240 Vocabulary Words Grade 2

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240 Vocabulary Words

Kids Need to Know

24 Ready-to-Reproduce Packets
That Make
Vocabulary Building
Fun & Effective
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Mela Ottaiano

New York  • Toronto • London • Auckland • Sydney

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Cover design by Scott Davis

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Interior design by Melinda Belter

Interior illustrations by Teresa Anderko, Maxie Chambliss, Rusty Fletcher, James Graham Hale,
and Sydney Wright

ISBN: 978-0-545-46051-4

Text and illustrations copyright © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

All Rights reserved.

Published by Scholastic Inc.
Printed in the U.S.A.

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g r a de

2 Table of Contents
n Using the Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
n Lesson 1: Synonyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
n Lesson 2: Synonyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
n Lesson 3: Antonyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
n Lesson 4: Antonyms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
n Lesson 5: Verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
n Lesson 6: Verbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
n Lesson 7: Verbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
n Lesson 8: Texture Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
n Lesson 9: Sound Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
n Lesson 10: Homophones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
n Lesson 11: Homonyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
n Lesson 12: Compound Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Content Words
n Lesson 13: Compound Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
n Lesson 14: Prefixes: un-, re- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
n Lesson 15: Suffixes: -ful, -er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
n Lesson 16: Character Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
n Lesson 17: Mealtime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
n Lesson 18: On Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

n Lesson 19: Land and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

n Lesson 20: Super Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
n Lesson 21: Land Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
n Lesson 22: Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
n Lesson 23: Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
n Lessons 24: Linear Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
n Word List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
n Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Using the Book
Where would we be without words? It’s hard to imagine. Words are a
basic building block of communication, and a strong vocabulary is an • You’ll find a complete
essential part of reading, writing, and speaking well. The purpose of this alphabetized list of all the lesson
words on page 78.
book is to help young learners expand the number of words they know
and the ways in which they use them. Although 240 vocabulary words • As you introduce the lessons,
have the following items
are introduced, many more words and meanings are woven into the
available: beginning dictionaries
book’s 24 lessons. and thesauruses, and writing
Learning new words is not just about encountering them; it’s about notebooks or journals in which
using, exploring, and thinking about them. So the lessons in this book students can record words and
are organized around different aspects and attributes of words—how use them in sentences.
words are formed using prefixes and suffixes, synonyms, antonyms,
verbs, adjectives, homophones, homonyms, compound words, key
content area vocabulary, and more.

Lesson Organization
Each lesson includes three parts and introduces ten words.

The first lesson part includes: The second part includes: The third part includes:

lesson words lesson words lesson words


1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________
1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 1 Synonyms n Part 2 Synonyms n Part 3

I A synonym is a word that means the same argue choose A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. argue choose Think of a synonym for each boldfaced word argue choose
or almost the same as another word. exit glide exit glide in the sentence. Use the Word Bank. exit glide
Complete the puzzle.
Read each sentence.
keep rush 1. I saw the bird ____________ in the sky. keep rush keep rush

Trace the word. shut slice shut slice 1 shut slice

Then read the sentences again. trace wish 2. I ____________ I could go to the moon. trace wish 2 3 trace wish


1. To argue means to fight using words. 3. My mother likes to ____________ the pictures I draw.
5 6

2. When you choose something, you pick the one you want. choose 4. We always ____________ the window when it rains. 7 8

3. To exit a place means to leave it. exit 5. When my sisters can’t agree, sometimes they ____________. 9

4. To glide means to move smoothly and easily. glide 6. When the movie was over, we had to ____________ the theater.

5. When you keep something, you save it. keep B. Cross out the word in each row that does not belong.
Across Down
6. You rush when you are in a hurry. rush 4. I skate on the ice. 1. I fight with my brother when we
1. cut slice slip
don’t agree.
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. When you shut a door, you close it. shut 5. After class, we leave
2. creep rush speed

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
the room. 2. We want to see the new
8. When you slice bread, you cut it into thin pieces. slice 3. choose pick wind 7. It’s my turn to pick the game. movie soon.
4. face draw trace I am late so I must hurry. 3. Be sure to save your best work.
9. To trace something, you follow the lines to copy it. trace 9.
6. I am trying to copy the picture.
10. My grandma will cut the pie.
10. When you wish for something, you hope it will happen. wish 8. Remember to close the door
when you leave.
6 7 8

cloze activity
simple sentences explaining or a puzzle or other learning
showing the meanings of the words activity using the words
extra practice critical
with traceable words that offer thinking activity
spelling practice

Connections to the
Tips for Using
Common Core State Standards
the Lessons
The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) has outlined
• Consider having students fill learning expectations in English/Language Arts for students at different
out “Word Inventory Sheets”
before each lesson. The headings grade levels. The activities in this book align with the following standards
for such a sheet might be: Words for students in grade 2.
I Know, Words I Have Seen but
Don’t Really Know;  New Words.
Students can list the vocabulary Reading Standards: Foundational Skills
words and probable meanings Phonics and Word Recognition
under the headings. As the 3. K
 now and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding works.
lesson proceeds they can make
a. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable
revisions and additions.
• Each page in every three-part b. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.
lesson uses all ten vocabulary c. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels.
words. The exercises on most of
d. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes.
the pages use each vocabulary
word once. Encourage students e. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences.
to think about the best word f . Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
to complete a sentence or to Fluency
answer each question.
4. R
 ead with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
• Some words have more than c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding,
one meaning, including some rereading as necessary.
not given in the lesson. You may
want to point out additional Language Standards
meanings or invite students to
Conventions of Standard English
discover them independently.
1. D
 emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
• Consider having students make usage when writing or speaking.
a set of word cards for each
2. D
 emonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
lesson, or make a class set and
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
place it in your writing center.
Knowledge of Language
• Use the vocabulary to 3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading,
teach related spelling and
grammar rules. or listening.

• Have students illustrate Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

some words. 4. D
 etermine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

• Encourage students to make and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from
an array of strategies.
semantic maps for some words.
For instance, they might create a. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
a map for a noun to show what b. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is added
the word is, and what it is like to a known word.
and not like. c. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown words with
• Help students make the same root.
connections by pointing out d. Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of
lesson words used in other compound words.
contexts and materials. 5. D
 emonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
• Add your own writing a. Identify real-life connections between words and their use.
assignments. The more students b. Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs.
use a word, the more likely they 6. U
 se words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to,
are to “own” it. and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe.


1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 1

I  synonym is a word that means the same

 A argue choose
or almost the same as another word. exit glide
keep rush
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. shut slice
Then read the sentences again. trace wish

1. To argue means to fight using words.  argue

2. When you choose something, you pick the one you want.  choose
3. To exit a place means to leave it.  exit
4. To glide means to move smoothly and easily.  glide
5. When you keep something, you save it.  keep
6. You rush when you are in a hurry.  rush
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. When you shut a door, you close it.  shut
8. When you slice bread, you cut it into thin pieces.  slice
9. To trace something, you follow the lines to copy it.  trace
10. When you wish for something, you hope it will happen.  wish

1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. argue choose
exit glide

1. I saw the bird ____________ in the sky. keep rush

shut slice
2. I ____________ I could go to the moon. trace wish

3. My mother likes to ____________ the pictures I draw.

4. We always ____________ the window when it rains.

5. When my sisters can’t agree, sometimes they ____________.

6. When the movie was over, we had to ____________ the theater.

B. Cross out the word in each row that does not belong.

1. cut slice slip

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. creep rush speed

3. choose pick wind
4. face draw trace


1 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 3
Think of a synonym for each boldfaced word argue choose
in the sentence. Use the Word Bank. exit glide
Complete the puzzle.
keep rush
1 shut slice

2 3 trace wish

5 6

7 8


Across Down
4. skate on the ice. I with my brother when we
1. fight
don’t agree.
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
After class, we leave
the room. We want to see the new

7. It’s my turn to pick the game. movie soon.

9. I am late so I must hurry. Be sure to save your best work.

10. My grandma will cut the pie. I am trying to copy the picture.

Remember to close the door

when you leave.

2 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 1

I  A synonym is a word that means the same breezy bright

or almost the same as another word. cozy damp
grumpy hefty
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. icy puzzled
Then read the sentences again. sleepy simple

1. The wind blows on a breezy day.  breezy

2. A bright day is one that has a lot of light.  bright
3. When you are cozy, you feel snug and warm.  cozy
4. When something is damp, it is a bit wet.  damp
When you feel grumpy, you are
unhappy and in a bad mood.  grumpy
6. Something hefty is large or strong.  hefty
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. An icy day is one that is very, very cold.  icy

When you feel puzzled, you are
confused, or do not understand something.  puzzled
9. When you feel sleepy, you are tired.  sleepy
10. When something is simple, it is easy.  simple

2 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. breezy bright
cozy damp

1. I went to bed when I felt ____________ . grumpy hefty

icy puzzled
2. The ______________ child was frowning. sleepy simple

3. We flew our kite on a _______________ day.

4. When it is ____________ outside, I wear sunglasses.

5. It is ____________ to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

6. I was _______________ and didn’t know the answer.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

1. What do you wear on an icy day? h swimsuit h coat
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
2. Which one is hefty? h elephant h hamster

3. Which one feels damp? h paper h sponge

4. Which one is cozy? h bed h playground


2 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Synonyms n Part 3
Read the clues. breezy bright cozy damp grumpy
Write the word next to its clue. hefty icy puzzled sleepy simple
Find and circle the word in the puzzle.

big and heavy

1.  6.  with a lot of sunlight
_________________ _________________
snug and warm
2.  7.  not feeling happy
_________________ _________________
3. tired _______________ 8. easy ______________
4. confused ____________ 9.  some wind blowing
5. a little wet
_________________ 10.  freezing cold __________

b r i g h t b v l e

r x n r e P k i o h
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

e t i g r u m p y e

e w s i t z u b t f

z a d c o z y a i t

y i a y s l e e p y

s i m p l e x x t g

q u p s s D s s y s


3 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 1

I  n antonym is a word that means

 A fix wreck
the opposite of another word. frown smile
hide show
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. whisper yell
Then read the sentences again. weep laugh

1. When you fix something, you put it back together. fix

2. When you wreck something, you break it. wreck
3. When you feel sad, you frown. frown
4. When you feel happy, you smile. smile
5. When you hide something, people cannot see it. hide
6. When you show something, people can see it. show
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. When you whisper, you speak quietly. whisper
8. When you yell, you speak loudly. yell
9. When you think something is very sad, you weep. weep
10. When you think something is funny, you laugh. laugh

3 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. fix wreck
frown smile
1. When my mom hugs me I ____________ . hide show
whisper yell
We ____________ when our team
weep laugh
makes a good play.
3. I ____________ when I forget to bring my lunch.

4. When the teacher tells a joke, the children ____________.

5. I ____________ when I don’t want to wake up my brother.

6. Our parents ____________ the presents so we can’t find them.

7. The deer ____________ the garden when they eat the flowers.

B. Write the word that is the antonym of each picture.

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

_____________ 2.



3 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 3
Cut out the squares on the right side of the page. !
Match the word on each square to its antonym.
Glue the squares on the left side of the page

to find the hidden picture.



weep laugh

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

whisper wreck




4 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 1

I  An antonym is a word that means bland spicy

the opposite of another word. dark light
early late
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. huge tiny
Then read the sentences again. loud quiet

1. Food that tastes plain is bland.  bland

2. Spicy food has a lot of flavor.  spicy
3. At night, it is dark outside.  dark
4. In the day, it is light outside.  light
5. When you are early, you arrive before something starts.  early
6. When you are late, you arrive after something starts.  late
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. Something very, very big is huge.  huge

8. Something very, very small is tiny.  tiny
9. When there is a lot of noise, it is loud.  loud
10. When there is no noise, it is quiet.  quiet

4 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. bland spicy
dark light

1. It is very ____________ in the library. early late

huge tiny
2. Pink and yellow are ____________ colors. loud quiet

3. The ____________ food burned my mouth.

4. I was the first student to get to school. I was ____________.

5. I felt sick so I had to eat ____________ food.

We missed the beginning

of the movie because we were ____________.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

1. Which one is tiny? h dinosaur h ant
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
2. Which one is loud? h horn h giggle

3. Which one is huge? h castle h dollhouse

What can you see when

h moon h sun
it’s dark outside?


4 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Antonyms n Part 3
Read the word on each puzzle piece.
Draw a line to match each word with an antonym.

1. light spicy

2. tiny quiet

3. bland dark

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

4. late

5. loud huge


5 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 1

I  A verb describes an action. creep stroll

Think about how rest nap
the verbs are alike
and how they are take grab
Read each sentence.
different. turn spin
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again. stir whisk

1. To creep is to walk very slowly.  creep

2. To stroll is to walk at a medium pace.  stroll

3. To rest is to stay quiet until you feel like doing something again.  rest

4. To nap is to sleep for a short time.  nap

5. To take means to get something using your hands.  take

6. To grab means to take something quickly.  grab

To turn means to move in a circle.  turn

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

8. To spin means to turn quickly, many times.  spin

To stir something means to mix it by

moving it around with a spoon or a stick.  stir
10. To whisk something means to stir it quickly in one direction.  whisk


5 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. creep stroll
rest nap
I always ____________ my lunch
take grab
to school. turn spin

I need to ____________ after I

2. stir whisk

run a lot.
3. I saw a spider ____________ up the wall.
4. Watch the baby, or he may ____________ the dog’s tail.
We like to ____________ in circles and fall down
on the grass.
The water will come out of the faucet when you ____________
the handle.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

1. Which food would you stir? h crackers h soup

2. Which food would you whisk? h eggs h toast

3. Where would you stroll? h park h pool

4. Where would you nap? h kitchen h bedroom


5 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 3
Fill in the chart with two words that creep grab
match each definition. rest whisk
Use the Word Bank.
take spin
turn stroll
stir nap

Word 1 Word 2

1. Words to describe what you

 might do when you dance.

2. Words to describe what you

 might do when you cook.

3. Words to describe what you

 might do when you relax.
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

4. Words to describe how you

 might pick something up.

5. Words to describe how you

 might walk.


6 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 1

I  A verb describes an action. climb nibble

Think about how peek pounce
the verbs are alike
Read each sentence. and how they are scurry stare
different. stretch surprise
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again. wiggle worry

1. climb
When you climb, you go to a higher place. 

2. To nibble is to take very small bites.  nibble

3. peek
To peek is to look at something quickly. 

4. To pounce is to jump on something quickly.  pounce

5. To scurry is to run with short, quick steps.  scurry

6. When you stare, you look at something for a long time.  stare

To stretch is to spread out

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

a part of your body. stretch

8. To surprise is to do something without warning.  surprise
When you wiggle, you make small
movements from side to side or up and down.  wiggle
10. When you worry, you think something bad might happen.  worry

6 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. climb nibble
peek pounce
The cat went to ______________ into
1. scurry stare
the kitchen. stretch surprise
wiggle worry
He saw the mouse ______________

a piece of cheese.
3. The cat wanted to ________________ the mouse and catch him.
4. The mouse saw the cat _______________ up onto a chair.
Before the cat could _______________ , the mouse was able

to _______________ out of the kitchen.

6. The mouse was safe and didn’t need to _______________.

B. Cross out the word in each row that does not belong.

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
1. climb look stare
2. eat nibble run
3. jump twist wiggle
4. pull sniff stretch


6 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 3
Read the clues. climb nibble peek pounce scurry
Write the word next to its clue. stare stretch surprise wiggle worry
Find and circle the word
in the puzzle.

look for a long time

1.  6. feel upset_____________
7. jump on _ ____________
2. eat small bites__________
8. a quick look_ __________
3. twist around___________
9. go up high_ ___________
shock or startle
10.  spread out
5. run away _ ___________

w i g g l e s u r p

o p s t r e t c h o
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

r e w b b l a l s u

r e i m t y r i c n

y k m p s g e m u c

n i b b l e l b r e

s u r p r i s e r c

o p t c h q u d y g


7 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 1

I  verb describes an action.

 A crawl fade
Think about how fasten flutter
the verbs are alike
and how they are gaze scoot
Read each sentence.
different. soar sprinkle
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again. twist yank

1. To crawl means to move on your hands and knees.  crawl

2. To fade means to lose color.  fade
3. To fasten means to attach one thing to something else.  fasten
4. To flutter means to wave or flap something.  flutter
5.To gaze at something means
to look at it for a period of time.  gaze
6. To scoot is a way to move quickly.  scoot
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. To soar is to fly very high in the air.  soar

8. To sprinkle is to scatter something in small drops or bits.  sprinkle
9. To twist means to turn or bend something.  twist
10. To yank means to pull something in a sharp way.  yank

7 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. crawl fade
fasten flutter
I tried to ______________ the buttons
1. gaze scoot
on my shirt. soar sprinkle
twist yank
I like to ____________ at the birds flying
in the sky.

3. You must _______________ off the cap to open the bottle.

4. The baby learned to ____________ before he learned to walk.

5. Mom told us to ____________, or we might be late for school.

6. My little sister tried to ____________ the toy out of my hand.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

1. What would flutter? h songs h butterfly

2. Where would you soar? h sky h ground

3. What could you sprinkle? h rake h water

4. What could fade? h shin h shirt


7 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 3
Read the clues. crawl fade
Write the vocabulary word. fasten flutter
Use the answers in the boxes to complete gaze scoot
the puzzle below.
soar sprinkle

1. to look at for a long time __ h __ __ twist yank

2. how babies move around h __ __ __ __

3. to hook or button __ __ __ h __ __

4. to pour a little bit __ __ __ h __ __ __ __

5. to move quickly __ __ h __ __

6. to pull sharply __ __ h __

7. to turn something around __ h __ __ __

8. how birds move around in the sky __ h __ __

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
9. how a flag might move in the wind __ __ __ __ __ __ h

10. to lose color __ __ h __

h h h h h h h h h h
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


8 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Texture Words n Part 1

I  These words all describe a texture, chewy crumbly

or how something feels (or looks). Think about how creamy foamy
the words are
alike and how furry gritty
Read each sentence.
they are different. rough sharp
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again. slimy wrinkled

1. Something chewy can get stuck in your teeth. chewy

2. When something is crumbly, it falls apart easily. crumbly
3. When something is creamy, it is very soft and smooth. creamy
4. Something foamy has a lot of small bubbles in it. foamy
5. When something is furry, it has soft, thick hair. furry
6. When something is gritty, it feels like sand. gritty
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. When something is rough, there are bumps on its surface.

8. When something is sharp, it has a pointed end. sharp

9. Something slimy feels smooth, cold, and wet. slimy
When something is wrinkled,
it has a lot of folds or lines. wrinkled

8 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Texture Words n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. chewy crumbly
creamy foamy

1. I like to pet the _____________ kitten. furry gritty

rough sharp
2. Bubbles in the bathtub are ____________. slimy wrinkled

3. Dad ironed the ________________ clothes.

4. When I touched the frog, it felt _____________.

5. Peanut butter can be _____________ or crunchy.

6. Mom told us to be careful with the ______________ scissors.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

1. What feels gritty? h beach h swings

2. What feels rough? h bark h window 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

3. Which one is crumbly? h cookie h lollipop

4. Which one is chewy? h ice cream h gum


8 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Texture Words n Part 3

Read the word on each puzzle piece. chewy crumbly

Draw a line to match each word with creamy foamy

something of that texture.
furry gritty
rough sharp
1. creamy rock slimy wrinkled

2. foamy worm
old person’s
3. slimy skin

4. wrinkled puppy

5. rough root beer

6. gritty cupcake

cake frosting
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. chewy

8. furry scissors

9. crumbly sandpaper

10. sharp taffy


9 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Sound Words n Part 1

I  T hese words all achoo chirp

describe sounds. Think about how click crackle
the sound words
Read each sentence. are alike and how ding plink
they are different. quack splash
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again. squeak whoosh

1. Achoo is the sound you make when you sneeze. achoo

2. A chirp is the sound you hear when a bird sings. chirp
3. A click is a sharp, quick sound. click
4. Dry leaves crackle when you walk on them. crackle
5. When a timer goes off, you hear a ding. ding
6. A plink is the sound rain makes when it hits the roof. plink
7. A quack is the sound a duck makes. quack 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

8. When a frog jumps into water, you hear a splash. splash

9. A squeak is a very short, high noise. squeak
When something goes by you
very fast, you hear a whoosh. whoosh

9 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Sound Words n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. achoo chirp
click crackle
I hear the _______________ of the fire
ding plink
in the fireplace. quack splash
squeak whoosh
Every time I close the old door,

I hear a ________________.
3. I hear the water ______________ when I wash the dishes.
4. The sound of a ______________ tells me there is a duck nearby.
She heard a ______________ and knew there was a bird

outside her window.

When you hear the ______________, it’s time to take

the cake out of the oven.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

What do you need when

you hear plink, plink, plink? h sunscreen h umbrella
What do you need when
you hear achoo? h tissue h notebook paper
3. What could make a click? h crayon h computer mouse
4. What could make a whoosh? h feather h car

9 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Sound Words n Part 3

Look at the pictures. achoo chirp

Write the best sound word in each speech balloon. click crackle
ding plink
quack splash
squeak whoosh






240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.





10 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homophones n Part 1

I  A homophone is a word that sounds like hole whole

another word but has a different meaning pair pear
and a different spelling.
rap wrap
sail sale
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. steal steel
Then read the sentences again.

1. A hole is a place where there is an empty space. hole

2. Whole means all of something, with nothing missing. whole

3. When two things match, they are a pair. pair

A pear is a sweet fruit that is bigger

around the bottom than at the top. pear
5. To rap on something means to knock on it. rap
6. When you wrap a gift, you cover it in pretty paper. wrap
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. To sail means to move on water using the power of the wind. sail
A sale is a time when a store sells
things for less than they usually cost. sale
9. To steal means to take something that does not belong to you. steal
10. Steel is a hard, strong metal that is used to make buildings. steel

10 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homophones n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. hole whole
pair pear

1. The boats ____________ in the lake. rap wrap

sail sale
The ball rolled into a deep ____________
2. steal steel
and got stuck.

3 The store was having a big ____________.

4. Use paper, tape, and ribbon to ____________ a present.

5. My two older brothers ate a ____________ pizza.

We ate a fruit salad, made with

an apple, a banana, and a ____________.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

1. Which one describes a pair? h sweet h two 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. What do you do when you rap? h knock h cover

3. What do people who steal do? h take h give

4. Which one is made of steel? h cabin h skyscraper


10 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homophones n Part 3
These notes are wrong. hole whole pair pear
Rewrite each note so it is correct. rap wrap sail sale
steal steel

1. Please water the pair tree.

2. The store will have a sail on gift rap in January.

3. Do not steel the hole pie! Save me a piece.

4. Do you want to sale with me at the lake?

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

5. Please wrap on the steal door.

6. I will fix the whole in your pear of pants tonight.


11 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homonyms n Part 1
ball ball

I  homonym is a word that sounds like another

word, and can be spelled the same way, but has
a different meaning.
bat bat
pitcher pitcher
row row
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. sign sign
Then read the sentences again.

1. A ball is a round object used to play different games. ball

2. A ball is a big party where people dance. ball
3. A bat is a long hard stick you use to hit a ball. bat

4. A flying animal that feeds at night is called a bat. bat

5. In baseball, the pitcher throws the ball to the batter. pitcher

6. A pitcher is a container that holds something you drink. pitcher

A row is a line of things or people side by side. row

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

8. To row a boat, you use oars to make it move through water. row
9. A sign is writing or a picture that gives you information. sign

10. When you write your name on something, you sign it. sign


11 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homonyms n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. ball ball
bat bat
I put my stuffed animals
1. pitcher pitcher

in a ____________ on the shelf. row row

sign sign

The baseball player held a ____________


made of wood.

Cinderella dressed up and went to a ____________.


The ____________ threw the ___________ to the batter.


I remembered to ____________ my name at the bottom


of the letter.

Let’s ____________ the boat to the other side of the lake.

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

Can a bat hold a bat?
1. h yes h no

Can a pitcher use a pitcher? h yes

2. h no

Can you sign a sign?

3. h yes h no


11 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Homonyms n Part 3
Write the word that goes with each picture. ball ball
bat bat
pitcher pitcher
1. ______________
row row
sign sign
2. ______________

3. ______________

4. ______________

5. ______________

6. ______________

7. ______________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

8. ______________

9. ______________

10. ______________


12 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 1

I  compound word is made up of two smaller

words put together.


Read each sentence. scarecrow starfish

Trace the word. sunflower toothbrush

Then read the sentences again. wheelchair wristwatch

1. birdhouse
A house for birds is called a birdhouse.

2. A cowboy is someone who looks after cattle. cowboy

3. A drumstick is a stick used to play a drum. drumstick

4. A firefly is a small flying beetle that lights up at night. firefly

A farmer puts a scarecrow in

a field to keep birds away. scarecrow
6. A starfish is a sea animal that looks like a star. starfish
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

A sunflower is a large flower with

yellow petals and a dark center. sunflower
8. toothbrush
You use a toothbrush to clean your teeth.

9. A wheelchair is a chair that moves on wheels. wheelchair

A wristwatch fits around your wrist

and is used to tell time. wristwatch

12 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. birdhouse cowboy
drumstick firefly
My friend can’t walk so he uses
1. scarecrow starfish
a _______________. sunflower toothbrush
wheelchair wristwatch
Grandpa built a _______________

to put outside his window.

We saw a _______________ when we visited the aquarium.

I look at my _______________ when I want to know the time.


It’s fun to watch the light of a _______________ go


on and off at night.

B. Write the two words that make up each compound word.

toothbrush ____________ + ____________


drumstick ____________ + ____________

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

3. ____________ + ____________
4. ____________ + ____________
5. ____________ + ____________


12 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 3

Draw a line to match each compound word birdhouse cowboy
with its picture. drumstick firefly
scarecrow starfish

wristwatch sunflower toothbrush
wheelchair wristwatch





240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.



9. toothbrush

10. drumstick

13 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 1

I  compound word is made up of two

 A clothespin goldfish
smaller words put together. grasshopper greenhouse
headphones houseboat
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. playground sidewalk
Then read the sentences again. snowflake wallpaper

1. clothespin
To clip clothes to a line to dry, you use a clothespin.
2. A small fish that is gold in color is a goldfish. goldfish

3. An insect that hops is a grasshopper. grasshopper

A greenhouse is a glass building in

which plants can grow safely. greenhouse
You wear headphones over your
ears to listen to music. headphones
A houseboat is a kind of boat that
people can live in. houseboat
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

A playground is a place for

children to play outside. playground
8. sidewalk
A sidewalk is a path for walking beside a street.
9. A small bit of snow is called a snowflake. snowflake

10. Wallpaper is paper used to decorate a wall. wallpaper


13 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. clothespin goldfish
grasshopper greenhouse
I roller skate on
1. headphones houseboat
the __________________ . playground sidewalk
snowflake wallpaper
The __________________ was
in the garden.
You can find a slide at a __________________ .

Today, I saw the first __________________ of winter.


My uncle lives on a __________________ in the river.


I sometimes listen to music using __________________ .


B. Use these words to make four compound words.

clothes fish green gold paper house pin wall

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.



3. c__________________



13 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Compound Words n Part 3

Think of a word for each picture. clothespin goldfish

Then write the compound word. grasshopper greenhouse

headphones houseboat
1. + flake =______________ playground sidewalk
snowflake wallpaper

2. gold + = ______________

3. + phones = __________________

4. wall + = __________________

5. xxxxxxxxxxx + xxxxxx = __________________

6. green + = __________________

ground = __________________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. +

8. side + = __________________

9. + hopper = __________________

10. + = __________________

14 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Prefixes un-, re- n Part 1

I  A prefix is a word part that is uneven unhappy

“ un-
The prefix
added to the beginning of a word. means not.” unpack unsafe
A prefix changes the meaning
“ re-
The prefix untrue remake
of a word.
means again.”
replace reread
Read each sentence. reuse rewrite
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again.

1. Something uneven is not level. uneven

2. Unhappy means to be sad. unhappy
3. Unpack means to empty something,
like a suitcase after a trip. unpack
4. Something unsafe is dangerous. unsafe
5. Something false is untrue. untrue
6. When you remake your bed, you make it again.remake
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. When something is missing, you replace it. replace

8. When you read a book again, you reread it. reread

9. When you use something more than once, you reuse it. reuse

When you erase a word and


write it again, you rewrite it. rewrite


14 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Prefixes un-, re- n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. uneven unhappy
unpack unsafe
I save something so I
1. untrue remake

can _____________ it. replace reread

reuse rewrite

He likes to ____________ his favorite books.


If you tell a lie, what you say is _____________.


My sandwich apart so I had to _____________ it.


When my little sister was crying, I knew she was _____________.


My mom told me that it is ____________ to swim in a pool alone.


B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

Which one can you rewrite? h pencil h story
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

When do you unpack?

2. h after a trip h before a trip

Which one would you replace? h broken toy h new toy


Which one describes

something uneven? h straight h crooked


14 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Prefixes un-, re- n Part 3

Think of a word for each clue.
Use the Word Bank.
Complete the puzzle. uneven unhappy unpack unsafe untrue
remake replace reread reuse rewrite

3. sad; not happy
4. dangerous; not safe 1

7. to read again 2

8. to write again

1. to make something again
to put a new thing in the
2. 4

place of an old thing

to take things out of a
3. 5
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

box, bag, or suitcase 6

4. not level or even 7

5. false; not true

6. to use again


15 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Suffixes -ful, -er n Part 1

I  suffix is a word part that

 A careful colorful
is added to the end of a word. “The suffix -ful means
hopeful joyful
full of.”
A suffix changes the meaning
playful baker
of a word. “The suffix -er means
a person who builder painter
acts as.”
Read each sentence.
singer writer
Trace the word.
Then read the sentences again.

Being careful means paying


close attention to what you do. careful

2. Something colorful is made up of many colors. colorful
3. Being hopeful means that you wish for something. hopeful
4. When you are joyful, you feel very happy. joyful
5. Being playful means you like to play and have fun. playful
A baker is a person who bakes foods. baker
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. A builder is a person whose job it is to build things. builder

8. A painter is a person who paints. painter
9. A singer is a person who sings songs. singer
10. A writer is a person who writes things like stories. writer

15 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Suffixes -ful, -er n Part 2

A. Write the best word to
complete each sentence.

careful colorful hopeful joyful playful

When I passed the test,
1. baker builder painter singer writer
I felt _____________.

2. My friend drew a very _________________ picture.

3. I was very _________________ when I crossed the street.

4. This dog is _________________. He likes to chase the ball.

My brother was _________________ that we might go


to the amusement park.

B. Write the word that goes with each picture.

1. _____________ _____________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.


2. _____________
5. _____________

3. _____________


15 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Suffixes -ful, -er n Part 3

Read the clues.
Write the word next to its clue.
Find and circle the word in careful colorful hopeful joyful playful
the puzzle. baker builder painter singer writer

someone who sings

1.  6. feeling hope ___________
__________________ 7.  acting with care
2. feeling joy ____________ __________________
someone who paints
3.  8.  someone who writes a story
__________________ __________________
acting in a fun way
4.  9.  having a lot of color
__________________ __________________
someone who makes a cake
5.  10.  someone who builds a house
__________________ __________________

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
i x g B j m h c a r e f u l h
s l a p f u p o r e g u l r w
a p l a y f u l k e b a k e r
i a o r f d j o y f u l l t i
s i n g e r a r c l i u r e t
t n r H o p e f u l l d e r e
e t o r f x y u f u d c x t r
r e t r i q u l b d e c x t l
i r g B j m h c a m r f u l h


16 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Character Traits n Part 1

I  Character traits tell what someone bossy brave

is like or how he or she acts. curious friendly
gentle greedy
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. honest mean
Then read the sentences again. polite sneaky

1. A bossy person likes telling others what to do. bossy

2. A brave person acts strong and without fear. brave
3. A curious person likes to learn about things. curious
4. A friendly person acts nice and helpful. friendly
5. A gentle person is kind and careful with others. gentle
6. A greedy person does not like to share with others. greedy
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. An honest person tells the truth. honest

8. A mean person is not kind or friendly. mean
9. A polite person has good manners. polite
10. A sneaky person tries to do things in secret. sneaky

16 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Character Traits n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. bossy brave
curious friendly
He never lies. He is ____________ .
1. gentle greedy
honest mean
My friend was ____________ when
polite sneaky
he held his new puppy.
My ____________ sister always tries to tell me what to do.

She always says “please” and “thank you.” She is ____________.


I read a lot of books because I am ____________ about

many things.
The ____________ firefighter saved the people who were
caught in a fire.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
What does a greedy person like to do?
1. h take h give

What does a friendly person’s face show? h frown h smile


Which one is mean?

3. h bully h friend

How might a sneaky person walk?

4. h tiptoe h stomp


16 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Character Traits n Part 3

bossy brave
Word Sort
curious friendly
Which words have good feelings connected to them?
gentle greedy
Which words have bad feelings connected to them?
Sort the words in the Word Bank into two groups. honest mean
Write them in the chart. polite sneaky

Good Feelings Bad Feelings

_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
_______________ _______________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

_______________ _______________


17 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Mealtime n Part 1

I  pecial words are used to tell

 S meal breakfast
about mealtime. lunch dinner
drink dessert
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. snack leftovers
Then read the sentences again. kitchen cafeteria

1. A meal is the food we eat at one time.meal

2. Breakfast is a meal eaten in the morning. breakfast

3. Lunch is a meal eaten in the middle of the day. lunch

4. Dinner is a meal eaten in the evening. dinner

5. You have a drink when you are thirsty. drink

6. Dessert is something sweet eaten at the end of a meal. dessert

7. A snack is something you eat between meals. snack

The food not eaten at a meal is called leftovers.
8. 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

You can eat that food at another time. leftovers

9. A kitchen is the room where you make a meal. kitchen
At school, the cafeteria is a place where
you can eat a meal. cafeteria

17 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Mealtime n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. meal breakfast
lunch dinner
For ____________ , she eats eggs
1. drink dessert
and toast. snack leftovers
kitchen cafeteria
After ____________ , I finish
my homework.
Sometimes I buy my lunch in the ____________ .

For ____________ , he eats a sandwich and a banana.


At my house, we only eat ____________ on special days.


Tomorrow, we will eat the ____________ from tonight’s meal.


B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

Which one is in a kitchen?
1. h car h oven
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Which one is a drink?

2. h lemon h lemonade

Which one is a snack?

3. h apple h cheeseburger

What do you do during a meal? h cook food h eat food



17 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Mealtime n Part 3
Think of the best word to complete each sentence. meal breakfast
Use the Word Bank. Complete the puzzle. lunch dinner
1 2
drink dessert
3 snack leftovers
kitchen cafeteria

Across Down
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
3. I always eat cereal for __. 1. Orange juice is my favorite __.

4. Most days, I take my __ to school. 2. At school, I eat in the __.

5. We make food in the __. 4. We have some __ in

7. Sometimes, I can invite a the refrigerator.

friend to __. 6. I eat a __ before soccer practice.

9. Ice cream makes a good __. 8. On Thanksgiving, we have

a special __.

18 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

On Vacation n Part 1
camp hotel
I Special words are used to tell about a vacation.
map passport

Read each sentence. sleepover suitcase

Trace the word. ticket travel
Then read the sentences again.
vacation visit

A camp is a place with tents or cabins

where you spend time outdoors. camp
A hotel is a place where you can spend
the night away from home. hotel
3. A map shows where places or things are. map

A passport is a booklet that proves you

are a citizen of a country. passport
A sleepover is when you spend the
night at someone else’s house. sleepover
A suitcase is a bag to carry clothes
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

in when you travel.

A ticket is a piece of paper that shows you
have paid to do something. ticket
8. To travel is to go from one place to another place. travel

9. Vacation is time away from school or work. vacation

10. To visit is to go somewhere or see someone. visit


18 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

On Vacation n Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. camp hotel
map passport
I like to _____________ my grandparents.
1. sleepover suitcase
ticket travel
We stayed at a ______________ when
vacation visit
we went to the city.
I like to________________ to different places.

During the summer, my family goes on a _______________.


When we go to a ______________, we sleep in our sleeping bags.


On the weekend, I sometimes have a ________________ at my

friend’s house.
B. Write the word that goes with each picture.

1. __________________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

18 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

On Vacation n Part 3
Think of the best word to complete each sentence. camp hotel

Use the Word Bank. Complete the puzzle. map passport

sleepover suitcase
ticket travel
2. During the __ , we stayed up late. vacation visit
4. Sometimes we __ by train.

5. At __ , we stay in a cabin.

7. I like to __ the amusement park.

8. We need a __ to find our way.

9. Summer __ is my favorite time of year. 1


1. We are staying at a __ 4

near the beach.

3. I unpack my __ after
a trip. 5 6
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

4. I give my __ to the

6. I need a __ to go

to another country. 8


19 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land and Water n Part 1

I  pecial words are used for different

 S cave dune
kinds of land formations and bodies of water. hill lake
ocean pond
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. mountain range
Then read the sentences again. river stream

A cave is an open space in the side

of a mountain or under the ground. cave
2. A dune is a mound of sand made by blowing winds. dune
3. A hill is a place where the land rises above the area around it. hill
4. lake
A lake is water with land all around it.

5. An ocean is a very large body of saltwater. ocean

A pond is water with land all around it.

It is smaller than a lake. pond
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. mountain
A mountain is a very high hill.

8. A range is a group of mountains. range

9. A river is a large amount of flowing water. river

10. A stream is a small river. stream

19 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land and Water n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. cave dune
hill lake
We saw a sand ______________ at
1. ocean pond
the beach. mountain range
river stream
Bats live inside a ______________ .

Mount Everest is the world’s tallest ______________ .


A ______________ is made up of many mountains.


If there is snow, we like to sled down the ______________ in

the park.
When the small ______________ in the backyard freezes,
we go ice skating.

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Which one is smaller?

1. h ocean h river

Which one is smaller?

2. h stream h river

Which one is larger?

3. h lake h ocean

Which one is larger?

4. h lake h pond


19 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land and Water n Part 3

Some of the words name land formations. cave dune
Others name bodies of water. hill lake
Sort the words in the Word Bank into two groups.
ocean pond
Write them in the chart.
mountain range
river stream

Land Words Water Words

__________________________________ __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

__________________________________ __________________________________

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
__________________________________ __________________________________


20 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Super Weather n Part 1

I  Special words are used to describe different blizzard dust storm

kinds of weather. flood fog
hail heat wave
Read each sentence.
hurricane sleet
Trace the words.
tidal wave tornado
Then read the sentences again.

1. A blizzard is a very heavy snowstorm. blizzard

A dust storm happens when strong winds
blow dust, soil, or sand around a large area. dust storm
3. When an area overflows with water it is called a flood. flood

4. Fog is a low, thick cloud of water droplets. fog

5. Hail is made of small balls of ice that fall from the sky. hail

A heat wave is very hot weather

that lasts a few days. heat wave
A hurricane is a strong storm with
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

high winds that starts over the ocean. hurricane
8. Sleet is rain that is partly frozen. sleet
A tidal wave is a very large ocean wave
that can cause a lot of flooding. tidal wave
A tornado is a powerful storm with strong winds
that spin in the shape of a cone. tornado

20 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Super Weather n Part 2

A. Write the best words to complete each sentence. blizzard dust storm
flood fog

After the _____________ , we built

1. hail heat wave

a snowman. hurricane sleet

tidal wave tornado
It hurt when the _____________
hit my head.

During the _____________ , the town was covered in water.


People had trouble breathing during the _____________.


We went swimming during the _____________ to cool off.


B. Cross out the word in each row that does not belong.

1. tornado twilight twister

2. ice sleet sunshine 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

3. clear cloud fog

4. rain ocean tidal wave
5. hurricane winter wind


20 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Super Weather n Part 3

Trace a path through the maze. blizzard dust storm

Follow the weather words. flood fog

hail heat wave
hurricane sleet
tidal wave tornado


dusty pizza buzzard

dust storm




tidal wave

health torn heather

heat wave
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.


floor sheep


twist fig
hurry fog


21 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land Animals n Part 1

I  pecial words are used to name

 S camel elephant
different kinds of land animals. giraffe gorilla

Read each sentence. leopard panda

Trace the word. polar bear rhinoceros
Then read the sentences again. tiger zebra

1. A camel
is a large animal
with humps on its back. camel
2. An elephant is a very large, gray animal
with big ears and a long nose called a trunk. elephant
3. A giraffe is a very tall animal with
long, thin legs and a long neck. giraffe
4. A gorilla is a large ape with long arms. gorilla
5. A leopard is a large spotted animal in the cat family. leopard
6. A panda is not a bear, but it looks like one.
It is known for its black and white fur. panda
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
7. A polar bear has white fur and
lives in icy areas in the Arctic. polar bear
8. A rhinocerosis a large animal
with a horn on its nose. rhinoceros
9. A tiger is a large striped animal from the cat family. tiger
10. A zebra
is a large animal that looks like a horse.
It has a mane and black and white stripes. zebra

21 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land Animals n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. camel elephant
giraffe gorilla

The _____________’s fur keeps it

1. leopard panda

warm on the ice. polar bear rhinoceros

tiger zebra
An _____________ can hold water
in its trunk.

A _____________ can hold water in its humps.


The _____________ has stripes and a mane.


A _______________ is a large, wild cat with stripes.


The _____________ is black and white and eats bamboo.


B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Which one is in the cat family?

1. h leopard h camel

Which one has long arms?

2. h gorilla h giraffe

Which one has a horn?

3. h elephant h rhinoceros

Which one is taller?

4. h giraffe h tiger


21 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Land Animals n Part 3

Read the riddle clues. camel elephant

Write the word for each clue. Use the Word Bank. giraffe gorilla
leopard panda
I am gray and have a trunk.
polar bear rhinoceros
What am I? ______________ tiger zebra

I have stripes, fur, and a tail.


What am I? ______________
I am white and can swim in icy

water. What am I? ______________

I am black and white and look like

a bear. What am I? ______________

5. I have a hump and live in the desert. What am I? ____________
6. I am a large ape with long arms. What am I? ______________

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
I am black and white and look like a horse.

What am I? ______________
8. I am large and have a horn. What am I? ______________
9. I have spots and a tail. What am I? ______________
10. I am very tall and have a long neck. What am I? ____________


22 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Garden n Part 1

I  Special words are used to name things bloom bush

you might find in a garden. grass hose
leaves mower
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. rake shovel
Then read the sentences again. soil worm

1. When flowers bloom, they open up. bloom

2. bush
A bush is a plant with branches. It is smaller than a tree.

3. Grass is a green plant that spreads across the ground. grass

4. A hose is a long rubber tube that water goes through. hose

5. Leaves grow on plants and trees. They are usually green. leaves

6. You use a mower to cut grass. mower

A rake is a tool with a long handle and

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

metal teeth used to gather fallen leaves.

8. A shovel is a tool with a handle and a scoop on the end. shovel
9. Soil is the top layer of earth that plants grow in. soil
10. A worm is a long, thin, soft animal that lives in the ground. worm


22 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Garden Part 2
A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. bloom bush
grass hose
The _____________ wiggled through
1. leaves mower
the soil. rake shovel
soil worm
Some _____________ change color
during Autumn.
We used a _____________ to water the plants.

The gardener uses a _____________ to dig a hole in the ground.


The _____________ was long so I used a _____________

to cut it.
We saw two birds in the _____________.

B. Cross out the word in each row that does not belong.

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
1. leaves mower tree
2. bloom flower grass
3. dirt soil sun
4. bark rake tool


22 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Garden n Part 3
Write the word that goes with each picture. bloom bush

Use the Word Bank. grass hose

leaves mower
1. c _______________ rake shovel
soil worm

2. c _______________

3. c _______________

4. c _______________

5. c _______________

6. c _______________

7. c _______________
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

8. c _______________

9. c _______________

10. c _______________


23 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Money n Part 1

I  pecial words are used to tell about money.

 S cash coin
penny nickel
dime quarter
Read each sentence.
half-dollar dollar bill
Trace the words.
Then read the sentences again. price change

1. Cash is money. It includes coins and dollar bills. cash

A coin is a piece of metal that is used as money.
2. coin
A penny is a small metal coin that equals 1 cent.
3. penny
A nickel is a small metal coin that equals 5 cents.
4. nickel
A dime is a very small metal coin that equals 10 cents.
5. dime
A quarter is a metal coin that equals 25 cents.
6. quarter
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
A half-dollar is a large metal

coin that equals 50 cents. half-dollar

A dollar bill is paper money. It equals 100 cents.
8. dollar bill
The price is how much money something costs.
9. price
10. Change is money you get back when you pay for something. change

23 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Money n Part 2
A. Write the word that goes with each picture. cash coin
penny nickel

1. _________________ dime quarter
half-dollar dollar bill
price change

2. _________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. _________________

6. _________________

B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Which one tells how much

h change h price
something costs?
Which one could you find in a pocket?
2. h cash h price
Which one tells about money you get back? h price h change

Which one makes more noise when

h coin h dollar bill
it hits the floor?


23 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Money n Part 3
cash coin penny nickel dime
Read the clues.
quarter half-dollar dollar bill price change
Write the word next to its clue.
Find and circle the word in the puzzle.

1. metal money ____________ a coin worth 1 cent


paper money
___________________ 7. coins and bills ___________
a coin worth 5 cents
3.  a coin worth 10 cents

___________________ ___________________
a coin worth 50 cents
4.  a coin worth 25 cents

___________________ ___________________
money left over after paying
5.  the cost of something

___________________ ___________________

d i d o l l a r b i l l w c
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
p n i c k e l p a i c a s h

c i m o e r b a f e r c r a

o p e n n y j x y f u l x n

i o e h a l f d o l l a r g

n q u a r t e r m p r i c e


24 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Linear Measurement n Part 1

I  Special words are used for different measure inch

units and tools of linear measurement. foot yard
mile centimeter
Read each sentence.
Trace the word. meter ruler
Then read the sentences again. yardstick meter stick

When you measure something,

you find out about its size. measure

2. An inch is a small unit of length inch

3. foot
A foot is equal to 12 inches.

4. A yard is equal to three feet. yard

5. A mile is equal to 5,280 feet. It is used to measure distance. mile


6. A centimeter is a small metric unit. centimeter

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

7. A meter is a metric unit about as long as a baseball bat.

8. ruler
To measure 12 inches, you use a ruler.

9. To measure 3 feet, you use a yardstick. yardstick

To measure a centimeter or a meter,

you use a meter stick. A meter stick
is a little longer than a yardstick. meter stick

24 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Linear Measurement n Part 2

A. Write the best word to complete each sentence. measure inch
foot yard

Three feet equals one ______________.

1. mile centimeter
meter ruler
I ______________ myself to find out
2. yardstick meter stick
how tall I am.

To find out the length of my shoe, I used a ______________.


We rode our bikes one ______________ to the park.


B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 3

Which one is about the same
h meter h mile
length as a yard?

Which one equals 12 inches? h foot

2. h meter

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
Which one is longer?
3. h centimeter h inch

Which one is shorter?

4. h centimeter h meter

A ______________ is a measuring tool about as long


as a ______________


24 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Linear Measurement n Part 3

Sort nine words in the Word Bank centimeter yardstick
into two groups. ruler meter
Write them in the chart.
mile inch
meter stick yard
foot measure

Units of Measure Tools Used to Measure

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

Word List
achoo, p. 30 drink, p. 54 joyful, p. 48 rake, p. 69 stream, p. 60
argue, p. 6 drumstick, p. 39 range, p. 60 stretch, p. 21
keep, p. 6 stroll, p. 18
dune, p. 60 rap, p. 33
baker, p. 48 kitchen, p. 54 suitcase, p. 57
dust storm, p. 63 remake, p. 45
ball, p. 36 replace, p. 45 sunflower, p. 39
lake, p. 60
ball, p. 36 early, p. 15 reread, p. 45 surprise, p. 21
late, p. 15
bat, p. 36 elephant, p. 66 rest, p. 18
laugh, p. 12 take, p. 18
bat, p. 36 exit, p. 6 reuse, p. 45
leaves, p. 69 ticket, p. 57
birdhouse, p. 39 rewrite, p. 45
fade, p. 24 leftovers, p. 54 tidal wave, p. 63
bland, p. 15 rhinoceros, p. 66
fasten, p. 24 leopard, p. 66 tiger, p. 66
blizzard, p. 63 river, p. 60
firefly, p. 39 light, p. 15 tiny, p. 15
bloom, p. 69 rough, p. 27
fix, p. 12 loud, p. 15 toothbrush, p. 39
bossy, p. 51 row, p. 36
flood, p. 63 lunch, p. 54 tornado, p. 63
brave, p. 51 row, p. 36
flutter, p. 24 trace, p. 6
breakfast, p. 54 map, p. 57 ruler, p. 75
foamy, p. 27 travel, p. 57
breezy, p. 9 meal, p. 54 rush, p. 6
fog, p. 63 turn, p. 18
bright, p. 9 mean, p. 51
foot, p. 75 sail, p. 33 twist, p. 24
builder, p. 48 measure, p. 75
friendly, p. 51 sale, p. 33
bush, p. 69 meter, p. 75
frown, p. 12 uneven, p. 45
meter stick, p. 75 scarecrow, p. 39
cafeteria, p. 54 furry, p. 27 unhappy, p. 45
mile, p. 75 scoot, p. 24
camel, p. 66 unpack, p. 45
gaze, p. 24 mountain, p. 60 scurry, p. 21
camp, p. 57 unsafe, p. 45
gentle, p. 51 mower, p. 69 sharp, p. 27
careful, p. 48 untrue, p. 45
giraffe, p. 66 shovel, p. 69
cash, p. 72 nap, p. 18 show, p. 12
glide, p. 6 vacation, p. 57
cave, p. 60 nibble, p. 21 shut, p. 6
goldfish, p. 42 visit, p. 57
centimeter, p. 75 nickel, p. 72 sidewalk, p. 42
gorilla, p. 66
change, p. 72 sign, p. 36 wallpaper, p. 42
grab, p. 18 ocean, p. 60
chewy, p. 27 sign, p. 36 weep, p. 12
grass, p. 69
chirp, p. 30 simple, p. 9 wheelchair, p. 39
grasshopper, p. 42 painter, p. 48
choose, p. 6 singer, p. 48 whisk, p. 18
greedy, p. 51 pair, p. 33
click, p. 30 sleepover, p. 57 whisper, p. 12
greenhouse, p. 42 panda, p. 66
climb, p. 21 sleepy, p. 9 whole, p. 33
gritty, p. 27 passport, p. 57
clothespin, p. 42 sleet, p. 63 whoosh, p. 30
grumpy, p. 9 pear, p. 33
coin, p. 72 slice, p. 6 wiggle, p. 21
peek, p. 21
colorful, p. 48 hail, p. 63 slimy, p. 27 wish, p. 6
penny, p. 72

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
cowboy, p. 39 half-dollar, p. 72 smile, p. 12 worm, p. 69
pitcher, p. 36
cozy, p. 9 headphones, p. 42 snack, p. 54 worry, p. 21
pitcher, p. 36
crackle, p. 30 heat wave, p. 63 sneaky, p. 51 wrap, p. 33
playful, p. 48
crawl, p. 24 hefty, p. 9 snowflake, p. 42 wreck, p. 12
playground, p. 42
creamy, p. 27 hide, p. 12 soar, p. 24 wrinkled, p. 27
plink, p. 30
creep, p. 18 hill, p. 60 soil, p. 69 wristwatch, p. 39
polar bear, p. 66
crumbly, p. 27 hole, p. 33 spicy, p. 15 writer, p. 48
polite, p. 51
curious, p. 51 honest, p. 51 spin, p. 18
pond, p. 60 yank, p. 24
hopeful, p. 48 pounce, p. 21 splash, p. 30
damp, p. 9 yard, p. 75
hose, p. 69 price, p. 72 sprinkle, p. 24
dark, p. 15 yardstick, p. 75
hotel, p. 57 puzzled, p. 9 squeak, p. 30
dessert, p. 54 yell, p. 39
houseboat, p. 42 stare, p. 21
dime, p. 72
huge, p. 15 quack, p. 30 starfish, p. 39 zebra, p. 66
ding, p. 30
hurricane, p. 63 quarter, p. 72 steal, p. 33
dinner, p. 54
icy, p. 9 quiet, p. 15 steel, p. 33
dollar bill, p. 72
inch, p. 75 stir, p. 18

6 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________

Verbs n Part 3
Read the clues. climb nibble peek pounce scurry
Answers Write the word next to its clue. stare stretch surprise wiggle worry
Find and circle the word
in the puzzle.
Lesson 1, page 7: A. 1. glide Lesson 6, page 22: A. 1. peek Lesson 10, page 34: A. 1. sail
1. look for a long time feel upset ____________
2. wish 3. keep 4. shut 5. argue 6. exit 2. nibble 3. surprise6.4. climb 2. hole 3. sale 4. wrap 5. whole
_________________ 7. jump on ____________
B. 1. slip 2. creep 3. wind 4. face 5. pounce, scurry 6. worry 6. pear B.1. two 2. knock 3. take
2 NAME _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________
2. eat small bites _________
page 8: Across—4. glide 5. exit B.1. climb 2. run 3. jump look __________4. skyscraper page 35: 1. Please
8. a quick4. sniff

3. twist around __________

Synonyms 7. choose
n Part 9. rush
3 10. slice; Down— page 23: 1. stare 9.2. nibble go up high ___________water the pear tree. 2. The store
Read the clues.1. argue 2. wish breezy 3. keep bright cozy 4. shock
damp or3. wiggle
grumpystartle 4. surprise 5. scurry
10. spread out will have a sale on gift wrap in
Write the word next to its clue.
6. trace 8. shut
hefty icy puzzled sleepy _________________
6. worry 7. pounce 8. peek 9. climb
_________________ January. 3. Do not steal the whole
Find and circle the word in the puzzle.

with aA. 1. sleepy
lot of sunlight
5. run away 10. stretch;
___________ Word Search: pie! 4. Do you want to sail with me
1. big and heavy
Lesson 2, page 6.10: at the lake? 5. Please rap on the steel
_________________ _________________
2. grumpy 3. breezy 4. bright w i g g l e s u r p
door. 6. I will fix the hole in your pair
2. snug and warm 7. not feeling happy
5. simple 6. puzzled B. 1. coat o p s t r e t c h o
of pants tonight. 
_________________ _________________ r e w b b l a l s u
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. elephant 3. sponge 4. bed

3. tired ______________ easy ______________ r e i m t y r i c n
page 11: 1. hefty8.2. cozy 3. sleepy Lesson 11, page 37: A. 1. row
4. puzzled 5. damp9. some
4. confused ____________ wind blowing y k m p s g e m u c
6. bright 2. bat 3. ball 4. pitcher, ball 5. sign
_________________ n i b b l e l b r e
7. grumpy 8. simple 9. breezy
5. a little wet 6. row B.1. no 2. yes 3. yes
s u r p r i s e r c
_________________ 10. freezing cold __________
10. icy; Word Search: page 38: 1. sign 2. ball 3. bat
o p t c h q u d y g
4. row 5. sign 6. pitcher 7. row
b r i g h t b v l e
Lesson 7, page 25: A. 1. fasten
23 8. pitcher 9. bat 10. ball
r x n r e P k i o h
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. gaze 3. twist 4. crawl 5. scoot

e t i g r u m P y e
Lesson 12, page 40:
e w s i t z u b t f 6. yank B. 1. butterfly 2. sky
A. 1. wheelchair 2. birdhouse
z a d c o z y a i t 3. water 4. shirt page 26: 1. gaze
3. starfish 4. wristwatch 5. firefly
y i a y s l e e P y 2. crawl 3. fasten 4. sprinkle 5. scoot
B. 1. tooth + brush 2. drum + stick
s i m P l e x x t g 6. yank 7. twist 8. soar 9. flutter
3. sun + flower 4. cow + boy
q u P s s d s s y s
10. fade; Answer to puzzle: action
5. scare + crow page 41:
11 word
Lesson 3, page 13: A. 1. smile 1. cowboy 2. drumstick
2. yell 3. frown 4. laugh 5. whisper Lesson 8, page 28: A. 1. furry 3. wristwatch 4. sunflower
6. hide 7. wreck B. 1. weep 2. fix 2. foamy 3. wrinkled 4. slimy 5. wheelchair 6. toothbrush
3. show page 14: smile/frown; 5. creamy 6. sharp B. 1. beach 7. starfish 8. scarecrow 9. firefly
hide/show; laugh/weep; yell/ 2. bark 3. cookie 4. gum 10. birdhouse
whisper; fix/wreck; hidden picture: page 29: 1. creamy/cake frosting
Lesson 13, page 43:
elephant 2. foamy/root beer 3. slimy/worm
A. 1. sidewalk 2. grasshopper
4. wrinkled/old person’s skin
Lesson 4, page 16: A. 1. quiet 3. playground 4. snowflake
5. rough/rock 6. gritty/sandpaper
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

2. light 3. spicy 4. early 5. bland 5. houseboat 6. headphones

7. chewy/taffy 8. furry/puppy
6. late B. 1. ant 2. horn 3. castle B. Order may vary: 1. goldfish
9. crumbly/cupcake 10. sharp/
4. moon page 17: 1. light/dark 2. greenhouse 3. wallpaper
2. tiny/huge 3. bland/spicy 4. clothespin page 44:
4. early/late 5. loud/quiet Lesson 9, page 31: A. 1. crackle 1. snowflake 2. goldfish
2. squeak 3. splash 4. quack 3. headphones 4. wallpaper
Lesson 5, page 19: A. 1. take 5. chirp 6. ding B. 1. umbrella 5. clothespin 6. greenhouse
2. rest 3. creep 4. grab 5. spin 2. tissue 3. computer mouse 7. playground 8. sidewalk
6. turn B.1. soup 2. eggs 3. park 4. car page 32: 1. chirp 2. plink 9. grasshopper 10. houseboat
4. bedroom page 20: 1. turn, spin 3. splash 4. click 5. crackle 6. quack
2. stir, whisk 3. rest, nap 4. take, grab 7. achoo 8. whoosh 9. squeak
5. creep, stroll 10. ding

Money n Part 3
cash coin penny nickel dime
Read the clues.
quarter half-dollar dollar bill price change
Write the word next to its clue.
Find and circle the word in the puzzle.

1. metal money ___________ 6. a coin worth 1 cent

Lesson 14, page 46: A. 1. reuse Lesson 18, page 58: A. 1. visit Lesson 23, page 73: A.1. penny
2. paper money
2. reread 3. untrue 4. remake 2. hotel 3. travel 4. vacation 2. nickel 3. dime 4. quarter
__________________ 5. half-
7. coins and bills __________

5. unhappy 6. unsafe B. 1. story 5. camp 6. sleepover B. 1. passport dollar 6. dollar
3. a coin worth 5 cents
bill B. 1. price
8. a coin worth 10 cents
15 NAME2. after a trip 3. broken toy 2. ticket 3. map 4. suitcase
_______________________________________________ DATE _______________________
2. cash 3. change 4. coin
__________________ __________________
4. crooked page 47: Across— page 74: 1. coin 2. dollar
page 59: Across—2. sleepover 4. a coin worth 50 cents bill
9. a coin worth 25 cents
Suffixes -ful, -er n Part 3
3. unhappy 4. unsafe 7. reread 4. travel 5. camp 7. visit 8. map 3. nickel 4. half-dollar __________________
__________________ 5. change
Read the clues.
8. rewrite;
Write the word next to its clue. Down—1. remake 9. vacation; Down—1. hotel 6. penny 7. cash
5. money leftover after paying 8. dime 9. quarter
10. the cost of something

2. replace 3. unpack 4.uneven

Find and circle
the puzzle.
the word in careful colorful hopeful joyful playful
3. suitcase 4. ticket 6. passport 10. price; Word Search:
__________________ __________________
baker builder painter singer writer
5. untrue 6. reuse
1. someone who sings 6. feeling hope____________ Lesson 19, page 61: A. 1. dune d i d o l l a r b i l l w c

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
Lesson 15, page
_________________ 49: A.1. joyful
7. acting with care
2. cave 3. river 4. range 5. hill p n i c k e l p a i c a s h

2. feeling joy2. colorful
____________ _________________ 6. pond B. 1. river 2. stream 3. ocean
3. careful 4. playful c i m o e r b a f e r c r a

5. hopeful B. 1. writer
3. someone who paints
2. singer
8. someone who writes a story
4. lake page 62: Land Words— o p e n n y j x y f u l x n

3. baker 4. painter 5. builder

_________________ _________________ cave, hill, mountain, dune, range;
i o e h a l f d o l l a r g

page 50: 1. singer

4. acting in a fun way
2. joyful
9. having a lot of color
Water Words—ocean, river, lake, n q u a r t e r m p r i c e

3. painter 4. playful 5. baker

_________________ _________________ pond, stream 74
Lesson 24, page 76: A.1. yard
6. hopeful
5. someone who makes a cake
7. careful 8. writer
10. someone who builds a house
Lesson 20, page 64: A.  2. measure 3. ruler 4. mile
9. colorful 10. builder;
_________________ Word Search:
1. blizzard 2. hail 3. flood B. 1. meter 2. foot 3. inch
4. centimeter 5. yardstick/meter
240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.

i x g B j m h c a r e f u l h
s l a p f u p o r e g u l r w
4. dust storm 5. heat wave
a p l a y f u l k e B a k e r B. 1. twilight 2. sunshine 3. clear stick page 77: Units of Measure—
i a o r f d j o y f u l l t i
4. rain 5. winter page 65: Maze— centimeter, mile, foot, meter, inch,
s i n g e r a r c l i u r e t
t n r h o p e f u l l d e r e words in order that they are passed: yard; Tools Used to Measure—ruler,
e t o r f x y u f u d c x t r
e t r i q u l B d e c x t l
dust storm, hail, tidal wave, blizzard, meter stick, yardstick, measure
i r g B j m h c a m r f u l h tornado, heat wave, flood, hurricane,
50 sleet, fog
Lesson 16, page 52: A. 1. honest
2. gentle 3. bossy 4. polite 5. curious Lesson 21, page 67: A.1. polar
6. brave B. 1. take 2. smile 3. bully bear 2. elephant 3. camel 4. zebra
4. tiptoe page 53: Good Feelings— 5. tiger 6. panda B. 1. leopard
curious, gentle, honest, polite, brave, 2. gorilla 3. rhinoceros 4. giraffe
friendly; Bad Feelings—bossy, page 68: 1. elephant 2. tiger
greedy, mean, sneaky 3. polar bear 4. panda 5. camel
6. gorilla 7. zebra 8. rhinoceros
Lesson 17, page 55:
9. leopard 10. giraffe
A. 1. breakfast 2. dinner 3. cafeteria

240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know: 2nd Grade © 2012 by Scholastic Inc.
4. lunch 5. dessert 6. leftovers Lesson 22, page 70: A. 1. worm
B. 1. oven 2. lemonade 3. apple 2. leaves 3. hose 4. shovel 5. grass,
4. eat food page 56: Across— mower 6. bush B. 1. mower
3. breakfast 4. lunch 5. kitchen 2. grass 3. sun 4. bark page 71:
7. dinner 9. dessert; Down—1. drink 1. leaves 2. worm 3. shovel 4. mower
2. cafeteria 4. leftovers 6. snack 5. bloom 6. grass 7. hose
8. meal 8. soil 9. rake 10. bush


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