Yds Pack - 1-20

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6- For the past 24 hours, a tropical storm

....... the houses of villages in
Mozambique, but it is hard to know as
1- Normally, people ....... quickly from the yet how much damage it ....... by the
flu, but so far this year many people time it has stopped.
....... as a result of it.
A) was going to batter/causes
A) are recovering/had died
B) battered/will have been causing
B) had recovered/are going to die
C) has been battering/will have caused
C) have been recovering/die
D) had been battering/has caused
D) recover/have died
E) is battering/has been causing
E) were recovering/will die
7- By 1840, the US Army ....... most
2- You ....... for three months by the time
Eastern Indian tribes west of the
you leave for your holiday, so you .......
quite a lot of weight.
A) have been dieting/will be losing A) will have pushed
B) will have been dieting/will have lost B) have pushed
C) had dieted/lost C) had pushed
D) were dieting/had lost D) pushed
E) are going to diet/have lost E) are pushing

3- Carreta turtles ....... their eggs on the 8- For most of the time throughout the
beach at night and ....... the reflection picnic, the boys ....... football while the
from the sea to find their way back to girls ....... flowers.
the water. A) will play/have been picking
A) lay/use B) are playing/will be picking
B) were laying/have used C) have played/are picking
C) are going to lay/used D) were playing/were picking
D) laid/arc using E) had been playing/have picked
E) will lay/had used
9- Over recent years, glue sniffing,
4- By the mid 1970s, 'Marks and Spencer' which ....... negative effects on both the
....... one of the top department stores body and the mind, ....... a major
and they ....... more underwear than problem among teenagers.
any other British company at the time.
A) has had/is becoming
A) had become/were selling B) has/has become
B) is going to become/had sold C) is going to have/had become
C) has become/arc selling D) will have/will have become
D) became/will be selling E) is having/was becoming
E) was becoming/will have sold

5- I ....... the potatoes while you .... the 10- Chinese merchants ....... trade in Tibet
leeks for the soup. since 1950, when China ....... the
A) peeled/will be chopping country.
B) will have peeled/have chopped A) dominate/was invading
C) was peeling/had chopped B) were dominating/has invaded
D) peel/will have chopped C) will have dominated/had invaded
E) will peel/chop D) had dominated/will be invading
E) have dominated/invaded
11- In 1619, the first African slaves ....... in 16- I expect you ....... bored with working
Virginia, USA, and by 1790, their at the Post Office by this tim.e next
numbers ....... nearly 700,000. year and ....... for a more interesting
A) wore arriving/have been reaching
B) arrived/had reached . A) have become/will have looked
C) have arrived /were reaching B) were becoming/are going to look
D) were going to arrive/reach C) become/will look
E) had arrived/will have reached D) will become/arc looking
E) will have become/will be looking
12- We ....... a lovely view of the
Bosphorus and the bridges over it 17- Listen! The coach ....... the strengths of
while the plane ...... over Istanbul. our opponents because our team .......
against them before.
A) are getting/flies
B) had got/is flying A) has explained/weren't playing
C) got/was flying B) explains/won't play
D) get/has flown C) is explaining/haven't played
E) are getting/had been flying D) was explaining/don't play
E) will explain/hadn't been playing
13- By the time they ....... in Sydney
Harbour, they ....... non-stop for three 18- When I ....... the alterations to the
months. company accounts, I was left in no
doubt that the accountant ....... money
A) anchor/will have been sailing
from the firm.
B) were anchoring/sailed
C) have anchored/were sailing A) saw/had been stealing
D) are anchoring/have been sailing B) am seeing/has stolen
E) are going to anchor/have sailed C) was seeing/was stealing
D) have seen/will have stolen
14- According to the new schedule the E) see/steals
whole team have accepted, we .......
every Monday and Wednesday next 19- According to the doctor, this time next
term, but I'm sure we ....... back to our week, I ....... around as normal and the
normal routine of once a week before cut on my foot ....... completely.
long. A) am walking/healed
A) had trained/revert B) will be walking/mil have healed
B) train/have reverted C) walked/was healing
C) are training/reverted D) have been walking/heals
D) arc going to train/will revert E) walk/is going to heal
E) have been training/are reverting 20- Shadow puppets ....... in China and
....... as far as Turkey and Greece
15- The prospector ran into town in
excitement because, at last, he .. some A) will originate/have been spreading
gold at the site which he ... for months. B) are originating/will be spreading
C) originate/had spread
A) was finding/was panning
D) originated/have spread
B) will find/is going to pan
E) will have originated/were spreading
C) will have found/has panned
D) had found/had been panning
E) found/will have panned

21- Over recent years, many skilled 26- In 1868, the US government ....... 7,000
craftsmen and women ....... their jobs Navajo Indians to return to their
in the pottery trade in the UK, but homeland and, since then, they .......
gradually English porcelain ....... its the largest and richest Indian tribe.
reputation. A) allowed/have become
A) will have lost/will regain B) has allowed/are becoming
B) had been losing/has regained C) was going to allow/will become
C) lost/regains D) had allowed/were becoming
D) are losing/regained E) was allowing/become
E) have lost/is regaining 27- In 1960, only 2,000 American Indians
22- After she ....... to turn up for our ....... at university, while in 1970, only a
appointment for the third time, I ....... decade later, this number ....... to
to meet her again. 12,000.
A) is failing/am refusing A) are studying/is increasing
B) has failed/had refused B) were studying/had increased
C) was failing/will refuse C) will be studying/will have increased
D) had been failing/have refused D) studied/will increase
E) had foiled/refused E) had studied/was increasing
23- Since I took part in my first debating 28- Today we ....... a lot of tangerines at
match, I ....... a member of the one pound per kilo, unlike yesterday,
debating club, which I ....... most when we ....... very few customers.
weekends. A) were selling/have had
A) will have been/have attended B) are selling/had
B) have been/attend C) had been selling/had had
C) will be/was attending D) sold/will have had
D) am/had been attending E) are going to sell/will be having
E) was/am attending 29- A: Isn't that your daughter playing
24- By the first half of the 19th century, outside without a coat on? She .......
the potato ....... the staple food in a chill.
Ireland. In 1854, a disease ....... which B: She has a thermal vest on under
resulted in widespread starvation. her pullover, but you have a point.
I ....... her coat.
A) was becoming/has struck
B) will become/was going to strike A) was catching/am fetching
C) had become/struck B) is catching/fetch
D) was going to become/strikes C) will be catching/have fetched
E) has become/has struck D) will catch /will fetch
E) catches/am going to fetch
25- The origins of domestic poultry .......
uncertain, but experts believe that 30- The number of orders per week ...... all
some breeds are descended from the year and the sales manager is
Indian jungle-fowl, which still ....... in confident that we ....... our target.
India today. A) has increased/had been reaching
A) are going to be/will exist B) will increase/have been reaching
B) had been/will have existed C) increases/reached
C) were/had been existing D) increased/reach
D) are/exists E) has been increasing/will reach
E) have been/existed

31- As the police ....... the road, we ....... a 36- I ....... some notes earlier and ....... to
time-consuming detour around the them during my presentation. In the
mountain. event, however, I didn't use them once.
A) are dosing/were making A) will have written/will refer
B) will close/had made B) am going to write/refer
C) had closed/made C) had written/was going to refer
D) will have closed/had been making D) wrote/have referred
E) close/have made E) write/will have referred
32- I ....... some shopping during my lunch 37- Because of Istanbul's geographical
break, but I couldn't as I ... awful location, it ....... a place of trade since
because of my cold. civilisation ......
A) was going to do/fell
B) have done/have felt A) is/was beginning
C) will do/am feeling B) was/has begun
D) did/was feeling C) will be/had begun
E) do/will have felt D) had been/is beginning
E) has been/began
33- By the time the work on their house is
finished, they ....... the painters, 38- When Boris Yeltsin ....... on 31st
decorators and carpenters a total of December 1999, he ....... President of
£8,000. They ....... a beautiful new Russia for eight years.
kitchen, though. A) had resigned/was
A) are paying/have had B) has resigned/is
B) paid/are having C) will have resigned /will be
C) had paid/were having D) resigned/had been
D) will have paid/will have E) resigns/is being
E) have paid/have
39- The circumference of a circle .......
34- I feel certain that Greg ....... in his new 3.14159265 times its diameter no
business because he ....... so hard all matter how small or large it is.
the time.
A) measures
A) is succeeding/will work B) measured
B) will succeed/works C) will be measuring
C) was succeeding/is going to work D) had measured
D) had succeeded/will be working E) was measuring
E) has succeeded/had worked
40- At present, British farmers ....... to the
35- Before Petar Preradovic ....... poems in government because since the EC
his native Croatian, he ....... all his lifted the ban on British beef, the
poems in German. French ....... to buy any.
A) has published/is writing A) were protesting/refused
B) is publishing/was writing B) are protesting/have refused
C) published/had written C) had protested/were refusing
D) had published/will have written D) will protest/refuse
E) has been publishing/has written E) protest/will be refusing

41- The main character was so funny that 48- We won't be able to ski ....... this fog
we laughed continually ....... the whole clears. It's far too dangerous at the
play. moment.
A) during B) until A) while B) just as
C) while D) as soon as C) until D) by the time
E) before E) when
42- She attended a supplementary 49- ....... I was about to leave the office,
Mathematics course ....... she was the telephone rang and I'm glad I
studying for her 'Advanced Calculus' answered it because a customer
examination. wanted to place a large order.
A) before B) during A) Before B) Just as
C) while D) by the time C) By the time D) While
E) after E) Since
43- I discussed the new advertisement 50- Many people had drunk the
with him over the telephone, but I contaminated water ....... the council
haven't spoken to him ....... then. informed the residents of the chemical
A) before B) by
C) during D) until A) by the time B) since
E) since C) while D) after
E) just as
44- ....... I read about his death in the
newspaper, I sent a sympathy card to
his widow.
A) Before B) By the time
C) During D) While
E) As soon as
45- So much snow had covered the
mountaineer that ....... they dug him
out, he had almost frozen to death.
A) while B) by the time
C) until D) as soon as
E) after
46- Joanna received treatment for many
years ......... her cancer finally
A) by the time B) since
C) as D) before
E) while
47- She is very scared of dogs, so ....... she
sees one, she gives it as much room as
A) whenever B) by the time
C) while D) since
E)just as

5- No one ....... in climbing the world's
highest mountain, Everest, before
Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay
....... it in 1953.
1- Winter, the most unpredictable of all
A) was succeeding/have been doing
seasons in Istanbul, sometimes ....... as B) succeeded/were doing
early as October and ....... until April. C) has succeeded/have done
D) had succeeded/did
A) began/has lasted E) had been succeeding/had done
B) will begin/is lasting
C) began/will have lasted 6- As late as the 1960s, only a few
specialists ....... how to use computers,
D) begins/was lasting but now computer programming .......
E) begins/lasts one of the most popular professions in
the world.
2- People ....... down all the world's rain
forests before the authorities ....... any A) were going to know/becomes
action. B) had known/became
C) knew/has become
A) have cut/took D) will have known/will become
B) will have cut/take E) have known/is becoming
C) will be culling/will take 7- Searchers ....... to be confident that
D) are cutting/have taken they ....... the missing climbers before
E) had cut/are taking nightfall.
A) are appearing/find
3- In 1865 the northern states of the B) appear/will have found
United States ....... the southern states, C) were appearing/are finding
which ....... to break away and form a D) will appear/had found
separate nation. E) had appeared/have found

A) were defeating/have attempted 8- Some people think that robots, which

....... an important role in automobile
B) defeated/had attempted manufacture already, ....... most of our
C) defeat/were attempting physical work for us soon.
D) have defeated/attempted
E) had defeated/have been attempting A) had played/are doing
B) played/have done
4- Although a number of nuclear power C) are playing/will be doing
D) were playing/will have done
plants ....... safely for years, public E) had been playing/do
concern about the potential dangers of
nuclear power ....... it from becoming a 9- Even after colonialism ....... early in
major electricity producer. the second half of the 2Oth century,
many former colonies ....... to use the
A) have been operating/has prevented language of their former rulers.
B) are operating/prevented A) ended/continued
C) had operated/will prevent B) has ended/were continuing
D) operated/had been preventing C) had ended/have been continuing
E) were operating/was preventing D) was ending/had continued
E) has ended/have continued

10- I hope the pond ....... over by 16- Even Thomas Edison, the inventor of
Christmas, so we can go skating when the gramophone, ....... what people .......
our cousins ....... to visit. it for.
A) will be freezing/have come A) didn't know/were going to use
B) is freezing/are coming B) hadn't known/are using
C) had frozen/were coming C) wouldn't know/use
D) has frozen/came D) hadn't known/used
E) will have frozen/come E) doesn't know/had been using
11- We ....... a new car, but we couldn't 17- The United States ....... the world's
because we ....... how expensive they only super-power since the Soviet
were. Union ....... in the late 1980s.
A) were buying/won't realise A) is/has collapsed
B) have bought/don't realise B) was/was collapsing
C) had bought/haven't realised C) has been/collapsed
D) were going to buy/hadn't realised D) will have been/would collapse
E) bought/won't have realised E) had been/collapses
12- When Cyprus ....... an independent 18- Archaeologists ....... under the Dome of
republic in 1960, it ....... a British the Rock in Jerusalem, but political
colony since 1892. protests ....... the excavations.
A) became/had been A) have excavated/will block
B) was becoming/has been B) were excavating/had been blocking
C) has become/was C) excavate/are blocking
D) had become/was being D) had excavated/will have blocked
E) becomes/will have been E) were going to excavate/blocked
13- I'm sure you ....... badly in your exams 19- The defendant ....... that he ....... the
because you ....... hard enough lately. pub before the crime was committed,
A) are doing/hadn't studied A) was swearing/leaves
B) have done/won't study B) swore/had left
C) will do/haven't been studying C) swears/will have left
D) do/won't have been studying D) was going to swear/is leaving
E) did/don't study E) will be swearing/has left
14- When the judge ....... to all of the 20- It is final exam time, and the students
arguments, he ....... to postpone the ....... so hard that they . forward to the
hearing until another time. vacation.
A) was listening/decides A) have been working/are looking
B) listens/has decided B) will work/looked
C) has listened/was deciding C) are working/had been looking
D) had listened/decided D) work/have looked
E) will listen/is deciding E) have worked/were looking
15- We ....... at the traffic lights when the 21- Prices ....... steadily all year, so I hope
bus ....... into us from behind. that we ....... a pay rise soon.
A) were walling/crashed A) rose/have got
B) had waited/has crashed B) are rising/got
C) waited/was crashing C) have been rising/will get
D) have waited/had been crashing D) had risen/get
E) are waiting/will crash E) were rising/had got

22- The first heavier-than-air flight ....... 27- The steel mill in Youngstown ....... steel
place in 1903, and aeronautics ....... since 1804 when it ....... down in the
ever since. 1980s.
A) was taking/developed A) had been making/closed
B) took/has been developing B) has been making/was closing
C) has taken/will develop C) made/had closed
D) had taken/develops D) was going to make/closes
E) takes/is developing E) was making/has closed
23- Since he ....... the Microsoft 28- On the assumption that the Chinese
Corporation, Bill Gates ....... one of the economy ....... to grow as at present,
richest men in the world. China ....... the United States as the
world's greatest economic superpower
A) was founding/is becoming
by the mid 21st century.
B) has founded/became
C) had founded/will become A) continued/has overtaken
D) founded/has become B) continues/was going to overtake
E) is founding/becomes C) will continue/will have overtaken
D) is continuing/overtakes
24- When the reinforcements ........ it was
E) has continued/is overtaking
too late; the enemy ....... their comrades
already. 29- Ever since slavery .... African
Americans ... rights.... in 1863, ... for
A) were arriving/annihilated
their civil
B) have arrived/was annihilating
C) arrive/has annihilated A) has been ending/were fighting
D) had arrived/annihilate B) had ended/are lighting
E) arrived/had annihilated C) ended/have been fighting
D) was ending/fought
25- Because of the recent floods, a large
E) has ended/will have fought
number of people ....... their homes and
it seems that they ....... the winter in
tents. 30- Though Susan ....... some of the best
A) are losing/have had to spend marks in her class last year, it appears
B) lost/were spending that she ....... most of her courses this
C) lose/have to spend year.
D) were losing/had spent A) has got/is failing
E) have lost/will have to spend B) had been gelling/falls
26- It was not until the early 20th century C) was getting/had failed
that Henry Ford ....... the automobile D) got/will fall
through mass production, though a E) has been getting/lias failed
Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph 31- George ....... to get Sally to marry him
Cugnot ....... the world's first self- for years when, finally, she....... him by
propelled vehicle as early as 1769. saying, "Yes".
A) was popularising/has invented A) had been trying/surprised
B) popularised/had invented B) tried/was surprising
C) has popularised/was inventing C) has tried/surprises
D) had popularised/was inventing D) was trying/will be surprising
E) popularises/has invented E) will be trying/has surprised

32- My friend ....... tor an ice hockey team 37- Trains ....... since early in the 19th
that ....... only one match this season. century and they still ....... one of the
It's no wonder that he is not very best ways of transportation.
happy there with them.
A) existed/will provide
A) was playing/is winning B) are existing/will be providing
B) has played/had won C) were existing/have provided
C) has been playing/wins D) exist/are providing
D) played/will be winning E) have existed/provide
E) plays/has won 38- My father ....... forward to retiring for
33- Ferdinand Magellan ....... out to sail years, but once he was a retired
around the world in 1519. Before then, person, he ....... bored quickly.
no one ....... to do that.
A) looks/has become
A) was setting/has attempted B) was looking/becomes
B) has set/was attempting C) has been looking/is becoming
C) will have set/attempted D) had looked/became
D) had set/will have attempted E) is looking/will become
E) set/had attempted 39- Fred ....... with us any more because
34- Though Magellan himself ....... along they ....... him to head of the London
the way, one of his five ships ....... the branch.
voyage in 1522.
A) won't be working/have appointed
A) had died/has completed B) hasn't worked/appointed
B) died/completed C) didn't work/are appointing
C) was dying/completes D) won't have worked/appoint
D) dies/is completing E) doesn't work/were appointing
E) has died/was completing 40- For the last two weeks, Sandra ......
about her exams so much that her hair
35- In the year 2022, it ....... 500 years ....... out because of stress.
since that memorable voyage ....... .
A) worries/has fallen
A) is/has ended B) has been worrying/is falling
B) has been/was ending C) was worrying/had fallen
C) will have been/ended D) is worrying/had been falling
D) had been/ends E) worried/will have fallen
E) will be/is ending
41- No one has seen Fred ....... he decided
36- George claims that he ....... a novel for rather foolishly to go sailing in the
five years, but I don't think that he hurricane.
....... it ever.
A) when B) before
A) wrote/is finishing
C) since D) by the time
B) has written/had finished
E) just as
C) writes/was finishing
D) has been writing/will finish 42- The athlete raised his hand in a
E) will have written/finishes victory salute ....... he crossed the finish
A) until B) during
C) by the time D) since
E) as

43- You got a "0" on your homework 50- The defendant persistently maintained
because you weren't listening ..... the his innocence ....... the trial that
teacher was explaining what to do. continued for months.
A) while B) during
A) while B) as soon as C) as soon as D) by the time
C) until D) after E) just as
E) before
44- The traffic was so bad this morning
that ....... I got to work, it was already
coffee break.
A) until B) during
C) while D) by the time
E) since
45- He was found guilty on all charges,
and it will be at least 20 years ....... he is
a free man again.
A) since B) while
C) as soon as D) before
E) after
46- Slavery has only been illegal in Saudi
Arabia ....... 1963.
A) in B) before
C) or D) during
E) since
47- I'm not going to speak to Veronica
again ....... she apologises for the
dreadful things she said about my
A) just as B) when
C) until D) by the time
E) while

48- The telephone rang much to our

annoyance ....... we were about to eat
our dinner.
A) just as B) since
C) alter D) as soon as
E) by the time
49- ....... the United Nations decided to act,
it was too late to stop a huge civilian
refugee problem in Kosova.
A) Since B) Until
C) During D) While
E) By the time

5- A: What were you doing at the bank
B: I ........ my bank manager for a loan to
repair our house, and luckily, I
1. You ....... your own canoe in order to join managed to get it.
the canoe club. They cost a lot of money.
You ....... mine whenever you want to go A) must have asked
canoeing. B) used to ask
C) had to ask
A) mustn't buy/had borrowed
D) should have asked
B) won't have bought/should borrow
E) ought to ask
C) needn't buy/can borrow
D) might not buy/would borrow 6- A: I can't believe Jane isn't here to collect
E) can't buy/used to borrow her award.
B: She ......... the invitation. We definitely
2- He is so poor now it's hard to believe that
should have checked that she had got it.
when he was young, he ....... down the
street in his Rolls Royce or sometimes his A) would rather not receive
Jaguar car. B) had better not receive
C) isn't supposed to receive
A) has been driving D) needn't have received
B) would drive E) must not have received
C) should have driven
D) has driven 7- A: Did you speak to Sam about the plans
E) may be driving for the cake sale to raise money for
3- Just as my daughter was about to leave B: Yes, I did and she ........ bake some
the house on her wedding day, my son biscuits and cakes if she has time.
spilt some tea on her dress. Fortunately,
we ....... the stain with some special soap A) might be able to
before the wedding took place. B) was able to
C) used to
A) were able to remove D) had better
B) must have removed E) has had to
C) might be removing 8- Our plane ............. in Cairo hours ago, but
D) could remove we haven't even taken off from Heathrow
E) used to remove yet.
4- A: Is Julian not visiting Aunt May with us
A) was supposed to land
B) must have landed
B: Well, he's been called out to an
C) ought to be landing
emergency, but he ....... us there if he
D) will have landed
finishes early.
E) might be landing
A) has joined 9- This steak is a little undercooked for my
B) could have joined taste. .......... putting it back under the grill
C) was joining for another five minutes?
D) might join
E) would be joining A) Why don't you
B) Would you mind
C) Would you like
D) Do you prefer
E) Do you mind if I

10- A: I wonder why Mary didn't want to 16- A: ......... we drive to Sultan Ahmet in our
come shopping in Oxford Street with new car?
us. B: Well, I........ take the ferry to avoid the
B: I don't know. She ........ short of money traffic.
these days because her new kitchen cost
her a lot of money. A) May/must
B) Can/would like
A) will be B) has been C) Must/prefer
C) can be D) would be D) Shall/would sooner
E) could be E) Would/had better
18- ........ you do me a favour please?
11- I ......... to the office to send e-mail any ........ you ask Mrs Green if the interview
longer. The company has bought me a lap room is available?
top computer and a mobile phone which
can be used for electronic mail and the A) Might/May B) May/Could
Internet. C) Would/Do D) Shall/Might
E) Could/Would
A) didn't use to return 19- I was falling asleep while I was typing my
B) may not return speech last night. The only way I .........
C) needn't have returned awake was by drinking lots of strong
D) don't have to return coffee.
E) must not have returned
A) ought to stay
12- You .......... so envious of your brother. He B) would rather stay
is so successful because, unlike you, he C) have stayed
works extremely hard.
A) haven't been B) won't be D) may stay
C) weren't D) shouldn't be E) could stay
E) may not be 20- ......... you hold this shelf here while I go
and get my hammer?
13- Oh dear, we seem to have run out of salt.
I........ to the corner shop before dinner. A) May B) Must
C) Should D) Will
A) am able to go E) Shall
B) needed to go 21- The tyres of my car ............. thin already.
C) could have gone I only replaced them in January. I'll have
D) must have gone to buy better quality ones next time.
E) will have to go
A) shouldn't have worn
14- I can't understand why Dad is now so B) needn't have worn
careful with his money. He ...... such a C) didn't wear
generous person. D) aren't supposed to wear
E) haven't worn
A) would be B) has been
C) used to be D) will be 22- According to their letter, we ........ them,
E) must be with a copy of our company's accounts
before we can order any cars on contract
15- Trade is so poor these days! We ........ just hire.
two cars since I started working here a
month ago. A) have supplied
B) have to supply
A) have been able to sell C) may have supplied
B) used to sell D) used to supply
C) had to sell E) had supplied
D) will have sold
E) are supposed to sell

23- I suppose I ........ to type his report for him, 28- Now that they have raised the prices at the
but, at the time, I didn't know how gym, I....... going there, or I'll have
important it was. difficulty paying it.

A) have had to offer

A) must have stopped
B) may have offered
B) used to stop
C) could have offered
C) had better stop
D) would rather offer
D) might have stopped
E) was able to offer
E) had stopped

24- A: Why is Mum still in hospital? She ........

29- My brother's eyesight is perfect, but I .......
home today.
glasses since I was seven years old.
B: They wanted to do some more tests.

A) must have come A) ought to wear

B) was supposed to come B) must have worn
C) had better come C) have to wear
D) used to come D) had better wear
E) may have come E) have had to wear

25- I'd like to have some people for dinner 30- Would you mind if I .......... these trade
tonight, but it is too late to ask anyone magazines home to read? I never get time
because they ....... their plans already. to read them in the office.

A) had better make

A) to take B) took
B) used to make
C) am taking D) taking
C) are making
E) have taken
D) may have made
E) can make
31- I am really surprised that Robby hasn't
26- George ....... better in the tennis
signed up yet for the skiing holiday this
tournament than I thought he .......
year. He ....... the first to book every year.
because he got through to the finals.

A) must have played/could A) will be B) may have been

B) will have played/ought to C) would be D) could be
C) should be playing/did E) used to be
D) ought to play/can
E) had better play/should
32- Your mother ....... a restaurant. She is such
a wonderful cook. If she opened a
27- Ever since he took on this part-time job,
restaurant, I'm sure it would be full every
he ......... enough time on his studies.

A) can't spend
A) must have opened
B) isn't able to spend
B) used to open
C) hasn't been able to spend
C) should open
D) wasn't able to spend
D) would open
E) couldn't spend
E) was able to open

33- We ........ offices soon. I saw the boss this 38- Please Mum, ....... I watch the film
morning viewing the new office block next tonight? I have finished all my homework.
to the station.
A) would rather be moving A) would B) may
C) do D) should
B) had better move
E) must
C) would have moved
D) may be moving
E) have been moving 39- I really miss Istanbul, where I lived when
I was younger. On summer evenings, we
34- A: Peter in the accounts department
....... along the coast by the Sea of
retired yesterday.
Marmara when the Sun was setting
B: He ....... permanently yesterday. I saw
behind Kınalıada.
him at his desk only this morning.
A: Oh, well, he had his retirement A) ought to walk B) have walked
presentation yesterday, but perhaps C) would walk D) had walked
that was because the Chairman was E) might walk
here. Maybe he is leaving on Friday.
A) can't have left 40- A: Julester looks so slim.
B) ought not to leave B: Has she been dieting?
C) hasn't left A: Not that I'm aware of.
D) needn't have left B: Well, she .......... very hard then.
E) had better not leave She goes horse-riding, doesn't she?
35- A: Did you have a busy day at the shop? If A) must have been exercising
you did, you .......... rushed off your feet B) was exercising
without me there. C) had better exercise
B: No, I wasn't. It was quite a quiet day. D) was able to exercise
A) must have been E) will have been exercising
B) have been
C) used to be
41- You ........ a tie on Friday. They don't let
D) would rather be
men into the restaurant unless they are
E) might be
wearing a tie.
36- I was just about to buy a new pair when
the police rang to say my handbag had A) would wear B) must wear
been found with my glasses still inside, so I C) can wear D) may wear
........ a new pair after all. E) could wear

A) needn't have bought

B) mustn't buy 42- Jennifer ......... the promotion that she is
C) wasn't supposed to buy expecting as she hasn't reached her sales
D) shouldn't have bought target yet.
E) didn't need to buy
A) shouldn't have got
37- A: Why is she still perspiring? She ........
B) hadn't got
too hot — I've taken herjuniper off.
C) didn't use to get
B: In that case, she ........ a fever. You'd
D) wasn't getting
better take her temperature.
E) may not get
A) can't be/must have
B) isn't/would rather have
C) wouldn't be/is having
D) needn't be/ought to have
E) shouldn't be/had

43- Mum, according to what the doctor 48- You ........ some more appointments to get
instructed you to do, you ....... any salt on some more business. You're never going to
your food, you know! If you insist on achieve your sales target at this rate.
eating that much salt, you're bound to
have another heart attack! A) used to make
B) were making
A) needn't have put C) should make
B) didn't use to put D) have made
C) haven't put E) would make
D) don't have to put
E) aren't supposed to put
49- You haven't got time to do the gardening.
I think you ....... a gardener, don't you
44- Alfred ......... his ankle badly as we ........ in
think so?
the mountains last Saturday.
A) ought to employ
A) used to sprain/hiked
B) have employed
B) has sprained/could be hiking
C) are employing
C) must have sprained/have hiked
D) must have employed
D) sprained/were hiking
E) employed
E) may sprain/have been hiking

45- ........ I look after Katie for a couple of

50- I'm glad that you ........ your father to let
hours so that you and Kevin can go
you come on this trip with us. It wouldn't
to the cinema?
be so enjoyable without you!
A) Would B) Let
A) must have persuaded
C) Do D) Did
B) could have persuaded
E) Shall
C) might be persuading
D) were able to persuade
E) used to persuade
46- During the strike of the railway workers,
many commuters ....... a taxi to and from
work by coming three or four people
together so that they could afford it.

A) have been hiring

B) had to hire
C) ought to hire
D) will be hiring
E) might hire

47- We .... by the river, but unfortunately, the

riverside car park was full.

A) should be parking
B) had parked
C) had better park
D) were going to park
E) are supposed to park

7- The former president never ....... to the
press, but this one is much more accessible.
l- You ....... the meeting this week if you are
too busy. There is going to be another one A) could have talked
next week and you ....... to that one. B) should be talking
C) must have talked
A) might not attend/would go D) has to talk
B) needn't attend/can go E) used to talk
C) can't attend/have gone
D) won't have attended/go
E) didn't attend/used to go 8- Hurray! We ....... to school today because
2- You look as if you are having trouble with it is snowing so hard.
your homework. ....... you like me to help
you with it? A) haven't been going
B) shouldn't have gone
A) Could B) Did C) must not have gone
C) May D) Would D) don't have to go
E) Shall E) may not have gone
3- I thought that I had my keys with me, but I
can't find them in my coat. I ..... them in
my other coat. 9- Wilber ....... smoking and eating meat
after his heart attack, but he didn't and
A) am supposed to leave now he has had a second one.
B) am able to leave
C) would rather have left A) should have stopped
D) must have left B) must have stopped
E) could leave C) was able to stop
4- I've heard that Mr Benner is the toughest D) will have stopped
teacher for this course. You ....... to get E) used to stop
another teacher, or you can't get a good
10- According to the weather report, it ......
A) had better try tomorrow, and if it does, we ...... the hike
B) must have tried I've been looking forward to.
C) have tried
D) would try A) ought to rain/cancelled
E) might have tried B) must rain/were able to cancel
5- You ....... to bed early the night before an C) may rain/will have to cancel
exam. A good night's sleep will do you D) would be raining/had to cancel
more good than studying all night and E) has been raining/must cancel
then falling asleep in the exam.
11- I know you have a lot of work to do, but it
A) will have gone is your own fault; you .......everything until
B) may go the last minute.
C) ought to go
D) would go A) can't have left
E) would rather B) might not leave
6- Would you mind ....... your music so C) must not have left
loudly? I'm trying to study. D) shouldn't have left
E) haven't been leaving
A) not play B) not playing
C) didn't play D) not to play
E) haven't played

12- I'd really rather ....... in Hawaii at the 17- I'd rather you ....... out tonight because,
moment than stuck behind this desk all according to the news, there could be
day. trouble downtown.
A) haven't gone B) not to go
A) I am surfing B) to be surfing
C) didn't go D) won't go
C) to surf D) have surfed
E) not going
E) be surfing

18- A friend of mine told me that I .......India

13- You ....... your plane ticket so far in in the summer, because that is the
advance because flights to Birmingham monsoon season, when it is both too hot
are never full. and too wet.

A) can't buy A) didn't use to visit

B) needn't have bought B) needn't visit
C) didn't use to buy C) haven't visited
D) haven't bought D) might not visit
E) couldn't have bought E) shouldn't visit

19- Hawaii is such an expensive place to live

14- In Iran and Saudi Arabia, all women ....... and the wages are so low that you .......
their heads outside of the house, but in very hard just to get by.
most Muslim countries it is optional.
A) are able to work
A) have to cover B) have to work
B) must have covered C) have worked
C) could be covering D) must have worked
D) might cover E) used to work
E) used to cover
20- We had better hurry if we want to get
back to the hotel before the curfew. No
15- I....... a stockbroker if I had wanted to, but one ....... out after dark, except for the
I thought life as a bass guitarist in a heavy patrol forces, you know.
metal band would be far more interesting.
A) could have been
A) was able to become B) is supposed to be
B) may have become C) has been
C) had become D) has to be
D) could have become E) should have been
E) used to become 21- Mike couldn't attend university because
he ....... his family when his father died.
16- You ....... more carefully. Now the
insurance company won't pay you A) had to support
anything because the accident was your B) must have supported
fault. C) could be supporting
D) has been supporting
A) must have been driving E) will have supported
B) should be driving 22- Petroleum deposits can occur almost
C) had been driving anywhere — they ....... under deserts,
D) ought to have been driving under fertile land, or even under the sea.
E) have been driving A) ought to be B) may be
C) must be D) were
E) should have been

23- Using the latest and most expensive 28- Sally ....... Italian like a native, but since
technology, including nuclear batteries, she moved to Indiana, she has forgotten
space scientists ....... to the furthest reaches most of it.
of our solar system now.
A) used to speak
A) were probing B) had spoken
B) may have probed C) was supposed to speak
C) used to probe D) has been speaking
D) are able to probe E) must have spoken
E) must have probed

29- While there seem to be plenty of

24- Now remember, when you are in the race, unexploited petroleum reserves, some
you ....... to run too fast in the first few laps experts worry that there ......... enough to
because you will need plenty of energy for carry us through the next century.
the final sprint.
A) may not be
A) haven't tried B) haven't been
B) shouldn't have tried C) didn't use to be
C) mustn't try D) don't have to be
D) might not try E) had better not be
E) didn't use to try

30- Today no one can imagine what a battle at

25- There are some sounds that are out of the sea was like in the days of sail. It ....... both
range of the human ear but which dogs an impressive and a frightening sight.
....... .
A) might be B) could be
A) ought to hear B) have heard C) ought to be D) has been
C) can hear D) have to hear E) must have been
E) used to hear

31- When we went to Japan, we ....... anything

26- My sister ......... a German teacher because
for ourselves because our Japanese hosts
her German was fluent, but she decided to
took care of everything.
become an accountant instead.
A) must not have done
A) has become
B) needn't have done
B) had to become
C) didn't need to do
C) will become
D) couldn't have done
D) could have become
E) ought not to do
E) must have become

32- A: I hear a noise coming from the kitchen.

27- You ....... me at work. The boss was really
B: My greedy brother ....... for something
angry because he had warned me before
to eat.
about personal calls.
A) must be looking
A) must not have phoned
B) should have looked
B) shouldn't have phoned
C) used to look
C) didn't phone
D) ought to be looking
D) didn't use to phone
E) has looked
E) can't have phoned

33- A: Did you know that classes were 38- I'm so glad that I ........ to the meeting
cancelled yesterday because the heating place on time yesterday despite the heavy
in the building failed? traffic, or the boss would have been really
B: No, but I ...... anyway because I was in annoyed.
bed all day with flu.
A) was able to get
A) didn't use to attend B) have got
B) won't be attending C) used to get
C) must not have attended D) should have got
D) haven't attended E) had to get
E) couldn't have attended

39- Sean ....... married three months ago and

34- I know I ....... for a job, but there are so since then he ....... out drinking with his
few jobs for a person of my abilities that it old friends.
is discouraging.
A) had got/ought not to go
A) had been looking B) used to get/couldn't have gone
B) ought to look C) got/hasn't been able to go
C) must have looked D) has got/shouldn't be going
D) was able to look E) was getting/didn't have to go
E) used to look

35- I ....... the same computer program when I 40- These days, he ....... to stop smoking and
worked at a bank, so it ....... easy for me to playing cards as well because his wife is so
adjust to this new job. strict with him, so his life will have
changed completely soon.
A) should be using/could be
B) used to use/should be A) used to try
C) need to use/would be B) is trying
D) must have used/must be C) tried
E) might have used/can be D) had to try
E) could have tried
36- He ......... as carefully as he claimed he was.
Why did he bump into the lamp post then? 41- It is hardly surprising that sometimes he
gets depressed and wonders if he really
A) doesn't have to drive ....... married.
B) isn't supposed to drive
C) won't have been driving A) could have got
D) shouldn't have driven B) must have got
E) can't have been driving C) used to get
D) had better get
E) ought to have got
37- Would you mind if I ....... early this
afternoon? I have a dentist appointment at
4:30. 42- Though Sally ....... how to swim, when she
met a young man who was a professional
A) to leave B) had left diver, she learned quickly.
C) leaving D) left
E) have left A) hasn't known
B) might not know
C) can't know
D) wouldn't know
E) didn't know

43- Our father never earned much money, but 48- Sam is such a good swimmer that he .......
he ....... something nice for us whenever he the Olympic record for the 100 metre race,
....... . but unfortunately, he didn't compete
because of a pulled shoulder muscle.
A) should buy/did
B) had to buy/does A) is going to break
C) would buy/could B) must have broken
D) must have bought/can C) could have broken
E) would rather buy/has D) is supposed to break
E) had to break

44- Where have you been? You ....... here at 2

o'clock, and it's almost 3. 49- I wonder what the problem was in the
restaurant last night. Three members of
A) must have been staff .......... tables, but there was only one.
B) were supposed to be I must speak to the restaurant manager.
C) were able to be
D) are going to be A) could be clearing
E) have been B) ought to be clearing
C) should have been clearing
D) must have been clearing
E) were clearing
45- I told my flatmate to buy some bread, but
he ....... because there isn't any here.
50- Hey, watch where you are going! You
A) must have forgotten ....me!
B) ought to be forgetting
C) could forget A) could have killed
D) should have forgotten B) should have killed
E) was able to forget C) have killed
D) will have killed
E) used to kill
46- Sue has only been in Egypt for a year and
she already speaks Arabic fluently. She
....... it that quickly. I'm sure she had
started studying it before she left

A) shouldn't have learned

B) won't have learned
C) can't have learned
D) didn't use to learn
E) isn't supposed to learn

47- Do you think Jeff ........ to join us on our

hike? Does he like this sort of activity?

A) would rather
B) was able
C) has been able
D) had better
E) would like


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