Teaching Strategies in Health Profession
Teaching Strategies in Health Profession
Teaching Strategies in Health Profession
Vision of the University: A globally recognized university in a heritage city by Mission: To produce globally skilled and morally upright professionals instilled with rich
2030. cultural values.
Goal of the College:
To produce globally competent health professionals dedicated to the provision of quality health services guided by equity, respect for human life, love of God, country and
Objectives of the College or Department:
1. Attain excellence and leadership among Instruction in Allied Health Professions responsive to the needs of the dynamic health system.
2. Enhance scientific, clerical and community- based health researchers along identified local and global concerns for the improvement of the general health and
3. Strengthen relevant extension services and help uplift peoples’ lives.
4. Improve production through optimal utilization of available resources geared toward self-reliance.
Program Outcomes:
A graduate from the BS in Community Health Management will be able to become a competent emergency health services provider who can:
1. Provide quality health services in times of emergency, calamity and disaster;
2. Work collaboratively and ethically in local and global setting;
3. Be a competent human health resource;
4. Design with clients (i.e. individual, family, community) education programs to address health and health related concerns;
5. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-multidisciplinary, and multicultural terms;
6. Engage in lifelong learning with passion to keep current with national and global development in general and health development in particular;
7. Demonstrate high enthusiasm on the conduct of researches and their utilization;
8. Initiate transfer of skills to clientele;
9. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino health care provider;
10. Integrate ethico-moral values on legal principle in professional practice
Course Code: Strat Descriptive Title: Teaching Strategies in Health Course Credit/number of hours/weeks: 3 units/54
Profession hours/ 18 weeks
Prerequisite subject/s: None
Software/applications, Zoom, Google Meet, Moodle, Facebook Messenger Room, Facebook group, E-mail and Text Messaging
browser requirements,
minimum technical skills Basic Software knowledge: (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation), Basic browser knowledge (Zoom, Google Meet, Moodle,
required Google Classroom, Facebook Groups, Facebook Messenger)
Course Description: This course deals with the principles and teaching/learning strategies in health education including adult learning, the roles of a
teacher/EMT/Health Managers in community and hospital settings. It also includes strategies that enhance critical, assessing and evaluating
Course Learning Outcomes
Download and
study the course
syllabus from the
Week 2-3 1. Discuss the historical I. Introduction to Health Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
foundation of health Education references, attendance course or topic collection and
education. a) Historical Foundation of modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of chapter
2. Define related terms Health Education outs; reading and study during own topic modules, exams
on health education. b) Definition of related of textbooks and time worksheets,
3. State the aims and terms podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework, oral feedback
c) Aims and Basic blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and
basic principles of
Principles of Health material (OERs), learning methods study of projects, homework/
health education. Education websites, and other of all types, all the textbooks and reflections, etc. assignments’
4. Identify the targets of d) Targets of Health forms of ICT; different forms of similar printed outputs
health education. Education computer-based materials,
5. Explain the role of e) Role of Health learning, open-learning
health educators. Educators multimedia and methods of all
web-based types, all the
different forms
student exercises,
of computer-
worksheets, based learning,
assignments and multimedia and
projects; web-based
researches; learning;
student student
presentation exercises,
and projects;
Week 4 1. Differentiate the II. Components of Teaching Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
components of a) Teacher references, attendance course or topic collection and
teaching. b) Learner modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of Graded
c) Classroom outs; reading and study during own topic modules, recitation
d) Curriculum/Subject of textbooks and time worksheets,
matter podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework,
blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and homework/
e) Materials of instruction
material (OERs), learning methods projects, assignments’
f) Administration websites, and other of all types, all the study of reflections, etc. outputs
forms of ICT; different forms of textbooks and
computer-based similar printed
learning, materials,
multimedia and open-learning
web-based methods of all
types, all the
student exercises,
different forms
worksheets, of computer-
assignments and based learning,
projects; multimedia and
researches; web-based
student learning;
presentation student
and projects;
Week 5 1. Describe the various III. Various Concepts of Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
concepts of teaching. Teaching references, attendance course or topic collection and
2. Differentiate the a) Teaching is a Complex modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of Synthesis of
concepts of teaching. Human Activity outs; reading and study during own topic modules, the various
b) Teaching is both a of textbooks and time worksheets, concepts of
science and an art podcasts, videos, similar printed homework, teaching
c) Teaching as a system blogs, online materials, open- assignments and
Teaching Strategies in Health Profession
Week 6 1. State the educators’ IV. Determinants of Learning Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
role in learning. a) The Educator’s Role in references, attendance course or topic collection and
2. Explain how to assess Learning modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of Chapter
learning needs. b) Assessing learning outs; reading and study during own topic modules, exam
3. Discuss the methods needs of textbooks and time worksheets,
use to assess learning c) Methods to assess podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework, Oral
needs. learning needs blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and
4. Identify the different d) Readiness to learn material (OERs), learning methods study of projects,
learning styles. e) Learning styles websites, and other of all types, all the textbooks and reflections, etc.
f) Learning style Models forms of ICT; different forms of similar printed Homework/
and Instruments computer-based materials, assignment
learning, open-learning output
multimedia and methods of all
web-based types, all the
learning; different forms
student exercises, of computer-
homework, based learning,
worksheets, multimedia and
assignments and web-based
projects; learning;
researches; student
student exercises,
presentation worksheets,
and projects;
Week 7-8 1. Define theory. V. Learning Theories to Health Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Chapter
2. Relate Care Practice references, attendance course or topic collection and exam
neuropsychology and a) Learning Theories modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of
learning. b) Neuropsychology and outs; reading and study during own topic modules, Oral
3. Compare the different Learning of textbooks and time worksheets, feedback
learning theories. c) Comparison of learning podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework,
theories blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and
material (OERs), learning methods study of projects,
websites, and other of all types, all the textbooks and reflections, etc.
forms of ICT; different forms of output
similar printed
computer-based materials,
multimedia and
methods of all
learning; types, all the
student exercises, different forms
homework, of computer-
worksheets, based learning,
assignments and multimedia and
projects; web-based
researches; learning;
student student
presentation exercises,
and projects;
Week 10- 1. Define the term VI. Principles of Teaching and Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
11 principle. Learning references, attendance course or topic collection and
2. Discuss the functions a) Definition of Principles modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of
and scope of b) Function and Scope of outs; reading and study during own topic modules,
principles. Principles of textbooks and time worksheets,
3. Identify the types of c) Types of Teaching podcasts, videos, similar printed homework,
teaching principles. Principles blogs, online materials, open- assignments and
4. Explain the principle d) Principles of Humanistic material (OERs), learning methods projects,
of humanistic websites, and other of all types, all the reading and reflections, etc.
Teaching study of
teaching. forms of ICT; different forms of
e) Principles of Good textbooks and
5. Discuss the principle computer-based
of good teaching. Teaching learning, similar printed
6. Explain the learning f) Learning Process multimedia and materials,
process. web-based open-learning
methods of all
student exercises,
homework, types, all the
worksheets, different forms
assignments and of computer-
projects; based learning,
researches; multimedia and
and projects;
Week 12- 1. Differentiate direct VII. Approaches, Methods and Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular
13 from indirect method Techniques of Health Education references, attendance course or topic collection and
as well as deductive a. Direct and Indirect modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of
and inductive Method outs; reading and study during own topic modules,
method. b. Deductive and Inductive of textbooks and time worksheets,
2. Describe the lecture Method podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework,
method. c. Lecture Method blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and
3. Compare problem and d. Problem Method material (OERs), learning methods study of projects,
project method. e. Project Method websites, and other of all types, all the textbooks and reflections, etc.
4. Discuss f. Demonstration Method forms of ICT; different forms of similar printed
demonstration computer-based materials,
method. learning,
multimedia and
methods of all
learning; types, all the
student exercises, different forms
homework, of computer-
worksheets, based learning,
assignments and multimedia and
projects; web-based
researches; learning;
student student
presentation exercises,
and projects;
Week 14- 1. Discuss the VIII. Teaching Strategies Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular
15 different teaching a. Traditional Strategies references, attendance course or topic collection and
strategies. b. Activity-Based modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of
Strategies outs; reading and study during own topic modules,
c. Computer Teaching of textbooks and time worksheets,
Strategies podcasts, videos, similar printed homework,
blogs, online materials, open- assignments and
material (OERs), learning methods projects,
websites, and other of all types, all the reading and reflections, etc.
forms of ICT; different forms of study of
computer-based textbooks and
learning, similar printed
multimedia and materials,
web-based open-learning
methods of all
student exercises,
homework, types, all the
worksheets, different forms
assignments and of computer-
projects; based learning,
researches; multimedia and
and projects;
Week 16- 1. Identify the types of IX. Behavioral Objectives, Textbook, Virtual classroom Downloading of Regular Quiz
17 objectives. Teaching Plan, Learning references, attendance course or topic collection and
2. Describe the assessment and evaluation modules, hand- self-directed materials submission of Teaching Plan
characteristics of a) Types of objectives outs; reading and study during own topic modules,
goals and objectives b) Characteristics of goals of textbooks and time worksheets, Video
3. Explain the taxonomy and objectives podcasts, videos, similar printed self-directed homework, recorded
of objectives c) Taxonomy of objectives blogs, online materials, open- reading and assignments and
according to learning according to learning material (OERs), learning methods study of projects,
domains. Domains websites, and other of all types, all the textbooks and reflections, etc.
4. Develop a teaching d) Development of forms of ICT; different forms of similar printed
plan. Teaching Plan computer-based materials,
5. Discuss the use of e) Use of Learning learning,
learning contracts. contracts multimedia and
methods of all
f) Learning Assessment web-based
and evaluation learning; types, all the
student exercises, different forms
homework, of computer-
worksheets, based learning,
assignments and multimedia and
projects; web-based
researches; learning;
student student
presentation exercises,
and projects;
Course Requirements: Module, Exams, Quizzes, Teaching Plan, Video Recorded Micro-teaching, Portfolio
Journal Review
Submission of Requirements:
-Students can pass their outputs through soft or hard copies
-For High Internet Connection students are expected to pass their required activities or school work on or before the deadline of each topic
-For Low Internet Connection students can send their requirements through courier services or significant others to pass physically
-For No Internet Connection students can send their requirements through courier services or significant others to pass physically
-Students can send SOFT COPIES of requirements via E-mail or in a USB/CD and asked it to be delivered through courier or physically
Late Requirements:
- The student is given 1 day extension to comply after the deadline of submission of requirements
- If student fails to submit on the day of extension but still decides to submit his or her requirement, he/she will be given a maximum of the 50% of the total allowable point
per activity
Missed Test:
- The student and instructor shall agree on when the student shall take the missed test.
- The student shall wear a decent attire during virtual classes and to make sure that their environment is conducive to online learning
- For virtual meetings, students shall be required to mute their microphones if not required to talk
- Students are prohibited to share or post unrelated materials or activities on different class platforms
- Students shall not share outputs with their classmates
- Students with the same outputs shall be considered null and void
- Students shall turn on their camera all throughout the virtual class
- Students shall be prohibited to use their alias or nicknames
Research Opportunities in Delivering Flexible Classes:
Utilization of research-based activities/requirements
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