades. But, overuse of general pesticides → whiteflies, red
mites, gram pod borers and other pests have gained immunity. → crop-loss has increased.
Farmers had started using Swiss-MNC developed seeds but later they were found to be
vulnerable to certain viral diseases.
3. UPA-Congress Govt (2004-14) had rapidly hiked MSP for wheat & rice so many farmers shifted
from veggies / pulses to cereal production. (गे�ं चावल म� �ादा समथर्न मू� के चलते दाल और स��यों क� फसल
कम होगा रहे ह� िकसान)
4. After demonetization (2016), cash based retail vegetable industry suffered → lower prices to
farmers in the last season. So they shifted away from vegetables towards sugarcane, maize, soya
etc. cash & cereal crops → veggies production ⏬.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 483
5. Price wedge = large difference between the wholesale and retail prices. It’s due to high
transaction costs, poor marketing infra, huge margins by middleman etc
6. Heavy rains, floods and cyclones disrupt the supply chains. Farmer strike in Maharashtra, UP &
MP, wherein they destroyed truckload of tomatoes, milk, potatoes etc. to vent their grievances.
7. Shortage of cold storage infrastructure (शीतागार). Big traders utilize them for hoarding onions
and potatoes, → less space for other vegetables’ storage even during bumper crops.
8. 2019 (Sept-Dec): Onion Shortage caused by (�ाज क� कमी)
a. Late-arrival of monsoon: sowing (बीजारोपण) period delayed.
b. Prolonged rains damaged the standing crop in the Major producers viz. Karnataka,
Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra (largest producer: Its Lasalgaon town in
Nasik district is India’s largest onion market).
c. 2019-Sept-Oct: Heavy rains affected cutting and transportation of the crop.
d. So, [Supply < Demand] = Onion prices increased to ₹140/kg in late-2019.
9. 🤧🤧🤧🤧2020- Corona lockdown/supply-chain constrains= price rise in initial months, but later
on with unlockdown, prices moderated by 2020-December (तालाबं दी म� आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन म� चुनौ�तयां
�जसके चलते 2020 शु�आती महीनों म� खाद्य महंगाई बढ़ी हालांिक बाद के महीनों म� वापस कम �ई)
40.22.2 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Food Inflation due to shortage of Pulses supply (दालों का उ�ादन)
1. Finest irrigated land used for cereal and cash crops like sugarcane because of better MSP. So
pulses’ area under cultivation is declining. Govt shd reform MSP for pulses cultivation, especially
in drought prone areas because pulses require less water than sugarcane. (ग�े से कम पानी इ�ेमाल)
2. Pulses make the soil nitrogen rich, it encourages weed growth- which ⏬ the pulses yield.
Pulses are themselves protein rich, so they’re more susceptible to (1) pests attack and (2) When
stored in open godowns, humid conditions = fungal growth. 25% of the produce is lost by this.
Solution? New seed varieties required but Indian scientists are focused on ‘cereals’ rather than
‘pulses’. (भारत के कृ �ष वै�ा�नकों का �ादा �ान दालों पर सं शोधन क� जगह खाद्या� अनाज पर सं शोधन म� होता है)
📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 Cobweb Cycle (मकड़ी का जाला)
⇒ if a farmer observes a high price for a specific crop for a year, he would opt to produce more of it
the next year. But if all farmers think with this mindset → excessive production & supply →
prices ⬇ → then they stop cultivating it in the next cycle → shortage in supply→ price ⬆.
⇒ Faulty producer expectations → cyclical fluctuation in supply & prices. (िकसान क� दोषपूणर् अपे�ाएँ →
उ�ादन और क�मतों मे चक्र�य उतार-चढ़ाव)
⇒ This is called ‘Cobweb’ Cycle. Term given by economist Nicholas Kaldor (1934)
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES20 blamed this phenomenon for price fluctuations in pulses.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 484
40.23.1 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🧔🧔 Food Inflation → Govt initiatives → MEP
⇒ **Minimum Export Price (MEP: �ूनतम �नयार्त मू�) It is the price below which of commodity
cannot be exported from India. During inflation in a particular agro commodity, commerce
ministry will ⏫ MEP to discourage its export from India → ⏫ supply in the local market →
price ⏬
⇒ 😥😥Limitation? Frequent revisions in MEP creates uncertainty for exporter-oriented farmers for
the next cropping season.
Sidenote: Minimum Import Price (MIP): it’s the price below which a commodity can’t be imported.
This is usually done for protecting domestic industries against cheap imports. E.g. Government
imposed MIP on pepper and areca-nut in 2018-19 (इससे कम मू� पर आयात नहीं कर सकते )
40.23.2 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🧔🧔 Food Inflation → Govt initiatives → OMSS
⇒ 1964-65: A statutory corporation Food Corporation of India (FCI: भारतीय खाद्य �नगम) was set up
under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (उपभो�ा मामले, खाद्य और
सावर्ज�नक �वतरण). By default, FCI procures cereals/foodgrains @MSP & sells them to poor-families
via the Public Distribution System (PDS:सावर्ज�नक �वतरण प्रणाली) outlets.
⇒ However, during food inflation, FCI would also sell the grains in open market to ⏫supply,
⏬price rise. It’s called Open Market Sale Scheme [खुला बाजार �बक्र� ��म].
⇒ 😥😥Limitation? While OMSS can help during shortage / inflation of cereal grains (rice, wheat).
But, not much useful in veggies because they’re out of FCI-MSP ambit.
⇒ 😷😷 Corona-2020: FCI starts selling wheat & rice to all the charitable/ non-govt orgs who are
running community kitchen for migrant workers / poor people.
40.23.3 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🧔🧔 Govt initiatives → Price Stabilization Fund (2014)
- मूल्य ��रीकरण कोष is a Central Sector Scheme = 100% funded by Union.
- Boss? Govt gives Interest free loans given to FCI, NAFED & other central/state agencies to
procure pulses and perishable vegetables from local and foreign farmers and sell it to aam-aadmi
at reasonable prices. (सरकारी सं �ानों को �ाज मु� कजर् िदया जाएगा �जससे वे दाल और स��यां खरीद के वा�जब दामों
पर बेचे)
- 2014: set up in the agriculture ministry but 2016: shifted to Consumer Affairs Ministry
40.23.4 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🧔🧔 Govt initiatives → Operation Greens for T-O-P (2018)
- Boss? Food Processing Ministry → NAFED given ₹ 500 crore.
- NAFED pays money / subsidy to the farmer self help groups, food processing companies etc. for
processing, transportation & cold storage of Tomato, Onion and Potato (TOP), to ensure their
round the year availability in market at a reasonable price. (टमाटर �ाज और आलू )
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 485
40.23.5 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🧔🧔 Govt initiatives → Onion Inflation (2019-Sept to Dec)
Commerce Ministry → DG Foreign Trade → temporarily banned the export of Onions since
2019-Sept. (Although Andhra’s Krishnapuram onions were allowed for exports. They are
extremely pungent in taste (�ाद म� तीखा), liked by Srilankan and ASEAN families. But, Indian
families don’t like its taste much.)
INCOME TAX officers raided onion traders for verifying stocks and finding tax evasion.
Commerce Ministry’s MMTC ltd company will import onions from Turkey & Egypt using the
₹₹ from Price Stabilisation Fund (It’s a fund under Consumer Affairs Ministry) → These
onions will be supplied to State Govt’s Food and Civil Supply Departments → sold at reasonable
Government also directed the States to build buffer stocks, impose stock limits on traders and
take action against hoarding. (�ॉक सीमा लागू कर�)
Long term solutions? Help the farmers cooperatives to directly sell to customers, strict action on
hoarding, develop more cold storage warehouses etc.
⇒ NAFED procures and stores onion mostly in three states- Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and
Gujarat = more risk of adverse weather shocks / heavy rains / floods → transport bottlenecks.
Need to decentralise it with modern storage facilities at multiple states. (�सफर् तीन रा�ों म� �ाज का
भं डारण करने क� जगह, �वक� द्रीकृ त �प से अनेक रा�ों म� उ�� भं डा�रत िकया जाए, )
⇒ Health Ministry's eVIN (electronic vaccine intelligence network) =used for monitoring the
Vaccine supply. Similarly, onion supply online-monitoring systems need to be developed.
(ऑनलाइन तरीके से �जस प्रकार से वै�ीन क� �नगरानी रखी जाती है, ऐसा ही �ाज के साथ कर�)
⇒ Use of dehydrated onions that has longer shelf life should be promoted for buffer stock purposes.
Hydrated variety should be sold early. (सुखाए गए �ाज लं बी अव�ध तक �बगड़ते नहीं इस�लए उनका भं डारण िकया
जाए जबिक ताजा / ना सुखाए गए �ाज �ाज थोड़े पहले बेच िदया जाए)
⇒ Essential Commodities Act 1955 (ECA: आव�क व�ु अ�ध�नयम) aims to control the production,
supply and distribution of certain goods considered as essential commodities e.g. foodgrain,
pulses, edible oil, sugar, jute, fertilizers & seed, cattle-fodder, medicines, petrol, diesel, kerosene,
etc. During inflation/shortage: govt can impose stock limits, restrict movement of goods.
📔📔📔📔ES20vol1ch4 conducted case study of Onion inflation of 2019 & found
⇒ 76,000+ raids were conducted, yet, less than 3000 traders penalized. It hints that raids are
misused for bribery and harassment. (छापेमारी का डर िदखाके �र�त मांगना)
⇒ Assuming every raid needs a minimum of 5 govt officials, this is a waste of manpower as well.
(सरकारी महकमे के समय और ऊजार् क� बबार्दी)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 486
⇒ Under ECA, State Governments randomly impose stock limits on all wholesalers, distributors,
and retailers. But, these raids & stock limits had no impact on⏬ onion inflation (2019) or
pulses (2006) or Sugar (2009). (�ॉक �ल�मट को लागू िकया गया िकंतु खाद्य महंगाई को कम नहीं कर पाए)
⇒ Infact, ECA discourages traders from investing in warehousing and storage facilities. It
discourages entry of large private sector players into agricultural warehousing and marketing,
because they never know when govt will arbitrarily change the stocklimit norm. (बड़ी कं पनीया
गोडाउन, भं डार अवसं रचना मे �नवेश करने मे �न��ाह होती है)
⇒ The ECA Act does not distinguish between genuine large firms that need to hold large amount of
stock vs a greedy trader hoarding speculative profits.
⇒ ECA Act was passed in 1955 when India was worried about famines, shortages, speculative
hoarding and black marketing; it is irrelevant in today's India and must be discarded. ( पुराने जमाने
के इस कानून को फ� क देने का व� आ गया है) Because here, Govt Intervention has hurt more than it has
helped. (सरकारी दखल के चलते फायदा कम नुकसान �ादा �आ है)
40.25👻👻⚖🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅✋AGRO ORDINANCE#3 → ECA ORDINANCE/ACT 2020
Essential Commodities (Amendment) Ordinance/Act, 2020-. आव�क व�ु (सं शोधन) अ�ादेश
Essential Commodities Act’55 Ordinance 2020-June
⇒ Essential commodities In case of food items -cereals, pulses, potato, onions, edible
examples: food items, fertilizers, oilseeds, and oils → Union Govt can impose stock limit
medicine and petroleum. only in the 4 extraordinary circumstances (असाधारण
⇒ However during what exact प�र���तयां) viz.
conditions, can the government ⇒ ⚔ War (युद्ध)
impose a stock limit? Ans. ⇒ Famine (अकाल/सूखा)
Vague law. Govt would do it ⇒ 🌪🌪 Grave Natural Calamity (गं भीर प्राकृ �तक आपदा)
randomly based on election /
⇒ 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Extraordinary Price Rise (असाधारण मू�
media hype.
वृ�द्ध/अ�ा�धक महंगाई). Which means compared to average
⇒ सरकार �ापारी पर �ॉक सीमा कब/िकतनी prices IF →
लगा सकती है? इस बारे म� कानून अ�� o 100% price rise in horticultural /perishable
था। चुनावी समय / मीिडया दबाव के आधार items (बागवानी/नाशपाती)
पर , अचानक/अनपे��त �नणर्य होते है o 50% price rise in non-perishable (गैर नाशपाती)
🧃🧃🧃🧃 Food processing companies ✋Above stock limits may not apply to
were also harassed unnecessary in ⇒ 🧃🧃🧃🧃 Existing Food processing companies / food
stocklimits (�ॉक सीमा म� खाद्य प्रसं �रण value chain participants involved in agri processing,
कं प�नयां परेशान होती थी) packaging, storage, transport, and distribution.
(प्रसं �रण, पैके�जगं , भं डारण, प�रवहन और �वतरण)
⇒ Public Distribution System (सावर्ज�नक �वतरण प्रणाली/ सरकारी
राशन क� दक
ु ान वाले)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 487
Ministry of Consumer Affairs itself In case of the extraordinary situations mentioned in above-
did not lay specific rules, but table-cell#1: Ministry of Consumer Affairs will issue
allowed the State Govts to issue orders/stock limits. So, theHindu columnists & State
rules on stock limits, restrict Government resent this ‘encroachment’ on cooperative
movement of goods etc federalism. सहकारी सं घवाद पर क� द्र के अ�तक्रमण से रा� सरकारे नाराज ह�
40.25.1 ✍ ECA Ordinance/Amendment Act → Conclusion / �न�षर्
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES20 observed that the Essential Commodities Act was creating bottlenecks against our
food processing industry. This latest ordinance will encourage private/foreign investment in
cold storages and food supply chain. It will help in a long way to rectify this lacuna.
⇒ (आव�क व�ु अ�ध�नयम हमारे खाद्य प्रसं �रण उद्योग के �वकास म� अड़चन� पैदा कर रहा था। यह नवीनतम अ�ादेश इस खामी को
हटाने म�, �नजी/�वदेशी �नवेश को बढ़ोतरी देने म� मदद करेगा)
40.25.2 😷😷😷😷 ECA → N95 Masks and Sanitizers put under ECA
⇒ 2020-March: Govt put them under ECA act to ⏫supply local market at reasonable prices. If
seller found black marketing and overpricing → 7 years jail / fine / both
⇒ 2020-June: Govt removed them from list, after State Governments reported there is sufficient
supply in market, and prices have become reasonable. (वा�जब दाम)
40.25.3 ✍ Food Inflation: Conclusion? (खाद्य महंगाई /मुद्रा���त पर �न�षर्)
Vegetables and pulses are rich source of vitamins and nutrients. They’re part of large varieties of
Indian and international cuisines. Therefore, food Inflation is a matter of concern for (1) nutritional
security in India and (2) India’s export competitiveness. Hence aforementioned factors need to be
addressed on priority basis. (पोषण सुर�ा, �नयार्त म� प्र�त�धार् को बनाए रखने के �लए अग्रता क्रम से यह सुधार ज�री)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. India has experienced persistent and high food inflation in the recent past. What could be the reasons?
(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)
1. Due to a gradual switchover to the cultivation of commercial crops, the area under the cultivation of food grains has
steadily decreased in the last five years by about 30%.
2. As a consequence of increasing incomes, consumption patterns of the people have undergone a significant change.
3. The food supply chain has structural constraints.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, and 3
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following factors/policies were affecting the price of rice in India in the recent past? (UPSC-
1) Minimum Support Price 2) Government’s trading 3) Government’s stockpiling 4) Consumer subsidies
Codes: (a) 1,2 and 4 only (b) 1,3 and 4 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1,2, 3 and 4
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 488
2. Protectionism by US/EU & fall of International commodity prices → India's agro exports are
down → More supply available in domestic market.
3. Urjit Patel's hawkish policy helped curbing inflation.(More in 📑📑Pillar#1A2)
40.26.1 🍅🍅↘🤯🤯 Agro-Selling→ Deflation → Sugar mills’ problem
- Bumper production of sugarcane in India and Brazil → fall in global sugar prices but to keep
Indian farmers happy Govt did not reduce FRP → Mill-owners’ arrears to farmers (i.e. previous
payment not cleared yet.) → Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution gave
mill-owners soft loans. It also raised the Minimum Selling Price of sugar from factory gate to
wholesalers from ₹ 29 → ₹ 31/kg.
- Finance Ministry imposed 100% custom duty on import of sugar & 0% custom duty on export of
sugar to help Indian sugar mills.
- 2019-March: Brazil and Australia filed official complaint in WTO that Indian Govt’s
subsidies/soft-loans/tariff to sugar sector led to excess supply & "depressed" global prices so their
local industry is hurt.
- 🤧🤧🤧🤧2020: Corona lockdown → demand of ice cream, cakes, bioethanol-blending for petrol-
diesel from sugarcane. So, Sugar industries in panic, they have ⏬ sugar prices to offload the
stock. Then Govt giving subsidy to sugar exporters =its controversies= NOTIMP4EXAM.
40.27.1 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 💸💸🔪🔪 Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (2020-Jul)
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Agriculture. (कृ �ष मं त्रालय क� कृ �ष अवसं रचना �न�ध)
⇒ Type? Central Sector Scheme (=States not req. to give money.)
⇒ Beneficiary? Farmers, Agriculture Cooperative Societies, Farmer Producers Organizations
(FPOs), Self Help Group (SHG), Agri-startups, Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects etc.
⇒ Banks and NBFCs will loan them total ₹1 lakh cr. (10k cr this + 30k cr each in next 3 years) =
total 1 lakh cr. NABARD may provide them with refinance. (Ref#1D)
⇒ 🔪🔪 Loan will be given for?
o Post-harvest Management Infrastructure (Warehouse, cold storage, etc. कटाई के बाद भं डारण
के �लए बु�नयादी ढांचा)
o Community Farming Assets (सामुदा�यक खेती क� प�रसं प��यां)
⇒ 🔪🔪 Loan duration? Medium to long term loans.(How many years exactly? Ans. not clearly
mentioned. (म�म से लं बी अव�ध के ऋण)
⇒ 🔪🔪 Loan Interest? To be decided by individual bank/NBFC.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 489
⇒ 🔪🔪 Loan Interest Subvention? 3% by Government (�ाज म� मदद)
⇒ 🔪🔪 Loan Default? = upto ₹2 cr credit guarantee by Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and
Small Enterprises (CGTMSE: Ref1D)
⇒ Scheme Valid for next ten years, starting from 2020
40.27.2 �� Agro Produ. & Processing → Farmer Producer Company (FPC)
⇒ Western economists had predicted that small farms will eventually cease to exist as big farmers
will buy their land, but that hasn’t happened in India. So, Government decided better to enable
small farmers to setup company & combine their landholdings.
⇒ 2003: Companies Act, 1956 was amended to allow new type of company- FPC.
⇒ FPC is a hybrid between a private limited company (=professional management) and a
cooperative society (mutual benefits without excessive weightage to who contributed how much
land / share capital.)
⇒ FPC can be setup by minimum 10 farmers (no upper limit). However, FPC is not allowed to
become a Public Ltd. company i.e. they can’t invite public at large to invest in their shares/bonds.
⇒ Agro ministry gives them upto ₹ 10 lakh equity support, & credit guarantee for bank loans.
40.27.3 �� Agro Production & Processing → RKVY & RAFTAAR (2017)
⇒ Boss? Agro Ministry. Core Scheme = not 100% funded by Union.
⇒ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) started during UPA/Congress (2007).
⇒ 2017: Modi renamed and rebranded it to RKVY-RAFTAAR i.e. Remunerative Approaches for
Agriculture and Allied sector Rejuvenation.
⇒ It provides funding for Infrastructure creation (warehouse, cold storage, market facility etc.);
training & skill development (Mushroom cultivation, beekeeping, aromatic plant cultivation,
floriculture) and financial support to farmers to start agri-enterprise after getting the training.
40.27.4 �� Agro Prod. & Processing → Green Revolution - Krishonnati Yojana
- Boss? Agro Ministry. Core scheme= not 100% paid by Union.
- 2017: Modi made this umbrella scheme (छतरी योजना) by combining previous 11 Congressi
Schemes viz.
1. Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH:बागबानी एक�कृ त �वकास): Bee keeping
also promoted in it. One of MIDH sub-mission is ‘Coordinated Programme on Horticulture
Assessment and Management using ‘geo-informatics’ (Project CHAMAN) to use space
technology / remote sensing data to assess the horticulture production & diseases in India. 2018:
Phase-II of Chaman launched.
2. National Food Security Mission (NFSM) to increase production of rice, wheat, pulses, millets
(coarse cereals) and commercial crops & restore soil fertility.
a. 2018 declared as “National Year of Millets”. Further, UN & FAO accepted India’s
proposal to celebrate 2023 as International Year of Millets (अंतरार्ष्ट�ीय बाजरा वषर्). Because,
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 490
millets are tolerant to drought, climate change, photo insensitive; need less water,
provide nutritious elements in poor families’ diet. So, Govt create two sub-missions.
i. NFSM on Makka and Jau.
ii. NFSM on Nutri-Cereals (पौ��क अनाज) - Jowar, Bajra, Ragi and little millets like
Kutki, Kodo, Sawa, Kangni and Cheena.
b. NFSM has another sub-mission: National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP:
�तलहन और तेल पाम) to augment the availability of vegetable oils and to reduce the import of
edible oils. Associated term: Yellow Revolution.
3. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA: �ायी / सतत कृ �ष के �लए रा��ीय �मशन) to
encourage organic manures, bio fertilizers, cropping practices for soil and moisture
conservation measures; Rainfed Area Development (RAD) programme.
a. Subscheme: National Bamboo Mission (NBM) to augment the income of farmers.
Further, Indian Forest Act, 1927 was amended to exclude bamboo from the definition of
‘trees’. This will encourage bamboo grown outside forest area without interference from
Forest Department.
4. Sub-mission on Agriculture Extension (SMAE: कृ �ष �वस्तार पर उप �मशन): farmers training & skill
development with more use of electronic / print media, mobile apps and ICT tools, etc.
5. National e-Governance Plan on Agriculture (NeGP-A: राष्ट�ीय ई-गवन�स): to enhance reach of
extension services- about cropping methods, market prices etc. to the farmers.
6. Sub-Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP: बीज तथा पौध रोपण सामग्री): to promote new
technologies in seed production, processing, storage, certification and quality etc.
7. Sub-Mission on Agricultural Mechanisation (SMAM: कृ �ष मशीनीकरण पर उप�मशन): To increase the
availability of farm machines to small and marginal farmers. e.g. ‘Custom Hiring Centres’ where
they can rent the machines without spending money on individual ownership. encourage R&D
for small-sized machineries for small landholdings, hill-areas etc.
8. Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plan Quarantine (SMPPQ: पौध सं र�ण और पौधों के अलगाव पर
उप�मशन ): To minimize the damage by insect pests, diseases, weeds, rodents, etc. and to shield our
agricultural biosecurity from alien species.
9. Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Census, Economics and Statistics (ISACES:कृ �ष गणना,
अथर्व्यवस्थाएं तथा सां��क� पर एक�कृ त योजना): For data collection which can be used for R&D and policy
10. Integrated Scheme on Agricultural Cooperation (ISAC: कृ �ष सहयोग): Give financial assistance for
farmers' cooperatives for agricultural marketing, processing, storage etc.
11. Integrated Scheme on Agricultural Marketing (ISAM: कृ �ष �वपणन): To develop online and offline
agricultural marketing infrastructure.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 491
<Homework? After Prelims, self-study their features in a more comprehensive manner from Yojana-
Kurukshetra magazines, because UPSC is in habit of asking about random obscure agro. schemes in
the mains exam. E.g. horticulture mission.>
40.27.5 �� Agro Production & Processing → PM Kisan Sampada Yojana
- Boss? Food Processing Ministry. Central Sector Scheme. 100% funded by Union.
- Modi’s PMKSY (प्रधान मं त्री िकसान स�दा योजना) is an umbrella scheme incorporating previous
Congressi schemes like Mega Food Parks, Integrated Cold Chain, modernization of reefer vans
etc. Basically, funding is given to setup food processing infrastructure / parks / collection centres.
E.g. Patanjali Food and Herbal Park at Haridwar, Uttarakhand.
⇒ Budget-2018 launched a new sub-scheme under PM Kisan Sampada Yojana called “Operation
Greens” for T-O-P: Tomato, Onion and Potato to improve infra for their storage & transport →
round the year availability of T-O-P @affordable prices.
40.27.6 👻👻🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Atma-Nirbhar: ”Op Green” expanded to all fruits & veggies
⇒ Food Processing Ministry → PM Kisan Sampada Yojana → sub scheme called Operation
Greens for T-O-P: Tomato, Onion and Potato
⇒ 2020: 😷😷Corona → 👻👻ATMANIRBHAR= now we’ll expand from T-O-P to ALL fruits and
vegetables. It’ll provide
o subsidy on transportation from surplus area to deficient markets. (�जन �व�ारोम� �वपुल
उ�ादन/आपू�त है वहां से कमी/तं गी वाले बाजारों म� माल प�ंचाया जाए)
o subsidy on storage infrastructure. (भं डारण के �लए बु�नयादी ढांचा)
⇒ Benefit? reduced food wastage, Better prices for farmers, affordable food for consumers
(अप�य/बबार्दी, िकसान को बेहतर क�मत, ग्राहक को िकफायती दाम)
40.27.7 👻👻👻👻🍭🍭🍭🍭 Atma-Nirbhar: Food Enterprises promotion (खाद्य उद्यमों को बढ़ावा)
⇒ Existing (unorganized sector) micro food enterprises, Farmer Producer Organisations, Self Help
Groups and Cooperatives
⇒ will be given funding, training, support for brand Building,marketing . (असं गिठत �ेत्र के लघु खा�
उद्यमों को �व� पोषण, प्र�श�ण, समथर्न)
⇒ Help them comply with Food Safety Standards, (खाद्य सुर�ा मानक)
⇒ Cluster based approach of development e.g. Mango in UP, Kesar in J&K, Bamboo shoots in
North-East, Chilli in Andhra Pradesh, Tapioca in Tamil Nadu etc. → ⏫Export (समूहबध्ध करके
�वकास, �नयार्त मे बढ़ोतरी)
Separately, herbal cultivation of medicinal plant, beekeeping will be encouraged (औषधीय पौधे और
मधुम�ी पालन को प्रो�ाहन)
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. In India, which of the following can be considered as public investment in agriculture? (Prelims-2020)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 492
1) Fixing Minimum Support Price for agriculture produce of all crops
2) Computerization of Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
3) Social Capital development
4) Free electricity supply of farmers
5) Waiver of agriculture loans by the banking system
6) Setting up of cold storage facilities by the governments
Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 5 only (b) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only (c) 2, 3 and 6 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 493
⇒ Export potential for ethnic food and beverages such as Rasgulaa, kokum water, coconut water,
Toddy Palm wine etc.
40.28.4 🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing Industry: Challenges → General (चुनौ�तयां)
While India is among the largest producers of cereals, Fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, oilseed,
cash crops and fisheries. But less than 1/5th of food gets processed. Reasons:
⇒ Problems in access to Capital / Loans, Infrastructure. (पूंजी, ऋण, बु�नयादी अवसं रचना)
⇒ Need Skilled Manpower, Research Development, Technology
⇒ Plethora of government schemes: overlapping, ambiguous, inefficient. (�मलते जुलते उद्दे� वाली ब�त
सारी सरकारी योजनाएं लेिकन प्रभाव म� बेअसर)
⇒ Obstacles in APMC Act, prevalence of middle-men. No direct linkages with farmers. (Until the
recent E-NAM And Agri-ordinances)
⇒ in the export market:
o 1) Competition from others: Kenya (Tea), Newzealand (Milk), ASEAN (Fish)
o 2) Our products get rejected on health & hygiene standards
40.28.5 🧃🧃🧃🧃Supply Chain Management (SCM: आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन)
Supply chain is a system that links a company with its suppliers and customers.
Supply chain management (SCM) tries to optimize the production and marketing by getting the
right things - to right place- at right time - In a cost-effective manner.
आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन - सही चीजों को सही समय पर सही �ान पर प�ंचा कर कं पनी को उसके आपू�तकतार् और ग्राहकों के साथ प्रभावी,
िकफायती, तेजी से जोड़ने क� को�शश करता है.
40.28.6 🧃🧃🧃🧃SCM: Upstream-Downstream: Meaning
In a supply chain: Upstream-downstream depends on the point of reference.
सं दभर् �बदं ु Upstream: towards suppliers Downstream: towards
धारा म� ऊपर क� तरफ (आपू�तकतार्) consumers
धारा म� नीचे क� तरफ
�Farmer Suppliers of Seeds, Fertilizer, Pesticides and ⇒ middlemen / trader @Mandi
Agro-machinery. (बीज, उवर्रक, क�टनाशक और ⇒ Food processing company (if
कृ �ष-मशीनरी- के �वक्रेता/आपू�तकतार् ) he has contract farming
�Food ⇒ Farmers, ⇒ Wholesalers (थोक �ापारी)
Processing ⇒ Mandi-agents ⇒ Retailers (खुदरा �ापारी)
Company ⇒ Suppliers of food-preservatives, edible- ⇒ E-Commerce
colors, plastic-aluminum packaging etc. Websites/Apps
⇒ Final customers
40.28.7 🧃🧃🧃🧃🧃Food Processing: Upstream issues
⇒ 🌽🌽Crops, fruits, vegetables: Climate change, heatwave, drought, diseases affecting the
production and quality. (जलवायु प�रवतर्न, स� गम� क� लहर, सूखा, बीमा�रयाँ)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 494
⇒ R&D required to improve their shelf-life, taste, colour and texture for foreigners. (फल स�ी: लं बे
समय तक �बगड़े नहीं, �ाद रंग �चा �वदे�शयों को आक�षत लगे, ऐसे वै�ा�नक सं शोधन क� ज�रत)
⇒ 🐮🐮Cattle & Poultry: Foot & mouth disease, shortage of veterinary doctors, Avian Influenza,
Swine flu. Shortage of green fodder. (मवेशी-मुग�, रोग/�चिक�ा, हरी घास)
⇒ 👹👹Cooperative farming/Cooperative dairy sector suffering from politicisation / casteism /
scams. (सहकारी कृ �ष/डेयरी �ेत्र म� राजनी�तकरण, जा�तवाद और धांधली)
⇒ 🚛🚛Transport, Electricity, Infrastructure problems: milk/fruit/vegetable stored at village
collection point gets spoiled. (प�रवहन, �बजली, बु�नयादी सु�वधाएं )
⇒ ☕Tea Competition from Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia and China. Coffee Competition from
Brazil, Columbia. (�नयार्त बाजार म� अ� देशों क� चाय कॉफ� से �धार्)
⇒ ⚓Port & Shipping: Environmental issues in land acquisition= hard to setup new port / expand
the existing port. (बं दरगाहों का �व�ार करने के �लए जमीन सं पादन मु��ल)
⇒ 🩺🩺Often our food-products get banned in the USA and EU for health/hygiene standards. (e.g.
mango: stone weevil insect, buffalo meat : foot-and-mouth disease, fish: heavy metal
contamination). Then we've to undergo a lengthy legal process & inspection process to get the
ban lifted. (�ा� / ��ता मानकों के चलते अमे�रका और यूरो�पयन यू�नयन म� हमारे �नयार्त का अ�ीकार/प्र�तबं ध)
⇒ 🍋🍋Protectionism: High level of taxes imposed on Indian Exports by USA/EU/China.
(सं र�णवाद) Ref-Pillar#3B. ++Refer to points mentioned in Agriculture Export Policy
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 495
40.28.10 🧃🧃✍Food Processing: Conclusion- हां इस �ेत्र पर �ान देना होगा
Food processing industry can increase income of farmers, jobs for youth and export earnings & GDP
growth for India. It can also help in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-
⇒ SDG Goal #2: eliminate hunger and malnutrition. (भूख और कु पोषण को ख� करना)
⇒ SDG Goal #5: Gender empowerment via employment opportunities (मिहला सश��करण)
⇒ SDG Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (रोजगार के अवसर, आ�थक वृ�द्ध)
⇒ SDG Goal#12: Reduce food wastage at post-harvest supply chains. (कटाई के बाद क� आपू�त श्रृंखला म� खाद्य
बबार्दी �बगाड़ को कम कर�।)
Therefore the aforementioned issues need to be addressed on war footing /priority basis. (िकसान क�
आमदनी युवाओं के �लए रोजगार आ�थक वृ�द्ध सतत �वकास ल�- सभी जगह पर खाद्य प्रसं �रण उद्योग मदद कर सकता है अतः उपरो�
मुद्दों को युद्ध�र से �नपटना / प्राथ�मकता देना ज�री)
Homework After Prelims syllabus finished:
Mains-GSM1: Industrial location factors at
Main-GSM3: Food Processing Industry at
But, without excessive focus on minute details. (बारीक� से नहीं, िक�ु ऊपर-ऊपर से)
- DPSP-Article 48: requires the State to organise animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines,
preserving and improving breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and other cattle.
- India is the #1 in milk production & #5 in meat production in the world.
- Per capita availability of milk and eggs has steadily ⏫ in recent years, says 📔📔📔📔ES20
40.29.1 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 Livestock Census (पशुधन क� जनगणना)
- Department of Animal Husbandry conducts livestock Census every 5 year since 1919-20.
- The 20th Livestock Census: data collection started in 2018-Oct. data released in 2019.
- India has the world's largest livestock population
Category Census- % growth / Internal Distribution:
(Largest to 2018-19 fall to More imp for StatePCS Exam than IAS exam
Smallest) (in previous
million) census
Cattle 192.49 0.8% ⇒ WB>UP>MP>BH>MH
⇒ Female Pop>Males.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 496
Category Census- % growth / Internal Distribution:
(Largest to 2018-19 fall to More imp for StatePCS Exam than IAS exam
Smallest) (in previous
million) census
⇒ Indigenous Population is more than
Crossbred/Exotic Pop.
⇒ In-Milk giving population greater than Dry
Goat 148.88 10.1% RJ>WB>UP>BH>MP
Buffalo 109.85 1.1% UP>RJ>Guj>MP>Bihar
Sheep 74.26 14.1% Telangana>Andhra>Kar>RJ>TN
Pig 9.06 -12.0% Assam>JH>Megha>WB>Chhattisgarh
Mithun 0.38 26.7% It’s a Buffalo like animal found in Northeast
Only 4 States: Arunanchal>Naga>Mani>Mizo
Horses & 0.34 -46.0% UP>JK>RJ>BH>Guj
Camel 0.25 -37.5% Only 4 States: RJ>Guj>Haryana>UP
Donkey 0.12 -62.5% RJ>MH>UP>Guj>BH
Mule 0.08 -60.0% info not available in Census document
Yak 0.06 -25.0% Only 5 States: J&K>Arunanchal>Sikkim>HP>WB
Total 535.78 4.6% Top 5-States: UP>Raj>MP>W.Bengal>Bihar
Poultry 851.81 16.8% Top 5-States: TN>Andhra>Telengana>WB>MH
40.29.2 🐮🐮🍼🍼 Agro Allied: Animal husbandry → White Revolution
- India ranks first in milk production, accounting for 20 percent of world production.
- 1970-1996: Operation Flood in 3 phases, to setup dairy farmers’ cooperatives → increase milk
production in India.
- Afterwards, milk production in India has been increasing steadily.
- All India per capita availability of milk is 375 grams per day, it varies between 71 grams per day
in Assam to 1120 grams per day in Punjab.
- White Revolution Scheme Boss? Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying.
- Core Scheme = Not 100% Funded by Union.
- It is an Umbrella scheme covering many Congressi schemes like Dairy Entrepreneurship
Development, Livestock Census, National Livestock Mission, fodder & vaccination etc.
- Notable parts of White revolution are →
Table 2: by default, Animal husbandry ministry responsible for this
Pashudhan - Animal Wellness Programme with emergency helpline
Sanjivani - Farmers given Nakul Swasthya Patra: An Animal Health card with UID
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 497
identification number of each animal registered in a National Database.
e-Pashudhan Online portal for connecting farmers with breeders of indigenous bovine
Haat portal breeds for bulls, artificial insemination etc. (कृ �त्रम गभार्धान)
E-Gopala App National Dairy Development Board's (NDDB) App to give info on cattle care,
(2020-Sept) health and diet. Later, Animal's separate Unique Identification number
(UID/Aadhar) numbers to be added in e-GOPALA app to make it easier for
cattle owners to buy and sell animals. (मवे�शयों क� �बक्र� होगी आसान )
Rashtriya Gokul - Indigenous bovine breeds (�देशी गोजातीय न�)- conserve them & increase
mission their population. E.g. Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi.
- State govts are given money for establishing Gokul Gram breeding &
disease treatment centres.
National For development and conservation of indigenous breeds in a scientific
Kamdhenu manner. Two centres: 1) Itarsi near Hoshangabad in M.P. 2) Chintaladevi
breeding centre near Nellore in Andhra GK-NOTIMP.
Rashtriya Int-Budget-2019 setup this executive body in Department of Animal
Kamdhenu Aayog Husbandry & Dairying. Goals?
2019 - Genetic up-gradation of cow resources
- Enhance cow productivity through research in organic manure, biogas
etc; Cow welfare, cow protection laws.
- Chairman with tenure of 2 years.
- Members from govt, research institutions, social workers etc their tenure
depends on govt’s discretion.
- HQ: New Delhi.
- Minimum 1 meeting every quarter (3-3 months)
💼💼Budget-2020 We’ll eliminate following disease by 2025:
o Cattle: Foot and Mouth disease, Brucellosis
o sheep and goat: Peste Des Petits Ruminants (PPR)
We’ll use MNREGA workers to develop fodder farms.
🐮🐮🐮🐮😢😢 Challenge in dairy sector?
1. Post-2017: Excess supply of milk in global market → crash in milk prices. So, Indian private
dairy owners also cut down their procurement prices, resulting in dairy farmers’ distress &
agitations. So, farmers spilling milk on highways in protest.
2. As animal gets old & stops giving milk → farmers sell it to slaughter house to get money to buy
new animals. But, this trade becoming difficult with rising incidents of Cow-vigilantism (गौ-र�ा)
→ even leather-industry also suffering.
3. RCEP Agreement Angle. 📑📑Ref- Handout: Pillar-3B
4. Corona-2020: ⏬ in milk demand due to lockdown, tea-shops, sweet shops, ice cream parlours,
restaurants, hotel etc shutdown → private dairies stopped milk procurement from the farmers
→ farmers started selling to milk cooperative dairies but they’re unable to pay money because
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 498
slow business. (लॉकडाउन के चलते �नजी डेयरी-मा�लकोने िकसानों से दू ध खरीदना िकया बं द तो िकसान सहकारी दू ध मं ड�लयों
म� �ादा दू ध भरवाने लगे िकंतु वहाँ पर भी धं धा मं दा है)
40.29.3 🍋🍋🍋🍋Cow (welfare) Cess
Punjab was the 1st State start to levy Cow (Welfare) Cess on sale of liquor, electricity etc. Later on
Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan also started collecting it.
40.29.4 🐑🐑🐑🐑: 📔📔📔📔ES2019: Focus on Small Ruminants
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 499
- 💼💼 Budget-2019: Dept of Fisheries to launch Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
(PMMSY) for infrastructure, post-harvest management, quality control etc.
- 💼💼Budget-2020:
- “Sagar mitras”: these extension workers to advise fishermen with processing and
- Target to raise fishery export to ₹1 lakh crore by 2024-25.
- We’ll promote growing algae, sea-weed and Cage Culture (growing of fishes in existing
water resources in a net cage which allows free flow of water.)
- 💼💼Budget-2021: 5 major fishing harbours – Kochi, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Paradip, and
Petuaghat (W.Bengal) – will be developed further (मछली पकड़ने के बं दरगाह अ�धक �वक�सत िकए जाएं गे)
- Mariculture = cultivation of marine organisms in their natural environment in sea upto 12
nautical miles from coast. Just like Agriculture, this is also a State-list subject. 2018: Agro
Ministry announced Draft National Policy on Mariculture which encourages State Govts to lease
the sea area to private entities & even farming of genetically modified species in enclosed / caged
marine spaces.
⇒ Originally announced in Budget 2019. but was not launched in that financial year. Then Corona
→ Atma-Nirbhar 2020-May/Jun → yes we'll launch it.
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying
⇒ Type? It's an umbrella scheme worth >20kcr. Made up of two sub-schemes/parts:
o 1) Sub-scheme #1: Central Sector Scheme (=state not req to give money)
o 2) Sub-scheme #2: Centrally Sponsored Scheme (=States required to give money.)
This scheme provides Support / Funding / Subsidies for
�Sagar Mitra youth extension workers: They'll give training to fishermen.
🛶🛶🛶🛶☠Fishing Boat/Vessels → Loans interest subsidy and Insurance premium subsidies
(नाव/पोत के �लए ऋण के �ाज और बीमा िक� म� स��डी)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 500
Inland Aquaculture, Coldwater Fisheries in Himalayan areas, (अंतद�शीय, शीत जल म�)
🌾🌾Seaweed cultivation, 🐠🐠Ornamental Fisheries (समुद्री शैवाल क� खेती, सजावटी मछली)
Mariculture: cultivation of marine organisms in their natural environment in sea upto 12
nautical miles from coast.
⚓Development of fishing harbours, Post harvest infrastructure, transport, marketing support (
बं दरगाह, बु�नयादी अवसं रचना, प�रवहन, �वपणन सहायता)
⚗🩺🩺Quality control labs so we can comply with US/EU's health/hygiene, sanitary and phyto-
sanitary (SPS) standards. (गुणव�ा �नयं त्रण प्रयोगशालाएं , तािक अपना म� उ�ाद �वदेशों म� �ा�/��ता सं बं �धत
मानकों पर खा�रज ना हो जाए)
🗓🗓Scheme Valid for next five years, starting from 2020
🤩🤩Outcome? 55 lakhs direct and indirect jobs, ₹1 lakh cr fisheries export by 2025.
✍Conclusion? Fisheries and aquaculture are an important source of food, nutrition, employment
and exports in India. Govt has taken an appreciable step to boost this sector further. (भोजन, पोषण,
रोजगार और �नयार्त क� बढ़ोतरी के �लए मह�पूणर् इस म� �ेत्र को, और बढ़ावा देने के �लए सरकार ने, एक सराहनीय कदम उठाया है।)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1929) is the apex body of agricultural research, education
and extension under the ministry of agriculture. ICAR operates through 690 + Krishi Vigyan
Kendra which provide last Mile connectivity to farmers and help them adopt the latest cropping
40.30.1 ⚠ Challenges in Agro R&D? <for Mains GSM3>
1. ICAR scientists’ salary structures and promotion rules are time-bound and seniority based. So
highly intelligent scientists opt for private companies / foreign countries.
2. Presently agriculture research funding is <1% of GDP. We need to increase it.
3. Govt scientists mainly focus on improving quantitative yields. If they also focused on aroma,
taste, appearance, calorie, nutrient, antioxidants etc. from wealthy health-conscious
urban/foreign consumers’ point of view, then premium varieties can be created to help farmer
earn more money. (सुगंध, �ाद, कै लोरी, पोषक त� के िहसाब से बेहतर उ�ाद बनाए तो �ादा पैसा)
4. Indian agriculture research has become ‘cereal centric’. We need to focus on pulses, oilseeds,
horticulture and animal husbandry as well. (बागायत, पशुपालन, दालों और �तलहन पर भी सं शोधन ज�री)
5. Even if research doesn’t drastically ⏫ the quantitative yield, but improves the shelf life of
onions, potatoes, tomatoes etc. then also food inflation can be controlled by reducing seasonal
variation in the supply. (ज�ी खराब ना हो जाए ऐसे �ाज टमाटर स��यां)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 501
Past Economic Survey & NITI reports observed: There is proliferation of self-financed private agri
colleges without sufficient faculties, proper labs or infrastructure.
- Instead of creating more institutions, we should focus on quality of research and infrastructure
in existing bodies. (उ� �श�ा सं �ानों म� सं शोधन और बु�नयादी अवसं रचना को बेहतर िकया जाए)
- ICAR should have UGC like powers to regulate these private agro. Colleges.
- At least two agri universities should be given large grants so they can achieve global status.
40.30.2 🌽🌽🌽� Agriculture → Extension Service (�व�ार-सेवा) <for GSM3>
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 502
- 2002: Agriclinics by private individuals -usually, agri. graduates. They receive funding from
Agriculture Ministry.
- 2011: ICAR launched National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
- 2014 onwards: Modi launches Kisan TV, Kisan Suvidha App, mKisan portal etc.
- ICAR launched following in recent years.
o ARYA→ Attracting And Retaining Youth In Agriculture- For entrepreneurship in food
processing chains.
o READY→ Student Rural Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana
o Krishi Unnati Mela → Jointly by ICAR & Agro Ministry’s other departments
o KRITAGYA Hackathon (2020) → Krishi-Taknik-Gyan Competition for college
students in startups to provide innovative solutions for agriculture Technology - esp.
women friendly farm machinery.
- 2018: Dept of Agricultural Research & Education (DARE) → launched Agricultural Education
Portal EKTA (Ekikrit Krishi Shiksha Takniki Ayaam) for online courses for college students.
- 2020: Agri Ministry launched Sahakar Mitra scheme for paid internship for youth in
Cooperative organisations.
40.30.4 🌽🌽🌽� Krishi Kalyan Abhiyaan (2018)
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Agriculture and farmers’ welfare.
⇒ Validity? Phase1: 1st June, 2018 till 15th Aug, 2018. Phase2: 2nd October, 2018 to 25th
December, 2018.
⇒ Aim? aid, assist and advice farmers on how to improve their farming techniques. Training
on Bee Keeping, Mushroom cultivation and Kitchen garden. Distribution of soil health card.
Animal Husbandry ministry will also advice on vaccination, Artificial insemination etc.
⇒ Where? Earlier NITI Ayog had identified certain backward districts & labelled them as
‘Aspirational Districts’ (आकां�ा�क �जले). Within these ‘Aspirational Districts’ some villages
are covered. So, NOT ALL villages across India are covered.
40.30.5 � Extension Services: Conclusion template
Agricultural extension plays a key role in boosting agricultural productivity, enhancing food security,
improving rural livelihoods and changing farming practices positively. However, hardly 40% of
Agricultural Households are getting access to it. So, we need to enhance the access to extension
services on war-footing.
40.30.6 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
खाद्य और कृ �ष सं गठन is a specialized agency of UN, setup in 1945 with HQ @Rome, Italy.
Table 3: International Years by UN
2024 Camelids (group of Camel species)
2023 Millets
2022 Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture
2021 1) Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2) FAO International Year of Fruits & Vegetables
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 503
2020 Plant Health
2019 1) Indigenous Languages; 2) Moderation; 3) Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
2017 Sustainable Tourism for Development
2016 Pulses
Table 4: International Decades by UN
2018–2028 International Decade "Water for Sustainable Development"
2019–2029 1) Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace 2) United Nations Decade of Family Farming
2021–2030 United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
2021–2030 International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
40.30.7 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Misc. → SAARC Food Bank (2007)
2007: South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries signed the
agreement to establish the SAARC Food Bank.
The Food Bank will help member nations’ people in case of emergencies.
Each member country is required to contribute either wheat/rice.
Stock is kept with respective Govt agencies like FCI. So, Bank doesn’t hv a HQ as such.
40.30.8 🤝🤝 Global Cooperation: Misc. → International Grains Council (London)
HQ: London, for cooperation in wheat and coarse grain matters.
IGC has two types of members— importing and exporting members. India has been included in
the category of exporting member since 2003
40.30.9 🤝🤝 Global Awards related to Agro
WORLD ⇒ 1986: Nobel Peace Prize winner Norman Borlaug created this award for agri
FOOD PRIZE 2020 scientist. His foundation in USA awards it with $250,000. This award is considered
to Nobel Prize in Agriculture.
⇒ 2020: Indian-American soil scientist Dr Rattan Lal won it for soil health
improvement research
Nobel Peace Prize for United Nations World Food Programme (WFP, HQ: Rome, 1961)
2020 सं यु� रा�� �व� खाद्य कायर्क्रम नोबेल शां�त पुर�ार जीता है
40.30.10 ✍ Agriculture-Conclusion (�न�षर्)
Agriculture is the largest sector of Indian economy in terms of number of people employed. For
their income security, as well as entire India’s food & nutritional security, we’ve to focus on
improving soil, irrigation, seed, fertilizers, market reforms etc. <insert name of x y z> scheme is
important in that regard. (रोजगार के िहसाब से कृ �ष भारत का सबसे बड़ा �ेत्र है. िकसानो क� आय, तथा भारत क� खाद्य,
ं ाई, बीज, उवर्रक और बाजार म� सुधार ज�री)
पोषण सुर�ा के �लए जमीन, �सच
And / or to double the farmers income, we’ve to focus on Horticulture / Floriculture / Fisheries /
Animal Husbandry / Poultry / Food Processing / Extension Services and therefore addressing
aforementioned <insert name of > challenges is need of the hour.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 504
Suggested reading?
1) Cropping Pattern, Irrigation Types: Prepare from Geography
2) Web-resources mentioned in this handout for Food processing and land reforms.
3) Intro conclusions of past five years’ economic surveys (usually their vol2 ch.7 deals with Agro).
4) Chief Editor’s Desk (Preface) of last 2 years’ Yojana & Kurukshetra magazines from (change year number for getting previous Archives). If a particular
month’s magazine issue is devoted to Agro → further go through index & refer to article inside it depending on
exam requirement.
40.31.1 Mains Questions: Agro → Cropping & irrigation & Land Reforms
GSM3 Syllabus Topic: Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country, different types
of irrigation and Land reforms in India.
What are the major factors responsible for making rice-wheat system a success? In spite of this success how 2020
has this system become bane in India? (धान-गे�ं प्रणाली को सफल बनाने के �लए कौन-से प्रमुख कारक उ�रदायी ह�? इस सफलता के
बावजूद यह प्रणाली भारत म� अ�भशाप कै से बन गई है?)
How far is the Integrated Farming System (IFS) helpful in sustaining agricultural production? 2019
Elaborate on the impact of the National Watershed Project in increasing agricultural production from
water-stressed areas.
Sikkim first ‘Organic State’ in India. What are the ecological and economical benefits of Organic State? 2018
Assess the role of National Horticulture Mission (NHM) in boosting the production, productivity and 2018
income of horticulture farms. How far has it succeeded in increasing the income of farmers?
How has the emphasis on certain crops brought about changes in cropping patterns in recent past? 2018
Elaborate the emphasis on millets production and consumption.
What are the major reasons for declining rice and wheat yield in the cropping system? How crop 2017
diversification is helpful to stabilize the yield of the crop in the system?
What is water-use efficiency? Describe the role of micro-irrigation in increasing the water-use efficiency. 2016
What is allelopathy? Discuss its role in major cropping systems of irrigated agriculture. 2016
Given the vulnerability of Indian agriculture to vagaries of nature, discuss the need for crop insurance and 2016
bring out the salient features of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
Discuss the role of land reforms in agricultural development. Identify the factors that were responsible for 2016
the success of land reforms in India.
Establish the relationship between land reform, agriculture productivity and elimination of poverty in 2013
Indian Economy. Discussion the difficulty in designing and implementation of the agriculture friendly land
reforms in India.
40.31.2 Mains Questions: Agro →E-Tech. in aid of farmers
GSM3 Syllabus Topic: e-technology to aid farmers, Technology missions;
Explain various types of revolutions, took place in Agriculture after Independence in India. How these 2017
revolutions have helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India?
How can the ‘Digital India’ programme help farmers to improve farm productivity and income? What 2015
steps has the Government taken in this regards?
40.31.3 Mains Questions: Agro →Food processing industry
GSM3 Syllabus Topic: Food processing and related industries in India (scope & significance,
location, upstream-downstream requirements, supply chain management); storage, transport &
marketing of agro-produce and related issues & constraints; Economics of animal-rearing
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 505
What are the challenges and opportunities of food processing sector in the country? How can income of 2020
the farmers be substantially increased by encouraging food processing? (देश म� खाद्य प्रसं �रण �ेत्र क� चुनौ�तयां एवं
अवसर �ा है? खाद्य प्रसं �रण को प्रो�ािहत कर कृ षकों क� आय म� पयार्� वृ�द्ध कै से क� जा सकती है?)
What are the main constraints in transport and marketing of agricultural produce in India? (भारत म� कृ �ष 2020
उ�ादों के प�रवहन एवं �वपणन म� मु�ा बाधाएँ �ा ह�?)
Elaborate on the policy taken by the govt of India to meet the challenges of the food processing sector. 2019
Examine the role of supermarkets in supply chain management of fruits, vegetables and food items. How 2018
do they eliminate number of intermediaries?
What are the reasons for poor acceptance of cost effective small processing unit? How the food processing 2017
unit will be helpful to uplift the socio-economic status of poor farmers?
Livestock rearing has a big potential for providing non-farm employment and income in rural areas. 2015
Discuss suggesting suitable measures to promote this sectors in India
In view of the declining average size of land holdings in India which has made agriculture non-viable for a 2015
majority of farmers, should contract farming and land leasing be promoted in agriculture? Critically
evaluate the pros and cons.
What are the impediments in marketing and supply chain management in industry in India? Can e- 2015
commerce help in overcoming these bottlenecks?
There is also a point of view that agriculture produce market committees (APMCs) set up under the state 2014
acts have not only impeded the development of agriculture but also have been the cause of food inflation in
India. Critically examine.
India needs to strengthen measures to promote the pink revolution in food industry for better nutrition 2013
and health. Critically elucidate the statement.
40.31.4 Mains Questions: Agro → MSP
GSM3 Syllabus Topic: Farm subsidies and MSP and issues therein (direct and indirect); PDS
(objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping, issues of buffer stocks & food security)
Critically examine the need and feasibility of providing agriculture-debt waiver to small and marginal mock
farmers of India. कजार् माफ� देने क� ज�रत और �वहा�रकता पर गं भीर समी�ा क��जए
Enumerate the salient features of the two agriculture ordinances issued by the union government in 2020. mock
Discuss their significance in improving our agriculture growth rate. (क� द्र सरकार द्वारा 2020 म� जारी िकए गए दो कृ �ष
अ�ादेशों क� मु� प्रावधानों क� सूची दी�जए. हमारी कृ �ष कृ �ष वृ�द्ध दर म� इनके मह� क� चचार् क��जए।)
What are the reformative steps taken by the government to make food grain distribution system more 2019
effective? Ref: Pillar6: Hunger
What do you mean by Minimum Support Price (MSP)? How will MSP rescue the farmers from the low 2018
income trap?
How do subsidies affect the cropping pattern, crop diversity and economy of farmers? What is the 2017
significance of crop insurance, minimum support price and food processing for small and marginal
“In the villages itself no form of credit organisation will be suitable except the cooperative society.” – All 2014
Indian rural credit survey. Discuss this statement in the background of agriculture finance in India. What
constraints and challenges do financial institutions supplying agricultural finances? How can technology
be used to better reach and serve rural clients?
Food security bill is expected to eliminate hunger and malnutrition in India. Critically discuss various 2013
apprehensions in its effective implementation along with the concerns it has generated in WTO.
What are the different types of agriculture subsidies given to farmers at the national and state levels? 2013
Critically analyze the agriculture subsidy regime with the reference to the distortions created by it.
📑📑Next HDT: Pillar4B: Sectors of Economy → MFG, MSME, Make/Assemble in India etc.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4A: Sectors of Economy: Agro → Page 506
Pillar4B: sectors of Economy: MFG, Startup-IPR, Make in India, EoD, MSME-Textile
Table of Contents
41 �Mfg & Services: Industrial policy and LPG reforms ............................................................. 511
41.1 �Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization? .............................................................. 511
41.1.1 � Liberalization :उदारीकरण ............................................................................................... 511
41.1.2 💂💂💂→ �Privatization: �नजीकरण ....................................................................................... 512
41.1.3 🌐🌐Globalization: वै�ीकरण .................................................................................................. 512
41.2 🤖🤖Beyond LPG → towards 4th Industrial Revolution ......................................................... 513
41.2.1 🤖🤖🤖🤖 GPAI – the new GANG for A.I. (2020-June) ................................................... 513
41.2.2 🤖🤖 Beyond LPG → 4th Industrial Revolution → New Industrial Policy ................. 514
41.2.3 🤖🤖 4th Industrial Revolution → Samarth Udyog Bharat 4.0 ..................................... 514
41.3 ⛸🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 Circular Economy (प�रक्रामी अथर्�व�ा) ............................................................. 514
41.3.1 🏭🏭 Circular Economy: Business Models ........................................................................ 515
41.3.2 🚧🚧Circular Economy: Roadmap for India/how to achieve? ....................................... 515
41.4 �Mfg Policy → National Mfg Policy 2011: रा��ीय उ�ादन नी�त................................................ 516
41.4.1 🏭🏭 Mfg Infrastructure → NIMZ, रा��ीय उ�ादन और �नवेश �ेत्र ............................................ 516
41.4.2 🏭🏭 Mfg Infrastructure → Industrial Corridors (औद्यो�गक ग�लयारे) ................................. 517
41.5 �🦁🦁 Mfg & Services → Make in India: Why? (2014) ....................................................... 517
41.6 �🦁🦁 Make in India: How? .................................................................................................... 518
41.7 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺 Mfg: Assemble in India (अस�बल इन इं िडया)................................................. 522
41.7.1 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → “Network products”............................ 522
41.7.2 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → how will it benefit India? ................... 522
41.7.3 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → Wild Geese Flying Model (1960s) ...... 523
41.7.4 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → Policy recommendations? ................... 523
41.7.5 👻👻👻👻👻👻:🧔🧔🧔🧔Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI: उ�ादन आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन) 523
41.7.6 🤩🤩PLI Scheme Benefits? .................................................................................................. 524
41.8 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Mfg & Services → Startup India (2016) ..................................................................... 525
41.8.1 🌱🌱🌱🌱:💼💼 (Full) Budget-2019 on Start-ups................................................................... 525
41.8.2 🌱🌱🌱🌱:💼💼 Budget-2020 on Start-ups ............................................................................. 526
41.8.3 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Startup: Misc Terms and trends........................................................................... 526
41.8.4 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Startup: Factors affecting new firms creation (📔📔📔📔ES20) ............................ 526
41.9 🦁🦁🦁🦁 Mfg Policy → National Policy on Electronics 2019 .................................................. 527
41.9.1 🔌🔌🔌🔌Mfg → Electronics Development Fund (EDF: इले��ॉ�नक� �वकास �न�ध)................. 527
41.9.2 🦁🦁🦁🦁 → National Digital Communications Policy (2018)...................................... 527
41.9.3 🦁🦁🦁🦁 → National Policy on Software Products - 2019 ............................................. 528
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 507
41.9.4 🦁🦁🦁🦁 → Quantum Technology (�ांटम प्रौद्यो�गक�) 2020 ................................................. 528
41.10 🌱🌱🌱🌱⚠ Startup Criticism / challenges (�नदं ा/आलोचना) .................................................... 528
41.11 🌱🌱🌱🌱 → 🤒🤒 Startup → (SHUTDOWN) “EXIT” of Sick Industries ............................ 529
42 🔬🔬Mfg & Services → Intellectual Property Rights ......................................................................... 530
42.1.1 🔬🔬🕵🕵🕵WIPO is known for ................................................................................................ 530
42.1.2 🔬🔬IPR → Indian Laws ...................................................................................................... 530
42.2 🔬🔬IPR → Patents → What can’t be Patented? ...................................................................... 531
42.3 🔬🔬IPR → Patents → Compulsory Licensing (अ�नवायर् लाइस��सगं ) ............................................ 531
42.3.1 🔬🔬🔬🔬Patent pools (पेटंटो का समूहीकरण) .............................................................................. 532
42.3.2 🔬🔬🔬🔬Trips Waiver demand by India & S.Africa .......................................................... 532
42.3.3 💊💊India can be "pharmacy of the world" says 📔📔📔📔ES21 .......................................... 532
42.4 🔬🔬IPR → Evergreening of Patents (पेट�ट को सदाबहार करना / रखना)............................................. 533
42.5 🔬🔬IPR → Utility Patents: उपयो�गता पेट�ट ..................................................................................... 534
42.6 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR → National IPR Policy 2016 ................................................................................. 534
42.7 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR → Notable Schemes ............................................................................................... 534
42.8 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR → Indices & Rankings .......................................................................................... 536
42.8.1 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR Index → Global Innovation Index (GII: वै��क नवीनीकरण सूचकांक).............. 536
42.8.2 📊📊 Index → Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) by WEF ...................................... 536
42.8.3 📊📊 Index → NITI’s India Innovation Index (भारत नवाचार सूचकांक) ................................ 536
42.8.4 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR Index → Misc. फालतू वाले ................................................................................ 537
42.9 ES21 on R&D Funding by Indian private Sector Companies ............................................... 537
42.9.1 🔬🔬🔬🔬 Number of patents filed by a resident of a given country ................................. 537
42.9.2 🔬🔬🔬🔬 Gross domestic expenditure on Research & Development (GERD) ............... 537
43 🏄🏄🏄Sectors: Ease of Doing Business Report ..................................................................................... 538
43.1.1 🏄🏄🏄📊📊EoD → Indian States’ EoD: BRAP Ranking 2020 ............................................. 539
43.1.2 🏄🏄🏄📊📊EoD → Economic Freedom of the World (2020, Sept) .................................... 540
43.1.3 📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol1ch6 on Ease of Doing Biz in India: observed ...................................... 540
43.2 🤵🤵🤵🤵Pro-Business vs Pro-Crony, 📔📔📔📔ES20Vol1Ch3 ....................................................... 540
43.2.1 � 🤝🤝🤝🤝Cronyism: Related Party Transaction (RPT: सं बं �धत प�ों से लेनदेन) ................ 540
43.2.2 � 🤲🤲: 🛒🛒🛒🛒Cronyism: Economist David Ricardo & Rent Seeking ....................... 541
43.2.3 � 🗃🗃🗃🗃Crony Capitalism and SENSEX’s 30 companies.......................................... 541
43.2.4 🤵🤵🤵🤵Pro-business vs Pro-Crony Policies..................................................................... 542
43.3 🏄🏄🏄 Ease of doing Biz → Judicial Reforms: �ा�यक सुधार .................................................... 542
43.3.1 🏄🏄🏄 : 🕵🕵🕵Suggested reforms#1: recruit more judges (�ायाधीशों क� भत�) .................... 543
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 508
43.3.2 🏄🏄🏄 : 🕵🕵🕵Suggested reforms#2: Create a new Judicial Administrative Service...... 543
43.3.3 🏄🏄🏄 : 🗓🗓🗓🗓 Suggested reforms#3: ⏫ courts’ working days ................................. 543
43.3.4 🏄🏄🏄 : 📡📡📡📡 Suggested reforms#4: E-governance, ICT-Technology ...................... 543
43.3.5 🏄🏄🏄 : ✍Conclusion on Judicial reforms? ................................................................ 544
43.3.6 🕵🕵🕵🤲🤲🤲🤲Transparency International → Corruption Perceptions Index 2019 ........ 544
43.4 🕵🕵🕵🕵 ES21: Over regulation in India ..................................................................................... 545
43.4.1 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation & Uncertainty (अ�त �नयमन तथा अ�न��तता) ................................... 545
43.4.2 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation: Way Forward- TORA Act ........................................................ 546
43.4.3 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation Solution: Doctrine of Business Judgment Rule....................... 546
43.4.4 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation Solution: ‘Minimum Government and Maximum
Governance’: ........................................................................................................................................ 546
43.4.5 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation Solution: Tribunals Reforms Ordinance, 2021-April ............ 546
43.5 🏄🏄🏄👷👷👷Ease of doing Biz → Labour Reforms : श्रम सुधार........................................................... 547
43.6 👷👷👷Ease of doing Biz → Fixed Term Employment 2018 ........................................................ 549
43.7 👷👷👷💰💰 Minimum Wages (�ूनतम वेतन) ........................................................................................ 549
43.7.1 👷👷👷💰💰⚖ Minimum Wages Act (�ूनतम मजदू री अ�ध�नयम 1948) ...................................... 550
43.7.2 👷👷👷💰💰 Minimum Wage Reform: Anoop Satpathy Committee (2019) ........................ 550
43.7.3 👷👷👷💰💰💰💰 Anoop: why proposal #2 is better?................................................................. 551
43.8 👷👷👷💰💰💰💰 Minimum Wages → Code on Wages 2019 (वेतन कोड/ सं िहता) ............................... 551
43.8.1 👷👷👷💰💰💰💰 Code on Wages 2019 →Salient Features (figures not IMP) ....................... 552
43.8.2 📔📔📔📔 ES19 on Minimum Wages reforms (what more we can do?) ........................... 552
43.8.3 � Conclusion: Indeed minimum wage enforcement is important ........................... 553
43.9 🏄🏄🏄🏭🏭Ease of doing Biz (EoD) → Factories Act reforms .................................................... 554
43.9.1 🏭🏭⚖ Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014 ..................................................................... 554
43.10 �⚔�(EoD) → Industrial Dispute Act 1947, 2010 ..................................................... 554
43.11 🏄🏄🏄🤳🤳Ease of doing Biz → Shram suvidha Portal (2014)............................................... 555
43.12 🏄🏄🏄🤳🤳 😷😷😷😷 EoD → Corona: Suspension of Labour Laws?................................... 555
43.12.1 😷😷😷😷 Corona Suspension Labour laws: Union says NO!! .................................... 555
43.12.2 😷😷😷😷 DON'T punish employers if they can't pay full salaries- SC ...................... 556
43.12.3 😷😷😷😷 Banking = Public Utility Service (सावर्ज�नक उपयो�गता सेवा) .............................. 556
43.13 🏄🏄🏄🛒🛒Ease of doing Biz → Building Homes & Running Shops ..................................... 557
43.13.1 🏄🏄🏄🛒🛒Ease of doing Biz → Model Shops & Establishments Bill, 2016 ...................... 557
43.13.2 🏄🏄🏄🏡🏡Ease of doing Biz → Real Estate Regulation & Development Act ................... 557
44 Sectors of Economy → Mfg → 👘👘Textile & MSME ..................................................................... 559
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 509
44.1 �👘👘Textiles Ministry (कपडा / व� मं त्रालय) ............................................................................. 559
44.1.1 👘👘👘👘👘👘 Textile Ministry → Notable schemes / initiatives ...................................... 559
44.1.2 👘👘👘👘Textile & Leather Industry: Past Economic Surveys’ suggestions: ................... 560
44.2 👶👶👶👶 Mfg & Services → MSME → Ministry ..................................................................... 561
44.2.1 �👶👶👶👶 MSME Problems: RBI’s UK Sinha report (2019) ........................................ 561
44.2.2 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → PM's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) . 562
44.2.3 🧔🧔🧔🧔 MSME Ministry → ASPIRE (2015)................................................................... 562
44.2.4 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → Solar Charkha Mission (2018) .......................................... 563
44.2.5 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → Gramodyog Vikas Yojana ................................................. 563
44.2.6 👶👶👶👶 🧔🧔🧔🧔 MSME Ministry → Misc. Initiatives .................................................... 563
44.2.7 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶 MSME Ministry → Public Procurement Order(सावर्ज�नक खरीद/अ�धप्रा��
आदेश) 564
44.2.8 👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶👶 Public Procurement → GeM Portal ................................................ 564
44.2.9 🧔🧔🧔🧔 MSME → PM's Initiatives for MSMEs (2018, Nov) ........................................ 565
44.2.10 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻🏭🏭 MSME → Atma-Nirbhar Funding/Schemes (2020, Corona) ...... 565
44.2.11 📔📔📔📔 �↘�🏭🏭 ES19: MSME dwarfism shd be discouraged (बौनापन) ................ 566
44.2.12 �↘�🏭🏭: 🧔🧔 MSME ‘Dwarfism’ is caused by Govt schemes............................. 566
44.2.13 �↗🤴🤴🤴🤴 MSME ‘Dwarfism’: Suggested Reforms by ES19.................................. 567
44.2.14 👻👻 �🏭🏭 ATMANI: MSME Definition Changed by Government .......................... 567
44.2.15 � Conclusion-Template for MSME (�न�षर्)................................................................. 568
44.2.16 Sectors of Economy: Service Sector – Data from ES21.............................................. 568
44.2.17 �💿💿Service Sector: IT & BPM ................................................................................. 569
44.2.18 �💿💿Other Service Provider (OSP) guidelines of the Department of Telecom. . 569
44.2.19 �💿💿💿💿: Knowledge economy of India: Threats/Challenges ............................... 569
44.3 🕵🕵🕵Mfg → Bodies for quality standards (गुणव�ा के मानक) ....................................................... 570
44.3.1 🕵🕵🕵Consumer Affairs Ministry → Statutory → BIS (1986) .......................................... 570
44.3.2 🕵🕵🕵Commerce Ministry → Not-Statutory → QCI (1997) .......................................... 570
44.3.3 🕵🕵🕵Commerce Ministry → Not-Statutory → NPC (1958) ......................................... 570
44.3.4 🕵🕵🕵Power Ministry → Statutory → BEE (2001-02) ..................................................... 571
44.3.5 🕵🕵🕵Health ministry→ Statutory → FSSAI (2006) ........................................................ 571
44.4 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (उपभो�ा सं र�ण) ........................................................ 572
44.4.1 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → bodies → Consumer court ...................... 572
44.4.2 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → bodies → others........................................ 573
44.4.3 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → Features...................................................... 573
44.5 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions in Previous GSM2 & GSM3 ........................................................... 573
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 510
44.5.1 ✍🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains → Minimum wages, MSME Dwarfism .............. 574
44.5.2 ✍🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains → Post Independence: PM Rao (2020) .............. 574
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 511
� Till 1991 🤵🤵After LPG-reforms
Result? Delays, corruption, No ease of doing 5. Hazardous chemicals: Hydrocyanic acid,
business. Phosgene, Isocyanates & their derivatives.
For remaining sectors, a private entrepreneur
कोई भी उ�ादन करने से पहले ठे का लाइस�स लेना ज�री. उ�ादन can start the business by simplifying an
क� मात्रा पर सरकारी कोटा= भ्र�ाचार, �ापार करने म� कोई Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum
आसानी नहीं। (IEM:उद्यमी �ापन) with Commerce Ministry
(except for the industries reserved for public
sector). The purpose of IEM is merely to collect
data about investment, employment and
industrial activities.
The big corporates were not allowed to enter in Govt gradually shrunk this list. By 2015, no
the sectors reserved for the Small Scale item was reserved for SSI/MSME industries.
Industries (SSI) / MSME. e.g. pickles & पहले कई �ेत्रों को लघु उद्योगों के �लए आर��त िकया गया था
chutneys, mustard oil, groundnut oil, exercise बड़ी कं प�नयों को वहां आने क� मनाई थी. धीरे-धीरे उस आर�ण
books and registers, wax candles, glass bangles, सूची को हटाया गया
steel almirah etc.
41.1.2 💂💂💂→ �Privatization: �नजीकरण
1. Allowing private sector to enter into the sectors which were previously reserved for public sector
companies only, सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के �लए आर��त उद्योगों म� �नजी �ेत्र क� कं प�नयों को अनुम�त देना
2. Converting public sector companies to private sector companies by reducing Government
shareholding to below 50% (📑📑Pillar#2 → Disinvestment)
Till 1991 After LPG-reforms
many of the industrial sectors were reserved for Only following industries are reserved for
the public sector Industries only → no public sector undertakings
competition, lack of innovation. कई �ेत्र सरकारी 1. Atomic Energy (परमाणु ऊजार्)
कं प�नयों के �लए आर��त थे. �नजी �ेत्र के उद्य�मयों को आने क� 2. Railways (now even there private train
मनाई। �धार् और नवाचार क� कमी operators allowed (More in
Government would nationalise private sector - Stopped the practice of nationalisation.
industries in the national interest such as - Private sector companies were allowed in
banking, insurance, aviation. Banking, Insurance, aviation, telecom and
other sectors.
�नजी कं प�नयों का रा��ीयकरण
41.1.3 🌐🌐Globalization: वै�ीकरण
Globalization is a process in which nations allow free flow of goods, services, labour, capital
investment, technology, ideas and innovations. व�ु, सेवाओं, श्रम, पूंजी �नवेश, प्रौद्यो�गक�, और �वचारों नवाचारों के
मु� प्रवाह क� प्रिक्रया को वै�ीकरण कहते ह�
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 512
Till 1991 After LPG-reforms
Inward looking economy, Import substitution India joined the WTO-regime, we gradually
policy, variety of tariff & non tariff barriers on relaxed the tariff and non tariff barriers on the
the imported goods & services → problem of imported goods and services. (Ref:
smuggling.(आयात प्र�त�ापन नी�त, शु� और गैर शु� 📑📑Pillar#3B)
बाधाए, त�री)
Very strict controls on currency convertibility, Norms where relaxed (Ref: 📑📑Pillar#3A)
foreign companies, and foreign investment. (मुद्रा (�नयमों म� ढील / छू ट)
प�रवतर्नीयता, �वदेशी �नवेश पर स� �नयं त्रण/रोक)
Further self study on the LPG reforms from NCERT class 11 ch.2 and 3. Mains Answer writing about
LPG reforms:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 513
⇒ Founding members? India, US, the UK, EU, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
Mexico, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Singapore
⇒ HQ/Secretariat @Paris, France. Supported by GPAI will be supported by a Secretariat, to be
hosted by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
41.2.2 🤖🤖 Beyond LPG → 4th Industrial Revolution → New Industrial Policy
1991: Our last industrial policy was made. 2017: Commerce ministry began formulating a New
industrial policy for India focusing on the Fourth Industrial Revolution with six thematic areas viz.
- 1) Technology & Innovation: Govt to provide incentives for artificial intelligence, internet of
things, and robotics.
- 2) Manufacturing & MSME, 3) Ease of Doing Business
- 4) Infrastructure & Investment 5) Trade & Fiscal Policy
- 6) Skills & Employability for Future
2021-April: This policy is awaiting cabinet approval.
41.2.3 🤖🤖 4th Industrial Revolution → Samarth Udyog Bharat 4.0
Boss? Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises → Department of Heavy Industries (भारी
उद्योग �वभाग) → to propagate technological solutions to Indian manufacturing units to make them
ready for Industry 4.0 by 2025.
- How? Awareness generation, demo centres, training, networking between industry and
academia, international corporation. (कं प�नयों और शै��णक सं �ाओं के बीच मेलजोल बढ़ाना)
- Related? This department is also responsible for the National Capital Goods Policy 2016, to ⏫
domestic production of textile machinery, Earth moving and mining machinery, printing
machinery etc. (रा��ीय पूंजीगत माल नी�त)
- Sidenote: Textile Ministry’ SAMARTH scheme= skill development in textile sector.
41.3 ⛸🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 CIRCULAR ECONOMY (प�रक्रामी अथर्�व�ा)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 514
(DATA) Circular Economy in EU is expected to create savings of €600 billion for EU businesses,
creation of additional 580,000 jobs and reduction of carbon emissions by 450 million tonnes by
2030. In India it can generate 1.4 crore jobs in next 5-7 years. रोजगार सृजन म� मदद
41.3.1 🏭🏭 Circular Economy: Business Models
A Circular Economy functions on following business models:
1) 🗞🗞Circular Supply Chain (प�रक्रामी आपू�त श्रृंखला): recyclable input materials. E.g. Used newspapers
→ pulp → paper rims for printing new newspapers.
2) Recovery & Recycling (बरामदगी और पुननर्वीनीकरण):
a. ⛸🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 Nike uses scraps of used shoes for filling sports surfaces like basketball
courts, tennis courts, etc.
b. 🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 Japan decided to manufacture gold, silver and bronze medals for the 2020
Olympics by extracting precious metals from electronic waste only.
c. India can extract $1 billion worth gold from e-waste, 8 million tonnes of steel from
scrapped vehicles. In India, only 60% plastic is recycled, if we achieve 100% → ~14
lakhs jobs.
d. Homework? Environment → Plastic Waste Management Rules
3) 🖨🖨Product Life Extension (उ�ाद का जीवन �व�ार): through R&D, we can extend working lifecycle
of products, right to repair laws, refurbishment, upgrading and reselling of second-hand goods
esp. in mobile, laptop, TV, other consumer electronics and vehicle through olx, quikr etc.
4) 🚖🚖Sharing Platform / ownership (साझा करना): Airbnb app allows homeowners to rent their
property for short term to tourists. Uber uses taxis to deliver food. Thus, asset owners can gain a
new revenue stream, while construction for separate hotel, separate food-delivery trucks decline
= resource conservation.
5) 📀📀Product as a Service (उ�ाद एक सेवा के �प म� बेचना):
a. 📀📀Microsoft Office disk costs $150, however, they also offer Office365 as a ‘software
subscription service’ with deep discount for students so they can afford it at $1 per
month. This discourages piracy → more revenue to company → more R&D for future
b. 📹📹Some companies allow short term renting of computers, cameras and other gadgets
→ less generation of e-waste by consumers who don’t want the gadget on 24/7 basis.
c. 💡💡In some countries, Philips offers lighting as a service, wherein users are required to
pay for the consumed intensity, rather than how many bulbs purchased.
41.3.2 🚧🚧Circular Economy: Roadmap for India/how to achieve?
⇒ We have to enact a dedicated policy and law for waste to resource management.
⇒ We’ve to create synergy between ongoing initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Smart Cities,
Make in India, Start-up India, Digital India, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) etc. for
efficient resources management.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 515
⇒ We’ve to setup a national coordinating body- Bureau of Resource Efficiency, and state level
bodies to monitor this initiative.
⇒ More taxes on using virgin raw materials, less taxes on using secondary / recycled raw materials.
⇒ More funds for R&D in recycling, supply chain management using AI & blockchain technology.
⇒ Bio-economy deals with production resources from biology e.g. Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery,
Biofuels. (जैव अथर्�व�ा- कृ �ष, वा�नक�, म�, जैव �धन) If we integrate a circular economy with a bio-
economy, then we can combat global warming and climate change.
� Conclusion: Circular Economy aims at minimising waste and making the most out of the
available resources. SDG Goal#12 requires nations to ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns. Therefore, we must focus on Circular Economy on war-footing. (सं साधनों के
अप�य म� कमी, सतत �वकास ल� क� प्रा��, अग्रता क्रम से इस पर काम करना होगा).
41.4 �MFG POLICY → NATIONAL MFG POLICY 2011: रा��ीय उ�ादन नी�त
Boss? Commerce ministry → DIPP / DPIIT. (वा�ण� मं त्रालय)
- Target? To ⏫ manufacturing’s share in GDP to 25% by 2022, & create 100 million jobs.
- For this target, Govt will pursue ease of doing business, skill upgradation for young workforce,
funding for innovation & green Technologies (�वसाय करने म� आसानी, युवा के �लए कौशल, नवाचार और ह�रत
प्रौद्यो�गक� के �लए �व� पोषण)
- Creating National Investment and Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ).
41.4.1 🏭🏭 Mfg Infrastructure → NIMZ, रा��ीय उ�ादन और �नवेश �ेत्र
- NIMZ is an ‘industrial township’ containing Special Economic Zones, Industrial Parks &
Warehousing Zones, Export Oriented Units etc.
- NIMZ are given additional support by government e.g.
- Tax incentives, Relaxed norms for FDI approval
- Providing Rail, Road, energy, communication connectivity, schools-hospitals & other
social infrastructure for the workers, etc. in a time bound manner.
- relaxations in the labour laws e.g. women allowed to work in night shift, easier hiring-
firing norms: काम पर रखने के - �नकालने के आसान मानदंड.
- NIMZ will be treated as self-governing bodies under Article 243(Q-c) of the Constitution. So the
traditional norms related to Municipality, its functions, election of ward members etc. will not
apply for this township area. (नगरपा�लका के पारंप�रक �नयम यहां पर नहीं लागू होते)
- We have more than 15 NIMZ such as Ahmedabad-Dholera Investment Region@Gujarat, Dadri-
Noida-Ghaziabad investment Region@Uttar Pradesh, Manesar-Bawal Investment
Region@Haryana etc.
- Previously, Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor had setup Special Investment Regions (SIR) in its
region. They’re converted into NIMZ.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 516
- 2017: Commerce ministry launched Industrial Information System (IIS), a GIS-enabled
database of industrial areas across the country. This helps entrepreneurs to find out raw material,
distance from key transport hubs, layers of terrain and urban infrastructure.
41.4.2 🏭🏭 Mfg Infrastructure → Industrial Corridors (औद्यो�गक ग�लयारे)
Boss? Commerce Ministry → National Industrial Corridor Development and Implementation
Trust (NICDIT).
- They provide funding for industrial and commercial areas, townships, Warehousing and
container depots, Rental Factories, Social infrastructure like- schools, technical institutions,
hospitals etc, Housing and Residential Complexes; roads, railways, airports, Oil and gas pipeline
etc. (उद्योग, प�रवहन, ऊजार् से लेकर मजदू रों के ब�ों के �लए �श�ा क� तमाम बु�नयादी अवसं रचनाए उपल�)
Previous economic surveys observed that nations improve their GDP using three ways
1. Geology (भूत� खनन): Energy & Minerals resources e.g. W. Asia, Australia, Canada. India’s
challenges? Not enough crude oil resources, we still lack cost-effective technologies for large-
scale exploration of Shale gas and nuclear minerals.
2. Geography (भूगोल पयर्टन): Tourism e.g. Barbados, Mauritius, Caribbean. India’s challenges?
While India has great tourism potential due to its geographical, climatic and cultural diversity.
But, tourism income alone cannot sustain a large nation like India.
3. Jeans to Jets: As agrarian economy evolves, it’ll begin producing low-skill items like jeans →
further growth & technological advancements to produce jets, software & other high-skilled
goods and services → then country will outsource the jean mfg. to other third world nations.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 517
USA grew like this. China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and other East Asian economies
pursuing this model. (कम कौश� द्वारा �न�मत व�ुओ ं से शु�आत, िफर उ� कौश� द्वारा �न�मत व�ुओ ं क� तरफ गमन)
India's case is unique because post LPG-reforms we directly jumped from Agriculture to IT/service
sector. Our growth in (low skill) mfg sector was sub-optimal due to 1) Electricity, road and other
infrastructural bottlenecks 2) Outdated factory and labour laws that prevent ease of doing business.
(हालाँिक भारत म� ये हो नहीं पाया �ोंिक �बजली सड़क और अ� बु�नयादी अवसं रचना क� कमी थी तथा फै �री कानून-श्रम कानून के
जजर्र प्रावधानो के चलते उद्योगप�तयों को �ापार म� सुगमता नहीं थी )
� → �Demographic dividend and the need to shift agricultural labour
➢ In the advanced economies, not more than 25% of the population engaged in agri: USA 4%, UK
5%, France 14%, Australia 16%. (�वक�सत देशों के �ादातर श्र�मक कृ �ष नहीं िकंतु औद्यो�गक �ेत्रों म� काम करते ह�)
➢ Whereas in India >40%, because the non-agricultural sector has not been adequately developed
to absorb the labourers from the growing population. (बढ़ती आबादी को रोजगार देने के �लए)
➢ Demographic dividend= economic growth potential when share of the working-age population
becomes larger than the non-working-age population. India 65% population is below the age of
35 age. (जनसं �ा क� लाभांश: जब ब�ों और बुजुग� का अनुपात नौजवानों क� आबादी के सामने कम हो)
➢ Industries use raw materials from agriculture and agriculture sector needs industrial equipment
and machinery such as pump set, tractor, electricity etc. So both are complementary to each
other. Industrial activities provide higher wages / remuneration than agricultural labour.
➢ So, industrialization is the only answer to reap India’s demographic dividend. Further, to double
farmers’ income, some of the small-marginal farmers should opt for industrial / service sector
jobs so that land consolidation & mechanization can help doubling the incomes for rest of the
farmers. (भू-एक�करण और मशीनीकरण द्वारा िकसानों क� आय को दोगुना करना)
Keeping these angles in mind, 2014: PM Modi launched ‘Make in India (मेक इन इं िडया)’
41.6 �🦁🦁 MAKE IN INDIA: HOW?
Nodal? Commerce ministry. (वा�ण� मं त्रालय)
Objective? Promote India as global hub for manufacturing goods & services, design and innovation
in 25 sectors. Later it was expanded to total 27 sectors. Basically it focuses:
FDI norms relaxed for facilitating investment (�नवेश क� सु�वधा)
fostering innovation, research development (R&D) (नवाचार को बढ़ावा देना)
building infrastructure (बु�नयादी अवसं रचना)
making it easy to do business by relaxing the factory-labour-tax laws & administrative
procedures (�ापार करने म� आसानी प्रदान करना)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 518
enhancing skill development (कौशल �वकास को बढ़ाना)
Sectors (�ेत्र) Make in India Initiatives <list is not exhaustive>
🚗🚗Auto ⇒ National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRiP)
Components project for encouraging R&D
🚗🚗Automobiles ⇒ FAME-India [Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Electric
Vehicles in India]. More in Pillar5: Infrastructure → transport
⇒ Electric, Ethanol and Methanol Vehicles exempted from Permit.
🛩🛩Aviation ⇒ National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) & UDAAN scheme to boost
उड्डयन regional air connectivity. Faster approval to the Greenfield airports in the
North East areas
⇒ 2016: FDI policy relaxed for Aviation.
💊💊Biotech ⇒ New biotechnology parks launched, FDI policy relaxed.
⚗Chemicals ⇒ New plastic parks launched.
⚒Construction ⇒ Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016- for granting quick
मकान �नमार्ण permissions to the builders at the same time protecting the home buyers.
🔫🔫Defense ⇒ Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP-2016: र�ा अ�धप्रा�� प्रिक्रया) :
Manufacturing Government will give first priority to the indigenously designed
र�ा श�ों का �व�नमार्ण developed and manufactured (IDDM) defence equipments.
⇒ Updated Defense Offset Norms (र�ा ऑफसेट मानदंड) i.e. when government
buys defence equipments from a foreign company, that foreign company
will have to reinvest “x%” of the income back into Indian industries.
⇒ 👻👻 2020: Atma-Nirbhar:- Banned import of 101 defense items.
🔌🔌Electronic ⇒ New electronic parks approved, subsidy to entrepreneurs for purchasing
System Design machinery.
⇒ National Electronics Policy 2019 <its salient features given under the
Standup India portion of this handout>
🍭🍭🍭🍭Food ⇒ New Mega Food parks, cold storages, abattoirs approved.
Processing ⇒ 👻👻 2020: Atma-Nirbhar:- needs funds & support (📑📑Pillar#4A)
💾💾IT and IT ⇒ 2016: 100% automatic FDI in market-place E-commerce.
enabled Services ⇒ Post demonetisation many initiatives to ⏫digital payment systems.
(IT & ITeS) ⇒ Pradhan Mantri Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA), Digital India
Mission- All of them directly and indirectly increase the demand of
computer hardware and software.
⇒ Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order 2017 which
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requires govt depts to buy India-made desktops and computer parts.
👢👢 Leather ⇒ India is 2nd largest producer of footwear, second largest exporter of leather
garments. New leather parks and clusters to be approved
⇒ Global demand for footwear is moving towards non-leather footwear for
their comfort & cheapness, so we need R&D.
📡📡Audio-Visual ⇒ Single window clearances for film shootings for foreign film makers in
Media and India. Relaxed the norms to start new private FM radio stations.
Entertainment ⇒ Budget-2019: Previously Single Window clearance to foreigner film
makers for shooting movies. This facility made open to Indian as well.
⇒ Cinematography Amendment bill: unauthorized camcording /
duplication of movie → upto 3 years jail + 10 lakh fine.
⛏🎖🎖Mining ⇒ Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDR)
amended in 2015-16 for ease of mining exploration.
⇒ 👻👻 2020: Atma-Nirbhar:- more reforms (📑📑Ref: Pill#5)
⛽Oil and Gas ⇒ Gas based Thermal Power Projects approved.
⇒ Gas grid projects to deliver gas through pipeline.
⇒ Strategic oil reserves created. Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing
Policy (HELP) 2016 To facilitate the exploration of all type of
hydrocarbons. (Ref📑📑Pillar#3A)
⇒ PM-Ujjwalla yojana to encourage poor families adopt LPG - indirectly
boosts the demand & mfg of gas stoves, lighters etc. (Ref📑📑Pillar#5)
💊💊Pharma ⇒ Additional NIPER institutes approved → ⏫availability of trained
manpower. FDI norms relaxed. Compulsory licensing of expensive
MNC-patented drugs to encourage generic drugs’ production in India.
<Ref: IPR portion of this handout.>
⚓Ports ⇒ Sagarmala Project to improve port infrastructure.<Ref📑📑Pill#5>
🚅🚅 Railways ⇒ New Metro Rail Policy 2017 with public private partnership. Mumbai-
Ahmedabad high speed rail project with help of Japan.
⇒ Permitted private train operators (More in 📑📑Pillar#5)
🚗🚗Roads and ⇒ Expressways between Vadodara Mumbai,Delhi-Mumbai, Bangalore-
Highways Chennai etc.
⇒ NHAI approved new investment models.
⇒ Bharatmala project for highway construction.
🔋🔋Renewable ⇒ Preference to domestic manufacturers for purchasing equipment for
Energy Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission and similar projects.
(नवीकरणीय ऊजार्)
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⇒ Although later USA complaint to WTO that it is a ‘non-tariff’ barrier.
(More in 📑📑Pillar#3B-WTO)
🛰🛰Space ⇒ ISRO’s commercial arm Antrix Corporation Ltd. getting other countries
अवकाश to launch their satellites using ISRO’s expertise.
(Ref: Pill#5) ⇒ 👻👻 2020: Atma-Nirbhar:- more reforms to encourage private sector in
space research / space tourism (Ref: Pill#5)
👚👚Textiles ⇒ India Handloom Brand launched. Special Textile Package to increase jobs
कपड़ा उद्योग and machinery upgradation. Apparel and garment manufacturing parks
setup in North East.
🔥🔥Thermal Power ⇒ New thermal power plants with green supercritical technology. UDAY
ताप ऊजार् scheme to cover the losses of distribution companies. DD Gram Jyoti
(Ref: Pill#5) Yojana & Saubhagya scheme to increase the electricity penetration in
rural households. Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LED for All (UJALA) scheme
to increase consumption of LED bulbs.
🥂🥂Tourism and ⇒ e-Visa scheme, Swadesh Darshan scheme, PRASAD scheme etc. to
Hospitality, � increase tourism
Wellness ⇒ Yoga day, AYUSH Ministry to attract foreigners for medical tourism
प्रवासन ⇒ Tourism sector contributes significantly in terms of GDP, foreign
exchange earnings and employment. But growth rate has been falling in
recent years. So, ES18-19 suggested Government to promote Ayurveda,
Health and Medical Tourism in India so as to overcome the ‘seasonality’
aspect of recreational tourism.
Other services ⇒ Medical Value Travel
⇒ Transport and Logistics, Communication
⇒ Accounting and Finance, Legal Services
⇒ Environmental Services, Education Services
** In 2018, Government expanded 25 sectors to 27 sectors. Some original sectors were
removed/renamed/modified/replaced. So, above list will not total to 27. But hairsplittery unnecessary
for Mains. Because as such this topic is becoming faded/outdated.
⚠😰😰 Challenge? Most of the jobs in above 27 sectors are skill intensive while India is burdened
with vast pool of unskilled labour. So, govt has to pay more attention to education, skill development
schemes incl. Skill India (2015) → 📑📑more in Pillar#6. (मजदू रों के कौशल �वकास पर �ान देना होगा)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statements about 'Make in India' initiative? (CDS2019-II)
(1) It was launched in the year 2018. (2) Its objective is to foster innovation
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
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41.7 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺 MFG: ASSEMBLE IN INDIA (अस�बल इन इं�डया)
📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol1Ch5 suggested we move one step ahead from ‘Make in India’ towards Assemble in
👗👗 🧸🧸 👢👢 Make in India 👟👟 📟📟 📺📺 🔋🔋 🔌🔌 Assemble in India
What? textiles, clothing, footwear, toys (कपड़े व� Products of Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nike,
जूते �खलौने) Adidas etc.
How? Traditional Unskilled Labour Semi-skilled labour
पारंप�रक अकु शल श्र�मक आं�शक �प से कु शल श्र�मकों के द्वारा
41.7.1 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → “Network products”
- (Definition) Network Products: Their production occurs across Global Value Chains (GVCs)
operated by Multinational Companies (MNCs) such as Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nike, Adidas etc.
(ब�रा��ीय �नगमों द्वारा वै��क मू� श्रृंखला के द्वारा “नेटवकर् उ�ादों” को बनाया जाता)
⇒ Product is designed by their Headquarter (HQ) located in a rich country @US/EU/Japan. But
Product assembly/manufacturing in done low wage countries.
⇒ Further, these products are not produced from start to finish within a single country. (अलग-अलग
देशों म� �वशेष�ता के अनुसार उ�ादन िकया जाता है)
⇒ Instead, countries specialize in particular stages of production sequence. E.g. Iphone:
⇒ LCD screen @South Korea
⇒ + Processor @Taiwan
⇒ +WiFi chip @Malaysia
⇒ → above parts are finally assembled in Foxconn Factory in China.
⇒ 2020-July: Apple's contract manufacturer Foxconn started iPhone 11 mfg in its Chennai factory.
(Due to the USA-China trade war, companies are shifting the factories away from China. Ref
📑📑Pillar#3B for trade war / protectionism)
41.7.2 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → how will it benefit India?
IF India joins the assembly chain of Network Products (नेटवकर् उ�ाद) esp. computers, TV, mobile,
electronics (�वद्युत उप�र), road-vehicles (सड़क वाहन), then…
Assemble in India 2025 2030
New Jobs in India रोजगार सृजन → 4 cr 8 cr ⏫
India’s share in World Export वै��क �नयार्त म� भागीदारी → 3.5% 6% ⏫
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41.7.3 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → Wild Geese Flying Model (1960s)
⇒ Formulated by Japanese economist Kaname Akamatsu. जं गली हंसों का उदयन मॉडल
⇒ Japanese companies (Sony) first started assembling Camera, mobiles, TV etc. then later
outsourced manufacturing to South Korea, Malaysia.
⇒ Then South Korean companies (Samsung, LG etc) grew and they started outsourced mfg to other
Asian nations like Taiwan, Thailand etc.
⇒ Thus, Networked Goods assembly will continuously move from the more advanced countries to
the less advanced ones. उ�ादन क� प्रिक्रया �ादा-�वक�सत देशो से कम-�वक�सत देशो मे �ानांत�रत होती है।
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES20 observed: India is presently at a stage where it can become part of this flying model.
⇒ India has experience of Network products in the Automobile sector: Suzuki, Honda, Ford, Fiat,
and Renault etc. import some of the components and finally ‘assemble’ Car in India. But such
cars are made for domestic consumers (and not ‘exported’ to rich countries, unlike the China-
assembled Iphone & SonyTV).
41.7.4 �🦁🦁:📟📟 📺📺📺📺: Assemble in In India → Policy recommendations?
Previously, China was seen as a low-cost location for final assembly of industrial products. But
ageing population = labour shortages + increases in wages. (चीन मे श्र�मकों क� कमी और वेतन म� बढ़ोतरी)
US/EU Protectionism (सं र�णवाद)=higher duties on China-made products → companies are
shifting production away from China.
So, India should attract these MNCs by reforming its taxation, FDI and labour laws (कराधान, �वदेशी
प्र�� �नवेश, श्रम कानूनम� सुधार करना).
Skill training of Indian youth as workers and middle-level supervisors. (कौशल प्र�श�ण)
Improve infrastructure for transportation, broadband communication etc. (प�रवहन व सं चार क�
बु�नयादी सु�वधाओं को बेहतर करना)
Shipping Delays, Electricity Failure, Political Disturbances, Labour Disputes etc could disrupt the
entire production chain & thereby discourage the MNCs. So, Govt should try to monitor them
closely. (नौवहन म� देरी, �बजली क� कटौती, राजनी�तक अ��रता, मजदू रों के �ववाद से पुरी उ�ादन-�ं खला बा�धत हो जाती है.
इन पर सरकार क� �नगरानी ज�री)
2018: top 3 mobile handset manufacturers 1) China 2) India 3) Vietnam. With the right policies,
we can even overtake China! (को�शश करे, हम चीन से भी आगे �नकल सकते है)
Challenge? Labour unrest in Apple iPhone factory in Karnataka. Workers burned vehicle, looted
phones over non-payment of salaries. So, on one hand, India wants to attract foreign companies
but at the same time we can’t allow them to exploit workers nor we can allow violence by
workers. Need to balance all these. (श्रम �ववाद, मजदू रों का शोषण, तन�ाह का समय पर भुगतान नहीं- इस�लए ए�ल
के कनार्टक फै ��ी म� मजदू रों द्वारा आगजनी और लूट. सरकार के �लए �वदेशी कं प�नयों को आक�षत करना, साथ ही साथ �ानीय
मजदू रों के अ�धकारों क� र�ा करना, साथ ही साथ मजदू र सं घ क� हड़लात/िहसं ा को रोकना - इन सब का सं तुलन आव�क)
41.7.5 👻👻👻👻👻👻:🧔🧔🧔🧔Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI: उ�ादन आधा�रत प्रो�ाहन)
⇒ This scheme aims to ⏫ mfg of automobiles, pharma, mobiles, textile etc. sectors
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 523
⇒ By giving them conditional 4-6% subsidy on incremental sales of goods manufactured in India,
against their production in base year (2019-20). वषर् 2019 के अनुपात म�, भारत म� �न�मत कं पनी के उ�ादनो, क�
सालाना �बक्र�, िकतनी बढ़ी, उस िहसाब से सशतर् स��डी/लाभ दी जाएगी।
⇒ Scheme valid for 5 yrs. Presently 10 sectors- more sectors may be added with Cabinet approval.
Sr Mfg Approving Org Outlay for
5 yrs (₹.cr)
1 Automobiles Department of Heavy Industries 57042
2 Advanced ChemistryCell (ACC) NITI Aayog and Department of 18100
Battery- used in consumer electronics, Heavy Industries
electric vehicles, and renewable energy.
3 Pharma-Drugs and medical devices Department of Pharmaceuticals 15000
4 Telecom & Networking (दू रसं चार के उपकरण) Department of Telecom 12195
5 Food Products- Veg, Non Veg, dairy- Ministry of Food Processing 10900
ghee/cheese etc are included (खाद्य पदाथर्)
6 Textile Products: Man Made Fibre Ministry of Textiles 10683
(MMF) and technical textiles e.g.
shoelaces, parachutes etc
7 Specialty Steel (खास िक� के �ील उ�ाद) Ministry of Steel 6322
8 White Goods - domestic / home DPIIT, Commerce Ministry 6238
appliances but only two mentioned for
now- ACs & LED
9 Electronic/Technology Products Ministry of Electronics and 5000
Information Technology
10 Solar Photovoltaic Modules Ministry of New and Renewable 4500
Total: ₹1.45 trillion provided. Presently 10 sectors- more sectors may be added Cabinet approval.
41.7.6 🤩🤩PLI Scheme Benefits?
⇒ ⏬imports, ⏫exports, ⏫Jobs, GDP⏫
⇒ Scheme will encourage Telecom mfg companies like Foxconn, Wistron and Pegatron, who
assemble iPhones for Apple companies- to shift the base of operation from China to India.
⇒ Mobile handset sector alone is likely to contribute >₹10 LCR of GDP, and 60% of these mobiles
will be exported, 2 lakh direct jobs will be created, 6 lakh indirect jobs will be created e.g. those in
transport, packaging material, advertisement etc. of those mobiles. Similar benefits in other
sectors mentioned in the above table. (सकल घरेलू उ�ाद, �नयार्त तथा रोजगार म� बढ़ोतरी)
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41.8 🌱🌱🌱🌱 MFG & SERVICES → STARTUP INDIA (2016)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 525
We’ll launch special Doordarshan TV channel for helping startup entrepreneurs- how to
register and manage business, how to mobilize capital, tax planning, marketing strategies etc.
We’ll extend the Stand-Up India Scheme till 31/3/25. (📑📑Ref: Pillar1D)
41.8.2 🌱🌱🌱🌱:💼💼 Budget-2020 on Start-ups
Startup can claim 100% deduction on its profits, for 3 years out of the first 10 years of
incorporation. (as such they get tax benefits under Startup India scheme, but new budget fine
tuned those technical definitions further.)
Start-ups generally use Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) to attract talented employees. But
ESOP was subjected to various direct taxes → New budget gave some technical reliefs to them.
What is ESOP? Ans Ref: pillar1B2
41.8.3 🌱🌱🌱🌱 Startup: Misc Terms and trends
Unicorn club → A startup company whose valuation is $1 billion />. Swiggy, Paytm, Byjus etc.
Indian startups are in this list.
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India’s software exports. So, govts could also explore the privatization of education further
(allow more private colleges: �श�ा का �नजीकरण)
W.Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Kerala and Bihar have inflexible labour laws so entrepreneurial
activity is lowest. (जहां श्रम कानून लचीले नहीं होते वहां उद्य�मता कम होती है)
Physical infrastructure such as road, electricity, water/ sanitation facilities, and telecom services.
(भौ�तक अवसं रचना: प�� सड़क, �बजली, पानी ��ता, दू रसं चार सेवा)
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⇒ (proposed) National Fibre Authority(रा�ी� य फाइबर प्रा�धकरण): for creating broadband National
Digital Grid.
- Focus on data privacy, digital security, 5G, Internet of Things (IOT), Machine to Machine
Communication (M2M), etc.
- United Nations → specialized agency → International Telecommunication Union (ITU) →
ICT Development Index → improve India’s ranking. (presently below 100, have to get top-50.)
- Related: World Economic Forum’s Networked Readiness Index. Although seems ranking not
updated post-2016 so let’s ignore.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 528
- “Valuation game”: Startup try to ⏫ subscribers with cashback /discounts → show the data to
investors about company’s projected sales/growth/valuation to get more funding → eventually
convert the private limited company into public limited company & launch IPO to get even more
capital → people subscribe in IPO hoping large amount of dividend while the promoter leaves
with money & company sees fall in revenue once the cashbacks and discounts are stopped.
- Past Economic Surveys: Most of the startups are focused on e-commerce aggregation i.e.
Connecting the buyers with sellers (Uber, Zomato, Flipkart, Pepperfry etc.) due to ‘valuation
game’, whereas India needs more startups in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Healthcare and
Education. (कृ �ष, �व�नमार्ण, �ा� सेवा और �श�ा।)
- 2019: Dr.Raghuram Rajan noted: There is no ‘free lunch’ in economy so when ‘superstar’
companies are giving free products / cashback to consumer - who is paying for it? is it company
itself or the government (through tax-holidays & subsidies given to that company!)
- While Start-up entrepreneurs must be encouraged but at the same time, (fake) Angel investors’
tax evasion and avoidance has to be discouraged. (ref: Pillar#2: Black Money handout).
Sick industries: बीमार उद्योग in an entity that has accumulated more losses than its entire net worth
(networth = assets minus liabilities).
Industrial sickness can be a result of (आंत�रक और बाह्य कारक)
⇒ Internal factors like mismanagement, workers low morale & strikes etc.
⇒ External factors like rising cost of energy & raw material, fall in product demand etc.
1985: PM Rajiv Gandhi in enacted Sick Industrial Companies Act → Statutory body in Finance
Ministry → Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR).
⇒ BIFR would A) help the SICK industry with new funds or B) shut down the SICK industry on
case to case basis. Higher appeal? Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (AIFR).
⇒ Ideally, a sick industry should be liquidated so its labour and capital can be shifted to healthy
companies. (आदशर् प�र���तयों म� तो बीमार उद्योग िक मजदू र और पूंजी �� उद्योग क� तरफ गमन करने चािहए )
⇒ But, above bodies’ decision making was very slow so sick companies will not quickly shut down,
and continue to receive Government funding/support, as if Abhimanyu entered the
‘‘Chakravyuh’ but never exits. So previous economic surveys used term ‘Chakravyuh challenge’.
2016: PM Modi repealed this Act & its statutory bodies. Their pending cases referred to National
Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). So now if a firm becomes sick then:
- IF wilful defaulter or incapable defaulter → liquidation under the SARFAESI Act
- ELSE I&B Code: IP will make a resolution plan within “x” number of days → if IP’s resolution
plan is not agreeable to the lenders → liquidation.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 529
- If a startup company wants to (voluntarily) shut down, it can make application under
I&B Code → IP will liquidate it within 90 days. This helps the entrepreneur to pull out
his portion of capital (to start another startup = Ease of doing business).
✍Conclusion Template: Startups have always been the engine of progress. The mega corporations
of today were startups of yesterday. Startups can be effective instruments for reaping India’s
demographic dividend, catalyze employment generation and augment its economic growth. The
aforementioned policies/ schemes are significant in this regard.
भारत के जनसां��क�य लाभांश क� प्रा��, रोजगार सृजन, आ�थक वृ�द्ध के �लए �ाटर्अप को मदद करना बेहद ज�री।
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 530
1999 Geographical Indications of Goods Commerce Ministry’s Geographical Indications
(Registration and Protection) Act Registry at Chennai
2000 Designs Act CGPDTM
2000 Semiconductor Integrated Circuits MEITY: Ministry of Electronics and
Layout-Design Act Information Technology
2001 Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Agro Ministry
Rights Act
2002 Biological Diversity Act Environment Ministry
⇒ Frivolous inventions. E.g. schoolbag, laptop bag (मामूली आ�व�ार)
⇒ Anything seriously harmful to public order, morality, humans, animals, plants or environment.
E.g. Stone-pelting machine (प�रबाजी करने क� मशीन का पेटंट नहीं �मल सकता)
⇒ Atomic energy related inventions.
⇒ Mere discovery of a scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract theory or discovery of
any living thing or non-living substance occurring in nature;
⇒ Plants-seeds varieties, biological process to create them; (Ref 📑📑Pil#4A Pepsi-Potato)
⇒ animals breeding; Medical treatment of humans and animals
⇒ Mere discovery of a new form of a known substance which does not ⏫ efficiency.
⇒ Mere re-arrangement or duplication of known devices.
⇒ Mere aggregation of properties of the components e.g. lemon + sugar + water = juice
⇒ Traditional knowledge. E.g. Ayurvedic information.
⇒ Mathematical formula, business method, method of playing game e.g. Dhoni’s helicopter shot.
⇒ computer program, presentation of information
⇒ Integrated circuit (Its IPR can be registered separately under Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
Layout-Design Act)
⇒ literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work; cinema-TV shows. (सािह� नाट्य सं गीत कला )
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s): (Prelims-2019)
1. According to Indian Patents Act, a biological process to create a seed can be patented in India.
2. In India, there is no Intellectual Property Appellate Board.
3. Plant Varieties are not eligible to the patented in India.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 3 only (d) 1,2, and 3
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 531
⇒ If public interest is involved → Government can use, manufacture, import or sell a patented
invention without the patent-owner’s consent. Permitted under WTO’s TRIPS agreement.
⇒ 2012: Shortage of an anticancer drug Nexavar in Indian market. Bayer Pharma (Germany) held
patent & production rights & sold of ₹ 2.50 lakhs per 120 tables.
⇒ So, Indian Govt used Indian Patent Act to ‘Compulsory License’ to an Indian company NATCO
to produce this drug, sell it at ₹ 8880 per 120 tablets & pay 6% royalty to Bayer.
⇒ US & EU are apprehensive of Indian Govt issuing CL, because their MNCs will suffer, if such low
prices and royalty % are forced. (भारत सरकार के इन कदमों से गोरे देश �च�ं तत)
⇒ 2020: newspaper columns on how CL can help making Corona drugs cheap.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
42.3.1 🔬🔬🔬🔬Patent pools (पेटंटो का समूहीकरण)
⇒ Patent pools are voluntary agreements between two or more patent holders. (�ै��क समझौते) to
create a "pool" → Appoint a manager → Manager gives the production/licence rights to
multiple third parties for a cheap cost → manager distributes the royalty/license fees among the
patent holders.
⇒ Why in the news? Costa Rica and other poor nations are proposing patent pools for Corona
related drugs/vaccines.
⇒ Pharma MNCs of USA & UK etc are opposed to this idea since it'll harm their monopoly &
profiteering. (एका�धकार और मुनाफाखोरी)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 532
⇒ Availability raw material from well- ⇒ India is excessively dependent on the Indian
developed petrochemical industry. pharmaceutical industry on China for sourcing
पेट�ो रसायन उद्योग से क�ा माल �मल जाता है Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). API is a
⇒ skilled workforce (कु शल मानव बल) chemical compound that is the most important raw
⇒ India has with largest number of material to produce a finished medicine.e.g.
US-Food and Drug administration Paracetamol is the API for Crocin tablets. (सिक्रय दवा
(FDA) compliant pharma plants सामग्री के �लए भारत चीन पर �नभर्र.)
outside of USA. (अमे�रक� औष�ध �नयामक ⇒ Private Sector expenditure on research
द्वारा प्रमा�णत फै ���यों क� अमे�रका के बाहर, development is very low. (सं शोधन एवं �वकास पर �नजी
सबसे �ादा तादाद भारत म� है) कं प�नयों द्वारा ब�त कम खचर्)
⇒ Corona pandemic has exposed Indian Pharma
sectors weakness in meeting the domestic
demand. (कोरोना म� भारत क� आबादी को भी दवाइयों क� आपू�त
करने म� असमथर्)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 533
42.5 🔬🔬IPR → UTILITY PATENTS: उपयो�गता पेट�ट
- Utility patents / ‘petty patents’ recognize the minor / superficial (mechanical) improvements of
existing products e.g. adding speaker in a microwave oven to announce when food is prepared.
(मामूली �छछोरे / सतही �र के यां�त्रक सुधार)
- Commerce ministry is not in favour of amending the Patent Act to allow Utility Patent because
otherwise it could aggravate the problem of ‘Evergreening of Patents’.
42.6 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR → NATIONAL IPR POLICY 2016
- Nodal? Commerce ministry. Motto? Creative India; Innovative India.
- This policy shifted the Copyright Office and its statutory body Intellectual Property Appellate
Board (IPAB) from HRD (Education) ministry to commerce ministry.
- Conduct IPR awareness programs for industry, police, customs and judiciary so they can combat
counterfeiting and piracy in a more efficient manner. (जागृ�त तथा तालीम)
- +Filler points like Launching new courses in the higher education to increase the availability of
patent experts in India, reducing the patent application fees for the startup companies and
grassroot innovators etc.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct about ‘National Intellectual Property Rights Policy’ (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
a) It reiterates India’s commitment to Doha Development Agenda & TRIPS Agreement.
b) Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion is the nodal agency for regulating intellectual property rights in
c) Both a and b
d) Neither a nor b
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 534
machineries beforehand.
Smart − Organized by the HRD/Edu Ministry since 2017 onwards.
India − 2019: College students asked to give innovative ideas to solve the challenges
Hackatho faced by public sector organisations, industries and even NGOs. 36 hrs software
n development competition, 5 days hardware development competition etc.
😷😷 − 2020: YUKTI 2.0 Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge,
YUKTI Technology and Innovation (YUKTI) is HRD/Edu Ministry's portal for sharing
2.0 info about: Research, Innovation, Technologies, Startup (सं शोधन,
नवप�रवतर्न,तकनीक,�ाटर्अप) esp. those related to Corona
KAPILA − 2020-: HRD/Edu Ministry’s Kalam Program for Intellectual Property Literacy
and Awareness Campaign (KAPILA).
− To create awareness about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and patents among
students and teachers in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
Misc. Dept of Science Technology launched
1. INSPIRE (Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research) – scholarship
and awards given to students and faculty.
2. MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge)
3. NIDHI (National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovation)
4. NIDHI-PRAYAS (PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring technology
HRD Ministry launched Uchhattar Avishkar Yojana (UAY) for IITs
All these schemes provide some type of grant, funding, scholarship, award the
innovator. By default they’re 100% Union fund. Internal difference & exact
features= poor cost benefit.
✍ Conclusion template? Innovations / Startup can turn Indian youths from job seekers into job
creators. They encourage entrepreneurship, innovation and creation of revolutionary new products
that can be used by people around the world. Hence startups are important / protecting their IPR is
important. Aforementioned initiatives / schemes are important in that regard. ये सब ज�री तािक भारत के
नौजवानों को नौकरी- याचक से नौकरी-दाता बनाना सके , क्रां�तकारी नए उ�ादन करे, �जससे द�ु नया के लोगों क� सु�वधा बढ़ सके .
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 535
42.8.1 🔬🔬📊📊 IPR Index → Global Innovation Index (GII: वै��क नवीनीकरण सूचकांक)
by WIPO, Cornell University (USA), Insead Business School (Paris).
⇒ 2019-Jul Ranking: 1) Swiz (since 2011) 2) Sweden 3) USA 4) Netherlands 5) UK ….. 52) India
(improved by 5 positions than last year) 129 nations ranked.
⇒ 2020-Sept: Ranking: 1) Switzerland 2) Sweden 3) US 4) UK 5) Netherlands..... 14) China... 48)
India. Report-Theme- Who Will Finance Innovation? (नवाचार का �व�पोषण कौन करेगा)
⇒ India’s overall rank continuously ⏫ since 2015.
⇒ GII ranks a country based on performance across 7 pillars viz. 1) knowledge and technology
outputs, 2) market sophistication, 3) human capital and research, 4) institutions, 5) business
sophistication, 6) infrastructure, 7) creative outputs.
42.8.2 📊📊 Index → Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) by WEF
(वै��क प्र�त�धार्�कता सूचकांक-�व� आ�थक मं च) by World Economic Forum ranks nations on GCI 4.0
framework with 12 drivers of productivity: Institutions, Infrastructure; Technological readiness;
Macroeconomic context; Health; Education and skills; Product market; Labour market; Financial
system; Market size; Business dynamism; and Innovation.
✓ 2019-Oct Ranking: 1) Singapore 2) USA 3) Hong Kong….68) India. Meaning India has fallen by
10 places.
✓ 2020-Dec: Special report with Theme-“ How Countries are Performing on the Road to
Recovery”. Although instead of giving proper rankings, they seemed to have done only bol-
bachchan about Corona.e.g. A) top-3 flexible work from home :Netherlands New Zealand
Switzerland B) top-3 digital legal framework = USA Luxembourg Singapore etc.
42.8.3 📊📊 Index → NITI’s India Innovation Index (भारत नवाचार सूचकांक)
2019-Oct: NITI Aayog released it. Institute for Competitiveness (a private organization) acted as
knowledge partner. It monitors the States and UT on two dimensions viz
1) Enablers Includes five pillars: (1) Human Capital, (2) Investment, (3) Knowledge
(प्रोत्साहनदाता) Workers, (4) Business Environment, and (5) Safety and Legal Environment.
2) Performance Includes two pillars: (6) Knowledge Output and (7) Knowledge Diffusion.
2021-Jan: NITI released second edition of ranking (titled India Innovation Index 2020) in three
Category #1: Major States North East, Hill States UT & Small States
Best → #1 Karnataka > #1: HP > Uttarakhand> #1: Delhi > Chandigarh >
Maharashtra > TN Manipur Daman & Diu
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 536
Worst→ Bihar Meghalaya Lakshadweep
In the overall ranking Delhi is #1 with 46.60 score while Karnataka#2 with 42.50 score.
Similarly separate rankings are given for enablers, performers, human capital, investment etc. in three
separate categories of State/UT but preparing that much data = very poor cost: benefit.
42.8.4 🔬🔬🔬🔬 IPR Index → Misc. फालतू वाले
✋Following are low profile bodies, so their index components / India' ranking = notImp / gives very
poor: cost benefit for exam (इतना सब याद रखने म� फायदा कम ही है)
Index Prepared by
Global Talent Competitiveness Index By INSEAD business school (Paris) in partnership with
(GTCI: वै��क प्र�तभा प्र�त�धार् सूचकांक) Tata Communications and Adecco Group.
World Digital Competitiveness By Switzerland-based International Institute for
Ranking Management and Development (IMD).
World Competitiveness Index
Index of Economic Freedom By Heritage Foundation (USA) with support of Wall
Street Journal.
Technology and Innovation Report By United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD, HQ: Geneva, Switzerland).
2021 Report: India listed as the top "over-performer"
among developing countries.
🔠🔠❓ Global Competitiveness Report is published by the _ _ . (Prelims-2019)
(a) International Monetary Fund (b) UNCTAD (c) World Economic Forum (d) World Bank
🔠🔠❓ Which one of the following countries was ranked 1st in the IMD World Competitiveness ranking 2019? (UPSC-
Geologist-2020) a) Singapore b) USA c) India d) Switzerland
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 537
Contribution in % of GDP spent on R&D (जीडीपी 📔📔📔📔ES21 TARGET/suggestion (आ�थक
R&D Funding का िकतना प्र�तशत िह�ा सं शोधन और सव��ण के मुता�बक ल� �ा होना चािहए)
�वकास म� जा रहा है)
India → 0.65% of GDP. more than 2% of GDP
China → 1.35% (in 2005), 2.5% (2020) N/A
Others in top 10 1.5%-3% of GDP. N/A
economies →
Suppose $100 is being spent on R&D → within that how much is the contribution of the govt sector
and private sector? (सं शोधन एवं �वकास के कु ल खचर् म� सरकार और �नजी �ेत्र क� िह�ेदारी)
Figure 2: अपना �बजनेस शु� करने के �लए सरकारी द�रों के च�र काटते काटते थक चुका �ं
- �ापार करने म� सुगमता का �रपोटर् is an index by the World Bank to measure how easy or difficult it is to
run a business organisation in a given country, based on simple average (equally weighted) of 10
parameters- such as no. of documents, time & cost involved in registering a property, getting an
electricity connection, paying taxes etc.
- As such no specific themes are given in these reports.
Report 2018 → #1: NZ>Singapore>Denmark> India (100) >... Somalia (190)
Rank 2019 (released in #1: NZ>Singapore>Denmark> India (77) >... Somalia (190)
2018-Oct) →
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 538
Rank 2020 (released in #1: NZ>Singapore>Hongkong> India (63) >... Somalia (190)
2019-Oct) → Report acknowledges India as one of the top 10 improvers, third time in
a row. India’s rank in 2017 (#130) to 2020 (#63) = shows a jump of 67
steps- this is highest by any large country since 2011.
Rank 2021 (it was to be 2020 Aug: World Bank has paused/suspended this report because of
released in 2020 BUT) allegations of data manipulation / irregularities. (डाटा म� धांधली /छे ड़छाड़ हो
रही है ऐसे आरोपों के चलते इस साल �रपोटर् को ��गत िकया)
🔌🔌Getting Electricity 26 29 24 5 22 2
Registering Property 138 154 166 -12 154 12
-3 (getting tougher to get
💰💰Getting Credit (loan) 44 29 22 7 25 loans, thanks to NPA, ILFS-
NBFC crisis)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. According to the World Bank’s Doing Business Report, 2019, India’s ranking has improved in in which of
the following areas compared to previous year? (UPSC’s-CDS-ii-2018):
1) Paying taxes 2) Resolving insolvency 3) Starting a business 4) Construction Permits
Answer Codes: A) 1 only B) 1 and 2 only C) only 3 and 4 D) All four areas.
🔠🔠❓MCQ Which one of the following is not a sub-index of ‘Ease of Doing Business Index? (Prelims-2020)
(a) Maintenance of law and order (b) Paying taxes (c) Registering property (d) Dealing with construction permits
43.1.1 🏄🏄🏄📊📊EoD → Indian States’ EoD: BRAP Ranking 2020
⇒ Commerce ministry → Department of Industrial Promotion and Internal Trade (DPIIT) with
help of World Bank. Indian States are ranked for Access to Information, Single Window System,
Labour, Environment, etc. (सूचना, एकल �खड़क� प्रणाली, श्रम, पयार्वरण)
⇒ 2020-Sept: 4th edition of State's Business Reform Action Plan (BRAP) ranking.
⇒ Top-3: Andhra Pradesh > Uttar Pradesh > Telangana.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 539
43.1.2 🏄🏄🏄📊📊EoD → Economic Freedom of the World (2020, Sept)
⇒ by the Fraser Institute in Canada. (�व� क� आ�थक �तं त्रता)
⇒ To rank the ability of individuals to make their own economic decisions in a country e.g. How
easy it is to start a business, get a loan, number of Govt regulations etc
⇒ 2020 Report: 1) Hong Kong 2) Singapore 3) NZ ..... 105) India....124) China....many others
⇒ India's rank has degraded compared to last year when it was 79. (�पछले वषर् क� अपे�ा �गरावट आई)😰😰
43.1.3 📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol1ch6 on Ease of Doing Biz in India: observed
⇒ 🍽🍽 To open a shop, China & Singapore require only 4 licenses, but India requires >20.
⇒ 🔫🔫 45 documents required to get Delhi Police’s permission for opening a restaurant. Far less
number of documents required for a gun license!
⇒ 🏗🏗 Hong Kong construction permits available within 2 months, India takes 4 months.
Similarly, CEA Subramanian K. has done a lot of bol bachchan comparison done with New Zealand,
Hongkong, Bangladesh etc. just to fill up pages in this chapter.
We’ve already learned some of the measures for Ease of Doing Biz in the handouts of tax related
portals, Foreign Trade policy, WTO: TFA agreement etc. Apart from that…
Crony capitalism is an economic system in which businessmen thrive not by their hard work or risk
taking capacity, but through a nexus between a business class and the political class. (प�पाती पूंजीवाद:
ऊधयोगप�त अपनी मेहनत या जो�खम लेने क� �मता से नहीं िक�ु, राजनी�तक वगर् से सांठगांठ के चलते तर�� करते है)
📔📔📔📔ES20vol1ch3 found that:
⇒ India: After election results, road contractors associated with the ruling party were given large
numbers of contracts to build Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY, More in Pillar5).
But 1/4th of such roads exist only on paper.
⇒ Brazil’s public sector banks are more likely to approve loan applications of a company if the
company owner gave election donation to the ruling party.
⇒ Eastern Europe: When politically connected firms fail in business → Government will usually
bail them out using taxpayers' money.
⇒ Politically Connected Underwriters increase the likelihood of clients’ IPO applications being
approved by the Chinese share market regulator. (Ref: pillar1C)
⇒ Across the world, crony capitalist firms pay lower taxes than their actual profits.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 540
Companies Act has norms to regulate RPT. But, often Crony capitalists, wilful defaulters and tax-
avoiders misuse RPT using loopholes.
43.2.2 � 🤲🤲: 🛒🛒🛒🛒Cronyism: Economist David Ricardo & Rent Seeking
⇒ A Mobile company pays political bribes to get spectrum/license from the Government. (More in
Pillar5: Communication infrastructure)
⇒ Then the Company will charge very high prices on the prepaid plans and data packs to recover
(1) Operational Costs (2) Profit (3) Bribes. मं त्री को दी गई घूस क� रकम ग्राहक पर बोझ डालती है
⇒ Similar examples could be cited in the coal-power based thermal electricity prices, Toll fees
charged by highways developers, heavy fees in private hospitals/ schools/colleges.
⇒ Ricardo labelled it “rent seeking behaviour. (िकरायावसूली/लुंटने क� मान�सकता)” It doesn’t help in (new)
wealth creation because abnormal profits extracted at common citizens’ expense.
⇒ Such crony capitalists do not invest their high profit for research and innovation, they just use it
for debauchery & building more crony-relationship with politicians. (मुनाफे को नई खोज/सं सोधन मे नही
ब�� ऐयाशी, और नेताओ से साँठगांठ बढ़ाने मे इ�ेमाल करते है)
📔📔📔📔ES20 observed
This type of rent-seeking behaviour was more prevalent till 2011. (यानी िक परो� �प से कांग्रस
े सरकार
�नक�ी और भ्र� थी- ऐसा आ�थक सव��ण कहना चाहता है )
After CAG / Media reported the scam, the profits, share prices, SENSEX performance of such
crony firms greatly declined, since they couldn't compete with the innovative firms.
CEA Subramanian K. used ‘Herfindahl Index’ to prove this. Economist Herfindahl’s Index
(1950) is used for monitoring the level of competition among the companies.
43.2.3 � 🗃🗃🗃🗃Crony Capitalism and SENSEX’s 30 companies
Recall Pillar1C: BSE-30 SENSEX monitors the share prices of 30 listed companies.
� Before liberalization 🤵🤵After liberalization
If a company entered this list, it could stay ⇒ Decreased to only 12 years. Within that time,
there for 60 years. So, CEA Subramanian K. is some new firm will replace old firm in the
hinting that BSE-30 list. E.g. Bombay dyeing replaced by
⇒ Pre-LPG firms paid political bribes to Arvind Mills etc.
prevent any new entrepreneurs from ⇒ It shows a continuous influx of new firms,
getting a license to even start the business products and technologies into the economy.
or getting a quota to expand business ⇒ Thus, crony capitalism is finding less
production. domination in post-LPG India.
⇒ So, rival’s company will never grow large ⇒ Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter
enough to get noticed by BSE-officials so coined the term “Creative Destruction
they’ll not add its name in BSE-SENSEX- (सजर्ना�क �वनाश)” i.e. Older firms/products are
30 destroyed by newer firms/products, which is
BSE-SENSEX-30 list Majority had Service sector firms
manufacturing firms
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 541
43.2.4 🤵🤵🤵🤵Pro-business vs Pro-Crony Policies
🤵🤵Pro-business policies (�ापार समथर्क) � Pro-crony Policy (प�पाती नी�तया)
Make it easy to start a business, Register property, When existing companies pay political bribes
enforce contracts, ⬆competition to restrict entry of new companies / import
�ापार म� सुगमता, सं प�� का पं जीकरण, अनुबंधों को लागू करवाना, restrictions of rival brands.
�धार् को बढ़ाना →⏬competition → ⏫heavy profits, but
at the expense of the customer.
⇒ Make it easy to obtain loans, resolve ⇒ When political masters pressurize Public
insolvency. This helps in biz expansion and Sector Banks to lend ₹ to unviable biz
wealth creation (अ�म कं पनी को कजर् देने के �लए मजबूर करना)
⇒ कजर् लेना, िदवालापन हल करना, �ापार �व�ार और धन ⇒ When wilful defaulters not dealt strictly.
सृजन मे मदद (जानबुज के कजर् न चुकाने वालो पर ढील रखना)
⇒ Thus, they’ve destroyed a total ₹1.4 lakh
cr of loan assets
⇒ Transparency in bidding for natural resources ⇒ Government gives preferential treatment
(प्राकृ �तक सं साधनों क� नीलामीमे लगाने म� पारद�शता) to crony companies. (कं प�नयो के प�पाती �प
से आवं टन)
🤩🤩Result? Competition, innovation, lower prices ⇒ Reverse will happen → Wealth is
and better service quality for citizens → demand destroyed. (धन का नाश/�य होता है।)
⬆ → production ⬆ → GDP → (new) wealth
✍Conclusion: Cronyism doesn’t foster competitive markets. It fosters inefficiencies & results in
erosion of wealth. As Dr. Raghuram Rajan said, ‘There is a need for saving capitalism from the crony
capitalists”. अ�मता म� बढ़ोतरी पूंजी का �य बबार्दी
43.3 🏄🏄🏄 EASE OF DOING BIZ → JUDICIAL REFORMS: �ा�यक सुधार
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 542
⇒ World Bank’s Ease of Doing Biz → Indicator “Enforcing Contracts” → India’s ranking is in the
range of 160+. And it is not improving at a faster rate. अनुबंध का पालन करवाना मु��ल
⇒ Compared to many European countries we are 4-6 times slower.
⇒ Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh very slow rate. And these states are also lagging
behind in Sustainable Development Goal achievement as well.
Homework for Interview: data for your own state from Economic Survey 2018-19 Vol1-Ch5
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 543
Computers are used as mere ‘modern typewriters’. Their scanning, email, computation facilities
are not fully used.
So we have to focus on E-governance, ICT-Technology to increase the efficiency of the court
administration. Even Artificial Intelligence may be deployed for ordinary disputes e.g. Traffic
challan, or Cheque dishonour. ट�ािफक के के सों का कृ �त्रम बु�द्धम�ा द्वारा �नपटान
Ministry of Law and Justice started eCourts Mission Mode Project - creation of the National
Judicial Data Grid (NJDG: रा��ीय �ा�यक डेटा �ग्रड), digitalization of cases. It allows stake-holders to
keep track of individual cases and their evolving status. We must ensure its speedy
implementation and connectivity with all the courts.
43.3.5 🏄🏄🏄 : ✍Conclusion on Judicial reforms?
Thus, case pendency can be ⏬ through recruitment of more judges, creating separate cadre of
Judicial Administrative Services, ⏫ in working days of court, and deploying ICT technology.
Preamble to the Constitution of India defines that the first role of the State is to secure social,
economic, and political justice for all citizens. सभी नाग�रकों को �ाय िदलवाना रा� क� �ज�ेदारी
Therefore, need of the hour is to pursue judicial reforms on a war footing. OR
Judicial delays discourage the victims from approaching the court. Victims silently continue to
suffer injustice or approach Mafia elements. It also fuels the atmosphere of insecurity (असुर�ा),
vigilantism (लोगो द्वारा कानून को अपने हाथ म� लेना) and mob lynching (भीड़ द्वारा वध करना).
Therefore SDG Goal 16: provide access to justice for all….hence need of the hour….
📘📘 📘📘 Homework: Read ES19 Vol1 Ch5- Judicial Reforms
⇒ Bullet 5.1 to 5.4. And then read figure11 (Your home-State data for interviews)
⇒ Bullet 5.32 till the end of the chapter. To build the vocabulary.
43.3.6 🕵🕵🕵🤲🤲🤲🤲Transparency International → Corruption Perceptions Index 2019
⇒ Transparency International is a global civil society organisation fighting against corruption.
Setup in 1993, HQ- Berlin, Germany. (भ्र�ाचार-अनुभू�त सूचकांक).
⇒ 2020-Jan: it released the ranking for 2019 →
⇒ #1 (tie) Denmark and New Zealand, then directly given #3: Finland, #4 (Tie) Switzerland,
Singapore, Sweden.
⇒ #81: India in 2019 (in 2018 it was #78, meaning rank fallen = corruption increased)
⇒ #180: Somalia bottom.
To control corruption, the report recommends:
⇒ Focus on conflicts of interest, preferential treatment given to wealthy. िहतो के टकराव पर �ान द�, धनवानों
को �मलनेवाली सरकारी �रयायतो पर �ान द�
⇒ Regulate electoral financing, election integrity. चुनावी फं िडगं , स��न�ा
⇒ Regulate lobbying activities. लॉबीइं ग ग�त�व�धयों को �नयं त्रण म� रखे
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 544
⇒ If a company wants to undergo voluntary liquidation India: it takes 1570 days because The
company will have to seek a variety of no-objection certificates (NoC) from tax authorities,
Employee Provident Fund Organization, Foreign exchange laws etc. (यिद कोई �ै��क �प से ही अपनी
कं पनी बं द करना चाहे तब भी भारत म� 1500 िदन से �ादा लग जाते ह� �व�वध �वभागों से अनाप�� प्रमाण पत्र हा�सल करने म�)
⇒ Even if there is no tax dispute or court litigation pending and even if all the paperwork is
complete, Still it will take so much time. (भले कोई मुकदमे ना चल रहे हो, सारे कागजात �नयमों के िहसाब से जमा
िकए गए हो, िफर भी इतना व� लगता है)
⇒ As per the World Bank’ Ease of Doing Business report, it takes 1445 days to resolve a
commercial contract in India as compared just 120 days in Singapore. (दीवानी मुकदमे/वा�ण��क �ववाद
�नपटाने म� भारत म� 1400 से �ादा िदन लगते ह� जबिक �सगं ापुर म� यही दीवानी के स 120 िदन म� �नपट जाते है)
⇒ such over regulation results in undue delays, rent seeking, opaque decision making by the
Government officials. (इस प्रकार का अ�त �नयमन- देरी, भ्र�ाचार, गैर-पारदश� �नणर्य प्रिक्रया को प्रो�ािहत करता है)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 545
43.4.2 🕵🕵🕵🕵 Overregulation: Way Forward- TORA Act
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES17 had proposed Transparency of Rules Act (TORA): Under such law, all organization
have to publish latest rules and regulations in a unified and comprehensible format, in English,
Hindi and vernacular languages on their website. (आ�थक सव��ण ने सुझाया ‘�नयमों क� पारद�शता कानून’)
⇒ Then any rule, which is not explicitly given on the website = will not apply to people. �जसके अंतगर्त
हर एक �वभाग ने सारे �नयमों को अपनी वेबसाइट म� अंग्रेजी िहदं ी तथा प्रादे�शक भाषा म� डालना होगा. जो �नयम वेबसाइट पर नहीं
डाला होगा, उस �नयम को मानने के �लए नाग�रक बा� नहीं होगा)
⇒ e.g. If the Education ministry’s TORA page says “for scholarship scheme: Student not to submit
ONLY aadhar card and school marksheet”, then officials can’t insist on a "student identity card"
as additional proof.
⇒ Benefit? ⏬officers' discretion → ⏬ the opportunities for bribery and harassment.(अफसरों के
�ववेकाधीन स�ा, भ्र�ाचार, उ�ीड़न के अवसरों म� कमी आएगी)
⇒ You may read more about this at
1) Cinematograph Act, 1952: Central Board of Film Certification (censor board) → Film
Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT- A statutory body under the ministry of Information
and Broadcasting), has been removed. So, now filmmakers will directly appeal Censor Board's
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 546
decision to High Court. सूचना और प्रसारण मं त्रालय के अंतगर्त स�सर बोडर् के ऊपर क� िट��ूनल को हटाया गया. अब िफ�
�नमार्ताओं ने स�सर बोडर् के �खलाफ अपील म� जाना हो तो सीधा हाईकोटर् म� जाना होगा
2) Similarly tribunals under the Following acts removed : Customs Act, 1962; Patents Act, 1970;
Airport Authority of IndiaAct,1994;Trade Marks Act, 1999; Geographical Indications Of Goods
(Registration and Protection) Act, 1999; Protection of Plant Varieties and
Farmers’RightsAct,2001; Control of National Highways (Land and Traffic) Act,2002. इन सब कानूनों
म� दी गई िट��ूनल को भी हटाया गया है.
1. Public at large is not the litigant. सामा� जनता यहां पर वादकारी/मुकदमेबाज नहीं थी.
2. These tribunals have not reduced the workload of High Court in a significant manner. इन िट��नू ल
को बनाने के बाद भी हाईकोटर् के कायर् बोज म� कोई कमी नहीं आई थी
3. too many officials' salary/bunglow/cars budget burden. इतने सारे पदा�धका�रयों के तन�ाह गाड़ी बं गले के खच�
का सरकार पर बोझ
43.5 🏄🏄🏄👷👷👷EASE OF DOING BIZ → LABOUR REFORMS : श्रम सुधार
There are multiple Central laws related to labour e.g. Minimum Wages Act, 1948; the Payment of
Wages Act, 1936; the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965; and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
Entrepreneur has to fill up multiple forms to prove his compliance, and he’s subjected to multiple
annual inspections by the govt officials = No ease of doing biz. Therefore, Second National Labour
Commission (2002) recommended govt to simplify & consolidate these laws. 2017-18: Govt
announced to replace existing central laws with just four labour codes (श्रम सं िहता /कानून) -
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 547
Old Laws → Merged in Status as of 01/12/20
⇒ Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (श्र�मक क�) सामा�जक सुर�ा
⇒ Unorganized Workers’ Social Security और क�ाण सं िहता:
Act, 2008 etc.
13 Labour Acts like Code on Occupational Passed in both houses
⇒ Factories Act, 1948 Safety, Health &
⇒ Plantation Labour Act, 1951 Working Conditions,
⇒ Mines Act, 1952 2020
�ावसा�यक सुर�ा, �ा� और
⇒ Building and Other Constructions
कायर् शत� पर श्रम सं िहता
Workers’ Act, 1996 etc.
Before above labour code bills were passed, Labour Ministry kept amending the existing laws for ease
of doing business and for workers welfare such as. (जब उ� श्रम सिहत आए सं सद म� पा�रत नहीं �ई थी तो पुराने वाले
कानूनों म� सरकार सुधार िकए जाती थी)
Passed Provisions
🤰🤰Maternity Benefit - Applies to factory, mines, plantations, shops and other
(Amendment) Act, establishments.
2017: - Increased paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to 26 weeks (for the
मातृ� लाभ (सं शोधन) first two children only.)
अ�ध�नयम, 2017 - If woman worker adopts a baby <3 years (or gets a baby through
surrogacy)= 12 weeks paid leave for her as well.
- If factory has 50 workers/> then boss must install creche facility;
allow mother to visit child min. 4xtimes a day.
- After maternity leave is over, boss may even allow the woman
worker to work from home.
- Boss must inform every woman worker of her rights in writing.
Payment of Wages Previously the employer was legally required to pay salary in ‘physical
(Amendment) Act, cash only’- in certain industries. Act reformed to allow salary payment in
2017 cheque/NEFT to encourage less cash economy.
👼👼Child Labour It amends the 1986’s act to provide that →
(Prohibition) Children below 14 years can’t be employed anywhere, EXCEPT:
Amendment Act, - TV/ Cinema /Sports (but not circus)
2016: - Non hazardous family enterprise work after the school hours.
बाल श्रम (�नषेध) सं शोधन Adolescents between 14 to 18 age can be employed but only in non-
अ�ध�नयम, 2016 hazardous work. Any violations = Jail + penalty. District Magistrate
given additional powers. Criticism? Chemical mixing, battery acid
recycling etc. occupations removed from the ‘hazardous list’ so Ease of
doing biz for their owners, but exploitation of adolescent workers.
Apprentices - The original 1961 Act regulated the training of apprentices in the
(Amendment) Act, industry. But rules were draconian e.g. Govt shall decide the
2014 apprentice youth’s stipend, holiday, overtime. If factory owner is
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 548
Passed Provisions
प्र�श�ु violating any norm → jail.
- So, the 2014’s amendment relaxed the norms, Factory owner will
decide stipend, holiday etc. and if any violations then only penalty,
no jail for him.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act,
2017? (Prelims-2019)
1. Pregnant women are entitled for 3 months pre-delivery and three months post-delivery paid leave
2. Enterprises with creches must allow the mother minimum six creche visits daily
3. Women with two children get reduced entitlements.
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3
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⇒ (Definition) According International Labour Organization (ILO) अंतरार्ष्ट�ीय श्रम सं गठन
(आईएलओ),minimum wage is the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is legally
required to pay to the worker. It’s usually expressed in amount per day or per hour.
⇒ (Origin) The concept of minimum wages is not a modern-day innovation. Even Arthashastra
written in the 2nd Century BCE ordained the minimum wages for workers based on their skills
and occupation.
⇒ While the Britishers in enacted Payment of Wages Act, 1936 in India to ensure workers are paid
salaries in a timely fashion it did not provide for minimum wages computation or enforcement
or equal remuneration for males and females.
⇒ After independence, the Directive Principles of State Policy (रा� के नी�त-�नद�शक त�) mandated the
o to secure a living wage, a decent standard of life for all workers (Article 43),
o to provide adequate means of livelihood for all citizens & equal pay for equal work for
men and women (Article 39)
43.7.1 👷👷👷💰💰⚖ Minimum Wages Act (�ूनतम मजदू री अ�ध�नयम 1948)
The act protects both regular and casual workers (�नय�मत एवं अ�नयत श्र�मक).
Minimum Wages are fixed for different categories of workers according to skill levels, location and
occupations. But suffers from 3 serious problems. 😕😕 Gender injustice (ल��गक �ाय क� कमी)
Minimum wages are the same for both male and female. But, minimum wages of security guards are
higher than domestic workers (This work is mostly done by women). So, minimum wages need to be
accommodative of the gender justice angle as well. 😕😕 New-age workers not covered
Minimum wage rates are set both by the Central and the State governments for employees working
in selected ‘scheduled’ employment (अनुसू�चत रोजगार / �नयोजन). But, with the advent of ICT and
startups, there has been a massive expansion in gig-workers but these are not mentioned in the old
law. Every 1 in 3 workers is not in the ambit of minimum wages. 😕😕 Unorganized workers not represented (असं गिठत �ेत्र के मजदू र)
- Act did not prescribe norms / formula for fixing minimum wage. However, it provided for
tripartite advisory boards consisting of employers, employees of scheduled employments, and
independent experts.
- As a result, the unionized workers are able to get better wages compared to unorganized workers,
because unorganized workers have no representation in such advisory boards.
43.7.2 👷👷👷💰💰 Minimum Wage Reform: Anoop Satpathy Committee (2019)
This committee was setup by the labour ministry for Determining the Methodology for Fixation of
the National Minimum Wage. It recommended:
Minimum wages should be decided based on the following factors:
1. 🍽🍽 Cost of food basket: consisting of x units of calories, fats and proteins.
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2. 👚👚 Essential non-food items (गैर-खाद्य पदाथर्): such as clothing, fuel and light, house rent,
education, medical expenses, footwear and transport.
Accordingly, Anoop suggested two proposals:
Proposal#1 (all India) Proposal#2 (Zonal) 📌📌
⇒ National-level minimum wage (NMW): ₹ Indian states and union territories should be
375 per day x 26 working days in the month divided into 5 regions, and have separate
= ₹ 9,750 a month. Additional ₹ 1430 house minimum wages suitable to the local realities
rent allowance / city compensatory and as per socio-economic and labour market
allowance for urban workers. contexts.
⇒ These will be applicable to all, irrespective of ⇒ Zone1 (Assam, Bihar etc): ₹ 8892/month
sectors, skills, occupations and rural-urban ⇒ To…
locations. ⇒ Zone5 (Delhi, Punjab type small &
⇒ Although it’s not implemented. (इसको नहीं माना developed regions with higher cost of
गया है दू सरे प्र�ाव को माना है) living): ₹ 11,622/month
43.7.3 👷👷👷💰💰📌📌 Anoop: why proposal #2 is better?
⇒ At present, Minimum wages vary from state to state. Industrialists prefer to setup factories in
states with low level of minimum wages. But this results into forced migration (मजबूर प्रवास /
�व�ापन) of labourers to States with higher wages.
⇒ In Nagaland the lowest minimum wage is ₹ 115/day whereas in Delhi it is ₹ 538/day. Such
divergence is justified because the cost of living & economic development of each state is
different. Therefore 1st labour commission argued that uniform level of national minimum wage
is an impractical idea (अ�वहा�रक �वचार-अलग-अलग रा�ों म� महंगाई और जीवन �नवार्ह के खचर् अलग अलग).
⇒ But both ES19 and Anoop Satpathy Committee (2019) recommended Union Government
should fix a National Floor Level Minimum Wage across the five geographical regions. (भारत के
भौगो�लक िह�ों के �लए रा��ीय वेतन सीमा के अधीन �नतम मजदू री)
⇒ Thereafter, states should not be allowed to fix the minimum wages less than the “floor wage” of
their region. (अलग अलग रा� सरकार� वेतन क� �न� सीमा उससे कम नहीं रख सकते)
⇒ If we’ve uniformity in minimum wages in given region, it would encourage industries to move
towards interior areas and ensure workers too will remain in their home states thereby ensuring
balanced regional growth (सं तु�लत �ेत्रीय �वकास).
43.8 👷👷👷💰💰🧔🧔 MINIMUM WAGES → CODE ON WAGES 2019 (वेतन कोड/ सं िहता)
This new act aims to merge the existing Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Wages Act,
1936, the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 into a single Code on
Wages, with following features:
Domain Sectors covered
🧔🧔 Union Sectors: Air transport service, Railways, Major Ports, mines, oil field,
Government telecommunication, banking and insurance company, Central Government
Jobs, CPSEs, autonomous bodies, their subsidiary bodies
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 551
To fix minimum wages here, Government will setup a Central Advisory
Body of Employers, Employees, Independent Experts and 5 State
Based on Central Advisory Body’s recommendations, the Union will fix
Floor Wages, for different geographical areas Taking into account
minimum living stds. (Meaning Anoop’s idea is accepted) (भारत के भौगो�लक
िह�ों के �लए रा��ीय वेतन सीमा के अधीन �नतम मजदू री)
� State Sectors: They’ll look after all the other sectors of employment which are not
Governments in Union’s domain.
They’ll have individual State Advisory Board.
They must keep Minimum wages > or = Floor Wages.
− ⏰Update Frequency? minimum wages norms will be revised every 5 yrs or less.
− Here Minimum Wages = salary, allowance and other monetary components. But doesn’t
include: bonus, travelling allowance
43.8.1 👷👷👷💰💰💰💰 Code on Wages 2019 →Salient Features (figures not IMP)
⇒ Depending on sector: Union / State will fix max. hours in a normal
Overtime Pay working day.
⇒ If worker doing more: “Overtime Wage” =Min. 2x normal wages
⇒ Boss (Employer) may pay wages (i) daily, (ii) weekly, (iii) fortnightly,
Payment Frequency or (iv) monthly.
⇒ In coin, currency, cheque, bank money, e-transfer
⇒ Boss (Employer) may deduct worker’s wages for 1) penalty 2) absence
Deduction (कटौती) 3) rental home 4) advance / loan etc.
⇒ But, deductions should not > 50% of the workers’ total wage.
⇒ If worker’s salary less than “X” ₹ , then he is given Right to bonus
Right to Bonus ⇒ 8.33% of wages or ₹ 100 Whichever higher
⇒ But not more than 20% of his annual wages. + other caveats notIMP
Gender ⇒ It is forbidden. Employer must give equal pay for equal work
discrimination ⇒ एक समान काम के �लए मिहला और पु�ष को एक समान वेतन �मले
Penalty for
⇒ Upto 3 months jail, ₹ 1 lakh fine
- Above Code on Wages is already passed by Parliament and signed by the President. But to
implement it in reality, the Govt of India need to notify the rules & announce the minimum
wages. But, due to Corona, implementation delayed
43.8.2 📔📔📔📔 ES19 on Minimum Wages reforms (what more we can do?)
CEA Subramanian K. appreciated Code on Wages and suggested further reforms →
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 552 Simplification and Rationalisation (सरलीकरण िकया जाए, �ायो�चत बनाया जाए)
− Present system is extremely complex with nearly 2000 minimum wages defined for various
scheduled job categories. They should be clubbed together into four minimum wages based on
− Such Wage Code should be applicable on all jobs, all workers, and all sectors of economy-
Whether it is organised or unorganised. Use ICT to enforce Minimum Wage (सूचना प्रौद्यो�गक� का प्रयोग)
Bounded Rationality (ता�ककता क� सीमाए) Humans can’t make the most rational and optimal decision
because they do not have all the necessary information
− So, spread MW related information through computer, mobile phones, rural haats, TV-Radio-
Massmedia. Then both worker and boss can do effective bargaining.
− Setup Digital dashboard to show updated minimum wages.
− Easy to remember helpline / complaint number for the workers.
− Labour ministry should announced we punished “X” number of violators, so it puts fear into
other employers, and discourages them from violating minimum wages. Adopt Best Practices from abroad (अ� देशों क� अ�� नी�तयों से सीखे)
We should also implement the following best practices from other Nations:
UAE: All companies are legally mandated to pay all types of salary through banks only.
South Africa: ‘Impimpi Alive’ system wherein workers can send anonymous SMS messages to
Labour Department, and within 48 hrs, an inspector will come to the factory.
U.S.: They’ve apps to notify the minimum wages related updates to all the workers & companies.
43.8.3 � Conclusion: Indeed minimum wage enforcement is important
Minimum wages is a subset of labour welfare policies. So we can always connect it with keyword
such as inclusive growth, sustainable development, poverty removal, Social justice and accordingly
we can make a conclusion linking them all:
⇒ India is witnessing a period of demographic dividend (जनसां��क�य लाभांश). But, even if the youth is
equipped with vocational skills (�ावसा�यक कौशल ) but unable to find well paying jobs, then such
circumstances will breed social unrest and perpetuate social injustice. (अ�� तन�ाह नहीं �मलेगी तो
समाज म� तनाव बढ़ेगा)
⇒ SDG Goal #8 requires India to promote full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Minimum wages protect the vulnerable workers, reduce inequality and poverty. (सतत �वकास ल�ों
म� भी सभी को रोजगार देने क� बात तभी और समानता और गरीबी कम होगी)
⇒ Therefore, establishing an effective minimum wage system is important for sustainable
development and inclusive growth (सतत एवं समावेशी �वकास के �लए यह अ�त आव�क) .
Alternatively you can make a conclusion on the line that “although for complying with the DPSP we
have enacted multiple laws but successive Committees and economic surveys observed these laws
have failed to bring about the change in letter and spirit so aforementioned reforms are necessary.”
📘📘 📘📘 Homework: Read ES19 Vol1 Ch11- Minimum Wages
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 553
Introduction from 11.1 upto bullet 11.4. Then ‘Way forward’ from bullet 11.27 onwards.
Factories Act 1948 regulates safety, health & welfare of workers. (कारखाना अ�ध�नयम: मज़दू रों के �ा� सुर�ा
क�ाण के �लए)
− If an establishment is classified as ‘factory’, then the entrepreneur is required to install
washroom, drinking water facility, spittoons, creche and other amenities depending on how
many workers are employed. (अगर आप क� इकाई को फै ��ी म� वग�कृ त िकया गया तो मजदू रों के �लए थूकदान,
�शशुगृह, ठं डे पानी, साफ शौचालय जैसी �व�भ� सु�वधाएं देनी होगी)
− He cannot engage women workers in night shift or near dangerous machineries.(मिहलाओं को रा�त्र
के दौरान और ख़तरनाक मशीनरी के पास काम करने क� अनुम�त नहीं)
− His premises will be subjected to government inspection, If any violation he can be arrested and
jailed. (=more opportunity for the factory inspector to demand bribes)
− The original act defines a factory as a premise where manufacturing is done using power and
minimum 10/> workers are employed during last 12 months. (20 workers, if no power used).
43.9.1 🏭🏭⚖ Factories (Amendment) Bill, 2014
⇒ Aims to relax definition of factory (20/> workers…) This will create ease of doing business for
the small entrepreneurs because they will not have to comply with the factory act. (�ा�ा म� सुधार
तािक छोटी इकाइयों को फै ��ी के �नयमों का अनुपालन न करना पड़े)
⇒ Allows the entrepreneur to engage women worker in night shift & near dangerous machineries
subjected to various safety conditions (= women equality & empowerment)
⇒ For smaller violations, the entrepreneur can pay specified penalty. No arrest/ jail. (छोटे-छोटे उ�ं घन
के �लए जेल म� नहीं, �सफर् जुमार्ना)
⇒ The bill is still pending in the parliament, but Rajasthan and other state governments have
amended their state laws to implement these reforms, because Labour is in concurrent list.
43.10�⚔�(EOD) → INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE ACT 1947, 2010
⇒ If a factory has 100/> workers, and industrialist want to retrench (fire a group of workers to
reduce salary bill) then State Govt’s approval is necessary. औद्यो�गक �ववाद अ�ध�नयम: मजदू रों को नौकरी से
�नकालने से पहले रा� सरकार क� अनुम�त लेना ज�री
⇒ Employer must give Advance notice to workers before changing office hrs, holiday norms etc.
→ If workers are unhappy they can file complaint to labour ministry officials. कायर् के िदन/ऑिफस
समय अव�ध म� बदलाव से पहले भी मजदू रों को सू�चत करना ज�री
⇒ Result? NOT EASE of doing Biz because what if entrepreneur wants to adopt new labour saving
Machine/technology or what if he has to ⏫ work hours during emergency foreign contract.
⇒ To address these issues, Union amended the act in 2010 with certain technical reforms. Further,
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and other states also relaxed norms because labour=concurrent list,
to attract more investment in their states. (कानून समवत� सूची म� होने के चलते कु छ रा�ों ने सुधार िकए →
उद्योगप�तयों का �नवेश उन रा�ों म� बढ़ सके )
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⇒ ES19 observed that after initiating these reforms, Rajasthan has progressed much faster in terms
of employment generation, attracting domestic and foreign companies.
⇒ Whereas inflexible states like W.Bengal, Bihar, Kerala are unable to create enough employment,
cannot attract adequate capital into their states and their wages are lower as their productivity is
lower. (बं गाल �बहार के रला म� श्रम कानून काफ� स� इस�लए उद्योगप�त फै ��ी लगाने से हतो�ािहत)
Labour Ministry’s webportal to facilitates ease of doing business in following manner:
1. Labour inspector has to upload reports within 48 hrs of inspecting the factory. This reduces the
scope of bribery, corruption & tempering of records.
2. Entrepreneur can do online registration & payment of ESIC and EPFO for his workers.
3. Entrepreneur can upload compliance documents under various factory / labour acts.
Separately, Labour Ministry also launched Samadhan portal (Software Application for Monitoring
and Disposal, Handling of Industrial Disputes) for handling industrial disputes between workers’
trade union vs industrialist.
State(s) majority of the labour laws suspended for (कोरोना वायरस के चलते श्रम कानूनों का �गन)
UP next 3 years (अगले तीन सालों तक श्रम कानूनों म� �गन!)
Guj, MP first 1000 days for newly established factories
Some other ⇒ Small factories will not be subjected to inspection. (�नरी�ण से मु��)
states ⇒ Factory owners can ⏫ the number of working hours per day, but without any
clarification on how much extra overtime wages need to be paid to
workers. (प्र�त िदन काम के घं टों मे बढ़ोतरी)
😰😰Implications: Trade unions And Labour rights activists fear that (नकारा�क प्रभाव)
⇒ Companies will not invest in workers' safety and amenities- washroom, spittoon, creches etc (श्रम
क़ानून ��गत करने पर फ़ै ��ी मा�लक मज़दू रों क� सुर�ा और सु�वधा को नज़रअंदाज़ कर�गे)
⇒ Companies may force workers to work for extra hours, without paying overtime/bonus.(अ�ा�धक
कायर् बोझ)
⇒ Companies may randomly hire and fire workers. Yet workers will not be able to complain to
Government officials / courts since the laws are suspended. (मन मुता�बक िकसी को नौकरी पर रखना या
�नकाल देना)
⇒ This will undermine workers' right to EPFO, ESIC, payment of bonus, job security and social
security. (श्र�मक क� सामा�जक सुर�ा का हनन)
43.12.1 😷😷😷😷 Corona Suspension Labour laws: Union says NO!!
Constitution → 7th Schedule → Concurrent list → Labour (7 वीं अनुसूची → समवत� सूची → श्रम)
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⇒ Article 254 (1): In the concurrent list topics: Parliament's law will prevail over State's law. क� द्र/सं सद
के कानून को रा� के कानून के ऊपर वरीयता �मलेगी
⇒ Article 254 (2): In the concurrent list topics: States need to obtain the President's assent to
modify their own State law. (In practice, President of India will act as per the advice of PM) (रा�
ने समवत� सूची के कानून म� सुधार के �लए रा��प�त क� अनुम�त लेना ज�री)
⇒ So, Union Govt has clarified to Parliament, "we'll not entertain that above reforms by State
governments." (क� द्र सरकार ने �� िकया है िक “हम रा� सरकारों द्वारा श्रम कानून के �गन के प्र�ावों पर �वचार नहीं कर�गे/
अनुम�त नहीं द�गे”)
⇒ In other words, UP will not be allowed to suspend labour laws for 3 years, Madhya Pradesh will
not be allowed to suspend it for 1000 days etc.
⇒ Further, the Union Government had enacted Inter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979 to protect
migrant workers. Union may take actions under this law, if / when the situation requires. (अंतर-
रा� प्रवासी श्र�मक अ�ध�नयम)
43.12.2 😷😷😷😷 DON'T punish employers if they can't pay full salaries- SC
2020-March: Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) ordered all employers to pay full salaries to workers,
even during Corona lockdown. (Using powers of the Disaster Management Act, 2005: आपदा प्रबं धन
कानून के अंतगर्त गृह मं त्रालय ने सभी नौकरीदाताओं को अपने कमर्चा�रओ को लोकड़ाऊन मे भी पूरा वेतन देने के आदेश)
⇒ MSME owners went to SC with petition, "our business is down. We can't pay full salaries, please
save us!"
⇒ SC: Ordered the government not to take any punitive detections against the employees, if they
can't pay full salaries to workers. (सुप्रीम कोटर् ने आदेश जारी िकया है, “पूरी तन�ाह नहीं देने पर कोई सजा मत
⇒ 2020-May: Home ministry has withdrawn the order. (गृह मं त्रालय ने आदेश को वापस �लया)
43.12.3 😷😷😷😷 Banking = Public Utility Service (सावर्ज�नक उपयो�गता सेवा)
Under the Industrial Disputes Act: workers enjoy a 'statutory right to strike' (औद्यो�गक �ववाद अ�ध�नयम म�
मजदू रों को हड़ताल पर जाने का कानूनन हक)
⇒ but there are certain restrictions e.g. (1) Government employees (2) Public Utility Services
employees are not allowed this right. (e.g. Electricity company, Telecom company etc.) (हालाँिक
कु छ श्र�मकों को ये हक़ नहीं है)
⇒ If 'public utility' workers go on strike → it will be deemed "illegal strike" (गेर-कानूनी)
o = 1) the owner can dismiss such workers from job (नोकरी से �नकाल देना)
o = 2) workers may be required to pay compensation to the owner for business
losses. (नुकसान क� भरपाई)
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⇒ if bankers go on strike (for salary rise) → Atma-Nirbhar Bharat initiatives related to MSME
loans etc. will get delayed → Difficult to revive the economy. So, (ब�क कम� भी कोरोना वायरस ने हड़ताल पर
चले गए तो भारी सम�ा)
⇒ 2020-April: Union labour ministry notified that the banking industry will also be treated as
Public Utility Service.
43.13.1 🏄🏄🏄🛒🛒Ease of doing Biz → Model Shops & Establishments Bill, 2016
- State list subject. Each state has separate Shops and Establishment Act to govern the working
conditions, wage payments, leaves and holidays, work hours, etc. (दक
ु ानों के बारे म� हर रा� का अलग
क़ानून होता है)
- Union govt has circulated Model Shops and Establishments Bill, 2016 to the States & UT with
legislatures to adopt / customize it as per their wish. (क� द्र सरकार ने आदशर् दक
ु ान� और प्र�त�ान �वधेयक रा�
सरकारों को अपनाने के �लए कहा)
- This bill allows the shopkeeper / malls the freedom to operate for 24/7 and 365 days in a year
without any restriction on opening/closing time and enables employment of women during
night shifts with safety provisions. E.g. 2019-Feb Gujarat adopted this bill with certain
ु ान शॉ�पगं मॉल खुला रख सकते ह� मिहलाओं को भी रा�त्र म� नौकरी करने क� छू ट
modifications. (पूरा िदन पूरी रात पूरा वषर् दक
हालाँिक उनक� सुर�ा का �ान रखना होगा)
🤩🤩Benefits? 1) ease of doing biz 2) overtime benefit to worker 3) separate workers may be
employed in day shift and night shift = more jobs. (रात क� पारी म� अलग मजदू र को रख�गे तो दो-दो लोगों को काम
�मले= रोज़गार सृजन म� मदद)
43.13.2 🏄🏄🏄🏡🏡Ease of doing Biz → Real Estate Regulation & Development Act
�रयल ए�ेट (�व�नयमन और �वकास) अ�ध�नयम/ क़ानून
Boss? Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation: आवास और शहरी गरीबी उपशमन
- While “land” is in the State List of the Constitution, but purchase of home / property / real estate
= ‘Contract’ in the Concurrent List. (अनुबंध �वषय सं �वधान क� समवत� सूची म� है)
- So, Parliament enacted RERA Act, 2016 to regulate transactions between home/commercial
property buyers and builders of the real estate projects, by setting up state level regulatory
authorities called Real Estate Regulatory Authorities: �रयल ए�ेट �व�नयामक प्रा�धकरण (RERAs) →
higher appeal to Real Estate Appellate Tribunals (अपीलीय �ाया�धकरण).
- First, the builder must get his project registered @RERA’s website. including the facilities like fire
fighting systems, sewage treatment plants, functional lifts etc. He can’t make advertisements or
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accept money from the buyers otherwise. (�ब�र ने मकान �बक्र� का �व�ापन देने से पहले प्रोजे� क� अनुम�त लेना
- Real estate agents dealing in these projects also need to register with RERAs.
- After RERA registration, project details will be published on RERA website where buyer can
cross check / file complaints if any. (मकान का कोई प्रोजे� असली है या फ़ज़� रेरा क� वेबसाइट पर ग्राहक सु�न��त कर
- Then builder can accept money from buyers, but in a separate bank account. If the project is not
completed in time → builder will have to pay the home/shop/office-buyer’s monthly interest on
bank loans (if any). RERA can order further relief / refund / arrange another builder to finish the
project. (�ब�र ग्राहकों का पैसा अलग ब�क अकाउं ट खोलकर उसम� जमा कर�.)
- If defects found in building upto 5 years → builder must repair free of cost.(पाँच साल तक मकान क�
मर�त मु� म�)
- Punishment? Penalty + jail upto 3 years. (�ब�र पर जेल और जुमार्ने के प्रावधान)
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है, िक हाथ द्वारा �न�मत, �नमार्ण म� कोई ख़ामी नहीं, पयार्वरण पर कोई नकारा�क असर नहीं और पारंप�रक भारतीय शैली से बनाया
5. Previously, UPA/Congress had Mahatma Gandhi Bunkar Bima Yojana (MGBBY)- although
gradually Modi switched those beneficiaries to Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana. So we
need not worry about this obscure scheme.
6. 2016: ‘Pehchan’ cards given to handicraft artisans- linked with their Aadhaar numbers and bank
accounts to help them avail various scheme benefits.
7. e-Cocoon App a mobile application for quality certification in silkworm seed sector.
8. E-Dhaga App, BunkarMitra helpline to advising the weavers on business.
9. 💼💼Budget-2021: 7 Mega Investment Textiles Parks (MITRA) will be launched for booting
textile exports
Textile Ministry’s Central sector schemes = 100% funded by the union →
10. National Handloom Development Programme → Weavers Mudra scheme: Textile ministry
gives interest subvention and credit guarantee for the weavers’ bank loans upto prescribed limits.
11. Amended Technology Upgradation Funds Scheme (ATUFS): Provides funding to the textile
industries to upgrade their machineries. Similarly Power Tex scheme for powerlooms.
12. Ambedkar Hasthshilp Vikas Yojana, Handloom Weaver Comprehensive Welfare Scheme
(HWCWS) etc. schemes to provide training / skill development / marketing support etc. to the
13. 2017: Samarth Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector. Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) hires public & private sector institutes for giving training to youth for
textile sector → Textile ministry pays ‘coaching fees’ to those institutes. कौशल �वकास के �लए तालीम दी
जाती है
14. Pradhan Mantri Paridhan Rojgar Protsahan Yojana: Textile ministry pays ‘EPFO contribution
of employer’s side’ for the first three years to encourage formal job creation in the textile sector.
(Ref: Pillar1D Handout)
44.1.2 👘👘👢👢Textile & Leather Industry: Past Economic Surveys’ suggestions:
India is well positioned to get ahead of China in textile sector because wage costs in most Indian
states are significantly lower than in China’s wages. भारत म� कपड़ा उद्योग के मजदू रों के वेतन चीन क� अपे�ा कम
Textile leather industries should be encouraged to move to smaller towns so they can absorb the
Indian women workers available there. कारखानों को छोटे शहरों म� �ानांत�रत करने के �लए प्रो�ाहन देना चािहए
To increase export earning, we should go beyond textile → readymade garments. But that
requires R&D in foreigners’ fashion, style & size preferences. �वदेशी ग्राहकों क� पसं द नापसं द के िहसाब से
रेडीमेड कपड़ों के सं शोधन क� ज�रत
👢👢leather industry, India primarily exports leather-based shoes, but nowadays foreigners prefer
non-leather shoes for they are 1) cheaper 2) more comfortable 3) more fashionable. So, we've to
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do R&D for non-leather shoes. (गैर-चमड़े के जूते �वदेशी ग्राहक �ादा पसं द करते ह� �ोंिक वे स�े और आरामदायक ह�
तो हमने इस पर सं शोधन क� ज़�रत है)
😥😥Challenges? (1) Getting quality cattle hides becoming difficult due to present socio-political
atmosphere so leather industry facing problems (2) Bangladesh & Ethiopia emerging as
textile/leather hubs and they get duty free access to USA/EU for being L.D.C. so India textile
industry facing steep competition.(Ref 📑📑Pillar#3B:WTO)
�👘👘👘👘 Conclusion-Template? Textile / Leather industry has great potential to generate new jobs
especially for Indian women, & augment our income from exports. These industries can greatly help
achieving SDG Goal #1: End poverty, Goal #5: Gender Empowerment, Goal #8: Promote sustained,
inclusive and sustainable economic growth, Goal #10: Reduce inequality within India.
Aforementioned policy / scheme / initiative / challenges are crucial in that regard / must be
addressed on priority basis. मिहलाओं के �लए रोजगार- मिहला सश��करण, गरीबी �नवारण, �नयार्त म� बढ़ोतरी के �लए इस �ेत्र
क� सम�ाओं को ज� से/ अग्रता क्रम से �नपटाना ज�री.
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, सू� , लघु और म�म उद्यम मं त्रालय : List not exhaustive →
PSU/Commercial National Small Industries Corporation Limited (NSIC)
Attached offices Development Commissioner (MSME)
Statutory Bodies Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), Coir Board
44.2.1 �👶👶👶👶 MSME Problems: RBI’s UK Sinha report (2019)
MSMEs contribute 45% to the manufacturing sector’s output and 40% to the nation’s exports. We
should do following to help them: लघु उद्योगों क� बेहतरी के �लए �रज़वर् ब�क क� UK �स�ा स�म�त ने �न� �सफ़ा�रश क� है: 🌞🌞Easier registration (पं जीकरण आसान हो)
MSMEs should be classified based on turnover, and not investment. �नवेश नहीं आमदनी/ �बक्र� के िहसाब
से वग�करण
Presently, MSMEs must do multiple registrations with various Departments and get different
registration numbers. Better to use PAN number as their Unique Enterprise Identifier (UEI)
number. �सफ़र् एक बार ही पं जीकरण 🌞🌞Easier loans (ऋण कजार् आसानी से �मले)
Non-availability of loan at reasonable rates is the most severe problem faced by MSME. So,
Mudra scheme (Ref: Pillar1B Classification handout) offers three types of collateral free loans –
Shishu (upto ₹50,000), Kishor (>₹50k-upto ₹5 lakh), and Tarun (>₹5 lakh- ₹10 lakh). UK Sinha
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suggested to double these loan amounts. मुद्रा योजना म� जो कज़र् �दया जाता है उसक� सीमा ब�त कम है, बढ़ाने क�
आव�कता है
Loan application know-your-customer (KYC) processes require the MSME owner to come
physically to the bank branch for verification. We should adopt video KYC.
We should integrate data from GSTN, Income Tax, Credit Bureaus, Land ownership records,
Fraud Reports, etc. & give it to banks so they can easily know the credit-worthiness of an MSME
owner and process his loan applications.
PSBLoansIn59Minutes: to make it more easy for new MSME entrepreneur to get loans.
SIDBI should help venture capital funds to invest in MSME. 🌞🌞Easier NPA resolution (�दवा�लयापन का आसानी से समाधान हो)
Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code (IBC) technical norms should be fine tuned for MSMEs.
When Government bans plastic bags or SC puts limits on firecrackers, it affects MSME
producing those goods, and turns their loans into NPA. So to help MSME during such ‘external
shocks’, we need to create a Distressed Asset Fund (आपदाग्र� प�रसं प�� कोष) to help them. 🌞🌞Pending payments (बकाया पैसा तुरंत चुकाया जाए)
MSME Act, 2006 need to be replaced with a better, more stronger law. So, MSME can get quick
justice for delayed payments. लघु उद्योगों को अपने ग्राहकों से बकाया रक़म ज�ी से �मल पाए उसके �लए क़ानून को स�
िकया जाए
Setup an Information Utility portal. All MSME upload their invoices. If any client not paying on
time, Government should punish him. 🌞🌞 Give them training & social security. (तालीम व सामा�जक सुर�ा)
Focus on technology adoption, capacity building, upstream and downstream linkages.
Teach rural entrepreneurs how to register for GST, how to file IT return/PAN application, loan
document preparation, etc.
Government should actively enroll MSME employees in pension & insurance schemes.
++ many other technical reforms, but this is more than enough for 250 words Mains Q.
44.2.2 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → PM's Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
2008 ManMohan started प्रधान मं त्री रोजगार सृजन कायर्क्रम → Modi continued it till 31/3/2020.
- Boss? MSME Ministry → KVIC. Central Sector Scheme = 100% funded by the union.
- Beneficiary? Min. std.8 pass / Self-help-group wanting to setup a NEW micro-enterprises in the
non-farm sector.
- Suppose the cost to start a business is 100% then entrepreneurs himself has to contribute 5-10%
from his pocket, KVIC gives him 15-35%, rest is given as bank loans. Thus it’s a ‘Credit linked
Subsidy’ program.
- These % depend on whether the business is to be started in rural area or urban area, and whether
the Entrepreneur is General /SCST/ Women/ PH/Minorities/ Ex-Servicemen/North East.
44.2.3 🧔🧔🧔🧔 MSME Ministry → ASPIRE (2015)
- A Scheme for Promoting Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship.
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- Boss? MSME Ministry. Central Sector Scheme =100% funded by the union.
- To encourage Innovation & Rural Entrepreneurship, this scheme will set up Business Incubators
and Startup fund for agro-based industry.
44.2.4 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → Solar Charkha Mission (2018)
- Boss? MSME Ministry → KVIC. Central Sector Scheme = 100% funded by the union.
- KVIC to setup solar charkha clusters in rural areas.
- KVIC will provide training, subsidy for purchasing Solar Charkha, and interest subvention on
the loans taken by the weavers / entrepreneurs. सौर चरखे के �लए तालीम, स��डी, �ाज म� मदद क� जाएगी
- Target? Generating 1 new lakh jobs.
44.2.5 🧔🧔🧔🧔MSME Ministry → Gramodyog Vikas Yojana
⇒ MSME Ministry → Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) → Gramodyog Vikas
Yojana → For the development of village industries
⇒ 2020-June: Launched a pilot project for mfg. Agarbatti (Incense Sticks). Artists to be given
Automatic Agarbatti making machines etc.
✋Above are small/low-profile scheme so don’t waste too much time in funding pattern, salient
features. Just remember one liners & move on #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 563
Udyam Sangam, - MSME ministry organizes such Workshops, Conventions, Mela usually
Udyam Samvad at Delhi.
Udyami Mitra Toll-free helpline mainly to help the first generation entrepreneurs. पहली पीढ़ी
Yojana के उद्य�मयों को सलाह मशवरा मदद तालीम के �लए हे�लाइन है
India Inclusive For promoting grassroot innovations. गाँव म�, ज़मीनी �र पर नवाचार को प्रो�ाहन के �लए
Innovation Fund
Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries → to setup
clusters of Khadi, Coir, Handicraft; & help the entrepreneurs inside them.
Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)
CGTMSE funded by MSME Ministry and SIDBI to help the MSE Entrepreneurs get
loans without collateral from the banks. (📑📑Ref:Pill1D: Financial Inclusion)
44.2.7 👶👶👶👶🛒🛒🛒🛒 MSME Ministry → Public Procurement Order(सावर्ज�नक खरीद/अ�धप्रा�� आदेश)
MSME Ministry’s Public Procurement Order 2012 requires every Central
Ministry/Department/Govt Company to procure annually,
- At least 25% of their goods & services requirement from Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE).
- 3% of that 25% must be procured from MSE owned by Women Entrepreneurs: मिहला
उद्य�मयों के �ा�म� वाले MSE
- 4% of that 25% from SC/ST entrepreneurs.
- Give first purchase preference to local suppliers. �ानीय �वक्रेताओं को प्रथम वरीयता
- Try to ensure that procured goods/services have minimum 50% local content (to encourage
Make in India). (सरकारी सं �ान द्वारा खरीदे गए सामान म� �ूनतम 50% घटक �ानीय होना चािहए)
- MSME Ministry → ‘MSME- Sambandh’ webportal monitors the progress.
- MSME Ministry gets power to issue such order / quota under MSME development Act 2006.
44.2.8 👶👶👶👶🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒🛒 Public Procurement → GeM Portal
- Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is an online portal that helps Govt organizations at union,
state, PRI/ULB and PSUs to buy common use goods & services in transparent and efficient
manner e.g. pen, pencil, stationery. (क� द्र, रा� और �ानीय सं �ान ऑनलाइन खरीदी कर सके ऐसा पोटर्ल)
- Verified sellers list products in this portal→ Govt organizations buy it online from here. Ensures
transparency, efficiency, cost saving (compared to individual organization giving newspaper ads
inviting tenders).
- Boss? Commerce Ministry’s not-for-profit company named ‘GeM Special purpose vehicle
(SPV)’. (खास उद्दे� से बनाई गई कं पनी)
- SWAYATT is Commerce Ministry’s initiative to promote Start-ups, Women and Youth
entrepreneurs through GeM portal. (मिहला और नौजवान उद्य�मयों को इस पोटर्ल म� पं जीकृ त करना)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 564
44.2.9 🧔🧔🧔🧔 MSME → PM's Initiatives for MSMEs (2018, Nov)
✓ Loans upto 1 crore within 59 minutes through an online portal. (Ref: Pillar#1D handout, also
revise Mudra & Standup India while you’re there!)
✓ Interest subvention of 2% for all GST registered MSMEs loans. �ाज म� 2% स��डी
✓ MSME / Corporates can borrow money from banks/NBFCs under Bill of exchange / Factoring /
Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS). Technical norms are further tweaked to help
them. (More on TREDS = Ref: 📑📑Pillar#1C)
✓ All govt organizations to compulsorily procure 25% from MSMEs, out of that 25% → 3% from
women owned MSME. (previously women didnot have internal quota)
✓ All Central Govt Companies must compulsorily procure through GeM portal. (अ�नवायर् �प से)
✓ Simplified forms for MSME owners to comply with labour laws. (सरलीकरण)
✓ Factory / labour Inspector will inspect MSME unit via computerised random allotment- to
prevent any nepotism / collusion. (कम्�ूटरीकृ त आबं टन= भाई-भतीजावाद / �मलीभगत पे रोक)
✓ Self-declaration for air and water pollution laws. (हवा और जल प्रदू षण के कानूनों का अनुपालन �प्रमा�णत)
✓ Only 10% MSME units to be inspected to checked. (�प्रमा�णत उद्योगों म� से के वल 10% क� प्रदू षण अ�धका�रयों
द्वारा जांच होगी. यानी िक हर एक लघु उद्योग म� जांच करने के नाम पर �र�त माँगने के अवसर कम �ए)
✓ For minor violations under the Companies Act, entrepreneurs no longer have to approach
NCLT, but file penalties online using simple forms. (सामा� अपराधों के �लए िट��ूनल म� जाने क� ज�रत नहीं
सीधा ऑनलाइन जुमार्ने का भुगतान)
44.2.10 👻👻🧔🧔🧔🧔�🏭🏭 MSME → Atma-Nirbhar Funding/Schemes (2020, Corona)
📑📑Ref Pillar#1D3 handout for more details
Scheme What has been done in Atma-Nirbhar?
Loans: MUDRA 2% interest subvention on Shishu Loans
Loans: MSME Non-NPA ⇒ Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS:
borrower आपातकालीन क्रेिडट लाइन गारंटी योजना).
⇒ Guaranteed Emergency Credit Line (GECL) facility.
Both are synonyms of the same scheme.
Loans: MSME NPA ⇒ Subordinate Debt (गौण ऋण)
borrower ⇒ [उनके �लए, �जनक� पुरानी लोन पहले ही अनअजर्क प�रसं प�� घो�षत हो चुक� है]
Equity ⇒ infusion via Fund of Funds
Protection from foreign In Government procurement tenders up to ₹200 crore. → Foreign
players in public (global) companies will not be allowed to apply. (सरकारी खरीद के 200
procurement करोड़ तक के ट�डर मे �वदेशी कं प�नयों को अज� डालने पर प्र�तबं ध.)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 565
44.2.11 📔📔📔📔 �↘�🏭🏭 ES19: MSME dwarfism shd be discouraged (बौनापन)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 566
− Productivity level for 40-year old enterprises in the U.S. was more than 4x of a newly setup firm.
Whereas in India, productivity level for 40-year old firms in India was only 60% greater than a
newly setup firm. (बौनेपन के चलते भारतीय उद्योग क� उ�ादकता- अमे�रका और मे��को से कम)
44.2.13 �↗🤴🤴🏭🏭 MSME ‘Dwarfism’: Suggested Reforms by ES19
− Under Priority Sector Lending (PSL-More in 📑📑Pillar#1A2), banks are required to lend 7.5% of
their annual loans to Micro enterprises. These norms should be tweaked to give first preference
to loan applications by ‘start ups’ and ‘infants’ firms. (प्राथ�मक �ेत्र के ऋण मानक म� सुधार िकए जाएं )
− Sunset Clause for Incentives: MSME benefits should have a ‘sunset’ clause, say, after 5-7 years,
the firm will no longer be able to claim it. If owner starts a new firm, then based on his Aadhar
card number, the system should alert authorities, so he can’t claim the MSME benefits in the new
firm. (प्रो�ाहन के �लए सूयार्� उप�नयम. मात्र सरकारी योजनाओं का बार बार लाभ लेने के �लए नई नई कं प�नयां बनाने वाले लघु
उद्योगप�त को आधार काडर् नं बर जांच कर रोका जाए)
− Focus on high employment sectors such as rubber and plastic products, electronic and optical
products, transport equipment, machinery, textiles and leather & leather products. (अ�धक रोजगार
सृजन क� �मता रखने वाले उद्योगों को वरीयता दी जाए)
− Focus on Service Sectors with high spillover effects (�वन प्रभाव) such as Tourism. Because it can
open up new jobs in tour and safari guides, hotels, catering and housekeeping staff, shops at
tourist spots etc. It would also reduce the migration of the rural labour force to other States.
44.2.14 👻👻 �🏭🏭 ATMANI: MSME Definition Changed by Government
सू�, लघु और म�म उ�ोग क� �ाखया मे बदलाव
⇒ MSME units get certain relaxations in the factory and labour laws compliance.
⇒ MSME are also eligible for priority sector lending loans and quotas in Government procurement.
If MSME firm grows bigger, it’ll not get the above benefits.
⇒ So, if MSME firm#1 is growing bigger in size, its entrepreneur will create MSME Firm#2 to divert
business. Thus infant firms → giant companies...nope; but infant firms → ‘dwarfism (बौनापन)’.
Such firms contribute neither to productivity or jobs, said the 📔📔📔📔ES19. Therefore:
⇒ 1/Jul/2020 Government changed MSME definition:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 567
NOTE: in above image, please read "<" sign as "NOT MORE THAN (से अ�धक नहीं)
Investment: �नवेश annual turnover: वा�षक कारोबार
44.2.15 � Conclusion-Template for MSME (�न�षर्)
MSMEs contribute 45% to the manufacturing sector’s output and 40%nation’s exports.
They provide employment & entrepreneurship opportunities to weaker sections of the society. Thus
they play a pivotal role for both industrial development and human development of India. <+ the
SDG goals in Textile Template> Aforementioned Policy / Scheme / Act / Bill / Reform is important
to catalyse that role played by MSMEs. लघु उद्योग का भारत के सकल घरेलू उ�ादन तथा देश के �नयार्त म� प्रमुख योगदान है.
कमजोर वगर् को रोजगार के अवसर देता है. मानव �वकास के �लए और औद्यो�गक �वकास के �लए इनको मदद देना ज�री. इस�लए उ�
सुधार मह�पूणर् है या उ� सम�ाओं को अग्रता क्रम से सुलझाना ज�री.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 568
44.2.17 �💿💿Service Sector: IT & BPM
⇒ Over the last decade, the Information Technology & Business Process Management (BPM)
industry grew by 102%.
⇒ 2019: This sector's Biz Income: US$ >190 billion. Within that, export income: $ >145 billion
alone worth, No. of Employees = 18 lakh.
⇒ Top destination for Indian IT Exports: 1) USA $91 billion 2) UK 3) Europe except UK 3) Asia-
Pacific. (मह�म कं �ूटर सेवा �नयार्त इन देशों म� भारत करता है)
⇒ 🙇🙇🙇Homework: Interview Homework for IT Graduates: Refer to 📔📔📔📔ES21 Vol2 page 316:
Chart 1: Evolution of the business model for IT-ITeS for interview Qs.
⇒ China is providing tough competition in these sectors. चीन भारत को कांटे क� ट�र/�धार् दे रहा है
⇒ Philippines Indonesia etc Asian economies offering graduates with command over english, data
processing, IT, engineering to MNCs. अ� ए�शयाई देशों म� भी अंग्रेजी तथा कं �ूटर के �वशेष� क� सं �ा बढ़ रही है
⇒ Space Sector grew because of Govt support to ISRO- But same is missing in case of
Electronics/hardware. सरकार के इसरो को मदद के चलते, भारत अवकाश �ेत्र म� आगे, लेिकन सरकार द्वारा इले��ॉ�नक और
हाडर्वेयर �ेत्र को इस प्रकार क� मदद काफ� वष� तक नहीं �मली
⇒ Pharma sector growth driven by private sector initiative. But they're not spending an adequate
amount of profits on research and development- as pointed out by the economic survey. औष�ध
�ेत्रों म� �नजी �ेत्र क� कं प�नयों द्वारा उ�ादन वृ�द्ध तो �ई, लेिकन सं शोधन-�वकास म� पयार्� �प से पैसा खचर् नहीं कर रहे, जुगाड़
⇒ Brain drain that began in 1970 and accelerating. भारत के प्र�तभावान युवा गमन
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 569
44.3 🕵🕵🕵MFG → BODIES FOR QUALITY STANDARDS (गुणव�ा के मानक)
44.3.1 🕵🕵🕵Consumer Affairs Ministry → Statutory → BIS (1986)
⇒ Bureau of Indian Standards (भारतीय मानकों का कायार्लय /�ूरो) is the apex regulator of standardization
and quality certification of goods.
⇒ It allows the manufacturer to use Indian Standards Institute (ISI) mark on their goods (e.g.
helmet, gas stove, pressure cooker etc.) if they meet BIS’s standards.
⇒ BIS also has separate hallmark license system for gold and silver jewellery.
⇒ BIS is India’s nodal for International organisation for standardization (ISO-standards), WTO’s
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) agreement. 🕵🕵🕵: 🥇🥇 BIS & Gold Hallmarking
⇒ Gold hallmarking is a purity certification given to gold products.
⇒ Year 2000: BIS started it, in 3 grades viz. 14 carat, 18 carat and 22 carat.
⇒ So far it was voluntary (=Non compulsory) BUT From 1st June 2021, compulsory for all jewellers
to register with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and sell only hallmarked gold jewellery and
artefacts. ELSE Penalty + Jail as per BIS Act. सभी जौह�रयों के �लए �णर् हॉलमा�कग करवाना अ�नवायर् होगा
⇒ 😰😰Direct benefit: customer assured of gold quality. ग्राहकों के �लए �णर् गुणव�ा सु�न��त होगी
⇒ Hidden benefit: All Jewellers must register & get their products certified so tax authorities get
data mining opportunities about how much gold items traded, whether jeweller depositing
proportionate amount of taxes or evading it? Etc. परो� �प से कर चोरी पर लगाम.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 570
44.3.4 🕵🕵🕵Power Ministry → Statutory → BEE (2001-02)
⇒ Bureau of Energy Efficiency (ऊजार् द�ता �ूरो) setup under Energy Conservation Act, 2001.
⇒ BEE’s Energy ‘ Star labeling’ logos help consumers decide which electronic appliance is more
energy efficient than other brands.
- This labelling compulsory for Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Tubelight, Color TV,
Electric Geysers, Inverter, LED Lamps etc. (अ�नवायर् सूची)
- This labelling is voluntary for other appliances like Computers, LPG stoves, ceiling fans-
Although this list keeps updating. (�ै��क सूची)
⇒ BEE’s Chiller Star Labelling: The traditional star labelling program is for consumer appliances
for households use. While chiller star labelling related to the big heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning devices in the commercial / factory buildings. (औद्यो�गक �र के शीत यं त्रों के �लए)
⇒ Separately, EESL’s Retrofit of Air-conditioning to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety and
Efficiency (RAISE) it aims to increase quality and efficiency of AC. RAISE Joint initiative of
Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL, a company under Power Ministry) and United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) (एयर कं डीशनर क� गुणव�ा और द�ता बढ़ाने के �लए)
⇒ Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (भारतीय खाद्य सुर�ा और मानक प्रा�धकरण) lays down
scientific standards for food manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import in India.
⇒ FSSAI chairman may be a non-bureaucrat, food-scientist etc. While FSSAI functions under the
Administrative control of Health ministry, FSSAI Chairperson enjoys rank of an independent
Secretary to Government of India. He’s not ‘under’ any department of Health Ministry.
⇒ FSSAI act repealed previous central Acts like Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954, & other
laws / orders of Fruits, Meat Edible Oils, Edible Flour, Milk Products etc.
⇒ FSSAI labelling rules 2011: Every package containing vegetarian food item must contain a square
symbol with a Green Colour filled circle inside. If egg / non-vegetarian item then Brown Color.
⇒ FSSAI packaging rules banned the use of recycled plastic and newspaper for packing / wrapping
food articles due to chemicals/cancer fear. (खाद्य पदाथ� को अखबार म� लपेट नहीं सकते �ोंिक क� सर का जो�खम)
⇒ FSSAI rules ban the use of calcium carbide and acetylene gas for artificial ripening of fruits,
however ethylene gas is permitted upto certain limits. (फल पकाने वाले रसायनों के उपयोग पर प्र�तबं ध)
⇒ Food product should not contain more than 2% Trans Fatty Acids (TFAs) from 1/1/2022
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 571
⇒ Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer in Chinese food, but leads to obesity and
liver inflation. Earlier FSSAI had banned sale of Nestle's Maggi noodles because it contained lead
and MSG, although later HC lifted the ban.
⇒ 2019: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will provide training & certificates to youth → they
become ‘Food Safety Mitra’ → they help food processing companies / restaurants etc to comply
with FSSAI norms & earn consultancy fees from them.
Related-Misc.? AGMARK is given by Agro Ministry→ Directorate of Marketing & Inspection →
under the Agricultural Produce(Grading and Marking ) Act, 1986. It covers Agriculture
commodities, wool, cotton, meat etc.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s): (UPSC-Prelims-2018)
1. The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 replaced the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954.
2. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is under the charge of Director General of Health
Services in the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Now just because above 1 MCQ asked, some Current Affairs PDF walla seems to be giving a
disproportionate amount of coverage to this body for example: (ज�रत से �ादा कवरेज िदया जा रहा है)
BHOG Voluntary certification for the Prasad / Food at religious places.
State Food Safety Index 2020-Jun: FSSAI released ranking
⇒ Top-3 among larger states: Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra
⇒ Top-3 among the smaller states: Goa, Manipur, Meghalaya
World Food Safety Day June 7th.
FoSCoS online platform of FSSAI
✋But, such misc PIB/Yearbook type GK / ranking= poor cost benefit don’t waste time.
44.4 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 2019 (उपभो�ा सं र�ण)
Nodal? Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (उपभो�ा मामलों का मं त्रालय)
It replaces replace the original act of 1986.
44.4.1 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → bodies → Consumer court
Consumer Disputes Redressal Commissions (CDRCs: उपभो�ा �ववाद �नवारण आयोग).
CDRC at District �जला �र पर State रा� �र पर National रा��ीय �र पर**
hears complaints upto ₹ Upto ₹1 cr >1 cr upto 10 cr >10 cr
** 2020-Sept: Portal by National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has launched
E-Daakhil Portal to help the consumers file online complaints under the Consumer Protection Act.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 572
Appeal structure: District → State → National → Supreme Court
44.4.2 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → bodies → others
1. Central Consumer Protection Authority (क� द्रीय उपभो�ा सं र�ण प्रा�धकरण): It'll be an advisory body
on consumer issues, headed by the Union Minister of Consumer Affairs. Its investigation wing
to be headed by a Director-General (DG). It can intervene to protect consumers from unfair
trade practices. It can also launch class action against a company, order recall or refund of
products. The agency is designed on the lines of highly effective US Federal Trade Commission.
2. Consumer Protection Councils (उपभो�ा सं र�ण प�रषद) These advisory bodies will work for
awareness generation.
44.4.3 🕵🕵🕵🛒🛒 Consumer Protection Act 2019 → Features
1. Product Liability (दोषपूणर् सामान / सेवा क� �ज�ेदारी): If a consumer suffers an injury, property damage
or death due to defective goods / services → company will be liable to pay for damages.
2. Unfair Contract (अनु�चत अनुबंध) e.g. asking excessive security deposits for broadband / DTH
connection, company unilaterally terminating the service without cause → Company liable to
compensate the consumer.
3. Complaints can be filed electronically; cases can be heard through video conferencing.
Punishment - Fines upto ₹ 50 lakhs + upto 5 years jail. (कारावास और जुमार्ना)
दंड - ₹50k fine on Consumer if filing frivolous complaints.
Celebrity If an endorser (समथर्नकार) is found giving a misleading advertisement, then he can
Ads? be banned from advertising any product upto 3 years & fine.
⇒ Provisions for mediation / Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism. However, No
Appeal Against Settlement Through Mediation. (कोटर् के बाहर �ववाद �नपटाना /सुलह करना)
⇒ Stricter rules for eCommerce website (Ref Pill#3A)
⇒ stricter penalties for adulteration/spurious goods. (�मलावट खोरी /नकली माल बेचना)
Conclusion? Thus, new act addresses the lacunas of the original act of '86- by providing for new
methods of filing complaints, new bodies for seeking justice and stricter penalties on violators. This
will help in long way to protect the rights of consumers in India. यह नया कानून पुराने कानून क� खा�मयों को दू र
करता है. �शकायत �नवारण के �लए नई प्रिक्रया, नए सं गठन, और �ादा स� सजा के प्रावधान- - ग्राहक सुर�ा म� ब�त मदद करेगा.
“The emergence of 4th Industrial Revolution (Digital Revolution) has initiated e-Governance as 2020
an integral part of government”. Discuss. (" चौथी औद्यो�गक क्रां�त (िड�जटल क्रां�त) के प्रादुभार्व ने ई-गवनर्� को -GSM2
सरकार का अ�वभा� अंग बनाने म� पहल क� है". )
Account for the failure of manufacturing sector in achieving the goal of labour-intensive exports 2017
rather than capital-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labour-intensive rather than
capital-intensive exports. पूंजी-सा� �नयार्त के क� अपे�ा अ�धक श्रम सा� �नयार्त को बढ़ाने हेतु उपाय सुझाएँ ?
"Success of 'Make in India' programme depends on the success of 'Skill India' programme and 2015
radical labour reforms." Discuss with logical arguments. कौशल भारत क� सफलता और श्रम कानून म� सुधार के
�बना 'मेक इन इं िडया' सफल नहीं हो सकता - ता�कक �प से समझाइए
While we found India's demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability. 2014
What are we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 573
from? Explain. भारत के पास जनसं �ा क� लाभांश तो है िकंतु रोजगार के दर कम हो रही है. हमने नई नौक�रयां कहां पर खड़ी
करनी होगी?
Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted 2014
directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-
vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial
base? �ा भारत एक मजबूत औद्यो�गक �ेत्र के �बना एक �वक�सत देश बन सकता है?
Examine the impact of liberalization on companies owned by Indian. Are the competing with 2013
the MNCs satisfactorily? �ा उदारीकरण के बाद भारतीय कं प�नयां ब�रा�ी� य �नगमों से �धार् कर पा रहे ह�?
Has the Indian governmental system responded adequately to the demands of Liberalization, 2016
Privatization and Globalization started in 1991? Suggest reforms? एलपीजी सुधार के अनुसंधान म� सरकार
ने और �ा-�ा करना चािहए?
44.5.1 ✍🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains → Minimum wages, MSME Dwarfism
1) Discuss the significance of minimum wages in reaping India’s demographic dividend. जनसां��क� लाभांश के
�लए �ूनतम वेतन का मह�
2) Examine critically the problems in the present system of minimum wages in India & suggest remedies. का
वतर्मान �ूनतम वेतन �व�ा म� �ा सम�ाएं ह�?
3) Despite India’s outstanding growth in the last two decades, low pay and wage inequality remain serious
obstacles towards achieving inclusive growth. Suggest remedies to address this problem / OR How does
the Code on Wages 2019 address this? वेतन सं िहता भारत म� समावेशी �वकास म� कै से मदद कर सकती ह�?
4) “Job creation in India suffers from policies that discourage small firms from growing large.” Suggest
remedial steps through which MSMEs’ efficacy in job creation and GDP growth rate can be augmented
further. भारत म� छोटे उद्योग को बड़ा होने म� हतो�ािहत करने वाली नी�तयों के चलते रोजगार सृजन नहीं हो पा रहा. इसके �लए सुझाव दी�जए
5) “Pro-crony policies result in destruction of wealth whereas pro-business policies help in creation of
wealth.” Comment प�पाती पूंजीवाद वाली नी�तयों से रा��ीय धन क� तबाही जबिक �ापार वादी नी�तयों से धन �नमार्ण म� मदद हो सकती है
िट�णी क��जए
6) Examine critically the factors responsible for the uneven growth of Startup firms across various regions of
India. भारत के �व�भ� प्रादे�शक �ेत्रों म� �ाटर्अप क� असमान वृ�द्ध के कारकों क� समी�ा क��जए
7) Enumerate the steps taken under Atma-Nirbhar to revive the MSME sector in India, in the aftermath of
corona crisis. एमएसएमई उद्योगों को पुनज��वत करने के �लए आ� �नभर्र भारत अ�भयान म� उठाए गए क़दमों क� सूची दी�जए
44.5.2 ✍🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains → Post Independence: PM Rao (2020)
8) (GS1) Evaluate PM Rao as one of the makers/architects of modern India. (आधु�नक भारत के �नमार्ता/रच�यता के �प
म� प्रधानमं त्री नर�स�ा राव का मू�ांकन)
9) (GS3) “Legacy Rao’s reforms is an Indian economy where GROWTH has priority over Redistribution.”
Examine critically. नर�स�ा राव क� आ�थक सुधारों क� �वरासत - ऐसी अथर्�व�ा है जहां पर (अमीरों क�) आ�थक वृ�द्ध को (गरीबों म�
उसके ) पुन�वतरण से �ादा वरीयता �मली है" समी�ा क��जए
10) (GS4) “Though written in ancient times, Kautilya’s treaties are effective for modern day crisis
management.” Elucidate with an example of a modern leader/reformer. (हालांिक कौिट� के �सद्धांत प्राचीन समय म�
�लखे गए थे िकंतु आधु�नक समय म� भी सं कट प्रबं धन म� भी उतने ही प्रभावी ह�. िकसी आधु�नक नेता/सुधारक के उदाहरण के साथ �व�ृत �प से
Model Ans to PM RAO:= → in search box type "RAO".
📑📑Next Handout: 4C: NITI-PC, FYP, Macroeconomic indicators: unemployment, GDP, inflation, WPI, CPI,
IIP etc.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4B: Sectors of Economy-MFG & EoD → Page 574
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(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 575
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48.4.3 📔📔📔📔ES20: Countercyclic Fiscal Policy, Interest Rate Growth Rate Differential
(IRGD) 614
48.4.4 👳👳👳🤕🤕 ES19: GDP growth harmed during Economic Policy Uncertainty ............ 614
48.4.5 📔📔📔📔 ES19: How to reduce Economic Policy Uncertainty...................................... 615
48.4.6 � Conclusion: Policy Uncertainty ............................................................................ 616
48.4.7 � Conclusion: 5 Trillion economy? ......................................................................... 616
48.4.8 📐📐📐📐 Global Risk Report (वै��क जो�खम �रपोटर्) ............................................................. 616
48.5 👻👻👻👻⌚🎧🎧🎧🎧 GDP → $5 Trillion → Atma-Nirbhar Bharat.................................... 617
48.5.1 👻👻👻👻 Chronology wise total allotment ........................................................................ 617
48.5.2 👻👻👻👻⌚🎧🎧🎧🎧 Atma-Nirbhar Bharat Salient features ......................................... 618
48.5.3 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿 Atmani-Criticism: insufficient ₹ to revive Indian economy ........... 619
48.5.4 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿 Criticism: Statistical Window Dressing (अंको क� फज� िदखावट)............ 620
48.5.5 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿👿 Criticism: States Fiscal problems not given sufficient help........ 620
48.5.6 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿👿 Criticism: Regional Imbalance (असं तु�लत �ेत्रीय �वकास) ................... 621
48.5.7 👻👻✋👿👿 Atmani-Criticism: Modi merely copying Nehru’s ideas ........................ 621
48.5.9 👻👻✋🙋🙋🙋Alternate Suggestions to revive Economy: अ� सुझाव................................ 622
48.6.1 👻👻👻👻Misc. Terms: Chinese Atma Nirbhar/ Dual circulation (दोहरा प�रसं चरण) .......... 623
48.7 📐📐 GDP → GNP to NNP to Per Capita Income ............................................................... 623
48.7.1 📐📐 GDP → National Income → Misc. concepts ...................................................... 624
48.7.2 📐📐Types of Nations : High Income, Low Income.................................................... 625
48.7.3 📐📐Types of Nations : Advanced Economies (AE : उ�त अथर्�व�ाएं ) ............................ 625
48.7.4 📐📐Types of Nations : EMDEs (उभरते बाजार और �वकासशील अथर्तंत्र) ................................... 625
48.7.5 📐📐Types of Nations : Bangladesh transition from LDC to Developing Country ...... 625
48.7.6 😵😵Bangladesh Per Capita GDP higher than India? ...................................................... 626
48.8 📐📐📐📐 GDP & Per Capita Income→ Criticism / Limitations .......................................... 627
48.8.1 GDP → is everyone benefitting? ................................................................................. 627
48.9 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions: GDP, Economic Growth........................................................... 628
48.9.1 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Mock Questions → Atma-Nirbhar ........................... 628
48.9.2 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Mock Questions → GDP Growth ............................. 629
48.9.3 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Previous Years’ official Questions.............................. 629
49 🍅🍅Pillar#4C: Indicators → Inflation ........................................................................................... 630
49.1 🍅🍅Inflationary and deflationary gaps ................................................................................. 630
49.2 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Inflation: Types based on causation (कारणता के अनुसार) ........................................... 631
49.3 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Inflation types based on Speed / Quantum ............................................................ 632
49.3.1 🗓🗓 Inflation → Base Effect?....................................................................................... 632
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 577
49.4 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Effects on individuals ............................................................................................... 633
49.5 Combating inflation or deflation .......................................................................................... 634
49.6 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Pillar#4: Indices: CPI, WPI, IIP & others .......................................................... 634
49.7 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Inflation indices .................................................................................. 634
49.7.1 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅CPI-IW: New reforms in 2020- Oct .............................................................. 635
49.7.2 CPI-IW: Weightage of components ................................................................................ 635
49.7.3 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Inflation → CPI (All India), NSO, Base: 2012....................... 635
49.7.4 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Inflation rate %: how is it calculated?........................................................... 636
49.7.5 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Headline vs Core CPI? ................................................................................... 636
49.7.6 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 CPI Inflation is higher in urban areas than rural area because ................ 636
49.7.7 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 CPI in Corona- ES21 ...................................................................................... 636
49.7.8 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🐯🐯Inflation targeting by RBI- focus on Core CPI or Headline CPI? ..... 637
49.7.9 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI: उपभो�ा खाद्य महंगाई सूचकांक). 638
49.7.10 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Inflation → Wholesale Price Index, EA-DPIIT, Base: 2011 638
49.7.11 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅WPI Kabhi ⏬ kabhi ⏫ ............................................................................... 639
49.7.12 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Inflation → Other Indices ........................................................ 639
49.7.13 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: Inflation observations by ES20 Vol2Ch5 ................................................ 640
49.7.14 🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽 Thalinomics by ES20: Vol1Ch11 .............................................................. 640
49.7.15 🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽 Thalinomics data in ES21............................................................................... 641
49.8 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠Index → Production → Index of Industrial Production (IIP) .......................... 641
49.8.1 IIP's weights in ascending order (classification: use based) ...................................... 642
49.8.2 IIP's weights in (sector-based)...................................................................................... 642
49.8.3 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠: IIP Before Corona Year 2020 ................................................................... 642
49.8.4 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠: IIP in Corona-2020................................................................................... 642
49.9 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠Index → Production → Index of Eight Core Industries ..................................... 643
49.10 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠Index → Production → Misc. indices .............................................................. 643
49.10.1 ✍🎺🎺 Mock Questions for Mains → Inflation ....................................................... 643
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 578
Economic System Capitalism Mixed Economies Socialism
आ�थक प्रणाली → पूंजीवाद �म�श्रत अथर्�व�ाएँ समाजवाद
Ownership of the Pvt. Sector Few industries reserved Public Sector / Govt /
industries? �नजी �ेत्र for public sector, Collective ownership.
उद्योगों का मा�लक कौन remaining by Pvt. sector. No ‘pvt’ property.
What goods and ‘Free Market - Essential Govt. will decide
services should we Economy’: Let the goods/services by what must be
produce? More market forces of Public Sector produced & in how
books or more supply & demand - Others by Pvt sector. much quantity.
bikes? decide it.
During production Whichever mode of In public sector Preference for labour
shd we use more production is more industries- govt will intensive modes of
labour or more cheaper. decide. In pvt sector- production.
capital (machines)? entrepreneur will decide.
Only the consumers -
For essential goods Govt to decide who
How to who can afford them, and services → needs how much, and
sell/distribute those can purchase them. If a government may fix will distribute
goods and services sick man cannot afford the prices e.g. NPPA- accordingly, using
among people? medicine, it is not Stent. subsidy / rationing
�वतरण प्रणाली govt’s problem. - For others → market shops.
forces will decide.
Presently, most nations are ‘Mixed Economic System’ including USA and India. While China
officially claims to be ‘Socialist’ but, in practice, they too have become a Mixed Economy.
- The socialist economic system stopped in most nations after the collapse of USSR, except a
handful of outliers like North Korea, Cuba & Venezuela.
- Communism is a branch of socialism, (usually) run by a totalitarian government made up of one
and only one party.
Related terms: Closed economy (बं द अथर्�व�ा)= A country that does not have any import-export /
economic relations with rest of the world. Open Economy (खुली अथर्�व�ा)= an economy that is not a
closed economy.
45.1.1 🕹🕹 Capitalism- Great Reset Initiative by W.E.F (�व� आ�थक मं च क� ग्रेट रीसेट पहल)
⇒ by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab
⇒ Capitalism & its business models need to be "reset", to build a new social contract that honours
the dignity and equality of every human- in health, finance, energy and education. (पूंजीवाद और
उसके �बजनेस मॉडल को रीसेट/पुनः शु�आत करना- इस प्रकार के सामा�जक अनुबंध बने, जहां हर इं सान क� ग�रमा और समानता का
�ाल रखा जाए-�ा�,�व�, ऊजार्, और �श�ा म�)
⇒ Corona’s impact on poor people → has revived this debate again.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 579
45.2 �🧔🧔 ECONOMIC PLANNING: आ�थक योजना
Definition? It is the process through which Govt. prepares a list of socio-economic problems e.g.
mass poverty, inequality, low productivity in agriculture, lack of industrial and infrastructural
development etc.; and then Govt. sets goals / targets / plans to fix these problems. यह प्रिक्रया है �जसके
मा�म से सरकार सामा�जक-आ�थक सम�ाओं क� सूची तैयार करता है उदा। बड़े पैमाने पर गरीबी, असमानता, कृ �ष म� कम उ�ादकता,
औद्यो�गक और बु�नयादी ढांचागत �वकास क� कमी आिद; और उसे ठीक करने के �लए ल� / ल� / योजना �नधार्�रत करती है
45.2.1 📚📚 Types of Economic Planning (आ�थक योजना के प्रकार)
⇒ Totalitarian planning (in USSR, N.Korea) vs Democratic planning (India). सवर्स�ा�क vs लोकतां�त्रक
⇒ Centralized (in USSR, N.Korea) Vs Decentralized (India- after 73rd and 74th Amendments)
के �ीकृ त vs �वक� द्रीकृ त
Planning by Inducement (प्रलोभन द्वारा) by Direction (�दशा�नद�शन)
People are induced to act in a certain way through monetary Central authority gives
policy and fiscal policy predetermined targets
Indicative Planning (सूचक) Imperative (आदेशा�क)
⇒ Started in France by Monnet plan ⇒ State & Public sector
⇒ Found in mixed economies companies have complete
⇒ Government prepares an outline of plan after consulting control over resources.
with public and private sector. They are given funds, ⇒ No private sector involved.
incentives, subsidies, tax breaks to maximize production, ⇒ No consumer sovereignty.
income & employment ⇒ Imperative planning
⇒ Government does not force the private sector but just procedure is strict and
indicates the areas of cooperation and targets to be fulfilled. rigid. E.g. USSR, N Korea
⇒ Indicative planning procedure is soft and flexible. E.g.
India, France
Financial planning (�व�ीय आयोजन बनाम भौ�तक आयोजन) Physical planning
technique of planning in which resources are allocated in terms allocation of resources in terms
of money of men, materials and
Table 1: Types of Planning based on timeframe
Planning → Operational Tactical Strategic/Perspective
Timeframe → Short upto 1 year Medium: 3 to 7 years Long: 10 years or more
45.2.2 � 📚📚 Economy Planning → Before Independence:
1909 Gandhi’s book Hind-Swaraj (1909) he opposed industries and machines. Advocated
people should minimize their wants, care for mother nature, become self-reliant, small
scale production using khadi, village and cottage industries.
1934 M. Visvesvaraya’s book “The planned economy of India”, containing a 10 years plan. He
was an Engineer, Ex-Diwan of Mysore and Bharat Ratna recipient.
1938 Nehru’s Congress plan advocated setting up “National Planning Commission”.
But not implemented due to WW2.
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1944 15 years’ Bombay Plan for investment, by 8 noted industrialists JRD Tata, GD Birla et al.
1944 Sriman Narayan Agrawal’s Gandhian plan- focusing agricultural and rural economy
1945 MN Roy’s People’s Plan– with socialist leanings. He advocated distribution of resources
by the state only, and mechanization of agricultural production.
1950 Jayprakash Narayan’s Sarvodaya Plan based on Vinoba’s philosophy focused on
agriculture, small and cottage industries.
🔠🔠❓Which one of the following about the Gandhian approach to development is NOT true? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
a) Voluntary limitation of wants b) Development of self-sufficient village community
c) Achieve balance between man and nature d) Industrialization and participation of private players
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 581
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Plan Period Theme/Model/Target
5th 74-79 ➢ C.Subramaniam and later redrafting by D.P.Dhar
➢ Focus: agriculture > Industry & Mines
➢ Originally it was a 10 year long term perspective plan with focus on
poverty removal and self-reliance
➢ While it achieved the targets but terminated in 1978 as Morarji Desai
became PM.
Rolling 78-80 Morarji Desai’s Janta government: “we’ll measure progress every year and
Plan make new plans accordingly for next year.”
6th 80-85 ➢ Poverty removal, IRDP, NREM, TRYSEM etc.
7th 85-90 ➢ Pranab Mukherjee Model Focus on employment.
➢ For the first time, due to the pressure from private sector the private
sector got the priority over public sector
2 annual 90-92 Political instability at Centre. So, only 2 annual plans:
plans (i) 1990-91 & (ii) 1991-92.
8th 92-97 ➢ John W.Miller Model.
➢ PM PV Narasimha Rao- LPG reforms, New Economic Policy
➢ Top priority to human resources i.e. employment, education and
public health.
➢ Successful: Got more GDP growth than its original target.
➢ Fiscal deficit also ⏬but that was done by manipulation, using extra
budgetary resources (EBR) which we saw in Pillar#2
9th 97-02 ➢ Growth with social justice and equity. Mostly “indicative” planning.
➢ identified 7 Basic Minimum Services (BMS) like health, education,
nutrition, roads & gave more ₹₹ for that.
➢ #EPICFAIL due to global slowdown after Asian Financial Crisis
(which we learned in Pillar#3 currency convertibility).
10th 02-07 Target 8% GDP growth rate, double per capita income in 10 years, reduce
poverty to 15% etc. But failed to achieve targets.
11th 07-12 ➢ Theme: “Towards Fast and more Inclusive Growth”
➢ C.Rangarajan framed it with targets: GDP 9% growth rate, 70 million
new jobs, lower IMR, CMR, TFR etc.
➢ But due to US-subprime crisis, failed to achieve targets.
12th 12-17 ➢ Theme: Faster, More Inclusive & Sustainable Growth
Ended on ➢ Target growth: 9% GDP, 4% Agriculture, 10% Mfg. but due to
31/3/201 continued global economic slowdown, most targets not achieved.
➢ 10% reduction in poverty, create 50 million new jobs.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 582
Plan Period Theme/Model/Target
➢ Increase mean school years, forest cover, infrastructure investment,
rural tele-density.
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. Which of the following Five Year Plans emphasized the need for establishing a “Socialist Pattern of
Society” in India? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
A) 2nd Five year Plan B) 3rd Five Year Plan C) 4th Five Year Plan D) 5th Five Year Plan
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The main objective of the 12th Five-Year Plan is (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2014)
(a) inclusive growth and poverty reduction (b) inclusive growth and sustainable growth
(c) sustainable and inclusive growth to reduce unemployment (d) faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Arrange the following events in sequential order as they happened in India:
1. Mahalanobis Model 2. Plan Holiday 3. Rolling Plan. (Asked in CDS-II-2017)
Answer Codes: (a) 1, 2, 3 (b) 3, 2, 1 (c) 2, 3, 1 (d) 1, 3, 2
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about India’s Five Year Plans (Pre-2019):
1. From the 2nd Five-Year Plan, there was a determined thrust towards substitution of basic and capital good industries.
2. The 4th Five-Year Plan adopted the objective of correcting the earlier trend of increased concentration of wealth and
economic power.
3. In the Fifth Five-Year Plan, for the first time, the financial sector was included as an integral part of the Plan.
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3
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Position �Planning Commission 🧔🧔 NITI Aayog
Born: 15/3/1950 National Institution for Transforming India was
Dissolved: 13/8/2014 born on 1/1/2015
Chairman Prime Minister same
Vice Last Dy.Chairman was Economist Rajiv Kumar. (previously Arvind
Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia Panagariya). He enjoys ‘Cabinet Minister’ rank in
उपा�� (Cabinet minister Rank). the warrant of precedence and salary.
A Secretary level bureaucrat with fixed tenure.
CEO Member-Secretary (IAS)
Presently, Amitabh Kant (IAS).
1. Finance Minister PM will nominate Max 4 Union ministers. Presently,
2. Planning minister Minister for- Home, Defense, Finance, Agriculture
(पदेन सद�)
1. Dr. Ramesh Chand (Economist)
Full time 2. Dr. V.K. Saraswat (Technocrat, missile scientist
4-7 full time members,
members and Ex-DRDO chief.)
who enjoyed “Minister of
(पूणर्का�लक 3. Dr. Vinod Kumar Paul (Pediatrician, Public
State” rank.
सद�) Health Expert)
(क� द्र के रा� क�ा के मं त्री का पद)
They enjoy Minister of State rank in warrant of
precedence, but salary = Secretary rank (IAS)
- Union ministers for Transport, Social Justice,
Special MSME, Textiles, Women-Child, HRD,
Invitees commerce, statistics, planning.(these ministers
(�वशेष�प से are sometimes added/removed. List keeps
आमं �त्रत ���) changing dynamically)
- PM can invite other experts as and when needed.
Part-time Tech experts from research institutes. Currently
(अंशका�लक सद�) N/A
members none declared as of 2020-Jan.
− Chairman: Prime minister
− CM of all states incl. Delhi, Puducherry
National Development
Governing − Lieutenant governors of UT.
Council (NDC: रा��ीय �वकास
Council − Although cooperative federalism spirit missing,
प�रषद) with PM, CM etc.
West Bengal, Telangana and Punjab boycotted
meeting in June 2019
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Position �Planning Commission 🧔🧔 NITI Aayog
Ad hoc (तदथर्) CMs & Lt.Govs of states/UTs that fall in the region.
Regional N/A They’ll be dealing with specific issue affected them
Councils e.g. irrigation, Naxal-problem, infrastructure etc.
** Nominated ministers keeps on changing. Earlier, Railway minister and Minister of state for
planning, were in it. Now only 1) Defense 2) Home 3) Finance 4) Agri
** There is discrepancy between the theory given in Govt’s India 2020 (yearbook) which says ‘Full
time and part-time members will be maximum of 2” vs real life composition from where fulltime members are 3. I’ve kept NITI webpage as reference.
While Finance commission (a constitutional body under Art.280) is responsible for the tax-
devolution from Union to states, these two non-constitutional bodies look/looked after →
👳👳👳Planning Commission 🧔🧔 NITI Aayog
Prepared the Five-Year Plans of India It’s given responsibility to draft
पं चवष�य योजना बनाना ✓ Three Year Action Agenda (2017-20).
✓ Seven Year Strategy Document.
✓ Fifteen Year Vision Document (2017-32).
2018: drafted Strategy for New India @ 75 covering
the period 2017 to 2022-23.
1. How much money should union give to NITI doesn’t decide how much money should be
each state for implementation of given to each state. That component is decided by
centrally sponsored schemes (CSS)? the Finance Commission (tax devolution and
2. How much money should union give to grants) and Finance Ministry (Allocations for
the five year plans of the state schemes).
governments? 1. NITI primarily serves as the think tank, helps
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Telegram Account : 8368616092
Strategic - NITI Aayog suggested strategic disinvestment of 30+ sick / loss making
disinvestment CPSEs such as Air India, Pawan Hans Helicopter, Scooters India etc.
रणनी�तक�व�नवेश (PC wouldn’t have done this because of their Nehruvian mindset.)
POSHAN - Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) is implementing
Abhiyaan POSHAN Abhiyaan to make India malnutrition free India by 2022 with focus
on pregnant women, mothers and children. (More in Pillar#6)
- NITI Vice-Chairman is the head of POSHAN Abhiyaan’s National Council.
(Planning Commission’s focus would had been Food-calorie security through
cheap wheat /grain only, whereas Nutritional Security is bigger.)
Bills and Since its inception Niti Aayog has
policies - Helped framing various policies on Energy, Mineral etc.
कानूनों के �नमार्ण म� - Helped framing various bills, Model Acts on Agricultural Land Leasing,
सलाह Livestock Selling etc.
🌽🌽 NITI helped revamping the MSP by suggesting price deficiency payments (under
Agriculture PM-AASHA), & revamping fertilizer subsidies through DBT mechanism to
कृ �ष �ेत्र fertilizer companies. (Ref: Pill#4: Agro Handout)
SDG For Sustainable Development Goals (सतत �वकास ल�)
- NITI developed SDG India Index to monitor our progress in 17 SDG goals
- NITI suggested Govt. to focus on methanol / biofuel based economy for
reducing the fuel bill by around 30% by 2030.
GIRG Niti Aayog Global Indices to Drive Reforms and Growth (GIRG) dashboard to
Dashboard monitor India’s performance on various global socio-economic parameters in
such as Multidimensional poverty index of United Nations Development
Program (UNDP-सं यु� रा�� �वकास कायर्क्रम का ब�आयामी गरीबी सूचकांक). (📑📑Ref: Pill#6)
📯📯 CSS NITI helped developing Output Outcome Monitoring Framework to monitor the
क� द्र द्वारा प्रायो�जत implementation of Govt schemes. PC simply launched schemes after schemes,
योजनाएं without much attention to performance monitoring.
Seminars NITI regularly organizes seminars, workshops, conferences for idea exchange
with industries and academicians. PC was ‘closed / introvert body’ (अंतमुर्खी) in
terms of interaction with others.
Startups - NITI runs Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) →grant of upto ₹ 10 crores to
setup Atal Incubation Centres incubators. → AIM also started “Mentor
India” program, wherein experts from industry provide mentorship to
students in Atal incubator labs.
- SETU to help startups.
Digital Age NITI developing National Program on Artificial Intelligence.
� Conclusion? From above points, it is evident that NITI’s approach is more modernised,
forward-looking, less bureaucratic and less status-quo oriented than the erstwhile Planning
Commission. With such initiatives, NITI Ayog is playing a pivotal role for economic growth, human
development and good governance in India. नी�त आयोग का ���कोण अ�धक आधु�नक, दू रंदेशी, कम नौकरशाही और
कम 'यथा���त' वाला है- �जससे वह आ�थक वृ�द्ध, मानव �वकास, और सुशासन म� मदद करेगा
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 586
Asked-GSM3-2018: How are the principles followed by the NITI Aayog different from those
followed by the erstwhile Planning Commission in India?
Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (प्रधानमं त्री क� आ�थक सलाहकार प�रषद)
- Just like PC and NITI, this is also neither constitutional nor statutory body.
- Started in the 2000s to give advice on economic issues to the Prime Minister.
- After PM Manmohan Singh’s term finished (2014), PM Modi did not reconstitute it for a while.
But in 2017, our growth rate ⏬ in the aftermath of demonetisation and GST, so opposition
parties & critics were making lot of hue and cry about PM’s faulty economic policies. In that
atmosphere, PM Modi again reconstituted this Economic Advisory Council (2017-Sept).
- Composition? Economist Bibek Debroy (as Chairman) & other notable full time and part time
members= Total 7 persons. NITI provides administrative / secretarial support to PM-EAC.
PMEAC has suggested to government to:
- 1) Set up a GST Council like body on public expenditure(More in 📑📑Pillar#2)
- 2) ⏬ the number of GST slabs.(More in 📑📑Pillar#2)
- 3) ⏬the Direct Taxes to boost the demand & economy.
45.9.1 🤳🤳 Economy Planning → PRAGATI?
2015: Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation (PRAGATI) is a web platform under
Prime Minister's Office (PMO) for
1. Monitoring scheme implementation (योजनाओं के अमली करण क� �नगरानी)
2. Addressing common man’s grievances related to tax refunds, EPFO claims etc.
PM uses this digital platform for monthly video conferencing with ministries & departments
@Union, and Chief Secretaries(IAS) @States.
eSamikSha - 2014: PM Modi launched web portal under Cabinet Secretariat.
- After the Ministers / officials meet PM → decisions / follow up actions are
monitored through this portal.
- If an IAS is sitting on a file, this webportal allows PM / Cabinet Secretary to
digitally ask that IAS to explain the delay or expedite the decision-making.
Project - 2013: PM Manmohan formed “PMG” in Cabinet Secretariat for fast tracking
Monitoring approval / implementation of public sector, private sector and PPP Projects.
Group - They operate a webportal ‘e-Nivesh Monitor’ for investment / biz proposals.
Investment - (2004-09: Under Ratan Tata to make recommendations to the government on
Commission policies and procedures to facilitate investment.
- 2016 Government thought to revive it but faded topic. (फू टा �आ कारतूस)
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CPGRAMS - 2007: Personnel Ministry → Department of Administrative Reforms & Public
Grievances (DARPG: प्रशास�नक सुधार और लोक �शकायत �वभाग) launched the portal
Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS)
- Any citizens can file complaint against any Central
Ministries/Departments/Organisations for Corruption, Nepotism,
harassment, mismanagement, absenteeism, Delay in providing services etc.
They also launched a mobile app ‘My Grievance’.
[Yearbook] Following don’t fall under any ‘Ministry or Dept’
1) President’s Secretariat (रा�प� �त स�चवालय)
2) Cabinet Secretariat (मं त्रीमं डल स�चवालय) → Research & Analysis Wing
3) Prime Minister’s Office (प्रधान मं त्री कायार्लय) → National Security Advisor
(NSA: रा��ीय सुर�ा सलाहकार)
4) NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India)
1. Department of Atomic Energy (परमाणु ऊजार् �वभाग)
2. Department of Space (अंत�र� �वभाग)
🔠🔠❓MCQ Which of following is correct chronology sequence of formation of the Commissions? (UPSC-
A. Finance Commission (FC), Planning Commission, Investment Commission, Election
B. Election Commission, Planning Commission, FC, Investment Commission
C. Planning Commission, Election Commission, FC, Investment Commission
D. Investment Commission, FC, Planning Commission, Election Commission
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 588
(Earlier, C Rangarajan’s National Statistical Commission in 2005 had recommended this
CSO+NSSO Merger). Further, MoSPI also planning to setup a National-Level Data
Warehouse: It’ll act as a central repository of all the statistical data collected various
ministries, and provide big data analytics.
2. 📯📯 Programme Implementation wing (कायर्क्रम कायार्�यन �ं ध) →
a. Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS-1993: सांसद �ानीय
�ेत्र �वकास योजना) → each MP can suggest development works worth ₹ 5 crore per year in
his constituency. (More in Pillar#5: Rural infra)
b. Twenty Point Programme (2006: बीस सूत्री कायर्क्रम) to measure performance of various
schemes related to poverty alleviation, employment generation, housing, education,
health, etc.
c. Infrastructure Monitoring and Project Monitoring.
45.11 ➗📊📊 🕵🕵🕵📈📈 NATIONAL STATISTICAL COMMISSION (रा��ीय सां��क� आयोग)
Setup in 2005 in MOSPI by Cabinet resolution based on recommendations of C.Rangarajan
Committee. So, neither constitutional nor statutory.
- (सं रचना) Structure? 1 part time chairman, 4 part time members + NITI Secretary is ex-officio
member = 6 people. Chief Statistician of India serves as ‘Secretary’ to this commission.
- Functions? It replaced the Governing council of the NSSO. It designs the standards of data
collection - data publication, coordination among the different agencies involved.
- 😰😰Controversy? 2019-Jan: Two members resigned citing “Over the months, we have been
feeling that we were not been taken seriously and being sidelined by the govt. NSC had approved
the Employment Survey 2017-18 but it’s not yet released.” Critics allege this Employment survey
shows jobs fell after demonetization / GST so Modi did not want data released.
If this type of data manipulation & window-dressing is continued then eventually,
⇒ international organisations will lose confidence in India's data collection methodologies. They
will not believe fully, even if the Indian economy is growing really. (हमारे आंकड़ों क� �व�सनीयता कम)
⇒ Large sized economy has to contribute more money to IMF & in return gets more voting rights
in IMF board (e.g. USA). But, if IMF loses confidence in our data collection methodologies, they
may not ⏫ our quota, even if we become an economic superpower.
⇒ International credit rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's (S&P), Moody's, and Fitch Group
will give poor ratings to Indian G-Sec and corporate bonds → Foreign investors will feel shy
about investing in India or they will demand higher interest rates.
To install faith in official statistical data, Government is doing following
1) Draft National Statistical Commission (NSC) Bill 2019 to give statutory status to National
Statistical Commission, so it may work more independently.
2) Draft new National Policy on Official Statistics.
3) 2019-Dec: MOSPI setup a new SCES Committee <next topic>
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45.11.1 ➗📊📊 🕵🕵🕵📈📈 Standing Committee on Economic Statistics (SCES)
(2019-Dec) To improve the quality of data, MoSPI setup a Standing Committee on Economic
Statistics (SCES: सां��क� पर �ायी स�म�त) with 27 members + 1 Chairman (Ex-Chief Statistician Pranab
Sen) = 28 persons.
⇒ This new SCES Committee subsumes previous 4 Standing Committees on 1) labour force
statistics, 2) industrial statistics, 3) services sector and 4) unincorporated sector enterprises.
⇒ SCES will review the existing framework/methodology/data collection for IIP, periodic labour
force survey, economic census etc.
⇒ Chairman Pronab Sen suggested that
o Govt should announce a specific calendar that on ‘x’ date of each month or quarter, ‘y’
Macroeconomic indicator data will be released.
o This way critiques will have more confidence in the data released by the Government.
45.11.2 ➗📊📊📊📊 Mahalanobis National Award for Statistics
⇒ P. C. Mahalanobis= Father of Indian Statistics. Architect of 2nd Five Year Plan (FYP)
⇒ MoSPI gives P. C. Mahalanobis National Award for outstanding work in statistics.
⇒ 2020: Given to C. Rangarajan (ex-RBI governor). He's the 1st person to win it.
45.11.3 ➗📊📊⚖ Collection of Statistics Act, 2008
⇒ It regulates the collection of statistics related to social, economic, demographic, scientific and
environmental aspects, by central, state and local governments.
⇒ Penalty if companies, individuals and households doesn’t give information / give false
information to the data collectors.
Sidenote: Data collection / classification is done as per the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA
2008) by United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC).
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. National Statistical Commission was established on the basis of the recommendations of which one of the
following commissions/committees? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
A) Rangarajan B)Lodha C) Santhanam D) M.G.K. Menon Committee
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46.1.2 👷👷👷👷Occupational structure of Indian Workers- as per 📔📔📔📔ES21
Sector wise data from No. of Workers (Cr): % wise (Approx)
Highest to Lowest
Agriculture कृ �ष 21.51 44.1
Other Service अ� सेवा 6.44 13.2
Manufacturing �व�नमार्ण 5.9 12.1
Trade, Hotel & Restaurant 5.85 12.0
Construction �नमार्ण 5.71 11.7
Transport Storage & Communication 2.88 5.9
प�रवहन भं डारण और सं चार
Electricity, Water, �बजली, पानी, आिद 0.29 0.6
Mining & Quarrying खनन और उ�नन 0.2 0.4
Total Workers 48.78 crore 100%
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🤖🤖 Technological ⇒ Technological unemployment occurs when men are replaced
(प्रौद्यो�गक�) with machines e.g. Textile / Automobile.
⇒ 2018-Sept: World Economic Forum released “Future of Jobs
Report”. It says, by 2025, machines will do more work than
humans. As a result, 75 million worker jobs may be lost, but 133
million new jobs may emerge in robot repair/robot software
design etc. Hence urgently workers need to be reskilled.
Open / Structural ⇒ Lack of jobs when person’s skill/qualification is insufficient for
(सं रचना�क) the jobs available in the market
⇒ e.g. An IT Graduate knows C++ but demand is for Python/JAVA
computer language experts.
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Usual Status - It’s further subdivided into Principal activity status (ps) and
(US: सामा� �प से) Subsidiary economic activity status (ss) but internal difference
poor cost benefit.
- If person’s usual status (pp+ss) was “Unemployed” for majority
of the year → he’s deemed unemployed.
- In official reports, this figure is given more prominence.
- 2019: NSO’s periodic labour force survey 2017 (PLFS: आव�धक
श्रमबल सव��ण) says unemployment rate = 6.1% as per (US PP+SS:
2017) which is highest in last 45 years.
- 2020: NSO’s PLFS-2018 says unemployment rate= 5.8%
- As per 📔📔📔📔ES21 : High % of unemployment: Arunachal, Kerala, Manipur, and Bihar
- Low % of unemployment: Gujarat, Karnataka, West Bengal and Sikkim
- Unemployment %: highest among urban youth (20%) and is lowest among "illiterates" at
1.1% (बेरोज़गारी का प्र�तशत शहरी युवाओं म� सबसे �ादा और अनपढ़ों म� सबसे कम)
self-employed ⇒ those who work for themselves & charge 'fees'. They do not sell their
�-रोजगारी labour power to anyone else for a "wage", so they are their own 'boss'. सेवा
के बदले फ�स लेते है.तन�ाह/वेतन नही
⇒ subcategories: 1) Own Account 2) Partners / Owners / Employers Of
Business Firm 3) Unpaid Family Labourers
regular ⇒ �नयत वेतनभोगी कमर्चारी
wage/salaried ⇒ They sell their labour to 'boss (employer)', for predetermined
employees wages/salary. Their job continuous round the year.
casual workers ⇒ They sell labour for 'wage' but 'boss (employer) hires them for very short
अ�नयत कमर्चारी time period on daily or monthly basis.
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🔠🔠❓MCQ. As per Census, ‘Main Worker’ is a person who works for at least _ _ days in a year (Geologist-2020)
A) 100 days in a year. B) 153 days in a year. C) 183 days in a year. D) 200 days in a year.
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about Indian economy after the 1991 economic liberalization (Prelims-2020)
1. Worker productivity per worker (at 2004-05 prices) increased in urban areas while it
decreased in rural areas.
2. The percentage share of rural areas in the workforce steadily increased.
3. In rural areas, the growth in the non-farm economy increased.
4. The growth rate in rural employment decreased.
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 and 4 only (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 4
🔠🔠❓ MCQ. Which of the following statements about the employment situation in India according to the periodic
Labour Force Survey 2017-18 is/are correct? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
1. Construction sector gave employment to nearly 1/10th of urban male workforce in India
2. Nearly 1/4th of urban female workers in India were working in manufacturing sector
3. 1/4th of rural female workers in India were engaged in the agriculture sector
Codes: (a) 2 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
⇒ An unorganized sector (असं गिठत �ेत्र) firm is not registered under any law such as Shop
Establishment Act, Factory Act, Companies Act, Statutory Corporation, Govt org etc.
⇒ Unorganized sector consists of individuals / self employed workers engaged in non-trade-
unionized casual / seasonal work with irregular payments & lack of social security like
EPFO/ESIC. (मजदू र सं घ नहीं होता �ाई/�नय�मत �प से काम/आमदनी नहीं, सामा�जक सुर�ा का अभाव)
⇒ Government has enacted Unorganized Sector Workers' Social Security Act, 2008 to provide
them with life and disability cover, health and maternity benefits, old age protection etc.
(जीवनबीमा, और �वकलांगता बीमा, �ा� और मातृ� लाभ, बुढ़ापे क� सुर�ा आिद।)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 594
Table 4: Labour Ministry classification →
Examples of Unorganized worker <List not exhaustive>
Occupation wise Small and marginal farmers, landless agricultural labourers, share croppers,
(�वसाय के आधार fishermen, those engaged in animal husbandry, beedi rolling, labeling and
पर) packing, building and construction workers, leather workers, weavers, artisans,
salt workers, brick kilns and stone quarries
Nature of Attached agricultural labourers, bonded labourers, migrant workers, contract
employment and casual labourers.
Specially Toddy tappers, Scavengers, Carriers of head loads, Drivers of animal driven
distressed vehicles, Loaders and unloaders.
Service Midwives, Domestic workers, Fishermen and women, Barbers, Vegetable and
categories fruit vendors, News paper vendors etc.
Miscellaneous Cobblers, Hamals, Handicraft artisans, Handloom weavers, Lady tailors,
�व�वध / अ� Physically handicapped self employed persons, Rickshaw pullers, Auto drivers,
Carpenters, Tannery /Power loom workers and Urban poor.
Unorganised worker (असं गिठत मजदू र) = Person working in above sectors. There are more number of
workers in unorganized sector, than in the organized sector.
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🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following statements about India's unorganised sector are true? [UPSC-CDS-2014-I]
1. Labour is more in number than that in the organised sector.
2. Job security and work regulation are better in unorganised sector.
3. They are usually not organised into trade unions.
4. Workers are usually employed for a limited number of days.
Answer Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 3
46.5.4 👷👷👷👷👷👷 Worker Types → Gig workers & Two sided market - 📔📔📔📔ES21
Digital technology enables such two-sided markets. Its features are: (दो बाज़ूओ ं वाला बाज़ार)
⇒ 1) two sets of agents (Buyer and seller) interact through an intermediary or platform or
Aggregator app (Amazon, Ola, Uber etc) (दो एज�ट आपस म� एक �बचौ�लए के द्वारा आदान प्रदान करते ह�)
⇒ 2) the decisions of each set of agents affects the outcomes of the other set of agents (e.g.
Customer gives 5-star delivery rating or not → Delivery boy's payment affected etc)
Gig worker- Characteristics/Features: (गीग कम� क� ला��णकता)
⇒ 1) He/she works in a digital technology enabled two sided market. In the company's
records/contracts- such workers are usually shown as "independent service
providers/contractor" and not as "employees". So they are usually deprived of the
EPFO/ESIC/And other social security benefits (Ref: #1D3) Although Code on Social Security
2020 aims to fix this problem. (कं पनी के अनुबंध के िहसाब से यह कम� कं पनी का कमर्चारी नहीं िकंतु एक �तं त्र सेवा देने
वाला ठे केदार है. इस�लए वो प्राय �व�भ� प्रकार क� सामा�जक सुर�ा योजनाओं से वं �चत रह जाता है.)
⇒ 2) Their work-contract is usually shorter, temporary, Not permanent. (इस लघु अव�ध का अ�ायी
⇒ 3) Their payment may include
o a) piece rate (e.g. How many deliveries made)
o b) partly reward above a fixed salary (e.g. How many 5 star ratings received on delivery)
(�न��त तन�ाह के अलावा अ�त�र� ईनाम पुर�ार)
o c) partly profit (e.g. Taxi owner, Amazon seller) आं�शक मुनाफ़ा
It is the percentage of employed persons in the population.
𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝👷👷�
� � × 100
𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 👼👼👼👼���👴👴
श्रम बल भागीदारी दर (LFPR) is the % of persons in labour force (i.e. working or seeking or available for
work) in the population.
𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝👷👷� + ��𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝
� �
𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 👦👦👦👦👦👦���👴👴👴👴
× 100
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 596
- 2017: 37% (male+female in rural+urban combined). It can’t be 100% because there will be
children, elderly outside the ‘15-59’ age group meant for workers.
- �LFPR for female: Replace the word ‘person’ with ‘female’ in above formula. It’s lower than
male LFPR.
𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 �+ �𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢𝑢 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓
⇒ 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿(𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓) = � �×
𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑒 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 👧👧👧�👵👵
Table 6: source 📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol2ch8
Female LFPR Trend 📔📔📔📔ES21 Notes:
- LFPR of females (15-59 years) ⏫increased
to 26.5% in 2018-19. Although it’s far
behind LFPR of males (80%)
- Number of # of unemployed women in
urban areas = 0.37 cr, whereas in rural areas
=0.31 cr.
From 2004 to 2017, LFPR (Female: rural+urban) steadily declined ⏬ (45% to 25%) because-
⏫ women pursuing higher studies → their entry in the job market is delayed.
⏫ in income of (some) rural men → their wives have stopped working as labourer and just
playing domestic housewives role.
⏫mechanization of agriculture & animal husbandry → ⏬ demand for female agri workers.
⏬ textile/leather exports due to US/EU protectionism → ⏬demand for female workers
⏬real estate sales → ⏬ construction of new buildings → ⏬female laborers
Cultural factors, social constraints and patriarchal norms restricting mobility and freedom of
women. (सां�ृ�तक कारक, सामा�जक बाधाएं और �पतृस�ा�क मानदंड के चलते मिहलाओं क� आजादी पर पाबं दी)
Many rural / small-town girls don’t have require knowledge of computer and English to get jobs
in emergent startup sectors. (अंग्रेजी और कं �ूटर �ान क� कमी)
NSO's Time Use Survey, 2019 reported that females spend relatively more time in unpaid
domestic and caregiving activities (7.5 hours) than in paid/employment activities (5.7 hours) per
day. (मिहलाएँ रोज़गार से �ादा समय घरेलू अवैत�नक काय� म� �बताती है)
Examples of unpaid domestic activities = taking care of children, elderly in the household,
Cooking, cleaning home etc. (जैसे क� ब�े और बुजुग� क� देखभाल, रसोई, साफ़ सफ़ाई)
Solution? Government should invest in child care / day care facilities, paid parental leave,
family-friendly work environment, and elderly care facilities, Equal pay and career progression
for women, medical and social security benefits for female workers. If these things are not
available then there will be more family pressure on the women not to do the job and take care of
the house. (सरकार ने ऐसी सु�वधाएँ प्रदान करनी चािहए जहाँ नौकरीशुदा मिहलाओं के ब�े और बुजुग� क� देखभाल क� �व�ा
हो, मिहलाओं के �लए वेतन तथा पदो��त म� पु�षों के समान अवसर उपल� हो, अ�था प�रवार क� तरफ़ से मिहला पर नौकरी क�
जगह घर क� देखभाल का बोझ का दबाव �ादा रहेगा)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 597
Solution to improve LFPR?
⇒ Government schemes for skill development and entrepreneurship among women → 📑📑Ref:
Pillar6-HRD → Women empowerment. (मिहला सश��करण के �लए �व�वध कौशल �वकास योजनाएं )
⇒ Government should invest in child care / day care facilities, paid parental leave, family-friendly
work environment, and elderly care facilities, Equal pay and career progression for women,
medical and social security benefits for female workers.( नौकरीशुदा मिहलाओं के ब�े और बुजुग� क� देखभाल
क� �व�ा, मिहलाओं के �लए वेतन तथा पदो��त म� पु�षों के समान अवसर उपल� हो)
⇒ If these things are not available then there will be more family pressure on the women not to do
the job and take care of the house. (अ�था प�रवार क� तरफ़ से मिहला पर नौकरी क� जगह घर क� देखभाल का दबाव)
⇒ Gross Domestic Product= is the market value of all the goods and services produced within the
domestic territory of a country during a specified time period, usually one year. (िकसी देश के घरेलू
�ेत्र म� उ�ािदत सभी व�ुओ ं और सेवाओं का बाजार मू� को सकल घरेलू उ�ाद कहा जाता है)
⇒ Here, domestic territory = political frontiers of the country including its territorial waters, ships,
aircrafts, fishing vessels operated by the normal residents of the country; AND its embassies,
consulates located abroad. (as per NIOS textbook)
⇒ GDP potential= is the Highest or maximum output that a country can produce using the
available labour and capital (at a constant inflation rate). सं भा� जीडीपी = आपके देश म� उपल� सभी मजदू र
और पूंजी से जो मह�म उ�ादन हो सकता है.
⇒ GDP gap = difference between potential GDP and real GDP. जीडीपी अंतर / खाई = वा��वक और सं भा�
जीडीपी के बीच का अंतर
If anything is produced in India then someone must have paid money for that. So, accordingly we
can derive GDP = C + I + G + X – M
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 598
components Description and Examples
🛒🛒 (C) Consumption ⇒ Purchasing new car, mobiles, computer etc. Both India made &
of final goods and (Imported) foreign made are counted.
services ⇒ If existing house, its ‘notional rent’ is counted (i.e. even if you
उपभोग हेतु अं�तम उ�ाद didnot rent the property.)
⇒ ✋IGNORE purchase of second hand goods, because we are only
measuring ‘new’ things “MADE in India” in present year.
⇒ ✋IGNORE of new house not counted here, it’s counted in (I)
🗃🗃 (I) Investments ⇒ Purchase of tangible capital assets (मूतर् पूंजीगत सं प��) like New House,
�नवेश Land, Building, Factory, Truck, Machinery.
⇒ Purchase of intangible capital assets (अमूतर्) like IPR / Patents,
Computer Software etc.
⇒ Purchase of raw material & intermediate goods, wages to workers
for production.
⇒ UNSOLD inventory. (जो माल अभी �बकना बाक� है)
⇒ ✋IGNORE savings in bank, shares and bonds etc. (because it’d
have been given to entrepreneur as ‘Capital’ to buy above things).
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 599
Textbook formula NSO’s Real life formula (Approx) 2019-20 2020-21 (Estimated)
(C) Consumption (+) Private Final Consumption 123 lakh cr 115 Lcr
of final goods and Expenditure (PFCE)
(I) Investments (+) Gross Fixed Capital Formation 59 lakh cr 53 Lcr
(GFCF)+ Change in Stocks (CIS)
(G) Govt (+) Government Final Consumption 22 lakh cr 25 Lcr
Purchases Expenditure (GFCE)
(X-M) Export (+) Net Export of Goods & Services. -5.5 lakh cr -0.62 Lcr
MINUS Imports
(+) Discrepancies (�वसं ग�तयां) 96,000 cr 48,000 cr
Total = Total = GDP @Current Market Price 204 lakh cr 196 Lcr
GDP @Constant Market Price (2011) approx. 145.7 Lcr 134.4 Lcr
We adjust ₹204 lakh cr against base year 2011 then →
Year GDP at Constant Market Price (��र मू� पर)
2019-20 ₹145.7 lakh cr
2020-21 ₹134.4 lakh cr
GDP Growth rate in 134.4 − 145.7
2020 against 2019 � � ∗ 100 = 𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀𝑀 7.7%##
Note : above minus 7.7 growth% based on data in 📔📔📔📔ES21 v0l2 page 50 (published in 2021-Jan).
in 2021-Feb: NSO published estimates wherein 2020’s growth rate further downgraded to minus
8.0%. On 31st May 2021, NSO to publish another annual estimate for 2020, wherein the growth rate
may be even less. So, tick as per the context of MCQ.
Production method is also known as Gross Value Added method (GVA: सकल व�धत मू�)
Amt in ₹ Mining Engine Tractor Total
Company → Company → Company →
A) Total 1+5+10=16 lakh
Production → Steel: 1 lakh Engine: 5 lakh Tractor: 10 lakh Value of Final Goods
produced by firms
B) Intermediate 00 (suppose 0+1+5= 6 lakh Value
1 lakh (Steel 5 lakh (Engine
Goods → ore dug from of Intermediate Goods
purchased) purchased)
म�वत� व�ुएँ free land!) used by firms
Value Added (A- GVA =16-6
1 lakh → 4 lakh → 5 lakh →
B)= = 1+4+5 =10
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 600
⇒ Here, GVA = Value of final MINUS intermediate = (16-6) = 10 lakh. Alternatively, GVA =
Value added at each stage = 1 + 4 + 5 = 10 lakh.
⇒ The amount thus derived is called GVA (at basic price: मूल क�मत पर).
47.3.1 From GVA to GDP
GVA at Basic price: (Suppose a country only produce LPG cylinders) ₹ 600
🍋🍋 Indirect Taxes: CGST + SGST (Earlier, Excise + VAT) (+) ₹ 100
🧔🧔 But Petro ministry is also giving subsidy on the purchase of LPG cylinders (-) ₹ 200
under PAHAL scheme
= GVA (+) Indirect Taxes (-) Subsidies ₹ 500
= GVA + “NET Taxes”
= GDP at Current Market Price 🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓🗓 (वतर्मान बाजार क�मत)
When we adjust 🗓🗓 Current Prices (वतर्मान) with inflation against base year 2011, we get GVA / GDP
📅📅Constant Prices (��र मू�).
Table 7: data is in decreasing order of GVA size in 2019-20
Sector Industry (GVA in cr @constant basic 2017-18 (2nd 2018-19 2019-20 (2nd % growth- % growth-
price) RE) (1st RE) AE)* 2018 vs 17 2019 vs 18
Tertiary 7. Financial, Real Estate & Professional 2609016 2786855 2989960 6.8 7.3
Tertiary 6. Trade, Hotels, Transport, 2309860 2488049 2627439 7.7 5.6
Communication, Broadcasting"
Secondary 3. Manufacturing 2190791 2316643 2336365 5.7 0.9
Primary 1. Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing 1828329 1872339 1940811 2.4 3.7
Tertiary 8. Public Administration, Defence and 1533809 1677298 1824473 9.4 8.8
other Services
Secondary 5. Construction 962009 1020314 1050533 6.1 3
Primary 2. Mining & Quarrying 366496 345069 354748 -5.8 2.8
Secondary 4. Electricity, Gas, Water Supply & other 274104 296560 310275 8.2 4.6
Utility Services
Total GVA at Basic Prices 12074413 12803128 13434606 6 4.9
Net Taxes (meaning plus taxes minus 1,100,747 1,178,298 1,249,229
GVA+Net Taxes=GDP 13,175,160 13,981,426 14,683,835 6.1 5
Notes: RE = revised estimates. AE: Advance Estimates (अ�ग्रम अनुमान) Above data is from NSO press release on 28/2/2020, so data is slightly more
updated than ES20 which was released in jan-2020.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 601
⇒ While GVA gives a picture of economy from the producers' side or supply side, GDP gives
picture from consumers' / demand side perspective. (Because it considers impact of Indirect
taxes and subsidies). Therefore, from 2018, RBI decided to use GDP instead of GVA to measure
the economic activities for its policy making & big data analytics.
47.3.2 GDP Misc Topics → Discrepancy (�वसं ग�त)?
- Theoretically, GDP calculated by production method shd equal to GDP by expenditure method.
- But, in real life, GDP (production🛠🛠) ≠ GDP (expenditure🛒🛒); bcoz factory production data is
systematically captured by Govt machinery such as Corporate Affairs ministry’s MCA-21 portal,
NSO’s Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) etc. But, all of the final private consumption may not
be captured in the official statistics due to unreported transactions (e.g. due to black money etc.)
- As a result, mismatch / ‘discrepancy’ will be observed in GDP (expenditure) figures, and
mentioned in the official NSO report. (दो अलग-अलग सूत्रों से बनाए गए जीडीपी के आंकड़े मेल नहीं खाएं गे)
- Therefore, GDP (Production Method GVA) is considered more accurate method among the
three methods (Production, Expenditure, Income). (�ादा �व�सनीय माना जाता है)
- So, while NSO computes data using all 3 methods, but official GDP & growth figures are
presented based on the ‘Production GVA’ method.
This method follows the simple idea that whatever is “MADE in India”, its revenues must have been
distributed among the factors of production. So,
- GDP = Wages to labourers (W) + Interest on Capital to Lenders (I) + Profits to Entrepreneur /
Owners of the firm (P) + Rent on land (R).
- The GDP thus arrived is called GDP at Current Factor Cost (वतर्मान कारक लागत पर).
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 602
- But, quantitatively production may not have ⏫ (From 1 kg onions to 2 kg onions), and only
because of inflation in the prices (₹ 10/kg onion to ₹ 100/kg) the growth rate may be appear high.
- Therefore (to remove the inflation impact on growth rate), we must select a base year, and
convert the current prices to constant prices. (उ�ादन मू� म� महंगाई के असर को हटाने के �लए िकसी एक आधार
वषर् के दामों के साथ जोड़कर देखना चािहए)
- The ratio of these GDPs is called ‘GDP deflator’, it presents a picture of inflation like CPI and
WPI but, unlike CPI & WPI it’s not based on a fixed basket of commodities.
Nominal GDP at Current Prices (2019)
Real GDP at Constant Prices (BaseYear 2011)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 603
- 2018: MoSPI → National Statistical Commission → Committee on Real Sector Statistics under
the Chairmanship of Dr. Sudipto Mundle → He discussed various approaches to prepare such
Backseries. Then NITI released backseries data, showing Congress Raj GDP growth was pathetic.
- Critiques alleging “Methodology is wrong, and MoSPI/CSO should have released the report. NITI
Ayog should not have released it on their behalf. So, it’s all Modi’s manipulated data just to show
his growth figures are higher.”
Average Growth rate Base year 2004 Base year 2011
👳👳👳UPA-1 era (2004-09) 8.1% ~ 6.7% (using Backseries)
👳👳👳UPA-2 era (2009-14) 7.0% ~ 6.7% (using Backseries)
🧔🧔Modi-era (2014-2018*) N/A ~ 7.4%
47.6.2 📐📐📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol1ch10: India GDP is not overstated
⇒ 2019-March: Former RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan expressed doubts over India’s 7% growth
rate. He felt it was overstated.(“जीडीपी को वा��वक रकम से अ�धक बढ़ाकर िदखाया जाता है”, ऐसा सं देह राजन को)
⇒ 2019-June: Former CEA Arvind Subramanian published a research paper
o He compared the growth rate figures against India’s exports, imports, loans to industry,
petroleum consumption, railway freight traffic, electricity consumption, etc.
o He did not find strong evidence of 7% GDP growth. He estimated it’s only 4.5%.
o That means, India’s growth rate has been overestimated by 7.0-4.5 = 2.5%. (भारत के जीडीपी
वृ�द्धदर को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर दशार्या जाता है )
⇒ So, if Raghuram Rajan & Arvind Subramanian are right then either
o The Govt's data collection methodology is wrong (डाटा को इकट्ठा करने का तरीका/कायर्प्रणाली गलत
है) and/or Collected data is manipulated / doctored. (डाटा के साथ छे ड़खानी क� जाती है.)
📔📔📔📔ES20 has dedicated an entire chapter to prove how above criticism (By Raghuram Rajan and
Arvind Subramanian) is invalid.
⇒ CEA Subramanian K. did a lot of mathematical analysis using heavy academic words like
Difference-in-difference (DID) Method, variable bias in regression models, etc.
⇒ He basically tried to prove that all those critiques are wrong. India’s GDP is not overstated or
mis-calculated. ✋But hardly anything MCQ worthy.#🕰🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
47.6.3 📐📐GDP Misc Topics → Changing base years to 2017 & 18
2018-Feb: MoSPI declared that it’ll ‘initiate’ steps to change base years:
Indicator Present Base year Proposed New Base Year (प्र�ा�वत नया आधार वषर्)
GDP & IIP 2011 2017-18
CPI 2012 2018-19
This is proposed to ‘accommodate’ the changes take place in the economic scenario of the country
(e.g. GST, Demonetization, RERA). अब यह प्र�ा�वत है लेिकन वा�व म� अमल म� आया नहीं
47.6.4 📐📐GDP Misc Topics → (Proposed) City-level GDP
- 2018: Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) working on a proposal for calculating
City level GDP for Indian cities. (भारत के अलग-अलग शहरों का सकल घरेलू उ�ाद �गना जाए)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 604
- This can help the municipal administrators to know the economic potential of their area, and
decide municipal property tax rates & user fees; development projects for water / sanitation /
transport / infrastructure accordingly. (कराधान, पानी, ��ता, प�रवहन इ�ािद म� सुधार)
1) Expansion, Prosperity, Boom, Upswing of economy (तेजी का दौर).
2) Recession Phase (मं दी): from peak prosperity to moving downwards. Usually evident from
continuous negative growth rate for two successive quarters (=6 months). E.g. USA 2007-09 in
the aftermath of Subprime crisis .
3) Depression Phase (घोर मं दी): Severe and long lasting Recession e.g. USA 1929-39 in the aftermath
of stock market crash. It resulted in great fall in GDP, income, employment, industrial
production, and wholesale-retail sales.
4) Recovery Phase (समु�ान): from recession / depression towards prosperity.
Technical Recession when GDP growth ⏬ for, at least, two consecutive quarters.
मं दी क� तकनीक� �ा�ा सतत दो �तमाही तक वृ�द्ध दर म� �गरावट
Recessionary Phase If GDP growth ⏬in present quarter than previous quarter
मं दी का दौर �पछली �तमाही क� अपे�ा इस �तमाही वृ�द्ध दर म� �गरावट
Expansionary Phase If GDP growth ⏫in present quarter than previous quarter
तेजी का दौर �पछली �तमाही क� अपे�ा इस �तमाही वृ�द्ध दर म� बढ़ोतरी
47.7.1 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧Post-Corona: V-shaped recovery for India?
Table 9: Types of Recoveries
V-Shaped IF GDP growth suffers a sharp ⏬→ then quickly recovers. So graph will appear
"V-shaped". E.g. 1918-1920: Spanish Flu: USA growth falls to (3.5%) → afterwards
quickly recovers to (7.5%) = V-shaped recovery.
U-shaped If GDP growth takes more time to recover, then rises.
W-shaped If GDP growth ⏫ then ⏬ then again ⏫.
K-shaped If GDP growth ⏫for some sectors e.g. E-Learning, E-Commerce sectors while
Recovery GDP growth ⏬ in some sectors e.g. Tourism, Restaurants, Gyms, Theatre
कु छ �ेत्रों म� तेजी कु छ �ेत्रों म� मं दी जारी रहे
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 605
Table 10: CEA Subramanian K. predicts V-shaped recovery for India
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 606
⇒ 2020-Oct/Nov: Due to Diwali season, sudden ⏫in online & offline shopping due to various
discounts / sale-offers so, GST collection ⏫. But critics argue it was just a festival based 'pent-
up' demand and it may not sustain for a long time, once the Diwali to Christmas season is
over. (�ा उ�व ख� होने के बाद भी जारी रहेगी?)
47.7.5 🥶🥶 Misc. Terms: Hysteresis
Hysteresis= refers to an event in the economy that persists even after the factors that led to that event
have been removed. e.g. Even after the corona is controlled, People continue to spend less, fearing
another lockdown/job-loss. �जसके कारक अब समा� हो चुके ह� िफर भी वह घटना जारी रहे. जैसे कोरोना वायरस �नयं त्रण म�
आने के बावजूद भी, इस डर से िक वापस महामारी आएगी, लोग खरीदारी कम कर�, और बचत �ादा,
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 607
2018-19 2.70 trillion
2019-20 2.90 trillion
2024-25 5 trillion targeted ( 31/3/2025)
- ES19 has given blueprint for this and said, “We kept the cover of this survey in skyblue color,
because we’ve given blueprint for $5 trillion economy.”
- 2019-Aug: GDP growth sharply fell, FPIs exiting on large scale from India. So, Finance Minister
Nirmala.S announced Fiscal Stimulus (Ref: Pillar2)
- Counterview: Former RBI Governor C.Rangarajan said India cannot achieve 5 trillion dollar
economy by 2025, because to achieve it, we’ll have to grow at 9-10% annually but at present we
are struggling with 5-6% growth rate. या�न क� हमसे ना हो पाएगा
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 608
⇒ Govt's National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) aims to spend 102 lakh crore on infrastructure in
the next five years. But then government will have to borrow more money → ⏫ fiscal deficit
→ crowding out of the private investors → GDP cannot expand. (📑📑More in Pillar#5:infra)
⇒ Unless real estate developers reduce home prices, It is difficult to sell the unsold homes →
Builders will not build new homes → ⏬ demand of Steel and cement → GDP cannot expand.
⇒ 2019: India is among the top 5 economies of the world in terms of GDP at current US$ trillion
i.e. USA (21 Tn$), China ($14), Japan ($5), Germany ($3.9), India ($2.9)
⇒ 2024-25: We plan to ⏫ GDP to 5 trillion. But to achieve this, we need 9% GDP Growth rate
annually, which is rather difficult because presently we are struggling around 5%
⇒ 🤧🤧🤧🤧Corona lockdown.
48.2.3 📐📐🕵🕵🕵🥛🥛🧔🧔Declining Growth rate: glass is still half-full!
⇒ Among the BRICS Nations, India's growth rate is still relatively better and stable than Brazil,
China, Russia.
⇒ Even though the GDP growth rate is ⏬, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) SENXSEX is ⏫.
Which means both domestic and foreign investors are still investing enthusiastically in the
shares of companies → they are confident that the Indian economy will improve.
⇒ By doing the quarterly growth analysis since 1996, CEA Subramanian K. found India’s business
cycle is about 13 quarters.
⇒ Meaning, after every 13 quarters, we will achieve the highest level and then it will start to fall.
⇒ Presently we are at the “Fall phase”, But definitely improve after that as per the historic trend of
our business cycles.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 609
shock Aggregate demand ⏬. जो श्र�मक Import export, loans repayment =
िद्वतीय चरण के वतन वापसी कर गए → गाँव म� कम Aggregate production ⏬
आघात आमदनी के चलते उनके द्वारा ख़रीदारी ⏬
48.3.2 😷😷😷😷🌽🌽Negative GDP Growth: Agriculture an outlier
- Agriculture production was largely insulated / unaffected from Corona reasons (कोरोना वायरस के
बावजूद कृ �ष उ�ादन म� ख़ास नकारा�क असर नहीं देखी गई �ोंिक)
- 1) Even during the lockdown, the Govt provided many exemptions to transport of agri products,
Increased the fertilizer subsidy. (इस तालाबं दी के दौरान भी सरकार द्वारा कृ �ष उ�ादों के प�रवहन को छू ट दी गई)
- 2) Return of the migrant labourers from city area → More agriculture workers available (इन
शहरों से वतन वापस आए प्रवासी मज़दू रों द्वारा कृ �ष कायर् म� मदद)
- 3) Good monsoon → Good harvest (अ�� बा�रश के चलते अ�� पैदावार)
- 4) Faster vaccination in the USA, Europe → Opening of restaurants/fast food etc → Demand
for sugar, wheat, rich and other agricultural commodities⏫ → Indian agriculture exports
benefited (�वदेशों म� टीकाकरण के प�ात रे�रां उद्योग पुनज��वत → इससे भारत से चावल चीनी इ�ािद के कृ �ष �नयार्त म�
48.3.3 😷😷😷😷🌽🌽⌚🎧🎧Negative GDP growth: Post Independence
They have happened 4 times since independence
Year 1965 1971 1979 2020
Reasons? drought and war Drought, war Drought, political Corona
अकाल/सूखा युद्ध instability (राजनी�तक Pandemic
अ��रता) (महामारी)
Did Agro YES. हाँ इन तीनों बार कृ �ष उ�ादन म� काफ़� �गरावट आयी NO, Agro output
Output⏬? did not decline
48.3.4 😷😷😷😷🌽🌽⌚🎧🎧Negative GDP growth: Impact on States in Corona
State Which sector felt big shock in Corona?
Maharashtra, ⇒ Contact sensitive services sectors (Restaurant,Aviation,Tourism etc)
Delhi ⏬⏬ by lockdown. (सं पकर् आधा�रत सेवा �ेत्र-रे�रां हवाई यात्रा पयर्टन)
⇒ Labour intensive sectors E.g. MSME mfg, maid/servants, retail shopping
(श्र�मक आधा�रत/ श्र�मक �नभर्र उद्योगों)
Tamil Nadu, ⇒ Construction sector because migrants fleeing to home
Kerala, UP
Gujarat ⇒ Manufacturing, Diamond polishing sector
In above states' Non agricultural sectors: 30% or more labourers are "informal workers" → migrants
fleeing to home in Corona= big shock on output. (उ� रा�ों के ग़ैर कृ �ष �ेत्र म� 30 प्र�तशत या उससे भी �ादा
मज़दू र- अयथाव�ध मज़दू र ह� → कोरोना वतन वापसी → उ�ादन पर भारी आघात)
Homework for Interview: 📔📔📔📔ES21 Vol2 Ch1 Page 33-34 → Check the data
related to your own home state for (UPSC इं टर�ू/सा�ा�ार के �लए अपने रा� के बारे म�)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 610
Savings It’s the Income excess of Consumption. Subdivided into Private Savings [by
बचत households & business firm] and Public Savings by Govt organizations.
It's the domestic Savings + NET foreign money WHICH IS put in Real (physical)
Assets like machines, tools, buildings, office spaces, storehouses, roads, bridges,
Gross Fixed Capital Formation Rate (सकल �न��त पूंजी �नमार्ण दर)
= INVESTMENT – DISPOSAL of assets (liquidation, condemnation).
Thus, GFCF shows the net increase in physical assets. It IGNORES depreciation,
and land purchases.
Capital It is the amount of capital needed to produce one unit of output. It depends on
Output factors such as technological progress, prices of capital goods / machinery. In India,
Ratio High Capital Ratio is among the reasons for subdued growth rates.
⇒ ICOR = additional unit of capital or investment needed to produce an additional
unit of output. (एक अ�त�र� पुजार् बनाने के �लए िकतनी अ�त�र� पूंजी चािहए होगी?)
⇒ ICOR in India: 3.8 (2016) → 4.9 (2018) → 6.9 (2019).
⇒ A higher ICOR means is a country's production is less efficient
📔📔📔📔ES18 had observed:
- Pre-Subprime crisis, above indicators were >30% of GDP. But then ⏬, then struggling zig-zag.
- Pre-subprime crisis our growth rate was in peak 9%, presently struggling in ~7% range (before
Corona). Some countries take as much as 17 years to come out of such crisis.
If we want to quickly recover, & bring our growth to 9% then we must ⏫investment → GFCF will
⏫ → then growth rate will automatically ⏫ → savings will automatically ⏫ Therefore,
✅Increasing Investment / GFCF: should be ✋Increasing / mobilizing savings is important
our urgent priority but should not be our urgent priority
Resolve TBS, encourage Make in India & PMJDY, Pension-Insurance schemes, Sovereign
Startup India, Reforms in Tax Laws, Labour Gold Bonds, Unearthing black money,
Laws, Environment Clearance, FDI approval Demonetization etc. They’re important but not
etc. �नवेश को बढ़ाना हमारी प्राथ�मकता होनी चािहए “URGENT” बचत को बढ़ाना प्राथ�मकता नहीं होनी चािहए
Similar theme is also reiterated by ES19 that private investment is necessary for boosting growth.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 611
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 612
Then, CEA Subramanian K. talks about “wealth creation” in context of GDP and Per Capita GDP.
He uses ancient and modern thinkers/economists to suggest how to ⏫ our wealth
Thinker How CEA Subramanian K. links their ideas with wealth creation
Kautilya ⇒ Kautilya’s Arthshastra book is centred around Varta (economic policy),
Dandaneeti (law and enforcement), Anvikshiki (philosophical and ethical
framework) and Trayi (cultural context)
⇒ Kautilya asked the King to remove all obstructions to economic activity and
provide economic freedom to the citizens. (आ�थक ग�त�व�ध म� सभी �कावट� हटाकर
आ�थक �तं त्रता प्रदान करना)
So, Modi should also focus on Ease of Doing Biz (�ापार म� सुगमता)
Thiruvalluvar ⇒ Thiruvalluvar’s Thirukural book advocates wealth creation through ethical
Tamil poet and means. (धन सृजन करना चािहए, िकंतु नै�तक तरीके से)
philosopher. ⇒ Govt should provide equal opportunity for new entrepreneurs, Modi should
avoid Pro-Crony policies of ManMohan. (Recall Pillar4B: mfg → EoD,
प�पाती पूंजीवाद से बचो)
⇒ There should be no shame in privatization (Strategic disinvestment) of the
govt companies, Because after privatization their profitability has ⏫.
(Recall 📑📑 Pillar#2:Disinvestment)
Adam Smith Adam Smith's book ‘An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of
Father of Nations’ described “Invisible hand of the free market is instrumental in
Economics economic growth” (मु� बाजार का अ�� हाथ ही आ�थक वृध्धी िदलाता है).
⇒ But Govt intervention in free market often harms more than it helps.
(📑📑Recall Pillar4A: FCI procurement, Essential Commodities Act. (मु�
बाजार म� सरकारी दखल से लाभ कम नुकसान �ादा)
David Hume, “We should assume every man is a knave (=dishonest person), his actions are
Scottish always driven by private interest. So, effective supervision required”. (सब लोग
Philosopher बेईमान और �ाथ� ही होते ऐसा सोचकर सरकार ने स� �नगरानी रखना ज�री.)
⇒ So, we’ve to regulate the Shadow banking sector (प्र�तछाया ब�क) more
vigorously. (📑📑Ref#1B)
⇒ We must deal with the wilful defaulters responsible for the high level of
NPA. → use Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning etc., create PSBN
network. (📑📑Ref#1B)
⇒ American Sharemarket regulators has 15x times employees than SEBI. So,
we also need to increase manpower in regulatory bodies. (📑📑Ref#1C)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 613
Thinker How CEA Subramanian K. links their ideas with wealth creation
Motivation Abraham Maslow’s Motivational Pyramid: “Individuals are not driven just by
प्रेरणा physical / material, but they also have needs of self-esteem and self-
actualization” (��� क� प्रेरणा का �ोत �सफर् भौ�तक सुख नहीं, ब�� आ�-स�ान और आ�-प्रा��
भी होते ह�)
Confucius: “if Govt guides the people with penalties → they’ll shamelessly
evade the law. But if the Government guides them with virtue → people will
become upright.” (सरकार सद्गु ण के साथ मागर्दशर्न करती है → लोग ईमानदार हो जाएं गे।)
⇒ Therefore we should use the ideas of behavioral economics to increase their
morale to (�वहार अथर्शा�, नै�तक �र बढ़ाएं )
⇒ 1) Give up subsidies and 2) honestly pay taxes (📑📑Ref: Pillar#2)
Trust Adam Smith’s book ‘The Theory of Moral Sentiments’ described, “while people
�व�ास are sometimes selfish, they also derive pleasure from seeing the happiness of
others. (हालांिक लोग कभी-कभी �ाथ� होते ह� लेिकन उ�� अ� क� खुशी देखकर भी खुशी �मलती है)
⇒ Absence of such mutual sympathy / trust (पर�र सहानुभू�त / �व�ास) can result in
financial disasters, as seen in Subprime Crisis, Global Financial Crisis,
India’s NPA & Wilful defaulters.
⇒ So, trust is a ‘public good (सावर्ज�नक व�ु)’ similar to ‘streetlight’- everyone
benefits from it. Govt & entrepreneurs should try to build trust with citizens
Further, “Assemble in India”, “Agri Exports” → ⏫Export → ⏫GDP etc= Ref: (📑📑Pillar#4A&B).
48.4.3 📔📔📔📔ES20: Countercyclic Fiscal Policy, Interest Rate Growth Rate Differential (IRGD)
Covered in 📑📑Pillar#2D
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following was recognized as 'invisible hand' by Adam Smith? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
(a) Government (b) Market/Price Mechanism (c) Judiciary (d) Legislature
48.4.4 👳👳👳🤕🤕 ES19: GDP growth harmed during Economic Policy Uncertainty
Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (GEPU or EPU: आ�थक नी�त अ�न��तता सूचकांक) index Started
in 2016, by three US-based economists—Scott Ross Baker, Nick Bloom and Steven J. Davis.
− They capture countries’ newspapers’ headlines related to economic policy uncertainty, and then
rank the nation accordingly. (अखबार क� सु�खयों को देखकर पता करना के सरकारी नी�तयों म� अ�न��तता िकतनी है)
− 2011-12: economic policy uncertainty was the highest in India.
− 2G Scam, Coal allocation scam, Subprime Crisis, Global Financial Crisis.
− During this time, govt did not take the corporate friendly reform decisions or reverted its
original decisions fearing the media scrutiny, judicial scrutiny, protest by the labour unions.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 614
− 2016-17: ⏫ due to Demonetisation, GST. But during this stage it was not as bad as the
uncertainty during 2011-12.
− From 2014 onwards India’s EPU has declined although in a zigzag manner with occasional
spikes during Demonetization - GST etc. Whereas Global EPU has ⏫ in zigzag manner- due to
the Policies pursued by Donald Trump, BREXIT, Iran, N.Korea, OPEC, Trade war between USA
and China etc. (हालांिक �व� म� आ�थक नी�त अ�न��तता बढ़ी लेिकन भारत म� उतनी �ादा नहीं बढ़ी)
− During high EPU: domestic investors hold up their decision to invest into financial market. They
prefer to invest in gold (=large BOP), land / real estate (=Black money). FPI inflows ⏬ during
are volatility of exchange rate. (अ�न��तता म� ब�कों म� बचत म� कमी और �वदेशी �नवेश म� कमी)
− However, the relationship between FDI growth and volatility of exchange rate is weak. Because
Foreign Direct Investors are entering a market for long term. They look at multiple factors
beyond just the exchange rate. They look at taxation, monetary policy, consumer sentiment etc.
all which are reflected by EPU.
− Low growth of FPI, FDI = Corporates are deprived of the new capital from the domestic and
foreign investors → it affect the factory expansion, job creation and GDP growth.
48.4.5 📔📔📔📔 ES19: How to reduce Economic Policy Uncertainty
⏬ economic policy uncertainty is critical for both domestic investment and foreign investment.
Therefore, ES19 suggested following reforms: (�नवेश म� बढ़ोतरी के �लए आ�थक नी�तयों म� �न��ता ज�री) Make Policies predictable (पूवार्नुमान करने यो�)
Top-level policymakers must ensure that their policy actions are predictable. E.g.
⇒ From which date Bharat Stage emission norms will become effective?
⇒ From which date GAAR or E-Way Bill will become effective?
⇒ 2016-Budget proposed to impose income tax on the money withdrawn by subscriber from his
EPFO fund. Later, due to labour unions backlash it was reverted.
⇒ 2019-Budget proposed to hike surcharge on the income tax of super-rich, then due to a backlash
by foreign investors, it was reverted. (�वदेशी �नवेशक को के �वरोध के चलते �नणर्य वापस �लया)
⇒ 2021- Finance Ministry ⏬⏬ interest rates on various small saving schemes (Ref Pillar1D3)
But within a day, fearing public outcry (& Bengal election), they withdrew decision. [पहले लघु बचत
योजनाओं के �ाज दर म� कटौती क� घोषणा क� लेिकन िफर एक ही िदन म� �नणर्य को वापस �लया!] Keep consistency in promises (वादों म� सामं ज� / �नरंतरता र�खये)
Government / Regulators should maintain broad consistency in actual policy with the forward
guidance. They should reduce ambiguity/arbitrariness in policy implementation. E.g.
− 2018-Dec: Monetary policy Committee keeping “Calibrated Tightening”. Means in the next
meeting they would either ‘hold', or 'increase' repo rate. No chance of cutting the repo rate. Yet
in 2019-Feb, they cut the repo rate.
− Similarly, Govt should avoid changing the goalposts and deadlines of Fiscal Responsibility and
Budget Management (FRBM) Act. (राजकोषीय घाटे के ल�ं को को भी बार-बार बदल िदया जाता है)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 615 Policy implementations must be monitored (अ�वरल �नगरानी)
− “What gets measured gets acted upon”. Therefore, Government must monitor its performance
in the Economic Policy Uncertainty Index on a quarterly basis. We should construct India-
specific sub indices of economic uncertainty To monitor our performance.
− The actual implementation of policy occurs at the lower levels, where ambiguity gets created and
it compounds the economic policy uncertainty.
− Therefore, staff should be trained and implementation processes should be certified (by NITI
etc) before implementing a policy. (सरकारी महकमे को नी�त �नमार्ण और उसके अमलीकरण क� तालीम दी जाए)
− Poorly drafted laws full of ambiguities, amendments, clarifications and exemptions = endless
litigation. E.g. Provisions related to Capital Gains Tax in the IT Act 1961: Vodafone-Hutch case. Respect boundaries (एक दू सरे क� सीमाओं का स�ान क��जए)
Judiciary, legislature and executive should respect each other's boundaries. Executive and
legislature should not create a vacuum which could encourage Judicial Overreach such as
firecracker ban, plastic ban, or no selling of liquor on highway hotels, which may create new
challenges in economy. (�ा�यक अ�त�व�ार के चलते उद्योगों म� अ�न��तता)
48.4.6 � Conclusion: Policy Uncertainty
Indian faces economic uncertainty from many fronts which are beyond our control e.g. Poor
monsoon, BREXIT, OPEC Oil cuts, Geopolitical disturbance in the Korean Peninsula and
Western Asia (Iran), protectionism and tariff wars.
While policymakers can not control above ‘economic and diplomatic uncertainties’, they can
definitely control economic policy uncertainty. (आ�थक और कू टनी�तक अ�न��तता को तो हम कम नहीं कर सकते
लेिकन नी�त क� अ�न��तता को कम करना ज�री)
Successive economic surveys have found that greater private investment is necessary for
economic growth in India. EPU can spook investors and spoil the investment climate in the
economy, therefore Government must strive for 100% policy certainty on the economic fronts.
🎓🎓📘📘 📘📘 Homework: Economic Survey 2018-19 Vol1 Ch6 Read Introduction upto Bullet 6.2. Then,
read Conclusion from Bullet 6.22.
48.4.7 � Conclusion: 5 Trillion economy?
Higher economic growth can help increasing employment avenues for citizens & tax revenues
for the Govts. उ� आ�थक वृ�द्ध दर से रोजगार सृजन और राज� आमदनी म� बढ़ोतरी होगी
Collectively, this results in improved living standards through higher expenditure on health &
education by both the citizens and the State. �श�ा और �ा� पर �ादा खचर् से जीवन �र भी बेहतर होगा
Therefore, we must leave no stone unturned to accomplish above targets / address above
challenges on priority basis. (अत: अग्रता क्रम से उ� चुनौ�तयों से लड़ना ज�री)
48.4.8 📐📐📐📐 Global Risk Report (वै��क जो�खम �रपोटर्)
⇒ Published by World Economic Forum (WEF, Switzerland)
⇒ 2019: similar to above and cybersecurity, data theft, data fraud. (साइबर सुर�ा, डेटा चोरी/धोखा धड़ी)
⇒ 2020: weather, climate, natural disasters, biodiversity loss, water crisis, weapons of mass
destruction. (मौसम, जलवायु, प्राकृ �तक आपदा, जैव �व�वधता क� हा�न, जल सं कट, सामूिहक �वनाश के ह�थयार)
2021 Report: following risks identified
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 616
⇒ biggest risk in terms of impact: ‘infectious diseases’ (सबसे �ादा नुकसान होगा= सं क्रामक रोग)
⇒ biggest risk in terms of likelihood: ‘extreme weather’ (�जसके होने क� सं भावना सबसे �ादा= हवामान आधा�रत
प्राकृ �तक आपदाएँ )
Short term dangers (0- infectious diseases, employment crises, digital inequality and youth
2 years) लघु अव�ध के disillusionment. (सं क्रामक रोग, रोजगार सं कट, िड�जटल असमानता और युवा मोहभं ग।)
medium-term asset bubble bursts, IT infrastructure breakdown, price instability and
(3-5 years) म�ाव�ध debt crises. (सं प�� का गु�ारा फटना,सूचना प्रौद्यो�गक� अवसं रचना का टू टना,, क�मत म�
अ��रता, कजर् म� बढ़ोतरी।)
Long term Existential weapons of mass destruction, state collapse, biodiversity loss,
threats (5-10 years) environmental risks and adverse technological advances (सामूिहक �वनाश के
दीघार्व�ध क� अ���वादी खतरे ह�थयार, सरकार का पतन, जैव �व�वधता हा�न, पयार्वरणीय जो�खम, प्र�तकू ल तकनीक� �वकास)
⇒ (Origin) 2020-March: Government of India initiated nationwide lockdown to prevent the spread
of Corona/COVID-19 pandemic. (कोरोना महामारी के चलते देश�ापी तालाबं दी)
⇒ This lockdown affected the income and livelihood of everyone from corporate companies to
common citizens of India. (सबक� आजी�वका को हानी �ई)
⇒ Therefore, to revive economy, PM launched Atma Nirbhar Bharat stimulus package in 2020-
May to revive the Indian economy. (अथर्�व�ा को पुनजीवन / प्रो�ाहन का आ�थक पेकेज)
⇒ It’s centred on five pillars of – Economy, Infrastructure, System, Demand and Vibrant
Demography (�ू �तली जनसां��क�).
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 617
⇒ Festival advance via SBI Utsav Cards for Govt employees, LTC benefits to Govt
⇒ Addl ₹₹ for defense and roads., States given interest free loans
5. Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan 3.0 (2020-Nov 12th) 2.65Lcr
⇒ Income Tax relief for real estate developers & Home Buyers,
⇒ Production Linked Incentive (PLI) to boost mfg
⇒ Atmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana / EPFO contribution
⇒ addl ₹₹ for fertilizer subsidy, addl ₹₹ for PM Awaas Yojana – Urban (PMAY-U)
6. RBI measures announced till 31st Oct 2020 13LCr
e.g. ⏬CRR, ⏬Repo, ⏫WMA, Special loan Windows
(📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#1A2)
Total Atma-Nirbhar Package (originally it was ₹20 lcr however later it was ⏫ ~30Lcr
48.5.2 👻👻👻👻⌚🎧🎧🎧🎧 Atma-Nirbhar Bharat Salient features
<REFER To respective pillar’s handouts>
Mrunal's Pillars Atma-Nirbhar Salient Features (List not exhaustive)
⇒ RBI's easy monetary policy, loan moratorium, Additional loan towards
States (WMA, CSF), NBFCs & Mutual Funds, Postponed Basel norms
1A, B,C:
⇒ Government schemes for loans towards NBFCs, MSME
Money Banking
⇒ IBC code suspended
⇒ Allowed Indian companies to directly list their shares in foreign exchange
⇒ Relaxed penalties in the Companies Act
⇒ ₹50 lakh insurance if Corona health worker died
⇒ Expanded the coverage of workers in ESIC
⇒ Atmanirbhar Bharat Rozgar Yojana / EPFO contribution
1D: insurance ⇒ Promised social security, health check up etc for unorganized sector
& Fin Inclusion workers (असं गिठत �ेत्र के मजदू रों के �लए सामा�जक सुर�ा)
⇒ Direct money transfer of 500-1000 rupees in PM-JDY women accounts,
Senior citizen accounts, PH etc. (प्र�� लाभ अंतरण)
⇒ Loans for SHG, MSME, Street Vendors (SVANIDHI)
⇒ Extended the deadline for filing taxes, Reduced TDS rates
⇒ Changed the policy of disinvestment
2: Public Finance ⇒ Promise to help the states finances
taxation ⇒ PM CARES fund for accepting donation
⇒ Festival advance via SBI Utsav Cards for Govt employees, LTC benefits
⇒ States given interest free loans for Capital Expenditure
⇒ RBI's VRR and FAR windows for attracting $$
3: International
⇒ Borrowed billions of $$ from BRICS-NDB, AIIB, ADB, World bank etc To
revive Indian economy (ब�प�ीय �वकास ब�कों से कजार्)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 618
⇒ Banned the import of 101 defense items. FDI in defense ⏫
⇒ Global companies can’t apply for Indian Government tenders below “X”
amount. (to reduce import bill & help local biz)
⇒ Paid the PM-KISAN installments ahead of its due date (Frontloading)
⇒ 3 Ordinance to Reform the agriculture and food processing sector
(APMC, Contract Farming, Essential commodities)
4A: Agriculture, ⇒ ⏫MSP, Operation Green expanded to all fruits and veggies
⇒ funding / loans for Food processing industry in Dairy cooperatives
⇒ Agriculture Infrastructure Fund, Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Fund,
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana
⇒ Change the definition of MSME, MSME Loan schemes, equity infusion
⇒ Interest subvention in Mudra loans (�ाज म� स��डी)
4B: mfg, Ease of
⇒ Portals: (MSME) CHAMPIONS portal, YUKTI 2.0 (Corona innovation),
Doing Biz
⇒ Global companies can’t apply for Indian Government tenders below “X”
amount. (to reduce import bill & help local biz)
⇒ Reforms to encourage more commercial Mining
⇒ Funding for DISCOMs to increase electricity production
⇒ PM-Awas yojana sub-components deadline extended
⇒ Rental housing will be promoted (िकराए के मकानों के �नमार्ण को प्रो�ाहन)
5: Infrastructure ⇒ PPP for airports, atomic energy, space tech
⇒ Transport → Vande Bharat mission and Shramik special trains to help the
migrants reach their home
⇒ Force Majeure in RERA act, No penalty on road contractors If projects
not finished in time
⇒ New portals & TV channels for online education
⇒ One Nation one ration card, free grains, pulses, LPG cylinders for poor
6: Poverty,
⇒ MGNREGA wages and funding ⏫
⇒ DBT of money in PM-JDY women, poor senior citizens, poor PH
⇒ SHG: loans, procure masks and sanitizers produced by them
⇒ Street vendors ko ₹10k loans (SVANiDHI scheme)
👿👿As such Atma-Nirbhar criticism is not important for UPSC exam nowadays. But some idea may be
required for interviews.
48.5.3 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿 Atmani-Criticism: insufficient ₹ to revive Indian economy
Country Japan Malaysia Singapore India
Stimulus package as a % of GDP 20% 16.2% 12.2% 10-15%
Amount is quite insufficient. अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करने के �लए रकम पयार्� नहीं है
Counter argument: (REF Pillar2D) If Modi tried to give bigger fiscal stimulus THEN →
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 619
Fiscal Deficit⏫= Credit Rating ⏬= Flight of Foreign Investors = Currency exchange rate
volatility. (सरकार एक हद से �ादा प्रो�ाहन दे नहीं सकती वरना राज� घाटा ब�त बढ़ जाएगा)
If the deficit is monetized by RBI printing more currency → demand side inflation like Post-
WW1-ka Germany. (�रजवर् ब�क भी एक हद से �ादा मुद्रा नहीं छाप सकती वरना महंगाई बढ़ जाएगी)
48.5.4 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿 Criticism: Statistical Window Dressing (अंको क� फज� �दखावट)
⇒ Fiscal policy component (Tax cuts, subsidies, interest subvention, MSP hike, EPFO social
security contribution, disinvestment, capital Expenditure for agri infrastructure etc.) = very
small in size. राजकोषीय िह�ा ब�त कम है
⇒ Most of the amount is by (+)(+) summing up bank loans to NBFC, MSME, farmers, builders,
Public Private Partnership etc. So, funding generated from….
o From RBI monetary policy decisions (⏬CRR, Repo, Refinance etc)
o From depositors’ deposits → bank → loans to borrowers
o PPP’s private sector share is generated through shares/bonds issued in market.
⇒ So, amount is not entirely borne by the government from its own pocket.
⇒ IF more money available for loan → it does not mean MSME firms will automatically take
loans, until there is an ⏫ in the demand of goods/services. E.g. Hair Salon allowed it to be
opened up but very few customers came. So, MSME produces hair combs, razor blades, shaving
cream, talcum powders etc. will not see any ⏫demand. So, “xx cr available for loans” is an
imaginary figure, not real revival figure.
⇒ Even budget 2019’s announcements like Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY:
20kcr) are added here. पुराने बजट क� घोषणाओं को यहां वापस जोड़ा गया है
⇒ ATMANI Press release even says “PM Fasal Bima Yojana: ₹6400 crore claim payment given”
& counted in the ₹20 lakh package. But, if there is a natural disaster or pest attack= insurance
company is duty bound to pay insurance money to farmers. How is that a ‘stimulus package’?
⇒ National Animal disease control → vaccination of animals is also counted in the package. But,
it’s an essential requirement of the Dairy Sector, even if coronavirus didn't happen! So, it’s not
‘revival/stimulus package.’
⇒ Even after DBT/Subsidy/MGNREGA wages- the beneficiaries are not spending money, they’re
only saving money, fearing a longer recession so, shopping/demand⏬. (लाभा�थयों को पैसा �मला है
बेशक िकंतु वे लं बी मं दी के डर म� उसे खचर् नहीं कर रहे पैसे क� बचत कर रहे ह�)
48.5.5 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿👿 Criticism: States Fiscal problems not given sufficient help
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 620
⇒ Bihar govt unable to pay its share for centrally sponsored schemes (CSS: क� द्र सरकार द्वारा प्रायो�जत
योजनाएं ) such as MGNREGA, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna, PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY: 5
lakh ka health insurance), mid-day meal etc. → So, Bihar wants the Union to pay the entire cost
of CSS, else threatens to stop the implementation altogether.
⇒ Delay in release of GST compensation cess (📑📑Ref Pillar#2)
⇒ 🍺🍺Some states imposed additional cess on liquor sales, but that too is insufficient to cover their
revenue losses. (मिदरा पर डाला गया उपकर)
⇒ Telangana CM even urged the Union to ⏫ FRBM limit and explore issuing ‘Helicopter money’
(📑📑Ref: Pillar3) But, ATMANI has not adequately addressed fiscal problems of States. (रा�
सरकारों क� �व�ीय सम�ाओं को पूणर् �प से सुलझाया नहीं गया)
⇒ States demanding additional funds to purchase Corona vaccines.
48.5.6 👻👻✋👿👿👿👿👿 Criticism: Regional Imbalance (असं तु�लत �ेत्रीय �वकास)
⇒ ATMANI focuses on loans to MSME/industries. (लघु उद्योगों क� मदद)
⇒ But, this will benefit more to southern and western Indian States, since they’ve more number of
registered firms / organized sector. िकंतु �ादातर लघु उद्योग- प��म और द��ण भारत म� ही है
⇒ But low levels of entrepreneurship / prevalence of unorganized sector in eastern India and Hindi
belt States = they’ll will not benefit much. पूव� भारत के लोग �सफर् नरेगा के गड्ढे खोद कर दो पैसे कमाएं गे उतना ही.
⇒ The Govt reformed the mining sector → ⏫mining activities in the Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,
Odisha etc ASPIRATIONAL (=backward) states. But its benefits may be confined to the
industrialist, and not percolate down to the mine-workers, until the minimum wages are
increased and enforced. (�ूनतम वेतन को लागू नहीं िकया तब तक खनन �ेत्र के मजदू रों को कोई लाभ नहीं)
48.5.7 👻👻✋👿👿 Atmani-Criticism: Modi merely copying Nehru’s ideas
Ideas of PM → 👴👴Nehru 🧔🧔Modi
Self-reliance through Yes. (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के उपक्रमों No. His plan is to privatize most of the
Central Public Sector द्वारा ��नभर्र बनने क� को�शश) CPSEs. (सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के उपक्रमों का �नजीकरण
Enterprises (CPSEs). कर�गे)
Self-Reliance through No. Capitalism was seen Yes, Capitalism, PPP is embraced with
helping the private with suspicion and open arms. Focus on Ease of doing
sector: controlled through License business. (पूंजीवाद को शक/घृणा से नही देखते ब��
�नजी �ेत्र को मदद करके Quota Inspector raj. गले लगाते ह�)
Self-reliance through Yes, ban/high taxes on Limited extend. (के वल मयार्िदत �प से)
protectionism imported goods Import ban on selected defense items
आयात पर सं र�णवाद? आयात होने वाली चीजों पर ब�त ऊंची Global companies can’t apply for tenders
मात्रा म� कर below “X” amount
Self-reliance through Yes. Focus on SHGs. More Limited extend.
village-cottage ‘collective’ in nature. More Focus on giving credit guarantee/
industries सामूिहकता पर ज़ोर िदया गया loans given to MSME / individual
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 621
ग्रामीण कु टीर उद्योग को िकतना entrepreneurs /street-vendors/
प्रो�ाहन �दया गया? Startups/homebuyers.
+ Jobs for MGNREGA workers
Here, hardly 1-2 points for SHG in
ATMANI== more individualistic in
nature. ���परकता
48.5.8 ✍👴👴👴👴 Conclusion: Self Reliance: Nehru vs Modi
⇒ Both PMs ideas on self-reliance were shaped by the needs and aspirations of their respective era.
⇒ Unlike Nehru, Modi can’t be expected to be more ‘protectionist’ due to WTO & global pressure.
⇒ Unlike Modi, Nehru could be expected to be more Pro-business/Pro-Capitalist, due to
immediate negative experience of British Imperialism & East India Company.
⇒ Nonetheless, both PMs played instrumental roles in shaping the economic vision of India during
their tenure.(मोदी �ादा सं र�णवादी बन नहीं सकते, ना ही नेह� �ादा पूंजीवादी बन सकते थे. दोनों ही अपने समयकाल के
कारकों से बं धे �ए थे, लेिकन दोनों ही ने अपने समय के भारत क� आ�थक सं क�ना को आकार देने म� मह�पूणर् योगदान िदया है।)
48.5.9 👻👻✋🙋🙋🙋Alternate Suggestions to revive Economy: अ� सुझाव
Q. Suggest reforms in addition to 👻👻ATMANI for revival of Indian Economy. (आ� �नभर्र भारत के
अलावा और �ा-�ा सुधार करने चािहए अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करने के �लए?)
Mobilize funds through Consol Bonds. (📑📑Ref1C)
💸💸 🤲🤲Bottom 80% of the households should be given Universal Basic Income of ₹15,000 →
⏫demand of goods/services → economic revival. (सावर्ज�नक बु�नयादी आय)(More in 📑📑Pillar#6)
🌽🌽🌽🌽 Public distribution system needs to be universalized. Free/subsidized cereals, pulses and
cooking oil should be provided to all people irrespective of whether their name is in BPL list/
ration card or not. (सावर्ज�नक �वतरण प्रणाली)
�MGNREGA scheme needs to be expanded to urban areas as well. MGNREGA’s guaranteed
number employment days need to be increased to 200 days from present 100 days. (मनरेगा योजना को
शहरों म� भी लागू करे, रोजगार िदनो क� सं �ा बढ़ाए) (More in 📑📑Pillar#6)
💳💳💳💳 PM Garib Kalyan component of ATMANI gave ₹500 DBT in Jan Dhan Bank account of
women. But, many villagers don’t have a bank in 5 km radius. And due to lockdown, staff
shortage in banks. So we have to increase the digital payment ecosystem in rural areas. (िड�जटल
भुगतान को प्रो�ाहन देना) (More in 📑📑Pillar#1A1)
�We need to raise Minimum support prices for farmers and Minimum Wages for workers.
(�ूनतम समथर्न मू� और �ूनतम वेतन को बढ़ाना) (More in 📑📑Pillar#4A)
⛽From Jan to May 2020: Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) prices reduced from ₹64 per litre to ₹23
per litter but hardly any change in petrol diesel because govt kept raising the excise and VAT
taxes. While this is justifiable for ⏫ govt's revenue, BUT cheaper fuel is also necessary for
revival of the economy, and for ⏬stress on middle class’s pockets. (�धन के दामों को कम िकया जाए)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 622
(+) Plus all the suggestions already given in the Mrunal’s economy 📑📑Pillar4 handout → how
to become a $5 trillion economy: reforms in FDI, GST etc.
✍ Conclusion: IF above suggestions are implemented, they’ll greatly help in catalysing /
augmenting the ATMANI in further revival of Indian economy.
✋ERROR: don’t digress into ‘governance/HRD’ part like we should encourage virtual courts,
virtual parliament, virtual classrooms. These are birbal-ki-khichdi in ‘economic revival’ of India Q.
आपको प्र� म� जो पूछा गया है उसका जवाब दी�जए
🎓🎓✋This is more than sufficient for 250 words answer. Additional effort in
PHD= poor cost-benefit. UNLESS they appear in new Economic survey.
48.6.1 👻👻🈶🈶Misc. Terms: Chinese Atma Nirbhar/ Dual circulation (दोहरा प�रसं चरण)
To revive Chinese economy Post-Corona, Chinese government has launched "Double circulation
program". It focuses on ⏫ production in the local economy using certain Foreign Technology &
Foreign Investment. How it works actually?NOTIMP
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 623
Whenever something is produced, capital assets get consumed due to wear and tear. This wear and
tear is called Depreciation (मू�ह्रास). Since, depreciation does not become part of anybody’s income,
so it has to be subtracted.
However, here we are getting the NNP at ‘Market Prices’. We’ve to convert it to Factor cost.
NNP (Factor Cost) = NNP (Market Price) (-) Indirect Taxes (+) Subsidies.
NNP (Factor Cost) is the National Income of India, says NCERT Class12.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 624
b) Private Income - Saving of Private Corporate Sectors - Corporation Tax
c) Private Income - Taxes
d) Total expenditure of Households - Income Tax - Gifts received
48.7.2 📐📐Types of Nations : High Income, Low Income
⇒ World Bank has publishes “World Development Report” annually since 1978.
⇒ 2020- theme: Trading for Development in the Age of Global Value Chains
⇒ 2021-theme : Data for better lives.
Type of country Defined in terms of gross national income (GNI) per person
High Income $12,376 or more e.g. Israel (its GNI >$40,000)
Upper-Middle Income $3,996 and $12,375 e.g. China (its GNI >$9,000)
Lower-Middle Income $1,026 and $3,995; e.g. India (its GNI >$2,000)
Low Income $1,025 or less
Earlier, World Bank used above income classifications for analytical purposes only. But since 2018,
high income countries required to pay “extra surcharge” on loan interest by International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (Ref#3B)
48.7.3 📐📐Types of Nations : Advanced Economies (AE : उ�त अथर्�व�ाएं )
It is a term used by IMF to describe "Developed nations" or "Mature economies who’ve :
1. per capita income level = high. प्र�त ��� आय काफ़� ऊँ ची
2. export diversification = Exporting many types of goods and services. Not just single type of
good/service. So, If 70% of Kuwait export income just comes from crude oil then it is not
"diversified" = Kuwait Not advanced economy. �नयार्त म� �व�वधता
3. (3) Highly integrated into the global financial system= So it is more likely that they would be
members of the OECD group much before the 1990s. (e.g. USA,UK, Germany France, Japan
etc) वै��क �व�ीय प्रणाली इतने गहरे �प से सुग्र�थत
- 1) Per Capita Gross National Income (GNI) of $1230 or higher. (प्र�त ��� सकल रा��ीय आय)
- 2) Economic and Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): based on % Population living in
low elevation coastal zones, Victims of natural disasters, Instability of Agriculture
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 625
production and Exports etc. (आ�थक एवं पयार्वरण भेद्यता सूचकांक:- �जसम� क� कम-ऊंचाई के तटवत� इलाकों म�
रहने वाली आबादी, प्राकृ �तक आपदा से पीिड़त ���, कृ �ष उ�ादन और �नयार्त म� ��रता इ�ािद को देखा जाता है)
- 3) Human Assets Index (HAI): based on % of Undernourished population, Mother and child
mortality, School enrollment, adult literacy etc. (मानव सं प�� सूचकांक: कु पो�षत आबादी, मातृ और बाल
मृ�ु दर, �ू ल म� दा�खले, प्रौढ़ सा�रता इ�ािद को देखा जाता है)
Based on these 3 indicators, Bangladesh will 'upgrade' from LDC to a 'Developing country by 2026.
1. Bangladeshi exports will not be eligible for duty-free-quota-free access under WTO agreements.
(�नयार्त को शु�-मु�-कोटा-मु� प्रवेश नहीं �मलेगा अ� देशों म�)
2. WTO norms related to agriculture-subsidy & IPR will become tighter. (�व� �ापार सं गठन के कृ �ष-
स��डी और बौ�द्धक सं पदा अ�धकार के �नयम स� होंगे)
3. Bangladesh will not get interest-free loans from World Bank & other multilateral Development
Banks (अंतररा�ी� य सं गठनों से �ाज मु� लोन/कज़र् नहीं �मल�गे)
4. Aid/Donations/Grants from International organisations will decline. (अंतररा��ीय सं �ानों से अनुदान म�
रकम कम �मलेगी)
5. Tighter Norms related to Climate Change / Pollution Control under International agreements.
(जलवायु प�रवतर्न प्रदू षण �नयं त्रण के अंतररा��ीय समझौते/�नयम स�ी से लागू होंगे)
🤩🤩Positive Outcomes of exiting L.D.C Status?
It’ll send signal to foreign investors that Bangladesh can be a large consumer market = Incoming
Foreign Investment ⏫ → job creation & GDP. (�वदेशी �नवेश म� बढ़ोतरी होगी-रोजगार सूजन और जीडीपी म� मदद)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 626
How is Bangladesh growing fast?
Low skilled workforce & female laborers tactfully used in textile-jute industry.
Bangladesh is a Least Developed Country (अ�ं त अ� �वक�सत देश) so it exports gets Duty-free-
quota-free Treatment in USA/EU (📑📑Ref: HDT-Pillar#3B-WTO).
Water sanitation facilities are better in Bangladesh so prevalence of disease/mortality is lower so
labourers more efficient. etc. (पानी और ��ता बेहतर होने के कारण मजदू रों म� बीमारी और मृ�ु कम)
Figure 2: if India becomes #1 producer of cigarette= good for GDP but is it good for society?
1. GDP doesn’t give us true picture of Indian economy because
(a) Presence of unorganised sector of economy = not all the production data is captured.
(b) To avoid any scrutiny by income tax and GST tax officials, the businessmen deliberately
show low level of production during the surveys conducted by CSO/NSSO/NSO/MOSPI.
(c) Large size of parallel economy which functions on black money and cash.
2. Provides only quantitative picture and does not consider the qualitative aspects / negative
externalities (नकारा�क बाह्यताए) e.g. More coal based thermal power production= more GDP,
disregarding how much pollution it created. कोयले से चलने वाले ताप �वद्युत क� द्र, वायु प्रदू षण
a. So, Economist Peter Wood (1980s) came up with the Green (ह�रत) accounting & Green
GDP concept to consider environmental costs as well.
3. Ignores non-marketed activities e.g. domestic work done by mother.
4. Ignores the Opportunity Cost (अवसर लागत) e.g. A child labour produced ₹ 50000 rupees worth
firecracker annually = added in GDP. But, child labourer could not pursue education ELSE he
could have become a doctor/engineer and produced ₹ 5,00,000 worth of annual goods and
services - such angles are not considered in computing GDP.
5. Ignores inequality of income among people. (आय क� असमानता)
a. So, later on Gross Happiness Index, Physical Quality Of Life Index, Human
Development Index etc were invented (Ref: Pillar#6)
48.8.1 GDP → is everyone benefitting?
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 627
Economic Growth Economic Development
📐📐आ�थक वृ�द्ध 📐📐+ 💊💊💊💊💊आ�थक �वकास
It measures the ⏫ in the production It measures whether economic growth has resulted in
of goods and services in a country. improving the quality of life & the socioeconomic
(�सफर् उ�ादन म� बढ़ोतरी) structure of the country? (जीवन �र म� सुधार)
Quantitative measurement: gross Qualitative measurements such as UNDP’s HDI
Domestic Product (GDP), (Human Development Index), life expectancy, 🤰🤰gender-
Consumption, Government Spending, related indices, infant mortality, �literacy etc.
Investment, Net Exports.
NNP divided by total population = per It’ll focus on ‘Inequality of income distribution’ e.g.
capita income. obtained through World Bank Gini coefficient or Oxfam
NGO’s Inequality report.(More in 📑📑Pillar#6)
In pillar#4 our focus is economic growth (GDP), whereas in pillar#6 we will be focusing on
Economic Development (Human aspect) and Sustainable Development (सतत �वकास) i.e. development
that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Increase in absolute and per capita real GNP do not connote a higher level of economic development,
if(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
a) industrial output fails to keep pace with agricultural output.
b) agricultural output fails to keep pace with industrial output.
c) poverty and unemployment increase.
d) imports grow faster than exports.
48.9.1 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Mock Questions → Atma-Nirbhar
1) “Atma Nirbhar Bharat👻👻 is not just a mere fiscal stimulus package but also a set of reforms for
ease of doing business and ease of availing credit” Elaborate (�सफर् राज� प्रो�ाहन नही, ब�� �ापार और
ऋण मे सुगमता भी है।)
2) “👻👻ATMANI Economic package is a mix of supply-side and demand-side measures.” Justify.
(मांग और आपू�त दोनों को बढ़ावा देने का �मश्रण है)
3) Discuss in the brief, the significance of the agriculture reforms ushered by 👻👻ATMANI package.
(आ��न* द्वारा कृ �ष �ेत्र मे �लए गए सुधारो के मह� क� चचार् करे।) Similar question for
MSME/infrastructure/Banking etc.
4) “Atma Nirbhar Bharat👻👻 aims to revive Indian economy by targeting land, labour, liquidity and
laws”. Illustrate. (जमीन, श्रम, तरलता और कानून म� सुधार द्वारा अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करना चाहता है)
5) Suggest reforms in addition to 👻👻ATMANI for revival of Indian Economy. (आ� �नभर्र भारत के
अलावा और �ा-�ा सुधार करने चािहए अथर्�व�ा को पुनज��वत करने के �लए?)
6) Compare and Contrast the ideas of PM Nehru and PM Modi on the India’s economic self-
reliance. (भारत क� आ�थक �नभर्रता के सं दभर् म� नेह� और मोदी के �वचारों म� समानता और भेद पर चचार् कर�. )
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 628
48.9.2 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Mock Questions → GDP Growth
1) “Creation of national wealth through ethical means will help us in a long way to achieve SDG.”
Illustrate. नै�तक तरीकों से रा�ी� य धन का �नमार्ण करने से हम� सतत �वकास ल� हा�सल करने म� मदद होगी. समझाइए
2) Discuss briefly the challenges associated with achieving the five trillion dollar economy for India
by 2025? 5 िट��लयन डॉलर अथर्�व�ा का ल� हा�सल करने म� चुनौ�तयां
3) “Reducing economic policy uncertainty is critical for both domestic investment and foreign
investment.” Suggest ways for accomplishing this. घरेलू एवं �वदेशी �नवेश को बढ़ावा देने के �लए आ�थक नी�त म�
अ�न��तता को कम करना ज�री है
48.9.3 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Questions → Previous Years’ official Questions
(GSM3) Define potential GDP and explain its determinants. What are the factors that have 2020
been inhibiting India from realizing its potential GDP? (सं भा� स.घ.उ.(जी.डी.पी.) को प�रभा�षत
क��जए तथा उसके �नधार्रकों क� �ा�ा क��जए l वे कौन-से करक ह�, जो भारत को अपने सं भा� स.घ.उ.(जी.डी.पी.) को
साकार करने से रोकते रहे ह�?)
(GSM3) Do you agree with the view that steady GDP growth and low inflation have left the 2019
Indian economy in good shape? Give reasons in support of your arguments. �ा ��र वृ�द्ध दर
तथा कम मुद्रा���त ने भारत क� अथर्�व�ा को अ�� आकार म� रखा है? अपनी दलीलों को कारणों के साथ �� क��जए
(GSM2) ‘In the context of neo-liberal paradigm of development planning, multi-level 2019
planning is expected to make operations cost effective and remove many implementation
�वकास के �लए आयोजन के नव-उदारवादी प्र�तमान के सं दभर् म�, ब�-�रीय योजना द्वारा प�रचालन लागत को प्रभावी बनाने
और कई �कावटों को दू र करने क� उ�ीद है। — चचार् क��जए
How are the principles followed by the NITI Aayog different from those followed by the 2018
erstwhile Planning Commission in India? नी�त आयोग द्वारा अपनाए गए �सद्धांत योजना आयोग से अलग कै से
Among several factors for India’s potential growth, savings rate is the most effective one. 2017
Do you agree? What are the other factors available for growth potential? भारत के �वकास दर म�
बचत दर एक अ�त मह�पूणर् कारक है �ा आप इससे सहमत है?
The nature of economic growth in India in described as jobless growth. Do you agree with 2015
this view? Give arguments in favour of your answer.
भारत क� आ�थक वृ�द्ध, "रोजगार-रिहत/बेरोजगार यु�" आ�थक वृ�द्ध है.�ा आप इससे सहमत ह�?
Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often 2014
encourages shortsightedness and contributes to wide disparities between the rich and the
poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism driving inclusive
growth in India? Discuss. पूंजीवाद ने �व� अथर्�व�ा को अभूतपूवर् समृ�द्ध के �लए �नद��शत िकया है। हालांिक, यह
अ�र अदू रद�शता को प्रो�ािहत करता है और अमीर और गरीब के बीच �ापक असमानताओं म� योगदान देता है। इस
प्रकाश म�, �ा भारत म� समावेशी �वकास को िकया��त करने के �लए, पूंजीवाद को अपनाना सही होगा? चचार् कर�?
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 629
Inflation (मुद्रा���त) is the rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy
over a period of time.
Deflation (मुद्रा अव���त) is inverse of above definition. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate
falls below 0%
- In his book “General Theory on employment, interest, money”, British Economist J.M.Keynes
(1883) said, “when economy is functioning at full employment, aggregate supply will match
aggregate demand.” At this equilibrium, we’ll have ‘General Price’ level → any increase →
inflation, decrease → deflation.
Aggregate Demand
= Consumption(C) + Investments(I) + Govt Purchases (G) + {Exports (X) –– Imports (M)}
🍅🍅🍅🍅 Inflationary Gap 🍅🍅📉📉Deflationary Gap
(मुद्रा���तकारी अंतर ) (अव���तकारी अंतर )
It could have occurred because of It could have occurred because of
1. ↑ Money supply 1. ↓ Money supply
2. ↑ Propensity to consume, 2. ↑ Propensity to SAVE / Consumer delaying
3. ↑ Investment expenditure purchase with hopes of further fall in prices.
4. ↑ Fiscal deficit 3. ↓ Investment expenditure,
5. ↑ NET exports 4. ↑ Fiscal consolidation
6. High growth → higher Aggregate demand 5. ↓ NET exports
→ could lead to inflation. 6. Depression / Recession that results into
falling ‘Aggregate demand’.
🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 Inflationary Spiral 📉📉📉📉📉📉Deflationary Spiral
(मुद्रा���त म� उ�रो�र वृ�द्ध) Fall in prices → lower profit to firm → lower
When inflation increases, workers demand production, lower wages / workers laid off →
higher wages to keep up with the cost of living lower demand → lower prices → ...
→ firms pass these higher labor costs on to
their customers → higher prices → more
inflation → …...
🔠🔠❓MCQ. A rise in general level of prices may be caused by (UPSC-Pre-2013)
1. An increase in the money supply.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 630
2. A decrease in the aggregate level of output.
3. An increase in the effective demand.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Economic growth is usually coupled with? (UPSC-Pre-2011)
(a) Deflation (b) Inflation (c) Stagflation (d) Hyperinflation
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which is an appropriate description of deflation? [UPSC-CDS-2012-II]
(a) it is a sudden fall in the value of a currency against other currencies.
(b) It is a persistent recession in the economy.
(c) It is a persistent fall in the general price level of goods and services.
(d) It is fall in the rate of inflation over a period of time.
🛒🛒🛒🛒Demand- It’s ‘too much money chasing too few goods’ i.e. Prices are rising because
Pull Inflation people have excess money → demand for goods and services exceeds the
(मांगज�नत) available supply. MNREGA, Pay Commission, PM KISAN6k/Rahul’s
NYAY72k/Universal Basic Income(UBI) etc. could lead to this.
💵💵💵💵💵💵 When RBI printing of more money results in inflation (Recall ‘Monetising
Monetary inflation the deficit’ from Pillar#2: FRBM Handout).
Cost-Push Inflation Price rise due to increased cost of inputs e.g.
🛠🛠 (लागतज�नत) - Expensive crude oil → higher costs for Transport Companies.
- Trade / labour unions’ protests / strikes → wage hike.
- Natural disasters → Lower potato / chilly production → Chips
makers have to pay more for inputs.
⛽ Profit – Push When Cartels / Monopolists / Oligopolists deliberately cut down the supply
Inflation / production or hike the prices because of greed / profit motive. E.g. OPEC
group oil production cut.
Built-in-Inflation Linked to the “price/wage inflationary spiral” i.e. when inflation rises,
workers demand higher wages to keep up with the cost of living → firms
passing these higher labor costs on to their customers as higher prices →
more inflation.
Repressed Inflation During war, Govt imposes price controls and rationing to keep prices
(द�मत ���त) under check. But the moment such controls are withdrawn, prices will go
up (because traders will want to cover up their previous losses by raising
prices). This is called Repressed Inflation.
Stagflation Persistent high inflation, high unemployment and low growth resulting
into a stagnant economy.
Skewflation Term to denote episodic price rise in one / small group of commodities
while Inflation in the remaining goods and services remain usual. E.g. pulse
/ tomato / onion inflation in india.
🗞🗞 Headline It is the measure of the total inflation within an economy, usually presented
Inflation (सु�ख) in the form of CPI or WPI.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 631
🔬🔬 Core inflation Headline inflation MINUS inflation in food & energy articles.
(प्रमुख मुद्रा���त) Accordingly, it can be CPI (Headline) or WPI (Headline)
Reflation In Pillar#1: Philip curve we learned that deflation → unemployment, so,
(पुन: मुद्रा���त) RBI tries to stimulate economy by increasing the money supply, Govt tries
to give ‘fiscal stimulus’ by reducing taxes / increasing public
procurement…. Such actions take economy from deflationary path
towards inflation path, this is process is ‘Reflation’.
Structural Inflation Inflation that is part of a particular economic system. A complete change in
(सं रचना�क मुद्रा���त) economic policy would be needed to get rid of it. e.g.
- To keep farmers happy, Govt keeps raising MSP for wheat / rice but
not so much for pulses → inflation in pulses.
- APMC reforms not taken → cartelization & hoarding → inflation.
- When global crude prices falling, Govt raises Excise / VAT to get more
money for their schemes, so, petrol-diesel not getting cheaper
1. 🐌🐌 Creeping Inflation: ~4% per annum. It's regarded safe and essential for job creation and
economic growth.
2. 🐪🐪 Walking / Trotting: >4% onwards → Running Inflation: When shifts to double digit.
3. 🐎🐎 Galloping / Hyperinflation (अ�त ���त): Very high level. 20%-100%-even 10,000% or more,
as observed in Germany after Treaty of Versailles due to monetized deficit. Modern day
Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Iran due to misgovernance of ruling parties resulting into broken
economy & shortage of essential commodities. Here, money becomes quite worthless and new
currency may have to be introduced. (Related: redenomination, More in 📑📑Pillar#1A1)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is likely to be the most inflationary in its effect? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2013)
(a) Repayment of public debt (b) Borrowing from the public to finance a budget deficit
(c) Borrowing from banks to finance a budget deficit (d) Creating new money to finance a budget deficit
49.3.1 🗓🗓 Inflation → Base Effect?
- Suppose price of 1 kg onion = 100 (2010), 110 (2011), 120 (2012). So, as such their price is
increasing at the rate of ₹ 10 per year.
- However, the % rise in inflation over previous year is 10% for 2011 (110 vs 100), and 9.09% for
2012 (=120 vs 110).
- Thus, the choice of base (denominator) could make the inflation look too high or too low even if
the price rise has been same as the same.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 632
- 📔📔📔📔ES21 Has given a lengthy commentary about the base effect in Corona-2020, but poor cost
benefit in chasing it for exam point of view. #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
🔠🔠❓MCQ. A rapid increase in the rate of inflation is sometimes attributed to the "base effect". What is "base
effect"?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)
(a) It is the impact of drastic deficiency in supply due to failure of crops
(b) It is the impact of the surge in demand due to rapid economic growth
(c) It is the impact of the price levels of previous year on the calculation of inflation rate
(d) None of the statements
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 633
🍅🍅🍅🍅Fighting inflation 🍅🍅🍅🍅 Fighting deflation
RBI Tight / dear / Hawkish Monetary Policy to Cheap / Easy / Dovish - to make loans
🐯🐯 make the loans expensive cheaper
Govt - 🍋🍋 Tax deduction / exemption / - 🍋🍋 Tax deduction / exemption /
🦁🦁 subsidy benefits towards producers to subsidy type benefits to consumers to
decrease the cost of production. encourage purchase / consumption. (e.g.
- Curtailing Fiscal Deficit. cut GST on Television, Computers,
- Curtailing schemes/subsidies that Cars) खरीदारी को प्रो�ाहन देने के �लए कर-
⏫money in the hands of beneficiary छू ट/स��डी
without increasing production. - Increasing the expenditure on public
- 🗃🗃 Ordering RBI to issue inflation projects e.g. highway, dam etc. to boost
Indexed Bonds, Sovereign Gold Bonds demand in steel / cement industry →
- Essential commodities act, Stock workers get money → demand →
limits, Minimum Export Price, FCI’s towards inflation. बु�नयादी अवसं रचना पर
Open Market Sale Scheme, Operation सावर्ज�नक खचर् को बढ़ाया जाए
Greens for TOP, Price stabilization
fund, Offering higher MSP to farmers
to ⏫ cultivation of a particular crops
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following measures should be taken when an economy is going through in inflationary
pressures? [UPSC-CDS-2012-I]
1. The direct taxes should be increased.
2. The interest rate should be reduced.
3. The public spending should be increased.
Answer Codes: (a) Only 1 (b) Only 2 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 2
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 634
Inflation Index By Base year
CPI Industrial Workers (IW) Labour Ministry’s 2016
CPI Rural labourers (RL),Agri. labourers (AL) Labour Bureau 1986##
Wholesale Price Index (WPI) Economic Advisor to 2011
थोक मू� सूचकांक DPIIT, Commerce Min.
## News reports suggest that Govt thinking of changing this base year from 1986 to 2019
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 635
Monthly CPI Components in (All India) Index → (decreasing order) Wt.
Housing 10.07
Fuel & Light 6.84
Clothing / footwear 6.53
Misc. Personal care (soap etc) 3.89
Household goods & Services 3.80
Pan Masala, Tobacco, Intoxicants 2.38
Total Weight 100
- For Individual CPI for Urban and Rural areas, these weights are assigned differently. E.g. CPI
rural has zero weight to housing & 54.18 weight to food and beverages.
49.7.6 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 CPI Inflation is higher in urban areas than rural area because
1. Housing prices are counted in the urban area's CPI calculation, but not in rural area. ग्रामीण
इलाकों क� महंगाई �गनती म� मकानों के दाम नहीं �गने जाते.
2. Fuel & light component, Clothing and footwear component = These have higher wastage in
urban areas' CPI than in rural areas. शहरी इलाकों क� महंगाई क� �गनती म� ऊजार्, प्रकाश, कपड़े जूतों क� क़�मतों
को �ादा वजन िदया जाता है.
📔📔📔📔ES21: The difference between rural-urban CPI inflation, was high in 2019, but difference
declined in 2020. 2019 म� गांव और शहरों क� महंगाई दर म� काफ� अंतर था िकंतु 2020 म� यह अंतर कम �आ है.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 636
- (Headline) CPI inflation moderated from 2013 to 2019 but ⏫ considerably in early months of
2020 Due to supply side disruptions- mainly the food items (Although, food prices under control
in December-2020). 2013 से 19 के बीच तो उपभो�ा मू� सूचकांक काबू म� रहा िकंतु 2020 म� आपू�त श्रृंखला प्रबं धन म�
सम�ाओं के चलते खाद्य चीज� महंगी �ई �जसके चलते उपभो�ा मू� सूचकांक भी ब�त महंगा हो गया.
49.7.8 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: 🐯🐯Inflation targeting by RBI- focus on Core CPI or Headline CPI?
⇒ At present the RBI act requires the central bank to control the inflation between 2 to 6%
(Headline) CPI (All India combined) “क� द्रीय ब�क ने महंगाई को उपभो�ा मू� सूचकांक के िहसाब से 2-6% म�
�नयं �त्रत/काबू म� रखना है”- ऐसा RBI क़ानून म� �लखा है
⇒ However, Some experts say that instead of headline CPI, RBI should target the core inflation i.e.
CPI minus fuel & food. कु छ �वशेष� कहते ह� िक �रजवर् ब�क ने के वल मूल/बु�नयादी महंगाई पर ही �ान देना चािहए, तथा
खाद्य महंगाई और ऊजार् महंगाई को नजरअंदाज करना चािहए.
⇒ This is because food and fuel price shocks are transitory, mainly supply driven and therefore
can't be controlled by RBI's monetary policy tools. �ोंिक वह (खाद्य और क�ा तेल) महंगाई तो �ादातर आपू�त
पर आधा�रत ह�, और �रजवर् ब�क क� मौिद्रक नी�त के साधनों से �नयं �त्रत नहीं हो सकती.
📔📔📔📔ES21 says above argument may be correct for first world, but not for third world because
(हालांिक यह दलील प्रथम �व� म� स� हो सकती है िकंतु तीसरे �व� म� नहीं �ोंिक:)
⇒ 1) Consumption smoothing is difficult for many Indians i.e. Striking a good balance between
their spending and saving. Because they do not have a steady source of income / permanent job,
agriculture monsoon uncertainty, lack of life/health/crop/cattle insurance, lack of financial
planning/financial inclusion etc. So, food inflation hurts them the most & RBI can't turn blind
eye to their welfare/plight. (�ादातर भारतीय अपने खचर् और बचत म� सुचा�रता हा�सल नहीं कर पाते �ोंिक आमदनी के
�ायी साधन नहीं, बा�रश पर कृ �ष �नभर्र, बीमा लेने म� उदासीनता, �व�ीय समावेशन / आ�थक आयोजन क� कमी. इस�लए खाद्य
महंगाई उ�� ब�त परेशान करती है और �रजवर् ब�क उनके क�ाण/परेशानी को नजरअंदाज नहीं कर सकती)
⇒ 2) In poor families' household expenditure- food cost occupies a high share. And food prices are
very volatile in India. (गरीब प�रवारों के घरेलू खचर् म� खाद्य एक बड़ा िह�ा है, और भारत म� खाद्य चीजों के दाम काफ� अ��र
रहते ह�)
Food item its price changes in India within how many months?
Vegetable Twice a month (हर 1 महीने 2 बार स��यों के दाम म� बदलाव आ जाता है)
Pulses Thrice every 2 months (हर 2 महीने म� 3 बार दाल के दाम बदल जाते ह�)
Serial Every 3.5 months
Milk Every 5 months
So, if RBI totally neglects the food inflation and focuses only on the CPI Core inflation, It will not be
in the best interest of the Indian citizens. So 📔📔📔📔ES21 suggestion:
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 637
1. RBI should focus on more core inflation. And separately looked at food inflation data. In other
words, RBI should ignore fuel inflation! (�रजवर् ब�क ने प्रमुख/मूल/बु�नयादी मुद्रा���त पर �ादा �ान देना चािहए
लेिकन साथ ही साथ खाद्य महंगाई का भी �ाल रखना चािहए.)
2. CPI base year = 2011-12. CPI gives very high weightage to the food. But people's food habits
have undergone changes between 2011-2020 so, Index components need to be updated. (�पछले
एक दशक म� लोगों क� भोजन आदतों म� काफ� बदलाव आया है इस�लए उपभो�ा मू� सूचकांक म� सुधार क� आव�कता)
3. Number of e-commerce transactions ⏫. So, CPI price survey data should also captured E-
Commerce websites prices as well. (ऑनलाइन वेबसाइट से भी जो खरीद-�बक्र� हो रही है, उन मू�ों को भी महँ गाई
सव��ण म� शा�मल िकया जाए)
49.7.9 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅Index → Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI: उपभो�ा खाद्य महंगाई सूचकांक)
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 638
49.7.11 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅WPI Kabhi ⏬ kabhi ⏫
WPI ⏬Between 2020-January to April 2020: Crude oil price had declined significantly due to
lockdown, fall in demand all over the world. As a result, Indian WPI also declined significantly. (इन
2020 के शु�आती महीनों म� क�े तेल क� क़�मतों म� काफ़� �गरावट आयी थी, इस�लए WPI म� भी �गरावट देखी गई)
⇒ WPI (after reforms in 2017) doesn’t count indirect taxes on any commodity. It only looks at the
basic price (without indirect taxes). So, even if petrol diesel appears expensive to Indian
customers due to high level of Excise+VAT taxes, it’ll not reflect that in WPI. (WPI म� व�ुओ ं पर
लगने वाले टै�/ को नहीं देखा जाता, के वल व�ु के मूल मू� देख� जाते ह�, इस�लए ग्राहकों को क� द्र और रा� सरकार के �व�भ� करों
के चलते पेट�ोल डीज़ल महँ गा लगे, िक�ु WPI को नहीं लगेगा) For more on crude oil prices 📑📑Ref: Pillar#3A]
⇒ April-July 2020 : WPI inflation in the negative figure, while CPI-C inflation more than 6% (also
known as “Divergence between WPI and CPI”) as because
⇒ CPI monitors price+ (indirect taxes) on it. Whereas WPI ignores taxes.
⇒ CPI gives higher weightage to Food than WPI
⇒ 2021: WPI ⏫ from (4.83% Feb) → (7.39% Mar) → (10.49% April: All time highest😰😰). Why?
⇒ global commodity prices⏫due to vaccination & revival in USA/EU (अमे�रका यूरोप म� टीकाकरण के बाद
आ�थक पुनज�वन के चलते क�े माल उ�ादन व�ुओ ं क� मांग और क�मतों म� बढ़ोतरी)
⇒ ⏫ costs in the production and distribution = wholesale prices increased. (उ�ादन तथा �वतरण क�
लागत ख़चर् म� बढ़ोतरी)
⇒ labour shortages by reverse migration & social distancing in factories (प्रवासी मज़दू रों क� वतन वापसी,
सामा�जक दू री �नयमों के चलते उ�ादन म� बाधाएँ ,)
🔠🔠❓ Which of the following goods are included to estimate food inflation in India? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
1. Wheat 2. Paddy 3. Tobacco 4. Sugar. | Codes: (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 3 & 4 (d) 1, 2 & 4
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 639
Index Features
- 2014: DPIIT setup Dr. B.N.Goldar Committee to explore this for
Experimental Service EA to DPIIT preparing these experimental indices separately for Railway
Price Index Services, Port Services, Air Services, Postal Services, Telecom Services,
Banking Services, Insurance,
Banking Business It measures the inflation in the fees charged by Banks for NEFT-RTGS,
Service Price by RBI. Mobile Banking, Card Transactions, Issuing Demand Drafts / Bank
Guarantee, annual fees for opening DEMAT account etc. [Base Year
Inflation Expectation RBI quarterly survey of ~5k households across 18 cities, asking them
Survey for households what is their ‘expected level’ of inflation for next 3 months and 1 year.
Business Inflation by Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad
Expectations Survey
RESIDEX by ⇒ Measures inflation in the residential house prices in selected Indian
National Housing cities against base year 2017.
Bank (NHB) ⇒ Separately, NHB introduced new indices to measure inflation in
Land Price, Building Materials & Housing Rental.
⇒ 📔📔📔📔ES21 : In 2020: House prices ⏫, but number of house
purchases ⏬, due to Corona. मकानों के दाम तो बढे ह�, लेिकन कोरोना के चलते
मकानों क� �बक्र� क� सं �ा म� �गरावट आयी है.
49.7.13 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅: Inflation observations by 📔📔📔📔ES20 Vol2Ch5
⇒ The World bank observed that Inflation has ⏬ across developing nations between (119%) 1993
to 4.8%(2018) because of 1) monetary and fiscal policy 2) structural reforms to raise production.
⇒ However, inflation is ⏫in 2019 for India.
⇒ Before 2018: CPI (Urban) << CPI (Rural). But since 2018: CPI (Urban) >> Rural due to higher
level of food inflation
⇒ 2018-19: Some areas have witness higher level of inflation than all India average. E.g.
Lakshadweep Andaman (geographical isolation), Manipur (frequent highway
Bandh/blockades), Kerala (floods) etc.
⇒ Rest of the Chapter is mostly bol Bacchan about reason for the price in onion and tomato, and
some contrived mathematical models and graphs to downplay the problem of inflation िक कांग्रेस
सरकार �नक�ी थी,मोदी सरकार म� महंगाई काबू म� ही है.
49.7.14 🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽 Thalinomics by 📔📔📔📔ES20: Vol1Ch11
Thalinomics is a concept to estimate how much ₹₹ a common person pays for a Thali (platter of
food) across India? भोजन एक थाली पर ��� िकतना भुगतान करता है?
⇒ Between 2015 to 2018, the Thali price has reduced: 1) Across all regions of India 2) for both veg
and non-veg thalis. पूरे भारत म� शाकाहारी और मांसाहारी थाली के मू� म� �गरावट
⇒ While Thali prices reduced between 2015-18, they have increased in 2019.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 640
⇒ But overall, thali affordability has ⏫for poor families. गरीबों के �लए स�ी / िकफायती / वहनीय �ई है
⇒ Consequently, a family of five people is able to save >₹10,000/per year because of reduced prices.
पैसों क� बचत �ई है
📔📔📔📔ES20 appreciated various Modi schemes for 1) increasing food production and 2) making food
more affordable. (we’ve learned those schemes in 📑📑Pillar#4A)
June to Dec 2020 Urban: most Urban: cheapest Rural: most Rural: cheapest
expensive expensive
Veg. thali Andaman & Madhya Pradesh Andaman & Uttar Pradesh
(शाकाहारी) Nicobar ₹40 ₹24 Nicobar ₹39 ₹23
Non veg thali Mizoram ₹52 Haryana ₹28 Arunachal ₹49 Chandigarh ₹30
✋While above trend is not important for the scope of MCQs, but think for interviews- Even though
Thali is cheapest in Uttar Pradesh (rural) and Madhya Pradesh (Urban) Then why is there
malnutrition in these States? [अगर इन रा�ों म� थाली इतनी स�ी है तो कु पोषण �ों है? इस प्रकार िक रा� आधा�रत
UPSC इं टर�ू प्र� के �लए सोच �वचार कर�]
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 641
⇒ Consumer non-durables (15% गैर-�टकाऊ): Products that are directly used by consumers and can’t
be preserved for long periods. e.g.: Soyabean Oil, Milk Powder, Maida, Rice, Biscuits, Sugar, Tea,
Cigarettes etc.
MCQ. As per the use-based classification of the IIP, the maximum weight has been assigned to _ _(UPSC-CDS-2020-ii)
(a) primary goods (b) intermediate goods (c) consumer durables (d) consumer non-durables
49.8.1 IIP's weights in ascending order (classification: use based)
Capital goods (8%), Infrastructure/Construction goods (12%), Consumer durables (13%), Consumer
Non-durables (15%), Intermediate goods (17%), Primary goods (34%)
49.8.2 IIP's weights in (sector-based)
Sector Weight(%) Item groups
Mining 14.373 1
Manufacturing 77.633 405
Electricity 7.994 1
Total 100 407
49.8.3 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠: IIP Before Corona Year 2020
Compared to 2017 → there has been a fall in IIP for 2018 and 2019 because
⇒ NPA problem, ILFS-NBFC crisis = ⏬ amount of Loans moving toward the MSME
⇒ Protectionism= US/EU levying ⏫import taxes on Indian products → ⏬demand of Indian
goods in foreign market → ⏬Indian production.
⇒ ⏬demand in automobile, real estate sector. → steel, cement production ⏬
⇒ Coal production ⏬ by heavy rain, labour strike in mining States in 2019.
49.8.4 🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠🛠: IIP in Corona-2020
⇒ 2020: The IIP growth started falling immediately after the Corona lockdown reaching its
historical low in April-2020. Then it began recovering in the subsequent months.
⇒ 2021-March: IIP ⏫⏫ to 22%, but mostly due to low base effect.
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 642
Prepared by EA-DPIIT, Base Year 2011, It’s similar to IIP index focusing 8 core industries
- Refinery Products > Electricity> Steel> Coal> Crude Oil> Natural Gas> Cement> Fertilizers.
(Arranged in the descending order of weight).
- Collectively, these 8 industries command 40.27% weight in the overall IIP.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In the 'Index of Eight Core Industries', which of the following is given highest weight? (Pre-2015)
(a) Coal production(b) Electricity generation (c) Fertilizer production(d) Steel production
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following are among the 8 Core Industries of IIP?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2012)
1.Cement 2.Fertilizers 3.Natural Gas 4.Refinery products 5.Textiles
Answer Codes: (a) 1 and 5 only (b) 2, 3 and 4 only (c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(Batch: PCB2) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#4C: Indicators- GDP, Inflation, Unemployment→ Page 643
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Pillar#5A: INFRASTRUCTURE Part#1- Bijli, Paani, Sadak
Table of Contents
50 🧱🧱 Infrastructure → Meaning & Characteristics .............................................................................648
50.1 🏅🏅⚒Infrastructure → Mining (खनन) / Basic Industries .....................................................649
50.1.1 🕵🕵🕵🚟🚟 [Yearbook] Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises ......................649
50.1.2 🕵🕵🕵🔩🔩 [Yearbook] Ministry of Steel (इ�ात मं त्रालय) ..........................................................650
50.1.3 🕵🕵🕵🧪🧪 [Yearbook] Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers.................................................650
50.1.4 🕵🕵🕵 [Yearbook] Yearbook: Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas ...........................651
50.1.5 ⛽ ES2016-17 on petroleum / gas reserves .......................................................................651
50.1.6 🕵🕵🕵[Yearbook] Ministry of Mines ( खान मं त्रालय) <list not exhaustive> ..........................652
50.1.7 🏅🏅⚒🗺🗺 Mineral Products in India: (भारत के ख�नज उ�ादन) .........................................652
50.1.8 🏅🏅⚒📯📯 National Mineral Policy (NMP) 2019 ...........................................................652
50.1.9 🏅🏅⚒⚖ Mining → MMDR Act 2015...........................................................................653
50.2 🔥🔥 Mining → Coal (कोयला) ...........................................................................................................653
50.2.1 🔥🔥🕵🕵🕵[Yearbook] Coal Ministry (कोयला मं त्रालय) consists of → ......................................654
50.2.2 🔥🔥⚖ Mineral Laws (Amendment) Ordinance/Act 2020 .............................................654
50.2.3 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Coal selling? ..............................................................................................................655
50.2.4 👻👻👻👻👻👻Mining → Atma-Nirbhar (खनन) ....................................................................656
50.2.5 🔥🔥 📔📔📔📔 Coal Energy: Economic survey suggestions / observations:.........................656
50.2.6 🔥🔥🔥🔥⚒ Mining → Misc. Schemes, Apps, Portals, Issues ..........................................657
51 🔌🔌Infra → Energy → Electricity (ऊजार् → �वद्युत) ...............................................................................658
51.1.1 🕵🕵🕵🔌🔌 [Yearbook] Ministry of Power (�वद्युत-ऊजार् मं त्रालय) ...............................................658
51.2 🕵🕵🕵🔌🔌 National Electricity Distribution Company .................................................................659
51.2.1 🔌🔌 IEX = Current-PDF-walla gone crazier than usual...................................................659
51.3 🔌🔌✝☪🕉🕉 Electricity → One Nation-One Grid................................................................659
51.3.1 🔌🔌♻ Grid → Green Energy Corridor Project (ह�रत ऊजार् ग�लयारा प�रयोजना) ..................659
51.4 🔌🔌🔌 Electricity → Power Ministry’s Apps Overdoze .........................................................660
51.5 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌Electricity → Integrated Power Development Scheme ........................................660
51.5.1 🔌🔌⏱ Electricity → Prepaid Smart Meters for Electricity ............................................660
51.6 🔌🔌🔌🔌:🧔🧔🧔🧔Electricity: NPA Solve → UDAY (2015)..........................................................660
51.6.1 🔌🔌🔌🔌:🧔🧔🧔🧔Electricity: NPA Solve → (proposed) Pariwartan (2018) ....................661
51.6.2 👻👻⚡Energy → DISCOMs Liquidity injection (पैसा क� तरलता देके जान फूं कना) ...............661
51.6.3 👻👻⚡Energy infra→ Electricity reforms (�बजली �ेत्र म� सुधार)..........................................661
51.6.4 🔌🔌DRAFT Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2020 (�बजली सुधार �वधेयक का प्रा�प/मसौदा ).......661
51.7 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌Electricity → Deen dayal gram jyoti Yojana (2015) .............................................662
51.8 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 Electricity → PM Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (saubhagya) ...............................662
51.8.1 🔌🔌🔌🔌⚖Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules,2020: �बजली उपभो�ा अ�धकार �नयम .663
51.8.2 🔌🔌✍Conclusion: yes electricity access is imp. ..............................................................663
51.9 🔌🔌🔌🔌↘ Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → Energy Efficiency.......................................................663
51.9.1 🔌🔌🔌🔌↘🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → PAT Mechanism ..................................664
51.9.2 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → National LED Programme................664
51.9.3 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → Gram Ujala Programme ................664
51.9.4 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → Misc. Schemes & Topics ...................664
51.9.5 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Index → Global Reports ...........................................665
51.9.6 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Index → State Energy Efficiency Index 2019 ........666
51.10 🔌🔌♻ Infra → Energy → Renewable (नवीकरणीय ऊजार्) ........................................................666
51.10.1 🔌🔌♻🕵🕵🕵Energy → Renewable → [Yearbook] MNRE................................................667
51.10.2 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 💦💦 Renewable → KUSUM (Solar for farmer) 2019 ............................667
51.10.3 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 Renewable → Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission ...................667
51.10.4 🔌🔌♻🧔🧔🧔🧔 Renewable → Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) ........................668
51.10.5 🔌🔌♻🧔🧔🧔🧔 Renewable →World's largest Hybrid renewable energy park- Khavda
51.10.6 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 Renewable /energy Efficiency → Ranking / Portals .............................669
51.11 🧯🧯🧯🧯 Infra → Energy → Cooking (रसोई के �लए) ..................................................................669
51.11.1 🧔🧔🧔🧔 🧯🧯🧯🧯 Cooking → Pratyaksh Hanstantrit Labh (PAHAL-2015) ....................669
51.11.2 🧔🧔🧔🧔 🧯🧯🧯🧯 Cooking → Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) ........................670
51.11.3 🧔🧔🧔🧔 🧯🧯🧯🧯 Cooking → Misc. (�व�वध योजनाएं ) ..............................................................670
51.11.4 👻👻 ⚡☢Energy infra→ Atomic energy → Atma-Nirbhar (परमाणु ऊजार्) .................671
52 🌧🌧 Infra → Water & Sanitation (जल व् ��ता) ..................................................................................671
52.1 🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽🚽 Infra → Sanitation→ Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM: 2014) ..............................672
52.1.1 🚽🚽🚽🚽 Target of Swatchhta Diwas 2/10/2019 → Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary 672
52.1.2 🚽🚽🚽🚽 SBM → How to achieve targets?...........................................................................672
52.1.3 🚽🚽🕵🕵🕵SBM → Who implements this scheme? ..............................................................672
52.2 🚽🚽SBM Gramin Phase 2 ...............................................................................................................672
52.2.1 Urban Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 announced in Budget-2021 ...................................673
52.2.2 🚽🚽SBM Protocols (कायर्पद्ध�त) ................................................................................................673
52.2.3 📔📔📔📔Why do we need SBM? Economic surveys observed: ..........................................673
52.2.4 📔📔📔📔 Swatchh Bharat: What more can we do- Eco Survey19 Suggestions? ..............673
52.2.5 🚽🚽�Conclusion: Summary: Yes SBM is important .....................................................674
52.2.6 � Infra → Sanitation → Swachhta Udyami Yojana (2014) ........................................675
If a sector gets infrastructure ‘status’ → its entrepreneurs may get following benefits:
1. Govt could give tax benefits, lease public land at a token price, faster environment clearance,
faster FDI approval etc. (करों म� छू ट, जमीन �रयायती दामों पर, ��रत �प से पयार्वरण/�वदेशी �नवेश क� मं जरू ी)
2. RBI could help them by relaxing the External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) norms, Debt
restructuring (e.g. RBI’s 5/25 rule), Changing PSL norms etc.
3. SEBI could relax norms for REITS/InvITs etc. funds to help them mobilize capital easily for the
infrastructure sector. Similarly, IRDAI & PFRDA could oblige insurance and pension cos. to
invest minimum X% in infrastructure companies etc.
4. They could get easier funding from World bank & other multilateral banks.
- Difference between Dept/Statutory/Attached/Autonomous Body etc? =
- Basic industries (बु�नयादी उद्योग)= supply their products to manufacture other goods. Examples:
Iron and steel, copper, aluminum, chemical etc.
- Capital goods industries (पूंजीगत माल उद्योग) = goods that are used in producing other goods e.g.
textile machinery, conveyor belts, mining equipment etc.
- Heavy industries (भारी उद्योग) = producing large and heavy products e.g. Ship building, bulldozers,
industrial machinery, electric transformers etc.
50.1.1 🕵🕵🕵🚟🚟 [Yearbook] Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
भारी उद्योग एवं सावर्ज�नक-�ेत्र के उपक्रमो का मं त्रालय
Dept ⇒ Department of Heavy Industry
�वभाग ⇒ Department of Public Enterprises: is responsible for i) Allotting Ratna
Status (Ref: Pillar2) and ii) conduct Public Enterprises Survey
Attached, Subordinate,
⇒ N/A or not MCQ worthy
Autonomous ⇒ National Automotive Testing and Research and Development
�ाय� सं �ा Infrastructure Project (NATRiP) → implements FAME-India project
for faster adoption of electric vehicles.
CPSE: Central Public ⇒ List not exhaustive: (�न��ल�खत के अलावा और भी कं प�नयां हो सकती है)
Sector Enterprises ⇒ Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (BHEL) etc.
क� द्र सरकार के ⇒ (*) Cement Corporation of India Ltd.
सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के
⇒ (*) Hindustan Newsprint Ltd, (*) Scooters India Ltd.
🔠🔠❓Which of the following are designated as major minerals? 1) Bentonite 2) Chromite 3) Kyanite 4) Sillimanite (Prelims-2020)
[a) 1 and 2 only [b) 4 only [c) 1 and 3 only [d) 2, 3 and 4 only
⇒ Top five largest coal reserves: USA > Russia > China > Australia > India. (प्राकृ �तक भं डार)
⇒ Although India is the world's 2nd largest coal producer (उ�ादन) but our requirements are higher
than production, so, we import >₹1.50 Lcr coal, annually.
- (Origin) Electricity is a key element in modern day life. Right from running irrigation pumps to
charging mobile phones, electricity is a prerequisite for agricultural growth and digital
connectivity. आधु�नक जीवन का अ�नवायर् िह�ा चाहे कृ �ष �संचाई हो या मोबाइल फोन सं चार
- (Significance) Greater access to energy improves both economic growth & human development
of a country. If India wants to improve its Human Development Index (मानव �वकास सूचकांक :HDI),
it must ⏫ per capita energy consumption by 4xtimes. (More 📑📑pill#6)
- (DATA) India’s per-capita energy consumption of only ~1/3rd of the global average. OR
Though India accounts for ~18% world’s population, it uses only around 6%of world’s energy.
(DATA as of 2020-Nov) In India’s present electricity mix consists of:
Thermal Electricity (ऊ�ीय �वद्युत: Coal > Gas > Diesel Oil) ~62%
Renewable: Hydroelectricity (जल-�वद्युत) ~12%
Renewable Energy (नवीकरणीय ऊजार्) (Solar, Wind, Biomass etc. except hydro) ~24%
Nuclear (ना�भक�य / परमाणुवीय) ~2%
Total 100%
^you can see basically same MCQ recycled in two different exams of UPSC
− What? Exchange villagers' yellow bulbs with LED bulbs i.e. Villager submits working
incandescent (Filament-walla yellow) bulbs → plus pays ₹10 = gets LED bulb with 3 years
warranty. Maximum quota=5 LED bulbs per villager. गाँव वालों को उनक� िफ़लाम�ट ब� क� एवज़ म� LED
ब� स�े म� िदए जाएं ग.े
− Benefit? a 12 Watt LED bulb = light of 100 watt incandescent bulb so ⏬Energy bill for villager,
⏬CO2 Emission from Thermal power plants, ⏬Waste generation (LED bulbs have longer
lifespan than incandescent).
51.9.4 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Use ‘Less’ → Misc. Schemes & Topics
Atal Jyoti Yojana (Ajay): FREE Solar Street Light with LED in
1. Special category states
2. 5 states - Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh.
3. NITI-ayog-walle Aspirational districts in other states
4. Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep
Funding: MNRE 75% + 25% from MPLADS of given constituency.
51.9.6 🔌🔌 💡💡↘ 🧔🧔🧔🧔 Electricity → Index → State Energy Efficiency Index 2019
Developed by Power Ministry's Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in association with a non-profit
body called Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE).
Category 2019’s ranking? (Announced in 2020-Jan)
Achiever Nobody yet
Front Runner Haryana, Kerala and Karnataka
Contender Long list
Aspirant (=Most Pathetic) Manipur, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand and Rajasthan
🔌🔌 💡💡↘ ✍ Energy Efficiency Conclusion? Under the Paris agreement, India has pledged to ⏬
emissions intensity of its GDP by 33-35% by 2030. Energy efficiency is a crucial factor in this.
Aforementioned initiatives will help in a long way to achieve our promises under Intended nationally
determined contributions (INDC: रा�ी� य �र पर �नधार्�रत योगदान) under UNFCCC’s Paris agreement. सकल
घरेलू उ�ाद क� उ�जर्न तीव्रता कम करने क� भारत ने पे�रस सं �ध म� प्र�त�ा ली है उसम� उ� योजनाओं से काफ� मदद �मलेगी.
51.10🔌🔌♻ INFRA → ENERGY → RENEWABLE (नवीकरणीय ऊजार्)
⇒ United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)’s Paris Accord
(2015) requires nations to submit their Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
(INDC or NDC: रा�ी� य �र पर �नधार्�रत योगदान) about their global warming mitigation
commitments. India’s NDCs are as following (list not exhaustive):
⇒ by 2030, we’ll ⏬ emission intensity of GDP by 33-35 % from 2005 level.
⇒ by 2030, 40% of our installed power generation capacity shall be from non-fossil fuel sources
(गैर-जीवा� / नवीकरणीय �धन स्रोत)
In this regard, Modi Govt has set a target of installing:
Type Solar Wind Biomass Small Hydro By 2022
Gigawatts (GW) 100 60 10 5 =Total 175 GW
⇒ Further, PM Modi plans to have 450GW renewable energy by 2030.
Boss? Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan
(KUSUM) has components A, B, C but the gist of the matter is:
Farmers are encouraged to install Solar pump tube wells for irrigation 💦💦 → less diesel
consumption in pumpsets.
Farmers, panchayats, cooperatives can install upto 2 MW renewable power plants in their barren
/ cultivable lands.
Above people can sell the excess electricity to the DISCOMS. Its price will be decided by the
respective State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERC).
₹ ₹ Funding? Union 30%+ State 30%+ Bank Loan 30% +10% by the farmer himself= 100%
🤩🤩Benefit? Diesel & Thermal electricity will ⏬ → 27 million CO2 emission reduced / per year.
51.10.3 🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌🔌 Renewable → Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
2008: Manmohan → National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) with 8 missions → 2009-
10: J.N. National Solar Mission (रा�ी� य सौर �मशन). Target: add 20,000 MW solar power by 2022.
⇒ Modi continued but raised target to 1 lakh MW (= 100 GW) by 2022.
⇒ Out of that 40GW from 40 GW Rooftop solar panel and 60 GW through Large & Medium
Scale Grid Connected Solar Power Projects.
SARAL INDEX for ⇒ Who? Jointly developed by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE), Shakti
Solar rooftop Sustainable Energy Foundation (SSEF), Associated Chambers of Commerce and
Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) and Ernst & Young (EY).
⇒ What? State Rooftop Solar Attractiveness Index (SARAL) ranks the States for their
attractiveness for rooftop development.
SAATHEE Portal Power ministry’s portal to monitor energy efficiency in various states
�Conclusion? Access to clean, reliable and affordable energy increases the ease of living, improves
education and human development. Aforementioned schemes / initiatives / challenges are important
in that regard / need to be addressed on priority basis. ��, �व�सनीय और स�ी ऊजार् तक प�ंचने से जीवनयापन म�
आसानी होती है, �श�ा और मानव �वकास म� सुधार होता है। इस�लए अग्रता क्रम से �ान देना ज�री
51.11🧯🧯🍽🍽 INFRA → ENERGY → COOKING (रसोई के �लए)
51.11.1 🧔🧔🧔🧔 🧯🧯🧯🧯 Cooking → Pratyaksh Hanstantrit Labh (PAHAL-2015)
Manmohan started pilot project in selected districts → 2015: Modi launched@ all India
- Boss? Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Central sector scheme = 100% funded by Union.
- Previously, LPG dealers would divert the subsidized LPG cylinders to restaurants → households
would be deprived & forced to purchase LPG cylinder at a higher price in the black market.
- Direct Benefits Transfer For LPG (DBTL): Beneficiary buys 14.2 KG LPG cylinder at market
price (e.g. ~₹850), Petroleum min transfers subsidy amount (~₹ 290) in his bank account linked
with his customer ID. Similarly, 5kg LPG cylinder- then lower price, so less amount of subsidy.
- A beneficiary gets subsidy on upto 12 cylinders per year. (Although economic survey suggested
it should be ⏬ because most household don’t need more than 10 cylinders in real life.)
Who is not eligible? (1) Restaurants / commercial enterprises; (2) A person with taxable income
more than ₹ 10 lakh (and husband/wife of such person.)
🔠🔠❓ PAHAL, an initiative to transfer the subsidy to bank account, is related to _ _ _ (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
(a) LPG consumers (b) internet consumers
(c) farmers for fertilisers (d) Central Government Employees for medical treatment
52.1.1 🚽🚽🎯🎯 Target of Swatchhta Diwas 2/10/2019 → Gandhi’s 150th Birth Anniversary
Open Defecation Free (ODF: खुले म� शौच मु�) India.
Eradicating manual scavenging (मानव मल-मूत्र को हटाने के �लये सफाई कमर्चा�रयों के �नयोजन को ख� करना)
Improving Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM: नगरपा�लका ठोस अप�श� प्रबं धन)
52.1.2 🚽🚽🚽🚽 SBM → How to achieve targets?
1. ₹ ₹ given for building toilets in individual homes, community toilets and bathing house, Public
toilets at bus station, schools, temporary construction sites
2. Additional ₹ ₹ for solid waste management projects- trucks, garbage disposal units etc;
3. IEC, Awareness & behavioural changes through Swachhta Doots, Social Media, Campaigns,
posters, advertisements. Darwaza Band: awareness campaign to ensure villagers don’t defecate in
the open.
4. Research Development in sanitation.
5. SBM assets have been geo-tagged. Many mobile applications have been launched to complaint
about unclean areas to municipal corporations.
52.1.3 🚽🚽🕵🕵🕵SBM → Who implements this scheme?
1. SBM-Rural implemented by Jal Shakti Ministry → Dept of Drinking Water and Sanitation.
(Earlier it was “Ministry” of Drinking Water and Sanitation)
2. SBM-Urban implemented by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
⇒ It’ll be implemented from 2020-2021 to 2024-2025 To ensure villagers continue to use toilets
⇒ + focus on plastic waste management, Animal waste and other bio-degradable solid waste
management (जैव अपघिटत ठोस अप�श� प्रबं धन,)
⇒ Management of faecal sludge & waste water [मल क�चड़ और अप�श� जल का प्रबं धन []
⇒ Segregation of garbage. [कचरे का पृथ�रण[MP1] ]
⇒ Reduction in single-use plastic [एकल उपयोग �ा��क म� कमी]
⇒ ⏬air pollution from construction -demolition activities [�नमार्ण और �व�ं स ग�त�व�धयों से वायु प्रदू षण]
⇒ Bio-remediation of all dump sites [डंप साइटों म� जैव उपचारण]
52.2.2 🚽🚽SBM Protocols (कायर्पद्ध�त)
ODF+ protocol ⇒ Open Defection Free status (+) [खुले म� शौच मु� ���त तथा]
⇒ Operations and maintenance of community toilets and public toilets।
(सावर्ज�नक शौचालयों का यो� तरीके से सं चालन और रखरखाव)
ODF++ protocol ⇒ Above things from ODF+ and additionally, focuses on safe management
of faecal sludge from toilets
⇒ Untreated sludge should NOT be discharged into water bodies etc
(अनुपचा�रत कु डा-क�चड़ को पानी मे नही छोड़ना)
Water + protocol untreated wastewater should NOT be discharged in water bodies etc.
Inland Waterways Transport (IWT: अंतद�शीय जलमागर् प�रवहन) has following benefits →
Lower CO2 emissions & fuel in transporting per tonne of cargo than Rail / Road.
IWT requires very little land acquisition (भू�म अ�धग्रहण) than Rail / Road.
IWT eases traffic congestion (यातायात जमाव/क� भीड़) on Road/Rail networks.
53.1.1 🛶🛶 🕵🕵🕵Inland Waterways → IWAI
Inland Waterway Authority of India (IWAI: भारतीय अंतद�शीय जलमागर् प्रा�धकरण) is a Statutory Body under
Ministry of Shipping, responsible for the development, management, safety, survey of inland
waterways. Its notable portals are:
1. FOCAL to connect cargo owners and shippers.
2. LADIS – Least Available Depth Information System so shippers can know whether it’s safe
to take their vessel further or not.
53.1.2 🛶🛶 Inland Waterways → National Waterways (रा��ीय जलमागर्)
- 7th Sch → Union List → Parliament can make laws on inland waterways.
- National Waterways Act, 2016: 5 existing waterways and 100+ additional waterways declared as
National Waterways. 5 existing waterways are:
National Waterway No. Length (km) State(s)
1: Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly River System (Haldia - 1620 Uttar Pradesh, Bihar,
Allahabad) Jharkhand, West
2: Brahmaputra River (Dhubri - Sadiya) 891 Assam
3: West Coast, Champakara and Udyogmandal Canals 205 Kerala
Dept, N/A
Statutory ⇒ Inland Waterway Authority of India (IWAI: भारतीय अंतद�शीय जलमागर् प्रा�धकरण)
वैधा�नक सं �ाएं ⇒ Tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP) to decide fees of Major ports.
Attached / ⇒ Directorate General of Shipping, Mumbai नौवहन महा�नदेशालय- he is also the
subordinate National Authority for Ships Recycling, under Recycling of Ships Act,
2019 (office of Ship Recycling @Gandhinagar, Gujarat)
⇒ DG Lighthouses and Lightships| Minor Ports Survey Org, लघु प�न सव��ण,
CPSE ⇒ (*) Shipping Corporation of India, Mumbai | (*) Dredging Corporation
of India Limited | (*) Kamarajar (Ennore, Tamilandu) Port Limited,
⇒ Cochin Shipyard Limited, Cochin
(Intro) A good road network is an essential requirement for the rapid growth of the economy. Roads
provide connectivity to remote areas, open up backward regions and facilitate access to markets,
trade and investment. सड़क प�रवहन का देश क� आ�थक वृ�द्ध म� मह�. �पछड़े इलाकों म� �ापार/�नवेश को प्रो�ाहन
(Data) Largest road network in world #1 USA (66 lakh kms) #2 India (64 lakh kms)
54.1.1 [Yearbook] Min. of Road Transport & Highways सडक प�रवहन एवं राजमागर् मं त्रालय →
Dept /Attached N/A
Statutory Bodies National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) भारतीय रा��ीय राजमागर् प्रा�धकरण
CPSE National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation
Number plate 2019-Nov: Govt allowed “LA-” number plate mark for vehicles registered
in UT of Ladakh. (Lakshadweep: “LD” plates)
E-Governance - Vahan Portal: vehicle registration, taxation, permit, fitness and
modules associated services across the country
- Sarathi Portal: driving license, learner licence, driving schools and
related activities.
- mParivahan App: has features similar to above two portals
- Integrated Road Accident Database Project (iRAD) with help of lIT
Madras and National Informatics Centre (NIC)
- Data Lake and Project Management Software → NHAI's digital
platform for paper-less decision making & dispute resolutions related
to highway construction.
Name → Responsibility of Connects
National Highways Union Government State capitals, major cities, ports
State Highways State Government State Capital to District HQ
Figure 1: Elon Musk is renowned for his Tesla brand of Electric cars
- (Definition) Electric vehicle (इले���क वाहन) is an automobile that is propelled by the energy stored
in rechargeable batteries. Such vehicles are further classified into
○ 1) Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and
○ 2) Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) which can run on both battery (using electric motor)
and petrol/diesel (using internal combustion engine).
- (Origin of the problem) In India, transport sector is the second largest contributor to CO2
emissions after the industrial sector. Electric vehicle can help reducing it.
Note: Above are draft rules. Some of these rules/%/deadlines may get changed in future.
- Road accidents claim ~1.5 lakh lives every year. So, Union’s Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 was
amended in 2019 with steep penalties such as Drunk-driving fine increased from ₹ 2,000 to ₹
10,000 etc. (ट�ैिफक �नयमों का उ�ं घन करना, मिदरा/शराब पीकर गाड़ी चलाना इन सब पर भारी जुमार्ना)
- Even road contractors & Enginers can be punished if faulty infrastructure results in accidents.
- Concurrent List Entry 35: Mechanically propelled vehicles. So, both union and states can enact
laws but Union’s law will prevail.
- But, some State Governments have notified reduced penalties. Union Highway Minister said,
“States can revise fines if they want. However, peoples’ lives should be saved."
IRAD Integrated Road Accident Database Project (iRAD) by IIT-Madras and NIC.
IBMS Road Ministry developed an Indian Bridge Management System (IBMS)
webportal to monitor 50,000+ bridges on National Highways of India. Such
database can help 1) repair works 2) mega-sized trucks could be diverted to other
routes to avoid structural damage to small bridges.
Maitri Setu connecting Sabroom (Tripura) with Ramgarh (Bangladesh) over Feni River →
From Ramgarh (Bangladesh) → Chattogram port is hardly 80 kilometres from
Ramgarh = so, will help Northeastern Indian States to export through sea port.
Constructed by India's National Highways & Infra Development Corporation
Limited (NHIDCL). This is also part of HIRA-wala Development= Highways, I-
ways (information highway/communication infra), Railways and Airways.
Bogibeel The longest Rail-cum-Road Bridge of the India (4.94 km).
Bridge Connects Assam’s two districts over Brahmaputra river. 2018: Modi inaugurated.
Dhola- Longest road bridge of India (9.15kms) to connect Dhola in Assam to Sadiya in
Sadiya Arunachal over river Lohit, a tributary of River Brahmaputra. 2017: Modi
Bridge inaugurated.
Dhubri- 19.3 kms road bridge to connect Dhubri (Assam) and Phulbari (Meghalaya) over
⇒ 1853: First railway from Mumbai to Thane (34kms). Governor General Dalhousie
⇒ 1921:Acworth Committee recommends separation of rail budget from General budget; practice
started from 1924-25, ended in 2017 by PM Modi 🧔🧔.(More in 📑📑Pillar#2D)
55.5.5 🚝🚝 National Rail Plan for India – 2030 [भारत के �लए रा��ीय रेल योजना - 2030]
⇒ freight transport- ⏫ Railways share by 45% and ⏫ avg speed by 50kmph.
⇒ 100% electrification of engines
⇒ ⏫ speed to 160 kmph on Delhi-Howrah and Delhi-Mumbai routes
⇒ Identify new Dedicated Freight Corridors and High Speed Rail Corridors.
Table 5: Table has very little utility in the UPSC, self-study for other exams:
Red ribbon to spread AIDS awareness
Rajdhani Connects Delhi with state capitals. Started in 1969
Shatabdi Connects Metro cities with other cities. called “Shatabdi” because started in
1988 Nehru’s centenary.
Garib-rath AC trains for poor people- at cheaper cost. But seat space narrow, no
2006 (Lalu) food/bedding given. So it's called ‘No frills’.
Duranto Express Duranto means ‘restless’ in Bengali. Long distance non-stop from source to
2009 (Mamta) destination. Speed as fast as Rajdhani and Shatabdi. Although now stops at
more stations for voters appeasement so original objective is defeated.
Mumbai Monorail Monorail runs on a single rail. This rail may be located either above or
2014 beneath the railway cars. 2014: Started in Mumbai by Maharashtra State
55.6.1 [Yearbook] Ministry of Civil Aviation नागर �वमानन / नाग�रक उड्डयन मं त्रालय
Dept N/A
Attached Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA: महा �नद�शक): registers civil
aircrafts, gives license to pilots, supervises gliding clubs, implements Chicago
Convention on International Civil Aviation.
Statutory − Airports Authority of India (AAI, Act 1994: भारतीय �वमानप�न प्रा�धकरण):
Bodies Statutory body responsible for creating, upgrading, maintaining airports &
वैधा�नक सं �ाएं runaways in India. It operates 130+ airports in India- some directly, some
📑📑NEXT Handout 5B: Urban, Rural, Communication Infra, PPP & Investment models
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Table of Contents
56 Infrastructure → 🏬🏬 URBAN (शहरी बु�नयादी अवसं रचना) ..................................................................707
56.1 🏬🏬 URBAN → Census definitions ............................................................................................707
56.2 🏬🏬 URBAN → [Yearbook] MoHUA ........................................................................................708
56.2.1 2020 marks 5th Anniversary of Urban Mission .................................................................708
56.3 🏬🏬 URBAN → AMRUT Mission (2015) → 500 cities ..........................................................708
56.4 🏬🏬 URBAN → Smart Cities Mission (2015) → 100 cities ....................................................709
56.4.1 🏬🏬 Smart Cities → Selection process (चयन प्रिक्रया) ...........................................................709
56.4.2 🏬🏬 💸💸 Smart Cities → funding and administration (�व� और प्रशासन) ...........................710
56.4.3 🏬🏬 👿👿 Smart Cities → Criticism / Challenges (आलोचना / चुनौ�तयाँ) ...............................710
56.4.4 🏬🏬 👭👭Sister City project ....................................................................................................710
56.4.5 🏬🏬 Cities → Misc → Floor Space index (FSI) ................................................................711
56.4.6 🏬🏬 � Cities → TULIP Internship (2020-June) ............................................................711
56.4.7 🏬🏬 �� URBAN → Misc → PH friendly → Sugamya Bharat (2014) ...................711
56.4.8 🏬🏬 🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 URBAN → Misc → Nagar VAN (2020-Jun) .........................................711
56.4.9 🏬🏬 URBAN → Misc → Parliament area, Central Vista ................................................712
56.4.10 🏬🏬 📊📊 Cities → Misc → TWO Indices for Quality of Life ......................................712
56.4.11 🏬🏬 📊📊 Cities → Misc → Indices / Data ......................................................................712
56.4.12 ✍ Urbanization conclusion (शहरीकरण: �न�षर्).............................................................713
56.5 (🏠🏠) Infra → (Urban and Rural) → Housing for all by 2022 ...............................................713
56.5.1 👻👻(🏠🏠) → Affordable rental housing Complexes (AHRC) .........................................714
56.5.2 (🏠🏠) → PMAY–U → Angikaar .........................................................................................714
56.5.3 (🏠🏠) → National Urban Housing Fund 2018 ..................................................................714
56.5.4 👻👻 (🏠🏠) → SWAMIH Fund ..............................................................................................714
56.5.5 (🏠🏠) PM Unauthorized colonies in Delhi Awaas adhikar Yojna (PM-UDAY) .........714
56.5.6 (🏠🏠) Sustainable Housing → World Habitat Award to Odisha’s JAGA Mission......715
56.5.7 (🏠🏠) Sustainable Housing → Global Housing Technology Challenge 2019 ..............715
56.5.8 (🏠🏠) → Model Tenancy Act, 2019 (आदशर् िकरायेदारी अ�ध�नयम) ..........................................715
56.5.9 (🏠🏠) → Corona: Landlords, tenants, rent & eviction .....................................................716
57 Infra → Rural (🏞🏞) ...........................................................................................................................716
57.1.1 🕵🕵🕵[Yearbook] Ministry of Rural Development ग्रामीण �वकास मं त्रालय...............................716
2011 2030
Urban population 31% 40% (and 50% by 2050)
Contribution to GDP 63% 75%
Introduction (Data): Urban areas support >30% of India’s population and contribute to more than
60% of India's GDP. These figures are expected to grow to 40% and 75% respectively by 2030. देश क�
आबादी और सकल घरेलू उ�ाद का एक बड़ा िह�ा शहरी इलाकों से आता है
Census-2011 definitions of urban area: (जनगणना)
Statutory If an area is governed by a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town
towns 4000+ area committee, etc.
Census towns If an area doesn’t have municipality etc. yet it could be counted as a ‘town’ if
3800+ - Minimum 5000 people residing; AND
- Min. population density: 400/sqkm AND
- Min.75% of males engaged in non-agriculture occupations
Size / class of the area Population Size
Urban Class I 1,00,000 & above: further Metro city = 40 lakh/>, mega city = 1 cr />
Semi-Urban Class II 50,000 - 99,999
Class III 20,000 - 49,999
Class IV 10,000 - 19,999
Rural** (if <75% male Class V 5,000 - 9,999
population in non- Class VI less than 5,000
Related Term: Constitution (74th Amendment) Act, 1992 defines a Metropolitan Area = population
of 10 lakhs or more, comprising of one or more districts.
2017: PM Modi merged (1) Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (2) Ministry of Urban
Poverty Alleviation into a single ministry called →
🕵🕵🕵🏬🏬 Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs आवासन एवं शहरी कायर् मं त्रालय consists of →
Dept NA
Attached ⇒ Central Public Works Department (CPWD) के �ीय लोक �नमार्ण �वभाग
offices ⇒ National Buildings Organisation (NBO) रा�ी� य भवन �नमार्ण सं गठन
⇒ Land & Development Office (L&DO)- it has two Portals: 1) E-
SAMPADA- for allocation of central govt houses/office buildings 2)
E-DHARTI - property disputes, registration etc in Delhi
Statutory − Delhi Development Authority, Rajghat Samadhi Committee,
वैधा�नक − Delhi Urban Arts Commission, Capital Region Planning Board
Autonomous − National Institute of Urban Affairs
Bodies �ाय� सं सथान − Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC)
− Central Government Employees Welfare Housing Organisation
− National Cooperative Housing Federation of India (NCHFI)
Subordinate − Town & Country Planning Organisation
Office अधीन� कायार्लय − Government of India Stationery Office
− Department of Publication (responsible for printing Gazettes)
CPSE सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र के − Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd. (HUDCO)
उपक्रम − National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited
− (*) Hindustan Prefab Limited (HPL)
(*) means approved for strategic disinvestment (=privatization) in 2019
E-governance − 2019: mHariyali App to encourage Public to plant trees & uploads it
geotagged photos through App.
56.2.1 2020 marks 5th Anniversary of Urban Mission
Schemes → Collectively called
1) 500 AMRUT cities 2) 100 Smart cities → Urban Rejuvenation Mission (शहरी कायाक� �मशन)
Above two + PM Awas Yojana (Urban) → Urban missions
56.3 🏬🏬 URBAN → AMRUT MISSION (2015) → 500 CITIES
2005: Manmohan launched Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).
→ 2015: Modi repacked it as Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT).
- 🕵🕵 Boss? Urban Development Ministry. Core Scheme = NOT 100% funded by Union.
- Covering 500 cities with population of 1 lakh /> people
⇒ 2021: Hyderabad city became the Only city of India to get "Tree Cities of the World" title/status
by the UN-FAO + a private organization Arbor Day Foundation.
⇒ Chandigarh became the first region in India to launch "Carbon Watch"- it is a mobile application
to assess the carbon footprint of an individual through his activities related to transport, energy,
waste generation.
56.4.9 🏬🏬 URBAN → Misc → Parliament area, Central Vista
⇒ 🕵🕵 Boss? Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs → CPWD
⇒ New Delhi's Central Vista region has Rashtrapati Bhawan, Parliament House, North and South
Block, India Gate, National Archives etc. All these iconic buildings were constructed before
1931. So these old buildings pose structural dangers. (जजर्र इमारत �गरने का डर)
⇒ Central Govt ministries/dept/offices are scattered over different locations → → unnecessary
travel & pollution.
⇒ Central Vista project aims to redevelop these buildings @₹20,000 crores.(पुन�नमार्ण)
⇒ 👴👴 2022= India's 75th Independence Day. So, govt hoped to finish building parliament by 2022.
Other buildings to be finished in 2021-24.
⇒ 🤧🤧🤧🤧 Then Corona: funding issues, SC petitions, Bhumi-Pooja etc..refer excel file at
56.4.10 🏬🏬 📊📊 Cities → Misc → TWO Indices for Quality of Life
2020: Urban ministry launched two indexes/indices to assess quality of life of citizens in 100 Smart
Cities and 14 other Million Plus Cities viz. Following area the rankings for 2020:
i. Ease of Living Index (EoLI) Top5: Bengaluru Pune Ahmedabad Chennai Surat.
ii. Municipal Performance Index (MPI) Top5: Indore, Surat, Bhopal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Pune.
Note: Above rankings for Million+ Pollution walli Cities. There is Separate ranking for cities with
less than million population. इसके अलावा 10 लाख से कम आबादी वाले शहरों के �लए अलग से र�िकंग बनाया है.
- 1985: Indira Awas Yojana for rural areas gave money to poor families to build homes,
- 2008: Rajiv Rinn Yojana for urban areas gave home loan Interest subsidy to poor.
- 2015-16: Modi restructured them into Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). Core Scheme =
NOT 100% funded by Union. PMAY has two components.
🏠🏠 � PMAY (Urban) 🏠🏠 � PMAY (Rural)
by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs By Ministry of Rural Development .
It has following components: (योजना के घटक/अवयव) Beneficiaries are identified through SECC-
1. If person owns land: give him ₹ 1.50 lakh to 2011 data, and verified by Gram Sabha.
build / renovate his house. They’re given money to build home.
- ₹ 1.50 lakh (plains area),
2. If a builder is keeping 35% apartments’ quota
- ₹ 1.60 lakh (hilly states)
for EWS then builder gets subsidy.
- Additionally, they can get upto ₹ 70,000
3. Slum redevelopment (झोपिड़यों को हटाकर गरीबों को as bank loans
प�े मकान बना कर देना) Money transferred to beneficiary’s bank
4. Credit-linked subsidy scheme (CLSS): account via AwaasSoft web platform.
Depending on the annual income, the - Convergence with other schemes to
beneficiaries are classified into 3 groups: provide electricity, LPG, drinking water
& toilet. अ� योजनाओं के साथ सम�य
a. Economically Weaker Section (EWS),
- Also provides skill programs for rural
b. Low Income Groups (LIGs)
masons. ग्रामीण कारीगरों के �लए कौशल कायर्क्रम
c. Middle Income Groups (MIGs: i.e.
annual income upto ₹ 18 lakhs).
These groups are given 3-4% interest subsidy on
loan amounts upto ₹ “x” lakhs. Govt has setup
Credit-linked Subsidy Services Awas (CLAP)
Portal where beneficiary can track his application
status in real-time.
- िद�ी क� अवैध कॉलोनी म� रहने वाले ���यों को मकान के मा�लकाना हक िदया जाएगा.
56.5.6 (🏠🏠) Sustainable Housing → World Habitat Award to Odisha’s JAGA Mission
⇒ By a UK-based organization in partnership with United Nation (UN)-Habitat
⇒ 2019-Bronze award given Odisha government's Odisha Liveable Habitat Mission also known as
‘Jaga Mission’ in partnership with Tata Trust.
⇒ In this scheme, urban slum dwellers are given land ownership titles, create road, streetlight,
water-sanitation infrastructure → Then Govt will not evict /destroy their slums. Permanent
home address proof also helps poor families to enroll children in school, open bank accounts etc.
⇒ Beneficiaries are given 30 square metre of land free of cost and for the remaining land they have
to pay as per the State Govt determined price. (गरीब प�रवार को 30 वगर् मीटर जमीन मु� म� और उसे अ�त�र�
जमीन गरीब को चािहए तो रा� सरकार द्वारा �नधार्�रत रकम, गरीब प�रवार ने अदा करनी होगी)
56.5.7 (🏠🏠) Sustainable Housing → Global Housing Technology Challenge 2019
- 🕵🕵 Boss? Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- asked experts / private sector companies to propose disaster-resilient, environment friendly,
cost-effective and speedy construction technologies.
- They’ll be implemented on a pilot basis in some cities to see the results.
56.5.8 (🏠🏠) → Model Tenancy Act, 2019 (आदशर् िकरायेदारी अ�ध�नयम)
RBI’s survey found that housing affordability has worsened over (2015-19). People’s income failed
to keep pace with rising property prices. In Mumbai, difficult to find home even with a budget of ₹
45 lakhs! (मकान अप्र�ा�शत �प से महंगे हो रहे ह� लेिकन लोगों क� आमदनी म� उस ग�त से वृ�द्ध नहीं हो रही.)
Since it is not possible to construct houses for each and everyone, we also need to promote rental
housing especially for migrant workers. But, current Rental Laws are archaic. So, 2019-July Ministry
of Housing & Urban Affairs drafted a Model Tenancy Law with following features, and asked States
to adopt it:
It covers properties rented for residential, commercial, educational use.
Specific provisions about security deposit, mechanism to increase rental amount- in a way that it
protects both the tenant and landlord. (िकरायेदार और मकान मा�लक)
If tenant doesn’t vacate the premises after rent-period is over or damages the property, then
heavy penalties on him. (अव�ध समा� होने के बावजूद भी मकान खाली न करने पर या मकान को ��त प�ंचाने पर
िकरायेदार पर जुमार्ना)
Dy.Collector rank officials will be designated as ‘Rent Authority. Higher appeal to Rent Court →
Rent Tribunal. Disputes will be settled within 60 days deadline. (इन मामलों क� सुनवाई के �लए िकराया
प्रा�धकरण और अपीलीय सं �ाओं का भी प्रावधान)
🔠🔠❓ Who among the following envisioned the framework of sustainable development called PURA (Providing Urban
Amenities to Rural Areas)? (UPSC-Geologist-2020)
a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee d) K.R. Narayanan
⇒ Border Roads Organisation (BRO)'s road construction work → Outsource to private players via
Engineering Procurement Contract (EPC), if costing more than ₹100 cr= faster and more
professional building of roads.
⇒ BRO to be given high-tech machines for snow clearance on Himalayan roads. Use Geo-Textiles
for soil stabilisation, to prevent landslide damage to roads. सड़क से बफर् हटाने और भू�लन से नुकसान रोकने
के �लए अद्यतन मशीन और तकनीक�
⇒ Field officers to be given more financial and administrative powers. �ानीय अ�धका�रयों को �ादा �व�ीय
और प्रशास�नक स�ाई दी जाएं गी तािक ज�ी कम हो सके
⇒ Reforms for land acquisition and environmental clearance. भू�म अ�धग्रहण और पयार्वरणीय मं जूरी।
⇒ 🤩🤩? Socio economic development & ⏫security in border areas. सामा�जक आ�थक �वकास और सुर�ा
✍Conclusion? SDG Goal #8 requires India to provide decent work and economic growth
opportunities to all. Since majority of Indians reside in rural areas, the rural infrastructure
development is the lynchpin factor in this regard. Aforementioned scheme / policy /… सतत �वकास
ल�: सभी लोगो को काम और आ�थक �वकास के अवसर देना । चूंिक अ�धकांश भारतीय आबादी ग्रामीण �ेत्रों म� �नवास करते ह�, इस�लए
ग्रामीण बु�नयादी सु�वधाओं का �वकास अ�ाव�क है.
57.7.1 🕵🕵🕵👮👮👮[Yearbook] Ministry of Home (गृह मं त्रालय)
- 1977: National Informatics Centre (NIC) to develop websites, softwares, ICT services for govt
- 2006: Manmohan’s National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)
- 2014: Modi’s Digital India Mission by restructuring above things:
Boss? Ministry of Electronics & IT. Central Sector Scheme = 100% Funded by Union.
Digital India program (िड�जटल इं िडया कायर्क्रम) 9 Pillars:
1) Broadband Communication Ministry’s Department of Telecom (DoT) →
Highways - 1) Bharatnet Project/ National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN):
Connect all 2.50 lakh+ village Panchayats with broadband. Nodal?
- 2) National Broadband Mission: To provide broadband access to all
villages by 2022.
- 3) Ghar Tak Fiber to connect Bihar villages through high speed
internet. Launched 2020-Sept.
- 4) PM-WANI Public Wifi launched in 2020-Dec.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following are aims of "Digital India" Plan of the Govt of India? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
� Conclusion: SDG Goal #9 (infrastructure) requires India to provide universal telephone and
internet connectivity to all. Above scheme / policy helps in digital access, digital inclusion, digital
empowerment and bridging the digital divide. Thus, it’ll play an important role in transforming
India into a knowledge-based economy and digitally empowered society.
सबको सावर्�त्रक �प से टेलीफोन और इं टरनेट क� सु�वधा मुहैया कराएं गे तभी िड�जटल समावेशन -सश��करण होगा। अमीर गरीब
ग्रामीण शहरी के बीच िड�जटल खाई/�वभाजन कम होगा- सतत �वकास ल� को हा�सल करने के �लए अग्रता क्रम से यह सब करना ज�री
(Define) Data is a set of factual information stored in digital form. (िड�जटल �प म� सं ग्रहीत त�ा�क जानकारी)
(Origin) When people conduct their day-to-day activities online, they leave digital footprints- in
chatting, searching google, buying on amazon, file taxes, posting on social media etc. While doing
these activities online, people produce data about themselves which is stored on public and private
servers. [इं टरनेट पर रोज़ाना �व�वध ग�त�व�धयों के चलते ह� लोग �यं ही ख़ुद का डेटा सावर्ज�नक और �नजी सवर्र म� जमा करवाते ह�]
Dept N/A
Attached 1. Press Information Bureau (PIB).पत्र सूचना कायार्लय
offices 2. Publications Division.प्रकाशन �वभाग
सं ल� सं �ाएं 3. Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India
4. Directorate of Film Festivals, Photo Division,
5. National Film Archives of India
6. New Media Wing, Electronic Media Monitoring Centre
Statutory 1. Press Council of India (भारतीय प्रेस प�रषद)
Bodies 2. Central Board of Film Certification (के �ीय िफ� प्रमाणन बोडर्) → Film
वै�ा�नक सं �ाएं Certification Appellate Tribunal
3. Prasar Bharati: a) All India Radio b) Doordarshan
CPSE सरकारी 1. National Film Development Corporation Limited (NFDC)
कं पनी 2. Broadcast Engineering Consultants (India) Limited (BECIL)
Autonomous 1. Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune
Organizations 2. Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata
�ाय� सं �ाएं 3. Children’s Film Society of India
4. Indian Institute of Mass Communication
Activities - 2019: launched Doordarshan Arunprabha, a dedicated 24x7 TV channel for
प्रवृ��यां Arunachal
- Responsible for 1) National Film Awards, 2) International Film Festival of
India- which is jointly hosted by this ministry & State Government of Goa.
INDEX? सूचकांक - Press Freedom Index: Compiled by a Paris based non government
organisation Reporters sans frontières (Reporters Without Borders)
- 2021's top3 rankers: Norway, Finland, Denmark. 142: India.
✋But this type of low profile bodies giving negative rankings about India’s
freedom/democracy are not really important for exam! #⏳📚📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
58.9.1 �🤬🤬🤬🤬 Comm → Regulators (Statutory) → Censor board
- 1978: Press Council Act → भारतीय प्रेस प�रषद, a statutory body under Ministry of Information &
Broadcasting. Readers can complaint against violation of press ethics (e.g. yellow journalism,
paid news, hate news).
- Newspaper / Journalists can complaint if their freedom of press violated.
- Chairman + members from journalism field, (members from LS & RS), members sent by (UGC,
Bar Council, Sahitya academy).
Press Council of India doesn’t cover TV-News channel and so we have →
News channels ⇒ News broadcaster association (NBA): Non-statutory Self regulatory body
set up by the news channels themselves (2008)
⇒ It punishes news-channels if they spread misinformation, hate news, harm
privacy of women by showing rape victim name / face etc.
Entertainment ⇒ Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC): Non-statutory Self
channels मनोरंजन regulatory body set up by non-news general entertainment channels
themselves. (2011) Punishes them for objectionable content.
Over the Top e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar, ALT-Balaji, SonyLIV etc
(OTT) ⇒ Before: they were regulated by the Ministry of Electronics and
platforms Information Technology.(MEITY)
⇒ 2020-Nov: Their regulation shifted to the Ministry of Information and
Broadcasting (I&B). It's likely to ⏫censorship over their content.
Who collects the toll / - If BoT: Toll (पथकर) model Could be toll or annuity depending
fees from users? then Private player levies on project.
जनता से फ़�स कौन लेगा? toll from users (e.g. E.g. Delhi-Mumbai highway - private
highway)- but he’ll face a players would love to have a Toll
risk- what if less traffic! model, whereas in Nagaland Manipur
- If BoT: Annuity (वा�षक�) highway they’d prefer annuity model
model then Govt pays due to less growth projection in
private player fixed ₹ ₹ at traffic.
regular period from its
Example(s) उदाहरण NHAI highways** Water pipeline contracts by
Municipal corporations
- Some alternatives to above: Build Own Operate (BOO) / Build-develop-operate (BDO) /
Design-construct-manage-finance (DCMF): In these models private player remains the owner
in perpetuity (सदा के �लए मा�लक).
- ** 2020-July: Govt announced some technical reforms in BoT model for highway construction
but very poor cost benefit in chasing.
59.2.1 🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔🧔 Infra.Dev. → PPP (Brownfield) BLT & ToT
- Build-Lease-Transfer (BLT): (�नमार्ण-ठे का-ह�ांतरण): Usually associated with brownfield projects
(ब्राउनफ�� प�रयोजनाएँ ) e.g. Govt owned existing airport is leased to private player for operation →
he renovates it → charges user fees → After the contact period is over / investment recovered
then govt again assumes operational responsibilities (or gets another private player). Thus Govt
remains the owner in perpetuity.
- Toll-Operate-Transfer (TOT): (टोल -सं चालन-ह�ांतरण): Private player pays upfront fees (e.g. ₹
9000 crore) to the government to obtain the ‘right to collect toll’ on an existing road
(=brownfield) for a fixed period (e.g. 30 years). Benefits? →
- To Government: we got upfront money to finance schemes / build new roads; no need to
pay salary of those toll-booth employees.
- To private player: we will make profit depending on how much traffic comes.
- 2018: NHAI award projects worth 680+ kms in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat
Army’s Central Ordnance Depot (COD) & Army Base Workshops (ABWs) are responsible for mfg
& warehousing, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO: �व�नमार्ण और भं डारण, रखरखाव, मर�त) of
⇒ Weapons, Ammunition, Tanks, Trucks, Radars, Air defense system etc.
⇒ Clothing, footwear, headgear, tent & camping gears, kitchen equipment etc.
⇒ 2015: CAG audit found them to be overstaffed, inefficient and slow.
⇒ 2016: Defence Ministry’s Lt. Gen. DB Shekatkar (Retd.) committee to “enhance combat
capability and re-balancing defence expenditure.” → recommended GOCO Model.
59.4.1 🛡🛡GoCo Mechanism?
⇒ Government-Owned Contractor-Operated (GOCO) model: private contractors operate the
army’s base workshops that repair equipment from guns and vehicles to tanks and helicopters.
⇒ Government remains the owner of the ABW workshop / COD depot। �नजी �खलाड़ी सेना के ह�थयार और
वाहनों क� मर�त करेगा, िकंतु उस ज़मीन और मर�त के � पर मा�लक� सरकार क� रहेगी।
⇒ But a private player is given a contract to take over the operation / running of such a workshop /
depot. He’ll be responsible for warehousing operations, transportation of material, repair,
maintenance etc.
⇒ He will have to absorb the existing civilian employees working there. वहाँ कायर्रत वतर्मान सरकारी क�मयों
को �नजी �खलाड़ी ने अपनी कं पनी म� नौकरी म� रखना होगा, तािक बेरोज़गारी न हो।
⇒ Private player must be an Indian registered company with at least 10 years of working experience
& “y” crore of turnover
59.4.2 🛡🛡GoCo: Pros and Cons
😍😍Benefits? फायदे 😪😪Challenges? चुनौ�तयां
⇒ ⏬salary bill for Govt वेतन खचर् कम होगा ⇒ Private operators may not have the
⇒ Private operators can easily go into expertise to deal with military equipment;
partnership with Original Equipment ⇒ Private companies interested in bidding
Manufacturer (OEM) for service, repair mostly for workshops/Depots that handle
and spare parts. आसानी से पुज� का इं तजाम कर Combat Tanks because they can easily
सकता है charge Rs 8-9 crore for tanks’
⇒ Private firms will not have to invest in land, repair/services/spareparts every time.
infrastructure, machinery. Because Whereas not much profit in
Government already built that. �नजी �ेत्र के clothing/kitchen utensils/cooking stove
सरकारी सड़क, मालगाड़ी के िड�े, रेलवे �ेशन, �बजलीघर, खेलकू द �ेिडयम इ�ािद चीजों का सरकार मुद्रीकरण करेगी अथार्त - इ��
बेचकर/िकराए पर देकर सरकार पैसा जुटाएगी। इस कायर्क्रम क� �परेखा बनाने क� �ज�ेदारी नी�त आयोग को दी गई है.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. With reference to ‘National Investment and Infrastructure Fund’, which of the following statements is/are
correct?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. It is an organ of NITI Aayog.
2. It has a corpus of Rs. 4,00,000 crore at present.
Answer Code: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following statements is not correct? [UPSC-CDS-2016-II]
a) Creation of National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) was announced in the Union Budget, 2015-16.
b) NIIF is a fund for enhancing infrastructure facility in the country.
c) NIIF and NIF (National Investment Fund) are the names of the same organization.
d) NIIF can finance more than one alternative investment fund.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The Global Infrastructure Facility is a/an(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
a) ASEAN initiative to upgrade infrastructure in Asia and financed by credit from the Asian Development Bank.
b) World Bank collaboration that facilitates the preparation and structuring of complex infrastructure Public-Private
Partnerships (PPPs) to enable mobilization of private sector and institutional investor capital.
c) Collaboration among the major banks of the world working with the OECD and focused on expanding the set of
infrastructure projects that have the potential to mobilize private investment.
d) UNCTAD funded initiative that seeks to finance and facilitate infrastructure development in the world.
⇒ 15th Aug, 2019: PM Modi announced Rs.100 lakh crore would be invested on infrastructure
over the next five years.
⇒ 2019-Sept: Finance Ministry set up a task force under the Secretary of Dept of Economic Affairs
(DEA). Based on its report,
बु�नयादी अवसं रचना िकसी भी देश के आ�थक �वकास का एक मह�पूणर् �नधार्रक है। इसका सीधा असर �नवेश, �व�नमार्ण �ेत्र, रसद
आपू�त श्रृंखला, और उ�ादकता पर पड़ता है। सामा�जक �ेत्रों के �लए भी ये मह�पूणर् है - चाहे वह �श�ा हो या �ा�। अत: सतत
�वकास के �लए यह करना ज�री
A. Aforementioned scheme / policy / initiative is important in that regard. OR
B. Aforementioned challenges need to be addressed on priority basis. OR अग्रता क्रम से
C. While the aforementioned XYZ PPP-investment model may not be the panacea in every case but
it can surely help improving our infrastructure. सावर्ज�नक �नजी �ेत्र क� भागीदारी- रामबाण इलाज नहीं लेिकन
उपयोगी है
- GS1 Syllabus Topic: Urbanization: problems and remedies
- GS2 Syllabus Topic: Welfare Schemes (centre, states; performance, mechanisms)
- GS3 Syllabus Topic: Infrastructure (energy, ports, roads, airports, railways); Investment models
59.11.1 Mains Mock Questions from these topics
1) "India stands to gain a lot from the global 5G revolution." Elaborate (“भारत,वै��क 5 जी क्रां�त से ब�त
कु छ हा�सल करने के �लए प�रप� है। ”�व�ृत �ा�ा कर� | )
2) “Construction of toilets is only “one part” of the solution for a clean India.” Elaborate. ("शौचालय
�नमार्ण, �� भारत के �लए समाधान का के वल एक ही िह�ा है।" �व�ृत �ा�ा कर� |)
3) “Aggregation of public data holds a variety of applications for good governance.” Substantiate
with examples.("सावर्ज�नक डाटा का सम�यन- सुशासन के �लए कई प्रकार क� उपयो�गता रखता है।" सउदाहरण अपने कथन
क� पु�� कर� | )
4) “Public data is as important for good governance as national highways are for economic
growth.” Discuss. ("सावर्ज�नक डाटा सुशासन के �लए उतना ही मह�पूणर् है �जतना िक रा�ी� य राजमागर् आ�थक �वकास के
�लए है ।" चचार् कर�।)
59.11.2 ✍ 🎺🎺 Mains previous years’ questions from these topics
Explain the meaning of investment in an economy in terms of capital formation. Discuss the factors 2020
to be considered while designing a concession agreement between a public entity and a private entity.
(एक अथर्�व�ा म� पूँजी �नमार्ण के �प म� �व�नयोग के अथर् क� �ा�ा क��जए. उन कारकों क� �ववेचना क��जए, �जन पर एक सावर्ज�नक
एवं एक �नजी �नकाय के म� �रआयत (कॉनसेशन एग्रीमे�) तैयार करते समय �वचार िकया जाना चािहए)
Adaptation of PPP model for infrastructure development of the country has not been free from 2013
criticism. Critically discuss the pros and cons of the model.
देश के बु�नयादी ढांचे के �वकास के �लए �नजी-सावर्ज�नक भागीदारी / पीपीपी मॉडल का अंगीकरण आलोचना से मु� नहीं �आ है।
पीपीपी मॉडल के प� एवं �वप� पर आलोचना�क चचार् कर�।
Examine the developments of Airports in India through Joint Ventures under Public-Private 2017
Partnership(PPP) model. What are the challenges faced by the authorities in this regard. (�नजी-सावर्ज�नक
भागीदारी (पीपीपी) मॉडल के अ�गर्त सं यु� उद्यम के मा�म से भारत म� होने वाले हवाई अड्डों के �वकास का परी�ण कर�। इस सं बं ध म�
प्रा�धका�रयों को िकस प्रकार क� चुनौ�तयों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है?)
Explain how private public partnership agreements, in longer gestation infrastructure projects, can 2014
transfer unsustainable liabilities to the future. What arrangements need to be put in place to ensure
that successive generations’ capacities are not compromised? �नजी-सावर्ज�नक भागीदारी,समझौते (तथा),
दीघर्कालीन अवसं रचना प�रयोजनाए, भ�व� मे देनदा�रयों को कै से �ानांत�रत कर सकती ह�। भावी पीिढ़यों क� �मताओं से समझौता न
िकया जाए इसे सु�न��त करने के �लए �ा �व�ा करने क� आव�कता है ? समझाए ?
What are ‘Smart Cities? Examine their relevance for urban development in India. Will it increase 2016
rural-urban differences? Give arguments for Smart Villages’ in the light of PURA and RURBAN
�ाटर् शहर �ा ह�? भारत म� शहरी �वकास के �लए उनक� प्रासं �गकता का परी�ण कर�। �ा इससे ग्रामीण-शहरी म� होने वाले अंतर म�
बढो�री होगी ? �ाटर् गांवों के �लए PURA एवं RURBAN �मशन के प्रकाश म� तकर् द� |
Smart cities in India cannot sustain without smart villages. Discuss this statement in the backdrop of 2015
rural urban integration. “भारत म� �ाटर् शहरों का अ��� �ाटर् गांवों के �बना नहीं है |” ग्रामीण शहरी एक�करण क� पृ�भू�म म�
इस कथन पर चचार् कर�।
With a brief background of quality of urban life in India, introduce the objectives and strategy of the 2016
‘Smart City Programme’. भारत म� शहरी जीवन क� �वशेषताओं क� सं ��� पृ�भू�म के साथ, '�ाटर् �सटी प्रोग्राम' के उद्दे�ों एवं
इससे सं बं �धत रणनी�त को प्र�ुत कर�।
The basis of providing urban amenities in rural areas (PURA) is rooted in establishing connectivity. 2013
Comment. ग्रामीण �ेत्रों म� PURA के आधार पर शहरी सु�वधाएं प्रदान करने का उदे� 'स�द्धता' �ा�पत करना है । िट�णी कर� |
📑📑Next Pillar6A: Human Resource Development (HRD)
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Table of Contents
60 👫👫HRD → Population Census (जनगणना) ......................................................................................750
60.1.1 🕵🕵🕵🔢🔢Census -2021 .............................................................................................................750
60.1.2 👫👫👫👫Demographic transition → Census perspective ..................................................751
60.1.3 Demographic Transition → Theoretical Perspective .....................................................751
60.1.4 👫👫x👫👫=🌩🌩🌩🌩Malthusian Theory of Population Growth ..........................................751
60.2 👫👫👫👫Demographic Indicators (जनसां��क� सं केतक)...................................................................752
60.2.1 📊📊 Census-2011: migration & occupation (�ाना�रण) ....................................................753
60.2.2 👫👫👫👫Demographic Indicators → National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) ........753
60.2.3 👫👫👫👫Demographic Indicators → Sample Registration System (SRS) ......................754
60.3 👫👫↘ 📜📜:🧔🧔National Population Policy 2000 (रा��ीय जनसं �ा नी�त) .....................................754
60.3.1 👫👫↗�:📊📊 World Population Prospects 2019 (Released in 2019-Jul) ..................755
60.3.2 👫👫↗�:📊📊 State of World Population Report ...........................................................755
60.4 📔📔📔📔 ES19: Indian Demography @2040- Policy suggestions ...............................................755
60.4.1 �<��Demographic Changes (जनसां��क� प�रवतर्न) and Education ........................756
60.4.2 �<��Demo Changes: Working-Age Population (कायर्शील आयु क� जनसं �ा) .........756
60.4.3 �<��Demographic Changes and Health Care Facilities (�ा� सु�वधा) ..............756
60.4.4 �<�� Demographic Changes and: Retirement Age (�नवृ�� आयु) .........................756
61 💊💊 HRD → Health (�ा�) ..................................................................................................................757
61.1.1 � 🧬🧬 🔬🔬 [YEARBOOK] Ministry of Science and Technology .................................757
61.1.2 �💊💊💉💉 [YEARBOOK] Ministry of Health And Family Welfare ............................758
61.1.3 💊💊🌱🌱� World Health Organization (WHO: �व� �ा� सं गठन) ..................................759
61.1.4 💊💊🌱🌱�[YEARBOOK] Ayush Ministry .......................................................................759
61.1.5 💊💊 📜📜:🧔🧔 → National Health Policy 2017 (रा�ी� य �ा� नी�त) .......................................761
61.1.6 💊💊 📜📜:🧔🧔 → National Policy for Rare Diseases-2020 .................................................761
61.2 💊💊🤑🤑🕵🕵🕵→ Cheap Medicine → NPPA Price control..........................................................761
61.3 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → Cheap Medicine → PM Bhartiya Janaushadi Pariyojana..............................762
61.4 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → National Health Mission (2005: रा�ी� य �ा� �मशन) ...........................................763
61.5 💊💊 → Mother & Child Healthcare (🤰🤰🤰🤰)..............................................................................763
61.5.1 🤰🤰🤰🤰📯📯📯📯 → Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS-1975) ....................763
61.5.2 🤰🤰🤰🤰📯📯📯📯 → via NRHM’s JSY & JSSK .......................................................................764
61.5.3 🤰🤰🤰🤰📯📯📯📯 → PM Matru Vandana Yojana (₹ 5k for 1st child+1k from other
scheme*) 765
61.5.4 🤰🤰🤰🤰💉💉 → Vaccination (टीकाकरण) ..................................................................................765
61.5.5 🤰🤰🤰🤰💉💉💉💉 Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0 from 2021 onwards .......766
61.6 💊💊💊💊🦸🦸 → Adolescent boys and girls (िकशोर) ......................................................................766
61.6.1 🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰 → WCD Ministry’s 3 Umbrella Schemes in 2021 .................................767
61.7 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → Ayushman Bharat & PMJAY ₹ 5 lakh insurance ............................................767
61.7.1 🍋🍋Health Cess to build hospitals-2020 .............................................................................768
61.7.2 🍋🍋Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Nidhi (PMSSN) 2021-March ........................768
61.7.3 💸💸💸🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)-Health .......................768
61.8 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → National Health Mission → Comm/Non-Comm diseases ...........................769
61.9 🤒🤒ES21vol1Ch5 on Healthcare problems-Solutions ..............................................................770
61.9.1 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒ES21: Indian Healthcare Problems: .................................................................770
61.9.2 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒ES21: Healthcare Solutions: Oligopsony for universal health insurance
coverage 771
61.9.3 🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒ES21: Indian Healthcare Solutions: Patient Rights like UK, Sweden .........771
61.10 😷😷ES21Vol1Ch1- Corona Saving Lives & Livelihood........................................................772
61.10.1 😷😷Basic Reproduction Number R0 ..............................................................................772
61.10.2 😷😷Mitigation versus suppression .................................................................................772
61.11 👻👻👻👻: 💊💊📯📯📯📯 Atma-Nirbhar Bharat → Medicine / Health ....................................773
61.11.1 👻👻👻👻: 💊💊📯📯📯📯→ National Digital Health Mission (15th Aug, 2020) ................773
61.11.2 👻👻👻👻: 💊💊📯📯📯📯→Draft Health Data Management Policy (�ा� डेटा प्रबं धन नी�त)773
61.11.3 👻👻👻👻👻👻Health → E-Sanjeevani telemedicine .........................................................774
61.11.4 👻👻👻👻👻👻Health → iGOT .............................................................................................774
61.11.5 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 PM AtmaNirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana [PMASBY] from
👜👜Budget-2021 ......................................................................................................................................774
61.11.6 👻👻👻👻: 💊💊💊💊💊💊: Corona → Health Apps / Portal / Initative overdoze ...............774
61.12 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → Health: Misc. Schemes (�व�वध गौण योजनाए) .....................................................775
61.12.1 💊💊💉💉💉💉 NITI’s “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report 2019 (released 2019-
Jul) 776
61.12.2 💊💊💉💉💉💉National Health Profile 2019 (Released in 2019-Oct) ..................................776
61.12.3 💊💊✍→ Conclusion-Template-Health? (�न�षर्) ..........................................................776
61.13 🍴🍴 HRD → Health → Hunger, Malnutrition, Food Security .............................................777
61.13.1 🍴🍴 �[YEARBOOK] Min. of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution ...........777
61.13.2 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → Schemes before NFSA ..............................................................778
61.13.3 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → National Food Security Act 2013 (खाद्य सुर�ा कानून) ..............778
61.13.4 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯:💳💳 → Hunger → NFSA → One Nation One Ration Card.........................779
61.13.5 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 Hunger → Food distribution reforms taken by Govt ...............................780
61.13.6 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 Hunger → NFSA → ES20 says ⏬number of beneficiaries .......................780
61.13.7 👻👻👻👻🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY)- free
grains in Corona .....................................................................................................................................780
61.13.8 👻👻👻👻🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 Corona: other initiatives for cooking / hunger?............................780
61.13.9 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → Malnutrition (कु पोषण) → Poshan Abhiyaan (2018) .............781
61.13.10 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → Malnutrition (कु पोषण) → Mission Poshan 2.0 (2021) ......782
61.13.11 🍴🍴🍴🍴 → Global Hunger Index (GHI: वै��क भूख/�ुधा सूचकांक) ......................................782
61.13.12 🍴🍴🍴🍴 → State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report ........................783
61.13.13 🍴🍴🍴🍴 → Food Waste Index Report 2021 [अ� बबार्दी सूचकांक] .......................................783
61.13.14 🍴🍴🍴🍴 → Global Nutrition Report .................................................................................783
61.13.15 🍴🍴🍴🍴 ✍→ Conclusion-Template-Hunger? (�ुधा - �न�षर्)......................................784
⇒ 37% of Indian are internal migrants. Among them, majority are female (70%)
⇒ Main reason for migration: A) Female: marriage (70%) B) Male: work & employment
(28%)> moved with household > moved after birth.
Occupation: Census divided the working population of India into four major categories:
1.Cultivators 2.Agricultural Labourers 3.Household Industry Workers 4.Other Workers
🔠🔠❓According to the Census 2011, in India, what is the % of people (approximately) considered to be migrants
(internal),i.e. now settled in a place different from their previous residence? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) 25% (b) 35% (c) 45% (d) 55%
🔠🔠❓ Which one of the following is the biggest cause of migration of females in India? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) Employment (b) Education (c) Marriage (d) Business
🔠🔠❓2011 Census has divided the working population of India into four major categories. Which one of the following
is NOT one of them ? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
(a) Cultivators (b) Domestic workers (c) Household industrial workers (d) Agricultural Labourers
⇒ By United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)- United Nations sexual and reproductive
health agency HQ: New York.
⇒ Theme of 2021’s report: “My body is my own” Highlighted the problems of human rights
violation and child abuse. (“मेरा शरीर मेरा है”- मानव अ�धकार हनन तथा ब�ों का शोषण रोकना)
⇒ Theme of 2020’s report: ‘Against my will: defying the practices that harm women and girls
and undermine equality’. (मेरी इ�ा के �व�द्ध: मिहलाओं और लड़िकयों को नुकसान/ कमजोर करने वाली प्रथाओं को
चुनौती देना) Highlighted the problems of sex-selective abortion, neglect of girl child = 46
million Indian girls are either not allowed to be born or died before age of 5 due to neglect.
(2013-17). भ्रूणह�ा तथा नवजात ब�ीओ क� उपे�ा के चलते 46 million लड़िकया भारत क� आबादी से गायब है.
⇒ Early marriage = obstacle to education, income and safety of women in India.
⇒ 2010-19: India’s population grew at 1.2% per year= more than double speed of China
🔠🔠❓ Find theme of the annual report published UNFPA on State of World Population – 2019. (UPSC-CAPF-2019)?
a) Worlds apart : Reproductive health and rights in an age of inequality
b) The power of choice : Reproductive rights and the demographic transition.
c) Unfinished business – the pursuit of rights and choices for all
d) How our future depends on a girl at this decisive age
ES19 projected by 2031: National TFR will ⏬ below replacement level (i.e. TFA < 2.1), because of:
1. continued urbanization. सतत शहरी करण
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 755
2. improvements in health care → decline in infant mortality → mothers will not produce second /
third child to offset the loss of the first child.
3. ⏫ in female education → family planning, birth control, postponement of marriage
4. other socio-economic drivers. शहरीकरण, अ�� �चिक�ा, मिहला �श�ा और दू सरे सामा�जक-आ�थक कारकों के चलते
कु ल प्रजनन दर प्र�त-�ापन दर पर प�ँ च जाएगा।
This demographic transition will have the following implications for the policymakers:
60.4.1 �<��Demographic Changes (जनसां��क� प�रवतर्न) and Education
⇒ Proportion of elementary school-going children, i.e. 5-14 age group, will witness significant ⏬.
⇒ Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh have more than 40% of
elementary schools with fewer than 50 students enrolled. It’ll be better to consolidate/merge
such schools located within 1-3 kms radius of each other. ब�ों क� सं �ा म� कमी �जसके चलते �ू लों को
बं ध/�वलीन करना होगा।
⇒ Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore and Canada, already doing the same. We should focus on
quality and efficiency of education rather than quantity of schools. �ू लों क� सं �ा नहीं गुणव�ा को बढ़ाओ
60.4.2 �<��Demo Changes: Working-Age Population (कायर्शील आयु क� जनसं �ा)
⇒ India’s demographic dividend will peak around 2041, when the share of working-age population
(20-59 years) will be 59%. Then it will begin to ⏬.2041 के बाद बुजुग� क� सं �ा बढ़ेगी
⇒ So before that time, we will have to create additional jobs to reap the demographic dividend,
prevent social unrest from unemployment. उससे पहेले रोजगार सृजन नहीं िकया तो सामा�जक आक्रोश
⇒ The population of coastal States will begin to age sooner than the interior states. So, migration of
workers will have to encouraged, and we will have to provide them with affordable rental
homes. आंत�रक रा�ों से तटवत� रा�ों म� मजदू रों को लाना होगा, िकराये के मकानों को प्रो�ािहत करे
60.4.3 �<��Demographic Changes and Health Care Facilities (�ा� सु�वधा)
⇒ India already has low per capita availability of hospital beds compared to other emerging and
developed economies.
⇒ Although India's population growth rate is going to slow down, but in absolute terms our
population is going to increase in the next 20 years. So we will have to increase the per capita
availability of the hospital beds. अ�तालों म� खिटया बढ़ाने क� ज�रत
⇒ We also need to increase investments in geriatric health-care, old age homes. जरा�चिक�ा, वृद्धाश्रम
60.4.4 �<�� Demographic Changes and: Retirement Age (�नवृ�� आयु)
⇒ While the life expectancy will ⏫ but the total fertility rate will ⏬ so, some states will start
transitioning to an ageing society by the 2030s. कु छ रा�ों म� ब�त �ादा बुजुगर् हो जाएं गे
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 756
⇒ Due to ageing population and increasing pressure on pension funding, Germany, France, Japan
& others have begun raising the pensionable retirement.
��If India’s ⏫ the age of retirement: (सेवा�नवृ�� क� आयु म� बढ़ोतरी करना)
It’ll help keeping the Govt funded pension programs viable. सरकारी प�शन योजनाओ का बोज कम रहे
Income tax revenues will remain viable (Because salaried person is likely to pay more Income
Tax compared to a retired person who is receiving lower amount of pension.)
We can benefit from the experience of older people who continue in the job-service.
But, Govt should notify this change well at least 10 years in advance, so people can make their
pension/retirement plans accordingly. (अ�ग्रम जानकारी देकर चरणबद्ध तरीके से धीरे-धीरे लागू हो)
SDG Goal#3: Ensure Healthy Lives & Promote Well-being For All
India’s Baseline (आधार रे खा) India’s SDG-Target-2030 (ल�)
Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR per 1 lakh Reduce to 70: Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu
live births): 130. मातृ मृ�ु अनुपात achieved. While UP, Assam etc. have 200+ deaths
Under-5 Child Mortality Rate (per 1000 live Reduce to 11: Only Kerala achieved so far (7)
birth): 50. बाल मृ�ु दर
Annual Reported TB cases per 1 lakh Reduce to 0
population: 138
No. of Govt doctors , nurses and midwives per Increase to 550: Only Kerala achieved so far
1,00,000 population: 221 (700)
SDG Goal #3 (health) also requires nations to reduce road accidents, alcohol and tobacco abuse,
mental-illness, and end HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis and other communicable diseases. However,
India has not put any quantifiable targets for that. (हमने अपनी औकात के िहसाब से ल�ांक चुने है. )
61.1.1 � 🧬🧬 🔬🔬 [YEARBOOK] Ministry of Science and Technology
(�व�ान और प्रौद्यो�गक� मं त्रालय)
Dept ⇒ Department of Science and Technology (DST)
⇒ Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
⇒ Department of Biotechnology
Subordinate ⇒ Survey of India, The National Survey and Mapping Organisation
⇒ National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO)
Statutory ⇒ Under DST: Science & Engineering Research Board, Technology
Development Board
Autonomous ⇒ National Innovation Foundation in DST
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⇒ Indian Science Cong. Association, KOLKATA, in DST
⇒ National Institute of Immunology, in Biotech Department
⇒ ++Truckload of Science and Research bodies.
CPSE ⇒ Bharat Immunological & Biological Corporation
सावर्ज�नक �ेत्र ⇒ Indian Vaccine Corporation Ltd (IVCOL)
उपक्रम ⇒ Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
⇒ (*) Central Electronics Ltd.
(*) means approved for strategic disinvestment (=privatization) in 2019
NOTE: Dept of Pharmaceutical = Chemical & Fertilizer ministry (Pillar#5)
61.1.2 �💊💊💉💉 [YEARBOOK] Ministry of Health And Family Welfare
�ा� एवं प�रवार क�ाण मं त्रालय consists of <list not exhaustive>
Dept − Dept. of Health and Family Welfare
− Dept. of Health Research
Attached − Directorate General of Health Services
offices o Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI) → release annual
सं ल� कायार्लय report ‘National Health Profile of India’.
o National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization
(NOTTO)@Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi
− Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) → Drug Controller
General of India (DCGI) for drug clinical trials & approvals.
− National Health Authority (NHA) to implement PM-JAY ₹5L.
Statutory − Indian Red Cross Society, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
वैधा�नक सं �ा To regulate syllabus & profession-following bodies
− Pharmacy Council, Dental Council: New Delhi
− Medical Council Of India: Accused of corruption & mismanagement in
granting permission to new medical colleges → National Medical
Commission (NMC: रा��ीय �चिक�ा आयोग) Act 2019 replaces this archaic body
with a new commission with powers to control fees in private medical
colleges, system of ‘common entrance exam’, and ‘exit (Licentiate) exam’ to
ensure doctor quality etc.
− (Proposed) National Nursing and midwifery Commission Bill) to replace
Indian Nursing Council. Florence Nightingale award. She was a British
reformer & founder of modern nursing.
− 2020- National Commission for Allied Healthcare Professionals Bill to cover
physiotherapist, X-ray Machine operator, physiotherapists, optometrists,
nutritionists etc. (�ा� सेवाओं से जुड़े पेशेवर)
Autonomous − National Population Stabilisation Fund
�ाय� सं �ा
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 758
− All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore
− International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai, a ‘Deemed
University’, nodal for National Family Health Survey (NFHS). Five rounds of
NFHS (1992, 1998, 2005, 2015, 2019) done in India.
− Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC)
− Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR, origin in 1911)
− National Inst of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru
Budget − 💼💼Budget-2020 allotted <₹70,000 cr on health which is barely 0.3% of GDP.
if we add union+state budgets = 1.6% of GDP.
− Government aims to ⏫ it to 2.5% of GDP by 2025.
− WHO recommends minimum 5% of GDP be spent on public healthcare
CPSE − (*)Hospital Services Consultancy Ltd. (HSCC) (*)HLL Lifecare
Intl Bodies − UN Specialized Agency: World Health Organization (WHO) HQ: Geneva,
Switzerland (1948) specialized agency of United Nations सं यु� रा�� क� �वशेष एज�सी
(*) means approved for strategic disinvestment (=privatization) in 2019
61.1.3 💊💊🌱🌱� World Health Organization (WHO: �व� �ा� सं गठन)
⇒ at Geneva, Switzerland, 1948.
⇒ Its supreme decision making body known as Health Assembly (�ा� सभा)
⇒ It consists of all member states. It elects the Director-General of WHO for a period of five year.
⇒ WHO's Health Assembly's decisions are implemented by the Executive Board (कायर्कारी बोडर्).
⇒ The Executive Board has 34 individual health experts elected for three-year terms.
⇒ 2020: India's health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan elected as the chairman of the Executive Board.
⇒ 😰😰WHO-Controversy#1? Mishandling of the Corona crisis. US President Trump wanted to
withdraw membership from WHO. Brazil also threatened similar.
⇒ 😰😰WHO-Controversy#2? Taiwan wants to be added as an observer in WHO. China hates this
because they want Taiwan to admit, 'Taiwan is a part of China.'
61.1.4 💊💊🌱🌱�[YEARBOOK] Ayush Ministry
- Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga (Maharshi Patanjali) and Naturopathy, Unani (Arabs. Noted person
in India: Hakim Ajmal Khan freedom fighter), Siddha (by Tamil Siddhar Saints) and
Homoeopathy (by a German Physician), abbreviated as AYUSH
- 2017: Sowa-Rigpa (Tibetan) medicine system is latest to be added in the Ayush list. Later Govt
setup its national research institute in Leh, Ladakh
Dept N/A
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Autonomous − Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga, Delhi
− National Institutes for individual subjects of AYUSH:
o Ayurveda @Jaipur, Naturopathy @Pune (campus name “Nisarga
gram”), Unani Medicine @Bangluru, Siddha @Chennai,
Homoeopathy @Kolkata, Sowa Rigpa@ Leh
− Central Councils for research in individual subjects of AYUSH
o Siddha@Chennai, other subjects’ @New Delhi
Statutory Following bodies regulate the syllabus/practionners:
Bodies − Central Council of Homoeopathy(CCH) 2020- It was replaced by National
Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH).
− Central Council for Indian Medicine (CCIM). 2020- It was replaced by
National Commission for Indian System of Medicine. Common entrance
and exit exam for Ayush practitioners etc.
− 2020: Institute of Teaching & Research in Ayurveda (ITRA) at Jamnagar,
Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940- two statutory bodies related to Ayush
1. Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board (ASUDTAB)
2. Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Drugs Consultative Committee (ASUDCC),
Attached / − National Medicinal Plant Board (NMPB)
Subordinate − (#)Pharmacopoeia Laboratory of Indian Medicine (PLIM)
− (#)Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia Laboratory (HPL)
− Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy
CPSE − (*) Indian Medicine Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd. approved for
strategic disinvestment (=privatization) in 2019
E-Governance − National AYUSH Morbidity and Standardized Terminologies
Electronic(NAMASTE) Portal for illness/disease related database
Table 1: not so greatly imp, don't lose sleep despite CA-PDF wallas faaltu MCQs from here
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 760
🔠🔠❓Match the following list (CDS2019-II-Q108.)
List I (Institute) List II (Location)
A. National Institute of Ayurveda 1. Chennai
B. National Institute of Homeopathy 2. Bengaluru
C. National Institute Unani Medicine 3. Kolkata
D. National Institute of Siddha 4. Jaipur
Codes: A B C D: → (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 1 3 2 4 (c) 4 3 2 1 (d) 4 2 3 1
61.1.5 💊💊 📜📜:🧔🧔 → National Health Policy 2017 (रा��ीय �ा� नी�त)
- ⏫ public health expenditure to 2.5% of the GDP.
- Transform primary health care into Health and Wellness Centres.
- Proposed to setup National Digital Health Authority (NDHA) / National eHealth Authority
(NeHA) to encourage telemedicine, remote evaluation of Xray, CT scan etc.
- ⏫ Generic Drugs, Cheap Medical Devices, Make In India, Alternative Medicinal System
- HIV/AIDS: Achieve global target of 2020 (also termed as target of 90:90:90). Further
- HIV Prevention Act 2017: end AIDS by 2030 & prevent discrimination against HIV +ve
- 1st December observed as World AIDS Day.
- National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) is nodal body.
- Eliminate / ⏬ various non-communicable diseases in time bound manner.
61.1.6 💊💊 📜📜:🧔🧔 → National Policy for Rare Diseases-2020
⇒ �वरल/असाधारण रोगों के �लए रा��ीय नी�त-2020 replaced 2017’s policy.
⇒ Upto ₹15 lakh financial support through Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi.
⇒ Govt will also encourage donation / crowdfunding.
⇒ Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to create a database of rare diseases like
Haemophilia, Thalassemia, Sickle cell anaemia, Lysosomal storage disorders etc.
- 1997: National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA: रा��ीय औष�ध मू� �नधार्रण प्रा�धकरण) setup as
an attached office under Dept of Pharmaceuticals under Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers.
- NPPA derives power from Essential Commodities Act, 1955 → Drugs Prices Control Order
(DPCO), 1995 & 2013. → NPPA monitors availability & prices of drugs. It enforces price
ceilings on 800+ essential medicines.
- 🤳🤳 Pharma Sahi Daam: NPPA’s app & portal. Customer can check drug prices before buying.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 761
- 🤳🤳 Pharma Jan Samadhan: NPPA’s webportal where consumers can file complaint about drug
pricing and availability. (महंगी दवाई और दवाइयों क� अनुपल�ता के �खलाफ �शकायत)
- A coronary stent is a tube-shaped device placed in the arteries that supplies blood to heart. Stent
keeps the arteries open for coronary heart patients. 2017: NPPA enforced price ceilings on Stent
to stop profiteering by the companies and hospitals. In later years, NPPA slightly increased the
Stent price considering the increased cost of production.
- 2019-Dec: NPPA allowed companies to raise prices of some medicines like BCG vaccine,
Choloroquine, Dapsone, Metronidazole, Ascorbic Acid (=Vitamin C tablets). etc. because
pharma-companies were reporting losses due to low pricing.
- 📔📔📔📔ES20 vol1ch4: NPPA drug price control has harmed more than it has helped. Its logical
argument is similar to what we learned in Pillar#4A: food inflation → Essential Commodities
Act. Here, NPPA price control → companies discouraged to produce more / innovate more →
shortage of medicine supply → chemist (illegally) demand more prices from patients.
− Boss? Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers → Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI is an
autonomous body of all Pharma-PSUs under this department. BBPI is registered under Societies
Registration Act, 1860)
− NGO / individual applies to open a Jan Aushadhi Stores (JASs) to sell generic medicines** at
affordable prices to all. BPPI supplies the generic drugs to such stores.
− Such stores are opened at district hospitals and other public places.
− 💼💼Budget-2020: we’ll expand Jan Aushadhi Kendra in all districts by 2024.
Table 2: Related Terminologies
Generic Drug After a branded drug patent expires (or Govt gives Compulsory License), other
companies can manufacture the same formula. Such non-proprietary drug are
called ‘Generic’ Drugs.
Fixed Dose It’s a cocktail / mixture or two or more drugs. Govt banned many FDCs because they’re
Combinations unsafe / multiple side effects. E.g. Corex, Saridon, D'Cold, Vicks Action 500.
Oxytocin − Oxytocin= naturally secreted hormone in mammal pituitary glands.
− It is used as a drug during childbirth to induce delivery, control bleeding,
and promote breast milk release.
− But, farmers inject Oxytocin in cattle- to ⏫ milk production, and inject it
in vegetables to ⏫ size. Such milk / veggies → cancer & other diseases in
humans. So, Govt banned all from manufacturing Oxytocin, except
Karnataka Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals Ltd → drug shortage, Case in
Delhi HC. Ball by Ball
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statements about the Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India (BPPI) [CDS-2019-i]
1. It is the implementing agency of Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana.
2. It has registered as an independent society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Codes: a) 1 only b) 2 only c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither 1 nor 2
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 762
61.4 💊💊📯📯📯📯 → NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION (2005: रा�ी� य �ा� �मशन)
Boss? Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Core Scheme (Not 100% funded by Union)
1. ⏬ MMR to 1/1 lakh live births; IMR to 25/1000 live births.
2. ⏬ TFR to 2.1.
3. ⏬ Anaemia in women (15–49 years)
4. ⏬ Household expenditure on healthcare.
5. Focus on Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria etc.
6. Eliminate Kala-azar by 2015. (WHO says not achieved fully yet)
7. The Mission has two sub missions viz.
○ National Urban Health Mission (रा��ीय शहरी �ा� �मशन) → to reduce urban poor’s
healthcare expenditure. Although nothing MCQ-worthy.
○ National Rural Health Mission (रा�ी� य ग्रामीण �ा� �मशन)
61.5 💊💊 → MOTHER & CHILD HEALTHCARE (🤰🤰🤰🤰)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 763
61.5.2 🤰🤰🤰🤰📯📯📯📯 → via NRHM’s JSY & JSSK
Boss? Health Min’s National Rural Health Mission’s notable schemes for mother & child:
1. Accredited social health activists (ASHA workers) to provide Reproductive, Maternal,
Newborn, Child and Health and Adolescent (RMNCH+A) services.
2. 🤰🤰 Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY):
a. BPL women (irrespective of age or number of children) is given conditional cash transfer
around ₹ 1000 for delivering child @hospital. The amount depends on whether it is a
rural area or urban area etc. गरीब मिहला का हॉ��टल म� प्रसव करवाने पर मिहला को ₹1000 �पये द�गे।
b. ASHA worker given bonus ₹ ₹ for bringing her to hospital.
3. 🤰🤰 Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK):
a. Free normal / caesarean deliveries @public hospitals. मु� म� प्रसव
b. Free food, medicines, free transport from home to hospital by dialling 102.
4. Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (Suman-2019): if pregnant women visits a govt hospital but
denied any of the scheme/services or her dignity is not respected then complaint can be
registered through SUMAN helpline/sms/web portal & govt will adopt ZERO tolerance to the
culprit doctor/nurse/wardboy. Result? ⏬IMR,MMR, ⏫Positive birthing experience। सरकारी
अ�ताल म� गभर्वती मिहला को अ�� सेवा न �मली तो �शकायत
5. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyaan (2016): all pregnant women given free medical
checkup, iron folic acid (IFA), calcium tablets etc. on 9th of every month. This scheme is for
‘Antenatal Period’ = before the delivery. Private doctors also encouraged to ‘volunteer’ for this
campaign (in other words, Government will not pay them ₹ ₹ )
6. Laqshya- Labor Room Quality Improvement Initiative (2017): to ensure public hospital delivery
room is sterilized & has necessary medicines/equipments to deal with delivery related
complications / emergencies. (Side Note: Swatchha Bharat Mission’s sub-component ‘Kayakalp’
aims for cleanliness in Public hospitals)
7. Mother's Absolute Affection (MAA 2016): Awareness generation to encourage mothers to
breastfeed babies. Because exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is essential to improve
child health & immunity. �नपान
8. Mission Parivar Vikas (2016): Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Jharkhand and Assam constitute 44% of the country’s population because of their high TFR. So
this mission aims for:
a. Encourage family planning in these states. प�रवार �नयोजन / नसबं धी
b. new FREE contraceptives in Govt hospitals:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 764
i. ‘Chhaya’ contraceptive pill (गभर्�नरोधक गोली) which has to be taken only once in a
week. Chemical name: Centchroman, it’s a non-hormonal pill.
ii. ‘Antara’ injectable hormonal contraceptive which has to be taken once in three
c. All India TFR = 2.2 (2016) → Reduce it to 2.1 (2025) कु ल प्रजनन डर म� कमी
🔠🔠❓MCQ. 'Janani Suraksha Yojana' Program aims to: (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2012)
1. to promote institutional deliveries
2. to provide monetary assistance to the mother to meet the cost of delivery.
3. to provide for wage loss due to pregnancy and confinement
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
61.5.3 🤰🤰🤰🤰📯📯📯📯 → PM Matru Vandana Yojana (₹ 5k for 1st child+1k from other scheme*)
Manmohan launched Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog → Modi renamed as Matritva Sahyog Yojana
(2014) → again renamed Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana(2017)
- Boss? Ministry of Women and Child Development
- Core Scheme (Not 100% funded by Union). 60:40, 90:10
PM Matru Vandana Installment िक�#1 ₹1k
PM Matru Vandana Installment #2 ₹2k
PM Matru Vandana Installment #3 ₹2k
Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) ONLY IF BPL women ₹1k
Total amount (₹) ₹6k**
**National Food Security Act (NFSA 2013) requires Govt to provide ₹ 6,000 to pregnant and
lactating mother. So, Govt has created this contrived arrangement of ₹ 6,000.
- This ₹ ₹ helps poor woman to get adequate rest before and after delivery, without worrying about
wage loss → Child can receive adequate breastfeeding.
- This ₹ ₹ is conditionally transferred in bank account, as woman goes for medical checkup, child
vaccination etc. so it helps reducing MMR, IMR.
1. Women in Government jobs or PSUs jobs not eligible.
2. Women less than 19 not eligible.
3. Women can receive this ₹ ₹ only for the birth of first live child.
61.5.4 🤰🤰🤰🤰💉💉 → Vaccination (टीकाकरण)
Boss? Health Ministry 100% funding, plus support from WHO, UNICEF
⇒ 1985: Universal Immunization Programme (सावर्�त्रक टीकाकरण कायर्क्रम) to give free vaccines for
BCG vaccine for TB & tubercular meningitis.
Oral Polio Vaccine → WHO declared India ‘Polio Free’ in 2014.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 765
Rotavirus vaccine for Diarrhoea (द�)
Japanese Encephalitis (in selected areas only)
Measles-rubella Vaccine (MR)
Vaccine for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping cough), Influenza Type B and
Hepatitis B.
Although by 2014, UIP had covered only 65% of children. So,
⇒ 2014: Mission lndradhanush by Modi
To immunization 100% children (Below 2 years) against atleast 7 (=number of rainbow
colors) diseases viz. diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (धनु�ंभ), polio, tuberculosis,
measles and hepatitis B.
In the subsequent years even more vaccines for Japanese Encephalitis etc.
Pregnant women also given vaccines for selected disease.
⇒ 2017: Modi launches Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) to cover atleast 90% children
below age of 2 and all pregnant women by 2018 December.
⇒ e-VIN (Electronic Vaccine Network): United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) gave ₹
₹ & technology to India for online monitoring of vaccine stocks. Health ministry runs it.
61.5.5 🤰🤰🤰🤰💉💉💉💉 Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0 from 2021 onwards
लॉकडाउन के चलते �जन ब�ों-मिहलाओ का पो�लयो, धनु�ंभ इ�ािद टीकाकरण न हो पाया उनका टीकाकरण कर�गे
⇒ focus on Children and pregnant women who have missed their (non-corona) vaccine doses
during the corona pandemic/lockdown
⇒ Focus on migrants & remote area/ hard to reach areas। प्रवासी मज़दू र प�रवार दुगर्म प्रदेश
⇒ Health ministry to use staggered approach = instead of inviting everyone at the same time,
10-10 beneficiaries will be invited. This will reduce crowding in Corona.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 766
weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI) etc
Health − Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram: Boys aged 10-19. objectives like above.
Ministry − Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): Children aged 0-6. For early
identification of defects at birth, deficiencies, Diseases, Development delays
including disability. Free medical checkup for children in 6-18 age group once a
year in Government schools.
प्रभावी �प से �नगरानी और अमल करने के �लए वतर्मान योजनाओं को तीन छतरी योजनाओं के नीचे वग�कृ त िकया गया है
Budget 2018: Ayushman Bharat National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM). Core Scheme:
NOT 100% funded by Union. It has two components:
1. Primary Health Care Centers (PHC) to be transformed into Health & Wellness Centres (�ा�
और क�ाण क� द्र). Free drugs, checkup, mother-child care
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 767
2. National Health Protection Scheme (AB-NHPS) → Later renamed ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan
Arogya Yojana (PMJAY)’ to give free Health Insurance of ₹ 5 lakh per poor family, per year.
(More in 📑📑Pillar#1D)
a. Before: 6 lakh (poor) families of J&K were getting benefit of PM-JAY (₹5 lakh family
health insurance). 2020-Dec Reform: PM-JAY-SEHAT = All residents of J&K (21 lakh
families) will get benefit of ₹5 lakh family health insurance. सभी �नवा�सयों को लाभ
b. There is no cap /limit on family size. JK residents can avail these health insurance
benefits at all designated hospitals across the country = it is 'portable' in nature.
c. SEHAT = Social, Endeavour for Health and Telemedicine.
61.7.1 🍋🍋Health Cess to build hospitals-2020
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2020: Introduced 5% Health Cess (�ा� उपकर) on the customs duty on imported
medical devices (आया�तत �चिक�ा उपकरण).
⇒ This Cess ₹₹ will be used for building (Ayushman Bharat ) hospitals in PPP mode,
⇒ In Aspirational Districts (आकांशी-�जले=backward districts identified by NITI Aayog.)
⇒ So the PM-JAY patients in those backward district, can actually get medical treatment.
⇒ Govt levies 4% Health & Education Cess on direct taxes such as income tax & corporation
tax. (What is Cess? Ref: Pillar#2A) प्र�� करों पर �ा� व �श�ा उपकर
⇒ 2021-March: govt created a new “Non-Lapsable” fund under Public Account. (What is
“Non-Lapsable fund? Ref: Pillar#2D). लोक लेखा म� एक ग़ैर-��गत �न�ध बनायी जाएगी
⇒ This fund will receive ₹ ₹ from above cess. Health ministry will use this money for
⇒ 1) Ayushmann Bharat & its sub schemes like PM-JAY (5L-Health insurance),
⇒ 2) Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (setting up AIIMS-like institutions in every
state & upgrading government medical colleges).
⇒ 3) National Health Mission (NHM) रा��ीय �ा� �मशन
⇒ 4) Health emergencies like Corona �ा� आपदाएँ
61.7.3 💸💸�🍽🍽15th FC: Sector Specific Grants (�ेत्र-�व�श� अनुदान)-Health
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 768
(More in 📑📑Pillar#2B) Report#2: (2021-26) Amount
Sectoral Grant → Health Critical Care hospitals i.e. facilities 15kcr
नाजुक देखभाल के अ�तालों को बनाने के with Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
�लए पैसा ventilator, kidney dialysis etc.
Sectoral Grant → Health Training of Allied Healthcare 13kcr
�चिक�ा सं ल� मानव बल क� तालीम के workforce (lab technicians,
�लए पैसे radiographers, dieticians,
Physiotherapist, ASHA Worker etc)
Sectoral Grant → Health State government to run Doctor 2kcr
�जले के अ�तालों म� डॉ�री तालीम के training courses in district hospital
कोसर् करवाने के �लए पैसा
कु ल �मलाकर Total: 1.06 Lcr = approx.
10% of total grants to
Healthcare sector **
** Grants to Healthcare sector are unconditional i.e. not based on performance of State Govt.
⇒ Union and State Government together should spend 2.5% of GDP on Healthcare sector by 2025.
(क� द्र और रा� सरकार ने �मलकर �ा� �ेत्र म� सावर्ज�नक खचर् को बढ़ाकर जीडीपी के ढाई प्र�तशत तक करना चािहए)
⇒ All-India Services Act, 1951: (presently we've IAS,IPS,Indian Forest Service) → make 4th All
India service: "All India Medical and Health Service" → UPSC to conduct recruitment. This will
help addressing the shortage of doctor in backward states. आईएएस/आईपीएस क� तजर् पर एक और अ�खल
भारतीय सेवा बनाई जाए "अ�खल भारतीय �चिक�ा एवं �ा� सेवा" तािक �पछड़े रा�ों म� डॉ�रों क� कमी को पूरा िकया जा सके
⇒ Most of the medical colleges and super-speciality hospitals (e.g. Cancer) are concentrated in the
Western and Southern parts of India. Union and State government should make efforts to
address this.(प��मी/द��णी रा�ों के अलावा वाले �व�ार म� भी अ�� मेिडकल कॉलेज| अ�ताल बनाने पर जोर िदया जाए)
Poor cost benefit in chasing these schemes but DO self-study the biology / medical angle about TB,
Malaria, HIV, Swine flu, Ebola, Nipah, Zika, CORONA etc.
Communicable Diseases (सं चारी) Non-Communicable Diseases (गैर - सं चारी)
⇒ Revised National Tuberculosis Control ✓ Mental Health Programme (NMHP)
Programme (RNTCP) → ✓ National Programme for Prevention and
⇒ Directly Observed Treatment Short control of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular
course strategy (DOTS).
diseases, and stroke (NPCDCS).
⇒ NIKSHAY webportal & app for
monitoring patients ✓ Programs for Blindness, Tobacco control,
⇒ 💼💼Budget-2020: we aim to Fluorosis, senior citizens (=Geriatric
eliminate TB by 2025. diseases).
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 769
Communicable Diseases (सं चारी) Non-Communicable Diseases (गैर - सं चारी)
⇒ National Vector (रोगवाहक) Borne Disease ✓ eDantSeva portal for oral/teeth healthcare
Control Programme → Malaria, Dengue, awareness.
Filaria, Kala-azar, Japanese Encephalitis,
⇒ WHO aims to eliminate Malaria by 2030
⇒ Leprosy (कु � रोग) Eradication
⇒ HIV/STD program
⇒ Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme
(IDSP) for Swine flu, Ebola, Nipah, Zika,
CORONA (COVID-19) etc.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 770
क� कमी के चलते �यरोग और क� सर म� भी लोग जब तक ददर् असहनीय न हो जाए, डॉ�र से �मलते नहीं. अंतत: बीमारी ब�त गं भीर
हो जाती है, मरीज़ को बचाया नहीं जा सकता।
61.9.2 🤒🤒📔📔📔📔ES21: Healthcare Solutions: Oligopsony for universal health insurance coverage
⇒ Oligopsony = few buyers and many sellers. Then buyers can command the prices.
⇒ E.g. if individual purchases Rs. 5 lakh Health insurance from insurance company, he may have to
pay Rs 5,000-7000 [premium] scription fees= this discourages many middle-class families from
buying health insurance because the salaries are not very high.
⇒ But Rajasthan govt tied up with health insurance companies → Chiranjeevi Health Insurance
scheme. Poor get free health insurance, and non-poor (middle class) permanent residents of
Rajasthan can get it for Rs.850 premium.
⇒ So, Economic survey basically suggesting that we should adopt models of similar to 1st world
countries wherein few govt organizations / Union/State governments will purchase the
healthcare insurance for everyone & then give it for free/at affordable prices. प्रथम �व� के देशों म� कु छ
सरकारी सं �ान तमाम नाग�रकों के �लए �यं ही �ा� बीमा कं प�नयों से बीमा पॉ�लसी ख़रीदते ह� और िफर नाग�रकों को वह बीमा
पॉ�लसी मु� या िकफ़ायती दामों म� दी जाती है। इस प्रकार का मॉडल भारत म� अपनाया जाए।
61.9.3 🤒🤒📔📔📔📔ES21: Indian Healthcare Solutions: Patient Rights like UK, Sweden
⇒ Information asymmetry = one business party possesses more information than the other party =
they can exploit the situation. E.g. Nirav Modi knew the weaknesses of Punjab National Bank’s
LOU/SWIFT messaging system, while PNB did not know about Nirav Modi’s losses in diamond
business = Nirav Modi scammed PNB. (Ref Pillar: 1B2)
⇒ Similar information asymmetry exists even in Indian healthcare industry. जानकारी/सूचना क� कमी के
चलते �ापार म� एक ��� दू सरे का ग़लत फ़ायदा उठाता है।
⇒ Treatment costs are not uniform across hospitals. Cancer treatment at 1 hospital could cost “X”
lakh ₹, & same treatment could cost “3.7X” lakh ₹ at another hospital. Similarly, cardio (6.8x),
injuries (5.9x), gastro (6.2x), and respiratory (5.2x) disease, But patient does not know what is
the price range for treatment across different hospitals, which hospital has better success rate in
saving the patients? Etc. . एक ही बीमारी क� अलग अ�तालों म� अलग अलग फ़�स होती है। मरीज़ को पता नहीं कौनसा
अ�ताल िकफ़ायती है, िकस अ�ताल म� लोग कम मरते ह�?
⇒ So just like banking industry uses credit rating agencies to pass the loan applications (Ref#1B2),
Govt should create rating agencies to assess the quality of doctors and hospitals. E.g. 2004: UK
→ National Health Service (NHS) → Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) → annual
appraisal of all doctors→ further analyses through artificial intelligence- public reports/datasets
released. So patients can know which hospital is better? what is the price range of various
surgeries etc. इं ��ड म� गुणव�ा प�रणाम �परेखा / ढांचे के अंतगर्त सभी डॉ�रों का सालाना सव��ण- इस डेटा को सावर्ज�नक
�प से प्र�ुत िकया जाता है तािक सबको पता चले अलग अलग बीमा�रयों क� फ़�स �ा होती है, कौनसा अ�ताल बेहतर है इ�ािद
⇒ 1992: Finland’s Status and Rights of Patients Law= hospitals require to release the data of how
many patients died. Ombudsman system where patients families can complain against hospital.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 771
िफनल�ड म� मरीज़ों के अ�धकारों के �लए क़ानून- अ�तालों ने अ�नवायर् �प से मरीज़ों के मृ�ु दर का डेटा प्रका�शत करना होगा,
अ�ताल के �ख़लाफ़ �ाय देने के �लए �शकायत �नवारण अ�धकारी।
⇒ COVID-19 virus - SARS-CoV-2 - first identified in Wuhan city of China in December 2019.
⇒ Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis. = father of Hand washing / hygiene & hospital
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 772
पहले “यिद ब�त ख़राब प�र���त होगी उससे �यं को सं भालना/सुर��त करना”। उसके बाद जैसे जैसे नई जानकारी सामने आये,
�नवेश के नए फ़ै सले लेते रहना।
⇒ So considering above angles, Indian policymakers followed a similar ‘barbell approach’. First
nationwide lock down to ‘save lives’ & ‘flatten the epidemic curve’ & reduce ‘R0’. Then gradual
unlock down to ‘save the livelihood.’ कोरोना महामारी म� भारत ने कु छ ऐसा ही िकया। सबसे पहले सबक� जान बचाने के
�लए �यं को सुर��त करने के �लए रा��
� ापी तालाबं दी। उसके बाद नई जानकारी और नए माहौल को देखते �ए धीरे धीरे लोकड़ाऊन
को खोला/ढीला गया बाक़� सब क� आजी�वका का भी र�ण हो सके ।
✋In the remaining chapter1vol1- economic survey 2021 has done great appreciation of government
lockdown policies. But in retrospect, when we compare the situation in Corona wave 2.0 most of that
appreciation looks redundant. इस पूरे प्रकरण म� कु ल �मलाकर सरकार क� पीठ थपथपायी गई है, हालाँिक कोरोना सं क्रमण क�
दू सरी लहर के बाद ये सब चीज़� / मुद्दे इतने �ादा आकषर्क नहीं िदख रहे ह�।
61.11.1 👻👻👻👻: 💊💊📯📯📯📯→ National Digital Health Mission (15th Aug, 2020)
⇒ 2020-15th August speech. PM announced रा��ीय िड�जटल �ा� �मशन
⇒ Who? Health Ministry → National Health Authority (NHA) (Recall PM-JAY walli organization
from Pillar1D. This is same NHA)
⇒ Citizens to be given Unique Health ID (UHID) with personal records about diseases, diagnosis,
report, medication etc. (रोग, �नदान, �रपोटर्, दवा आिद)
⇒ UHID will be free of cost, voluntary, consent-based with opt-out feature. (�न: शु�, �ै��क और
सहम�त-आधा�रत. मरीज अपना डेटा हटवा/िडलीट भी करवा सकते ह� ).
⇒ Patients can share with doctors = saves time/trouble of keeping multiple files/xerox/X-rays etc.
⇒ NDHM also has digi-doctor, tele-medicine, e-pharmacy. (िडजी-�चिक�क , दू रभाष-दवाइया, ई-औषधालय)
61.11.2 👻👻🖱🖱: 💊💊📯📯📯📯→Draft Health Data Management Policy (�ा� डेटा प्रबं धन नी�त)
⇒ Released by National Health Authority (NHA) for National Digital Health Mission (NDHM):
⇒ covers all stakeholders- Patients, Doctors, Union & State Govt, Health insurance cos, pharma
cos, & research bodies. यह नी�त सभी ही धारकों को सं बो�धत करती
⇒ Patient health id number will be created free of cost. मु� म� �ा� सं �ाक िदया जाएगा
⇒ Patient will have the right to remove his personal data, get errors corrected, Restrict the
disclosure of data to other organizations, Request copy of data. मरीज अपना डाटा हटवा सकता है, डाटा
गल�तयों म� सुधार करवा सकता है, िकसी सं �ा से डाटा साझा करने से मना कर सकता है, अपने डेटा क� नकल मांग सकता है- यह सब
अ�धकार प्रा�
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 773
⇒ Data will be shared with orgs only with compliance of applicable laws and international
standards. भारतीय कानून और वै��क मानकों के आधार पर ही डाटा को अ� सं �ानों के साथ साझा िकया जाएगा
⇒ Awareness program about data privacy. डाटा �नजता के बारे म� जन जागृ�त अ�भयान
🤩🤩Conclusion? NDHM will help providing access to inclusive, affordable, and safe healthcare to the
people of India. This will greatly help in SDG goals.... रा��ीय िड�जटल �ा� �मशन भारत के लोगों के �लए समावेशी,
स�ी और सुर��त �ा� सेवा प�ँ चाने म� मदद करेगा. सतत �वकास ल�ों क� प्रा�� के �लए उपयोगी
61.11.3 👻👻👻👻👻👻Health → E-Sanjeevani telemedicine
⇒ Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) → Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing (C-DAC, Mohali centre) → e-Sanjeevani Tele-Consultation Services
(टेली/दू रसं चार से �चिक�ा परामशर् सेवाएँ ).
⇒ It provides Patient registration, Audio-Video Consultation with a Doctor, ePrescription.
61.11.4 👻👻💊💊💊💊Health → iGOT
⇒ HRD Ministry’s ‘Digital Infrastructure Knowledge Sharing’ (DIKSHA) platform for education
and training → inside DISHA, they developed a new portal ‘Integrated Government Online
training’ (iGOT) portal.
⇒ iGOT provides Training modules for Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Hygiene Workers,
Policemen, civil servants@Union & State, National Cadet Corps (NCC), and other volunteers for
Corona crisis= ⏫capacity building. �मता �नमार्ण
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 775
Ayush Ministry portal for online licensing of Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and
🤳🤳 Homoeopathy drugs. It’ll also provide information of cancelled and spurious
⇒ BHUVAN-YOGA: ISRO app to know about how many people participated
🤳🤳Yoga Apps International Yoga day across different venues.
⇒ Yoga Locator: to find venues for International Yoga day.
⇒ 21 June: Day of Yoga (started since 2015, by UNGA)
🤳🤳Imp. Days ⇒ 4th January: Siddha Day. Ayush Ministry started this from 2018.
⇒ 1 Dec: World AIDS Day.
61.12.1 💊💊💉💉📊📊 NITI’s “Healthy States, Progressive India” Report 2019 (released 2019-Jul)
− The ranking is categorized into Larger States, Smaller States and Union Territories (UTs), to
ensure comparison among similar entities. Total 23 indicators are measured.
− In the overall performance, Top-3 are Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra. Bottom-3 are
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Odisha.
− 2020: <update when released>
Although Tamilnadu State Govt criticised ranking methodology. Why/HOW? Negative-News-notimp.
61.12.2 💊💊💉💉💉💉National Health Profile 2019 (Released in 2019-Oct)
Heath Ministry → DG Health Services → Central Bureau of Health Intelligence doing annually.
⇒ Only One Govt Doctor For 10,926 People. (WHO’s recommended doctor-population ratio of
⇒ India’s public expenditure on healthcare barely 1.28% of GDP. (WHO recommends 5%). �ा�
सेवाओं पर सरकारी खचर् ब�त कम हो रहा है
⇒ + other filler stuff: IMR & MMR ⏬, life expectancy ⏫, but anaemia is a huge health concern
as more than 50% of Indian women and children suffer from it.
It’s a 340 pages document, chasing the ascending descending ranks=poor cost:benefit.
61.12.3 💊💊✍→ Conclusion-Template-Health? (�न�षर्)
- People can lead socially and economically productive life only when they have a good health. अ�े
�ा� के �बना मनु� सामा�जक और आ�थक �प से उ�ादक जीवन नहीं जी सकता।
- Preventable illness / death of a father / mother may push a family into poverty, students into
child labourers, adolescents into juvenile delinquents. बीमारे म� मा-बाप क� मृ�ु एक प�रवार को गरीबी म�, ब�ों
को बाल मजदू रों म�, िकशोरों को अपराध-जगत म� धके ल सकती है।
- Universal health coverage is therefore a prerequisite for human development. Else, India's
economic growth will neither be sustained or secured for long term. �ा� सेवाओं का सावर्�त्रक �प से
�मलना मानव �वकास क� पूवर् शतर् है, वरना वृ�द्ध दीघर्कालीन �प से / सतत �प से चल नहीं पाएगी।
- Aforementioned schemes / initiatives / challenges are important in that regard / need to be
addressed on priority basis / war-footing. ऊकत योजनाओ/ सम�ाओ को अग्रताक्रम देकर लागू करना / लड़ना ज�री
- Hunger =distress arising from insufficient calorie / food intake. (भूख: भोजन न �मलने पर होने वाली पीड़ा )
- Malnutrition is the deficiency arising from insufficient calories and / or insufficient nutrients in
a person’s diet. (कु पोषण: अपयार्� भोजन / पोषक त�ों के चलते होंने वाला शारी�रक अभाव /सम�ा)
- खाद्य सुर�ा Food security means the availability of nutritious food at stable & affordable prices
round the year for all the people. (��र / िकफायती दामों पर पूरे साल पोषण�म आहार/भोजन �मलना )
SDG Goal#2 requires India to end hunger & achieve food security.
Food security Pillar What has India done to achieve it?
food should be available in Union: MSP, fertilizer subsidy, PM-KISAN
sufficient quantity at all times and States: cheap canal water and electricity to farmers.
at all places Together, they encourage farmers to produce more
Food should be affordable To Through National Food Security Act (NFSA), Govt provides
poor people. िकफायती दामों गरीबों को cheap grain to poor.
Food should be nutritious to Through Poshan Abhiyan, Mid-day meal, Integrated-Child
ensure healthy development of Development Services (ICDS) and half dozen other schemes,
body of mind. पोषणयु�, शरीर म��� Govt ensures nutritious food to children & women.
In food prices and supply must be FCI keeps ‘buffer-stock’ of grains. It can be sold to open
stable. दामों म� ��रता रहे market or distributed among people during high inflation,
natural disaster etc. (More in 📑📑Pillar#4A: agri)
61.13.1 🍴🍴 �[YEARBOOK] Min. of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
उपभो�ा मामले, खाद्य और सावर्ज�नक �वतरण मं त्रालय consists of <list not exhaustive>
Dept − Dept. of Consumer Affairs → Integrated Grievance Redress Mechanism
(INGRAM) portal for consumer complaints.
− Dept. of Food and Public Distribution
Attached / − Directorate of Sugar and Vegetable Oils → National Sugar Institute
subordinate offices − Indian Grain Storage Management & Research Institute
Statutory Bodies − Warehousing Development and Regulatory Authority (2007)
(we learned them − National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
in 📑📑Pillar#4A) − Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
− + enforcement of Essential Commodities Act, 1955
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 777
Commercial − Food Corporation of India (FCI-statutory corporation, 1964)
Undertakings − Central Warehousing Corporation (Statutory corporation, 1962)
− Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited
− Hindustan Vegetable Oils Corporation Limited
Autonomous N/A or not MCQ worthy.
61.13.2 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → Schemes before NFSA
TPDS-1997 Targeted Public Distribution System (ल��त सावर्ज�नक �वतरण प्रणाली )
- Panchayats, Self-help Groups, Co-operatives, Individuals are given
‘license’ to open fair price shops / PDS shops.
- Beneficiaries can buy subsidized grains, fuel (kerosene) etc. from such
shops using their ‘ration card’.
AAY-2000 - Antyodaya Anna Yojana to give 35 kg subsidized grains per poorest of
poor family per month.
- Price: ₹ 2/kg wheat and ₹ 3/kg rice.
NFSA-2013 National Food Security Act 2013 converted above scheme entitlements into
‘legal rights’. ऊकत योजनाओ म� �मलने वाली चीजों को कानूनन हक म� प�रव�तत िकया।
61.13.3 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯 → Hunger → National Food Security Act 2013 (खाद्य सुर�ा कानून)
- aims to provide subsidized food grains to poor families. स�ी क�मतों पर गरीब प�रवारों को भोजन /अ� देना
- Boss? Dept of Food and Public Distribution (खाद्य और सावर्ज�नक �वतरण का �वभाग)
- Union procures grains from farmers at Minimum Support Price (MSP: �ूनतम समथर्न मू�, Ref:4A).
- Union sells the grains to States at Central Issue Price (CIP: क� द्रीय �नगर्म मू�). Quantitative allotment
to each state is done on the basis of number of beneficiaries.
- NFSA Act requires that CIP can’t be greater than MSP.
- States ultimately sell the grains to beneficiary through Fair Price Shops/Ration Shops/ Public
Distribution System/PDS Shops. (राशन क� दुकान�)
- It’s a Central Sector Scheme. Budget-2019 allotted >₹ 1.50 lakh crore for this.
- States shortlist the beneficiaries & sell them foodgrains in such manner that
- ~2/3rd =67% Indian population is covered, including
- 75% rural population is covered (तीन-चौथाई ग्रामीण आबादी को शा�मल िकया)
- 50% urban population is covered. (आधी शहरी आबादी को शा�मल िकया)
- Thus, both BPL and (slightly) above poverty line (APL) families are covered. गरीबी रेखा के नीचे/ऊपर
- These beneficiaries are entitled to grains at subsidized rate, through PDS shops →
Rice ₹ 3/kg
Wheat ₹ 2/kg
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 778
Coarse grains ₹ 1/kg These prices are fixed by Union. Union
Total quota per beneficiary per month 5 kg may update these subsidized prices, but
not higher than MSP.
If State / UT doesn’t want the administrative burden of providing grains in PDS shop at above
price, they may do Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT: प्र�� ह�ांत�रत लाभ) to beneficiaries so they can
purchase @market prices (such as ₹ 35/kg rice, ₹24/kg wheat). Chandigarh, Puducherry, Dadra
& Nagar Haveli adopted this route.
If State / UT can’t provide food within stipulated time / quantity then they’ve to pay food
security allowance (खाद्य सुर�ा भ�ा) to the beneficiaries.
Beneficiary can complaint at district & state level. States required to form State Food
Commissions for monitoring / implementation.
For women empowerment: The eldest woman in the household (aged 18/>) shall be considered
the head of the household for issuing ration card. (घर क� सब से बुजुगर् मिहला के नाम पर राशन काडर् बने)
Pregnant and lactating mothers (upto 6 months) are eligible for
- "Take home ration" of 600 Calories.
- entitled to a free meal at the local Anganwadi (including their 0-6 years child)
- Maternity benefits of min. ₹ 6,000, in instalments. (Ref: PM Matru Vandana Yojana in
previous section.)
6-14 aged children entitled to one free hot meal or ‘take home rations’ in Govt schools (Ref: Mid
Day Meal Scheme under Education section).
Sidenote: Fortification of Rice: (सामा� चावल को �ादा पोषक बनाना) 2019- the Consumer affairs ministry
started pilot project for fortifying the normal rice, with the Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK) with added
micro-nutrients namely Iron, Folic Acid and Vitamin B-12, in the ratio of 100:1.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about National Food Security Act, 2013 (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
1. The families coming under the category of 'below poverty line (BPL)' only are eligible to receive subsidised food
2. The eldest woman in a household, of age 18 years or above, shall be the head of the household for the purpose of
issuance of a ration card.
3. Pregnant women and lactating mothers are entitled to a 'take-home ration' of 1600 calories per day during
pregnancy and for six months thereafter.
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 only
61.13.4 🍴🍴📯📯📯📯:💳💳 → Hunger → NFSA → One Nation One Ration Card
By 2021-March, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution will…
− Connect all ration cards to a central server
− Give e-Point of Sale (e-PoS) machine to all PDS shops.
− Then a beneficiary of National Food Security Act (NFSA) can buy grain from any shop in the
country. It will especially help the seasonal migrant workers to avail the benefits both in their
With National Food security act, India achieved ‘food security’ but not nutritional security, because
malnutrition is caused by →
1. Income Inequality: Poor people unable to buy milk / veggies / almonds. Since ~21% of Indian
population is Below Poverty Line (2011), this is bound to happen. (आय म� असमानता)
2. Gender Inequality: Women eating last and least. >1/3rd of Indian women have low Body Mass
Index (BMI) (मिहलाओ से भेदभाव)
3. Social Inequality: SC/ST etc deprived of economic opportunities → unable to buy good food.
(सामा�जक असमानता- अनुसू�चत जाती/जनजा�त के प�रवार गरीबी के चलते अ�ा भोजन ले नहीं पाते)
4. Water-sanitation-disease e.g. open defecation → worms in intestine, enteropathy. (गं दगी, अंतड़ी म�
कृ �म/सूजन)
5. Psychological issues e.g. Anorexia nervosa: person fears gaining weight so avoids eating. Social
media/instagram → insecurity about weight gain & body image. (मनोवै�ा�नक कारण। अपने
�प/सुं दरता/बाहरी िदखाव के �लए असुर�ा क� भावना )
6. Dietary habits: Vegetarians suffer from protein deficiency, according to Western scientists.
(शाकाहार के चलते शरीर म� प्रोटीन क� कमी)
To address above problems, Govt. launched ….
2018: National Nutrition Mission = POSHAN = Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic
Nutrition. Motto: Sahi Poshan, Desh Roshan
- Boss? Ministry of Women and Child Development (मिहला एवं बाल �वकास मं त्रालय)
- Core Scheme (Not 100% funded by Union). 60:40, 90:10. Union will arrange its side of money-
half from budget and half from World Bank (IBRD) and other Multilateral Development Banks
- Iron Folic Acid (IFA)tablets, nutritious food in Anganwadi / Schools, convergence with ongoing
schemes for women/child, Online monitoring, IEC awareness generation, E-learning, even Yoga.
- Bharatiya Poshan Krishi Kosh (BPKK) database of diverse crops across 128 agro-climatic zones
in India for better nutritional outcomes.
- Poshan Anthem song by Prasoon Joshi and Shankar Mahadevan.
- Rashtriya Poshan Mah – celebrated every year in the Month of September.
61.13.13 🍴🍴📊📊 → Food Waste Index Report 2021 [अ� बबार्दी सूचकांक]
By United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Found that 50 kg of food is waste/thrown
away per person every year in Indian homes.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6A HRD: Census, Health, Hunger → Page 784
Table of Contents
62 📐📐HRD → Education (�श�ा) ...........................................................................................................788
62.1.1 📐📐 Edu →�[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Human Resource Development/Education
62.1.2 📐📐 � Bodies → Higher Edu → HEFA (2016)..............................................................790
62.1.3 📐📐 � Bodies → Vedic Edu → Bharatiya Shiksha Board ...........................................790
62.1.4 📐📐📐[YEARBOOK] Notable Schools funded by Union ..............................................790
62.2 �📯📯📯📯New education policy 2020 (नई �श�ा नी�त) ...............................................................791
62.2.1 ✍NEP-2020: Introduction (प�रचय)...................................................................................791
62.2.2 🏫🏫Education: Schooling → Curriculum changed (�ू ली पाठ्यक्रम म� बदलाव) ...................792
62.2.3 👱👱👱Education: Primary- other reforms (प्राथ�मक �श�ा म� सुधार) ...........................................792
62.2.4 👱👱👱Education: Primary- ECCE upto age 8 ........................................................................793
62.2.5 🈶🈶Education: Language / Medium (भाषा /मा�म) .............................................................793
62.2.6 �Education: Higher (उ� �श�ा) .........................................................................................794
62.2.7 �Education: Higher → Credit (गुण आधा�रत �श�ा) ...........................................................794
62.2.8 �Education: Higher → Entry & Exit (प्रवेश और प्र�ान) ...................................................794
62.2.9 �🕵🕵Education: Higher → New Orgs → HECI ...........................................................795
62.2.10 ��Education: Higher → New Orgs → Others .....................................................795
62.2.11 👨👨👨👴👴👴👴Education: Adult/PH (प्रौढ़ �श�ा और �वकलांग �श�ा)........................................796
62.2.12 �Education: Open/Distance/E-Learning (दू र - �श�ण/ई �श�ा) .................................796
62.2.13 📊📊📊📊Assessment of students (छात्रों का मू�ांकन) ...........................................................796
62.2.14 📊📊�Assessment of students: bodies (मू�ांकन/परी�ा के �लए सं �ाएं ) .............................797
62.2.15 📊📊📊📊Assessment of schools (�ू लों का आकलन) .............................................................797
62.2.16 �Teachers recruitment and training (�श�कों क� भत� और तालीम) ...............................797
62.2.17 🤑🤑NEP-2020: Funding (�श�ा �ेत्र के �लए �व�पोषण) ..........................................................797
62.2.18 👿👿NEP-2020: Criticism (नई रा��ीय �श�ा नी�त के �खलाफ आलोचना/�नंदा) .............................798
62.2.19 ✍NEP-2020: Conclusion (�श�ा नी�त के बारे म� �न�षर्) ....................................................798
62.3 �🤳🤳PRAGYATA Guidelines on Digital Education (2020-Jul) .........................................798
62.4 📐📐😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 Edu → Std1-8 → Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDM-2001) ......................799
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 785
VI. Dropout rates ⏫ after class8 as mid-day meal stops, while course difficulty and family
pressure to earn ⏫. (आठवीं क�ा के बाद म�ान भोजन नहीं ब�� �सलेबस क� किठनाई और प�रवार से पैसे
कमाने का दबाव बढ़ता है)
SDG Goal 4.1: Universal primary and secondary education
SDG Goal #4: India’s baseline in (brackets) India’s SDG Target 2030
Enrollment ratio from class 1 to 10 (75%) 100%
Dropout rate at Secondary level (17%) 10%
% of schools where Pupil Teacher ratio is 30% or less (70%) 100%
Improve Learning Outcomes in Maths, Language, Science 57-67% score in learning outcome
etc subjects at class 5 and class 8 (pathetic) quiz
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is correct for the purpose of Census 2011 [Asked in UPSC-CDS-2017-I]
a) a person aged 7 & above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is
treated as a literate
b) a person aged 8 & and above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is
treated as a literate
c) a person aged 9 & above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is
treated as a literate
d) a person aged 10 & above who can both read and write with understanding in any language is
treated as a literate Telegram : UPSC CSE Free Material (OPTIMISTIC IAS)
62.1.1 📐📐 Edu →�[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Human Resource Development/Education
✋Note: National Education Policy 2020 aims to rename the HRD/Edu
Ministry into Education Ministry. So, read the HDT/old schemes/sentences
accordingly. अगर िकसी लाइन म� सुधार करना रह भी गया हो तो आप समझ लेना
मानव सं साधन �वकास/ �श�ा मं त्रालय consists of <list not exhaustive>
Dept Department of School Education & Literacy �ू ली �श�ा और सा�रता
Department of Higher Education उ� �श�ा
Attached / N/A or not MCQ-worthy
Statutory All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) Act, 1987. Runs schemes
Bodies like Pragati, Saksham, Prerana, Samridhi, Ishan Uday for scholarship /
वैधा�नक सं �ाएं research funds to girls, SC/ST, PH, North East students.
University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (UGC: �व��वद्यालय अनुदान आयोग) →
(When bill is passed) Higher Education Commission of India (HECI: भारत का
उ� �श�ा आयोग).
CPSE सरकारी Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA)
कं पनी Educational Consultants of India Limited (EdCIL)
Autonomous Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE: के �ीय मा��मक �श�ा बोडर्)
bodies National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
�ागत सं �ाएं National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 789
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS),
National Testing Agency (NTA),
National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Indian Council of
Historical Research (ICHR), National Book Trust (NBT)
National Bal Bhavan → Bal Kendras
National Institution Of Industrial Engineering (Mumbai)
Advisory Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) क� द्रीय �श�ा सलाहकार बोडर्
सलाह प�रषद ⇒ Highest advisory body to advise the Union and State Governments in the
field of education since 1920.
⇒ Chairman: HRD Minister.
⇒ Members: Selected Union ministers, One minister from each state, few MP,
heads of education regulatory bodies / research bodies.
Intl. Org UN Specialized Agency: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO, 1946, HQ: Paris, France)
62.1.2 📐📐 � Bodies → Higher Edu → HEFA (2016)
⇒ Higher Education Financing Agency (HEFA उ� �श�ा �व�पोषण अ�भकरण) is a not for Profit
company with shareholding: 91% HRD/Edu Ministry + 9% Canara bank.
⇒ HEFA is registered as a Non–deposit taking NBFC with RBI.
⇒ HEFA provides loans to IITs, IIITs, NITs, IISCs, AIIMS upgrade their infrastructure, lab
equipments etc. It also gives loan to Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalaya.
⇒ RISE-2022: Budget 2018 gave more ₹ ₹ to HEFA to give out as loans to those IIT/IIM/NIT etc.
for Revitalising Infrastructure and Systems in Education (RISE) by 2022
62.1.3 📐📐 � Bodies → Vedic Edu → Bharatiya Shiksha Board
⇒ Presently, CBSE / State Education boards doesn’t recognize all the types of Acharyakulam,
Vidya Bharati schools (of RSS) and Gurukuls (of Arya Samaj).
⇒ So, 2019: HRD/Edu Ministry announced to setup Bharatiya Shiksha Board for standardizing
(मानक�करण) Vedic education with new syllabus, conducting exams and issue certificates.
62.1.4 📐📐📐[YEARBOOK] Notable Schools funded by Union
Kendriya Class 1 to 12, mainly for Govt employees- both in India, even abroad. Boss?
Vidyalayas Edu Ministry. Shaala Darpan: e-Governance platform for Kendriya Vidyalayas.
Kasturba Class 5 to Class 12 Residential (=with hostel) girl school for SC, ST, OBC,
Gandhi Balika Minorities & BPL. Boss? Edu Ministry
Eklavya schools Residential schools in high ST % population area. Boss? Tribal Affairs Ministry.
HRD/Edu Ministry’s free residential schools for talented rural children
from class 6 to 12. (प्र�तभावन ग्रामीण ब�ों के �लए �ू ल. �रहायशी छात्रालय क� सु�वधा)
Student has to pass an entrance exam to get admission, unlike the above
schools. [दा�ख़ला पाने के �लए प्रवेश परी�ा होती है.]
Initiative by HRD + Defence Ministry + Home Affairs Ministry for the
Seema Darshan
students of Kendriya Vidyalayas and Navodaya Vidyalayas. Take them to
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 790
border area / meet with armed forces to cultivate the spirit of Patriotism.
62.2 �📯📯📯📯NEW EDUCATION POLICY 2020 (नई �श�ा नी�त)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 791
62.2.2 🏫🏫Education: Schooling → Curriculum changed (�ू ली पाठ्यक्रम म� बदलाव)
International studies have found 3-6 years = crucial for mental development. So, the Govt will target
it via 3 three years of Anganwadi/ pre schooling. (मान�सक �वकास के �लए प्री-�ू �लंग मह�पूणर् है ऐसा अंतररा��ीय
सं शोधन म� पाया गया)
62.2.3 👱👱👱Education: Primary- other reforms (प्राथ�मक �श�ा म� सुधार)
⇒ 🎯🎯 Target: 100 % Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) from pre-school to secondary school education
by 2030. (सकल प्रवेश अनुपात)
⇒ National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy - to ensure by 2025, all children in
class 3 are able to do basic level of reading and maths. (बु�नयादी सा�रता और ग�णत �मता)
⇒ ⚗No rigid separation between academic streams (sci vs commerce etc.) शै��णक धाराओं म� भेद नहीं
िकया जाएगा
⇒ No rigid separation curricular and extracurricular activities (अ�ास प्रवृ��यां बनाम पाठ्येतर प्रवृ��यां)
⇒ No rigid separation between vocational and academic streams. (�ावसा�यक और शै��णक धाराएँ )
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 792
⇒ Collectively, it will help bring 2 crore "out of school" children back into the schooling. (ब�ों क�
�ू ल-वापसी)
Setup “Bal Bhavans” These will be special daytime boarding schools with art-related,
career-related, and play-related activities.
Setup Samajik Chetna Social Consciousness Centres will be setup in the Free (Spare)
Kendras school infrastructure.
�Artists- कलाकारों के �नवास क� Colleges, school complex to have Artist(s)-in-Residence. Such
�व�ा artists will promote traditional arts / Lok Vidya.
62.2.4 👱👱👱Education: Primary- ECCE upto age 8
⇒ For upto class12 NCERT will develop National Curricular Framework for School Education
(NCFSE: पाठ्यक्रम क� रा��ीय �परेखा)
⇒ For upto class8 NCERT to develop a National Curricular & Pedagogical Framework for Early
Childhood Care and Education (NCPFECCE or ECCE: बचपन क� परव�रश और �श�ा के �लए रा��ीय पाठ्यक्रम
और �श�ा शा�)
⇒ Ministries of HRD/Edu, Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD), Ministry of
Health and Tribal Affairs will jointly implement ECCE.
⇒ ECCE to improve syllabus (Curriculum: पाठ्यक्रम) & teaching methodology (=pedagogy: �श�ा शा�)
⇒ How exactly? We are NOT here for UGC-NET exam. But basically it involves ⏬pressure of
rote-learning/coaching classes to pass the exams, ⏫critical thinking ability & emotional
intelligence, 21st century skills, scientific temper etc. समालोचना�क सोच�मता, भावना�क बु�द्धम�ा, 21 वीं
सदी का कौशल, वै�ा�नक �भाव
⇒ ⏬in Curriculum to Core Concepts. पाठ्यक्रम म� कटौती करके के वल अ�त मह�पूणर् अवधारणाओं को �सखाना
62.2.5 🈶🈶Education: Language / Medium (भाषा /मा�म)
⇒ Teaching in mother tongue/ regional language? Yes upto class5 definately And we'll try to
continue it even upto class8 and beyond. (पांचवी क�ा तक मातृभाषा या प्रादे�शक भाषा म� �श�ा)
⇒ Sanskrit medium to be offered at all levels of school and higher education
⇒ @secondary level, we'll also offer foreign languages. (मा��मक �ू लों म� �वदेशी भाषा म� भी)
⇒ Three-language formula i.e. All students will learn 3 languages in their school. At Least two of
the languages must be native Indian. e.g. You may opt for (1) mother tongue:
Gujarati/Punjabi/Marathi (2) Hindi/Sanskrit (3) English / French / Russian etc. (3 भाषाओं का सूत्र है
या �सद्धांत)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 793
⇒ No language will be imposed on any student. [This is to calm the apprehension of Southern
states that students will be compulsory required to learn Hindi. कोई भी भाषा �वद्या�थयों पर थोपी नहीं
⇒ New organizations will be setup 1) National Institute for Pali, Persian and Prakrit , 2) Indian
Institute of Translation and Interpretation (IITI: अनुवाद और �नवर्चन).
62.2.6 �Education: Higher (उ� �श�ा)
⇒ 🎯🎯 Target: Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER: higher education): 26% (2018) → ⏫ 50% (2035);
⇒ Add 3.5 crore admission seats in higher education. (उ� �श�ा म� प्रवेश सीटों को बढ़ाया जाए)
⇒ Creative combinations of subjects & multi-disciplinary courses to be allowed. e.g. philosophy
and architecture, Earth Science and architecture. (अलग-अलग �वषयों का रचना�क सं योजन)
⇒ At present, most Private colleges are usually affiliated to some universities. Colleges have to
follow the admission process and syllabus defined by the university. In the next 15 years
gradually more autonomy will be given to colleges in this area. (महा�वद्यालयों को अपनी प्रवेश प्रिक्रया और
पाठ्यक्रम बनाने म� �ादा �तं त्रता दी जाएगी)
⇒ 🔧🔧Vocational education to be integrated. (�वसा�यक �श�ण को शा�मल िकया जाएगा)
62.2.7 �Education: Higher → Credit (गुण आधा�रत �श�ा)
⇒ In the USA, a student completes a particular course =gets credit. When he accumulates sufficient
number of credits he can get a degree.
⇒ Students can enroll in more courses to earn more credits and finish the college graduation faster.
Some Indian universities too adopted the Credit Based Semester System (CBSS).
⇒ 🔖🔖NEP-2020 policy aims to improve it further by creating an "Academic Bank of Credits" with
Transfer of Credits. If you enroll in multiple courses / Institutions = your credits will be stored
digitally so you can combine them to earn a degree. अकाद�मक ब�क ऑफ क्रेिडट क� �ापना. अलग-अलग कोसर्
क� पढ़ाई ख� करने पर गुण िदए जाएं गे, �जसका िड�जटल सं चय इस ब�क म� होगा. इन गुणों को जोड़कर �वद्याथ� िडग्री हा�सल कर
सकता है.
62.2.8 �Education: Higher → Entry & Exit (प्रवेश और प्र�ान)
⇒ IIT: 4 years course = BTech degree. If a student is weak/wants to EXIT after 3 year, IIT will give
a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree. Such proposal was approved in 2019
⇒ so with similar pattern, in NEP-2020 proposed: multiple entry and exit points with appropriate
certification. उ� �श�ा सं �ान म� प्रवेश के बाद अलग-अलग चरणों पर पढ़ाई छोड़ सकते ह� उस िहसाब से आपको
प्रमाणपत्र/उपा�ध �मले
If you Exit @ What you get?
1 year Certificate प्रमाणपत्र
2 years Advanced Diploma उ� िड�ोमा
3 years Bachelor’s Degree �ातक क� उपा�ध
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 794
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62.2.11 👨👨👨👴👴👴👴Education: Adult/PH (प्रौढ़ �श�ा और �वकलांग �श�ा)
⇒ 🎯🎯 Target: 100% Adult Literacy. सं पूणर् प्रौढ़ सा�रता
⇒ We'll focus on life-enrichment programs. (जीवन-सं वधर्न कायर्क्रम)
⇒ We'll prepare a National Book Promotion Policy to encourage writing, publishing and reading of
good books. (रा��ीय पु�क सं वधर्न नी�त- अ�� िकताब� �लखी जाए प्रका�शत क� जाए पढ़ी जाए )
⇒ We'll prepare a uniform/standard Indian Sign Language (ISL) across the country for students
with hearing impairment. ब�धर छात्रों के �लए भारतीय सांके�तक भाषा.
62.2.12 �Education: Open/Distance/E-Learning (दू र - �श�ण/ई �श�ा)
⇒ We'll provide open learning for classes 3,5 and 8 through NIOS.
⇒ We will encourage more online / distance learning courses using Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) technology.
⇒ E-learning content in Regional Languages. प्रादे�शक भाषाओं म� ई-�श�ण सामग्री
⇒ Divyang (PH) Friendly Education Software. �वकलांगों के �लए शै��णक सॉ�वेयर
�New ⇒ National Educational Technology Forum (NETF)
Org: ⇒ for idea exchange on how to use Technology for improving the learning, exams,
360 degree Holistic Progress Card to track Student Progress (समग्र �वकास काडर् के साथ मू�ांकन प्रिक्रया)
Summative Assessment Exams = only We'll encourage Formative Assessment = During the
at the end of semester / year checking class- ask oral questions, give homework assignment etc
factual / memory based knowledge. to check student's analytical/critical thinking, and
सत्रांत परी�ाएं �जसम� �सफर् याददा� / रटने का conceptual clarity.
मू�ांकन होता है रचना�क आकलन तािक �वद्याथ� क� �व�ेषण और वैचा�रक ��ता को जांच
BOARD EXAM = test of memory & Board exams will test core concept and 'application of
factual knowledge. High stake exam: knowledge'. It'll be made 'low-stake' (e.g. school
life and death situation if 99% not assignments marks may be counted, more admission
scored. बोडर् क� परी�ा: जुए का ऊंचा और opportunities even with low score etc) �वद्याथ� क� रटने क�
जो�खम भरा दांव �जसम� बाजी �जदं गी और मौत क� �मता नहीं िकंतु वैचा�रक ��ता, �ान के अनुप्रयोग को परखा जाएगा. बोडर्
लगी हो.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 796
⇒ These bodies will require schools to disclose information e.g. how many seats/facilities/fees in
your school, how is your school's board exam result etc. → This will ⏫ public oversight and
accountability. �ू लों ने अ�नवायर् �प से अपने �वद्या�थयों क� सं �ा, बोडर् परी�ाओं म� प�रणाम, फ�स इ�ािद अलग-अलग
जानकारी देनी होगी �जससे सावर्ज�नक �नगरानी तथा जवाबदेही बढ़ेगी
⇒ School Quality Assessment & Accreditation Framework (SQAAF)= NOTIMP �ू लों के आकलन के
62.2.16 �Teachers recruitment and training (�श�कों क� भत� और तालीम)
⇒ by 2030: Minimum degree qualification for teachers = 4-year integrated B.Ed. (�ूनतम यो�ता)
⇒ National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) + NCERT to design as new framework for
Teacher Education (NCFTE: �श�कों क� तालीम/�श�ा के �लए रा��ीय �परेखा)
⇒ National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) will design National Professional Standards for
Teachers (NPST: रा��ीय �ावसा�यक मानक)
⇒ Teachers' Recruitment will be made more transparent, merit based promotions, they will be
given more operational freedom in teaching etc. (भत� प्रिक्रया �ादा पारदश�, यो�ता आधा�रत पदो��त, पढ़ाने म�
�ादा �तं त्रता)
⇒ A National Mission for mentoring the (College) teachers. With help of senior/retired
faculty. (व�र�/�नवृ� प्रोफे सरों द्वारा वतर्मान �श�कों को गु��श�ा/तालीम दी जाएगी)
✋ Above fullforms / features not imp for UPSC but for UGC-NET/TAT
⏫ to 6% of GDP at earliest. (�श�ा म� सावर्ज�नक �नवेश को बढ़ाकर सकल घरेलू उ�ाद के 6% तक िकया जाएगा)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 797
⇒ We'll expand & reform National Scholarship Portal to cover more SC/ST/OBC, and other
Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups(SEDGs) such as women, transgender, etc.
(कमजोर वगर् को छात्रवृ�� देने के �लए �व�भ� सुधार)
⇒ Gender Inclusion Fund to improve education of girl child. (ल��गक समावेशन �न�ध)
⇒ Special Education Zones for disadvantaged regions and groups (�वशेष �श�ा �ेत्र)
⇒ We will encourage private colleges to give scholarship to students
✋ Mitron such negative things NOT very much important for scope of exam.
Figure 1: पूरा िदन कं �ूटर पर पढ़ाई करके मेरी आंखे दुख रही है😰😰
⇒ By HRD/Edu-Ministry ई �श�ा के बारे म� िदशा�नद�श
⇒ Corona lockdown= 240 million Indian children unable to go to school.
o Synchronous digital education: This is real-time (live) teaching. (जीवं त प्रसारण)
o Asynchronous digital education: non-real time e.g. article, recorded TV program.
⇒ PRAGYATA guidelines = eight steps of e-learning: Plan- Review- Arrange- Guide- Yak(talk)-
Assign- Track- Appreciate.
Class Screentime Recommendation (Synchronous/ Live classes)
Pre Primary not more than 30 minutes.
Classes 1 to 8 Not more than two lectures of 30-45 minutes each
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 798
Classes 9 to 12 Not more than four lectures of 30-45 minutes each on the days
⇒ Further individual school-teachers should not be required to teach more than 2 to 3 hrs of
⇒ Do's and Don'ts to ensure physical wellbeing (Back pain, eye strain), Mental health and
wellbeing, Cyber safety, Digital privacy. शारी�रक पीठ ददर्, आंखों का तनाव, मान�सक �ा�, साइबर सुर�ा,
िड�जटल गोपनीयता/�नजता।
For more on E-learning, E-Court, E-Diplomacy charms and challenges:
62.4 📐📐😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 EDU → STD1-8 → MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME (MDM-2001)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 799
○ Article 21A → Fundamental right to free and compulsory education to all children aged
6-14. मु� और अ�नवायर् �प से �श�ा का सभी ब�ों को मौ�लक अ�धकार
○ Article 51A (k) → Fundamental duty of every parent and guardian to ensure above
− 2004: Union created non-lapsable fund (अ�पगत �न�ध) under Public Account ‘Prarambhik Shiksha
Kosh’. It receives ₹ ₹ from the education cess levied on direct taxes.
− 2009: Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act ( �न:शु� एवं अ�नवायर् �श�ा अ�ध�नयम का
बाल अ�धकार) to operationalise above thing. Including 25% reservation to Economically Weaker
Section (EWS) in private schools. (आ�थक �प से कमजोर वगर् के ब�ों को �नजी �ू लों म� आर�ण)
− 2001: PM Vajpayee had launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). Over the years it was modified
& updated to achieve aforementioned constitutional & legal obligations. ₹ ₹ for construction of
schools, free uniforms & textbooks, teachers recruitment, computer lab, library etc.
62.5.1 📐📐📯📯📯📯Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) → Notable Subscheme / Programs
Name Description
Shagun = Shala + Gunvatta = School quality. So, this portal is for Online
Shagun Portal
monitoring of schools under SSA.
Improve quality of Govt primary schools esp. Class 1 & 2 by
1. Min. 4 hrs per day teaching of maths, reading writing. Extra teaching
Padhe Bharat
hrs / mentoring to students who are weak in it.
Badhe Bharat
2. Min. Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) 30: 1
3. Min. 200 school working days.
4. Min. 75% attendance of students, Min. 95% attendance of teachers
Motivate 6-18 years children to pursue Science, Mathematics and
Rashtriya Avishkar
Technology by organizing science melas, extra mentoring to bright students
Abhiyan (2015)
Involve volunteers like NRIs, retired teachers, govt officials, defence
Vidyanjali personnel, professionals, etc. in primary govt schools for teaching & co-
scholastic activities e.g. play acting, preparing story books
🔠🔠❓MCQ. What is the purpose of Vidyanjali Yojana?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2017)
1. To enable the famous foreign educational institutions to open their campuses in India.
2. To increase quality of education provided in govt schools by taking help from the pvt sector & community.
3. To encourage voluntary monetary contributions from private individuals and organizations so as to improve
the infrastructure facilities for primary and secondary schools.
Codes: (a) 2 only (b) 3 only (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 800
- RMSA aims for 100% universal retention upto class 10 by 2020. (=noone should ‘dropout’
before class10, सब ब�ों ने कम से कम दसवीं �श�ा तक पढ़ाई करनी चािहए �ू ल नहीं छोड़ना चािहए)
- ₹ ₹ for building school, library, laboratory, computer lab, toilets & hostels for girls, teachers
recruitment & salary etc.etc.
62.6.1 👻👻🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧CBSE: Syllabus reduction (पाठ्यक्रम म� कटौती)
⇒ CBSE ⏬ class 9 to 12 syllabus by 30% for 2020-21 Academic year to ⏬ the burden of students
during Corona lockdown
⇒ 😡😡 Controversy? Federalism, Nationalism, Secularism and other important topics were also
dropped from syllabus. (सं घवाद, रा��वाद, धमर्�नरपे�ता जैसे अ�त मह�पूणर् मुद्दों को अ�ासक्रम से हटाया गया)
⇒ CBSE clarified this is only one time step for 2020-21 only. So in future these topics may be re-
added. (�सफर् एक बार के �लए �लया गया कदम है)
⇒ 2021: Board Exam cancelled ki daily commentary =
62.7 📐📐📯📯📯📯 EDU → STD. JR.KG TO 12: SAMAGRA SHIKSHA SCHEME (2018)
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⇒ For India, it’s 54.8% of children’s aged 10 suffer from ‘learning poverty’.
Sweden barely 2%
- RTE Act 2009: Section 16: ‘No child can be failed till class 8’.
- Although students have to be examined under Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
(CCE: सतत और �ापक मू�ांकन) wherein teacher gives them assignments, essay writing, personal
mentoring & remedial classes for weak students. (असाइनम�ट, �नबं ध लेखन, ���गत सलाह)
- But Govt school teachers don’t have time / energy / morale due to low salary / contractual job /
Election / Census / Yoga-day / Khelo India / Mann-Ki-Baat & other auxiliary duties e.g. Bihar
teachers required to do morning patrolling to stop open defecators with torchlight and whistles
under Swatchh Bharat Mission. (ब�त सारी सरकारी सव��ण और योजनाओं के काम �श�क से करवाए जाते ह�)
- So, CCE done for namesake, every student is passed casually till class 8 → students become very
lax in studies → pathetic scores in ASER survey.
- Finally, Govt woke up & enacted Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
(Amendment) Act, 2019 that from now onwards:
I. Regular exam @class 5 and 8.
II. If student fails → re-test within 2 months → if he again fails → State Govt may hold
(detain) him in the same class for another year. (उसी क�ा म� एक साल और रोकना होगा. So
‘yes detention policy’.)
- 2017: रा��ीय परी�ण एज�सी (NTA) setup as an autonomous body under HRD/Edu Ministry, registered
under Indian Societies Registration Act, 1860.
- Initially, NTA given ₹ 25 cr. then it’s supposed to be self-sustained (by charging hefty exam fees)
- Structure:
○ Board of Governors → Chairman: A noted educationist. Members: From the institutes
for which NTA conducts entrance exam.
○ A CEO / Director General for day to day affairs.
Earlier CBSE conducted JEE, NEET & UGC NET entrance. NTA’s task is to conduct those exam
(online), and then expand itself to conduct other exams as well. Presently, NTA conducts →
1. Engineering: Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
2. Medical: National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET: रा�ी� य पात्रता व् प्रवेश परी�ा): twice a year
from 2019. It replaces the erstwhile All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT). NEET remains in
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 803
controversy because of the age limit criteria, stringent security checks, wrong questions/ wrong
translation → high courts awarding extra marks to students.
3. UGC National Eligibility Test(NET) for Assistant Professorship & Research Fellows: twice a year.
4. Pharmacy: Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test (GPAT)
5. Management courses: Common Management Admission Test (CMAT)
6. Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination
62.11 📐📐 EDU → HIGHER EDU: COLLEGES & UNI. (उ�तर �श�ा)
Telegram : @upscmaterialoptimisticias
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 804
62.11.1 📐📐📊📊 Edu → Higher Edu: Ranking (�ाभा�वक है कोई ना कोई आ जाएगा र�क देने को)
📊📊 NAAC ⇒ National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is a body funded by
rating UGC that evaluates colleges & universities on A++ to D rating.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry provides mentoring to institutions seeking NAAC
Accreditation under a scheme called “Paramarsh”
📊📊 Higher HRD/Edu Ministry conducts following surveys / rankings →
Edu 1. National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) done annually since 2016.
Survey 2020-June: Overall Ranking: 1) IIT-Madras 2) IISc, Bengaluru 3) IIT-Delhi.
There are also separate rankings for University category, engineering category,
management category
2. Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA),
3. All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE)
QS Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by UK based org
Ranking - 2021-June it released ranking 2022: IISc Bengaluru #1 research institute.
- Since 2017 onwards, only 3 Indian institutes in Top-200 ranking- IIT-Bombay,
IIT-Delhi, Indian Institute of Science (IISc, Bengaluru).
📔📔📔📔ES20: Indian students spend US$ 5.0 billion (2018-19) in foreign universities’ education,
hostel etc. if we want to ⏬current account deficit, we must ⏬ such ‘education (service) imports’.
🤳🤳 Abhyas app National Testing Agency (NTA)'s mobile app for IIT-JEE mock tests.
🤳🤳 VidyaDaan 2.0 HRD/Edu Ministry portal To help the educators contribute e-learning
(2020-April) content via DIKSHA portal
🤳🤳 YUKTI 2.0 Young India Combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and
Innovation (YUKTI) is HRD/Edu Ministry's portal for sharing info about:
Research, Innovation, Technologies, Startup (सं शोधन,
नवप�रवतर्न,तकनीक,�ाटर्अप) esp. those related to Corona
🤳🤳Bharat Padhe HRD/Edu Ministry campaign for Crowd sourcing of Ideas for Improving
Online (2020-April) Online Education ecosystem of India
🤳🤳SAMARTH ⇒ It is an open source Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) software. उद्यम
सं साधन आयोजन के �लए बना सॉ�वेयर
⇒ Helps keeping track of student attendance, teacher salary, fees
collection, exam score etc. It is developed by the HRD/Edu Ministry
⇒ under the National Mission of Education in Information and
Communication Technology Scheme (NMEICT). =Such microscopic
technical preparation = NOTIMP
🎅🎅STARS program ⇒ Who? World Bank, Education Ministry, Department of Economic
by World Bank Affairs (DEA, FinMin),
⇒ What? $500 million to ⏫ school education in six States viz Himachal
Pradesh, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 805
⇒ For Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results for States' (STARS)
🤳🤳 GOAL Project Facebook + Tribal Affairs Ministry to skilling and mentorship of ST youth
through online mode
📊📊Global Edu by UNESCO. 2020-June
Monitoring (GEM) Corona affected the access to education od 1.5 billion students across the
Report world. Poor suffered the most because of no access to internet.
Plus lots of data but poor cost-benefit in chasing it
🎅🎅Global launched by UNESCO. 2020-May
Education Coalition To coordinate educational activities during Post-Corona
✋As such Following things more imp4 UGCNET/TAT exams. less so for IAS यूपीएससी म� तो इ�ा-दु�ा
प्र� ही �नकले है. लेिकन अगर म� content नहीं दूंगा तो आपको लगेगा िक दू सरे CA-PDF वाले बेहतर है, भले परी�ा के �लए माल
�ादा उपयोगी न हो 😅😅
62.13.1 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: School infra/result monitoring
⇒ To collaborate with NGO, Corporates for sharing innovative
Shaala Saarthi portal
practices running schools. अ�े प्रबं धन प्रणा�लयों को साझा करना
Shaala Siddhi portal ⇒ Help the Schools in their self-evaluation. �वद्यालयों का � मू�ांकन
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s portal for Unified District Information on
School Education �जला �र पर �वद्यालय �श�ा क� जानकारी
62.13.2 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: E-learning
e-Pathshala ⇒ Portal By NCERT to provide textbooks in e-books, audiobooks format.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s free Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) portal
for school, college courses. Anyone can join and learn online for free.
SWAYAM ⇒ SWAYAM = Study Webs of Active–Learning for Young Aspiring Minds.
Portal ⇒ National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is an
Launched in initiative by 7 IITs + Indian institute of science (IISC). They’ve launched
2017 many free courses on SWAYAM portal.
⇒ 2019: Version 2.0 launched which offers 1) courses translated in Indian
languages 2) online degrees 3) better features etc.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s project to run 32 DTH channels for education e.g.
‘IITPAL’ TV Channel to assist the class11-12 students prepare for IIT
entrance exam.
⇒ Operation Digital Board (ODB): HRD/Edu Ministry to create minimum 2
smart classes for every Secondary/Senior Secondary schools by 2023.
E-Gyankosh ⇒ massive open online course (MOOC) portal by IGNOU.
62.13.3 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: Anti-ragging / life values/mental health
Manodarpan Edu ministry provides psycho-social support to students, teachers and parents
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 806
AntiRagging App by University Grants Commission (UGC) to complaint against ragging.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s (higher education) Student Induction Programme.
Deeksharambh UGC prepared guidelines for it e.g. setting up mentor groups, physical
2019 fitness & hobby groups, interaction with teacher before start of semester
etc. so freshers become comfortable in college.
Jeevan ⇒ UGC designed this Curriculum for Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) for Under
Kaushal Graduate to give them Life Skills like communication skill, interpersonal
skill, time management, problem solving ability, decision making capacity,
leadership ability
62.13.4 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: Startup ke liye
⇒ National Educational Alliance for Technology (NEAT). HRD/Edu Ministry
NEAT ties up with Edutech companies for personalized learning through
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Smart ⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s annual competition inviting youth to develop
Hackathon hardware / software solutions to address problems faced by Govt
2017 organizations, PSUs and even NGOs.
⇒ Social Justice ministry to support 1000 Start-ups of Scheduled Caste (SC)
ASIIM, 2020
youth over next 4 years via venture capital fund.
KAPILA ⇒ Edu Ministry training college students on how to file patents
62.13.5 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: Teachers’ training
ARPIT ⇒ Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching for online training of college
initiative faculty.
EQUIP five ⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s five year plan to improve higher education in 2019-
year plan 2024.
62.13.6 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: NRI/foreign teachers/students ko bring to India?
VAJRA Ministry of Science & Technology pays ₹ ₹ to get NRI/Overseas scientist
🛫🛫 � faculties to come & teach in India under VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint
Research) scheme.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s Global Initiative for Academics Network (GIAN)
GIAN Network portal helps students connect with national & foreign faculty, industrialists
for knowledge sharing.
Stay in India − HRD/Edu Ministry’s campaign to attract foreign students to study in our
and higher educational institutions.
Study in India − Through centralised admission web-portal (
(2019) − Student awareness seminars, social media campaigns in South-East Asia,
Middle East and Africa.
− 25-100% fee waivers to meritorious foreign students.
− 💼💼Budget-2020: If foreign student from Asia / Africa wants scholarship,
he’ll have to pass Indian Scholastic Assessment (IND-SAT) online test.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 807
⇒ Related: e-VidyaBharati and e-AarogyaBharati (e-VBAB) Network: It’s
setup by External Affairs Ministry for health-education info exchange with
AFRICAN Countries.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. 'Stay in India and Study in India' is initiated by _ _ _ (UPSC-CDS-2020-ii)
(a) the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (b) the Ministry of Culture
(c) the Ministry of Education (d) the Ministry of Tourism
62.13.7 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: Girl students / girl scientists
कु ल �मलाकर ने अपने सभी योजनाएं लड़िकयों/मिहलाओं को वै�ा�नक बनाने के �लए प्रो�ाहन देती है
KIRAN � - Dept of Sci & Tech’ scheme for helping women scientists
- SEPARATELY, Social Justice Ministry has “KIRAN HELPLINE” For
mental health.
⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry’s ‘UDAAN- Giving Wings to Girls’ scheme gives free
UDAAN coaching to 1000 selected girls so they can pass IIT/technical institutes’
entrance exam.
Dept of Sci & Tech’s scheme to encourage girls to join career in Science,
Vigyan Jyoti
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
⇒ Dept of Sci & Tech’s "GATI- Gender advancement through transforming
institutions" to encourage women scientists.
⇒ British Govt project "Athena SWAN" (Scientific Women's Academic
Network): similar objective & they’re collaborating with GATI
CURIE Dept of Sci & Tech’s scheme to improve R&D infra in women universities.
62.13.8 📐📐🤳🤳 Edu → Misc: Making science/research useful/popular
⇒ Dept of Sci & Tech (DST) and IBM Computer company collaboration to
STEM promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
learning among students.
Unnat Bharat ⇒ HRD/Edu Ministry gives ₹ ₹ to IIT, NIT etc to carry out research /
Abhiyan 2014 consultancy for rural / local problems.
⇒ ISRO to train 60 talented students from Class 9 to Class 12. ₹₹ by
HRD/Edu Ministry (So later some of them could become scientist)
STRIDE Faculty given ₹₹ for research in this Scheme for Trans-disciplinary Research for
India’s Developing Economy (STRIDE)
ECHO Prime Minister’s Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) → setup EChO Network
for providing leadership training to scientists and researchers.
PMRF Prime Minister Research Fellows by HRD/Edu Ministry
Talented B.Tech / M.Tech / M.Sc students from selected institutes given direct
Ph.D admission in the IITs / IISc + monthly stipend.
IMPRINT India IIT and IISc joint initiative to solve major engineering and technology
challenges of India, started in 2015.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 808
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 809
Telegram : UPSC CSE Free Material (OPTIMISTIC IAS)
According to the National Youth policy 2014: adolescents=10-19 years, youth= 15-29 years.
62.14.1 Yearbook: Ministry of Youth Affairs And Sports (युवा कायर् और खेल मं त्रालय)
Dept 1) Dept of Youth Affairs 2) Dept. of Sports
Attached / ⇒ National Service Scheme (NSS) is a subordinate organization
Subordinate ⇒ whereas National Youth Corps and Youth Hostel are simply names of
(सं ल� / अधीन�) schemes.
Statutory ⇒ N/A or not MCQ worthy
Autonomous ⇒ Sports Authority of India (SAI)
bodies �ाय� ⇒ National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), and Dope Testing laboratory.
सं �ान ⇒ National Sports Development Fund
⇒ Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS-1972)
⇒ National Sports University, Manipur
62.14.2 Youth Schemes= Central Sector Schemes = 100% funded by Union.
Organization Notes
National Cadet Corps ⇒ Boss? Defence Ministry
(NCC-1948) ⇒ Motto: ‘Unity and Discipline’
National Service Scheme ⇒ Boss? Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports.
(NSS-1969) ⇒ Motto: “Not me, but you”. Voluntary Community Service.
1. Nehru Yuva Kendra ⇒ These Congressi-era things are all merged into a new
Sangathan (NYKS) umbrella’ scheme “Rashtriya Yuva Sashaktikaran Karyakram
2. National Youth Corps (RYSK)”
(NYC) ⇒ Boss? Ministry of Youth affairs and Sports
3. Youth Hostel
62.14.3 ⚽�Khelo India Scheme → National Sports Education Board
⇒ Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports scheme that gives ₹ ₹ to financial help to meritorious
sportsmen, training of the coaches, ₹ ₹ to build stadium and other sports infrastructure,
awareness generation through mobile app, Fit INDIA campaign etc.
⇒ (Full) Budget-2019 announced to setup a National Sports Education Board (रा��ीय खेल �श�ा बोडर्)
under this scheme, for development of sportspersons.
⇒ Yogasana given status of competitive sports.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 810
⇒ SDG Goal #4: ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all. OR
⇒ India can’t achieve SDG Goal 1 (Poverty removal) or SDG Goal 5 (Gender Equality) without
achieving SDG Goal 4 (education). OR
⇒ Without education, a person can’t lead productive life in a globalising world OR
⇒ Education improves a society’s health and nutritional status, economic growth, population
control, empowerment of the weaker sections.
Aforementioned schemes / initiatives / challenges are important in that regard / need to be addressed
on priority basis. �श�ा प्रा� िकए �बना भारत ल� 1 (गरीबी हटाने) या ल� 5 (ल��गक समानता) प्रा� कर नहीं सकता. �श�ा के
�बना, कोई ��� वै�ीकरण क� दु�नया म� उ�ादक जीवन वहन नहीं कर सकता । �श�ा, समाज के �ा� और पोषण क� ���त, आ�थक
�वकास, जनसं �ा �नयं त्रण, कमजोर वग� के सश�ीकरण म� सुधार करती। ऊकत कदम प्रशं सनीय / ऊकत चुनौ�तयों से लड़ना ज�री।
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 811
63.1.1 � Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
का�मक, लोक �शकायत और प�शन मं त्रालय
Dept 1. Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T)
2. Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare (DPPW). Associated with
Jeevan Pramaan digital life certificate with help of MEITY Ministry.
3. Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG:
प्रशास�नक सुधार और लोक �शकायत):
o celebrates Civil Services Day on 21st April since 2006,
o runs CPGRAMS portal for receiving citizen complaints,
o Good Governance index for States 2019: TN>MH >Karnataka.
Attached/ ⇒ Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA) for
Subordinate training IAS Probationers.
⇒ Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
⇒ Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM)
⇒ Public Enterprises Selection Board (PESB)
⇒ Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) which obtains powers from the Delhi
Special Police Establishment Act (1946)
Constitutional ⇒ UPSC
Statutory ⇒ Read about following in Detail from Laxmikanth:
⇒ Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) from 1985
⇒ Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) setup in the 60s based on the
Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption, given statutory status
in 2003.
⇒ Central Information Commission (CIC) under the Right to Information Act,
⇒ Lokpal act in 2013 → 1st Lokpal Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose in 2019.
Autonomous National Recruitment Agency (NRA)
⇒ to conduct the Common Eligibility Test (CET) to screen/shortlist candidates
for Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs)
and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection(IBPS).
⇒ Based on the score obtained in the CET, candidates may appear in the
domain-specific tests by SSC, RRBs & IBPS respectively for the actual
63.1.2 👮👮 � 🤳🤳 Mission Karmayogi: Training of Civil servants (2020-Sept)
Mission Karmayogi:- National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) To
implement this, Govt employees will be trained for new India. Govt will setup….
- 1) Public Human Resources (HR) Council headed by Prime minister
- 2) setup a not-for-profit company Special Purpose Vehicle company for e-training
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 812
- 3) 🤳🤳 Integrated Govt Online Training-iGOT Karmayogi Platform.
✋more details not important, unless PubAD is your optional subject
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 813
- 2013: National Skill Development Agency (NSDA-एज�सी) Autonomous Body under Skill
Ministry. It’s responsible for:
- Preparing National Labour Market Information System (LMIS) database.
- National Quality Assurance Framework (NQAF) to ensure that the coaching training
courses’ syllabus / methods are actually useful for the jobs requirements in present and
- National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF: रा��ीय कौशल यो�ता फ्रेमवकर् ) to organize
learners’ qualifications according to a levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude, including
the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL: पहले क� �वद्वता क� मा�ता). For example:
Sample NSQF Framework →
Sector Job title & Code NSQF Training Job Description & Skill Set
Level hrs
Beauty & Assistant Hair 3 150 An Assistant Hair Stylist shampoos
Wellness Stylist and conditions hair, blow dries hair,
(BWS) (BWS/Q0201) provides basic hair cuts as well as
assists the hair stylist.
Hair Stylist 4 300 In addition to above skills, he can do
(BWS/Q0202 ) advanced hair styling, color the hairs,
scalp massage etc.
63.3.1 � NCVET 2018 (�ावसा�यक �श�ा और प्र�श�ण के �लए रा��ीय प�रषद)
− ‘National Council for Vocational Education and Training (NVCET)’ under Skill Ministry, is a a
non-statutory regulatory body setup through Gazette notification.
− NCVET will have Chairman + members.
NCVET will be responsible for
1. Advise on short term long term vocational programs / syllabus etc.
2. Overseeing the Sector Skill Councils (SSCs), Skill certification / assessment bodies.
3. Those SSCs will supervise ground level vocational training institutes: their recognition,
regulation, inspection, certification etc. So, NCVET will be an ‘indirect regulator’ of the ground
level vocational training institutes.
4. Grievance redressal, research, awareness generation and information dissemination and
grievance redressal.
63.4 (💇💇💇)📯📯📯📯 SKILL INDIA CAMPAIGN (2015: कौशल भारत अ�भयान)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana: (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2018)
1. It is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Labour and Employment.
2. It, among other things will also impart training in soft skills, entrepreneurship, financial and digital literacy.
3. It aims to align the competencies of the unregulated workforce of the country to the National Skill Qualification
Codes: (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2, and 3
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 816
SWADESH ⇒ SWADES (Skilled Workers Arrival Database for Employment
2020-June Support) is a joint initiative by Skill Ministry, Aviation Ministry and
External Affairs Ministry
⇒ It's a skill mapping exercise of the returning citizens under the Vande
Bharat Mission (from foreign countries during Corona).
⇒ Returning Workers will fillup online SWADESH Skills card. → Data
shared with companies → Job placement
⇒ �वदेशों से वतन वापस आए भारतीय श्र�मकों का कौशल मान�चत्रण
ASEEM ⇒ Aatamanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping (ASEEM) portal
2020-Jul ⇒ by Skill Ministry → by National Skill Development Corporation
(NSDC) with help of a Bengaluru startup company "Betterplace".
⇒ To map regional details of workers vs local industry demands.
⇒ This will help the govt to analyse the migration patterns and
implement the skill development courses
⇒ श्र�मकों का �ववरण बनाम �ानीय उद्योग म� श्र�मकों क� मांग।
SAKSHAM DST (Department of Science & Technology) → TIFAC (Technology
(Shramik Shakti Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council)→ portal for laborers’
Manch) skill mapping, skill cards, conneting with employers for jobs.
Shramshakthi Portal ⇒ Tribal Affairs Ministry’s portal for migrant workers.
⇒ Objective? Data collection, connecting them with other schemes for
employment & skill development. श्र�मकों को रोज़गार कोश� क� अ� योजनाओं
से जोड़ने के �लए।
YuWAAH ⇒ UNICEF project for skill development of adolescent and young
2019-Nov Indians, labelled "Generation Unlimited India"
🔠🔠❓MCQ. ASEEM is _ _ _ _. (UPSC-CDS-2020-ii)
(a) Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Measurement (b) Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employee Employer
Mapping (c) Aatmanirbhar Skilled Employee Enterprises Medium (d) Automatic Skilled Employee Employer Mission
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 817
National - Boss? Skill Ministry. After Youth has completed basic training in Industrial
Apprenticeship Training Institutes (ITIs) / Kaushal Vikas Kendra, then Industrialist takes
Promotion him as apprentice ((शा�गदर् / प्र�श�ु)), trains him in practical aspects, pays
Scheme stipend.
2016 - Govt pays part of the stipend.
- Target: ⏫ apprenticeship training to 50 lakh youth by 2020. Online
registration of apprentice, centralized monitoring, exam & certification.
Apprenticeship Under the Apprenticeship Act, Govt has notified these rules:
Rules - minimum monthly stipend: ₹5,000 for school pass out class5-9 and ₹9,000
for graduate
- 10-15% hike in stipend for 2nd and 3rd year of apprenticeship
Disturbed areas Rural Development Ministry (ग्राम �वकास मं त्रालय) →
अशांत �ेत्र - HIMAYAT: skill development in J&K
- ROSHNI: skill development in Naxal / LWE areas.
Minorities Minorities Ministry (अ�सं �क मं त्रालय) →
अ�सं �क - USTTAD: Upgrading the Skill and Training in Traditional Art craft for
- Nai Manzil: Madressa students, school-dropouts given additional training
so they can get jobs.
- Nai Udan, Naya Savera: free coaching / stipend for competitive exams.
- Learn And Earn (Seekho Aur Kamao)
Yukti Yukti - Yogya Kalakriti ki Takneek: HRD/Edu Ministry’s scheme for skill
development of traditional craftsman
Women - Social Justice Ministry: National Backward Classes Finance &
Development Corporation (NBCFDC) → Mahila Samriddhi Yojana →
Concessional Loans for female entrepreneurs.
- Department of Financial Services → credit guarantee through NCGTC ltd
→ Standup India: SC/ST & Women entrepreneurs given loans from 10
lakh to 1 cr in each SCB Bank branch.
- Women Child Ministry →
- PM Mahila Shakti Kendra for skilling & availing scheme benefits.
- Support to Training & Employment Program for Women (STEP)
Jan Shikshan Skill Ministry’ vocational training centres for school dropouts & illiterates.
Sansthan Previously under HRD/Edu Ministry, it was called Shramik Vidyapeeth.
India Skill Survey conducted by Pvt orgs. & funded by AICTE, UNDP etc.
Report 2019 - More than 50% MBA and >40% of B.Tech/B.E are unemployable (रोज़गार के
�लए अयो�) because they do not have the skills required by the industries.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 818
- Overall, ~53% of youth coming out of higher educational institutions are
- Although there is improvement compared to previous years.
Global Skills India’s first Global Skills Park is to be setup in Madhya Pradesh by Union Govt
Park (2018) + loans from Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Reskilling World Economic Forum's initiative to provide 1 billion people better edu, skills
Revolution & jobs by 2030. India joined as founding member (2020-Jan)
MNGF Skill Ministry gives Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship (MNGF) to young
professionals for helping district level officials in skill dev programs.
ISDS Skill Ministry created this new Group A service, Indian Skill Development
Group ‘A’ Services (ISDS: भारतीय कौशल �वकास सेवाएं ). They’ll be recruited through Indian
Service Engineering Service Examination, conducted by UPSC. First batch taken in
2019, and undergoing training at Mysuru.
63.7 (💇💇💇)✍ CONCLUSION-TEMPLATE-SKILL (कौशल �वकास के बारे म� �न�षर्)
- According to India Skill report 2019 more than 50% of youth with college degrees are
unemployable. To reap the demographic dividend of India, it is therefore necessary to focus on
the vocational training and skill development. OR
- SDG Goal 8 requires India to provide full, productive & decent work/employment for all. A
person without skill remains either unemployed, disguisedly unemployed or underemployed.
Aforementioned schemes / initiatives / challenges are important in that regard / need to be
addressed on priority basis.
भारत के जनसां��क�य लाभांश को प्रा� करने के �लए, �ावसा�यक प्र�श�ण और कौशल �वकास पर �ान देना आव�क है। सतत
�वकास ल� प्रा�� हेतु सभी के �लए पूणर्, उ�ादक और स� रोजगार उपल� कराने क� आव�कता है। �बना कौशल वाला ��� या तो
बेरोजगार रहता है, प्र�� �प से बेरोजगार रहता है। उ� योजनाएँ / पहल / चुनौ�तयाँ उस सं बंध म� मह�पूणर् ह� / प्राथ�मकता के आधार पर
सं बो�धत करने क� आव�कता है।
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Find correct statement(s) about ‘National Career Service’: (Pre-2017)
1. National Career Service is an initiative of the Dept of Personnel and Training, Govt of India.
2. National Career Service has been launched in a Mission Mode to improve the employment opportunities to
uneducated youth of the country.
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
🔠🔠❓MCQ. To obtain full benefits of demographic dividend, what should India do? (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2013)
(a) Promoting skill development (b) Introducing more social security schemes
(c) Reducing infant mortality rate (d) Privatization of higher education
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 819
Definition: Poverty is the lack of sufficient money to meet the minimum standard of living-
including food, clothing, shelter, health and education. भोजन, कपड़े, आश्रय, �ा� और �श�ा सिहत जीवन के
�ूनतम �र को पूरा करने के �लए पयार्� धन/पैसों क� कमी को गरीबी कहेते है।
Factors responsible for poverty in India
1. Poor fiscal capacity of the govt due to tax evasion and avoidance versus large population →
Public healthcare, education, housing, water & sanitation infra is poor →
a. Educational outcomes are poor → illiteracy, lack of vocational skills → Unemployment,
Underemployment, Disguised Unemployment.
b. Unhygienic slums → Disease → wages lost, savings lost, school days lost.
2. Lack of family planning → ⏫ birth rate → child labour → education. अ�धक ब�े पैदा करना, बाल
मजदू री
3. Large family → insufficient food → malnutrition → insufficient mental & physical capacity to
pursue better economic opportunities. कु पोषण के चलते शारी�रक और मान�सक �वकास नहीं, पढ़ाई म� �ान नहीं
4. Unprofitable nature of agriculture due to vagaries of monsoon & structural bottlenecks in the
APMC Market. िकसानों का मं डी म� शोषण
5. Low asset base: Most of the rural households don’t possess land, milch animals, farm machinery
or sufficient bank deposits in the first place- it reduces their capacity to generate self-
employment / business opportunities. Vicious trap of low savings → low investment → low
income. Such poor parents are unable to provide better education to children → 2nd
generation is also deprived of economic opportunities. सं प�� का आधार कम है, इस�लए �पता अपने भ�व� क�
पीिढ़यों के �लए अ�� �श�ा म� �नवेश नहीं कर सकता
6. Lack of financial planning: wasting money in Tobacco, Liquor, Social Rituals, Pilgrimages.
7. Lack of financial inclusion, debt trap by informal money lenders. सा�कारों का �ाज चक्र
8. Majority of labour engaged in unorganized / informal sector: minimum wages are not enforced.
9. Insurance density is poor. Most workers lacking social security → Once the breadwinner dies /
permanently handicapped → family pushed into poverty. बीमा और सामा�जक सुर�ा का अभाव
10. Social barriers faced by SC / ST / Minorities in advancing economically in rural area.
11. Female Labour Force Participation Rate is low. Maternity Benefits Act, Equal Wages Act not
strongly enforced. Gender inequality in education & nutrition → females’ energy and talent
mostly confined to unpaid domestic work → family unable to come out of poverty. (श्रमबल म�
मिहला सहभा�गता दर कम है, इस�लए वह अपने प�रवार के �लए �ादा धन कमा नहीं सकती)
12. Misgovernance, Terrorism, Secessionism in the Special Category States → infrastructure,
industries and tourism remained underdeveloped. In mineral rich states economic growth & per
capita income is high (due mining activities) but Left Wing Extremism, Mining Mafia, Weak
governance → Poor infrastructure → lack of economic opportunities for poor. कु शासन आतं कवाद
उग्रवाद के चलते कु छ �ेत्र �पछड़े अ�वक�सत रहे है, इस�लए वहाँ के लोग गरीब
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 820
13. Corruption / leakages in the poverty removal programs. Failure of the Finance Commission &
Planning machinery to hold the state governments accountable. भ्र�ाचार और स��डी का �रसाव
14. Economic survey 2016 observed that after independence
a. USA did not give Universal Voting Rights to all people immediately (women and blacks
were excluded initially) → USA pursued pro-industrialist policies → growth.
b. China, Indonesia, S.Korea: Democracy / Voting rights ‘on paper only’ → They pursued
pro-industrial policies without trying to appease all linguistic, religious or caste groups
→ growth.
c. India: voting rights to all immediately after independence → ….
15. While both India & China adopted ‘Five Year Plans’ system but China began LPG-like reforms
in 80s itself so its economy grew very fast. Whereas India kept industrialists under license, quota,
inspector raj; archaic factory laws & labour laws without ease of doing business. → More Jobs
could not be created in mfg. sector.
64.1.1 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲Vicious Circle of Poverty (गरीबी का दुष्चक्र/�वषचक्र)
⇒ Poor person doesn’t have enough money to buy good food / education → his productivity
remains low → he doesn’t have enough money.
⇒ low level of development in Less Developed Countries (LDCs: अ� �वक�सत देश) is also explained
through the vicious circle on supply and demand side:
Supply Side ( आपू�त) Demand Side (माँग)
Poor person has low income → low savings Low income → low demand by poor families (of
→ low investment / capital → he can’t start mobiles, TV, fridge) → low capital investment by
or expand business to increase his income companies / factories due to lack of customers →
→ more poverty less new jobs → more poverty
64.1.2 🤲🤲🤲🤲Economics Nobel 2019 for Global Poverty Alleviation
⇒ Originally, Nobel Prizes were given for 1) Physics, 2) Chemistry, 3) Physiology or Medicine, 4)
Literature, and 5) Peace. From the fund created by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.
⇒ 1968-69: Bank of Sweden started giving “Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences”. So,
technically not a Nobel Prize, but it’s nicknamed as “Nobel for Economics”
⇒ 2018: US Economists Nordhause & Romer for ‘integrating climate change & technological
innovations into long-run macroeconomic analysis’
⇒ 2019: Abhijit Banerjee (born in Mumbai, teaches at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
& his wife Esther Duflo (France) and Michael Kremer (USA) received for “experimental
approach to alleviating global poverty." ("वै��क गरीबी को कम करने के �लए प्रयोगा�क ���कोण।")
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 821
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 822
- C) Living standards → 5) cooking fuel (dung, wood, charcoal or coal) 6) sanitation 7)
drinking water 8) electricity, 9) housing 10) household assets (e.g. radio, TV, telephone,
computer, animal cart, bicycle, motorbike, refrigerator, car or truck?).
- These 10 Qs are assigned different weights add data → UNDP arrives at MPI Head count ratio.
Year 2005 2020
MPI: % of poor in India 55% 27.91% population| Rank: 62nd / 107 nations
- While India moved 270 million People out of the MPI poverty during 2005-2015. But, Corona
may undo this success. हालांिक भारत करोड़ों लोगों को गरीबी से बाहर लाने म� सफल रहा है िकंतु कोरोना महामारी के चलते
वापस लोग गरीबी म� �गर सकते ह�.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The Multi-dimensional Poverty Index of UNDP covers which of the following?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2012)
1. Deprivation of education, health, assets and services at household level
2. Purchasing power parity at national level
3. Extent of budget deficit and GDP growth rate at national level
Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
64.2.3 🤲🤲💸💸📏📏 Videshi methods → Inequality (असमानता )
Gini − Italian statistician Corrado Gini(1912)’s a formula for measuring
Coefficient inequality. Its associated graph is called ‘Lorenz Curve’
− 0 or 0% = perfect equality; 1 or 100% = perfect inequality.
− World Bank, Credit Suisse, and other international organizations use it to
measure inequality.
− India Gini coefficient degraded from 81% (2013) to 85% (2018), which
proves inequalities increasing in India.
Global Wealth − By Credit Suisse, an Investment banking company of Switzerland.
Report − Inequality is high in India. richest 10% of Indians own more than 70% of
2020 released in the country’s wealth.
2020-Oct − More than 70% of Indians have personal wealth below $10,000.
World − By Paris School of Economics
Inequality − inequality is rising almost everywhere, but at different speeds.
− The level of inequality is much higher in India compared to USA Canada,
Russia, China, and Europe. Top 10% of India owns more than 50% of
national income.
Inclusive − Prepared every two years (biennial ) by UN Environment, to measure
Wealth Report sustainability of economy and wellbeing of their people. Last report was
समावेशी धन �रपोटर् prepared in 2018.
Global Social ⇒ By World Economic Forum (WEF) from 2019 onwards
Mobility Report ⇒ IF children can experience a better life than their parents, then the country
has +ve social mobility.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 823
वै��क सामा�जक ⇒ It measures– access to health, education, technology access, work
ग�तशीलता �रपोटर् opportunities, social protection etc.
⇒ 2020: report launched for the first time. Ranking #1 Denmark> #2 Norway
> #3 Finland>...#76 India>....#82: Ivory Coast
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 824
तो आप ग़रीबी रेखा के नीचे 21.9% (All India), 25.7% (Rural India), 13.7% (Urban area) in 2011-12.
है - NITI & Modi Govt use this figure in all official documents.
- State/UT that have higher % poverty than National 21.9%: Uttar
Pradesh < Madhya Pradesh < Assam < Odisha < Bihar < Arunachal
Pradesh < Manipur < Jharkhand < Dadra & Nagar Haveli <
Chhattisgarh (most poor)
C. Rangarajan Setup by Planning Commission, this Committee suggested poverty line
committee @monthly expenditure for family of five: ₹ 4860 (Rural), ₹ 7035 (Urban).
(2012-14) - This generated uproar because it translates to a person spending
daily ₹ 32/> (rural) or ₹ 47/> (urban) is not a poor!
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In a given year in India, official poverty lines are higher in some states than in other because (Pre-2019)
a) Poverty rates vary from state to state b) Price levels vary from state to state
c) Gross state product varies from state to state d) Quality of public distribution varies from state to state
64.2.7 🤲🤲💸💸📏📏 DESHI methods → SECC-2011
Socio Economic Caste Census (साम�जक आ�थक एवं जा�तगत जनगणना)
− SECC is different from poverty lines because SECC’s primary objective is not to ‘measure’
poverty but rather ‘eligibility’ of a family for Govt schemes. ग़रीबी नहीं, सरकारी योजनाओं म� आपक� पात्रता
देखी जा रही है
− SECC is different from Population Census (जनगणना )because under Population Census Act, 1948
Govt must keep individual's personal information confidential. But SECC is done outside of it, so
personal information can be uploaded online (e.g. Mr.X is given ₹ ₹ for PM Awas Yojana because
he was found eligible in SECC)
− SECC 2011 was a paperless census done by electronic devices.
− Nodal? Rural Development Ministry, Below them→
o Rural area → Rural Development Ministry
o Urban area → Urban Affairs Ministry
o Caste Census component → Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India (Home
SECC-2011 classified (rural) Households were classified into three categories:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 825
Automatically excluded 7 Deprivation Indicators Automatically included in a
अभाव के 7 सं के त SCHEME if
1) Motorized vehicle/ 1) Landless households earning 1) Households without
fishing boat. from manual labour? shelter
2) Kisan credit card with 2) One room house with kuccha 2) Destitute / living on alms
limit of over Rs. walls & roof? (�नरा�श्रत / �भ�ु)
50,000/-. 3) No adult (18-59 aged) member 3) Manual scavengers
3) If govt employee / in household? 4) Primitive Tribal Groups
owner of non-agro 4) No literate adult in household? (आिदम जनजातीय समूह)
enterprises / earning 5) Female headed household with 5) Legally released bonded
>10k/per month no adult male member? labourers (बं धुआ मजदू र )
4) Paying income tax 6) Households with only PH
/Professional tax. members?
5) 3 or more rooms with 7) SC/ST Households?
pucca walls and roof.
6) Owns a
landline phone.
7) Owns more than “x”
acre of land
7 cr. (~39%) out of 18 cr 11 cr. (~43%) rural households 16 lakh (~0.9%) rural
rural households here here. households here
If a govt scheme is using SECC-2011 data then
Left column-walla: automatically excluded (�त: बाहर करना) from scheme benefit.
Right column-walla: automatically included.
Middle column-walla: included based on how deprived they are. So household with more ‘yes
tickmarks’ will get first preference in allotment of PM Awas Yojana, PM Ujjwala cylinder
connection etc. over a less deprived households (वं �चत प�रवार).
− PM Jan Arogya Yojana (₹ 5lakh annual health insurance) also uses SECC data to cover 8 cr rural
+ 2 cr urban = 10 cr families.
− During SECC (Rural) survey → Households were asked questions → results displayed at Gram
Sabha → others can ‘counter’ it (like Mr. X is not a destitute but has mercedes car!) →
− SECC (Urban) methodology slightly different but we need not PHD. Further, Govt has not
released the ‘Caste census’ portion of this SECC (fearing demands for inclusion / exclusion of a
caste based on above data)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 826
⇒ Inequality= degree of gap in the distribution of assets, income or consumption among people. [
असमानता यानी क� ���यों क� सं प��, आमदनी तथा उपभोग म� िकतनी खाई/ �वषमता है]
⇒ Poverty = Very low assets, income, consumption. It could be measured in relative terms or in
absolute terms. 📙📙📙📙ES21 argues that our focus should be to remove Absolute poverty. [ग़रीबी
यानी सं प�� आमदनी उपभोग क� कमी। ऐसे ही ग़रीबी सापे� या �नरपे� हो सकती है। आ�थक सव��ण �नरपे� ग़रीबी हटाने क�
वकालत करता है]
⇒ Critics argue that capitalism, rapid economic growth increases inequality- as evident in USA-
IT/Tech companies’ CEOs earning million$ while many young Americans forced to do two jobs
just to pay the home loan/education loans. Etc. [तेज आ�थक वृ�द्ध से असमानता बढ़ती है. अमरीका म� एक तरफ़
कं पनी के CEO मोटी तन�ाह पाते ह�, जबिक कई आम नौजवान अपने क़ज़र् चुकाने के �लए दो अलग अलग नौक�रयां करने को
Thus, there is an inverse relationship between economic growth and inequality.
⇒ Income Redistribution = taxing the rich→ using the money for poverty welfare. [अमीरों के कराधान
क� रक़म से ग़रीब क�ाण योजनाएं चलायी जाए- तो आय का पुन�वतरण होता है ]
⇒ ⏫ GDP growth→ more rich people→ ⏫ Tax collection→ ⏫ more income redistribution
possible. In other words, if size of GDP pie chart grows bigger, then more people will be lifted out
of poverty. [आ�थक वृ�द्ध से अमीरों क� सं �ा बढ़ेगी तो कराधान क� आमदनी बढ़ेगी= �जससे आय का �ादा पुन�वतरण सं भव]
⇒ However, ⏫ GDP growth = ⏫ inequality = gap between the rich & poor may increase e.g.
poor person’s income may ⏫ by 10% while rich people’s income may ⏫ by 200%. आ�थक वृ�द्ध से
आय क� असमानता तो बढ़ेगी.
⇒ But, we’ve to ⏫ GDP growth to remove absolute poverty / BPL e.g. not able to spend even
Rs.1000 per month in city area. िक�ु िफर भी हमने आ�थक वृ�द्ध को बनाना है तािक �नरपे� �प से ग़रीबी को कम िकया
जा सके .
⇒ American Political philosopher John Rawls: Govt should prefer a distribution system which
maximizes the income of the poorest and provides basic liberties. So, 📙📙📙📙ES21 uses his
argument to justify that even if economic growth increases inequality still, it helps poor people
earn more money so economic growth is desirable. अमरीक� राजनै�तक �चंतक जॉन रो� के मुता�बक़- सरकार ने
ऐसी पुन�वतरण �व�ा प्रणाली बनानी चािहए �जसम� अ� प्रणा�लयों क� तुलना म� गरीबो को �ादा रक़म तथा बु�नयादी �तं त्रता
�मल रही हो. इस तकर् के आधार पर आ�थक सव��ण सुझाव देता है क� आ�थक वृ�द्ध को तेज़ी से बढ़ाने क� को�शश करनी चािहए
�ोंिक भले तेज आ�थक वृ�द्ध से आय क� असमानता बढ़ेगी िक�ु िफर भी ग़रीब के हाथ म� पहले से �ादा पैसा आएगा.
⇒ [📙📙📙📙ES21 then wrote lengthy paragraphs about Maxmin principle, game theory, Feldstein's
experiment, permanent income hypothesis- but that much academic depth gives poor cost:
benefit from exam point of view. so we will not invest more time]
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 828
Telegram : UPSC CSE Free Material (OPTIMISTIC IAS)
⇒ Considering India’s stage of development, India must continue to focus on economic growth to
lift the poor out of poverty. Because, Redistribution is only feasible in a developing economy if
the size of the economic pie grows। भारत क� वतर्मान �वकास को देखते �ए, सरकार ने आ�थक वृ�द्ध पर ज़ोर देना चािहए
तािक गरीबों को ग़रीबी से बाहर �नकाला जा सके । �ोंिक यिद सकल घरेलू उ�ाद क� थाली का आकार बढ़ेगा तभी उसम� से ग़रीबों के
िह�े म� पहले से मोटी रोटी आएगी।
64.4 🤲🤲💸💸 POVERTY → POVERTY REMOVAL (गरीबी उ�ूलन)
SDG Goal 1 aims to end poverty in all its forms everywhere. While it defines extreme poverty @$1.25
but nations are allowed to use their ‘national poverty line’ methods.
India’s SDG Goal1 Baseline Indicators in (brackets) Target-Goal-2030
Reduce atleast half of the BPL population. So, 21.9% population is BPL 10.95% population
(2011) then its half should be removed uplifted. → living below poverty
गरीबी रेखा से नीचे रहने वाले लोगों क� सं �ा को पहले से आधा करना line.
Number of homeless households per 10,000 households (presently ~11) 0 homeless
Households with min. 1 member with health insurance (~29% at present) 100% households
Improve Social Protection Schemes’ coverage: (सामा�जक सुर�ा योजना) 100% households
- Number of eligible households receiving MNREGA jobs (85%)
- No. of eligible households receiving Maternity benefits (36%)
Over the years we have launched the following schemes for removal of poverty.
Note/Homework: Refer to Pillar1D for
NSOAP (National Social Assistance Program- poor people given pension, insurance without
needing to pay premium/subscription fees),
PMJDY (Jan Dhan Bank Account)
64.4.1 🤲🤲🤲🤲:📯📯📯📯 Poverty Removal → MGNREGA (2005)
⇒ 2005: Parliament enacted MGNREGA Act.
⇒ 2006: starts in 200 districts → 2008: launched in whole country as Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS महा�ा गांधी रा��ीय ग्रामीण रोजगार गारं टी कायर्क्रम)
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Rural Development → Centrally sponsored scheme → core of the core
scheme→ not 100% funded by the Union. क� द्र द्वारा प्रायो�जत योजना → अ�त मह�पूणर् योजना
⇒ It promises to give minimum 100 days of unskilled manual labour to rural household whose
adult members volunteer for it. Households are eligible for unemployment allowances if
employment not been provided within 15 days of demand.
⇒ MNREGA labourers are used for creating durable assets as per local needs e.g. ponds, wells,
cattle sheds, granary, vermicompost plants, crematorium; renovation of Anganwadi centres,
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 829
school buildings, playground (तालाब, कु एं , अ� भं डार, वम� कं पो� �ांट, �शान। �ू ली इमारतों का पुन�द्धार,
खेलकू द के मैदान)
⇒ No contractors / machinery allowed. (ठे केदार और यं त्रों क� मनाई / इ�ेमाल व�जत है)
⇒ In any project, 60% of amt should go towards wages and 40% towards material. (�ादा िह�ा वेतन म�)
⇒ Union bears 100% wage cost and 75% of material cost.
⇒ Wages are linked to Consumer Price Index (Agriculture labour:AL). [Although Modi thinking of
linking it with CPI-Rural] महंगाई के िहसाब से वेतन को बढ़ाया जाता है
⇒ Social audit by gram sabha at least once in every 6 months. ग्रामसभा सामा�जक ऑिडट/ िहसाब क� जांच करेगी
⇒ Corona: Atma Nirbhar→ MGNREGA daily wages increased from ₹182 to 202. So worker will
get Rs.20 extra than before. He works for 100 days = ₹20x 100 days = ₹2000 more than before.
64.4.2 🤳🤳MGNREGA: Use of JAM-DBT
📔📔 📔📔ES19 noted that: During UPA/ManMohan-raj, MGNREGA suffered from widespread
corruption, political interference, leakage, and significant delay in wage payments.
⇒ So, distressed villages/ farmers would migrate to cities / other states in search of work because
even if private parties gave them wages lower than MGNREGA (due to delays in MGNREGA).
⇒ However, during Modi-raj, the use of technology helped fixing these problems
⇒ 2015: Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile (JAM) Technology revolution started
⇒ Aadhar linked Payments (ALP): Biometric data, ghost accounts removed.
⇒ 2016: MoRD’s National Electronic Fund Management System (NeFMS) and NREGASoft →
Money transferred to State Govt’s bank account → NPCi’s Aadhar Enabled Payment System
(AEPS) → Direct Benefit Transfer (प्र�� ह�ांत�रत लाभ) to Beneficiary’s bank account.
⇒ Since Wages directly into MGNREGA workers’ bank accounts → reducing scope for delays /
leakage / corruption in payment
64.4.3 🤳🤳MGNREGA: Use of Space technology (अंत�र� प्रौद्यो�गक� का उपयोग)
− Geo-tagging (भौ�ग�लक �च�ी लगाना) is a process of adding latitude and longitude to a photo/video.
In MNREGA, PM Awas Yojana, Gram Sadak Yojana etc.
− PM Modi introduced the concept of Geo-tagging for preventing ₹ ₹ siphoning in fraudulent /
non-existent assets / claiming ₹ ₹ multiple times on same asset.
− GeoMGNREGA portal for keeping track of assets through mobile based photo geo-tagging
64.4.4 🤳🤳MGNREGA: Use of Apps
− JanMnREGA: an asset tracking + feedback app for MGNREGA assets.
− Gram Samvaad Mobile App: Here citizens can find information about the money allotted to
their village under various rural development schemes, It has initiated debate at the gram
panchayat level why development is not happening despite the release of funds.
✍Thus, use of technology has ⏬ delays and scope for corruption in MGNREGA, thereby
increasing its efficacy in helping the rural people during the times of distress. Similar models need to
be adopted in all the other centrally sponsored schemes for ensuring India’s rapid economic growth
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 830
and human development. प्रौद्यो�गक� के उपयोग से योजना म� ढील और धांधली कम �ई, गरीबी �नवारण म� मदद, अतः अ� सभी
योजनाओं म� भी प्रौद्यो�गक� के उपयोग को बढ़ाया जाए
64.4.5 📔📔📔📔 MGNREGA: Future suggestion by ES19? (अ� सुझाव दी�जए)
Big Data Analytics: We should do real time monitoring of demand for work under MGNREGA
@district level. If more work demand by villagers = proof of farm / rural distress. Then correlate
with weather data etc. then display flash alert on policymaker’s dashboard. So he can take
corrective actions. e.g. Timely release of crop insurance claims, distribution of more loans,
additional allocation of foodgrains in PDS Shops etc. िकतने मजदू र काम मांग रहे ह� उस डाटा पर अ�वरत
�नगरानी रखकर, अ�ग्रम कदम उठाने चािहए
Deepening MGNREGA workers’ financial inclusion through microinsurance, micropensions,
microcredit schemes. �व�ीय समावेशन करना चािहए, सू�ा बीमा सू� ऋण क� �व�ा
Upskilling the MGNREGA Workers: Convergence of MGNREGA with Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY). So, they can eventually find gainful employment, and
don’t have to demand ‘unskilled’ MGNREGA work all the time. कौश� बढ़ाना चािहए. तािक भ�व� म� उस
मजदू र को वापस इस योजना का लाभ मांगने के �लए ना आना पड़े
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Among the following who are eligible to benefit from the “Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act”?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)
a) Adult members of only the scheduled caste and scheduled tribe households
b) Adult members of below poverty line (BPL) households
c) Adult members of house holds of all backward communities
d) Adult members of any household
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is not an objective of MGNREGA? (CDS-i-2020)
a) Providing up to 100 days of skilled labour in a financial year b) Creation of productive assets
c) Enhancing livelihood security d) Ensuring empowerment to women
64.4.6 👻👻(🧱🧱⛏:💸💸🤲🤲�)Atma-Nirbhar → Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 831
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- PM Vajpayee restructed them into Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY-1997), Swarna
Jayanti Sahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY-1999)
- ManMohan restructured them into National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM-2011) & Urban
Livelihood (NULM-2013) → Modi added Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana in prefix.
Table 2: They’re Core Schemes (Not 100% funded by Union)
Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana: National Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana: National Rural
Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM)
रा�ी� य शहरी आजी�वका �मशन रा�ी� य ग्रामीण आजी�वका �मशन
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Ministry of Rural Development
1. Give urban poors skill training and loan 1. Bring min.1 woman from each poor
for self-employment → Govt pays its household to Self Help Group (SHG: �यं -
interest subvention via PAISA Portal. सहायता समूह) → give them training and loans
Portal coordinated by Allahabad Bank for candle/soap/handicraft etc. biz.
2. Develop vendor markets for urban 2. Give training to rural men.
vendors (शहरी �वक्रेता) . 1+2= They’ll do self employment or skilled
3. Shelters for homeless people. (बेघर लोगों wage employment = More income then
के �लए आश्रय �ल।) working as farm labourers. 📯📯📯📯 Poverty Removal → DAY-NRLM → sub-schemes (उप-योजनाएं )
- Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDUGKY-2014):
- Rural Youth given FREE skill training. Higher age limit for SC/ST/Women/PH.
Guaranteed Placement for at least 75% trained candidates.
- Covers Youth of Jammu and Kashmir (HIMAYAT scheme)
- Cover Youth of North Eastern & Left-Wing Extremist (LWE) districts (ROSHNI Scheme
उ�र पूव� और वामपं थी उग्रवाद से प्रभा�वत �जलों म�)
- Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP-2015): self-explanatory- training, loan,
marketing assistance etc. [Recall similar scheme in Pillar#4: MSME Ministry: PM’s Employment
Generation Scheme where person / SHG given credit linked subsidy to start non-farm micro-
- Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY-2017): interest-free loans given to SHG /
Community Based Organisations (CBOs) to buy public transport vehicle so they can earn ₹ ₹ by
transporting passengers.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. How does the NRLM seek to improve livelihood options of rural poor?(Asked in UPSC-Pre-2012)
1. By setting up a large number of new manufacturing industries and agribusiness centres in rural areas
2. By strengthening ‘self-help groups’ and providing skill development
3. By supplying seeds, fertilizers, diesel pump-sets and micro-irrigation equipment free of cost to farmers
Codes: (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is the earliest launched scheme of the Govt of India? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
a) Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana b) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
c) Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana d) Deendayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana
64.4.8 🤲🤲🤲🤲:📯📯📯📯 Poverty Removal → Mission Antyodaya (2017)
Boss? Ministry of Rural Development (ग्राम �वकास मं त्रालय)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 832
− It’s similar to those two timepass ‘Adarsh Gram Yojanas’ we learned in Pillar#5.
− Here Govt will implement the other ongoing schemes with more vigilance and accountability
with the help of Gram Panchayat, NGOs, SHGs, ASHA workers etc.
− Target? At least 50,000 Gram Panchayats become poverty free by 2020.
64.4.9 🤲🤲🤲🤲:📯📯📯📯 Poverty Removal → DISHA Committees (2016)
Boss? Ministry of Rural Development (ग्राम �वकास मं त्रालय)
- District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) = elected members of
(Parliament + State legislature + Local Governments: PRI,ULB) for efficient and time-bound
development of districts.
- They’ll meet once every quarter and assess the schemes implementation.
- DISHA Committee’s chairman will be the senior most MP (Lok Sabha) from the given district.
DM/Collector(IAS) will act as member Secretary to implement the Committee’s directives.
Int-Budget-2019: We are spending ~₹ 12 lakh crores in schemes. Out of that ₹3.3 lakh crores in
subsidies. Yet, schemes/subsidies suffer from two problems.
− Inclusion Error (समावेश त्रु�ट): Non-poor (=well to do families) receive benefits = “free rider”
problem. ~40% of Food subsidies wasted in this manner.
− Exclusion Error (बिह�रण त्रु�ट): Real Poor not receiving benefit. ~40-60% of real needy families
don't receive scheme benefit.
− Leakage (�रसाव): 20-36% money allotted in PDS/MNREGA is gone in corruption by the
middleman / bureaucrats.
− Suresh Tendulkar Poverty Estimation Method (2011) says
o Any rural person who is spending monthly ₹ 816/> is not poor = annual ₹ 9800 />
o Any urban person who is spending monthly ₹ 1000/> is not poor = annual ₹ 12000/>
− So, Economic Survey 2017 suggested, “better we simply give them money so they can spend
minimum aforementioned amounts, then they’ll automatically come out of the poverty!” That is
the idea behind UBI.
(Definition) Universal Basic Income (UBI: सावर्�त्रक बु�नयादी आय) means govt depositing a specific sum
of money in a beneficiary’s bank account each year to augment his/her purchasing power in the open
market. The term ‘universal’ is ‘de-jure’ (औपचा�रक), in reality, UBI is not meant for rich & middle
class, they’ll be excluded.
64.5.1 👌👌 UBI: Pro-Arguments by Eco Survey (इस सुधार के प� म� तकर् )
Safety Net. Protects people from deprivation, destitution (अभाव, �नरा�श्रतता)
PDS= leakage, diversion. Better give ₹ ₹ to needy to buy from open market. सावर्ज�नक �वतरण प्रणाली म�
स��डी �रसाव/धांधली �ादा
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 833
Telegram : UPSC CSE Free Material (OPTIMISTIC IAS)
MNREGA = Not good because it is creating shortage of farm labourers. Scheme is rife with
corruption & mismanagement. खेत मजदू रों क� कमी, भ्र�ाचार-धांधली ब�त है
Some people face accident of birth (SC/ST/Rural/Poor). Some people face accident of life (e.g.
drought, disaster, husband dead, caught in debt trap by informal money lender). UBI will help
them overcome these accidents, boost their psychological aspirations. �पछड़े वगर् को कज� के �वष चक्र से
�नकाल सकता है, उनक� मनोवै�ा�नक आशाओं को, आ��व�ास व् आकांशाओ को प्रो�ािहत कर सकता है
PAN cards already linked with Bank accounts so possible to exclude rich / middle class easily. So,
implementation of UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME should not prove difficult.
National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has informed the United Nations Human Rights
Council (UNHRC) that the recommended implementation of a universal basic income was
“under examination and active consideration” of the Centre. रा�ी� य मानवा�धकार आयोग ने भी सं यु� रा�� क�
मानवा�धकार सं �ा को बताया है िक “हमारे देश क� सरकार इस प्र�ाव पर सिक्रय �प से गौर कर रही ह�। ”
64.5.2 👎👎 UBI: Anti-Arguments by Eco Survey (सावर्�त्रक बु�नयादी आय �वरोधी तकर् )
Able bodied men given ‘charity’. It’ll turn them lazy. Gandhi will not approve it. यह प्रकार से
भीख/दान देना है, गांधीजी �जदं ा होते तो कभी इसका समथर्न नहीं करते.
1st world nations can afford UBI because their tax:GDP is high. If we give ₹ 12000 per year to
poor people (without shutting down existing schemes) then Fiscal deficit = ~12% of GDP = new
variety of problems: Crowding out of the private borrowers → Industrial expansion + job
creation declines. (Counter arguments: if we stop all schemes/subsidies and give only ₹ 2500 /
per year as UBI to only poor people, then Fiscal deficit will stay @3% while poverty will decline
from 21.9% → just 9%] राजकोषीय घाटा अप्र�ा�शत �प से बढ़ेगा
Extra money in the hands of poor without proportional increase in the supply of goods →
demand side inflation. So, poor person’s real purchasing power will not increase, he’ll remain
poor only. (मांगज�नत मं हगाई के चलते वो गरीब ही रहेगा. �ोंिक उसक� वा��वक खरीद श�� बढ़ नहीं पाएगी)
Providing Universal basic income without crossing the fiscal deficit target will require stopping
the schemes like NFSA, MDM, MNREGA → but that will not be ‘politically feasible’. यिद इसम� पैसा
खचर् करना है तो बाक� सारी योजनाएं बं द करनी होगी जो िक राजनी�तक �प से असं भव
Many families hid their assets during SECC-2011 survey, so it’s not a reliable data. So if UBI
given to people based on SECC data → Inclusion Error, with non-poors getting benefit. अमीरों
लोग भी गरीब होने का नाटक करके योजना का लाभ ल�गे
Men of the house may misuse ₹ ₹ on alcohol, gambling & other social ills. Better to give
entitlements in the form of ‘kind’ e.g. free food under mid day meal, subsidized grains @PDS
shop. शराब और जुए म� दु�पयोग
📔📔📔📔ES17 gave both the pro and anti-arguments. Its intent was only to ‘generate a debate’ around
the topic (without suggesting UBI for immediate implementation). However eventually,
- Interim-Budget 2019: PM-KISAN ₹ 6k / per year to small and marginal farmers.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 834
- General Election 2019 Congress Manifesto promised to launch Nyuntam Aay Yojana (NYAY)
schemes giving ₹ 72,000 / per year to poorest 5 crore families [IF they’re elected to power].
- 2020-March: Corona- Atma Nirbhar: Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package (PMGKP)- ₹1500
transferred to women having PM Jan Dhan Bank Account. ₹1000 to poor elder, poor widows,
poor PH. [कोरोना के दौरान गरीबो के ब�क खाते म� प्र�� लाभ अंतरण/पैसा जमा िकया गया]
👍👍✍Conclusion-UBI-Favour: UBI can play a pivotal role in eliminating poverty and providing
safety net against deprivation and destitution. However, UBI should be designed & implemented in a
manner that minimizes leakage & doesn't put heavy burden on fiscal resources. गरीबी �नवारण म� सावर्�त्रक
बु�नयादी आय मदद कर सकती यिद इसे सावधानी से जाए तािक भारत का राजकोषीय घाटा ब�त न बढे और अयो�/अमीर ���यों को
इसका लाभ न �मले।
👎👎✍Conclusion-UBI-Anti: While UBI can play a pivotal role in eliminating poverty and
providing safety net against deprivation and destitution, but in the light of the aforementioned
challenges, the conditions are not yet ripe for its introduction in India. हालाक� गरीबी �नवारण म� सावर्�त्रक
बु�नयादी आय मदद तो कर सकती है िकंतु भारत म� इसे लागू करने के �लए अभी प�र���तयां /समय प�रपक़्व नहीं है
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6B HRD: Edu, Skill, Poverty → Page 835
Table of Contents
65 ☪✝HRD/EDU → Weaker Section → Minorities, SC/ST .....................................................839
65.1 ☪✝ Minorities (अ�सं �क समुदाय) ...........................................................................................839
65.1.1 ☪✝ Minorities → Constitutional Protection (सं वैधा�नक सं र�ण) .................................839
65.1.2 ☪✝ Minorities → Legal Protection (कानूनी सं र�ण) .....................................................839
65.1.3 ☪✝:📊📊 Minorities → DATA/Index/Report: Census-2011.....................................839
65.1.4 ☪✝:📊📊 Minorities → DATA/Index/Report: Religious freedom (धा�मक �तं त्रता) .839
65.1.5 ☪✝ �[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Minority Affairs (अ�सं �क कायर् मं त्रालय) .........840
65.1.6 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Schemes → PM Janvikas Karykram (2018) ...................840
65.1.7 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Scheme → Education / Exams .........................................841
65.1.8 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → USTTAD Master Trainers.............................841
65.1.9 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → Seekho Aur Kamao (Learn & Earn) .............842
65.1.10 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → MANAS Academy .....................................842
65.1.11 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Preserving a community / culture / pilgrimage?........................842
65.1.12 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Pilgrim → Hajj → Subsidy ...........................................................842
65.1.13 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Pilgrim → Hajj → Mehram .........................................................843
65.2 HRD/EDU → Weaker Section → Scheduled Tribes (ST) ......................................................843
65.2.1 ST → Constitutional Protection (सं �वधा�नक सुर�ा) ..............................................................843
65.2.2 ST → Legal Protection (कानूनी सुर�ा) ....................................................................................843
65.2.3 ST → Census 2011 ................................................................................................................843
65.2.4 �[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Tribal Affairs (जनजातीय कायर् मं त्रालय) ................................844
65.2.5 ST → Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) .................................................844
65.2.6 📯📯📯📯 ST → Tribal Sub Plan (1974: जनजातीय उप-योजना) .................................................845
65.2.7 📯📯📯📯 ST → Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana (2014) ............................................................845
65.2.8 📯📯📯📯 ST → Van Dhan Yojana.........................................................................................845
65.2.9 📯📯📯📯 ST → MSP for Minor Forest Produce (लघु वन-उपज के �लए �ूनतम समथर्न मू�) .....846
65.2.10 📯📯📯📯 ST → Central Tribal University .......................................................................846
65.3 Weaker Section → Scheduled Castes (SC: अनुसू�चत जा�त) ..........................................................846
65.3.1 SC → Constitutional Protection.........................................................................................846
65.3.2 SC → Legal Protection .........................................................................................................846
65.3.3 SC → Census 2011 (जनगणना) ...............................................................................................846
65.3.4 �[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.....................................846
65.3.5 � [Yearbook] Ministry of Law & Justice (�व�ध और �ाय मं त्रालय) .....................................847
65.3.6 📯📯📯📯 SC → Welfare Schemes (क�ाणकारी योजनाएं ) ..........................................................848
65.4 Weaker Section → OBC & EWS .................................................................................................849
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 836
65.4.1 Weaker Section → OBC Sub-categorization (ओबीसी उप-वग�करण) commission ............849
65.4.2 Weaker Section → EWS Reservation ................................................................................849
66 👩👩 HRD/EDU → Weaker Section → Women & Children .......................................................849
66.1 👩👩👩→ Constitutional Provisions (सं वैधा�नक सं र�ण) ....................................................................850
66.2 👩👩👩→ Legal Provisions (कानूनी सं र�ण) .........................................................................................850
66.2.1 Women → Global cooperation: Beijing+25 .....................................................................851
66.3 👩👩👩→ Census-2011 [जनगणना 2011] ............................................................................................851
66.4 👩👩👩�[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Women & Child Development ......................................851
66.5 👶👶>👧👧 Son-Meta Preference (पुत्री के बाद पुत्र क� चाह)..................................................................852
66.5.1 👶👶>👧👧= Son Meta Preference: why bad? .......................................................................852
66.5.2 👣👣👣👣 JAYA Jaitley Task Force for ⏫marriage age 4girls ..........................................852
66.6 👩👩👩📊📊 Report → UNDP → Gender Inequality Index (GII) .................................................853
66.7 👩👩👩📊📊 Report → WEF → Global Gender Gap Report ..........................................................853
66.7.1 👩👩👩📊📊 Report → OECD’s SIGI Report ............................................................................854
66.7.2 👩👩👩📊📊 Gender Indices → Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) ...................................854
66.8 👩👩👩📊📊 SDG Goal #5: Gender Equality & Empowerment .......................................................854
66.9 👩👩👩📯📯📯📯 Women Schemes → Health ....................................................................................855
66.10 👩👩👩📯📯📯📯 Women Schemes → Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (2015) ...................................855
66.10.1 👩👩: 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 Atama-Nirbhar: PM GARIB KALYAN → Women will benefit,
how? 856
66.11 👩👩 📯📯📯📯 Women Schemes→ Violence / Skilling / Misc...............................................856
66.12 👩👩👩💰💰 🗄🗄:📯📯📯📯 Women Funds ..........................................................................................857
66.12.1 👩👩👩📯📯📯📯- 3 Umbrella Schemes to cover all women schemes................................858
66.12.2 👩👩👩✍ Women / Gender Development: Conclusion-Template (�न�षर्) .................858
66.13 👶👶 Weaker Section → Children (बालक ब�े) .........................................................................858
66.13.1 👶👶 → Constitutional Protection ...................................................................................858
66.13.2 👶👶 → Legal Protection ...................................................................................................859
66.13.3 👶👶 📯📯📯📯 → Child Portals & Festivals .......................................................................859
66.14 HRD/EDU → Weaker Section → PH (♿).........................................................................860
66.14.1 ♿ PH → Constitutional Protection: ...........................................................................860
66.14.2 ♿ PH → Legal Protection: ...........................................................................................860
66.14.3 ♿ 📯📯📯📯 PH → Welfare schemes..............................................................................860
66.15 HRD/EDU → Weaker Section: Elderly, Drug Addicts .......................................................861
66.15.1 👴👴 Elderly (��) ..............................................................................................................861
66.15.2 🍻🍻 Drug Addicts (नशे के लती/ नशेड़ी) .................................................................................861
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66.16 👭👭👭👭Weaker Section: LGBT (समल��गक और िक�र) .................................................................861
66.16.1 � National Council for Transgender Persons (NCTP: ट�ांसज�डर ���यों के �लए रा��ीय
प�रषद) 862
67 ��
� � 🌿🌿 Human Development & Sustainable Development .....................................................862
67.1 📊📊📊📊 UNDP’s Human Development Report (मानव �वकास �रपोटर्) ...........................................863
67.1.1 📊📊📊📊UNDP → Human Development Index (HDI:मानव �वकास सूचकांक) ......................864
67.1.2 📊📊📊📊UNDP → Inequality Adjusted HDI ......................................................................865
67.1.3 📊📊📊📊 UNDP → Gender Development Index (GDI: ल��गक �वकास सूचकांक) ...................865
67.2 📊📊📊📊 UNSDSN → World Happiness Report ........................................................................865
67.3 📊📊 World Bank → Human Capital Index ................................................................................865
67.4 📊📊 Human development → Misc. Indicators .........................................................................866
67.5 📊📊📊📊📊📊📊📊 Bare Necessities Index (BNI) By 📙📙📙📙ES21 ...................................................866
67.5.1 📊📊📊📊📊📊📊📊 BNI index Findings (सूचकांक से �ा त� सामने आए?) ....................................868
67.5.2 📊📊📊📊📊📊📊📊 ✍BNI index Analysis: Conclusion / Significance? [�न�षर् /मह�] ......869
67.5.3 📊📊📊📊✍Human Development: Conclusion-Template (�न�षर्) .................................869
68 🌱🌱 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)...................................................................................869
68.1.1 �🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 [Yearbook] Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change .......869
68.1.2 �☔🌪🌪 [Yearbook] Ministry of Earth Sciences (पृ�ी �व�ान मं त्रालय) ............................870
68.2 🌱🌱 Sustainable Development: meaning ....................................................................................870
68.3 🌱🌱 📔📔📔📔ES20 on SDG & Environment ...................................................................................871
68.4 🌱🌱 📔📔📔📔ES21 on SDG & Environment ...................................................................................871
68.4.1 📙📙📙📙ES21 Climate Change damages Indian economy [जलवायु प�रवतर्न से भारतीय अथर्तंत्र को
ख़तरा] 871
68.4.2 📙📙📙📙ES21: Climate Risk & Pandemic Risk Insurance need to be encouraged .........872
68.4.3 📙📙📙📙ES21: solar energy misused for groundwater exploitation ..................................872
68.5 🌱🌱 📐📐 📊📊 SDG → India’s Implementation / Monitoring ..................................................872
68.5.1 🌱🌱 📐📐 📊📊 NITI’s SDG India Index: overall scoring .....................................................873
68.5.2 🌱🌱🌱🌱 NITI’s VNR Review to UN.....................................................................................874
68.6 🌱🌱 SDG Goals vs India’s Notable Schemes ..............................................................................874
68.6.1 🌱🌱✍SDG: Conclusion-Template (�न�षर्) ......................................................................880
68.7 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Answer Writing: Poverty, Hunger, Social Sectors ..........................................881
68.7.1 ✍🎺🎺 GSM1 Syllabus: Poverty, Population; Development & associated issues .......881
68.7.2 ✍🎺🎺 GSM2 Syllabus: Poverty & hunger issues/गरीबी और भुखमरी के मुद्दे ........................881
68.7.3 ✍🎺🎺 GSM2 Syllabus: Schemes for Social Sectors ........................................................883
68.7.4 ✍🎺🎺 GSM2 Syllabus: Schemes for Social Sectors → Education ..............................885
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 838
68.7.5 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Answer Writing: Inclusive Growth ..........................................................885
68.7.6 ✍🎺🎺 Mains Answer Writing: Women Development .................................................886
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 840
65.1.7 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Scheme → Education / Exams
Nai Roshni − Minority Affairs Ministry’s leadership development among minority women.
अ�सं �क मिहला Training them on how to interact with Govt orgs, banks, etc. so they can be
नेतृ� ता�लम more assertive about their rights & more confident to use their talent.
Nai Manzil − Madressa Passout & School-dropout minority youth (aged 17-35)
मदरसा के ब�ों को − They’ve face difficulty in getting jobs because they don’t have ‘school
मु�धारा म� लाना Leaving Certificate’ or a proof of having class 8 or 10 level education
− So, Nai Manzil scheme gives them employable skills in computer, accounting
etc. + National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) certification so they can
get jobs in organized sector.
− Minimum 30% seats are earmarked for minority girls.
Competitive − Central Sector Scheme: 100% Union Funded
Exam − Naya Savera: Govt gives ₹ ₹ to public & private institutes for giving free
को�चग के �लए पैसा coaching to minority students for competitive exams.
स��डी − Nai Udaan: Govt gives ₹ ₹ to minority students IF they clear Prelims stage of
UPSC, SSC & StatePCS Gazetted-. Provided family annual income is not >6
lakh, & he’ll not claiming it for more than once. Only 2000 students given
this ₹ ₹ annually, on first-cum-first-serve basis.
Padho Education loan subsidy for minority students for higher education overseas.
Pardesh �वदेश म� उ� �श�ा के �लए ली गई �श�ा लोन पर �ाज स��डी
Fellowship Maulana Azad National Fellowship for M. Phil & Ph.D. minority students.
65.1.8 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → USTTAD Master Trainers
USTTAD abbreviation: Upgrading Skills & Training in Traditional Arts/Crafts for Development
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Minority Affairs. Central Sector Scheme: 100% Union Funded
⇒ Minority craftsman aged of 30 years & having 10 years experience in his field. → They are given
further training + marketing skills + stipend → they will become Ustad (Master Trainer) →
Ustad will give training to younger generation to preserve their craft.
⇒ Examples: Phulkari embroidery (Sikh), Kashmiri Shawl-Carpets & Aligarh’s handmade locks
(Muslims), Thanka Painting (Buddhist), Parsi Gara Hand Embroidered Saree etc.
Related Schemes:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 841
- Hunar Haat: Govt organizes trade mela, marketing exhibition to help the minority craftsmen
display their work & connect with the buyers. मेलों का आयोजन
- Virasat is credit scheme for crafts persons by NMDFC.
65.1.9 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → Seekho Aur Kamao (Learn & Earn)
⇒ Boss? Ministry of Minority Affairs. Central Sector Scheme: 100% Union Funded.
⇒ Beneficiary? Minority person who is min. class 5 pass, aged 14-45.
⇒ They’re given training with stipend for छात्रवृ�� दी जाएगी
○ A) modern trades (saloon, restaurant, computer data entry operator etc) or
○ B) traditional crafts (Carpet, handicraft etc).
⇒ Then, Govt helps them get placement / self-employment. [नौकरी/�रोजगार के �लए मदद]
65.1.10 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Minority Skilling → MANAS Academy
Boss? Ministry of Minority Affairs → National Minorities Development & Finance Corporation
(NMDFC) → Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS)
⇒ MANAS receives ₹ ₹ from various Govt schemes for minorities’ education / skill / poverty
removal + ₹ ₹ from donations. MANAS uses those ₹ ₹ to
○ To setup training institutes in PPP mode.
○ To give Concessional loans to minorities for skill courses & to start businesses. [�रयायती
�ाज पर कज़र् िदया जाएगा]
⇒ + Technical & Marketing Support to new entrepreneurs.
+ online portal to monitor (private) training institutes, in collaboration with Skill Ministry.
65.1.11 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Preserving a community / culture / pilgrimage?
Boss? Ministry of Minority Affairs [Central Sector: 100% funded by Union]
⇒ Beneficiaries- Parsi married couples encouraged to produce children- to reverse
Jiyo Parsi the falling population of Parsis. पार�सयों क� �गरती आबादी को बढ़ाना
(2013) ⇒ ₹ ₹ for infertility treatment / IVF baby etc. व�� इलाज
⇒ Advocacy, Counselling, awareness generation. वकालत, परामशर्, जाग�कता
Hamari ⇒ Ministry of Minority Affairs (with help of Culture Ministry).
Dharohar ⇒ To preserve minorities’ culture, heritage, manuscripts.
65.1.12 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Pilgrim → Hajj → Subsidy
- 1932: British Indian Govt started subsidized sea-transport Muslims going for Hajj to Mecca,
Saudi Arabia.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 842
- In Modern times, Civil Aviation Ministry gave ‘Hajj Subsidy’ to Air India to provide cheap
transport, free meal etc. to them. (The beneficiaries selected by Haj Committees under Minority
- 2012: Supreme Court ordered Govt to gradually phase out Hajj subsidy & use ₹ ₹ for educational &
social development of Muslims instead. [सव�� �ायालय ने हज स��डी पर रोक लगायी और यह पैसा मुसलमानों के �श�ा
और सामा�जक �वकास म� इ�ेमाल के �लए सरकार को �नद�श िदए]
- 2018: Govt finally cancelled Hajj Subsidy based on Afzal Amanullah committee (2017) report.
- 2019: Minority Affairs ministry’s “E-MASIHA” health app for Haji pilgrims.
65.1.13 ☪✝:📯📯📯📯 → Pilgrim → Hajj → Mehram
- Earlier, Muslim women were not allowed to go for Hajj without ‘Mehram’ i.e. husband, son or a
male first blood relation as guardian.
- But PM Modi allowed Muslim women aged 45/> to go without Mehram, in a group of at least four
women, based on Afzal Amanullah committee (2017) report. पु�ष सं र�क अ�नवायर् नहीं
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 845
65.2.9 📯📯📯📯 ST → MSP for Minor Forest Produce (लघु वन-उपज के �लए �ूनतम समथर्न मू�)
− 2013: Tribal Ministry announces Minimum Support Price (MSP) for 20+ Minor Forest Produce
(MFP), based on recommendations of TRIFED’s Pricing Cell.
− It covers Chironji, Tamarind, Wild Honey, Mahua Seeds Karanj Seeds, Baheda, Shikakai Pods,
Guggul Arjuna Bark Etc. State agencies procure them @MSP.
− Benefit? Prevent the exploitation of Schedule Tribes by forest contractors / merchants.
65.2.10 📯📯📯📯 ST → Central Tribal University
- As per the 13th schedule of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014, Union Govt has to
setup a tribal university each in Andhra & Telangana
- 2019: Central Tribal University will be setup in Araku of Visakhapatnam district, Andhra
65.3.1 SC → Constitutional Protection
✓ Art 17: Abolish untouchability (अ�ृ�ता �नवारण )
✓ Art 23: Abolish human trafficking & bonded labour (मानव त�री और बं धुआ मजदू री)
✓ Art 25(2)(b): Entry in Hindu Temples (मं िदरों म� प्रवेश)
✓ Art 330 & 332: SC/ST reservation in Lok Sabha & Vidhan Sabha
✓ Art 243D & T: Reservation in PRI & ULB (�ानीय �नकायों म� आर�ण)
✓ Art 338: National Commission for Scheduled Castes (रा�ी� य अनुसू�चत जा�त आयोग)
65.3.2 SC → Legal Protection
✓ 1955: Protection of Civil Rights Act (नाग�रक अ�धकारों का सं र�ण अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 1976: Bonded Labour System Abolition Act (बं धुआ मजदू र प्रणाली उ�ूलन अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 1989: Prevention of Atrocities Act for SC & ST (अ�ाचार �नवारण अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 2006: Central Educational Institutions Reservation in Admission Act
✓ 2013: Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers & their Rehabilitation Act. हाथ से मैला ढोने
वाले कम� के �प म� �नयोजन पर प्र�तबं ध तथा उनका पुनवार्स , 2013
65.3.3 SC → Census 2011 (जनगणना)
- Census 2011: 16.6% Indian Population is SC. (While 8.6% is ST)
- SC (%): Punjab > West Bengal > Himachal > UP > Haryana
- SC (Absolute figures): UP > WB > Bihar > Tamil Nadu > Andhra Pradesh > MH
- SC list is state wise. Nagaland, A&N, Lakshadweep have no notified Scheduled Castes.
65.3.4 �[YEARBOOK] Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
सामा�जक �ाय एवं सश��करण मं त्रालय Consists of... <list not exhaustive>
Dept − Dept of social Justice & empowerment.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 846
− Dept of empowerment of persons with disabilities. (िद�ांगजन सश��करण �वभाग,
previously called �न:श� कायर् �वभाग but Modi felt it derogatory so changed
Constitutional − Art 338 : National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC: रा��ीय अनुसू�चत
Bodies जा�त आयोग)
− Art 338B: National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC: रा��ीय �पछड़ा वगर्
आयोग) via 102nd amendment Act. 2018. Originally, it was setup as a statutory
body in 1993.
Statutory − 1992: Rehabilitation Council of India Act (for PH)
− 2019: National Council for Transgender Persons (ट�ांसज�डर ���यों के �लए रा��ीय
Non-statutory − National Commission for Safai Karamcharis (NCSK). Its Act expired in
2004, since then functioning as a ‘non-statutory body’ through Gazette
− National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic & Semi-Nomadic Tribes
2003, reconstituted in 2005….. 2015 formed under Chairmanship of Bhiku
Ramji Idate to prepare state-wise list of DNTs. British Govt had notified
some tribes as ‘Criminal Tribes’ under Criminal Tribes Act (CTA), 1871.
Post-Independence this act was removed & such tribes were ‘denotified’.
Most DNTs are categorized as SC/ST/OBC though a few of the DNTs are
not covered in any of these categories.
Autonomous − 2019-Feb: Development & Welfare Board for De-notified, Nomadic & Semi-
Bodies / Nomadic Communities (�वमुक्त, घुमंतू और अद्धर्घुमंतू समुदायों के �लए �वकास एवं क�ाण
Foundations बोडर्) under Society Registration Act
�ाय� सं �ाएं − Dr. Ambedkar Foundation, Babu Jagjivan Ram National Foundation
− National Institute of Social Defence (सामा�जक र�ा), Delhi
CPSE − National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC):
सरकारी क��नयां A ‘non-for-profit’ company under Companies Act.
− Similar Corporations for Backward Classes, Safai Karamcharis.
− Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO)
Imp Days − From 2015 onwards: 26th Nov observed every year as Constitution Day,
मह�पूणर् िदवस because on 26/11/1949 Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution.
− 14th April: Dr. Ambedkar’s B’day.
65.3.5 � [Yearbook] Ministry of Law & Justice (�व�ध और �ाय मं त्रालय)
Dept 1) Department of Legal Affairs 2) Legislative Department 3) Dept of Justice
Executive ⇒ Law Commission of India is a non-statutory non-constitutional body set up
body through gazette notification. 2020: 22nd commission formed for 3 years.
Statutory ⇒ National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) & SALSA @State to provide free
वैधा�नक सं �ाएं legal aid to poor people. (गरीबों को मु� कानूनी सहायता)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 847
⇒ Bar Council of India to regulate lawyers
⇒ Delimitation Commission (प�रसीमन आयोग)
Constitutional ⇒ Election Commission (चुनाव आयोग)
App ⇒ Nyay bandhu app by Department of Justice to connect poor people with
volunteer advocates willing to provide Pro Bono (=free) legal service.
⇒ Tele-Law App & helpline number to help rural & poor people in
understanding the legal issues.
Index 📊📊 Rule of Law Index (कानून का शासन सूचकांक)
⇒ By World Justice Project (WJP) a non-profit organization with offices in
USA, Singapore, & Mexico.
⇒ 2020-June- Report Rank #1 to 3: Denmark, Norway, Finland.. … #69: India,
#128: Venezuela most pathetic.
⇒ Index focuses on nations' performance on factors such as Govt openness,
fundamental rights, civil & criminal justice & containing corruption. (सरकारी
पारद�शता, मौ�लक अ�धकार, नाग�रक और आपरा�धक �ाय और भ्र�ाचार)
✋We also have a Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (सं सदीय कायर् मं त्रालय) but no MCQ worthy stuff.
65.3.6 📯📯📯📯 SC → Welfare Schemes (क�ाणकारी योजनाएं )
Most of the following schemes are part of Centrally Sponsored Schemes → Core of the Core Scheme
→ Umbrella Program for Development of SC= NOT 100% Union funded.
Schemes - SC Scholarship, fellowship, hostel facility; loans for self-employment named
after Dr. Ambedkar, Babu Jagjivan Ram & Rajiv Gandhi but nothing
particularly 🔠🔠❓MCQ worthy.
- 2020: ₹59kcr post-matric scholarship for 4 Cr SC students in 5 years. Cost
Sharing 90:10 for Sp.Category States, 60:40 for General States. Money directly
transferred to Student account.
Biz Loans - Vanchit Ikai Samooh aur Vargon ki Aarthik Sahayta (VISVAS) Yojana: Social
Justice Ministry gives 5% loan interest subvention on business related loans
taken by SC and OBC
SCDC (1979) States encouraged to setup Scheduled Castes Development Corporations
(SCDCs) with shareholding Union:States = 49:51. Their main task is to give
concessional loans to beneficiaries
Inter caste - Dr. Ambedkar scheme for Social integration through Inter Caste Marriages
marriages - Social Justice ministry → Ambedkar foundation → gives ₹ ‘x’ lakh to a
couple in two installments if one is SC & the other spouse is non-SC.
PM Adarsh Govt to focus on villages with more than 50% Scheduled Caste (SC) population.
Gram Yojana Develop these villages through better implementation of existing schemes. (Ref:
Pillar #5: infrastructure.)
ASIIM Ambedkar Social Innovation & Incubation Mission by Social Justice ministry to
(2020) Support 1000 Startups of SC Youth over next 4 Years via venture capital fund.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 848
Standup - Each Scheduled Commercial bank branch to give Greenfield Loans between
India ₹10 lakh and ₹1 Cr to at least 1 SC/ST and atleast 1 Woman entrepreneur
with tenure upto 7 yrs.
- Boss? FinMin’s Dept of Financial Services (�व�ीय सेवा �वभाग) (Ref📑📑Pillar#1D)
Economy / Schemes bullets not much. Some contemporary issues are:
65.4.1 Weaker Section → OBC Sub-categorization (ओबीसी उप-वग�करण) commission
⇒ (Origin of OBC Reservation) While the term ‘OBC’ is not mentioned in the Constitution, Article
15 allows the State to make special provisions for the advancement of any socially &
educationally backward classes (SEBC) of citizens.
⇒ 1979: Mandal Commission gave report on SEBC.
⇒ 1990: PM VP Singh granted 27% reservation to OBC in central Govt jobs & admissions, which
was permitted by the Indra Swahny Judgement with certain caveats (कु छ शत� के अधीन -50% breach,
creamy layer etc).
⇒ (Origin: why Sub-categorization) over the years, certain communities within OBC list have
benefitted more than other OBC communities.
⇒ So, OBC Sub-categorisation (ओबीसी उप-वग�करण) is an attempt to divide the OBCs into two groups:
1) more affluent ones & 2) less affluent ones,
⇒ so that the less-affluent ones may be given separate quota within 27%, & some additional
schemes / funds earmarked only for them. (ओबीसी म� कम समृद्ध समुदायों को अलग से आंत�रक कोटा/लाभ दीए
जाने पर �वचार हो रहा है)
⇒ Article 340 allows the President of India to appoint a commission to investigate into the issues
related to SEBC → . 2017: A commission under Justice G. Rohini to look into the issue of OBC-
subcategorization. → it is given extension till 31/01/2021 (आयोग क� अव�ध को बढ़ाया गया है)
65.4.2 Weaker Section → EWS Reservation
- 2019: 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act to provide 10% reservation to Economically
Weaker Sections (EWS: अनार��त श्रेणीम� आ�थक �प से कमजोर वगर्) among the unreserved category i.e.
those not in SC/ST/OBC list.
- Gujarat became the first state to implement the 10% EWS quota after this amendment.
- Union Social Justice ministry looks after the matters related to EWS.
(Introduction Template- Origin/DATA) While nearly half of the Indian population consists of
women, but despite more than 70 years of independence they are lagging behind in the men. For
example, हालांिक भारत क� आधी आबादी मिहलाओं क� है िकंतु आजादी के 70 साल बाद भी वे पु�षों के अनुपात म� �पछड़ी �ई है.
वै��क सं गठनों द्वारा बनाए गए अलग-अलग �रपोटर् म� भी यही बात प्र�ुत �ई है.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 849
⇒ UNDP GENDER INEQUALITY INDEX, (यूएनडीपी का ल��गक असमानता सूचकांक)
o female Labour Force Participation Rate in India is less than 30%, (मिहला श्रम बल भागीदारी दर)
o share in Parliament seats is less than 15%. (सं सद म� मिहलाओं क� सं �ा)
⇒ World Economic Forum's GLOBAL GENDER GAP REPORT too points towards as a similar
gloomy picture. (�व� आ�थक मं च का वै��क �लंग अंतर �रपोटर् म� भी कु छ ऐसा ही हतो�ािहत करने वाला �चत्र उभर आता है)
66.1 👩👩👩→ CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS (सं वैधा�नक सं र�ण)
✓ 14: Equality before law
✓ 15: No discrimination. But State allowed to make special provisions for women & children
✓ 15/3 : Special provision in favour of women & children
✓ 16: Equal opportunity in Govt jobs [सरकारी नौक�रयों म� समान अवसर]
✓ 23: Prohibit forced labour & human trafficking (मानव त�री)
✓ 39/D: equal pay for equal work for both men & women [एक समान कायर् के �लए एक समान वेतन]
✓ 39/A: Equal justice & Free Legal Aid [समान �ाय और मु� क़ानूनी सहायता]
✓ 42: Just & humane conditions of work & for maternity relief. [मातृ� लाभ]
✓ 44: State shall endeavour for a Uniform Civil Code (समान नाग�रक सं िहता).
✓ 46: State to promote educational & economic interests of the weaker sections, & protect them
from social injustice & exploitation. [कमज़ोर वगर् को सामा�जक अ�ाय और शोषण से बचाना]
✓ 47: raise nutrition level & standard of living of people [पोषण और जीवन �र बेहतर करना]
✓ 51/A/e: Duty to renounce practices derogatory to the dignity of women
✓ 243: 1/3rd reservation to women in PRI / ULBs. [Some states have already kept even higher- 50%
reservation e.g. Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh]
66.2 👩👩👩→ LEGAL PROVISIONS (कानूनी सं र�ण)
✓ 1860: Indian Penal Code: Section Rape (376), Dowry torture (498-A), Sexual Harassment (509).
SC removed ‘Section 497: Adultery(��भचार) in 2018.
✓ 1952: Cinematograph Act 1952 → Censor board prohibits glorification of violence against
women in films. But, Over-the-Top (OTT) video streaming service / Online Curated Content
Providers like NETFLIX, HOTSTAR, Amazon prime etc are outside the purview of traditional
censors certification. So, 2019: supreme court directed Union Govt to regulate such content.
✓ 1956: Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, amended in 1986
✓ 1986: Indecent Representation of Women (Prevention) Act
✓ 1961: Dowry Prohibition Act (दहेज �नषेध अ�ध�नयम), amended in 1986
✓ 1961: Maternity Benefit Act (मातृ� लाभ अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 1971: Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
✓ 1976: Equal Remuneration Act (समान पा�रश्र�मक अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 1986: Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act
✓ 1987: Sati (Prevention) Act
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 850
✓ 1990: National Commission for Women Act [रा��ीय मिहला आयोग]
✓ 1992: Infant Milk Substitutes & Feeding Bottles & Infant food Act
✓ 1994: Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection)-
PCPNDT Act [गभर् के �लंग परी�ण को रोकने के �लए क़ानून]
✓ 2000: Juvenile Justice Care & Protection of Children Act & its amendment in 2015
✓ 2005: Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act [बाल अ�धकार सुर�ा आयोग]
✓ 2005: Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (घरेलू िहसं ा अ�ध�नयम)
✓ 2006: Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, replaced previous Act of 1929.
✓ 2012 : The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act
✓ 2013: Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (POSH) Act. [Related term:
Supreme Court’s Vishakha guidelines 1997 to deal with sexual harassment of women at
workplace]. [यौन उ�ीड़न के �ख़लाफ़ सव�� �ायालय के �वशाखा िदशा �नद�श]
✓ 2019: Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019 / Triple Talaq ban
✓ 1st August celebrated as “Muslim Women Rights Day”. because Triple Talaq was outlawed on
this day in 2019.
66.2.1 Women → Global cooperation: Beijing+25
- 1995: UN World Conference on Women, Beijing, China → Beijing Declaration
- 2010: UN setup a body called “UN Women” (HQ: New York)
- 2020: marks 25 years so, Beijing+25 revise exercise by UN Women.
66.3 👩👩👩→ CENSUS-2011 [जनगणना 2011]
- Sex ratio higher than All India 943: Kerala > Pudu > TN > Andhra > Chhattisgarh
- Lowest sex ratio: Daman-Diu < Dadra-Nagar < Chandigarh < Delhi < Andaman < Haryana <
J&K < Sikkim < Punjab.
Due to strict implementation of Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act
in India, the sex-selective abortion of female foetus have become difficult.
− So, couples have adopted a different strategy where they’ll continue to produce children until
desired number of sons are born. Economic Survey 2017-18 used the term ‘Son Meta-
Preference’ to describe this phenomenon. [जब तक बेटा नहीं पैदा होता तब तक माँ बाप ब�े पैदा करते रहे]
− According to this survey, there are 21 million+ ‘unwanted girls’ in India.
66.5.1 👶👶>👧👧=😰😰 Son Meta Preference: why bad?
− As such girls & women are neglected in their food & health needs. Majority of them suffer from
Anaemia & malnutrition. When wife is often forced to produce more children to have a son →
detrimental to her health → high MMR. (भोजन �श�ा और �ा� म� बेिटयों क� अवहेलना)
− Since daughters seen as burden, poor parents are keen to marry them off as soon as possible.
Child Marriages → early pregnancy before the age of 19→ high MMR.
− Girl married off early → she becomes mother at early age → can’t pursue higher studies / career
ambitions → low labour force participation rate. (छोटी उम्र म� शादी)
− Economic Survey 2017-18 noted Economic Development is not an antidote to gender inequality
or Son Meta preference because per-capita income & GSDP wise Punjab is better than North
Eastern states YET Punjab’s gender indices (sex ratio, violence against women) etc. are pathetic.
− As a result, India lags behind in UNDP’s GII Index & WEF’s Global Gender Gap report.
66.5.2 👣👣📅📅 JAYA Jaitley Task Force for ⏫marriage age 4girls
⇒ 1929: Sharda Act - Minimum age of marriage was 15 for girls → 1978 ⏫to 18
⇒ 2020-Feb: Budget- Finance minister observed: to ⏫ nutrition, higher education, career
opportunities & to ⏬MMR, TFR, we need to re-examine the minimum of marriage /
motherhood. we'll setup a taskforce for this. लड़िकयों क� शादी क� �ूनतम आयु म� बढ़ोतरी
⇒ 2020-June: Ministry of Women and Child Development setup Jaya Jaitley taskforce.
⇒ 2021-Jan: Report yet to be disclosed to public, But speculations that committee has
recommended girls' min marriage age ⏫ 21 years but in a phased manner.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 852
In UNDP’s Annual Human Development Report, �लंग असमानता सूचकांक (GII) measures inequality
between women & men in 3 dimensions
3 Dimensions Indicators & Data: 2020’s Report → India Norway
Note: these datasets copied from UNDP report.
They may not always match with 📙📙📙📙ES21or
NITI Data. [यहाँ पर आंकड़े अंतररा��ीय �रपोटर् से �लए ह� वो
अपने सरकारी �रपोटर् के आँकड़ो से थोड़े अलग हो सकते ह� ]
1) Reproductive Maternal Mortality Ratio: Number of deaths due 133 2
Health to pregnancy-related causes per 100,000 live
(प्रजनन �ा�) births. [मातृ मृ�ु अनुपात]
Adolescent Birth Rate: Number of births to 13 5
women aged 15–19 per 1,000 women in that age
2) % of females aged 25/> who at least enrolled till 27% (for 95% (for
Empowerment Secondary Education [कम से कम मा��मक �र तक men 47%) men also
सश��करण दा�ख़ला] 95%)
Share of seats in parliament 14% 41%
3) Labour Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR:श्रम श�� 21% (for 60% (for
Market [श्रम क� भागीदारी दर ) Proportion of the females (15 men its men its 67%)
बाज़ार म� मिहलाओं years/>) who’re employed or seeking work as 76%)
क� ���त] a % of the total female working-age population.
Plug above values in GII formula, you get score → 0.488 0.045
Based on score, you give ranks India#123 Norway#6
- Lower GII score = less inequality = better rank will be given.
- 2020’s Ranking: Switzerland #1, Denmark#2…, Norway #6, India #123…... Yemen #162.
- India’s rank fallen from 122 (as per 2019-Report) to 123 (as per 2020-Report)
- While UNDP’s HDI index ranked 189 nations, GII covers 162, due to lack of data for some
nations / some nations don’t have system of parliament.
Annual report by the World Economic Forum since 2006, to measure
Gender Gap Across Four Pillars & India’s Rank → 2020 2021-
(Release Released
in 2019- in March-
Dec) 2021
1) Economic Opportunity: Female labour force participation rate, 149 😥😥 151
wage equality, number of women in managerial / senior executive
position. (आ�थक अवसर)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 853
2) Educational Attainment: female literacy, enrollment rate at 112 😥😥 114
primary secondary tertiary level (�श�ा प्रा��)
3) Health & Survival: Life Expectancy at Birth, Sex Ratio. 150 😥😥 155
4) Political Empowerment: How many females in Parliament, how 18 😥😥 51
many ministers, how many became Prime Minister or President?
Overall Rank of India → 112 😥😥 140
Bottom Ranker [सब से �न� �र पर यह देश है] Yemen Afghani
(153) (156)
Top Ranker = Iceland since last 12 years. Iceland Iceland
2021’s report found 1) It will take more than 135 years to bridge the gap between male and female
development. 2) Corona has increased in the jobloss and gender gap for women.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 854
Umbrella ICDS Seen in health section. Core Scheme: not 100% funded by Union.
By WCD Ministry Its sub-components include:
1. Anganwadi Services Scheme
2. PM Matru Vandana Yojana (₹5k + ₹1k for birth of 1st child)
3. SABLA: Scheme for Adolescent Girls (11-18 years)
4. POSHAN Abhiyan
5. National Creche Scheme (�शशु-गृह): to setup Creches for working women.
6. Child Protection Scheme: for children in difficult circumstances.
Janani Suraksha Seen in health section. BPL mothers given conditional ₹ ₹ for delivering child
Yojana By Health in public hospital. No limit on age or number of children.
Stree Swabhiman - Ministry of Electronics & IT’s Common Service Centres (CSC) will
provide affordable sanitary napkins to females in rural areas.
- MEITY will also help village level entrepreneur & self help groups to
manufacture sanitary napkins.
- Generate awareness about menstrual hygiene among girls etc.
All India Child Sex Ratio (CSR: 0-6 years) ⏬ from 927 (2001) → 919 (2011). So, 2015: BBBP
launched to improve it by targeting 161 districts with lowest CSRs.
⇒ Boss? WCD Ministry with coordinated efforts of Health Ministry, HRD/EDU Ministry.
⇒ Stronger enforcement of PCPNDT Act to stop female infanticide.
⇒ Digital Guddi-Gudda Board to display birth statistics of boy : girl births in a given district.
⇒ HRD/EDU ministry: separate toilets for girls in schools.
⇒ Information Education Communication (IEC), campaigns in TV, Radio, Social Media etc.
⇒ Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: Bank savings account in the name of girl child that offers more
interest rate than ordinary bank accounts. Interest rates decided by Dept of Economic Affairs.
(Ref: Pillar1D: Financial Inclusion → Small Savings Schemes).
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 855
⇒ UDAAN: CBSE’s scheme to give free coaching for girls in entrance exams of IIT etc
⇒ PRAGATI: AICTE’s scholarship to girls who qualify in entrance exams of IIT/ technical courses.
⇒ Gender Champions scheme: WCD Ministry → Boys & girls aged 16 years/> nominated as
‘Gender Champions’. They’ll try to spread awareness in their school / college / society for gender
sensitization, dignity & respect for women etc.
66.10.1 👩👩: 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 Atama-Nirbhar: PM GARIB KALYAN → Women will benefit, how?
Table 1: plus, many other initiatives refer to respective pillars for more!
⇒ ₹500 per month to 20 crore women PM Jan Dhan Bank accounts for next
three months. (April, May, June 2020)
⇒ (Single time) ₹1,000 to 3 crore poor senior citizen, poor widows & poor
Security 👷👷👷�Further, male & female workers will benefit from following
⇒ If worker earning <₹15,000 per month in a firm with <100 workers → Govt
(More in 📑📑
will pay 24% of his monthly wages into his EPFO account for next 3 months.
⇒ EPFO workers can withdraw xx% from their account for next 3 months.
⇒ ₹50 lakh insurance cover for health workers involved in managing the
Coronavirus such as doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, ASHA workers etc. for
the next 90 days.
📑📑1D:Loans Women Self Help Groups (SHGs) to be given ₹20 lakh collateral free loans.
MGNREGA 👷👷👷�MNREGA wage ⏫ from ₹182/day to ₹202
⇒ 2020-April: PM GARIB KALYAN → PM Garib Kalyan Ann (अ�) Yojana: 80
cr poor people will to get 5 kg [wheat or rice] + 1 kg of pulses for every month
Food/ for three months (April May June 2020). Then scheme extended till Nov-2020.
Cooking Then stopped.
⇒ 2021: scheme restarted from May to November. But without pulses.
⇒ (📑📑Pill: 5A) Free LPG cylinders to PM-Ujjwala beneficiaries for 3 months.
In following table, by default the boss is WCD Ministry, unless mentioned otherwise:
SHe-Box (2017) − Online portal where Women employees (both in public & private sector
jobs) can register sexual harassment complaints. → Govt initiates action
under the POSH Act 2013. [यौन उ�ीड़न के �ख़लाफ़ �शकायत के �लए]
Helpline (2015) − Women Helpline Scheme Number: 181
Pradhan Mantri − Petroleum Ministry gives free LPG connection for BPL women. 📑📑Ref:
Ujjawala Yojana Pillar#5: Infra handout
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 856
Ujjawala Scheme − WCD Ministry scheme for women-children trafficking / prostitution
(2007) − Prevention, rescue & rehabilitation of victims: send them to shelter homes
or reconnect with family, give skill training to former prostitutes etc.
Swadhar Greh − To setup 1 Swadhar Greh Shelter home in each district to provide shelter,
Scheme food, clothing & skill training for women in distress.
Sakhi One Stop − Setup using ₹ ₹ from Nirbhaya Fund. These centres provide assistance to
Centres (2015) women victims of domestic abuse / rape / prostitution / trafficking etc.
(and depending on case they may be sent to Swadhar Greh Shelter homes
or reconnected with family.)
PM Mahila − This is for all women who want to enroll in Govt schemes - be it for
Shakti Kendra education, skill, entrepreneurship, LPG connection etc.
(2017) − NCC/NSS/Students are placed as ‘Volunteers’ in these centres to help
women fill up forms etc.
STEP (1986) for − ‘Support to Training & Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
skilling − Girls aged 16/> are given skill training & support for Agriculture,
Horticulture, Food Processing, Handlooms, Tailoring, Stitching,
Embroidery, Zari etc, Handicrafts, Computer, spoken English, Gems &
Jewellery, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality etc.
Entrepre- − Social Justice Ministry: National Backward Classes Finance &
neurship Development Corporation (NBCFDC) → Mahila Samriddhi Yojana →
Concessional Loans for female entrepreneurs.
− Department of Financial Services → credit guarantee through NCGTC ltd
→ Standup India: SC/ST & Women entrepreneurs given loans from 10
lakh to 1 cr in each SCB Bank branch.
− MSMS Ministry: Public procurement quota for women entrepreneurs’
Micro & Small Enterprises.
#www: Web- − WCD Ministry’s online campaign to recognize women who did good
Wonder Women work through social media. Any Indian origin woman working anywhere
in the world is eligible.
66.12👩👩👩💰💰 🗄🗄:📯📯📯📯 WOMEN FUNDS
Rashtriya - Autonomous body registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
Mahila Kosh Chairman? WCD Minister.
(1993) - It gives loan ₹ to Microfinance institutes → loans to women self-help
groups so they can achieve economic independence. (लघु �वत/सू� ऋण)
Nirbhaya Fund - Non-lapsable fund administered by the Dept of Economic Affairs of the
(2013) Finance ministry.
- Govt dept / NGOs propose women safety projects to WCD ministry (e.g.
CCTV cameras, panic button in public buses etc) → ₹ ₹ given from
Nirbhaya Fund.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 857
66.12.1 👩👩👩📯📯📯📯- 3 Umbrella Schemes to cover all women schemes
2021-March, Ministry of Women and Child Development announced that existing schemes will be
clubbed into 3 umbrella schemes. Reason? More effective monitoring & implementation.
प्रभावी �प से �नगरानी और अमल करने के �लए वतर्मान योजनाओं को तीन छतरी योजनाओं के नीचे वग�कृ त िकया गया है
Boss? Social Justice Ministry → Dept of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (िद�ांगजन
सश��करण �वभाग)
66.14.1 ♿ PH → Constitutional Protection:
- Art. 16: Equal opportunity in Govt jobs. (सरकारी नौक�रयों म� समान अवसर)
- Art. 41: The State shall, within the limits of its economic capacity make effective provision for
the right to work, right to education & right to public assistance in cases of unemployment, old
age, sickness & disablement. [बेरोज़गार, बुजुगर्, बीमार और अपािहजों/ �वकलांग क� सहायता सरकार का कतर्�]
- Art. 46: State to promote educational & economic interests of the weaker sections, & protect
them from social injustice & exploitation. [कमज़ोर वगर् को सामा�जक अ�ाय और शोषण से बचाना]
- 7th Sch: State List Entry 9: Relief of the disabled & unemployable.
66.14.2 ♿ PH → Legal Protection:
- 1987: Mental Health Act (मान�सक �ा� कानून)
- 1992: Rehabilitation Council of India Act (भारतीय पुनवार्स प�रषद अ�ध�नयम).- A statutory body under
Social Justice Ministry.
- 1999: National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with. Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental
Retardation & Multiple Disabilities Act
- 1995: Persons with Disabilities Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation
Act (replaced with new act in 2016, given below)
- 2016: Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act: (िद�ांग अ�धकारअ�ध�नयम 2016) It increases PH
reservation from 3% to 4%, & recognizes new types of disabilities like Acid Attack victim, Sickle
Cell disease etc. <Full list given below>
Legally recognized Disabilities: →
✓ Blindness, Low-vision ✓ Muscular Dystrophy
✓ Mute / Speech & Language disability ✓ Chronic Neurological conditions,
✓ Hearing Impairment (deaf & hard of Parkinson's disease, Specific Learning
hearing), Locomotor Disability, Dwarfism Disabilities, Multiple Sclerosis
✓ Leprosy Cured persons, Intellectual ✓ Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Sickle Cell
Disability, Mental Illness disease
✓ Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy ✓ Acid Attack victim
66.14.3 ♿ 📯📯📯📯 PH → Welfare schemes
Ministry of Social Justice runs following schemes →
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 860
Scheme features
Sugamya Bharat 2015: launched to make the public buildings & websites more accessible to
Accessible India PH. Ref: Pillar#5 Infra
ADIP - Assistance to Disabled Persons for purchase of Fitting Devices (ADIP)
(2005) e.g. Tricycles, Wheelchairs, Crutches, Walking Sticks, Brail kits,
Hearing Aids etc
- Social Justice Ministry → Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation
of India (ALIMCO) implements it.
DDRS Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS)
(1999) - It has subschemes like Samarth, Nirmaya, Sahyogi, Gharaunda, Gyan
Prabha, Uddyam Prabha etc. for scholarships for students with
disabilities, Skill training, rehabilitation, awareness generation etc.
Social justice ministry is also responsible for ‘social defense’ (सामा�जक सुर�ा)…
66.15.1 👴👴 Elderly (��)
- Senior citizen is a person aged 60 / >
- 2007: Maintenance & Welfare of Parents & Senior Citizens Act. Children / heirs can’t abandon
elderly, else penalty through special tribunals.
- 2012: National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSrC) headed by Minister of Social Justice &
Empowerment. Neither statutory nor constitutional but set up via gazette notification.
- 2017: Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana: Social Justice Ministry → Artificial Limbs Manufacturing
Corporation (ALIMCO) gives free assisted living devices such as Walking Sticks, Crutches, Hearing
Aids, Wheelchairs, Artificial Dentures & Spectacles at FREE of cost to BPL senior citizens only.
- 2017: Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana: LIC guaranteed return scheme that we learned in
Pillar#1: Insurance.
- 1st October: International Day for Older Persons
- 2020-2030: United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing
Conclusion? XYZ issue need to be address to ⏫ older persons' well being, dignity & participation in
social, cultural, economic and civic and political life (वृद्धो क� प्र�त�ा और स��लयत, वृद्धो क� सामा�जक, सां�ृ�तक, आ�थक
और नाग�रक और राजनी�तक जीवन म� भागीदारी के �लए कदम उठाना ज�री )
66.15.2 🍻🍻 Drug Addicts (नशे के लती/ नशेड़ी)
- Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS-1985: �ापक औष�ध एवं मन:प्रभावी पदाथर्
अ�धनयम) contains provisions for punishment for drug-peddlers & rehabilitation of drug addicts.
66.16👭👭��WEAKER SECTION: LGBT (समल��गक और िक�र)
67 ��
Introduction: Human development measures the ‘richness’ of human life, rather than measuring
‘richness’ of the economy. It stands on three foundations 1) To live a healthy & creative life 2) to be
knowledgeable 3) A decent standard of living. मानव �वकास अथर्�व�ा क� ’समृ�द्ध’ को मापने के बजाय मानव जीवन
क� ‘समृ�द्ध ’को मापता है। यह तीन नींवों पर खड़ा है 1) एक �� और रचना�क जीवन जीना 2) �श�ा हाँसील करना 3) एक अ�ा
जीवन �र हाँसील करना ।
As per NCERT: Four pillars of human development are Equity, Sustainability, Productivity &
Empowerment. Four approches (���कोण) to human development are:
Approch Description (वणर्न)
1. Income - Oldest approch. Higher income = higher human development. (आय
Approach ���कोण)
2. Welfare - People are not participants in development but only passive recipients.
Approach - higher Govt expenditure on education, health, social services etc welfare
⇒ क�ाण ���कोण scheme required to help them.
3. Basic needs - by International Labour Organisation (ILO).
⇒ बु�नयादी ज�रत� - Six basic needs: health, education, food, water supply, sanitation, &
housing need to be focused
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 862
4. Capability - By Prof. Amartya Sen: Govt should focus on building human capabilities
Approach in health, education & access to resources (such as jobs, loans etc) = ⏫
⇒ �मता ���कोण human development.
🔠🔠❓Which of following are the 4 pillars of human development? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
a) Equity, inclusion, productivity & empowerment
b) Equity, productivity, empowerment & sustainability
c) Productivity, gender, inclusion & equity
d) Labour, productivity, inclusion & equity
67.1 📊📊📊📊 UNDP’S HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT (मानव �वकास �रपोटर्)
- New York: United Nations → Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC) → United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP:सं यु� रा�� �वकास कायर्क्रम) prepares this annual report since 1990,
based formula devised by Economists Mahbub ul Haq (Pak) & Amartya Sen (India). Mahbub ul
Haq was the first to give human dev concept
- 2018’s Report published in 2018-Sept. It didn't have any ‘theme’, just a statistical update.
- 2019’s Theme: Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human
development in the 21st century.
- 2020’s Theme: next frontier human development and anthropocene. [Earth’s history is divided
into time series known as eons, eras, periods, epochs, and ages. Officially the current epoch is
called 'Holocene' (began approx 11,000 yrs ago) although unofficially called Anthropocene - to
mark the impact of human activity.]
UNDP’s report provides FIVE indices of Human Development viz.
FIVE INDICES 2019 Report (Released in Dec’19) 2020 Report (Released in Dec’20)
(started from) #1-5 🧔🧔 India #bottom #1-5 🧔🧔 India #bottom
1990: Human Norway, 129 189: Niger :#1: Norway, 131😰😰⏬ 189: Niger
Development Index Swiz, #2:(Tie Ireland
(HDI) Ireland, & Swiz)
Germany, #4: (Tie
HongKong HongKong &
Iceland), #6:
2010: Doesn’t 27.9% 91.9% Same data as last year.
Multidimensional measure Indians are South
Poverty Index rich poor Sudanese
(MPI). It doesn’t nations are poor
give ‘rank’ but % of
poor people.
(Ref: Poverty
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 863
FIVE INDICES 2019 Report (Released in Dec’19) 2020 Report (Released in Dec’20)
(started from) #1-5 🧔🧔 India #bottom #1-5 🧔🧔 India #bottom
2010: Gender 1: Swiz,5: 122 162: Yemen 1: Swiz, 123😰😰⏬ 162: Yemen
Inequality Index Norway 2: Denm,
(GII) (Ref: Women 3: Sweden
section) 4: [tie Nether,
�लंग असमानता सूचकांक Belgi]
6: Norway
2014: Gender - Group#1: Norway, Swiz, US, UK etc Same as previous report
Development Index - Group#5: India, Niger, Chad & their
(GDI). Doesn’t give friend-circle
‘rank’, it clubs
nations into group 1
to 5
2010: Inequality Not important / poor cost benefit in chasing it for exam
Adjusted HDI
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following educational development indicators is currently used by UNDP to construct
the Human Development Index ? (UPSC-CAPF-2020)
(a) Level of Literacy (b) Gross Enrolment Ratio (c) Mean Years of Schooling (d) Dropout rate
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 864
67.1.2 📊📊📊📊UNDP → Inequality Adjusted HDI
- Since HDI is a geometric mean, it hides internal inequality of a country. So, using another
formula, UNDP will adjust the HDI score with inequality among rich & poor in those 3
dimensions. [एक ही देश के भीतर अमीरों और गरीबों के बीच मानव �वकास म� िकतनी असमानता है?]
- So while India’s HDI score = 0.640 but inequality adjusted HDI (असमानता समायो�जत मानव �वकास
सूचकांक)= 0.468. Lower score = more inequality. Separate rank is given but NOTIMP.
67.1.3 📊📊📊📊 UNDP → Gender Development Index (GDI: ल��गक �वकास सूचकांक)
It’s simply the (Female HDI) divided by (Male HDI) for a given country. (पु�षों के अनुपात म� मिहलाओं का
मानव �वकास अनुपात िकतना है?)
- Based on this score, nations are not ‘ranked’ but clubbed into five groups. India is in bottomest
group #5 along with Niger, Chad et al.
- GDI value could even be even greater than 1 if female life expectancy, education, income) is
more than men e.g. Estonia, Latvia where more men dropout of school & die early by desi-liquor
Annual report by United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network since 2012
- Citizens are asked to give score 0 to 10 on how happy they’re for following parameters: income,
freedom, healthy life expectancy, social support by friends & relatives, generosity & corruption.
Ranking 2019 2020 2021
Theme / focus Happiness & Community environments life under
area for happiness Covid-19
Most Happy #1 Finland Finland Finland
India** @140😰😰 @144😰😰 @139
Most unhappy South Sudan Afghan#153 Afghan#149
⇒ In 2020- the report even ranked ‘cities’ for happiness. But poor cost benefit chasing.
⇒ China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh - all are more happier than us. ये बात कु छ
हजम नहीं होती है.
2018: World Bank’s first ever report on Human Capital Index (HCI:मानव पूंजी सूचकांक)
- It measures a nation's progress in health & education for the productivity of its next generation
of workers using following components:
a. Survival rate of children (under-5 mortality)
b. Expected years of schooling (अनुमा�नत �वद्यालयी �श�ा के वषर्)
c. Overall health measured in A) under-5 stunting B) adult survival rate.
- Govt of India has rejected this report citing “World Bank methodology doesn’t take into account
(our fancy-abbreviation-walli) schemes launched by India.”
- 2019: India@115 out of 157 nations
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 865
- 2020 Theme: Human capital in the times of Covid-19:
a. Although officially, the report has not given ranking for 2020, because number of
surveyed countries increased from 157 (2019) to 174 (2020) so World Bank said
“ranking is meaningless “�ोंिक अलग-अलग वष� म� देशों क� सं �ा अलग-अलग”
b. Nonetheless, newspapers derived the ranking based on scores. #1-2-3: Singapore,
HongKong-China, Japan…..India@116 out of 174 nations.
Gross National - 1972: term coined by the fourth king of Bhutan, Jigme Singye
Happiness Index Wangchuck,
(GNHI- सकल रा��ीय - It is an indicator to measure sustainable development, environmental
खुशहाली सूचकांक) conservation, culture & good governance.
Physical Quality - mid-1970s by Morris D Morris (जीवन �र क� भौ�तक गुणव�ा का सूचकांक)
of Life Index - Focuses on 1) life expectancy, 2) infant mortality rate 3) literacy rate
- Scores a nation on a scale of 1 to 100. Score 1 = represents the worst
performance. 1) जीवन प्र�ाशा, 2) �शशु मृ�ु दर 3) सा�रता दर)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Human capital formation as a concept is better explained in terms of a process which enables (Pre-2018)
1. Individuals of a country to accumulate more capital.
2. Increasing the knowledge, skill levels & capacities of the people of the country.
3. Accumulation of tangible wealth.
4. Accumulation of intangible wealth.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 & 2 (b) 2 only (c) 2 & 4 (d) 1, 3 & 4
🔠🔠❓MCQ. In the context of any country _ _ _ would be considered as part of its social capital? (Pre-2019)
a) The proportion of literates in the population.
b) The stock of its buildings, other infrastructure & machines.
c) The size of the population in the working age group.
d) The level of mutual trust & harmony in the society.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 866
5 26 indicators (सं के तक). [Note: following table contains only
dimensions[आयाम] notable/imp/exam-worthy indicators, & NOT all 26 indicators.]
💦💦1) Water 📊📊Indicators: (सं के तक)
पानी ⇒ Source of Water? tanker-truck/ river, dam, stream etc [आपके घर म� पेय जल
कै से हा�सल करते ह� ],
⇒ Distance from water source [आपका घर पेयजल स्रोत से िकतना दू र है],
⇒ Method of collection: through tap, carrying pot over head etc. [पानी कै से
जमा करते है? नल से, सर पे मटके पे लाते है?]
🔍🔍Implications: [प्रभाव /असर]
If water source away from home→ Water hauling→ daughters' education
suffers, since they will have to fetch water. [यिद पेय जल का स्रोत घर से ब�त दू र होगा -
लड़िकयों क� �श�ा म� हा�न, �ोंिक उ�� रोज़ पानी भरने के �लए दू र दू र तक चलते जाना होगा]
📯📯Related Scheme: Jal Jeevan Mission for Piped water supply
🚽🚽2) Sanitation 📊📊Indicators: nature of toilet, whether exclusive use for household /
��ता community toilet? etc [शौचालय का प्रकार]
🔍🔍Implications of Open Defecation: [खुले म� शौच का मानव जीवन पर प्रभाव /असर]
⇒ Infection, Disease, IMR/MMR [खुले म� शौच से बीमा�रयां / मृ�ु]
⇒ safety and modesty, ⏬School attendance of girls, women
Unconsciously ⏬Intake of food and water so as to avoid going in the
daytime → Malnutrition. [सुर�ा और ग�रमा को �ान म� रखते �ए िदन के समय खुले म�
शौच म� न जाना पड़े इस�लए लड़िकयाँ �ू ल नहीं जाती, मिहलाएँ भोजन और पानी कम लेती है �जसे
कु पोषण क� सम�ा बढ़ती है]
📯📯Related Scheme: Swachh Bharat Mission
🏠🏠3) Housing 📊📊Indicators: House condition, Nature of wall and roof etc. [मकान और छत क�
मकान आवास ���त]
🔍🔍Implications: Dilatated House = vulnerability to Crime, Disaster,
Diseases. [जजर्�रत मकान म� अपराध, आपदा, और बीमा�रयों का प्रभाव/भे�ता �ादा]
📯📯Related Scheme: Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana
🦟🦟4) Micro- 📊📊Indicators:
Environment ⇒ Drainage system of the household [गटर �व�ा का प्रकार]
सू� पयार्वरण ⇒ flies/mosquitoes problem during the last 365 days. Did govt authorities
came to tackle that problem? [म�र क� सम�ा के �लए �ा �पछले एक वषर् म� सरकार
मदद करने आयी थी?]
🔍🔍Implications: Vulnerability to Diarrhea jaundice malaria etc. [उ� सु�वधाएँ
नहीं होंगी तो बीमा�रयों का प्रकोप �ादा]
🍜🍜5) Other 📊📊Indicators:
facilities ⇒ 🔌🔌Electricity (📯📯Related Scheme: Saubhagya Yojana)
अ� सु�वधाएँ
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 867
5 26 indicators (सं के तक). [Note: following table contains only
dimensions[आयाम] notable/imp/exam-worthy indicators, & NOT all 26 indicators.]
⇒ 🍜🍜Cooking fuel: LPG, firewood, dung cake (📯📯Related Scheme:
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana) [रसोई म� इ�ेमाल होने वाले �धन का प्रकार]
⇒ 🍜🍜Kitchen type [रसोईघर का प्रकार], Bathroom [�ानगृह का प्रकार]
⇒ Wood / charcoal / dung / kerosene → Indoor air pollution → Mother
and child health ⏬। लकड़ी /गोबर = घर म� वायु प्रदू षण के चलते �ा� को नुक़सान
⇒ Firewood / dung collection: 1) Girls / daughters' education suffers in this
labour. 2) Deforestation. �धन के �लए लकड़ी बटोरने के च�र म� बेिटयों क� �श�ा को
हा�न , जं गलों क� कटाई से पयार्वरण को नुक़सान
⇒ Electricity =Mobile internet television radio usage⏫: Education of
child, Democratic awareness of adults. �बजली उपल� होगी तो मोबाइल इं टरनेट
टेली�वज़न का प्रयोग बढ़े, �जससे ब�ों क� �श�ा तथा वय� म� देश दु�नया के समाचार और
चुनावी/लोकतां�त्रक जागृ�त बढ़ती है
⇒ Based on availability of above facilities → Arithmetic Mean (Average) → Bare Necessities
Index score will be computed → score range from 0 to 1. (उ� सु�वधाओं क� उपल�ता के िहसाब से औसत
�नकाला जाएगा और एक सूचकांक बनेगा)
⇒ Higher the score/value of index, better is the access to the bare necessities (सूचकांक म� �जतने �ादा
मा�र् �मल�गे वो अ�� बात होगी)
⇒ green, yellow and red, colors will be used in the maps show the level of a State in providing
access to bare necessities to its households. (भारत के नक़्शे पर �व�भ� रंगों म� इसे अंिकत िकया जाएगा)
⇒ Using above data, 📙📙📙📙ES21also created sub-indices such as Drinking Water Accessibility
Index, Sanitation Index etc [उ� डेटा क� मदद से आ�थक सव��ण ने कु छ और भी घटक-सूचकांक बना िदए जैसे पेयजल
उपल�ता सूचकांक, ��ता सूचकांक इ�ािद]
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 868
मोदी सरकार ने बेहतर काम िकया. इससे पहले महँ गाई वाले थालीनो�म� मुद्दे म� भी आ�थक सव��ण कु छ ऐसी ही बात� कर चुका है.
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 870
�वकास वह �वकास है जो भावी पीिढ़यों क� अपनी ज�रतों को पूरा करने क� �मता से समझौता िकए �बना वतर्मान क� ज�रतों को पूरा
करता है]
2000: UN General Assembly approved 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDG:सहस्रा�ी �वकास
ल�) with 18 associated targets, to be achieved by 2015.
1992: Earth Summit @Rio, Brazil → 2012: Rio+20 summit: leaders announced to prepare
“Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG:सं धारणीय/सतत �वकास ल�) for post-2015 era when MDG
goals expired.
2015: United Nations General Assembly (सं यु� रा�� महासभा) approved 17 goals (ल�) with 169
associated targets (सं बद्ध ल�ांक). They became effective from 1/1/2016 & to be achieved by 2030.
68.4.1 📙📙📙📙ES21 Climate Change damages Indian economy [जलवायु प�रवतर्न से भारतीय अथर्तंत्र को ख़तरा]
⇒ 2018- India lost US$ 37 billion due to cyclones, floods and landslides- said Global Climate Risk
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 871
Index (prepared by Germany-based think tank “greenwatch”)
⇒ International Labour Organisation says by 2030: Global warming ⏫→ Heat stress→ workers
will be able to do less work → jobloss, lower wages, construction sector will suffer. [गम� क� तीव्रता
बढ़ने से मज़दू र पहले से कम मात्रा म� काम कर पाएं गे, �जस से उनक� तन�ाह म� कमी होगी]
⇒ Solution? 1) Heat prevention measures for workers [खुले इलाक़े म� कायर्रत मज़दू रों को गम� से बचाने के �लए
प्रबं ध] 2) Insurance, pension, skilling for alternate jobs for workers in construction sector. [मकान
�नमार्ण �ेत्र के मज़दू रों को प�शन, बीमा, वैक��क रोज़गार के �लए कौशल प्र�श�ण िदया जाए.]
68.4.2 📙📙📙📙ES21: Climate Risk & Pandemic Risk Insurance need to be encouraged
जलवायु प�रवतर्न जो�खम तथा आपदा जो�खम के �ख़लाफ़ बीमा लेना ज़�री/ उसे प्रो�ािहत िकया जाए
⇒ 2003: SARS Virus outbreak. The organisers of Wimbledon tennis tournament had taken a
pandemic insurance. They received compensation = could use the money for covering up their
financial losses. [�वंबलडन टे�नस प्र�तयो�गता म� SARS महामारी के नुक़सान क� भरपाई- एसे बीमे से �ई थी]
⇒ Many farmers do not take crops insurance because poor / illterate, previous negative experience
of not receiving compensation, etc. Need to reform & Popularize PM-Fasal Bima Yojana (Ref
Pillar#1D) [कई िकसान फ़सल बीमा नहीं ले रहे �ोंिक उ�� जानकारी नहीं है/ या भूतकाल म� फ़सल नुक़सान पर बीमा कं पनी ने
मुआवज़ा नहीं िदया था, इस�लए �नराश/ठगे �ए िकसान फ़सल बीमा नहीं ख़रीदते. प्रधानमं त्री फ़सल बीमा योजना म� इसके �लए ज़�री
सुधार िकए जाएं .]
⇒ Karnataka state govt “Varun Mitra” weather advisory system = it informs both the farmer as well
as the insurance company about the upcoming adverse weather events. 📙📙📙📙ES21 appreciated
its efficient working, recommended its replication at all India level. [कनार्टक रा� सरकार द्वारा हवामान क�
जानकारी िकसानों और बीमा कं प�नयों को दी जाती है।ऐसी प्रणाली को पूरे भारत म� लागू िकया जाए- कहा आ�थक सव��ण ने]
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 872
68.5.1 🌱🌱 📐📐 📊📊 NITI’s SDG India Index: overall scoring
In the latest 2021-June’s report, NITI/Newspapers Then created multiple sub-index/categories
using the scores e.g. Which state is number one in drinking water, Solar panel etc. = but very poor
cost benefit in memorising all those factual GK.
Score → 2018’s Report 2019’s (Released in Dec’19) 2020’s (Relesed in 2021-Jun)##
Monitoring 13 goals 16 goals. 17 goals
Aspirant: 0- आकां�ी: Assam, Not any Not any
49 Bihar, UP
Performer: अ�ा प्रदशर्न: Among these most pathetic/lowest scorer is Bihar.
50-64 Remaining Others: Jharkhand, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Odisha
State/UT etc.
Front अग्रणी: ⇒ Best: Kerala(70) & ⇒ Best: Kerala(75) &
Runner: 65- Himachal, Chandigarh (70). Chandigarh (79).
99 Kerala, TN, ⇒ Then Himachal, Tamil ⇒ Himachal, Tamil Nadu,
Chandigarh & Nadu, Andhra, Andhra, Telangana,
Puducherry Telangana, Karnataka, Karnataka, Goa, Sikkim,
Goa, Sikkim, & Uttarakhand, Gujarat,
Puducherry = total 10 Maharashtra, Mizoram,
States/UT Punjab, Haryana, Tripura,
⇒ Puducherry, Delhi,
Lakshadweep, Andaman
and Nicobar, J&L, Ladakh
⇒ Total 22 State/UT
Achiever: 100 सफल: all SDG goals achieved but no one here YET.
For example, SDG Goal#3 Ensure Healthy Lives & Promote Well-being For All
Associated Targets under Goal#3 SDG Goal#3 States/UT categorization
Reduce MMR (Baseline:130) → Target 70 Achiever: None achieved all targets
(by 2030), Kerala already achieved. Frontrunners: Kerala, TN, Puducherry etc
Eliminate TB by 2030 (No State Yet Performer: Bihar, UP, MP, Odisha, etc.
Achieved) Aspirants: None (because each state has
Reduce Under-5 Child Mortality Rate made some progress)
(Baseline:50) → Target 11 (by
2030),Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu
Increase no. of Govt doctors , nurses &
midwives per 1,00,000 population:
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 873
(Baseline:221) → Target 550 (by 2030).
Kerala already achieved.
68.5.2 🌱🌱🌱🌱 NITI’s VNR Review to UN
⇒ 2020-Jul: NITI presented India's second time Voluntary National Review (VNR: �ै��क रा�ी� य
समी�ा) to UN's SDG monitoring forum.
⇒ Theme of the report: "Taking SDGs from Global to Local". िक सतत �वकास ल� हा�सल करने म� हमारी अब
तक क� प्रग�त �ा रही है? �ादातर बोल ब�न और �चकनी चुपड़ी बात� है, परी�ा उपयोगी माल ब�त कम है.
Goal End poverty in all its forms MGNREGA & the National Livelihood Missions
1 everywhere Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana
(PMJJBY) & Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Suraksha Beema
गरीबी क� पूणर्तः समा�� Yojana (PMJSBY), National Social Assistance
Programmes (NSAP) which provides pension to the
elderly, widows, PH in BPL category.
PMJAY ₹ 5l health insurance that reduces healthcare
burden on poor people.
Goal End hunger, achieve food Green Revolution — Krishonnati Yojana & its 11
2 security & improved nutrition sub-schemes, esp. National Mission for Sustainable
& promote sustainable Agriculture, National Food Security Mission
agriculture Food Security Act, Mid-day Meal (MDM), POSHAN
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 874
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal Ensure healthy lives & National Health Mission & its rural, urban
3 promote well-being for all at components, various schemes for Communicable &
all ages noncommunicable diseases
Ayushman Bharat: 1) transform PHC 2) PMJAY ₹ 5l
अ�ा �ा� और जीवन�र health insurance that reduces healthcare burden on
poor people.
Intensified Mission Indradhanush vaccination.
PM Matru Vandana Yojana (₹ 5k+₹ 1k), Janani
Suraksha Yojana (₹ 1k to BPL) Janani Shishu
Suraksha Karyakram (Free delivery) etc.
Goal Ensure inclusive & equitable Samagra Shiksha by merging 1) Sarva Shiksha
4 quality education & promote Abhiyan (SSA) 2) Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha
lifelong learning opportunities Abhiyan (RMSA) 3) Teacher Education (TE).
for all- सभी के �लए समोवेशी तथा SWAYAM online portal for free learning etc.
गुणव�ा यु� �श�ा
Goal Achieve gender equality & Gender Budget Statement from 2005 onwards
5 empower all women & girls Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Sukanya Samridhi (Bank
ल��गक समानता Savings) Yojana
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (LPG connection to
BPL women),
Procurement quota for MSME owned by Women,
Standup India loan scheme
Goal Ensure availability & Swachh Bharat Mission, National Rural Drinking
6 sustainable management of Water Programme.
water & sanitation for all
साफ पानी और ��ता
Goal Ensure access to affordable, Target: achieve 40% electricity from non-fossil fuel
7 reliable, sustainable & modern sources by 2030;
energy for all LPG: PAHAL subsidy, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala
स�ी और �� ऊजार् Yojana (LPG connection to BPL women),
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 875
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal Promote sustained, inclusive & Make India, Startup india, Skill India → Pradhan
8 sustainable economic growth, Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
full & productive employment Mudra loans,Standup India loans
& decent work for all Prime Minister’s Employment Generation
अ�ा रोजगार, आ�थक �वकास
Programme (PMEGP): credit linked subsidy for
Micro enterprises in non-farm sector.
Goal Build resilient infrastructure, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri gram
9 promote inclusive & Sadak Yojana, Bharat Mala, Sagar Mala,
sustainable industrialization Digital India, Smart City, AMRUT.
& foster innovation
उद्योग, नवाचार और बु�नयादी सु�वधाओं
का �वकास
Goal Reduce inequality within & To reduce inequality within the country- all the
10 among countries schemes schemes that are focusing on rural area &
देशों के भीतर और देशों के बीच weaker section e.g. MNREGA, Deen Dayal
असमानता म� कमी Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 876
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal Make cities & human Smart City, AMRUT, Rurban Mission, PM Awas
11 settlements inclusive, safe, Yojana, Swachh Bharat Mission etc Which we
resilient & sustainable learned in pillar#5
िटकाऊ शहरी �वकास
Goal Take urgent action to combat India’s national Greenhouse Gas Emission (2014) is
13 climate change & its impacts made up of: Energy sector > industrial process >
जलवायु प�रवतर्न और उसके प्रभावों से Agriculture > Waste material.
�नपटने के �लए त�ाल कारर्वाई Targets: 0 Deaths in Extreme weather events, 40% of
electricity generation from renewable sources,
increase adoption of LED bulbs etc.
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
& its 8 missions.
National Air Quality Monitoring Programme
National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 877
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal Conserve & sustainably use Marine protected areas, Coastal Regulation Zone,
14 the oceans, seas & marine National oil spill disaster contingency plan.
resources for sustainable If a States mangrove forest cover decreases then it
development will be awarded ZERO marks in the SDG index.
समुद्री सं साधनों का सं र�ण
Goal Protect, restore & promote NAPCC → National Mission for a Green India,
15 sustainable use of terrestrial National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan
ecosystems, sustainably Ecosystem
manage forests, combat Project Tiger, Elephant etc.
desertification, & halt &
Target-2030: 1) increase Land area under forest from
reverse land degradation & 21.54% (Baseline) to 33% 2) Use these trees/forests
halt biodiversity loss to add carbon sink equivalent to 2.5-3 billion tons
�लीय पा�र���तक�य प्रणा�लयों, भू�म CO2
�रण और जैव �व�वधता का सं र�ण Desertification
⇒ 17th June celebrated as World Day to Combat
Desertification 2019.
⇒ India hosted the 14th session of the United Nations
Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in
2019-Sept. Theme/Logo: “Restore Land, Sustain
Biodiversity → Migratory Birds
⇒ United Nations Environment Programme
→Convention on the conservation of migratory
species of wild animals → 13th conference in
Gandhinagar, Gujarat (2020) with mascot “Gibi -
The Great Indian Bustard”
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 878
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
Goal Strengthen the means of India has joined International Solar Alliance, India
17 implementation & revitalize has committed to Paris deal on Climate Change etc.
the global partnership for 2019: India became founding member of European
sustainable development commission’s International Platform on Sustainable
सामूिहक साझेदारी-वै��क भागीदारी को Finance
पुनज��वत करना NITI has set no quantitative targets for this Goal
because MOSPI is unable to frame statistical
methods to capture it. (e.g. SDG Target 17.15:
‘Respect each country’s policy space’ - difficult to
quantify & compare!). But in 2021’s SDG Index
Report, NITI provided some qualitative assessment
e.g. we need to increase the cooperation at global
level, Corona has created new challenges etc. [यहाँ पर
मात्रा�क �प से तो ल� नापना सं भव नहीं है िक�ु गुणा�क समी�ा
नी�त आयोग ने द्वारा क� गई है]
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 879
SDG Goal India’s Notable Schemes <List not exhaustive>
“The incidence and intensity of poverty are more important in determining poverty based 2020
on income alone”. In this context analyse the latest United Nations Multidimensional GS2
Poverty Index Report. ("के वल आय पर आधा�रत गरीबी के �नधार्रण म� गरीबी का आपतन और तीव्रता अ�धक
मह�पूणर् है"। इस स�भर् म� सं यु� रा�� ब�आयामी गरीबी सूचकांक क� नवीनतम �रपोटर् का �व�ेषण क��जए ।)
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 881
There is a growing divergence in the relationship between poverty & hunger in India. The 2019
shrinking of social expenditure by the Govt is forcing the poor to spend more on Non- GS2
Food essential items squeezing their food – budget.- Elucidate.
भारत म� गरीबी और भुखमरी के बीच के सं बंध म� अंतर बढ़ रहा ह�। सरकार द्वारा सामा�जक खचर् को कम करना ग़रीबों को
उनके भोजन - बजट को �नचोड़ने वाले गैर-खाद्य आव�क व�ुओ ं पर अ�धक खचर् करने के �लए मजबूर कर रहा है।- ��
क��जए ।
What are the reformative steps taken by the Govt to make food grain distribution system 2019
more effective? खाद्य �वतरण प्रणाली को और अ�धक प्रभावशाली बनाने के �लए सरकार द्वारा �ा सुधारवादी कदम GS3
उठाए गए है?
How far do you agree with the view that the focus on lack or availability of food as the 2018
main cause of hunger takes the attention away from ineffective human development
policies in India?
आप इस राय से िकतने सहमत ह� िक भोजन क� कमी या उपल�ता को भूख का मु� कारण समझना भारत म�
अप्रभावी/बेअसर मानव �वकास नी�तयों से �ान हटाता है?
Hunger & Poverty are the biggest challenges for good governance in India still today. 2017
Evaluate how far successive governments have progressed in dealing with these
humongous problems. Suggest measures for म� सुशासन के �लए भूख और गरीबी
आज भी सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है। मू�ांकन कर� िक इन ब�त बड़ी सम�ाओं से �नपटने के �लए �सल�सलेवार/ एक के बाद एक
आने वाली सरकारों ने कहाँ तक प्रग�त क� है। सुधार के उपाय सुझाए।
‘Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India remain mere show pieces until & unless they 2017
are backed by political will’. Discuss with reference to the performance of the major
poverty alleviation programmes in म� ‘गरीबी उ�ूलन कायर्क्रम तब तक के वल िदखावा (शो पीस)
बने �ए ह�, जब तक िक वे राजनी�तक इ�ाश�� द्वारा सम�थत नहीं ह�।’ भारत म� प्रमुख गरीबी उ�ूलन कायर्क्रमों के
प्रदशर्न/तामील के सं दभर् म� चचार् कर�।
Though there have been several different estimates of poverty in India, all indicate 2015
reduction in poverty levels over time. Do you agree? Critically examine with reference to
urban & rural poverty indicators.हालांिक भारत म� गरीबी के कई अलग-अलग अनुमान ह�, सभी समय के साथ
गरीबी के �र म� कमी का सं केत देते ह�। �ा आप सहमत ह�? शहरी और ग्रामीण गरीबी सूचकांकों/सं केतकों के सं दभर् म�
समालोचना�क �प से जांच कर�।
The Central Govt frequently complains on the poor performance of the State 2013
Governments in eradicating suffering of the vulnerable sections of the society.
Restructuring of Centrally sponsored schemes across the sectors for ameliorating the
cause of vulnerable sections of population aims at providing flexibility to the States in
better implementation. Critically evaluate.क� द्र सरकार समाज के कमजोर वग� क� पीड़ा को �मटाने म� रा�
सरकारों के खराब प्रदशर्न पर लगातार �शकायत करती है। जनसं �ा के कमजोर वग� क� सम�ाओं को सुधारने के �लए सभी
�ेत्रों म� क� द्र प्रायो�जत योजनाओं का पुनगर्ठन, रा�ों को बेहतर कायार्�यन के �लए लचीलापन प्रदान करना है।
समालोचना�क �प से मू�ांकन कर�।
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 882
Discuss the changes in India's demography at 2040. In what ways will it require the Mock
policymakers to change their present course of action? 2040 म� भारत क� जनसां��क� म� बदलाव पर
चचार् कर�। िकन तरीकों से नी�त �नमार्ताओं को अपनी वतर्मान कारर्वाई को बदलने क� आव�कता होगी?
68.7.3 ✍🎺🎺 GSM2 Syllabus: Schemes for Social Sectors
GSM2 Syllabus: Social Sector & Social Services (health, education, human resources – issues in
development, management: सामा�जक �ेत्र और सामा�जक सेवाए (�ा�, �श�ा, मानव सं साधन - �वकास, प्रबं धन म� मुद्दे);
In order to enhance the prospects of social development, sound and adequate health care 2020
policies are needed particularly in the fields of geriatric and maternal health care. Discuss.
(साम�जक �वकास क� सं भावनाओं को बढ़ने के क्रम म�, �वशेषकर जरा�चिक�ा एवं मातृ �ा� देखभाल के �ेत्र म� सु�ढ़
और पयार्� �ा� देखभाल स��ी नी�तयों क� आव�कता है l �ववेचन क��जए ।) GSM2-2020
⇒ Performance of welfare schemes that are implemented for vulnerable sections is not 2019
so effective due to absence of their awareness & active involvement at all stages of
policy process – Discuss. कमजोर वग� के �लए लागू क� गई क�ाणकारी योजनाओं का प्रदशर्न नी�तगत
प्रिक्रया के सभी चरणों म� उनक� जाग�कता और सिक्रय भागीदारी के अभाव के कारण प्रभावी नहीं है। चचार् कर� |
⇒ Despite Consistent experience of High growth, India still goes with the lowest
indicators of human development. Examine the issues that make balanced & inclusive
development elusive. उ� �वकास दर के लगातार अनुभव के बावजूद, भारत अभी भी मानव �वकास के
�न�तम सं के तकों के साथ �न� पायदान पर है। उन मुद्दों क� परी�ण कर� जो सं तु�लत और समावेशी �वकास को दुग्रार्ह्य
बनाते ह�।
Appropriate local community-level healthcare intervention is a prerequisite to achieve 2018
‘Health for All ‘ in India. Explain. यथो�चत/उपयु� �ानीय सामुदा�यक-�र क� �ा� सेवा
अंतः�ेप/ह��ेप भारत म� ‘सभी के �लए �ा�’ प्रा� करने के �लए पूवार्कां��त (एक शतर्) है। �� क��जए।
‘To ensure effective implementation of policies addressing water, sanitation & hygiene 2017
needs, the identification of beneficiary segments is to be synchronized with the anticipated
outcomes’ Examine the statement in the context of the WASH scheme. ‘जल, ��ता और
�ा� ज़�रतों को सं बो�धत करने वाली नी�तयों के प्रभावी कायार्�यन को सु�न��त करने के �लए, लाभाथ� वृत-खं डों क�
पहचान को प्र�ा�शत प�रणामों के साथ समक्र�मक/�संक्रनाइज़ िकया जाना चािहए। वॉश/WASH योजना के सं दभर् म� कथन
क� जांच कर�।
Examine the main provisions of the National Child Policy & throw light on the status of 2016
its implementation.रा��ीय बाल नी�त के मु� प्रावधानों क� जांच कर� इसके कायार्�यन क� ���त पर प्रकाश डाल�।
“Demographic Dividend in India will remain only theoretical unless our manpower 2016
becomes more educated, aware, skilled & creative.” What measures have been taken by
the Govt to enhance the capacity of our population to be more productive & employable?
“भारत म� जनसां��क� लाभांश के वल सैद्धां�तक रहेगा जब तक िक हमारी जनश�� अ�धक �श��त, जाग�क, कु शल और
रचना�क नहीं हो जाती है।" हमारी जनसं �ा क� �मता को अ�धक उ�ादक और रोजगारपरक बनाने के �लए सरकार ने �ा
उपाय िकए ह�?
Professor Amartya Sen has advocated important reforms in the realms of primary 2016
education & primary health care. What are your suggestions to improve their status &
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 883
performance? प्रोफे सर अम�र् सेन ने प्राथ�मक �श�ा और प्राथ�मक �ा� देखभाल के �ेत्र म� मह�पूणर् सुधारों क�
वकालत क� है। उनक� ���त और प्रदशर्न म� सुधार के �लए आपके सुझाव �ा ह�?
The quality of higher education in India requires major improvements to make it 2015
internationally competitive. Do you think that the entry of foreign educational institutions
would help improve the quality of higher & technical education in the country? Discuss.
भारत म� उ� �श�ा क� गुणव�ा को अंतररा�ी� य �र पर प्र�त�ध� बनाने के �लए बड़े सुधार क� आव�कता है। �ा आपको
लगता है िक �वदेशी �श�ण सं �ानों के प्रवेश से देश म� उ� और तकनीक� �श�ा क� गुणव�ा म� सुधार होगा? चचार् कर�।
Public health system has limitations in providing universal health coverage. Do you think 2015
that the private sector could help in bridging the gap? What other viable alternatives
would you suggest?सावर्ज�नक �ा� प्रणाली म� सावर्लौिकक �ा� �ा��/कवरेज प्रदान करने क� मयार्दाएँ ह�।
�ा आपको लगता है िक यह �र�� को भरने म� (यह मयार्दाएँ दू र करने म�)�नजी �ेत्र मदद कर सकता है? �ा आप अ�
�वहायर् �वक� सुझाएं गे?
An athlete participates in Olympics for personal triumph & nation’s glory; victors are 2014
showered with cash incentives by various agencies, on their return. Discuss the merit of
state sponsored talent hunt & its cultivation as against the rationale of a reward
mechanism as encouragement. एक एथलीट ���गत �वजय और रा�� क� मिहमा के �लए ओलं �पक म� भाग लेता
है; �वजेताओं पर �व�भ� एज��सयों द्वारा उनक� वापसी पर नकद प्रो�ाहन क� बौछार क� जाती है। प्रो�ाहन के �प म� एक
इनाम िक्रया�व�ध/�मके �नज़्म के औ�च� के �खलाफ रा� प्रायो�जत प्र�तभा-शोध और इस के �वकास क� श्रे�ता/यो�ता पर
चचार् कर�।
Should the premier institutes like IITs/IIMs be allowed to retain premier status, allowed 2014
more academic independence in designing courses & also decide mode/criteria of
selection of students? Discuss in light of the growing challenges. �ा आईआईटी / आईआईएम
जैसे प्रमुख सं �ानों को उनक� अ�ग्रमता क� ���त बनाए रखने क� अनुम�त दी जानी चािहए, अ�ास/पाठ्यक्रमों क�
रचना/िडजाइ�नंग म� अ�धक अकाद�मक �तं त्रता क�, और छात्रों के चयन क� री�त/ मानदं ड तय करने क� भी अनुम�त दी
जानी चािहए? बढ़ती चुनौ�तयों को �ान म� रख के चचार् कर�।
The concept of Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme is almost a century old in India with early 2013
beginnings in Madras Presidency in pre-independent India. The scheme has again been
given impetus in most states in the last two decades. Critically examine its twin objectives,
latest mandates & success.म�ाह्न भोजन (एमडीएम) योजना क� अवधारणा भारत म� लगभग एक सदी पुरानी है,
�जसक� शु�आत पूवर्-�तं त्र भारत म� मद्रास प्रेसीड�सी म� �ई थी। इस योजना को �पछले दो दशकों म� अ�धकांश रा�ों म� िफर
से आवेग/प्रो�ाहन िदया गया है। उस के दुगुना उद्दे�ों, नवीनतम शासनादेश/अ�धदेशों और सफलता क� समालोचना�क
�प से जांच कर�।
Identify the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that are related to health. Discuss 2013
the success of the actions taken by the Govt for achieving the same. सह�ा�ी �वकास ल�ों
(एमडीजी) क� पहचान कर� जो �ा� से सं बं�धत ह�। उसी क� प्रा�� के �लए सरकार द्वारा िकए गए काय� क� सफलता पर
चचार् कर�।
⇒ With a suitable example of a Govt scheme, explain how e-governance & use of Mock
technology can result in greater transparency & accountability? एक सरकारी योजना के
उपयु� उदाहरण के साथ, समझाएँ िक कै से ई-गवन�स और प्रौद्यो�गक� के उपयोग से अ�धक पारद�शता और जवाबदेही
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 884
हो सकती है?
⇒ “Use of ICT-technology has enhanced MGNREGA’s efficacy in combating rural
distress.” Elaborate. - "आईसीटी-प्रौद्यो�गक� के उपयोग ने ग्रामीण क�/सं कट से �नपटने म� मनरेगा क�
प्रभावका�रता को बढ़ाया है।" �व�ार से बताएं ।
68.7.4 ✍🎺🎺 GSM2 Syllabus: Schemes for Social Sectors → Education
How have digital initiatives in India contributed to the functioning of the educational 2020
system in the country? Elaborate your answer. (भारत म� िड�जटल पहल ने िकस प्रकार से देश क� �श�ा GS1
�व�ा के सं चालन म� योगदान िकया है? �व�ृत उ�र दी�जए ।) GSM1-2020
National Education Policy 2020 is in conformity with the Sustainable Development Goal- 2020
4 (2030). It intends to restructure and reorient education system in India. Critically GS2
examine the statement. (रा��ीय �श�ा �न�त 2020 धारणीय �वकास ल�-4 (२०3०) के साथ अनु�पता म� है ।
उसका �ेय भारत म� �श�ा प्रणाली क� पुनःसं रचना और पुनः�ापना है l इस कथन का समालोचना�क �न�र�ण क��जए)
⇒ "National Education Policy 2020 (NEP-2020) aims to bring transformational reforms Mock
in school and higher education." Discuss. "(नई) रा��ीय �श�ा नी�त का उद्दे� �ू ल और उ� �श�ा म�
प�रवतर्नकारी सुधार लाना है।" चचार् कर�।
⇒ "NEP-2020 is built on the foundational pillars of Equity, Quality, Affordability and
Accountability". Substantiate. (नई) रा�ी� य �श�ा नी�त को समानता, गुणव�ा, िकफायत/कमखच� और
जवाबदेही के �ं भों पर बनाया गया है
⇒ Enumerate the measures in the NEP for (INSERT SUB-Sector: school education /
higher education / assessment etc.) (नई) रा��ीय �श�ा नी�त के x/y/z/ �ेत्र के अनुसंधान म� प्रमुख
प्रावधानों क� सूची दी�जए
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 885
Comment on the challenges for inclusive growth which include careless & useless 2016
manpower in the Indian context. Suggest measures to be taken for facing these challenges.
भारतीय स�भर् म� समावेशी �वकास क� प्रा�� हेतु अनाव�क एवं अनुपयु� जनश�� को शा�मल िकया जा रहा है | इस
स�भर् म� आने वाली चुनौ�तयों पर िट�णी कर� । इन चुनौ�तयों का सामना करने के �लए िकए जाने वाले उपायों पर सुझाव द�।
Women empowerment in India needs gender budgeting. What are the requirements & 2016
status of gender budgeting in the Indian context? भारत म� मिहला सश��करण के �लए ल��गक बजट क�
आव�कता है। भारतीय सं दभर् म� ल��गक बजट क� वतर्मान ���त एवं आव�कताएं �ा है ?
1. What are the continued challenges for women in India against time & space? (समय और 2019
�ान के प�रपे� म� भारत म� मिहलाओं के �लए �नरंतर चुनौ�तयां �ा ह� ?)
2. “Empowering women is the key to control population growth”. Discuss "मिहलाओं को
सश� बनाना ही जनसं �ा वृ�द्ध को �नयं �त्रत करने क� कुं जी है"। चचार् कर� |
‘Women’s movement in India has not addressed the issues of women of lower social strata. 2018
Substantiate your view. ‘भारत म� मिहलाओं के आंदोलन ने �न� सामा�जक �र क� मिहलाओं के मुद्दों को सं बो�धत
नहीं िकया है’। अपने ���कोण क� पु�� कर�।
How do you explain the statistics that show that the sex ratio in Tribes in India is more 2015
favourable to women than the sex ratio among Scheduled Castes? भारत क� जनजा�तयों म�
�लंगानुपात अनुसू�चत जा�तयों म� �लंगानुपात क� तुलना म� मिहलाओं के प्र�त अ�धक अनुकूल है, इस आंकड़े क� आप िकस
प्रकार �ा�ा कर�गे ?
How does patriarchy impact the position of a middle class working woman in India? 2014
�पतृस�ा भारत म� एक म�मवग� कामकाजी मिहला क� ���त को कै से प्रभा�वत करती है?
Discuss the various economic & socio-cultural forces that are driving increasing 2014
feminization of agriculture in India. �व�भ� आ�थक और सामा�जक-सां�ृ�तक कारकों के बारे म� चचार् कर� जो
भारत म� कृ �ष �ेत्र के ना�रकरण को बढ़ा रहे है ?
Why do some of the most prosperous regions of India have an adverse sex ratio for 2014
women? Give your arguments. भारत के कु छ सबसे समृद्ध �ेत्रों म� मिहलाओं के �लए प्र�तकू ल �लंगानुपात �ों है?
इस स�भर् म� अपने तकर् द� |
Male membership needs to be encouraged in order to make women’s organization free 2013
from gender bias. Comment. मिहला सं गठनो को ल��गक पूवार्ग्रह से मु� करने के �लए पु�ष सद�ता को प्रो�ािहत
करने क� आव�कता है। िट�णी कर� ।
For more topicwise Mains & Essay question papers, visit
📑📑Next Handout: Pillar#4Z: Microeconomics
(Batch: PCB3) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#6C HRD: Weaker Section, UNDP-HDI, SDG → Page 886
Table of Contents
70 🔬🔬(Pillar #4Z) Microeconomics- an Introduction.......................................................................888
70.1 📦📦📦📦Types of Goods ..................................................................................................................888
70.1.1 Goods: Noone pays directly & Noone is excluded (सबको मु� म� , कोई बिह�ृ त नहीं) .........888
70.1.2 📦📦📦📦 Goods where you’ve to pay ₹ ₹ else you’re excluded ........................................889
70.1.3 ✈ Price Discrimination (मू� म� भेदभाव करना) ...................................................................890
71 🔬🔬🔬🔬🔬🔬 Microeconomics → Demand (मांग) ..................................................................................890
71.1 🤲🤲🤲🤲 Demand Types for Economic Good .............................................................................890
71.2 🔖🔖✋🧔🧔Price control .................................................................................................................891
Demand Elasticity : responsiveness to Price/Income ............................................................................891
71.3 🤲🤲🤲🤲↗Demand Elasticity Type#1: Against Price of the Good ........................................891
71.3.1 💧💧 Normal Good: Demand may be Perfectly inelastic (eP=0) .......................................892
71.3.2 🍼🍼 Normal Good: Demand may be (Relatively) inelastic (eP<1) ...................................892
71.3.3 🥤🥤 Normal Good: Demand may be (Relatively) elastic (eP>1).....................................892
71.3.4 Normal Good: Demand may be Unitary elastic (Ep=1) .................................................892
71.3.5 Normal Good: Demand may be Perfectly elastic (eP=∞)...............................................893
71.3.6 🤳🤳Veblen Good: Higher price → Higher Demand........................................................893
71.3.7 🥔🥔🥔🥔 Giffen Good: Higher Price = ↑ Demand; Lower Price = ↓ Demand ..............894
71.4 🤲🤲🤲🤲↗ Demand Elasticity Type#2: Against Income of People .......................................894
71.4.1 Normal Good: Demand Elasticity with respect to income .............................................894
71.4.2 🌽🌽 Inferior Good: Demand Elasticity with respect to Income .....................................895
71.4.3 🤲🤲↗✖ ↙ Demand Elasticity Type#3: Cross-Price Elasticity ...............................895
72 🔬🔬🔬🔬🔬🔬 Microeconomics → Supply (आपू�त) ..................................................................................895
72.1 📦📦↗ Supply Elasticity against Price Offered .........................................................................896
72.1.1 Supply Curve: Backward sloping when .............................................................................896
73 ⚔Microeconomics → Market & Competition Types ...............................................................897
74 ⚙ Microeconomics → Production (उ�ादन) ................................................................................899
74.1 ⚙ Production → Returns to Scale............................................................................................900
74.1.1 ⚙ ⚙: 🤑🤑 Economies of Scale: बड़े पैमाने पर उ�ादन करने से होने वाली िकफायत� ....................901
74.1.2 ⚙ ⚙ ⚙ : 😢😢 Diseconomies of scale- ब�त बड़े पैमाने पर उ�ादन करने से होने वाले नुकसान .901
75 🔬🔬🔬🔬 Microeconomics → Utility, Preferences & Misc. ................................................................901
75.1 💁💁💁Preferences, Indifferences (वरीयता, उदासीनता) .........................................................................902
75.2 ⚙📈📈Production Possibility Curve ..........................................................................................903
76 🎭🎭Economic Models & Concepts.......................................................................................................905
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is not a “Public Good”? (UPSC CDS-2016/1)
(a) Light House (b) Public Parks (c) Electricity (d) National Defense
70.1.2 📦📦📦📦 Goods where you’ve to pay ₹ ₹ else you’re excluded
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following is not an assumption in the law of demand? (UPSC-CDS-2019-i)
a) There are no changes in the taste and preferences of consumers
b) Income of consumers remains constant
c) Consumers are affected by demonstration effect
d) There are no changes in the price of substitute goods.
For normal goods (bread, butter, soap, shampoo, ice cream etc.), following could happen:
- For normal good, price of good (y- axis) vs quantity demanded (x-axis) shows a negative slope
i.e. As the prices ⏫increase, the demand ⏬decreases. However in certain good or situation:
when price increases, demand also increases! So it will show a positive slope ↗. (which is called
‘Exceptional Demand Curve’). For example: कु छ ऐसे खास िकससे जहां पर व�ुक� क�मत बढ़ने पर माग भी बढ़ने
लगती है
- During Curfew / Indira-Gandhi-walli-Emergency: People expect there will be more shortage in
future & prices will rise even more, so they continue to demand (& buy) more and more, even if
price (of rice, petrol, LPG cylinder) keeps increasing.
- Snob Appeal Good or Veblen Good (named after US Economist Thorstein Veblen)
- Diamond, Iphone, Paintings: higher price is seen as status symbol, so when company
increases price, demand also increases.
- Thinking expensive item = Better quality & more status (Iphone 6 to 6s)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. What is the slope of exceptional demand curve? (UPSC-CDS-2015-I)
(a) Downwards to right (b) Upwards to right (c) Horizontal (d) Upwards to left
Veblen and Giffen goods are special type of goods which do not follow law of demand.
- **In Veblen Good: higher price = higher demand, lower price will decrease demand because
‘status symbol effect will decline’ but it’ll still not greatly decrease demand, because people will
still buy paintings / iphones for their resale value in future.
- ***In Giffen Good: lower price = greater fall in demand because people prefer to use income for
better quality foods so ‘income effect’ dominates.
Price effect on Demand: ⏫Higher price will result in ⏬ Lower price will result in
Normal Good Lower Demand Higher Demand
📱📱 Veblen Good Higher Demand **Demand will fall but greatly
🥔🥔 Giffen Good Higher Demand ***Greater fall in demand
🌽🌽Inferior Good 🤵🤵Higher INCOME = Lower 👷👷Lower INCOME = Higher
(Kerosene, coarse grains) Demand Demand
- Effect of people’s income on demand of a good is called ‘Income Effect’.
- Graphs showing the relationship between income and demand are called, “Engel Curves” named
after German Statistician Ernst Engel.
- For Normal good, Income of people (y- axis) vs Quantity demanded (x-axis) shows a positive
slope (↗) i.e. As your income increases⏫, the demand of that good increases⏫. (that is the
definition of a ‘normal good’). जैसे जैसे आप क� आमदनी बढ़ेगी → आप �ादा चीजों क� मांग खरीदारी कर�गे
71.4.1 Normal Good: Demand Elasticity with respect to income
- Ei = 1: Demand may unitary elastic IF 10% salary rise = 10% demand rise.
- Ei > 1: Demand may relatively more elastic IF 10% salary rise → More than 10% demand rise
e.g. mobile phones, movie tickets, Swiggy food orders, air travel & other luxury goods.
- 0 < Ei < 1: Demand may relatively inelastic IF 10% salary rise → demand grows but at less than
10% e.g. daily necessities like soap, toothpaste because salary increase doesn't mean daily you’ll
- For a normal good, more price offered → more entrepreneurs will manufacture → ⏫ supply.
- So for normal good, Price offered (y- axis) vs Quantity supplied (x-axis) shows a POSITIVE
SLOPE (↗) i.e. As price increases, the supply increases, at ceteris paribus (all other things
remaining same- no war, disaster, hoarding etc.) अगर ग्राहक �ादा दाम ऑफर कर�गे तो उस चीज क�
आपू�त/स�ाई बढ़ेगी
- Break-even point is the point on the supply curve at which a firm earns normal profit
Elasticity of Supply When
Perfect Inelastic - Price change can never change supply. e.g. MONA LISA Painting.
Es=0 िकतना भी पैसा दे Medieval / Colonial era’s Philately, Numismatics, Museum collections.
दो आपू�त नहीं बढ़ेगी - Here, supply curve will be VERTICAL (↑).
(Relatively) - 10% price rise= supply will increase eventually but less than 10%
Inelastic - E.g. Milk, Tomatoes, Pulses, Electricity etc. because inputs are finite
Es < 1 (land / cattle / coal) or its time consuming to produce more quantity.
Unitary Elastic - 10% ⏫ in price offered = 10% ⏫ in supply. �जतनी क�मत� बढ़�गी आपू�त भी
Es = 1 उतनी बढ़ेगी
(Relatively) Elastic - 10% ⏫ in price offered= supply will ⏫ MORE THAN 10%.
Es > 1 - For durable, non-perishable goods because seller will unload stock
दाम म� बढ़ोतरी के सामने from godown. �ापारी गोदाम से �ादा माल बेचने को �नकाले
आपू�त म� और �ादा - In long run, supply will greatly increase with new plants, rival
बढ़ोतरी हो जाए companies, R&D (e.g. mobile phones in 1990s vs 2010s)
Perfect Elastic - At “x” price- seller willing to supply infinite quantity. At any price less
Es=∞ than “x”- he completely stops the supply.
(Hypothetical) - Here supply curve will be HORIZONTAL.
72.1.1 Supply Curve: Backward sloping when
Wages offered (y- axis) vs hourly labour supplied (x-axis) shows a backward slope (=mirrored ‘C’),
because beyond a point, labourer would prefer to spend time on rest / leisure instead of working
more. एक हद से �ादा तन�ाह दोगे तो भी मजदू र एक हद से �ादा काम नहीं करेगा- �ोिक उसको उन पैसो से मौज भी करनी होती है
🔠🔠❓MCQ. When some goods are completely fixed in amount, regardless of price, the supply curve is (UPSC-CDS-
2019-i) [a) horizontal b) downward sloping to the right c) vertical d) upward sloping to the right
Market (बाजार) is a place / platform where buyer and seller strike a deal. Doesn’t need geographical
location. Market can be classified by on type of competition:
प्र�तयो�गता Buyers ⇒ Sellers
- INFINITE sellers with identical products. So, even little
INFINITE change in price will shift ALL buyers to another seller.
Buyers - So, buyer is the PRICE MAKER, Seller is the PRICE TAKER
पूणर् प्र�तयो�गता
(बेचना है तो बेच, वरना फु ट इधर से)
- MANY sellers. Each seller has slightly different version of
product (iphone vs Samsung Galaxy vs Oneplus) each with
MANY some loyal fans. So, a little change in price will not instantly
Buyers shift all buyers to another seller.
- So, Seller is the PRICE MAKER not Price TAKER (upto a
level depending on brand loyalist fans)
- Few sellers with identical product & but with intense
competition among themselves e.g. SpiceJet, Jet Airways,
IndiGo, Vistara so price wars, discount-offers,
advertisement cost high.
- Cartel (उ�ादक सं घ)= when they form a gang to restrict the
supply / raise prices e.g. OPEC oil producing nations. Cartels
Oligopoly often engage in ‘Bid rigging / collusive tendering’ i.e. e.g. If
अ�ा�धकार Ratan Tata deliberately lets Mahindra win Andhra Govt cars
👳👳👳🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝 purchase tender, provided Mahindra lets Tata win
Uttarakhand Govt’s truck purchase tender.
- To fight against cartelization / price fixing once we had
Monopolies & Restrictive Trade Practices Act (MRTP: 1969)
→ 2002 replaced by Competition Commission of India
(CCI: भारतीय प्र�त�धार् आयोग), a statutory body under the
Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
- ONLY ONE Seller e.g. Indian Railways.
- No close substitute or competition for a particular price /
Monopoly service / region.
एका�धकार - Marketing / Advertising cost = ₹0 (�व�ापन लागत नहीं)
🚝🚝 - Seller is the PRICE MAKER, Buyer is the PRICE TAKER
(लेना है तो ले वरना फु ट इधर से)
- Duopoly= a market with just two firms. But if they form a
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one among the following is a fixed cost to a manufacturing firm in the short run? (UPSC-CDS-
(a) Insurance on buildings (b) Overtime payment to worker (c) Cost of energy (d) Cost of raw materials
🔠🔠❓MCQ. The average fixed cost curve will always be (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2013-II)
(a) a rectangular hyperbola (b) a downward sloping convex to the origin curve
(c) a downward sloping straight line (d) a U-shaped curve
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following reflects an intrinsic or true value for factors or products? (UPSC-IES-2020)
(a) Price inflation (b) Economy pricing (c) Penetration pricing (d) Shadow price
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following ratios is referred to as everything that has been invested in the past and to the
whole income? (UPSC-IES-2020)
(a) Capital-output ratio (b) Average capital-output ratio
(c) Incremental capital-output ratio (d) Marginal ratio
🔠🔠❓MCQ. According to the law of diminishing marginal utility, as the amount of a good consumed increases, the
marginal utility of that good tends to (UPSC-CDS-2018-1)
(a) improve (b) diminish (c) remain constant (d) first diminish and then improve
⇒ Marginal rate of Substitution (MRS) refers to the rate at which consumer is willing to give up
number of jeans to obtain one extra shirt without affecting total satisfaction. E.g. IF (5 jeans, 3
shirts) → (2 jeans, 4 shirts) → same satisfaction, then MRS=5-2=3
⇒ Non-monotonic preference: For some goods, there is a perfect optimal amount beyond which
it’ll give negative utility / experience e.g. salt in a soup, sugar in a tea. Accordingly he will not
purchase some bundle even if his budget permits e.g. (50 bags sugar, 1 bag tea).
⇒ Monotonic Preference: For some goods, consumer will continue to buy more and more quantity
(within his income limit) because it’ll give him more utility /satisfaction. e.g. more clothes &
shoes for an instagram-selfie addict. More guns & ammunition for an army, So, if their budget
permitted (2 guns, 50 bullets).....(1 guns, 25 bullets) → they’ll always buy (2 guns, 50 bullets).
- Opportunity cost is the ‘gain’ foregone from the “Activity A” when you’re doing “Activity B”.
More chairs = more comfort to students, but you’ve forgone the national security by NOT
producing guns. Thus, the sacrifice of ‘guns for army/ national security’ is the ‘opportunity cost’
of producing chairs.
- Opportunity Cost Formula = Return of Next Best Alternative Not Chosen – The Return of the
Option Chosen
- If the economy functions at a point inside the production possibility curve (e.g. 20 guns, 20
chairs), then it indicates either underutilization or inefficient utilization of resources.
- If there is growth of resources (100 kg steel and 100 kg wood → 200-200 kgs) there will be an
outward shift of the production possibility curve = higher levels of outputs possible.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Suppose an agricultural labourer earns Rs. 400 per day in her village. She gets a job to work as babysitter
in a nearby town @ Rs.700 per day. She chose to work as agricultural labourer. Which one of the following is the
opportunity cost of the agricultural labourer? (UPSC-CDS-i-2020)
(a) Rs.1,100 (b)Rs.700 (c) Rs.400 (d) Rs.300
🔠🔠❓MCQ. If a commodity is provided free to the public by the Government, then (Prelims 2018 Set-D)
a) the opportunity cost is zero.
b) the opportunity cost is ignored.
c) the opportunity cost is transferred from consumers of the product to tax-paying public.
d) the opportunity cost is transferred from the consumers of the product to the Government.
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following statements is true with regard to an economy which is on its production
possibility frontier? (CAPF19-Q120)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which of the following statements (s) are true with respect to the concept of “EFFICIENCY” as used in
mainstream economics? (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2016-I)
1. Efficiency occurs when no possible reorganisation of production can make anyone better off without making
someone else worse off
2. An economy is clearly inefficient if it is inside the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)
3. At a minimum, an efficient economy is on its Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)
4. The terms such as ‘ Pareto Efficiency’, ‘Pareto Optimality’ and ‘Allocative Efficiency’ are all essentially one and
same which denote ‘efficiency in resource allocation’
1. Absolute Income Hypothesis by J.M. Keynes: It deals with how consumer divides his disposable
income between consumption and saving. Rich people consume a lower proportion of their
income (= save more portion of their income), compared to poor people. But, USA Economist
Simon Kuznets found this hypothesis wrong in his research, he called it ‘Kuznets Paradox’.
2. Relative Income Hypothesis: A person’s present consumption or saving pattern is not
dependent on his current income but relative income compared to previous years. E.g. after
recession → economy grows → Workers getting more salaries but still they’re not immediately
increasing consumption because they’ve to repay old debts, they fear of another recession hence
saving more and consuming less.
3. Permanent Income Hypothesis by Milton Friedman: people will spend money at a level
consistent with their expected long-term average income. (लं बी अव�ध क� औसत आय)
4. Life-Cycle Hypothesis: Young people take (education / car / home) loans hoping that future
income will allow them to repay it. Whereas middle aged people spend less & prefer to save more
for their retirement planning / child-education / child-marriage etc. (जवानी म� आदमी पैसा खचर् �ादा
और बचत कम करता है जब उसक� आयु बढ़ने लगती है तो वह िफजूलखच� कम और बचत �ादा करता है)
🔠🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following hypothesis postulates that individual’s consumption in
any time period depends upon resources available to the individual, rate of return on his capital
and age of the individual? (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2019-i)
a) Absolute Income Hypothesis b) Relative Income Hypothesis
- Pollution / environmental degradation (Y axis) vs per capita GDP (X axis)= Inverted-U Shape
- As countries develop from agriculture to industrial economy → Pollution ⏫. But with further
development → industrial to service sector led-economy (while industrial production is
outsourced to a third world country & people have become more climate-conscious) →
pollution ⏬ in given country.
- (देश क� अथर्�व�ा म� जैसे जैसे �वकास होगा, पहले प्रदू षण बढ़ेगा ⏫ → िफर धीरे धीरे प्रदू षण कम होगा⏬)
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