Opposed Piston Dev
Opposed Piston Dev
Opposed Piston Dev
Tailpipe emissions analysis and test results, funded research for gasoline compression ignition
Fabien G. Redon1) Laurence Fromm 2)
1) Achates Power, Inc. 4060 Sorrento Valley Blvd, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (E-mail: redon@achatespower.com)
2) Achates Power, Inc. 4060 Sorrento Valley Blvd, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (E-mail: fromm@achatespower.com)
ABSTRACT: The Achates Power Opposed Piston Engine delivers a demonstrable incremental improvement in brake thermal
efficiency compared with the most advanced conventional four-stroke engines. With the elimination of components such as the
entire cylinder head and valvetrain, the Achates Power OP engine is also less complex and costly to produce.
This paper presents the promising results of new steady-state fuel consumption and transient tailpipe emissions analysis and
discusses the advantages of the OP engine as an ideal platform for incorporating gasoline compression ignition (GCI) technology,
the study of which recently was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy.
KEY WORDS: Standardized: heat engine, compression ignition engine, emissions gas, fuel injection, fuel spray. Free: Opposed-
Piston Engine, gasoline compression ignition (A1)
Cool air and EGR together reduces fouling of the designs. In creating such a platform, some compromises were
made versus how a production engine would be designed.
In spite of the negative impact of the additional friction of the
4. TEST BED DESCRIPTION research engine, steady-state fuel consumption measurement for
the test engine — while meeting engine-out emissions
4.1 Engine Architecture
The multi-cylinder OP Engine platform used to generate the compatible with US EPA 2010 — is compelling enough to
results presented in this paper is heavily based on the single- showcase the potential benefits of OP2S engine.
The cycle average BSFC for this data set is 200 g/kWh with
cylinder OP Engine and shares most of its power cylinder
components. Error! Reference source not found.Table 1 shows best point BSFC of 192 g/kWh. The cycle average results are
the specifications and the performance attributes for the multi- shown in Table 2.
Table 2: SET cycle average results for A48-316 engine
cylinder OP Engine.
Table 1: Multi-cylinder Achates Power OP engine
specification 13 Mode SET Cycle Results
Figure 3: (a) Measured BSSoot in g/bhp-hr for A48-316 cycle includes the “motoring” segment, and, therefore requires a
engine, (b) Measured BSNOx in g/bhp-hr for A48-316 engine DC or AC electric dynamometer capable of both absorbing and
supplying power. Since the API test cell is equipped with an
eddy-current absorbing unit, motoring is not possible. During the
5. TAILPIPE EMISSIONS ANALYSIS motoring portion of the cycle, 10% of maximum brake-torque
Engine out emission results from a Supplemental Emissions relative to the engine speed is commanded. Such an arrangement
Test (SET) cycle show that the Achates Power Opposed-Piston allows for generation of power during the motoring segment but
Engine has very low CO and HC emissions. The OP Engine’s it also results in a fuel-consumption penalty during those
temperature can be lower than comparable four-stroke engines, Furthermore, the FTP cycle test consists of a cold-start test
which may challenge the periodic soot removal from the followed by minimum of three hot-start tests separated by 20
aftertreatment system. However, engine-out NOx is relatively minute intervals. Overall FTP results are obtained by using a
high (~3.5g/kwh), which would assist the passive regeneration of weighting factor of 1/7 and 6/7 for the cold and hot-start results,
a diesel particulate filter (DPF), leading to balance point. In respectively. The test results presented and discussed in this
addition, to meet EPA10 regulation limits, the NOx conversion paper are confined to the hot-start portion of the FTP cycle.
across the after-treatment system (ATS) should be high. 6.1 Test Cycle Assumptions and Modifications
Johnson Matthey investigated its patented Selective Catalytic For engine mapping the following values are used
Reduction Technologies (SCRT) aftertreatment system – the 4- Minimum speed (Idle speed) = 800 rpm
way emission-control technology suitable for this engine . 6 Maximum engine speed = 2200 rpm.
6.2 Test cycle results match its steady-state performance even during transient
The engine-out brake-specific cycle average values over the operations because of the novel combustion system, flexible air-
FTP cycle are shown in the Table . NOx measurement shown in handling system and respective control strategies.
the table has been corrected for humidity. Table 5: Comparison between FTP results on Steady-state
Table 4: Cycle average results from hot-start FTP cycle map and actual measurements
BSFC (g/kW-hr) Engine-out BS Engine-out From From
Soot (g/kW-hr) BSNOx (g/kW-hr) Units Steady- Measure-
217.3 0.056 4.3 state map ment
Total Fuel Consumed (g) 3163 3201
Figure 4 shows that the torque demand during the freeway Cycle-average BSFC (g/kW-hr) 215.2 217.3
portion of the FTP cycle is easily met without generating major Engine-out cycle-
(g/kW-hr) 0.01 0.056
soot spikes; NOx values during the freeway section are relatively average Soot
higher because the engine is running near the rated speed points. Engine-out cycle-
(g/kW-hr) 4.1 4.3
average NOx