UNCT ZW CommonCountryAnalysis 2021final 0
UNCT ZW CommonCountryAnalysis 2021final 0
UNCT ZW CommonCountryAnalysis 2021final 0
2.1. POVERTY 7
2.2. HUNGER 7
2.8. HOUSING 15
4. PLANET 26
4.3. LIFE ON LAND 28
5. PEACE 32
in key development areas. Regrettably, the country also registered a decline in some
socio-economic indicators. These were largely due to prolonged periods of economic
recession, political challenges and more regular climate-induced humanitarian crises.
ranking at 150 out of 189
countries. These disruptive shocks and crises continue to impede the country’s progress in achieving
the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and worse
still, threaten to reverse past development gains. The government has in recent years also
taken steps to accelerate progress on human development with the ushering in of a new
vision, premised on reforms to transform Zimbabwe into a prosperous and empowered
upper middle-income society by 2030.
such as in education and health, on the back of infrastructure expansion and policies
to alleviate poverty. Notably, net enrolment and completion rates for both primary and
secondary schools, remain amongst the highest on the continent. Significant progress
ranked at 129 out of 162
has also been registered in maternal and child health and in reducing HIV incidence
countries in 2019
over the last decade. However, various, social indicators have stagnated or in some
instances regressed over recent years. The growing informalization of the economy
has been accompanied by a rise in vulnerable employment and underemployment, thus
perpetuating poverty. While the proportion of people living in poverty marginally decreased
to 70.5 percent in 20172 from 75.6 percent in 1995, poverty remains high. Rural poverty
is significantly higher than the national average, although urban vulnerability has been
increasing in recent years. Extreme poverty has also increased. Deterioration of WASH
infrastructure on account of declining investment, rising urbanisation and expansion
of informal settlements has given rise to un-sanitary and un-hygienic conditions that
increase the risk of waterborne diseases and the contamination of potable water sources.
Cholera and typhoid outbreaks have become a common occurrence in the country
with the 2008/2009 cholera epidemic claiming at least 4 000 lives. Poor access to safe
Building resilience and drinking water has also increased the burden of domestic care work on women and girls.
widening Gender inequality remains high, with women lagging behind in almost every metric of
social development progress. The country remains vulnerable to shocks such as economic,
climate and health. A deadly Cyclone Idai in 2019 coupled with years of drought and the
safety nets
will help ease the impact of
COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, had a devastating impact on Zimbabwe, leaving more than
half the population food insecure. These shocks are also threatening to further reverse
stressors and fight poverty important, but fragile gains that had been registered in various social indicators. Social
protection coverage remains very low, despite high poverty levels. Resultantly, partners
have increasingly focused on humanitarian support to keep the social sectors operational,
over the years. The assistance is mostly outside direct support to the Government.
The continued vulnerabilities point to the need for building the resilience of individuals,
households, and communities to strengthen their ability to withstand shocks and adverse
conditions. Building resilience and widening social safety nets will help ease the impact of
stressors and fight poverty.
Government of Zimbabwe. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1)
Rapid Poverty and Income and Expenditure Survey (PICES) 2017
The country faces critical environmental challenges including land degradation,
inadequate quantity and quality of water resources, waste management, and climate
change. Zimbabwe has been a party to the Kyoto Protocol since 2009, following the
ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
Zimbabwe’s important subsequently, the Paris Agreement and other global protocols, such as the Minamata
opportunities to adapt to climate Protocol in 2020. The country’s policy frameworks, strategies and the institutional
change include, transition to a arrangements for managing environmental challenges are expansive. Nevertheless,
low carbon economy, weak enforcement of environmental regulations and limited capacity undermine policy
protect biodiversity and natural effectiveness. Limited capacity to invest in mitigation and adaptation to climate disasters
resources as well as enhance and extreme weather events render the poor highly vulnerable to the increasing impact of
resilience climate change. Climate change is expected to worsen the plight of the most vulnerable
groups that already bear the brunt of the loss of natural resources that they rely on
for their livelihoods. Without concerted action to address this disproportionate impact
on the poor, marginalized and powerless communities, climate change will worsen
vulnerabilities and deepen inequalities. Zimbabwe’s important opportunities to adapt
to climate change include, transition to a low carbon economy, protect biodiversity and
natural resources as well as enhance resilience. Zimbabwe has access to the multilateral
funding windows like the Green Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF)
and the Adaptation Fund. While most funding in this sector remains donor funded, the
government and development partners could more actively involve and leverage private
sector participation to blend development finance.
Peace is the cornerstone of every nation’s development given the foundation it provides
to foster unity and collaboration towards a common good for the country. Zimbabwe’s
The Government has set out to accelerate international re-engagement and cooperation
after years of a complex and often difficult relationship with some members of the
international community and International Financial Institutions (IFIs). Although
Zimbabwe settled its obligations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the country
remains in arrears with the World Bank, African Development Bank, and the European
Investment Bank as well as various other multilateral and bilateral development lenders.
These arrears limit the country’s access to international capital markets and concessional
financing. The country continues to engage these groups for a debt clearance plan. In
terms of Official Development Assistance (ODA), the largest amount has been provided in
the area of health, followed by other social and infrastructure services and humanitarian
aid. Macroeconomic instabilities, particularly exchange rate policies, have constrained
the domestic financing landscape. Given the overall gloomy global economic outlook
due to the impact of COVID-19, ODA flows may be depressed further with adverse impact
on already constrained domestic financing space. Domestic Resource Mobilization for
Zimbabwe provides a long-term path to sustainable development finance given the
context of foreign debt overhang and limited engagement with International Financial
development some progress across the 5Ps of sustainable development, there are segments of the
population that remain marginalised and socially excluded. These groups include:
finance Indigenous People, Persons with Disabilities, Women and Children, Populations
given the context of foreign hardest hit by disasters and climate shocks, Sexual Minorities and Sex Workers,
debt overhang and limited Refugees and Stateless persons, Older Persons, Migrants, Youth including Adolescent
engagement with International
Girls, and Young Women (AGYW) as well as Women, and Children in specific religious
Financial Institutions
affiliations. Some of the factors that lead to exclusion could be; geographical location,
The CCA is anchored on the
Zimbabwe.3 Finally, the CCA identifies opportunities and entry points for UN to respond
effectively to Zimbabwe’s national development priorities and to accelerate the country’s
achievement of SDGs (Refer to Annex 1: Methodology and Annex 2: Process timeline).
WHO; non-resident agencies: IFAD, ITC, ITU, IAEA, OHCHR, UNCTAD, UNECA, UN-HABITAT, UNODC, UPU and IFIs – WB and IMF
ZimSTAT. 2015. Population Projections Thematic Report. ZimSTAT. [Online] Available at http://www.zimstat.co.zw/wp-
content/uploads/publications/Population/population/population-projection.pdf [Accessed on 18 November 2020]
The United Nations’ probabilistic population projections estimate the double logistic curves of the fertility and mortality
models in the framework of a Bayesian hierarchical model. The Bayesian model generates probabilistic prediction intervals
that depict the likelihood of alternative future trajectories. The medium projections offer a range of more-or-less plausible
trajectories. Out-of-sample validation tests reveal that, on average, projection errors are less than 3% for population and life
expectancy and around 12% for total fertility over a 20-year horizon. Such tests also confirm that the prediction intervals
describe well the range of subsequent outcomes. See UN.2019. [Online] Available at https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&
AOvVaw1zxo7p3EsgMWXF86V2SReX. [Accessed on 30 November 2020]
Zimstat. 2015. Population Projections Thematic Report. ZimSTAT. [Online] Available at http://www.zimstat.co.zw/wp-content/
uploads/publications/Population/population/population-projection.pdf [Accessed on 18 November 2020]
UNCSD. 2012. RIO 2012 Issues Briefs Produced by the UNCSD Secretariat, June 2012 - No. 14: Population Dynamics and
Sustainable Development. UNCSD. [Online] Available at https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/543brief14.
pdf [Accessed on 18 November 2020]
The demographic dividend is the accelerated eco-nomic growth that may result from a decline in a country’s mortality and
fertility and the subsequent change in the age structure of the population. With fewer births each year, a country’s young
dependent population grows smaller in relation to the working-age population. With fewer people to support, a country has a
window of opportunity for rapid economic growth if the right social and eco-nomic policies developed and investments made
[Online: https://www.prb.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/demographic-dividend.pdf]
GoZ. 2017. Harnessing the demographic dividend in Zimbabwe. Available at https://zimbabwe.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/
pub-pdf/Harnessing%20the%20Demographic%20Dividend%20Study%20Report.pdf [Accessed on 16 December 2020]
The economy recorded its strongest performance in the first decade of independence,
anchored on policies that promoted large-scale investment in agriculture and
manufacturing sector. However, between 2000 and 2008, the economy sustained a
cumulative decline of nearly 50 percent in real GDP on the back of declining agriculture
productivity and de-industrialisation following the Government’s Fast Track Land Reform
Programme (FTLRP), capital flight, and low investment. A few years of marked recovery
and growth between 2009-2012 and 2017-2018 coincided with stellar performance of
the mining and agriculture sectors. However, this did not result in significant increase in
decent employment opportunities. In 2019, Zimbabwe’s real GDP was estimated to have
shrunk by 6 percent10 due to continued structural deficiencies and the impact of climatic
shocks (Cyclone Idai and persistent drought). The economy was projected to contract
further by 4% in 2020 according to Government statistics11 due to the lingering effects
of climatic shocks, coupled with the disruptive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic (IMF
estimated a 10.2% contraction in 2020). In 2021, the Government projects a rebound
by 7.4 percent12 on the back of a relatively successful containment of the COVID-19
pandemic, a bountiful harvest of agricultural crops and deepening commodity value
Zimbabwe retained a low score of 0.571 in human development category of the Human
Development Index (HDI) in 2019, ranking 150 out of 189 countries and territories
worldwide. Poverty levels remain relatively high, with an estimated 70.5% of all households
in 2017 living in poverty.13 It is estimated that the number of extreme poor increased from
4.5 million in 2017 to 6.0 million in 2019.14 High levels of inflation have significantly eroded
people’s incomes, especially the most vulnerable in the growing informal economy and
pensioners with limited capacities to cope. Between 1990 and 2017, Zimbabwe’s life
expectancy at birth increased by 3.8 years, mean years of schooling increased by 3.6
years and expected years of schooling increased by 0.5 years. Despite the economic
Government of Zimbabwe. 2020. National Budget Statement.
Government of Zimbabwe. 2020. Budget Strategy Paper
Zimstat (Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency). 2017. Poverty Income Consumption and Expenditure Surveys. Zimstat. Harare
At regional level, Zimbabwe is a key player within the Southern African Development
Community (SADC) and its organs. The country plays an important role not only within
the Defence and Security organ of SADC, but also as a key trading partner and transport
corridor given its geo-strategic location within the region. Beyond the SADC region, the
Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which Zimbabwe has ratified, opens up
opportunities, while also shedding the spotlight on the country’s challenges in terms
of the productive capacity (policies, partnerships, strong institutions, knowledge, skills
etc) required in order to leverage the agreement for much needed economic growth
and the Upper Middle Income country status ambitions. Structural and infrastructural
bottlenecks, high-cost structure, an unstable macroeconomic environment and low
capacity utilization will need to be addressed if the country is to effectively participate
in and benefit from the AfCFTA specifically, and the multilateral trading system and
globalization, in general.
GoZ. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 January 2021 – December 2025: Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper
Middle-Income Society by 2030. Government of Zimbabwe. Harare
Zimbabwe’s SDG index score declined from 56.1% in 201717 to 53.8% in 2020 from 56.1
% in 201718 with the country ranking 125th out of 166 countries.19 Progress over time and
across development sectors is mixed. Moderate progress was registered across some
SDGs (climate action (13), decent work and economic growth (8), gender equality (5),
good health and wellbeing (3), life on land (15). Unfortunately, progress in some SDGs
has either stagnated and or reversed, such as zero hunger (2), clean water and sanitation
(6), affordable clean energy (7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (9), sustainable
cities and communities (11), peace, justice and strong institutions (16) and partnerships
for the goals (17).20
GoZ. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 January 2021 – December 2025: Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper
Middle-Income Society by 2030. Government of Zimbabwe. Harare
Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Durand-Delacre, D. and Teksoz, K. (2017): SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017.
New York: Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
[Online] Available at https://www.sdgphilanthropy.org/system/files/2018-06/2017-SDG-Index-and-Dashboards-Report--
regions.pdf [Accessed on 21 November 2020]
Sachs, J., Schmidt-Traub, G., Kroll, C., Durand-Delacre, D. and Teksoz, K. (2017): SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2017.
New York: Bertelsmann Stiftung and Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN).
[Online] Available at https://www.sdgphilanthropy.org/system/files/2018-06/2017-SDG-Index-and-Dashboards-Report--
regions.pdf [Accessed on 21 November 2020]
The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa and Sustainable Development Solutions network. 2020. Africa SDG
index and Dashboards Report 2020. Kigali and New York. SDG centre for Africa and Sustainable Development Solutions network.
[Online] Available at https://s3.amazonaws.com/sustainabledevelopment.report/2020/2020_africa_index_and_dashboards.
pdf [Accessed on 21 November 2020]
Rrefer to annex 4: SDG Performance by indicator 2017, 2019, 2020
Source : https://dashboards. Although Zimbabwe’s economy has shown recent signs of relative stability, it has not
sdgindex.org/profiles/zwe grown at sufficiently high or inclusive21 levels to create adequate decent jobs22 and
significantly reduce poverty. A series of climate-induced disruptive shocks and crises
have negatively affected growth. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has further
worsened economic and social challenges. To that end, poverty remains high, with
extreme poverty increasing in recent years. Women, youth, children, Persons With
Disabilities (PWDs) among others, bear the disproportionate impact. Governance
indicators are largely stagnating with some indicators declining. However, the country
recently recorded marginal improvements in “government effectiveness” after years of
sharp decline since the 1990s (Mo Ibrahim Governance Index).
In 2017, the country’s Gini was 0.44, representing a marginal increase from 0.42 in 2011. ZIMSTAT (Zimbabwe National
Statistics Agency). Poverty Income Consumption and Expenditure Surveys.
Defined by ILO, decent work sums up the aspirations of people in their working lives. It involves opportunities for work that is
productive and delivers a fair income, security in the workplace and social protection for families, better prospects for personal
development and social integration, freedom for people to express their concerns, organize and participate in the decisions that
affect their lives and equality of opportunity and treatment for all women and men.
In this section, analysis focusses on progress and challenges relating to implementation of SDGs 1-623. These SDGs
encompass the broad ambit of the “People Pillar” focusing on human development and wellbeing. The section analyses
developments in the delivery of basic social services such as education, health, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). It
also explores progress made in the provision of social protection, broader protection services including protection against
all forms of violence, as well as progress made and challenges encountered in the areas of food and nutrition security and
gender equality.
SDG 1- No Poverty; SDG 2 - Zero Hunger; SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being; SDG 4 - Quality Education; SDG 5 - Gender Equality; SDG 6 - Clean Water &
71.0% 72.0%
30.0% 30.4%
30.0% 40.0%
20.0% 16.0%
6.0% 10.0%
PICES 2011/12 PICES 2017 PICES 2019 PICES 2017 PICES 2019
Data Sources: ZIMSTAT and World Children under the age of 15 years constituted nearly 50% of the poor and the extreme
Bank 2019, Zimbabwe Poverty poor, but they only made up 40% of the total population.25 Furthermore, rural child
Update 2017–19, Joint Report poverty, at 76.3% in 2017, stood deeper and entrenched, with exceedingly high degree
of inequality, than urban child poverty, at 20%.26 The Zimbabwe Child Poverty Report
(2019) also showed that the prevalence of poverty among people with disabilities stood
higher, at 74.1% in 2017, than that of people without disabilities at 69.5%. The same
report shows that women and girls bear the brunt of poverty with heightened exposure
to gender-based violence (GBV), unpaid care work and negative coping mechanisms,
including transactional sex as well as sex work, entrenching them deeper into vicious
cycles of poverty.
Hunger has increased in Zimbabwe rising from 16.5 in 2014 to 44.4 in 201927, as
measured by the Global Hunger Index (GHI). This is mainly on account of recurring
droughts leading to a decline in agricultural performance (see annex 6: Trends in maize
production). The 2020 Zimbabwe Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) indicated that 7
million people urgently needed humanitarian assistance in 2020, up from 5.5 million in
2019. More than 4.3 million people were acutely food insecure in rural areas, while 2.2
million in urban areas, were equally cereal food insecure. The right to sufficient food is
guaranteed under the Constitution28 but Zimbabwe is counted among the four highest
Zimstat and World Bank 2019, Zimbabwe Poverty Update 2017–19, Joint Report ZIMSTAT and World
Zimstat and World Bank 2019, Zimbabwe Poverty Update 2017–19, Joint Report ZIMSTAT and World
Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) and UNICEF (2019). Zimbabwe Child Poverty Report 2019. Harare,
Zimbabwe: Zimstat and UNICEF. [Online] Available at https://www.unicef.org/zimbabwe/media/3261/file/Zimbabwe%20
Child%20Poverty%20Report%202019.pdf. [Accessed on 22 November 2020]
The GHI is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger globally, regionally and by country published
annually by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Section 77(b) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
The agricultural sector, which Nutrition security also remains a huge challenge for the country, with NDS1 prioritizing
provides a source of livelihood for nutrition as one of the critical areas Zimbabwe must address to make accelerated
progress over the next five years. The country faces the burden of malnutrition, with
various forms of undernutrition (e.g., micronutrient deficiencies in children and women,
stunting, wasting) and overnutrition. Currently, over 1.1 million children and women require
nutrition assistance, notwithstanding minor improvements in incidences of stunting,
wasting and obesity.30 The high burden of micronutrient deficiency or ‘hidden’ hunger
among women and children is a serious public health concern. According to the 2020
Global Nutrition Report (GNR), Zimbabwe has some of the largest sex gaps in nutritional
of the population continues to status, with boys and men generally having higher rates of undernutrition while girls and
face challenges relating to low women have higher rates of obesity.31 Geographical location is also associated with major
production and productivity, disparities in nutritional status. Rural children have higher rates of stunting, wasting and
limited access to markets and underweight than their urban counterparts. The impact of multiple, overlapping hazards
market information, problematic and shocks cannot be overstated.32 Poor quality diets, directly associated with the
land rights and insecure land humanitarian crises experienced by the country and levels of extreme poverty, coupled
tenure, poor land management with a diet that is largely dependent on maize and lacking in diversity are an immediate
practices, limited access to cause of malnutrition in Zimbabwe.33 In addition, the current policy environment is mainly
finance and credit by communal oriented toward addressing undernutrition, with limited emphasis on the emerging issue
farmers, climate change-induced of obesity, which has additional consequences on health outcomes.
disruptions and weak extension
support systems. The country has recently benefitted from strategic cooperation and partnership with
several bilateral and multilateral agricultural development programmes, including inter-
alia, the Zimbabwe Agricultural Growth Programme (ZAGP), the Zimbabwe Livelihoods
and Food Security Programme (LFSP), the Feed the Future, Smallholder Irrigation
Programme (SIP) and the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund. These efforts have gone
a long way in improving resilience and productivity in the target communities.
Government funding is negatively impacted by high levels of inflation and has not
matched the increasing social assistance needs. The COVID-19 pandemic has
exacerbated the situation with Zimbabwean citizens returning from neighbouring
countries often without savings and assets, requiring transitory social protection support
as they settle and recover from shock. It is estimated that over 170,000 citizens and
residents have returned to Zimbabwe since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.38
Many returnees will also require employment opportunities in addition to the transitory
social protection assistance given that most of them are still economically active. Social
protection programmes also suffer high administration costs, duplication and weak
accountability and transparency on targeting mechanisms and insufficient information
on the efficacy of programs owing to lack of harmonised processes and inadequate
coordination across implementing agencies, which in the process undermines the
efficiency of public spending and potential for social gains.39 Institutional capacity gaps
also hamper the social protection system, which has endured operational deficits in the
wake of fluctuating development partner support.
Although over 80% of children aged 12-23 months had all the recommended vaccinations
in 2016, a slight increase from 79% in 1998,41 infant mortality remains relatively high.
Rural Zimbabwe has the highest under-5 mortality rate: 92 deaths per 1,000 live births,
versus 60 deaths per 1,000 live births in urban areas. By 2018, the country was still far
from meeting the SDG specific target of under-5 mortality, and this has been worsened
by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted child immunization efforts. It is
recommended that the country develops and implements a comprehensive strategy on
preventing maternal, neonatal and child mortality.42
The adult HIV prevalence in Zimbabwe remains high at 12.8%.43 However, the HIV
incidence has steadily decreased in recent years and by 2019, the country had achieved
the UNAIDS 90-90-90 treatment cascade targets for PLHIV who know their status and
are on treatment and those on treatment that have viral suppression (90-94-86 by 2019).
The Global and National AIDS Strategies are aiming at 95-95-95 treatment targets by
2025. The number of AIDS-related deaths decreased by 61% from 2010 to 2019, while
new HIV infections also decreased by 44% during the same period.44 The Fast Track
and national target for reduction of new HIV infections by 2020 was 75% from a 2010
baseline indicating that the country is not on track with prevention. New HIV infections
among young women aged 15–24 years are more than double those among young men.
CEDAW, Concluding Observations on the sixth periodic report of Zimbabwe, CEDAW/C/ZWE/CO/
Zimstat and ICF International. 2016. 2015 ZDHS Key Findings. Rockville, Maryland, USA: ZIMSTAT and ICF International
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/HRC/34/2
AIDSinfo | UNAIDS 2020
AIDSinfo | UNAIDS 2020
services still falls below the child friendly formulations have bolstered the TB response.49 Eastern Zimbabwe remains
endemic to malaria, despite the country recording a substantial decline in malaria
incidents by up to 81% between 2003 and 2015, across all age groups.50 In spite of the
overall trend, Zimbabwe experienced a significant spike in new malaria cases in 2020 with
306,365 infections and 279 deaths reported countrywide, implying that COVID-19 may
have undermined disease prevention and control efforts.51 While Neglected Tropical
Diseases (NTDs) are less deadly than HIV, the prevalence of TB and Malaria can
coverage threshold needed impede human productivity and consequently, socio-economic progress. Zimbabwe is
to eliminate Mother-To-Child also endemic to at least 10 other NTDs,52 with as many as 10 million people requiring
Transmission (MTCT) of HIV treatment for at least one NTD ever year. NTD prevention and control can significantly
with a resultant MTCT rate of help improve health and well-being.
8.17% in 2019 that is greater
than the desired target of 5%. Zimbabwe has a much lower coverage of services for a rising level of Non-Communicable
Diseases (NCDs). Projected annual cost of the top 10 NCDs by 2030 is $57.22 per capita,
with a US$1billion annual cost to the health sector and US$3.6 billion total cost to the
economy.53 Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) remains a looming threat in Africa and is
projected to claim about 4.1 million lives yearly, resulting in 2 to 3.5% loss of GDP unless
its mitigated. Zimbabwe is no exception. A study following the 2018 cholera outbreak
identified high incidence of drug resistance, which made it difficult to contain the disease
using standard antibiotics. The Government’s National Action Plan of 2017-2022 will be a
critical vehicle to effectively respond to this challenge. The country has also experienced
increased occupational injuries and fatalities emanating from limited investments
towards safety and health especially in the expanding informal economy. In 2019, 3%
of workers reported having been injured at work, while 1% had suffered work-related
illness.54 The COVID-19 pandemic has also exacerbated workplace safety and health
concerns especially for essential services workers in both private and public sectors.
MoHCC, NAC.2020. Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2020 FastTrack Commitments To end AIDS by 2030.
Reporting Period: January 2019 - December 2019
Covid greatly disrupted AIDS programme, NewsDay [April 3, 2021)
TARSC.2015. Policy Brief: Evidence and proposals for advancing equity and universal coverage of health services in Zimbabwe
[Online] Available at https://www.tarsc.org/publications/documents/Rebuild%20Polbrief%20Summary%20%20May2015.pdf
[Accessed on 3 January 2021.
WHO, 2019. World Tuberculosis Report [Online] Available at
Gwitira, I., Mukonoweshuro, M., Mapako, G. et al. Spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of malaria cases in Zimbabwe. Infect
Dis Poverty 9, 146 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40249-020-00764-6
OCHA, 2020. Zimbabwe Situation Report, 2020
These are Schistosomiasis, Soil Transmitted Helminths, Lymphatic Filariasis, trachoma, Rabies, Leprosy, Sleeping Sickness,
Anthrax, Plague and Snakebites.
AIDS and TB Programme/MoHCC (2020). Zimbabwe National and Sub-National HIV Estimates Report 2019.
Zimstat, 2019. Labour Force Survey (LFS)
The country’s net primary school enrolments rate among the extreme poor was as high
as 87% in 2011 as among the non-poor (92%), and equitably so among boys and girls.
However, there were stark differences between extreme poor (34%) and the non-poor
(58%) for net secondary enrolment. Meanwhile, the country continues to have a very
low net enrolment rate in pre-primary education. Only 19.39% of urban children access
pre-primary education, indicating the need to increase access of pre-primary education
in urban areas. There is also a lack of awareness about the importance of pre-primary
education and demand for using the services. Access to education also remains difficult
for children in rural areas due to long walking distances between home and school.58 At
primary school level, the completion rate remained generally stable over the period 2014-
2018 (77.6%). The completion rate at the upper secondary level increased from 11% in
Table 2.3 ECD, Primary, 2014 to 14.9% in 2018 with a gender parity in favor of males (see Table 2.3). This disparity
Lower Secondary and Upper is attributed to a high dropout rate for girls, owing to early marriages, teenage pregnancy,
Secondary completion rates discriminatory cultural practices, poverty, and the policy on re-entry of adolescent
2014-2018 mothers into school after delivery not being implemented.59
2015 84.45 83.61 84.03 78.71 80.78 79.73 67.27 64.08 65.68 14.33 10.83 12.54
2016 90.17 89.82 90.00 78.88 80.24 79.56 66.79 64.53 65.67 14.53 11.18 12.82
2017 94.12 93.25 93.68 77.74 79.83 78.78 68.06 66.65 67.35 16.61 13.29 14.92
2018 92.68 91.91 92.29 76.20 78.96 77.57 64.76 61.47 63.12 16.04 13.88 14.94
AfDB. 2019. Joint Needs Assessment for Zimbabwe Identifying Challenges and Needs. Africa Development Bank, World Bank,
UN. [Online] Available at https://www.afdb.org/sites/default/files/2020/01/14/zimbabwe_country_portal.pdf. [Accessed on 18
November 2020]
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
CRC, Concluding Observations on the Second Periodic Report of Zimbabwe, CRC/C/ZWE/CO/2
CEDAW, Concluding Observations on the Sixth Periodic Report of Zimbabwe, CEDAW/C/ZWE/CO/6
GoZ. 2020. Draft Zimbabwe Progress Review Report of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), September 2020. Government
of Zimbabwe. Harare
While COVID‑19 accelerated the use of digital platforms in delivering education, evidence
from the Rapid PICES show that only 25% of rural school-going children continued
learning after schools’ closure compared to 70% in urban areas. Urban school-going
children that continued learning had better access to ICTs, with 40% using mobile
learning applications. The majority of rural school- going children relied on parents’
phones (65%) and the radio (17%). In addition, COVID-19 induced vulnerabilities have
negatively impacted the poor with at least 50.3% of pupils reportedly sent away from
school during the first term due to non-payment of school fees.61 Beyond primary and
secondary education, about 45% of youths aged 15-24yrs are not in employment,
education or training (NEETs), with females disproportionately worst affected at 53%.62
This sets youths for a challenging transition from school-to-work with many facing huge
barriers to accessing employment and economic opportunities. Barriers to students’
access to education and training should be eliminated through the improvement of
access to all children with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, allocation of sufficient
resources to increase the quality of education and improvement of school infrastructure
especially in the rural areas.63
While some progress has been made in women’s representation in politics65 this has
largely been the result of a prescribed quota of seats reserved for women to ensure
Food and Nutrition Council. 2020. Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC): 2020 Rural Livelihoods
Assessment (RLA). Food and Nutrition Council. Harare. [Online] Available at https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/
resources/WFP-0000119650.pdf. [Accessed on 22 November 2020]
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
See Section 17 and 56 of the Constitution and the National Gender Policy
Technical note 20. 2020. Joint Needs Assessment - Updated Sector Note 20: Gender and Youth
The CEDAW Committee recently considered the sixth periodic report of Zimbabwe at
its 1753rd and 1754th meetings held on 13 February 2020. While recognising the
positive steps taken by the country to address gender equality in its Constitution and
policy frameworks, the Committee however, raised concern with the delays in aligning
subsidiary legislation with the Constitution and the remaining discriminatory provisions
in the legislative framework, including provisions on marriage and property rights, and
on the minimum age of marriage. Concern was also raised on the absence of a specific
In 2019, out of the 103 CEOs of gender-equality law to incorporate the principle of equality of women and men and define
state-owned parastatals, there and prohibit all forms of discrimination against women, including direct and indirect
were only discrimination in the public and private spheres. Other challenges include insufficient
15 female
levels of human, technical and financial resources allocated to the implementation of
gender equality policies and plans, the absence of sectoral targets and benchmarks and
effective coordination arrangements to guide implementation, and the lack of information
on the results and impact of the National Gender Policy.
Going forward, it is critical that legislative measures and actions to eliminate the
marginalization of women from socio-economic and political spheres are adopted and
mechanisms for protection against gender-based violence strengthened.70 It is also vital
for Zimbabwe to link the implementation of the different normative frameworks such as
CEDAW, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the SADC Protocol on Gender and
Development and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on
the Rights of Women in Africa to its development efforts. It is also key for the country to
make the necessary investments to strengthen its national gender machinery, including
the production and use of gender statistics for decision-making.
78.1 77.1
80 76.1
32.4 31.4 32.1
23.8 22.9
1.5 2.6 2.7
Improved Sources Unimproved Sources Improved Sources Unimproved Sources Improved Sources Unimproved Sources
2014 (MICS) 2015 (ZDHS) 2019 (MICS)
Source: 2014 MICS; 2015 Open defecation, though declining, is still high in Zimbabwe. The 2019 MICS estimated a
ZDHS. national open defecation rate of 21.7%, with this practice existing almost exclusively in rural
areas.73 The poorest populations and most disadvantaged segments of society have the
lowest access to WASH as well as basic drinking water services (34.6% among poorest
versus 94.2% among richest quintile).74 Moreover, 64.7% of households in the poorest
wealth quintile still practice open defecation.75 Thus, rural areas with predominantly poor
WASH services impose disproportionate burden on the most vulnerable groups.
Post independent Zimbabwe has experienced an influx of people migrating from the
rural to urban areas to improve their livelihoods, thereby putting significant pressure not
only on the existing services and infrastructure, but also on housing. The Fast-Track
Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) added to this pressure as it resulted in thousands of
farm workers migrating to the urban areas, eventually settling in informal settlements of
the urban areas.76 To keep pace with the growing need for housing in the urban areas
particularly among the urban poor, Government employed a variety of instruments to
encourage alternative housing supply. This was however, done without revising some
of the applicable municipal by-laws thereby creating confusion and conflict, which was
further complicated by the persistent economic challenges facing the country and poverty
growth and corruption.77 Consequently, informal settlements have been developed on
wetlands or land reserved for other purposes such as clinics, schools, cemeteries and
roads and very often are not serviced with the requisite infrastructure and services (such
as connection to water supply and sewage systems). This development has severe
implications for public health and safety as well as the environment.
CEDAW, Concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of Zimbabwe, CEDAW/C/ZWE/CO/6
Zimstat and UNICEF (2019). Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Survey Findings Report. Harare, Zimbabwe:
Zimstat and UNICEF, Table WS.3.1.
Zimstat and UNICEF (2019). Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Survey Findings Report. Harare, Zimbabwe:
Zimstat and UNICEF, Table WS.1.2.
Zimstat and UNICEF (2019). Zimbabwe Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019, Survey Findings Report. Harare, Zimbabwe:
Zimstat and UNICEF, Table WS.3.2.
Report of the fact-finding mission to Zimbabwe to assess the scope and impact of Operation Murambatsvina by the UN
Special Envoy on Human Settlements Issues in Zimbabwe Mrs Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka (UN 2005)
Rodger Owiso, Arbitrary home demolitions in Zimbabwe and the right to adequate shelter: Case study of Arlington Estate, Harare
Moving forward, it is critical that the Government is supported in its efforts to address
the legal and structural challenges relating to land administration and governance.
Additionally, coordinated responses to the needs of the victims of the evictions and
demolitions, particularly the most vulnerable, must continue to be supported including
through provision of humanitarian assistance such as emergency shelter, non-food
item kits, medical care, mental health and psychosocial support etc; and where possible,
provide support towards raising awareness within communities on land, housing and
property rights and facilitating access to legal remedies.
The pandemic increased pressure on already stretched health systems. Other essential
services such as vaccinations, maternal and child health services were disrupted as
Governments prioritised the COVID-19 response. Evidence from the PICES Telephone
Survey (1st round)79 conducted in July 2020 to assess the socio-economic impact
of COVID-19, showed that 19% of rural households and 23% of urban were unable to
access medical treatment when needed due to, amongst other reasons, non-availability
of medical personnel at the health centres.
Evidence from the PICES Basic hygiene practices such as hand washing under running water have been identified
Telephone Survey (1st round)78 as some of the most effective ways for preventing the spread of COVID-19. However,
conducted in July 2020 to assess the pandemic amplified the perennial challenges of urban water shortages. Data from
the socio impact of COVID-19, the Rapid PICES reveal that 14% of urban dwellers were unable to wash hands, while
21% faced challenges with access to drinking water due to water shortages. Economic
showed reasons also revealed the rural-urban divide, regarding access to soap for hand washing
with 24% of the rural population reporting not having enough access to soap compared
of rural The pandemic disrupted livelihood and economic activities in the rural and informal
economies exacerbating the food insecurity situation due to disruptions in accessing
households workspaces and breakdown of food supply chains during lockdowns. The narrowing
economic opportunities and declining incomes affected the capacity of poor households
and 23% of to cope. The Rapid PICES revealed that 37% of rural households and 41% of the extreme
poor went without eating for a whole day. The impact has been more severe on urban
households whose incomes have been significantly affected. More than half of urban
households had to skip a meal at least once during the past month preceding the survey,
were unable to access medical while 71% were unable to eat healthy or nutritious food in July 2020 up from 36% in
treatment when needed due to, April-May 2019.80 Capability to buy food is low, especially for rural and extremely poor
amongst other reasons, non- households, with 26% of all rural households and 19% of all urban households unable to
availability of medical personnel buy maize meal due to lack of affordability.81
at the health centres.
Zimbabwe National Human Settlements Policy
ZIMSTAT, 2020. Rapid PICES Telephone Survey (1st round) July 2020
ZIMSTAT, 2020. Rapid PICES Telephone Survey (1st round) July 2020
This section assesses progress made by the Government of Zimbabwe towards the attainment of SDGs 8-10,
with a focus on macro- economic performance and key sectors and their implications on achievement of other
goals. The NDS1 (2021-2025) aspires to transform the country towards shared prosperity by accelerating
inclusive economic growth, private sector investment and job creation. Achieving macro-economic stability
and attracting investment to stimulate inclusive economic growth are central to the NDS1’s priorities for
“Prosperity” in the country.
The recent recession and modest growth projections over the medium-term threaten the
achievement of sustained higher growth rates of at least 7% needed to meet the SDGs
in developing countries.
The Government of Zimbabwe
estimated the country’s GDP to have
Over the past twenty years, Zimbabwe has experienced high levels of inflation that turned
by 6%
into hyperinflation in June 2008 reaching 231 million % per annum. The country adopted
the multicurrency system in 2009 bringing down inflation to single digit figures, where
in 2019 while the IMF projected it remained until September 2018. Following the reintroduction of the Zimbabwe dollar
an 8.3% contraction82 due to on June 24, 2019, inflation peaked due to exchange rate depreciation. Inflation rose
continued structural deficiencies sharply to 521% at the end of 2019, reflecting steep exchange rate depreciation from the
and the impact of climatic monetary overhang of past monetary financing of budget deficits and continued quasi-
shocks such as Cyclone Idai and fiscal activities by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ). As part of COVID-19 response
persistent drought among others measures, in March 2020, the Central Bank announced a shift to a fixed exchange rate
(see Figure 2.4) (ZWL$25 to US$1) and once again allowed domestic transactions in US dollars. Inflation
continued to rise sharply reaching 838 % in July 2020 due to a deteriorating exchange
rate on the parallel market. The fixed exchange rate system was eventually replaced with
a foreign exchange auction system that started operating on 23 June 2020. The auction
system had an immediate impact on stabilizing the exchange rate and bringing down
inflation. Inflation decelerated from August 2020, reaching 194% in April 2021, down
from 837.5% in July 2020. The country’s inflation is stabilising due to monetary reforms
and fiscal consolidation. Tight control on money supply and financial sector regulation
resulted in sustained deceleration of inflation especially during the last quarter of 2020.
The deceleration was also reinforced by the success of the foreign currency auction
AfDB. 2019. Joint Needs Assessment for Zimbabwe Identifying Challenges and Needs. Africa Development Bank, World Bank,
UN. [Online] Available at https://www.afdb.org/sites/default/files/2020/01/14/zimbabwe_country_portal.pdf. [Accessed on 18
November 2020]
IMF estimate
https://www.imf.org/-/media/Files/Publications/WEO/2021/April/English/text.ashx [Accessed 03 May 2021)
https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/35342 [Accessed 03 May 2021)
25 25
5 10
-10 0
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Zimbabwe Africa (Region)
Zimbabwe Africa (Region)
…and average inflation increased rapidly. The current account has been improving…
In 2019, the national unemployment rate was 16%. However, the majority of the
employed population is living in rural areas (63%) and working in informal jobs (80%).86
Indeed, structural transformations have been occurring in reverse, with employment
moving from urban to rural areas, and from high to lower productivity sectors, mainly
in agriculture. These changes in the distribution of employment explain the collapse in
labour productivity and earnings. The informal economy contributes over 60% to the GDP
and this extent of informalization has caused a rise in vulnerable employment; with many
workers in working poverty earning wages and salaries below equivalent of US$100. The
share of informal employment in total employment increased from 80 % in 2004 to 94.5
% in 2014 87and stood at 76 % in 2019.88 The majority of people employed in the informal
sector work in unsafe working conditions without social security coverage. Young people
are the most affected, due to little labour market experience, with 98% of people aged
between 15–24 and 96% of 15–34-year-olds in informal employment.
The informal economy
time to engage in productive and educational activities. Meanwhile, 13% of employed
persons have some form of functional disability. Persons with disabilities also face
specific social and physical barriers to access employment and workspaces.89 Creation
of decent and wage employment has remained constrained by a weak operating
environment for enterprises, obsolete equipment and lack of relevant skills.90 Despite the
high literacy rate, the supply-biased education and training system, is failing to meet the
needs of the new economy, creating a mismatch between demand and supply especially
in emerging sectors including digital and green economies.
According to the authors’ computations using the LFS 2019 and ILO’s informal sector definition
Defined by the World Bank as contributing family workers and own-account workers as a percentage of total employment
The drop in 2019 was, amongst other, due to a methodological change (13th ICLS Resolution) that saw the removal of
subsistence farmers from being counted as employed.
Zimstat. 2019 Labour Force Survey – 84% of workers did not have any field of specialisation.
The expenditure Gini is one way of measuring income inequality, using expenditure as a proxy for income.
Zimstat (Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency). Poverty Income Consumption and Expenditure Surveys.
Zimstat (Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency). (2018). Poverty Income Consumption and Expenditure Survey 2017 Report.
FinMark Trust et al. (2014). FinScope Consumer Survey Zimbabwe 2014. FinmMark Trust http://finmark.org.za/finscope-
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. (2016).
Limited fiscal space has undermined economic and social sector allocations including
infrastructure investment. Although spending on education averaging 11% of GDP
is among the highest in the region, the country still has substantial infrastructure
deficits, including a lack of adequate classrooms and laboratories and limited stock
of learning materials and equipment. Meanwhile, budgetary allocation towards social
protection coverage remains very low despite high poverty levels. As a share of GDP,
non-contributory social protection budget stood at 1.2% in 2020, an increase from 0.7%
in 2019. In the 2021 budget, the social protection sector, a key tool in the quest to leave
no one behind, was the recipient of 2.28% of total budget, presenting continued under-
provision despite the marginal increases. In light of the combination of factors of high
unemployment, high poverty, and a highly informal economy, it is critical that adequate
social safety nets are in place to protect the most vulnerable given the impact of these
factors on the achievement of several SDGs. With a focus on post-COVID-19 recovery,
the health and human capital sectors have been allocated 12% and 15% respectively of
the total budget for 2021.
Local Authorities (LAs) play a crucial role in enabling economic growth and promoting
social well-being in municipalities, cities, towns, and local boards by providing localized
services such as housing and land management, local road networks, public lighting, solid
waste disposal, water supply and sanitation systems, and health and education services.
High levels of inflation, non-payment of services and declining revenue bases, have
negatively impacted LAs’ fiscal capacity to carry out all these mandates. Consequently,
as LAs try to raise the majority of their own revenues internally, through various fees,
levies, fines, permit and licensing charges, as well as property taxes and asset sales, their
revenue inflows have neither been reliable nor sustainable. Increases in LAs’ expenditure
have substantially outpaced revenue, resulting in deficit spending. In addition to financial
constraints, LAs have experienced considerable capacity erosion, skills flight, deteriorated
infrastructure, outdated billing and accounting packages, and non-compliant internal
planning and monitoring systems. The situation is exacerbated by the near collapse
of their revenue base and country-wide debt write-offs. Repeated outbreaks of cholera
and typhoid in major cities such as Harare in 2008/2009 and Chegutu in 2017 provide
evidence of basic service delivery and social infrastructure deterioration. The effective
implementation of Constitutional provision that mandates at least 5 percent of national
revenues to be allocated to LAs through intragovernmental transfers, will be vital towards
boosting local authorities’ capacity to deliver their important mandate.
The mining sector’s share of the GDP grew from an average of 3% in the 1990s to
approximately 10% by 2018 with just under US$3 billion in revenues,40% of which came
from gold, representing about 60% of Zimbabwe’s exports.104 Thus, the mining sector
became the leading export sector, on account of elevated mineral prices and expanded
production of platinum group metals (PGMs), diamonds and gold by both the formal
and artisanal mining sectors. The artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) subsector is
estimated to employ half a million people during its peak production period and provide
livelihoods to many more directly and indirectly. In 2017, small scale miners became the
leading contributor of gold production, accounting for more than 55% output. However,
the supply chain for the ASM subsector is complex, largely informal, and undercapitalized,
with many of the players reportedly operating illegally. Mining sector linkages with the
wider economy remain weak105 for a range of reasons, among them mostly stagnant
The mining sector’s share of the
mining tax base (fiscal linkages); sub-optimal backward linkages (local content) and
GDP grew from an average of 3%
forward linkages (beneficiation) as well as insufficient planning and development of
in the 1990s to approximately
ancillary mining infrastructure (spatial linkages). In addition to the weak linkages, the
country is estimated to be losing millions due to Illicit Financial Flows (IFF).106 Gold
smuggling alone is estimated to be costing the country US$100 million annually.107
The national minerals development strategy has focused on creating a competitive
environment for domestic and international private investors and also ensuring that the
by 2018 with just under US$3
output from the ASM sector is brought into the formal marketing channel. Zimbabwe’s
billion in revenues,40% of which
NDS1 also adopted the SADC Protocol on Mining and the Africa Mining Vision to enhance
came from gold, representing
mineral beneficiation and value addition. The sustainability of the sector is part of the
about 60% of Zimbabwe’s
new thrust where the sector is expected to grow to a US$12 billion industry by 2030 and
anchor transformation through the deepening value chains.
Sustained deindustrialisation of the formal sector during the last twenty years has
resulted in the informalisation of the economy across agriculture, manufacturing, mining,
trade and service sectors. It is estimated that the informal sector contributes 60.6% of
GDP, making it the second largest in the world after Bolivia.108 The informal sector is
comprised of mainly low productivity household enterprises (MSMEs) that have weak
incentives to formalize. Outside agriculture, they are often managed not by vocational
entrepreneurs but by workers who, in the absence of wage employment, engage in low-
productivity activities involving non-tradable goods and services.109 Due to informal
operations, the sector is not tapped into the mainstream economy and often lacks
access to financial markets. Without broader engagement with enabling policies, private
capital investors for skills, technologies and infrastructure, the informal sector is unable
to achieve higher productivity and economic transformation.
Although the service sector has the largest share of GDP, registering about 40% in 2018,
the sector contributes very little to the country’s exports due to capacity challenges.
The sector is unable to exploit regional opportunities and thus, remains domestically
focused. The country has not been allocating significant fiscal support to facilitate
the implementation of industrial development plans in synergy with the COMESA and
SADC Industrialisation strategies. There are opportunities to harness local natural and
Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe. 2019. State of the Mining Industry Report. Harare
AfDB. 2019. Joint Needs Assessment for Zimbabwe Identifying Challenges and Needs. Africa Development Bank, World
Bank, UN. [Online] Available at https://www.afdb.org/sites/default/files/2020/01/14/zimbabwe_country_portal.pdf. [Accessed
on 18 November 2020]
Government of Zimbabwe. 2021 Budget Strategy Paper. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development
Minister of Home Affairs cited in the Chronicle newspaper available at https://www.chronicle.co.zw/us100-million-gold-
IMF. 2018. Shadow Economies Around the World: What Did We Learn Over the Last 20 Years?
ILO. 2021. Forthcoming
Zimbabwe is also actively seeking to enhance beneficiation and value addition to its
commodities before export to maximise benefits to the country. This can be achieved
through creating an environment that supports public/private investment in infrastructure
such as transport, logistics, sanitation and technology.
The country’s membership in the various regional blocs offer expanded market
opportunities for both raw materials and exports. These blocs include: African Continental
Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Southern African Development Community (SADC), Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), African Caribbean and Pacific States/
European Union Agreement (ACP/EU), and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The
AfCFTA aims to create a single liberalised market for goods and services in Africa,
facilitated by the free movement of persons across borders. Full implementation of
the AfCFTA will contribute to the building of Africa’s structural transformation, in the
process reshaping markets and economies across the region. The Agreement will not
only increase continental trade but will also help build regional value chains that boost
productive capacities, thereby facilitating the production of African made goods. Africa’s
Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) will have an opportunity to engage
more effectively in cross-border trade under the free-trade area in a market population
of about 1.2 billion people and a combined Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than
US$3.4 trillion.
In order to fully exploit regional trade opportunities, Zimbabwe should attract more FDI
and increase manufacturing capacity utilisation, which has averaged 43.5%111 over the
past decade – less than half of total capacity – due to high costs of doing business and
antiquated equipment. Zimbabwe’s MSMEs need support to fully participate in regional
and international value chains with products and services that meet market demands
and standards.
The private sector, in partnership with, Trade and Investment Support Institutions (TISIs),
such as Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency (ZIDA), should broaden their
capacity to constantly monitor and improve performance.
The pandemic has worsened unemployment and caused a general decline in incomes
and economic output with differential effects on women and youth. In 2020, the economy
was initially projected to grow by 3%. However, following the onset of the pandemic,
government revised the estimate of economic growth to contraction of about -4.1%,
due to COVID-19 induced disruptions and impacts of drought. Tourism, education, the
services sectors, and the informal sector were the most affected. This was accompanied
by increasing disputes between workers and employers, especially in essential services
sectors, over low wages and occupational safety issues such as the provision of PPEs. A
survey (Round 1) conducted by the national statistics authority (Zimstat) in collaboration
with the World Bank showed that 21% of those who were working pre-COVID-19 no
longer worked in July 2020. Meanwhile, 40% of urban wage workers that kept working
had their wages reduced. The second round of the survey (Round 2) in October 2020,
showed that households reported a further reduction in income from wages and non-
farm businesses since the Round 1 interviews, although the proportion reporting this
was smaller than when this question was asked in round 1.
The results from the surveys also showed that urban areas were more affected by
COVID-19 direct economic shocks. Severe loss of incomes was more pronounced in the
urban areas mainly due to closure of business activity both formal and informal, following
lock down measures and their consequent impact. Border closures also had a significant
impact on the livelihoods and coping capacities of many households in Zimbabwe
that rely on cross border trade. Impact on the external sector was however, less than
anticipated. Despite COVID-19, exports increased by 6% mainly on account of improved
commodity prices, rather than increased production, most notably increased price of
Platinum Group of Metals.113 Meanwhile, imports increased by 5%, notwithstanding sharp
declines in imports of energy, notably electricity and fuel, raw materials, and machinery
due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions domestically and externally.114 The increase in
imports was driven by increased food imports, reflecting the impact of two consecutive
droughts in 2018 and 2019. Better performance on trade is mainly on account of the fact
that Zimbabwe’s largest trading partner is South Africa and the land boarders remained
open for movement of goods throughout most of the lock down period. Remittances also
remained resilient at 54% of foreign receipts and remain a significant source of foreign
This section assesses progress made and challenges encountered by Zimbabwe that are related
to SDGs 7, 13 and 15 on climate change, natural resources management and affordable, and
clean energy respectively.
The country is a party to several international protocols and conventions including the
Minamata and Stockholm conventions, the Kyoto Protocol and subsequently the Paris
Agreement. Zimbabwe ratified the Paris Global Climate Agreement demonstrating its
commitment to join the rest of the world in addressing climate change. The Agreement
requires all parties to put forward their efforts through “Nationally Determined
Contributions (NDCs)” to reduce emissions beginning in 2020. Under the agreement,
Zimbabwe has committed to reduce its per capita energy emissions by 33% below the
projected business as usual scenario by 2030 in the first NDC. Currently, the country
is updating its NDC with increased ambition on both mitigation and adaptation. This
is to be achieved through interventions such as increasing hydropower in the energy
mix, ethanol blending and increased use of solar energy, among others. Zimbabwe is
also a party to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. At national level,
implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
has been undertaken through various programmes, projects and strategies outlined in
the country’s National Adaptation Plan. At regional level, Zimbabwe adopted the SADC
Climate Change Strategy, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-
The NDS1 mainstreams environmental protection, climate resilience & natural resource
management as cross-cutting issues. The government coordinates Disaster Risk
Management (DRM) through the Department of Civil Protection formerly the Civil
Protection Unit, which includes agencies responsible for disaster early warning systems.
The country has also drafted a Disaster Management Bill, which is yet to go through
the approval process. The DRM Strategy is premised on the draft DRM Bill and draft
DRM Policy, which will transform the Department of Civil Protection to the Department of
Disaster Risk Management. The Draft DRM Bill and Draft DRM Policy give authority to the
Department of Disaster Risk Management to establish and coordinate the development
and implementation of a National DRM Strategy in order to minimize vulnerability to
disasters triggered by natural, human made, environmental and radiological hazards.
Despite the existence of elaborate frameworks, there are challenges related to weak
implementation and enforcement of existing international commitments, laws, policies
and strategies as well as weak coordination and cross-sectoral cooperation. The country
Unganai, L., Gwitira,I., Manzungu,I., 2020. Understanding Climate Risks over Zimbabwe, pp. 7-8.
Zimbabwe takes the land degradation challenge as a national priority and has over the
years implemented various measures to mitigate land degradation. The chief drivers
of land degradation in Zimbabwe are poor land management practices, unregulated
artisanal mining, deforestation and poor soil structures, bush fires and the propagation of
invasive alien species. The country is party to the international negotiations that led to the
adoption of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Artisanal
and Small-scale Gold Mining is also a major contributor to mercury emissions into the
atmosphere. An estimated 96% of the gold processing sites use mercury, which is largely
emitted into air during the open burning of amalgam. Since the signing of the Minamata
Convention on Mercury in October 2013, Zimbabwe has put considerable effort towards
collecting scientific data and evidence on mercury use in the artisanal and small-scale
gold mining sector. The country ratified the Convention in December 2020. Under Article
7 of the Convention, the country is required to produce a National Action Plan in fulfilment
More than of its obligations to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which contains strategies
to reduce and, where feasible, eliminate the use of mercury in the artisanal and small-
scale gold mining sector. Zimbabwe’s National Action Plan underscores the need to raise
awareness on the dangers and proper use of mercury, and to address identified myths
that endanger the miners and mining community health care systems.
of the population in Zimbabwe
still rely on solid biomass fuel A degraded environment has a huge impact on vulnerable groups such as those who
for thermal needs and have no live in the rural areas, women, youth, children and PWDs. Those who live in the rural
access to clean energy sources. areas heavily depend on natural resources and are exposed to environment and climate-
related hazards and shocks. They have limited capacity to adapt and therefore, protecting
the environment is important for human development, poverty reduction and long-term
economic growth. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment119 concluded that efforts
to reduce rural poverty and eradicate hunger are critically dependent on ecosystem
services. Meanwhile, Zimbabwe has no robust natural resource valuation framework,
therefore the economic contribution of biodiversity in the country is yet to be adequately
valued and accounted for.
Climate change is expected to worsen hardship and poverty, particularly among the most
vulnerable, especially those living in rural areas. Women are disproportionately affected
by the adverse effects of cyclones and floods, which increase the risk of gender-based
violence and food insecurity.127 Growing evidence suggests that climate change in
Zimbabwe will likely affect human health through increase in incidences of floods, storms,
fires and droughts with a knock-on effect on the rampant spread of infectious disease
vectors. The erratic water supply in Zimbabwe has already contributed to a rise in water-
borne diseases. A cholera epidemic in 2008, the most extensive outbreak in recent history,
killed over 4,000 and affected over 100,000 people.128 Disease epidemics compounded by
chronic food and nutrition insecurity temper with households’ resilience, rendering them
vulnerable to shocks and stressors. By 2100, temperature and precipitation fluctuations
are likely to alter the geographic distribution of malaria in Zimbabwe, with areas of dense
human population becoming susceptible to transmission.129 Hydropower is particularly
vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Due to the persistent droughts and erratic
rainfall patterns, low water levels at the Kariba dam resulted in reduced power generation
and there is risk that in the future, this trend may continue. These threats highlight
Zimbabwe’s fragility and the difficulties it faces to cope with emergencies, which can
National Renewable Energy Policy 2019
LEDS 2020
LEDS 2020
Yale Environment 360 (2019). Climate Change is Making El Niños More Intense. https://e360.yale.edu/digest/climate-change-
is-making-el-ninos-more-intense-study-finds. (Accessed on 29 January 2021)
UNOCHA (2020). Cyclones Idai and Kenneth. [Accessed on 09 February 2020]
World Bank. 2019. Zimbabwe Rapid Impact and Needs Assessment (RINA). World Bank, Government of Zimbabwe. Harare.
[Online] Available at http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/714891568893029852/pdf/Zimbabwe-Rapid-Impact-and-
Needs-Assessment-RINA.pdf. [Accessed on 18 November 2020]
CEDAW, Concluding Observations on the sixth periodic report of Zimbabwe, CEDAW/C/ZWE/CO/6.
WHO. 2008. Cholera in Zimbabwe: Epidemiological Bulletin number 1 15 December 2008. WHO. [Online] Available at https://
www.who.int/hac/crises/zwe/zimbabwe_cholera_epi_bulletin1_15dec2008.pdf. [Accessed on 18 November 2020]
GoZ.2015. Zimbabwe’s National Climate Change Response Strategy. Government of Zimbabwe. [Online] available at http://
www.climatechange.org.zw/sites/default/files/National%20Climate%20Change%20Response%20Strategy.pdf. [Accessed on 18
November 2020]
Climate change and variability also pose a serious threat to energy security across the
region. Countries that rely on hydropower are vulnerable to changes in rainfall patterns
and the impact of land degradation on water sources. Deforestation will erode the
natural protection of key water towers such as Zambezi, Kunene, Kavango, Cuando River
Catchments.130 Zimbabwe adopted the SADC Revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses
(2000); SADC Regional Water Strategy (2006); SADC Guidelines for Strengthening River
Basin Organisations (2010). The SADC region is also bearing a heavy disease burden
largely caused by vector-borne diseases that are influenced by climatic elements.131 The
new approach must therefore, break the silos and grow to coalesce around transboundary
In addition, other multilateral and bilateral donors are increasingly devising their own
funds and mainstreaming climate into their development support programmes. The
Government of Zimbabwe has made strides engaging support institutions and mobilizing
the necessary resources. To date, CTCN has supported the development of a Climate
Smart Agriculture Manual, Energy and Water Use Efficiency Audits among other initiatives.
The GCF has approved two adaptation projects while GEF has been supporting other
climate change adaptation initiatives at community level. Efforts are underway to tap
into the Adaptation Fund following the accreditation of the Environmental Management
Agency (EMA) in 2019. The Climate Change Management Department is also raising
awareness and engaging Treasury towards enhancing budget allocations for climate
change programming in line with the National Climate Policy, which provides for the
establishment of a National Climate Fund, expected to mobilize domestic resources and
leverage incoming climate finances for climate action in Zimbabwe.
This section analyses the country’s progress and challenges towards the attainment of
SDG 16 on inclusive societies.
The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission is in full compliance with the Paris Principles
and currently enjoys A status.133 It generally enjoys a degree of credibility within the
population and has demonstrated a willingness to exercise its independent voice to
scrutinize government actions and seek accountability. Collectively and individually,
the independent commissions engage with the public regularly and contribute to policy
reforms through research, complaints handling, monitoring and investigating abuses.
The Zimbabwe Human Rights The effectiveness of these institutions also depends on how they leverage each other’s
Commission is in expertise and experiences, explore strategies for collaborating and coordinating efforts
towards supporting and entrenching human rights and values of democracy around key
The Zimbabwe Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) Reference Group established in 2017
convenes dialogue on the SDGs and facilitates consultations between the Government
and communities on localising and contextualising SDG implementation in the country.
The Reference Group collaborates with the Government to drive sustainable development
efforts through community-based interventions at the local level.
Table 5.1 Status on UN Core Human Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial
the ratification of UN Rights Treaties Discrimination (CERD)
conventions, AU Regional ratified139 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR)
human rights and
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
governance instruments
Rights (CESCR)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW)
Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the two Optional
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
AU Human Rights African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights
instruments African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Ratified140 Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
on the Rights of Women in Africa
OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee
Problems in Africa
African Union Convention for the Protection and Assistance of
Internally Displaced Persons in Africa (Kampala Convention)
Governance and African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance
Peace Instruments/ African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating
Frameworks Corruption
Accession to the African Peer Review Mechanism
Maseru Declaration on a Framework for Peaceful Development
in Southern Africa (2013)
The UNSCRs on Women, Peace, and Security (including
resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889, and 1960) are applicable to
the Zimbabwean context.
They support partnerships and participation through inclusive political processes supporting global and regional exchanges of
experiences between countries to identify solutions for planning, budgeting, executing and tracking expenditure to curb corruption
and assess the impact of initiatives on the lives of people – especially women and members of marginalised and disadvantaged
Zimbabwe has not ratified the following core treaties: UN Convention against Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
Treatment or Punishment (CAT); The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members
of Their Families (CMW)
International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (CED). Optional Protocols accepting
individual complaints procedures: 1st Optional Protocol to CCPR; Optional Protocol to CESCR; Optional Protocol to CEDAW;
Optional Protocol to CRC, and 2nd Optional Protocol to CCPR on abolition of the death penalty.
Zimbabwe has signed but not ratified the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Establishment of
an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
The country continues to struggle with negative perceptions around democratic and
civic space constrained by restrictions and limitations to the rights to free expression,
peaceful assembly and freedom of association and collective bargaining, which are
guaranteed by the Constitution. The newly enacted Maintenance of Peace and Order Act,
which replaced the Public Order and Security Act in an effort to align it with the provisions
of the Constitution still contains provisions that place restrictions on the full enjoyment
of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. This needs to be reconsidered in full
consultation with all relevant stakeholders.148 Zimbabwe in 2019 legislated the Tripartite
Negotiating Forum (TNF) bringing together government, business and workers through
the enactment of the TNF Act. This signalled intention to negotiate a social contract to
manage key labour market and economy-wide matters including wages, and collective
Centre for Applied Legal Research (CARL). (2017). CALR. Retrieved from Cluster approach key in aligning laws with the
Constitution: ca-lr.org/cluster-approach-key-aligning-laws-constitution
IMT Bill Tracker, January 2021, Available at: http://www.ca-lr.org/download/imt-bill-tracker/
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
The next report on the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child is overdue with the last reported having been
submitted in 2014. Reports on the UNCRPD, ICERD have been drafted but are yet to be adopted by Cabinet for submission to the
respective treaty bodies. Existing drafts of reports on the implementation of the ICCPR and ICESCR lapsed and must be updated.
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, A/HRC/44/50/Add.2
Apart from intense political contestations, episodes of social unrest and violence
throughout the history of the country exposed a culture of intolerance across the political
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, A/HRC/44/50/Add.2
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, A/HRC/34/8
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Local Authority, Parliamentary and Presidential Elections occurred separately until 2008 when they were synchronized/
See: Zimbabwe Electoral Commission National Multi-stakeholder post-election review conference on the 2018 harmonised
elections https://zec.org.zw/pages/reports#
Veritas Commissions Watch 3/2021 23 February 2021
The SADC Protocol on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation provides the framework
for peace and security and conflict prevention and management in the region. The
protocol also covers issues of governance and the conduct of elections according to the
SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2015). Its programme
is implemented through the Strategic Indicative Plan for the Organ (SIPO) and the SADC
Regional Early Warning Centre (REWC), which are part of the SADC peace and security
Transboundary threats to peace, security and stability in the region include transnational
crimes, extremism, terrorism, youth unemployment, poverty and climate change, which
require tackling through continued efforts and a systematic and sustainable regional
approach.159 The threats have stalled the ratification of the protocol on movement of
persons and labour migration. The spread of artisanal and illegal mining has also brought
a new threat of explosives, which are smuggled across borders and used in mining and
robberies. Zimbabwe is considered one of the sources of these illegal explosives.160
Drawn from ONHRI, Findings from the History of Conflict Research Programme Stakeholder consultation October 2015.
NPRC 5 Year Strategic Plan, 2018 – 2022, available at http://www.nprc.org.zw/publications/
Local Voices for Peace in Zimbabwe Civil society perspectives on peace and conflict issues in Zimbabwe https://www.
SADC Executive Secretary briefs Chair of the Organ on political and security situation in the region https://www.sadc.int/
newsevents/news/sadc-executive-secretary-briefs-chair-organ-political-and-security-situation-region/ [Accessed 30 March
https://www.defenceweb.co.za/security/civil-security/iss-explosives-smuggling-south-africas-ticking-time-bomb/ accessed
Zimbabwe’s foreign policy position is often based on pan African values and most
recently is characterised by the desire to re-engage with the West with a view to securing
the removal of sanctions and encouraging investment. In this, it has received the backing
of the AU and SADC states.162 For example, in 2019, the SADC proclaimed a day of
solidarity calling upon the international community to unconditionally lift sanctions.163
Through the AU, Zimbabwe is also party to several processes of engagement with other
regional blocs and countries. Zimbabwe remains an influential actor in regional peace,
security and conflict prevention initiatives. In May 2020, Zimbabwe (as the chair of the
SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation) convened an extra ordinary
Organ troika summit to review the political and security situation of terrorism and armed
attacks in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique, which, if not addressed quickly,
Zimbabwe’s 2019 Rule of Law
poses a threat to the prevailing peace in the region.164
Index had a value of 0.4, implying
that the country still needs to At continental level, Zimbabwe as a member of the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of
take significant steps to enhance the African Union in 2019, championed key issues to be addressed on the agenda. These
rule of law and administration of included the threat of natural and other disasters, the state of foreign military presence in
justice. Africa and implications for the African Common Defence and Security Policy, cooperation,
coordination and collaboration between the PSC and regional economic communities
and regional mechanisms (RECs/RMs) on peace and security and the impact of popular
uprisings on peace and security on the continent.165Zimbabwe has also participated in
the UN’s peace-keeping operations.
There are on-going efforts to decentralise services across the judiciary. The number of
courts at district and provincial level has increased over the last decade with notable
investment in courts infrastructure in Harare, Bulawayo, Gwanda and Lupane. The Judicial
Service Commission (JSC) decentralised High Courts to every province and Magistrate’s
Courts to every district. Where it is not possible to have a resident court, a circuit court
has been established. However, the provision of legal aid remains a challenge. Legal aid
centres established by the Legal Aid Directorate need to meet minimum standards of
service delivery and decentralise services for women, youth, and persons with disabilities
to district level.
The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has also completed the separation between the
Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court as envisaged by the Constitution. The formal
separation of the Constitutional Court from the Supreme Court is an important step in
improving the disposal of matters in both courts. In addition, other efforts to promote
on 6 November 2020
AU Assembly Resolution 1 (XI) of July 2008 and the subsequent SADC intervention
Research article, Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy Under Mnangagwa Henning Melber, Roger Southall, 2021 https://journals.sagepub.
The SADC Heads of State and Government held in Tanzania in August 2019, declared 25 October as the day to stand in solidarity
with Zimbabwe, an event in which SADC Member States collectively voice their disapproval and condemnation of sanctions against
the Republic of Zimbabwe through various activities and platforms until sanctions are lifted. (www.sadc.int)
SADC Communique of the Extraordinary Organ Troika plus Republic of Mozambique Summit of Heads of State and Government
Harare, Zimbabwe 19 May 2020 Zimbabwe has recently been calling for the SADC and AU to take urgent action on the situation in
Mozambique. According to OCHA as at the end of October er there were 355000 internally displaced persons in Mozambique. This
has created a humanitarian crisis.
International Institute for Security Studies Peace and Security Council Report, Issue 116, August 2019 https://issafrica.org
The index ranks country performance on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating highest adherence to the rule of law.
However, the country continues to face challenges, including undue delays in the
completion of the hearing of cases, delivery of judgements, and growing perceptions of
corruption and patronage, which have a bearing on the independence of the judiciary.
Children interacting with the juvenile justice system are faced with specific access and
process challenges. These include weak intra-system coordination, limited reach of
rehabilitative programmes like pre-trial diversion and weak capacity of court intermediaries
who are supposed to work with children through the court processes. However, the pre-
trial diversion programme for juvenile offenders, which was introduced in 2013, has been
rolled out in all 10 provinces and has been handling over 50 cases a month since its
inception. In 2020, a total of 797 cases of juvenile offenders were diverted. The diversion
programme is however, only implemented in 33 districts and needs to be expanded to
cover all 65 districts in the country. Furthermore, there is need for an integrated case
management system, establishment of virtual courts as well as continuous training of
judicial officers to handle cases involving children. Several bills such as the Children’s
Amendment Bill, Child Justice Bill and the Harmonized Marriages Bill that will address
child rights concerns such as early marriage and raising the criminal age of responsibility
from the current 7 to 12 years are currently going through the legislative processes.
There are also concerns about the manner in which JSC members are appointed.
Eight of the thirteen members are either directly appointed by the President or are ex-
officio members of the Executive, a development that is perceived to compromise their
independence. Further, the National Prosecuting Authority, which plays a critical role in
the justice delivery system remains under resourced and requires institutional, technical,
and functional capacities for effective prosecutorial functions. This situation was
exacerbated by the Civil Service Commission freeze on recruitment, which necessitated
the secondment of military and police prosecutors, a perceived impingement on the
Prosecuting Authority’s independence. These challenges resulted in limited access to
and delivery of justice. However, in a bid to address the human resource constraints,
Government has disengaged the services of the seconded members of the security
sector and permitted the Prosecution Authority to proceed with the recruitment of 300
prosecutors. In order to ensure equal access to justice and fight impunity, measures
to strengthen the justice administration system such as adopting policies to guide the
equitable use of the performance and accountability systems of the justice institutions and
strengthening professional training of judges and prosecutors need to be implemented.167
Overcrowding in prisons and poor prison conditions is also a concern, while punitive
criminal policies, as well as a shortage of social protection services in the community,
continue to contribute to the growth of the prison population. Numerous international
instruments recommend a rationalization in sentencing policy, including the wider use
of alternatives to prison, aiming to reduce the number of people being isolated from
society for long periods. Use of non-custodial sanctions and measures is still very limited
in Zimbabwe. National legislation and rules relating to the management of prisons are
in need of reform to ensure compliance with international standards such as United
Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela
Rules). Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Service contributed to development of SADC
Corrections/Prisons Strategic Action Plan (2021-2025).
The country has a centralized governance system with the Office of the President and
Cabinet at its apex. The public sector comprises of central, provincial and/or metropolitan
and local government, state enterprises and parastatals. The Constitution provides for
the devolution of power and responsibilities to lower tiers of government with a view to
promote decentralisation, inclusive and accountable governance, preservation of peace
and national unity. In 2020, the Government launched the Devolution and Decentralisation
Policy to operationalise devolved governance systems to sub-national levels. However,
this policy is yet to be fully implemented. Under the Transitional Stabilisation Programme,
Government implemented initiatives aimed at modernising the public sector for greater
efficiency in service delivery including biometric registration of civil servants to eliminate
ghost workers. The Mo Ibrahim Index score for public administration shows a recovery
from the low point of 12.5 in 2008 to 46.1 in 2019 (on a scale from 1 to 100), with a rate
of 7.4% improvement between 2010 and 2019.168 Gains are attributable to legislative and
institutional reforms. The WB’s 2019 CPIA, similarly shows that the country’s rating has
marginally increased from 2.8 in 2018 to 3.0 in 2019 (mainly due to public sector reforms).
increased Expenditure and Financial Accountability report.169 Local governments have experienced
from 2.8 in
considerable capacity erosion, skills flight, deteriorated infrastructure, outdated billing and
accounting packages, and non-compliant internal planning and monitoring systems.
2018 to 3.0 in
Corruption, both in the public and private sectors, has slowed down development in
(mainly due to public sector
reforms). the country. In March 2007, Zimbabwe ratified the United Nations Convention against
Corruption (UNCAC). In 2013, the country underwent the implementation review of
the UNCAC. The review acknowledged that Zimbabwe has an elaborate institutional
infrastructure to combat corruption including the Office of the Auditor General, the Financial
Intelligence Unit (FIU), Zimbabwe Republic Police, Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission
(ZACC), National Prosecuting Authority, the Special Anti-Corruption Unit (SACU) in the
Office of the President, and the recently established specialised Anti-Corruption Courts.
However, corruption remains a very high risk for companies operating in Zimbabwe. The
sectors that are more prone to corruption include the natural resource sector, public
procurement, customs administration, tax administration, land administration and public
services such as licencing, permits and utilities.170 The legacy of persistent corruption
harms the country’s institutions and state-society relations. The country’s Corruption
Perception Index for 2020 was 24/100 and ranked 157 out of 180 countries (Transparency
International 2020).
UNECA. 2019. The Africa regional integration index Report 2019. UNECA. [Online] Available at https://www.uneca.org/sites/
default/files/PublicationFiles/arii-report2019-fin-r39-21may20.pdf [Accessed on 21 November 2020]
PEFA. 2018. 2017–18 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability report. PEFA. [Online] Available at https://www.pefa.
org/node/356. [Accessed 18 November 2020]
In addition, significant amount of illicit financial outflows deprives the country of the
resources so much needed for the immediate development needs. Although Zimbabwe
has demonstrated progress in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing
(AML/CFT), the country is still on ‘grey list’ of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The
latter has identified several strategic deficiencies in Zimbabwe’s AML/CFT regime and
put the country under increased monitoring since 2017.173 Zimbabwe needs to upscale
its national AML/CFT efforts to establish adequate risk mitigation measures, ensure
that competent authorities have access to timely and up-to-date beneficial ownership
information and address remaining gaps in targeted financial sanction framework. There
is a need for stronger efforts in addressing illicit financial flows, including through more
efficient national illicit assets forfeiture and management mechanisms, as well as active
participation in relevant regional and continental cooperation initiatives. The UN can
further support Zimbabwe to comply with international standards related to financial
sanctions and combating illicit financial flows established under various UN Security
Council resolutions, such as resolutions 1267, 1373 and 1988, relevant UN conventions
and FATF recommendations.
Democratic processes were limited under the lockdown, including the suspension of by-
elections to fill vacancies in Parliament and Local Authorities. Consequently, the smooth
functioning of these key democratic institutions was disrupted. The pandemic also fuelled
misinformation on social media, which deepened polarization. On the positive side social
media was also used to share useful information such as measures that citizens should
observe to avoid coronavirus infections.
COVID-19 exposed deficiencies in the health and education sectors as well as in the
integrity of Government procurement systems. The outbreak presented opportunities to
strengthen governance systems and increase investment in public services, such as health
delivery, water and sanitation facilities and the informal sector.
MO Ibrahim Foundation. 2020. 2020 Ibrahim Index of African Governance Index Report. MO Ibrahim Foundation. [Online]
Available at https://mo.ibrahim.foundation/sites/default/files/2020-11/2020-index-report.pdf [Accessed on 21 November
2020] Public sector entities such as the National Social Security Authority, Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), MoHCC,
Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), and ZIMDEF have been reported in allegations of graft involving millions of dollars. The
Auditor General (AG) in her annual reports to Parliament documented massive abuse of public funds but few (if any) of the senior
officials involved appear to have been prosecuted – weakening state-people relationships. For instance, the social services
sector lost USD 102 333 955 in different forms of leakages in the 2018 reporting period by the AGs office. In 2018, Transparency
International Zimbabwe reported that tax administration is inefficient, marked by a porous corruption system, with loopholes in
the tax collection system and slow tax clearance at borders.
ZACC Annual Report 2019 https://zacc.online/
The ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cannot be achieved without the cooperation
and partnerships between multiple actors across a broad range of areas. This section assesses the country’s
progress on SDG17, which seeks to ‘Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global
Partnership for Sustainable Development’, across different areas including finance, technology, capacity
building, trade, and systemic issues.
In view of the changing global perspective on development cooperation, the Government,
in consultation with key stakeholders among them, local and international development
partners, reviewed and updated the 2009 Aid Coordination Policy. This culminated in
to finance growth over the 5-year
the development and launch of the Development Cooperation Policy (2019),175 through
which Government domesticated global commitments, including those on effective
development cooperation and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: “The
period from 2020-2025, the Future We Want”, with its emphasis on “Leaving No-One Behind”. The Development
majority of which, will go towards Cooperation Policy seeks to strengthen development cooperation, linkages between
infrastructure improvements national planning processes (budget) and support provided by Development Partners
(US$10.6 billion). (Bilateral and Multilateral), reduce fragmentation, overlapping interventions and
inefficiency. The new policy seeks to establish operational coordinating structures and
to provide guidelines for the mobilization and management of development cooperation.
This will strengthen the role of the Ministry of Finance in the management and
coordination of development assistance. This includes negotiations and commitments
with development partners. The policy also seeks to strengthen Government’s ability to
monitor and manage development cooperation and use available resources effectively
and efficiently. Meanwhile, Government is finalising the Aid Information Management
System (DevPromis) – a platform that will operationalise the harmonised reporting and
sharing of information.
Although Zimbabwe has settled the International Monetary Fund debt of US$107.9
million, the country is yet to clear its arrears with the World Bank (US$1.33 billion), African
Development Bank (US$689 million), and the European Investment Bank (US$329
million).176 The UN SDG Framework encourages developed nations to assist developing
countries in achieving long-term debt sustainability through policies that foster debt
financing, relief, restructuring and addressing external debt of highly indebted countries
AfDB. 2019. Joint Needs Assessment for Zimbabwe Identifying Challenges and Needs. Africa Development Bank, World Bank,
UN. [Online] Available at https://www.afdb.org/sites/default/files/2020/01/14/zimbabwe_country_portal.pdf. [Accessed on 18
November 2020]
Available at http://www.zimtreasury.gov.zw/index.php?option=com_phocadownload&view=category&id=2:policy-
The 2021 National Budget Statement
Government of Zimbabwe. 2020. National Development Strategy
UNCTAD.2009. Financing the Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Measures in Developing Countries
[Online] Available at https://unctad.org/en/Docs/gdsmdpg2420094_en.pdf. [Accessed 24 November 2020]
Kanyenze, G., Chitambara, P. and Tyson, J. 2027 The outlook for the Zimbabwean economy. Supporting economic
transformation (SEP)
OECD. 2020. Development Finance data. OECD. [Online] Available at https://www.oecd.org/dac/financing-sustainable-development/
development-finance-data/ [Accessed on 5 December 2020]
With a large diaspora population, remittances have increasingly become an important
source of foreign receipts. Zimbabwe receives an estimated US$1 billion from its diaspora
community annually. In 2019, remittances constituted 54% of total international receipts.
The bulk of these, are however, consumptive and are transmitted through informal
channels in order to avoid both high transaction charges and foreign currency restrictions
in Zimbabwe. The key challenge is to ensure more remittances via formal channels and
leveraging this important stream of resources towards a more developmental role.
Although the COVID-19 induced restrictions limited human movement across borders
since early 2020, formal remittances increased by 45% between January and September
2020, according to the Central Bank.
The ZIDA Act also aims at facilitating private sector participation in infrastructure
development, against the backdrop of budgetary resource limitations. Under the Public-
Private Partnerships, the Government is targeting to the recapitalise the National
Railways of Zimbabwe and key road infrastructure such as dualization of181 Chirundu–
GoZ. 2018. Towards an Upper-Middle Income Economy by 2030 “New Dispensation Core Values: New York presentation”
Government of Zimbabwe.
Macroeconomic conditions, particularly exchange rate , have reduced the capacity of the
local financial services sector to support growth (Figure 6.2). The conversion of banks’
assets and liabilities to ZWL at an exchange rate of 1:1 to the US$ in February 2019
caused a sharp shrinkage in banking sector assets (from 58 percent of GDP at end-2018
to 24 percent at end-September 2019) and bank deposits converted into US$ (from 6
billion to 1.6 billion over the same period). This has negatively affected banks’ ability to
maintain credit lines with foreign banks, to meet corporate entities’ needs for funding,
and to fund the Government. Private sector credit as a share of GDP has contracted
for 5 consecutive years.183 In addition, the macroeconomic uncertainties still prevalent,
shifted banks’ strategies from lending to preserving value, which is often less productive
(real estate for example). The domestic non-bank private sector has contracted under
the harsh economic environment, which has negatively impacted its ability to access
external financing.
Figure 6.2 Zimbabwe Credit to the private sector
Private Sector Credit (Percent of GDP)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
PEFA. 2018. 2017–18 Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability report. PEFA. [Online] Available at https://www.pefa.
org/node/356. [Accessed 18 November 2020]
Going forward, the country needs to strengthen efforts towards re-engagement with IFIs
and intensify efforts towards domestic revenue mobilization, from traditional and non-
traditional sources, while instituting measures to promote prudent financial management
for enhanced delivery of the SDGs. Importantly, more innovative financing models that
blend development objectives with commercial considerations will be required in order
to catalyse financing for SDGs. In addition to bolstering Domestic Resource Mobilization
(DRM) and re-engagement with IFIs, the country could also leverage its relationship with
countries such as China, in promoting trade and development cooperation. China has
emerged as Zimbabwe’s largest aid, investment, and South–South cooperation partner
in the last decade.
Drawing from the preceding analyses, while Zimbabwe has made some progress across the 5Ps of sustainable
development, there remain segments of the population that are marginalised and socially excluded. Exclusion
could be as a result of geographical location, population group, migratory status, age, ethnicity, religion,
gender, education level, socio-economic status, or the nature of their job. Ensuring that these inequalities
are addressed is crucial in preventing the growth of feelings of frustration and anger, which can create a
fertile ground for radicalising the population into violent extremist and other conflicts. The following analyses
identify, which specific populations are left behind in Zimbabwe’s development trajectory and how. The
analyses also demonstrates that there are vital commonalities across population groups lagging behind in
development progress.
Indigenous groups like the San and Doma are invisible in national data and statistics,
The Doma people have remained making it harder to understand their socio-demographic profiles. The majority are
largely unintegrated and out of impoverished with limited access to essential services.189 The majority of indigenous
the socio-economic system, in groups live on communal land and, therefore, do not have legal rights to the land they
their enclave despite Government occupy. The lack of recognition of their collective rights increasingly create a fertile ground
efforts since independence. With for disenfranchisement, loss of territories and natural resources resulting in complex forms
their nomadic lifestyle curtailed of poverty, deprivation, conflict, including violent extremism. The survival of their way of life
by settlements around them depends on access and rights to their traditional lands and the natural resources.
including the development of
national parks, the Doma rely The rights of indigenous people is a matter of international concern and the UN system
on handouts and subsistence in Zimbabwe has a pivotal role to play in promoting and protecting these rights,
farming on the Zambezi as articulated in the African Commission’s Resolution on indigenous populations/
floodplains where their crops are communities in Africa,190 the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (articles
threatened by wildlife. 19 and 20) and the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169). Many
of the Sustainable Development Goals and associated targets are relevant for indigenous
people and the overarching framework of the 2030 Agenda, which contains numerous
elements that can go towards articulating their development concerns.
Harmful cultural and religious norms remain persistent,193 resulting in stigmatisation and
exclusion of persons with disabilities from all spheres of participation and basic services.
In situations of disaster, persons with disabilities remain excluded from first aid, recovery,
and reconstruction programmes as well as the disaster risk reduction system. They have
limited access to inclusive education and well-trained teachers, school infrastructure,
curriculum, and programmes. Access to mainstream Technical Vocational Education
and Training (TVET) institutions is also hampered by the common prejudice that persons
with disabilities should do crafts and manual work, thus preventing them from developing
skills, improving their livelihoods and access to decent employment, and exercising their
agency and voice, as enshrined in the CRPD.
The Constitution of Zimbabwe cites disability as one of the grounds prohibited for
discrimination under section 56 and under section 22(4) and calls for agencies to take
measures to ensure accessibility by persons with disabilities to all buildings, environments
and transportation to which other members of the public have. Under section 83, the
Constitution provides for elaborate rights of PWDs (including rights to enable them to
become self-reliant, protect them from all forms of exploitation and abuse). In 2021, the
National Disability Policy was adopted while a draft legislation that should be compliant
with the CRPD is soon to be tabled before Parliament for debate. The Government has
drafted its first national report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Going forward, the country should prioritise adopting a human rights-based approach to
addressing issues and concerns of persons with disabilities. Stakeholders, including the
UN and Government should dedicate efforts to combat intersectional discrimination and
gender-based violence against girls and women with disabilities, while also facilitating
their access to SRHR services and justice. The allocation of sufficient resources to
implement and strengthen disability policies and programmes is paramount, as it will
ensure equitable access to basic social services. The UN and its partners should continue
to influence changes in attitudes, beliefs and cultural norms towards disability and to
conduct systematic close consultation with, and active involvement of, Organizations of
Persons with Disabilities (OPDs).
Rural women have limited access to formal credit and loans. The credit made available
through the women-centred financial institutions, such as the Women’s Microfinance
Bank, is inadequate. Rural women are more likely to be economically disadvantaged
during COVID-19 due to the impact of the pandemic on their enterprises. In this regard,
access to affordable credit must be facilitated for rural women. Such facilitation includes
provision of free and accessible financial literacy trainings as well as promoting the
establishment and scaling-up of small enterprises. It is also critical to improve rural
women’s access to justice, education, employment, health, housing, safe water and
sanitation, electricity and other infrastructure.
Going forward, there is need to strengthen national climate change response strategy
including gender dimensions and the participation of women at all development and
planning stages. There is need to prioritise assessing and addressing the impact of
Cyclone Idai on women and girls ensuring the integration of a gender dimension into
the planning, budgeting, development, implementation and monitoring of policies and
programmes on disaster risk reduction and climate change.198
The commitment to leave no one behind also extends to sex workers who remain
among the populations left furthest behind. A 2017 study estimated that there were
approximately 44,500 Female Sex Workers (FSW) across Zimbabwe, with 58% living with
HIV.201 A 2015 modes of transmission study estimated that 4,000 new HIV infections
occur among sex workers every year. In sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion of HIV
infection in the general female population that is attributable to sex work is estimated to
be 17.8%.202 Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey (ZDHS) 2015 found that 30%
of men aged 30-49 reported having sex with a sex worker. There are HIV prevalence and
incidence disparities within the FSW community - prevalence among young FSWs below
25 years is 21.3% and it rises to 49.9% for those above 25. Level of education seemed
to be a contributing factor among young FSW– HIV prevalence was 40% for those who
had no/incomplete primary education compared to 25.2% among those who had up to
CEDAW, Concluding Observations on the sixth periodic report of Zimbabwe, CEDAW/C/ZWE/CO/6
See the Statement by the UN Secretary-General on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
of 17 May 2020, Available: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/statement/2020-05-17/secretary-generals-message-the-
Human Rights Council Resolution on Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender
identity (adopted 30 June 2016) - A/HRC/RES/32/2; Human Rights Council resolution - Human rights, sexual orientation and
gender identity (adopted 17 June 2011) - A/HRC/RES/17/19 and Human Rights Council resolution - Human rights, sexual
orientation and gender identity (adopted 26 September 2014) - A/HRC/RES/27/32.
Cowan, F.M., Davey, C., Fearon, E., Mushati, P., Dirawo, J., Chabata, S., Cambiano, V., Napierala, S., Hanisch, D., Wong-
Gruenwald, R. and Masuka, N., 2018. Targeted combination prevention to support female sex workers in Zimbabwe accessing
and adhering to antiretrovirals for treatment and prevention of HIV (SAPPH-IRe): a cluster-randomised trial. The lancet HIV, 5(8),
https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/UNAIDS_FactSheet_en.pdf [Accessed on 30 March 2021]
The legal and social environment continues to criminalize and stigmatize sex work,
making it difficult to reach younger and newer sex workers who are at higher risk of HIV
infection, or to break the systemic barriers of social stigma. Young people are engaging
in sex work for survival and are less likely to access services because they do not identify
as sex workers and are less likely to present to sex work-specific clinics. There is limited
knowledge of the sex work life cycle – that is understanding when people transition into
sex work and at what point a sex worker is most at risk of HIV infection or HIV-related
morbidity and how this information can be used to inform programming.
The right to health includes access to adequate HIV prevention, treatment and care,
support services as well as Sexual and Reproductive Health. It therefore, remains critical
to purposefully address structural barriers that hinder access to services such as
stigma and discrimination, gender-based violence and criminalisation. The identification
of Female Sex Workers and other key populations, which include sexual minorities as
important groups and their inclusion into Zimbabwe’s National HIV and AIDS Strategic
Plan since 2006 was an important step. Addressing key challenges for these groups
will require strengthening of individual, organizational, and national systems capacities
at both national and subnational levels and ensuring a sustainable funding base. It will
also require the adoption of legislative measures geared towards eliminating all forms of
discrimination, stigmatisation and enhancing the promotion of respect of the rights of all
persons by society.204
The increasing costs of health care, already out of reach for the majority of citizens, the
shortage of drugs in public hospitals and supplies and the reliance on patients out of
pocket costs for medicines and supplies, the lack of trained human resources for health
in public hospitals exacerbate suffering among the elderly. The Government needs to
prioritise coverage of and access to health care for older persons by allocating sufficient
budgetary resources to finance the establishment of health institutions especially in
remote rural areas. Additionally, social protection and pension benefits for the elderly,
along with implementing policies on free access to free health care and transport services
for the elderly, should be considered to ensure realisation of the right to social protection
for the aged as outlined in section 21 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
The increasing costs of health
care, already out of reach for the 7.8 MIGRANTS
majority of citizens, the shortage Migrants such as those forcibly displaced and trapped in protracted crises, those with
of drugs in public hospitals irregular migration and employment status and those with increased exposure to risks,
and supplies and the reliance such as women and children, live in precarious situations. Migrants with less material,
on patients out of pocket costs financial, natural, or social assets are vulnerable to relatively minor shocks and more
for medicines and supplies, the likely to suffer intractable poverty following shocks. Migrants face specific vulnerabilities,
lack of trained human resources at all stages of the migration process: pre-migration, in transit, in host countries, and on
for health in public hospitals return.
exacerbate suffering among the
elderly. Zimbabwe has a long history of migration as a source, transit and destination country
for migrants. Since the year 2000, the country has experienced social, economic and
political challenges that have resulted in many Zimbabweans migrating to other
countries in the region and further afield in search of better economic and livelihoods
opportunities. Primary destination countries are South Africa, Botswana and Namibia,
the United Kingdom, USA, Australia and New Zealand. According to the Zimbabwe Inter
Censal Demographic Survey 2017,213 19% of households in Zimbabwe were reported to
have at least one or more family members who are migrants residing outside Zimbabwe.
Majority (87%) of the emigrants were in South Africa, 8% were within other countries in
the Southern Africa region (Botswana, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia and Namibia). In
terms of population profile, 62% of the emigrants from Zimbabwe are male, while 32%
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Kimani, J.K. 2014. Don’t leave us behind: Older people in Zimbabwe call for a society for all. [Online] Available at https://www.
cookie-policy/cookie-policy/ [Accessed on 3 December 2020]
MPSLSW, 2020, Zimbabwe social pension feasibility study, 2020.
212 E. Njovana., Feedback on Dialogue with Help Age Zimbabwe, 2020
Inter-Censal Demographic Survey 2017 (zimstat.co.zw)
Due to its strategic central geographic location within Southern Africa and its position on
the North-South migration corridor, Zimbabwe has also experienced a marked increase in
mixed migration and irregular migration flows including; asylum seekers, undocumented
migrant workers, unaccompanied and separated migrant children (UMC) and victims of
trafficking who become vulnerable at various stages of the migration process. Most of
the migrants in these flows are from the Horn and Great Lakes region of Africa. Primary
reasons for migrating include search for economic and livelihoods opportunities as well
as peace and security. It is estimated that Zimbabwe hosts 254,000 migrants, of which
30,000 are labour migrants.214 Mozambique had the highest proportion (56.9%) of labour
migrants followed by Zambia with about 16%, and Malawi with nearly 13%.215 In 2019,
the immigrant Employment to Population Ratio (EPR) was 30% for labour migrants, and
the majority (45%) engaged in agricultural, forestry and fishing industry. The majority of
labour migrants were in rural areas (54.2%).
Migrant populations, often poor and without reserves, may adopt forms of adverse
coping mechanisms. Migrant workers are more likely to work in precarious forms
of employment. In particular, women migrants tend to work in low-paid, less visible,
and regulated sectors, such as domestic work, and consequently face an increased
risk of exploitation, abuse, and poor working conditions. Without assets to form the
basis of effective coping strategies and resilience, migrants in Zimbabwe experience
catastrophic declines into persistent poverty, face increased morbidity and reduced life
expectancy. The Government has developed a Draft National Migration Policy based
on the guidelines and principles of the African Union Migration Policy Framework for
Africa. Zimbabwe is also an active member of the Migration Dialogue for Southern Africa
(MIDSA) whose objective is to enhance inter-state cooperation among SADC Member
States and improve migration governance in the region through discussion of migration
issues, sharing of experiences and challenges, and finding solutions collectively.
In 2019, 7.1% of youth between the ages of 15 and 24 were married before the age of 15.
Most women who get married at a younger age are often in intergenerational marriages,
thus increasing their vulnerability to poor health outcomes due to early childbearing and
abuse owing to unequal power dynamics. The prevalence of sexual violence, exploitation
and abuse against adolescent girls and young women, children with disabilities, child
migrants and children living in poverty combined with the underreporting of such violations
exacerbates their vulnerability. The lack of knowledge about support services for victims
of sexual violence, exploitation and abuse combined with inadequate resources and
inefficiencies in the justice system results in the extremely low conviction rates of alleged
perpetrators. In keeping with its international commitments, the Government needs to
take concrete steps to combat violence against girls and young women and amend all its
statutory and customary laws to establish the minimum age of marriage at 18 years and
develop and implement a comprehensive national plan of action to combat the practice of
child, early and forced marriages.218
Adolescents have poor access to HIV services. For those aged 15-24 years, HIV incidence
among females is 4 times higher than their male counterparts. In this same age group, only
52% know their HIV status, and they suffer a significant loss of 24% between diagnosis and
enrolment into care. Access to HIV services is hampered by stigma and discrimination from
health care workers in health facilities and low-risk perception and poor health-seeking
behaviour. It is estimated that 20-25% of HIV infections in AGYW is due to SGBV. Zimbabwe
has committed to ending AIDS among adolescents (10-19 years) and young people (20-
24 years) by 2030. This means preventing new HIV infections and reducing morbidity and
mortality among Adolescents and Young People (AYP), especially the Adolescent Girls
For those aged 15-24 years, HIV and Young Women (AGYW) cohort. Appropriate programming for this cohort requires
incidence among females is that interventions be evidence-based, cost-effective, efficient, sustainable, contextualised,
4 times and well-targeted to ensure impact. There is a growing body of evidence on what works
in terms of prevention, care and treatment - calling for strategies that support the design
and implementation of evidence-based, high impact combination prevention (biomedical,
behavioural and structural) interventions and tailored approaches for treatment retention
and adherence.
than their male counterparts.
Over the years, the Zimstat, sector ministries and NGOs have responded quickly and with
good progress setting up mechanisms to ensure operational continuity by adapting and
innovating data production methods towards the availability of comparable statistics for
SDG monitoring. However, data gaps remain in terms of geographic coverage, timeliness,
Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of Zimbabwe, Human Rights Council, thirty fourth session, A/
Zimstat, GoZ. 2020. Zimbabwe open data portal for Sustainable Development Goals. Zimstat. Harare. [Online] Available at
https://zimbabwe.opendataforafrica.org/sdg. [Accessed on 17 November 2020]
The CCA report has analysed the country’s progress towards SDGs, highlighting areas where progress has
been recorded, as well as areas where the country is lagging behind, groups left behind or at risk of being
left behind, multi-dimensional risks and the financial landscape challenges and opportunities to accelerate
towards the 2030 Agenda. Notably, the root causes impacting development progress are multi-faceted and
require innovative and strategic responses by all stakeholders: Government, communities, private sector,
humanitarian, and development actors.
These threats share many distinct characteristics; they are interconnected, cross
borders, have both transitional and transformative impacts, and co-occur. The rationale
thrusts on informing a resilient-oriented, well-coordinated, systems-responsive, people-
centred, and integrated Cooperation Framework that reduces risks. Most critically, risk-
informed development facilitates a risk-based decision-making process that enables the
UN system and the government to understand multiple concurrent threats and complex
risks that arise from development decisions spurring action based on that knowledge.
The CCA analysed existing evidence and data gaps for the Country’s SDG indicators,
transcending beyond official national statistics to big data, updated Joint Needs
Assessment (JNA) 2018/19 sector notes, national surveys, assessments, and targeted
surveys. The conceptual framework embedded in the 2030 Agenda’s vision for sustainable
development grounded in international human rights standards guided this analysis. The
framework placed emphasis on equality and non-discrimination at the centre of its efforts
clustered around the UN principles of Cooperation Framework’s integrated programming
approach221. These principles referred to both the process as well as content—in line with
the “5P’s” of the 2030 Agenda (People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace and Partnerships): People
(the social dimension), Planet (the environmental dimension), Prosperity (the economic
dimension), Peace (the ethical dimension emphasizing ideals and values of equality,
freedom, human dignity and justice) and Partnership (underscoring the importance of
collaboration and cooperation).222 The overarching conceptual and analytical principles
• The CCA adopted the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) as a normative
framework for the process of sustainable development, based on principles of
international human rights standards and as operationally directed to promoting
and protecting human rights. The CCA anchored its analyses on national
development plans, ratifications, policies, and processes within a system of rights
and corresponding obligations established by international law, including all civil,
cultural, economic, political, and social rights, and the right to development. To guide
the CCA, the HRBA focused on equality and non-discrimination, participation and
accountability principles earmarking opportunities for both ‘duty-bearers’ to meet
their obligations and ‘rights-holders’ to claim their rights.
• Guided by the United Nations System Shared Framework for Action on Leaving no
one behind (LNOB)223, and the UNSDG operational Guide for UNCTs on LNOB,224
the CCA analysis engenders discrimination and inequalities (often multiple and
intersecting) to understand barriers that undermine the agency of people as
holders of rights, including on gender225 and persons with disabilities responsive
analyses.226,227 LNOB analysis not only entailed consideration of who was
furthest behind in development progress, but also analysed efforts in combating
discrimination and rising inequalities and their root causes within Zimbabwe
and beyond. The LNOB diagnostic approach encompassed inclusion of both
disaggregated data and qualitative analysis to identify who is being excluded or
discriminated against, how and why, as well as who is experiencing multiple and
intersecting forms of discrimination and inequalities in outcomes and opportunities
in law, policies and practice.
• The UNCT System-wide Action Plan (SWAP) on Gender Equality and the
UNSDG, 2019. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - Internal Guidance. Geneva. https://unsdg.
UNSDG, 2019. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework - Internal Guidance. Geneva. https://unsdg.
United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination. 2017. Leaving No One Behind: Equality and Non-
Discrimination at the Heart of Sustainable Development - The United Nations System Shared Framework for Action. New Yok.
[Online] https://www.unsceb.org/CEBPublicFiles/CEB%20equality%20framework-A4-web-rev3.pdf
UNSDG. 2019. Leave No one Behind: A UNSDG operational Guide for UN Country Teams. New York. [Online] https://unsdg.
UN system-wide priorities for action include the UN system-wide action plans (UN-SWAPs) on Gender, Youth, and for the
inclusion of Persons with disabilities,
UN. 2020. United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy. Geneva. [Online] https://www.un.org/en/content/disabilitystrategy/
International Disability Alliance. 2019. Disability SWAP: A System-wide approach for making the United Nations fully inclusive
of persons with disabilities. [Online]
Feb/Mar 2021
Sept 2020 Oct 2020 Dec 2020
August 2020
Box 3 Box 7
Box 1 Box 10 Box 12
RC/UNCT agree on the UNCT approves
methodology and PMT & UNCT
timing of the initial Stakeholder
workplan reviews draft CCA DCO reviews draft
CCA process workshop on
document CCA
background and
diagnostic papers
Figure 9.2 2012-2032: Evolution of key age structure indicators, Zimbabwe 2012
Zimbabwe is one of the four SADC Member States along with Eswatini, Namibia, and
South Africa that deposited their instruments of ratification with the Chairperson of
the African Union Commission for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).
The Agreement Establishing the AfCFTA and its Protocols on Trade in Goods, Trade in
Services, and Rules and Procedures on the Settlement of Disputes, were adopted by
the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, at its 10th Extra-Ordinary Session
held in Kigali, Rwanda in 2018. The agreement envisions the eight African Union (AU)-
recognised Regional Economic Community (REC) in Africa, of which SADC is one of them,
as its building blocks. The AfCFTA will support financially integrated region that has high
levels of financial inclusion, integrated financial markets and systems to attract foreign-
direct and intra-regional investment while strengthening the private sector. Challenges,
however, include loss of revenue owing to the removal of tariffs.
Because of its low production levels, Zimbabwe is largely a trading economy across both
formal and informal sectors, contributing only 0.2%234 to world exports and the same
in imports. However, given the wealth in natural and human resources, and the value
addition potential of the country, export growth is achievable, particularly in the context
of AfCFTA. The need to shift Zimbabwe’s focus from primarily raw export products to
higher value processed goods is now more critical than ever, with the key growth sectors
of agriculture and mining holding great promise within the context of NDS1, which
has set the acceleration of value addition and beneficiation in the two sectors as a key
Because of its low production objective over the next five years.
levels, Zimbabwe is largely a
trading Meanwhile, the country’s geo location presents a competitive advantage with regard
economy across to positioning as a Southern African hub for transport, logistics and trading. Although
both formal
some passenger and goods traffic do flow through the country, prospects for hub status
have largely been damaged by political and economic factors along with infrastructural
and informal deficits (transport, power, IT and others), with South Africa currently playing the hub role.
sectors, The Zimbabwe cooperation framework should consider support to the government
contributing only 0.2%34 to world
exports and the same in imports. to review its competition and other relevant policies to benefit from the free trade
agreement optimally. The leading trading partner for Zimbabwe is South Africa. Trade
with South Africa makes up 40% of Zimbabwe’s imports and 75% of its exports.235 South
Africa ranks Zimbabwe 5th in its exports markets and 7th in the import market globally.
Other top trading partners for exports are the UAE, China, Mozambique, and Indonesia.
AfCFTA provides an opportunity to broaden volumes of exports and export destinations.
Zimbabwe’s NDS1 adopts the SADC Protocol on Mining and the Africa Mining Vision236
to enhance mineral beneficiation and value addition in minerals.237 The focus is on
exporting beneficiated minerals by supporting local processing of Zimbabwe’s diverse
mineral resource endowment harnessing the potential of artisanal, small scale miners
and cooperatives to grow the mining sector. These priorities are in tandem with SADC’s
Regional Mining Vision and Action Plan along with its antecedent RISDP 2020-2030
blueprint. These instruments aim to maximise the developmental impact of mineral
resources extraction that benefit from cross-border cooperation in transport or energy
infrastructure and input supply. SADC focuses on the development of major mineral
UNECA, 2020
Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI)
Statista, 2019
SADC.2018. SADC Facts and Figures. SADC secretariat. [Online] Available at https://www.sadc.int/about-sadc/overview/
sadc-facts-figures/#Trade [ Accessed 5 November
AU. 2009. Africa Mining Vision. African union. [Online] Available at http://www.africaminingvision.org/amv_resources/AMV/
Africa_Mining_Vision_English.pdf [Accessed on 7 December 2020]
GoZ. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 January 2021 – December 2025: Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper
Middle-Income Society by 2030. Government of Zimbabwe. Harare
The country’s 2021-2025 plans for implementing reforms in the roads sector align
closely with the requirements of the SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications
and Meteorology.240 The NDS1 targets the increase in the number of kilometres of road
network to meet Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC)
standards from 5% to 10% by 2025 and to upsurge the number of kilometres of road
network in good condition from 14 702km to 24 500km by 2025.241 SADC’s measures
on roads especially target the vehicle load management, which entail harmonisation of
axle load limits across the region, harmonised road user charges to minimise delays at
border posts, Coordinated Border Management as a pre-cursor to the implementation
of One-Stop-Border Posts, Market liberalisation in respect of licensing for operation
across borders, and Vehicle Regulations and Standards to address vehicle driving
testing, inspection, registration and training.242 The SADC road measures aim to provide
an integrated, efficient, cost effective road transport, spurred by developing interlinked
transport networks.
SADC developed the Protocol on the Facilitation of Movement of Persons (2005), SADC
Protocol on Trade in Services for services market liberalization and Mutual Recognition
Agreements (MRAs) for professional services, the Protocol on Employment and Labor
(PEL), and the Protocol on Education and Training (PET). However, of these four
protocols, only the PET is in force. SADC also adopted the Labour Migration Action Plan
(2020-2025), SADC Common Regional Policy Framework on Refugees and Asylum
Seekers (2019), SADC Guidelines on Coordinated Border Management (2011), the SADC
Regional Strategy to Combat Illegal Migration, Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in
Persons (2016-2020), and the SADC-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Action Plan (UNHCR) (2020-2024). There is progress on the implementation of the
SADC Qualifications Framework (SADC QF), which strives to increase the development
of human resources in SADC to increase the availability of educated and highly skilled
personnel through comparable standards in education and training systems of Member
CeSHHAR. 2020. Executive Summary CeSHHAR Annual Report 2018-2019. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. [Online]
Available at https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/sites/default/files/CeSHHAR%20Annual%20Report%20Exec%20Summary%202018-
19%20FINAL.pdf [Accessed on 7 December 2020]
GoZ. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 January 2021 – December 2025: Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper
Middle-Income Society by 2030. Government of Zimbabwe. Harare
GoZ. 2020. National Development Strategy 1 January 2021 – December 2025: Towards a Prosperous & Empowered Upper
Middle-Income Society by 2030. Government of Zimbabwe. Harare
SADC protocol on Gender and Development 2008
SADC is prioritising improved production, management, standardisation, and
harmonisation of statistical approaches in the region through the development and
adoption of a SADC Statistics Protocol. The SADC Pan-African Statistics Programme
with the AU Commission, national and regional training workshops on the SADC
Template of Trade in Services Statistics, and training for focal persons on technical
validation of economic and social statistics for the SADC Statistics Yearbook are
earmarked at improving production and management of statistics. In its RISDP 2020-
2030 blueprint, SADC prioritised improved production and management of statistics by
the region through the development and adoption of a SADC Statistics Protocol towards
the standardization and harmonization of statistical approaches in the region.
Quantity (tons) Linear (Quantity (tons))