Copy1 TOPANAT EXAM MCQ Nee Revised
Copy1 TOPANAT EXAM MCQ Nee Revised
Copy1 TOPANAT EXAM MCQ Nee Revised
1. Skin
2.Subcutaneous fat
5.Subaponeurotic fat
2. Cellular
3. Patient with extensive scalped wound in the parietal region, due to detachment of soft tissues, was
delivered to the hospital. What layer has the detachment occurred in?
4. A hematoma of calvaria soft tissue covers a region corresponding to the left parietal bone. What layer is
it located in?
5. What layer is a hematoma of soft tissue of fronto-parieto-occipital region extending over the entire
surface of the calvaria located in?
6. It is known that soft tissue injuries of the head and face are characterized by rapid healing and rare
suppurations compared to other areas of the body. What is the reason of this fact?
7. During the primary surgical treatment of the head injury the incision is highly recommended to be made:
3. Radially
8. Injuries of the cranial soft tissue arc accompanied by strong and prolonged bleeding across the wound
line, which appears due to two features:
4. Fusion of blood vessels wall with connective tissue septa in subcutaneous fat
9. How can the presence of strongly bleeding wounds of soft tissues in the fronto-parieto-occipital region
be explained?
10. The main sources of arterial blood supply of fronto-parieto-occipital region are four arteries from the
listed below:
2. Occipital artery
4. Supratrochlear artery
5. Supraorbital artery
11. The blood vessels of fronto-parietal-occipital region are mostly located in:
12. What direction should the base of the skin-aponeurotic flap while performing osteoplastic trepanation
in the frontal region be turned to (to maintain its blood supply and innervation)?
2. Downwards
13. What direction should the base of the skin-aponeurotic flap while performing osteoplastic trepanation
in the parieto-temporal region be turned to (to maintain its blood supply and innervation)?
2. Downwards
and innervation)?
2. Downwards
15. There are two methods to stop the bleeding from the wounds of the soft tissues of the head:
2. Ligation
5. Electrocoagulation
16. There are two methods to arrest the bleeding from the diploic veins:
17. To stop the bleeding from the venous sinuses of the dura mater three methods of the given are used:
3. Suturing
4. Ligation
5. Tamponade
18. To stop the bleeding from damaged Dural sinus it is possible to use:
19. Abscess, situated in the subcutaneous tissue of the scalp, can spread onto the dura mater through:
1. Emissary veins
20. The doctor has detected the following symptoms: exophthalmos, raccoon eyes and nasal liquorrhea.
Make the primary diagnosis:
1. Maxillary artery
22. The middle meningeal artery penetrates into the cranial cavity through:
3. Foramen spinosum
23. The middle meningeal artery and its branches in the temporal region are located between:
24. A patient with blunt trauma of the temporal region was taken to traumatology department. In 2 hours
the symptoms of cerebral compression have appeared and started to increase. During the operation the
comminuted fracture of the squamous part of the temporal bone and large epidural hematoma were found.
Determine its origin:
1. Trochlear nerve
3. Ophthalmic nerve
4. Oculomotor nerve
7. Abducens nerve
2. Optic canal
5. Stylomastoid foramen
optic canal:
3. Optic nerve
5. Ophthalmic artery
5. Cavernous sinus
31. Determine the sequence of venous outflow from the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemispheres:
3. Confluence of sinuses
4. Transverse sinus
5. Sigmoid sinus
2. Occipital sinus
33. There are two sinuses originating from the confluence of sinuses:
1. Foramen magnum
I. Parietal
3. Mastoid
37. In what fat layer of the temporal region is the temporal process of the buccal (Bichat's) fat pad located?
40. In what case can one make the diagnosis of "penetrating wound of skull"?
3. Damaged dura mater
42. Can only the inner bone plate be damaged by blunt trauma of the head (without the injury of the
external plate)?
1. Yes
43. What tissues arc used to cover the trepanation hole after osteoplastic trepanation?
2. Воne flар
44. The frequently observed "scalped wounds" of the head are explained by:
fibrous septa
46. At the four quadrants of mastoid process the following structures are projected:
47. The damage of the facial nerve is possible during mastoidotomy, if the following border of the
Chipault's triangle is not observed:
2. Anterior
48. The damage of the sigmoid sinus is possible during mastoidotomy. if the following border of the
Chipault's triangle is not observed:
3. Posterior
49. The inflammatory processes of superficial and deep facial regions can spread into the cavernous sinus
50. During examination of the patient, neurologist presses his finger onto certain regions of the patient's
face (corresponding to the supraorbital notch, infraorbital and mental foramens). What nerve function is
examined by this procedure?
4. Trigeminal nerve
51. Furuncle of the face, especially the one of the upper lip and the nasolabial fold , can be complicated
with thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus. Determine the sequence of the vessels, by which the
infection can spread:
2. Facial vein
6. Angular vein
4. Intervenous anastomoses
5. Cavernous sinus
53. After hypothermia the muscular paralysis of a half of the face has developed. This indicates the
inflammation of:
2. Facial nerve
1. Temporal
3. Pterygoid
5. Orbital
1. Temporal
2. Zygomatic
3. Buccal
6. Cervical
57. What arteries or veins pass inside the parotid gland behind the ramus of mandible?
58. Very important topographical feature of the parotid gland is the location of one listed nerves in the
2. Facial nerve
59. The doctor has found a loose closure of the palpebral fissure and depression of the oral angle in a child
with mumps. These symptoms indicate the inflammatory process of:
2. Facial nerve
60. What does the temporo-pterygoid space (of the deep region of the face) contain?
2. Maxillary artery
2. Maxillary artery
3. Frontal nerve
64. The sensory branches of which nerve are projected on the vertical line drawn through the point on the
border between the medial and middle third parts of the supraorbital margin?
2. Trigeminal nerve
4. Parotid duct
66. What are the possible ways of spreading of the infected exudate from the parotideo-masseteric region?
1. Temporomandibular space
2. Interpterygoid space
3. Parapharyngeal space
I. Fatty tissue
3. Maxillary artery
4. Mandibular nerve
68. The motor branches of the facial nerve come to the muscles of facial expression:
70. In a case of purulent parotitis the incisions are performed in two directions:
4. On the middle of the body of the mandible at the anterior margin of the masseter muscle
72. Pterygoid venous plexus forms the anastomosis with cavernous sinus of dura mater by:
The Neck
2. Thyroid cartilage
3. Cricoid cartilage
6. Sternocleidomastoid muscle
76. Three of the listed triangles arc located in the anterior cervical region:
2. Omotracheal triangle
4. Submandibular triangle
5. Carotid triangle
77. Two of the listed triangles arc located in the lateral cervical region:
1. Omoclavicular triangle
3. Omotrapezoid triangle
80. The borders of Pirogov's (lingual) triangle (in the submandibular triangle) are:
81. The floor of the Pirogov's (lingual) triangle in the submandibular triangle is formed by:
3. M. hyoglossus
2. A. lingualis
85. How many fascias according to the classification of V. N. Shevkunenko are distinguished on the neck?
4. Five fascias
86. Define the sequence of fascias (by V. N. Shevkunenko) in the omotracheal triangle:
3. Superficial fascia
I. Endocervical fascia
4. Prevertebral fascia
87. Two of the listed fascias arc situated in the submandibular triangle:
1. Superficial fascia
88. Four of the listed fascias are situated in the carotid triangle:
1. Superficial fascia
4. Endocervical fascia
5. Prevertebral fascia
89. Three of the listed fascias are situated in the omotrapezoid triangle:
1. Superficial fascia
5. Prevertebral fascia
90. Four of the listed fascias are situated in the omoclavicular triangle:
1. Superficial fascia
5. Prevertebral fascia
91. What fascia forms the capsule of the submandibular salivary gland?
92. During removal of the submandibular salivary gland severe bleeding may occur due to the injury of
adjacent artery:
2. Facial artery
95. Parapharyngeal space is divided into anterior and posterior departments by the following muscles:
2. Stylopharyngeus muscle
3. Styloglossus muscle
4. Stylohyoid muscle
96. A patient was admitted To the hospital with retropharyngeal abscess, which was complicated with
purulent mediastinitis. Identify the anatomical pathway of spreading of the purulent infection into the
4. Retrovisceral space
98. Two of the listed structures are located in the pretracheal space:
4. Parathyroid glands
100. Three of the listed anatomical formations are located in front of the larynx:
2. Sternohyoid muscle
3. Sternothyroid muscle
6. Thyrohyoid muscle
101. What is the reciprocal position of the common carotid artery and internal jugular vein?
102. The vagus nerve is located in the fascial sheath together with common carotid artery and internal
jugular vein. What is the position of the nerve in relation to the blood vessels?
103. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve originates from the vagus nerve:
104. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve originates from the vagus nerve:
105. Two of the listed paired muscles are located in front of the trachea:
2. Sternohyoid muscle
3. Sternothyroid muscle
107. The upper pole of the thyroid gland is innervated by the superior laryngeal nerve, which arises from:
3. N. vagus
2. Between the fascial and the fibrous capsules of the thyroid gland
109. During thyroidectomy performed under the local anesthesia the hoarseness appeared after clamping
the blood vessels of the thyroid gland. What is the reason of this complication?
110. What part of the thyroid gland contains the parathyroid glands and should be retained during subtotal
resection of the thyroid gland?
111. The patient has severe bleeding from the deep parts of the neck. To perform the ligation of the
external carotid artery the surgeon has exposed the bifurcation point of the common carotid artery in the
carotid triangle. What is the main sign, which allows us to distinguish the external carotid artery from the
internal one?
2. Subclavian vein
5. Phrenic nerve
6. Thoracic duct
115. What structure separates subclavian vein and subclavian artery in the lateral triangle of the neck?
2. Subclavian vein
122. What branches originate from the external carotid artery in the carotid triangle?
1. A. lingualis
3. A. facialis
4. A. thyroidea superior
123. Indicate the matches between the divisions of the subclavian artery and their branches:
1. Before the interscalene space (I" division)- A. Internal thoracic artery, B. Vertebral artery, E.
Thyrocervical trunk
125. Where is the point of needle insertion for vagosympathetic blockade located?
2. At the intersection point of posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle with the external
jugular vein (or its projection)
126. Indicate three correct statements which characterize the operative approach to the cervical part of
3. The incision is carried out along the medial margin of sternocleidomastoid muscle
5. The esophageal exposure is carried out through the fascial sheath of sternocleidomastoid muscle
1. Cervical plexus
128. Where is the exit point of the sensitive branches of the cervical plexus projected?
3. At the middle third part of the posterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
1. Presence of branches
3. Medial location
130. What fascial compartment are the submandibular lymph nodes located in?
131. The bifurcation of the common carotid artery is usually located at the level of:
132. What incision is used to cut lig. Crycothyroideum during conicotomy (cricothyrotomy)?
2. Cricothyroid ligament
1. On the back: the head is thrown back, with a roll under the shoulders
135. What artery can be damaged during inferior tracheotomy after penetrating to the pretracheal space?
136. Where is the reflexogenic zone of the neck which regulates the level of oxygen in the blood located?
The Thorax
138. Which group of axillary lymph nodes accepts the metastasises in a case of breast cancer first of all?
139. What is the main pathway of lymphatic drainage from the mammary gland?
140. Metastasises of breast cancer can spread to different groups of regional lymph nodes depending on
specific conditions, including the location of the tumor. Which group of lymph nodes can metastasises of
breast cancer spread to, if the tumor is located in the upper section of the breast?
141. During examination of the patient with cancer of the let mammary gland the metastasises to the left
axillary lymph nodes and small metastasis in the medial department of the right gland we pathway of
spreading of the metastasises?
3. Through the lymphatic anastomoses between the left and right glands found
142. During examination of the patient with cancer of the right mammary gland the metastasises in
supraclavicular lymph nodes of the neck were found. What is most probable pathway of spreading of the
3. Directly to the supraclavicular lymph nodes, or via intermediate group of lymph nodes
4. At the 3 rib under the inferior margin of the pectoralis major muscle
144. What kinds of incisions arc used for surgical operation on the purulent mastitis?
1. Radial incision
4. Semicircular incision
3. Superficial fascia
4. Pectoral fascia
146. Along what muscle should the approach for drainage of subpectoral phlegmon be made?
148. What is the position of blood vessels and nerves in the intercostal neurovascular bundle from up to
150. Intercostal neurovascular bundle is not covered by the lower margin of the overlying rib anterior to
151. What principle is used for primary surgical treatment of penetrating wounds of the chest?
152. The surgeon has made incision of the intercostal muscles too close to the inferior margin of the
overlying rib during performing anterolateral thoracotomy. What clement of the intercostal neurovascular
bundle can be damaged?
3. The nerve
153. Why does the injury of intercostal artery lead to severe bleeding from both ends?
1. The intercostal arteries are closely connected to the periosteum of the ribs and to the fascial
compartment of intercostal muscles
154. The patient has the injury of the pleural cupula after comminuted clavicle fracture. At what level is the
pleural cupula projected on the anterior side?
156. Puncture of what sinus is performed in a case of accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity?
1. Costodiaphragmatic sinus
159. What structures should be stitched by the first row of sutures in a case of open pneumothorax?
160. What layers should be involved into the first row of sutures for closure of the wound during
161. Where should the pleural puncture be performed if the air is present in the pleural cavity?
162. What pleural sinus accumulates the pleural exudate first of all?
1. Costodiaphragmatic sinus
1. Costodiaphragmatic sinus
164. While performing the pleural puncture, the needle should be introduced through the intercostal space:
166. Intraperitoneal bleeding as a complication of pleural puncture may occur as a result of damage of:
2. Liver
167. What is the projection of the hilum of lung onto the anterior thoracic wall?
2. Il-IV ribs
168. Describe the sequence of the elements of the Ieft lung's root from up to down.
169. Describe the sequence of the elements of the right lung's root from up to down.
2. Bronchus, arteries, veins
170. What structure passes just above the root of the right lung?
4. Azygos vein
171. The child has accidentally swallowed a cherrystone. It has obturated one of the lobar bronchi, and
then the atelectasis of lung's lobe has developed. What is the most probable position of the cherrystone?
172. Two formations from the listed arc adjacent through the mediastinal pleura to the medial surface of
the right lung (behind the root of the lung):
4. Azygos vein
173. What formation is adjacent through the mediastinal pleura to the medial surface of the left lung
behind the lung's root?
1. Thoracic aorta
174. What kind of thoracotomy is used for approach to the main bronchus?
3. Posterolateral thoracotomy
175. What structure passes just above the root of the right
5. Azygos vein
branches of:
2. Thoracic aorta
177. Venous blood from the lung tissue flows mainly into
3. 10
179. How many segments are present in the left lung?
3. 10
2. Subclavian artery
diffuse process:
4. Semi-sitting position
3. Thymus
4. Brachiocephalic veins
1. Aortic arch
2. Trachea
2. Th4-Th5
dolichomorphic thorax?
I. Vertical
1. Bilateral C. Pulmonary
2. Posterior D. Vertebral
3. Inferior B. Diaphragmatic
4. Anterior A. Sternocostal
4. Right ventricle
2. Left ventricle
1. Thoracic aorta
4. Esophagus
midclavicular line
2. 3d intercostal space
heart is located:
the sternum
of the sternum
3. Right atrium
3. 3
I. No
1. Trachea
2. To the posterior
2. Lymph nodes
vertebral column)?
3. To the aorta
2. 4th rib
3. 5th rib
with the:
4. Aorta
diaphragm in the:
umbilical regions
hypochondriac region:
4. The jejunum
inguinal region:
formed by:
2. Pirogov's approach
1. Volkovich-Dyakonov
2. Pfannenstiel's approach
3. Volkovich-Dyakonov's approach
264. Define the sequence of the layers which arc cut during
I. Linea alba
3. Parietal peritoneum
4. Superficial fascia
5. Transverse fascia
7. Proper fascia
1. linea alba
3. Parietal peritoneum
4. Superficial fascia
5. Transverse fascia
8. Proper fascia
paramedian laparotomy:
1. Skin
5. Parietal peritoneum
6. Transverse fascia
I. Skin
4. Transverse fascia
5. Peritoneum
in children?
3. Lexer's method
4. Porto-caval anastomoses
1. Thoraco-epigastric veins
287. Catheterization of inferior epigastric artery is used for
is called:
2. Transverse
3. Obliterated urachus
1. Skin
2. Inguinal ligament
inguinal ligament
3. Inguinal ligament
abdominis muscle
4. Pubic bone
S. Interpeduncular fibers
transverse muscles
5. Transverse fascia
6. Inguinal ligament
abdominis muscle
3. Transverse fascia
2. Inguinal ligament
transverse muscles
transverse fascia?
3. The posterior wall
inguinal ligament?
spermatic cord:
1. Ductus deferens
314. The spermatic cord consists of the:
I. Ductus deferens
3. Testicular artery
6. Cremaster muscle
3. Interpeduncular fibers
1. 1-3 cm
1. Male
of the peritoneum
inguinal hernias?
2. Hernial gate
3. Hernial sac
4. Hernial contents
3. The medial inguinal fossa
is located:
I. Successive dissection of the tissues over the
to these complications?
formed by:
3. The cecum
this complication?
3. Retrograde strangulation
hollow organ
3. Sliding hernia
by the:
inguinal ligament
346. What hernias of anterolateral abdominal wall are
separated by:
2. Stomach
5. Pancreas
6. Spleen
2. The pancreas
2. The spleen
4. The diaphragm
2. Portal vein
4. Gastropancreatic
gastroepiploic artery?
4. Gastrocolic
3. In both storeys
1. Stomach
4. Cecum
5. Appendix
7. Transverse colon
9. Sigmoid colon
367. Which layer of the wall of the digestive tract has the
4. The serous
369. After perforation of the gastric ulcer the air first of all
which is the:
2. Right subdiaphragmatic space
4. Falciform ligament
gastrocolic ligament
4. Pancreas
by the:
performed by the:
1. Stomach
379. The peritoneum covers the liver from all sides except
1. Phrenicogastric ligament
4. Hepatoduodenal ligament
5. hepatogastric ligament
2. Inferior C. Duodenum
1. The subhepatic space
1. The diaphragm
4. The aorta
the liver:
2. The duodenum
3. The stomach
2. The stomach
1. Portal vein
2. Portal vein
4. Common bile duct
5. Fatty tissue
2. The liver
2. Laterally
2. Cystic duct
2. Supraduodenal part
4. Retroduodenal part
3. Pancreatic part
1. Interstitial part
405. Pancreatic duct and the common bile duct join to:
2. Pancreaticosplenic
1. The duodenum
portal vein:
1. The stomach
3. The colon
5. The pancreas
7. The spleen
4. The liver
6. The kidneys
1. The superior mesenteric artery
intestine pass?
1. It is not separated
storey of pelvis?
formed by:
1. It is not separated
443. How is the left paracolic gutter separated from the left
subdiaphragmatic space?
3. By phrenicocolic ligament
3.3 recesses
1. At the beginning
mesenteric artery
455. How can one distinguish the colon from the small
3. By presence of haustra
S. By color
transverse colon?
paraumbilical veins
3. Submucous layer
2. Lambert
1. Stomach
2. Duodenum
3. Small intestine
4. Colon
1. Gastropexy
following reconstruction:
following reconstruction:
I. Billroth I
2. Billroth II
resection is it?
3. Hofmcister-Finstcrer
by Hofmeister-Finsterer is necessary:
the anastomosis
part of duodenum
the stomach
intestinal suture
1. Suture of Albert
5. Suture of Schmieden
4. End-to-end
498. What layers should be stitched by the first row of Albert's Suture while performing the intestinal
499. What layers should be stitched by the second row of While performing the intestinal Albert's
502. How is it necessary to inspect the abdominal organs to find the source of bleeding?
503. What are the most typical positions of the appendix in relation to the cecum?
3. The medial
5. The descending
504. What position of the appendix can simulate the right side renal colic?
3. The retrocecal and retroperitoneal
505. What can be the cause of the clinical presentation of appendicitis similar to the symptoms of
506. Which the most reliable and convenient signs are used to find the appendix during appendectomy?
3. The location of the appendix's base at the place of confluence of three longitudinal taeniae coli
4. The continuation of the anterior (free) tacnia onto the base appendix
1. Volkovich-Dyakonov
5. Lennander
509. What part of the colon is the most frequently used to form the preternatural anus?
2. Sigmoid colon
510. Why is it necessary to stitch the parietal peritoneum with the skin while making the preternatural anus?
2. To insulate the layers of the abdominal wall and to prevent their contamination
3. XII ribs
513. The lateral border of the lumbar region is form by the continuation of:
514. How many muscular layers are present in the lumbar region?
3. 3
515. The muscles related to the second layer of the lumbar region are:
516. The following muscles are located in the lateral department of the lumbar region;
517. The subcutaneous fatty tissue of the lumbar region is distributed in the following way:
7. Iliac crest
5. 12th rib
523. The border between the lumbar region and the retroperitoneal space is:
3. Endoabdominal fascia
524. The fascias of the retroperitoneal space (listed from behind) are:
4. Endoabdominal fascia(match)
2. Retrorenal fascia
1. Prerenal fascia
1. Parietal peritoneum
2. Endoabdominal fascia
526. In the retroperitoneal space between the endoabdominal and retroperitoneal fascias is located:
529. Determine the order of location of three capsules of the kidney starting from its parenchyma:
3. Fibrous capsule
l. Fat (adipose) capsule
2. Fascial capsule
530. In front of the right kidney the following three organs are situated:
1. Liver
4. Duodenum
531. The following anatomical structures are adjacent to the anterior surface of the left kidney:
2. Stomach
532. The following anatomical structures are adjacent to the anterior surface of the right kidney:
4. Ascending colon
533. How are the elements of the renal pedicle located in the front-to-back direction?
3. Three narrowings
537. The narrowings of the ureter are located at the level of:
6. Above the place of ureter's passage through the wall of the urinary bladder
538. Ureters with their posterior surfaces in the lower part of the retroperitoneal space are adjacent to:
3. Genitofemoral nerve
539. At the level of the terminal line the left ureter crosses:
541. The place of needle's insertion in a case of paranephral blockade is located at:
3. The vertex of the angle between the 12th rib and the lateral margin of erector spine muscle
542. During the paranephral novocaine blockade by Vishnevsky the surgeon feels the "give" (sudden
reduce of the tissues' resistance) twice. At the first "give" the needle penetrates:
543. During the paranephral novocaine blockade by Vishnevsky the solution of novocaine is introduced:
544. Indicate the sequence of layers dissected by the surgeon for exposure of the kidney, performing the
incision by Bergmann-Israel:
2. The deep lamina of the thoracolumbar fascia and the transverse abdominis muscle
1. Endoabdominal fascia
545. The approach to the kidney by Bergmann-Israel is characterized by the following statement:
546. During nephrectomy the ligation and dissection of the elements of the renal pedicle are produced in
the following order:
547. The boundary between the large and small pelvis includes:
I. Promontorium
2. Terminal line
548. The walls of the bony pelvis consist of the following formation:
1. Sacrum
3. Ilium
4. Ischium
5. Pubic bone
6. Соссух
549. The bony base of the pelvis is complemented by the following ligaments:
1. Sacrotuberal
2. Sacrospinal
1. Greater sciatic
2. Lesser sciatic
4. Obturator
1. Parietal
2. Visceral
1. Piriformis muscle
1. Sciatic nerve
555. The superficial group of muscles of the small pelvis (ischiocavernous, bulbospongious, superficial
transverse muscle of perineum) is located in the following pelvic storey:
4. Subcutaneous
556. What anatomical structures pass through the lesser sciatic foramen?
5. Pudendal nerve
558. The sciatic nerve passes from the small pelvis into the gluteal region through:
3. Suprapiriform foramen
559. The posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh passes from the small pelvis into the gluteal region through:
3. Suprapiriform foramen
560. The pudendal nerve, internal pudendal artery and veins pass into the ischiorectal fossa through:
storey of pelvis:
1. Retropubic
3. Presacral
space of pelvis:
564. The walls of the retropubic fat space of the pelvis are
formed by:
1. Transverse fascia
2. Prevesical fascia
4. Fascial folds located on both sides of the urinary
5. Pelvic diaphragm
6. Urogenital diaphragm
565. Where can the pus spread to from the retropubic space
of the pelvis?
566. Where can the pus spread to from the lateral fat space
of the pelvis?
1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous fat
3. Anococcygeal body
5. Ischiococcygeal muscle
568. Where can the pus spread to from the presacral fat
1. Ureters
8. Obturator nerve
located in?
4. Subcutaneous storey
6. Ischial tuberosity
1. Bulbospongious muscle
1. Arcuate ligaments
2. urethra
3. Vagina
two muscles:
2. Coccygeal muscle
2. Sacrouterine ligaments
4. Cardinal ligaments
1. Pelvic floor
4. Urogenital diaphragm
I. Uterine artery
4. Ovarian arteries
4. Mesovarium
3. Ureter
I. Uterine artery
4. Ovarian arteries
1. Abdominal aorta
1. Abdominal aorta
3. Rectouterine pouch
2. Inferiorly
1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous fat
I. Ischiorectal fossa
I. Vaginal tunic of testis
3. Skin
4. Tunica dartos
5. Cremaster muscle
3. Prostate
3. Portal vein
lymph nodes
small pelvis:
5. Perineal approach
1. The skin
anatomical formations:
1. The skin
2. Hydradenitis
3. Furuncles
5. Thyrocervical trunk
4. Musculocutaneous nerve
641. The axillary fat space communicates with the fat space
injury of the:
4. Axillary nerve
5. Axillary nerve
quadrilateral foramen?
along the:
3. Radial nerve
652. Two of the listed nerves originate from the lateral cord
1. Anterior
656. In a patient after reposition of dislocation of the
the arm. The other movements in the shoulder joint are free,
4. Axillary nerve
lateral side?
posterior side?
4. Axillary nerve
2. Radial nerve
1. Posterior
4. Anterior
purulent processes
3. Coracobrachialis muscle
5. Brachialis muscle
fascial compartment:
4. Anterior
fascial compartment:
4. Anterior
fascial compartment:
1. Posterior
of the:
to humeromuscular canal:
cubital region
humeromuscular canal:
4. Radial nerve
3. Laterally
brachii muscle
693. What branches does the radial nerve divide into in the
forearm is located:
2. Ulnar nerve
4. Musculocutaneous nerve
3. Radial nerve
4. Four
the radial nerve in the upper and middle thirds parts of the
forearm is located:
3. Laterally
name in the:
I. Median nerve
708. Two statements from the listed are true concerning the
4. Nine
line of the:
4. 4th finger
line of the:
3. 3d finger
3. Three
of thenar, the disturbance of the thumb's opposition has appeared. What is the most probable reason for
such complication?
"forbidden area")?
5. No one finger
radial artery
2. The deep palmar arch D. Between the tendons of the deep flexor
between the:
frequently located:
following types:
1. Subungual
2. Cutaneous
4. Воny
5. Articular
aponeurosis with:
2. Osteal panaritium
this fact?
the palm
process on the distal phalange of the finger is, that the pus
will spread:
4. Iliopectineal arch
3. Femoral nerve
5. Iliopsoas muscle
4. Lacuna musculorum
2. Posterolateral A. Ilium
3. Femoral hernia
1. Femoral artery
2. Femoral vein
5. Lymph node
Match the Pairs
750. The femoral ring (the deep ring of the femoral canal) is bordered by:
4. Lacunar ligament
754. Choose two correct statements about the saphenous opening (superficial ring of the femoral canal):
3. Lacunar ligament
756. What anatomical structures pass through the anterior opening of adductor canal?
2. Saphenous nerve
2. Sartorius muscle
758. The skin of the anterior surface of thigh is innervated by cutaneous branch of the:
3. Femoral nerve
2. Perforate arteries
761. The surgeon is going to ligate the femoral artery in the superior third part of the thigh. Should the
artery be ligated above or below the origin of the deep femoral artery?
1. Femoral artery
2. Femoral vein
3. Three
764. What muscles are located in the anterior compartment of the thigh?
3. sartorius muscle
5. quadriceps muscle of thigh
765. The perforating arteries (the branches of the deep femoral artery) perforate the:
766. What five muscles of the listed are located in the medial compartment of the thigh?
767. How can the blood supply of the lower extremity be restored after thrombosis, injury or ligation of the
femoral artery in the middle third part of the thigh?
3. medially
769. The skin of the lateral surface of thigh is innervated by lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, which
originates from the:
1.lumbar plexus
770.The fatty tissue of the medial fascial compartment of thigh communicates through the obturator
foramen with:
771. What does the adductor canal connect to the popliteal fossa?
774. The femoral vein in relation to femoral artery in the adductor canal is located:
3. posteriorly
775. the blood flow in the lower extremity after thrombosis or ligation of the femoral artery in the middle
third part of the thigh can be restored by the:
776. In the gluteal region the first muscular layer is formed by the:
777. In the gluteal region the second muscular layer is formed by the:
3.internal obturator muscle
4.piriform muscle
5.quadrate muscle of thigh
8.gluteus medius muscle
778. In the gluteal region the third muscular layer is formed by the:
779.Through the suprapiriform foramen from small pelvis to the gluteal region the following artery and
nerve run:
780.Through the infrapiriform foramen from small pelvis to the gluteal region the following 2 arteries and
4 nerves run:
781.What structure doesn’t pass through the infrapiriform foramen from the small pelvis to the gluteal
3. femoral nerve
782.Through the lesser sciatic foramen into the ischiorectal fossa the following artery and nerve pass:
2. it may lead to dislocation of the central end of the vessel into the pelvic cavity and profuse internal
785.What muscle divides the greater sciatic foramen into two parts?
2. piriform muscle
2.pudendal nerve
787. What structure is located most laterally in the infrapiriform foramen?
1.sciatic nerve
788.Where does the pudendal neurovascular bundle run after passage through the infrapiriform foramen?
789. In a patient with diabetes mellitus the postinjection phlegmon of the subgluteal space has spread into
the posterior compartment of the thigh. Such spreading could occur along the:
4.sciatic nerve
790.The purulent paraprocitis has formed the phlegmon in the ischiorectal fossa, which has spread into the
subgluteal fat space. Such spreading has occurred through the :
792.The skin of the posterior surface of thigh is innervated by posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, which
originates from the:
2.sacral plexus
794. How is it possible to recognize the biceps muscle of thigh in the wound?
3. at the femoral neck: anteriorly- along the intertrochanteric line, posteriorly- between the external
and middle third parts of the neck
796. Where should the needle be introduced in a case of puncture of the hip joint by lateral approach?
2.above the tip of the greater trochanter in the frontal plane (with the thigh being medially rotated
and slightly abducted)
797. The hip joint is covered from the anterior side by all the structures, except for:
3. it is used to perform the approach to the popliteal artery from the medial side
800. What is the order of the elements of the popliteal neurovascular bundle from the posterior to the
anterior side?
801. During the operation on the phlegmon of the popliteal fossa the surgeon has found the spreading of
the pus into the lateral compartment of the leg. What was the way of spreading of the infection?
802. During the operation on the phlegmon of the popliteal fossa the surgeon has found the spreading if the
pus into the posterior region of the thigh. What was the way of spreading of the infection?
803. The purulent gonitis was complicated by accumulation of pus in the popliteal fossa and spreading of
the infection into the posterior compartment of leg. What is the possible way of such spreading of the
804. Acute thrombosis of the popliteal artery at the level of the articular fissure of the knee joint has
stopped the blood flow in the main artery. The blood flow can be restored due to the presence of the
articular network, formed by the four arteries from the listed below:
1.femoral artery
2. deep artery of thigh
5. anterior tibial artery
6. popliteal artery
805. The phlegmon of the popliteal fossa can spread into the anterior region of the thigh:
3. Through adductor canal
806. What nerve can be injured while drainage of the posterolateral recesses of the knee joint?
2. The common peroneal nerve
807. The two statements about the knee joint are correct:
3. The anterior superior recess of the joint can have the communication with the suprapatellar bursa
4. The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are the internal ligaments of the joint
808. How many synovial recesses does the knee joint have?
5. 13
809. All arteries, except one, participate in formation of the frontal arterial network of the knee joint:
3. Middle genicular artery
811. The paralytic pendulous foot (“pes equinus”) occurs when the following nerve is damaged:
1. Deep peroneal nerve
817. The superficial peroneal nerve in the superior third part of the leg is located:
2. In the superior musculoperoneal canal
818. What structure participates in formation of one of the walls of the superior musculoperoneal canal?
2. Fibular bone
821. The neurovascular bundle of the anterior compartment of the leg includes:
1. Anterior tibial artery
4. Anterior tibial veins
6. Deep peroneal nerve
822. To expose the anterior neurovascular bundle of the leg in the inferior half of the leg the surgeon after
dissection of the proper fascia should penetrate between:
2. The anterior tibial muscle and extensor hallucis longus
823. What vein is most greatly changed in a case of varicose dilation of the veins of the lower extremity?
2. Vena saphena magna
824. The Babcock’s operation on the varicose dilation of the veins consist of:
4. Removal of the vena saphena magna with venous extractor
825. The foot will be in a state of maximal dorsal flexion (“the heel foot”, pes calcaneus) after the damage
of the:
4. Tibial nerve
827. The effect of the musculovenous pump of the lower extremity is explained by:
2. Presence of valves in the veins of the lower extremity
828. The medial malleolar canal transmits all the structures except:
4. Tendon of long peroneal muscle
830. To estimate the condition of the arteries of the lower extremity the doctor will examine the pulsation
on the dorsal artery of the foot first. The projection line of this artery runs from the midpoint between the
ankles towards:
2. The first interdigital space
831. The dorsal artery of the foot is located between the tendons of the:
2. Extensor digitorum longus and extensor hallucis longus
835. Subcutaneous fatty tissue of the sole communicates with subaponeurotic fatty tissue through:
4. Commissural openings
836. The fatty tissue of the middle compartment of the foot communicates with fatty tissue of the calcaneal
and malleolar canals along the:
2. Lateral neurovascular bundle of the foot
837. What muscle tendon is located in the medial malleolar canal most posteriorly?
2. Flexor hallucis longus
839. What wall of the femoral ring should be dissected in a case of strangulated femoral hernia?
4. Medial
840. What walls of the femoral canal are sutured using the plastic method of Bassini?
4. Anterosuperior and inferoposterior
841. Operating the femoral hernia using the femoral approach the surgeon sutures together:
2. Inguinal and pectineal ligaments
842. What is the main problem of the femoral approach for operation on femoral hernia?
2. Possibility of increase of the inguinal space after dislocation of the inguinal ligament down
843. What structures are sutured in the medial angle of the wound using the method of Ruggi-Parlavecchio?
1. Internal oblique abdominis muscle
2. Transverse abdominis muscle
4. Inguinal ligament
5. Pectineal ligament
844. What structures are sutured in the lateral angle of the wound using the method Ruggi-Parlavecchio?
2. Internal oblique abdominis muscle
3. Transverse abdominis muscle
4. Inguinal ligament
846. What walls of the deep femoral ring are sutured using the method of ruggi?
1. Anterosuperior and posteroinferior
847. What structures are sutured using the method of ruggi on femoral hernias?
2. Inguinal ligament and iliopectineal fascia
857. Why are the end of the nerves during amputation truncated?
2. To prevent the development of phantom pains
858. What is used for retraction of the muscles in the proximal direction (after their disection)
during the amputations?
1. Gauze retractor
3. Metal retractor
859. The aperiostal method of treating the bone during amputation consists of the dissection of
periosteum, its retraction distally and sawing the bone:
3. 2-3 mm away from the periosteum
860. During the cone-circular amputation of the thigh by pirogov the first moment incision
4. The skin, subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia
861. What tissues are cut during the second moment of the three-moment cone-circular
amputation of the thigh by pirogov?
2. Superficial muscles
862. Before making the third moment of the three-moment cone-circular amputation of the thigh
by pirogov it is necessary:
3. To retract the skin and the superficial muscles as much as possible
863. Define the three moments of the three-moment cone-circular amputation of the thigh by
1. Dissection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia
2. Dissection of the superficial muscles along the edge of the retracted skin
4. Dissection of deep muscles
864. In bone plastic amputation of the leg by pirogov the surface of the sawn tibia is covered by:
3. The tuber of the calcaneus
865. Excision of the articular capsule is called:
3. Synovectomy
866. The excision of the articular ends of the bones affected by any pathological process is called:
1. Resection of joint
867. The operation of fixing the joint in the predetermined position is known as:
1. Arthrodesis
868. The operation performed to restore the mobility in the joint by dissection of the fibrous
adhesions between the articular surfaces is known as:
2. Arthrolysis
869. The operation of recovery of the joint’s function by replacing the damaged or dysfunctional
elements is called:
3. Arthroplasty