Philippine Politics and Governance Quarter 1: Week 4 - Module 4
Philippine Politics and Governance Quarter 1: Week 4 - Module 4
Philippine Politics and Governance Quarter 1: Week 4 - Module 4
Philippine Politics and Governance
Grade 11 Quarter 1: Week 4, Module 4
First Edition, 2020
Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I
All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.
Maeludi Manongdo
Management Team:
Philippine Politics and
Quarter 1: Week 4 - Module 4
Earlier on, we have tackled the different political ideologies which may have
been consciously or unconsciously adopted and implemented by the different
political systems around the world and how may each has affected the lives of the
people, the sovereignty of the state, or its territorial domains or even its government.
Taking the political ideology called capitalism, for instance, that whenever we see
coca cola bottle, it’s color in particular, we are inclined to think about one of the
most popuar manifestation of the ideology which is the presence of Coca Cola
bottling corporation in the Phiippines .
As per our knowledge about political ideologies, it is also a given that
whatever ideology is in effect, there is that one factor common to all for its succesful
application and that is ‘power.’ It is power which makes the world go round in the
different political entities and this shall be our next topic
Thus, in this learning material, you will come across a discussion of the
most sought-after commodity of all times which is power. Once you are done with
this learning material , you are expected to attain the following:
Learning competency
Analyze the nature, dimensions/types and consequences of power
HUMSS_PG12- Id-13;
Learning Objectives:
1. To discuss the nature of power and identify its dimensions/ types;
2. To apply your learnings about power through any form of creative
3 To make a personal assessment of how power is exercised in different
situations in your respective localities and what are the consequences
of such through a case study of any of the local government officials in
your barangays.
_____ 1. The presence in the country of food chains like McDonald’s, KFC, etc,
manufacturing and distribution companies lke Coca Coca Botlling
Corporation, Johnson and Johnson Philippines, etc, are manifestations of
capitalism and these corporations have a very strong hold on the people.
_____ 2. Uganda at one time in history adopted the ideology of despotism thus
power then was held by the President at the time, Idi Amin.
_____ 3. In the Philippines, the father has always been the repository of authority in
the family and this is an indication that the society is patriarchal in nature
_____ 4. It is believed that Germany under Adolf Hitler adopted the fascist ideology,
the reason why he held all the powers during his time.
_____ 5. When we talk about classroom management, always seek the advise of
the barangay captain as he is the proper authority.
_____ 6. In every class we vote for class officers and the class President is expected
to be the alter-ego of the adviser in the absence of the former.
Activity 2. Identification
Directions. Below are several situations which could be associated with power
Identify what is asked for and write the answer/s on the space provided for before
each number. Select the best answer from the listed choices in the box below.
________________________ 1. When you are sick, who do you usually see for medicine
________________________2. This is the action needed to force an individual to
follow the laws, like handcuffing him/her, or poking a
gun on the person, and the like
________________________3. The President of the Philippines is vested with what
power or authority?
________________________4. This is one personal factor which is inherent in an
individual which enables him/her to make another
person follow without employing force.
Activity 3. Picture Analysis
Direction. Through a creative interpretation, explain the image below.
a. A song, written using the Filipino or English language, where the lyrics shall
be written on the activity page.
b. A spoken poetry using the English or Filipino language which shall run for 3-
5 minutes, where the full text shall be written on the activity sheet.
c. An essay, which shall consist of 200 words, to be written on the activity sheet.
3. Manipulation- This is from the means of who holds the power and it refers to
the controlling factor over the other person and which means that the former
can make the latter do whatever he wishes, whether in legitimate or
illegitimate means.
Expert power
Referent power
Reward power
Direction. Write M for false or incorrect statement and T for a true or correct
statement on the space provided for before each number
_____ 1. Power is inherent in an individual.
_____ 2. Where there is influence, persuasion, and coercion, there is power
_____ 3. Coercion in the exercise of power entails diplomacy.
_____ 4. The class President is bestowed with legitimate power.
_____ 5. Compliance is a consequence of referent power.
Direction. Below are scenarios about the types and consequences of power. Read
each carefully and understand the situations before answering. Write a three-liner
justification to support your answer.
1. Pepe S. was the smartest boy and the kindest soul in his class back in high
school. Because of this, he unknowingly put up a boy group in the campus
at that time. He automatically became the honorary leader of the said group.
The members of the said group would always follow what he said and what he
would do. Pepe S. never scolded the other boys for obedience issues and the
latter never contradicted him as well. What type of power did Pepe S. hold
back in his high school days? What result did that power yield?
3. Way back in 2018, PRRD gave a pronouncement about the eradication of the
‘drugs business’ and ‘drug use’ in the country, thus, the ‘Operation Tokhang’
was instituted and it’s implementation was placed in the hands of the
Philippine National Police. As per news reports, the members of the PNP had
to engage into so-called military operations to catch high prolife drug
personalities and more often than not, some suspects get killed and some
military operatives either get hurt or become casualties as well. In this
scenario, is there any type of power exercised? What type of power is it and
who could have exercised it? Why? In the long run, what do you think would
be the consequence of the exercise of this type of power?
Enrichment Activity 3. Acrostic
So far, do you already understand what power is, its types and
dimension, and the consequences of the exercise of power? Here is
a more in depth activity where your newly-acquired knowledge
about power would be put into practice.
This activity shall be evaluated according to the rubric below:
Category Points assignment
Content Comprehensive Lacking in Not presented in
presentation presentation. logical manner.
Ideas as are logical Insufficiency of No evidences
and well-supported related ideas and presented.
by evidences lacks evidences. Unnecessary ideas
Unnecessary ideas Unnecessary ideas are excluded
are excluded are excluded (1-4pts.)
(10-15 pts) (5-9pts.)
Originality Demonstrates Insufficiency of Copy pasted
sufficient personal personal (1-3)
interpretation or interpretation or
insight insight
Demonstrates in Lacks in depth
depth critical critical thinking.
thinking. (4-6 pts.)
Mechanics Followed the Not all of the Not all of the
technical technical technical
requirements. requirements are requirements are
Grammatically- followed. followed.
correct sentence Minimal grammatical Grammatically-
structure and use of errors and some erroneous
appropriate language. words used are not sentence
(7-10pts.) appropriate. construction and
4-6 pts.) some words used
are not
Activity 6. Essay.
Direction. On a separate sheet of paper, please write a one-paragraph reflective
essay of your most significant learning about the topic, with emphasis on your
perspective about power as it has been exercised by the front liners in your respective
barangays in the face of the covid19 pandemic. Write your answers on a one-half
piece of paper, composed of not less than 100 words and not more than 120 words.
Rubrics for the activity:
Content (10) Mechanics (10) Originality (6) Neatness (4)
Relevant to the topic. Use of Proper Statements or Minimal
Related or connected Language sentences are not erasures.
statements. Use of correct copy-pasted. Use of one color
Grammatically spelling or of ball pen ink.
correct sentences. vocabulary.
Use of proper or
correct punctuation
Follow the
prescribed number
of words.
Actvity 1 Activity2
1. Fact 1. Doctor
2. Fact 2. Coercion
3. Fact 3. Executive
4. Fact 4. Charisma
5. Buff
6. Fact Enrichment
Activity 1
1. T 2. T
3. M 4. T
5. M
Answer Key
Printed Materials
Pawilen, R,A. (2017) Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila, Philippines. Rex