How To Beat The French Defence The Essential Guide To The Tarrasch 1st Edition Andreas Tzermiadianos
How To Beat The French Defence The Essential Guide To The Tarrasch 1st Edition Andreas Tzermiadianos
How To Beat The French Defence The Essential Guide To The Tarrasch 1st Edition Andreas Tzermiadianos
How to beat your kids at chess an adult beginner s
guide to chess 2nd ed Edition Macenulty
Andreas Tzermiadianos
how to beat
the French defence
the essential guide to the Tarrasch
Gloucester Publishers pic
First published in 2008 by Gloucester Publishers pic (formerly Everyman Publishers
pic), Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V OAT
The right of Andreas Tzermiadianos to be identified as the author of this work has
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Preface 7
2 Middlegame Strategy 13
3 Typical Endgames 27
5 3...lbc6 53
6 3...a6 59
7 3...i.e7 64
Chess Informant 1-100
Chess Today
New in Chess Magazine
New in Chess Yearbook 1-86
The Week in Chess 1-71 0
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
I would like to thank:
Vassilios Kotronias, who trusted me and helped me to understand how much
work was needed to become successful.
Everyman Chess, for giving me the opportunity to write a book the way I
wanted to.
John Emms, for his help during the writing of this book; for providing mate-
rial, interesting ideas and support in all aspects of the project.
Anestis Mihailidis, for helping me organize the material in Chapters 21-22.
Kostis Tsiamis, for his valuable analysis in many critical variations.
All my pupils, who help me every day with suggestions and ideas.
My family, who have supported me throughout, and finally. . .
Sweet Helen, for her patience, support and understanding.
Theory, theory, theory! Please write a book explaining the ideas behind the opening moves.
This was the reaction of my pupils after my first book, Beating the Petroff, was pub
lished in 2004. That book was co-written with a great opening expert, GM Vassil
ios Kotronias, and it was directed to chessplayers with ratings over 2200. As I
promised many pupils and friends, my new book had to be different. This is what
you hold in your hands. Believe me; I spoke with more than 100 chess players of
varying strengths in order to find a scheme to represent the material in such a way
that players of all levels would benefit from reading it!
We live in a world of widespread information, but it is very difficult to find the
borderlines between theory, ideas, and instructive games that are played in each
opening. In order to produce this work, many important games have been stud
ied, the existing theory has been filtered and the results were enriched by ideas
from my twenty years of experience with the Tarrasch Variation. This doesn't
mean that the material in this book is 'light', or that additional effort is not re
quired. The French is a very solid defence that has been used by many world
champions and strong grandmasters. As a result, many interesting or unusual
ideas have been played, and attention must be given to all of these.
I am sure that this book will help you to increase your chess understanding as
a whole, because unlike 3 ltJc3 the Tarrasch Variation is not based on a tactical
treatment of the position. With 3 ltJd2 the battle has a positional nature and there
are many different pawn structures that Black can choose from . The study of differ
ent pawn structures is an indispensable way to improve your understanding of chess
strategy. For instance, after we study variations with an isolated d-pawn, as in the
3 . . . c5 variation, we increase our understanding in all positions with an isolated d
pawn. In this book you will sometimes come across guidelines given in italics.
Please give special attention to these, as they are rules you can apply in all phases
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
Andreas Tzermiadianos,
August 2008
Chapte r One
How We Wo rk
in the Ope n i n g
Believe those who are seeking the tru th. point of view here. When I started
Doubt those who find it. playing chess, I wrongly devoted most
Andre Gide of my time to studying the opening.
Although this is a misguided approach
Information and technology have for a beginner, it did at least help me to
influenced all aspects of our lives. Boris find an efficient method of working on
Vasilievich Spassky once said that openings. I used this method to pre
chess is like life. As a consequence pare sufficiently for my games, even
chess is quite different now when when there wasn't enough time.
compared to the days of the past. In Nowadays, this method is easier to
formation and computers have 'forced' adopt, as the collection and the check
chess players to look for the ultimate ing of the required material demands
truth, and the importance of the open less time.
ing phase has increased. Some main I will use the French Defence as an
lines have been refuted and additional example. The richness of this old open
study is required in order to play sharp ing will help us to understand the
openings. The most intense example of methods I suggest in order to be able to
this is the 2007 World Championship study any given opening.
in Mexico, where we saw only four
games (out of the 1 12 played) with the 1) Study the Classics
Sicilian Defence! Why did this happen? Study the games that the world champions
What is the most appropriate way played in the opening in question. Start
to work on openings? This important with world championship matches and
topic is not clearly covered in chess continue with the games of the world
literature, and I will try to give my champions who used the opening
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
2) Study the games played by the 4) Study the typical endings that
experts of that opening can arise
The study of the French Defence is not For example, in the variation with 3 . . . c5
complete if we do not pay special at and 5 .. .'ii'xd 5 (Chapter 9), we reach a
tention to strong grandmasters who position with a queenside pawn major
use the Tarrasch Variation nowadays. ity for White. The same pawn structure
On the white side I follow closely can occur in many other openings and
games played by Svidler, Adams, Kot examining numerous examples of a
ronias, Tiviakov, Motylev, Akopian, queenside majority can be achieved via
How we Work in t h e Ope n i n g
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
found it difficult to handle their time with success. Good luck, and try to
(many were in time trouble after the work hard to fulfil your ambitions.
15th move!). Overall, my results were
extremely good. The man who tries something and fails is
I hope that you will use my experi infinitely better than the man who does
ences and thoughts as guidelines to nothing and succeeds.
formulate your own way of studying Lloyd Jones
openings and the ideas behind them
Cha pte r Two
Mid d l egame St rategy
The aim o f this chapter i s to help you in White's control. But this is not per
understand the basic ideas behind the manent: the battle will be decided on
French Defence. For this reason it is the dark squares, and Black will try to
important to study some games that do conquer them with the moves ... cS and
not occur in our repertoire but are very ... f6. White, on the other hand, tries to
instructive for the deeper understand keep his centre intact and the impor
ing of the opening. tant base on d4 safe, in order to be able
The most essential thing to under to organize an attack on Black's king.
stand is the importance of controlling So what do we do if Black manages
the dark squares. to exchange the white pawns on d4
and eS?
First, do not panic! Then arrange
your pieces to control the central dark
squares in order to diminish the mobility of
Black's pawns on dS and e6.
Let's take a great lesson on this idea
from 'Professor' Nimzowitsch:
Karlsbad 1911
1 e4 e6 2 d4 ds 3 es cs 4 c3 tLlc6 5 tLlf3
With his first two moves Black de- ,.,b6 6 ..td3 ..td7?1
dares his intentions: he plays on the 6 ... cxd4 7 cxd4 and only then
light squares, leaving the dark squares 7 . . . ..td7 was better.
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
Middleg ame Stra tegy
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
The best practical try. If 24 ... lt:Jxh7? A.Tzermiadianos-B.Socko
25 'ii'g 6! intending 26 .l:.h3 wins. European Championship,
25 i.. g 6?! Warsaw 2005
25 'ii'g 6! .l:tc£8 26 i..xe5 lt:Jxh7 27
i..xg7+ 'it>g8 28 i.. f6+ would have been In this position my opponent
quicker. played 16 ... lt:Jxd3? and I replied with
25 ... .l:.e7 26 .l:.e1 'ii'd 6 27 i.. e 3 17 cxd3 1 1. The idea behind this capture
Nimzowitsch plays it safe. A faster makes this game one of the best I have
way win is 27 'ii'e 2! exd4 28 'ii'x e7 'ii'xe7 ever played! Instead of playing it safe
29 .l:.xe7 dxc3 30 i.. c2 threatening 31 with a small advantage, White goes
.l:.gxg7, and if 30 . . . d4 there follows 31 into a position where his pieces are
l:hd7! lt:Jxd7 32 l::th3+ 'it>g8 33 i..b3+ 'it>f8 pinned in a seemingly deadly way! But
34 l:th8+ 'it>e7 35 .l:.xc8. if we take a deeper look, we notice that
27 ... d4 28 i.. g5 nxc3 29 .l:.xc3 dxc3 30 White simply opens the c-file in order
'ilixc3 'it>g8 31 a3 'it>f8 32 i.. h 4 i.. e 8 3 3 to sacrifice his rook for Black's dark
i..f5 'ii'd 4 34 'ii'xd4 exd4 3 5 J:txe7 'it>xe7 squared bishop to gain full control of
36 i.. d 3 'it>d6 37 i.. xf6 gxf6 38 'it>f1 i.. c6 the dark squares.
39 h4 1-0 After 17 'ii'xd3 White has a small
Black resigned, as White's h-pawn advantage but it's not enough because
Middleg ame Stra tegy
of the weakness of the c-file, and espe pawns; 22.. .£4 23 .i.£6+! fxg3 24 'ii'h6
cially the c3-square. l:tx£6 25 exf6 'iff8 26 'ii'g6+ �h8 27 liJf3
17 ...ltJxd4 18liJxd4 .i.cs wins for White) 23 .i.f6+ �f8 (or
The position seems to be winning 23 ... �h7 24 'iff3 'ii'xf2+ 25 'ii'xf2 .i.xf2 26
for Black because of the pin on the a7- �xf2 with a clear advantage for White)
g1 diagonal, but the truth is that Black 24 'ii'h6+ �e8 25 �g1 ! ! 'ii'xf2+ 26 �h2
must already find a unique way to sur �d7 27 'ii'g6 l:te7 28 .i.xe7 and White
vive! wins.
19 l:.c1 The only move for Black was
19 ... b6!, which contains four defensive
1. The seventh rank is opened for
the move ... l:ta7 protecting g7;
2. It is more difficult for White to
sacrifice the exchange because Black
would react with ...bxc5 when the d4-
square wouldn't be available to the
white knight;
3. Black is ready to develop his
bishop to a6, putting pressure on the
d3-pawn (and on the king on f1 ) thus
19 'ifb6
... tying down White's queen; and
If Black tries to avoid the exchange 4. The bishop stays on the c5-square
sacrifice with 19 ... .i.b6 White continues keeping e7 and f8 under control, a very
with 20 l:tg3 and now: important detail as we will see later.
a) 20 ... �h7 21 l:txg7+! �xg7 22 Moves that offer many ideas at the same
.i.xh6+ �£7 23 'ii'g5 and White has a time are always useful, and the discovery of
winning attack. For example: 23 ... .i.c5 such moves can save us from a very diffi
(or 23 ... .i.xd4 24 'ii'f6+ �e8 25 'ifxf8+ cult position.
�d7 26 'ii'£7+ �d8 27 .i.g5 mate) 24 After 20 .i.xh6 l::t£7 21 .l:tg3 'ii'b4 22
ltJxe6! .i.xe6 (24 ... �xe6 25 .i.xf8 .i.xf8 26 l:txc5 (if 22 .i.xg7 'ifxd4 23 .i.f6+ �f8 24
'ii'f6+ �d7 27 e6+ �d6 28 e7+) 25 'ii'f6+ 'ifh6+ �e8 25 �g1 'ifxf2+ 26 �h2 �d7
�e8 26 'ii'xe6+ .i.e7 27 .i.g5 .l:f.£7 27 'ii'g6 l:te7 the importance of control
(27 ... 'ii'b4 28 l:tc7 l::t £7 29 l:tc8+ .l:txc8 30 ling e7 with the dark-squared bishop
'ii'xc8+ .i.d8 31 'ii'x d8 mate) 28 'ii'g 6! becomes obvious) 22 ... bxc5 23 'ifg5 f4
.i.xg5 29 e6! and White wins. 24 .i.xg7 fxg3 25 .i.f6+ �f8 26 'ii'h6+ �e8
b) 20 ...l:tf7 21 .i.xh6 'ii'b4 22 .i.xg7 27 'ii'h8+ l:tf8 28 'iih5+ neither side can
'ifxd4 (if 22 ... l:txg7 then 23 l:txg7+ �xg7 escape the draw.
24 'ii'g5+ �£7 25 'iff6+ �e8 26 ltJxe6 20 nxcs! 'ii'x cs 21 l:tg3 l:tf7 22 .i.xh6 f4?
.i.xe6 27 'iii'xe6+ devours all Black's This decoy of the dark-squared
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
bishop doesn't promise much. Another <t>h8 31 'ii'g6! 'ifxd3 (3l ... 'ifh1+ 32
try for Black was 22 ... 'il'c3, in order to <t>g3) 32 'ii'xf7! 'ifaxd4 33 �g5 and 'iif6
create immediate counterplay based on cannot be stopped.
the poor position of White's king: 23 b) 26 ... 1i'b2 27 il.h6 'ifxf2 (after
c;!;>g1 ! 'il'a1+ 24 c;!;>h2 (White transfers his 27 ... "ii'c3 28 lt:Jb5 ifb4 29 'ii'g3! 1i'f8 30
king to the safe h2-square and is ready lt:Jd6 .l:.d7 31 lt:Je8! all White's pieces
for the final assault) 24 ... 'il'xa2 25 'il'g5 focus on the final aim: the g7-square)
'il'xf2 26 'il'd8+ (not 26 �xg7? 'il'xg3+! 27 28 'ii'g51i'f4+ 29 'ifxf4 llxf4 30 il.xf4 a2
'il'xg3 l:r.xg7) 26 ... c;!;>h7 27 �e3! and Black 31 lt:Jc2 at'ii' 32 lt:Jxa1 l:txa1 33 iLh6!
has unsolvable problems as ltJf3-g5 is �h7 34 l:.xg7+ �xh6 35 l1c7 l1a8 36
the threat: for example, 27 ... 'il'b2 28 b4! b6 37 b5 d4 (after 37 ... l:.b8 38 d4!
tt:\f3!, 27 ... .:Id7 28 'il'e8, or 27 ... 'il'xg3+ 28 Black is permanently paralyzed) 38 g4
c;!;>xg3 f4+ 29 �xf4 a2 30 tt:\c2. l:tb8 39 �g3 il.b7 40 h5! il.d5 (or
The best try for Black was to con 40 ... �g5 41 l:tg7+ �h6 42 l:tg6+ �h7
tinue with 22 ...b6, although after 23 43 l:txe6 il.a8 44 l:td6) 41 �h4 llg8 42
c;!;>g1 he still has serious problems to l:tf7! and White wins as g5+ is coming.
solve. c) 26 ...b6! ? 27 1i'g3 ltaa7 28 lt:Jb5!
23 �xf4 l:tad7 (28 ... l:tae7 29 il.g5! 'ii'xb3 30 lt:J d6
a2 31 lt:Jxf7, 28 ... l:tab7 29 lt:Jd6 'ii'c2 30
il.h6 1i'c7 31 lt:Jxf7, and 28 ... 1i'h2 29
lt:Jxa7 a2 30 il.h6 all win) 29 lt:Jd6 1i'c2
30 l:txe6! a2 31 l:te8+ l:tf8 32 e6 l:txe8
(32 ... a1 'ii' 33 exd7 i.xd7 34 il.e5 1i'xe5
35 l:t.xe5) 33. lt:Jxe8 l:te7 34 i.e5 and
White wins.
Returning to 23 ... .i.d7:
23 �d7?1
Middleg a me Stra tegy
knight and two pawns for a rook, but 27... 'ikxa2 28 'iVg5 'ifxe2 29 .i.xg7.
White's position is already winning . 27 ...l:.c8
Why is this? Or 27 ... J:i.e8 28 'ii'g5 'ii'x d4 29 �xg7
Often we forget that the chessboard 'ikf4 30 'ii'xf4 J:i.xf4 31 �h6+.
consists of both light and dark squares. 28 l:tg41
Essentially we are not fighting one battle,
but two: one on the light squares and one
on the dark squares.
In this position all the white pieces
can conquer the dark squares, yet only
the black queen can try to defend them
- it's simply an uneven battle.
Before the final assault White must
consider the only counter-chance Black
has: the position of the white king.
Now everything becomes clear.
24 'iii>g 1!1 'ii'c 3 25 'iii> h 2
White has secured the position of The knight on d4 is protected in the
his king and is ready for the final as simplest way and Black has no defence
sault. to 'iVg5.
25 'ii'b 2 26 �h6 :af8
••• 28 ... �e8 29 lt:Jxe6 �d7 30 �xg7 �xe6
Black tries to prevent the arrival of 31 'iVh6 1-0
White's queen on g5, but there is no According to my 'no-brain' Fritz
defence as we can see in the following friend White has mate in seven:
variations. 3l ...l:te7 32 'it'h8+ 'iii>f7 33 l:.f4+ �f5 34
If 26 ... J:i.xf2, then 27 'ii'g5 is winning l:.xf5+ 'iii>e6 35 'it'h6+ 'iii> d 7 36 'ikd6+ 'iii>e8
for White. If 26 ... 'ii'x a2 White plays 27 37 :£8 mate.
lt:Je2!!, closing the queen's route to the One of my best games! My friend
f2-pawn after which there is no defence Mastrovasilis, who was playing against
to 28 'ii'g5 (the immediate 27 'ikg5? is Radjabov on the same day, spent most
met by 27 ... 'ii'xf2 28 iLxg7 'ikxg3+! 29 of his time looking at my board rather
'ii'xg3 :xg7). than his. In body language terms this
27 f31? means congratulations! Thank you
A computer would play 27 'ii'g5 very much Dimitrios!
'ikxd4 28 :g4! (but not 28 �xg7? 'ii'f4,
as after 29 'ii'xf4 l:.xf4 30 �h6+ 'iii>h7 the Although the main concern for both
rook on f4 is protected and suddenly players is the control of the dark
Black has a winning position - this was squares in the centre, most of the time
the idea behind 26 . . .l:taf8). the light squares also play an impor
27 lt:Je2! is also winnin g after tant role.
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
Let's take the Guimard variation af The idea of .1i.b5 is very strong even
ter 1 e4 e6 2 d4 ds 3ll:\d2ll:\c6!? 4ll:\gf3 without a pawn on e5 - there's a battle
ll:\f6 s es ll:\d7 6 c3 f6 . for this square regardless of whether or
not it contains a pawn . .1i.b5 can be par
ticularly effective after an exchange of
dark-squared bishops, whereupon the
e5-square loses its main defender. In
this event White constantly uses the
.1i.b5 idea in order to eliminate a second
defender of e5, the knight on c6. This
plan often occurs in the 3 ...ll:\f6 varia
S. Tiviakov-A.Dgebuadze
Apeldoom 2001
Middlegame St ra tegy
Excelsior Cup, Gothenburg 1998
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
After 16 ... t2Jxe5?! 1 7 dxe5 t2Jf5 18 'ii'd2 Finally, the dxe5 recapture can be
..id7 19 .l:!.fe1 ..ib5 White can continue used as a weapon against the activation
with 20 ..ixf5! .l:hf5 21 t2Jd4, obtaining a of the black knight.
clear advantage as the knight is a mon
ster on d4 and White has the plan of f2-
f4, g2-g4 and f4-f5 after further prepa
The idea of dxe5 can also be effec
tive if Black has moved his g-pawn and
White has a knight on g3.
Dagomys 2004
Middleg a me Stra tegy
S. Tiviakov-E.Gieizerov
Port Erin 2001
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
2. The exchange sacrifice on f3. This Another way to deal with the .. .lhf3
idea can be compared to . . . l::txc3 in the sacrifice is to ignore it if this is possible.
Sicilian Defence. It's always in the air In the position, after 13 ... a6 14 �h41
and White should be aware of it. Let's lt:\h5 15 'ifc2 h6 16 �h7+ 'ifolhs 17 �g6
look at two examples of ... .Uxf3: .l:txf3!?, the best move is 18 �xh51 (see
Chapter 20, Line A).
If Black cannot easily organize ... e5
he can choose a simpler plan: utilizing
the semi-open f-file and the f4 outpost
with ... lt:\h5-f4. This idea is something
we will become familiar with in the
theory section.
Griesheim 2003
Midd leg a me St ra tegy
A.Tzermiadianos-F .Sigalas
1st Summer Cup, Litohoro 2006
S. Tiviakov-S.Lputian
9 es a4 10 lLlbd4 ttJxcs 11 o-o lLlc6 12 c3 European Championship, Ohrid 2001
White has secured the d4-square,
and he doesn't mind parting with his 1s ...fs?! 16 exf6 gxf6
light-squared bishop. What remains on 1 6 . . .'ihf6 is less risky, but 17 lLle5 is
the board is important, not what is ex still better for White.
changed. 17 c41
12 ttJxd3 13 'iixd3 ttJxd4 14 lLlxd4 'ilc7
•.. This idea is especially effective in
15 :e1 b6 16 'flg31 positions where Black has recaptured
White has the centre under control, on f6 with the g-pawn.
and now he transfers his pieces to the 17 ... dxc4
kingside to provoke weaknesses (see 17 . . . d4 loses a pawn, as after 18
Chapter 7, Line A). ..ltxg6 hxg6 19 'i/e4 the pawns on b7, d4
and g6 are all hanging.
Lesser Known Ideas 18 . ..ltxc4 'fle7 19 h41
White rightly increases the pressure.
1) Black's ...fs answered by c4 19 .. J:Ife8
The move .. .f5 usually presents White 19 . . . 1:.£7! ? can be answered by 20
with a dilemma: whether to capture 'en l:tfdl intending lLld4 or lLld2-e4.
passant' or to leave the f5-pawn alone. 20 l:.fd1 �h8?
If White enjoys better development he A losing move in a bad position.
can open the position with exf6 and 21 hs ttJfs 22 ttJes l
follow up with the pawn break c4. If and White was winning, a s 22 . . fxe5
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
with ... b6 variation. With his last move, light squares in Black's camp with 10
10 . . . l2Jc7, Black protected e6 and set a a41 b4 11 c41, when Black must be ex
positional trap. tremely careful (see Chapter 14, Line
10 .l:.e1! B).
10 'ii'g4?! is met by 10 .. .£5!, but after
10 !tel the advance of the f-pawn is 3) Checking with i.. b s after ... b6
unwise. For example, 10 .. .£5? 1 1 exf6! Black often tries to solve the problem of
'ii'xf6 1 2 c4! i..e 7 13 t2Jf3 dxc4 14 i..g5 the light-squared bishop by developing
'ii'f7 15 i.. f4 t2Jd5 1 6 l2Jfg5 i..xg5 1 7 t2Jxg5 with . . .b6 and . . . i..b7, but White has an
'ii'xf4 18 l2Jxe6 and White wins. See annoying idea up his sleeve. For exam
Chapter 14, Line C, for further analysis. ple:
1 e4 e6 2 d4 ds 3 t2Jd2 b6 4 t2Jgf3 i.. b 7 5
2) White plays c4 after the exchange i.. b S+! c6 6 i.. d 3
of light-squared bishops With the check on b5 White pro
Black's worst piece in the French is his vokes the move ... c6 before retreating
light-squared bishop. It is therefore the bishop to d3. As a result, the bishop
natural to exchange it and some varia on b7 is blocked and won't put pres
tions, like 3 . . .t2Jf6 with . . .b6, are based sure on the light squares in the centre
on this exchange. However, Black must (see Chapter 4, Line 01). The same idea
pay close attention to his light squares can occur in the Rubinstein after
in the centre. If White manages to play 3 . . . dxe4 4 t2Jxe4 b6 5 t2Jf3 i..b 7 6 i..b5+!
c4, Black no longer has the bishop to c6 7 i..d 3.
C h apte r Th r e e
Typica l En d games
In this chapter w e will analyse typical take place on this square, driving the
endings that arise in the French De game into a slightly better ending for
fence. The material is divided accord White. Let's look at a classic example
ing to basic pawn structures. (of course I couldn't write a book on
the Tarrasch Variation without a trib
1) The Classical Centre ute to Tarrasch himself!).
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
the kingside with the push g3-g4-g5. White opens the kingside, where all
Bear in mind that all the basic plans his pieces are positioned.
are connected with pawn breaks, from the 31 ... hxgs 32 fxgs l:txh s 33 .l:txhs gxhs
opening through to the endgame. 34 .l:txhs <j;fg 3 5 l':E.h8+ <j;e7
In this position other pawn breaks
will just help Black to activate his
bishop. Only g3-g4 and f4-f5 has some
point, but then White must consider
the response . . . i.c8 and ... l:r.ce7 when
Black puts pressure on the eS-pawn.
It is very useful when we enter the end
game stage to consider which exchanges
favour us and which favour our opponent.
In this position, if White manages to
exchange all the rooks, the bishop end
ing is winning because Black's pawns
are fixed on the same colour as his White has an overwhelming advan
bishop and the cS-square allows tage. This is the moment when usually
White's monarch to invade. things go wrong, as we relax and think
26 g4! that the position will win by itself. No!
Fixing the target on h6. White The most diffic ult positions to win are
doesn't want to allow Black the oppor winning positions.
tunity to play . . . hS, . . . g6, ... <j;g7 and 36 g6?
. . . .l:th8, creating a barrier. White would 36 .l:th7 is the right way to win - the
then have to play h2-h3 and g3-g4, ex threat is more powerful than the execu
changing more pawns and making tion! After 36 . . . <j;f8 37 g6 fxg6 38 i.xg6
Black's defensive task easier. incredibly it seems that Black is
26 ...i.c8 27 h4 zugzwang. This is the type of position
White now threatens 28 gS. If Black that the computer cannot 'understand'
takes, White will recapture with the h at all, as it can 'see' only 3-4 moves
pawn and invade via the h-file. If Black ahead. Until we reach the final move of
responds with 28 . . . h5 then 29 g6! is some magnificent analysis by Neish
very strong. tadt, the computer evaluates this posi
27 ... g6 28 .l:thll tion as only slightly better for White!
Now White's hidden plan comes to After 38 . . . <j;g8 39 .l:tf7 b4 (39 ... <j;h8 40
light! He is threatening not only g4-g5 i.h7) 40 i.hS! aS 41 i.g6 a4 42 i.hS a3
but also h4-h5. After this move the 43 i.g6 Black has run out of moves.
weakness of the h6-pawn becomes ob Zugzwang decides many end
vious. games, so it is always useful to ask
2s .. <j;g7 29 hs .l:ths 30 .l:tfh2 i.d7 31 gs!
. ourselves: If it were my opponent's turn
Typic a l En dg ames
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
Typic a l En dg ames
Rilton Cup, Stockholm 1988
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
'it>e5 b5 44 'it>d6
The king's invasion is decisive.
44 tt:Je6 45 b4 .Ub6+ 46 .i.c6 g5 47
Typi c a l Endgames
30...�e6 31 :aS+ �g7 3 2 �d3 .l:tc7 33 Black has recaptured with the b-pawn .
.:bs �6 34 b61
The rook must leave the c-file and
White's king is ready to invade. Also,
the target on b7 is now fixed.
34 !te7 3 5 'ottc 3 h5 36 h3
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
'it>xf8 31 'it>g1 'it>e7 32 'it>f2 ..ltd7 3 3 We3 l2Jd2 l2Jf6 variation, and it can also oc
..ie8 34 'it>d4 cur with the black pawn on c6 instead
Even the silicon master 'feels' that of b7 (after the exchange ..ib5xl2Jc6 - a
the position is winning for White. very typical manoeuvre).
34 'it>d6 3 5 l2Jb7+ 'it>c7 36 ttJa s 'it>d6 37
••• Control of the e5-square is of para
C41 mount importance here and this is the
When we cannot easily improve our reason why White always tries to ex
pieces, we should consider pawn breaks. change the dark-squared bishops, em
After pawn exchanges we gain more space phasizing the weakness of this square.
to manoeuvre our pieces.
37 dxc4
Typi c a l En dg ames
How to B e a t th e Fre n c h D efe n c e
Typic a l En dg a mes
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
7 ) The Bishop Pair with a vade with the king on the opposite
Queenside Majority coloured squares to the opponent's
bishop (the dark squares in the dia
gram above).
A good example of a successful
strategy is the game Dolmatov
Burmakin, Elista 2001, which is ana
lysed in John Emms's very nice book
Simple Chess. Here's a slightly more
complicated example:
Typic a l En dg a mes
with 28 ... ti'lxg2!? to complicate matters. .l:.xd6! (and not 33 cxd6 b6! 34 a4 'itt d 7
Although White seems to keep an ad 3S aS .l:.b8 with counterplay) 33 ... .l:.xd6
vantage after 29 l:tg1 ! ..i.xf3 30 ..i.e2! 34 cxd6 b6 3S a4 'itt d 7 36 aS bxaS+! 37
..i.xe2 31 lhg2 ..i.f3 32 l:txg7+ 'ittc6 33 'ittx aS eS! and now:
l:tc7+ ! (33 l:txh7?! eS 34 .:.f7 .:.e6 leaves a) 38 g4? even loses after 38 ... g6 39
Black with decent counterplay) 'ittx a6 fS 40 gxfS gxfS 41 'ittbS (or 41 exfS
33 ... 'itt d S! (33 ... 'ittb S? 34 a4+ 'ittaS 3S e4 42 f6 'ittx d6) 41 ...£4 .
.:.xb7! - with the idea of 36 ..i.c7 mate - b) 38 'ittx a6 fS 39 'ittbS fxe4 40 'itt c4
3S ... .:.c8 36 'ittb 2! ..i.xb7 37 'itt a3 and 'ittx d6 41 'itt c3 'itt cS 42 'itt d 2 'ittb4 43 'itte3
Black is mated in study-like fashion) 34 'ittxb3 44 'itt xe4 'itt c3 4S 'ittxeS 'itt d3 46
ltxb7, Black can hold the position after 'itte6 'itte3 47 'itt£7 gS! with a draw.
34... h6! 3S .l::th 7 eS 36 l:hh6 fS 37 b4 f4! 32 'itta s !
38 a4 ..i.g4! when there is no forced win Now Black suffers a s White's king
for White: for example, 39 bS axbS 40 enters b6.
axbS f3 41 b6 e4 42 ..i.g3 'ittxcS 43 b7 e3 32 ... ..txe4
44 l:tf6 e2 4S .:.f4 ..i.d7 46 Itxf3 ..i.c6. 32 ... ti'lxd6 loses to 33 cxd6 'ittd 7 34
Of course Andersson doesn't see 'ittb 6.
any reason to put himself under such a 32 . . . ti'le7 was the last chance, but af
test, trying to find a series of only ter 33 a4 ti:JdS 34 b4 ti'le3 3S ..i.d3 White
moves for Black. Instead he chooses the will finally play the decisive bS push.
most logical and easiest path. 33 fxe4 ti'le7
29 l:td2 ti'lfs 30 .ll e4 l:r.d8 31 'itt b4 Or 33 ... ti:Jxd6 34 cxd6 eS 3S 'ittb 6.
34 'itt b 6 ti:Jc6 35 l1b21 es 36 b4 g6
Black is also losing after 36 ... h4 37
a4 ti'ld4 38 bS.
37 l:tf2
The simplest way.
37 fs 38 exfs gxfs 39 l:lxfs e4 40 .Uf7
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
Tilburg 1982
22 a4!
White starts his queenside offensive.
22 ... lZ:ld7 23 lle2 lZ:lcs 24 b3 b6 J.Hicki-E.Kieser
Or 24 ... h6 25 aS �f8 26 b4. Bad Ragaz 1995
24 f3! lZ:lf6
If 24 . . . lZ:ld2 25 i.e2!, and 24 ... lZ:ld6 is
met by 25 .l:tdl .
2 5 a41
The pawn break provides the plan. As
the c5 break gives Black the d5-square
and the rook is waiting patiently on a1,
is there a more logical move?
25 ...�8 26 �2 �e7 27 as l:tc7 28 i.c3
l:td7 29 �e3 lZ:le8 30 axb6 axb6 31 i.d4
As simple as possible.
25 a s l lZ:lb7 31 ... bs 32 cxbs lZ:ld6 33 i.cs �6 34
25 ...bxa5 is met by 26 i.xa5 l:.b8 27 l:ta7 1-0
b4 lZ:lb7 28 i.c7 .l:lc8 29 i.g3.
26 a61 lZ:lcs 27 b4 lZ:la4 28 1:td2 .l:lc8 29 Okay, but I'm sure you are wonder
i.d4 ing about the best way for Black to
The knight on a4 is 'sleeping with play. The answer is that he must mobi
the fishes' . lize his kingside pawns as quickly as
29 ... i.e8 30 i.b3 �8 31 �2 f6 3 2 f4 possible, as he does in this example
bS 3 3 i.xa41 from the distant past:
Typi c a l En dgames
C h a pt e r F o u r
U n u s u a l T h i rd
Moves fo r B l a c k
U n u s u a l Th ird Moves for B l a ck
A) 3 .. .fs?!
Black provokes White into an early
choice over the central pawn structure,
but this move is dubious.
4 exfs exfs
8 .. lZ:\e4
a) 8 . . . c6 9 c4! dxc4 10 ii.xc4+ �h8 1 1
lZ:\e5 lZ:\d5 12 lZ:\f4! ii.xe5 1 3 dxe5 lZ:\xf4 14
ii.xf4 'ili'e7 15 e6! is virtually winning
for White, C.Kindermann-J.Vengels,
Ruhrgebiet 1996.
b) 8 . . . c5! ? 9 dxc5 ii.xc5 10 c3! lZ:\c6 1 1
'ili'b3 i s slightly better for White.
c) After 8 . . . �h8 9 ..tf4 lZ:\e4 10 'ili'cl !?
lZ:\d7 1 1 c3 lZ:\df6 12 lZ:\e5! lZ:\h5 13 f3
S lDdf31 lZ:\xf4 14 lZ:\xf4 lZ:\c5 (better was 14 . . . ii.xe5
This idea of Karpov' s is the best 15 dxe5 lZ:\c5 16 .l:td1 c6 17 c4 with a
way of handling the position. White small advantage for White) 15 'ili'e3
wants to continue with ii.d3 and lZ:\e2, lZ:\xd3 1 6 lZ:\fxd3 g5 1 7 f4 I held a clear
and Black will have problems with the advantage in A.Tzermiadianos
e5 -square (and also sometimes with the G.Tantsis, Aegina 1996 - the c8-bishop
pawn break c2-c4). will remain passive for a long time.
s ...lZ:\f6 6 .i.d3 1 9 ..tf41
Karpov played 6 ii.g5, but this i s the White doesn't know yet whether he
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
will go for c2-c3 or c2-c4, so he opts for i.xe4 dxe4 19 'ii'xf4 i.e6 20 'ifxe4! gxf3
a move he is certain he wants to play. 21 'ii'g6+ 'it>h8 22 tLlf4 winning easily.
This is a sound logic to follow in the
opening. B) 3 ...tLle71?
9 ... i.e6 10 'ii'c 1! This is an interesting sideline. Black
There is no need to hurry with the waits for White to commit to his set-up
exchange of bishops, as then Black's and then plays accordingly. The prob
queen on d6 would control the impor lem is that the knight is not well
tant f4-square. placed, and after ... tLlg6 there is always
10 ...tiJc6 the idea of h2-h4 for White.
10 ... c5 1 1 i.xd6 'ii'x d6 12 dxc5 tLlxc5 4 tLlgf3 !
13 'ii'f4 and 10 .. J:te8 1 1 i.xd6 'ii'x d6 12
'ii'f4 are both better for White.
11 c3 i.e71?
Black tries to avoid exchanging the
dark-squared bishops. White keeps an
advantage after 1 1 ... tLle7 1 2 tLle5! i.xe5
13 i.xe5 tLlg6 14 tLlf4.
12 'ii'e 3 i.f6 13 l:tad1!
White wants to put the bishop on
e5, so he prepares for the opening of
the d-file.
13 ... i.f7 14 .l:tfe1 gs 15 h6 16 'ii'c 1
f4 17 C4! 4... g6
a) 4 ... tLlbc6?! 5 c3 tLlg6 6 h4! e5 7
exd5 'ilfxd5 8 i.c4 'ii'd 7 9 tLlg5 tLld8 10
h5 tLlf4 1 1 g3 b5 12 gxf4 bxc4 13 fxe5
was winning for White in
E.Prandstetter-M.Netusil, Czech
League 2005.
b) 4 . . . c5?! is also dubious: 5 dxc5!
tLlec6 (5 ... tLld7? 6 i.b5!; 5 . . . 'ii'a5 6 i.d3!?
'ii'xc5 7 0-0 tLlbc6 8 a3 i.d7 9 b4 'ii'c3 10
l:!.b1 tLle5 1 1 i.b2 tLlxf3+ 12 tLlxf3 was
clearly better for White in I.Donev
We have been following the game R.Emst, Swiss League 1996) 6 exd5
F.Sanfrutos Lopez-A.Mueck, corre 'ii'xd5 7 i.c4 'ii'xc5 8 0-0 tLld7 9 b3!? tLlf6
spondence 2002. White has an advan 10 i.b2 i.e7 1 1 'iie2 0-0 12 .l::.fd1 l::t d8 13
tage here, as 17 . . . g4? can be met by 18 a3 tLlb8 14 tLleS tiJdS 15 'ilfhs g6 1 6 'ii'f3
U n u s u a l Th ird Moves for B l a ck
£5 and here 1 7 lt:\e4! led to a win for nez-G.Garcia Gonzalez, Havana 1978) 9
White in N.Lakos-L.Toth, Budapest dxc5! i.xc5 10 0-0 i.e7 1 1 lt:\g5! 1i'd7 12
2003. lt:\c4 •xd1 13 llxd1 and White has the
c) 4 ... lt:Jd7! ? (another waiting move; advantage.
this position can also arise via 3 . . . lt:Jd7 4 5 h41 h6
lt:\g£3 lt:\e7) 5 i.d3 c5 6 exd5! lt:Jxd5 White has the initiative after 5 ... h5 6
(6 ... exd5 7 dxc5 lt:\xc5 8 i.bS+ i.d7 9 i.d3 i.g7 7 c3 lt:Jd7 8 e5 c5 (H.Schau
i.xd7+ •xd7 10 0-0 lt:\c6 1 1 lt:Jb3 gives felberger-E.Turunen, Groningen 1969)
White an edge, S.Cela-B.Certic, Obren 9 0-0 lt:\£5 10 i.x£5 gx£5 11 c4! cxd4 12
ovac 2005) 7 0-0 i.e7 8 lt:\e4 cxd4 9 .U.el . Note that Black must not hurry to
lt:\xd4 tt::\e5 10 ..tbS+ ..td7 (H.Hofstetter capture on d4 as this give the c3-square
M.Koch, correspondence 1990) 1 1 �5! to White's knight: 9 ... cxd4?! 10 cxd4
and White has the initiative. lt:Jf5 1 1 i.x£5 exf5 (or 1 l . . .gxf5 12 lt:Jb3
d) 4 ... lt:\g6 5 h4! is a standard idea and i.gS) 12 lt:Jb1 ! followed by lt:\c3 to
that sets Black problems: add pressure to the d5-pawn.
6 hs!?
6 i.d3 i.g7 7 c3 lt:Jd7 8 e5 c5 9 0-0
lt:\c6 10 i.b1 ! 'ii'b6 1 1 lt:Jb3 is the easy
way to protect the d4-pawn and obtain
a stable advantage.
6 ... gs 7 es cs s c3
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n c e
lL!g4 l:tac8 16 'ii'd 2 lL!b4 1 7 lLlc5. 4 ... c5! ? (4 ... dxe4 5 lL!xe4 transposes to a
After 13 . . . lL!xd4, E.Geller-A.Maka Rubinstein in which White's g3 is
rov, Ukrainian Ch., Kiev 1959, contin much more useful than ... h6, and White
ued 14 ..ie3 ..ixe5 15 lL!g4 ..ig7 1 6 lLlxd4 has a slight advantage after 5 ... lL!f6 6
'ii'd 8 (16 . . . ..ixd4 1 7 · lL!f6+ ..ixf6 - lL!xf6+ 'ii'xf6 7 ..ig2 lL!d7 8 f4 c5 9 ..ie3) 5
1 7. . . �d8 1 8 lL!xd7 - 1 8 ..ixb6 axb6 was exd5 'ii'x d5 6 lL!gf3 cxd4 7 ..ig2 lL!c6 8
forced, although White would still 0-0 lL!f6 9 lL!b3 d3 (9 . . . 'ii'd 8?! 10 lL!fxd4
keep a clear advantage after 19 'ii'b 3) 1 7 lL!xd4 1 1 'ii'x d4 'ii'xd4 12 lL!xd4 ..ic5 13
lL!f3 lL!c6 1 8 ..ic5 'ii'c7 19 :e1 �d8 20 lL!b3 led to an advantageous ending for
l:k1 'ii'f4 21 lL!fe5 lL!xe5 22 .l:lxe5 f5 23 White in A.Kveinys-V.Sakalauskas,
'ii'e 1 fxg4 24 1:txd5 l:tc8 25 .l:txd7+ �xd7 Vilnius 2004) 10 c3! . White has a small
26 ..ib5+ �d8 27 l1d1+ �c7 28 'iia5+ advantage here, as the d3-pawn will
and Black resigned. fall and the pressure of the g2-bishop
on the long diagonal will be very an
C) 3 ... h6?1 noying for Black.
Black plays a waiting move in order 4 ... cs
to react accordingly to White's set-up. 4 ...lL!f6? is out of question, as after 5
White must try to find a plan where the e5 lL!fd7 6 ..id3 c5 7 lL!e2 we reach a
move ... h6 will be of no use. main line except that Black has ex
4 C31 pended a move on ... h6. This doesn't
I think this is the best move for allow him to play the typical .. .£6 be
White and it is wrongly underesti cause all the light squares on the king
mated by theory. side would be fatally weakened.
4 ..id3 c5 5 dxc5 ..ixc5 has been 4 ... dxe4 5 lL!xe4 lL!d7 transposing to
played many times but I don't think Rubinstein has been proposed by some
it's the right approach as Black's sources, but I don't like this idea.
bishop has taken just one move to
reach c5 (compare 3 ... ..ie7 - Chapter 7).
We can also compare this idea with
3 ... a6 4 ..id3 5 dxc5 ..ixc5 (Chapter 6),
but I am not convinced that the move
... h6 is less useful than ... a6.
It is not easy for White to prove an
advantage after 4 lL!gf3 lL!f6!. I think
White's best shot is to concentrate on
ideas with c2-c4: for example, 5 ..id3 c5
6 e5 lL!fd7 7 c4! ? (G.Ginsburg
V.Eingom, Metz 2003), or 5 e5 lL!fd7 6
c4! ? (L.Nisipeanu-S.Biro, Predeal 2007). After 6 lL!f3 lL!gf6 7 lL!xf6+ lL!xf6
4 g3 is also an interesting idea: (7 . . . 'ii'xf6 is inferior - as we'll see in
U n u s u a l Third Moves for B l a ck
Chapter 21, in the variation with After 6 ... tt:'lf6 7 .ltb5+ .ltd7 8 .ltxd7+
... 'iixf6 the knight must go to c6) 8 tt:'le5! tt:'lbxd7 9 0-0 I have to disagree with
we get a position very close to one John Watson that this is a standard,
reached in a very dangerous line of the balanced position. If we compare this
Rubinstein, where c2-c3 is useful and to the main line in Chapter 12, after
of course . . . h6 only helps the white 9 . .lte7 10 dxc5 tt'lxc5 1 1 tt'ld4 0-0
. .
knight to stay on e5. Those of you curi (1 l . . .'it'd7 12 'Wf3 0-0 13 tt'lf5 is good for
ous to see some ideas should look at White, as it is not easy to remove the
the game G.Kasparov-R.Ponomariov, knight from f5 now that ... h6 has been
Linares 2002, where Garry demolished played) 12 tt'lf5 .ltd6 13 tt:'lb3 tt:'lce4 14 f3
his young opponent. tt'lg5 (D.Breder-M.Rupp, Internet 2004)
5 exd s 15 tt:'lxd6 Wxd6 16 .lte3 White has a
5 tt:'lgf3!? tt:'lf6 6 exd5! exd5 trans solid advantage.
poses. Instead 6 . . . tt:'lxd5 7 tt:'lb3 tt:'ld7 7 .ltbs cxd4
(G.Lane-N.Short, Calvia Olympiad White gained a clear advantage in
2004) 8 .ltb5! cxd4 9 'iixd4 is better for P.Roberson-M.Huerga Leache, Sibenik
White. 2007, after 7 . . . Wb6 8 'ii'e2+! .lte6 9 0-0
s ... exds tt:'lf6 10 dxc5 .ltxc5 1 1 tt:'lb3 a6 12 tt'lxc5
After 5 . . . Wxd5?! 6 tt:'lgf3 tt:'lc6 (or Wxc5 13 .ltxc6+ 'ii'xc6 14 tt'ld4 'ii'd 7 15
6 ... cxd4 7 .ltc4 and again c2-c3 is more .ltf4 0-0 1 6 .lte5.
useful than . . . h6) 7 .ltc4 'ii'd 8 8 tt:'lb3!
cxd4 9 tt:'lbxd4 tt:'lxd4 10 tt:'lxd4 White
gets a favourable version of the line 3
tt'ld2 c5 4 tt'lgf3 cxd4 5 exd5 Wxd5,
where h7-h6 is useless (compare Chap
ter 9).
6 tt:'lgf3
s o-ol?
8 We2+ is of course at least slightly
better for White (compare the 3 . . . c5
8 tt:'lxd4 is also interesting: 8 ... .ltd7
(if 8 . . . We7+ 9 tt:'le2 and Black's devel
opment on the kingside is terrible) 9
6'lc6 tt:'l2f3 .ltd6 10 0-0 tt'lge7 1 1 lle1 0-0 12
How to B e a t t h e Fre n c h D efe n ce
Ji.e3 and White has the advantage. 3 . . . b6 is not a good move, as long as
8 .....11i. d 7 White knows exactly what to do and
8 ... dxc3 9 l:te1+ Ji.e7 10 bxc3 gives gives special attention to some details.
White a dangerous initiative, as 4 ti:lgf3
10 . . . ti:J£6? can be met by 11 ti:ld4 Ji.d7 12 Now we will look at:
01: 4 .....11i. b 7
D2: 4 ... dxe4
03: 4
U n u s u a l Th i rd Moves for B l a ck
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erényeseket nagyon sokszor. Borzasztó megpróbáltatásokon és
öntapasztalatokon kellett átmennie, nem csak gyermekei részéről,
hanem férje részéről is, ama végteleneknek tetsző napokban,
melyekről már senki sem tudhat semmit; ama napokban, midőn a
király még nem volt egészen őrült, miről soha sem nyugvó nyelve
őrültséget, dühöt és üldözést dadogott: neki pedig mosolyognia,
tisztelettel hallgatnia kellett e kiállhatatlan kínok közepett. A királyné
minden kötelességét állhatatosan betöltötte s megvárta, hogy más is
betöltse az övéit épen úgy. Egy állam-keresztelés alkalmával a
gyermeket tartó hölgy elfáradt, elhalványodott s a walesi herczegné
kérte, hogy hadd ülhessen le szegény. „Csak hadd álljon!“ mondá a
királyné, lefricskázva a burnótot ruhája újjáról. Ő állva maradt volna,
a milyen állhatatos volt és hogyha addig kellett volna is azt a
gyereket tartania, mig a szakála megnőtt volna. – „Immár hetven
esztendős vagyok“, mondá a királyné egy hordszékét megállitó
tömeg garabonczásnak, „ötven évig voltam Anglia királynéja s még
senki illetlenül nem bánt velem.“ Szegény rettenthetlen, szigoru, ki
nem békülő királyné! Nem csodálom, hogy fiai megugrottak tőle.
A Györgyöt és nejét körülvevő nagy család minden tagja közt,
ugy hiszem, a legcsinosabb az atya beczéje, Amelie herczegasszony.
Szépsége, szeretetreméltosága, kora halála s a rendkivüli
szenvedélyes gyöngédség, melylyel atyja szereté: megnyerik
számára az ember szivét. A királyét is ő nyeré meg minden
gyermeke közül leginkább, mig fiai közt York herczeget szerette
legjobban. Burney egy nagyon szomoru történetet beszél a
weymouthi szegény öreg emberről és hogy mily erősen óhajtá, hogy
kedvencz fia nála legyen. A király háza nem volt elég nagy, hogy a
herczeget is befogadhassa s ezért a király épen a magáé mellett
roppant költséggel épittetett számára egy hordozható házat, csak
hogy az ő kedves Friczikéje közelében lehessen. Mig a fiu ott ült:
nem is eresztette el karját, mással nem is ereszkedett szóba s az
előtt sem beszélt – jó darab ideig – másról. De az oly igen régen várt
herczeg egyetlen éjjel maradt ott. Más nap már dolga volt
Londonban, a mint mondá. Az öreg király udvarának unalmassága
kétségbe ejté Yorkot s III. György többi vaskos fiát is. Különben a mi
azt nézi, ezek is kétségbeejték a lovászmestereket és udvarhölgyeket
s hangos beszédeikkel és darabos modorukkal elrémitették ez
illemteljes kis házi kört. Azt meg kell adni, hogy valami nagy
boldogságára nem igen voltak a királynak ezek az ő fiai.
Hanem a szép kis Amelie, az már kedvencze volt s ez a kis lány, a
mint fecsegve és mosolyogva pihen az öreg atya ölelő karjai közt:
igazán kedves csak rágondolni is. Burney könyvében egy családi kép
van lerajzolva, melyet nagyon kőszivü embernek kell lennie, a ki ne
szeressen. A királyi család egyik délutáni sétáját irta le Windsorban.
„Igazán kedves egy séta volt ez“, irja Burney kisasszony. „A kis
herczegasszony – csak most töltötte be a három esztendőt – piros
alju musszlin szoknyácskában, arczácskájához simuló fejkötőben,
fehér keztyüvel és legyezővel, egyedül ment elől; arcza ragyogott a
boldogság miatt, hogy ily fényben jelenhetett meg, s tovahaladtában
ide-odaforgott, hogy mindenkit láthasson, mert minden sétáló a fal
mellé állott, hogy a királyi családnak – mihelyt odaér – helyet
adhasson. Utána a király és királyné következtek, magok is egész
boldogan a kis becze boldogságán. A walesi herczegné Waldegrave
Erzsébet asszonyra támaszkodva, Auguszta herczegasszony Ancaster
herczegnő karján és Erzsébet herczegasszony Bertir Sarolta
asszonytól vezetve következtek aztán sorban.“ „Itt a hivatal a rang
előtt járja“, jegyzi meg Burney asszony, hogy megmagyarázza a
megfoghatlant, hogy t. i. Waldegrave asszony, egy komorna, egy
herczegasszony előtt hogy mehetett! „Bude tábornok, Montague
herczeg és Price őrnagy, mint lovászmester, képezék a menet
utócsapatját.“ Mintha látná az ember! A zenekar régi dallamait fújja;
a nap fényesen ragyog e boldog, loyalis környezet fölött,
megvilágitván az agg várfokokat, a terebélyes szilfákat, a rózsapiros
tájat és csillogó zöld pázsitot. A királyi zászló meglobog ott túl a
nagy tornyon, mig a vén György tovahalad, nyomában családja,
előtte a gyönyörü gyermek, ki ártatlan mosolyával édesgeti a bámuló
„A király Delany asszony láttára azonnal megállt, hogy
beszélgessen vele. A királyné, a kis herczegasszony és a többiek is
természetesen, mind megálltak. Jó darab ideig társalogtak az áldott
öreg asszonynyal, miközben a király egyszer vagy kétszer hozzám is
szólott. Tekintetem találkozott a királynééval, s mintha egy kis
meglepetést olvastam volna ki szeméből, épen nem boszankodást
azonban, hogy én is részt veszek a társalgásban. A kis
herczegasszony mindjárt Delany asszonyhoz szaladt, mert igen
szereti s úgy bánik vele, mint egy kis angyal. Azután meg a
kiváncsiság és megemlékezés tekintetével Delany asszony mögé
került, hogy engem is láthasson. „Félek“, mondám susogva,
lehajolva hozzá, „királyi felséged nem is emlékszik már reám“.
Felelete egy angyali mosoly volt s avval hozzám hajlott,
összeszedvén ajkait, hogy megcsókoljon.“
A herczegasszony maga is próbált verseket irni, s a neki
tulajdonitott panaszos sorok közt van egynehány csinos, melyek
sokkal meginditóbbak, mint sok jobb költemény.