Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

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As enterprises continue to rapidly adopt SD-WAN technologies, they are looking for
SD-WAN solutions that incorporate three key features: integrated security, multicloud
connectivity, and application reliability.

Three Key Requirements of Enterprise

SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud
Connectivity, and Application Reliability
April 2021

Written by: Brandon Butler, Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Networks

Introduction: Enterprise-Grade SD-WAN AT A GLANCE

The software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) market is at an
inflection point. This powerful technology has moved beyond initial
deployments and proofs of concept and graduated to full-scale, SD-WAN's rapid rate of enterprise adoption
enterprisewide adoption. has been driven by a handful of important
factors, including:
The maturation of the SD-WAN market has resulted in enterprises gaining
» Integrated management of multiple WAN
significant value from SD-WAN deployments, and many are now looking to connectivity types, including MPLS,
standardize on software-defined principles for managing their WAN. At the broadband, and LTE
same time, three key, interwoven requirements of an SD-WAN platform » A centralized application policy controller
have crystallized to make this technology enterprise grade. These that enables dynamic path selection
requirements reflect how enterprises want to architect their networks and across application links
the business priorities of organizations. They consist of the following: Next-generation SD-WAN solutions should
focus on integrated security, multicloud
flexible security consumption models that meet business and compliance
connectivity, and application reliability.
requirements; multicloud connectivity as a foundational component of
SD-WAN technology; and the ability of an SD-WAN platform to guarantee
high levels of application reliability, no matter where the application is hosted.
Meanwhile, COVID-19 changed many dynamics in enterprise networking. The global pandemic forced organizations to
reconsider how their WANs support users who access the network from more distributed sites — whether a traditional
campus or branch, at home, or from another remote location. SD-WAN platforms must be agile enough to support these
various deployment options. In conjunction with more ways to deploy SD-WAN, customers are also exploring new
modes of consuming SD-WAN infrastructure via more flexible consumption licensing and procurement models.
This trend is giving rise to networking as a service, and SD-WAN is a key component.
IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

Nonetheless, enterprises that adopt SD-WAN platforms will reap the greatest benefits from the technology (see Figure 1).

FIGURE 1: Key Benefits of Cisco SD-WAN Adoption

Source: IDC's Business Value of Cisco SD-WAN Solutions, April 2019

SD-WAN Security: Flexible Consumption Models

Security is a foundational requirement for any enterprise-grade technology. As threats and attack vectors simultaneously
continue to increase, staying ahead of security in the WAN and beyond requires a robust set of tools. Customers should
have choice in how they deploy security that is integrated closely with the SD-WAN. Security may be delivered
on premises in SD-WAN routers/other infrastructure or in a cloud-hosted Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework,
depending on the business requirements and compliance needs of an enterprise.
Tools such as next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention systems,
role-based access controls, URL filtering, and malware protection have become
key for on-premises security. Together, these capabilities provide secure WAN
"The fact that we can do
access and help enterprises meet compliance demands onsite while offering end-to-end segmentation
constant protection against internal and external threats from a range of with Cisco SD-WAN has
sources. Other enterprises may prefer to use a SASE framework with security allowed us to build out a
tools such as a secure web gateway (SWG), firewall as a service (FWaaS), cloud
framework to put devices on
access security broker (CASB), zero trust network access (ZTNA), and DNS layer
security. These cloud-based tools provide a flexible way to deliver protection to the network that maybe we
users anywhere they access the network and cloud applications. don't fully trust but that the
Whether security is managed on premises or in the cloud, enterprises are
business wants while still
looking for certain fundamentals in a secure SD-WAN platform. In the control securing the network."
plane, enterprises should be operating on a zero trust model where every Cisco SD-WAN customer from an IDC
user, device, and data traffic flow is authenticated and monitored on the Business Value study sponsored by Cisco
network. The management plane is where role-based access controls and
access control lists are established and enforced. Within the data plane,
enterprises are looking for security controls such as next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, and intrusion
detection systems that can be managed on premises or from the cloud. In addition, the hardware and firmware at the
data plane need to be able to withstand attack as the number of advanced persistent threats (APTs) grows.

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IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

Combined, these fundamentals of SD-WAN security provide a robust, secure platform. Enterprises are keenly interested in
more flexible integrations between network and security tools given the network's unique ability to secure enterprise
environments. Figure 2 shows survey data reinforcing this point: When IDC asked enterprises what changes that were put in
place during COVID-19 will become permanent, more integrated network and security management topped the list.

FIGURE 2: More Integrated Network and Security Management Is a Key Enterprise Priority
Q What are the most important changes to your network operations in 2020 in response to
COVID-19 that will become permanent changes to your organization?

More integrated network and security management 32.0

Improved support for remote/work-from-home

Improved network management tools for automation,
visibility, analytics
Shifting to more flexible consumption/
network-as-a-service models

Increased use of cloud applications (IaaS and SaaS) 24.8

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
(% of respondents)

n = 250 U.S. respondents

Note: Multiple responses were allowed.
Source: IDC's Enterprise Networking: Emergence of the New Normal Survey, December 2020

Enabling Secure and Efficient Multicloud Connectivity

One of the chief drivers of SD-WAN adoption among enterprises is enabling secure, reliable, and high-performance
connections to public cloud platforms. Usage of public cloud platforms has become pervasive among enterprises, which
is a trend that was accelerated during the COVID-19 era. Figure 3 shows survey data indicating the most important new
technologies enterprises have used since the pandemic. Secure connectivity topped the list, followed by the transitioning
of business applications and workloads to the cloud. This data reinforces why connectivity to multiple public clouds is so
critical for SD-WAN deployments.

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IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

FIGURE 3: COVID-19 Has Accelerated the Enterprise Journey to the Cloud

Q Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, what have been the most important new technology
solutions your organization has taken advantage of for work-from-home (WFH) users?

Remote access VPN 34.8

Transition from on-premises business apps to

cloud-hosted apps (Office 365, Salesforce, etc.)
Application/workload transition to IaaS clouds for
business resilience/continuity

Cloud access security solutions 25.6

Cloud-managed enterprise networking 19.2

Use of an SD-WAN or alternate cloud gateway 18.4

Client-based security solution 18.0

None of the above 1.6

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(% of respondents)
n = 250 U.S. respondents
Note: Multiple responses were allowed.
Source: IDC's Enterprise Networking: Emergence of the New Normal Survey, December 2020

Some challenges enterprises face in connecting to these cloud platforms are as follows:

» A lack of control over how traffic is routed to public cloud platforms

» Difficulty determining the quality of WAN connection to cloud platforms
» Complexity in coordinating traffic from multiple geographically disparate sites to cloud platforms
SD-WAN platforms can specifically address these concerns. The key is having a platform that allows enterprises to
centrally design, provision, and manage multicloud networks. SD-WAN platforms should offer customers on-ramps to
public cloud platforms, allowing a centralized controller to provide real-time, automatic dynamic path selection of traffic
across multiple WAN links to find the most efficient route to any destination across public or private clouds.

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IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

SD-WAN platforms should also provide enterprises with visibility into the quality of the links via an easily understood
link-quality score. Customers should also have the option to deploy SD-WAN platforms at colocation facilities to
aggregate traffic from multiple sites before directly connecting it to the cloud. In addition, SD-WAN platforms should give
users the ability to create a virtual dedicated interconnect from branches to the cloud via cloud interconnect partners to
enhance availability and reliability of connectivity to multiple cloud providers. Combined, these qualities make SD-WAN
an essential tool for securely and reliably enabling cloud-based usage.

SD-WAN for Application Optimization and Reliability

Business applications are only as good as the network connection that delivers them to users. Enterprises are increasingly
relying on applications delivered via a network connection for mission-critical tasks. It's crucial that these connections
have low latencies and high bandwidth.
SD-WAN platforms enable enterprises not only to optimize application "Making network changes
traffic but also to increase the reliability of the applications, maintain high
quality of service levels, and monitor application performance. The key
has been a huge change with
enabler of this functionality is having visibility into what is happening at Cisco SD-WAN. It used to be
the application level as well as on the network. To do this requires a that implementing network
platform that's able to monitor both the underlay components and the changes to support internet-
overlay components, with the ability to conduct real-time analytics. Next- based services took many
generation SD-WAN platforms go a step beyond just providing analytics
into what is happening across the network — they help proactively solve months. Now, the network
problems. Machine learning– and artificial intelligence–enhanced provides agility where services
automation platforms can instantaneously detect a performance can be deployed in the cloud
degradation or security incident based on these analytics. They also can immediately."
provide guided steps to remediate the issue or be programmed to
automatically take actions to fix the issue before it impacts any user. Cisco SD-WAN customer from an IDC
Business Value study sponsored by Cisco
The visibility into what's happening on the network and the functionality
to automate responses to problems have become key criteria for SD-
WAN because together they enable network agility. When the business needs to onboard a new third-party, cloud-hosted
application, the networking team should be an enabler rather than a roadblock. Modern microservices-based applications
are increasingly made of components that are hosted across multiple on- and off-premises locations. SD-WAN becomes an
integral tool for managing the seamless delivery of these applications to a global set of users.
In addition to visibility and analytics, SD-WAN platforms are also now supporting broadened connectivity methods, such
as LTE and, in the future, 5G. As enterprises look toward an increasingly wireless WAN edge, SD-WAN platforms will be a
key enabler.

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IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

Considering Cisco SD-WAN Solutions

An IDC Business Value study found that Cisco SD-WAN solutions enable a range of agility benefits, along with less
downtime and reduced application latency, resulting in an overall higher revenue per year for organizations that adopt
this technology, as shown in Figure 4.

FIGURE 4: SD-WAN as an Enabler of Agile Operations: Business Value Benefits of Cisco SD-WAN

Source: IDC's Business Value of Cisco SD-WAN Solutions, April 2019

Cisco SD-WAN is a cloud-delivered overlay WAN architecture that fits in with a multidomain management architecture
and enables a multicloud enterprise network. Cisco SD-WAN includes integrated security functions, such as
microsegmentation across layers of the stack, a firewall, secure web gateway, and the ability to have common role-based
and access control policies across the WAN, datacenter, enterprise campus, and cloud. The platform also delivers
powerful analytics and assurance capabilities that provide visibility into what's happening across the entire network and
automated remediation capabilities to fix problems before they impact users.
Cisco SD-WAN can be consumed as a virtual, cloud, or physical appliance and managed in-house or by a managed service
provider. Cisco SD-WAN based on Viptela and vManage technology allows for advanced routing and flexible deployment
options, while Cisco SD-WAN powered by Meraki is an all-in-one SD-WAN and security platform for lean IT shops.

SD-WAN is one of the fastest-growing segments of the network infrastructure market, which has led to a crowded
playing field for SD-WAN vendors. However, the SD-WAN market will remain competitive, and enterprises will have a
multitude of vendors to choose from. Cisco's strong technology platform and large base of customers will help the
company differentiate itself from other vendors in this space.

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IDC TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT Three Key Requirements of Enterprise SD-WAN: Integrated Security, Multicloud Connectivity, and Application Reliability

As enterprises continue to adopt SD-WAN solutions, the buying criteria for an enterprise-grade SD-WAN platform are
crystallizing. SD-WAN deployments today are about more than just the technology: They're about enabling an agile and
dynamic business that can support changing business requirements and the employees, regardless of their location, who
drive the business. New ways of procuring SD-WAN technology will be an important enabler of having more cloudlike
scalability and management of the network.
Meanwhile, integrated security, multicloud connectivity, and application reliability will continue to be the core driving
features of an enterprise-grade SD-WAN platform. When executed correctly, these three pillars combine to provide
enterprises with an SD-WAN platform that enables comprehensive connectivity to any endpoint.

About the Analyst

Brandon Butler, Senior Research Analyst, Enterprise Networks
Brandon Butler is a Senior Research Analyst with IDC's Network Infrastructure group covering Enterprise
Networks. He is responsible for market and technology trends, forecasts, and competitive analysis in Ethernet
switching, routing, and wireless LAN, and he closely follows segments such as SDN and SD-WAN.

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