If Clause

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IF-WISH CLAUSE 1 5- If you give me your tape recorder and a

cassette in plenty of time, then, of course, I

1- If I were you, I ....... a new car instead of ....... the lecture for you on the day of your
struggling with this old one. Aunt's funeral.

A) have bought A)recorded

B) was buying B) had recorded
C) had bought C) would have recorded
D) would buy D) have recorded
E) bought E) will record

2- It's not long now before I start my new job 6- If I ....... you would be on your own all
in Menissa. I wish we ........ a suitable house weekend, I ........ you over to our honse.
for sale there, but it seems that we may have
to hire one temporarily. A) know/have invited
B) have known/was going to invite
A) have found C) had known/would have invited
B) could find D) knew/will have invited
C) can find E) will know/must have invited
D) will find
E) find

3- I'm sorry that I sent our driver for you. I 7- I wish you ........ me from the station to
wish I .... you at the airport myself, but I had a inform me that you were on your way — I ........
meeting with the production team. the dinner ready for you upon your arrival
A) can meet
B) could have met A) phone/can prepare
C) have met B) have phoned/will have prepared
D) would meet C) phoned/will be preparing
E) meet D) would phone/have prepared
E) had phoned/could have prepared

4- Take a couple of extra traditional Turkish

gifts with you to Germany in case you ....... 8 I wish a flight to Istanbul ..... less than two
any other members of the Scholz family hundred pounds, then we would fly there a lot
during your stay. more often.

A) meet A) costs
B) had met B) could have cost
C) were meeting C) has cost
D) met D) cost
E) will meet E) will cost
9- I wish I ........ to my friends in Germany 13- Apparently, a customer wanted to buy
every day without getting a huge telephone something in the window, but she had left by
bill. the time I arrived to open the shop. How I wish
I .......... the bus!
A) have been talking
B) would talk A) hadn't missed
C) will talk B) aren't missing
D) could talk C) wouldn't have missed
E) can talk D) don't miss
E) haven't missed

10- I'm sure my daughter ........ university life if 14- You ........ determined if you ........ to give
she ......... but she is so shy. up smoking permanently.

A) had enjoyed/was socialising A) have been/wanted

B) enjoys/will have socialised B) have to be/want
C) would enjoy/socialised C) could be/will have wanted
D) enjoyed/had been socialising D) had been/would have wanted
E) could have enjoyed/has socialised E) were to be/would want

11- If our caravan ....... with a shower, it ......... 15- My uncle keeps his share certificates and
more practical for longer holidays. property deeds in a fireproof box in case a
fire ......... out at his office.
A) is to equip/can be
B) were equipped/would be A) had broken
C) had been equipped/will be B) breaks
D) equipped/could be C) was breaking
E) would be equipped/has been D) will have broken
E) broke

12- Had the Millennium Dome not been built, 16- New strict laws to combat illegal
750 million pounds ......... on health and immigration into the UK mean that if a lorry
education. driver .......... an illegal immigrant into the
country, he personally ......... a £2000 fine.
A) can be spent
B) must have been spent A) brings/faces
C) could have been spent B) would bring/had faced
D) will have spent C) had brought/is facing
E) had been spending D) can bring/could have faced
E) has brought/has faced

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