Uas 2 - Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pustakawan

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SEMESTER 2020/21.2 (2021.1)


PUST 4422

1. * opinion sentence
The price of CPO is now increasingly attractive, encouraging entrepreneurs to
continue expanding.
According to Irsal, land with a thickness of peat less than three meters can be planted
with oil palm as long to the principle.
*fact sentence
Indonesia is a major producer of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) with a production of 19.2
million tonnes in 2008. CPO now controls 27% of the world’s vegetable oil market
share, beating soybean and canola oil.
It is estimated that 2.8 million hectares of peatlands are included in oil palm
The government will issue various regulations for that.
2. *Main idea: Philadelphia was a small town at first, but then Philadelphia grows and
become a city that become an important marketing city for agricultural hiterland.
There’s many new markets are starting to open and also enlarged their markets.
Auctions is a popular form of occasional trade besides bringing the goods from
outlying place to the city. Nevertheless, auctions is opposed by the retail merchants
and the government already try to diminish it. After all, philadelphia being a central
market thet provided a lot of business trade and fairs from various circles.

*Why a new markets opened in Philadelpia: because, in Philadelphia, markets

being a necessary place to do the transaction and business from outlaying places or
hiterland until the city itself. Hence, markets being a “high demand” place that must
be available. Because of it, a new markets start to open.
3. *please adjust the dialog to the order:
Peter: Good morning, Mrs. Irine. I’m Peter
Mrs. Irine: Halo Peter, good morning. How are you doing?
Peter: I’m okey Mrs. Irine. Thanks for asking me.
Mrs. Irine: My pleasure Mr. Peter. So, what can i help for you?
Peter: Hmm well, I need you to help me about something Mrs.
Mrs. Irine: Oke, What can i do for you Mr. Peter?
Peter: I need some books about communication psychology for my thesis.
Mrs. Irine: Have you having reference book what you need?
Peter: I don’t have idea about reference book for my thesis Mrs.
Mrs. Irine: Do you know Mr. Jalaludin Rakhmat? He is an expert in communication
from Indonesia. This library has several collections of his essays, there are books and
journals. Moreover, we also have a biography book about him.
Peter: Wow.. i am very excited to hear that,Mrs. Can i see and read his work?
Mrs. Irine: Sure. Come with me.
4. *dialogue
Student: Good afternoon, madam.
Librarian: Good afternoon.
Student: I am new student from faculty of communication.
Librarian: Oke. What can i help you?
Student: I wat to borrow book about communication science.
Librarian: Do you have a library member card?
Student: No yet Madam. I don’t have a library member card.
Librarian: If you want to use library facilities, one of them to borrow books in the
library, you must have a library member card.
Student: How will i get library member card?
Librarian: You just need to fill this form with your identity.
Student: Oh okay, Madam. I will fill out this form.
Five minutes later
Student: Its done Madam.
Librarian: Okay, wait a minutes. Now, you can use this temporary member card if you
want to borrow books.
Student: Thank you Madam.
Librarian: You’re welcome.

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