Uas 2 - Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pustakawan
Uas 2 - Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pustakawan
Uas 2 - Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pustakawan
1. * opinion sentence
The price of CPO is now increasingly attractive, encouraging entrepreneurs to
continue expanding.
According to Irsal, land with a thickness of peat less than three meters can be planted
with oil palm as long to the principle.
*fact sentence
Indonesia is a major producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) with a production of 19.2
million tonnes in 2008. CPO now controls 27% of the world’s vegetable oil market
share, beating soybean and canola oil.
It is estimated that 2.8 million hectares of peatlands are included in oil palm
The government will issue various regulations for that.
2. *Main idea: Philadelphia was a small town at first, but then Philadelphia grows and
become a city that become an important marketing city for agricultural hiterland.
There’s many new markets are starting to open and also enlarged their markets.
Auctions is a popular form of occasional trade besides bringing the goods from
outlying place to the city. Nevertheless, auctions is opposed by the retail merchants
and the government already try to diminish it. After all, philadelphia being a central
market thet provided a lot of business trade and fairs from various circles.