Taxiing: Preflight: Preflight
Taxiing: Preflight: Preflight
Taxiing: Preflight: Preflight
To develop the student's planning and technique in taxi operations.
1. Proper brake check and correct use of brakes.
2. Compliance with airport surface marking, signals, and clearances.
3. How to control direction and speed.
4. Control positioning for various wind conditions.
5. Techniques used to avoid other aircraft and hazards.
6. Positioning the airplane with consideration for other aircraft, surface conditions and wind.
7. Division of attention inside and outside the cockpit.
8. Method used to determine that airplane is in a safe operating condition.
9. Method used for assuring that the takeoff area or path is free of hazards.
10. Method used for assuring adequate clearance from other traffic.
Preflight Discussion 0:15
Demonstration and Student Practice 1:00
Postflight Discussion 0:15
All Times Dependent on Pilot's Ability
Aircraft Drawing Surface and Marking Utensil
Instructor's Actions: Student's Actions:
Discuss lesson objective Discuss lesson objective.
Discuss common student errors in performing Listens and takes notes.
the preflight. Resolves Questions.
Discuss the FAA's emphasis on safety including Practices the preflight as directed.
leaving all problems on the ground. Answers questions posed by instructor.
Coach student practice. Critiques own performance.
Evaluate student understanding of maneuver.
Critique student performance.
Answer student questions.
Completion Standards: FAA-S-8081-14AS (Private PTS, II. D. 1-6)
1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to safe taxi procedures.
2. Performs a brake check immediately after the airplane begins moving.
3. Positions the flight controls properly for the existing wind conditions.
4. Controls direction and speed without excessive use of brakes
5. Complies with airport/taxiway markings, signals, ATC clearances & instructions
6. Taxies so as to avoid other aircraft and hazards.
7. Divides attention inside and outside the cockpit.
8. Assures no conflict with traffic prior to taxiing into takeoff position.
Private Pilot Flight Training
Taxiing Technique
OBJECTIVE: To teach the ability to maneuver the aircraft on the ground.
Before Taxing
1. Check brakes on.
2. Adjust Throttle Friction
3. Clearance
4. Note wind velocity
During Taxing
1. Check engine and gyro instruments
2. Look around
3. Listening watch on ground frequency