1.CE R19 III IV Year Course Structure Syllabus

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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological

University Anantapur
(Established by Govt. of A.P., Act. No. 30 of 2008)
Ananthapuramu–515 002 (A.P) India

III & IV year B.Tech

Course Structures and Syllabi
under R19 Regulations

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JNTUA Curriculum
Civil Engineering B. Tech Course Structure

III & IV Year Course Structure and Syllabus

Semester - 5 (Theory - 6, Lab - 3)

S.No Course No Course Name Categ L-T-P Credits
1. 19A01501 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures PC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A01502 Water Resources Engineering PC 3-0-0 3
3. 19A01503T Engineering Geology PC 2-0-0 2
4. 19A01504 Structural Analysis-II PC 2-1-0 3
5. Professional Elective-I PE 3-0-0 3
19A01505a Building Construction Practice
19A01505b Subsurface Investigation and Instrumentation
19A01505c Environmental Pollution and Control
19A01505d Advanced Surveying
19A01505e Urban Hydrology
6. Open Elective-I OE 3-0-0 3
19A01506a Experimental stress analysis.
19A01506b Building Technology
19A02506a Electrical Engineering Materials
19A03506a Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
19A03506b Rapid Prototyping
19A04506a Analog Electronics
19A04506b Digital Electronics
19A05506a Free and Open Sources Systems
19A05506b Computer Graphics and Multimedia Animation
19A27506a Brewing Technology
19A27506b Computer Applications in Food Technology
19A54506a Optimization Techniques
19A52506a Technical Communication and Presentation
7. 19A01507 Computer Aided Civil Engineering Drawing PC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A01508 Environmental Engineering Lab PC 0-0-3 1.5
9. 19A01503P Engineering Geology Lab PC 0-0-2 1.0
10. 19A01509 Socially Relevant Project PR ------ 0.5
11. 19A99501 Mandatory course: Constitution of India MC 3-0-0 0
Total 21.5

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Semester - 6 (Theory - 6, Lab - 2)
S.No Course No Course Name Cate L-T-P Credits
1. 19A01601T Geotechnical Engineering -I PC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A01602 Design of Steel Structures PC 2-1-0 3
3. 19A52601T English Language Skills HS 3-0-0 3
4. Professional Elective-II PE 3-0-0 3
19A01603a Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures
19A01603b Ground Improvement Techniques
19A01603c Air Pollution Engineering
19A01603d Railway Engineering
19A01603e Hydropower Development
5. Open Elective-II OE 3-0-0 3
19A01604a Industrial waste and waste water
19A01604b Building Services & Maintenance
19A02604a Industrial Automation
19A02604b System Reliability Concepts
19A03604a Introduction to Mechatronics
19A03604b Optimization techniques through MATLAB
19A04604a Basics of VLSI
19A04604b Principles of Communication Systems
19A05604a Fundamentals of VR/AR/MR
19A05604b Data Science
19A27604a Food Toxicology
19A27604b Food Plant Equipment Design
19A54604a Wavelet Transforms & its applications
19A52604a Soft Skills

6. Humanities Elective-I HE 3-0-0 3

19A52602a Entrepreneurship & Incubation
19A52602b Managerial Economics And Financial
19A52602c Business Ethics And Corporate Governance
19A52602d Enterprise Resource Planning
19A52602e Supply Chain Management
7. 19A01601P Geotechnical Engineering lab PC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A52601P English Language Skills Lab HS 0-0-3 1.5
9. 19A01605 Socially Relevant Project PR ------ 0.5
10. 19A99601 Mandatory Course: Research Methodology MC 3-0-0 0
Total 21.5

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Semester – 7 (Theory - 5, Labs -2 & Project – 1)
S.No Course No Course Name Cate L-T- Credi
gory P ts
1. 19A01701 Geotechnical Engineering-II PC 2-1-0 3
2. 19A01702 Estimation & costing PC 2-1-0 3
Professional Elective-III PE 3-0-0 3
3. 19A01703a1 Bridge Engineering
19A01703a2 Prestressed concrete
19A01703b1 Expansive soils
19A01703b2 Rock Mechanics
19A01703c1 Industrial Waste & Waste Water Engineering
19A01703c2 Remote Sensing and GIS
19A01703d1 Traffic Engineering
19A01703d2 Urban Transportation Planning
19A01703e1 Water Resources System Analysis OR
19A01703e2 River Basin Management
Open Elective-III OE 3-0-0 3
4. 19A01704a Air pollution and control.
19A01704b Basics of civil Engineering
19A02704a Renewable Energy Systems
19A02704b Electric Vehicle Engineering
19A03704a Finite element methods
19A03704b Product Marketing
19A04704a Introduction to Microcontrollers & Applications
19A04704b Principles of Digital Signal Processing
19A05704a Fundamentals of Game Development
19A05704b Cyber Security
19A27704a Corporate Governance in Food Industries
19A27704b Process Technology for Convenience & RTE Foods
19A54704a Numerical Methods for Engineers (ECE , CSE, IT
&CE )
Humanities Elective-II HS 3-0-0 3
5. 19A52701a Organizational Behavior
19A52701b Management Science
Business Environment
Strategic Management
6. 19A01404P Concrete technology Lab PC 0-0-3 1.5
7. 19A01705 Computer Aided Design Lab PC 0-0-3 1.5
8. 19A01706 Project* PR ------ 2
9. 19A01707 Industrial Training/Skill Development/Research PR ------ 1.5
Total 21.5

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Semester – 8 (Theory - 2, Project – 1)
S.No Course No Course Name Catego L-T-P Credits
1. Professional Elective-IV PE 3-0-0 3
19A01801a1 Finite Element Methods
19A01801a2 Advanced R.C.C Structural Design
19A01801a3 Advanced steel structures
19A01801b1 Advanced Foundation Engineering
19A01801b2 Soil structure interaction
19A01801c1 Environmental Impact Assessment
19A01801c2 Environmental Economics
19A01801d1 Docks and Harbor Engineering
19A01801d2 Traffic Analysis
19A01801e1 Design and Drawing of Irrigation Structures
19A01801e2 Water Shed Management
19A01801e3 Sustainable Water Resources Development
2. Open Elective-IV OE 3-0-0 3
19A01802a Disaster Management.
19A01802b Global Warming and climate changes
19A02802a IoT Applications in Electrical Engineering
19A02802b Smart Electric Grid
19A03802a Energy conservation and management
19A03802b Non destructive testing
19A04802a Introduction to Image Processing
19A04802b Principles of Cellular and Mobile
19A04802c Industrial Electronics
19A04802d Electronic Instrumentation
19A05802a Block Chain Technology and Applications
19A05802b MEAN Stack Technology
19A27802a Food Plants Utilities & Services
19A27802b Nutraceuticals & Functional Foods
19A54802a Mathematical Modeling & Simulation
3. 19A01803 Project PR ------ 7
Total 13

Areas for Socially Relevant Project in 5th Semester

a) Water quality analysis in a village /town

b) Survey camp

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c) Road safety Audit

d) Environmental impact Audit

Areas for Socially Relevant Project in 6th Semester

a) Structural condition assessment of school buildings

b) Water resources management -Audit

c)Survey of waste management systems-Swachh Bharat

d)Survey of modern building materials & properties

e) Survey on Implementation of Government welfare schemes



Labs - 2 X 1.5 =3

Projects -1X2 =2

Core courses

1) Strength of materials-I
2) Building materials and Construction
3) Surveying
4) Concrete technology
5) Estimation and costing
6) Surveying Lab
7) Concrete Technology lab
8) Project.

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B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course objectives:

 To teach concepts of working stress and limit state methods.

 To impart design procedure of RC elements in flexure, shear and torsion.
 To teach design procedure for short and long RC columns.
 To explain design procedure of RC footings
 To demonstrate design of RC slab



Concepts of Reinforced concrete Design – Introduction to Working Stress Method - Limit State
method – Material Stress- Strain Curves – Safety factors – Characteristic values. Stress Block
parameters – IS – 456:2000. Beams: Limit state analysis and design of singly reinforced, doubly
reinforced, T and L beam sections

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Familiarize with working stress and limit stress method of design.
 Understand stress block parameters in methods of analysis
 Design of beams of varying cross sections adopting IS Code


Shear and torsion:

Limit state analysis and design of section for shear and torsion – concept of bond, anchorage and
development length, I.S. code provisions. Design examples in simply supported and continuous
beams, detailing;

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand behavior of beams under shear and torsion
 Visualize importance of bond and anchorage
 Design and Detail RC beams under due to shear and torsion adopting IS Code.

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Short and Long columns – under axial loads, uniaxial bending and biaxial bending – I S Code

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand behavior of columns with different slenderness characteristics
 Contrast behavior of columns axial. And under uniaxial biaxial eccentricities
 Design and detail RC columns under different loads adopting IS Code.


Different types of footings – Design of isolated, square, rectangular, circular footings and
combined footings.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Classify footings based on shape and utility
 Examine the field conditions and suggest appropriate footings
 Design reinforced concrete footings.


Slabs & Stair Case:

Design of one way slab, Two-way slabs and continuous slab using I.S. Coefficients Limit state
design for serviceability for deflection, cracking and codal provision. Design of doglegged

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Classify understand performance of slabs based on dimensions
 Design reinforced concrete slabs & Stair cases as per IS codal provisions.

Codes/Tables: IS 456-2000 and relevant sheets (Pertaining to columns) of SP 16 Code books to

be permitted into the examinations Hall.

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Course Outcome:

After completing the course, the student will be able to,

● Understand the basic concepts of working stress and limit state design methods
● Design various RC elements like beams, columns, footings and slabs.
● Apply design concepts to complex structural systems in advanced courses.


1. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Limit State Design”, Laxmi,
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
2. P. C. Varghese, Limit state “designed of reinforced concrete”, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi


1. N. Krishna Raju, “Structural Design and Drawing”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd,
Hyderabad. 4rd edition 2020.
2. N. C. Sinha and S. K Roy, “Fundamentals of reinforced concrete” , S. Chand publishers
3. N.Subramanian, “Design of Reinforced concrete structures”, Oxford university press.

IS 456- 2000 Code of practice for Reinforced Concrete Structures.

NOTE: Assignment on preparation of drawing sheets showing detailing of various RC

All the designs to be taught in Limit State Method

Following plates should be prepared by the students.

 Reinforcement particulars of T-beams and L-beams.
 Reinforcement detailing of continuous beams.
 Reinforcement particulars of columns and footings.
 Detailing of One way, Two way and continuous slabs

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B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

 To Illustrate hydrologic cycle and its relevance to Civil engineering

 To teach students understand physical processes in hydrology & components of the
 hydrologic cycle
 To demonstrate concepts and theory of physical processes and interactions
 To impart on measurement and estimation of the components hydrologic cycle.
 To provide an overview and understanding of Unit Hydrograph theory, flood frequency
and its analysis


Engineering hydrology and its applications, Hydrologic cycle, hydrological data-sources of data.
Precipitation: Types and forms, measurement, rain gauge network, presentation of rainfall data,
average rainfall, continuity and consistency of rainfall data, frequency of rainfall, Intensity-
Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves, Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curves, Probable Maximum
Precipitation (PMP), design storm

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand basics of engineering hydrology and its applications.
 Demonstrate measurement techniques of precipitation.
 Learn curves related to frequency of rainfall..


Abstractions from Precipitation:

Initial abstractions. Evaporation: factors affecting, measurement, reduction Evapo-transpiration:
factors affecting, measurement, control - Infiltration: factors affecting, Infiltration capacity
curve, measurement, infiltration indices.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Attain knowledge on factors influencing evaporation.

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 Analyze factors influencing infiltration.


Runoff and Hydrograph analysis:

Catchment characteristics, Factors affecting runoff, components, computation- empirical
formulae, tables and curves, stream gauging, rating curve, flow mass curve and flow duration
curve. Components of hydrograph, separation of base flow, effective rainfall hyetograph and
direct runoff hydrograph, unit hydrograph, assumptions, derivation of unit hydrograph, unit
hydrographs of different durations, principle of superposition and S-hydrograph methods,
limitations and applications of unit hydrograph, synthetic unit hydrograph – Floods: Causes and
effects .

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Determine runoff characteristics and factors influencing runoff.
 Examine components of hydro graph.
 Develop knowledge on floods and its effects.

Groundwater: Occurrence, types of aquifers, aquifer parameters, porosity, specific yield,
permeability, transmissivity and storage coefficient, types of wells, Darcy’s law, Dupuit’s
equation- steady radial flow to wells in confined and unconfined aquifers, yield of a open well-
recuperation test.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand basics about ground water.
 Learn and implement Darcy’s law and Dupuit’s equation.


Introduction-necessity and impotence of irrigation-advantages and ill-effects of irrigation; types
of irrigation; methods of application of water; quality for irrigation water; duty and delta; duty at
various places; relation between duty and delta; factors affecting duty; methods of improving
duty; soil-water-plant relationship; limiting soil moisture conditions, depth and frequency of


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Draw the following irrigation structures.

1. Sloping glacis weir

2. Surplus weir.
3. Tank sluice with tower head
4. Type III Syphon aqueduct.
5. Canal regulator.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the students are able to

● Understand of the theories and principles governing the hydrologic processes.
● Identify major hydrologic components and apply key concepts to several practical areas
of engineering hydrology and related design aspects.
● Develop Intensity-Duration-Frequency and Depth-Area Duration curves to design
hydraulic structures.
● Determine aquifer parameters, yield of wells and model hydrologic processes.
● Understand duty and delta.
● Understand soil, water, plant relationships.
 Design the Hydraulic structures.


1. Jayarami Reddy P., “Engineering Hydrology”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., (2013), New
2. B.C. Punmia, Pande B. B. Lal, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Irrigation and
Water Power Engineering”, Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd.
3. C.Satyanarayana Murthy, “Design of minor irrigation and canal structures”, Wiley eastern


1. Subramanya K., “Engineering Hydrology”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Pvt Ltd, (2013),
New Delhi.
2. Santosh Kumar Garg,” Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure”, Khanna Publishers.
3. Chow V.T., D.R Maidment and L.W. Mays, “Applied hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt Ltd, (2011), New Delhi.
4. Mays L.W, “Water Resources Engineering”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, (2013).

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B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
2 0 0 2


Course Objectives:

 To understand weathering process and mass movement

 To distinguish geological formations
 To identify geological structures and process of rock mass quality.
 To identify subsurface information and groundwater potential sites through geophysical
 investigations
 To apply geological principles of mitigation of natural hazards and select sites for dams
and tunnels


Application of Earth Science in Civil Engineering Practices, Understanding the earth, internal
structure and composition. Weathering, erosion and denudations process on earth material and
natural agencies, Geological work of wind, river underground water and glaciers Mineralogy:
Mineral properties, composition and their use in the manufacture of construction materials –
Quartz Group; Feldspar Group; Kaolin; Asbestos; Carbonate Group ; Gypsum; Mica Group; Ore
minerals - Iron ores; pyrite; Chlorite

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain the formation of earth and its internal structure
 Understand weathering and formation of natural minerals
 Explain composition of minerals and their utilization in construction industry.


Petrology & Structural Geology:

Definition of rock - Rock forming processes - Geological classification of rocks - Dykes and
sills, common structures and textures - Megascopic study, Chemical and Mineralogical
Composition of rock (Granite, Gabbro, Dolerite, Basalt, Pegmatite, Laterite, Conglomerate, Sand
Stone, Shale, Limestone, Tuff, Felsite, Gneiss, Schist, Quartzite, Breccia, Marble, Porphyries,
Charnockite and Slate).

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Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand classification of rocks
 Demonstrate chemical composition
 Identify mineral composition of rock


Structural Geology:
Out crop, strike and dip study of common geological structures associating with the rocks such
as folds, faults unconformities, and joints – their important types. Their importance insitu
and drift soils, common types of soils, their origin and occurrence in India

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain formation of folds strike and dip of geological structures
 Assess importance of soils and
 Locate origin of different types of rocks and soils and their origin India


Geomorphology, hydrogeology and seismology:

Ground water, Water table - ground water exploration. site selection for dams and tunnels –
analysis of failures in dams and tunnels - Seismic zones of India - Earth quakes, their causes and
effects. Seismic waves, Richter scale. Landslides - causes and effects; Tsunami –causes and

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand geomorphology
 Identify procedures for site selection of important structures
 Contrast seismic Zonation of India in stages
 Understand seismic scales and effects of major earthquakes earth quakes, landslides and

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Geophysical Studies:
Importance - Branches and necessity of Geophysical investigations - Gravity methods. Magnetic
methods, Electrical methods. Seismic methods, Radio metric methods and Geothermal method.
Electrical resistivity methods, and seismic refraction methods.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand importance of Geophysical investigations
 Carryout geo physical investigations using various methods.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course student will be able to

● Gain basic knowledge on characteristics of rocks and minerals.
● Identify and differentiate rocks using geological classification.
● Carry out geo physical investigations for infrastructural projects.
● Apply concepts of structural geology for civil engineering structures.
● Understand the seismic zones of India.


1. D.Venkata Reddy, “Engineering Geology, Second edition”, Vikas Publishing house, Pvt,
2. N. Chenna Kesavulu, “Text Book of Engineering Geology”, 2nd Edition (2009), Macmillan
Publishers India.
3. Vasudev Kanithi, “Engineering Geology”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. 2012.


1. Parbin Singh, “Engineering and General Geology”, 8th Edition (2010), S K Kataria & Sons.
2. J. C. Harvey, “Geology for Geotechnical Engineers”, Cambridge University Press (1982).
3. Richard E. Goodman, “Engineering Geology, Rock in Engineering Construction”, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1993.
4. Billings, M. P., “Structural Geology”, Prentice-Hall India, 1974, New Delhi
5. S.K.Duggal, H.K Pandey, N.Rawal, “Engineering Geology”, Mc.Graw Hill Education(India)
Pvt. Ltd.

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B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course objectives:
 To impart knowledge of rotation contribution method of analysis.
 To enable the student to analyze the two hinged and three hinged arches
 To impart the student the knowledge of rolling loads and influence lines.
 To enable the student to undergo the analysis of matrix methods.
 To inculcate the knowledge of plastic analysis to the student.

Arches: Introduction- hinges-transfer of load to arches-linear arch-hinges in the arch-arch
action-Horizontal force – three hinged arches – circular arches – springs at different level-Two
hinged arches- two hinged circular arches – fixed arches (only theory) - Temperature stresses in

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 To Differentiate between two hinged and three arches.
 To analyze the arches by finding axial thrust and radial shear.
 To know the temperature effect in arches.


Rolling loads and influence line diagrams for determinate structures: Introduction-simply
supported beams – single concentrated load- UDL longer than the beam span – UDL shorter than
the beam span- two wheel axles separated by a distance- multiple wheel axles (train of loads)-
influence line diagram for shear force and bending moments – influence line diagrams for three
hinged arches.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Know the effect of rolling loads on bridges
 Draw the influence lines of variable for a given moving load on bridges.

16 Page

Matrix method of structural analysis-flexibility method: Introduction- Different approaches

to matrix method- degree of static and kinematic indeterminacy-generalized coordinate system-
flexibility matrix- application to beams.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Introduce matrix methods in structural analysis.
 Develop flexibility matrix for the structural elements.


Stiffness matrix method: Introduction- stiffness matrix-relationship between flexibility and

stiffness matrices-flexibility matrix method- stiffness matrix method – application to simple

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop stiffness matrix for the structural elements.
 Develop relationship between flexibility and stiffness matrices.


Plastic analysis: Introduction- definition of plastic hinge and plastic moment capacity –
Assumptions- shape factor- shape factor for general sections – collapse load – basic theorems for
finding collapse loads-methods of plastic analysis-static method-kinematic method- kinematic
method applied to beams and simple frames- beam mechanism- sway mechanism-combined

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 To know plastic moment capacity of a structural member.
 To find the collapse load for a structural member.
 To find the collapse mechanism for a structural member.

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Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course student will be able to

● Analyze the final moments at the ends of the members
● Analyze bending moment, normal thrust and radial shear in the arches
● Analyze the variation of shear force and bending moment in the members due to rolling loads
● Analyze the degree of indeterminacy of the structures, reactions and displacements
● Analyze the formation of plastic hinges in different mechanisms


1. Ramamurtham S., “Theory of Structures”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (p) Ltd,
2. C. S. Reddy, “Basic Structural Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill
3. S.S. Bhavikatti, “Structural analysis”, Volume 1 and 2, Vikas publishing house pvt. Ltd.
4. Dr.Vaidyanathan, Dr.P.Perumal, “Comprehensive structural analysis”, Vol-II, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd.


1. Timoshenko & Young, “Theory of Structures”, Tata McGraw Hill

2. Junarkar S. B., “Structural Mechanics”, Vol I & II, Charotar Publishers
3. C. K. Wang, “Intermediate Structural Analysis”, McGraw Hill

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B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

 To Impart knowledge in investigation of soil condition, Deciding and design of suitable

foundation for different structures
 To examine the good materials to be used for the construction work
 To teach to supervision of different types of masonry
 To illustrate the methodology in selection of materials, design and supervision of suitable
type of floor and roof.
 To teach the methodology of constructing advances structures


Structural Components:

Foundations – classification of Foundations – consideration in selection of foundation types –

Masonry – Brick and block walls – Cavity walls – Damp–proof courses and membranes –
Mortars – Arches and openings – Windows – Glass and glazing –Doors – Stairs – Types and
Applications – Cladding to external walls – Flat roofs – Dormer windows – Formwork &
Scaffolding – Precast concrete frames – Portal frames – Types – components – Framed structures
– Components – Construction Procedure – Panel walls – National Standards.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand components of structures and their performance
 Explain construction materials their importance
 Understand formwork and scaffolding


Internal Construction and Finishes

Internal elements – Internal walls – Construction joints – Internal walls, fire protection –
separating walls – Partitions – Plasters and plastering – Domestic floors and finishes – Sound
insulation – Timber, concrete and metal stairs–Internal doors – Door – Fire resisting doors –
Plasterboard ceilings – Suspended ceilings –Paints and painting – Components of Paints – Types

19 Page
of Paint – Considerations in Selecting Paints – Cement Paints – Oil Paints –Emulsion - Paints –
Whitewash and Colour wash – Application of Paints –Distempers – Varnishes – Safety –Joinery
production – Composite boarding – National Standards.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand internal components of structures and their performance
 Explain different features of interiors of a building and their importance
 Compare different types of construction materials
 Examine relative advantages and limitations


Construction of high rise buildings:

Construction methods and techniques using different materials, Minerals, Admixtures in-situ
concrete, Precast Concrete & Structural Steel, finished concrete, tunnel form, fire Fighting,
Safety & Hazards, Job Safety Analysis. Innovative methods of construction – Slip form
technology, Jump form technology, Aluform & Tunnel Form Technology, Dry wall technology,
Plastering Machines.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop knowledge on construction of high rise building
 Understand materials used for components of structures
 Explain safety requirements and provisions in high rise buildings


Concepts and components of bridges:

Bridges, Steel Bridges, Arch Bridges, Cantilever Bridges Segmental construction & Box Girders.
Construction of special type of bridges such as cable stayed bridge, suspension and Pre-stressed
bridge, construction of foundation and Super structure. Construction of Metro Railway &
Monorail - Underground and over ground structures, different methods and techniques of
construction. Problems and solutions – during maintenance and upkeep of structures. Fire,
Ventilation, Dewatering and power supply, Subsidence, Vibration etc., Concept of Mag-rail.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Classify types of bridges based on features materials and engineering

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 Develop procedures for construction of different types of bridges
 Study advanced technologies in developing Metrorail facilities
 Appraise importance of maintenance of bridges


Construction of Power Generating Structures

Atomic Power stations, Thermal power stations- Generation Power Plants, Windmills,
Transmission towers, Chimneys (single and multi-flue), cooling towers - Natural draft cooling
towers (NDCT) & Induced draft cooling tower (IDCT), Ash handling system, Containment
Structure, Electro Static Precipitator (ESP), Case study of Kaiga atomic power station, Madras
atomic power station. Or Any other Case Study and Safety Hazards

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand procedures for construction of power generating infrastructure
 Develop knowledge on existing important power plants and their role in development

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

● Classify suitable materials for buildings and adopt suitable construction techniques.
● Adopt suitable internal finishes and maintenance work to enhance durability of buildings.
● Design of high rise buildings.
● Design of power generation structures.


1. Roy Chudley and Roger Greeno, “Construction Technology”, Prentice Hall, 2005.
2. Peurifoy, “Construction Planning, Equipment and methods”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication


1. Mahesh Varma, “Construction Equipment Planning and Applications”.

2. Kumar Niraj Jha, - “Formwork for Concrete Structures”, Mc Graw Hill Publication
3. Sushil Kumar “Building Materials and construction”, 20 th edition, reprint 2015, Standard
4. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, “Building Construction”, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi.

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Course Objectives:

 To discuss the importance of site investigation,

 To narrate various exploration techniques
 To describe soil sampling techniques.
 To train with in-situ sub soil exploration methods
 To demonstrate instrumentation for sub soil exploration.


Exploration and geophysical methods:

Exploration program planning -methods of exploration- preliminary and detailed design-

spacing and depth of bores, data presentation. Geophysical exploration and interpretation,
seismic and electrical methods, cross bore hole, single bore hole – up hole -down hole methods.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand exploration process
 Learn about different geophysical methods of exploration.


Exploration Techniques

Methods of boring and drilling, non-displacement and displacement methods, drilling in

difficult subsoil conditions, limitations of various drilling techniques, stabilization of boreholes,
bore logs.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Learn various exploration techniques.
 Determine appropriate methods of exploration based on limitations

22 Page

Soil Sampling

Sampling Techniques – quality of samples – factors influencing sample quality - disturbed and
undisturbed soil sampling advanced sampling techniques, offshore sampling, shallow
penetration samplers, preservation and handling of samples.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand concepts of sampling
 Study different types of sampling techniques.


Field Testing In Soil Exploration

Field tests, penetration tests, Field vane shear, Insitu shear and bore hole shear test, pressure
meter test, dilatometer test - plate load test–monotonic and cyclic; field permeability tests –
block vibration test. Procedure, limitations, correction and data interpretation.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop in-situ soil exploration methods.
 Interpret data of soil exploration and documentation


Instrumentation in soil engineering, strain gauges, resistance and inductance type, load cells,
earth pressure cells, settlement and heave gauges, pore pressure measurements - slope
indicators, sensing units, case studies.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Choose appropriate instrumentation in sub soil exploration process.
 Soil Character measurement and case studies.

23 Page
Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course student is able to

● Plan and execute sub soil investigation programme.
● Handle both laboratory and in-situ testing techniques.
● Carry out collection, handling and preservation of samples.
 Handle instruments during sub soil exploration process


1. Alam Singh and Chowdhary G. R., "Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice, Volume-2,
Geotechnical testing and instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi,
2. Dunnicliff J., and Green, G. E., "Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field
Performance", John Wiley, 1993.


1. Bowles J. E., "Foundation Analysis and Design", 5th Edition, The McGraw-Hill
companies, Inc., New York, 1995.
2. C. Venkataramiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New age International Pvt . Ltd, (2002).
3. Hanna T. H., "Field Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering", Trans Tech., 1985.
4. Hunt R. E., “Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual”, McGraw Hill, 1984.

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Course Objectives:

 Impart knowledge on aspects of air pollution & control and noise pollution
 Impart concepts of treatment of waste water from industrial source.
 Differentiate the solid and hazardous waste based on characterization
 Introduce sanitation methods essential for protection of community health.
 Provide basic knowledge on sustainable development.


Air Pollution:

Air pollution Control Methods–Particulate control devices – Methods of Controlling Gaseous

Emissions – Air quality standards. Noise Pollution: Noise standards, Measurement and control
methods – Reducing residential and industrial noise – ISO:14000.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand control mechanism of air pollutants
 Design noise reduction techniques.


Industrial waste water Management:

Strategies for pollution control – Volume and Strength reduction – Neutralization – Equalization
– Proportioning – Common Effluent Treatment Plants – Recirculation of industrial wastes –
Effluent standards.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the importance of treatment process of industrial effluents.
 Design treatment plants

25 Page

Solid Waste Management: solid waste characteristics – basics of on-site handling and
collection – separation and processing – Incineration- Composting-Solid waste disposal methods
– fundamentals of Land filling. Hazardous Waste: Characterization – Nuclear waste –
Biomedical wastes – Electronic wastes – Chemical wastes – Treatment and management of
hazardous waste-Disposal and Control methods.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Classification of solid waste and separation and procession solid waste
 Identification of Hazardous wastes
 Plan and execute solid waste and hazardous waste management.

UNIT – IV: Environmental Sanitation: Environmental Sanitation Methods for Hostels and
Hotels, Hospitals, Swimming pools and public bathing places, social gatherings (melas and
fares), Schools and Institutions, Rural Sanitation-low cost waste disposal methods.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand importance of hygienic environment
 Suggest appropriate rural sanitation methods to keep surrounding clean.


Sustainable Development: Definition- elements of sustainable developments-Indicators of

sustainable development- Sustainability Strategies- Barriers to Sustainability–Industrialization
and sustainable development – Cleaner production in achieving sustainability- sustainable

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Execute sustainable development strategies.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

● Understand the fundamentals of solid waste management, practices adopted in his
town/village and its importance in keeping the health of the city.

26 Page
● Identify the air pollutant control devices and have knowledge on the NAAQ standards and air
emission standards.
● Differentiate the treatment techniques used for sewage and industrial wastewater treatment.
● Inventing the methods of environmental sanitation and the management of community
facilities without spread of epidemics.
● Appreciate the importance of sustainable development while planning a project or executing
an activity.


1. Peavy, H. S., Rowe, D.R, Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”, G.Mc-Graw Hill

International Editions, New York 1985.
2. J. G. Henry and G.W. Heinke, “Environmental Science and Engineering”, Pearson


1. G. L. Karia and R.A. Christian, “Waste water treatment- concepts and design approach”,
Prentice Hall of India
2. M. N. Rao and H. V. N. Rao, “Air pollution”, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Company.
3. Ruth F. “Weiner and Robin Matthews Environmental Engineering”, 4th Edition Elesevier,
4. K. V. S. G. Murali Krishna, “Air Pollution and Control” by, Kousal & Co. Publications, New

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Course Objectives:

 To make the student to get well conversant with the fundamentals of triangulation
 To introduce to the students the methods of hydrographic surveying
 To make the student to use photogrammetry in surveying
 To enable the student to set simple horizontal curves.
 To introduce the knowledge construction surveys and usage of modern instrument such
as total station.


Triangulation: Geodetic surveying-classification of triangulation system-triangulation figures-

strength of figure-reconnaissance- signals and towers.
Base line measurement- calculation of length of base line-Selecting a base line site- apparatus
for baseline measurement-fieldwork for base measurement-corrections to the observed length of
a base line-the base net-auxiliary operations in base line work.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 To impart basic concepts of triangulation surveying.
 To impart the essentiality of the base line measurement in a triangulation system.


Hydrographic surveying – Introduction-tides-equilibrium theory-spring tides and neap tides-

priming and lagging-primary and derivative tide waves – lunar tidal interval- tide prediction-tide
gauges-mean sea level-shoreline surveys-sounding equipment and methods-locating the
soundings –reduction and plotting the soundings-three point problem-tidal current surveys-
capacity of a reservoir –river surveying –area velocity method-weir method-chemical method .

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 To impart basic principles in hydrographic surveying.
 To know practical applications of soundings in hydrographic surveying.

28 Page
Photogrammetric Surveying: Introduction, Basic concepts, perspective geometry of aerial
photograph, relief and tilt displacements, terrestrial photogrammetry, flight planning;
Stereoscopy, ground control extension for photographic mapping- aerial triangulation, radial
triangulation, methods; photographic mapping- mapping using paper prints, mapping using
stereo plotting instruments, mosaics, map substitutes.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand photogrammetry adopting various techniques.
 Map areas using triangulation
 Distinguish different types of plotting instruments

UNIT -IV Typical Curve Setting:

Compound and reverse curves- elements of compound curve-relationship between the parts of a
compound curve-setting out compound curve-elements of a reverse curve-relatlionships between
various parts of a reverse curve.
Transition curves-general requirements-length of transition curve- the ideal transition curve:
clothoid-characteristics of a transition curve-computations and setting out – spiraling compound
curves – spiraling of reverse curves – Bernoulli’s lemniscates curve.
Vertical curves: Introduction to vertical curves – Types of vertical curves.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 To understand about necessity of compound and reverse curves.
 To understand the essentiality condition for transition curves
 To understand the different vertical curves.


Remote Sensing: Introduction –Electromagnetic Spectrum, interaction of electromagnetic

radiation with the atmosphere and earth surface, remote sensing data acquisition: platforms and
sensors; visual image interpretation; digital image processing.
GPS: Segments, GPS measurements, errors and biases, co-ordinate transformation, accuracy

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand principles of remote sensing.

29 Page
 Carryout date acquisition and interpretation
 Understand the principles of GPS

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

 Apply triangulation in surveying
 Correlate knowledge to frontiers like Hydrography, Electronic Distance Measurement,
Global Positioning System, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
 Identify data collection methods and prepare field notes


1. R. Subramanian, “Surveying and leveling”, Oxford university press, New Delhi.

2. Chandra A M, “Higher Surveying”, New age International Pvt. Ltd., Publishers, New
Delhi, 2002.
3. Hoffman. B, H. Lichtenegga and J. Collins, “Global Positioning System” - Theory and
Practice, Springer -Verlag Publishers, 2001.
4. C.Venkatramaiah, “Text book of surveying”, 2nd edition, Universities press, 2018


1. Arthur R Benton and Philip J Taety, “Elements of Plane Surveying”, McGraw Hill –
2. Arora K R “Surveying Vol 1, 2 & 3), Standard Book House, Delhi, 2004.
3. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain – “Surveying” (Vol – 1, 2 & 3),
Laxmi Publications (P) ltd., New Delhi.
4. Chandra A M, “Plane Surveying”, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
5. Bhavikatti; “Surveying”, Vikas publishing house ltd.
6. Duggal S K, “Surveying (Vol – 1 & 2)”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New
Delhi, 2004.
7. R. Agor Khanna “Surveying and leveling”, Publishers 2015.

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Course Objectives

 To impart impact of urbanization on catchment hydrology.

 To narrate the importance of rainfall runoff data for urban hydrology.
 To teach techniques for peak flow estimation for storm water drainage system design.
 To explain the design concepts of components in urban drainage systems.
 To Train for preparation of master urban drainage system.



Urbanization and its effect on water cycle – urban hydrologic cycle – Effect of urbanization on
hydrology. Precipitation Analysis: Importance of short duration of rainfall and runoff data,
methods of estimation of time of concentration and design of urban drainage systems, Intensity-
Duration -Frequency (IDF) curves, design storms for urban drainage systems.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Define Urbanization and its effects
 Understand basic concepts of hydrological cycle.


Methods of Urban Drainage:

Time of concentration, peak flow estimation approaches, rational method, NRCS curve number
approach, runoff quantity and quality, wastewater and storm water reuse , major and minor
systems. Drainage systems: Open channel, underground drains, appurtenances, pumping, source

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Acquire skills for rainfall data acquisition
 Design of drainage system.

31 Page

Analysis and Management:

Storm water drainage structures, design of storm water network- Best Management Practices–
detention and retention facilities, swales, constructed wetlands, models available for storm water

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Design drainage network scheme.


Master drainage plans:

Issues – typical urban drainage master plan, interrelation between water resources investigation
and urban planning processes, planning objectives, comprehensive planning , use of models in

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Prepare proper plan for storm water drainage system


Hydrological models:
General principles of hydrological modelling - The Rational Method - The time-area method -
The unit hydrograph method - Physically based distributed models - Physically based partially
distributed models - Hydraulic modelling - Model calibration and validation - Probabilistic
models - Expert systems

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop hydraulic models.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to

• Develop intensity duration frequency curves for urban drainage systems.
• Develop design storms to size the various components of drainage systems.
• Apply best management practices to manage urban flooding.

32 Page
• Develop master drainage plan for an urbanized area.


1. Akan A.O and R.L. Houghtalen, “Urban Hydrology, Hydraulics and Stormwater Quality:
Engineering Applications and Computer Modelling (2006)”, Wiley International.
2. Hall M. J., Urban Hydrology (1984), Elsevier Applied Science Publisher.


1. Geiger W. F., J Marsalek, W. J. Rawls and F. C. Zuidema, “Manual on Drainage in

Urbanised area’ (1987 – 2 volumes)”, Unesco,
2. Wanielista M. P. and Eaglin, Hydrology, “Quantity and Quality Analysis (1997)”, Wiley
and Sons.
3. Stahre P. and Urbonas B., “Stormwater Detention for Drainage (1990)”, Water Quality and
CSO Management, Prentice Hall.
4. Maksimovic C. and J. A. Tejada-Guibert, “Frontiers in Urban Water Management”, Deadlock
or Hope (2001), IWA Publishing.

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Course Objective:

To bring awareness on experimental method of finding the response of the structure to different
types of load.

 Demonstrates principles of experimental approach.

 Teaches regarding the working principles of various strain gauges.
 Throws knowledge on strain rosettes and principles of non destructive testing of concrete.
 Gives an insight into the principles of photo elasticity.

PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: - Merits of Experimental Analysis
Introduction, uses of experimental stress analysis advantages of experimental stress analysis,
Different methods –Simplification of problems.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Demonstrate the merits and principles of experimental approach
 Give an insight into the uses and advantages of experimental stress analysis

STRAIN MEASUREMENT USING STRAIN GAUGES: - Definition of strain and its relation of
experimental Determinations Properties of Strain Gauge Systems-Types of Strain Gauges –
Mechanical, Acoustic and Optical Strain Gauges. Introduction to Electrical strain gauges -
Inductance strain gauges – LVDT – Resistance strain gauges – various types –Gauge factor –
Materials of adhesion base.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Introduce various strain gauge systems and their properties
 Give information regarding the gauge factor and materials of adhesion bases

34 Page
Introduction – the three elements Rectangular Rosette – The Delta Rosette Corrections for
Transverse Strain Gauge. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity method –Application to Concrete. Hammer
Test – Application to Concrete.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Introduces various strain rosettes and corrections for strain gauges
 Gives an insight into the destructive and non destructive testing of concrete

THEORY OF PHOTOELASTICITY: - Introduction –Temporary Double refraction – The stress
Optic Law –Effects of stressed model in a polariscope for various arrangements – Fringe
Sharpening. Brewster‟s Stress Optic law.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Introduces stress optic laws.
 Gives the arrangements and working principles of polariscope.

TWO DIMENSIONAL PHOTOELASTICITY: - Introduction – Iso-chromatic Fringe patterns-
Isoclinic Fringe patterns passage of light through plane Polariscope and Circular polariscope
Isoclinic Fringe patterns – Compensation techniques – Calibration methods – Separation
methods – Scaling Model to prototype Stresses – Materials for photo – Elasticity Properties of
Photoelastic Materials.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Introduces the understanding of different fringe patterns.
 Introduces model analysis and properties of photo elastic materials.

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course

 The student will be able to understand different methods of experimental stress analysis
 The student will be able to understand the use of strain gauges for measurement of strain
 The student will be exposed to different Non destructive methods of concrete
 The student will be able to understand the theory of photo elasticity and its applications
in analysis of structures

35 Page

1. J.W.Dally and W.F.Riley, “Experimental stress analysis College House Enterprises”

2. Dr.Sadhu Singh, “Experimental stress analysis”, khanna Publishers


1. U.C.Jindal, “Experimental Stress analysis”, Pearson Publications.

2. L.S.Srinath, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, MC.Graw Hill Company Publishers.

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B.Tech (CE) –III-I L T P C
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Course Objectives:

 To impart to know different types of buildings, principles and planning of the buildings.
 To identify the termite control measure in buildings, and importance of grouping
circulation, lighting and ventilation aspects in buildings.
 To know the different modes of vertical transportation in buildings.
 To know the utilization of prefabricated structural elements in buildings.
 To know the importance of acoustics in planning and designing of buildings.


Overview of the course, basic definitions, buildings-types-components- economy and design-

principles of planning of buildings and their importance. Definitions and importance of grouping
and circulation-lighting and ventilation-consideration of the above aspects during planning of

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 To be able to plan the building with economy and according to functional requirement.


Termite proofing: Inspection-control measures and precautions- lighting protection of buildings-

general principles of design of openings-various types of fire protection measures to be
considered while panning a building.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Able to know the termite proofing technique to the building and protection form
lightening effects.
 To be able to know the fire protection measure that are to be adopted while planning a

37 Page

Vertical transportation in a building: Types of vertical transportation-stairs-different forms of

stairs- planning of stairs- other modes of vertical transportation – lifts-ramps-escalators.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 To be able to know the different modes of vertical transportation and their suitability


Prefabrication systems in residential buildings- walls-openings-cupboards-shelves etc., planning

and modules and sizes of components in prefabrication. Planning and designing of residential
buildings against the earthquake forces, principles, seismic forces and their effect on buildings.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Identify the adoption of prefabricated elements in the building.
 Know the effect of seismic forces on buildings


Acoustics – effect of noise – properties of noise and its measurements, principles of acoustics of
building. Sound insulation- importance and measures.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 To know the effect of noise, its measurement and its insulation in planning the buildings

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course the student will be able to
 Understand the principles in planning and design the buildings.
 Know the different methods of termite proofing in buildings.
 Know the different methods of vertical transportation in buildings.
 Know the implementation of prefabricated units in buildings and effect of earthquake on
 Know the importance of acoustics in planning and designing of buildings.

38 Page

1. Varghese, “Building construction”, PHI Learning Private Limited.

2. Punmia.B.C, “Building construction”, Jain.A.K and Jain.A.K Laxmi Publications.
3. S.P.Arora and S.P.Brndra “Building construction”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons Publications,
New Delhi
4. “Building construction-Technical teachers training institute”, Madras, Tata McGraw Hill.


1. National Building Code of India, Bureau of Indian Standards

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B.Tech (CE) –III-I L T P C
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Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about

 Classification of materials.
 Properties of materials and its applications.
 Domestic wiring and earthing

UNIT-I Conducting Materials

Introduction – classification of materials – Metals and Non metals, physical, thermal, mechanical
and electrical properties of materials – classification of electrical materials – concept of atom –
electron configuration of atom, conductors, general properties of conductors, factors effecting
resistivity of electrical materials –electrical/mechanical/thermal properties of copper, aluminum,
iron, steel, lead, tin and their alloys – applications.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Uunderstand the classification of conducting materials.
 Analyze the properties of different conducting materials
 Apply the materials where it is applicable
 Know about electron configuration of atom

UNIT-II Dielectric and High Resistivity Materials

Introduction – solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics, leakage current, permittivity, dielectric
constant, dielectric loss – loss angle – loss constant, Breakdown voltage and dielectric strength of
– solid, liquid and gaseous dielectrics, effect of break down– electrical and thermal effects,
Polarization – electric, ionic and dipolar polarization. Effect of temperature and Frequency on
dielectric constant of polar dielectrics. High Resistivity materials – electrical / thermal /
mechanical properties of Manganin, Constantan, Nichrome, Tungsten, Carbon and Graphite and
their applications in electrical equipment.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Understand the classification of dielectric and high resistivity materials.
 Analyze the properties of dielectric and high resistivity materials
 Understand about concept of polarization and dipolar polarization
 Apply the materials where it is applicable

40 Page
UNIT-III Solid Insulating Materials

Introduction – characteristics of a good electrical insulating materials – classification of

insulating materials – electrical, thermal, chemical and mechanical properties of solid insulating
materials - Asbestos, Bakelite, rubber, plastics, thermo plastics. Resins, polystyrene, PVC,
porcelain, glass, cotton and paper.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Understand about various characteristics of solid insulating materials
 Understand the classification of solid insulating materials.
 Analyze the properties of solid insulating materials
 Apply the materials where it is applicable

UNIT-IV Liquid & Gas Insulating Materials

Liquid insulating materials – Mineral oils, synthetic liquids, fluorinated liquids – Electrical,
thermal and chemical properties – transformer oil – properties – effect of moisture on insulation
properties Gaseous insulators – classification based on dielectric strength – dielectric loss,
chemical stability properties and their applications.

Unit Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the classification of liquid insulating materials.
 Analyze the properties of liquid insulating materials
 Apply the materials where it is applicable
 Understand about properties and classification of gaseous insulators

UNIT-V Domestic Wiring

Wiring materials and accessories – Types of wiring – Types of Switches - Specification of

Wiring – Stair case wiring - Fluorescent lamp wiring- Godown wiring – Basics of Earthing –
single phase wiring layout for a residential building.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to
 Understand about wiring materials and accessories
 Understand about earthing and wiring layout of domestic buildings
 Design and develop Residential wiring
 Know about godown wiring

41 Page
Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student should be able to:

 Understand the classification of materials, domestic wiring materials and
 Analyze the properties of different electrical materials
 Apply where the materials are applicable based on properties of materials
 Design and develop Residential wiring, godown wiring and earthing.

Text Books:

1. G.K. Mithal, “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Khanna publishers, 2nd edition, 1991.
2. R.K. Rajput, A course in “Electrical Engineering Materials”, Laxmi publications, 2009.

Reference Books:

1. C.S. Indulkar and S. Thiruvengadam, “An Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Materials” S Chand & Company, 2008.
2. Technical Teachers Training Institute, “Electrical engineering Materials”, 1st Edition, Madras,
McGraw Hill Education, 2004.
3. by S.P. Seth, “A course in Electrical Engineering Materials Physics Properties &
Applications”, Dhanapat Rai & Sons Publications, 2018.

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Course Objectives:

 Provide good foundation on hybrid and electrical vehicles.

 To address the underlying concepts and methods behind power transmission in hybrid
and electrical vehicles.
 Familiarize energy storage systems for electrical and hybrid transportation.
 To design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.

UNIT I: Electric Vehicle Propulsion and Energy Sources

Introduction to electric vehicles, vehicle mechanics - kinetics and dynamics, roadway

fundamentals propulsion system design - force velocity characteristics, calculation of tractive
power and energy required, electric vehicle power source - battery capacity, state of charge and
discharge, specific energy, specific power, Ragone plot. battery modeling - run time battery
model, first principle model, battery management system- soc measurement, battery cell
balancing. Traction batteries - nickel metal hydride battery, Li-Ion, Lipolymer battery.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

 Summaries the concepts of electrical vehicle propulsion and energy sources. (l2)
 Identify the types of power sources for electrical vehicles.(l3)
 Demonstrate the design considerations for propulsion system. (l2)
 Solve the problems on tractive power and energy required. (l3)

UNIT II: Electric Vehicle Power Plant And Drives

Introduction electric vehicle power plants. Induction machines, permanent magnet machines,
switch reluctance machines. Power electronic converters-DC/DC converters - buck boost
converter, isolated DC/DC converter. Two quadrant chopper and switching modes. AC drives-
PWM, current control method. Switch reluctance machine drives - voltage control, current

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

43 Page
 Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an electric vehicles depending on
 List the various power electronic converters. (l1)
 Describe the working principle dc/dc converters and buck boost convertor. (l2)
 Explain about ac drives. (l2)

UNIT III: Hybrid And Electric Drive Trains

Introduction hybrid electric vehicles, history and social importance, impact of modern drive
trains in energy supplies. Hybrid traction and electric traction. Hybrid and electric drive train
topologies. Power flow control and energy efficiency analysis, configuration and control of DC
motor drives and induction motor drives, permanent magnet motor drives, switch reluctance
motor drives, drive system efficiency.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

 Identify the social importance of hybrid vehicles. (l3)
 Discus impact of modern drive trains in energy supplies. (l6)
 Compare hybrid and electric drive trains.(l2)
 Analyze the power flow control and energy efficiency. (l6)

UNIT IV: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles - Case Studies

Parallel hybrid, series hybrid -charge sustaining, charge depleting. Hybrid vehicle case study –
Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Chevrolet Volt. 42 V system for traction applications. Lightly
hybridized vehicles and low voltage systems. Electric vehicle case study - GM EV1, Nissan
Leaf, Mitsubishi Miev. Hybrid electric heavy duty vehicles, fuel cell heavy duty vehicles.

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

 List the various electric and hybrid vehicles in the present market. (l1)
 Discus lightly hybridized vehicle and low voltage systems.(l6)
 Explain about hybrid electric heavy duty vehicles and fuel cell heavy duty vehicles. (l2)

44 Page
UNIT V: Electric And Hybrid Vehicle Design :

Introduction to hybrid vehicle design. Matching the electric machine and the internal combustion
engine. Sizing of propulsion motor, power electronics, drive system. Selection of energy storage
technology, communications, supporting subsystem. Energy management strategies in hybrid
and electric vehicles - energy management strategies- classification, comparison,

Learning Outcomes:

After successful completion of this unit, the students will be able to

 Illustrate matching the electric machine and the internal combustion engine. (l2)
 Select the energy storage technology. (l3)
 Select the size of propulsion motor. (l3)
 Design and develop basic schemes of electric and hybrid electric vehicles. (l3)

Course outcomes:

After learning the course the students will be able to:

 Explain the working of hybrid and electric vehicles. (l2)
 Choose a suitable drive scheme for developing an hybrid and electric vehicles depending
on resources. (l3)
 Develop the electric propulsion unit and its control for application of electric vehicles.(l3)
 Choose proper energy storage systems for vehicle applications. (l3)
 Design and develop basic schemes of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.(l3)

Text Books :

1. Iqbal Hussein, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals”, 2nd edition, CRC
Press, 2003.
2. Amir Khajepour, M. Saber Fallah, Avesta Goodarzi, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
Technologies, Modeling and Control - A Mechatronic Approach”, illustrated edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
3. Mehrdad Ehsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, “Modern Electric, Hybrid
Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design”, CRC Press, 2004.
1. James Larminie, John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology”, Explained, Wiley, 2003.
2. John G. Hayes, G. Abas Goodarzi, “Electric Powertrain: Energy Systems, Power
Electronics and Drives for Hybrid, Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles”, 1st edition, Wiley-
Blackwell, 2018.

45 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:
● Familiarize techniques for processing of CAD models for rapid prototyping.
● Explain fundamentals of rapid prototyping techniques.
● Demonstrate appropriate tooling for rapid prototyping process.
● Focus Rapid prototyping techniques for reverse engineering.
● Train Various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post Processing errors in RP Processes.

UNIT – I 10 Hours

Introduction: Introduction to Prototyping, Traditional Prototyping Vs. Rapid Prototyping (RP),

Need for time compression in product development, Usage of RP parts, Generic RP process,
Distinction between RP and CNC, other related technologies, Classification of RP.
RP Software: Need for RP software, MIMICS, Magics, SurgiGuide, 3-matic, 3D-Doctor,
Simplant, Velocity2, VoXim, SolidView, 3DView, etc., software, Preparation of CAD models,
Problems with STL files, STL file manipulation, RP data formats: SLC, CLI, RPI, LEAF, IGES,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain prototyping process. (l2)
● Classify different rapid prototyping processes. (l2)
● Summarize rp software’s and represent a 3d model in stl format, other rp data formats.

UNIT – II 8 Hours

Solid and Liquid Based RP Systems: Stereolithography (SLA): Principle, Process, Materials,
Advantages, Limitations and Applications. Solid Ground Curing (SGC): Principle, Process,
Materials, Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM): Principle, Process, Materials, Advantages, Limitations,

Applications. Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Principle, Process, Materials,
Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

46 Page
 Explain the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of Solid and Liquid
based AM systems. (L2)
● Identify the materials for Solid and Liquid based AM systems. (L2)

UNIT – III 8 Hours

Powder Based RP Systems: Principle and Process of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS),
Advantages, Limitations and Applications of SLS, Principle and Process of Laser Engineered
Net Shaping (LENS), Advantages, Limitations and Applications of LENS, Principle and Process
of Electron Beam Melting (EBM), Advantages, Limitations and Applications of EBM.
Other RP Systems: Three Dimensional Printing (3DP): Principle, Process, Advantages,
Limitations and Applications. Ballastic Particle Manufacturing (BPM): Principle, Process,
Advantages, Limitations, Applications. Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM): Principle,
Process, Advantages, Limitations, Applications.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of powder based AM
systems. (L2)
● Understand the principles, advantages, limitations and applications of other Additive
Manufacturing Systems such as 3D Printing, Ballistic Particle Manufacturing and Shape
Deposition Modeling. (L2)

UNIT – IV 8 Hours

Rapid Tooling: Conventional Tooling Vs. Rapid Tooling, Classification of Rapid Tooling,
Direct and Indirect Tooling Methods, Soft and Hard Tooling methods.
Reverse Engineering (RE): Meaning, Use, RE – The Generic Process, Phases of RE Scanning,
Contact Scanners and Noncontact Scanners, Point Processing, Application Geometric Model,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Classify Rapid Tooling methods. (L2)
 Explain the concepts of reverse engineering and scanning tools. (L2)

47 Page
UNIT – V 8 Hours

Errors in RP Processes: Pre-processing, processing, post-processing errors, Part building errors

in SLA, SLS, etc.
RP Applications: Design, Engineering Analysis and planning applications, Rapid Tooling,
Reverse Engineering, Medical Applications of RP.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Identify various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post – Processing errors in RP
processes. (L2)
● Apply of RP in engineering design analysis and medical applications. (L3)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

● Use techniques for processing of CAD models for rapid prototyping. (L3)
● Understand and apply fundamentals of rapid prototyping techniques. ((L3)
● Use appropriate tooling for rapid prototyping process. (L3)
● Use rapid prototyping techniques for reverse engineering. (L3)
● Identify Various Pre – Processing, Processing and Post Processing errors in RP processes.
Text Books:

1. Chua C.K., Leong K.F. and Lim C.S., “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications”,
2nd edition, World Scientific Publishers, 2003.
2. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, “Additive Manufacturing Technologies:
Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing”, 1st Edition, Springer, 2010.
3. Rafiq Noorani, “Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing”, John
Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Reference Books:

1. Liou W. Liou, Frank W., Liou, “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering Applications: A
Tool Box for Prototype Development”, CRC Press, 2007.
2. Pham D.T. and Dimov S.S., “Rapid Manufacturing; The Technologies and Application of
RPT and Rapid tooling”, Springer, London 2001.
3. Gebhardt A., “Rapid prototyping”, Hanser Gardener Publications, 2003.
4. Hilton P.D. and Jacobs P.F., “Rapid Tooling: Technologies and Industrial Applications”,
CRC Press, 2005.

48 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To understand the characteristics of various types of electronic devices and circuits (L1).
 To apply various principles of electronic devices and circuits to solve complex
Engineering problems (L2).
 To analyze the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits (L3).
 To evaluate the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits in real time
applications (L3).
 To design various types of electronic circuits for use in real time applications (L4).


Diodesand Applications

Properties of intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor materials. Characteristics of PN junction

diode and Zener diode. Applications of PNdiode as a switch, rectifier and Zener diode as
regulator. Special purpose diodes: Schottky diode, Tunnel diode, Varactor diode, photodiode and

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the characteristics of various types of diodes (L1).
 Apply the principles of diodes to solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
 Analyze the functions of diodes in forward and reverse bias conditions (L3).
 Evaluate the functions of diodes in real time applications (L3).
 Design rectifiers and switches using diodes (L4).


BJT and its Applications

Construction, Operation, and Characteristics in CE, CB and CC configurations. Fixed-Bias and

Voltage Divider-Bias. Applications as switch and amplifier.

49 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the characteristics and biasing of BJT (L1).
 Apply the principles of BJT to solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
 Analyse the functions of BJT in various configurations (L3).
 Evaluate the functions of BJT in real time applications (L3).
 Design amplifiers and switches using BJT (L4).


FETs and Applications

JFETs:Construction, Operation, and Characteristics in CS configurations. Fixed-Bias and

Voltage Divider -Bias. Applications as switch and amplifier.
MOSFETs:Construction, Operation, and Characteristics of Enhancement and Depletion modes
in CS configurations. Biasing in Enhancement and Depletion modes. Applications as switch.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the characteristics and biasing of FETs (L1).
 Apply the principles of FETsto solve complex Engineering problems (L2).
 Analyze the functions of FETs in CSconfiguration (L3).
 Evaluate the functions of FETs in real time applications (L3).
 Design amplifiers and switches using FETs (L4).

Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators
Feedback Amplifiers: Concept of feedback, General characteristics of negative feedback
amplifiers, Voltage-series, Current-series, Voltage-shunt, and Current-shunt feedback amplifiers.
Oscillators:Conditions for oscillations, Hartley and Colpitts oscillators, RC phase-shift and
Wien-bridge oscillators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of negative & positive feedback and characteristics feedback
amplifiers (L1).
 Apply the principles of feedback amplifiers and oscillators to solve complex
Engineering problems (L2).
 Analyze the functions of feedback amplifiers and oscillators (L3).

50 Page
 Evaluate the functions of feedback amplifiers and oscillators in real time applications
 Design feedback amplifiers and oscillators for specific applications (L4).

Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated Circuits

Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits: Introduction, Waveform Shaping Circuits –RC and
RL Circuits. Clippers, Comparator and Clampers. Bistable, Schmitt Trigger, Monostable and
Astable Multivibrators.

Linear Integrated Circuits: Operational Amplifier: Introduction, Block diagram, Basic

applications – Inverting, Non-inverting, Summing amplifier, Subtractor, Voltage Follower. IC
555 Timer and IC 7805 Regulator.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the operation of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear
Integrated Circuits (L1).
 Apply the principles of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits to complex Engineering solve problems (L2).
 Analyse the functions of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits (L3).
 Evaluate the functions of Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated
Circuits in real time applications (L3).
 Design Wave-Shaping & Multivibrator Circuits and Linear Integrated Circuits for
specific applications (L4).

Note: In all the units, only qualitative treatment is required.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

 Understand the characteristics of various types of electronic devices and circuits
 Apply various principles of electronic devices and circuits to solve complex
 Engineering problems
 Analyse the functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits, Evaluate the
functions of various types of electronic devices and circuits in real time applications
 Design various types of electronic circuits for use in real time applications.

51 Page

1. S. Salivahanan and N. Suresh Kumar, “Electronic Devices and Circuits”, 4th Edition,
McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2017.

1. J. Milliman, Christos C Halkias, and Satyabrata Jit, “Electronics Devices and Circuits”,
4th Edition, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2015.
2. David A. Bell “Electronics Devices and Circuits”, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press,

Blooms’ learning levels:

L1: Remembering and Understanding
L2: Applying
L3: Analyzing/Derive
L4: Evaluating/Design
L5: Creating

52 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To introduce different methods for simplifying Boolean expressions

 To analyze logic processes and implement logical operations using combinational logic
 To understand characteristics of memory and their classification.
 To understand concepts of sequential circuits and to analyze sequential systems in terms
of state machines
 To understand concept of Programmable Devices


Minimization Techniques and Logic Gates Minimization Techniques: Boolean postulates and
laws – De-Morgan’s Theorem - Principle of Duality - Boolean expression - Minimization of
Boolean expressions –– Minterm – Maxterm - Sum of Products (SOP) – Product of Sums (POS)
– Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions – Quine - McCluskey method of
minimization. Logic Gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, Exclusive–OR and Exclusive–NOR
Implementations of Logic Functions using gates, NAND– NOR implementations – Multi level
gate implementations- Multi output gate implementations. TTL and CMOS Logic and their
characteristics – Tristate gates.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Learn Boolean algebra and logical operations in Boolean algebra. (L1)
 Apply different logic gates to functions and simplify them. (L2)
 Analyze the redundant terms and minimize the expression using Kmaps and tabulation
methods (L3)


Combinational Circuits -Design procedure – Half adder – Full Adder – Half subtractor – Full
subtractor – Parallel binary adder, parallel binary Subtractor – Fast Adder - Carry Look Ahead
adder – Serial Adder/Subtractor - BCD adder – Binary Multiplier – Binary Divider - Multiplexer/
Demultiplexer – decoder - encoder – parity checker – parity generators – code converters -
Magnitude Comparator.

53 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Apply the logic gates and design of combinational circuits(L2)
 Design of different combinational logic circuits(L4)


Sequential Circuits-Latches, Flip-flops - SR, JK, D, T, and Master-Slave – Characteristic table

and equation –Application table – Edge triggering – Level Triggering – Realization of one flip
flop using other flip flops – serial adder/subtractor- Asynchronous Ripple or serial counter –
Asynchronous Up/Down counter - Synchronous counters – Synchronous Up/Down counters –
Programmable counters – Design of Synchronous counters: state diagram- State table –State
minimization –State assignment - Excitation table and maps-Circuit implementation - Modulo–n
counter, Registers – shift registers - Universal shift registers – Shift register counters – Ring
counter – Shift counters - Sequence generators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Understand the clock dependent circuits (L1)
 Identify the differences between clocked and clock less circuits, apply clock dependent
 Design clock dependent circuits(L4)

Memory Devices Classification of memories – ROM - ROM organization - PROM – EPROM –
EEPROM –EAPROM, RAM – RAM organization – Write operation – Read operation –
Memory cycle - Timing wave forms – Memory decoding – memory expansion – Static RAM
Cell- Bipolar RAM cell – MOSFET RAM cell – Dynamic RAM cell –Programmable Logic
Devices – Programmable Logic Array (PLA) - Programmable Array Logic (PAL) – Field
Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) - Implementation of combinational logic circuits using

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Understand the principle of operation of basic memory devices, and programmable logic
devices. (L1)

54 Page
 Implement combinational logic circuits using memory and programmable logic devices

Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits Synchronous Sequential Circuits: General
Model – Classification – Design – Use of Algorithmic State Machine – Analysis of Synchronous
Sequential Circuits Asynchronous Sequential Circuits: Design of fundamental mode and pulse
mode circuits – Incompletely specified State Machines – Problems in Asynchronous Circuits –
Design of Hazard Free Switching circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Understand how synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit works (L1)
 Understand the FSM and its design principles. (L1)
 Analyze the procedure to reduce the internal states in sequential circuits (L3)
 Illustrate minimization of complete and incomplete state machines and to write a minimal
cover table(L2)

Course Outcomes:

 Explain switching algebra theorems and apply them for logic functions, discuss about
digital logic gates and their properties, Identify the importance of SOP and POS
canonical forms in the minimization of digital circuits.
 Evaluate functions using various types of minimizing algorithms like Boolean algebra,
Karnaugh map or tabulation method.
 Analyze the design procedures of Combinational & sequential logic circuits.
 Design of different combinational logic circuits, and compare different semiconductor

Text Books:

1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2008 /
Pearson Education (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.
2. Zvi Kohavi, “Switching and Finite Automata Theory”, 3rd Edition, South Asian Edition,


1. John F.Wakerly, “Digital Design”, Fourth Edition, Pearson/PHI, 2008

2. John.M Yarbrough, “Digital Logic Applications and Design”, Thomson Learning, 2006.

55 Page
3. Charles H.Roth. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”, 6th Edition, Thomson Learning, 2013.
4. Donald P.Leach and Albert Paul Malvino, “Digital Principles and Applications”, 6th
Edition, TMH, 2006.
5. Thomas L. Floyd, “Digital Fundamentals”, 10th Edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2011
6. Donald D.Givone, “Digital Principles and Design”, TMH, 2003.

56 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
(Open Elective –I)
(Common to CSE & IT)

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

 Understand the context and operation of free and open source software (FOSS)
communities and associated software projects.
 Motivate the students to contribute in FOSS projects
 Familiarize with programming languages like Python, Perl, Ruby
 Elucidate the important FOSS tools and techniques

Notion of Community--Guidelines for effectively working with FOSS community--, Benefits of
Community based Software Development --Requirements for being open, free software, open
source software –Four degrees of freedom - FOSS Licensing Models - FOSS Licenses – GPL-
AGPL-LGPL - FDL - Implications – FOSS examples.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Analyze the benefits of Community based Software Development. (L4)
 Explain the degrees of Freedom. (L2)

Linux Installation and Hardware Configuration – Boot Process-The Linux Loader (LILO) - The
Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) - Dual-Booting Linux and other Operating System - Boot-
Time Kernel Options- X Windows System Configuration-System Administration – Backup and
Restore Procedures- Strategies for keeping a Secure Server.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Demonstrate Linux Installation and hardware configuration. (L2)
 Compare Linux and Windows System Configurations. (L4)


Programming using languages like Python, Perl, Ruby

57 Page
Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Explain the syntax of programming Languages Python, Perl and Ruby. (L2)
 Develop applications in the Open source programming Languages. (L6)


Usage of design Tools like Argo UML or equivalent, Version Control Systems like Git or
equivalent, – Bug Tracking Systems- Package Management Systems

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 List various programming tools and explain their uses (L1)
 Make use of the various tools while building applications (L3)


Open Source Software Development - Case Study – Libre office -Samba

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Elaborate the open Source Software Development(L6)
 Compare Libre office with its proprietary equivalent (L5)

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Demonstrate Installation and running of open-source operating systems.(L2)

 Justify the importance of Free and Open Source Software projects. (L5)
 Build and adapt one or more Free and Open Source Software packages. (L6)
 Utilize a version control system. (L3)
 Develop software to and interact with Free and Open Source Software development

Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins, “Linux in a Nutshell”, Sixth
Edition, OReilly Media, 2009.

58 Page
1. Philosophy of GNU URL: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/.
2. Linux Administration URL: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/lame/LAME/linux-admin-made-easy/.
3. The Python Tutorial available at http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/.
4. Perl Programming book at http://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/.
5. Ruby programming book at http://ruby-doc.com/docs/ProgrammingRuby/.
6. Version control system URL: http://git-scm.com/.
7. Samba: URL : http://www.samba.org/.
8. Libre office: http://www.libreoffice.org/.

59 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Open Elective –I)
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

 Introduce the use of the components of a graphics system and become familiar with the
building approach of graphics system components and related algorithms.
 Understand the basic principles of 3- 3-dimensional computer graphics.
 Provide insites on how to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives, how to
transform the shapes to fit them as per the picture definition.
 Provide an understanding of mapping from world coordinates to device coordinates,
clipping, and projections.
 Discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the development of computer
games, information visualization, and business applications.


OverView of Computer Graphics System – Video display devices – Raster Scan and random
scan system – Input devices – Hard copy devices.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Explain the overview of computer graphics with visualization. (L2)
 Classify the Input devices. (L2)
 Distinguish raster scan and random scan systems. (L4)


Drawing line, circle and ellipse generating algorithms – Scan line algorithm – Character
Generation – attributes of lines, curves and characters – Antialiasing.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Analyse output primitives and attributes. (L4)
 Design algorithms based on output. (L6)

60 Page

Two-dimensional Geometric Transformations – Windowing and Clipping – Clipping of lines and

clipping of polygons.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Create two-dimensional graphics. (L6)
 Examine the clipping of polygon. (L4)
 Compare different forms of variations. (L2)


Three-dimensional concepts – Object representations- Polygon table, Quadric surfaces,

Splines, Bezier curves and surfaces – Geometric and Modelling transformations – Viewing -
Parallel and perspective projections.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Create three-dimensional graphics. (L6)
 Explain the Quadric surfaces and polygon table. (L2)
 Define modelling transformations. (L1)


Visible Surface Detection Methods – Computer Animation.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 List the different types of detection methods. (L1)
 Compare various computer animations. (L2)

Course outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Explain the basic concepts used in computer graphics. (L2)

 Inspect various algorithms to scan, convert the basic geometrical primitives,
transformations, Area filling, clipping. (L4)
 Assess the importance of viewing and projections. (L5)
 Define the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality and its related technologies. (L3)
 Analyze the typical graphics pipeline (L4)

61 Page

1. Hearn, D. and Pauline Baker,M., Computer Graphics (C-Version), 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2002.


1. Neuman, W.M., and Sproull, R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Mc

Graw Hill Book Co., 1979.
2. Roger, D.F., Procedural elements for Computer Graphics, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1985.
3. Asthana, R.G.S and Sinha, N.K., Computer Graphics, New Age Int. Pub. (P) Ltd.,
4. Floey, J.D., Van Dam, A, Feiner, S.K. and Hughes, J.F, Computer Graphics, Pearson
Education, 2001.

62 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


This course covers the origin of brewing and ingredients used, methods and equipment used and
innovations in this field.

Coues Objectives

 To understand the Beer manufacturing, ingredients and their roles.

 To understand overall view of a brewing industry


Introduction of brewing, history of brewing; Raw materials: barley, hops, water, yeast; Adjuncts
for beer production: Maize, rice, millet, wheat, sugar etc. Malt production, role of enzymes for
malting; Barley storage, steeping, germination, kilning, cooling, storage;

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Introduction of brewing, history of brewing
 Raw materials like barley, hops, water, yeast
 Adjuncts for beer production: Maize, rice, millet, wheat, sugar etc
 Malt production, role of enzymes for malting
 Barley storage, steeping, germination, kilning, cooling, storage


Malt from other cereals, caramel malt, roasted malt, smoked malt, malt extract; Malt quality
evaluation, Wort production, malt milling, Mashing, Mashing vessels; Wort boiling,
clarification, cooling and aeration Enzyme properties, starch degradation, b-glucan degradation;
Conversion of fatty matter, Biological acidification

63 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Malt from other cereals, caramel malt, roasted malt, smoked malt, malt extract
 Malt quality evaluation, Wort production, malt milling, Mashing, Mashing vessels
 Wort boiling, clarification, cooling and aeration Enzyme properties, starch
degradation, b-glucan degradation
 Conversion of fatty matter, Biological acidification


Beer production methods, fermentation technology, changes during fermentation; Filtration

procedure and equipment, beer stabilization conditions and durations, beer carbonation process;
Packaging equipment and packaging materials, storage conditions and distribution process

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Beer production methods, fermentation technology, changes during fermentation
 Filtration procedure and equipment, beer stabilization conditions and durations, beer
carbonation process
 Packaging equipment and packaging materials, storage conditions and distribution


Brewing Equipment. Grain mill, kettles, siphons, carboys, fermentation equipment, wort chillers,
pumps beer bottles, cans, labels, bottle caps, sanitation equipments Preventive Production of beer
against technology, ling phenomenon of beer, possible measures against staling reactions,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Brewing Equipments like Grain mill, kettles, siphons, carboys, fermentation
equipment, wort chillers
 pumps beer bottles, cans, labels, bottle caps, sanitation equipments
 Preventive Production of beer against technology, ling phenomenon of beer, possible
measures against staling reactions, oxidation

64 Page

Recent advances: Immobilized Cell Technology in Beer Production, immobilized yeast cell
technology Energy management in the brewery and maltings; waste water treatment Automation
and plant planning

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to:

 Immobilized Cell Technology in Beer Production, immobilized yeast cell technology
 Energy management in the brewery and maltings
 waste water treatment Automation and plant planning

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students will attain the:

 Knowledge of beer making, chemistry of ingredients used for brewing,
 Knowledge on brewing industry, Unit operations and equipments involved.


1. Brewing: “Science and Practice, Brookes and Roger Stevens”, Dennis E. Briggs,
Chris A. Boulton, Peter A. 2004, Woodhead publishing limited.
2. Die Deutsche “Bibliothek Technology: “Brewing and Malting”, Wolfgang Kunze.
2010, Bibliographic information published


1. “Handbook of Brewing”: Process, Technology, Markets, Hans Michael Eblinger.

2009, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
2. Brewing: “New Technologies”, Charles W. Bamforth. 2006, Woodhead Pub.

65 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



This course covers all facets of computerization and various software’s used and their usage.

Course Objectives

 Able to know about “The necessity of Software & their applications in Food Industries”
 Able to Implement the Programs in ‘C’ to perform various operations that are related to
Food Industries.


Computerization, Importance of Computerization in food industry and IT applications in food

industries. Computer operating environments and information system for various types of food
industries. Introduction to Bar charts and Pie charts & the procedure to develop bar charts and
pie charts on given Data.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Computerization, Importance of Computerization in food industry and IT applications
in food industries.
 Computer operating environments and information system for various types of food
 Introduction to Barcharts and Piecharts & the procedure to develop barcharts and
piecharts on given Data.


Introduction to Software & Programming Languages, Properties, Differences of an Algorithm

and Flowcharts, Advantages and disadvantages of Flowcharts & Algorithms. Introduction,
Fundamentals & advantages of ‘C’. Steps in learning ‘C’ (Character set, Identifiers, Keywords)
Steps in learning ‘C’ (Data types, Constants, Variables, Escape sequences).

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

66 Page
 Introduction to Software & Programming Languages, Properties, Differences of an
Algorithm and Flowcharts
 Advantages and disadvantages of Flowcharts & Algorithms. Introduction,
Fundamentals & advantages of ‘C’.
 Steps in learning ‘C’ (Character set, Identifiers, Keywords)
 Steps in learning ‘C’ (Data types, Constants, Variables, Escape sequences).


Steps in learning ’C’ (Operators, Statements) Steps in learning ‘C’ (Header Files, Input & Output
functions: Formatted I/O functions, Unformatted I/O functions). Basic Structure of a simple ‘C’
program. Decision Making/Control Statements. Branching, Concept of Looping & Looping

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Steps in learning ’C’ (Operators, Statements)
 Steps in learning ‘C’ (Header Files, Input & Output functions: Formatted I/O
functions, Unformatted I/O functions).
 Basic Structure of a simple ‘C’ program. Decision Making/Control Statements.
 Branching, Concept of Looping & Looping statements.


Concept of Functions (Defining a function & Function Prototypes, Types of functions: Library
functions & User defined functions. Concept of various types of User Defined Functions (i.e.,
About 4 types). Concept of Arrays & Types of Arrays (Single, Double and Multi-Dimensional
Arrays). Concept of a String Library Functions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Concept of Functions (Defining a function & Function Prototypes, Types of functions:
Library functions & User defined functions.
 Concept of various types of User Defined Functions (i.e., About 4 types).
 Concept of Arrays & Types of Arrays (Single, Double and Multi-Dimensional Arrays).
 Concept of a String Library Functions.

67 Page

Concept of Pointers, Structures & Unions. Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data
Structures (Primary & Secondary Data Structures) Concept of Linked Lists, Types of Linked
Lists & Basic operations on linked Lists. Concept of Stacks & Operations on Stacks (PUSH &
POP Operations) Concept of Queues and types of Queues Operations on a Queue (ENQUEUE &
DEQUEUE Operations)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Concept of Pointers, Structures & Unions. Introduction to Data Structures, Types of Data
Structures (Primary & Secondary Data Structures)
 Concept of Linked Lists, Types of Linked Lists & Basic operations on linked Lists.
 Concept of Stacks & Operations on Stacks (PUSH & POP Operations)
 Concept of Queues and types of Queues Operations on a Queue (ENQUEUE & Dequeue

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will be able to

 know about the various steps which are related to computer and Software and their
application in Food Industries
 know about the various steps which are necessary to implement the programs in ‘C’

1. Yeswanth Kanethkar, Let us ‘C’
2. Balaguruswamy E., “Computer Programming in ‘C’”
3. Mark Allen Waise , “Data Structures”

1. M. S Excel 2000, Microsoft Corporation
2. M. S. Office – Microsoft Corporation
3. Verton M.V. “Computer concepts for Agri Business”, AVI Pub. Corp., West Port,

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B.Tech (CE) –III-I L T P C
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Course Objectives:

The student will be able to learn:

 The basic concepts of Optimization
 The emphasis of this course is on different classical Optimization techniques linear
programming and simplex algorithms.
 About optimality of balanced transportation Problems
 About Constrained and unconstrained nonlinear programming.
 About principle of optimality and dynamic programming

UNIT – I Introduction and Classical Optimization Techniques:

Statement of an Optimization problem – design vector – design constraints – constraint surface –

objective function – objective function surfaces – classification of Optimization problems.
Classical Optimization Techniques: Single variable Optimization – multi variable Optimization
without constraints – necessary and sufficient conditions for minimum/maximum – multivariable
Optimization with equality constraints. Solution by method of Lagrange multipliers –
multivariable Optimization with inequality constraints – Kuhn – Tucker conditions – Numerical

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 To know how to formulate statement of optimization problem with or without constraints
 To know about classification of single and multivariable optimization problems
 To know about necessary and sufficient conditions in defining the optimization problems
 To understand how to formulate Kuhn-Tucker conditions and to solve numerical

UNIT – II Linear Programming

Standard form of a linear programming problem – geometry of linear programming problems –

definitions and theorems – solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations – pivotal
reduction of a general system of equations – motivation to the simplex method – simplex
algorithm – Numerical examples.

69 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 To know about formulation of LPP
 To know about formulations of GPP
 To understand various theorems in solving simultaneous equations
 To understand about necessity of Simplex method and to solve numerical problems

UNIT – III Nonlinear Programming – One Dimensional Minimization methods

Introduction, Unimodal function, Elimination methods- Unrestricted Search, Exhaustive Search,

Dichotomous Search, Fibonacci Method, Golden Section Method and their comparison;
Interpolation methods - Quadratic Interpolation Method, Cubic Interpolation Method and Direct
Root Methods – Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 To know about NLP in one dimensional optimization problems
 To understand about various search methods
 To learn about various interpolation methods
 To distinguish and compare the various elimination methods with numerical examples

UNIT – IV Unconstrained & Constrained Nonlinear Programming

Unconstrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction- Classification of Unconstrained

Minimization Methods, General Approach, Rate of Convergence, Scaling of Design Variables;
Direct Search methods- Random Search Methods, Grid Search Method, Pattern Directions,
Powell’s Method and Simplex Method

Constrained Optimization Techniques: Introduction, Characteristics of a Constrained

Problem, Direct Search Methods - Random Search Methods, Basic Approach in the Methods of
Feasible Directions, Rosen’s Gradient Projection Method, Generalized Reduced Gradient
Method and Sequential Quadratic Programming.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 To distinguish between unconstrained and constrained optimization problems
 To learn about direct search methods in unconstrained NLP problems and comparison
 To understand about direct search methods in constrained NLP problems and comparison
 To do exercises for solving numerical examples of various methods

70 Page
UNIT – V Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming multistage decision processes – types – concept of sub optimization and
the principle of optimality – computational procedure in dynamic programming – examples
illustrating the calculus method of solution - examples illustrating the tabular method of solution
– Numerical examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 To know what is DP problem?
 To know about computational procedure in solving DPP
 To know Calculus and Tabular methods of solving with numerical examples of various

Course Outcomes:
The student gets thorough knowledge on:
 Basic methods, principles in optimization
 Formulation of optimization models, solution methods in optimization
 Finding initial basic feasible solutions.
 Methods of linear and non-linear (constrained and unconstrained) programming.
 Applications to engineering problems.


1. S. S. Rao, “Engineering optimization”: Theory and practice 3rd edition, New Age
International (P) Limited, 1998.
2. H.S. Kasana & K.D. Kumar, “Introductory Operations Research Springer (India)”, 2004.


1. R Fletcher, “Practical Methods of Optimization” , 2nd Edition, Wiley Publishers, 2000.

2. Jorge Nocedal and Wright S, “Numerical Optimization Springer”, 1st Edition, 1999.
3. by K.V. Mital and C. Mohan, “Optimization Methods in Operations Research and systems
Analysis” 3rd Edition, New Age International (P) Limited, 1996.
4. by S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Kedar Nath, 2012.
5. by H.A. Taha, “Operations Research”, 9th Edition, An Introduction Pearson, 2010.
6. G. Hadley, “Linear Programming”, Narosa, 2002.

71 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-I L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

 To develop awareness in students of the relevance and importance of technical

communication and presentation skills.
 To prepare the students for placements
 To sensitize the students to the appropriate use of non-verbal communication
 To train students to use language appropriately for presentations and interviews
 To enhance the documentation skills of the students with emphasis on formal and
informal writing


UNIT -1:

Basics of Technical Communication – Introduction – Objectives & Characteristics of

Technical Communication – Importance and need for Technical communication - LSRW Skills
– Barriers to effective communication

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand the importance of LSRW skills
 Identify and overcome the barriers to effective communication
 Realize the need and importance of technical communication


Informal and Formal Conversation - Verbal and Non-verbal communication –Kinesics,

Proxemics, Chronemics, Haptics, Paralanguage

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 State the difference between formal and informal conversation.
 Apply the knowledge of the difference between the verbal and non-verbal
 Evaluate the different aspects of non-verbal communication.

72 Page

Written communication – Differences between spoken and written communication – Features

of effective writing –Advantages and disadvantages of spoken and written communication- Art
of condensation- summarizing and paraphrasing

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Know the difference between written and spoken communication
 Apply the awareness of features of effective writing.
 Implement the understanding of summarizing and paraphrasing.


Presentation Skills – Nature and importance of oral presentation – Defining the purpose –
Analyzing the audience - Planning and preparing the presentation, organizing and rehearsing the
presentation –Individual and group presentations - Handling stage fright

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 State the importance of presentation skills in corporate climate.
 Analyze the demography of the audience.
 Plan, prepare and present individual and group presentations.


Interview Skills – The Interview process –Characteristics of the job interview – Pre-interview
preparation techniques – Projecting the positive image – Answering Strategies

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Identify the characteristics of the job interview.
 Understand the process of Interviews.
 Develop a positive image using strategies in answering FAQs in interviews

73 Page
Course Outcomes
 Understand the importance of effective technical communication
 Apply the knowledge of basic skills to become good orators
 Analyze non-verbal language suitable to different situations in professional life
 Evaluate different kinds of methods used for effective presentations
 Create trust among people and develop employability skills


1. Ashrif Rizvi, “Effective Technical Communication”, TataMcGrahill, 2011

2. Meenakshi Raman &Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication”, 3rd Edition, O U
Press 2015


1. Pushpalatha & Sanjay Kumar, “Communication Skills”, Oxford Univsesity Press

2. Barron’s/Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT/IELTS DELTA/Cambridge University
3. Butterfield Jeff, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Publications, 2011.
4. Universities Press (India) Pvt Ltd., “Management Shapers Series”, Himayatnagar,
Hyderabad 2008.
5. John Hughes & Andrew Mallett, “Successful Presentations” Oxford.
6. Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe, “Winning at Interviews” Pearson
7. Munish Bhargava, “Winning Resumes and Successful Interviews”, McGraw Hill

74 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


Course Objectives:

 To make the student prepare engineering drawings conventionally involving various

design parameters.
 To introduce fundamentals of computer aided drawing in Civil Engineering.
 To enable the student develop drawing of building components
 To train the student in Producing 2D & 3D drawings
 To enable the students Communicate designs graphically
 To teach methodologies for understanding and verification of CAD


Introduction to drawing:
Introduction to Civil Engineering drawings, Interpretation of typical drawings, Scales – Elements
of a building drawing – Plan, Section and Elevation from the given line drawing/Site plan/floor
plan of residential and public buildings. Introduction to computer aided drawing, co-ordinate
systems, and reference planes. Commands: Initial settings, Drawing commands, Modify

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand basic terms plan section and elevation in drawing
 Introduce computer applications in developing drawing skills


Sign conventions and symbols:

Layers and Annotations in AUTOCAD, Conventional signs – Materials, Architecture, Structure,
Electrical and Plumbing, Rebar drawings, Brick Bonds – Header, Stretcher, English and Flemish,
one and half, two and two and half brick walls. Doors and Windows

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Acquaint with AUTOCAD software

75 Page
 Identify sign conventions and symbols used in civil engineering drawing.


Introduction to Building Planning

Development of 2D wireframe models in AUTOCAD
Introduction, terminology, Objectives of building bye-laws, Principles under laying building bye
laws. Classification of buildings, Open space requirements. Floor area ratio, Floor space index,
built up area limitations. Lighting and ventilation requirements.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand building bye-laws
 Understand planning the components of building and standard dimensions.


Basics of a building drawing:

Elements of planning building drawing, Methods of line and detailed drawing. Site plan, floor
plan, elevation and section, drawing of residential buildings. Foundation details.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Draw various views of building.
 Develop floor plan, elevation and section


Pictorial View: Principles of isometrics and perspective view of building.

Fundamentals of Building Information Modeling (BIM) using Revit Architecture. Introduction to
Revit architecture software tools; Detailed planning of structural components, walls, floors,
ceiling, roof, stairs; modify tools; structural modelling, column and beam system, foundations.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand basic principles of BIM
 Draw the detailed structural elements and visualize.

76 Page
List of Drawing Experiments:

1. Sign conventions and symbols

2. Masonry bonds
3. Doors and windows
4. Buildings with load bearing walls including details of doors and windows.
5. Taking standard drawings of a typical two storied building including all MEP.
6. Joinery, re-bars, finishing and other details and writing out a description of the RCC framed
7. Reinforcement drawings for typical slabs,
8. Reinforcement drawings for typical beams,
9. Reinforcement drawings for typical columns
10. Reinforcement drawings for typical spread footings.
11. Industrial buildings - North light roof structures - Trusses
12. Perspective view of one and two storey buildings

Course Outcomes:

At The end of the course the student will be able to

● Develop drawing skills for effective demonstration of building details.
● Draw building plans using Computer Aided Design and Drafting software’s.
● Develop engineering project drawings incorporating details and design parameters in 2D &
● Examine efficacy of CAD design.

1. Subhash C Sharma & Gurucharan Singh (2005), “Civil Engineering Drawing”, Standard
2. Ajeet Singh (2002), “Working with AUTOCAD 2000 with updates on AUTOCAD 200I”,
Tata- Mc Graw-Hill Company Limited, New Delhi
3. N. Kumara Swamy, A. Kameswara Rao “Building Planning and Drawing”


1. Balagopal and Prabhu (1987), “Building Drawing and Detailing”, Spades publishing KDR
building, Calicut, (Corresponding set of) CAD Software Theory and User Manuals.
2. Sikka, V.B. (2013), “A Course in Civil Engineering Drawing”, S. K. Kataria & Sons,
3. Sham Tickoo Swapna D (2009), “AUTOCAD for Engineers and Designers”, Pearson

77 Page
4. Venugopal (2007), “Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AUTOCAD”, New Age
International Pvt. Ltd.,
5. Nawari & Kuenstle,Building “Information Modeling (BIM): A framework for Structural
Design”, CRC press ISBN-13: 978-1482240436, ISBN-10: 1482240432, CRC Press, Taylor
and Francis Group. http://www.crcpress.com/; spring 2015. By N. Nawari & M. Kuenstle.
6. Eastman BIM Handbook: “A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners,
Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors”.

78 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


OBJECTIVE: The object of the course is to enable the students to identify the characteristics of
water sample.

1. Determination of pH and Electrical Conductivity (Salinity) of Water and Soil.
2. Determination and estimation of Total Hardness–Calcium & Magnesium.
3. Determination of Alkalinity/Acidity
4. Determination of Chlorides in water and soil
5. Determination and Estimation of total solids, organic solids and inorganic solids and
settleable solids by Imhoff Cone.
6. Determination of Iron.
7. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen with D.O. Meter & Wrinklers Method and B.O.D.
8. Determination of N, P, K values in solid waste
9. Physical parameters – Temperature, Colour, Odour, Turbidity, Taste.
10. Determination of C.O.D.
11. Determination of Optimum coagulant dose.
12. Determination of Chlorine demand.
13. Presumptive Coliform test.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

● Understand about quality of water and purification process
● Select appropriate technique for treatment of waste water.
● Assess the impact of air pollution
● Understand consequences of solid waste and its management.
● Design domestic plumbing systems.


1. G. S. Birdi “Water supply and sanitary Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai & Sons Publishers.
2. Peavy, H.S, Rowe, D. R. Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”, Mc-Graw –Hill
International Editions, New York 1985.

79 Page

1. B.C. Punmia, Ashok Jain & Arun Jain, “Water Supply Engineering, Vol. 1, Waste water
Engineering, Vol. II”, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
2. MetCalf and Eddy. “Wastewater Engineering, Treatment, Disposal and Reuse”, Tata
McGraw- Hill, New Delhi.
3. S. M. Patil, “Plumbing Engineering. Theory, Design and Practice”,1999.
4. K. N. Duggal, “Elements of environmental engineering”, S. Chand Publishers.

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OBJECTIVE: The object of the course is to enable the students to identify the physical
characteristics various rocks .


1. Physical properties of minerals: Mega-scopic identification of Rock forming minerals –

Quartz group, Feldspar group,
2. Identification of Rock forming minerals Garnet group, Mica group
3. Physical properties of minerals: Mega-scopic identification of Talc, Chlorite, Olivine,
Kyanite, Asbestos, Tourmelene, Calcite, Gypsum, etc…
4. Physical properties of minerals: Mega-scopic identification of Ore forming minerals –
Magnetite, Hematite, Pyrite, Pyralusite, Graphite, Chromite, etc…
5. Megascopic description and identification of Igneous rocks – Types of Granite,
Pegmatite, Gabbro, Dolerite, Syenite, Granite Poryphery, Basalt, etc…
6. Megascopic description and identification of Sedimentary rocks – Sand stone,
Ferrugineous sand stone, Lime stone, Shale, Laterite, Conglamorate, etc…
7. Megascopic description and identification of Metamorphic rocks – Biotite – Granite
Gneiss, Slate, Muscovite & Biotiteschist, Marble, Khondalite, etc…
8. Interpretation and drawing of sections for geological maps showing tilted beds
9. Interpretation and drawing of sections for geological maps showing faults,
10. Interpretation and drawing of sections for geological maps showing unconformities etc.
11. Simple Structural Geology problems.
12. Strength of the rock using laboratory tests.

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the students will be able to classify various
types of rocks, their properties and they will be familiar with interpretation of geological

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Areas for Socially Relevant Project in 5th Semester

a) Water quality analysis in a village /town

b) Survey camp

c) Road safety Audit

d) Environmental impact Audit

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Course Objectives :

The objective of this course is

 To Enable the student to understand the importance of constitution
 To understand the structure of executive, legislature and judiciary
 To understand philosophy of fundamental rights and duties
 To understand the autonomous nature of constitutional bodies like Supreme Court and
high court controller and auditor general of India and Election Commission of India.
 To understand the central-state relation in financial and administrative control



Introduction to Indian Constitution – Constitution -Meaning of the term - Indian Constitution-

Sources and constitutional history - Features– Citizenship – Preamble - Fundamental Rights and
Duties - Directive Principles of State Policy.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of Indian constitution
 Apply the knowledge on directive principle of state policy
 Analyze the History and features of Indian constitution
 Learn about Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties


Union Government and its Administration Structure of the Indian Union - Federalism - Centre-
State relationship – President’s Role, power and position - PM and Council of ministers -
Cabinet and Central Secretariat –Lok Sabha - Rajya Sabha - The Supreme Court and High Court
- Powers and Functions

83 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the structure of Indian government
 Differentiate between the state and central government
 Explain the role of President and Prime Minister
 Know the Structure of supreme court and High court


State Government and its Administration - Governor - Role and Position -CM and Council of
ministers - State Secretariat-Organization Structure and Functions

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the structure of state government
 Analyze the role of Governor and Chief Minister
 Explain the role of State Secretariat
 Differentiate between structure and functions of state secretariat


Local Administration - District’s Administration Head - Role and Importance - Municipalities -

Mayor and role of Elected Representatives -CEO of Municipal Corporation Pachayati Raj -
Functions– PRI –Zilla Parishath - Elected officials and their roles – CEO,Zilla Parishath - Block
level Organizational Hierarchy - (Different departments) - Village level - Role of Elected and
Appointed officials - Importance of grass root democracy

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the local Administration
 Compare and contrast district administration’s role and importance
 Analyze the role of Mayor and elected representatives of Municipalities
 Learn about the role ofZillaParishath block level organization

84 Page

Election Commission - Election Commission- Role of Chief Election Commissioner and

Election Commissionerate - State Election Commission -Functions of Commissions for the
welfare of SC/ST/OBC and Women

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Know the role of Election Commission
 Contrast and compare the role of Chief Election commissioner and Commissionerate
 Analyze the role of state election commission
 Evaluate various commissions viz SC/ST/OBC and women

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand historical background of the constitution making and its importance for
building a democratic India.
 Understand the functioning of three wings of the government ie., executive, legislative
and judiciary.
 Understand the value of the fundamental rights and duties for becoming good citizen of
 Analyze the decentralization of power between central, state and local self-government
 Apply the knowledge in strengthening of the constitutional institutions like CAG,
Election Commission and UPSC for sustaining democracy.


1. Durga Das Basu, “ Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice – Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd.. New Delhi
2. Subash Kashyap, “Indian Constitution”, National Book Trust


1. J.A. Siwach, “Dynamics of Indian Government & Politics”.

2. H.M.Sreevai, “Constitutional Law of India”, 4th edition in 3 volumes (Universal Law
3. J.C. Johari, “Indian Government and Politics”, Hans India
4. M.V. Pylee, “Indian Constitution Durga Das Basu, Human Rights in Constitutional Law,
Prentice”, Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.. New Delhi

85 Page

1.nptel.ac.in/courses/109104074/8 2.nptel.ac.in/courses/109104045/

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B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is:

 To enable the student to find out the index properties of the soil and classify it.
 To enable the student to determine permeability of soils using various methods.
 To impart the concept of seepage of water through soils and determine the seepage
 To enable the students to differentiate between compaction and consolidation of soils
and to determine the consolidation settlement.
 To impart knowledge on soil exploration.
 To teach slope stability and safety assessment of earth retaining structures.
 To impart knowledge on bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations.
 To throw light on pile and well foundation designs.


INTRODUCTION: Soil formation – soil structure – Adsorbed water – Mass- volume

relationship – Relative density. Index Properties Of Soils: Moisture Content, Specific Gravity,
In-situ density, Grain size analysis – Sieve and Hydrometer methods – consistency limits and
indices – I.S. Classification of soils.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the characteristics of soils
 Assess relationships between different parameters
 Determine soil properties
 Determine Liquid, Shrinkage and Plasticity Limits
 Characterize and classify soils based on different limits.


PERMEABILITY: Soil water – capillary rise – flow of water through soils – Darcy’s law-
permeability – Factors affecting – laboratory determination of coefficient of permeability –
Permeability of layered systems.

87 Page
SEEPAGE THROUGH SOILS: Total, neutral and effective stresses –quick sand condition –
Seepage through soils – Flow nets : Characteristics and Uses.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Determine the permeability of soils and stratified soils.
 Explain factors effecting permeability
 Estimate the rate of seepage using flow net


STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN SOILS: Boussinesq’s and Wester guard’s theories for point loads
and areas of different shapes – Newmark’s influence chart . Compaction: Mechanism of
compaction – factors affecting – effects of compaction on soil properties. – Field compaction
Equipment – compaction control.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Compute stresses in soils under various loading conditions.
 Explain compaction of soils
 Compaction control can be understand.


CONSOLIDATION : Types of compressibility – Immediate Settlement, primary consolidation

and secondary consolidation - stress history of clay; e-p and e-log p curves – normally
consolidated soil, over consolidated soil and under consolidated soil – pre-consolidation pressure
and its determination – Terzaghi’s 1-D consolidation theory – coefficient of consolidation:
square root time and logarithm of time fitting methods.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the consolidations and settlement of soils.
 Differentiate compaction and consolidation
 Assessment of final settlements of soil
 Differentiate primary and secondary consolidation

88 Page

SHEAR STRENGTH OF SOILS : Importance of shear strength – Mohr’s– Coulomb Failure

theories – Types of laboratory tests for strength parameters – strength tests based on drainage
conditions – strength envelops.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Can able to determine the shear strength of the soil.
 To understand the various shear tests based on drainage conditions.
Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

 Classify various types of soils using USCS and IS classification methods
 Understand the behavior of coarse grained and fine grained soils.
 Design earth dams using different methods.
 Calculate the stress distribution in foundations.
 Know the field Compaction control.
 Determination of settlement of foundations.
 Calculate the shear strength of soil under different drainage conditions.


1. Alam Singh and Chowdhary G. R., "Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice, Volume-2,
Geotechnical testing and instrumentation”, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi,
2. Dunnicliff J., and Green, G. E., "Geotechnical Instrumentation for Monitoring Field
Performance", John Wiley, 1993.

3. Purushotham Raj -2013-“Soil Mechanics and foundation engineering” – 2nd edition,

Pearson Publishers.


1. Bowles J. E., "Foundation Analysis and Design", 5th Edition, The McGraw-Hill
companies, Inc., New York, 1995.
2. C. Venkataramiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New age International Pvt . Ltd, (2002).
3. Hanna T. H., "Field Instrumentation in Geotechnical Engineering", Trans Tech., 1985.
4. Hunt R. E., "Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual”, McGraw Hill, 1984.

89 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives
 To teach different types of Connections and relevant IS code provision.
 To impart with design procedures of beams and columns.
 To enable Design of truss elements
 To enable design of column bases
 To teach design and Plate and Gantry Girders with curtailment of flanges.


Bolted connections – Bolt value, Welded connections: Advantages and disadvantages of
welding- Strength of welds-Butt and fillet welds: Permissible stresses – IS Code requirements.
Design of fillet weld subjected to in plane and out of plane.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand bolted and welded connections
 Estimate strength of welds
 Design Welded and Bolted connections as per IS Codal provisions


Tension Members and Compression members:

Design of members in direct tension and bending –effective length of columns. Slenderness ratio
– permissible stresses. Design of compression members. Roof Trusses: types of trusses – Design
loads – Load combinations as per IS Code, detailing –Design of simple roof trusses elements
(purlins, members and joints) – tubular trusses.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand behavior of tension members
 Understand behavior of compression members

90 Page
 Design and detail of Tension and compression members under different conditions
adopting IS Code.
 Design simple roof trusses and elements


Allowable stresses, design of simple and compound beams-Curtailment of flange plates - IS
Code-provision - Beam - to - beam connection, shear, buckling, check for deflection and bearing,
laterally unsupported beams.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand behavior of simple and compound beams
 Visualize importance of curtailment of flange plates
 Design and detail of steel beams under different conditions adopting IS Code.


Design of built-up columns and column bases:

Built-up columns with lacing and/or battening system. Design of Eccentrically loaded columns,
Splicing of columns. Design of Column bases: slab base and gusseted base under axial load
and moment.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand behavior of builtup columns
 Understand behavior of column bases
 Design and detail of built-up columns and column bases adopting IS Code.


Plate Girders:
Design of plate girder – IS code Provisions – Welded – Curtailment of flange plates,
Design of stiffeners – splicing and connections.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

91 Page
 Identify different components of plate girder
 Design and detail of components of plate girder confirming to IS Code
 Understand the functioning of gantry girder for different types of loads

NOTE :Assignment on preparation of drawing sheets showing detailing of various Steel


The students should prepare the following plates.

● Plate 1 Detailing of simple beams
● Plate 2 Detailing of Compound beams including curtailment of flanges
● Plate 3 Detailing of Column including lacing and battens.
● Plate 4 Detailing of Column bases – slab base and gusseted base
● Plate 5 Detailing of steel roof trusses including joint details.
● Plate 6 Detailing of Plate girder including curtailment, splicing
Codes/Tables: IS-800 code books and Structural Steel Tables are to be permitted into the
examination Hall.
I S Codes:
1) Indian Standard Code for General Construction in Steel, 3 rd revision, Indian Standards
Institution, New Delhi, 2008.
2) IS – 875, Code of practice for design loads (other than earth quake) for buildings and
structures (Part-1-Part 5), Bureau of Indian standards.
3) Steel Tables.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course the student will be able to
 Explain relevant IS codes
 Analysis and design of flexural members and detailing
 Design compression members of different types with connection detailing
 Design Plate Girder and Gantry Girder with connection detailing
 Develop drawings pertaining to different components of steel structures

1. N. Subramanian, “Design of Steel Structures Limit state method”, (IS:800-2007) Oxford
University Press.
2. S. K. Duggal, “Design of steel structures”, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.
3. N. Krishna Raju; “Structural Design and Drawing”, 4th edition, (IS:800-2007) University Press

92 Page

1. Sarwar Alam Raz, “Structural Design in Steel”, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
2. M. Raghupathi, “Design of Steel Structures”, Tata Mc. Graw-Hill.
3. L.S.Jayagopal and D.Tensing, “Design of steel structures”, Vikas publishers

93 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



The course is designed to train students in receptive (listening and reading) as well as productive
and interactive (speaking and writing) skills by incorporating a comprehensive, coherent and
integrated approach that improves the learners’ ability to effectively use English language skills
in academic/ workplace contexts. The shift is from learning about the language to using the
language. They shouldbe able to express themselves clearly in speech and competently handle
the writing tasks and verbal ability component of campus placement tests. Activity based
teaching-learning methods would be adopted to ensure that learners would engage in actual use
of language both in the classroom and laboratory sessions.

Course Objectives

 Facilitate active listening to enable inferential learning through expert lectures and talks
 Impart critical reading strategies for comprehension of complex texts
 Provide training and opportunities to develop fluency in English through participation in
formal group discussions and presentations using audio-visual aids
 Demonstrate good writing skills for effective paraphrasing, argumentative essays and
formal correspondence
 Encourage use of a wide range of grammatical structures and vocabulary in speech and



1. Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey - William Wordsworth

2. The Lotos-Eaters - Alfred Tennyson
Listening: Listening to famous speeches for structure and style
Speaking: Oral presentations on general topics of interest.
Reading: Reading for meaning and pleasure – reading between the lines.
Writing: Appreciating and analyzing a poem –Paraphrasing, note-taking.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Tenses (Advanced Level) Correcting errors in punctuation -Word
roots and affixes.

94 Page
Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand the purpose of rhythm and rhyme and the use of figures of speech in making
the presentation lively and attractive
 Apply the knowledge of structure and style in a presentation, identify the audience and
make note of key points
 Make formal structured presentations on general topics using grammatical
 Prioritize information from reading texts after selecting relevant and useful points
 Paraphrase short academic texts using suitable strategies and conventions


Text: The Model Millionaire – Oscar Wilde

Listening: Following the development of theme; answering questions on key concepts after
listening to stories online.
Speaking: Narrating personal experiences and opinions.
Reading: Reading for summarizing and paraphrasing; recognizing the difference between facts
and opinions.
Writing: Summarizing, précis writing, letter and note-making
Grammar and Vocabulary: Subject-verb agreement, noun-pronoun agreement, collocations.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Comprehend academic lectures, take notes and answer questions
 Make formal structured presentations on academic topics
 Distinguish facts from opinions while reading
 Summarize and make a précis of reports
 Use correct english avoiding common errors in formal speech and writing


Text: Speech at IIM Calcutta – AzimPremji

Listening: Identifying views and opinions expressed by different speakers while listening to
Speaking: Small talks on general topics; agreeing and disagreeing, using claims and examples/
evidences for presenting views, opinions and position.
Reading: Identifying claims, evidences, views, opinions and stance/position.

95 Page
Writing: Writing structured persuasive/argumentative essays on topics of general interest using
suitable claims, examples and evidences.
Grammar and Vocabulary: The use of Active and passive Voice, vocabulary for academic

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Critically follow and participate in a discussion
 Participate in group discussions using appropriate conventions and language strategies
 Comprehend complex texts and identify the author’s purpose
 Produce logically coherent argumentative essays
 Use appropriate vocabulary to express ideas and opinions

Text: A Biography of Steve Jobs
Listening: Listening to identify important moments - Understanding inferences; processing of
information using specific context clues from the audio.
Speaking: Group discussion; reaching consensus in group work (academic context).
Reading: Reading for inferential comprehension.
Writing: Applying for internship/ job - Writing one’s CV/Resume and cover letter.
Grammar and Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs, phrasal prepositions and technical vocabulary.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Draw inferences and conclusions using prior knowledge and verbal cues
 Express thoughts and ideas with acceptable accuracy and fluency
 Develop advanced reading skills for deeper understanding of texts
 Prepare a cv and write a cover letter to seek internship/ job
 Understand the use of technical vocabulary in academic writing

Text: How I Became a Public Speaker - George Bernard Shaw
Listening: Understanding inferences - processing of explicit information presented in the text
and implicit information inferable from the text or from previous/background knowledge.
Speaking: Formal team presentations on academic/ general topics.
Reading: Intensive and extensive reading.
Writing: Structure and contents of a Report – Abstract – Project report features.

96 Page
Grammar and Vocabulary: Correcting common errors, improving vocabulary and avoiding
clichés and jargons.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Develop advanced listening skills for in-depth understanding of academic texts
 Collaborate with a partner to make effective presentations
 Understand and apply the structure of project reports
 Demonstrate ability to use grammatically correct structures and a wide range of

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the learners will be able to

 Understand the context, topic, and pieces of specific information from social or
transactional dialogues spoken by native speakers of English
 Apply grammatical structures to formulate sentences and correct word forms
 Analyze discourse markers to speak clearly on a specific topic in informal discussions
 Evaluate reading/listening texts and to write summaries based on global comprehension
of these texts.
 Create a coherent paragraph interpreting a figure/graph/chart/table

Prescribed Book

1. Forging Ahead: A Course Book for B.Tech Students. Orient BlackSwan, 2020.

Reference Books

1. Bailey, Stephen. “Academic writing: A handbook for international students”.

Routledge, 2014.
2. Chase, Becky Tarver. Pathways: “Listening, Speaking and Critical Thinking”
, Heinley ELT; 2nd Edition, 2018.
3. Skillful Level 2 Reading & Writing Student's Book Pack (B1) Macmillan
4. Hewings, Martin. “Cambridge Academic English (B2)”. CUP, 2012. (Student Book,
Teacher Resource Book, CD & DVD)

97 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objective

 To describe causes of distress in concrete structures and plan repair strategies.

 To explain issues on serviceability and durability of concrete.
 To throw light on various repair materials and their characteristics.
 To demonstrate repair techniques and protection measures.
 To illustrate suitable retrofitting schemes.


Maintenance and repair strategies:

Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation, Facets of Maintenance, importance of Maintenance,
Various aspects of Inspection, Assessment procedure for evaluating a damaged structure, causes
of deterioration.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand importance and requirement of maintenance
 Gain knowledge on quantification of repairs and documentation


Serviceability and Durability of Concrete

Quality assurance for concrete – Strength, Durability and Thermal properties, of concrete
Cracks, different types, causes – Effects due to climate, temperature, Sustained elevated
temperature, Corrosion - Effects of cover thickness and cracking.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand serviceability and durability issues in concrete structures.
 Explain effect due to natural elements on structures

98 Page

Materials for Repair

Special concretes and mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength gain,
Expansive cement, polymer concrete, sulphur infiltrated concrete, Ferro cement, Fiber reinforced

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 List characteristics of materials used for repair.
 Understand suitability of certain materials for a specific type of repair


Techniques for Repair and Protection Methods

Rust eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during repair, foamed concrete, mortar and
drypack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and Shotcrete, Epoxy injection, Mortar repair for cracks,
shoring and underpinning. Methods of corrosion protection, corrosion inhibitors, corrosion
resistant steels, coatings and cathodic protection. Engineered demolition techniques for
dilapidated structures – case studies

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Explain techniques for repair and rehabilitation.
 Understand methods of corrosion protection and inhibition


Retrofitting of Structures
Repairs to overcome low member strength. Deflection, Cracking, Chemical disruption,
weathering corrosion, wear, fire, leakage and marine exposure.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Develop effective strategies for retrofitting.

99 Page
Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to,

● Understand evaluation procedure and plan for repair.
● Design suitable rehabilitation scheme for serviceability and durability.
● Choose suitable repair material for different magnitudes of distress.
● Apply efficient repair and retrofitting schemes.


1. Dension Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, “ Concrete Structures”, Materials,

2. “Maintenance and Repair”, Longman Scientific and Technical, U.K.


1. R T. Allen and S.C. Edwards, “Repair of concrete Structures”, Blakie and sons, UK.
2. Santhakumar, A. R. “Training Course notes on damage assessment and Repair in Structures”
3. Raikar, R. N. Learning from failures – “deficiencies in Design, construction and service”
R&D centre (SDCPL), Raikar Bhavan, Bombay.
4. N. Palaniappan, “Estate Management, Anna Institute of Management”, Madras.
5. F. K. Garas, J. L. Clarke, G.S.T. Armer, “Structural Assessment”, Butterworths, UK.
6. A.R. Santhakumar, “Concrete chemicals – Theory and applications, Indian society for
construction Engineering and Technology”, Madras.

100 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is:

 To understand need for different ground improvement methods adopted for
improving the properties of re-moulded and in-situ soils by adopting different
 To make the student understand how the reinforced earth technology and soil nailing
can obviate the problems posed by the conventional retaining walls.
 To know geo-textiles and geo-synthetics can to improve the performance of soils.
 To learn the concepts, purpose and effects of grouting.


In situ densification methods- in situ densification of granular soils- vibration at ground surface
and at depth, impact at ground and at depth – in situ densification of cohesive soils – pre loading
– vertical drains – sand drains and geo drains – stone columns.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand methods of in-situ densification
 Study different types of drains for soil densification


Dewatering – sumps and interceptor ditches – single and multi stage well points – vacuum well
points – horizontal wells – criteria for choice of filler material around drains – electro osmosis

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand methods of dewatering
 Study different types of dewatering and working criteria

101 Page

Stabilization of soils – methods of soil stabilization – mechanical – cement – lime – bitumen and
polymer stabilization – use of industrial wastes like fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study different methods of stabilization of soils
 Study utilization of industrial wastes to stabilize soils


Reinforce earth – principles – components of reinforced earth – design principles of reinforced

earth walls – stability checks – soil nailing

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand principles of reinforced earth in ground improvement
 Study procedures for verification of stability of slopes.


Geo-synthetics – Geo-textiles – types – functions, properties and applications – Geo-grids, Geo-

membranes and gabions - properties and applications.
Grouting – objectives of grouting – grouts and their applications – methods of grouting – stage of
grouting – hydraulic fracturing in soils and rocks – post grout tests

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Utilization of advanced materials for ground improvement
 Compare different types of synthetic based soil stabilization material and understand
 Understand methods of grouting
 Assess efficiency of grouting adopting different tests

102 Page
Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, the student should be able to

● Perceive the knowledge of various methods of ground improvement and their suitability
to different field situations.
● Design a reinforced earth embankment and check its stability.
● Understand the functions of Geo-synthetics and their applications in Civil Engineering
● Understand the concepts and applications of grouting.


1. Manfred R. Haussmann, “Engineering Principles of Ground Modification:, McGraw Hill Pub.

Co.,NewYork, 1990
2. Purushotham Raj, “Ground Improvement Techniques”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.


1. G. L. Siva Kumar Babu, “An introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics”,

Universities Press.
2. M. P. Moseley, “Ground Improvement, Blackie Academic and Professional”, USA.
3. Nihar Ranjan Patro, “Ground Improvement Techniques”, Vikas Publishing House (p)
Limited, New Delhi.
4. R. M. Koerner, “Designing with Geo-synthetics”, Prentice Hall

103 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To teach the basics of air pollution

 To impart the behavior of air due to metrological influence
 To throw light on air quality management
 To teach the design of air pollution control methods


Air Pollution:
Sampling and analysis of air pollutants, conversion of ppm into µg/m3. Definition of terms
related to air pollution and control - secondary pollutants - Indoor air pollution – Ozone holes
and Climate Change and its impact - Carbon Trade.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Learn the basics of air pollutants.
 Estimate the impact of air pollution


Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Air-pollution:

Applications in the removal of gases like SOx, NOx, CO and HC - Air-fuel ratio- Computation
and Control of products of combustion, Automobile pollution. Odour pollution control, Flares.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Analyse and compute the parameters of air pollutants
 Evaluate procedures for control of pollution

104 Page

Meteorology and Air Pollution:

Properties of atmosphere: Heat, Pressure, Wind forces, Moisture and relative Humidity, Lapse
Rates - Influence of Terrain and Meteorological phenomena on plume behavior and Air Quality -
Wind rose diagrams and Isopleths- Plume Rise Models

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study properties of atmosphere
 Learn plume behavior in different environmental conditions


Ambient Air Quality Management:

Monitoring of SPM - RPM SO2; NOx and CO - Stack Monitoring for flue gases - Micro-
meteorological monitoring – Noise Monitoring - Weather Station. Emission Standards- Gaussian
Model for Plume Dispersion.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study he air quality management.
 Visualize emissions and their permissible standards


Air Pollution Control Methods:

Control of particulates – Control at Sources, Process Changes, Equipment modifications, Design
and operation of Control Equipments –Control of NOx and SOx emissions – Environmental
friendly fuels - In-plant Control Measures, process changes, methods of removal and recycling.
Environmental criteria for setting industries and green belts.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Learn the design principles of particulate and gaseous control.

 Develop environmental friendly fuels and study their properties.

105 Page
Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

● Evaluating the ambient air quality based on the analysis of air pollutants
● Design particulate and gaseous control measures for an industry
● Judge the plume behavior in a prevailing environmental condition
● Estimate carbon credits for various day to day activities


1. M. N. Rao and H. V. N. Rao, “Air Pollution”, Tata McGraw Hill Company.

2. K. V. S. G. Murali Krishna, “Air Pollution and Control”, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,


1. R. K. Trivedy and P. K. Goel, “An Introduction to Air pollution”, B.S. Publications.

2. Wark and Warner, Air Pollution, Harper & Row, New York.
3. Garg, S. K, “Environmental Engineering Vol. II (Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution
Engineering)”, Khanna Publishers.
4. Arya, S. P., “Air Pollution Meteorology and Dispersion”, Oxford University Press.

106 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to:

 Comprehend different parts of railway track and their functions.
 Teach track construction and engineering applications
 Explain different essential features and requirements of different types of crossings
 Demonstrate signaling system and maintenance of tracks



Introduction to Indian Railways:

History and Importance of Indian Railways Construction and Maintenance- Permanent Way -
Components-Rails, sleepers, ballast-functions and requirements- Gauges, Types, Uniformity of
Gauge- Different Gauges in Indian Railways- Associated problems- Ideal Alignment- Standard
Rail Sections- Causes and Effects of Creep- Measurement to Reduce Creep- Fixtures and

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the basics of railway components.
 Acquaint with gauges, alignment and standard rail sections.
 Understand different types of fixtures and fastenings


Geometric Design of Railway Track:

Geometric design of railway track- Horizontal curves-radius and degree of curve-Cant-Cant
Deficiency – Negative Cant – Permissible speed on railway tracks – Gradients- Grade
Compensation On Curves.

107 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the geometric elements of railway track.
 Design the geometrics of railway track.


Rail way signals

Classification of Railway Signals – Semaphore Signals- Working Philosophy Of Semaphore
Signal – Other Types Of Signals – Their Functions .

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the types and classification of signals.
 Understand the functions of various types of signals.


Railway Stations and Yards: Purposes- Facilities Required At Railway Stations- Classification
Of Stations - Requirements Of Station Yard- Classification Of Yards – Terminals – Junctions –

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the different types of Stations and Yards.
 Understand the functions associated with stations and yards.


Railway Control Systems:

Introduction – Different Types Of Control Systems – Absolute Block System – Automatic Block
System – Operational Philosophy of these systems.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the types of control systems.

108 Page
 Understand the operational philosophy of control systems.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

● Explain components of Railway track, different Gauges.
● Design Track Gradients as per given requirements.
● Designing various types of Track Turnouts.
● Understand purposes and facilities at railway stations.
● Explain interlocking and modern signal systems.
● Identify surface defects on Railway Track and their remedial measures.

1. S. C. Saxena and S. P. Arora, “A Text book of Railway Engineering”, Dhanpatrai &
Sons, Delhi.
2. C.Venkataramaiah., “Transportation Engineering (Vol – II)”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd,

1. Satish Chandra and M. M. Agarwal, “Railway Engineering”, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi
2. R. Srinivasa Kumar, “Transportation Engineering”, Railways, Airports, Docks and
Harbors Universities Press Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. 2014.
3. Vazirani & Chandola, “Transportation Engineering Vol I & II”
4. K. P. Subramanian, “Highway, Railway, Airport and Harbor Engineering”, Sci.Tech

109 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

 To teach concepts of Power potential in the world and India

 To impart with different types of Hydropower Plants and Classification
 To demonstrate different Water Conveyance systems
 To teach about different turbine draft tubes and water hammer effect
 To throw light on Planning and Design of Power house


Introduction: Sources of power - Status of Power potential in the world and India. Transmission
voltages and Hydropower - Estimation of water power potential. Source of Hydropower - Runoff
and Stream flow. Stream flow analysis - Hydrograph, Mass curve and Flow duration curve.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the basics of hydro power system.


Hydropower Plants - Classification - Low and High head plants, Pumped storage plants Run - of
- river plants - General arrangement of Run - of - river plants, Valley dam plants, High head
diversion plants. Pumped storage plants - Advantages - Types of Pumped storage plants, Two
and three unit arrangements.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Classify and components of hydro power plants.


a. Water Conveyance systems.

Penstocks, Anchor blocks - Design criteria for Penstocks - Economical diameter of Penstock.
Anchor blocks - Design principles of Anchor blocks. Valves, Bends and Manifolds

110 Page
b. Intakes, canals and tunnels - Types of Intakes, Losses in Intakes, Air entrainment at Intakes -
Inlet Aeration. Trash racks.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Acquire Knowledge on external components of hydro power plants.


Turbines - Main types - Hydraulic features - Turbine site, Constructional features - Lay out and
arrangement. Draft tubes - Cavitation in Turbines - Governing of Turbines. Turbine
Characteristics - Model testing - Water Hammer - Resonance in Penstocks. Surge tanks - Types
and design principles of Simple Surge Tank.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Classify the turbine categories
 Design different types of turbines.

Power house planning - Surface Power stations - Power house structure - Power house
dimensions - Lighting and ventilations in Power house. Underground power stations - Location
of Underground Power station - Components of Underground Power station. Features of some
Typical Hydro - Power projects in India.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the concepts related to planning of hydro power plants.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course the student will be able to

 Understand the different sources of hydropower and estimation of potential.
 Hypothesizing the relevant procedures for planning hydro power plants.
 Design effective water conveyance systems and design.
 Design power house and features.

111 Page

1. S. K. Garg, “Irrigation engineering and Hydraulic structures”, Standard Book House.

2. Punmia & Lal, “Irrigation and water power engineering” Laxmi publications Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.


1. S K Sharma, “A Textbook Of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, S. Chand

and Company Limited, New Delhi
2. P. N. Modi, “Irrigation and Water Resources & Water Power”, Standard Book House.
3. G. L. Asawa, “Irrigation and water resources engineering”, New Age International
4. Dilip Kumar Majumdar, “Irrigation water management”, Principles and Practice, PHI
Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi.

112 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To teach Health and Environment Concerns in waste water management

 To teach material balance and design aspects of the reactors used in waste water
 To impart knowledge on selection of treatment methods for industrial waste water
 To teach common methods of treatment in different industries
 To provide knowledge on operational problems of common effluent treatment plant


Industrial water Quantity and Quality requirements:

Boiler and cooling waters–Process water for Textiles, Food processing, Brewery Industries,
power plants, fertilizers, sugar mills Selection of source based on quality, quantity and
economics. Use of Municipal wastewater in Industries – Adsorption, Reverse Osmosis, Ion
Exchange, Ultra filtration, Freezing, Elutriation, Removal of Colour, Odour and Taste.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
 Learn the procedures for assessment of quality of Industrial water
 Suggest different processes of handling waste water


Basic theories of Industrial Wastewater Management: Industrial waste survey - Measurement

of industrial wastewater Flow-generation rates – Industrial wastewater sampling and preservation
of samples for analysis -Wastewater characterization-Toxicity of industrial effluents-Treatment
of wastewater-unit operations and processes-Volume and Strength reduction – Neutralization and
Equalization, Segregation and proportioning- recycling, reuse and resources recovery

113 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Measure industrial waste water flow
 Characterize waste water
 Suggest techniques for treatment of waste water.


Industrial wastewater disposal management: Discharges into Streams, Lakes and oceans and
associated problems, Land treatment - Common Effluent Treatment Plants: advantages and
suitability, Limitations and challenges- Recirculation of Industrial Wastes- Effluent Disposal

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand options for waste water disposal.
 Explain functioning of common effluent treatment plants

Process and Treatment of specific Industries-1: Manufacturing Process and origin,
characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Steel plants, Fertilizers,
Textiles, Paper and Pulp industries, Oil Refineries, Coal and Gas based Power Plants

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand the character of waste water from Steel plants and refineries
 Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques


Process and Treatment of specific Industries-2: Manufacturing Process and origin,

characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Tanneries, Sugar Mills,
Distillers, Dairy and Food Processing industries, Pharmaceutical Plants

114 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand the character of waste water from tanneries and distilleries

 Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
● Design treatment methods for any industrial wastewater.
● Examine the manufacturing process of various industries.
● Assess need for common effluent treatment plant for an industry
● Test and analyze BOD, COD, TSS and MPN in waste water.

1. M. N. Rao and A. K. Dutta, “Wastewater Treatment”, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
2. K.V. S. G. Murali Krishna, “Industrial Water and Wastewater Management”.

1. A. D. Patwardhan, “Industrial Wastewater treatment”, PHI Learning, Delhi
2.Metcalf and Eddy Inc., “Wastewater Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill co., New Delhi.
3.G. L. Karia & R.A. “Christian Wastewater Treatment- Concepts and Design Approach”,
Prentice Hall of India.

115 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To impart knowledge in concepts of building maintenance

 To insists the student to observe various practices of good building maintenance
 To teach the importance safety in buildings
 To demonstrate the use of ventilation in buildings.
 To give the list of different types of machineries in buildings

PLUMBING SERVICES: Water supply system- fixing of pipes in buildings – maintenance
of buildings- water meters-sanitary fittings-design of building drainage- gas supply systems

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand water supply system
 Understand the building drainage system.


VENTILATION: Necessity of ventilation – functional requirements – systems of

ventilation-natural ventilation-artificial ventilation-air conditioning-systems of air
conditioning-essentials of air conditioning-protection against fire caused by air
conditioning systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand concepts of ventilation
 Understand concepts of air conditioning

116 Page
THERMAL INSULATION: Heat transfer system-thermal insulating materials-methods
of thermal insulation-economics of thermal insulation-thermal insulation of exposed
walls, doors,windows and roofs.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand methods of insulation
 Understand materials of insulation


FIRE SAFETY: Causes of fire in buildings-fire safety regulations-charecteristics of fire

resisting materials- fire resistant construction-heat and smoke detecters-fire alarms-fire
fighting pump and water storage.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand safety regulations of fire system
 Know about the implementation and usage of various fire resistant materials in
building construction


MACHINERIES IN BUILDINGS: Lifts-essential requirements-design considerations-

escalators-essential requirements-electrical installations in buildings-lighting in
buildings-methods of electrical wiring-earthing

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understanding of different machineries of buildings
 Understanding of electrical installation of buildings

117 Page
Course Outcomes:

Student will be able to understand

 Concepts of plumbing, drainage system and gas supply system
 Concepts of ventilation and air conditioning
 Concepts of thermal insulation and economics of thermal insulation
 Concepts of fire safety in buildings and fire resistant construction
 Concepts of different machineries of buildings


1. B.C.Punmia, Er. Ashok K jain, Arun K Jain “Building construction”, Laxmi

publications pvt.ltd. New Delhi.
2. Janardhan Jah, S.K Sinha, “Building construction”, Khanna publishers
3. Rangwala, “Building construction”, Charothar publishing house.


1. David V Chaddrton, “Building services engineering”, Outledge

2. P.C Varghees “Building construction”, Printice hall india

118 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

 To understand the basic concepts of Automation

 To understand the concepts of automation cycle and hardware components
 To gain knowledge about pneumatic and hydraulic devices
 To understand the concepts of sensors and actuators
 To know the use of Robotics used in industries automation


Introduction to Automation

Definition and fundamentals of automation, reasons for Automating, basic elements of an

automated system: Power, Program and control system, safety, maintenance & repair diagnosis,
error detection and recovery, Automation principles and strategies: USA principle, strategies of
automation and production system, automation migration strategy
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To understand the fundamental concepts of automation and its basic elements
 To understand system safety requirements
 To understand about maintenance and repair strategies
 To know about production system automation


Mechanization and Automation

Basic principles of Mechanization and automation, product cycle, hard Vs flexible automation,
Capital- intensive Vs low cost automation. Types of systems-mechanical, electrical, hydraulic,
pneumatic and hybrid systems, Automation using CAMS, Geneva mechanisms, gears etc.
Assembly line Automation: automated assembly systems, transfer systems, vibratory bowl
feeders, non-vibratory feeders, part orienting, feed track, part placing & part escapement
systems. Introduction to Material storage/ handling and transport systems, and its automation
using AS/RS, AGVS and conveyors etc.

119 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To know about how to analyse the various automation methods
 To know about assembling and placing of various parts
 To distinguish between mechanization and automation of systems
 To know about material storage, handling and automation using various approaches


Pneumatics and hydraulics

Hydraulic and pneumatic devices-Different types of valves, Actuators and auxiliary elements in
Pneumatics & hydraulics , their applications and use of their ISO symbols. Synthesis and design
of circuits (up to 3 cylinders)–pneumatic, electro pneumatics and hydraulics. Design of Electro-
Pneumatic Circuits using single solenoid and double solenoid valves; with and without grouping.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To know design of various pneumatic and hydraulic components
 To understand about synthesis and design of Pneumatic circuits
 To understand about electro pneumatic circuits
 To design using various solenoid valves with and without grouping


Sensors & Actuators Sensors

Selection of sensors (Displacement, temperature, acceleration, force /pressure) based on static

and dynamic characteristics. Interfacing: Concept of interfacing, bit accuracy and sampling
speed, amplifying electronics, and microcontroller. Actuators: Principle and selection of electro
mechanical actuators (1) DC motors (2) Stepper Motors (3) Solenoid Actuators (4) Servo Motors
(5) BLDC
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To know about selection of sensors and actuators based on dynamic characteristics
 To understand about necessity of interfacing sensors with Microcontroller
 To understand principle and selection of actuators
 To apply various electro mechanical actuators to certain machines

120 Page

Robots and their applications

Introduction to robots, Types, Classifications, Selection of robots, Robot Degrees of freedom,

Robot configuration, Accuracy and repeatability, Specification of a robot, Robot feedback
controls: Point to point control and Continuous path control, Control system for robot joint,
Adaptive control, Drives and transmission systems, End effectors, Industrial robot applications
of robots

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To know about Robots, classification, selection and specifications
 To understand the use of robotics in industrial applications
 To know about various feedback controls of Robot
 To understand how adaptive control strategies can be used in Robots

Course Outcomes:

1. Understand the basic concepts of Industrial automation

2. Design and analysis of automation methods, placing and assembling of various parts
3. Design of various processing and control circuits using pneumatic and hydraulic elements
4. Selection of sensors based on the industrial application
5. Role of robotics in industrial applications


1. Stamatios Manesis and George Nikolakopoulos, “Introduction to Industrial Automation”,

CRC Press, 2018.
2. Frank Lamb, “Industrial Automation”, Hands on, Mc Graw Hill Education, 2013.


1. Richerd L. Shell and Ernest L. Hall, “Hand Book of Industrial Automation”, CRC Press,

121 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

To make the students learn about:

 The Basic concepts, rules for combining probabilities of events, failure density and
distribution functions.
 Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability and types of redundancies.
 Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability using conditional probability method.
 Expected value and standard deviation of Exponential distribution and Measures of
 Evaluation of Limiting State Probabilities of one, two component repairable models.


Basic Probability Theory

Basic concepts – Rules for combining Probabilities of events – Failure Density and Distribution
functions – Bernoulli’s trials – Binomial distribution – Expected value and standard deviation for
binomial distribution – Examples

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 To know about basic rules for probabilities of events
 To distinguish between pdf and cdf
 Get detailed information about Probability of failure density and distribution functions
 Obtain the expected value and standard deviation for binomial distribution.


Network Modeling and Reliability Evaluation

Basic concepts – Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability – Series systems, Parallel

systems, Series - Parallel systems, partially redundant systems – Types of redundancies -
Evaluation of network Reliability / Unreliability using conditional probability method – Paths
based and Cutset based approach – complete event tree and reduced event tree methods -

122 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 How to find the Probability of success and failures of network using different approaches
for series-parallel configurations.
 Classification of redundancies.
 To find reliability / unreliability of complex systems using different methods
 Comparison of approaches to solve probability index of SISO system


Time Dependent Probability

Basic concepts – Reliability functions f(t), Q(t), R(t), h(t) – Relationship between these functions
– Bath tub curve – Exponential failure density and distribution functions - Expected value and
standard deviation of Exponential distribution – Measures of reliability – MTTF, MTTR, MTBF
– Evaluation of network reliability / Unreliability of simple Series, Parallel, Series-Parallel
systems - Partially redundant systems - Evaluation of reliability measure – MTTF for series and
parallel systems – Examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concepts of time domain functions and relationship between them.
 Obtain the expected value and standard deviation for exponential distribution.
 Obtain the values of probabilistic measures for series and parallel configurations.
 To obtain probabilistic measures for fully redundant and partially redundant


Discrete Markov Chains & Continuous Markov Processes

Markov Chains:Basic concepts – Stochastic transitional Probability matrix – time dependent

probability evaluation – Limiting State Probability evaluation – Absorbing states.
Markov Processes: Modeling concepts – State space diagrams – time dependent reliability
evaluation of single component repairable model – Evaluation of Limiting State Probabilities of
one, two component repairable models – Frequency and duration concepts – Frequency balance
approach - Examples.

123 Page
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the concepts of Stochastic Transitional Probability Matrix, Limiting State
 To know about evaluation for one and two component repairable models.
 Understand the concept of Frequency balance approach.
 To distinguish between Markov chains and Markov processes


Multi Component & Approximate System Reliability Evaluation

Recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional rates– cumulative probability and
cumulative frequency and ‘n’ component repairable model – Series systems, Parallel systems,
Basic probability indices – Series, Parallel systems – Complex Systems– Cutset approach –

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concepts of recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional
 Obtain the cumulative probability and cumulative frequency for different systems
 To know about computation of basic probability indices for series, parallel configurations
 To know how to evaluate basic probability indices using cut set approach

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the student should be able to do the following:
 Understand the concepts for combining Probabilities of events, Bernoulli’s trial, and
Binomial distribution.
 Network Reliability/Unreliability using conditional probability, path and cutset based
approach, complete event tree and reduced event tree methods.
 Understanding Reliability functions and to develop relationship between these functions,
expected value and standard deviation of Exponential distribution and measures of
 Analyze the time dependent reliability evaluation of single component repairable model,
frequency and duration concepts, Frequency balance approach.
 Recursive relation for evaluation of equivalent transitional rates, cumulative probability
and cumulative frequency and ‘n’ component repairable model.

124 Page
Text Books:

1. Roy Billinton and Ronald N. Allan, “Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems”,

Reprinted in India B. S. Publications, 2007.
2. E. Balagurusamy, “Reliability Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.

Reference Books:

1. E. E. Lewis , “Introduction to Reliability Engineering” Wiley Publications.

2. Charles E. Ebeling, “Reliability and Maintainability Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. by Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit and Durga Rao Karanki, Springer, “Reliability and
Safety Engineering” 2nd edition, 2016.
4. Rausand and Arnljot Hoyland, “System Reliability Theory Marvin”, Wiley Publictions.

125 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

 Familiarize the technologies behind modern mechatronic systems.

 Explain fundamentals for the development of fully automated system.
 Develop a robotic or automated systems focusing on the hardware and software
 Demonstrate the development and design of mechatronic system and MEMS.


Introduction: Definition of Mechatronics, Need for Mechatronics in Industry, Objectives of

mechatronics, mechatronics design process, Mechatronics key elements, mechatronics
applications – Computer numerical control (CNC) machines, Tool monitoring systems, Flexible
manufacturing system (FMS), Industrial Robots, Automatic packaging systems, Automatic
inspection systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the role of mechatronics in industry.(l2)
 Identify the application of mechatronics in automation industry.(l3)


Sensors: Static characteristics of sensors, Displacement, Position and Proximity sensors, Force
and torque sensors, Pressure sensors, Flow sensors, Temperature sensors, Acceleration sensors,
Level sensors, Light sensors, Smart material sensors, Micro and Nano sensors, Selection criteria
for sensors.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Classify various types of sensors. (l2)
 Choose sensors for particular application. (l3)
 Measure different quantity’s using sensors. (l4)


126 Page
Actuators: Mechanical, Electrical, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Actuation systems, Characteristics
and their limitations, Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic circuits, Piezoelectric actuators, Shape
memory alloys, Selection criteria for actuators.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Classify various actuation systems. (l2)
 Choose the criterion for different actuators. (l1)


Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Controllers: Architecture of

of Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Programmable Logic Controller, PLC Programming
using ladder diagrams, logics, latching, sequencing, timers relays and counters, data handling,
Analog input/output, selection of controllers.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the architecture of microprocessors, microcontrollers and PLC. (L2)
 Formulate various programs using PLC. (L6)


Design of mechotronics systems, Mechotronics design elements, Traditional mechatronics

systems, Embedded systems, Procedure for designing a mechotronic systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understanding design of mechotronics . (L2)
 Various Mechotronics systems. (L4)
 Design Aspects of Mechotronic systems. (L2)

127 Page
Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this unit, the student will be able to:
 Explain mechatronics systems in industry. (l2)
 Identify mechatronic systems encountered in practice. (l3)
 Examine the components of a typical mechatronic system. (l4)
 Compare the various techniques used for development of mems. (l4)
 Develop programs using plc. (l6)

Text books:

1. Er R. Rajput, “ A Text book of Mechatronics”, S.Chand,2nd edition-2016.

2. James J Allen, “Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design”, CRC Press Taylor &
Francis group, 2005.

Reference Text books:

1. WBolton, “Mechatronics Electronics Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical

Engineering”, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Press, 2005.
2. Devadas Shetty and Richard A Kolk, “Mechatronic System Design”, 2nd edition, Cengage
learning, 2010.
3. Clarence W. de Silva, “Mechatronics an Integrated Approach”, CRC Press, 2004.
4. Ganesh S Hedge, “Mechatronics”, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010.

128 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives

 Introduce basics of MATLAB

 Familiarize the fundamentals of optimization
 Explain single variable optimization using various methods
 Implement multi variable optimization using various methods
 Train various evolutionary algorithms.


Introduction to MAT LAB: Overview, MATLAB Preliminaries, Basics of MATLAB, Beyond

the Basics of MATLAB, Popular Functions and Commands, Plotting using MATLAB,
Optimization with MATLAB.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Write simple codes in MATLAB. (L3)
 Plot the data using MATLAB. (L3)
 Implement optimization models in MATLAB. (L3)


Introduction to Optimization: Statement of an optimization problem, Classifications of

optimization Problems: Single variable optimization, Multi variable optimization with no
constraints, Multi variable optimization with equality constraints, Multi variable optimization
with inequality constraints, Convex and Concave programming.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Build optimization problem. (l1)
 Solve various optimization problems(l3)
 Compare convex and concave programming (l4)

Single Variable Optimization: Finite difference method, Central difference method, Runge-
Kutta method, interval halving method, golden section method with MATLAB code.

129 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Understand various methods involving single variable optimization. (l2)
 Develop codes in matlab for different methods. (l3)
 Identify methods for solving a single variable optimization problem. (l3)


Multi Variable Optimization: Conjugate gradient method, Newton's method, Powell's method,
Flectcher- Reeves method, Hook and Jeeves method, interior penalty function with MATLAB

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Apply various methods involving multi variable optimization. (l2)
 Develop codes in matlab for solving various multi variable optimization problems. (l3)
 Choose methods for solving a multi variable optimization problem. (l3)


Evolutionary Algorithms: Overview, Genetic Algorithms: Basics of Genetic Algorithms,

Options in MATLAB, Multi Objective Optimization using Genetic Algorithms, Ant Colony
Optimization, Simulated Annealing, Particle Swarm Optimization.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Apply different types of genetic algorithms. (l3)
 Model optimization problems using genetic algorithms in matlab. (l3)
 Compare different genetic algorithms for performance. (l5)

Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the student can be able to

 Use optimization terminology and concepts, and understand how to classify an
optimization problem.(l4)
 Apply optimization methods to engineering problems.(l3)
 Implement optimization algorithms.(l3)
 Compare different genetic algorithms. (l5)
 Solve multivariable optimization problems. (l4)

130 Page

1. Rao V.Dukkipati, MATLAB: “An Introduction with Applications”, Anshan, 2010.

2. Achille Messac, “Optimization in practice with MATLAB”, Cambridge University Press,
3. Jasbir S Arora, “Introduction to optimum design”, 2nd edition. Elsevier, 2004.


1. Cesar Perez Lopez, “MATLAB Optimization Techniques”, Academic press, Springer

publications, 2014.
2. Steven C.Chapra, “Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and
scientists”: 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.

131 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
(19A04604a) BASICS OF VLSI

Course Objectives:

The objectives of the course are to

 Learn and Understand IC Fabrication process steps required for various MOS circuits
 Understand and Experience VLSI Design Flow
 Learn Transistor-Level CMOS Logic Design
 Understand VLSI Fabrication and Experience CMOS Physical Design
 Learn to Analyze Gate Function and Timing Characteristics

Introduction:Introduction to MOS Technology – MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS and

BiCMOStechnologies, fabrication fundamentals: Oxidation, Lithography, Diffusion,
Ionimplantation, Metallization and Encapsulation.

Basic Electrical Properties:Basic Electrical Properties of MOS,CMOS and BiCMOS Circuits,

IDS-VDSrelationships, MOS transistor threshold Voltage, g m, gds, figure of merit ωo,
Passtransistor, NMOS inverter, Various pull - ups, Determination of pull-up to pulldown ratio
( Zpu / Zpd ) , CMOS Inverter analysis and design, BiCMOS inverters,Latch-up in CMOS circuits.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Demonstrate a clear understanding of CMOS fabrication flow and technology scaling
 Analyze the electrical properties of MOS and BiCMOS circuits (L3)
 Design MOSFET based logic circuit (L4)

VLSI Circuit Design Processes:VLSI Design Flow, MOS Layers, Stick Diagrams, Design
Rules and Layouts,Lambda based design rules, Contact cuts , CMOS Lambda based design
rules,Layout Diagrams for logic gates, Transistor structures, wires and vias, Scaling ofMOS
circuits- Scaling models, scaling factors, scaling factors for device parameters, Limitations of

132 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Understand the design rules and layout diagram for logic gates, limitations of scaling
 Draw the Layout of simple MOS circuit using Lambda based design rules (L2)

Gate Level Design and Layout:Architectural issues, Switch logic networks: Gate logic,
Alternate gate circuit:Pseudo-NMOS Dynamic CMOS logic. Basic circuit concepts, Sheet
ResistanceRS and its concept to MOS, Area Capacitance Units, Calculations, The delay unitT,
Inverter Delays, Driving large Capacitive Loads, Wiring Capacitances, Fan-inand fan-out,
Choice of layers

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Apply basic circuit concepts to MOS circuits. (L2)
 Estimate the propagation delays in CMOS circuits (L3).


Subsystem Design:Subsystem Design, Shifters, Adders, ALUs, Multipliers: Array multiplier,

SerialParallel multiplier, Parity generator, Comparators, Zero/One Detectors, Up/DownCounter,
Memory elements: SRAM, DRAM, ROM, Serial Access Memories.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Apply the Lambda based design rules for subsystem design (L2)
 Design of Adders, Multipliers and memories etc(L4)
 Design digital systems using MOS circuits(L4)


Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Design:PLDs, FPGAs, CPLDs, Standard Cells,

Programmable Array Logic,Programmable Logic Array Design Approach.

133 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit, students will be able to

 Analyze various architectures and device technologies of PLDs(L3)
 Design simple logic circuit using PLA, PAL, FPGA and CPLD.(L4)
Course Outcomes:

 Learn the basic fabrication process of MOS transistors, study CMOS inverter circuits,
basic circuit concepts such as Sheet Resistance, Area Capacitance and Delay calculation,
Field programmable gate arrays and realization techniques, CPLDs and FPGAs for
implementing the various logic functions.

 Apply CMOS technology-specific layout rules in the placement and routing of transistors
and interconnect, and to verify the functionality.

 Analyze the performance of CMOS Inverter circuits

 Compare various Scaling models and understand the effect of scaling on device


1. Kamran Eshraghian, “Essentials of VLSI circuits and systems”, EshraghianDouglesand

A. Pucknell, PHI, 2005 Edition
2. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 1997.


1. John .P. Uyemura, “CMOS logic circuit Design”, Springer, 2007.

2. Neil H. E Weste, “CMOS VLSI Design – A Circuits and Systems Perspective”, 3rd
edition, DavidHarris, Ayan Banerjee, Pearson, 2009.

134 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To understand the concept of various modulation schemes and multiplexing.

 To apply the concept of various modulation schemes to solve engineering problems.
 To analyse various modulation schemes.
 To evaluate various modulation scheme in real time applications.


Amplitude Modulation

Introduction to Noise and Fourier Transform. An overview of Electronic Communication

Systems. Need for Frequency Translation, Amplitude Modulation: DSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB-SC
and VSB. Frequency Division Multiplexing. Radio Transmitter and Receiver.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of noise, Fourier transform, career modulation and frequency
division multiplexing (L1).
 Apply the concept of amplitude modulationto solve engineering problems (L2).
 Analyse various amplitude modulation schemes (L3).
 Evaluate various amplitude modulation schemes in real time applications (L3).


Angle Modulation

Angle Modulation, Tone modulated FM Signal, Arbitrary Modulated FM Signal, FM

Modulation and Demodulation. Stereophonic FM Broadcasting.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of angle modulation and its components (L1).

135 Page
 Apply the concept of frequency modulation to solve engineering problems (L2).
 Analyse angle modulation schemes (L3).
 Evaluate frequency modulation scheme in real time applications (L3).


Pulse Modulation

Sampling Theorem: Low pass and Band pass Signals. Pulse Amplitude Modulation and Concept
of Time Division Multiplexing. Pulse Width Modulation. Digital Representation of Analog

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of various pulse modulation schemes and time division
multiplexing (L1).
 Analyse various pulse modulation schemes (L3).


Digital Modulation

Binary Amplitude Shift Keying, Binary Phase Shift Keying and QuadraturePhase Shift Keying,
Binary Frequency Shift Keying. Regenerative Repeater.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of various digital modulation schemes (L1).
 Analyze various digital modulation schemes (L3).


Communication Systems
Satellite, RADAR, Optical, Mobile and Computer Communication (Block diagram approach

136 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of various communication systems (L1).

Note: The main emphasis is on qualitative treatment. Complex mathematical treatment may
be avoided.

Course Outcomes:

 Understand the concept of various modulation schemes and multiplexing (L1).

 Apply the concept of various modulation schemes to solve engineering problems
 Analyse various modulation schemes, and evaluate various modulation scheme in real
time applications (L3).


1. Herbert Taub, Donald L Schilling and Goutam Saha, “Principles of Communication

Systems”, 3rdEdition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2008.

1. B. P. Lathi, Zhi Ding and Hari M. Gupta, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication
Systems”, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2017.
2. K. Sam Shanmugam “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Wiley India Edition,

Blooms’ Learning levels:

L1: Remembering and Understanding
L2: Applying
L3: Analyzing, Evaluating

137 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Open Elective-II
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
 Explore the history of spatial computing and design interactions
 Understand the foundational principles describing how hardware, computer vision
algorithms function
 Learn Virtual reality animation and 3D Art optimization
 Demonstrate Virtual reality
 Introduce to the design of visualization tools

How Humans interact with Computers: Common term definition, introduction, modalities
through the ages (pre- 20th century, through world war-II, post world war-II, the rise of personal
computing, computer miniaturization), why did we just go over all of this?, types of common
HCI modalities, new modalities, the current state of modalities for spatial computing devices,
current controllers for immersive computing systems, a note on hand tracking and hand pose
Designing for our Senses, Not our Devices: Envisioning a future, sensory technology
explained, who are we building this future for?, sensory design, five sensory principles, Adobe’s
AR story.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Explain common modalities and their pros and cons.(L2)
 Demonstrate Mapping modalities to current industry inputs(L2)
 Explore the importance of design with spatial computing(L5)

Virtual Reality for Art: A more natural way of making 3D art, VR for animation.
3D art optimization: Introduction, draw calls, using VR tools for creating 3D art, acquiring 3D
models vs making them from scratch.
How the computer vision that makes augmented reality possible works: Who are we?, a
brief history of AR, how and why to select an AR platform, mapping, platforms, other
development considerations, the AR cloud.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Utilize VR tools for creating 3D Animations(L3)

138 Page
 Analyze how and why to Select an AR Platform(L4)

Virtual reality and augmented reality: cross platform theory: Why cross platform? The role of
game engines, understanding 3D graphics, portabiltity lessons from video game design,
simplifying the controller input.
Virtual reality toolkit: open source framework for the community: What is VRTK and why
people use it?, the history of VRTK, welcome to the steam VR unity toolkit, VRTK v4, the
future of VRTK, success of VRTK.
Three virtual reality and augmented reality development practices: Developing for virtual
reality and augmented reality, handling locomotion, effective use of audio, common interaction

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Explain why the design approach should be considered at a holistic high level based on
the goal of the experience(L2)
 Build VR solutions using Virtual reality toolkit(L6)
 Interpret the development practices in three Virtual reality and Augmented reality

Data and machine learning visualization design and development in spatial computing:
Introduction, understanding data visualization, principles for data and machine learning
visualization design and development in spatial computing, why data and machine learning
visualization works in spatial computing, 2D data visualization vs 3D data visualization in spatial
computing, interactivity in data visualizations and in spatial computing, animation, failures in
data visualization, good data visualization design optimize 3D spaces, data representations, info
graphics, and interactions, defining distinctions in data visualization and big data for machine,
how to create data visualization: data visualization creation pipeline, webXR, data visualization
challenges in XR, data visualization industry use case examples of data visualization, 3D
reconstruction and direct manipulation of real world data, data visualization is for everyone,
hands on tutorials, how to create data visualization, resources.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Understand, define, and set data and machine visualization design and development
principles in embodied reality(L1)
 Demonstrate best practices, and practical tools to create beautiful and functional data

Character AI and Behaviors: Introduction, behaviors, current practice: Reactive AI, more
intelligence in the system, Deliberative AI, machine learning.

139 Page
The virtual and augmented reality health technology ecosystem: VR/AR health technology
application design, standard UX isn’t intuitive, tutorial: insight Parkinson’s experiment,
companies, case studies from leading Academic institutions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Design a behavioral AI system for a video game(L6)
 Identify issues related to design of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)
experiences deployed in a health-care context(L3)
 Explain the use of motion data from controllers to reduce the visible tremor of a
Parkinson’s patient in a virtual environment(L2)

Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Explain how the humans interact with computers (L2)

 Apply technical and creative approaches to make successful applications and
experiences. (L3)
 Design audio and video interaction paradigms (L6)
 Design Data visualization tools (L6)
 Apply VR/MR/AR in various fields in industry (L3)

Text book
1. Erin Pangilinan, Steve lukas, and Vasanth Mohan, “Creating Augmented & Virtual
Realities”, 1st edition, O’REILLY, 2019.

1. Steve Aukstakalnis, “Practical Augmented Reality”, Pearson Education, 2017.

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(19A05604b) DATA SCIENCE

Open Elective-II
(Common to CSE & IT)
Course Objectives

This course is designed to:

 Understand the approaches for handling data related problems
 Explore the mathematical concepts required for Data science
 Explain the basic concepts of data science.
 Elucidate various Machine Learning algorithms.
 Introduce Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems


Introduction to Data Science, A Crash Course in Python, Visualising Data.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Describe the importance of data analysis (L1).
 Identify the key connectors of Data Science (L4).
 Interpret and Visualize the data using bar charts, line charts and scatter plots (L3).


Linear Algebra, Statistics, Probability, Hypothesis and Inference, Gradient Descent.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Identify the Correlation between two vectors (L4).
 Test a given hypothesis (L3).
 Compute mean, median and mode for the given data (L3).


Getting Data, Working with Data, Machine Leaning, k-Nearest Neighbors, Naïve Bayes.

141 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Compute dimensionality reduction using PCA (L3).
 Differentiate supervised and unsupervised learning methods (L4).
 Describe overfitting, under fitting, bias, variance and goodness of learning (L1).
 Solve classification problem using k-nearest neighbour classifier (L3).
 Apply Naïve Bayes classifier to solve decision making problem (L3).

Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Neural

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Describe gradient descent approach, maximum likelihood estimation and method of least
squares (L1).
 Apply SVM to determine a hyperplane with maximum margin (L3).
 Determine decision tree for given data (L5).
 Describe Perceptron and Back Propagation (L3).


Clustering, Natural Language Processing, Network Analysis, Recommender Systems.

Database and SQL, MapReduce

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, students will be able to:

 Determine Clusters in data using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering methods (L5).
 Apply basic SQL Operations using NotQuiteABase (L3).
 Compare User-Based and Item-Based Collaborative Filtering (L2).
 Describe Grammer and MapReduce (L1).

142 Page
Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course the student would be able to

 Visualize the data using bar charts, line charts and scatter plots (L4).
 Analyse Correlation between two data objects (L4).
 Demonstrate feature selection and dimensionality reduction.(L2)
 Solve decision making problems using k-NN, Naïve Bayes, SVM and Decision.
Trees (L3).
 Determine Clusters in data using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering methods (L3).
 Design basic SQL Operations using NotQuiteABase (L6)
 Demonstrate the way to use machine learning algorithms using python. (L2)

Text Books:

1. Data Science from Scratch, First Principles with Python - Joel Grus, O’Reilly, First
Reference Books:

1. The Data Science Handbook, Field Cady, WILEY.

2. An Introduction to Data Science, Jeffrey M. Stanton, Jeffrey Stanton, 2012

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This text covers about toxins and their relation in food. Examination, identification and
prevention of toxins.

Course Objectives

 To know the various toxins and their evaluation.

 To understand their tolerance and control measures.


Principles of Toxicology: classification of toxic agents; characteristics of exposure;

spectrum of undesirable effects; interaction and tolerance; biotransformation and
mechanisms of toxicity. Evaluation of toxicity: risk vs. benefit: experimental design and
evaluation: prospective and retrospective studies: Controls :Statistics (descriptive,
inferential): animal models as predictors of human toxicity: Legal requirements and
specific screening methods: LD50 and TD50: in vitro and in vitvo studies; clinical trials.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Classification of toxic agents; characteristics of exposure;
 Spectrum of undesirable effects; interaction and tolerance; biotransformation and
mechanisms of toxicity.
 Evaluation of toxicity: risk vs. benefit: experimental design and evaluation:
 Prospective and retrospective studies: Controls: Statistics (descriptive, inferential):
animal models as predictors of human toxicity:
 Legal requirements and specific screening methods: LD50 and TD50: in vitro and in
vitvo studies; clinical trials.


Natural toxins in food: natural toxins of importance in food- toxins of plant and animal origin;
microbial toxins (e.g., bacterial toxins, fungal toxins and Algal toxins), natural occurrence,
toxicity and significance, determination of toxicants in foods and their management.

144 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Natural toxins in food: natural toxins of importance in food- toxins of plant and
animal origin
 Microbial toxins (e.g., bacterial toxins, fungal toxins and algal toxins), natural
occurrence, toxicity and significance
 Determination of toxicants in foods and their management


Food allergies and sensitivities: natural sources and chemistry of food allergens;
true/untrue food allergies; handling of food allergies; food sensitivities (anaphylactoid
reactions, metabolic food disorders and idiosyncratic reactions); Safety of genetically
modified food: potential toxicity and allergenisity of GM foods. Safety of children

Learning outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Natural sources and chemistry of food allergens; true/untrue food allergies;
handling of food allergies
 Food sensitivities (anaphylactoid reactions, metabolic food disorders and
idiosyncratic reactions)
 Potential toxicity and allergenisity of gm foods. Safety of children consumables.


Environmental contaminants and drug residues in food: fungicide and pesticide residues in
foods; heavy metal and their health impacts; use of veterinary drugs (e.g. Malachite green
in fish and β- agonists in pork); other contaminants in food, radioactive contamination of food,
Food adulteration and potential toxicity of food adulterants.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Fungicide and pesticide residues in foods; heavy metal and their health impacts
 Use of veterinary drugs (e.g. Malachite green in fish and β- agonists in pork); other
contaminants in food, radioactive contamination of food
 Food adulteration and potential toxicity of food adulterants.

145 Page

Food additives and toxicants added or formed during food processing: safety of food
additives; toxicological evaluation of food additives; food processing generated toxicants:
nitroso-compounds, heterocyclic amines, dietary Supplements and toxicity related to dose:
common dietary supplements; relevance of the dose; possible toxic effects.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Safety of food additives; toxicological evaluation of food additives;
 Nitroso-compounds, heterocyclic amines, dietary supplements and toxicity
related to dose
 Common dietary supplements; relevance of the dose; possible toxic effects.

Course Outcomes

By the end of course

 Student will gain knowledge on principles of toxicity and characteristics of toxins
and their classification. Examination and prevention of toxins in foods and etc.


1. Helferich, W., and Winter, C.K “Food Toxicology”,. CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton,
FL. 2007.
2. Shibamoto, T., and Bjeldanes, L. “Introduction to Food Toxicology”, 2009, 2nd
Edition. Elsevier Inc., Burlington, MA.
3. Watson, D.H. “Natural Toxicants in Food”, CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton, FL1998.

1. Duffus, J.H., and Worth, H.G. J. “Fundamental Toxicology”, The Royal Society of
Chemistry. 2006.
2. Stine, K.E., and Brown, T.M. “Principles of Toxicology”, 2nd Edition. CRC Press.
3. Tönu, P. “Principles of Food Toxicology”. CRC Press, LLC. Boca Raton, FL. 2007.

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This text focuses on materials used for food plant equipment and factors considered for design of
various equipment.

Course Objectives:

 To understand the material properties and codes used.

 To know the design considerations.
 To study the design of evaporators, dryers, crystallizers and etc.


Materials and properties: Materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness,
corrosion, protective coatings, corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials,
material codes. Design considerations: Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads,
combined stresses, design stresses and theories of failure, safety factor, temperature effects,
radiation effects, effects of fabrication method, economic considerations

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness, corrosion, protective
 Corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials, material codes
 Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads, combined stresses, design stresses and
theories of failure, safety factor
 Temperature effects, radiation effects, effects of fabrication method, economic

Design of pressure and storage vessels: Operating conditions, design conditions and stress;
Design of shell and its component, stresses from local load and thermal gradient, mountings and
accessories. Design of heat exchangers: Design of shell and tube heat exchanger, plate heat
exchanger, scraped surface heat exchanger, sterilizer and retort

147 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Design of pressure and storage vessels includes operating conditions, design conditions
and stress
 Design of shell and its component, stresses from local load and thermal gradient,
mountings and accessories
 Design of heat exchangers like shell and tube heat exchanger, plate heat exchanger,
scraped surface heat exchanger, sterilizer and retort


Design of evaporators and crystallizers: Design of single effect and multiple effect evaporators
and its components; Design of rising film and falling film evaporators and feeding arrangements
for evaporators; Design of crystallizer and entrainment separator

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Design of evaporators like single effect and multiple effect evaporators and its
components; rising film and falling film evaporators and feeding arrangements for
 Design of crystallizer and entrainment separator


Design of agitators and separators: Design of agitators and baffles; Design of agitation system
components and drive for agitation. Design of centrifuge separator; Design of equipment
components, design of shafts, pulleys, bearings, belts, springs, drives, speed reduction systems.
Design of freezing equipment: Design of ice‐ream freezers and refrigerated display system

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Design of agitators and baffles like Design of agitation system components and drive for
 Design of centrifuge separator like equipment components, design of shafts, pulleys,
bearings, belts, springs, drives, speed reduction systems.
 Design of freezing equipment like ice‐ream freezers and refrigerated display system

148 Page

Design of dryers: Design of tray dryer, tunnel dryer, fluidized dryer, spray dryer, vacuum dryer,
freeze dryer and microwave dryer. Design of extruders: Cold and hot extruder design, design of
screw and barrel, design of twin screw extruder. Design of fermenters: Design of fermenter
vessel, design problems

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following
 Design of dryers like tray dryer, tunnel dryer, fluidized dryer, spray dryer, vacuum
dryer, freeze dryer and microwave dryer
 Design of extruders like Cold and hot extruder design, design of screw and barrel,
design of twin screw extruder.
 Design of fermenter vessel, design problems

Course Outcomes

By the end of the course, the students will

 acquires knowledge on theoretical aspects to be design considerations for a food plant
equipment and designing of evaporators, separators, storage vessels and etc.


1. Antonio Lopez-Gomez, Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas, “Food plant design”, CRC press

2. George D. Saravacos and Zacharias B. Maroulis, “Food Plant Economics”, CRC Press

1. Peters M., Timmerhaus K. & Ronald W., “Plant Design & Economics for Chemical
Engineers”, McGraw Hill.
2. James R Couper, “Process Engg. Economics (Chemical Industries) CRC Press 3. Aries &
Newton, Chemical Engg. Cost Estimation”, McGraw Hill.

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Course Objective:

This course provides the students to understand Wavelet transforms and its applications.



Wavelets and Wavelet Expansion Systems - Wavelet Expansion- Wavelet Transform- Wavelet
System- More Specific Characteristics of Wavelet Systems -Haar Scaling Functions and
Wavelets -effectiveness of Wavelet Analysis -The Discrete Wavelet Transform The Discrete-
Time and Continuous Wavelet Transforms.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand wavelets and wavelet expansion systems.
 Find wavelet transforms in continuous as well as discrete domains.


A Multiresolution Formulation of Wavelet Systems

Signal Spaces -The Scaling Function -Multiresolution Analysis - The Wavelet Functions - The
Discrete Wavelet Transform- A Parseval's Theorem - Display of the Discrete Wavelet Transform
and the Wavelet Expansion.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Illustrate the multi resolution analysis, scaling function.
 Implement parseval theorem.


Filter Banks and the Discrete Wavelet Transform : Analysis - From Fine Scale to Coarse
Scale- Filtering and Down-Sampling or Decimating -Synthesis - From Coarse Scale to Fine
Scale -Filtering and Up-Sampling or Stretching - Input Coefficients - Lattices and Lifting - -
Different Points of View.

150 Page
Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Form fine scale to coarse scale analysis.
 Perform decimating synthesis.
 Find the lattices and lifting.


Multiresolution versus Time-Frequency Analysis- Periodic versus Nonperiodic Discrete Wavelet

Transforms -The Discrete Wavelet Transform versus the Discrete-Time Wavelet Transform-
Numerical Complexity of the Discrete Wavelet Transform.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Perform multi resolution versus time frequency analysis.
 Perform numerical complexity of discrete wavelet transforms.


Bases, Orthogonal Bases, and Biorthogonal Bases -Matrix Examples - Fourier Series Example -
Sine Expansion Example - Frames and Tight Frames - Matrix Examples -Sine Expansion as a
Tight Frame Example.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand the orthogonal bases and Biorthogonal Bases.
 Find the Frames and Tight Frames using Fourier series.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of course, students will be able to

 Understand wavelets and wavelet expansion systems.

 Illustrate the multi resolution analysis ad scaling functions.
 Form fine scale to coarse scale analysis.
 Find the lattices and lifting.
 Perform numerical complexity of discrete wavelet transforms.
 Find the frames and tight frames using fourier series.

151 Page

1. C. Sidney Burrus, Ramesh A. Gopinath, “Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelets

Transforms”,Prentice Hall, (1997).
2. James S. Walker, “A Primer on Wavelets and their Scientific Applications”, CRC Press,


1. Raghuveer Rao, “Wavelet Transforms”, Pearson Education, Asia.

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(19A52604a) SOFT SKILLS


Course Objectives

 To develop awareness in students of the relevance and importance of soft skills

 To provide students with interactive practice sessions to make them internalize soft
 To develop Time management, Positive thinking & Decision making skills
 To enable to manage stress effectively
 To enable them to develop employability skills




Definition – Scope – Importance- – Methods of improving soft skills – Limits- Analysis –

Interpersonal and intrapersonal skills - Verbal and Non-verbal skills.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand the importance of soft skills
 Identify the methods of improving soft skills
 Analyze various soft skills in different situations
 Distinguish various soft skills
 Apply various soft skills in day to day life and in workplace


Knowing self/temperaments/traits - Johari windows – quotient skills(IQ, EQ, SQ), creativity,

decision-making-Attitude – Confidence Building - Positive Thinking –Time Management – Goal

153 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand self and its temperament.
 Apply various techniques to know the self.
 Develop positive thinking
 Develop creative thinking and decision-making skills
 Apply self-knowing tools in day to day and professional life.



Leadership Skills – Negotiation skills –- Team-building – Crisis Management – Event

Management –Ethics and Etiquettes.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand the importance of interpersonal skills
 Analyze various tactics in negotiation skills.
 Develop team building spirit.
 Develop crisis management
 Apply interpersonal skills through etiquettes.



Importance of verbal skills in corporate climate, Listening skills –Mother Tongue Influence
(MTI) - Speaking skills – Public speaking - Oral presentations - Writing skills –E-mail etiquettes
– Memos - Indianism

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand the importance of verbal skills in corporate climate.
 Explain the need of listening skills.
 Explore MTI and suggest remedies to avoid it.
 Interpret various contexts of speaking.
 Apply verbal skills in personal and professional life.

154 Page

Importance of body language in corporate culture – body language-Facial expressions – eye

contact – posture – gestures – Proxemics – Haptics – Dress Code – Paralanguage –Tone, pitch,
pause& selection of words

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Comprehend the importance of non-verbal communication.
 Expound the need of facial expressions, postures and gestures.
 Analyze proxemics,haptics etc.
 Understand the importance of dress code.
 Apply various techniques to use para language

Course Outcomes
 Recognize the importance of verbal and non verbal skills
 Develop the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
 Apply the knowledge in setting the SMART goals and achieve the set goals
 Analyze difficult situations and solve the problems in stress-free environment
 Create trust among people and develop employability skills

Text Books

1. Meenakshi Raman &ShaliniUpadhyay “ Soft Skills”,Cengage Learning, 2018.

2. S. Balasubramaniam, “Soft Skills for Interpersonal Communication”, Orient Black Swan,


1. Barun K. Mitra, “Personality Development and Soft Skills”, –OXFORD Higher

Education 2018.
2. AlkaWadkar, “Life Skills for Success “, Sage Publications 2016.
3. Robert M Sheffield, “Developing Soft Skills”, Pearson, 2010.
4. DianaBooher, “Communicate With Confidence”,Tata McGrawhill, 2012.

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The objective of this course is

 To make the student understand about Entrepreneurship

 To enable the student in knowing various sources of generating new ideas in setting up
of New enterprise
 To facilitate the student in knowing various sources of finance in starting up of a
 To impart knowledge about various government sources which provide financial
assistance to entrepreneurs/ women entrepreneurs
 To encourage the student in creating and designing business plans



Entrepreneurship - Concept, knowledge and skills requirement - Characteristics of successful

entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurship process - Factors impacting emergence of entrepreneurship -
Differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur - Understanding individual entrepreneurial
mindset and personality - Recent trends in Entrepreneurship.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand the concept of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship in India
 Know Entrepreneurship process and emergence of Entrepreneurship
 Analyze the differences between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur
 Develop a creative mind set and personality
 Understand recent trends in Entrepreneurship across the globe

156 Page

Starting the New Venture - Generating business idea – Sources of new ideas & methods of
generating ideas - Opportunity recognition - Feasibility study - Market feasibility,
technical/operational feasibility - Financial feasibility - Drawing business plan - Preparing
project report - Presenting business plan to investors.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the process of starting a new venture
 Analyze the sources of new methods in generating business idea
 Evaluate market feasibility, financial feasibility and technical feasibility
 Design and draw business plans in project preparation and prepare project reports


Sources of finance - Various sources of Finance available - Long term sources - Short term
sources - Institutional Finance – Commercial Banks, SFC's in India - NBFC's in India - their way
of financing in India for small and medium business - Entrepreneurship development programs
in India - The entrepreneurial journey- Institutions in aid of entrepreneurship development

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the various sources of finance to start a new venture
 Contrast & compare between Long term & Short term finance sources
 Analyze the role of banks and other financial institutions in promoting entrepreneurship
in India
 Evaluate the need and importance of MSMEs in the growth of country


Women Entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurship Development and Government - Role of Central

Government and State Government in promoting women Entrepreneurship - Introduction to
various incentives, subsidies and grants – Export- oriented Units - Fiscal and Tax concessions
available - Women entrepreneurship - Role and importance - Growth of women entrepreneurship
in India - Issues & Challenges - Entrepreneurial motivations.

157 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand the role of government in promoting women entrepreneurship
 Know various incentives, subsidies and grants available to women entrepreneurs
 Analyze the role of export-oriented units
 Know about the tax concessions available for Women entrepreneurs
 Prepare to face the issues and challenges.


Fundamentals of Business Incubation - Principles and good practices of business incubation-

Process of business incubation and the business incubator and how they operate and influence
the Type/benefits of incubators - Corporate/educational / institutional incubators - Broader
business incubation environment - Pre-Incubation and Post - Incubation process - Idea lab,
Business plan structure - Value proposition

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to:

 Understand the importance of business incubation
 Apply brilliant ideas in the process of business incubation
 Analyze the process of business incubation/incubators.
 Contrast & Compare between business incubation and business incubators.
 Design their own business incubation/incubators as viable-business unit.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
 Understand the concept of Entrepreneurship and challenges in the world of
 Apply the Knowledge in generating ideas for New Ventures.
 Analyze various sources of finance and subsidies to entrepreneur/women
 Evaluate the role of central government and state government in promoting
 Create and design business plan structure through incubations.

158 Page

1. D F Kuratko and T V Rao, “Entrepreneurship” - A South-Asian Perspective –

Cengage Learning, 2012. (For PPT, Case Solutions Faculty may visit :
2 . Nandan H, “ Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, PHI, 2013


1. Vasant Desai, “Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship”, Himalaya

Publishing 2012.
2. Rajeev Roy “Entrepreneurship”, 2nd Edition, Oxford, 2012.
3. B.Janakiramand M.Rizwana‖ “Entrepreneurship Development: Text &
Cases”, Excel Books, 2011.
4. Stuart Read, Effectual “Entrepreneurship”, Routledge, 2013.


1. Entrepreneurship-Through-the-Lens-of-enture Capital

2. http://www.onlinevideolecture.com/?course=mba-programs&subject=entrepreneurship

3. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/122106032/Pdf/7_4.pd

4. http://freevideolectures.com/Course/3514/Economics-/-Management-/-Entrepreneurhip/50

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Course Objectives :

The objective of this course is

 To inculcate the basic knowledge of micro economics and financial accounting

 To make the students learn how demand is estimated for different products, input-
output relationship for optimizing production and cost
 To know the various types of Market Structures & pricing methods and its strategies
 To give an overview on investment appraisal methods to promote the students to learn
how to plan long-term investment decisions.
 To provide fundamental skills on Accounting and to explain the process of preparing
Financial statements



Managerial Economics – Definition – Nature & Scope - Contemporary importance of

Managerial Economics - Demand Analysis - Concept of Demand - Demand Function - Law of
Demand - Elasticity of Demand - Significance - Types of Elasticity - Measurement of Elasticity
of Demand - Demand Forecasting - Factors governing Demand Forecasting - Methods of
Demand Forecasting - Relationship of Managerial Economics with Financial Accounting and

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the nature and scope of Managerial Economics and its importance
 Understand the concept of demand and its determinants
 Analyze the Elasticity and degree of elasticity
 Evaluate Demand forecasting methods
 Design the process of demand estimation for different types of demand

160 Page


Production Function – Least-cost combination - Short-run and Long-run Production Function -

Isoquants and Isocosts, MRTS - Cobb-Douglas Production Function - Laws of Returns - Internal
and External Economies of scale – Cost & Break Even Analysis - Cost concepts and Cost
behavior - Break-Even Analysis (BEA) - Determination of Break-Even Point (Simple Problems)
- Managerial significance and limitations of Break-Even Analysis.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the production function, Input-Output relationship and different cost concepts
 Apply the least-cost combination of inputs
 Analyze the behavior of various cost concepts
 Evaluate BEA for real time business decisions
 Develop profit appropriation for different levels of business activity



Market structures - Forms of Business Organizations - Sole Proprietorship - Partnership - Joint

Stock Companies - Public Sector Enterprises-Types of Markets - Perfect and Imperfect
Competition - Features of Perfect Competition – Monopoly - Monopolistic Competition –
Oligopoly - Price-Output Determination - Pricing Methods and Strategies.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the structure of markets, features of different markets and forms of business
 Apply the price output relationship in different markets
 Analyze the optimum output levels to maximize profit in different markets
 Evaluate price-output relationship to optimize cost, revenue and profit
 Interpret Pricing Methods and Strategies


CAPITAL AND CAPITAL BUDGETING Concept of Capital - Significance - Types of

Capital - Components of Working Capital - Sources of Short-term and Long-term Capital -
Estimating Working capital requirements – Cash Budget - Capital Budgeting – Features of

161 Page
Capital Budgeting Proposals – Methods and Evaluation of Capital Budgeting Projects – Pay
Back Method – Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) – Net Present Value (NPV) – Internal Rate
Return (IRR) Method (simple problems)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the concept of capital budgeting and its importance in business
 Contrast and compare different investment appraisal methods
 Analyze the process of selection of investment alternatives using different appraisal
 Evaluate methods of capital budgeting for investment decision making and for
maximizing returns
 Design different investment appraisals and make wise investments



Accounting Concepts and Conventions - Introduction Double-Entry Book Keeping, Journal,

Ledger, Trial Balance - Final Accounts (Trading Account, Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Sheet with simple adjustments).Financial Analysis - Analysis and Interpretation of Liquidity
Ratios, Activity Ratios, and Capital structure Ratios and Profitability.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Know the concept, convention and significance of accounting
 Apply the fundamental knowledge of accounting while posting the journal entries
 Analyze the process and preparation of final accounts and financial ratios
 Evaluate the financial performance of an enterprise by using financial statements

Data Books Required:

Present Value Factors table

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
 Understand the fundamentals of Economics viz., Demand, Production, cost,
revenue and markets
 Apply concepts of production , cost and revenues for effective business decisions
 Students can analyze how to invest their capital and maximize returns
 Evaluate the capital budgeting techniques
 Prepare the accounting statements and evaluate the financial performance of
business entity.

162 Page

1. Varshney & Maheswari: “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand, 2013.

2. Aryasri: “Business Economics and Financial Analysis”, 4th edition, MGH, 2019


1. Ahuja Hl “Managerial economics” 3rd edition, Schand, ,2013

2. S.A. Siddiqui and A.S. Siddiqui: “Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis”, New
Age International,. 2013.
3. Joseph G. Nellis and David Parker: “Principles of Business Economics”, 2nd edition,
Pearson, New Delhi.
4. Domnick Salvatore: “Managerial Economics in a Global Economy”, Cengage,

163 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To make the student understand the principles of business ethics

 To enable them in knowing the ethics in management
 To facilitate the student role in corporate culture
 Impart knowledge about the fair trade practices
 Encourage the student in knowing them about the corporate governance




Introduction – Meaning - Nature and Scope – Loyalty and Ethical Behaviour, Values across
Cultures; Business Ethics – Ethical Practices inManagement. Types of Ethics –
Characteristics – Factors influencing , Business Ethics – Importance of Business Ethics -
Arguments for and against business ethicsBasics of business ethics Corporate Social Responsibi
lity – Issues of Management – Crisis Management

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the meaning of loyalty and ethical Behavior
 Explain various types of Ethics
 Know about the factors influencing business ethics
 Understand the corporate social responsibility of management


Introduction – Ethics in HRM – Marketing Ethics – Ethical aspects of Financial Management-

Technology Ethics and Professional ethics. The Ethical Value System – Universalism,
Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice, Social Contracts, Individual Freedom of Choice, Professional
Codes; Culture and Ethics – Ethical Values in different Cultures, Culture and Individual Ethics.

164 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the meaning of Marketing Ethics
 Analyze Differentiate between Technical ethics and professional ethics
 Know about the ethical value system
 Understand the Code and culture



Meaning – Functions – Impact of corporate culture – cross cultural issues in ethics,Emotional Honesty –
Virtue of humility – Promote happiness – karma yoga – proactive – flexibility and purity of mind. The
Ethical Value System – Universalism, Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice, Social Contracts, Individual Freedom
of Choice, Professional Codes; Culture and Ethics – Ethical Values in different Cultures, Culture and Individua

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the corporate culture in business
 Analyze Ethical Value System Know about the ethical value system
 Know Universalism, Utilitarianism, Distributive Justice
 Differentiate Ethical Values in different Cultures

Law and Ethics – Relationship between Law and Ethics, Other Bodies in enforcing Ethical Business Behavior,
Social Responsibilities of Business – Environmental Protection, Fair Trade Practices, Fulfilling all Nation
Safeguarding Health and wellbeing of Customers.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand Law and Ethics
 Analyze Social Responsibilities of Business
 Know Environmental Protection and Fair Trade Practices
 Implementing National Safeguarding Health and wellbeing of Customers

165 Page

Meaning – scope - Issues, need, corporate governance code, transparency & disclosure, role of
auditors, board of directors and shareholders; Global issues of governance, accounting and
regulatory frame work, corporate scams, committees in India and abroad, corporate social
responsibility composition of BODs - Cadbury Committee - various committees -
reports on corporate governance - Benefits and Limitations
of Corporate Governance with living examples.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand corporate governance code
 Analyze role of auditors, board of directors and shareholders
 Know accounting and regulatory frame work
 Implementing corporate social responsibility

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand business ethics and ethical practices in management.
 Understand the role of ethics in management
 Apply the knowledge in cross cultural ethics
 Analyze law and ethics
 Evaluate corporate governance


1. Murthy CSV: “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”, HPH

2. Bholananth Dutta, S.K. Podder – “Corporation Governance”, VBH.


1. Dr. K. Nirmala, KarunakaraReaddy : “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”, HPH

2. H.R.Machiraju: “Corporate Governance”
3. K. Venkataramana, “Corporate Governance”, SHBP.
4. N.M.Khandelwal : “Indian Ethos and Values for Managers”

166 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To provide a contemporary and forward-looking on the theory and practice of
 Enterprise Resource Planning
 To enable the students in knowing the Advantages of ERP
 To train the students to develop the basic understanding of how ERP enriches the
 Business organizations in achieving a multidimensional growth.
 Impart knowledge about the historical background of BPR
 To aim at preparing the students, technologically competitive and make them ready
to self-upgrade with the higher technical skills.



Introduction to ERP: Enterprise – An Overview Integrated Management Information, Business

Modeling, Integrated Data Model Business Processing Reengineering(BPR), Data Warehousing,
Data Mining, On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP), Supply Chain Management (SCM),
Customer Relationship Management(CRM),

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of ERP
 Explain various Business modeling
 Know the contemporary technology like SCM, CRM
 Understand the OLAP


Benefits of ERP: Reduction of Lead-Time, On-time Shipment, Reduction in Cycle Time,

Improved Resource Utilization, Better Customer Satisfaction, Improved Supplier Performance,
Increased Flexibility, Reduced Quality Costs, Improved Information Accuracy and Design-
making Capability

167 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the Advantages of ERP
 Explain the challenges associated with ERP System
 Analyze better customer satisfaction
 Differentiate Improved Information Accuracy and Design-making Capability

ERP Implementation Lifecycle: Pre-evaluation Screening, Package Evaluation, Project
Planning Phase, Gap Analysis, Reengineering, Configuration, Implementation Team Training,
Testing, Going Live, End-user Training, Post-implementation (Maintenance mode)

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the implementation of ERP life cycle
 Explain the challenges associated with implementing ERP system
 Analyze the need of re-engineering
 Know the recent trends in team training testing and go-live

BPR: Historical background: Nature, significance and rationale of business process
reengineering (BPR), Fundamentals of BPR. Major issues in process redesign: Business vision
and process objectives, Processes to be redesigned, Measuring existing processes,

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the business process reengineering
 Explain the challenges associated with BPR
 Analyze the need of process redesign
 Differentiate between process to be redesign and measuring existing process


IT in ERP: Role of information technology (IT) and identifying IT levers. Designing and
building a prototype of the new process: BPR phases, Relationship between BPR phases. MIS -
Management Information System, DSS - Decision Support System, EIS - Executive Information
168 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the role of IT
 Explain the challenges in Designing and building a prototype of the new process
 Analyze the need of MIS
 Differentiate between DSS and EIS

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand the basic use of ERP Package and its role in integrating business
 Explain the challenges of ERP system in the organization
 Apply the knowledge in implementing ERP system for business
 Evaluate the role of IT in taking decisions with MIS
 Create reengineered business processes with process redesign

1. Pankaj Sharma. “Enterprise Resource Planning”. Aph Publishing Corporation, New
Delhi, 2004.
2. Alexis Leon, “Enterprise Resource Planning”, IV Edition, Mc.Graw Hill, 2019


1. Marianne Bradford “Modern ERP”, 3rd edition.

2. “ERP making it happen Thomas f. Wallace and Michael
3. Directing the ERP Implementation Michael w pelphrey

169 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To provide Knowledge on logistics and supply chain management
 To enable them in designing the distribution network
 To train the students in knowing the supply chain Analysis
 Impart knowledge on Dimensions of logistic
 To know the recent trends in supply chain management



Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Supply chain - objectives - importance - decision phases - process view -competitive and supply
chain strategies - achieving strategic fit – supply chain drivers - obstacles – framework - facilities

Learing Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the meaning and objectives of supply chain management
 Explain supply chain drivers
 Know the steps involved in SCM frame work
 Understand transportation information and pricing


Designing the distribution network

Role of distribution - factors influencing distribution - design options - e-business and its impact
– distribution networks in practice –network design in the supply chain - role of network -factors
affecting the network design decisions modeling for supply chain. Role of transportation - modes
and their performance – transportation infrastructure and policies - design options and their
trade-offs tailored transportation.

170 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the different distribution network
 Explain the factors influencing network design in the supply chain
 Know the Role of transportation
 Analyze design options and their trade-offs


Supply Chain Analysis.

Sourcing - In-house or Outsource - 3rd and 4th PLs - supplier scoring and assessment, selection -
design collaboration - Procurement process - Sourcing planning and analysis. Pricing and
revenue management for multiple customers, perishable products, seasonal demand, bulk and
spot contracts.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of supply chain Analysis
 Explain design collaboration
 Know procurement process -sourcing planning and analysis
 Understand seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts


Dimensions of Logistics
A macro and micro dimension - logistics interfaces with other areas - approach to analyzing
logistics systems - logistics and systems analysis - techniques of logistics system analysis -
factors affecting the cost and importance of logistics. Demand Management and Customer
Service Outbound to customer logistics systems - Demand Management –Traditional Forecasting
- CPFRP - customer service - expected cost of stock outs - channels of distribution.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand dimensions of logistics
 Explain logistics interfaces with other areas
 Know techniques of logistics system analysis
 Understand Demand Management

171 Page
Recent Trends in Supply Chain Management-Introduction, New Developments in Supply
Chain Management, Outsourcing Supply Chain Operations, Co-Maker ship, The Role of E-
Commerce in Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management, Distribution
Resource Planning, World Class Supply Chain Management

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the recent trend in supply chain management
 Explain The Role of E-Commerce in Supply Management
 Know Green Supply Chain Management
 Understand Distribution Resource Planning

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand the strategic role of logistic and supply chain management in the cost
reduction and offering best service to the customer
 Understand Advantages of SCM in business
 Apply the knowledge of supply chain Analysis
 Analyze reengineered business processes for successful SCM implementation
 Evaluate Recent trend in supply chain management


1. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management – “Strategy, Planning and
Operation”, 3rd Edition, Pearson/PHI, 2007.
2. Supply Chain Management by Janat Shah Pearson Publication 2008.


1. A Logistic approach to Supply Chain Management – Coyle, Bardi, Longley, Cengage

Learning, 1/e
2. Donald J Bowersox, Dand J Closs, M Bixby Coluper, “Supply Chain Logistics
Management”, 2nd edition, TMH, 2008.
3. Wisner, Keong Leong and Keah-Choon Tan, “Principles of Supply Chain Management A
Balanced Approach”, Cengage Learning, 1/e
4. David Simchi-Levi et al, “Designing and Managing the Supply Chain” – Concepts

172 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5



The object of the course is to enable the students to know the various characteristics soils


1. Specific gravity
2. Atterberg’s Limits.
3. Field density-Core cutter and Sand replacement methods
4. Grain size analysis by sieving
5. Hydrometer Analysis Test
6. Permeability of soil - Constant and Variable head tests
7. Compaction test
8. Consolidation test (to be demonstrated)
9. Direct Shear test
10. Triaxial Compression test (UU Test)
11. Unconfined Compression test
12. Vane Shear test
13. Differential free swell (DFS)
14. CBR Test

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student must be able to:

● Identify various soils based on their characteristics.

● Evaluate permeability and seepage of soils.
● Determine plasticity characteristics of various soils.
● Design consolidation process by predicting settlement of soils.

173 Page

1. K. R. Arora, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engg”., Standard Publishers and

Distributors, Delhi.
2. C. Venkataramiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New age International Pvt . Ltd, (2002).


1. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, “Soil Mechanics and
Foundation”, Laxmi publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Gopal Ranjan & A. S. R. Rao, “Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics”, New age
International Pvt . Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Braja M. Das “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”, Cengage Learning.

174 Page
B.Tech (CE) – III-II Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


Course Objectives

 Students will be exposed to a variety of self instructional, learner friendly modes of

language learning
 Students will cultivate the habit of reading passages from the computer monitor. Thus
providing them with the required facility to face computer based competitive exams like
gre, toefl, and gmat etc.
 Students will learn better pronunciation through stress, intonation and rhythm
 Students will be trained to use language effectively to face interviews, group discussions,
public speaking
 Students will be initiated into greater use of the computer in resume preparation, report
writing, format making etc


1. Phonetics for listening comprehension of various accents - 2

2. Formal Presentations using PPT slides without Graphic Elements
3. Paraphrasing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Understand different accents spoken by native speakers of English
 Make formal structured presentations on general topics using PPT slides without
graphical elements
 Paraphrase short academic texts using suitable strategies and conventions


1. Debate – 2 (Following Argument)

2. Listening to short speeches/ short stories for note-making and summarizing
3. E-mail Writing

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Participate in formal discussions and speak clearly on a specific topic using suitable
discourse markers

175 Page
 Make formal structured presentations on academic topics using ppt slides with relevant
graphical elements
 Write formal emails in the standard format


1. Listening for Discussions

2. Group Discussions
3. Writing Persuasive/argumentative essays on general topics

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Follow a discussion to identify the salient points
 Participate in group discussions using appropriate conventions and language strategies
 Produce logically coherent persuasive/argumentative essays

1. Reviewing film/ book
2. Group Discussions – reaching consensus in Group Work
3. Resume Writing – Cover Letter – Applying for Internship

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Judge a film or book
 Express thoughts and ideas with acceptable accuracy and fluency with a view to reach
consensus in group discussions
 Prepare a cv and write a cover letter to seek internship/ job


1. Writing Project Reports

2. Editing Short Texts
3. Answering FAQs in Interviews

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module, the learners will be able to

 Collaborate with a partner to make effective presentations
 Understand the structure and produce an effective project report.
 Edit short texts according to different needs of the work place.

176 Page
Course Outcomes

 Remember and understand the different aspects of the English language proficiency
with emphasis on LSRW skills
 Apply communication skills through various language learning activities
 Analyze the English speech sounds, stress, rhythm, intonation and syllable division
for better listening and speaking comprehension.
 Evaluate and exhibit acceptable etiquette essential in social and professional settings
 Create awareness on mother tongue influence and neutralize it in order to improve
fluency in spoken English.


1. Walden Infotech English Language Communication Skills.

2. iTell- Orell Digital Language Lab
3. Digital Teacher
4. LES(Learn English Select) by British council
6. DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skills Practice.
7. Lingua TOEFL CBT Insider, by Dreamtech
8. English Pronunciation in Use (Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced) CUP
9. Cambridge Advanced Learners’ English Dictionary with CD.

177 Page

The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above should be procured and used.

1. Meenakshi Raman &Sangeeta Sharma, “Technical Communication” O U Press 2009.

2. Barron’s Books on TOEFL/GRE/GMAT/CAT/IELTS /DELTA/Cambridge University
3. Butterfield Jeff, “Soft Skills for Everyone”, Cengage Publications, 2011.
4. “Practice Psychometric Tests”: How to familiarize yourself with genuine recruitment tests,
5. David A McMurrey& Joanne Buckely “Handbook for Technical Writing” CENGAGE
Learning 2008.
6. “A Textbook of English Phonetics for Indian Students”, 2nd Edition, T.Balasubramanyam.
(Macmillan), 2012.
7. “A Handbook for English Laboratories”, E. Suresh Kumar, P. Sreehari, Foundation Books,

Note: Links provided by APSHE on LSRW, grammar and vocabulary

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B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
0 0 0 0.5


Areas for Socially Relevant Project in 6th Semester

a) Structural condition assessment of school buildings

b) Water resources management -Audit

c) Survey of waste management systems-Swatch Bharat

d) Survey of modern building materials & properties

e) Survey on Implementation of Government welfare schemes

179 Page
B.Tech (CE)– III-II Sem L T P C
3 0 0 0



The objective of this course is

 To understand the basic concepts of research and research problem
 To make the students learn about various types of data collection and sampling
 To enable them to know the method of statistical evaluation
 To make the students understand various testing tools in research
 To make the student learn how to write a research report
 To create awareness on ethical issues n research


Meaning of Research – Objectives of Research – Types of Research – Research Approaches –

Guidelines for Selecting and Defining a Research Problem – Research Design – Concepts related
to Research Design – Basic Principles of Experimental Design.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of research and its process
 Explain various types of research
 Know the steps involved in research design
 Understand the different research approaches


Sampling Design – steps in Sampling Design –Characteristics of a Good Sample Design –

Random Sampling Design. Measurement and Scaling Techniques-Errors in Measurement – Tests
of Sound Measurement – Scaling and Scale Construction Techniques – Time Series Analysis –
Interpolation and Extrapolation. Data Collection Methods – Primary Data – Secondary data –
Questionnaire Survey and Interviews.

180 Page
Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of sampling and sampling design
 Explain various techniques in measurement and scaling
 Learn various methods of data collection
 Design survey questionnaires for different kinds of research
 Analyze the questionnaires


Correlation and Regression Analysis – Method of Least Squares – Regression vs Correlation –

Correlation vs Determination – Types of Correlations and Their Applications

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Know the association of two variables
 Understand the importance of correlation and regression
 Compare and contrast correlation and regression
 Learn various types of correlation
 Apply the knowledge of C&R Analysis to get the results


Statistical Inference: Tests of Hypothesis – Parametric vs Non-parametric Tests – Hypothesis

Testing Procedure – Sampling Theory – Sampling Distribution – Chi-square Test – Analysis of
variance and Co-variance – Multivariate Analysis

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Know the statistical inference

 Understand the hypothesis testing procedure
 Compare and contrast Parametric and Non-parametric Tests
 Understand the use of chi-square test in investigating the distribution of categorical
 Analyze the significance of variance and covariance

181 Page
Report Writing and Professional Ethics: Interpretation of Data – Report Writing – Layout of a
Research Paper – Techniques of Interpretation- Making Scientific Presentations in Conferences
and Seminars – Professional Ethics in Research.

Learning Outcomes:-

After completion of this unit student will

 Learn about report writing
 Understand how to write research paper
 Explain various techniques of interpretation
 Understand the importance of professional ethics in research
 Design a scientific paper to present in the conferences/seminars

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand basic concepts and its methodologies
 Demonstrate the knowledge of research processes
 Read. comprehend and explain research articles in their academic discipline
 Analyze various types of testing tools used in research
 Design a research paper without any ethical issues

Text books:
1. C.R.Kothari, “Research Methodology:Methods and Techniques”,2nd edition, New Age
International Publishers.
2. A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, “Research Methodology”: Ranjit Kumar, Sage


1. P.Narayana Reddy and G.V.R.K.Acharyulu, “Research Methodology and Statistical

Tools”, 1st Edition, Excel Books,New Delhi.
2. Donald R. “Business Research Methods”, Cooper & Pamela S Schindler, 9th edition.
3. S C Gupta, “Fundamentals of Statistics”, 7th edition Himalaya Publications

182 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objective:

 To know the necessity of soil exploration.

 To design the shallow foundations.
 To know and necessity of deep foundations
 To perform the stability analysis of slopes.
 To know the principles and design of earth retaining walls

To use the principles of Soil mechanics to design the foundations, Earth retaining structures and
slope stability safely and economically knowledge of the subject is essential.


SOIL EXPLORATION: Need – Methods of soil exploration – Boring and Sampling methods –
Field tests – Penetration Tests – Plate load test – Pressure meter – planning of Programme and
preparation of soil investigation report.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To learn about soil sampling (undisturbed and disturbed)
 To determine the bearing capacity of shallow foundations


SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: Types – choice of foundation – Location of depth – Safe

Bearing Capacity – Terzaghi`s, Meyerhoff‟s and Skempton`s Methods ALLOWABLE
BEARING PRESSURE : Safe bearing pressure based on N- value – allowable bearing pressure;
safe bearing capacity and settlement from plate load test – allowable settlements of structures –
Settlement Analysis

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To learn about various types of foundations
 To calculate the bearing capacity and settlement of foundations

183 Page

PILE FOUNDATION: Types of piles – Load carrying capacity of piles based on static pile
formulae – Dynamic pile formulae – Pile load tests – Load carrying capacity of pile groups in
sands and clays – Settlement of pile groups.

WELL FOUNDATIONS: Types – Different shapes of wells – Components of wells –

functions and Design Criteria – Sinking of wells – Tilts and shifts.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To understand the behaviour of the piles under different loading conditions.
 To design the load carrying capacity of piles.
 To understand the behaviour of well foundations.


EARTH SLOPE STABILITY: Infinite and finite earth slopes – types of failures – factor of
safety of infinite slopes – stability analysis by Swedish arc method, standard method of slices,
Bishop‟s Simplified method – Taylor‟s Stability Number- Stability of slopes of earth dams
under different conditions.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To learn about the failure of slopes.
 To design of infinite and finite slopes using various methods.


EARTH PRESSURE THEORIES: Rankine‟s theory of earth pressure – earth pressures in

layered soils – Coulomb‟s earth pressure theory – Rebhann‟s and Culmann‟s graphical method
RETAINING WALLS: Types of retaining walls – stability of retaining walls.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To understand the role earth pressure on the stability of retaining systems.

Course Outcomes:

 To enable the student to analyse shallow and deep foundations when subjected to various
types of loadings.
 To enable the student to analyse slopes, retaining walls and well foundations.

184 Page

1. C.Venkataramaiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New Age Pubilications.

2. Arora, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering” Standard Publishers and Distributors,
3. B.C.Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain,Soil “Mechanics and Foundations”
,Laxmi, publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi


1. Purushtoma Raj, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Pearson Pubilications

2. Das, B.M., “Principles of Foundation Engineering”, 6th edition (Indian edition) Thomson
3. Varghese,P.C., “Foundation Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India., New Delhi.
4. V.N.S.Murthy, “Foundation Engineering”, CRC Press, New Delhi.
5. Bowles, J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing
company, Newyork.
6. Manoj Dutta & Gulati S.K “Geotechnical Engineering”, Tata Mc.Grawhill Publishers New
Delhi. (1988)

185 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
2 1 0 3


Course Objectives:

 To impart basic knowledge on different types of estimation

 To enrich with specifications and tender procedures.
 To give insights on various types of contract agreements.
 To inculcate data preparation for abstract estimation
 To teach procedure for valuation of buildings.


Methods of estimation-advantages-types of estimates-detailed estimates of residential buildings-
single storied and multi-storied buildings-earthwork-foundations-Super structure-Fittings
including sanitary and electrical fittings-paintings.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand methods of Estimation
 Carryout estimation of quantities for structural components
 Estimate cost while using different types of sanitary and electrical fittings


Specifications and Tenders

Specifications-Detailed and general specifications-construction specifications-sources- types of
specifications-Tender notices-types-corrigendum notice-tender procedures Drafting model

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Prepare detailed and general specifications for a project
 Understand tender schedule and tender notices
 Draft tender documents for projects

186 Page

Types of contracts-formation and conditions of contract-problems-contract for labor, material,
design and construction-drafting of contract documents-construction contracts- arbitration and
legal requirements.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Prepare documents for different types of contracts
 Identify arbitration and legal issues and mitigation methods


Rate Analysis and Preparation of Bills

Data-Rate analysis-abstract estimate-report to accompany estimate-measurement book –bills-

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Calculate data for different materials
 Understand procedures for entries in measurement books and its importance
 Prepare abstract estimates based on SSR.


Principles of valuation-Value and Cost-value engineering-value analysis-phases in value

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Carry out valuation of buildings.
 Explain Auditing procedures and implementation

187 Page
Course Outcomes

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

● Understand basics on methods and types of estimation.
● Formulate specifications and tender documents.
● Prepare contract agreements
● Determine rate analysis of different items.
● Valuation of buildings.


1. Dutta, B. N., “Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering (Theory & Practice)”, UBS
Publishers, 2016
2. B. S. Patil, “Civil Engineering Contracts and Estimates”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd,
Hyderabad. 4th Edition 2015.


1. M. Chakraborthi, “Estimation, Costing and Specifications”, Laxmi publications.

2. D. D. Kohli & R. C. Kohli, “A Textbook of Estimating and Costing(Civil)”, S. Chand and
Company Limited, New Delhi
3. Standard Schedule of rates and standard data book by public works department.
4. I. S. 1200 (Parts I to XXV, “Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering
works – B.I.S.)” 1974.

188 Page
B.Tech (CE) – IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objective:

 It deals with different types of loads on the bridges as per the I.R.C code provisions.
 It deals with the design procedures of bridges such as deck slab bridge, T – Beam
Bridge, Plate girder bridge and Box culvert etc., based on the I.R.C provisions.
 It gives a good knowledge on different components like bridge bearing, piers and
abutments of the bridges.
 It gives good knowledge on design of bridge bearings based on the I.R.C provisions.
 It makes the student to design a bridge independently as per the I.R.C provisions


INTRODUCTION: Importance of site investigation in Bridge design. Highway Bridge loading

standards. Impact factor. Railway Bridge loading standards (B.G. ML Bridge) various loads in
BRIDGE BEARINGS : General features – Types of Bearings – Design principles of steel
Rocker & Roller Bearings – Design of a steel Rocker Bearing – Design of Elastomeric pad

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand different types of I.R.C loads on the bridges.
 Understand the different types of bridge bearings and their suitability.


DECK SLAB BRIDGE: Introduction – Effective width method of Analysis Design of deck slab
bridge (Simply supported) subjected to class AA Tracked Vehicle only.
BOX CULVERT: General aspects. Design loads, Design of Box culvert subjected to IRC class
AA tracked vehicle only.

189 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the effective width method of analysis of bridge decks
 Know the design of the deck slab bridges
 Understand the different forces acting on the box culverts and its design.


BEAM & SLAB BRIDGE (T-BEAM BRIDGE) General features – Design of interior panel of
slab – Pigeauds method – Design of a T-beam bridge subjected to class AA tracked vehicle only.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the pigeauds method of analysis of deck slabs of T beam bridges
 Design the T beam bridges


PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE: Introduction – elements of a plate girder and their design. Design
of a Deck type welded plate girder – Bridge of single line B.G.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the forces acting on the plate girder bridge
 Understand the design of plate girder bridge


PIERS & ABUTMENTS: General features – Bed Block – Materials piers & Abutments Types
of piers – Forces acting on piers – Stability analysis of piers – General features of Abutments –
forces acting on abutments – Stability analysis of abutments – Types of wing walls – Approaches
– Types of Bridge foundations (excluding Design).

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the forces acting on the piers and abutments and their stability analysis.
 Know the different types of wings walls.

Note: Relevant IRC & Railway Bridge Codes are to be permitted in the examination hall

190 Page
Course outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to,

● Understand different types of bridges and loads coming over the bridge as per the I.R.C
codal provisions.
● Understand the design procedures of the bridges as per the I.R.C recommendations
 Understand the different forces acting on the piers and abutments and their stability


1. Ponnu Swamy, “Bridge Engineering”, TATA Mcgraw Hill Company, New Delhi.
2. N.Krishnam Raju, “Design of Bridges”, Oxford & IBH, Publishing Company Pvt.ltd.,
3. D.J.Victor, “Design of Bridges Structure”
4. Relevant, “ IRC & Railway bridge Codes”.


1. B.C. Punmia, “Design of Steel structures”, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi.
2. Ramachandra. “Design of Steel structures”,
3. B.C. Punmia, “Design of R.C.C. structures”, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain,
Laxmi Publications, New Delhi.
4. T.R.Jagadish & M.A.Jayaram “Design of Bridges Structure”, Prentice Hall of India

191 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives

These are to
 Analyze PSC beams with straight, concentric, eccentric, bent and parabolic tendons and
design beams of rectangular and I sections for flexure.
 Design shear reinforcements, structural elements for shear, torsion and anchorage as per
the provisions of BIS.
 Interpret the transmission mechanism of pre-stressing force by bond and compute
deflection of beams under loads


Principles of pre-stressing – pre stressing systems - pre-tensioning and post tensioning-
Advantages and limitations of Pre stressed concrete- need for high strength materials. Methods
of pre-stressing: Pre-tensioning (Hoyer system) and Post-tensioning methods (Freyssinet system
and Gifford- Udall System).

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand pre tensioning and post tensioning
 Identify different type of prestressing systems.


Losses of pre-stress:
Loss of pre-stress in pre-tensioned and post-tensioned members due to elastic shortening,
shrinkage and creep of concrete, relaxation of stress in steel, anchorage slip and frictional losses.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Classify different types of losses in prescreening
 Estimate losses of pre stress

192 Page

Flexure and shear:

Analysis of beams for flexure and shear - beams pre-stressed with straight, concentric, eccentric,
bent and parabolic tendons- Kern line - Cable profile - design of PSC beams (rectangular and I
sections) using IS 1343. Analysis and design of rectangular and I beams for shear. Introduction
to Transmission length and End block (no Design and Analytical problems).

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Analyze beams for flexure and shear
 Understand prestressing with different types of tendons on beams of varying shape
 Know the end block characteristics and its significance


Control of deflections- Factors influencing deflections - short term deflections of uncracked
beams- prediction of long time deflections.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Distinguish between short term and long term deflections in PSC beams
 Estimate the short and long term deflections of PSC beam.


Composite beams:
Different Types- Propped and Un-propped- stress distribution- Differential shrinkage- Analysis
of composite beams.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Identify different types of composite beams
 Analyze PSC composite beams.

193 Page
Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

● Understand the concepts of pre-stressing and methods of pre stressing.
● Compute losses of pre-stress in pre-stressed concrete members.
● Design PSC beams under flexure and shear.
● Estimate the short and long term deflections of PSC beams.
● Apply prestressing concepts for composite beams.


1. N. Krishna Raju, “Prestressed Concrete”, Tata Mc.Graw Hill Publications.

2. Praveen Nagrajan, “Prestressed Concrete Design”, Pearson publications, 2013.


1. T.Y. Lin & Ned H. Burns, “Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures”, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Ramamrutham, “Prestressed Concrete”, Dhanpatrai Publications.
3. Rajagopalan, “Prestressed concrete”, Narosa Publishing House.
4. BIS code on “prestressed concrete”, IS: 1343 to be permitted into the examination Hall.

194 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
(19a01703b1) EXPANSIVE SOILS
Course Objectives:

These are to
 Familiarize Students with Nature of Soils and Soil Structure
 Equip student with concepts of Swelling and methods of determination
 Understand foundation practices in expansive soils
 Familiarize different materials and techniques for stabilization
 Understand procedure to improve shear strength of expansive soils


Clay Mineralogy: Nature of Soils-Clay mineral structure- Diffused double layer theory- Cation
exchange – Soil water- Soil Structure-Soil water interaction

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand mineralogical structure of soil.
 Know the effects of soil water interaction


Swelling Characteristics- Swelling- Factors effecting Swelling- Swelling Potential- Swell

Pressure- Methods of Determination-Factors effecting Swelling potential and swell pressure-
Heave- Factors effecting Heave- Methods of determination of heave.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand swelling and its effects
 Understand heave and its effects


Foundation Practices in Expansive Clays: Sand Cushion-Belled Piers-CNS layer technique-

Under reamed Pile foundation- Construction Techniques- Design Specifications- Load-carrying

195 Page
capacity in compressive and uplift of single and multi under reamed piles in clays and sands-
Granular pile Anchors.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand about inconveniences with expansive soils
 Design foundation on expansive soils.


Lime Soil columns and Lime Slurry pressure injection- Stabilization with admixtures-
Propounding- Vertical and Horizontal Moisture barriers.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the stability concepts with various admixtures.


Shear strength of expansive soils- Katti’s concept of bilinear envelope- Stress –state variables in
partly saturated soils- Frelend’s strength parameters- Determination of matrix suction by filter
paper method- axis translation technique and field suction measurement.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Determine shear strength of expansive soils by different techniques

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course the student will be able to

● Demonstrate behavior of expansive soils.
● Explain need of foundation practice on expansive soils.
● Perform methods of stabilization of expansive soils.
● Select additives and methodology for stabilization.
 Apply the gained knowledge for suitable performance

196 Page

1. F. C. Chen, “Foundation on Expansive Soils”, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company,

2. J. D. Nelson and D. I. Miller, “Expansive soils- Problems and Practice in Foundation and
pavement Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Inc


1. D. G. Fredlund and H. Rhardjo, “Soil Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils”, WILEY Inter
Science Publication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc
2. D. R. Katti, A. R. Katti, “Behavior of Saturated Expansive Soils and Control Methods”,
Taylor and Francis
3. Malcolm D Bolton , “Guide to Soil Mechanics”, Universities Press, 2003.
4. Manfred R. Haussmann, “Engineering Principles of Ground Modification”, McGraw Hill Pub.
Co.,New,York, 1990

IS: 2720 (Part XV)-1977 Measurement of Swelling Pressure of Soils

197 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

To give details of Mechanics of rock failure and other aspects of stability of underground and
open cost workings including mechanics of subsidence, design of slopes and foundations resting
on mass


Physico-mechanical properties of rocks, Elastic and time dependent behavior, Rock mass

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand the physical and mechanics properties of rock with time
 Classify the various types rocks


Theories of rock failure, Stress analysis, Insitu stress and stress distribution around mine
openings. Ground failure and pressure on supports, Stability of wide openings, Design of
supports in mine workings.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Understand the behaviour of stress and strain characteristics of rocks

 Design the support systems for mining works


Subsidence: Causes and impacts of subsidence, Mechanics of surface subsidence, discontinuous

and continuous subsidence. Monitoring, prediction, control and management of subsidence.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand the gradual caving in or sinking of rocks.

198 Page
 Predict the subsidence


Plane failure analysis. Wedge failure analysis analytical, Stereographic methods. Buckling and
toppling failures, Rock falls, Landslides.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Understand the various types of failure in rock mechanics

 Learn about the design of rock slopes against planar and wedge failures


Foundations: Bearing capacity, settlement and stress distribution in intact and layered rocks.
Foundations of dams. Deep foundations. Tension foundations, Codal provisions. Foundation
improvement. Use of appropriate software packages.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Calculate the bearing capacity of foundations resting on rocks

 Compare the various codal provisions regarding bearing capacity

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Know the physical properties of rocks and their classification
 Study various aspects of ground control problems in underground
 Know open cost mines with a better understandings of scope for application of various
numerical methods and model studies in geo-mechanics.

199 Page

1. Jager. J C & Cook NGW, “Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics”, Blackwell Publishers

2. Jumikis Alfreds. R, “Rock Mechanics” , Trans Tech Publishers


1. Peng. Syd. S. “Coal Mining Ground Control West Virginia University”

2 Brady, BHG& Brown.ET, “Rock mechanics for underground mining”, George Allen & Unwio
Ltd, 1992

200 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To teach Health and Environment Concerns in waste water management

 To teach material balance and design aspects of the reactors used in waste water
 To impart knowledge on selection of treatment methods for industrial waste water
 To teach common methods of treatment in different industries
 To provide knowledge on operational problems of common effluent treatment plant


Industrial water Quantity and Quality requirements:

Boiler and cooling waters–Process water for Textiles, Food processing, Brewery Industries,
power plants, fertilizers, sugar mills Selection of source based on quality, quantity and
economics. Use of Municipal wastewater in Industries – Adsorption, Reverse Osmosis, Ion
Exchange, Ultra filtration, Freezing, Elutriation, Removal of Colour, Odour and Taste.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Learn the procedures for assessment of quality of Industrial water
 Suggest different processes of handling waste water


Basic theories of Industrial Wastewater Management: Industrial waste survey - Measurement

of industrial wastewater Flow-generation rates – Industrial wastewater sampling and preservation
of samples for analysis -Wastewater characterization-Toxicity of industrial effluents-Treatment
of wastewater-unit operations and processes-Volume and Strength reduction – Neutralization and
Equalization, Segregation and proportioning- recycling, reuse and resources recovery

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know the quantity of measurement of Industrial waste water

201 Page
 Know about the characterization of waste water
 Suggest techniques for treatment of waste water.


Industrial wastewater disposal management: Discharges into Streams, Lakes and oceans and
associated problems, Land treatment - Common Effluent Treatment Plants: advantages and
suitability, Limitations and challenges- Recirculation of Industrial Wastes- Effluent Disposal

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand options for waste water disposal.
 Explain functioning of common effluent treatment plants

Process and Treatment of specific Industries-1: Manufacturing Process and origin,
characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Steel plants, Fertilizers,
Textiles, Paper and Pulp industries, Oil Refineries, Coal and Gas based Power Plants

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand the characteristics of waste water from Steel plants and refineries
 Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques

Process and Treatment of specific Industries-2: Manufacturing Process and origin,
characteristics, effects and treatment methods of liquid waste from Tanneries, Sugar Mills,
Distillers, Dairy and Food Processing industries, Pharmaceutical Plants

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand the character of waste water from tanneries and distilleries
 Suggest suitable waste water treatment techniques

202 Page
Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
● Design treatment methods for any industrial wastewater.
● Examine the manufacturing process of various industries.
● Assess need for common effluent treatment plant for an industry
● Test and analyse BOD, COD, TSS and MPN in waste water.


1. M. N. Rao and A. K. Dutta, “Wastewater Treatment”, Oxford & IBH, New Delhi.
2. K.V. S. G. Murali Krishna, “Industrial Water and Wastewater Management”.


1. A. D. Patwardhan, Industrial Wastewater treatment, PHI Learning, Delhi

2. Metcalf and Eddy Inc., Wastewater Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill co., New Delhi.
3. G. L. Karia & R.A. Christian Wastewater Treatment- Concepts and Design Approach,
Prentice Hall of India.

203 Page
B.Tech (CE)–IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

These are to
 Introduce the basic principles of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques.
 Teach various types of satellite sensors and platforms
 Impart concepts of visual and digital image analyses
 Teach concepts of principles of spatial analysis
 Teach about the application of RS and GIS in Civil engineering


Introduction to photogrammetry:
Principles & types of aerial photograph, geometry of vertical aerial photograph, Scale & Height
measurement on single vertical aerial photograph, Height measurement based on relief
displacement, Fundamentals of stereoscopy, fiducially points, parallax measurement using
fiducially line.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand concepts of photogrammetry
 Estimate heights and distances.


Remote sensing:
Basic concepts and foundation of remote sensing – elements involved in remote sensing,
electromagnetic spectrum, remote sensing terminology and units. Energy resources, energy
interactions with earth surface features and atmosphere, resolution, sensors and satellite visual
interpretation techniques, basic elements, converging evidence, interpretation for terrain
evaluation, spectral properties of water bodies, introduction to digital data analysis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand advantages of remote sensing

204 Page
 Demonstrate concepts of remote sensing.


Geographic information system:

Introduction, GIS definition and terminology, GIS categories, components of GIS, fundamental
operations of GIS, A theoretical framework for GIS. Data collection and input overview, data
input and output. Keyboard entry and coordinate geometry procedure, manual digitizing and
scanning, Raster GIS, Vector GIS – File management, Spatial data – Layer based GIS, Feature
based GIS mapping.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand concepts of GIS.
 Explain data collection and data interpretation
 Develop terrain characteristics using Mapping


GIS spatial analysis:

Computational Analysis Methods (CAM), Visual Analysis Methods (VAM), Data storage-vector
data storage, attribute data storage, overview of the data manipulation and analysis. Integrated
analysis of the spatial and attribute data.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know applications of GIS and data interpretation.


Water resources applications:

Land use/Land cover in water resources, Surface water mapping and inventory -Watershed
management for sustainable development and Watershed characteristics - Reservoir
sedimentation, Fluvial Geomorphology - Ground Water Targeting, Identification of sites for
artificial Recharge structures - Inland water quality survey and management, water depth
estimation and bathymetry.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know applications of RS & GIS in water resources applications.

205 Page
 Study technological problems like reservoir sedimentation ground water identification
Course outcomes

At the end of the course the student will be able to

● Comparing with ground, air and satellite based sensor platforms.
● Interpret the aerial photographs and satellite imageries.
● Create and input spatial data for GIS application.
● Apply RS and GIS concepts in water resources engineering.
● Applications of various satellite data.


1. B. Bhatta, “Remote Sensing and GIS”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
2. Satheesh Gopi, Advanced surveying: Total station GIS and remote sensing, Pearson


1. George Joseph, “Fundamentals of remote sensing”, Universities press, Hyderabad.

2. C. P. Lo Albert, K.W. Yonng, “Concepts & Techniques of GIS”, Prentice Hall (India)
3. M. Anji Reddy “Remote sensing and GIS”, B. S. Publications, New Delhi.
4. L. R. A. Narayana, “Remote Sensing and its applications”, University Press 1999.

206 Page
B.Tech (CE)–IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives:

The course will address the following:

 It will enable the student to understand the various characteristics of traffic system
 It will make the student to have the knowledge of intersections and their design
 It will impart the knowledge of design of interchanges and parking facilities


Characteristics of Traffic System: Human-vehicle-environment system, Fundamental parameters

of traffic and relationships; Microscopic and macroscopic characteristics
Traffic Data Collection studies: Traffic study components, types of data; Volume studies; Speed
studies; Travel time and delay studies; Intersection studies, Pedestrian studies; Parking studies,
Vehicle detection methods; Advanced methods: GPS, Instrumented Vehicles, Image Processing,
Bluetooth, Infrared methods.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To enable the student to know about the traffic characteristics.
 It makes the student familiar with traffic data collection studies.


Highway Capacity Analysis: Capacity and level of service concepts; Factors affecting capacity
and LOS; Freeway and multi-lane analysis; Capacity of Urban arterials; Signalised intersections;
Un-signalised intersections; US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) and IRC standards, Indo-
HCM standards.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 It makes the student to get familiar with highway capacity analysis.

207 Page

Design of unsignalised intersections: At grade intersections types and their suitability, factors
affecting design, data requirement, parameters selection, intersection controls, estimation of
conflict points, uncontrolled intercession analysis, sight distance requirements, roundabouts and
design methodologies, capacity of roundabouts, miniroundabouts.
Design of signalized intersections: Warrants for signalization, saturation flow rate and capacity,
estimation of amber time, design of all aspects of signal timings, LOS studies, estimation of
queue length and control delay, signal coordination, channelization and its objectives,
channelizing devices, design considerations, typical channelizing examples.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 It makes the student to design the unsignalized and signalized intersections


Design of Interchanges: Necessities of interchanges, classification and types of common

interchanges, layouts of interchange, interchange warrants, interchange design elements

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 It makes the student to know the types of interchanges and design of interchanges


Design of parking facilities: Parking and influencing factors, type of parking system, parking
angles and aisle width, on-street parking design, design parameters, parking surveys and demand
estimation, various parking layouts and vehicle circulation, design of off street parking facilities,
types and layouts, design examples.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 It allows the student to understand parking facilities .
 It also allows the student to make parking surveys and design parameters to be considered
in parking design.

208 Page
Course outcomes:

 Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Conduct traffic studies and estimate basic characteristics of traffic stream.
 Analyze the traffic data and interpret the results.
 Design the geometric elements for better traffic system.
 Analyze and design uncontrolled and signalized intersection with collected data.


1. L.R. Kadiyali, “Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning”, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
2. Roger P. Roess, Elena S. Prassas and William R. McShane, “Traffic Engineering”, Prentice
Hall, 4th Edition, 2010.
3. Adolf D. May, “Traffic Flow Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall, 1990.
4. Chakroborty Partha, Das Animesh, “Principles of Transportation Engineering”, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd., 1st Edition, 2009.
5. C. Jotin Khisty http://www.amazon.com/”Transportation-Engineering-Introduction” 3rd
Edition 6. B. Kent Lall, Transportation Engineering: An Introduction, Prentice Hall; 3rd
Edition, 2003.


1. Fred L. Mannering, Scott S. Washburn, Kilareski Walter P., “Principles Of Highway

Engineering And Traffic Analysis”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd., 4th Edition, 2011.
2. L.R. Kadiyali, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
3. Louis J. Pignataro and Edmund J. Cantilli, Traffic Engineering: Theory and Practice; Prentice
hall, Inc., 1973.
4. Mike Slinn, Paul Matthews, Peter Guest, “Traffic Engineering Design: Principles and Practice,
Butterworth” -heinemann, 2nd Edition, 2005.
5. Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel, Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel, “Principles of Traffic
and Highway Engineering”, Cengage Learning India, 2nd Edition, 2010.
6. TRB Highway Capacity Manual, “Transportation Research Board”, Washington, D.C., 2010.

209 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objective:

 To make the student to know the travel characteristics.

 To make the student to know the transportation planning process.
 To make the students understand, trip generation models.
 To introduce the concept of Traffic assignment and Mode Split.
 To make the students to understand the concept of Economic Evaluation of
Transportation plans.


Concept Of Travel Demand; Travel Characteristics - Origin, Destination, Route, Mode,

Purpose; Travel Demand As A Function Of Independent Variables; Assumptions In Demand
Estimation Relation Between Land Use And Travel; Four Step Process Of Transportation

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the travel characteristics.


Transportation Planning Process; General Concept Of Trip; Trip Generation; Trip

Distribution, Traffic Assignment And Mode Split, Aggregate And Disaggregate Models. Date
Collection And Sequential And Sequential Recursive Models. Date Collection And Inverntories;
Definition Of Study Area; Zoning Principles; Types And Sources Of Date, Home Interview
Surveys; Road Side Interview Surveys; Goods. Taxi, IPT Surveys; Sampling Techniques;
Expansion Factors And Accuracy Check; Desire Line Diagram And Use.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Identify the principles of transportation planning.
 Know about the sampling techniques.

210 Page

Trip Generation Models; Factors Governing Trip Generation And Attraction; Multiple Linear
Regression Models, Category Analysis, Trip Distribution Models Methods Of Trip Distribution;
Growth Factor Models Uniform Growth Factor Method; Average Growth Factor Method; Factor
Method; Furnes Method; Limitation Of Growth Factor Models Concept Of Gravity Model.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know about the steps involved in different trip generation models.


Traffic assignment and Mode Split; Purpose of Assignment and General Principles;
Assignment Techniques - All - or- nothing. Assignment; Multiple route assignment, Capacity
restraint method. Minimum path trees; Diversion Curves. Factors affecting mode split; probit,
logit and discriminant Analysis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know traffic assignment and mode split in the traffic analysis.
 Know about the factors affecting the mode split.


Economic Evaluation of Transportation plans; Costs And Benefits Of Transportation

Projects; Vehicle Operating Cost; Timesaving Accident Costs. Methods Of Economic Evaluation
- Benefit Cost Ratio Method; Net Present Value Method; Internal Rate Of Return Method.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know cost and benefits of transportation projects .
 Know different methods of economic evaluation of transportation projects.

211 Page
Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Understand the concept of travel demand.
 Understand the different types of transportation planning processes.
 Understand the different types of trip generation models.
 Understand necessity of traffic assignment and mode split.
 Understand the economic evaluation of transportation projects.


1. L.R.Kadiyalli; “Traffic Engineering and Transporation Planning”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.

2. Papa Costas C.S.; “Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering”, Prentice Hall, India.
3. Khistry C.J.”Transportation Engineering”, An Introduction Prentic Hall

212 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

These are to
 Teach Concepts of systems techniques in water resources engineering
 Teach Linear Optimization concepts
 Demonstrate the Development system approach to reservoir operation
 Planning water allocation to different crops
 Expertise on River operation policies


Concept of System and System Analysis - Definition and Types of Systems - Basic Principles of
Systems Approach and Analysis. Systems Techniques in Water Resources.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To Understand the concepts of water resource system.


Introduction to Optimization - Linear and Dynamic Programming - Simulation - Combined

Simulation and Optimization. Economics of Water Resources Projects - Cost Benefit Analysis -
Cost Allocation among various projects in a Multi-purpose Project.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Know about the optimization of water resource projects.
 Carryout cost analysis on different projects


Systems Approach to Reservoir - Deterministic Flows - Reservoir Sizing and Reservoir

Operations. Basic Concepts of Random Flows Reliability.

213 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To learn the different types of operations in water resource system.


Application of Linear Programming to Water Resources Systems - Irrigation Water Allocation

for Single and Multiple Crops. Reservoir Operation for Irrigation and Hydropower Generation.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To understand applications of linear programming on applications of water resource
system for crops.


Applications of Dynamic Programming to Water Resources Systems - Optimal Crop Water

Application - Steady State Reservoir Operating Policy for Irrigation. Real Time Reservoir
Operation for Irrigation.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To develop knowledge on dynamic programming on applications of water resource
system for crops.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

● Apply basic principles of system approach.
● Judging Economics of water resources of multipurpose projects.
● Apply optimization principles to single and multi crop applications.
● Designing reservoir operation leading to optimum crop water application.

214 Page

1. Loucks, D. P. and Eelco Van Beek, “Water Resources systems planning and management”:
An Introduction to methods, models and applications. UNESCO. (2005).
2. Vedula, S. and Mujumdar, P. P., “Water resources Systems: Modeling techniques and
analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. (2005).


1. Mays, L.W. and Tung, Y.K., “Hydro systems Engineering and Management”, McGraw Hill,
USA. (1992).
2. Simonovic, S.P., “Managing water resources: Methods and tools for a systems approach”,
UNESCO Publishing, France. (2009).
3. R. K. Sharma & T. K. Sharma, “A Textbook Of Irrigation Engineering”, S. Chand and
Company Limited, New Delhi

215 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

These are to
 Teach the basic concepts of river basin management
 Demonstrate the various types flows and catchment process
 Explain various monitoring systems and regulations in river basin management
 Teach river basin management techniques


Basic Concepts of River Basin Management (RBM) - Integrated River Basin Management
(IRBM) - River Basin Organizations (RBOs) - Types. Theories and Principles of IRBM - Need
for RBM & Need for Irrigation-Objectives and Benefits of IRBM - Key Activities and
Challenges in IRBM - Various Guiding Principles of IRBM - Scenarios in Developed and
Developing Countries.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Learn basic concepts of river basin management.
 Identify key activities and challenges of IRBM


River Systems:
Recapitulation of Basic Principles of Hydrology - River Basins and Catchments - Hydrologic,
Geo-morphological, Physical & Chemical Processes. Stream Corridors, Stream Order Model-
Functions of River Systems - Provisioning, Regulating, Cultural and Supporting Services - Low
Base Flows - Ecological Stresses to Rivers - Human Interventions and Impacts - Man’s Attitude
towards Nature and Development. Engineered River Systems.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 Understand river basin systems.

216 Page
 Explain functions of river system
 Identify ecological stress on rivers and necessity of engineering river systems


Tools and Methods of IRBM:

Monitoring and Water Resources Information System - Monitoring, Acquisition and Processing
of Water Resources Data - Statistical Tools - Decision Support Systems. Governance Issues -
Water Governance - Its Importance - Fundamental Requirements for Good TBM - Rules,
Regulations and Laws - Various Acts Enforced by Government of India for River Basin
Management and Development.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To learn tools and methods of river basin management.


River Basin Planning And Management - I (Strategies)

Water Resources Planning and Management of - Need, Various Aspects and Approaches of
Planning and Management - Planning Process - Operational Management - Instruments of
Operational Management - Water Quality Management - Water Charges and Cost Recovery -
Issues related to Water Right and Water Allocation.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 TO Understand river basin planning and strategic management..


River Basin Planning And Management – II (Technologies)

River Restoration: Disturbances to River Systems - River Restoration Planning and Design.
Implementation, Monitoring and Adoptive Management - Sediment Management in Rivers -
Preliminary Sedimentation Aspects, Sediment Inflow Reduction - Recovery, Increase or
Reallocation of Storage Volume - Pressure Flushing, Empty Flushing, Dredging, Dry Excavation
and Structural Modifications.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 TO understand river basin planning and technical management..

217 Page
Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, student is able to

● Summarise the concepts of river basin management.
● Implement the techniques in river basin management.
● Compare methods and tools in river basin management
● Check the river basin to obtain most possible benefits.
● Planning and management of river basin.


1. A Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins Published by Global

Water Partnership and International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO)
2. Lawrence K. Wang and Chih Ted Yang, “Modern Water Resources Engineering” Edited,
Humana Press


1. Santosh Kumar Garg “Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structure”, Khanna Publishers.
2. Chow V. T., D. R Maidment and L. W. Mays, “Applied hydrology”, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Pvt. Ltd, (2011), New Delhi.
3. Mays L.W., “Water Resources Engineering”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, (2013).
4. Integrated River Basin Management - www.universitywaterspectrumpartnership.org.

218 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To identify the sources of air pollution

 To know the composition and structure of atmosphere
 To know the pollutants dispersion models
 To understand the working of air pollution control equipments
 To identify the sources of noise pollution and their controlling methods


Introduction: sources, effects on – ecosystems, characterization of atmospheric pollutants, air

pollution episodes of environmental importance. Indoor Air Pollution– sources, effects.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To understand the character of atmospheric pollutants and their effects


Meteorology - composition and structure of the atmosphere, wind circulation, solar radiation,
lapse rates, atmospheric stability conditions, wind velocity profile, Maximum Mixing Depth
(MMD), Temperature Inversions, Wind rose diagram.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Understand the composition and structure and structure of atmosphere

 To understand the maximum mixing depth and windrose diagram


General characteristics of stack emissions, plume behaviour, heat island effect. Pollutants
dispersion models – description and application of point, line and areal sources. Monitoring of
particulate matter and gaseous pollutants –respirable, non-respirable and nano - particulate
matter. CO, CO2, Hydrocarbons (HC), SOX and NOX, photochemical oxidants.

219 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the general characteristics of stack emissions and their behavior
 To understand the monitoring of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants


Air Pollution Control equipment for particulate matter & gaseous pollutants– gravity settling
chambers, centrifugal collectors, wet collectors, fabric filters, electrostatic precipitator (ESP). –
Adsorption, Absorption, Scrubbers, Condensation and Combustion.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the various air pollution control equipments


Noise - sources, measurements, effects and occupational hazards. Standards, Noise mapping,
Noise attenuation equations and methods, prediction equations, control measures, Legal aspects
of noise.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the noise sources, mapping, prediction equations etc.,

Course Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
● Identify the sources of air pollution
● Understand the composition and structure and structure of atmosphere.
● Know about the general characteristics of stack emissions and their behavior
● Know about the general characteristics of stake emission and their behavior
● Know about the noise sources, mapping, prediction equations etc.,

220 Page

1. WarkK ., Warner C.F., and Davis W.T., “Air Pollution - Its Origin and Control”, Harper &
Row Publishers, New York.
2. Lee C.C., and Lin S.D., “Handbook of Environmental Engineering Calculations”, McGraw
Hill, New York.
3. Perkins H.C., “Air Pollution”, McGraw Hill.
4. Crawford M., “Air Pollution Control Theory”, TATA McGraw Hill.
5. Stern A.C., “Air Pollution”, Vol I, II, III.
6. Seinfeld N.J.,, “Air Pollution”, McGraw Hill.
7. Stern A.C. Vol. V, “Air Quality Management”.
8. M N Rao and HVN Rao, Air Pollution” Tata McGraw Hill publication

221 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To identify the traditional materials that are used for building constructions
 To know the principles of building planning
 To know the causes of dampness in structures and its preventive measures
 To know about the low cost housing techniques
 To know the basic principles of surveying

Traditional materials: Stones- Types of stone masonry -Brick-types of brick masonry- lime
Cement – Timber – Seasoning of timber - their uses in building works

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To understand the characteristics of different building materials.


Elements of building planning- basic requirements-orientation-planning for energy efficiency-

planning based on utility-other requirements.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To understand the principles of planning in buildings


Dampness and its prevention: Causes of dampness- ill effects of dampness-requirements of an

ideal material for damp proofing-materials for damp proofing –methods of damp proofing.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the causes of dampness in buildings and its ill effects
 To know about the general characteristics of ideal material for damp proofing

222 Page

Cost effective construction techniques in mass housing schemes: Minimum standards –Approach
to cost effective mass housing schemes- cost effective construction techniques.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the various cost effective techniques in mass housing schemes.


Introduction to Surveying: Object and uses of surveying- Primary divisions in surveying-

Fundamental principles of surveying- Classification of surveying-plans and maps-scales-types of
graphical scales- units and measurements

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the objects of surveying and its classification.

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
● Identify the traditional building materials that are used in building construction.
● Plan the buildings based on principles of planning.
● Identify the sources of dampness and its ill effects on buildings and its prevention.
● Know the cost effective construction in mass housing schemes.
● Know the importance of surveying in planning of the buildings.

Text books:

1. S.S.Bhavikatti, “Basic civil engineering”, New age international publishers.

2. S.S.Bhavikatti, “Building Construction:, Vikas Publishing house, New Delhi.
3. G.C.Sahu and Joygopal jena, “Building materials and Construction”, McGraw Hill

Reference books:

1. N.Subramanian, “Building Materials testing and sustainability”, Oxford university press.

223 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

At the end of the course the student will be able to

 Identify various sources of Energy and the need of Renewable Energy Systems.
 Understand the concepts of Solar Radiation, Wind energy and its applications.
 Distinguish between solar thermal and solar PV systems
 Interpret the concept of geo thermal energy and its applications.
 Understand the use of biomass energy and the concept of Ocean energy and fuel cells.


Solar Energy

Solar radiation - beam and diffuse radiation, solar constant, earth sun angles, attenuation and
measurement of solar radiation, local solar time, derived solar angles, sunrise, sunset and day
length. flat plate collectors, concentrating collectors, storage of solar energy-thermal storage.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student will be able to
 To understand about solar thermal parameters
 To distinguish between flat plate and concentrated solar collectors
 To know about thermal storage requirements
 To know about measurement of solar radiation


PV Energy Systems

Introduction, The PV effect in crystalline silicon basic principles, the film PV, Other PV
technologies, Electrical characteristics of silicon PV cells and modules, PV systems for remote
power, Grid connected PV systems.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

224 Page
 Understand the concept of PV effect in crystalline silicon and their characteristics
 Understand other PV technologies
 To know about electrical characteristics of PV cells & modules
 To know about grid connected PV systems


Wind Energy

Principle of wind energy conversion; Basic components of wind energy conversion systems;
wind mill components, various types and their constructional features; design considerations of
horizontal and vertical axis wind machines: analysis of aerodynamic forces acting on wind mill
blades and estimation of power output; wind data and site selection considerations.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To understand basics of wind energy conversion and system

 To distinguish between VAWT and HAWT systems
 To understand about design considerations
 To know about site selection considerations of WECS


Geothermal Energy

Estimation and nature of geothermal energy, geothermal sources and resources like
hydrothermal, geo-pressured hot dry rock, magma. Advantages, disadvantages and application of
geothermal energy, prospects of geothermal energy in India.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Understand the Geothermal energy and its mechanism of production and its applications
 Analyze the concept of producing Geothermal energies
 To learn about disadvantages and advantages of Geo Thermal Energy Systems
 To know about various applications of GTES


Miscellaneous Energy Technologies

225 Page
Ocean Energy: Tidal Energy-Principle of working, performance and limitations. Wave Energy-
Principle of working, performance and limitations.
Bio mass Energy: Biomass conversion technologies, Biogas generation plants, Classification,
advantages and disadvantages, constructional details, site selection, digester design consideration
Fuel cell: Principle of working of various types of fuel cells and their working, performance and

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Analyze the operation of tidal energy

 Analyze the operation of wave energy
 Analyze the operation of bio mass energy
 Understand the principle, working and performance of fuel cell technology
 Apply these technologies to generate power for usage at remote centres

Course Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 To distinguish between various alternate sources of energy for different suitable

application requirements
 To differentiate between solar thermal and PV system energy generation strategies
 To understand about wind energy system
 To get exposed to the basics of Geo Thermal Energy Systems
 To know about various diversified energy scenarios of ocean, biomass and fuel cells

Text Books:

1. Stephen Peake, “Renewable Energy Power for a Sustainable Future”, Oxford

International Edition, 2018.
2. G. D. Rai, “Non-Conventional Energy Sources”, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers, 2000.

1. S. P. Sukhatme, “Solar Energy”,3rd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd, 2008.
2. B H Khan , “ Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, 2nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill
Education Pvt Ltd, 2011.
3. S. Hasan Saeed and D.K.Sharma,“Non-Conventional Energy Resources”,3rd Edition,
S.K.Kataria & Sons, 2012.
4. G. N. Tiwari and M.K.Ghosal, “Renewable Energy Resource: Basic Principles and
Applications”, Narosa Publishing House, 2004.

226 Page
B.Tech (CE) – IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To get exposed to new technologies of battery electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles
 To get exposed to EV system configuration and parameters
 To know about electro mobility and environmental issues of EVs
 To understand about basic EV propulsion and dynamics
 To understand about fuel cell technologies for EV and HVEs
 To know about basic battery charging and control strategies used in electric vehicles

Introduction to EV Systems and Parameters

Past, Present and Future EV, EV Concept, EV Technology, State-of-the Art EVs, EV
configuration, EV system, Fixed and Variable gearing, single and multiple motor drive, in-wheel
drives, EV parameters: Weight, size, force and energy, performance parameters.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about past, present and latest technologies of EV

 To understand about configurations of EV systems
 To distinguish between EV parameters and performance parameters of EV systems
 To distinguish between single and multiple motor drive EVs
 To understand about in-wheel EV

EV and Energy Sources

Electro mobility and the environment, history of Electric power trains, carbon emissions from
fuels, green houses and pollutants, comparison of conventional, battery, hybrid and fuel cell
electric systems

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

227 Page
 To know about various types of EV sources
 To understand about e-mobility
 To know about environmental aspects of EV
 To distinguish between conventional and recent technology developments in EV systems

EV Propulsion and Dynamics

Choice of electric propulsion system, block diagram, concept of EV Motors, single and multi
motor configurations, fixed and variable geared transmission, In-wheel motor configuration,
classification, Electric motors used in current vehicle applications, Recent EV Motors, Vehicle
load factors, vehicle acceleration.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about what is meant by propulsion system

 To understand about single and multi motor EV configurations
 To get exposed to current and recent applications of EV
 To understand about load factors in vehicle dynamics
 To know what is meant acceleration in EV

Fuel Cells

Introduction of fuel cells, basic operation, model, voltage, power and efficiency, power plant
system – characteristics, sizing, Example of fuel cell electric vehicle.
Introduction to HEV, brake specific fuel consumption, comparison of series, series-parallel
hybrid systems, examples

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about fuel cell technology of EV

 To know about basic operation of FCEV
 To know about characteristics and sizing of EV with suitable example
 To get exposed to concept of Hybrid Electric Vehicle using fuel cells
 To know about the comparison of various hybrid EV systems

Battery Charging and Control

228 Page
Battery charging: Basic requirements, charger architecture, charger functions, wireless
charging, power factor correction.
Control: Introduction, modelling of electro mechanical system, feedback controller design
approach, PI controllers designing, torque-loop, speed control loop compensation, acceleration of
battery electric vehicle

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To understand about basic requirements of battery charging and its architecture

 To know about charger functions
 To get exposed to wireless charging principle
 To understand about block diagram, modelling of electro mechanical systems of EV
 To be able to design various compensation requirements

Course Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

 To understand and differentiate between conventional and latest trends in Electric

 To know about various configurations in parameters of EV system
 To know about propulsion and dynamic aspects of EV
 To understand about fuel cell technologies in EV and HEV systems
 To understand about battery charging and controls required of EVs


1. C.C Chan, K.T Chau: “Modern Electric Vehicle Technology”, Oxford University Press
Inc., New York 2001.
2. James Larminie, John Lowry, “Electric Vehicle Technology Explained”, Wiley, 2003.


1. Iqbal Husain,, “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design Fundamentals”, CRC Press 2005.
2. Ali Emadi, “Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles”, CRC Press, 2015.

229 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

● Familiarize basic principles of finite element analysis procedure.

● Explain theory and characteristics of finite elements that represent engineering
● Apply finite element solutions to structural, thermal, dynamic problem.
● Learn to model complex geometry problems and solution techniques.


Introduction to finite element methods for solving field problems, Stress and equilibrium,
Boundary conditions, Strain-Displacement relations, Stress- strain relations for 2D and 3D
Elastic problems.Potential energy and equilibrium, The Rayleigh-Ritz method, Formulation of
Finite Element Equations.
One dimensional problems: Finite element modeling coordinates and shape functions.
Assembly of global stiffness matrix and load vector. Finite element equations, Treatment of
boundary conditions, Quadratic shape functions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the concept of nodes and elements.(l2)
● Understand the general steps of finite element methods.(l2)
● Understand the role and significance of shape functions in finite element formulations
● Formulate and solve axially loaded bar problems. (l6)


Analysis of trusses: Stiffness Matrix for plane truss element. Stress Calculations and Problems.
Analysis of beams: Element Stiffness Matrix for two noded, two degrees of freedom per node
beam element and simple problems.

230 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the use of the basic finite elements for structural applications using truss and
beam. (l2)
● Formulate and analyze truss and beam problems. (l6)


Finite element modeling of two dimensional stress analysis - constant strain triangles-
quadrilateral element-treatment of boundary conditions. Estimation of load Vector,
Stresses.Finite element modeling of Axi-symmetric solids subjected to axi-symmetric loading
with triangular elements.Two dimensional four nodedIsoparametric elements and problems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the formulation of two – dimensional elements (Triangular and Quadrilateral
Elements). (L2)
● Apply the formulation techniques to solve two – dimensional problems using triangle and
quadrilateral elements. (L3)
● Formulate and solve axisymmetric problems.(L6)


Steady state heat transfer analysis: One dimensional analysis of slab and fin, two dimensional
analysis of thin plate.
Analysis of a uniform shaft subjected to torsion loading.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the application and use of the Finite Element Methods for heat transfer problems.
● Formulate and solve heat transfer problems. (L6)
● Analyse the


Dynamic analysis: Formulation of finite element model,element –mass matrices,evaluation of

Eigen values and Eigen vectors for a stepped bar truss.
3D Problems:Finite Element formulation- Tetrahedron element-Stiffness matrix.

231 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student will be able to

 Understand problems involving dynamics using Finite Element Methods.
● Evaluate the Eigen values and Eigen Vectors for steeped bar.
● Develop the stiffness matrix for tetrahedron element.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course you should be able to

 Understand the concepts behind variational methods and weighted residual methods in
 Identify the application and characteristics of FEA elements such as bars, beams, and
isoparametric elements, and 3-D element.
 Develop element characteristic equation procedure and generation of global stiffness
equation will be applied.
 Able to apply Suitable boundary conditions to a global structural equation, and reduce it
to a solvable form.
 Able to identify how the finite element method expands beyond the structural domain, for
problems involving dynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow.


1. Chandraputla, Ashok &Belegundu, “Introduction to Finite Element in Engineering”, Prentice

2. S.S.Rao, “The Finite Element Methods in Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Elsevier Butterworth -
Heinemann 2011.


1. J N Reddy, “An introduction to the Finite Element Method”, McGraw – Hill, New York,
2. R D Cook, D S Malkus and M E Plesha, “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element
Analysis”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley, New York, 1989.
3. K J Bathe, “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis”, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs,1982.
4. T J R Hughes, “the Finite Element Method, Prentice”, Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986.
5. C Zienkiewicz and R L Taylor, “the Finite Element Method”, 3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill,

232 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3
Course Objectives:

● Introduce the basic concepts of Product marketing.

● Familiarize with market information systems and research
● Understand the nature and importance of industrial market
● Discuss the major stages in new product development
● Identify the factors affecting pricing decisions

Introduction (7 Hours)

Historical development of marketing management, Definition of Marketing, Core marketing

concepts, Marketing Management philosophies, Micro and Macro Environment, Characteristics
affecting Consumer behaviour, Types of buying decisions, buying decision process,
Classification of consumer products, Market Segmentation Concept of Marketing Myopia.
Importance of marketing in the Indian Socio economic system.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

● Define Marketing. (L1)
● Discuss marketing philosophies. (L2)
● Sketch the buying decision process. (L3)
● Understand the importance of marketing in the Indian socio economic system. (L2)


Marketing of Industrial Products (6 Hours)

Components of marketing information system–benefits & uses marketing research system,

marketing research procedure, Demand Estimation research, Test marketing, Segmentation
Research - Cluster analysis, Discriminate analysis. Sales forecasting: objective and subjective
methods. Nature and importance of the Industrial market, classification of industrial products,
participants in the industrial buying process, major factors influencing industrial buying
behavior, characteristics of industrial market demand. Determinants of industrial market demand
Buying power of Industrial users, buying motives of Industrials users, the industrial buying
process, buying patterns of industrial users.

233 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

● Identify the components of marketing information system. (L2)
● List the advantages and uses of marketing research system. (L1)
● Demonstrate sales forecasting. (L3)
● Explain the major factors influencing industrial buying behaviour. (L2)


Product Management And Branding (7 Hours)

The concept of a product, features of a product, classification of products, product policies –

product planning and development, product line, product mix – factors influencing change in
product mix, product mix strategies, meaning of “New – product; major stages in new – product
development product life cycle. Branding: Reasons for branding, functions of branding features
of types of brands, kinds of brand name.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

● Indentify the factors influencing change in product mix. (L2)
● Sketch various stages in product life cycle. (L2)
● Recall the features of a product and product policies. (L1)
● Demonstrate on features, functions and reasons of branding. (L3)


Pricing And Pacakaging (7Hours)

Importance of Price, pricing objectives, factors affecting pricing decisions, procedure for price
determination, kinds of pricing, pricing strategies and decisions Labeling: Types, functions
advantages and disadvantages, Packaging: Meaning, growth of packaging, function of
packaging, kinds of packaging.

Learningt Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

● List the factors affecting pricing decisions. (L1)
● Explain the procedure for price determination. (L2)

234 Page
● Employ Pricing strategies and decisions. (L3)
● Understand the functions of labelling and packaging. (L2)


Product Promotion (6Hours)

Importance of Price, pricing objectives, factors affecting pricing decisions, procedure for price
determination, kinds of pricing, pricing strategies and decisions. Advertising and sales
promotion: Objectives of advertisement function of advertising, classification of advertisement
copy, advertisement media – kinds of media, advantages of advertising. Objectives of sales
promotion, advantages sales promotion. Personal Selling : Objectives of personal selling,
qualities of good salesman, types of salesman, major steps in effective selling

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

● Discuss the procedures for price determination. (L2)
● Explain the objectives of advertisement function of advertising. (L2)
● List the advantages and disadvantages of advertising. (L1)
● Describe the major steps in effecting selling. (L2)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

● Understand basic marketing management concepts and their relevance to business
development. (L2)
● Prepare a questionnaire for market research. (L5)
● Design marketing research plan for business organizations. (L5)
● Optimize marketing mix to get competitive advantage. (L4)

Text Books:

1. Philip Kotler, “Principles of Marketing”, Prentice – Hall.

2. Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management”, Prentice – Hall.

Reference Books:
1. Wiliam J Stanton, “Fundamentals of Marketing”, McGraw Hill
2. R.S.N. Pillai and Mrs.Bagavathi, “Marketing”, S. Chand & Co. Ltd
3. Rajagopal, “Marketing Management Text & Cases”, Vikas Publishing House

235 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

This course will enable students to:

 Describe theArchitecture of 8051 Microcontroller and Interfacing of 8051 to external
 Write 8051 Assembly level programs using 8051 instruction set.
 Describe the Interrupt system, operation of Timers/Counters and Serial port of 8051.
 Interface simple switches, simple LEDs, ADC 0804, LCD and Stepper Motor to 8051.


8051 Microcontroller:

Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller, Embedded Systems, Embedded Microcontrollers, 8051

Architecture- Registers, Pin diagram, I/O ports functions, Internal Memory organization.
External Memory (ROM & RAM) interfacing.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Understand the importance of Microcontroller and acquire the knowledge of Architecture
of 8051 Microcontroller. (L1)
 Analyze interface required memory of RAM & ROM. (L3)


Addressing Modes, Data Transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logical instructions,

Branch instructions, Bit manipulation instructions. Simple Assembly language program
examples to usethese instructions.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Explain different types instruction set of 8051. (L1)
 Develop the 8051 Assembly level programs using 8051 instruction set. (L3)

236 Page

8051 Stack, Stack and Subroutine instructions. Simple Assembly language program examples
to use subroutine instructions.8051 Timers and Counters – Operation and Assembly language
programming to generate a pulse using Mode-1 and a square wave using Mode- 2 on a port pin.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Describe Stack and Subroutine of 8051. (L1)
 Design Timer /counters using of 8051. (L4)


8051 Serial Communication- Basics of Serial Data Communication, RS- 232 standard, 9 pin
RS232 signals, Simple Serial Port programming in Assembly and C to transmit a message and to
receive data serially.8051 Interrupts. 8051 Assembly language programming to generate an
external interrupt using a switch.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Acquire knowledge of Serial Communication and develop serial port programming. (L1)
 Develop an ALP to generate an external interrupt using a switch. (L3)


8051 C programming to generate a square waveform on a port pin using a Timer interrupt.
Interfacing 8051 to ADC-0804, DAC, LCD and Interfacing with relays and opto isolators,
Stepper Motor Interfacing, DC motor interfacing, PWM generation using 8051.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Apply and Interface simple switches, simple LEDs, ADC 0804 and LCD to using 8051
I/O ports. (L2)
 Design Stepper Motor and f motor interfacing of 8051. (L4)

237 Page
Course outcomes:

 Understand the importance of Microcontroller and Acquire the knowledge of

Architecture of 8051 Microcontroller.
 Apply and Interface simple switches, simple LEDs, ADC 0804, LCD and Stepper
Motor to using 8051 I/O ports.
 Develop the 8051 Assembly level programs using 8051 instruction set.
 Design the Interrupt system, operation of Timers/Counters and Serial port of 8051.


1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillespie Mazidi and Rollin D. McKinlay; “The 8051
Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – using assembly and C”, PHI, 2006 / Pearson, 2006.
2. Kenneth J. Ayala, “The 8051 Microcontroller”, 3rd Edition, Thomson/Cengage Learning.


1. Manish K Patel, “The 8051 Microcontroller Based Embedded Systems”, McGraw Hill, 2014,
ISBN: 978-93-329-0125-4.
2. Raj Kamal, “Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design”,
Pearson Education, 2005.

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B.Tech (CE) – IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives:

 To explain about signals and perform various operations on it.

 To understand discrete time signals and systems.
 To solve Laplace transforms and z-transforms for various signals.
 To find Discrete Fourier Transform of a sequence by using Fast Fourier Transform.
 To design and realize IIR and FIR filters.



Classification of Signals: Analog, Discrete, Digital, Deterministic & Random, Periodic &
Aperiodic, Even & Odd, Energy & Power signals. Basic operations on signals: Time shifting,
Time scaling, Time reversal, Amplitude scaling and Signal addition. Elementary Signals: Unit
step, Unit ramp, Unit parabolic, Impulse, Sinusoidal function, Exponential function, Gate
function, Triangular function, Sinc function and Signum function.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Define basic signals and its operations, Classify discrete time signals and systems. (L1)
 Understand various basic operations on signals (L1)

Discrete Time Signals: Elementary discrete time signals, Classification of discrete time signals:
power and energy signals, even and odd signals. Simple manipulations of discrete time signals:
Shifting and scaling of discrete-time signals.
Discrete Time Systems: Input-Output description of systems, Block diagram representation of
discrete time systems, Linear Constant Coefficient Difference Equations, Classification of
discrete time systems: linear and nonlinear, time-invariant and variant systems, causal and non
causal, stable and unstable systems.

239 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Define basic signals and its operations, Classify discrete time signals and systems. (L1)
 Understand various basic operations on signals (L1)


Laplace Transforms: Laplace transforms, Partial fraction expansion, Inverse Laplace transform,
Concept of Region of Convergence (ROC), Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals,
Properties of Laplace transforms.
Z-Transforms: Concept of Z-transform of a discrete sequence, Region of convergence in Z-
Transform, constraints on ROC for various classes of signals, inverse Z-transform, properties of

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Understand the basic concepts of Laplace and Z transforms (L1)
 Apply the transform techniques to solve the problems (L2)

Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT), Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Radix-2 Fast
Fourier Transforms (FFT), Decimation in Time and Decimation in Frequency FFT Algorithms:
radix-2 DIT-FFT, DIF-FFT, and Inverse FFT: IDFT-FFT.
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Understand the importance of DTFT, DFT, FFT and their inverse transforms with respect
to signals and systems (L1)
 Analyze the Decimation in time and frequency algorithms (L3)


240 Page
IIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Analog filters approximations: Butterworth and Chebyshev, Design
of IIR digital filters from analog filters. Realization of IIR filters: Direct form-I, Direct form-II,
cascade form and parallel form.
FIR DIGITAL FILTERS: Characteristics of FIR digital filters, frequency response. Design of
FIR digital filters using window techniques: Rectangular window, Triangular or Bartlett window,
Hamming window, Hanning window, Blackman window. Realization of FIR filters: Linear
phase and Lattice structures.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this student, the student will be able to

 Understand the importance of IIR and FIR digital Filters (L1)
 Realize IIR filters and analyze various windowing techniques in FIR filters (L2)
 Design IIR and FIR filters (L4)

Course outcomes:

 Define basic signals and its operations, Classify discrete time signals and systems.
 Solve Laplace Transform and z-Transform for various signals, Calculate DFT of a given
sequence by using Fast Fourier Transform.
 Analyze the continuous and discrete signals and systems
 Design and realize IIR and FIR filters from the given specifications.

1. B. P. Lathi, “Signals, Systems and Communications”, BS Publications, 2008.
2. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital signal processing, principles, Algorithms
and applications” , 4th edition , Pearson Education/PHI, 2007.
3. A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, 2nd edition., PHI.

1. A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Will sky and S.H. Nawab, “Signals and Systems”, PHI, 2nd Edition,
2. A. Anand Kumar, “Signals and Systems”, PHI Publications, Third Edition, 2013
3. P. Ramesh Babu. “Digital Signal Processing”.
4. Andreas Antoniou, “Digital signal processing”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
5. R S Kaler, M Kulkarni,, Umesh Gupta, “A Text book on Digital Signal processing” –I K
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
6. M H Hayes, Schaum’s Outlines, “Digital Signal Processing”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2007.

241 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to CSE & IT)

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

 Get familiarized with the various components in a game and game engine.
 Explore the leading open source game engine components.
 Elaborate on game physics.
 Introduce to the game animation.
 Expose to network-based gaming issues.

Unit – 1: Introduction to Game

What is a Game? The Birth of Games, The Rise of Arcade Games, The Crash and Recovery, The
Console Wars, Online Games and Beyond.

The Game Industry: Game Industry Overview, Game Concept Basics, Pitch Documentation,
pitching a Game to a Publisher, Managing the developer-Publisher Relationship, Legal
Agreements, Licenses, Console Manufacturers Approval.

Roles on the Team: Production, Art, Engineering, Design, Quality Assurance Testing, Team
Organization, Corporate.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Demonstrate online games and beyond. [L2]

 Outline the process carried out in the Game Industry [L2]
 Inspect the roles on the Team[L4]

Unit – 2: Teams
Project Leadership, Picking Leads, Team Building, Team Buy-in and Motivation.

Effective Communication: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Nonverbal

Communication, Establishing Communication Norms, Communication Challenges.

Game Production Overview: Production Cycle, Preproduction, Production, Testing,


242 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Build a team and pick a leader. [L6]

 Develop Effective communication. [L3]
 Outline the Game Production cycle [L2]

Unit – 3: Game Concept

Introduction, Beginning the Process, Defining the Concept, Game Programming Basics,
Prototyping, Risk Analysis, Pitch Idea, Project Kickoff.

Characters, setting, and Story: Story Development, Gameplay, Characters, Setting, Dialogue,
Cinematics, Story Documentation.

Game Requirements: Define Game Features, Define Milestones and Deliverables, Evaluate
Technology, Define Tools and Pipeline, Documentation, Approval, Game Requirements Outline

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Design a game. [L6]

 Demonstrate the game play. [L2]
 Identify the Game requirements [L3]

Unit – 4 : Game Plan

Dependencies, Schedules, Budgets, Staffing, Outsourcing, Middleware, Game Plan Outline.
Production Cycle: Design Production Cycle, Art Production Cycle, Engineering Production
Cycle, Working Together.
Voiceover and Music: Planning for Voiceover, choosing a Sound Studio, Casting Actors,
Recording Voiceover, Voiceover Checklist, Planning for Music, Working with a Composer,
Licensing Music.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Outline the Game plan. [L2]

 Define the production cycle. [L1]
 Make use of voiceover and music in game development. [L3]

Unit – 5 :Localization
Creating International Content, Localization-Friendly Code, Level of Localization, Localization
Plan, Testing, Localization Checklist.

243 Page
Testing and Code Releasing: Testing Schedule, Test Plans, Testing Pipeline, Testing Cycle,
External Testing, Determining Code Release, Code Release Checklist, Gold Masters,

Marketing and Public Relations: Software Age Ratings, Working with Marketing, Packaging,
Demos, Marketing Assets, Game Builds, Working with Public Relations, Asset Deliverable

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Explain the importance of localization. [L2]

 Summarize Testing and code releasing [L2]
 Illustrate Marketing and public relations. [L2]

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Design games for commercialization (L6)

 Predict the trends in game development (L5)
 Design Game Plan and production cycle (L6)
 Dramatize the game playing environment (L4)

Text Book:

1. Heather Maxwell Chandler, and Rafael Chandler, “Fundamentals of Game

Development”, Jones& Bartlett Learning, 2011.

1. Flint Dille and John Zuur Platten, The Ultimate guide to Video Game Writing, Loan
Eagle publisher, 2008.
2. Adams, Fundamentals of Game Design, 3rd edition, Pearson Education India, 2015.

244 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


(Common to CSE & IT)

Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:
 Understand essential building blocks and basic concepts of cyber security
 Explore Web security and Network security
 Explain the measures for securing the networks and cloud
 Understand privacy principles and policies
 Describe the legal issues and ethics in computer security
Introduction: Introduction to Computer Security, Threats, Harm, Vulnerabilities, Controls,
Authentication, Access Control, and Cryptography, Authentication, Access Control,
Programs and Programming: Unintentional (Non-malicious) Programming Oversights,
Malicious Code—Malware, Countermeasures.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Explain Vulnerabilities, threats and. Counter measures for computer security[L2]

 Interpret the design of the malicious code [L2]

Web Security: User Side, Browser Attacks, Web Attacks Targeting Users, Obtaining User or
Website Data, Email Attacks.
Operating Systems Security: Security in Operating Systems, Security in the Design of
Operating Systems, Rootkit.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Outline the attacks on browser, Web and email. [L2]

 Explain the security aspects of Operating Systems. [L3]

Network Security: Network Concepts, Threats to Network Communications, Wireless
Network Security, Denial of Service, Distributed Denial-of-Service Strategic Defenses:
Security Countermeasures, Cryptography in Network Security, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection

245 Page
and Prevention Systems, Network Management .
Cloud Computing and Security: Cloud Computing Concepts, Moving to the Cloud, Cloud
Security Tools and Techniques, Cloud Identity Management, Securing IaaS.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Identify the network security threats and attacks. [L3]

 Design the Counter measures to defend the network security attacks. [L6]
 Analyze the security tools and techniques for Cloud computing [L4]

Privacy: Privacy Concepts, Privacy Principles and Policies, Authentication and Privacy, Data
Mining, Privacy on the Web, Email Security, Privacy Impacts of Emerging Technologies,
Where the Field Is Headed.
Management and Incidents: Security Planning, Business Continuity Planning, Handling
Incidents, Risk Analysis, Dealing with Disaster.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Interpret the need for Privacy and its impacts of Emerging Technologies. [L2]
 Explain how to handle incidents and deal with Disaster. [L2]

Legal Issues and Ethics: Protecting Programs and Data, Information and the Law, Rights of
Employees and Employers, Redress for Software Failures, Computer Crime, Ethical Issues in
Computer Security, Incident Analysis with Ethics, Emerging Topics: The Internet of Things,
Economics, Computerized Elections, Cyber Warfare.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Adapt legal issues and ethics in computer security. [L6]

 Elaborate on the Emerging topics. [L6]

Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Illustrate the broad set of technical, social & political aspects of Cyber Security and
security management methods to maintain security protection (L2)
 Assess the vulnerabilities and threats posed by criminals, terrorist and nation states to

246 Page
national infrastructure (L5)
 Identify the nature of secure software development and operating systems (L3)
 Demonstrate the role security management in cyber security defense (l2)
 Adapt the legal and social issues at play in developing solutions.(L6)

Text Books:
1) Pfleeger, C.P., Security in Computing, Prentice Hall, 2010, 5th edition.
2) Schneier, Bruce. Applied Cryptography, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1996

Reference Books:
1) Rhodes-Ousley, Mark. Information Security: The Complete Reference, Second
Edition, Information Security Management: Concepts and Practice, McGraw-Hill,
2) Whitman, Michael E. and Herbert J. Mattord. Roadmap to
Information Security for IT and Infosec Managers. Boston, MA:
Course Technology, 2011.

247 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



This text focuses on corporate governance, business ethics and emerging trends in food

Course Objectives

 To understand the concepts of corporate governance in view of food industry


Corporate Governance- A Conceptual Foundation: Concept, nature, issues and importance of

corporate governance, origin and development of corporate governance, concept of corporate
management, Different models of corporate governance, corporate governance in family
business, corporate governance failure with examples.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Concept, nature, issues and importance of corporate governance
 origin and development of corporate governance, concept of corporate management
 Different models of corporate governance
 corporate governance in family business, corporate governance failure with examples


Role Players: Role of various players viz. Role of shareholders their rights and responsibilities,
Role of board of directors in corporate governance- executive and non executive directors,
independent and nominee directors, Role of Auditors, audit committee, media.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Role of shareholders their rights and responsibilities

248 Page
 Role of board of directors in corporate governance- executive and non executive
directors, independent and nominee directors
 Role of Auditors, audit committee, media.


Corporate governance in India and the Global Scenario: Corporate Governance practices /codes
in India, UK, Japan, USA. Contributions of CII-recommendations on corporate governance by
different committees in India, SEBI guidelines, Kumar Manglam Birla Committee, Naresh
Chandra committee Report, OECD Principles, Cadbury Committee

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Corporate Governance practices /codes in India, UK, Japan, USA.
 Contributions of CII-recommendations on corporate governance by different
committees in India, SEBI guidelines,
 Have detail study of committees like Kumar Manglam Birla Committee, Naresh
Chandra committee Report, OECD Principles, Cadbury Committee


Emerging trends: Emerging Trends and latest developments in Corporate Governance. Corporate
Governance initiative in India and Abroad, Corporate Governance Rating- Role of rating
agencies in corporate governance. ICRA Corporate governance rating method for examining the
quality and effectiveness of corporate governance.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Emerging Trends and latest developments in Corporate Governance.
 Corporate Governance initiative in India and Abroad,
 Corporate Governance Rating- Role of rating agencies in corporate governance
 ICRA Corporate governance rating method for examining the quality and
effectiveness of corporate governance.

249 Page

Business ethics and corporate governance. Social responsibility and corporate governance.
Corporate governance and value creation. Political economy of corporate governance.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Business ethics and corporate governance.
 Social responsibility and corporate governance.
 Corporate governance and value creation.
 Political economy of corporate governance.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, the students will

 Attain knowledge on system of corporate governance in food industries.
 Get to know about business ethics and values.


1. Subhash Chandra Das, “Corporate Governance in India”, PHI Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi(2008),
2. Dennis Campbell, “Susan Woodley Trends and Developments In Corporate Governance”.


1. Jayati Sarkar. “Corporate Governance in India”. Sage Publications, New Delhi,2012.

2. Vasudha, Joshi “Corporate Governance The Indian Scenario”. Foundations Books Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi. 2012,

250 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3



This text focuses on various aspects and technologies involved in processing of convenience and
Read-to-eat foods.

Course Objectives:

 To understand the importance and demand for convenience foods in present day
 To learn the various technical aspects of convenience and Read-to-eat foods.


Overview of grain-based snacks: whole grains – roasted, toasted, puffed, popped and flakes
Coated grains-salted, spiced and sweetened Flour based snack– batter and dough based products;
savoury and farsans; formulated chips and wafers, papads.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Role of cereal based ingredients in snacks industries.
 Various technologies and equipments involved in Snacks industries


Technology for fruit and vegetable based snacks: chips, wafers, papads etc. Technology of ready
to eat fruits and vegetable based food products like, sauces, fruit bars, glazed candy etc.
Technology of ready to eat canned value added fruits/vegetables and mixes and ready to serve
beverages etc.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Role of Fruits and vegetables in convenience products.
 Processing of various Fruit and vegetable based products.

251 Page

Technology of ready- to- eat baked food products, drying, toasting roasting and flaking, coating,
chipping. Extruded snack foods: Formulation and processing technology, colouring, flavouring
and packaging. Technology for coated nuts – salted, spiced and sweetened products- chikkis,
Sing bhujia.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Various methods involved in processing of ready to eat baked products
 Various methods involved in processing of extruded snack foods
 Technology involved in processing different coated nuts


Technology for ready-to-cook food products- different puddings and curried vegetables etc.
Technology for ready-to-cook and ready to eat meat and meat food products. Technology for
preparation of instant cooked rice, carrot and other cereals based food products.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Technology involved in processing different ready to cook food products
 Technology involved in processing different ready to cook and ready to eat meat and
meat products
 Technology involved in processing different instant cooked cereal products


Technology of ready to eat instant premixes based on cereals, pulses etc. Technology for RTE
puffed snack- sand puffing, hot air puffing, explosion puffing, gun puffing etc. Technology for
preparation of traditional Indian dairy products.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Technology involved in processing different ready to eat instant premixes based on
cereals and pulses and etc.
 Technology involved in processing different RTE puffed snacks

252 Page
 Technology involved in processing different traditional dairy products

Course Outcomes:

By end of the course students will understand

 Technology for processing ready to eat and ready cook different products and equipment
used for manufacturing of RTE products


1. Edmund WL. “Snack Foods Processing”. AVI Publ.

2. Kamaliya M.K and Kamaliya K.B. 2001. Vol.1 and 2, “Baking Science and Industries”,
M.K.Kamaliya Publisher, Anand.


1. Frame ND . “Technology of Extrusion Cooking”. Blackie Academic1994. .

2. Gordon BR. “Snack Food”, AVI Publ, 1997.
3. Samuel AM. “Snack Food Technology”, AVI Publ. 1976.

253 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
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Course objectives:

This course aims at providing the student with the knowledge on various numerical methods for
solving equations, interpolating the polynomials, evaluation of integral equations and solution of
differential equations.


Solution of Algebraic & Transcendental Equations:

Introduction-Bisection method-Iterative method-Regula falsi method-Newton Raphson method.

System of Algebraic equations: Gauss Jordan method-Gauss Siedal method.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Calculate the roots of equation using Bisection method and Iterative method.
 Calculate the roots of equation using Regula falsi method and Newton Raphson method.
 Solve the system of algebraic equations using Gauss Jordan method and Gauss Siedal


Curve Fitting

Principle of Least squares- Fitting of curves- Fitting of linear, quadratic and exponential curves.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 understand curve fitting
 understand fitting of several types of curves



254 Page
Finite differences-Newton’s forward and backward interpolation formulae – Lagrange’s
formulae. Gauss forward and backward formula, Stirling’s formula, Bessel’s formula.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand the concept of interpolation.
 Derive interpolating polynomial using newton’s forward and backward formulae.
 Derive interpolating polynomial using lagrange’s formulae.
 Derive interpolating polynomial using gauss forward and backward formulae.

Numerical Integration
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule – Simpson’s 1/3 Rule – Simpson’s 3/8 Rule

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Solve integral equations using Simson’s 1/3 and Simson’s 3/8 rule.
 Solve integral equations using Trapezoidal rule.


Solution of Initial value problems to Ordinary differential equations

Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Solution by Taylor’s series-Picard’s
Method of successive Approximations-Modified Euler’s Method-Runge-Kutta Methods.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Solve initial value problems to ordinary differential equations using Taylor’s method.
 Solve initial value problems to ordinary differential equations using Euler’s method and
Runge Kutta methods.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of course, students will be able to

 Apply numerical methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations.
 Understand fitting of several kinds of curves.
 Derive interpolating polynomials using interpolation formulae.

255 Page
 Solve differential and integral equations numerically.

Text Books:

1. B.S.Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna publishers.

2. Ronald E. “Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists”, Walpole,PNIE.
3. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India

Reference Books:

1. B.V.Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Mc Graw Hill publishers.

2. Alan Jeffrey, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Elsevier.

256 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
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Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To make the student understand about the organizational behavior
 To enable them to develop self motivation, leadership and management
 To facilitate them to become powerful leaders
 Impart knowledge about group dynamics
 To make them understand the importance of change and development



Organizational Behavior - Introduction to OB - Meaning and definition, scope - Organizing

Process – Making organizing effective - Understanding Individual Behavior – Attitude -
Perception - Learning - Personality Types

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of Organizational Behavior
 Contrast and compare Individual & Group Behavior and attitude
 Analyze Perceptions
 Evaluate personality types


Motivation and Leading - Theories of Motivation - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - Hertzberg’s

Two Factor Theory - Leading - Leading Vs Managing

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of Motivation
 Understand the Theories of motivation

257 Page
 Explain how employees are motivated according to Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy
 Compare and contrast leading and managing


Leadership and Organizational Culture and Climate - Leadership - Traits Theory–Managerial

Grid - Transactional Vs Transformational Leadership - Qualities of good Leader - Conflict
Management - Evaluating Leader - Women and Corporate leadership.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Know the concept of Leadership
 Contrast and compare Traits theory and Managerial Grid
 Know the difference between Transactional and Transformational Leadership
 Evaluate the qualities of good leaders
 Emerge as the good leader


Group Dynamics - Types of groups - Determinants of group behavior - Group process – Group
Development - Group norms - Group cohesiveness - Small Groups - Group decision making -
Team building - Conflict in the organization – Conflict resolution

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Know the concept of Group Dynamics
 Contrast and compare Group behavior and group development
 Analyze Group decision making
 Know how to resolve conflicts in the organization


Organizational Change and Development - Organizational Culture - Changing the Culture –

Change Management – Work Stress Management - Organizational management – Managerial
implications of organization’s change and development

Learning Outcomes:

 After completion of this unit student will

 Know the importance of organizational change and development

258 Page
 Apply change management in the organization
 Analyze work stress management
 Evaluate Managerial implications of organization

Course outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand the nature and concept of Organizational behavior
 Apply theories of motivation to analyze the performance problems
 Analyze the different theories of leadership
 Evaluate group dynamics
 Develop as powerful leader


1. Luthans, Fred, “Organisational Behaviour” , McGraw-Hill, 12 Th edition 2011 2. P Subba

Rao, Organisational Behaviour, Himalya Publishing House 2017


1. McShane, “Organizational Behaviour”, TMH 2009

2. Nelson, “Organisational Behaviour”, Thomson, 2009.
3. Robbins, P.Stephen, Timothy A. Judge, “Organisational Behaviour”, Pearson 2009.
4. Aswathappa, “Organisational Behaviour”, Himalaya, 2009

259 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To provide fundamental knowledge on Management, Administration,
Organization & its concepts.
 To make the students understand the role of management in Production
 To impart the concept of HRM in order to have an idea on Recruitment,
Selection, Training & Development, job evaluation and Merit rating concepts
 To create awareness on identify Strategic Management areas & the PERT/CPM
for better Project Management
 To make the students aware of the contemporary issues in management




Management - Concept and meaning - Nature-Functions - Management as a Science and Art and
both. Schools of Management Thought - Taylor’s Scientific Theory-Henry Fayol’s principles -
Eltan Mayo’s Human relations - Systems Theory - Organisational Designs - Line organization -
Line & Staff Organization - Functional Organization - Matrix Organization - Project
Organization - Committee form of Organization - Social responsibilities of Management.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand the concept of management and organization
 Apply the concepts & principles of management in real life industry.
 Analyze the organization chart & structure for an enterprise.
 Evaluate and interpret the theories and the modern organization theory.

260 Page


Principles and Types of Plant Layout - Methods of Production (Job, batch and Mass Production),
Work Study - Statistical Quality Control - Deming‘s contribution to Quality. Material
Management - Objectives - Inventory-Functions - Types, Inventory Techniques - EOQ-ABC
Analysis - Purchase Procedure and Stores Management - Marketing Management - Concept -
Meaning - Nature- Functions of Marketing - Marketing Mix - Channels of Distribution -
Advertisement and Sales Promotion - Marketing Strategies based on Product Life Cycle.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand the core concepts of Management Science and Operations Management
 Apply the knowledge of Quality Control, Work-study principles in real life industry.
 Evaluate Materials departments & Determine EOQ
 Analyze Marketing Mix Strategies for an enterprise.
 Create and design advertising and sales promotion



HRM - Definition and Meaning – Nature - Managerial and Operative functions - Evolution of
HRM - Job Analysis - Human Resource Planning(HRP) - Employee Recruitment-Sources of
Recruitment - Employee Selection - Process and Tests in Employee Selection - Employee
Training and Development - On-the- job & Off-the-job training methods - Performance
Appraisal Concept - Methods of Performance Appraisal – Placement - Employee Induction -
Wage and Salary Administration

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will

 Understand the concepts of HRM in Recruitment, Selection, Training & Development
 Apply Managerial and operative Functions
 Analyze the need of training
 Evaluate performance appraisal
 Design the basic structure of salaries and wages

261 Page

Definition& Meaning - Setting of Vision - Mission - Goals - Corporate Planning Process -

Environmental Scanning - Steps in Strategy Formulation and Implementation - SWOT Analysis -
Project Management - Network Analysis - Programme Evaluation and Review Technique
(PERT) - Critical Path Method (CPM) Identifying Critical Path - Probability of Completing the
project within given time - Project Cost- Analysis - Project Crashing (Simple problems).

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand Mission, Objectives, Goals & strategies for an enterprise
 Apply SWOT Analysis to strengthen the project
 Analyze Strategy formulation and implementation
 Evaluate PERT and CPM Techniques
 Creative in completing the projects within given time



The concept of Management Information System(MIS) - Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)

- Customer Relations Management(CRM) - Total Quality Management (TQM) - Six Sigma
Concept - Supply Chain Management(SCM) - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) -
Performance Management - Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) - Business Process Re-
engineering and Bench Marking - Balanced Score Card - Knowledge Management.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end if the Unit, the learners will be able to

 Understand modern management techniques
 Apply Knowledge in Understanding in modern
 Analyze CRM, MRP, TQM
 Evaluate Six Sigma concept and SCM

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand the concepts & principles of management and designs of organization
in a practical world

262 Page
 Apply the knowledge of Work-study principles & Quality Control techniques in
 Analyze the concepts of HRM in Recruitment, Selection and Training &
 Evaluate PERT/CPM Techniques for projects of an enterprise and estimate time &
cost of project & to analyze the business through SWOT.
 Create Modern technology in management science.


1. A.R Aryasri, “Management Science”, TMH, 2013

2. Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert, Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012.


1. Koontz & Weihrich, “Essentials of Management”, 6th edition, TMH, 2005.

2. Thomas N.Duening & John M.Ivancevich, “Management Principles and Guidelines”,
3. Kanishka Bedi, “Production and Operations Management”, Oxford University Press, 2004.
4. Samuel C.Certo, “Modern Management”, 9th edition, PHI, 2005

263 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course Objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To make the student understand about the business environment
 To enable them in knowing the importance of fiscal and monitory policy
 To facilitate them in understanding the export policy of the country
 Impart knowledge about the functioning and role of WTO
 Encourage the student in knowing the structure of stock markets



An Overview of Business Environment – Types of Environment - Internal & External - Micro

and Macro environment - Competitive structure of industries - Environmental analysis - Scope
of business - Characteristics of business - Process & limitations of environmental analysis.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this unit student will
 Understand the concept of Business environment
 Explain various types of business environment
 Know about the environmental analysis of business
 Understand the business process


FISCAL POLICY - Public Revenues - Public Expenditure - Public debt - Development

activities financed by public expenditure - Evaluation of recent fiscal policy of Government of
India - Highlights of Budget - MONETARY POLICY - Demand and Supply of Money – RBI -
Objectives of monetary and credit policy - Recent trends - Role of Finance Commission.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of public revenue and public Expenditure
 Explain the functions of RBI and its role
 Analyze the Monitory policy in India

264 Page
 Know the recent trends and the role of Finance Commission in the development of our
 Differentiate between Fiscal and Monitory Policy


INDIA’S TRADE POLICY - Magnitude and direction of Indian International Trade - Bilateral
and Multilateral Trade Agreements - EXIM policy and role of EXIM bank - BALANCE OF
PAYMENTS – Structure & Major components - Causes for Disequilibrium in Balance of
Payments - Correction measures.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the role of Indian international trade
 Understand and explain the need for Export and EXIM Policies
 Analyze causes for Disequilibrium and correction measure
 Differentiate between Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Agreements


WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION - Nature and Scope - Organization and Structure - Role
and functions of WTO in promoting world trade - Agreements in the Uruguay Round – TRIPS,
TRIMS, and GATT - Disputes Settlement Mechanism - Dumping and Anti-dumping Measures.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the role of WTO in trade
 Analyze Agreements on trade by WTO
 Understand the Dispute Settlement Mechanism
 Compare and contrast the Dumping and Anti-dumping Measures.


MONEY MARKETS AND CAPITAL MARKETS - Features and components of Indian

financial systems - Objectives, features and structure of money markets and capital markets -
Reforms and recent development – SEBI - Stock Exchanges - Investor protection and role of

265 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the components of Indian financial system
 Know the structure of Money markets and Capital markets
 Analyze the Stock Markets
 Apply the knowledge in future investments
 Understand the role of SEBI in investor protection.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand various types of business environment.
 Understand the role of WTO
 Apply the knowledge of Money markets in future investment
 Analyze India’s Trade Policy
 Evaluate fiscal and monitory policy
 Develop a personal synthesis and approach for identifying business opportunities


1. Francis Cherunilam (2009), “International Business”: Text and Cases, Prentice Hall of
2. K. Aswathappa, “Essentials of Business Environment”: Texts and Cases & Exercises
13th Revised Edition.HPH2016.


1. K. V. Sivayya, V. B. M Das (2009), Indian Industrial Economy, Sultan Chand

Publishers, New Delhi, India.
2. Sundaram, Black (2009), International Business Environment Text and Cases, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi, India.
3. Chari. S. N (2009), International Business, Wiley India.
4. E. Bhattacharya (2009), International Business, Excel Publications, New Delhi.

266 Page
B.Tech (CE) – IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3

Course objectives :

The objectives of this course are

 To introduce the concepts of strategic management and understand its nature in
 competitive and organizational landscape
 To provide an understanding of internal and external analysis of a
 To provide understanding of strategy formulation process and frame work
 Impart knowledge of Corporate culture
 Encourage the student in understanding SWOT analysis BCG Matrix


Introduction of Strategic Management: meaning, nature, importance and relevance. The
Strategic Management Process: – Corporate, Business and Functional Levels of strategy. Vision,
mission and purpose –Business definition, objectives and goals – Stakeholders in business and
their roles in strategic management. Balance scorecard.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the meaning and importance of strategic management
 Explain Strategic Management Process and Corporate, Business
 Know about the Business definition, objectives and goals
 Understand Stakeholders their roles in strategic management


External and Internal Analysis: The Strategically relevant components of a Company’s

External Environment Analysis, Industry Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces model – Industry
diving forces – Key Success Factors. Analyzing a company’s resources and competitive position

267 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the components of a Company’s environment
 Explain External Environment Analysis, Industry Analysis
 Know how to analyze industry competition through the Porter’s Five Forces model
 Analyze Key Success Factors in a company’s competitive position


Competitive Strategies: Generic Competitive Strategies: Low cost, Differentiation, Focus.

Grand Strategies: Stability, Growth (Diversification Strategies, Vertical Integration Strategies,
Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies, Strategic Alliances & Collaborative Partnerships),
Retrenchment, Outsourcing Strategies. Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry – Life Cycle
Analysis - Emerging, Growing, Mature & Declining Industries.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the Competitive Strategies
 Explain Stability, Growth Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies
 Know about the Retrenchment, Outsourcing Strategies
 Differentiate Life Cycle Analysis, Mature & Declining Industries


Strategy Implementation and control - Strategy implementation; Organization Structure –

Matching structure and strategy. Behavioral issues in implementation – Corporate culture – Mc
Kinsey’s 7s Framework. Functional issues – Functional plans and policies – Financial,
Marketing, Operations, Personnel, IT.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the Organization Structure
 Explain Matching structure and strategy
 Know about the Corporate culture
 Analyze Functional plans and policies

268 Page
Unit: V
Strategy Evaluation: Strategy Evaluation – Operations Control and Strategic Control-
Relationship between a Company’s Strategy and its Business Model.- SWOT analysis – Value
Chain Analysis –Benchmarking- Portfolio Analysis: BCG Matrix – GE 9 Cell Model.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the Operations Control and Strategic Control
 Explain Company’s Strategy and its Business Model
 Know about the SWOT analysis
 Analyze BCG Matrix and GE 9 Cell Model

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to

 Understand the relevance and importance of strategic management
 Explain industry driving forces
 Analyze the competitive strategy

 Evaluate strategy implementation and control

 Create SWOT Analysis

Suggested Text Books and References

1. Arthur A. Thompson Jr., AJ Strickland III, John E Gamble, “Crafting and Executing
Strategy”, 18th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
2. Subba Rao P, “Business Policy and Strategic Management” –HPH

1. Robert A. Pitts & David Lei, “Strategic Management: Building and Sustaining
Competitive Advantage” 4th edition, Cengage Learning.
2. Hunger, J. David, “Essentials of Strategic Management” 5th edition, Pearson.
3. Ashwathappa, “Business Environment for Strategic Management”, HPH.

269 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I L T P C
3 0 0 3
(19A52701e) E-BUSINESS

Course Objectives:

 To provide knowledge on emerging concept on E-Business related aspect.

 To understand various electronic markets models which are trending in India
 To give detailed information about electronic payment systems net banking.
 To exact awareness on internet advertising, market research strategies and supply
chain management.
 To understand about various internet protocols-security related concept.



Electronic Business: Definition of Electronic Business - Functions of Electronic Commerce

(EC) - Advantages of E-Commerce – E-Commerce and E-Business Internet Services Online
Shopping-Commerce Opportunities for Industries.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of E-Business
 Contrast and compare E-Commerce E-Business
 Analyze Advantages of E-Commerce
 Evaluate opportunities of E-commerce for industry


Electronic Markets and Business Models:E-Shops-E-Malls E-Groceries - Portals - Vertical

Portals-Horizontal Portals - Advantages of Portals - Business Models-Business to
Business(B2B)-Business to Customers(B2C)-Business to Government(B2G)-Auctions-B2B
Portals in India

270 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of business models
 Contrast and compare Vertical portal and Horizontal portals
 Analyze Advantages of portals
 Explain the B2B,B2C and B2G model


Electronic Payment Systems: Digital Payment Requirements-Designing E-payment System-

Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)-Electronic Data Interchange (EDT)-Credit Cards-Debit Cards-E-
Cash-Electronic Cheques -Smart Cards-Net Banking-Digital Signature.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the Electronic payment system
 Contrast and compare EFT and EDT
 Analyze debit card and credit card
 Explain the on Digital signature


E-Security: Internet Protocols - Security on the Internet –Network and Website Security –
Firewalls –Encryption – Access Control – Secure Electronic transactions.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand E-Security
 Contrast and compare security and network
 Analyze Encryption
 Evaluate electronic transitions


E-Marketing: Online Marketing – Advantages of Online Marketing – Internet Advertisement –

Advertisement Methods – Conducting Online Online Market Research– Data mining and
Marketing Research Marketing Strategy On the Web – E-Customer Relationship

271 Page
Management(e-CRM) –E- Supply Chain Management.(e-SCM) –New Trends in Supply Chain

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of online marketing
 Analyze advantages of online marketing
 Compare the e-CRM and e-SCM
 Explain the New trends in supply chain management

Course Outcomes:

 They will be able to identify the priority of E-Commerce in the present globalised
 Will be able to understand E-market-Models which are practicing by the
 Will be able to recognize various E-payment systems & importance of net
 By knowing E-advertisement, market research strategies, they can identify the
importance of customer role.
 By understanding about E-security, they can ensure better access control to secure
the information.


3. C.S.V Murthy “E-Commerce”, Himalaya publication house, 2002.

4. P.T.S Joseph, “E-Commerce” , 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India 2011


5. KamaleshKBajaj,DebjaniNa, “E-Commerce”, 2nd Edition TataMcGrwHills 2005

6. Dave Chaffey – “E-Commerce E-Management”, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2012.
7. Henry Chan, “E-Commerce Fundamentals and Application”, Raymond Lee,Tharm
Wiley India 2007
8. S. Jaiswall “E-Commerce”, Galgotia Publication Pvt Ltd 2003.

272 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


Course Objectives:

 To find the various physical characteristics of cement, coarse and fine aggregates
 To find the various properties of green and hardened concrete.

List of Experiments:

1. Grading Curve of Coarse & Fine aggregates

2. Bulking of Fine aggregate
3. Specific gravity of Fine and coarse aggregate
4. Specific gravity, fineness, Initial and final setting times of Cement
5. Soundness and Compressive Strength test of Cement
6. Slump, compaction factor and Vee-Bee time tests on concrete.
7. Compressive and split tensile strength of concrete.
8. Non destructive tests on concrete (any two)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able

 To find the characteristics of fine and coarse aggregates

 To evaluate the properties of the binding materials for their suitability in building
 To understand the workability behaviour of concrete through various tests
 To evaluate the strength of hardened concrete through destructive and non-destructive

273 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-I Sem L T P C
0 0 3 1.5


Course Objectives:

1) To make the student familiar with civil engineering softwares related to design and

1. 2-D Frame Analysis and Design
2. Steel Tabular Truss Analysis and Design
3. 3-D Frame Analysis and Design
4. Retaining Wall Analysis and Design
5. Simple tower Analysis and Design
6. One Way Slab Analysis & Design
7. Two Way Slab Analysis & Design
8. Column Analysis & Design

TEXT BOOK: 1.Computer Aided Design Lab Manual by Dr.M.N.Sesha Prakash And

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1) Design various civil engineering structural elements.

274 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives

These are
 To introduce fundamentals of elasticity and steps involved in FEM.
 To describe element stiffness matrix formulation for 1D and 2D cases.
 To impart isoparametric formulation concepts.
 To teach formulation of stiffness matrix for axi-symmetric problems.
 To demonstrate numerical solution techniques used in FEM.



Concepts of FEM – Steps involved – merits & demerits – energy principles –

Discretization – Rayleigh –Ritz method of functional approximation. Principles of Elasticity:
Equilibrium equations – strain displacement relationships in matrix form – Constitutive
relationships for plane stress, plane strain and Axi-symmetric bodies of revolution with axi-
symmetric loading.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Update basic concepts of theory of elasticity
 Understand stages involved in FEM


One Dimensional & Two Dimensional Elements: Stiffness matrix for bar element – shape
functions – 1D and 2D elements – types of elements for plane stress and plane strain analysis –
Displacement models – generalized coordinates – shape functions – convergent and
compatibility requirements – Geometric invariance – Natural coordinate system – area and
volume coordinates

275 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Study types of elements and their degrees of freedom
 Develop stiffness matrices for 1D and 2D elements.


Element stiffness matrix:

Generation of element stiffness and nodal load matrices for 3-node triangular element and four -
noded rectangular elements.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Develop stiffness matrices for 3 noded triangular element and fournoded rectangular


Iso-parametric Formulation:
Iso-parametric elements for 2D analysis –formulation of CST element, 4 – noded and 8-
noded iso-parametric quadrilateral elements –Lagrangian and Serendipity elements. AXI-
SYMMETRIC ANALYSIS: Basic principles-Formulation of 4-noded iso-parametric axi-
symmetric element.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Study types of elements and their degrees of freedom
 Develop stiffness matrices for 2D and axisymmetric solution techniques.


Solution techniques:
Numerical Integration, Static condensation, assembly of elements and solution techniques for
static loads.

276 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Apply numerical solution techniques in FEM.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to

● Develop finite element formulations of 1D & 2D problems.
● Solve complex problems using FEM.
● Formulate isoparametric elements with different irregular boundaries.
● Implement solution techniques for higher order problems in practice.
● Apply concepts for carrying out research.
● Apply concepts for modeling of non-linear materials and geometry.


1. Tirupathi R Chandraputla, “Finite Element Analysis for Engineering and Technology”,

Universities Press Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. 2003.
2. C. S. Krishna Murthy, “Finite Element analysis-Theory & Programming”, Tata Mc.Graw
Hill Publishers.


1. H.V. Lakshminaryana, “Finite element analysis and procedures in engineering”, 3rd

edition, Universities press, Hyderabad.
2. Robert D. Cook, Michael E Plesha, Concepts and applications of Finite Element Analysis,
John Wiley & sons Publications
3. S. Rajasekharan, “Finite element analysis in Engineering Design”, S. Chand Publications,
New Delhi.

277 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

 To design and detailing of reinforcement of an interior panel of a flat slab

 To design a circular bunker with the detailing of reinforcement
 To design a concrete chimney with detailing of reinforcement.
 To design different elements of the circular and rectangular shape water tanks.
 To design and detailing of the reinforcement in the various members of the cantilever and
counter fort retaining walls.


Design of a flat slab( Interior panel only )

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To know the components of interior slab panel
 To understand the design procedure and detailing of reinforcement of interior panel of
the flat slab


Design of concrete bunkers of circular shape – (excluding staging) – Introduction to silos

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To know and understand the components of bunker
 To have a clear view of the design procedure and detailing of reinforcement of bunker


Design of concrete chimney (excluding seismic loads)

278 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To have a comprehensive understanding of various forces acting on the chimney.
 To design the concrete chimney.


Design of circular and rectangular water tank resting on the ground

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To have a good understanding of design of water tanks resting on the ground.


Design of cantilever and counter forte retaining wall with horizontal back fill only.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To know the applications of cantilever and counter forte retaining walls.
 To perform the stability analysis of the retaining walls
 To design and detailing of the cantilever and counter forte retaining walls


QUESTION PAPER PATTERN: The question paper shall consists of two parts. First part will
be with 20 marks with 10 number of questions with each carrying 2 marks. Second part consists
of two design questions of either or type from the above five units carrying 50marks.

NOTE: Relevant IS Codes may be permitted in the examination hall.

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to

● Design and detail the flatslabs
● Design and detail bunkers and silos
● Design and detail concrete chimney

279 Page
● Design and detail water tanks resting on the ground
● Design and detail cantilever and counterforte retaining walls


1. Krishnam Raju, “Structural Design and drawing (RCC and steel)” Universites .Press , New
3. Dr. B. C. Punmia, Ashok Kumar Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, R.C.C “Structures”, Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
4. Varghese , “Advanced RCC”, PHI Publications, New Delhi.
5. M.L.Gambhir “Design of RCC structures”, P.H.I. Publications, New Delhi.


1. Sushil kumar , “R.C.C Designs standard” publishing house.

2. N.C.Sinha and S.K.Roy, “Fundamentals of RCC”, S.Chand Publications, New Delhi.

280 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Learning Objectives

The objective of this course is:

 To impart knowledge on advanced topics of steel structures.
 To teach concepts of steel bridges.
 To insists the students to observe and practical construction of all steel structures.
 To teach the design concepts of steel water tanks.
 To demonstrate the functions of steel towers.


BRIDGES: Classification-loadings-deck type welded plate girder bridges.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the functions of bridges and loading standards
 To design the deck type plate girder bridge.


BEARINGS: Types of bearings-plate bearing- rocker bearing- roller bearing-knuckle pin


Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the functions of bearings
 To understand the types of bearings.


WATER TANKS: Introduction-design of elevated circular and rectangular water tanks

281 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To identify different components of water tanks
 To understand the loads on water tanks.
 To design water tanks


PLATIC ANALYSIS: Introduction to plastic theory- conditions of plastic analysis- theorem of

plastic analysis-shape factor – finding the collapse load for simple beams and single bay single
storey frames.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the steel plastic behaviour
 To calculate the collapse load for beams and frames.


STEEL FRAMES: Finding the moments in frames subjected to horizontal forces by portal
method and cantilever method

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To find the magnitude of bending moments in steel frames.

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Complete analysis and design of advanced steel structures.
 Able to design plate girder bridges and bridge bearings
 Able to design steel water tanks and able to find the bending moment in frames

282 Page

1. S.K.Duggal, “Limit state Design of steel structures”, Mc graw hill Publishers

2. Ramchandra and Veerendra gahlote, “Limit state design of steel structures”, Scientific


1. N.Subramanyam “Design of steel structures”, Oxford university press

2. L.S.Jayagopal and D.Tensing, “Design of steel structures”, Vikas publishers.
3. Edwin H.Gaylord, Jr., Charles N.Geylord and James E. Stallmeyer “Desing of steel structures”
3rd edition- –Tata Mc Graw hill Edition.

283 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

 To impart how Meyerhof’s general bearing capacity equations are important over
Terzaghi’s bearing capacity equation.
 To teach special methods of computation of settlements and the corrections to be applied
to settlements and to understand the advanced concepts of design of pile foundations.
 To throw light on pile and mat foundation designs.
 To teach the difference between isolated and combined footings, the determination of
bearing capacity of mats and proportioning of footings.


Bearing capacity of Foundations using general bearing capacity equation – Meyerhof’s, Brinch
Hansen’s and Vesic’s methods- Bearing capacity of Layered Soils: Strong layer over weak layer,
Weak layer on strong layer – Bearing capacity of foundations on a top of slope – Bearing
capacity of foundations at the edge of the slope.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand bearing capacity of soils
 Determine the bearing capacity of soils.


Settlement analysis: Immediate settlement of footings resting on granular soils – Schmertmann &
Hartman method – De Beer and Martens method - Immediate settlement in clays – Janbu’s
method – correction for consolidation settlement using Skempton and Bjerrum’s method –
Correction for construction period.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand settlement analysis by various methods.

284 Page
 Study corrections for construction period


Mat foundations – Purpose and types of isolated and combined footings – Mats/ Rafts –
Proportioning of footings – Ultimate bearing capacity of mat foundations – allowable bearing
capacity of mats founded in clays and granular soils – compensated rafts- annular foundations.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 List out various types of footings
 Design mat foundation


Earth-retaining structures – cantilever sheet piles – anchored bulkheads – fixed and free earth
support methods – design of anchors – braced excavations – function of different components –
forces in ties – Basal heaving stability against bottom heave.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Explain need and importance of earth retaining structures
 Design of earth retaining structures according to stability concepts.


Pile foundations – single pile versus group of piles – load-carrying capacity of pile groups –
negative skin friction (NSF) -settlement of pile groups in sands and clays – laterally loaded piles
in granular soils – Reese and Matlock method – laterally loaded piles in cohesive soils –
Davisson and Gill method – Broms’ analysis.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Explain conditions for adopting pile foundations
 Design piles and pile caps in different soils.

Course Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to

285 Page
● Compute the safe bearing capacity of footings subjected to vertical and inclined loads.
● Understand the advanced methods of settlement computations and proportion foundation
● Judging the methods of computing the pull-out capacity and negative skin friction of piles
and compute the settlements of pile groups in clays.
● Evaluate the problems posed by expansive soils and the different foundation practices
● Judging the difference between isolated footings and combined footings and mat foundations.

1. J. E. Bowles “ Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley
2. V. N. S. Murthy, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, CBS Publishers


1. W.C. Teng, “Foundation Design”, Prentice Hall Publishers

2. C. Venkataramiah, “Geotechnical Engineering”, New age International Pvt . Ltd, (2002).
3. Bowles, J.E., “Foundation Analysis and Design”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company, Newyork. (1988)
4. Poulos, H. G., and Davis, E. H., Pile “Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 1980.

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Purpose to understand the mechanism of soils, their interactive behavior, analysis, its influences
in the design parameters through design charts and software packages.


 To understand the soil behavior and the methods to analyze the models
 To solve the problems for beam and plate on elastic medium.
 To analyze the pile for its settlement and load distribution.


Introduction to soil - Foundation interaction problems, Soil behavior, Foundation behavior,
Interface, behavior, Scope of soil-foundation interaction analysis, soil response models, Winkler,
Elastic continuum, Two parameter elastic models, Elastic plastic behavior, Time dependent

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the behavior of the foundations.
 Understand the models for soil structure interactions.


BEAM ON ELASTIC FOUNDATION - SOIL MODELS: Infinite beam, Two parameters,

Isotropic elastic half space, Analysis of beams of finite length, Classification of finite beams in
relation to their stiffness.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Design shallow foundations, assuming it as a finite beam.
 Calculate the bending moments and shear forces.

287 Page

PLATE ON ELASTIC MEDIUM: Infinite plate, Winkler, Two parameters, Isotropic elastic
medium, Thin and thick plates, Analysis of finite plates, rectangular and circular plates,
Numerical analysis of finite plates, simple solutions.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Design shallow foundations, assuming it as a plate resting on elastic meduim.
 Calculate the bending moments and shear forces.


ELASTIC ANALYSIS OF PILE: Elastic analysis of single pile, Theoretical solutions for
settlement and load distribution, Analysis of pile group, Interaction analysis, Load distribution in
groups with rigid cap.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the behavior of pile foundations supported by elastic medium.



Load deflection prediction for laterally loaded piles, sub-grade reaction and elastic analysis,
Interaction analysis, and pile raft system, solutions through influence charts.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the behavior of lateral loaded piles supported by elastic medium.

Course Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to

● Understand the foundation behavior

288 Page
● Analyze the beams resting on elastic foundation.
● Behavior of plates on elastic foundation.
● Have the knowledge of design of laterally loaded piles.


1. Hemsley.J.A, “Elastic Analysis of Raft Foundations”, Thomas Telford, 1998.

2. McCarthy, D.F, “Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations”, basic geotechnics (6th
Edition), Prentice Hall, 2002.
3. Selvadurai.A.P.S, “Elastic Analysis of Soil Foundation Interaction”, Elsevier, 1979.
4. Poulos.H.G and Davis.E.H, “Pile Foundation Analysis and Design”, John Wiley, 1980.
5. Scott.R.F, “Foundation Analysis”, Prentice Hall, 1981.
6. “Structure Soil Interaction” - State of Art Report, Institution of structural Engineers, 1978.
7. ACI 336, “Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for Combined Footings and Mats”,
American Concrete Institute, Dehit, 1988

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Course Objectives:

 To impart knowledge on different concepts of Environmental Impact Assessment

 To teach procedures of risk assessment
 To teach the EIA methodologies and the criterion for selection of EIA methods
 To teach the procedures for environmental clearances and audit


Concepts and methodologies of EIA

Initial environmental Examination, Elements of EIA, - factors affecting E-I-A Impact evaluation
and analysis, preparation of Environmental Base map, Classification of environmental
parameters- Criteria for the selection of EIA Methodology, E I A methods, Ad-hoc methods,
matrix methods, Network method Environmental Media Quality Index method, overlay methods
and cost/benefit Analysis.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the elements of EIA.
 Explain the criteria for selection of EIA methodology


Impact of Developmental Activities and Land Use

Introduction and Methodology for the assessment of soil and ground water, Delineation of study
area, Identification of actives. Procurement of relevant soil quality, Impact prediction,
Assessment of Impact significance, Identification and Incorporation of mitigation measures. E I
A in surface water, Air and Biological environment: Methodology for the assessment of Impacts
on surface water environment, Air pollution sources, Generalized approach for assessment of Air
pollution Impact.

290 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the factors causing impact of development activities
 Decide mitigation measures of pollution on environment


Assessment of Impact on Vegetation, Wildlife and Risk Assessment

Introduction - Assessment of Impact of development Activities on Vegetation and wildlife,
environmental Impact of Deforestation – Causes and effects of deforestation - Risk assessment
and treatment of uncertainty-key stages in performing an Environmental Risk Assessment-
advantages of Environmental Risk Assessment

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand effect of development activities on environment.
 Know the design procedures for assessment of environmental risk


Environmental audit:
Introduction - Environmental Audit & Environmental legislation objectives of Environmental
Audit, Types of environmental Audit, Audit protocol, stages of Environmental Audit, onsite
activities, evaluation of Audit data and preparation of Audit report.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Learn about the process of environmental auditing.
 Understand procedures for preparation of environmental audit report

Environmental Acts and Notifications:
The Environmental protection Act, The water preservation Act, The Air (Prevention & Control
of pollution Act), Wild life Act - Provisions in the EIA notification, procedure for environmental
clearance, procedure for conducting environmental impact assessment report- evaluation of EIA
report. Environmental legislation objectives, evaluation of Audit data and preparation of Audit
report. Post Audit activities, Concept of ISO and ISO 14000.

291 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the importance of environmental protection acts
 Explain acts and notifications in Environmental legislation
Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

● Prepare EMP, EIS, and EIA report.
● Identify the risks and impacts of a project.
● Choose an appropriate EIA methodology.
● Evaluation the EIA report.
● Estimate the cost benefit ratio of a project.
● Know the role of stakeholder and public hearing in the preparation of EIA.


1. Canter Larry W., “Environmental Impact Assessment”, McGraw-Hill education

Edi (1996)
2. Y. Anjaneyulu, “Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies”, B. S. Publication,


1. Peavy, H. S, Rowe, D. R, Tchobanoglous, “Environmental Engineering”, G.Mc-Graw

Hill International Editions, New York 1985
2. J. Glynn and Gary W. Hein Ke, “Environmental Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall
3. Suresh K. Dhaneja, “Environmental Science and Engineering”, S.K., Katania & Sons
Publication, New Delhi.
4. H. S. Bhatia, “ Environmental Pollution and Control”, Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd, Delhi

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Course Objectives:

 To impart knowledge on sustainable development and economics of energy

 To teach regarding environmental degradation and economic analysis of degradation
 To inculcate the knowledge of economics of pollution and their management
 To demonstrate the understanding of cost benefit analysis of environmental resources
 To make the students to understand principles of economics of biodiversity


Sustainable Development: Introduction to sustainable development - Economy-Environment

inter-linkages - Meaning of sustainable development - Limits to growth and the environmental
Kuznets curve – The sustainability debate - Issues of energy and the economics of energy –
Nonrenewable energy, scarcity, optimal resources, backstop technology, property research,
externalities, and the conversion of uncertainty.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the importance of sustainable development, environmental linkages etc.,
 Understand the issues of energy and their economics


Environmental Degradation: Economic significance and causes of environmental degradation -

The concepts of policy failure, externality and market failure - Economic analysis of
environmental degradation – Equi –marginal principle.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the principles of environmental degradation and its economic analysis

293 Page

Economics of Pollution: Economics of Pollution - Economics of optimal pollution, regulation,

monitoring and enforcement - Managing pollution using existing markets: Bargaining solutions –
Managing pollution through market intervention: Taxes, subsidies and permits.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the basics of economics of pollution and its economics


Cost – Benefit Analysis: Economic value of environmental resources and environmental damage
- Concept of Total Economic Value - Alternative approaches to valuation – Cost-benefit analysis
and discounting.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To know about the cost benefit analysis and discounting


Economics of biodiversity: Economics of biodiversity conservation - Valuing individual species

and diversity of species -Policy responses at national and international levels. Economics of
Climate Change – stren Report

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 To understand the importance of biodiversity and economics of climate changes

Course Objectives:

 After the completion of the course, the students will be able to know
 The information on sustainable development and economics of energy
 The information regarding environmental degradation and economic analysis of

294 Page
 The identification of economics of pollution and their management
 The cost benefit analysis of environmental resources
 The principles of economics of biodiversity

Reference Books:

1. D.W. Pearce, A. Markandya and E.B. Barbier “ Blueprint for a Green Economy”,
Earthscan, London. (1989),
2. R.K. Turner, D.W. Pearce and I. Bateman “Environmental Economics: An Elementary
Introduction”, Harvester Wheatsheaft, London. (1994),
3. D.W. Pearce and R.K. Turner “Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment”,
Harvester Wheatsheaf, London. (1990),
4. Michael S. Common and Michael Stuart “Environmental and Resource Economics: An
Introduction”, 2nd Edition, Harlow: Longman. (1996),
5. Roger Perman, Michael Common, Yue Ma and James McGilvray “Natural Resource and
Environmental Economics”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education. (2003),
6. N. Hanley, J. Shogren and B. White “An Introduction to Environmental Economics”,
Oxford University Press. (2001),

295 Page
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Course Objectives:

The course will address the following:

 To teach Water Transportation in India
 To impart knowledge on water waves and effects on harbour and structure design
 To Develop facilities that are required for setting up of a port
 To Plan ports for effective cargo handling and economical considerations


Water Transportation:

Scope, Merits, Developments of Water Transportation in India, Inland Waterways, River, Canal,
Inland water Transportation, Development of Port & Harbors, Harbor Classification, Site
Selection – Classification of ports .

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Classify Harbors and Ports.
 Explain development of ports and harbors


Natural Phenomena: Wind, Ties, Water waves, Wave Decay & Ports, Wave Diffraction
Breaking, Reflection, Littoral Drift, Sedimentation Transport, Effects on Harbor and Structure

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand effects of natural forces
 Understand conditions for the design of harbors

296 Page

Harbor Infrastructure:
Types of Break Waters, Jetty, Dock Fenders, Wharves, Dolphin Mooring Accessories, Repair
Facilities, Wet Docks, Lift Docks, Dry Docks, Gates for Graving Docks, Floating Docks,
Slipways, Locks and Gates

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand components of harbor.
 Differentiate between Docks and Other Components.


Port Facility:
Transit Shed, Warehouses, Cargo Handling, Container Handling, Inland Pot Facility,
Navigational Aids, Types, Requirements of Signals, Lighthouses, Bean lights, Buoys, Dredging
& Coastal protection, Types of Dredges, Choices, Usage of Dredge Material, Sea Wall
Protection, Sea Wall Revetments, Bulkhead.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Knowledge on facilities to be developed in port for navigation.
 Understanding importance of dredging.


Planning of Ports:
Regional and Intercontinental Transportation Development, Forecasting Cargo & Passenger
Demand, Regional Connectivity, Cargo Handling, Capacity Of Port, Economic Evaluation Of
Port Projects, Impact Of Port Activities.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Study the connectivity of ports.
 Understand cargo handling facilities.

297 Page
Course outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
● Enhance the knowledge on Docks and Harbour Engineering for water transportation in
the context of regional and intercontinental transportation.
● Know techniques of planning and designing the Infrastructures required for Harbour and
Port area.
● Analyze cargo and passenger demand forecasting cargo handling capacity of ports and
economic evaluation of port project.
● Understand environmental and other impact impended due to water transportation and
port activities.

1. C.Venkataramaiah., “Transportation Engineering (Vol – II)”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd,
2. Bindra, S.P, “A Course in Docks and Harbor Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New
Delhi, India, 1992.

1. R. Srinivasa Kumar, “Transportation Engineering: Railways, Airports, Docks and
Harbors”, Universities Press Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad. 2014.
2. Alozo Def. Quinn, “Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures”, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York
3. Srinivasan R., “Docks & Tunnel Engineering”, Charotar Publishing House, Anand.
4. V.N. Vazirani and S.P. Chandola, “Docks and Harbour Engineering” – Text book of
Transport Engineering Vol. II, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.

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Course Objective:

 To teach the application of statistical distributions for Traffic Data Analysis.

 To introduce queuing theory and its applications to traffic.
 To make the students understand, types of pedestrian crossing facilities and warrants
 To introduce the concept of shock wave theory and its applications in bottle neck
 To make the students to understand the concept of simulation and steps involved.


Traffic Flow Description: Types Of Statistical Distributions; Discrete And Continuous

Distributions; Counting And Interval Distributions Used In Traffic Analysis; Poisson’s
Distribution For Vehicle Arrivals; Headway Distributions – Exponential Distribution; Shifted
Exponential Distribution; Erlang Distribution; Composite Distribution. Numerical Exercises.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Apply the statistical distribution for given traffic situation.
 Comprehend the difference between the various distribution.


Queuing Theory: M/M/1 & D/D/I System:

Introduction To Queuing Theory; Notation Used For Describing A Queue System;
Analysis Of M/M/1 System; Assumptions And Derivation Of System State Equations;
Application Of M/M/1 Analysis For Parking Garages And Toll Plazas- Numerical
Queuing Theory - D/D/1 System: Traffic Interruptions Like Accidents Or Bottlenecks; Analysis
Of D/D/1 System For Delay Characteristics; Traffic Signal Analysis As D/D/1 System;
Computation Of Delays And Queue Dissipation Time – Numerical Examples.

299 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Apply different Queuing systems to traffic analysis.
 Differentiate between various Queuing systems.


Pedestrian Delays And Gaps: Pedestrian Gap Acceptance And Delays; Concept Of Blocks,
Anti-Blocks, Gaps And Non-Gaps; Underwood’s Analysis For Pedestrian Delays; Warrants
For Pedestrian Crossing Facilities – Minimum Vehicular Volume Warrant, Minimum
Pedestrian Volume Warrant, Maximum Pedestrian Volume Warrant.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand pedestrian Gap acceptance behavior.
 Analyze the pedestrian flow based on warrants.


Shockwave Theory: Concept Of Shockwave; Causes For Traffic Interruptions And

Shockwaves; Flow-Density Diagram Use In Shockwave Analysis; Use Of Time-Space
Diagram For Shockwave Description; Bottleneck Situations And Shockwaves; Traffic Signal
And Shockwave Theory; Numerical Examples For Application Of Shockwave Theory.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the concept of shockwave theory.
 Analyze bottlenecks using shockwave theory.


Traffic Simulation:
Introduction To Simulation; Need For Simulation Modeling; Steps In Simulation; Interval
Oriented And Event Oriented Simulation; Use Of Random Numbers In Simulation;
Random Number Generation Methods; Computing Headways And Arrival Times Based On
Random Numbers;

300 Page
Basic Concepts Of Simulation Modeling Application For Signalised Intersections, Pedestrian
Crossings And Transit Scheduling.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Appreciate the steps in simulation process.
 Apply Simulation techniques for traffic analysis.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will be able to:

 Understand and appreciate the application of statistical distribution for traffic analysis.
 Apply queueing theory for traffic analysis and to understand various queueing systems.
 Analyze pedestrian gap acceptance behavior and to apply underwood’s warrants.
 Understand shockwave theory and to analyze the bottleneck situation using shockwave
 Learn simulation technique basics and to apply them for traffic analysis.


1. A Monograph , “Traffic Flow Theory”: TRB Special Report 165

2. C.S.Papacostas, “Fundamentals Of Transportation Engineering”, Prentice Hall India


1. F.L.Mannering & W.P.Kilareski, Principles Of Highway Engineering And Traffic

Analysis, John Wiley Publishers.
2. A.D.May, “Traffic Flow Fundamentals”, Prentice Hall India Publication
3. Mcshane & Rogers, “Fundamentals Of Traffic Engineering”, pearsons Publishers.

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Course Objective:

To know the design and drawing aspects of

 Sloping glacis weir.
 Tank sluice with tower head
 Type III Syphon aqueduct.
 Surplus weir.
 Trapezoidal notch fall.
 Canal regulator.

Final Examination pattern: Any two questions of the above six designs may be asked out of
which the candidate has to answer one question. The duration of examination will be three hours.

Course Outcomes:

 On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Sloping glacis weir.
 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Tank sluice with tower head
 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Type III Syphon aqueduct.
 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Surplus weir.
 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Trapezoidal notch fall.
 Design and draw the plan and cross section of Canal regulator.


1. C.Satyanarayana Murthy, “Design of minor irrigation and canal structures”, Wiley

eastern Ltd.
2. S.K.Garg, “Irrigation engineering and Hydraulic structures Standard”

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Course Objectives:

This course
 Demonstrates Principles of Watershed Management
 Explains River basin Watershed Management Practices
 Imparts knowledge on conservation of water and its reuses
 Teaches the sustainable watershed approach
 Inculcates the knowledge of rainwater harvesting and GIS applications


Principles of Watershed Management: Basics concepts, Hydrology and water availability,

Surface water, Groundwater, Conjunctive use, Human influences in the water resources system,
Water demand, Integrated water resources system

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Demonstrates role of principles of watershed management
 Gives an insight into the water demand and human influences on water resources etc.,


River basin Watershed Management Practices in Arid and Semi-arid Regions, Watershed
management through wells, Management of water supply - Case studies, short term and long
term strategic planning

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Gives the knowledge of watershed management in different regions
 Gives an insight into the case studies, short and long term strategic planning

303 Page

Conservation of Water: Perspective on recycle and reuse, Waste water reclamation Social
Aspects of Watershed Management: Community participation, Private sector participation,
Institutional issues, Socio-economy, Integrated development, Water legislation and
implementations, Case studies

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Gives the knowledge of conservation of water
 Gives an insight into the aspects of watershed management, water legislation and


Sustainable Watershed Approach: Sustainable integrated watershed management, natural

resources management, agricultural practices, integrated farming, Soil erosion and conservation

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Gives the knowledge on sustainable watershed management approach
 Gives an insight into the agricultural practices, soil erosion and conservation


Water Harvesting: Rainwater management - conservation, storage and effective utilisation of

rainwater, Structures for rainwater harvesting, roof catchment system, check dams, aquifer
storage Applications of Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing in Watershed
Management, Role of Decision Support System in Watershed Management

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Gives the knowledge of rainwater harvesting management
 Gives an insight into the role of GIS in the watershed management

304 Page
Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

● Know the basic principles of watershed management.
● Know the river basin management practices
● Understand better different approaches for conservation of water.
● Identify sustainable watershed approach for resources management, prevention of soil
erosion etc.,
● Different methods of rainwater harvesting management systems and role of GIS.

Text Book:

1. Murthy, J.V.S., “Watershed Management in India”, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1994.


1. Murty, J.V.S., “Watershed Management”, New Age Intl., New Delhi 1998.
2. Allam, G.I.Y., “Decision Support System for Integrated Watershed Management”,
Colorado State University, 1994.
3. Vir Singh, R., “Watershed Planning and Management”, Yash Publishing House, Bikaner,
4. American Society of Civil Engineers, Watershed Management, American Soc. of Civil
Engineers, New York, 1975

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Course Objectives:

This course
 Demonstrates Role of water in National Development
 Explains Water Resources Systems Analysis
 Imparts on Evaluation and monitoring of water quality and management of water
distribution networks
 Teachs different methods for water balancing
 Visualizes Interstate Water Dispute Acts



Water Resources Potential, Demand and Development -Role of water in National Development -
Assessment of Water Resources of the country - River Basins - Hydro-meteorological and
Hydrological Data. Assessment of Utilizable flows - Conventional and non-conventional
methods - Estimation of Water need- National Water Policy. Conjunctive use of surface and
ground water. Future Water Requirements - Scope of development.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Demonstrate role of water in national development
 Assess water resources in country
 Estimate future water need


Water Resources Planning and Project Formulation- Water Resources Planning - Single and
Multipurpose Projects - Project Formulation, Comparison of Alternatives - Cost Benefit
Analysis. Cost Allocation among various purposes. Water Resources Systems Analysis -
Optimization Approaches.

306 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the planning requirements of a irrigation project.
 Compare alternative methods based on cost aspects
 Optimization of approaches


Environmental Aspects of Integrated water Resources Development -Evaluation and monitoring

of water quality and management of water distribution networks for Irrigation, Flood control and
Power generation - Catchment Treatment and Watershed Management. Command Area
Development - Resettlement and Rehabilitation.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Evaluate and monitor water quality
 Design distribution networks for irrigation flood control and power generation


Management Strategies for Excess and Deficit Water Balances

Flood Control & Management - Various methods of Control - Administrative Planning -
Management Programs and Flood Cushioning -Structural Methods. Non-structural Methods -
Flood forecasting & Warning, Flood plain zoning and Flood proofing. Drought Prone Area
Development - Soil Conservation Methods.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand the water management strategies
 Explain flood forecasting and planning
 Develop procedure to meet requirements in drought prone area


Riparian Rights and Inter Basin Linking of Rivers - Indian Scenario - Various Proposals and
their Status - Dr. K. L. Rao’s Proposal, Capt. Dastur’s Garland Canal, National Perspective Plan,
NWDA Link and Peninsular Rivers Development Component - Overall Benefits and Major

307 Page
constraints. Water Laws of India - Regulating Authorities - Interstate Water Dispute Acts -
River Water Tributes - Cauvery, Krishna Godavari and Vamsadahra Tribunals.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of this unit student will

 Understand importance of interlinking of rivers
 Explain water laws of India
 Study interstate water disputes and arrive at feasible solutions

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

● Estimate Water need.
● Develop Water Resources Planning.
● Explain roll of Regulating Authorities.
● Design Catchment Treatment and Watershed Management.
● Understand Rights and Inter Basin Linking of Rivers.


1. S K Sharma, “A Textbook Of Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures”, S.

Chand and Company Limited, New Delhi
2. R. L. Linsley & J. B. Fragini, “Water Resource Engineering”: MCgrohly


1. P. N. Modi, “Irrigation and Water Resources & Water Power”, Standard Book House.
2. A.S. Gordman, “Principles of Water Resource engineering”:
3. S. K. Garg, “Irrigation engineering and Hydraulic structures”, Standard Book House.
4. Punmia & Lal, “Irrigation and water power engineering”, Laxmi Publications pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.

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Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to:

 Develop an understanding of why and how the modern disaster manager is involved with
pre-disaster and post-disaster activities.
 Develop an awareness of the chronological phases of natural disaster response and
refugee relief operations. Understand how the phases of each are parallel and how they
 Understand the ‘relief system’ and the ‘disaster victim.’
 Describe the three planning strategies useful in mitigation.
 Identify the regulatory controls used in hazard management.
 Describe public awareness and economic incentive possibilities.
 Understand the tools of post-disaster management.



Natural Hazards And Disaster Management: Introduction of DM – Inter disciplinary -nature of

the subject– Disaster Management cycle – Five priorities for action. Case study methods of the
following: floods, draughts – Earthquakes – global warming, cyclones & Tsunamis – Post
Tsunami hazards along the Indian coast – landslides.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the natural hazards and its management
 To understand about the global warming, cyclones and tsunamis


Man Made Disaster And Their Management Along With Case Study Methods Of The
Following: Fire hazards – transport hazard dynamics – solid waste management – post disaster –
bio terrotirism -threat in mega cities, rail and air craft’s accidents, and Emerging infectious
diseases & Aids and their management.

309 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the fire hazards and solid waste management

 To understand about the emerging infectious diseases and aids their management.


Risk and Vulnerability: Building codes and land use planning – social vulnerability –
environmental vulnerability – Macroeconomic management and sustainable development,
climate change risk rendition – financial management of disaster – related losses.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the regulations of building codes and land use planning related to risk and
 To understand about the financial management of disaster and related losses


Role Of Technology In Disaster Managements: Disaster management for infra structures,

taxonomy of infra structure – treatment plants and process facilities-electrical substations- roads
and bridges- mitigation programme for earth quakes –flowchart, geospatial information in
agriculture drought assessment-multimedia technology in disaster risk management and training-
transformable indigenous knowledge in disaster reduction.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To know about the technological aspects of disaster management
 To understand about the factors for disaster reduction


Education and Community Preparedness: Education in disaster risk reduction-Essentials of

school disaster education-Community capacity and disaster resilience-Community based disaster
recovery -Community based disaster management and social capital-Designing resilience-
building community capacity for action.

310 Page
Learning Outcomes:

After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 To impart the education related to risk reduction in schools and communities

Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 Affirm the usefulness of integrating management principles in disaster mitigation work
 Distinguish between the different approaches needed to manage pre- during and post-
disaster periods
 Explain the process of risk management
 Relate to risk transfer


1. Rajib shah & R R Krishnamurthy “Disaster Management” – Global Challenges and Local
Solutions’ Universities press. (2009),
2. Tushar Bhattacharya, “Disaster Science & Management” Tata McGraw Hill Education
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Jagbir Singh “Disaster Management” – Future Challenges and Opportunities’ I K
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. (2007),


1. Harsh. K . Gupta “Disaster Management edited”, Universities press, 2003.

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Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to:

 To know the basics, importance of global warming.
 To know the concepts of mitigation measures against global warming
 To know the impacts of climate changes



Introduction to environment, Ozone, ozone layer and its functions, Ozone depletion and ozone
hole, Vienna convention and Montreal protocol, Green house gases and green house effect,
Hydrological cycle and Carbon cycle, Global warming and its impacts

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To identity the importance of Ozone and effect of green house gases
 To know the effect of global warming


ATMOSPHERE & ITS COMPONENTS: Atmosphere and its layers-Characteristics of

Atmosphere - Structure of Atmosphere - Composition of Atmosphere - Atmospheric stability -
Temperature profile of the atmosphere - Temperature inversion and effects of inversion on
pollution dispersion.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the layers of atmosphere and their characteristics


312 Page
IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE : Causes of Climate change - Change of Temperature in
the environment - Melting of ice and sea level rise - Impacts of Climate Change on various
sectors - Projected impacts for different regions, uncertainties in the projected impacts and risk
of irreversible changes.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the causes of climate change and its effects on various sectors.


OBSERVED CHANGES AND ITS CAUSES: Climate change and Carbon credits-Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM), CDM in India - Kyoto Protocol - Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) - Climate Sensitivity - Montreal Protocol - United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Global change in temperature and climate and
changes within India

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the causes of climate change and carbon credits, effect of change in
temperature and climate on india.


Technology, biodiesel, compost, biodegradable plastics - Renewable energy usage as an
alternative - Mitigation Technologies and Practices within India and around the world - Non-
renewable energy supply to all sectors - Carbon sequestration - International and regional
cooperation for waste disposalbiomedical wastes, hazardous wastes, e-wastes, industrial wastes,

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about the clean technology, use of renewable energy, mitigation technologies
and their practices.

313 Page
Course Outcomes:

Upon the successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
 Design a system, component or process to meet desired needs with in realistic constraints
such as economic ,environmental ,social ,political ,ethical ,health and safety ,
manufacturability and sustainability
 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems


1. Dash Sushil Kumar, “Climate Change – An Indian Perspective”, Cambridge University

Press India Private limited 2007.
2. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change-Scientific Technical Analysis. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge,2006.
3. Atmospheric Science, J.M. Wallace and P.V. Hobbs, Elsevier / Academic Press 2006.
4. Jan C. van Dam, Impacts of “Climate Change and Climate Variability on ydrological
Regimes”, Cambridge university press ,2003.
5. David Archer, Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast, 2 nd ed. (Wiley, 2011
6. John Houghton, Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, 5th Edition, 2015,
Cambridge Univ. Press. Useful

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Course Objectives:

 To learn about a few applications of Internet of Things

 To distinguish between motion less and motion detectors as IoT applications
 To know about Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) fundamentals in design and
fabrication process
 To understand about applications of IoT in smart grid
 To introduce the new concept of Internet of Energy for various applications

Definitions, Terminology, Classification, Temperature sensors, Thermoresistive, Resistance,
temperature detectors, Silicon resistive thermistors, Semiconductor, Piezoelectric, Humidity and
moisture sensors. Capacitive, Electrical conductivity, Thermal conductivity, time domain
reflectometer, Pressure and Force sensors: Piezoresistive, Capacitive, force, strain and tactile
sensors, Strain gauge, Piezoelectric

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about basic principles of sensors and their classification
 To learn about various motion less sensors
 To understand about Piezoelectric sensor applications to detect temperature, pressure etc.
 To understand about Capacitive sensors to detect temperature, force and pressure etc.
 To know about concepts of tactile sensors, for a few applications

Occupancy and Motion detectors
Capacitive occupancy, Inductive and magnetic, potentiometric - Position, displacement and level
sensors, Potentiometric, Capacitive, Inductive, magnetic velocity and acceleration sensors,
Capacitive, Piezoresistive, piezoelectric cables, Flow sensors, Electromagnetic, Acoustic sensors
- Resistive microphones, Piezoelectric, Photo resistors

315 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about Capacitive occupancy
 To understand about Motion detectors
 To distinguish between Potentiometric, inductive and capacitive sensors for a few
 To learn about a few velocity and acceleration sensors
 To know about various flow sensors

Basic concepts of MEMS design, Beam/diaphragm mechanics, electrostatic actuation and
fabrication, Process design of MEMS based sensors and actuators, Touch sensor, Pressure
sensor, RF MEMS switches, Electric and Magnetic field sensors

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To understand about the basic concept of MEMS
 To know about electrostatic actuation
 To learn about process design of MEMS based sensors
 To learn about process design of MEMS based actuators
 To distinguish between RF switches with respect to electric and magnetic sensors


IoT for Smart grid

Driving factors, Generation level, Transmission level, Distribution level, Applications, Metering
and monitoring applications, Standardization and interoperability, Smart home

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To get exposure fundamental applications of IoT to Smart grid
 To learn about driving factors of IoT in Generation level
 To learn about driving factors of IoT in Transmission level
 To learn about driving factors of IoT in Distribution level
 To distinguish between metering level and monitoring applications
 To get introduced to the concept of Smart home

316 Page
IoE: Concept of Internet of Energy, Evaluation of IoE concept, Vision and motivation of IoE,
Architecture, Energy routines, information sensing and processing issues, Energy internet as
smart grid

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To get exposed the new concept of internet of energy
 To learn about architecture of IoE
 To know about energy routines
 To learn about information sensing and processing issues
 To understand the use of energy internet as smart grid

Course Outcomes:
1. To get exposed to recent trends in few applications of IoT in Electrical Engineering
2. To understand about usage of various types of motionless sensors
3. To understand about usage of various types of motion detectors
4. To get exposed to various applications of IoT in smart grid
5. To get exposed to future working environment with Energy internet


1. Jon S. Wilson, “Sensor Technology Hand book”, Newnes Publisher, 2004

2. Tai Ran Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems: Design and manufacture”, 1 st Edition, Mc
Grawhill Education, 2017
3. Ersan Kabalci and Yasin Kabalci, “From Smart grid to Internet of Energy”, 1 st Edition,
Academic Press, 2019


1. Raj Kumar Buyya and Amir Vahid Dastjerdi, “Internet of Things: Principles and
Paradigms”, Kindle Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2016
2. Yen Kheng Tan and Mark Wong, “Energy Harvesting Systems for IoT Applications”:
Generation, Storage and Power Management, 1st Edition, CRC Press, 2019
3. RMD Sundaram Shriram, K. Vasudevan and Abhishek S. Nagarajan, “Internet of
Things”, Wiley, 2019

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Course Objectives:

 To learn about recent trends in grids as smart grid

 To understand about smart grid architecture and technologies
 To know about smart substations
 To learn about smart transmission systems
 To learn about smart distribution systems

Introduction to Smart Grid
Working definitions of Smart Grid and Associated Concepts – Smart Grid Functions –
Traditional Power Grid and Smart Grid – New Technologies for Smart Grid – Advantages –
Indian Smart Grid – Key Challenges for Smart Grid
Smart Grid Architecture: Components and Architecture of Smart Grid Design – Review of the
proposed architectures for Smart Grid. The fundamental components of Smart Grid designs –
Transmission Automation – Distribution Automation – Renewable Integration

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To understand basic definitions and architecture of Smart grid
 To learn about new technologies for smart grid
 To know about fundamental components of smart grid
 To understand key challenges of smart grid
 To understand the need for integration of Renewable energy sources


Smart grid Technologies

Characteristics of Smart grid, Micro grids, Definitions, Drives, benefits, types of Micro grid,
building blocks, Renewable energy resources, needs in smart grid, integration impact, integration
standards, Load frequency control, reactive power control, case studies and test beds

318 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about basic characteristic features of smart grid technologies
 To understand about definition, types, building blocks of Microgrids
 To know about integration requirements, standards of renewable energy sources in
 To understand Load frequency and reactive power control of Microgrid
 To understand about Microgrid through a case study

Smart Substations
Protection, Monitoring and control devices, sensors, SCADA, Master stations, Remote terminal
unit, interoperability and IEC 61850, Process level, Bay level, Station level, Benefits, role of
substations in smart grid, Volt/VAR control equipment inside substation

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about protection, monitor and control devices in Smart substations
 To know about the importance of SCADA in substations
 To understand about interoperability and IEC 61850
 To know about role of substations in Smart grid
 To understand about Volt/VAR control equipment inside substation

Smart Transmission
Energy Management systems, History, current technology, EMS for the smart grid, Wide Area
Monitoring Systems (WAMS), protection & Control (WAMPC), needs in smart grid, Role of
WAMPC smart grid, Drivers and benefits, Role of transmission systems in smart grid, Synchro
Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs)

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about Energy Management Systems in smart transmission systems
 To understand about WAMPC
 To know about role of transmission systems in Smart grid
 To know about Synchro Phasor Measurement units

319 Page
Smart Distribution Systems
DMS, DSCADA, trends in DSCADA and control, current and advanced DMSs, Voltage
fluctuations, effect of voltage on customer load, Drivers, objectives and benefits, voltage-VAR
control, VAR control equipment on distribution feeders, implementation and optimization, FDIR
- Fault Detection Isolation and Service restoration (FDIR),faults, objectives and benefits,
equipment, implementation

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to
 To know about DSCADA in Smart Distribution Systems
 To distinguish between current and advanced DMSs
 To know about occurrence of voltage fluctuations
 To understand about VAR control and equipment on distribution feeders
 To know about FDIR objectives and benefits

Course Outcomes:
1. To be able to understand trends in Smart grids
2. To understand the needs and roles of Smart substations
3. To understand the needs and roles of Smart Transmission systems
4. To understand the needs and roles of Smart Distribution systems
5. To distinguish between SCADA and DSCADA systems in practical working

Text Books:

1. Stuart Borlase, “Smart Grids - Infrastructure, Technology and Solutions”, 1st edition,CRC
Press, 2013
2. Gil Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power System”, 2 nd edition, Wiley–IEEE
Press, 2013.

Reference Books:

1. A.G. Phadke and J.S. Thorp, “Synchronized Phasor Measurements and their
Applications”, Springer Edition, 2e, 2017.
2. T. Ackermann, “Wind Power in Power Systems”, Hoboken, NJ, USA, John Wiley, 2e,

320 Page
B.Tech (CE) – IV-II Sem L T P C
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Course Objective:

 Familiarize present energy scenario, and energy auditing methods.

 Explain components of electrical systems, lighting systems and improvements in
 Demonstrate different thermal systems, efficiency analysis, and energy conservation
 Train on energy conservation in major utilities.
 Instruct principles of energy management and energy pricing.


Introduction: Energy – Power – Past & Present Scenario Of World; National Energy
Consumption Data – Environmental Aspects Associated With Energy Utilization –Energy
Auditing: Need, Types, Methodology And Barriers. Role Of Energy Managers. Instruments For
Energy Auditing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Infer energy consumption patterns and environmental aspects of energy utilization. (l2)
 Outline energy auditing requirements, tools and methods. (l2)
 Identify the function of energy manager. (l3)


Electrical Systems: Components Of EB Billing – HT And LT Supply, Transformers, Cable

Sizing, Concept Of Capacitors, Power Factor Improvement, Harmonics, Electric Motors – Motor
Efficiency Computation, Energy Efficient Motors, Illumination – Lux, Lumens, Types Of
Lighting, Efficacy, LED Lighting And Scope Of Economy In Illumination.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Outline components of electricity billing, transmission and distribution. (l2)
 Analyze performance characteristics of transformers, capacitors, and electric motors. (l4)
 Examine power factor improvements, and electric motor efficiency. (l4)
 Evaluate lighting systems. (L4)

321 Page

Thermal Systems: Stoichiometry, Boilers, Furnaces and Thermic Fluid Heaters – Efficiency
Computation and Encon Measures. Steam: Distribution & Usage: Steam Traps, Condensate
Recovery, Flash Steam Utilization, Insulators & Refractories.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Determine efficiency of boilers, furnaces and other thermal systems. (l5)
 Recommend energy conservation measures in thermal systems. (l5)
 Justify steam systems in energy conservation. (l4)


Energy Conservation In Major Utilities: Pumps, Fans, Blowers, Compressed Air Systems,
Refrigeration And Air Conditioning Systems – Cooling Towers – D.G. Sets.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain energy conservation measures in major utilities. (l2)
 Apply performance test criteria for fans, pumps, compressors, hvac systems. (l3)
 Assess energy conservation in cooling towers and d.g. sets. (l5)


Energy Management: Principles of Energy Management, Energy demand estimation,

Organising and Managing Energy Management Programs, Energy pricing.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Describe principles of energy management. (l2)
 Assess energy demand and forecast. (l5)
 Organize energy management programs. (l6)
 Design elements of energy pricing. (l6)

322 Page
Course Outcomes:

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

 Explain energy utilization and energy auditing methods.(l2)
 Analyze electrical systems performance of electric motors and lighting systems.(l4)
 Examine energy conservation methods in thermal systems.(l4)
 Estimate efficiency of major utilities such as fans, pumps, compressed air systems, hvac
and d.g. Sets. (l4)
 Elaborate principles of energy management, programs, energy demand and energy
pricing. (l6)


1. Energy Manager Training Manual (4 Volumes) Available At

www.energymanagertraining.com, A Website Administered By Bureau Of Energy
Efficiency (BEE), A Statutory Body Under Ministry Of Power, Government Of India,


1. Witte. L.C., P.S. Schmidt, D.R. Brown, “Industrial Energy Management and Utilisation”
Hemisphere Publ, Washington, 1988.
2. Callaghn, P.W. “Design And Management For Energy Conservation”, Pergamon Press,
Oxford, 1981.
3. Dryden. I.G.C., “The Efficient Use Of Energy” Butterworths, London, 1982
4. Murphy. W.R. And G. Mc KAY, “Energy Management”, Butterworths, London 1987.
5. Turner, W. C., Doty, S. and Truner, W. C., “Energy Management Hand book”, 7th
edition, Fairmont Press, 2009.
6. De, B. K., “Energy Management audit & Conservation”, 2nd Edition, Vrinda Publication,
7. Smith, C. B., “Energy Management Principles”, Pergamon Press, 2007.

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Course Objectives

 Introduce basic concepts of non destructive testing.

 Familiarize with characteristics of ultrasonic test, transducers, rejection and effectiveness.
 Describe concept of liquid Penetrant, eddy current and magnetic particle tests, its
applications and limitations.
 Explain the principles of infrared and thermal testing, applications and honey comb and
sandwich structures case studies.
 Impart NDE and its applications in pressure vessels, casting and welded constructions.


Introduction to non-destructive testing: Radiographic test, Sources of X and Gamma Rays and
their interaction with Matter, Radiographic equipment, Radiographic Techniques, Safety Aspects
of Industrial Radiography.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain non destructive testing techniques (L2)

 Summarize the basic concepts of Radiographic test ( L2)
 Outline the concepts of sources of X and Gamma Rays ( L2)
 Explain the radiographic techniques ( L2)
 Discuss the safety aspects of industrial radiography. ( L4)


Ultrasonic test: Principle of Wave Propagation, Reflection, Refraction, Diffraction, Mode

Conversion and Attenuation, Sound Field, Piezo-electric Effect , Ultrasonic Transducers and
their Characteristics, Ultrasonic Equipment and Variables Affecting Ultrasonic Test, Ultrasonic
Testing, Interpretations and Guidelines for Acceptance, Rejection - Effectiveness and
Limitations of Ultrasonic Testing.

324 Page
Learning outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the principle of ultrasonic test. ( l2)

 Analyze the performance of wave propagation, reflection, refraction, diffraction and
sound field in ultrasonic test. (l4 )
 Discuss the characteristics of ultrasonic transducers. (l4)
 Outline the limitations of ultrasonic testing. (l2 )


Liquid Penetrant Test: Liquid Penetrant Test, Basic Concepts, Liquid Penetrant System, Test
Procedure, Effectiveness and Limitations of Liquid Penetrant Testing.
Eddy Current Test: Principle of Eddy Current, Eddy Current Test System, Applications of
Eddy Current-Testing Effectiveness of Eddy Current Testing.
Magnetic Particle Test: Magnetic Materials, Magnetization of Materials, Demagnetization of
Materials, Principle of Magnetic Particle Test, Magnetic Particle Test Equipment, Magnetic
Particle Test Procedure, Standardization and Calibration, Interpretation and Evaluation, Effective
Applications and Limitations of the Magnetic Particle Test.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Illustrate the procedure of Liquid Penetrant, eddy current and magnetic particle tests.( L2)
 Outline the limitations of Penetrant, eddy current and magnetic particle tests. (L2 )
 Explain the effectiveness of Penetrant, eddy current and magnetic particle tests. ( L2)
 Apply the applications of Magnetic particle test. ( L3)


Infrared And Thermal Testing: Introduction and fundamentals to infrared and thermal testing–
Heat transfer –Active and passive techniques –Lock in and pulse thermography–Contact and non
contact thermal inspection methods–Heat sensitive paints –Heat sensitive papers –-thermally
quenched phosphors liquid crystals –techniques for applying liquid crystals –other temperature
sensitive coatings –Inspection methods –Infrared radiation and infrared detectors–thermo
mechanical behavior of materials–IR imaging in aerospace applications, electronic components,
Honey comb and sandwich structures–Case studies.

325 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Discuss the fundamentals of thermal testing. (l6 )
 Explain the techniques of liquid crystals, active and passive. (l2)
 Illustrate thermal inspection methods. ( l2)
 Outline the limitations of thermal testing. (l2 )
 Explain the applications of honey comb and sandwich structures. (l2)


Industrial Applications of NDE: Span of NDE Activities Railways, Nuclear, Non-nuclear and
Chemical Industries, Aircraft and Aerospace Industries, Automotive Industries, Offshore Gas
and Petroleum Projects, Coal Mining Industry, NDE of pressure vessels, castings, welded

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Illustrate applications of NDE. ( L2)
 Explain the applications of Railways, Nuclear and chemical industries. ( L2)
 Outline the limitations and disadvantages of NDE. (L2 )
 Explain the applications of NDA of pressure vessels, casting and welding constructions
( L2)

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course, student will be able to

 Explain various methods of non-destructive testing. (l3)
 Apply relevant non-destructive testing method different applications. (l3)
 Explain the applications of railways, nuclear and chemical industries. ( l2)
 Outline the limitations and disadvantages of nde. (l2 )
 Explain the applications of nda of pressure vessels, casting and welding constructions (

326 Page

1. J Prasad, GCK Nair , “Non destructive test and evaluation of Materials”, Tata mcgraw-
Hill Education Publishers, 2008.
2. Josef Krautkrämer, Herbert Krautkrämer, “Ultrasonic testing of materials”, 3rd edition,
Springer-Verlag, 1983.
3. X. P. V. Maldague, “Non destructive evaluation of materials by infrared thermography”,
1st edition, Springer-Verlag, 1993.


1. Gary L. Workman, Patrick O. Moore, Doron Kishoni, “Non-destructive, Hand Book,

Ultrasonic Testing”, 3rd edition, Amer Society for Nondestructive, 2007.
2. ASTM Standards, Vol 3.01, Metals and alloys

Social Relevant Projects

1. Solid waste conversion into energy (Gasification)

2. Plastic waste into fuel.
3. Bio-gas digester.
4. Development of mechanisms for farmers.
5. Smart irrigation for saving water.
6. Mechanized water segregation.
7. Applications of solar technologies for rural purpose.
8. Power generation from wind turbine.
9. Applications of drones for agriculture.
10. Solar drying.

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Course Objectives:

 To interpret fundamental concepts of digital image processing.

 To exemplify image enhancement.
 To interpret fundamental concepts of color image processing.
 To assess image compression techniques for digital images.
 To summarize segmentation for digital images.



Introduction: Digital image representation, Fundamental steps in image processing, Elements of

digital image processing, Elements of visual perception, Simple image model, Sampling and
Quantization, Basic relationships between pixels, Image transformations.
Applications: Medical imaging, Robot vision, Character recognition, Remote sensing.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the fundamental concepts of image processing, Sampling process and basis
relationships between pixels (L1)
 Explain the elements of Digital Image Processing (L2)



Need for image enhancement, Point processing, Histogram processing, Spatial filtering-
Smoothing and Sharpening.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the need for enhancement process (L1)

328 Page
 Explain the terminology involved in enhancement process (L2)



Colour fundamentals, Colour models, Color transformations, Pseudo colour image processing,
Full colour image processing.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the need for enhancement process (L1)
 Explain the terminology involved in enhancement process (L2)



Redundancies, Fidelity criteria, Image compression model, Lossless compression: Huffman

coding, Arithmetic coding. Lossy compression: Lossy Predictive Coding, JPEG Compression

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the need for image compression (L1)
 Explain the image compression and various types of compression techniques



Detection of discontinuities: point, line and edge detection, Edge linking and Boundary
detections: Local Processing, Global processing via Hough transform, Thresholding, Region
oriented segmentation: Region growing, Region splitting and merging.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the principle of image segmentation and its importance (L1)
 Explain the image compression and various types of compression techniques (L2)
329 Page
 Analyze the various terminologies involved in image segmentation like edge, boundary
detection etc. (L3)

Course Outcomes:

 Interpret fundamental concepts of digital and color image processing.

 Exemplify image enhancement.
 Analyze the various terminologies involved in image segmentation like edge, boundary
detection etc. Assess image compression techniques for digital images.
 Summarize segmentation techniques for digital images.


1. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2011.


1. S Jayaraman, S Esakkirajan and T Veerakumar, “Digital Image Processing”, TMH, 2011.

2. S. Sridhar, “Digital Image Processing”, 2nd Edition, Oxford Publishers, 2016.

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3 0 0 3



Course Objectives:

 To understand the concepts and operation of cellular systems.

 To apply the concepts of cellular systems to solve engineering problems.
 To analyse cellular systems for meaningful conclusions.
 To evaluate suitability of a cellular system in real time applications.
 To design cellular patterns based on frequency reuse factor.


Introduction to Cellular Mobile Systems

Why cellular mobile communication systems? A basic cellular system, Evolution of mobile radio
communications, Performance criteria, Characteristics of mobile radio environment, Operation
of cellular systems. Examples for analog and digital cellular systems.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the conceptsand operation of cellular systems (L1).
 Analyze the characteristics of mobile radio environment (L3).


Cellular Radio System Design

General description of the problem, Concept of frequency reuse channels, Cochannel

interference reduction, Desired C/I ratio, Cell splitting and sectoring.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand the concept of frequency reuse and cochannel interference in cellular systems
 Apply the concept of cellular systems to solve engineering problems (L2).
 Analyze the design problems of cellular systems (L3).
 Design of cellular patterns based frequency reuse factor (L5).

331 Page

Handoffs and Dropped Calls

Why handoffs and types of handoffs, Initiation of handoff, Delaying a handoff, Forced handoffs,
Queuing of handoffs, Power-difference handoffs, Mobile assisted handoff and soft handoff, Cell-
site handoff, Intersystem handoff. Introduction to dropped call rate.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand why handoff is required (L1).
 Apply handoff techniques to solve engineering problems (L2).
 Compare various types of handoffs (L3).


Multiple Access Techniques for Wireless Communications

Introduction, Frequency Division Multiple Access, Time Division Multiple Access, Code
Division Multiple Accessand Space Division Multiple Access.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand various types of multiple access techniques (L1).
 Apply the concept of multiple access to solve engineering problems (L2).
 Compare various types of multiple access techniques (L3).


Digital Cellular Systems

Global System for Mobile Systems, Time Division Multiple Access Systems, Code Division
Multiple Access Systems. Examples for 2G, 3G and 4G systems. Introduction to 5G system.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the unit, the student should be able to

 Understand operation of various types of digital cellular systems (L1).
 Compare various types of digital cellular systems (L3).
 Evaluate suitability of a cellular system in real time applications (L4).

332 Page
Note: The main emphasis is on qualitative treatment. Complex mathematical treatment may
be avoided.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

 Understand the concepts and operation of cellular systems (L1)
 Apply the concepts of cellular systems to solve engineering problems (L2).
 Analyse cellular systems for meaningful conclusions, Evaluate suitability of a cellular
system in real time applications (L3).
 Design cellular patterns based on frequency reuse factor (L4).


2. William C. Y. Lee, “Mobile Cellular Telecommunications”, 2 ndEdition, McGraw-Hill

International, 1995.
3. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications – Principles and Practice”,
2ndEdition, PHI, 2004.


3. Aditya K. Jagannatham “Principles of Modern Wireless Communications Systems –

Theory and Practice”, McGraw-Hill International, 2015.

Blooms’ Learning levels:

L1: Remembering and Understanding
L2: Applying
L3: Analyzing, Evaluating
L4: Designing, Creating

333 Page
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Course Objectives:

This course will enable students to:

 Describe semi-conductor devices (such as PN junction diode &
Transistor) and their switching characteristics.
 Understand the characteristics of AC to DC converters.
 Understand about the practical applications Electronics in industries
 Describe the Ultrasonics and its application.


Scope of industrial Electronics, Semiconductors, Merits of semiconductors, crystallinestructure,

Intrinsic semiconductors, Extrinsic semiconductors, current flow insemiconductor, Open-
circuited p-n junction, Diode resistance, Zener diode,Photoconductors and junction photo diodes,
Photo voltaic effect, Light emitting diodes(LED).

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the importance of Electronics and semiconductor devices in industry,
operation of semiconductor devices (L1)
 Describe the working of semiconductor diodes (L1)


Introduction, The junction transistor, Conventions for polarities of voltages and currents,Open
circuited transistor, Transistor biased in the active region, Current components in transistors,
Currents in a transistor, Emitter efficiency, Transport factor and transistor-α,Dynamic emitter
resistance, Transistor as an amplifier, Transistor construction, Lettersymbols for semiconductor
Devices, Characteristic curves of junction transistor in common configuration, static
characteristic curves of PNP junction transistor in common emitter configuration, The transistor
in common collector Configuration.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the working of Transistor and its different configurations (L1)
 Describe the working of CE, CC, CB configurations (L1)

334 Page

AC to DC converters- Introduction, Classification of Rectifiers, Half wave Rectifiers, Fullwave

Rectifiers, Comparison of Half wave and full wave rectifiers, Bridge Rectifiers,Bridge Rectifier
meter, Voltage multiplying Rectifier circuits, Capacitor filter, LC Filter,Metal Rectifiers,
Regulated Power Supplies, Classification of Voltage Regulators, Shortperiod Accuracy of
Regulators, Long period .Accuracy of Voltage Regulator, Principle ofautomatic voltage
Regulator, Simple D.C. Voltage stabilizer using Zener diode, D.C.Voltage Regulators, Series
Voltage Regulators, Complete series voltage regulatorcircuit, Simple series voltage regulator.


Resistance welding controls: Introduction, Resistance welding process, Basic Circuitfor A.C.
resistance welding, Types of Resistance welding, Electronic welding controlused in Resistance
welding, Energy storage welding. Induction heating: Principle ofinduction heating, Theory of
Induction heating merits of induction heating, Application ofinduction heating, High frequency
power source of induction heating. Dielectricheating: Principle of dielectric heating, theory of
dielectric heating, dielectric propertiesof typical materials, electrodes used in dielectric heating,
method of coupling ofelectrodes to the R.F. generator, Thermal losses in Dielectric heating,

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the principle of operation of Resistance welding, Induction heating and

Dielectric heating (L1)
 Apply the process of Resistance welding, Induction heating and Dielectric heating
in the industry (L2)


Ultrasonics: Introduction, Generation of Ultrasonic waves, Application of Ultrasonicwaves,

Ultrasonic stroboscope, ultrasonic as means of communication, ultrasonic flawdetection, Optical
image on non-homogeneities, ultrasonic study of structure of matter,Dispersive study of structure
of matter, Dispersive and colloidal effect of Ultrasonic,Coagulating action of Ultrasonic,
separation of mixtures by ultrasoni8c waves, cuttingand machining of hard materials by
ultrasonic vibrations, Degassing of liquids byultrasonic waves, Physio-chemical effects of
ultrasonics, chemical effects ofultrasonics, Thermal effects of Ultrasonics, soldering and welding
by ultrasonics, Ultrasonic Drying

335 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Understand the principle of operation of Ultrasonics and its applications (L1)
 Analyze the thermal effects of Ultrasonics, soldering and welding by
ultrasonics,Ultrasonic Drying in the industry (L3)

Course Outcome:

 Understand the semi-conductor devices and their switching characteristics.

 Apply the Ultrasonic waves with different applications
 Analyze the thermal effects of Ultrasonics, soldering and welding by
ultrasonics,Ultrasonic Drying in the industry, Interpret the characteristics of AC to DC
 Develop the practical applications Electronics in industries.


1. G. K. Mithal, “Industrial Electronics”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 2000.

2. J.Gnanavadivel, R.Dhanasekaran, P.Maruthupandi, “Industrial Electronics”,Anuradha
Publications, 2011.


1. F. D. Petruzulla, “Industrial Electronics”, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1996.

2. M. H. Rashid, “power Electronics Circuits, Devices and Application”, PHI, 3 rdedition,
3. G. M. Chute and R. D. Chute, “Electronics in Industry”, McGraw Hill Ltd,Tokyo, 1995.

336 Page
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Course Objectives:

This course will enable students to:

 To introduce various measuring instruments and their functionality
 To teach various measurement metrics for performance analysis
 To explain principles of operation and working of different electronic instruments
 To familiarize the characteristics, operations, calibrations and applications of the different
oscilloscopes and signal generators.
 To provide exposure to different types of transducers


Measurement and Error: Definitions, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution and Significant Figures,
Types of Errors, Measurement error combinations. (Text 2)
Ammeters: DC Ammeter, Multi-range Ammeter, The Ayrton Shunt or Universal Shunt,
Requirements of Shunt, Extending of Ammeter Ranges, RF Ammeter (Thermocouple),
Limitations of Thermocouple. (Text 1)
Voltmeters and Multi-meters: Introduction, Basic Meter as a DC Voltmeter, DC Voltmeter,
Multi range Voltmeter, Extending Voltmeter Ranges, Loading, AC Voltmeter using Rectifiers.
True RMS Voltmeter, Multi-meter. (Text 1)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the importance of measurement system (L1)
 Examine the characteristics of different Instruments (L2)
 Illustrate different types of errors that may occur in instruments during measurements


Digital Voltmeters: Introduction, RAMP technique, Dual Slope Integrating Type DVM,
Integrating Type DVM, Most Commonly used principles of ADC, Successive Approximations, -
Digit, Resolution and Sensitivity of Digital Meters, General Specifications of DVM, (Text 1)
Digital Instruments: Introduction, Digital Multi-meters, Digital Frequency Meter, Digital
Measurement of Time, Universal Counter, Digital Tachometer, Digital pH Meter, Digital Phase
Meter, Digital Capacitance Meter, (Text 1)

337 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain working of digital measuring Instruments (L2)
 Compare the various measuring techniques for measuring voltage (L4)


Oscilloscopes: Introduction, Basic principles, CRT features, Block diagram of Oscilloscope,

Simple CRO, Vertical Amplifier, Horizontal Deflecting System, Sweep or Time Base Generator,
Measurement of Frequency by Lissajous Method, Digital Storage Oscilloscope. (Text 1)
Signal Generators: Introduction, Fixed and Variable AF Oscillator, Standard Signal Generator,
Laboratory Type Signal Generator, AF sine and Square Wave Generator, Function Generator,
(Text 1)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Describe functions of basic building of CRO (L1)
 Measure parameters viz. Amplitude, frequency and time period using CRO (L2)
 Classify signal generators and describe its characteristics (L2)

UNIT – 4

Measuring Instruments: Field Strength Meter,Stroboscope, Phase Meter, Q Meter, Megger.

(Text 1)
Bridges: Introduction, Wheatstone‘s bridge, Kelvin‘s Bridge; AC bridges, Capacitance
Comparison Bridge, Inductance Comparison Bridge, Maxwell‘s bridge, Wien‘s bridge. (Text 1)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Describe function of various measuring Instruments. (L1)
 Describe how unknown capacitance and inductance can be measured using bridges (L1)
 Select appropriate bridge for measuring R, L and C parameters (L2)

UNIT – 5

Transducers: Introduction, Electrical transducers, Selecting a transducer, Resistive transducer,

Resistive position transducer, Strain gauges, Resistance thermometer, Thermistor, Inductive
transducer, LVDT, Piezoelectric transducer, Photo cell, Photo voltaic cell, Semiconductor photo
diode and transistor. (Text 1)

338 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Explain the importance of transducer (L1)
 Illustrate different measuring techniques in transducers to measure physical
 Select the appropriate transducer for the measurement of physical parameters (L2)

Course outcomes:

 Learn different types of errors in measurement, calibration process and standards, various
methods for measurement of non-electrical quantities, Understand the different methods
for measurement of various electrical quantities.
 Familiarize the dynamics of instrument systems, various passive and active transducers
 Compare the various measuring techniques for measuring voltage (L4)


 H. S. Kalsi, “Electronic Instrumentation”, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2012,

 A. D. Helfrick and W.D. Cooper, “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measuring
Techniques”, Pearson, 1st Edition, 2015, ISBN: 9789332556065.


 David A. Bell, “Electronic Instrumentation & Measurements”, Oxford University Press

PHI 2nd Edition, 2006 ISBN 81-203-2360-2.
 A. K. Sawhney, “Electronics and Electrical Measurements”, Dhanpat Rai &Sons. ISBN -

339 Page
B.Tech (CE)–IV-II L T P C
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Course Objectives:

This course is designed to:

 Understand the philosophy of Blockchain and the cutting edge technology behind its functions
 Illustrate how to setup Ethereum tools
 Explain the key vocabulary and concepts used in Blockchain for Business

Blockchain concepts: Blockchain, Blockchain application example: Escrow, Blockchain stack,
from web 2.0 to the next generation decentralized web, domain specific Blockchain application,
Blockchain benefits and challenges.
Blockchain application templates: Blockchain application components, design methodology
for Blockchain applications, Blockchain applications templates

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Outline the benefits and challenges of Block chain(L2)

 Design the Blockchain applications(L6)

Setting up Ethereum development tools: Ethereum clients,Ethereum languages, TestRPC, Mist
Ethereumwalle, meta mask, web3 JavaScript API, truffle.
Ethereum Accounts: Ethereum Accounts, keypairs, working with EOA Accounts, working with
contract accounts.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Illustrate the use of Ethereum development tools(L2)

 Create Ethereum accounts and work with them (L6)

Smart contracts: Smart contract, structure of a contract, setting up and interacting with a
contract using Geth client, setting up and interacting with a contract using Mist Wallet

340 Page
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Make use of of smart contracts(L3)

 Distinguish setting up and interacting with a contract using Geth client and Mist

Smart contracts (continued): Smart contract examples, Smart contract patterns.
Decentralized Applications: implementing Dapps, case studies,

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Illustrate the Smart contract examples and patterns(L2)

 Develop Decentralized applications.(L6)

Mining: Concensus on Block chain network, mining, Block validation, state storage in

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Define Concensus on Blockchain network(L1)

 Demonstrate State Storage in Ethereum(L2)

Course outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to:

 Create customized blockchain solutions (L6)

 Make use of the specific mechanics of Ethereum(L3)
 Experiment with Smart contracts (L3)
 Develop Enterprise applications using Blockchain(L6)

Text book:

1. Arshadeepbahga, Vijay madisetti, “Blockchain Applications A hands-on approach”, VPT

2. Chandramouli Subramanian, Asha A George, Abhilash K A and MeenaKarthikeyan,
“Blockchain Technology”, Universty Press, 2021

341 Page

1. Imran Bashir, “Mastering Blockchain” Packt Publishing Ltd, March 2017.

2. Melanie swan, “Blokchain blueprint for a new economy”, O’REILLY

342 Page
B.Tech (CE)–IV-II L T P C
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Course Objectives:
This course is designed to:

 Translate user requirements into the overall architecture

 Implement new systems and manage the projects
 Write optimized front end code using HTML and JavaScript
 Monitor the performance of web applications & its infrastructure
 Design and implement Robust and Scalable Front End Applications

Introduction to Web: Internet and World Wide Web, Domain name service,
Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP. Html5 concepts, CSS3, Anatomy of a web page.
XML: Document type Definition, XML schemas, Document object model, XSLT,
DOM and SAX Approaches.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Summarize the protocols related to Internet & WWW(L2)

 Compare and contrast XML and HTML(L5)

JavaScript: The Basic of JavaScript: Objects, Primitives Operations and Expressions,
Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, Pattern Matching using Regular
Expressions. Angular Java Script Angular JS Expressions: ARRAY, Objects, $eval,
Strings, Angular JS Form Validation & Form Submission, Single Page Application
development using Angular JS.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Illustrate the importance of JavaScript(L2)

 Develop applications using Angular JS(L6)

Node.js: Introduction, Advantages, Node.js Process Model, Node JS Modules.
Express.js: Introduction to Express Framework, Introduction to Nodejs , What is
Nodejs, Getting Started with Express, Your first Express App, Express Routing,

343 Page
Implementing MVC in Express, Middleware, Using Template Engines, Error
Handling , API Handling , Debugging, Developing Template Engines, Using Process
Managers, Security & Deployment.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Explain the Node JS modules(L2)

 Make use of MVC in Express(L3)

RESTful Web Services: Using the Uniform Interface, Designing URIs,
Web Linking, Conditional Requests. React Js: Welcome to React, Obstacles and
Roadblocks, React’s Future, Keeping Up with the Changes, Working with the Files,
Pure React, Page Setup, The Virtual DOM, React Elements, ReactDOM, Children,
Constructing Elements with Data, React Components, DOM Rendering, Factories.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Outline the RESTful Web Services(L2)

 Assess the future of React Js(L5)
Mongo DB: Introduction, Architecture, Features, Examples, Database Creation &
Collection in Mongo DB. Deploying Applications: Web hosting & Domains,
Deployment Using Cloud Platforms.

Learning Outcomes:
After completing this Unit, students will be able to

 Explain the features and architecture of Mongo DB (L2)

 Create and collect Database in MongDB(L6)

Course Outcomes
After the completion of the course, student will be able to
 List the Basic Concepts of Web & Markup Languages(L1)
 Develop web Applications using Scripting Languages & Frameworks(L6)
 Make use of Express JS and Node JS frameworks(L3)
 Illustrate the uses of web services concepts like restful, react js (L2)
 Deploying applications using Cloud Platforms (L6)

344 Page
Text Books:
1) Programming the World Wide Web, Robet W Sebesta, 7ed, Pearson.
2) Web Technologies, Uttam K Roy, Oxford
3) Pro Mean Stack Development, ELadElrom, Apress
4) Restful Web Services Cookbook, Subbu Allamraju, O’Reilly
5) JavaScript & jQuery the missing manual, David sawyer mcfarland, O’Reilly
6) Web Hosting for Dummies, Peter Pollock, John Wiley Brand
Reference Books:
1) Ruby on Rails up and Running, Lightning fast Web development, Bruce Tate,
Curt Hibbs, Oreilly (2006).
2) Programming Perl, 4ed, Tom Christiansen, Jonathan Orwant, Oreilly (2012).
3) Web Technologies, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML and AJAX,
Black book, Dream Tech.
4) An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila,
Cengage Learning.
5) Express.JS Guide,The Comprehensive Book on Express.js, Azat Mardan,
Lean Publishing.
1) http://www.upriss.org.uk/perl/PerlCourse.html

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B.Tech (CE)–IV-II L T P C
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This subject focuses on different utilities like water, steam, electricity and its properties,
production of consumption of these sources in the food plant.

 To give brief idea about the utilities that are required/used in food industry and their sources
and importance.


Introduction Classification of various utilities and services in food industry. Water use in Food
Processing Industry Water supply system: Pumps of different types, operational aspects, piping
system for fresh water, chilled water etc., fittings and control, water requirement for cleaning and
processing, water quality, water purification and softening Unit

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Water use in Food Processing Industry
 Water supply system: Pumps of different types, operational aspects, piping system for
fresh water, chilled water etc.,
 fittings and control, water requirement for cleaning and processing,
 water quality, water purification and softening Unit


Water use in food processing: Different types of water requirements in food processing plants,
types of water use, waste water sources, water wastage minimization, water loadings per unit
mass of raw material. Water conservation: Water and waste water management, economic use of
water, water filtration and recirculation.

346 Page
Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Different types of water requirements in food processing plants,
 types of water use, waste water sources, water wastage minimization,
 water loadings per unit mass of raw material
 Water and waste water management, economic use of water,
 water filtration and recirculation


Steam uses in Food Industry Steam uses in food industry: Food processing operations in which
steam is used, temperature, pressure and quantity of steam required in various food processing
operations Steam generation system: Components of a boiler system, fuels used in boilers,
energy analysis for a steam generation system, heat loss from boiler system, boiler design

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Food processing operations in which steam is used
 Temperature, pressure and quantity of steam required in various food processing
 Components of a boiler system, fuels used in boilers, energy analysis for a steam
generation system
 Heat loss from boiler system, boiler design consideration.


Waste-Heat Recovery in Food Processing Facilities Quantity and quality of waste heat in food
processing facilities, waste heat utilization, heat exchangers for waste heat recovery, heat pumps
for waste heat recovery. Waste Disposal and its Utilization Industrial waste, sewage, influent,
effluent, sludge, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Waste-heat recovery in food processing facilities
 Quantity and quality of waste heat in food processing facilities,

347 Page
 Waste heat utilization, heat exchangers for waste heat recovery, heat pumps for waste
heat recovery.
 Waste disposal and its utilization industrial waste, sewage, influent, effluent, sludge,
 Dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand


Planning and Design of Service Facilities in Food Industry Estimation of utilities requirements:
Lighting, ventilation, drainage, CIP system, dust removal, fire protection etc. Maintenance of
facilities: Design and installation of piping system, codes for building, electricity, boiler room,
plumbing and pipe colouring, maintenance of the service facilities. Services required in offices,
laboratories, locker and toilet facilities, canteen, parking lots and roads, loading docks, garage,
repair and maintenance shop, ware houses etc.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Planning and Design of Service Facilities in Food Industry Estimation of utilities
requirements: Lighting, ventilation, drainage, etc.
 Maintenance of facilities: Design and installation of piping system, codes for building,
electricity, plumbing, maintenance of the service facilities.
 Services required in offices, laboratories, locker and toilet facilities, canteen, parking lots
and roads, repair and maintenance shop, ware houses etc

Course Outcomes

By end of the course, students will understand the following

 Various utilities and services used in food industry and its applications in food industry
namely water, steam, electricity and etc.


1. Lijun Wang. “Energy Efficiency and Management in Food Processing Facilities”. CRC
Press. 2008,
2. M. E. Casper. “Energy-saving Techniques for the Food Industry”. Noyes Data Corporation.

348 Page

1. P.L. Ballaney, “Thermal Engineering in SI Units”, 23rd Edition, Khanna Publishers, Delhi,
2. C.P. Arora. “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”. 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Co. Ltd. New Delhi. 2008,
3. W. E. Whitman, “A Survey of Water Use in the Food Industry”, S. D. Holdsworth. Published
by British Food Manufacturing Industries Research Association.
4. Chilton's Food Engineering. 1979, Chilton Co Publishers.

349 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II Sem L T P C
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This course will cover the classification, brief history and the impact of nutraceuticals and
functional foods on health and disease prevention. Nutraceuticals to be covered in the course
include isoprenoids, isoflavones, flavanoids, carotenoids, lycopene, garlic, omega 3 fatty acids,
sphingolipids, vitamin E and antioxidants, herbal products in foods. Also marketing issues
related to functional foods and nutraceuticals as well as stability testing will be reviewed.

Course Objectives:

 To understand the interrelationship between nutraceuticals and health maintenance.

 Cite the evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of nutraceutical and functional food
 To explain the metabolic consequences of nutraceuticals and functional foods.
 Describe the physiologic and biochemical changes associated with consumption of


Introduction, definition, Modification in the definition of nutraceuticals. Classification of

nutraceuticals, Nutraceuticals market scenario, formulation considerations. Challenges for

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Classification of nutraceuticals,
 Nutraceuticals market scenario and formulation considerations.
 Challenges for Nutraceuticals.

350 Page

Nutraceuticals value of spices and seasoning – Turmeric, Mustard, Chilli, Cumin, Fenugreek,
Black Cumin, Fennel, Asafoetidia, Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Clove, Cardamom etc., Nutraceuticals
from Fruits And Vegetables – Mango, Apple, Grapes, Bel, Banana, Broccoli, Tomato, Bitter
Melon, Bitter Orange etc.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Nutraceuticals value of spices and seasoning – Turmeric, Mustard, Chilli, Etc.
 Nutraceuticals from Fruits and Vegetables – Mango, Apple, Grapes, Tomato etc.


Omega -3 fatty acids from fish- Typical properties, structural formula, functional category. CLA-
typical properties, structural formula, functional category. Application in Nutraceuticals.
Calcium, chromium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, Zn- mechanism of action, bioavailability,
uses and deficiency, dietary sources.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Properties of Omega -3 fatty acids from fish and structures
 Application in Nutraceuticals. Calcium, iodine, iron, Zn- mechanism of action,
bioavailability, uses and deficiency, dietary sources.


Definition, classification – Type of classification (Probiotics, probiotics and synbiotics:

Taxonomy and important features of probiotic microorganisms. Health effects of probiotics
including mechanism of action. Probiotics in various foods: fermented milk products, non-milk
products etc. Prebiotics. Definition, chemistry, sources, metabolism and bioavailability, effect of
processing, physiological effects, effects on human health and potential applications in risk
reduction of diseases, perspective for food applications for the following: Non-digestible
carbohydrates/oligosaccharides: Dietary fibre, Resistant starch, Gums.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Probiotics, probiotics and synbiotics: important features of probiotic microorganisms.

351 Page
 Non-digestible carbohydrates/oligosaccharides: Dietary fibre and etc.


Phytosterol, Fatty Acids, Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, Carotenoids, Amino Acids, Water Soluble
Vitamins, Free radical biology and antioxidant activity of nutraceuticals. Regulations of
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in India and rest of the world.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of unit, students will be able to understand the following

 Phytosterol, Fatty Acids, Carotenoids, Anthocyanins, Free radical biology and
antioxidant activity of nutraceuticals.
 Regulations of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in India and rest of the world.

Course Outcomes

 Students will get know the nutraceuticals and its active components in different foods,
regulations on nutraceuticals in India.


1. “Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods. Yashwant Pathak, Vol. 1. (Ingredients,

formulations, and applications)” CRC Press 2005.
2. “Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods”. Robert Wildman, 2 nd Edition. CRC
Press 2001.


1. B. Shrilakshmi, “Dietetics”, 5th Edition, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
2. A. E. Bender, “Nutrition and Dietetic Foods”, Chem. Pub. Co. New York, 2nd Edition, 2004.
3. P. S. Howe, “Basic Nutrition in Health and Disease”, 2nd Edition,W. B. Saunders Company,
London, 2003.
4. Kramer, “Nutraceuticals in Health and Disease Prevention”, Hoppe and Packer, Marcel
Dekker, Inc., NY 2001.
5. Bao and Fenwick, “Phytochemicals in Helath and Disease”, Marcel Decker, Inc. NY 2004.

352 Page
B.Tech (CE)– IV-II L T P C
3 0 0 3



Course Objective:

This course focuses on what is needed to build simulation software environments, and not
just building simulations using preexisting packages.


Simulation Basics-Handling Stepped and Event-based Time in Simulations-Discrete versus

Continuous Modeling-Numerical Techniques-Sources and Propagation of Error

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand computer simulation technologies and techniques.


Dynamical, Finite State, and Complex Model Simulations-Graph or Network Transitions Based
Simulations-Actor Based Simulations-Mesh Based Simulations-Hybrid Simulations

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Implement and test a variety of simulation and data analysis.


Converting to Parallel and Distributed Simulations-Partitioning the Data-Partitioning the

Algorithms-Handling Inter-partition Dependencies

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand concepts of modeling layers of society's critical infrastructure networks.
 Understand partitioning the data.

353 Page

Probability and Statistics for Simulations and Analysis-Introduction to Queues and Random
Noise-Random Variates Generation-Sensitivity Analysis

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Understand Queues and Random noise.
 Understand sensitivity analysis.


Simulations Results Analysis and Viewing Tools-Display Forms: Tables, Graphs, and
Multidimensional Visualization-Terminals, X and MS Windows, and Web Interfaces-Validation
of Model Results

Learning Outcomes:

Students will be able to

 Build tools to view and control simulations and their results.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of course, student will be able to

 Understand basic Model Forms.
 Understand basic Simulation Approaches.
 Evaluate handling Stepped and Event-based Time in Simulations.
 Distinguish Discrete versus Continuous Modeling.
 Apply Numerical Techniques.
 Calculate Sources and Propagation of Error.


1. JN Kapur, “Mathematical modelling”, Newage publishers

2. Kai Velten, “Mathematical Modeling and Simulation: Introduction for Scientists and
Engineers” Wiley Publishers.

354 Page

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