Self-Study Programme 383
Self-Study Programme 383
Self-Study Programme 383
Fax +49-841/89-36367
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status: 05/06
Printed in Germany
Audi-Space-Frame ASF® of the Audi TT Coupé
The development targets for the bodyshell of the Audi TT
With a weight advantage of 48 % over a comparable all-steel bodyshell, in addition to an optimised weight
distribution, the new composite aluminium-steel spaceframe body of the Audi TT marks yet another mile-
stone in the development of modern Audi bodyshells.
Crash safety of the bodyshell is enhanced by means of load-bearing structures at the front end, sides and rear
end, with a heavy emphasis on pedestrian safety.
To ensure efficient volume bodyshell production, various new joining and production techniques are
The repair concept is based heavily on the well-known aluminium repair concept. However, of course, the
materials combination of aluminium and steel necessitated that new approaches be taken.
Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Technological concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Contact corrosion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Combination of steel and aluminium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Comparison of ASF concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Punch riveting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Clinching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
MIG welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Resistance spot welding and MAG welding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Structural bonding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
New joining technique: solid punch riveting (Kerb-Konus riveting) . . . . . . . . . . 16
New joining technique: Flow Drill screwing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
New joining technique: aluminium laser welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Repair concept
Aluminium repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Steel repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Aluminium-steel repairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Workshop equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Qualification of aluminium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The self-study programme teaches the design and function of new vehicle models,
new automotive parts or new technologies. Reference Note
For maintenance and repair work, always refer to the current technical literature.
Audi Space Frame of the Audi TT
Technological concept
Sheet-steel parts are used for the first time in the Although the new TT has grown in size, the gross
ASF of the new Audi TT in addition to aluminium weight of the vehicle has been reduced through the
castings, aluminium extruded sections and alumin- use of the aluminium-steel bodyshell.
ium sheet-metal parts. Collectively, they make up
the body structure. Vehicle weight distribution has The body structure of the new Audi TT has higher
been optimised by using sheet-steel parts in the strength and 50 % higher torsional rigidity than its
rear body section. This has a direct bearing on predecessor.
sporting characteristics, such as driving dynamics
and acceleration as well as safety characteristics,
such as stopping distance and driving stability
In spite of the partial use of sheet-steel parts, the
total body weight of 277 kg, including attachments
such as doors and lids, is considerably less than
that of a comparable all-steel body.
Sheet-aluminium parts
Aluminium castings
Sheet-steel parts
Audi Space Frame of the Audi TT
Contact corrosion
Aluminium has a passivating oxide surface layer The greater the difference in potential, the greater
which protects the material underneath from corro- the contact corrosion. As aluminium is normally the
sion. This is why an unpainted aluminium part nor- lesser noble metal, it degrades.
mally does not corrode.
Contact corrosion
383_005 383_004
Contact corrosion can only be prevented by taking In the case of the Audi TT, the following anti-corro-
measures to stop the flow of electrical current sion measures have been taken:
induced by the potential difference between
the two metals. This is best achieved by painting the – coating of all steel screws and fasteners such as
surfaces. However, the risk of corrosion is high even self-piercing rivets
if a tiny amount of paint damage occurs. – Galvanising of all sheet-metal parts (zinc and alu-
minium have a smaller potential difference than
steel and aluminium)
– Insulation by means of adhesive
– Sealing of aluminium-steel joints
Joining steel and aluminium
One of the challenges for the development of the Thermal joining processes such as MIG welding can
Audi TT bodyshell was the attachment of the sheet- be ruled out because it is not possible by these
steel rear-end parts to the aluminium body assem- means to make a joint which has the requisite struc-
blies. tural and dynamic strength and will not result in
contact corrosion.
Aluminium-steel connections
Audi Space Frame of the Audi TT
Special requirements are made with regard to the This is ensured by non-thermal joining of parts
strength and corrosion protection of the joints using coated self-piercing rivets and special screws
between aluminium body parts and steel parts. in combination with bonding.
Aluminium and steel joints with faulty corrosion pro- Adhesive bonding is the basis for the corrosion pro-
tection can exhibit much higher corrosion rates than tection of corrosion-susceptible aluminium/galva-
all-aluminium joints or all-steel joints.When making nised steel joints in the bodyshell of the Audi TT.In
aluminium-steel joints, therefore, highest standards this way, the mating materials are superficially insu-
of quality must be maintained at all times during the lated, thus suppressing corrosion processes at the
production process and in the service workshop. point of contact. As a further measure, all compos-
ite joints either sealed with PVC or coated with wax
preservative after the cataphoretic dip coating (KTL)
This illustration shows clearly what effects contact The aluminium sheet shown here exhibits severe
corrosion can have if adequate corrosion protection contact corrosion, which has resulted in mechanical
is not provided. A this joint, the flange was sealed in failure of the punch riveted joint.
the bodyshell without using adhesive.
By way of a comparison, this illustration shows the In this case, the aluminium sheet showed no dam-
same flange with an adhesive bond and sealing. age due to contact corrosion after exposure to iden-
tical environmental conditions.
Audi Space Frame of the Audi TT
Aluminium castings
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Audi TT (2006 ➔)
Aluminium castings
Sheet-steel parts
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Sill section, Audi TT A-post, Audi TT
Four-chamber extruded section Sheet-aluminium sections (interior/exterior)
Joining techniques and production processes
In addition to well-known processes such as MIG welding or punch riveting, the joining techniques of Flow
Drill screwing and Kerb-taper riveting are used for the first time on the Audi TT.
In the production process, a laser cleaning method is used for cleaning before the roof drip moulding is
attached by welding.
Riveted joint
Clean Laser
Punch riveting
Punch riveting is one of the principal joining techniques used on the bodyshell of the new Audi TT. This tech-
nique is used for joining aluminium body parts and for joining aluminium body parts to steel body parts.
The process has been in use since launch of the Audi A2. Self piercing rivets with two different diameters and
lengths are used in the Audi TT.
Punch riveting process
With clinching, the metal sheets to be joined are clamped between a die and a blankholder. The sheets are
then pushed down into the die by a punch to form an interlocking joint. However, joints produced in this way
is not as strong as joints produced by punch riveting, for example.
In the Audi TT, this technology is used on attachments such as doors and lids. Several clinched joints are also
located in the area of the B-post and rear wheel arch. In this area, aluminium sheets as well as steel and alu-
minium sheets are clinched together.
Clinching process
Applications of clinching
Joining techniques and production processes
MIG welding
Aluminium parts have largely been joined by means of metal inert gas welding since the launch of the Audi
aluminium bodyshell in the Audi A8 (1994) . This technique is principally used to make joints between castings
and extruded sections, as well as sheet-metal parts.
This joining technique is notable for producing high-strength joints, but it introduces a great deal of heat into
the joint and has a relatively slow process speed.
The usual techniques of resistance spot welding and, to a lesser extent, metal active gas welding (MAG weld-
ing) are used for joining sheet steel body parts in steel body manufacturing.
Structural bonding
In certain areas, adhesive bonding is used supplementary to clinched joints and punch riveted joints, solid
punch riveted joints, Flow Drill screw connections and resistance spot welds. This improves joint strength.
Adhesive bonding is also used for strengthening of seam joints, e.g. in the rear wheel arch. In other areas of
the body, adhesive beads are used for sealing and insulation between aluminium and steel sheets, as well as
for noise reduction.
Joining techniques and production processes
Solid punch riveting process
383_061 383_073
Solid punch riveting process in production Micrograph of a solid punch riveted joint
Aluminium solid punch rivets are used in the C-post drip moulding area, while coated stainless steel solid
punch rivets are used in the region of the roof frame. Stainless steel rivets must not be drilled out or ground,
due to the risk of corrosion.
New joining technique: Flow Drill screwing
Automatic direct screwing enables joints to be made between any materials, even if these materials can be
accessed from one side only. A special coated screw is driven under high surface pressure through a hole in
the outer part to be joined. The lower part is not predrilled. The pressure and rotational speed soften the
material and allow the screw to be inserted.
Flow Drill screwing process
Flow Drill
383_063 383_074
Flow Drill screws can be removed in the service workshop and replaced with new screws. In case of thread
damage, screws are also available in oversize (M6 instead of M5) . For use in new parts, it may be necessary to
predrill the material.
Joining techniques and production processes
Laser welding has been used for joining aluminium body parts since the launch of the Audi A2. In most cases,
sheet-metal parts are welded onto castings or extruded parts. The invisible joint in the roof area is joined
using a new joining technique: laser welding.
Laser beam
Laser-induced plasma
Welding wire
Direction of welding
383_066 383_025
Laser welding process in production Micrograph of the roof frame and roof panel joint
To ensure consistent laser welding of aluminium parts, the parts to be welded must have a perfectly clean sur-
face. This is achieved either by washing the component parts followed by chemical pickling or by using the
new Laser Clean process.
A controlled laser beam removes all residues from the surface by heating it for a short time. Parts cleaned
using this method can be directly laser-welded.
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The joint between the roof frame and roof panel is reworked and surface finished automatically in the produc-
tion line by means of a brushing process.
Brushing process in production
Laser weld seam before (above) and
after the brushing process (below)
Repair concept
Aluminium repair
The repair concept for the all-aluminium body parts If the vehicle structure is damaged, beam 1 can also
is similar to that for the repair of previous Audi alu- be replaced by undoing the screw connection. All fur-
minium-bodied vehicles. ther damage to the vehicle front end can only be
repaired by welding suitable genuine parts into place.
Bumper beam 1
Crash box
Bumper beam 2
Joint between beam 1 and beam 2
The four-chamber extruded section is located A dual-chamber genuine part developed specially
beneath the sill moulding.A special repair method for this repair solution is welded to the remainder of
was developed for damaged outer chambers. When the sill profile using a continuous MIG weld seam at
repair work is needed, the extruded section is split the top and bottom. In addition, the U-shaped chan-
vertically so that the two rear chambers including nel in the genuine part is filled with an adhesive
the centre ridge of the four-chamber profile remain. bead which provides additional strength and elimi-
nates noise transmission between the two sills.
Adhesive bead
New part
Repair concept
Steel repairs
The rear end of the Audi TT is only area where it is This also applies to painted aluminium parts! Red
possible to carry out repair work involving only steel hot steel parts can damage the paintwork and steel
parts and where the aluminium-steel joint is fully particles can come into contact with the aluminium
intact. body parts, leading to contact corrosion on the
undamaged aluminium body.
This repair work can be carried out on the Therefore, the complete bodyshell must be pro-
tected carefully when carrying out steel repairs. This
– rear end section is done by using suitable protective covers and by
– rear side member (body side section undamaged) masking the body with masking tape. Furthermore,
– rear floorpan cutting work may only be performed using a body
saw. If grinding work is needed, this must be done
Basically, the repair procedure is the same as for all- using grinding discs which produce little or no fly-
steel-bodied vehicles. Due to the danger of contact ing sparks. The spot welding machine should be
corrosion in aluminium body parts, however, special used for welding work where possible, because it
safety precautions must be taken. Grinding dust of produces less weld spatter during the welding proc-
steel parts, particularly flying sparks caused by cut- ess.
ting or welding work, must not be allowed to drop
onto the aluminium parts.
Damage to be
body parts which must be covered when carrying out steel repairs
Aluminium-steel repairs
In the case of body side or rear-end damage, both Two-component car body adhesive DA 001 730 A1
aluminium and steel body parts may become dam- and rivets or screws are used for joining. As in
aged. This is the case, for example, when the body series production, an insulating layer is placed
side section (aluminium) and rear wheel arch (steel) between the two materials to prevent contact corro-
are damaged. After removing the damaged parts, sion. When welding steel body parts, the aluminium
the new genuine parts are installed in accordance parts must be carefully covered and masked!
with the repair procedures described in the previous
sections. Joining of steel and aluminium parts must
be carried out with the greatest care in order to
eliminate the possibility of future contact corrosion.
Repair concept
Workshop equipment
A special tool is required for repair work on alumin- In addition to the special equipment and machines
ium-bodied vehicles. The basis is work scope 2010. for stud welding, dent removal, bonding and rivet-
ing, the aluminium welding technology is of special
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Aluminium body dent removal tools VAS 5196 and VAS 6049 Cordless punch riveter VAS 5279A
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Aluminium inert gas welder V.A.G 2001B Aluminium inert gas welder VAS 6388
Qualification of aluminium
A special knowledge and special skills are required Particularly for welding work, certification of
to repair aluminium bodyshells. A prerequisite for employees according to international standard DIN
successful body repairs is participation in the rele- EN ISO 9606-2 is important.
vant training courses.
EX 351 EX 353
Welding Audi TT
Aluminium Certificate Aluminium technology
Repeat exam
AB 352
Aluminium technology
Car body safety concept
To check the theoretical results and to meet statu- Various test conditions are simulated on the basis of
tory requirements, actual tests are conducted. the applicable standard.
Euro NCAP side impact (50 kph)
ECE and Japan rear collision (50 kph)
Car body safety concept
Pedestrian safety
Pedestrian safety is an increasingly important fac- When designing the bonnet, importance was
tor. Various measures were implemented in the new attached to a stable design which yields to absorb
Audi TT in order to meet the safety requirements. head impacts. This is achieved by the honeycomb-
like structure of the car body inner panelling.
The overall concept provides for deformation zones To reduce leg impact force at the front end, the
between the bonnet and the units or car body struc- bumper cover has been decoupled and an impact-
tural parts. absorbing foam part has been integrated between
the bumper beam and bumper cover.
The development tools "Simulation" and "Testing" were used for design.
(head impact)
Lower legform
(leg impact)
Head impact
Leg impact
Electromechanical rear spoiler
The new Audi TT has as standard an electrically The unit consisting of the rear spoiler module and
extendable rear spoiler. The extended rear spoiler the spoiler wing is integrated in the boot lid of the
significantly increases driving stability at high Audi TT. The rear spoiler module with drive unit,
speeds. The spoiler extends automatically at a input shaft and reversing mechanism (hinge) is
speed of 120 kph and retracts at a speed of 80 kph. bolted with self-adjusting elements to the sheet-
At speeds of less then 120 kph, the rear spoiler can steel spoiler wing painted in the body colour.
be actuated manually with a switch in the centre
SSP 380 Audi TT Coupé ‘07
– Body
– Occupant protection
– Engine
– Suspension system
– Electrical system
– Air conditioning
– Infotainment
– Front axle
– Rear axle
– Shock absorber system
– Brake system
– Networking
– Bus topology
– Convenience electronics
– Infotainment
Fax +49-841/89-36367
D-85045 Ingolstadt
Technical status: 05/06
Printed in Germany