Water Staining Guidelines
Water Staining Guidelines
Water Staining Guidelines
Guidelines for
Minimizing Water
Staining of Aluminum
The Aluminum Association
The Aluminum Association, Inc. is the trade association for
producers of primary aluminum, recyclers and semi-fabricated
aluminum products, as well as suppliers to the industry.
Based in Arlington, Virginia, with offices in Detroit, Michigan,
the Association provides leadership to the industry through its
programs and services which aim to enhance aluminum’s
position in a world of proliferating materials, increase its use as
the “material of choice,” remove impediments to its fullest use,
and assist in achieving the industry’s environmental, societal,
and economic objectives. Member companies operate about
200 plants in the U.S and many conduct business worldwide.
The use of any information contained herein by any member or
non-member of The Aluminum Association is entirely voluntary.
The Aluminum Association has used its best efforts in compiling
the information contained in this book. While the Association
believes that its compilation procedures are reliable, it does not
warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy or completeness
of this information. The Aluminum Association assumes no
responsibility or liability for the use of the information herein.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
2. Causes of Water Stain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
A. External Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
B. Moisture Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3. Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
4. Inspection Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
5. Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
1. Introduction but may cause processing problems where
additional surface finishing or fabrication is to be
performed. Virtually all staining problems occur
Aluminum is naturally attractive and resistant to
during shipping, handling, or storage. Some of the
corrosion. Unlike most other metals, it takes care of
incorrect practices that result in water staining and
itself. When exposed to dry or moist air it combines
ways to minimize or avoid the staining are
with oxygen to form a tough, transparent,
discussed in this pamphlet. A summary of the
protective oxide coating. In the presence of
measures to minimize water staining is provided
moisture, aluminum will not rust as will steel, but
in Appendix 1 and is reproduced as a handy wall
under certain conditions aluminum will stain. Such
chart, which is included with this pamphlet.
stains are usually found objectionable for esthetic
Copies of the chart may be obtained from
reasons; they have no significant effect on strength
The Aluminum Association.
Figure 3 – Digital Instrument for Measuring
Temperature & Humidity
Figure 4 – Condensation on Cold Aluminum Cans
Table 1: Dew Point Calculator
Example: Read the air temperature in the left hand column and the humidity at the top of the above
chart. If the temperature of the storage area is 13°C (55°F) and the relative humidity is 60%,
the intersection of the two shows the dew point of the area to be 4°C (40°F). If the metal
coming in is below 4°C (40°F), water will condense on the metal.
3. Packaging with special paper, foam sheets or other materials to
protect the surfaces against abrasion. Even though
Packaged aluminum coils, flat sheet, and plate should some interleaving papers contain an additive to inhibit
be wrapped with various papers, plastic films, or water staining, the normal precautions during transit,
laminates that provide reasonable protection against handling, and storage should be followed. It is very
moisture penetration during shipment and storage. important that the coil or sheet metal package is
Coils should have caps on the ends for either vertical securely attached to the skid to eliminate any
or horizontal stacking and shipment. When using a possibility of movement which can tear or otherwise
shrink wrap, it should envelop the entire package to compromise integrity of the packaging during
ensure any condensation has an opportunity to run off shipping. Use of desiccants is not recommended due
and not penetrate the package. However, it should be to rapid overload conditions that can occur during
recognized that any such packaging may not be air- long routes and the very large quantity of moisture
tight, and changes in temperature or humidity may that can accumulate on cold surfaces.
still result in condensation on the aluminum surfaces.
Packaged aluminum, even if protected with
“waterproof” materials, should not be stored outdoors.
Wrapping materials should be left intact (and
repaired if torn) until the aluminum is used. If
moisture is condensing on the packaging as shown in
Figure 5, the moisture should be removed but not the
packaging. If the packaging is soaked or if the
aluminum is wet, then the procedures mentioned on
page 9 should be followed.
When surface quality is critical, aluminum flat
sheets and plate should be additionally interleaved Figure 5 – Moisture condensation on packaged metal
The temperature of the aluminum can be easily absorbent material, can identify exposure to
measured by using a probe thermometer, as shown in moisture by changes to the shape and/or color of
Figure 7, or by cutting a 6 inch by 6 inch flap in the the tag depending upon the specific indicator used.
wrapping paper and placing a contact, dial-type Figure 9 shows a new tag while Figure 10 shows
thermometer on the surface of the aluminum, as the effect of exposure to a water mist. If the tag
shown in Figure 8. After recording the temperature, shows exposure to moisture, follow the directions
it is important to reseal the package by replacing and in Appendix 1.
taping the flap. If not repaired, condensate could run
down the inside of the wrap and result in water stain.
Figure 8 – Contact thermometer Figure 10 – Moisture Label after Water Mist Exposure
5. Prevention 1. STORAGE:
Intact packages should be stored in a dry area
There are three methods of preventing water stain: with good ventilation to ensure stabilization of
A. Prevent water in any form from coming into contact the package. Temperature and humidity
with the metal variations within the warehouse should be kept
to a minimum by keeping outside doors closed.
B. If water is already in contact with the metal, remove it
For surface critical products, air conditioned
C. Consider precautionary measures to minimize water warehouses with limited access are preferred. If
staining use of an air conditioned warehouse is not
feasible, packages should be periodically
A. Prevent water in any form from coming inspected to verify that storage conditions have
into contact with the metal not deteriorated. Stock should be rotated as
To prevent the water from getting between wraps, quickly as possible.
sheets or other mating surfaces, it is critical to prevent It is also advisable to have forced circulation
the temperature of the metal from getting below the heaters in the storage area to maintain the
dew point of the surrounding air. temperature of the metal above the dew point of
the ambient storage environment. Without fans to
distribute heat, storing aluminum near walls, a. Do not move cold metal into a warm storage
doors, windows, and other cooler areas may area (remember the fogging of eye-glasses).
provide the conditions for condensation. Allow the metal to warm up slowly. This can
Neither packaged nor bare aluminum be done by placing the unopened package in
should be stored outdoors unless water stain a cooler area, free from drafts.
is not detrimental for the end use. b. Check the condition of the metal every few
hours to make sure that no water has
2. SHIPMENTS: condensed on the surface.
For surface critical products it is important to c. Communication is essential. Any evidence
minimize day/night temperature cycling during of improper shipping mode, damaged
typical storage and/or transit, and the preferred packaging, and any obvious water staining
method is to use insulated trucks or rail cars. It should be reviewed with the metal producer.
is essential that long layovers at truck and rail
depots are minimized. If this mode is not B. If water is already in contact with the
feasible due to metal shape or economic metal, remove it
considerations, and flat bed trucks are used, it Steps should be taken to remove this water before it
is very important that the load is completely stains the aluminum.
covered using high integrity tarpaulin. The Unfortunately, there is no easy way to remove
truck bed and tarpaulin should be dry prior to the water. Contacting the supplier may be helpful.
loading and securing the load. Ensure that coils The supplier is generally familiar with prevention
and sheet metal are securely attached to their techniques and can provide assistance. Some
skids, and that the skids are properly secured to possible procedures that might be recommended
prevent movement and damage to the are:
packaging. To help assess the history of the 1. If at all possible, process the aluminum
shipment it is recommended that portable, immediately and dry it as it is being used.
temperature/humidity recorders be incorporated This is the only sure way of getting rid of
in the load. Quick review of the the water.
temperature/humidity data will allow an 2. If in coil form, unskid and unpackage the
assessment of the potential risk of water stain aluminum, lay it on its side and use fans to
and will facilitate a decision on any need for blow air around it-hot air if possible.
potential salvage of the metal received.
It is important to: C. Consider precautionary measures
a. Minimize in-transit times and temperature to minimize water staining
cycling. If water stained metal is a major recurring problem,
b. Use insulated or heated trailers in the a way of minimizing the problem would be to coat
winter whenever possible. the aluminum with a water stain preventative. Most
c. Check tarps on open-top trucks to make sure aluminum suppliers have such preventatives but
there are no holes. The carrier should re-tarp hesitate to use them without prior knowledge of a
the truck after each intermediate delivery. customer’s operations to ensure that there are no
d. Use portable, temperature/humidity recorders compatibility problems with the end use application
for critical products. and/or local environmental regulations. If requested
by the purchaser, synthetic (water free) oils, which
3. RECEIVING: provide a high level of protection, may be applied
If during the incoming inspection process the by the aluminum producer during their
temperature of the metal is found to be below fabrication/processing sequence. However, some
the dew point of the air in the storage area, the aluminum suppliers may not be able to coat all
following steps should be taken: items. A list of suppliers of water stain preventatives
is shown as Appendix 2.C.
6. Conclusion
The Aluminum Association hopes this pamphlet has Some of the recommended procedures may
provided a better understanding of water stain, its require added efforts, but the value of the aluminum
causes, and some of the steps that can be taken to and assured production schedules may justify the
prevent it. suggested precautions.
Appendix 1: Aluminum Water Stain Prevention
A. When you receive metal: heated warehouse immediately, it may sweat
1. Check for wetness. and get water stained.)
a. Is the metal wet? Is the wrapping paper c. After the metal is reasonably warm (about a
puckered up or wet? day later), move it to the warehouse.
b. If it is wet, note it on all copies of the
receiving papers. B. When you move metal between areas:
c. Inform the Purchasing Department or Check to see if the temperature in the area the metal
Quality Control immediately. will be taken to is higher than the temperature in the
d. Remove the water or, if possible, area the metal is coming from.
immediately use the metal. If the difference is more than 11°C (20°F):
a. Only move as much metal as will be used
2. Check to see if the metal feels cold. If it does:
a. Tell your supervisor immediately. b. Tell your supervisor.
b. Leave the metal in a cool indoor area away c. Leave the remainder of the metal where it is
from drafts to allow it to warm up slowly. (If until ready for use.
this is not done, and the metal is put in a
Appendix 2: Suppliers
A. Measurement Instruments
The Thermometers and hygrometers for measurement of air temperature and relative humidity and
thermometers for measurement of metal temperature may be obtained from:
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company McMaster-Carr Company Thomas Scientific
625 East Bunker Court P.O. Box 54960 P.O. Box 99
Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061-1844 Los Angeles, CA 90054-0960 Swedesboro, NJ 08085
1-(800) 323-4340 1-(562) 692-5911 1-(856) 467-2000 - General
1-(847) 247-2929 - Fax 1-(562) 695-2323 - Fax 1-(800) 345-2100 - Customer Service
info@coleparmer.com - E-mail 1-(856) 467-3087 - Fax (Worldwide)
la.sales@mcmaster.com 1-(800) 345-5232 - Fax (US Only)
www.mcmaster.com value@thomassci.com - E-mail
Fisher Scientific
2000 Park Lane Drive Tech Instrumentation, Inc. www.thomassci.com
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 160 W Kiowa Ave VWR International LLC
1-(800) 766-7000 PO Box 2029 1310 Goshen Parkway
1-(800) 926-1166 - Fax Elizabeth, CO 80107 West Chester, PA 19380
www.fisherscientific.com 1-(800) 390-0004 1-(800) 932-5000
1-(303) 841-7567 1-(610) 431-1700
1-(303) 840-8568 - Fax 1-(610) 431-9174 - Fax
sales@techinstrument.com - E-mail www.vwr.com
The lists in these appendices are included only as a convenience. No attempt has been made by the Association to evaluate the effectiveness of the
products, nor does listing here constitute an endorsement. The lists are not to be considered all-inclusive, but do represent all such suppliers known to
the Association at the time of publication of this document. Some of the companies listed have additional United States sales offices or outlets where the
products can be purchased. Other suppliers will be added as they become known to us and their names will be made available in response to inquiries
and at republication of this document. The responsibility for the selection, determination of suitability, and proper use of the products is left to the user.
No one serves the aluminum professional with more information about our fast-changing industry.
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Aluminum 2002 - Proceedings of the TMS 2002 Leveling and Cutting-to-Length of Aluminum Coiled
Annual Meeting: Automotive Alloys and Sheet (Video)
Aluminum Sheet and Plate Rolling and SKU: AV-LCTL-792611
Finishing Technology Symposia
SKU: TMS-2002-516199 Rolling Aluminum: From the Mine through the Mill,
2008 (DVD)
Aluminum Press Forming Processes (Video) SKU: AV-RAMDVD-792617
SKU: AV-PFP-792606
Rolling Aluminum: From the Mine through the Mill,
Equipment for the Slitting Line (Video) 2008
SKU: AV-ESL-792609 SKU: RAFM-792618
Guidelines for In-Plant Handling of Slitter Tooling and Set-Up (Video)
Aluminum Plate, Flat Sheet and Coil, 2006 SKU: AV-STSU-792608
SKU: TR-7-792602
Theory and Techniques of Aluminum Coil Slitting
Guidelines for Minimizing Water Staining (Video)
of Aluminum, 2009 SKU: AV-TTACS-792607
SKU: TR-3-792601
Visual Quality Characteristics of Aluminum Sheet
and Plate, 2009
SKU: QCA-1-792615
Aluminum Standards and Data - 2009 Edition Aluminum Standards and Data Metric SI, 2009
SKU: ASD12009-516308 SKU: ASD1M09-516310
Aluminum Standards and Data 2009 - CD-ROM Aluminum Standards and Data 2009 - Book Set
SKU: ASD12009CD-516309 (1 each - U.S. and Metric Book)
SKU: ASD09BKSET-516304
Aluminum Standards and Data 2009, SET - Book
and CD-ROM Aluminum Standards and Data 2009 - Combination
SKU: ASD12009SET-516311 CD (U.S. & Metric)
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An Aluminum Association Pulbication and Audio Visual Price List can be ordered by
calling: 301-645-0756.
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www.aluminum.org. Member login required for member prices.
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