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"Development of Single Cylinder Four Stroke Low Heat Rejection Engine Using Piston Coating"-A Review

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“Development of single cylinder four stroke low

heat rejection engine using piston coating”-A

Jaykumar Patel
Internal combustion engine and automobile, mechanical department,
Parul Institute of Engineering and technology, Limda

Assistant Prof. Nityam Oza,

Internal combustion engine and automobile, mechanical department,
Parul Institute of Engineering and technology, Limda

The depletion of fossil fuel resources at a faster rate in the present world of economic competitiveness is generating an essential demand for
increase in efficiency of internal combustion engines. The use of coating in the automotive industry has been found to yield a significant effect
on the efficiency of engines. Higher the operating temperature more will be the efficiency of the system. However, such higher temperatures
demand for enhanced temperature resistant materials to be used. This paper presents a review on the various aspect and usage of thermal
insulating materials (commonly known as thermal barrier coatings)..

NCVET’16 Jaykumar Patel 1

KEY WORDS: piston, coating, Diesel Engine, internal combustion engines, in particular to the
heat rejection, emission piston and combustion chamber.
Diesel engines play a major role in the
automotive industry. It has assumed a dominating
role in both transport and agricultural industry Resistant to high temperatures
due to its higher fuel economy and low running Low heat conduction coefficient
cost. However the heat carried away by the High chemical stability
coolant and exhaust gases carry considerable High melting point
amount of fuel energy from the combustion High bonding strength
chamber even in diesel engines leaving only 30– Resistant to wear
40% of the total energy for conversion into useful Good finishing
work. The engine cooling system absorbs
combustion and friction generated heat energy DIFFERENT COATING MATERIALS:
and dissipates it to the surroundings to ensure 1) Oxides: alumina, beryllium, ceria,
engine temperature always remain below the safe zirconia
level. The lubrication system and exhaust gases 2) Non-oxides: carbide, boride, nitride,
are the other silicide
sources which carry away the heat from the 3) Composite materials: particulate
combustion chamber. Researchers are reinforced, fiber reinforced,
continuously striving to improve the performance combinations of oxides and non-oxides.
and emission characteristics of the Internal
Combustion engines due to the continuous DIFFERENT PROCESSOR OR
demand from the industry for some technological TECHNIQUE USED FOR COATING:
and environmental requirements besides rapid 1) Plasma spray method
increase in the cost of the fuel. 2) Electroplating method
3) Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD)
VALVES. 4) High velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF)
In recent times, much attention has method
focused on achieving this goal by reducing 5) Electrostatic laser spray
energy lost to the coolant during the power stroke 6) Rota plasma spray method
of the cycle.
So, For improving the design and LITERATURE REVIEW
performance have generated to low heat rejection A review of thermal barrier coating effects on
(LHR) or insulated engines. diesel engine performance and components
lifetime by M Azadi in this study investigate
OBJECTIVE OF USING COATING. thermal barrier coating applications in diesel
Ceramic coatings are widely used in engines is performed to select a proper type and
industry for providing valuable improvements to find coating effects. The coating system has
against wear, corrosion and erosion. Coatings effects on the fuel consumption, the power and
the combustion efficiency, pollution contents and
must maintain intended performance during their
the fatigue lifetime of engine components several
life cycles. disadvantages such as producing nitrogen oxides
Theoretically if the heat rejected could also exist when a coating system is used. At peak
be reduced, then the thermal efficiency would be load operation, brake specific fuel consumption
improved. (BSFC) decreased by 12%. Decrease in the Fuel
Low Heat Rejection (LHR) engines aim consumption, Emission, Particle, Oil
to do this by reducing the heat lost to the coolant. consumption, Costs compared with the uncoated
Therefore, thermal barrier coating piston is 11%, 20-50%, 52%, 15%, 20%
(TBC) technology is successfully applied to the respectively. Increase in Engine lifetime, Engine

NCVET’16 Jaykumar Patel 2

power, Valves lifetime compared with the mm, 0.8 mm, 1.2 mm and 1.6 mm thick coating,
uncoated piston is 20%, 10% and 300% respectively .
respectively. Performance and Emission Test of Alumina
Result: Thermal Efficiency increases &
Coated Four Stroke Single Cylinder SI Engine
Emission result is also improved. BSFC
decreased by 12%. Increase in Engine lifetime, Using LPG as Fuel by Mr. Hitesh Buhecha
Engine power, Valves lifetime compared with the and Prof. I.H. Bhoraniya carried out
uncoated piston is 20%, 10% and 300% performance and emission test is done with
respectively. coating & without coating for four stroke single
cylinder spark ignition Engine partsusing LPG as
Temperature and thermal stress analyses of a fuel. Coating is done on piston crown & valve
ceramic-coated aluminum alloy piston used in bottom surface circular area based on
a diesel engine by Muhammet Cerit have experimental study conclude that by means of
worked on improve the performance of a diesel alumina coating (Al2O3,thickness - 200 µm) on
engine. In this investigation to determine both engine’s piston crown & valves bottom surface
temperature and thermal stress distributions with brake power is in slightly lower trend & it no
magnesia stabilized zirconia coating on an more violates & maximum reduction is at 8 kg
aluminum piston crown using plasma sprayed maximum load is only 0.06%.Break thermal
technique. Effects of the coating thickness on efficiency is always higher in coated conditions
temperature and thermal stress distributions are at 4 kg load it is 29 % higher of efficiency
investigated, including comparisons with results without coating and 7% higher achieved at
from an uncoated piston by means of the finite medium loads & at high loads it is 2.84% higher
element method. For all the coating thicknesses, than without coating. Fuel consumptions is
the highest temperature appeared at the crown always reduced in coated condition. it is 29%
center and on the edges of the bowl rim on the compared lower at medium 4kg loads and 12%
top surface of the coating and on the piston reduces at maximum 8kg loads.CO is reduced
surface. The temperature at the surface of the maximum 0.03% at medium loads & at higher
coated region is significantly higher than that of loads it rescues 0.02% at 8 kg load.CO2 is first
the uncoated piston surface. Increase in the reduces up to 2kg load and after that it increases
maximum temperature at the crown center, as per load increases but it is lower than without
compared with the uncoated piston is 32.7%, coating condition always. It reduces maximum at
55.8%, 72.5% and 84.8% for 0.4 mm, 0.8 mm, maximum load up to 3% in emissions.HC
1.2 mm and 1.6 mm thick coating, respectively. reduces to 150 ppm maximum at maximum load
As seen here, thermal performance of the piston of 8kg on engine. It also increases as increase in
increases with increased coating thickness. It is loads but always lower than without coating
clear that a higher combustion chamber conditions.
temperature is provided by means of TBC. As a
result, thermal efficiency of the engine increases. Result: Thermal Efficiency increases &
Moreover, reduction of the piston surface Emission result is also improved. BSFC is 29%
temperature has a positive effect on engine lower at 50% loads and 12% reduces at
performance. maximum loads.CO is reduced maximum 0.03%
at 50% load & at full loads it rescues 0.02% .
Result: Thermal efficiency of the engine
increases. Increase in the maximum temperature Experimental and finite element analysis of a
at the crown center, compared with the uncoated coated diesel engine fueled by cashew nut shell
piston is 32.7%, 55.8%, 72.5% and 84.8% for 0.4 liquid biodiesel by S. Vedharaj ] main purpose

NCVET’16 Jaykumar Patel 3

of this study is to utilize CNSL (cashew nut shell conditions. Wear rates of the coatings increased
liquid) as a source for producing biodiesel and with increasing temperature. As temperature
operate it in a diesel engine with and without increased from 27˚C to 55˚C, friction coefficients
coating. In face of its insulating properties, PSZ increased, but wear rates of the ball decreased.
(partially stabilized zirconia), used in high With an increase in temperature from 55˚C to
temperature application, has been designated as 160˚C, friction coefficients decreased until 110˚C
the perfect coating material to be applied on then slightly increased, and wear
engine piston, valves and cylinder head by ratesoftheballincreased.Increasingslidingvelocityl
plasma spray coating technique. From the edtoadecreaseinfriction coefficients and wear
experimental investigation of CNSLME (CNSL rates of both friction surfaces.
biodiesel – 25% and diesel – 75%) in coated Result: Decrease in friction coefficients and
engine, it was observed that the BTE (brake wear rate of surface and life of various machine
thermal efficiency) of the engine was increased components to which this multilayered DLC
by 6%, when compared to uncoated engine. coating.
Further, the emissions such as CO (carbon CONCLUSION FROM LITERATURE
monoxide), HC (hydro carbon) and smoke were It is available to keep combustion temperatures
reduced by 27.7%, 7.2% and 14.3%, respectively, high. Due to high combustion temperatures
at full load condition, while NOx (oxides of thermal efficiency can be increased, exhaust
nitrogen) emission was increased. Finally, from emissions can be improved and fuel consumption
the simulation study using FEA (finite element can be decreased on diesel engines. Ceramic
analysis), the average temperature, heat flux and materials which have low thermal conductivity
thermal stress were noted to be lower for coated and high thermal expansion coefficient are used
piston, confirming the substantial improvement in for making combustion chamber components
thermal efficiency in the experimental study. thermal insulated.The advantages and
disadvantages of several materials for use as
Result: BTE of the engine was increased, thick thermal barrier coatings in diesel engines
CO,HC were reduced while NOx was increased. were reviewed. For a successful coating thermal
BTE of the engine was increased by 6%, when coating, ceramic material has a high melting
compared to uncoated engine. Further, the point, high oxygen resistance, high thermal
emissions such as CO (carbon monoxide), HC expansion coefficient, high corrosion resistance,
(hydro carbon) and smoke were reduced by high strain tolerance, and low thermal
27.7%, 7.2% and 14.3%, respectively, at full load conductivity and phase stability. The objectives
condition of improved thermal efficiency, improved fuel
economy and reduced emissions are attainable.
Effects of sliding velocity and ambient
temperature on the friction and wear of a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
boundary-lubricated, multi-layered DLC I am grateful to prof. Nityam Oza for his valuable
coating by Dong-Wook Kim the aim of this suggestions and guidance given by them. I would
study is friction and wear characteristics of a like to thank the teaching & non-teaching staff of
multi-layered coating were investigated by Department of Mechanical Engineering for
reciprocating ball-on-disk tests under boundary sharing their knowledge with me.
lubrication conditions using containing SAE 5W-
20oil.Average sliding velocities (range:0.01–
0.04m/s), temperatures (range: 27–160˚C), and
anormal load of 293 N were selected as the test

NCVET’16 Jaykumar Patel 4

1)M AzadiM. BalooG. H. Farrahi S. M. Mirsalim
“A review of thermal barrier coating effects
ondiesel engine performance and components
2)MuhammetCeritet. al. “Temperature and
thermal stress analyses of a ceramic-coated
aluminum alloy piston used in a diesel engine” -
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Vol
77 (2014), pp 11-18.
3)Hitesh Buhechaet. al. “Performance and
Emission Test of Alumina Coated Four Stroke
Single Cylinder SI Engine Using LPG as Fuel “-
Journal of IJSRD Vol 2, Issue 04, (2014) ,ISSN
(online) 2321-0613.
4)S. Vedharajet. al. “Experimental and finite
element analysis of a coated diesel engine fueled
by cashew nut shell liquid biodiesel”- Journal of
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol53
(2014), pp 259–268.
5)Dong-Wook Kim et. al “Effects of sliding
velocity and ambient temperature on the friction
and wear of a boundary-lubricated, multi-layered
DLC coating” - Journal of Wear , Vol 315
(2014), pp 95–102.

NCVET’16 Jaykumar Patel 5

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